Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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Repart of thn Bpccinl Bank Examiner on the
Omaha Institution.
italur * or tlm Somirlllrn ni KihllittPil by
fin Oniclnl Inrrdtlcntlon I.nrcrly In *
tftil In Ilia Omnlin anil South
Teini IMinl Company.
LINCOLN , July 2' . fSpoclal to Tint
KOVT thut a * receiver for the American
Savings bank of Omaha has llnally been
appointed the report of the special examiner .
at to the actual condition of tbo bink Is
released nnd given out to the public this
forenoon. Tno examiner's rcimrt Is an In
teresting document , al least to the creditors
of tbo broken bank and It reveals many
things In connection with nffilrs of the bank
that Imvo heretofore been kept from the
knowledge of the public. J'hu condition of
f259G)8.97 ( )
Nature of the Securities
The bills rccclvablo or notes and bills dis
counted amount to fl&l,55Sno. Of this
Ctmounl fcBS.tWlllll is secured by llrst mort
gages on real estate , and * 1G,83D Xi on second
mortgages Notes to the amount of tr > , ( X > 0
jivoru issued to the Omaha and South
'JuxnsLind company , v\bile other notes to
the amount of f 10,114 77 nto secured by the
stock of that company. All but about I'iO-
000 of the above amounts are guaranteed by
the Ameilcan Loan and Trust company ,
nnd waiver of protest by the receiver of
that company has boon obtained and Is now
on 111 o.
The suspended and overdue piper account
is an Important feature of the examiner's re
port. It includes real estate loans not fore
If closed to the amount of $17.500 lie ; in fore
closure , $ .11Gil , 44 The stocks and bonds In
1 cluded In the assets of thu nank , listed at
jiir , ureas follows : American Hank Uulld-
ing company of Omaha , $14,000 ; First Na
tional hank of Orant. Neb , * 1 , : > 00 ; Hank of
Grafton , J.18,000 : North Platte National
bank , $10,000 ; First National of Uavonna ,
$ .1.500 ; Fhst National of Alliance , $0,000.
The par value of these stocks amounts in the
aggregate to $53,800 , , but the oiaminor ostl-
tuatoa that this amount will suitor a shrink
age of $18bOO. ,
Shrinkage of An ti.
The most Interesting feature of tbo exam
iner's report , nt least to the creditors of tha
broken bank , is his estimate of the probable
rhrlnltatro of thu assets. Ho makes the fol
lowing estimate :
Hntik 1'rolnble
Value. Loss
"Had clolits" ( 8b.)5 ) 00 $ 4 , > J5 00
Other nvi-rilno pnpor 20,765 00 7,755 00
Utlior loins and ills-
counts 103,544 80 43,544 8G
Overdrafts Ki'J 14
5R.HOO 00 iH.HOO 00
Jlllls reculvabliiNhnrt 3,087 71 3,087 71
l''urnlturn ' and tlx-
J.323 25 ' 1.5T3 25
Other null-state and
nuirtg IKUI . 31,023 41 10,023 44
Cash Items 217 35
8230.03B 76 J'JO.'JIO 20
The examiner's comments upon the above
estimate am as follows :
"A majority of the loans depend for tholr
value upon leal estate securities , the guar
anty of the American Loan and Trust com
pany and thn capital stock of the Omahn
nnd South Texas Land company. Their
real value can only bo ascertained after fore
closure , silo or other process of collection.
The bank ofllclils maintain that all assets
other than furnlturo nnd Jlxtures are good
at their face valuo. The estimated stuink-
ngo was llguicd by mvsolf by valuing assets
nt usual values of their clrss and allowing
for dopicclatl&n caused hy the present
stringency and the closing of the bank hold
ing and handling the assets. "
( luanlp nt thn Slntn llmun.
Auditor Moore went to Onmlm today.
Uliu StntoDaiiking board sent nn examiner
to Plalnviovv today to investigate the condi
tion of the bank which was compelled to
close HH doois jestorauy on account of a raid
of sifo ciackers , who got avvnv with some
thing like ,1,000 of the bank's ' available
Secrotiry of State Allen loft this morning
for Voiniontt in response to a telegram an
nouncing the serious illness of a sister.
Socrutaty Dllvvot th of the St ito Hoard of
Transportation to Omaha today to sl/o
up thu injunction proceedings brought by
the Huillngloii against the new i.iU ) law.
Ux-Soimtor Thomns of Cass county was a
etato house visitor today.
