Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    MIR OMA1TA DAILY IW&V/WRnNKSDAY / , JULY 2(1 ( , 1803.
Mntlo ft Oomplolo Undoing of
Montlny'n ' Bnilnou on 'Change ' ,
Milwaukee lUnk rnllnro Allnped t llnr *
the I'nrljCrnnli MIIMTBM
Over the Went Kellevml Ihw
AInrin About frupt.
CHICAGO , July 26. Todny timilft complcto
undoing ut ycitonlny's liiulnesson'Chanio.
In two hour * llio big ailvancoof yeiWrilay In
ullplH WM wiped out , WliuM Imikn 1'iC ,
corn l c , nml o.Ui IJjc from tbo cliMlng prices
InstnlKlit. Hull hoti'.cs turneil nrountl nml
mild out uvrrythliiK bought on tlio mlnuico
jostcrdny. The short * who covurod at llio
nlghl or hull mnrkoli put out fresh llni-s todiiy
arid forced the Holllmc arounil to low llRttri-s.
Thu ulilcf eniikunf llio sminh In tlio nuirtiliiK
wns the Mltchc'll bunk suspension nt Milwnu-
Vmfollowrd hy bunk failures In Indltuinpo-
lls , I.oulsvlllo unil othrr cities.
The Miowors over the west relieved the
alnrnuihout crops , nnd the Iticrcnvo In local
itiw'ks unil liberal n-colpls all nddi'tl in the
ncllliuf. i\eryllilntfclosod : at about lliu bottom
tom flumes. . . , ,
It wn llio Impression that consldornblo
wltent for Mllwiiukeu parties triidlne in this
tnarkut who lind thi'lr nrenuntx In the Mil
waukee liiink which closed , wns ordered closi-d
out. Illiymsof yi'stotdny turned M'lh'is today
and tliu ulluct * < nf thu bail crop outlook unil
the war news at Slum wi'to for thu moment at
lenst , lost sight of. Tim oponlmvns from < ;
to ! Jc hittnr than yesterday's olosliiR mid will ;
only slight llueltintlotiH pi Ices furlherdeollncd
unt'll HID clmo , wldi'h uns compariitlvoly
quiet. Mvoipool , llerlln and 1'urH all showed
kllltIO limit OVL'IIU'llt.
The corn movenient was heavy at 621 oars
coverliiK forly-olKht hours. Thuermlliii : KHVO
411 cars of contract corn. Thu stocks of con
tract corn Inert-used 40,000 Ini. to a total
of lunuUOO bu , The cash demaniU was
slow as compared with thuspcculatl\u [ mar
ket. The alarm over the ciop was relieved
Romowhat hy rnpnrlHiif shoui'rs In tunny MC-
I loin nhero most needed. The hears i-eulnu
tlio Itmrlti senllinent , prosm-d tin1 sellliiK anil
forced llio market hack. The lljthlur estlinatii
nf a''O nil H for tninorinw and the withdrawals
of 27-1.00(1 ( bu. hud no Inlluunro In holdlnc the
market , In view of the bank falluius and thu
bnmk In wltvat. , .
The tratio In oals was Irregular anil In
fluenced tiy Iho other markets. Tht > slump In
wheat and corn , tlio hank failures , tliowestetii
hhoweiH , thoehniiKo of sontlincnt , nil nulKhoil
nRiilnst prices. Local stocks of contract oats
InciuaxiMl 34,000 bu. and receipts are largo at
2'J4 cars.
There wore conflicting estimator on lings
yesterday but the best estimate was for ' ! ( ) , -
OOOheatl. The receipts were half this nt 10-
000. This stnrlod provisions with a luin of
from Gc to 10o , but attempts to unloiul pro-
clpltatetl a break In keeping with tlio drop In
prnln. Thuro was a partial teacllon In prices
later , but only business. I'ompared
with lust night lartl and ribs closed l' ltn
don n and pork nominally uiiclianneil.
Ksllmated rcculpls for tomorrow : Wheat
B7 cars ; coin , .ICO cars ; oats , 1'24 cars ; ho-s
Bl'OUO bund.
The londliij ? futures rntiRod n.t follows :
Cash ( ( notations were as follows :
ri.otlll I'lK-haniied.
\ \ IIKAT No. 2 xprlnir. C3fjc ; No. 3 soring ,
69 < aGlc : No. 2 red , 63'ic.
COHN No. S. 30'iCi No. 3 , 38 { c ; No. 8
yellow , closing , 30'c.
UATB-No. 2 , 2"Jc ! ; No. 2 white , 31J { ©
B3J < c : No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 28(3320. (
IlYK-No. 2. OOc.
IlAHt.KV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 8. no sales ;
No. 4 , 33c.
FLAX SEKII No. 1. J1.10.
TIHOTIIv HEKII I'rlme , J4.10.
1'OUK Mess , pur bill , $10.7S10.77'J ' ;
Inrd , tier 100 Ibs. . J0.75ii 9.80 ; short ribs
titles llooM' ) , } 8.15ii8.35 ; dry salted shoulders
Iboxeci ) , f7.75ia8,00 ; short clear sides ( boxedi ,
f8.40/aH.02i. !
WIIIHKV nistlllert.1 finished goodi , per gal. ,
SUOAIIS Unchanged ; cut loaf , G'fc ; granu-
laleil , 5.82 ; standard "A , " 0.70.
The following were the receipts unil ship
ments for toilnv :
On the Produce exchange loday the butter
market WHS Inactive * ami nnchiineed ;
Breamery , 17QilOc ; dairy , 10 20c. Kggs ,
weak ; hit Icily fresh candled , 13'ic.
New York Marketx.
Niw : YOIIK , July 20. Ki.ouu Kecelpls , 00-
OOOpUgs. : e\porti > . Kl.dOO bhls. , 00,000 hacks ;
tales , 21.000 pl < gs. ; market qulot.
c'oit.N MIAI : -Dull , sternly ,
HVK-Dnll , unchanged , steady : western ,
10 > 0.07 < * .
IIAHI.KV SlAl.T Pll'tllly , ( | Ult't.
WIIIAT : Uori'lplh. U&b.'OOO till. ; exports .U3.-
OOOhu. ) ( ) : Mill's , U.anu.DOtbu. ) fimnt'sl7GOOIbii. )
f 4-4 > 4.l 1 , Ji , * HK - . . . . , „ . _ - . . - _ .
orn. 70 < < < i,70ic ( ; No. 2 Mllunukee , 00i00'ic. ! '
Options fairly nutlvo anil 1501o lower , elos-
Ing weak ; No , 2 red , August , 71iit7'Je ' ,
closing at 71c ; Septomlier , 7n4i < i74'/e ' ,
closing at 73V ; October. 75' e. closing
at 75a1 < - ; December , 70 13-loa8'J , c clos
ing at71)'ic. )
COHNUecelptK , 188.000 hti. ; exports. 105-
000 hii. ; sales , 380,001) bu. fuluron ; 480,000 hu.
pot. Spots moderalely netlvo at lU4llJ4c
lov\er , htcndyi No , 2 , 48 < a40 > ie , In elevator ,
4H , ia40Wc afloat. Options dull and l\Wtc
lovser , closing weak ; August , 4Hlfc4H'lil ( ! rlos-
Ingat 48'iCitJeptember , 48 l-10li40c , closing
al 48'uc.
OA'lUHecelplK. . 34,000 hu , ; exports , 500-
000 bu. ; sales , 210,000 bu. fnlures , 112.000 bu.
fcpol. Spots linn , modoiately active.
western , 38 < S4.o. )
_ IUv-Kalr demand , steady ; shipping ,
70itHf > C ,
Hoi * < - Dull , steady ; stale , common to choice ,
1'JW-lUi' .
Wooir Moderately artlve , steady ; don osllc
fleece , 274i3''c ' ; pulled , 2G < a27e ; Te\as,10'B2 ' c.
lliliKK ynlcl , weiilc.
I'lioviHiONS rut ineiitD , dull , weak ; plekled
liellli'H , 12 pound * at Jll.&O ; nlcUlod hhonl-
ilers , * 7 ; pickled Imius , 111,004212.00 ; inludles ,
ijulet , Hteady ; short flear , J7.75. hard , onlel ,
i-aslei ; weslmn sleitm eloKedat 111) hid ; salex ,
600 Heroes ill tlO.OlKiHO.O ? ! , ; opllon sales , 200
tierces ; July closed at J10 asUod ; beptumber
closed at (10.20 nominal.
I'oiiK Ai'llvo , steady.
IlliTTKll Miidenilii ilemand , easy ; western
diilry , ID'tfilHo ; western cieameiy , 174I'JOtc ) ;
Klglns , 20' , e.
i'niiiiKsteady : , fair demiind.
Willis Quiet , Iriegular. Kecelpls , 7,000
pkgs , ; western fresh , 14 ! < ai5'if ,
TAi.i.i\\-Jnlet ' ( , steady ; city ( i2 per plg,5i ) (
Oiif-Qulet.llrinj ciudo , choice ,
U7c bid.
