TH10 DAILY BEE. K. ItOHKWATKIt , Editor. KVKUY MOimiNO. or liilly Ilrocwtlhotlt Simdnjrl Ono Year. . I fl 00 mlly nnd Sunday , Ono Yi-ar . 10 ( X ) ilsAlonliK . . . . l > 00 riirroMonlln . . . . - 2 & 0 iiindfiy lice , Ono Yrnr. . . . . - 2 OO iilnrilny nco.Onn Yrnr . . . . . . . . - 1 " 0 Vecklylltu , Onu Yrnr . - 100 < 01.TICF3. Onmtin.ThP Itnf ItulUllnz. Houlli Oniiitm , enrnnr N nnd 2 < 5tli Stroon Council 1l1ufr , 12 Pearl HtreoU ( /lilciiBoOnirn , 317 Ulmmbnrot Commerce. New York. KOOIIH 13 , 14 niul 16 , Trlbuno tlulUllriR. Washington , 513 I-Ymrtcnnth Slroot. COItllESPONDKNOH All communion ! Ions rolntlns l now * nnfl tdltnrlaJ mailer should boaddnmod : To the Editor. JHWNKSS LKTTKR3. AI1tiu ltir < uilrttir ) * nnd rnnillUnoM ulio'Jld taaililrnMdl to Tim line Publishing Company , himilm. Drafts , check * niul piuMfHcn orilor * In 1)0 ) rnadn payublo to tlio onlcr of the corn- PnMlcs leaving tlioclty for Inn MJmmor ciui Imvn the llr.n writ tholr address by leaving nn nrili't nt UiN olllrc. ( THE UK15 1'UnMSHINn COMPANY r SWOHN 8TATKMKNT OK CIKCUljATlON. of Ni'bniKka. I County of Omiclnn. f , rOi-onnOl.Tiwliiick.Hccn tiiryif Tim nr.r Pub- IIMiIng company. ' ! ' > < Moli-iniily nwi .ir llial thn ficlunl Hruiiliitlon of TIIK. IMir.vY.r. \ \ \ for tlio week Milling July IIwlM ! , wnnua followm iind.iy. July lit . 20,020 onday , July 17 . " : t'Zu 'iiiwlay.Jiil.v IH . al'ZS : VMliipMilay. July II ) . ss.fln ? rininMlnv. July W . 2l,8 : a prlitny. JnlyJl . - B.itunlay.Jiily - ' - ' . 24,5'J8 OKOIIUK II. T/.MfllttCK. , > . SWOHN to bpfoni III" mill Hiifo-HTlNMl 111 JSBAI , Jniy pnwiico tlilnJlili ilny of July. 1811.1. , I N. 1' . KM i. . Notary Public. Tim HIT In Clilru ii. TIIK DAILY mill SII.NDAV UKK U un sale In t'lilrnpn til tin' following places ! I'nlmorliiinsc. . < 5 rand 1'acltlc hotel. Auditorium hotel. On-lit Northern hotol. Oorn hotel. I.i'lnnd luitnl. Files of Tnr : 1UK : ran bn spnn nt tbn NP- lirankn ImlldliiL , ' niul Ihu Administration Inillu- liift , Imposition uronnd.s. .or , liin , 181)11 ) , Ul.'jtn . NKIMASKA la koopiiif ; well to tlio front In the Tumors' tournament nt Mil waukee. THIS little controversy between Franco and Slam nmy compel the geographers lo revise their inupa of Europe-nud Asiu. Tinship of state can Imnlly bo ox- cusoil from wabbling in UH course as lonrr ns Qtiartortnaster Cor roll is at the holm. TIIK numerous treatment auconleil the tourist minors by tlio citi/ons of Grand Island is certain in the end to redound lo their bunullt. TIIK fallen heroes of Wounded Knee now hnvo a well-earned memorial in Dndiirlnir granite as well as on the InolTaueublo panes of history. THKKK are only 9,11)1 ) plaeos in Now York City licensed to sell intoxicating liquors. And our prohibition contem porary is also published in that city. THE city of Lincoln is to bo congrat ulated over tlio admirable manner in which its financial institutions have weathered tlio storm in the face of so many disturbing rumors. TIIK Chinese are bound to create trouble. Now it is the detection of eight federal ollicials who have been assisting In smuggling contraband Cinnamon into this country at Portland , Ore. TIIK Dorgan-Sowall outfit at Lincoln make an open secret of the fact that they will never bo brought to trial on the serious charges laid at their doors by the Lancaster county grand jury. TIIK desperate situation in the mining districts of Kansas ought to commend 1 Hsolf to the warlike instincts of the gov ernor of Colorado. If the worst comes to the worst ho may yet bo able to urge his panting steed through billows of blood. TIIK anxiety of Colorado's idle popula tion to reach the eastern states is in marked contrast to the incendiary con duct of the governor and some of the leading citizens. The laboring men want work with bread , rather than blood with hardtack. SKNATOU MAUTIN believes that the eastern leaders of the democratic party are sounding Its doom by their attitude upon the financial question , Is this not ungrateful from a senator who owes his Beat to the parliamentary manipulations of these very leaders ? A COUNTY ofliclal gives currency to the apparent paradox that the moro mortgages tiled , the bettor the times , and ho supports his assertion by statis tical evidonco. This is no doubt truo. A little reflection will soon cause the paradoxical aspect to disappear. IOWA railroads have withdrawn the obnoxious rule requiring prepayment of ' charges for hay shipments without wait ing for iho hearing and decision of the railroad , commissioners upon the com plaints filed ai'tiinst it. Nebraska rail ] roads are still some distance behind the standard of their competitors on the other side of the Missouri. KVKN Nicarnguan revolutionists are expected to observe the rules of conduct prescribed by civilixnil nations for the govornni'mt of belligerents. The pretest - test of Minister Haker against tholr violation lation is timely , concise and diirnillod. The revolutionists , if successful , would apply for recognition from the United Slates , but they will find that tholr ac tion in bombarding the capital without giving previous notice is not the course of action to insiiro such recognition. VKUll'lOATiox of the report that one of the largest railway systems of the east intends to supplant its telegraph Eorvlco by the long-distance telephone will be awaited with much interest. The telegraph monopoly htt3 always dis t.a couraged the introduction of the tele phone for commercial purposes and o1 1 to this time has been successful in carryIng > - Ing out its policy. An extensive