HopresintivtlvoCiano of Omah i called at
the ofllto of the uttoinoy geneial this fore
noon oii
Superintendent Mnlhillou of the State In-
dustiml school of Kearney was at the state
lionso this foinnoon to attend a meeting of
the State Huard of Public Lauds and Hulld-
ings.At il
At a special meeting of the Hoird of Pub- l
lie Lands and Hulldlngs this forenoon the
Lincoln Artificial Stone company was
awarded the contiact for putting down the
stone concrete pavement In the old cell house
nsoidmedby the hist logialntuio. W. 50I I
llalrd of Lincoln was unaided thu contract
for plnstoiim ; thu new chapel.
Hut one casu was Hied with tha clerk of
the supioino court today it came from
Webster louuty and Is entitled Samuel Car- ,
bor against Palmer , Ulanihard &Co.
uiritisiiiMi : : UVI.NS.
llonvy Slunvora III IHIlrrrnt 1'urts of Nc-
lir.mkii Vtnturiluy.
Douoi 11 , Neb , Julj SJTi [ Special Telegram
to Tint Hi'K. ] A heavy rain fell hoie this
afternoon , doing nn Immense amount of good
* to crops In this vicinity This practically Insures
sures a good crop of corn for this part ofm
the countr.v Some hall fell , but not tufll-
clout to do any damage- . mmi
( JiiKrr , Net > . , July LT [ Special Telegram
to TIIK Jin , j This city and surrounding
country was visited this afternoon and evening
ing by n heavy electric- storm unit an Ini-
menio tain The latter was very ch
needed and according to futmurs , came in
the nick of litiio to save the corn. No hall
und no ilanmgo.
llAsTivii , July 85 , [ Special Telegram to
TIIK HEK I A refreshing rain fell this oven- '
lug over llaatlngs , extending tothuBOUtb-
east portion of the county. This shower
while local In character , will piovou great >
blessing to the parts visited.
1'roiutint in a I \r l.lnei.
TRBMONT , Neb , July 85 [ Special to TUB
Iluii ] FlolJs , vrlio assaulted Section Hois >
Comioll. came Into court this morning , but
as hi * victim Is atlll umvblo to attend the
bearing , the case was adjourned until the
23tH I nit. For want of bonds , Fields is still
in jail.
S , H. Cohom Is homo from Hot Springs
fora few ilnvs visiting his family ,
Postmaster YYolcolt has returned from his
f vacation at Chicago.
fj The bodj of Frank Treen , son of W. II.
vTreou , who was drowned nt Seattle , arrived
thU morning for Interment in the family
bun lug ground In Itldgo cumotory.
TJa * uoiuUir * of tbo Fremont Turuveroln
nrn qrontty nlntcd ever tbo succoni of
Krod Brattling , their roproiontatlvo at Mil-
vvntikeo I'nxl Is n general fivvorlto here
and ovorylwdv rojolios ovnr his victory , do
nml Ills nsioclMcs will bo welcomed homo
with a grand demonstration ,
ttcMrlCft HiiMiii-K * Hinui' Cloned.
IJr.vnucB , Neb , July 25 [ Special to Tun
Her. ] - The siddlor.v and tiarnoss shop of il ,
M. Hcclt has been closed on chattel mort
gages hold by I ) . W Cook and others
amounting to nbout < JbOO.
Din Athlon , n leading populist , posted the
following notice on the door of hli butcher
shop this mornlnc"Owing to the otrlngpncv
of the money market this mat kot Is closed ,
with the usual romark'Depositors vtlll bo
paid In full' This may not ho a proper
notice to pl.icn on the door of a moat market ,
but It Is an explanation of the trouble lack
of confidence ( cash ) . " Athlon , it is salii , has
gone to Oklahoma.
The funeral of Mrs. 12 T. Hoot , whoso iud >
.dcndoath occurred In Chicago , took place
toil ay.
The cltv authorities have elven notlco to
grocers that their doors must bo kept closed
Pour men giving their names as Frl Wil
son , M Canning. James lola and George
Thompson worn arrested for entering the
drug store of 13 W Clancy last night and
stealing a quantity of wlnnln bottles
The ladles of tlio Mothodlst Episcopal Cen
tenary church will irlvo an lee crc-im social
In the church parlors Thursday evening of
this week.