I'tllioi ' ui'.M Dull ; Pennsylvania oil , spot
ales , none ; AiiL'tisI options HIIU , 0,000 bids ,
nl 07a4e , floslng 57C ! bid ; otrerud at 57 > 4c.
Ilium oil , sales , none ; total sutes , 5,000 hbls.
N- Dull , Hteudy ; strained , common lo
good , (1.IUKU.1.05 ,
TuiiiiMiM-gUvt : : | , weak ; 27'iia27J4O.
t HILT. Kalr demand , llrm.
MotassKH Now Oi leans , open Kotlle , good
to choice , sieady , uulcl.
MHIAII Haw , dull , nonilnal ; unoluuiged ; fair
rellnln * , a to ; eonlrifngaU , 00 , 4 1-lOc :
' ' , 1' , ! "ly : oirA'.4 , lu"a' > 1 < * : i mould A ,
Ritnr ,1
6J4i& ! 11-luVj hliindtml A , 6 ti-lligt&'iCj ' cim-
fecllimurx A , 6 1-1 tiff& , i'j i ui iduf , 6ViA
6 B-lMtfiijrjKrHiiu'laU'd , 6 O-IfuJiVi'ii ; ; cubes !
6 tl-lliU&'ii' ,
I'm IHON Qulot , sleiuly : Amorlcnn Jl'J.7&Qi
roi-rtii ( julul ; lnl < o , tlO.'O.
i''l. { r-1Vl ( > ' 1,11 Jtl''uyi ' | Mralls , 118.85 bldj
libDO usked : plttli-h , 1'iilet , kti-udy.
Cotrce .tliirkvt.
NEW VUIIK , July i6. ! Options ouenod barely
tlrndy lit 10 to'JS poliitkdiiHii ; closed Htoutly
t&polnlmip to & polnu dotviii salek. ID.tHHI
Imp.Including : July , ll&.riK ( l&.7fi ; AUK.IUI ,
llo,4r > ucl& . ( > tl ; Octol'i'r , H5.30 1&-45 ; Dt'ciim-
bor. H6 ( > & ( & . 'JO ; Mnrch , { 14.U5. ypot Hlo.
cuklvr und more uctlvu ; No. 7 , * 10.7& ,
New Vork Dry ( loom .Market.
w YOIIK. July 'J& , The dry KooiU market
toulluue * la cuuipiratUo klugnutlon. Thu
tdsl ofilnll.r jaloi li not untinporlAiit per-
htii. lull II Uonlyftn \ \ ftitil tlii-r" tlmt tuorc
tlmn n p i-kaii < or two ntn tnkrn forllntne-
dlnto ohlpmont Then * N nltiinn luithlng
dnliiK for Cfiinccntlve delltcty , Iliiycn are
wnlrhlng diivplopfiicnUoiit ldeof the market
ntiil rllori > nre iintnnxloiu to havn bllMIn *
rnmlilornloly miMle. The mitrkiit , In f ict. H
dominated by caution on Ixith "l < le . hut
then1 Is conflilrnrc cnougli , KO far * tlincnnill *
lion of trade and llio conmnnptlon of poodn
> ire concernetl , lo pnrinlt of a good movement
whenever there li tiny llnnnclal hixils
tloni ,
Oiniilm I'roilnco .
IlfTTKit The ( toncrnl ntnrkcl U nnchntiRPd.
r'lincy creimery , print , 21c ; fancy creatnor-
iey , < olld imcktd , I9cj fair to good crcumor-
lc , folltl tuoketl , 10U180I rliolcn to fancy
country , luaiCc : fair to good country , ICc ;
packing Mock , ftcMi , 14c.
Kens The < Iom.ind Is light anil the mntkct
slow at lie.
Mvu roiil.Tiir SprlitK chlrUnnii , per lh. , 1 1JI
12 ! < e ; bast linn * , pur 11) . , 7 < a7iifj mlTo
per lb , , Be ; old ro < ulorn , | ier Hi. .
lurkeyf , jipr lb. , 8c ; duel * , tier lb. , 7
TO.MATOI.MThere was a large supply of to-
mntoos on tlio market. Southern , per 4-hnskct
erulo , J1.IKWH.20 ; per 1-3-bii. box. 75c.
I'orA TOIWThe local growers are telling po
tatoes on tin * ilivel In a small nay at low
prices , hut car lots nro not vqry plenlv. Hood
stock on ordcis from the country , 76U80c.
Al'i'l.KsI'holcB red apples ate not plenty
nnd sell | ( rcndlly nt good prices , There
are plenty of Inline grown grocn apples which
arc not world much to Milp that are selling
vruy down. Uholcu red stand apples , southern ,
per 1-3 bu. box , 75ilHOc ; grdcn , fii > fl75c.
t'Ki.eitv The market Is well supplied with
Htock tlmt Is good for this early In the season.
1'er do35e. .
UMONM Homo grown onions nro becoming
qulln plenty on the market. Home grown per
bit. , tl.
IlKitim-.s Homo grown blackberries nrn be
coming \ery plenty anil thu stock Is desira
ble. Kaspberrles are very scarce. Itlack-
betrlcs , homo grown per 24-il. ] case , (2,75 ;
black iilipberries , pur 24-ql , case , 13.25 ;
hUi'klohefiles , 3.20.
isMAMi rnuiTS I'ltims , wild goose , per
2l-il. | criite , VJ.OO ; California punches ,
II. to ; Uallfot nla pears , per box , (2,50 ; Texas
pears , per box , 12 ; Texas peaches , 4-bnsket
crate , $1.30 ; California llg.s , per 20-11) .
Ciise. $2.
MKI.O.NS The market on watermelons Is
higher. There are only a few Texas
cantaloupes on the tnarkut and good shipping
stock Is hard to got. Watermelons , pur cratu
of 1 dor. , $3 ; loose , per 100 , J25 ; cantaloupes ,
pur crate of 2 lo 3 doJ2. .
OltANfjUS- The supply of oranges on the mar
ket Is not large , but Milllf lent to meet the u-
miinds of the trade. The quality of the
oranges on llio market Is genutally good , es
pecially so for this season of the year , The
demand Is very fair nnd eountiy orders es
pecially are liberal Riverside Mediterranean
sweets , t3.60a3.70 ; bright" , * 2.70tt3.00 ; Ulv-
erslde seedlings , { .1.00ft3.2S.
IjUMONS-Tlio steady warm weather pro-
diit'es a very fair demand for lemons nnd all
houses are doing a gooil steady business In
them. Messtnas , extra fancy , JO.OO'iW.OO ;
Messlnas , per box , eholco to fancy , f5.OOrfO.00.
1IANAMA8 The receipts are light , as most
houses do not care to K'o Into the banana busi
ness \ery heavily when the weather Is such : xs
to tender Ihe handling of them more or less
risky. 1'rlces leinalii about steady. 1'er
Imneh , large , f2.JOIJ2.75 ; per bunch , small lo
medium , J2.003.2.25.
IIlDKSNo. . 1 green hides , 3c ; No. 2 green
hides , 2ej No. 1 green salted hides , 34c ! ; No. 2
green salted hides , 2'je ; No. 1 uteen salted
hides , 20 Ihs. lo-iOlhs. , : t'ic ' ; No. 2 grnen salted
hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ills. , 2'c ' : No. 1 veal calf ,
8 Ibs. to 10 Ibs. , r ; : No. 2 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to
lOlbs. , 4c ; No. 1 tlry Hint hides , 7c ; No. 2 dry
Hint hides , Oc ; No. 1 dry salted hides , Oc
I'.ut cm ed bides 'ic pur lb. less than ully
MIKEP PKI.TR Giccn salted , each 35effiJ1.2ri ;
giecu nailed shearlings ( short wooled early
sMns ) , each 10Ji25c ( ; dry shearlings ( short ,
wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each OitlOi- ; dry
shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 2 ,
each 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas lind Nebraska
bulchi'rwool jiolts , per lb. . actual weight , 10 ®
lie ; dry Hint Kansas anil Nebraska Murrain
wool pelts , jior lb. , actual weight , 7ftlOc ( : dry
Hint Colorado IniU'lior wool pulls , per lb ,
aclnal weight , O'iJIO ' ; dry Hint , Colorado Mur-
itiln wool polls , per lb. , actual weight , 7JOc ;
dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 55J7e.
TAI.LdW ANMI lillliASK I'alloW , No. 1 , 4'4 ©
4'ic ; tallow. No. 2 , 3Ji 4c ; grease , white A ,
4'i555e ' ; grease , whltu It , 4c ; gtoase , yellow ,
3 > ic ; grease , dark , 3o ; old butter , 22 ; c :
beeswax , prime , 10J ! 20c ; rough tallow , 2'i
HONES Car lots weighed and delivered In
Chicago : Dry ImtTuIu. per ton , Sin.00iil8.00i
dry country , bleached , per ton , J10 OOaiS.OO ;
dry countty , damp and muatv , J8.OOaiO.00.
