Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1893)
* miTtr ? rv\r A TT A T * 4 t r v lit./ 'tM'tijniv ' IITTV n- t I 1V/V\I\T XIPll/'II / 1 \ TTt'IM It'/'I1 LliuOLN iMLllUlANlS Olml Tlwj Thitilc the Workings of the Now Freight LM Will Hamper Them , "PREPARED TO PROTEST IMMEDIATELY to II * Held Today In Dnrlvn Mrnm I'rnvrrit ' Iho Kiiforooiiirnt of Tlilt C'lnnsH nf Uir mum ltito : Law. LIXCOI.N , July 24. [ Special to Tun rni.J : The wholesale morolianta bf Lincoln have V finally decided to make n united protest 1 ugulnst the proposal of the railroad coin- piinica doing biialncsa In the state of Ne braska to enforce the provisions of Iho now maximum rate law. which j-oea Into effect on August 1. Saturday tt cotnmlttco was appointed to visit Mio headquarters ut Omaha , but alncd thai time word has Jiccn rccclvcil from the rallroatt managers which leaves no doubt as to the intention to put tlio now rates Into effect. Secretary bllworth of Iho State Board of Transporta tion also brought word from Omaha yoster- rtay that the now rates would go Into effect promptly on time. In view of those facts tliu local Jobbers will hold n mooting in this city tomorrow uvonlnit to protest against the rales. The following call waa issued Ihls afternoon : \Ve rirn reliably Informed thai tlfti railroad I'ntnpmiliM ilolnir business In Lincoln buve niloptfil now ttirllT ratiH on frci'-'ht Into this city , to tulo direct. August 1 , thai If Dill In op- ciutlon will bii of Incalculable Injury and of itch cllroot ami vital Iiiiiinrlniiun that Lin coln's business nupmiiiacy iind Us very I'.xlst- t'liRinsa mamifiicturlni ; unit Jobbing pulntli ( loomed. Its ell'ei-t will not. no ruiillnud to itiunufnctUrliiK "lid jobbing Inti'irst.s only , but will Inclitduovury InuMt'sti-uprcM'titi'il and do- iii.'inlent upon tlm life of this city.Ve , thuru- niri ) , reipuist that u moullni ; bn called at IIn- ooln hotel on Tui-mlay , July 'JO , HI 8 o'clock p. in. , to illsotiss Ibis matter fully ami agri'ii upon what seems iit > cos ury to ovorconio this injustice. if you nro Inlprostrd In tlio welfare of the cliy you will bn m-slrctlng that lnti < nnt If yon lo not attiiiid this iniMitlng. II 1) . lltitliiiwny. ] I. II. Oakley , I. M. Itiiymonil , II. 1 * . l.uu , I'll riiimmer. K , A. Curry , A.K.llarisrouvus , uuorgu ] l. Clarke , C. II. ( Ii-ru , Lincoln I'ulnt and Color company , llarpham HUH. , lluoU-Matr llros. , l > > A. llniwn , V Cn. , Humphrey llios. , JIIIIUH .t ] > 'iugltiN , ( I. M. l.iiiibefl.son : , C. O , Dana * . < > . W. Webster. Wltiiiun llros. , llros. , Mayor Jlros , llniHii .V Coal.sworlli , Wisconsin I'urnl- turii anil CoIIIn company , II. Wiiltennulu & Co. , Davit ! Wlso .t Co. , Jin-Ob North & Co. , II. J. Mulsh.I. K l.tinslnir. II. 11. Patrick &Co..l. II. Mi'Murlry , Helm "v llui-il , Cnoiior.t Cole llros. , American KxclmiiK" National bank , First National bank , Columbia National bank , Mer chants bank , II. T. ( 'lurk Drug i-onip.iny , ( riiliiKRr llros. , I'linliu&Ogdrn , llei pol lielmer .t Co. , Mllli'r & I'uliic. II. K. NIv > loy > t Co. , II. It , Kt-ng .t Co. , Hiring . < c Co. , J. II. Hurley. Krnmit < L'nili-HOrvuil Crltleisln. TtioVorldII rald of Sunday morning contained u list of Iho measures p.issod by Iho last legislature which become effective on August I. Among tliu bills referred to was .senate tlio No. 14 , liiirodnccd , by Senator H. 15 , Moore of Lancaster county , providing that Juries lu murdur eases may exercise disorelioiwry l > ewers in bringing in n verdict of either deatli or imprisonment for life. The World-Herald comments on ttio bill In a manner which Mr. Moore feels is unjust : ind unwarranted In the lighl of Iho real facts. To a Hur. representative this morning ho statou thai iheru was a marked dissimilarity between the measures tnlroduccii. by Mr. Walson and himself. Mr. Watson's bill pro vided thai Iho death penalty should bo abolished ished In this stato. Senator Moore's bill simply gave Ilio Jury Ihu rlgtil lo ' substltulo imprisonment for life for Die death penalty. Senator Moore introduced his bill on January 14 , the llrst day upon which bills were intro duced after the organization of Iho scnalc. Ho had prepared It before the legislature con vened. It was passed by the senate on Febru ary W. Mr. Watson's bill was not introduced unlll January 17 and was not reported to the senate until March ! ! 