Thn case of the Chicago , Burlington &
Qulncy railroad against the Hnjild Transit
compmy , In the matter of allowing ttio
defendant to put In whit nro known as
Hardard crossings over plaintiffs tracks , a
temporary Injunction having boon granted
tin plaintiff , was hoard in the district court
Vostonl.iy before Judge Habcoclr , The
tcmpornry Injunction w.i * dissolved and the
plaintiff ordered to allow the crossings con
structed after tlvc da > s notice' .
tlnlilln ? n llnnniirit.
ritnstONT , Nob. , July 23. Special to TUB
HUB. ] Hon. John Dorn returned from Utah
w hero ho has been at the instance of Now
York parties , who have an option on the
Mori er gold mlno , of w hlch company ho Is
ptesldont. It Is understood that prices and
turms have boon agreed upon and providing
thoroiiuiiod amount of cash can bo raised
the transfer will bo made. As the considera
tion is about $1,000.001) ) and nearly the entire
stock Is owned by Dodge county parties , it is
ere ulng very much Interest in this locality.
The mine has imly bocn in operation throe
joars and it has already paid nil the ex
penses of opening and operating.
Mr. Din n Is not anxious that the sale bo
completed ns the outlook Is so favorable.
He considers It one of the best paying mines
In nls knowledge
A. < ) . U.V. . ricnlo.
II vsmos , July ST [ Special TeloRratn to
TIIK IH'B ] The tlrst minimi picnic trlvon bv
tlio Hastings Ancient Ordcrof United Work
men Iioro today \vns n success , although the
outride attondnnco was not what was ex
pected. Major C. C. Klttonhoino welcomed
tlio visitors , John O. Sto\ons responding
( ranrt Master Tate aildiessed thn vvoikmoii
and their friends. Ofllcors for the ensuing
, v ear vvcio chosen as follows : GooigoV. .
Wlgton. icerotary ; MV. . Drown , treasurer.
'I'hu second nnnu il picnio will bo hold at
Sara uii the UliKUk Turin .
McCooi , JUNCTION , Neb , July 23. ( Special
to TUB HUB. ] The business men of McCcol
Junction are notifying Omaha and Lincoln
wholesale houses that hereafter they will
buy of St. Joseph and Kansas City. This Is
done because Omaha and Lincoln banks are
charging exchange on chocks
riromeii Will I'urnile.
Giunn ISLAND , July 83 [ Special to THE
DKU. ] During reunion week the tire de
partment will etvo nn oxhlbltion of its skill.
A parade will take pl.ico ami a false alarm
will start the various companies on a run to
tlio lire , which will bo extinguished as rap
idly as possible.
Hail to llufttle.
GiuNi ) ISLAND , July 23 [ Special to TUB
Bin : ] Eighty minors , mechanics and
laborers arrived here at 3 o'clock this morn
ing. No preparations h.ul been made to feed
them , as it was not known that they would
art ivo before today , and the men had to go
on individual searches for food.
Thankful lur llrenil.
IIsTi09 , July 23 [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEK ] About thhty more Coloiado
emigrants passed through Hastings on their
Ihght east todiy. They weio given the
i ogulatlon rations and dcuartcd \ \ 1th cheers
for the hospitality of this city.
Hccrrtnry 'Morton Itrtiimo to Wiirk.
NEIIIUSKA CITV , July 25 ( Special Tele
gram to THK lixi' . ] Secretary Moiton and
his chief dork , DonaldiM.icCu.ilg , and family
loft this evening for Chicago From there
they will proceed to Washington after a
shoit visit at the fair.
Balloon , Courtlanil boaoh tonight.
_ /.Vf I'U&IIKHt .11. llll , IAIH.
Mimy .Noivupiipnr fll u Tuko In the Sights
nt the AVhlto City.
CHICAGO , July 23. This is FMitorial day nt
the World's fair. The weather is bright
and warm , but vv Ith a good broc/o. Nearly
all the prominent newspaper writeis of
Indiana. Alabama and Texas are In attend-
unco. After a reception and address this
morning the cditois and families vislti'd
Midway plaismio and In the afternoon
attended HulTalo Hill's Wild West show ,
The Mississippi ouitors nro now on their
way hoio
Fifty public school teachers , selected by
the populir Mite of loadi'ia of the P'ttsburg
papeis , arrived this moinlng and woioton-
derod .1 rccontlon at the Pennsylvania build
ing this aftoi noon.
Kntiiesfor the hoiso show have been so
numoious that it 1ms become nccossiryto
oiect some acres of now sheds for their ac
At the geographical congress this week
translations of documents found in tlio Vati I-
can nt Itmno will DO mart , showing that
Catholic bishops wore residing In ( jiuonland
bofora Columbus diseovoiod America , and
reported to the pope that there vvoiounox-
ploicd irglons south of Gieculand peopled
iy savages.
Rcon < P liny.
August i has boon sot inpirt ns Scot
land's ' day nt the fair , The World's fair
Scottish assembly , representing the socio-
tits of the Unltod States and Canada , has in
charge the make-up of the program , which
is as followsAt 12 ISO p in. a pirado will
take pi uo , composed of 100 pipers urn !