St. l.niiln Mnrknts.
ST. Louis , July 25. FLOUH Quiet , un
WIIKAT Closed Ic lower ; No. 2 red , cash ,
higher , COc ; July , COc ; August , GOJfe ; Septem
ber , 035Jc.
COIIN Weak on crop nnd financial news ,
closing Uc lower ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 371 c ;
July , 37V" August , SOTjc ; Seutember , 37'uc.
OATS Weak : No. 2 cash , higher. 20".jc ; July ,
2Gc ; Auiftist , 20tic ; .September , 23 ! c.
KYK Nothliiu dolnir.
HAIIMY Nothing doing.
IlifrriiiiIiiehiiiiiri'd ( ; dairy , 13J@17c. !
Kiiiis Unchanged nt Oc.
1'KOVisioss ' Quiet , steady. Pork , J1G.75 ;
lard , iO.26 ; dry salt meats , loose shoulders ,
$8 ; longs and bacon , packed shoulders , f'J ;
lonsn and ribs , J0.70 ; ribs , 8H.20 ; shorts ,
$8.02H , boxed lots 15c inoroi shorts , $10.25 ;
snsar cured hams , unchanged.
UKCEIITSI'lour , 1,000 sacks ; wheal , 7,000
bu. : corn 80,000 bu. : oats , 21,000 bu.
S.IIIPMEMS I'lour , 7,000 sacks ; wheat , 22,000
bu. ; corn , 7,000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 uu.
City MnrkKtv.
KANSAS CITV , July 20. WHEAT Acllvo ,
'ic lower ; No. 2 liaril , & 3354o : No. i ! red , 03 ©
Coii.v-Qnlot , ! Jc lower ; No. 2 mixed , 32c ;
No. 2 wldtu , 33H33'ic.
OATS In poor drnmnd nt nbout steady
prices ; No. 2 mixed , now , ! 2'i2'Jc ( ) ; No. i !
while , m > w , nominal lit'-Me.
Uvc Weak ; No. a , nominally 40c.
IIUTTBU Scnrco , llrm ; ereumory , 10&20c ;
dairy , 13fil7e. )
Kdos Vety dull anil weak ; strictly fresh
cnndled , Oc.
KKCEIITB Wlient , 9,450 bu. ; corn , 5,000
Ini. ; outs none.
Hmi'MEXTS Whcnt. 17,000 bu. ; corn , 6,900
bu. ; onts , lO.UIHMju. .
Cotton MitrkHt.
NEW Otii.KAMi. July 26. Quli't nnd steady ;
peed nilildllnir. d'eC : middling , "V. low mid
dling , 7a c ; ordinary ,7 7-lGc ; not lecolpts , 00
balespioss ; receipts , 192 bales ; i-xports to
Croat llrltiiln. 8,444 ball's ; constwUt * . 131) )
ball's ; sub's , 1,100 bales ; slock , fia.OOO bales.
Sales : rtlturi's , 21,000 bales ; July , J7 40
C,7.4H ; , AtiKUst , J7.435J7.44 ; September ,
$7.r)2 < it7.ri3 ; October , J7.ti2a7.fin ; November
7,71Tt7.72 ( ; Dei'umbor , J7.Hlffi7.H2 ; Jaiiuiiry
* 7.8i ; < i67.87 ; February , J8.04BH.05 ; March !
I.lvi-rpnol Mxrkcm.
IivKitrooiJuly20WIIKAT Dc-mnnil poor ,
holders olfcr spatln : ly ; No. 1 Cnllfornla. &s
lluQOs ' 4d pcrcentnl ; No.2red winter , Os'J'iil
( Ms lO'td. ' Itrcolptg of wbent for the past
tbri'odays , 240,000 centals , InclttltiK 110,000
L'oux Quietilniimiul ; poor ; mixed western ,
4s 4d per cenlal , Receipts of Amorlcnn corn
for tliu past tbroo days , bH.OOO contnls.
IMKD I'llmi ) Kl'stlllll , 4Us Gd plTUWt ,
CIIIKSK : Aincrlcan , ( Incst wlilto , 46s per
Wool Market.
IlnsTON , July 25. Tliu dumand for wool
had ii en modi'rato nnd only small lolHtiro
hullliiK. I'rlcos nroi nbout thr same im last
wui-U. Territory , Texnis and ( ! nllfornln wools
nro In fair domaiid nt 4CTC4&c ( for line and line
medium , nnd nroiind 3bT ( 40c for medium , I'n-
\MishodciimbliiKwoolsnro ui'llliiK at l'JQ20c
for ono-quiirtur blood , nnd Ohio nnd Michigan
iinwHslii'il nt nai'Ji . I'ulled
: wools , iiulet und
wenk. ToielKii wools , dull ,
MlUmiiUf'ii Miirkelii *
MII.WAUKKI : , July 25. WIIKAT Easy ; Son-
lombor , C3"i- .
rou.NQtilut ; No. 3 , 3Qc ,
OATH-Qulel ; No. \\hllo , 33c ; No. a white.
Kvi : Nomlnnl.
llAlll.KY Nominal ,
riiiludi-lpli'it ( ir.iln .tUrkot.
I'nii.AiiK.i.i'iiiA. July 25. WIIKAT Weak
and lower ; No. 2 red , August , OH ' , < itOH ic.
Con.v Unver ; No. 2 mixed. July , 47ft47ie. !
OATS In car lots quiet and lower ; futures
lower ; No. 2 white , July , SOIMOe.
Cliirlini'ttl Aliirkiit * .
OiNOis.vATi.July 25. WitKAT-rnlr demand ,
llrm ; No. 2 rod , OOc.
I'oii.s. Kasy ; No. 2 mixed , 41.
OATS Lower ; No. 2 mixed , 32'io ,
WlllsKV-Steady ; fl 12
MllllieupullHVlirnt Aliirket. July 26. WHEAT I'tittiros
weak ; cash , quiet , strong. Close : July , 5 'Jo :
August , OOfou ; Snptemher , til'itOn track :
No. 1 hard , OShci No. 1 noithurn , OUic ;
no. 2 northern , 50tc. !
Tuleilo ( inilti MHrknt ,
Toi.Eiio , July 25 , WiiKAT AclIvo , lower ;
No. 2 cash nnd July , 03 lie.
COIIN Dull .lower ; cMtbh und July , 40 < j.
OATb-Qulot ; cash , Sic.
Kventi of tlio Day In Securities Were Uu-
uiunlly Impurtunt.
NKW YOHK. July 25. The oventji of the ( Inj
on llio Stock exclmngu wore unusually Im
portant. In the first plucu th transaction *
wcro larger tlian for some llmo past and sue-
oii'lly , the nnclimllons nero violent nnd
rrmilc nt tnlerrnli. r.fforls Mri-rc nmo > lo
'iistnln prices parly In the dny , but they
ptovcd to Im mmvMllntt In the fnco of thoier *
Irnis turn of li.-uiklng nirrtlrsln vnrloiHpnrtsot
thocniinlry , imrtlcitl.irly In the west , .Tho
Ktiiionnceinctitof the MispriKlon otthowl >
Marino nnd Tire Invirnnco bnnk of
Mllwntikpo , nttmiose < l lo boonoof thostrongent
Institutions In tlio northwest , camp In the na
ture of n Romplotti mirprlsu nnd had a , dc *
mor.illrlng effect no far ni speculation wns
concorncili Them wns a perfect Mood of Roll
ing order * front various weslorn clllesnnd this
onnbled the bears to make sad havoc of
vnluu < ,
The dividend payers nnd fnncy Mooks suf
fered a decline. , Norlhwpslern fellolT 0' { per
cent , Om.ihn preferred , 0i percent ; Oonernl
Klectrlc , OS noroonti llnriltutlnn nnd St. I'nul ,
4'i percent each : lllg Knur , ftV porccnl ; Now
lork Central , 31J per cent ; Mnnhnttnn , 3' ' (
per ccnti Sugar , 2 * per cent' Hock Island ,
Ijiickawtintin and I.oulsvlllo Ac Nashvlllo , 2V
per cent each ; Missouri 1'aclllc nnd Northern
Pacific preferred and I.nku Shore , 2' { per cent.
and Alchlson , Distillers , Union 1'nclllc nnd
Uosicrn I'nlon about 2 ucr cent.