use of telephones for railway service ought to result in Its general employment with , consequent reduction of tolls all along ' the lino. ll wns scarcely to bo nxpeotml thnt Iho railroads of Ncbrftskn would quietly * bM mil to the operation of a maximum freight rivto Inw , lioworcr small tlio enforced re- ductlon In charges might bn , without ultimately attacking Its fOnctllutlonality In the courts , lint when the prosldiMtts nt tholr meeting a fortnight ago cnmo to nn agrrcmont to nbldaby the legislation for the llmo being and to fix their tarllTs according to the legal schedule , the hope was universally aroiiscd that a fair test of the law would convince the railway managers that they had not been treated so badly ns they had imagined and that they would prefer the law as it now stands to the uncertainly of what might follow the repeal if mailo obnoxious to the people by a too literal or forced con struction of Its provisions. The injunction begun by the Hurling- ton company to secure nn order from the United States court restraining the State Hoard of Transportation from per forming its duty under the law is evi dence that that road does not want the law to stand , although a fair * trial should show that Its provision ) are neither arbitrary nor unjust. Uy a , cir cuitous route it proposes to luuupor the enforcement of the act before it can go into actual opnratlon , and its uttornny * roltornto their confidence in tholr abil ity to prove the unconstltutlomillty of that measure. Yet it is illlll- cult to scu how the entire bill could bo declared null , oven if the present injunction proceedings should succeed. Tlio now statute expressly de clares that it applies only to rates for transporting freight between point * within this state and the paragraph authorizing the railroad commission to reduce unreasonable charges refers only to rates upon intra-stato freight. Assum ing for the moment that the clause in question should bo declared void for technical defects , it does not necessarily follow that such defect renders the whole law unconstitutional. Ono other aspect of the present situ ation betokens insincerity on the part of some of the railroads which joined in the agreement to obey the provision of the maximum freight rate law. This is the unceasing efforts of tholr ollicials to render the law unsavory in the eyes of the jobbers in interior Nebraska towns. Because ono or two of thcso towns had boon enjoying differen tials discriminating in their favor , the retention of which is not enjoined by the now statute , the railways have at tempted to make the abolition of those unjust discriminations appear as a menace to every interior town , and thus to array them all against the continu ance of the law. If this is their pur pose , to be forewarned is to bo fore- armed. The now law simply fixes a mileage rate as the maximum charge to bo mado. That rate is on the average Homo 20 per cent below the present charges. At the maximum rate the law does nothing moro than place every jobbing center in the state upon an equal footing with every other. If ono or two towns appear to be in a less favorable relative posi tion than heretofore , it is only because up to this time rates have been in force grossly discriminating in favor of such towns at the expense of every interior point. The apparent advantage of Omaha about which so much noise is being made is the result of the removal of existing differentials which discrimi nate against its jobbers -and not of the imposition of rates in its favor. The abolition of all discriminating differen tials affords fair play to every town in the state. It places nil on the sumo plane of competition without favor to any. Interior merchants and jobbers must not lot themselves be blindly mis led by any transparent ruse of tlio rail roads or their organs. A Slill'JjK K/A'.liYC'MX , I'lllJOKAM. Representative Hartor of Ohio at tained prominence in the last congress as ono of the most active and determined among the democrats who opposed the free and unlimited coinage of silver. Ho is a practical man of alTairs who has given intelligent study to the financial question , and except his advocacy of re peal of the tax on state bank issues his opinions have generally boon sound. Mr. Hurter is believed to have the con fidence of the president and it is prob able that ho will exert considerable inllunnco in the Fiftythird'congress , where ho is likely to be again conspicuous in leading the demo crats who favor a sound and stable cur rency , lie will doubtlu.-M bo one of the trusted supportorsof tlio financial policy of the administration. Mr. Hurter has recently submitted for public consideration a simple financial program which ho thinks will meet the immediate needs of the country. It em braces four propositions : First , the un conditional repeal' the purchasing clause of the so-called Sherman act. Second , the national banks to be allowed to issue notes up to the par value of their bonds deposited to secure their cir culating notes. Third , authorizing tlio secretary of the treasury. with the approval of the president , to issue U per cent bjiuls when ho dooms it nueossary for the purpose of maintaining the paper and silver money of the United States at a parity with its gold money , or when he deems it necessary in order to pay promptly all debts of the United States as they become due and payable. Fourth , give authority to the president t , when lie shall have been properly ad 1- vised that not lojs than t'ua of the lead 1- 11 ing nations of Europe , including