Scots Hlghlandlois soUrtles , etc At'Ju in.
the congress of Scots will bo held in the fes
tival hall. Addresses will bo delivered by >
the chairman , Ma\or ll.urison and visiting
Siots , mtorspoised with music At 7 ! W igp
m < i grand Scottish conroit will bo given p
festival h ill Miss Mabel Monroe , The [
"Scottish Nightingale , " from Nalin , Scot
land , lias been secured for this occasion
( Jeoigo McDonald of Ob in , Scotland , known
as the "Highland Laddie Violinist , "
will play. Miss Jennie O'Neill Pot
ter and Miss Kato Campbell will
also take part , The Chicago Scottish Clioiul
union will render Hums' favorite songs ;
VocalUts from the east aia also ox poet yd to
putlciplto. The society looks for an attend
ance of Kl.OOO sons and daughters of "Auld
Scot" at tlib celebration.
Another confluence between the foreign
commissioners , the council of admluistia-
tion and Collector Clark wus bold at the fair
grounds today to prepare plans for tbo silo
of duplicates of the foieign exhibits In the
World's fair buildings. There is a move-
nii'iit on loot among some of the forolgn ex- !
lilbltors to cstablUh a uarohouso outside XOf
the grounds for the salt ) ot duplicates that
lima been brought along. Hoi e , individual
pieces can bo sold and removed , which could
not bo done In the special bonded warehouse
on the grounds.
> iclira > Uu MM n lloiicireil In Colornilo.
DKXVKH , July 25. [ Spoolal to TIIK HEB ]
Prof , W. J. Wise of Blair , Neb , has boon
elected superintendent of the city schools in
' South Denver. This Is the croat residence ,
suburb of the ulty of Denver and is adjacent
to the Wesleyan university grounds. Prof.
WUo w ill have charge of about eighteen )
teachers and nearly 1,000 pupils. South Den '
ver U growing rapidly , having moro than
doubled its school population In two } oars.
Amos moved to 1017 Farnatn.
Eleven Oompnnioi of Kansas Militia Ready
to March on Wolr City ,
Gorernor I.etreHInf ; Srrrn Notlco on All
rrtlet In thn Strike Hint the I. vr
licit le llcipoctcd Imported
Miner * Arrive.
TOPF.KI , July 25 The strlko situation In
the Cherokee district is regarded as so sorl-
ous by Governor Lowolllng and his ad
visors that cloven companies of mllltla have
boon ordered to hold themselves In readlnos *
to move on three hours' notlco.
The orders were telegraphed by Adjutant
General Artz , by direction of lieutenant
Governor Daniels , who Is the major general
of the Knnsis mllltla , after a conference of
three hours with Governor Lowolllng. Iho
lieutenant governor arrived from the scene
of the strlko early last evening and was Im
mediately closeted with Governor Lowell-
Ing , to whom ho mido a full report of the
situation as ho viewed It. The governor de
cided that troops would probably bo needed
and turned the command over to M tjor Gen
eral Daniels , with Instructions to act as his
Judgment might direct. Accordingly Gen
eral Danlols Issued the eiders placing the
eleven companies under arms. Hy noon
word had boon received from the captains of
all the companies Included In the order that
their men vvoro under tirms and loady for
the match.
I.owolllnR KdopliiR Postoil ,
Governor Lovvolllng , In order to bo moro
fully advised and to be posted as events
progressed , last night sent F. J. Close ,
his private secretary , tfl Weir Cltv with
orders to report from time to time by tele
Lieutenant Governor Danlols stated this
morning that ho regarded the situation as
\crycutlcalandthat It might bicak out
at any time into violence and bloodshed. Ho
hopes that Sheriff Arnold will bo nblo to
piesorvo order with his force of nrmod dep
uties , but thov are so few , compared w 1th the
stilkors , that it would bo an unequal con
test should the two foicos come together.
Lieutenant Governor Daniels submitted
his report In writing to the gov
ernor tonight. Ho rehearses the
diffoiencos between the minors and
operators which caused the strike and says
that ' the dispute now hinges on a dtffoionco
without a distinction. The minors say they
are willing to go bick to work at the price
per ton regulated by the pay they wore get
ting before the change in the Ri.ieon law.
The operators say tnoy are vv llling to pay the
same price per ton that they were paving before -
fore the change In the law- . Lieutenant Gov
ernor Daniels says this diffoionco ought to
bo arbitrated without difllculty and lecom-
mends that tlio governor take stops to bring
about arbitration.