A good deal of stock was forced out on stop-
loss orders nnd the huvlng for Investment
counted for llltlo MS against llio Hood of sales
for western and local holders who were unable
lo protect their nccounls. After delivery hour ,
when It was found tlmt no Wall street houses
weto In trouble , there was u rally of ( i to 3
per cent , thu latter In llenoral Electric , and
the market doled slondy ,
The quoliillons louched lodny were Ihu low
est In ninny Instances for a number of years
nnd whllo the financial nnd commercial situa
tion Is acknowledged to bo unsatisfactory ,
some ( if tlio profcsslonnls snem disposed lo buy
stocks for a turn. The tmtstiitiillng short Interest -
terest U enormous nnd ninny of the loading
stocks command a premium for use. The near
approach of the tlmo for Ihu extra session of
congress Is bringing about n change of sunll-
mom In sonii ! quarlers nnd Induces gtc.lter
cniitlon on ihose who hnvo recenlly been most
aggressive on the hear side.
The Po < t says : Two weeks ngo the shrinkage
In railroad receipts was localized , Ihat Is to
say. It was nollccable mainly In sections , such
ns the Uocky mountain district , where n
single Important branch of the tralllc hud boon
.suddenly paralyzed. Tlio localization has not
continued nnd current returns of railroad
business rullects u decrease from one end of
thu continent lo tint other. The movement
cannot bo called surprising , for nothing suiters
mote inilckly fiom a nreiikdown of monolary
facilities than llio IransnorUllon Industry.
In Its etlri'iir ! form.ns witnessed In Colorado ,
there was such iicolinpsoof forces ns to ennso
llio almost tolal cancellation of shipping
To a loss degree the sumo contraction must
cnsiiu In other sect Ions. Part of the shrlnl.ago
will bo , no doubt , of long continuance , for con
sumers , as well as producers , will bj poorer In
credit and resources , even when the p.uilc
strain Is passed. There are , however , niuny
iUallllcatlonstobo ] nmdo in this prediction.
1' ' , the radical economics forced In advance
by I'very railroad manager will relatively
benellt llio net returns. This will bj all the
easier from the fact that last year's excess
earnings were notoriously applied to road nnd
rolling stock linpiovemunts , with consequent
certainly of t educed expenses. As for thu
tralllc outlook the railroads centering In Chicago
cage have special ptomlso In the later pass
enger movement lo the fair. Thoio of the
corn-producing region count on a crop of ex
ceptional magnitude ; u crop , moreover , which ,
In 'he blight of Kurope's yield , must
move for export early.
The following are the closing quotations on
the lending slocks on the Now Vork Slock exchange -
change loday :
Atchlson l\H : \ Northern 1' aiiM
AdaniH Express. . . . 1411 U. 1' . I ) . AO fiM
AHon.Terro llauto. as Northwi'Hturn lio'u '
do piuf'd 1 15 do tirof'd 1H3W
American Express 108 N. Y. Central Ill )
llnlllmoro A Ohio. . Ill N. Y. AN. K 21K
Canaillnn IMclllc. . . UlU * Ontario A Wosturn 11 }
Canada Soiilbern. . II Oregon Imp 8
Central Paeltle. . . . 18H Oreiton Nav 41) )
CliOB. A Ohio 14 O. S. L. AU. N 10
Chicago & Alton. . . HID I'acltle Mall 10M
C. U. AQ 7IIH 1'eorli lco. AE. . . . ( IH
diluniio Oan .r > o'j ' 1'UlHburK 111. ' )
Consolidated GIIB. . 110 Pullman lnlnco. . . ! > ' -
C. C. O. ASt. It 31 Itvadlnir 1 J4
Cotton Oil Celt 27 Richmond Ter 1
Del. ft IlmlHon. . . . liaj ( do prufd 11
Del Lack. A. West. 1H7 ( UluUraiulu W'li. . . IS
1) . A. H. O. urof'd. . . 2fi' ( do pn'fit fi3
IH. | AC. F. Co 17)d Hock iHlaud MH
KaHtToim ) < i St. Paul f.l ) > S
Erlo HIM do prefd 11)1 )
do prefd Ill St. 1'aul A Omahi. . 'J Mt
Fort Wayne 110 do prefd OH North'upf d 104 Southern Pacific.3
C. A E. I. pfd m . . r Ketlnery. . . . 715A
Hooking Valley. . . Hii Temi. Co.ll A Iron. 1'JH , . . . H7Hj Texas I'.iulflc fih
St. Paul A Dulutli. . a"H Tol. A O. C. tifd. . . 70
Kan. A Texas pfd. 15 Union 1'aclnc ll ! ? {
Like ErloA W. . . . 11 U. S. Exproas CO
do profit HI W.3. L.AP t !
Lake Shore 44 do prufd laW
Lead TritHl 21 % WellBPar o Kxp. . 130
LoulBVllleA N.HHli. COM \Ventern Union. . . . 73 ! <
Loulsvlllu AN. A , . 11 WhifllneAL. E. . . HIM
Manhattan con. . . . HIM do pretd 37
MeiiuihlBA CliftB. . 1U M. ASt. L.- : II
MlchlK.inContr.ll. . B. > U. AU. 0 HW
MlHHourl 1'nclQc. . . 21W Ocner.ll Electric. . . 47H
Mobile A Ohio 11 National Llnuued. . Hi
NnHhvlllo Cliatt. . . HO Colo. F. A I aa
National Cordate. . 8 Colo. P. A 1. prefd 110
doprcfil 31 ! I1ATC : )
N. J. Central 113 T. , A. A. AN. M. . . . 8
No.AV. . profit. . . KIM ; T. St. L.A 1C. C a
North Amor. Co , . . . &J& do prefd HO
Northern 1'acltlo. . 8
The total sales of stocks today were 375,0011
shares , Including : Atchlson , 10,000 ; Ilurlliu.-
ton & Qulni-y , 21,000 ; Chicago Gas , 35.000 ;
Delaware Ac Lackawanna , 11,000 ; Erie , la,000 ;
General Kloctrlc , 34,000 ; Lake Shore , 5,000 ;
Loulsvlllo A ; Nashvlllo , 05,000 ; Missouri 1'a-
clllc , 3,000 ; New Vork Central , 5,000 ; North-
woslorn , 20,000 ; Northern Pacific preferred ,
H.OOO ; llouk Island , 20,000 ; St. Paul. 00,000 ;
Sugar , 10.000 ; Southern Pacific , 4,000 ; West
ern Union. 25,00i .
Nun York Money Miirkat.
Firmer , ranging from 4TuH percent ; last loan ,
8 per eenl ; closed offered at 8 per cent.
STUIU.INO EXCIIANOE Weaker , with actual
business In bankers' bills at * 4.H1',4 < 24.819.
for sixty days and * 4,835. ; < fi4.84 ; ! { for demand.
SII.VKII ( . 'uiiTinCATKS Neglected , not a .sale
was reported on llio Stock exchange , closing at
70 > Bcbd ] ; 70'ic ' asked.
UovKHNMK. > r llu.siis Lower. State bonds
Tlio closing quotations on bonds :
U.S. Is re ? 111) ) St. L. A3.F.Oon.M. 102
U.S.-in coup 111) ) SI. Paul Consols. . IIM1-
U. S. 4Ks rag 1)7 SI. P. . C. A P. iHts. 1111
Pacific tin of ' 113. . 1113 T. P. L. O. Tr. Ucts lUl
Louisiana Ht'i > , Hn. 05 T. P. K. O. Tr. Kcts 15
MlHHuurlOs ll'.l Union Pac. Ists. . . . KIM
Tonn. iinvr Hot tin. . . lot ! WeatSlioro t)7 )
Tonn. nuw Bet 3a. . . 1)5 ) K.Q. W. lats 114 Bet 3 . . 08 Atchlson 4s 7a
CnnailnSo. uda. . . . 115 do i. Clana A. . . 33
Central J'nc Istn. . 102 O. H. AS. A.CH Ill )
1) . All. O. iHta 111 R. H. AS. A. ad 38 , . 10.1
I ) . AH. U. 4H II. A T. C. CB 10.1
ErloMn noij do con. Us 10.1
M , K , AT.Oeii.lls. . N. Carolina OH KM
M KAT Hen. fis. . do 4H 1.13
Mutual Union tin. . . 10S S. C. Drowns IIS
N.J. U. Int. Curt. . . 100X Tenn. old On UK
N. Pao. JBIH " Va.OH 60
N.l'ao , arts 10.1 Va. Kx-Mat.coup , . 33
N. W. Consols iaa Va. COIIH. . ad HurloB & 0
N. W. Deb , OH loth. . St U AI.M.Gua.fia. 71) )
li < iHtoa Stock < JUitntliin.