Great , Britain , Germany and Franco , have ' opened their mints to the free and un limited coinage of both silver and gold as legal tender money , to open the mints of the United States to the free nnd un I- limited coinage of both metals at the same ratio as then governs the Kuroponn mints. Thereis merit in those propositions , but they will not have the approval of the free silver men or of those who in sist that there Is not now sufficient cir culation to do the business of the coun try. The former will not bu willing to await the action of European govern ments regarding silver. Tholr position Is that the government of the United Stated should act with absolute Inde pendence in the matter , that this coun try should bu usroe from , 'llniinciul us I . . . I mini political ' -cntan lln tullaiieti * with foreign tuitionsIn n word , llmt wo j ; should Imvo n inmuMnry nystom of out1 ' own , regardless of iho rest of tlio world , j There is no prospect ! liny Hiiro- i penn , country going back to the free nnd I unllinltod ciMnngo of Mlvur nnd thorn- j ! fore the free silver inon will not bo j satisfied , with Mr. Hurtor's foiu-tli i proposition. j , The people who dointuitl I moro currently will ask for HOinetlilng I more thnn allowing thu nntiotml banks to Issno notes to the par value of the bond * deposited to sootiro circulation. Tlmt would not miiko up for the luss to the circulation of the monthly issue of silver cortillciitns. The silver men mid thu inflattonistii may thOreforo bo safely counted on to oppose -tlio plitn of the Ohio congressman , should ho present It in congress. Hut none the less the pliui is worthy of consideration us u compro mise in which there Is no menace , to the soundness and stability of the curreii''y and which would place the country in as independent a linancin , ! position as it is perhaps possible for it to take with safety to its nronotary relations with other countries. UKTTIXO IIK.Il'Olt ( THU inWK. It is announced that President Clove- hind has cjiumcncud work on his message - sago to the extra session of congress. It is also said that the president is feeling quite confident thai thu financial policy of the administration will prevail. The assistant secretary of the treasury , Mr. llamlin , is quoted as authority for this. olllclal Is reported to have said a few days agoVo : shall carry the day so quickly and so unanimously that you will hardly know that there is nn opposition. " The conservative financial and business men of the country would bo very glad to know that this confidence is well founded , but there is rea son to apprehend that cho assistant secretary - rotary of the treasury takes a rather moro optimistic view of the situation than the facts warrant. There are men In Washington who have had a long pi- litical experience , some of whom nro in hearty sympathy with the financial pol icy of the administration , who are not .sanguine that it will bo an easy matter to sccuro the unconditional repeal of the silver purchase clause of tlio Sherman law. On the contrary , these shrewd po litical observers are anticipating a pro longed contest and predict that there will bo no intermission between the extra and the regular sessions. repeal in the house are believed to be favorable , though a great deal will de pend upon whether the rules nro changed so as to prevent filibustering nnd to enable the majority to carry out its will. This is admitted by democrats favorable to repeal to bo necessary , but it will not bo accomplished as easily as some may suppose. The element op posed to it is strong and will make a vigorous fight to prevent any chock being placed upon it. There is every probability that it will bo defeated , but the passage of a repeal measure by the house will not Insure Its adopMon by the senate. It is by no means certain that there is a majority in the latter body favorable to the unconditional repeal of the silver purchase act , but if there should bo a strong majority could prevent the passage of a repeal measure for un indefinite time. There is no re striction upon debate in the senate and the ability ofta minority to defeat an ob- jectional measure is simply a matter of endurance. They may "talk it to death , " as has been done many times. Tlio free silver men have already given notice that they will resort to tactics of this kind if they find it necessary to do so , and there can be no doubt that they will make good the promise. The real fight ing ground over the silver question is therefore pretty certain to bo in tlio senate , and there appears to bo every assurance that the battle there will be uncompromisingly waged by the free silver champions. It is pertinent to note in this connec tion that tlicro seemed to be a disposi tion among senators to resent the idea that they can bo influenced by the ad ministration , either by the use of pat ronage'or otherwise. A democratic sen ator is quoted us saying that the presi dent has no right to intimidate or bulldoze the legislative branch of the government or to seek to force it to obey his commands. Tlio statements that have boon made as to the design of the president to resort to a coercive policy toward members of congress may have boon wholly unjust to Mr. Clovoland.and it is fairly to he presumed that ho is too good a politician to adopt such a course , to say nothing of the regard 1j ho should bo supposed to have for the independence of the legislative branch of the government , but that their effect has boon detrimental to the legitimate and proper inllnenco of the administra