" \Vuriu AH 1'iirtlos to the Strlko.
Continuing , the report siys : "At the
same time , as the situation thcro Is so criti
cal as to render a conflict Involving serious
consequences liable at any moment , I would
suggest that a proclamation bo made to no
tify all parties that the state administration
will not condone the violation by law by
either side ; that the sheriffs are expected to
protect all interests as required by law and
their oaths ; and whenever tno forces at their
Immediate command are not ample- for the
purpose the state authorities are ready to
respond Immediately to thnir call for aid. "
The report discourses ujion labor troubles
in general and sajs they are duo to vicious
legislation , inspired by capital and against
labor , and concludes as follows : ' 'But the
methods by which these wrongs must be
righted , by which labor must bo restored
to its constitutional rights and to its God-
given position , must bo by constitutional
ones , or our Institutions are not only ready
to crumble , but republican ecnernmcnts in
the world , for the piesent , at least , are
doomed. "
Negroes from Alnbniim I'ut to Work.
WEIU CITT , July 25 Just before daybreak
this morninp n train of six cais > vas backed
into the enclosure around shaft No. 3 , of the
Keith & Perry mine near Scammon , and 347
negroes from Alabama and Colorado wore
unloaded inside the stockadn. Of these
sixty-seven were women. All but sixty of
thomonwcio from Alabaiui , having bocn
gathered at Birmingham Saturday night.
Ihoso from Colorado claim to bo furnace
men who know little or nothing about
mining. Many of them claim to have como
on the icprcscntations of the operators that
they were to work at Columbus and not in
the strike pits and they talk of leaving.
There were over 500 men and women on
the train from Uiuninglmm , but half of them
wont to Lltchlleld , whuio they wore taken
into the stockades of the Kansas and Texas
coal company.
All of the Alabami negroes are armed .
most of them with now Winchester rifles ,
though some have nimy muskets. They are
of all ages and some have never woiked in
mines before. Hoio they will live In tents
within the stockade. At noon they were
drilled and put to wotlc.
ng A Surprise to tlio Minors.
The arrival of the neeroos surprised manv
of the miners , but they say very little. P.
H. O'Donnoll , who acts for Piosldont Waltois
in hU absence , says there will bo no trouble.
Shci HT Arnold has 100 deputies in and around
\ \ oil City.
A secret meeting was hold at noon by the
Illinois About 200 attended. O'Donnoll
assorts positively that all the Missouri
mliiois will go out August 1. No action of
importance was decided upon.
Among the negroes at Litchflcld a great
deal of dissatisfaction Is prevalent , and if
they could get bick to their southern homes
they would start at once. Several of thorn
who brought their families are without
money and uio foicod to work. Most of
them are of the lirnorant , superstitious class ,
who take most every thine for a bad sign.
Tbo men at Litchlleld are quiet and not
much trouble Is expected.
Action Aiiiilnst Ono of tlio Strlka
Four SCOTT , Kan. , July 2.1 Deputy
Unltod States Marshal Hmlburt of this city
last night served n wilt of commitment upon
M. L. Walter , the leader of the striking
minors , charging him with violating tlio in
junction of the Unltoil States court by mak
ing the Incendlaiy speech reported Satur
day Walters was at Kich Hill when the
writ was served. Ho was not loukca up , but
ouluted to appear befoio the court in Chicago
cage next w cek.
Mm. Wolili'n T.ratnrr.
A sinill' but appreciative audlcnco of
rolorod people listened to the lecture do-
llvoied by Mrs. M. Uodgois Webb oat
Hut tmnn hall last night.
Kov Parks Introduced the lecturer , who
Is a native .l.unilcan. Contrary to the , Im
pression sought to bo louvojod by another
paper the lady Is decidedly of fair complexion
with n countenance that denotes chaiactur
She has none of the alleged masculine look
about her.
Hoinon tlio Island whore the sun never
seems to set , as slia explained it , her father
was an English gentleman and lu
blood of thu colored raci ) she lias in her \ is
comes to her from her mother's aide In the
sixth generation. 10n
She pronounced the description of her Sun
day leUuro in that paper an insult to nor
sex. For ten years she has labored in the
causa of the colored people In this country
and is now married to a Philadelphia ! ! , but
never lus she met with anygreiter affront
than the oua mentioned , oxccpt In Arkansas
Hurltcturo last evening was a very in-
structlvo one , dealing ns it did , with her
nativu country as to location , geological for
mation , surface description , peculiarities ,
history of the maroons and governmental
manhood aiouscd in the slaves , Immigration ,
St Thomas and the east riots , religious
efforts , educational Institutions , garden und
agricultuial interests , land values and ndU !
eial Information on tbo subject , the object >
being to Introduce Jamaica us u summer .
homo in the winter to those disliking tbo
cold blast of a moro rigorous climate and to
Induce immigrants to seek homos there.
l > o t tUo lliulneu.