HOSTOX , July 25 , Call lonns , 7510 per cent ;
time lonns , 0 pur cent and commission. Closing
quotations on stocks , bonds and mining shares :
Atch..Top. AS. F. . lilliiWost Knit T61i
Aiuurlu.iii Sliifar. . . 71 > i'WeHt ' Euil prt-ftl. . . 71 !
do prefd 71 Electrlo ill
liny stmuO.iH . . . . I ) do profit 311
Hell Tuluphonu . . . 170 AtohlHou'-MB :
lioniou .1 Ale my. . ' . ' 00 Atcblson 4s 71
HOHtUll.VMUlUI' . . . . ISO Now EmrlandHH. . .
llOHtou AM.pfd. . . I''i ) ( Jon. Electrlo 5s. . . 70
Chi , , llur. AO 7'J ! < Is. . . . bO
Fltelilnirif pfd. . . . 7fi Allouot Mlnlnir Co 41) )
( ien. Kleeile 47H Atlantic 7
III. Steel 60 lloston A Montana HIM
Mexican Central. . , fi Unite A lloston
N. Y , A Now Eiur. . 21U CalnmutA llecla , . ann
Old Colony 177 Centonnlal 11M
Oreifon Short Una ! > Franklin .t li
Uulitvur 3(1 (
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Sail Ulvxo Ill Onlncy . . .W. . . . . . . H/i /
Union 1'aclflc 17 Tnuiitraek. . . . 123
Sun I'ranrUco MIIIIIIC yuotutlons.
SAN I''IIA.NCISCO , July 20.-Tho ofllclnl
closing quotntlons for mining stocks today
were as follows :
Alia ItiiMoxlean HS
Itelcher ill ! Ophlr tin
Itt'HlA Itulcbcr Potosl 41)
lloilloCou S.ivat'o 3.1
llhollar Slerr.i Nevada 4S
Con , C'.ll. A Va Union Con 3fi
Clown 1'opil Utah It )
( ionld ACurry Vullow Jacket , , 40
Halo A NorcroHH
Now VnrkMining ( Jucit ttloiu.
Nnw VOIIK , July 25 , The follow Ing are the
mining quotations : nnd Va. . . . 100 Sierra Nevada 30
De.ulwood llio stand.inl lit )
( ioiild A Curry a.l Union Con 3(1 (
llomextaku 7WI Yullow Jacket 40
Mexican 411 Iron Sliver
" " " " ' "
Ontario 70(1 ( gulcle SnVer. . . , . . . . 200
Ophlr lid do prufd 16(10 (
1'biiioiitb ao UlllVtLT D
I.inulciii IOVBW. |
I.O.MION , July 25. [ Now Vork Herald Cnll
Special to Tilts IlEE.I After n weak opening
and MM mi further forced realizations the mar
kets have become steadier and In most cases
last prices went decidedly above the wont
touched. Money Is Hill plentiful , but discount
rates are harder. Mher N 'id bolter , hut
rupee paper ls unchanged , Thuro WHS ono
Stock exchange failure and others are looked
for at Ihe nctlloment tomorrow. The heaviest
declines wuro In Atchlson , Krle preferunces ,
DoiiM'r prufoionces , Northern Pacltlc pre
ferences and Mexican railways generally.
Krlo mortgage recovered 4 points later. Can-
adas am better by fairly good trutllu relurns.
rinn.uclal Note * .
NEW OIU.KANS , July 25.-ClearIngs , f2,260-
I'Ains , July 26. Three per cent rentes , 07f
87'/ii : for llio account.
NEW You * , July Q6. Clearing ! , I03.H34-
603 ; b&laucoi , 15,010.437.
CHICAGO , July 26 , [ Special Telegram to Tim
- Vork exctiAugo wasquotvd as ful-
lows yr-sirrdny Mivllon , 41V dl cotinli Pt.
I < otll < , f'J 7ritll cotiqT
IIAI.TIHOIIK , .Inly iA'4-CleliHn * ' . t3,3fi8alOj
Imlnnces , JJIH 018 , Aloney , 0 per tfcnl ,
PlIII.Atiiit.l'tlu , JAlj'ari.'lenflngx / ' ( , 10,044-
K'l ' ! b\liiiioe , <,1l ; | Mono ; , pof com ,
lfl : i ox , July 2ri.-u * , riTrA ) lii.i itKii-Stiot ,
41 fl Hd per qnnrttrtrJiily and August shipment
' VL
ment , 41s
MKtii'iiis. July 2 M-Now York cui'lituign tollIng -
Ing nt ) prctnlitm. Ulonrlnns , 121CH4 !
hnlnnci's , 110,3 4.
KANSAS Ctrr , July 55.-Cloarlims. $ Hin,2l3i
decrcnso 37,5 per cent , compared with thu
corresponding dny Uvo-yeiir ,
lldSTON , July 2S.lvC'loirln , J13.08l.044 ;
balnnccs , J1.G57.4H7. lonoy i 3 10 tier cent.
Kichnngu on Now York , 40c dlscotra.
ST. Loom , July 25'-i-Cleitrliigs , fJ.OOS.
balances , Ji04,111. , Money quiet nt G&8 per
cent. Ktclmngo on Now York , $1.75 discount.
CIIKHIIO , July 25-Clearlngs , { 12,165,011
New Vork oxchaiiK , ' , $2 50 discount- Sterling
"xclinngc steady , nctuiil domind : , $4.8244.84.
Money stroni ? at 7 per rent.
Ciiltla Trndo Still Doll Ho Active nnd
TUEStiAT , July 25.
Kecclpts of bogs nnd sheep wuro very fair
todny , hut there was a very light run of cattle.
The two dnys supply foots up 3,344 cattle ,
9,700 hogs nnd 702 sheep , ngalnat 3,304 cattle ,
7,020 hog * and 080 sheep the first two dnys of
last week.
Although receipts wore very Hunt nnd tlio
quality of llio offerings about up to the aver
age , the cnttlo'market was decidedly weak
and slow , although ( Hero was no quotable
decline on nny clnss of stock. Dressed beef
men whoso wants were limited had everything
to themselves , us the Itidllferent or bearish re
ports from the enst prevented any nativity on
the pirt of Ktieculntlvo shippers , sellers called
the trade slow and mean , Hnyers generally
called prices steady or perhaps llrtu. There
was very Illlle chnngo oneway or llio olhur ,
nnd although the movement was anything but
brisk the olTerlngs were pretty generally dis
posed of by noon. Sales Included fair lo very
good 1,200 to l,40O-lh. beeves at from
J3.H5 to J4.50 , with 1,050 to 1,150-lb. steers at
from $3.00 lo $3.85 nnd poor lo fair light and
half fat slock at from (3 lo $3.00.
The few cow.s hero changed bunds slowly at
very unsatisfactory prices , from $1.25 to * 3
for t-oor to prime cows and holfers. Good to
choice calves nt from * 4 lo4.75 wore nearly
Nloady , with Inferior stock decidedly lower at
from n to $3.50. Hulls and slags sold at vury
low prices , around $1.00 to $1.80.
The feeder trade was quiet , but ns the sup
ply was not largo nnd the ilemand fair prices
In Koneral were well maintained. Kcprcsun-
ttitlvo sales :
) iisr.i' .
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
1. . . O'JO J3 ( H ) 01 . . . .1172 } 3 80
1. . . . 1000 ! 1 25 22. . . . " 044 3 85
18. . . 84H 25 10. . . . . 1018 3 85
1 . .1100 3 40 23. . . . . 1223 3 85
45. . . 1)74 ) 3 40 18 . . . . 1273 3 05
13. . . 027 U 00 37. . . . .1335 4 45
0 . .1015 3 05 13. . . . .1385 4 00
38. .1021 3 CO 20. .1300 4 50
40 1100 3 70 55 1200 445
fi . 000 8. . . 880 1 85
: : .1030 JO 2. . .1150 1 8r >
10.M. . . 877 45 1. . .1370 2 00
M. . WG3 45 745 2 00
0. .1032 CO 3. . .1010 2 10
.1080 U5 1. . .1270 2 00
. 855 U5 1. . .1220 ! ) 00
10 . 408 40 10. . BOO 2 00
10 00
245 1 00 1. . 110 4 00
105 1 25 1. . 2GO 4 00
274 1 50 1. . 220 4 00
250 3 do , ' 1. . 200 4 25
178 3 00 1. . 100 4 75
14. 4 Oij ' 3. . 200 4 70
1 1020 1 1300 1 70
4 H87 1 070 1 70
1 tiUO 1 05 ' 1 070 1 75
1 080 1 50 ' 3 733 1 80
2 735 206 , 17 H15 2 GO
2 420 210 24 1330 275
3 707 235 , ' 1C 744 275
8 708 240 30 034 , 280
7 014 245 , 0 1175 280
13 783 205- ; 1 1070 800
No. Av. 1'V. No. Av. I'r.
73 Col. T.t. 770 $2 30. 77 Col. Tx. 081 $2 30
23 cows. . . . 004 200 31 feeders. ! 170 315
82cowsv. . . 815 140' 2helfers. 605 1 G5
30 heifers. 003 105 2 calves. . 175 400
Iloos The recent favorable turn to the ho
market brought out the receipts today nnd
there wcro nearly twlco us many hogs on snlo
ns were hero lust I'rlday. There was a hlKhur
market. In I'hlcngo and with n fair ftesh nient
nnd shipping Iniiulry opunliiK prices were n
hhado stronger than Saturday , liood to cholco
light and butcher weight box * Mild nt from
JO.GO up to to.70. I'nckersvoio not overly
anxious for supplies and with liberal otlerltiKS
were Inclined to pound prlce.s. Tliry
bought their IIORS ut from (5.00 up
to J5.GO , very largely nt & 5.50.