tion seems highly probable. From present indications the country may prepare for a long conflict in con gress on the silver issue , and nobody can say , with any degree of certainty , what the ic.sult will bo. Tlio chances are , in deed , somewhat favorable to the silver purchase clause of the so-called Slier man act , but it scorns inevitable that there will have to bo some sort of a com promise acceptable to the free silver advocates. IT HAS been found upon examining the now bids for the superstructure of the new federal building to bu orccted at Omaha that the prices for granite are not materially lower than when bids wore previously received. This menus that granite cannot be selected as the material unless an additional appropria tion l.s Ural secured. In the meanwhile the prospect is that the contract will not be completed until another effort is made in congress to secure the desirable funds. Thu federal officials appointed under the present administration may now begin to calculate whether occu pancy of the new building will commence before or after the expiration of their terms of office. TIIK marquis do IJurlules , brother to the duke of Voragua , feels certain that his veins contain just us much of thu blood of the renowned Columbus as those of thu duke. And when It comes to a showing of poverty ho is able to dincuunt his brother. If compensation is to bo made at this lute day fur thu 'iitforreil upon the Inhab itants of the I' Stnto by hlx great nnce.itor , the waVj ils Is qtilto n iroil that ho will ( ID ivIJo to fulfill any condi Hens that may Wproserlboil in proro- qulslto to a shai-fi ! ! fi | the spoils. When the subscription''fund attains nttrac-tlvo proportions wo neefl not bo surprised to POO poverty-strlckci descendants of Oot- tnnbu * spring tii { [ by the hundreds in every part of tho-rjobo. TllK decision o Jie United Slates supreme promo court in tluiL-nso of the Union Pa cific , rendered a furv days ago , \vas more far-reafhlng than wns indicated by the press dispatch referring to it. It fully sustained the statute of Colorado , under which the case was brought , and in doing so it declared the right f a state legis lature to make such regulations as shall bo doomed necessary to protect the pub lic from discrimination on the part of common carriers and to put all persons having business with common carriers on an absolute equality. Tim court also recognizes the right of a legislature , while prohibiting ililTorcncoJ In rates , as between persons or between places , to empower a commission to grant relief from the operations of that rule In ape dal cases. Tlio decision is said to bo re garded by the Interstate CJinmorca ojinmlsslon as an indorsement ot its con struction of the second and fourth sec tions of the interstate commerce law and to regard with especial 8atlsfaetlon that portion of the decision in regard to criminal violations of the law which dis countenances "fabricated claims for dam- ages" as the bails of rebates from pub lished tariffs. The defense , pleaded by the Union Pacific , the court de clared , If hold to bo valid , would open the door to the grossest frauds upon the law and practically enable the roll- road to avail itself of any consideration for a rebate that it considers aulllciont , and to agree with the favored customer upon some fabricated claim for damages , which it would bo dlfltoult , if not impos sible , to disprove. The decision is im portant and will greatly help in the en forcement of laws regulating common carriers. . TIIK attitudes of the newspapers of Paris and of London constitute one of . the remarkable features of the turn which tlio Siamese affair has taken. The French journalists continue to insist that the question at issue is solely be tween Franco and Slam and that Great Britain has no justifiable cause to inter- fore. At the same'time they assort that British aid is boing.glven . to the Siam ese and that plans for open assistance when hostilities pncjo Dogin are practi cally adopted. The London papers , on the other hand , maintain that France is aiming moro at Ijlngland than at Siain and that active efforts must bo made to check the movement. With a public opinion so suspicious of ono another it cannot bo surpriqing if the tension be tween the two countries is soon stretched to the lighting point. A TKNXKSSKK court has removed a sheriff who failed to protect. u negro from the attacks OX a mob of organized lynchors. Summary- proceeding of this kind seem to be the only means of bring ing such officers to a sense of their duty to their prisoners. A general imitation of the. action of the court might possibly servo to lessen the number of successful lynchings that are now becoming so common. SILVKH purchases at less than 70 cents per ounce will be a revelation to the sil ver owners , who thought that they could fix their own price for the treas ury. The resolute stand taken by the treasury officials and their decision not to purchase the authorized amount un less offered ut reasonable rates are serv ing to prevent the bidders from taking undue advantage of the Sherman law. TIIK BKK wishes to assure its readers that when the name of their distin guished fellow citizen , Allen Root , ap peared in the list of delegates to the bi metallic convention as Allen Rott the mistake was purely a typographical error. Tlio intelligent compositor was not aware that ho was casting aspersions upon the characteristic utterances of this esteemed populist. OMAHA ought to offer inducements to the parents of the numerous twins which are to be