0. The amendment which Iho World-Herald credits lo Mr. Walson was prepared by Sen ator Moore after the bill readied the hpusq , und was handed to Representative Mq-V Kesson. The amendment did not atTect the , purpose of the bill la Iho slightest degree,1 , * ' being simply a saving clause providing that the law should not apply to any offenses committed prior to the taking effect of the ct. ct.Senator Senator Moore states that ho docs hot claim any credit for originality in preparing the bill , because it was taken from a law once on the Nebraska statute books. Ho had become impressed with the necessity of rendering the laws against murdur moro ef fective. Under the present laws the Jury in nil cases ot murder in the llrst degree must practically deuulo between tlio death of Iho accused or acquittal. There were frequently , initlgallng circumstances which had great weight upon the minds of jurors , and , in such easus , verdicts of acquittal have been ren dered in cases of murder in the llrst degree simply because Iho law provided no inter mediary punishment and Iho Jury refused to tiling a limn who had enlisted their sympa thies. Ills object was lo endow Iho Jury with aomu discretion in thu premises. Mr. Watson's bill was at no time received with favor in the .senate. A careful canvass was maclo by Sunnier Moore to sea if il could bo passed. When it wus received in ttio senate tl was referred to the judiciary - . committee , and a few days later it was re ported back with thu recommendation lhal il bo Indetlnitely postponed. 'This report was adopted without a dissenting voto. Visited thu World's l-'ulr. Auditor Moore returned yesterday from Chicago , where ho went Friday evening to visit the World's fair incidentally and the Nebraska exhibit especially. Hu 'made ono of the quickest trips on record and , of course , caught bul a Heeling glimpse of the great exposition , IIu was not on a sightseeing lour , however , ami merely went to make a personal Inspection of the Nebraska exhibit and the way il is managed. He returned with his views as to tliu needless expendi tures of money unchanged. Ho found the Nebraska building apparently clean and well kepi. The force of liolp he considers en tirely too largo for the showing made In the way of exhibits. For Instance , lie found tlio following people al work und presented the list to Tiir. HKI : , not as a complete one , bul us a .tamplo : S. P. Mobloy , $240 per month ; D. L. Car- tan , "Will per month ; li T. Hartley , In charge of the forestry exhibit , JI''O pur month ; Kllzubolh C. l ingirorthyi ) ; Mrs. MuUon- nld , SUO ; Mrs. U'ells , postmistress , $7fi ; Miss AVortham , fcfiOj Mrs. H , J. Smith , Sol ) ; ICllzu- both W. Irwin , * IU ) ; .Mrs. Stewart , $1)0 ) ; J. JJ. Stewart , In ehargo agricultural exhibit , Jl'JOj H. M. Weiss , In ehargo agricultural exhibit , $120 ; D. P , Ashburn , In charge dairy exhibit , $1M ) ; his sun , also lu charge dairy exhibit , 5120 , T. M. Cruvvloy , guide. 175 ; O. I ) . Want , T. D , Pcrln and Walter V.inter , messengers , 40 pur month each ; Miss Kimnu Cilllesplc , In charge visitors' reglstorr * TS ; A , D. ( iregnri1 , Janitor. $00two ; other Janitors at $40 per mouth each ; Alux Kolui. In charge forestry exhibit , $ | -0 ; K. fj. Clement , In charge forestry uxhlbit , i)0 ) ; 13. Whlti'omb. S150 and T. H. Pratt , * 7fi. Mojt of those employes , especially the "superintendents , " huvu charged sleeping- car fares to and from Chicago , while their railroad fares , meals enrouto , hack hire and baggage transfer have all been paid by the atato. Many of the employes , salt ) Mr. Moore , were apparently supernumerary. None of them np | > oarcd to have much lo do. Miss Cillespic- , for Instance , merely copied the names of the visitors who registered during the day. The two high priced men lu charge of thu dairy department have a alncciini In thu opinion nf the auditor , while the three num who have "charge" of the forestry exhibit ul a monthly expense of $3tO : have u veritable picnic. Kiliicutlunul Opinion. Suporinleudont Ooudy today rendered au opinion in a cuso which U almost u new one m in tlio educational jurisprudence In No- f , liraska , 11 seems thut a school director In a X country school district ut Dwlght had boon elected by acclamation al the unnual school meeting a year ago. This year at the annual meeting thu voters attempted to elect u dl. ivoior by ballot. The eld director entered a protest , claiming that ho was thu director of the district , do jure as well as do facto. Thu ciiso wan appealed te thu superiuteudoni of public Instruction. In deciding the dispute thu