Ah the mornliiK advanced and by the middle
of thu forenoon (5.50 was nbout nil sellers
could tot bid for mixed nnd heavy heirs , or 5c
to lOc lower than Monday , lluslncss Mattoned
out nnd the murkot closed menu with nenrly
2,000 IIOKS unsold. The big bulk of the IIOKS
Mild ns on Monday at $5.05 and JG.GO , aKiilnst
J5.00 last Tui'sdny. Kopresontntlvo sales :
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. 8h. I'r.
24 . .315 120 $5 40 04. . . .200 100 $5 00
27 . .205 80 0 45 03. . . .238 80 5 00
22 . .300 100 0 40 50. . . .273 100 0 00
08 " 00.1 120 0 50 03. . . .227 120 0 00
61 280 240 5 50 7. . . .178 0 00
00. . .270 280 5 50 OB. . . .231 160 0 00
12. . .257 0 00 74. . . .232 40 0 OO
0 . .200 40 5 00 CO. . . .250 400 0 OO
32 . .305 80 5 00 08. . . .230 2OO 0 00
5. . .24O 80 5 00 70. . . .234 120 & 00
4 . .327 0 50 04. . . .203 120 0 00
8 . .385 0 00 57. . . .2CO 100 5 OO
. .285 0 50 70. . . .243 200 0 00
. .302 5 00 02. . . .208 40 0 GO
fi7. . .240 120 0 00 02. . . .250 80 0 00
74. . .230 HO 5 50 01. . . .217 80 0 00
03. . .210 240 0 55 03. . . .225 40 0 00
7. . .217 5 05 03. . . .272 200 0 00
77. . .24H 120 5 55 78. . . .253 80 5 GO
53. . .242 240 0 55 07. . . 3213 320 0 00
C.7. . .234 120 5 05 50. , . .200 120 5 CO
05. . .230 320 5 00 02. . . .242 40 6 00
50. . 320 40 5 50 12 . .200 0 GO
73. . .241 300 5 00 70. . . .200 Too 5 50
20. . .207 40 5 05 05. , . .201 200 0 00
01. . .231 120 5 00 03. , . .202 100 5 GO
5'J. . .230 40 0 55 38. , . .210 40 5 GO
58. . .207 80 0 00 40. , . .209 40 5 00
50. . .275 80 0 05 48. , . .217 40 0 CO
70. , .25'J 80 5 55 44. , . .221 100 0 CO
73. . .240 200 0 55 72 ' . .252 120 0 GO
5'J. . .285 5 05 06' ! . .233 100 0 CO
74. . .250 5 00 OH. . .255 100 5 GO
02. . .237 200 5 00 00. . .240 40 0 GO
44. . .374 80 5 05 09. . .228 100 0 GO
02. , . .251 80 0 55 83. . .237 40 0 02'J
03. . . .227 320 5 05 74. . .220 120 0 G2 > /
08. , . .1220 100 0 05 GO. . .241 80 0 CO
00. , . .200 80 0 074 ! 84. . .210 200 0 00
08. , . .250 120 5 07 Y 07. . .239 HO 0 05
48. , . .230 80 0 07 ! ! 80. .213 80 0 GO
08. . . .204 80 5 07" 70. . .107 80 b 05
02. . . .200 320 5 07'i 71. . .1M9 200 0 00
00. . . .234 200 0 57'i ' OH. . .213 80 6 05
70. . . .235 240 5 07'i HI. . 231 200 0 05
02. . . .277 100 0 00 09. , .200 200 0 05
57. . . .335 120 0 GO 85. . .200 80 5 70
00. . . .222 120 5 GO 81 ! . . .192 100 0 70
43. . . .307 5 CO 67. . .107 300 6 70
1-1(13 ( ANI > HOUUII ,
1..070 3 50
PllKKt1 There vms a moderate run of sheep
today , mostly common htock. Desirable mut
tons wuro In fair demand ut steady to strong
prices , tiretty teed 111-lb. western wether *
belling for * : i.bO. while. Inferior utulT
was hard to 'move oven at vury
low lUnros. Some very ordinary
mixed brought 1270. Quotations
till \i 14 Kiassers m i u s :
Fair to Kood inUlvok , $3,25 ( 4.25 ; fair to KOOI )
ncnloriiH , J3.00y.-flo ( ; common and Mock
bhuup , * 2.00a3.00i ( jooil to choice 40 to lOU-lb.
llimbd , H.OOUO.OO , Kuprvbuatatlvo sales :
No. f Av. I'r.
181 western wethers , . Ill 13 HO
200 Colorado mixed ' rassi-iH til 2 75
KecrlpU nnifjjltipuiitloil of Htouk.
OOlolal rucclpU.Awl dlsu Hltlou of stoU : a *
Him IT n hy thu hook * pt thu Union Stock Vnrdi
company for thu 'furty-elxlit ' hou ending at
& o'clock p. m. July 25 , IH'J.1 :
Carn. Heail Cam. Head Caru.
I. vc Mock .Market.
CllKUdO , July 25 , IHpi'clnl Toli'ifrtuii t Tll
Her.Tlii'ro ) ns cotitlnuud qulviudu In cut tin
and liut bllKlit ilmiiKU : In tliu valuus. Niitlroi
llial wuro Kuud I'luiugh for liliiiirnl | wuro In
kcanly MUmily , itnd wrru firmly hold wlillo
liulohura' and cunnura' tock runiulni'il dull
und wuiik. Thin old i-owmirii inuoli nuifloutud
and uro sollliiK nt vury inuati price * . Tlio du-
liri'ktloii In Hint liraiiuh of llio nmrkot In In
kyniiiiitliy wllli tlio rxtruinuly low prlcos nrc-
liiK for To xu * CIIKX and luiin n-uurs. Tlio
supply cousUted o ( about nutlvuj und
4 fOOTi > xini < Hnlruif tlii > fnrtniT were | itin-
rlpnlly nt fnini JI 75 toll Ml , nnd from * 1 mi to
JJ ' ) ( ) timU llin liulkor Ilia TOMUK. Tlio | i mror
cln iof Tpxni caltlo wn < Imrd tonclliit nny
prlro , lint vi'llor * nitdHM-dPil In dNo | ltiK uf Iliu
Itrrnlcr pnrt nf the utipiily.
Tiidny M ling tnnrkfl wn uncvrn , IioltiR
lilslicr lit SOIIIK IMII.I limn In nUicri , lint It was
hlKln-r nil uiMiinil. Ili-uvy woltfliN were < nl-
nlilo nt r > c ndvnnco mid tfioro win n pnln In
llRlit u ( from ! ( ) > to l..c , Tlio drtii.inil did not
cull fur llio iiMinl minilior , dm uxtrcmoly hot
wontltor sorvlnu to chock the di'imind , but
with recolpti or luiri-ly 10,000 lii-nd. HID nd-
vnntnKo wiinclutxrly with i < llots. TMITO woru
inlos ( if Ilitlit Innnt front Jll to Jtl.OS mid n lot
of fnncy Unlit fi-trhpil 10.40. The grpntoriiixrt
of the ( iircrlniM drought from J3.H5 to Jti.10 ,
There \va < > mi uiiclKinai'd unit ki't tor < .liccp ,
Hood tochoicoiiititliilii orolitW \ \ : supply
nnd were linn nt , Iho ndviinco rrct'iitly notod.
I'orlow Krndos thi-ro win very llltlo Itwiitlry
mill salrs were slow nt Miindny's iiuntnilon * .
rroin M.70 to < 5 will the rnnito of vnlttoi nnd
Hi. DO to $4.6(1 1 ho rniiKO nt wlilcli most of the
stock cliiuiKi'd liiuiiU.
li'\n < islioi'MMTO ( iittotod nt from I1.7S to
$4.U5nttdustL'rns ni I'J.BO ' lo (4.60. There
wis n RiVxl donmtul M.Inmlis nt from t3.V2Ci to
, itocolpts : fntlli7,000 ' lionil ; cnlvc < , 10,000
lit'Ad : lions. 10HKIlRMid ; shuup , 10,000 hond ,
ThuljVonliiK Joiiriinl ruports :
UATTI.K Uc'ct'lpts , 7,000 hi-nd ; slilptnotilj ,
a.aooiiondi dull , steady ; no llrst-clnss sivors
hcrotodnv : | 'ood sluoi4.0a4. ( ) . & ( . ' ; otliors ,
. . , . . .
SIIEI-.I * KccoliiU , l.ooil lioad ; nhlpniptiM ,
2ooo hond ; tnnrkut Htoiulyt top shoup , 14'JriSJ
4.70 ; too latill ) ! > , JO.OOil&.O&i WCSlurns , J3.30ifi
ICunitnii City l.lvn Mtiink .Murltrt.