exhibited in Chicago to iniiko their homes within its limits. If the natural increase cf this city during the last census period had been by twos instead of at the ordinary single rate , our percentage of population increase might have been a greater record- breaker than it was. Kxnol In Armor. niirftiriilK Cuinmeretal , The tests that are boinp inmlo with guns niul armor plate In this country show that wo have gradually become possessed of nr- tlllury of ( jroixt power , and that our nrinor Dlatcs are the most tnTpcnntrablo in proportion tion to thulr weight that have heon manu factured. Wo mo In prutty good shape , ovum now , to defend ourselves In cuso any power should provoke us to do so. J'riMh l/.ilr ot the Tiger. l'lilliilrli > lil < t Ileconl. South Carolina's 111-ponslilorod dispensary law , with its resultauf , muildlos , prom ises to make as line u harvest for thu attor neys as it has dona apr the "blind tigurs. " The latest discovery .istlmt many of tlio hot- tics in use by the statu glvo short measure ; anil no true South Carolina freeman can ho oxpcutcd to stand tha . Of the twenty-two dispensaries opened , ' UV , ttio state , one-third are already In the oojirts. - 'J \Vlicn the extra session fouvoncs it should before during to proceed witli .silver IcgUta ilJ ili lion , iucroaso the army to about , ( KKoii ) , ) J ) , strongly fortify tlio line of the .Mississippi to guard against invasions from tlio wild and wooly west and coneentrato tlui navy in Oaf- ifornian waters , soyis to sustain n bnso 1Df operations there airainat the powerful revo lutionists. After nil this is done let congress proceed tlmldlv anil cautiously with its work , over keeping uu anxious uyo across the Mississippi. Hero and 1'lonuer. Sdii rniMltcn Chronicle A nephew of Dr. Whitman , the pioncor missionary to the Indians of Washington , Is now endeavoring to collect n claim for depredations - dations committed by thu sivagej : over forty ; years ago. Whitman's life abounded in lie. roloand pu'turesijuo incidents , but none had in It moro dr.unatio elements than Ills riUo in winter across the plains to : ivo tlio United States from hslng Oregon and Wash ington. This .sorvleo ought to have assured ) liis heirs generous troutinent , but our gov. eminent Is like a big cor | > oration It ra to have no bowels. 1'robably some time in iho next coutury Whitman's heirs may gel tno modest sum for which they have waitoa all these yoara. ot.w > .imirr Tint F.ttit. A Clilonco mnn oxhllilt * a mnrtilno for ( leaning Msli In thn Klshorios building. Tlio jfovornnitMit appropriated nlwtit ' ? fiHHK ( ) ( ) for exposition puriwio * nnd the display made is creditable In every re- SplH'l. j In comparing the furniture m.ido hy A inert- j can manufacturers with that which Is for | eign liitilt , ono cannot fail to note how much moro , comfort our own productions provide for. for.Tho The assertion that the Florida state building U ono of the most popular on the grounds is Iwrno out D.V the facts. Tlio Inillilln ? , which is a reproduction of the old Spanish l ) rt Marlon at St. Auguitlno , Is crowded with visitors tlnlly. The exhibits arc typical Florida products. Umnford Inn is iho jolly sounding name of iho Massachusetts sanitary cooking ex hibit. It is connivtcd with the of hyglono and sanitation. A professor of chemistry Is In charge and * besides ttio healthful , scientific meals , Invalids' dishes are also to bo prepared tboro. Or.iilnnlly Unclu Sam is arranging the government exhibits sn that iho pcoplo may see llioni and appreciate ' .ho working of the machinery by actual tests. It look a long llmo for tlio ofllrlals to realign that idle whin-Is nnd still boals and dry oars nnd tents of war Implements had no auractlon for visitors. 1'raetlcal demonstrations of life saving was the llrst inovciiictit in the re form. Then came the opening up of the ship Ulako to the inspection of the public. The Bra/lllan building is ono of the hand somest and inoslattrai'llve among the struc tures erected by foreign governments. It is ornamented in staff nnd painted white. Thu structure Is in the form of a Greek cross , and In arehitoutiiro It is a pure class ot French rannlssanco. The Interior i * a vast arena , the walls and coiling of which are highly ornamented In sculpture and orna ments emblematic of historic events per- talnlng to Urarll. There are no exhibits in the building. The ofllcos of the commis sioners are on the llrst Moor. The elephant's hldo In the leather exhibit weighs over Mo pounds and it took thrco years to Inn it. It is ono of Iho curiosities of thu building. Another Is a tanned horse hide with the head , main and Uil on it. An alligator's hldo tanned with the head stroiches out thirteen and a quarter foot long and back of it Is a goat skin water hag that had actually socn eighty years service In Jerusalem. In Machinery hall Is a leather belt which Is said to bo tlio largest In the world. The shoe and leather building laughs at it , and shows n bell twelve foot wide , capable of transmitting 5,000 horso- power. It nslo says It has the longest bolt In the world in the twelve-inch .bolt , which is 10,000 feet long. A crowd is around the "Grace Uarlinct" boat , which stands in the center of the Transportation building , from morning till night. The boat Is painted green and white and black , and is interestingly battered nnd scarred and unsafe looking now. Ono end has n hola which looks as though it had some time run against a sharp rook. The crowd does not always know what it is looking at ; it looks because some