In running over thu books at tlio pojtofltco
yesterday morning Postmaster Clurkson
found that thu business of tbo oQlco durlug
Juno amounted to fCJ,471 48 , AS agnlnut
JtJI.noi .Tl for the samemonth * lait vonr. Tor
July , 13WJ , the receipts were f23S.VU'J , whllo
nn estimate for the prdsVnt month , based on
receipts thus far , Indicates that It will not
fall below last year. Thn only marked fall
ing oftin iwstofllco recolnts wa during the
three or four dajs following the run on the
banks Juno la. when th stamp sales dropped
from the average of t OO per day down to
between $ .TOO and HOO per day.
Balloon , Courtlnnil boaoh tonight.
I'rngrnm for the rifth AnnnM CnTitlrjr
Competition nt Iloilevun llnncr.
All preliminaries are now arranged for the
fifth annual competition of the marksmen of
the cavalry arm of the service at Hollorue
rlflo range Sharpshootnrs from the Depart
ments of the East , iho Platte and California
will participate. The preliminary piactico
begins on August 10 On the first day all
firing will bo at known distances , 200 , ! (00 (
500 and COO j arils. On the second and third
dnjs known distance and skirmish firings
will alternate Kogular competition begin *
on August 14 , the llrst and third days being
given to known distance firing and the second
end and fourth da.vs to skirmish living. On
the fifth day tha revolver will bo used , dis
mounted firings at twenty-five and
llfty yards. On the sixth day , in
the morning , the filings will bo mounted ,
live shots to the right , and llvo shots to
the loft , nt target D , placed ton \ards from
the track , and twenty yards apart , preceded
by firings by each trooper of ton blank
cartridges , llvo to the right and five to the
Mounted firings , flvo shots to the right ,
and flvo shots to the loft , at target D , first
fired at twenty tlvo yaids from the tracft ,
the second target twenty iards , the third
target llftnon yards , the fourth target ton
> arils , and the last target five yards from
the track , all targets placed at nn angle of
45 degrees with the track
In the afternoon mounted llrlngs , hvo
shots to the right and llvo shots to the loft ,
at target 1C , placed ton yards from the track
and twenty i arils ap irt. preceded by llrlngs
by each trooper of ton blank- cartridges , flvo
to the right and tlvo to the loft.
Mounted things , llvo shots to the right
and llvo shots to the loft , at target 1C , ilrst
llred at twenty-live yaws from track , the
second twenty yards , the third fifteen yards ,
the fourth ton yards and the last llvo jnrds ,
the llvo targets placed at an angle of 45 degrees -
greos w 1th the track.
Presentation of medals after the after
noon lit Ings.
Music by the Second Infantry band.
For the carbine competition the prizes
will bo :
First Prize Department gold medal , to
bo awarded competitor miking highest ag
gregate scoio during the four days competi
tive llring.
Second Prlro A silver medal to each of
the next thtoo in order of merit of the toim.
Third Prize A bronze medal to each of
the rein lining six members of the team.
For the revolver match the prizes are :
Fhst Pilro Dopirtnifiit gold modal , to bo
awarded competitor making highest aggre
gate scoio dui ing the foui dajs competitive
Second Priro A silver modal to each of
the next thieo in oiilonof merit of the team.
'Ihird Prize A bron/o , medal to each of
the remaining six moinbois of the team.
The winners of those prizes will not part
with them without authority from the com
manding general of ttiq aimy.
On the last day of th6 competition , August
19 , a special train will lo ivo Omaha for the
lange at 1 p m , and return to Omaha from
the range ut 0 p. m.
The oftlcers for the comnotltion will bo :
Ofllcer in Chargo- lcutoiiant Colonel
Daniel W. Bonham , , Seventh Infantry , inspector
specter of small arms practice , Department
of the Platto. ' '
.Executive Ofllcor Captain John F. Gull-
foylo , Ninth cavnhy. t
Camp Commander Cactaln William V.
Uichards , Sixteenth infantry.
Adjutant and Signal Officer Second
Lieutenant Leonard M , Prince , Second in-
run try.
Quartermaster and Ordnance Officer
Second Lieutenant Hiram Mclx Powell ,
Second infantry.
Commissary and Exchange Ofllcor Second
end Lieutenant John L Ilinos , Second in
Statistical Olllcor Second Lieutenant
ndwln V. Bookmiller , Second infantry.