KANSAS CITV , July 23. OATTI.B Uocolpts ,
4,000 hfnd ; Rhlpinunlp , i,800 ! head ; tnnrkot
stuady for best urnilCH ; lower for othurs ; Tutiin
Moori , * J.OUda.4 ( ) ; Toxns cows , ) ;
5.1J6 ; nntl\ocows.J1.40a
InitolierH1 stock , J3.25a4.'JD ; bulls niul
inlxod. $ l.oOiW.OO.
Ilotis KocolptN 7,000 hond ; phlptnonts ,
70O hu-iid ; mnrkut fiiilOc liluhor ; bulk orsnlv * ,
$ ) ; lu-nvlm , * 5.f.r > ari.70 ! unckori ,
$ s.r ( ) > 5tr.aD ; tni.M'd , fri.noiis.'jo ; liuhis , jo,70
© 5.05 ; Yorkers , * 5.UU ti.o ) ; ) | { , Jft.uft.
Silliiil' Kocoltits , 10,000 bond ; Hhlimienti ,
uoiio ; innrkul sluntly nnd unohntigod ; tnl.xod ,
* 3.uOInmbs ; , J4.50.
St. l.ouli I.lvo Stuck Murkot.
ST. Louts , July 25. CATTLn-llocoluts , C.200
bond ; Hhlpinvtili , 000 hcnd ; innrkot strong
"oruood natives nndlVxiins , stonily on otliors ;
'nlr to KOCH ! Ti'xns hleors , $ . ' .00it3.25.
lions Itocnltiu2lUK ) bund ; shlpnipnts ,
OO bund ; tnnrkut lOilliJclilKliur ; cbolcu ll ht ,
0.10 ; mixed , Jj 40I15.'JO.
SiiKEi * Uocolpts , 1,900 hond ; shipments ,
, ulU bund ; mnrkut slow , muttons , $4.35.
Balloon , Courtland beach tonight.
ulpluiroiu l xrlnui.ttlons Dliuliilililne In
( Juiintlly iinil I'orcc ,
Statistics of profanity are neeessarily
lillleult to guther and classify , nnd any
heory deduced from them must be weak.
( V writer in the Century declares that
lie habit of profane speaking is dying
int. Ho remembers or lias boen'told
if certain clergymen of a past generation
ivbo were heard to use the expletive
'damn" tit times of grievous provocation.
le lias heard no such stories of clergy
men of this generation. That is the
basis of his argument. It is a worth-
'oss argument , says the BulTalo
Courier , because there is sullleient proof
f it is needed , that clerymen of the
ast decade of the nineteenth cen-
have used "damn" in
ury a secu-
ur way and with eonsidorablo vigor.
Jut , putting all this aside , the question
jf comparative profanity remains a very
'nteresting ono. The American traveler
ivbo mingles with all classes of English
men finds that profanity is very uncom
mon among them. The objurgatory
'damn" is frequently heard , but it is
rarely coupled with those shocking ref
erences to limbo and irreverent invoca
tions of the eity which ollend the oars
so frequently in Vinocica. And yet this
mildness of speech has not always char-
icteri/.ed the Briton. In the fifteenth
century the English soldiers were so
olublo with oaths that Joan of Are ,
ho came within earshot of them at
Orleans and elsewhere , nicknamed thorn
the "Goddnms. " That this sorry ropu-
: ation still stuck to the English in
, ho eighteenth century is clear enough
'rom u scene in Beaumarchais'
'Manage do Figaro , " where ho pictures
n a most laughable way how a Fronch-
nau ignorant of English may make his
way from Dover to Dundee by qimply re
peating "Goddara. " DDIUI Swift "swore
ko a pirate , and it is not likely that ho
was much worse than his generation.
Tlio fox-hunting , guzzling parson was
: loiibtless a swearing parson also. We
may conclude then Unit profanity has
seen its worst days in England. In
France swearing has never been so hot
: ind bloodcurdling us in England aud
America , but there is evidence that
things wcro once worse in that country
than they are now. Montaigne tolls of
a gentleman , who , being subject to gout ,
was solicited by his physician to leave
oil eating certain viands. To this art-
vice ho answered pleasantly that when
the ills or pangs of the disease took him
ho required something to quarrel with ,
and that by crying und cursing with
great profanity , now against bologna
sausage und again against bait moats ,
tongues and gammons of bacon , ho found
some case.
This bus always been the spring of
profanity the desire to ease oneself of a
bad humor and doubtless the decadence
of the practice is duo to our dawning re
alization that swearing is not all that it
is cried up to bo. In the beginning
there is no question that a round , full
oath relieves the mind , whether it bo
directed against things animate or in
animate. But there comes a. time when
that lirbt-acquired oath becomes inade
quate , and a now and more imprecatory
curse is added to one's vocabulary. This
growth in swearing continues until ono
bus exhausted all the profane resources
of the language , and terms and in
vocations which once had a blood curd
ling effect , subjective as well us object
ive , have become as impotent to express
rugo us the puling of a bubo.
Nothing remains to the swearing
men then but accumulated oaths , in
which the same Heaven-defying epithets
arc poured forth in loops and chains , in
terlaced aim repeated in grotesque com
binations. But ovon'thus piled up and in
tertwined they do not satisfy. Their very
multiplicity makes them heavy and dull ,
and in his fury , feeling that his tongue
no longer indicates wliat ho feels , ho
tears his hair , or boats a wall , or would
How is Your Blood ?
m Km m < > m % % * K % % > v -
I had a malignant breaking out on my leg
below the knee , and was cured Bound and well
with two and a half bottles of g-J-Jt-OH
Other blood medicines bad failed J.TI . "
to do ine any good. WILL C.HEATY ,
I was troubleil from childhood with an as-
ntmiraka of Totter , nnd throe bottles of
Our book on Illood and Skin niicaso inallcil
tree. Uw TBfEClFiaCo.iAtlautiti *
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South OpnaViai
OettCatllo llo andSluaii market li fit MII > .
Wood Brothers.
I.lvo Stock CoinmUilon Morohiati.
To'lth tninha Telepliuno 1111. CUIcan
JOHN I ) DAIIHMAS , ( . , - „ , , „ "
\VAii'Klt 1C.Y OI > . ( *
Market roportM by mall and wire cheerfully
furulibud uiou upullcutlou.
fain , Ilko Jvorxct , whip \inoffoiiiltiiR
pen. Wo nro loiirnlnn tlmt profanity i
n xvonk vohlolo for innntfenlnUoin of
wrntlii It. may bo , ns the writer In the
( Vnttiry points out , tlmtvo nro bi'ooin-
Ititf mo'ro pious nntl that our nnHtros nro
softening , but we nro tilso "lonrnlnjj
more niloqiintoly to inaitor the rusourcoft
of our own tunuuo , nnd bouomlitf ;
pondonl of tlil j criulo nntl ratlutr s
to call It nothing worse dovlco.1
Dnlloon , Courtttinil bench tonight.
Tlio NnnvbnrVlio \Vrnrlly Climb lo thr
Diinin ot .St. riutl'A
There Is only ono St. Paul's , nntl upon
the summit of its ilonio there IB but ono
bnll. AtOIK \ \ Intcrvnls n Londoner , niul
inoro fruquontlv n tourist , elimb-i to this
bull nnd Htlckslils hcnd nnd shoulders
insldo. Iltiviiij , ' done this and looked *
upon tlio heart of the world from the
stone gallery nnd the goldan gallury ,
and upon the congregation from the
whispering gnllory , ho returns to earth
nnd tells his friends nnd noqunlntnnees
of his fent nnd advises them to follow
his oxnmple. The number of persons
who innko this pilgrimage averages
about forty per day. To reach the ball
It Is necessary to climb ( HO stops of many
varieties. Tlio proportions of the glldeil
globe nro lit perfect keening ; with Its
surroundings. It has a diameter of six
feet , and twelve porsjns can stand
within Its walls. It weighs oil)0 ( ) pounds.
The gilded cross that towers above it is
fifteen feet in height. From this ball
nearly all London is seen on tt clear day.
Why there nro so many kinds of steiw In
the cathedral no one pretends toe.xplain.
In the opinion of those who have counted
them , to climb these steps is equal to
covering twenty miles on an ordinary
road. It Is universally considered , however -
over , that the return journey is equal tea
a Russian bath. The first stops are of
wood. These are succeeded by stops of
stone , and these in turn by Iron ones.
Then there are la.ldors , some with a
gentlu slant , while others stand so
straight that to those who climb they
appear to lean backward. The lirst lad
der stands on tlio crown of tlio seeond
dome , whore an ollloor gives necessary
directions to suoli men as want to see tlio
ball , for few try to go above the crown
of tlio dome , being content to rest there
and watch some exceptionally active ,
sightseer do the rest.