ono else is looking. When they read , "In this boat , in IS'iS , Grace Darling , at the ago of ii years , with her father , saved the Ilvbs of nine men , " ihoy are inclined to think that this is not partlculary remarkable ; that it was ai sort of eighteenth century heroism that in these days women are braver by the score , where then it was only ono , anil be sides that she had her father lo do Iho work. Hut in the lima of the heroic act this country and other ' countries rang with praises of the bravery of the girl , and the deed has become historic. IinproromontH In I'othnoks. C/i / rnuu Herald. The stenographers are to meet in congress soon. If they will adopt certain rules and mnko them inflexible they will add vastly to the usefulness of their calling and confer in calculable benefit on nn nlllieted country. First , let them require nt least a minimum of literary qualifications in those they admit to their association say power to spell com mon .English words and knowledge of En glish grammar sufficient to make verbs and subjects agree. Secondly , they should insist that when n stenographer has not distinctly understood n dictator or is unable to read stenographic notes , words shall not bo in serted by guess and luck trusted for the re sults. Thirdly , they should make a vigorous effort to bring about agreement n to pho netic symbols so that the notes of any sten ographer who is competent shall bo readable by all others. Those are a few of the im provements that can bo made in the busi ness of stenography , which is nmost abused calling. Put Wire * Underground , ] \ u.ihinuti i Star. That all oleetrio wires should bo placed underground is n proposition now boyotid the reach of rational controversy. Years ago the electric companies argued that the placing of working wires in conduits was impracticable , and when that prop was knocked from under they used a great donl of language over the matter of'expense. . Now it is generally known that underground wires will give as satisfactory service when cai-ried beneath the streets ns they will if strung on poles and across housetops , and the difference in expense is not n matter of much moment. Exposed wires are danger ous , not always from purely electrical causes , but nevertheless dangerous. Tele graph and telephone wires have no damag ing current , but they nro continually celling in the way of the lire department , and so do the olectrie light wires which in this city are too frequently found in tlio open air. Suiitiitloinill.sin ami Folly. rtttUi < ll ) > nla rime * . Sensationalism would bo harmless boy on d the contempt it invites upon its authors , but for the cowardice that shrivels up common sense with many who have money. Tlio best of dividend paying stocks are now purchas able at the lowest rates for years ; but the cowardice that Is cherished by thousands makes them hoard their money. They draw it out of banks ami lock it up in boxes. They know that ttio banks are safe , but others are alllii'tect with cownrdico and lock up their money , and they do it without reasoning on the subject. By-and-by , when the soeuritles llioy could buy today at the lowest prices shall hiwo advanced lid , : ) or W per cent , they will rush in nnd make investments , nnd when the banks nnd the business public will have no need of their surplus money , they will unlock tholr boxes and deposit it again. _ _ Silly AtturkH on All this disparagement of the pensioners Is silly and mischievous. It is neither honest nor becoming. There is Just one. proper course for the government to pursue , nnd that is to go ahead and detect ami pun ish every Impostor on tlio rolls. In doing tnat the government will bo honoring the worthy pensioner , because it will bo cleans ing and purifying the system of which ho is n part. Every citi/.un who knows of a fraud ulent case should report It to the department so that it may bo Investigated , That is true patriotism and tlio porformaucoof high duty. The operation of such a plan , striotly ad hered to , would bo to make the pension lisin roll of honor nnd lo eloso Iho lips of scandal mongers for all time to como. ( irowliii ; ivil ; nl' Di'fiortliin , A'cic I'lirk Trtliiinc. When Hon. Uedflold Proctor was at the head of the War department a determined effort was made to decrease the number of desertions from the army , and at hU sug gestion and on his earnest entreaty several changua in the laws wore mado. Apparently these have not produced the oxpoclod ef fect ; at all ovenu there have been a food many desertions in the last year or two , and the ijucation how to prevent this great and growing evil is pressing seriously on the at tention of the military authorities. .Some of the changes BCOIII , in fact , to have stimu lated rather than hindered desertions , and is IKUV urged. The wholu mailer should receive careful attention when cou- gross meets. Now You'ru Talking * National onMnizalions which select nny of the hospitable- and bu.iuliful cltloi in the corn belt for a general meeting in July or August may llml the weather uncomfortably hot for the reason that It is adjusted to the o.iru-gron'ing schedule , and the production of 1TIK.OUJOUO ) , bmtiolb of corn U no alight unUertaking. Lei ihom in .May or early Juno , September or Oulobor and they will vole them the most charmlny cllloj in the world. .VKII/M5K.I , SKHH.I.1KASS. . Creditors hnvo i-lovd Ueck'.i MdiUrry establishment nt Hcntrlro , Orleans liorsnmcn propose to Imo a , horse fair hold In their city shortly , The now Catholic church nt HnrrAnt h.i been dedicated