Medical Ofllcer First Lieutenant Charles
Lynch , assistant suigeon , United States
Uango Ofllcors First Lieutenant Maury
Nichols , Seventh infantry ; First Lieutenant
Beaumont 13 Buck , Sixteenth infantry ; Second
end Lieutenant David P. Cordray , liighth
infantry ; Second Lieutenant John B. Bennett -
nett , Seventh infantry ; Second Lieutenant
Joseph L Donovan , Seventeenth infantiy ;
Second Lieutenant Walter C. Short , Sixth
cavalry ; Second Lieutenant William D.
Davis , Seventeenth lufaiitiy.
The senior range oftlccr will have general
charge of the range ofllcors , scoicrs , markers
and range party , and will bo responsible for
their instructions in their regular duties.
Colonel Carlton , Eighth cavalry , Fort
Meade , is la town , returning fiom the
Woild's fair.
rein the Olllclal IluUetln.
WASiiiNOTOVJuly25 [ SpecialTelegram to :
TUB IUB. ] Albeit E. Woodson , Fifth cav-
alrv , is detailed as acting Indian agent at the
Chojenno and Arapahoe agencies , Oklahoma.
In the case of James ILindsoy , late
private company II , Twenty -second infantry > ,
hoadquaitois Dopaitmont of Dakota , six
months of the term of conllnoinont is , by Ixi
icction or the picsldent , remitted.
Private James Forbes , company D , Second
infantiy , now with his comnany nt Fort
Omaha , Neb , transfeirod to the Sixth cav
alry , hojdquaiters at Fort Niobrara , Nob. vt
First Lieutenant Francis P. Fiomont ,
Third infantry , will bo relieved from further
duty in the Dopai tmcnt of the East , August
1 , IbOJ , and will then proceed to Join his
The leave of absence granted Colonel Ed
win F. Townsend , Twelfth infantry , Depart
ment of Missouri , is extended ton days.
Captain William Balrd , Sixth cavalry , ill
he relieved from duty pertaining to the
World's Columbian exposition , by the com
manding general , Dopirtmcnt of Missouri ,
and will then piocooil to Join his troop.
I.O ivo of absence for two months on sur
geon's coitlllcato of disability Is granted
Second Lieutenant Harry D. Humphrey ,
Twentieth intautry.
Balloon , Courtlnnd bench tonight.
Looking for H I.outViclow ,
Charles J , Ball of ( iOJ8 Oglcsby avcnuo ,
Chicago , wilies the postmaster for Informa
tion rolitivo to the present nduross of ono
"Mrs Collins , n widow , whoso maiden name
was Cecilia A. Houston , formerly of Ports-
moutl ) , O. , and during thu war of Iowa City ,
la " Mr. Hall closes his epistle with the Injunction -
junction to "write your reply In pencil on the
back of this sheet " Unless It had been dis
tinctly spccitleil otherwise , the loply would
have been written with a sharpened linger :
n ill dipped in Worcestershire sauce , but out '
of deference to Charlqy's vv Ishes ho will beef
Informed in the easily erasiblo footprints of
Fivbor Nn a that Cecilia's
a present where
abouts are to afUant unknown ,
S feel the good that's done by Dr. Pierce's
olden Medical Dlboovery. It purifies the
blooil. And through the blood , ic cltvmses ,
ruiuxlrs , nnd Invigonitw the whold sjsUun.
In recovering from "La Grippo. " or In
convule eiKo from pneumonia , f overs , or
other wasting disoaMo , nothing tan equal it
as an appetizing , res > toratlvo tonic to build up
needed nenh ana strength. It rousoa over/
organ into natural action , promotes all the
bodily functions , and restore * bealtb and
For every that conuis from a torpid
liver or Impure blood , Dyspepsia. Indigestion ,
Uillousness , and the most atuutxirii bkin ,
Bcalp , or Hcrofulous alToctloim , the " Discov
ery" is tbo only remedy so pertain that it
ca bo guaranteed. If It doesn't benefit or
cure , in every case , you bavo your money
back. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
For a perfect and permanent euro for
Catarrh , take Dr. Sago'd Catarrh Ilemody ,
lu proprietors offer 1500 reward for on
Incurubld cost ) of Catarrh.
It Cur iColdi.Cough.Sor Thrc t. Cfono. Inlln.
tnit , Whooping Court" . Bronehltli ni A thra .
A etrUtn cure for ConiumpUon in fint ttir" >
ni * lure telUfln dT eeS tl re ; UM t one * .