Balloon , Courtltind beach tonight.
UnrpotTlth History.
A curious history is attached lo a ear-
pot used recently in the production at
the Prince of Wales theater of the comic
onora , "Poor Jonathan. " When the. star
of Napoleon III. was at its zenith an Au-
busson carpet of a magnificent descrip
tion was ordered by General Floury for
the chateau at Compiegne , but when it
was scon by the emperor directions were i
given that it should bo transferred to
the Ttiilories. In 1871 , during the com- \
inuno , the carpet was appropriated , and
with other artistic works dispatched to
Austria. The carpet has since had sev
eral owners , but owing to its si/.o has
proved practically useless. To its pres
ent possessor it was recently sold for
jClfiO , believed to bo about an eighth part
of its original value. So much is thought
of this carpet , which in "Poor .Jonathan"
will bu laid down in the reception room
of the millionaire Vandorgold by the
manager of the Prince of Wales , that ho
has had the dresses of the eharne.tore
appearing in this s-cenemndo to harmon
ize with its colors. Suuh a circumstance
is probably unique in theatrical annals.
A Civograpliifal Curiosity.
The northern boundary line of Dela
ware is circular because the charter
given to I'onti states that Pennsylvania
was to bo "bounded on the east by the
Delaware river from twelve miles dis
tant north of Now Castle town until the
three and fortieth degree of north lati
tude , " and tliat the southern boundary
Bcinis Omaha Rag
Imporliri " .nit nianufno-
turn of flour sacki ,
Uurlap , twine.
Morse-Coe Shoe Company.
room aad onice-1107 IIOMIII llownrrt 't
Howard St.
F clorr Iirj-IIJI-1121
We ! > o ovi-r Manufatun ri of llootinnl
our ntjwUotorr
Uinalia Coal , Coke & Eajjle Cornice Works .
\lfr. gal nlr J Iron cor.
UMK CO. , bard and ( ( nice wlmtjiT emu ! ;
goal , tt B. oor. l th anil . . .
Uo.l u.-treot.
Duiulat blruet. u < l IJIU
DRY aooDa.
( Jinalia Upholstering Bejee ; & Hunyan
win lo bo "n circle drawn nt twolva
miles distant from the tnwn of Now
( . 'nstlo , northward and westward , until
Iho fortieth degree of north latitude ,
and then by n ntralght line wustward. "
This makes a circular boundary for
northern Delaware unavoidable , and tha
facts nbovo sot forth explain a geog
raphical curiosity that has pir//.lod ninny
HnntlHomo Women Con 1.033 Wolgli
Fast. Homely Men Look Uottor
If Thin. Try Dr. Edison's
System. No Dieting.
Band > fl any.
onicoof II. M. nurlon , llnnlw.tru , U.iry St -
tlon. III. . Jan. II. 1SU
Dr. Edison DOIT Mr : I am well pleased with
your treatment of olioiltx * . 1'ho hand l worth
twlcotho money It cost , for comfort. I hive
reilncod my wiilcht tun pouniK I woUh15
now , ana 1 did woluh 'H't , Your * triilv ,
II , M. lUiiiro.M.
They Are Dolnpt Mo Cootl.
Knrlvillp , 111 , MajrSI. ISJJ.
iiorlnff , t Co ! Inclo o 1 Hint ? ! ' > ) for lilc'i iiluiii
icnil liiu tliaothor two bottlitt of IT Killiim'i ( ) bj < -
It ; fills. Iliavo u oU vnuaii Illilnk luir iiro tlotiij
thuwork. S M. U.I.KI1. . O llotij.
Talk So Much About Your Pills.
Tcorln , III . .InnoH KJI.
near Sirs : After heirlni ; onu of HIT frlvmt * talk n
guoli nbnut ruur Oliu < lty I'lll * nn I til < tia.ioill HJli
ilorlsliiK from tlioiu I tlilnk I will trf llioiii inyulC
1'letuc luml mo 3 Uolllln t' O. ! > . , iniliiblU- ,
J. Mounts. 4tX ) I'erry titrojt.
Fool Bettor andWolgh 13 Pounds Losa
noslien. Iml . * opt. IS. I si ! .
nentlomon : Incloicit I nt'inl ) on { I. ( or ivlilcli rou
wlllplrnio sonil inollireu tiouien of til J nli.MHr pilh.
AnitiiMnu tliu fourth buttln nml finil vury iiiticli
licttcr iinitwL'lL'li 1.1 | iaiinil' < Ion tlmli vrhun I boj.m
takliiK tliam. 1 nlll etintlnuu your trou
Mils J. 0. MCi'ovv.
0lltll blxtli StrooU
An InitlvliUml IVIOHO
fi fort I tnt'li BhotiM ire potmitl
fi foot BlnrliOJ " na
6 tvot 1U Inctioj " tru
Dr. Ktll on cixys : * * lt fm > tm otl to point out
Hint In my exiit'rlonoc. whlcli IH nocp sarlly Tory
cunsliternblo , timny tronltlOMOnin tkln itleiv > 4 suoti ,
cct'Hioina , K/onti. pnrlti'l < , utlrnrtti , ute , nio prliu *
nrlly c illicit by obc'iUy. nn < l ni tlio Int niul II jih U
reilucccl hy tlio pills unit Ubi'nlty I rtilt Suit nn I tlu
nctliin of the bnnit thoio nltoL'tloul huro ulmuit
musically illnnpiiuurua "
'IbuDlie lty Krult h.Ut H utvil In cnnniictlon wltl
tlio Pills or lUinIx , or both. CMiu tu iipooiidil In A
tiiinblor of vratur inukU5 a ilcllclom nutiii Tuitui
Ilkp olininp.tlkiio.
Thu buns cost I i W oic'i ' for anylonjtli up to 3 !
lncbo , bufor i > ! iu lurxi'r than : il Inolioi KJJ 10
ctmtn cxtru fur inch Wil.Utloml Ino'i.
t'rlco nf Fruit suit , f l.'l ' ) .
1MIUI1.MI for llottlo , or.'I ll.ittloi lor ! I 01
i-onl by Mull or Ktiros | <
Cutthli out Bin ! koi'p It , lllHi o lJ for our fulld
columniirtlclo ) on ubt'sltr. *
IIK 1.0V. .
Loring & Company
2 Hamilton 11. , Dopt. Si ! , Doston. MIIM. , 115 Stnti
St. , l > cpt 2.1. Chlcaito , 111. , 40V. . 'Jina St. , Dept 'ii ,
Now Vurk C"lty.
For sale in Omaha by Snow ,
Lund & Co.
Constiltation Free. For the Scientific Treatment
nnd Soun- ) , Speedy and Permanent Cure of all
classes , forms , phases and degrees of
, NERVOilS and
Wo euro Catarrh , All DlHoasos of tha KOMI , Throat , Chott ,
Stoiuaoh. Ho\voti niul Livor. Blood. Slciu niul Kiilnoy
Dlscn.101 , FoiualoVculciiosKos , LiiNt Maiihootl CURED.
Pir.KS , FISTITLA. t'lSSIJHK , pprnianniitly euro 1 , without llio UHO of knlfo , .
llcatun ; ore.iiiHtle. All maliulleH of a ] > rlvato or > > n.ituro , of ultliur
Bex , itoHlllvely eureil. Call on or aildruHS , wllli ht.niiii. for ) , Fruu
riii papla ; A Qoiplfl1 IH iiiutli 15ili it.
1)1. ) OBdriBj d
O8irj63 , o.nuNKH. .
U hulactms * Idas ieclory
Hector & Williclmy LobccK & Line ,
ln hnrdnnrc ant
Corner lOtb and Jockiou ineitiinlci' tuoli.
Htroeti. IIU ( Puuulni Htreiit.
W. A , L , Gibbon & Co Omulia Safe and Iron
Wholesale WOII1C-4 ,
Ilati , oai | > , ilravr ifoodi , t'nfei.vnulli , Jail woo
Vlonroi , mltlnni IVtli Iron huttori and lire
nnd llariiebtruutt. . . lu > Auilroon , lu
John A. Walicdcld ,
Iropoitnd.\rvrloun Port'
land ctmont , Mllwnu.
kojcomunl uuil guliicf
hllu limn.
Unialia Jtove ) 1ePau (
Fritk & Herbert
Hill ! a IlUUCIl '
, Vi'OHKB. fetor * reUlri
ami wutrmttaobuenl
Wlioleiale liquor doalori fur uur kliul of itor * *
. Diaitu. I2UI Duugiat < t.
1001 Karnam HI.
Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Co.
Ctrrj a full iluck of
prlntlnKl wrft | > yhi aad llDad aad Inbrlcaltaf
writing p iiert , card
papcru , etc. elli , a i gr a , tie.
liranck & Co. Jas. A. Clark & Co.
Produce , frutti at til Uullar , eh t ,
puullrr and * .
u J. mu utmj ,