with appropriate ccromonlos. A sleek manipulator of the ph toboanli rnrrlcul off $700 belonging to Nobi-.uka City ports. A district Methodist camp mooting will bo icld near Oakdalc , Autolooo county , August 17 to 27. Mrs. K. T. lloot , a well known llMtrleo lady , died In Chicago whllo on n visit to the World's fair. Lightning struck Farmer Anderson's louse In Kock county , shocked n buy Into In sensibility nnd killed n dog. Otherwise no damage wns done. A H-yonr-old daughter of J. N. Knuoff of 'nwneoCity foil from a window fifteen foot o n platform , striking on her bend and frac- turliig her skull. She may recover. Incendiaries burned Uio barn of E. I' . House , near Alexandria , nnd two horses .lorished in the ilamos , Tlui villains also wont through the hoilso niul stele .1 gold watch nnd olhcr valuables , Lincoln county citizens will try to Jiavo a aln , and have ordered 5.000 pounds of dyn.v mltcioxplodcdiin the following towns In the ounty : Wnllneo , Welllleot , Itrady Island. Sutherland nnd North 1'lntte. It will bo ox- ilodod lu the next thrco or four days. As a result of boys playing with matches .lohn . Ulock. living two miles south of Peters burg , lost his barn , corn crib nnd granary , together with corn , oats , rye. flour ami several farm implements , besides n lot of muling twine he had just bought for the season's harvest. Mrs. .Tames McNnmnra had ono ankle sprained nnd the other limb broken above the nnklo by Jumping from a buggy at Hoemor. The horses wcro runnlntr , scared by the buggy sinking ngalnst thorn whllo going down hill. These that remained In the buggy wore not luTrt. Hoys smoking cigarettes set flro to n barn belonging to Q. W. Leo of Harvard. A tluo driving horse , valued nt $200 , n cow nnd buggy nnd a quantity of liny nnd grain was nlso consumed. Another barn near , belong ing to Fred ICorgan , caught lire , but by tlio exertions of the tire company It was saved. The loss to Mr. Leo is about ยง 500. The Stuart Lodger tolls the following story of the saving of n little girl's life by n tramp : Tlio little Jl-year-old child , Alice , of Mr. nnd Mrs , O. W. Norton , living near the railroad west of town , had nn escape from a horrlblo death which wns nothing short of miraculous. The mother went to the Held , leaving the lltllo ono in care of its ll-yoar- old sister. The mother crossed the track and wont out of sight behind a grovo. The little ono started to follow her. It reached the railroad anil wns groping its way across a culvert when the Chicago express came thundering down the road only u short dis tance away. A tramp wns plodding his way nlong , bent on some ainilej destination , when ho saw the perilous situation of the child. Ho rushed to save it. The child screamed with fright at his sudden on slaught and tried toovado him. Ho grabbed It up in his arms , slipped , almost lost his balance and then started for the end of the bridge with the train almost upon him , nnd as ho loft the track the cowcatcher his hindmost heel. The older sister arrived at this time and took her sister , whllo the tramp sank from exhaustion nnd fright upon the ground , unable to give his name. Wll.TKn1T. \ \ . - Indianapolis Journal : Summer Landlord Well , how does the thermometer stand this inornltiK ? Summer nuest It docs not stand. It llos , by about llfteun degrees. Philadelphia Times : It's the ultlnintn of flippant scorn to tell : i man ho can't oven lick ono Mile of a postage stamp. Yonkcrs Statesman : The ball player who 1ms his "uyo on tlio ball" is least apt to got the ball on his eyo. Komorvlllo Journal : A nat may look at n king , lint she wants to keep both eyes open when .she looks at it family hotel janitor , Ilrooklyn Life : "As what charnclnr does your huslmml CD lo lids 'aniMistnil ball. ' " "lln will go droned as Ills grandfather. " "Thi'ii the servants and police will navor lot lilm in. " Danvlllo Ilroczo : How much easier Itsrems to be to udvt-rtlfco tlio finding of a liamlkor- chlof with a bolu In the corner than n purse with a dollar In the corner. Philadelphia Lcnitnr : It mny bo observed in tb ( ! Konnriil illn of embarrassed banks ami Himni'htl agencies ( but many of thorn wouldn't on In such straitened circumstances if there woren'l. Mime crooked clrunniitunce.s accom panying them. DNew Orleans Picayune : Thc > lly that the spider wovti a web for was not MO very lly after all. Ho was cnrlons about the weaving nnd got tauen In. Detroit Kroo Press : Ho I would that I might go with Ihco through life holding thy Joy , anil .sorrows. Who You may. AH I wish to liUld Is the purse. THAT in : WOULD. n'mliln tmt i/dr. / Caleb went n-swlmmln' In the Mvlnimlii' pee ] , Where the bblf tin' .shaddors Keeps the water cool. CalobVi father licked him ; Uckrd him sonn' and good ; Caleb dltin'l mind It , ' ( JaiiiO he kuowed ho would. Hut fur him to do It It'aly wns u sliamo ; Kf ho'd seen tlui watur llo'd a-dono the samo. I'/-oi'// . \ ; Denver comcn oiifrof the boat with cabin Ity shrlnkcrs with it voluptuous black nyo. An Alitsknn volcano h broken out In i now spot , in a hopeless effort to outslirlol populist Rovornors. Ono by ono classic phrnscs wither and fnl by Ihovnysldo. . In the lexicon of today fall Is n conspicuous word. Mrs. Loaoo will attend the silver i-on- volition In Phtaago. VorlljV the path of sil ver 1 a rocky ono. Ohio's democratic convention ftMointilei August" . After th.U date n sharp ilncrcnse In the output of gas may bo expected. Two hundred thousand dollars of the half million required to put the winter fnlr on n working basis has boou