You will i e th excellent effect ft Ukinr th
firit do > < Sold . bT dealer * eTerywh r . U.ree
fcottlti ( in - - > -
Makes a
Clean Sweep
of Freckles.
La Frockla is now removing freckles
in full blast. A few days' application
of tbo famous remedy will remove any
freckles in existence. Every bottle
guaranteed. Money refunded in case
of failure over 1,000,000 cures in ono
year and not ono failure. Price $1.00
per bottle. Mail orders promptly filled.
Mmo. Yale's Complexion Remedies
are the only Boautiflors in the World's
Fair , showing them to be the best in
the -world , selected on their great merit.
When visiting the World's ' Fair
Visit Mme. Yale's
Famous Chicago Temple of Beanty ,
146 State Street , Chicago.
Mme. Yale generously gives every
lady calling , her famous book on
beauty. Contains interesting extracts
from her celebrated Lectures , also gives
instructions on Restoring Youth and
cultivating Beauty. A full list of Mme.
Yale's remedies , with price list and in
structions , will bo found in this book.
Sent ladies out of town upon receipt
of 6c to pay postage. Mail orders
promptly filled.
Consultation free at office or by mail.
Uoauty and Complexion Specialist ,
Itooius.'iOl-'J ICarbaoU Illooic ,
Cor. 15th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
jas. Boss
Watch Cases
are M gold as far as you can see. They look
like solid cases , wear like solid cases , and
are solid cases for all practical purposes yet
only cost about half as much as an out.
and-out solid gold case. Warranted to
wear for 20 years ; many in constant use
foi thirty vears. Better than ever since they
are now fitted , at no extra cost , with the great
bow ( ring ) which cannot ttpulld or twiittd
off the case the
Can only be had on the cases
stamped with this trade mark.
All others have the old-stlc pull out
which is only held to the case by friction ,
and can be twisted off with the fingers.
Sold only through watch dealers. Ask to
see pamphlet , or send for one lo the makers.
KeystoneWatch Case Co. ,
U. S. Depository , Omaha , Nob.
Officers and nimctors-Hptiry W Yntnu , presl- K C CUHliInc , vlcii uruulilimt , O. S Maurice ,
VV. V Moree. John S Collins , J N It. 1'atrlolc
Lowlfl S Utixl , cashier
U the only
Women Excluded ,
18 yeurt ezierleuce. |
Circulars free.
llth nml I'anjaraHU. ,
They cant last long D
with us at the price , and f
this is just the reason we
have made the price
,15 for the handsomest V
and best Moquette Carpets
. made-
remnants of these goods , J
in a great variety of sizes , fl
with borders , $1 per yard
made up.
It will pay you to see if 5
we have one to fit yoru i1
room , fi
OOO for *
Call at 417 BEE BUILDING for Proof.
New York Hospital
For nil
CuMalO ,
Private and
Special Dl$3am
Ftnotnro and nil otlisr tronhlo troitui )
at raasonaulo charxea. '
R Gallon or
Opposite II lydon Urns ,
MJKdlCAl , U
( ( 'oiiuultnlioii
uniurpusiua In the truslniont
of all
Cliroulo , Prlvuto aul
l\urvju lii < uaiio > .
.VVrltolu or cumuli i > er unallr
[ al Jtl.A I MK.M IIY VIA 1 1 , .
Adclron with Blimp tut
_ tloolnri. whloli will bo out In
plain vnTelo | > u r. U llo _ Oil UUa , 1U B. lith
tieot , Omtbk.
will cover the expense of a trip from St.
Paul to the
This incluilos A LL nocossury traveling
oxpoiibcs , railroad , atuj.'o anil sleeping CUP
'arcs , inouls and liotuU for the uomploto
Your trip to the World's Fair will not
bo complete unless you also go from there
to tlio Yellowstone Pailc ( oxnotiBo
ibotit $160) ) anil view the wonderful
thlngH tlio Almighty hue pliicod thoi o for
mankind to HCO. No Biich wpot ( a found
elsewhere on earth. The Northern Pa
cific is the iliicct line thoro. .
Send for " 0,000 MIloa Throuph Won
derland , " nnd our now limp of the I'urlc.
C' :
' "lOIJnnflnnhnflnnoiiin
: ?
Minute |
OMAl-IA , - NEB.
Full S73T
TCI tli oxlraptrxl In inondn t.
Biuiucliy l'irfi , l lit vuar-
: ir < l I'ltitir ,
I'll.ftm > iilooU.
Hitl > unit I'nriuun Htrool.
BlerutoTbu lUth Htnxit Tulupliuinj lOtJ.
UlllNOTHlHU .1 L