subscribed in San Krnnctseo. Valuable record * of ICansai town worn oaten by a goat the ether day. Animated whiskers nro the butt nnd bauo of Kansas life. iho temperature In north Missouri Isn't a chvumstnnco to the heat of politics. Hero is the Kansas City Times hurling pica title shot at the supporters of tlio Sherman law. The Now York Trlbuno is firing open letters - tors at ( tuvornor Wnlto of Colorado. Unfortunately - fortunately there Is no prospect of Inducing these gladiators to como wllhln goro-spllling range. JaJfUlJH Singh , nnilmrnjaU of Knpurthnln , Is viewing the elephant at Coney Island. Hv degrees ho U reaching n piano from which the Midway of tlio fair may bo properly ap preciated. America's halr-trloker governors might bo judiciously employed by tlio froiu'h stirring up n war feellmr in Slam. Their appearance. In Hangkok would Insure n peaceful acquisi tion of moro territory by Franco. A brother of the duke of Vornugua wants n slmro of the projected sum to bo raised by American ailmlrc-rs. The enthusiasm of pauper royalty for American i-oln Is as charming ns the prospect of getting It U slim. President Cleveland Is sahl to bo hard at work on his message to congress down nt Gray Gables nnd reporters are roosllng In the woods for miles around with n desperate hope of gaining some Idea of iho contents uf the document. Hcnjamtn Franklin's mother nil vised bur ambitious printer son not to start n newspa per , "becnuso Ihoroare already two papers in the country. " There are now H > , r > r.l news papers published in the United Stales nnd Canada , and moro being started every day. Anthony Dro.vol lliddle , grandson of the late A. J. Drexel , who Is heir to $1,000,000 by the terms of Hie dead banker's will , is n ro- porleron thn local staff of thu 1'hiladolphla Lodger. To the uninitiated Ihls may appear surprising. The truth is , every reporter would be n millionaire if his services to man kind were unshed nt par value. Vice President Stevenson nnd his party were nt Los Angeles , Cnl. , when the now Long wharf was completed and they wore invited to attend the formal ceremonies which marked Its dedication. Mr. Steven son was asked to drive the last spike , nnd ho did so with great vigor , seizing n heavy sledge , spitting on his hands and going at Iho Job llko a section hand on a railroad. The performance was vigorously applauded. Sir Cecil John Khodes , prime minister of Cape Colony and the richest man In South Africa , made most of his enormous fortune in the diamond mines at Kimberley during the perioil of speculation that led to their con solidation under one maiiagiMnent. Twenty years ago three partners owned n block of claims on the diamond Holds. One of them has .since been hanged , another is n loafur nnd beggar , and the third is Mr. Khocios. liiHiittiililo ( iruoil. A'niisdx City Tunes. The civilized world will watch with inter est the contest now on between France and Siam. England is keeping greedy eyes on the scene , nnd at the .slightest cauio for action Great Uritain's boats will bo ordered Into the Monam river. It is doubtful if ttio English will permit a French protectorate of Slam without a quarrel , for such n hold in that part of Asia by Franco would give to Victoria a second place in power in the fur cast. That is a position that England never assumes in peace. In the meantime Slam is not to bo considered much in the inter national quarrel. The nation , with its native king , princes and all , will likely bo goboled up by a Christian power. HOl'.i HIIKEU Truth. About a month or so a o my life was free from cant , My home was full of happiness , with minshlno ovyry where ; Hut now them's endless trouble , I a certain sauni'.ss feel ; My days lire full of anxlousncss my daughter lias a wheel. She rides It In the morning , on the walk nnd in the stlent. She rides It in her "nooning" hour , amid tlio dust nnd heat ; She rides it in the evening , when the shadows softly Kteal There's nothing clso btitrl < llng , now my daugh ter has a wheel. To keep lier off tlio crowded street most con st an ly I beg , And worry nil the time for fear she'll fall and liruak her leg ; Hut still him goes a-sjilniiliii ; , heeding little my appeal Oh , what n burden life Is since my daughter has a wheel. She mod lo lllto to study why , bho'd study like a Turk I Hlio used lo llko to sweep and help her mother with the work ; lint now lt'n very different , there is qulto an other "deal ; " The ImiisoImsiinilurgonoucliniiKo my daugh ter lulsu wheel. ft CO. MannfuetnrDra : iml KutalluM ol Ulothlu lu tlio World. Sawed in 2. Wo promised a great backing' up of prices to begin Wednesday , and after you peruse this if you don't believe it , como down to the store and we will convince you. We have just 85 sea sonable summer suits , rang ing in price from $10 to $28 all season that have been placed on one table and will let go at just Half the Old Marked Price. 20 suits , sizes 33 . 11 suits , sizes 34 6 suits , sizes 35 . 2 suits , sizes 36 6 suits , sizes 37 . . 2 suits , sizss 38 3 suits , sizes 39 . 17 suits , sizes 40 9 suits , sizes 42 . 8 suits , sizes 44 and only , one suit of 46 size. The sizes are broken ; that's why you can got them at half price. Besides if you don't want a whole suit wo have arranged all our $4.50 to $7.50 pants in ono grand lot to go at $3.50. The colors and patters are numerous , but the sizes are not many ; however , if you can find just your size , you will save from $1 to $3.50 on a pants. BROWNING , KING & CO. , Store opoi vorvovon.n . * till O-U ) | S ( ftfi