superintendent wrote as follows ; " 1 am of the opinion that Iho uiumiorof ttio / tulectlou of Iho director last year wus Illegal N ' and void , tliu statutes requiring director * lo 1 uo ulectud by ballot ; that tuo present actinic j < llrer > t > r has novcr bean elected totlmtof- Hoc , < n j has been performing the duties of thoomcchy suffranco Of the voters of the dhtrlc-t. " A Mnulur caio arose In Ruixirlntendent Line's administration and Siipcrlnlondonl ( loii'ly sny that he has as yet learned of no good iv.'uon why Iitiodecision ; at the time AhouM not bo reanirmed. < ! n li | : it tlin .Htuto llmur. J. W. Tnomas was today nppolntoil re ceiver of the defdtict American Savings bank of Omaha. .Superintendent Ooudy started for Fair- bury this afternoon , whnro no will attend the .lofTonim county teachers Institute , He vsrlll attend the ( . "lay county Institute hoforo roturnln ; to Ills unico. But ono case was filed with the clerk of the supreme court this afternoon. It comes from Lancaster county and Is entitled the Korscmevcr Plumbing and Hcathm company atralnst J , H. McClay , Louie Meyer , J. If. Ilarlpy and W. II. BwStout. A. ! { , Humphrey , commissioner of public lands and buildings , returned from his \Vorld's fair trip today. J. H. SuriiiRcrand several othorn Incorpor ated tholsliluhluy Creamery company today with a capital of $0,000. Amondoil articles of Incorporation of the HUMoy ti Day company of Omaha wcro tiled with the secretary of state this afternoon. Nntcn. Another chapter was added to .the history of the Canltal National bank failure today by the tiling with the clerk of Iho district court of Iho answer of Ilccelver Haydnn to the largo number of cases brought against him tu recover amounts duo upon the bogus notes Issued by the "Western Manufactur ing company , " of which C. W. Moslicr was thy leading spirit. These notes wcro Issued in various amounts ranging from $1,000 to $12,000 and wore signed by C. W. Moslicr and ono Hurlbut , who was at thu tlmo Masher's confidential agent und clerk. Then the noios wore endorsed upon Iho back by C. W. Moslicr as president of Iho Capllal Nallonal bauk. They were thus given a statuj In the linan- rial world and were readily disposed of at the smaller eastern banks. It Is estimated tnat from Sl.W.OOO to $210,000 of this manu- lacturcd paper Is held by ban us In the east ern states.hcnUiobiuilc failed all the holders commenced attactimcnt proceedings against the properly deeded by Moslicr and Outcalt to their friends and suits were also Instituted against the receiver. The suits are Important , for if won by the holders of the notijs , they will share on a pro rata basis \vltli the depositors of the bank when the llnal division of the assets are madb. In his answer llled this afternoon Ilccoivor Ilaydcn denies that the "Wcstorn Manufac luring company , " of which ono E. Hurlbut , Jr. , was -nanager , over had an oxlstcnco. Ho admits that there was a "Western Manufac turing company , " but that Hurlbut had nothing to do with It and Ind no authority to sign notes or other Instruments as Its manager. The answer alleges that C. W. Mother , with a deliberate intent to defraud thu corporators.stookholders and depositors , conspired with Hurlbut to falsify , forgo and Issue notes .similar to these issued by the genuine Western Manu facturing company. Some of these forged notes do not anywhere appear upon the records of the bank , cither as discounts or bills receivable. Some of tlio notes are recorded on the books of the bank , but In these cases they were marked paid on the books before being sold to eastern creditors , Uccolvor Ilayden further alleges that the Capital National bank never owned or possessed the notes involved In the preson } , suits , that thov are void'as to the bank to- cause of the fraudulent manner In which they were uttered , that they were and are ultra vires , or beyond the power of the per son signing the notes to do so as the odlcors of the bank , and that Moshcr's unlawful act in the face of the provisions of the law and without the oltlcors of the bank passing upon the notes in question or giving him permission to so use the credit of the bank , does not bind the bank to the payment oi the notes. I.nbor Spouk * for Silver. The Central Labor union of this city has promulgated the following series of rosolu lions , which will bo presented to congress by the proper parties : TOTIIKHKNATE AND HOUSE OK Kl'.l'llMK.NTA- TIVKS or THE UNiTKi ) STATUS IN CO.NUUKSS As- KK.MIII.KD : ' Whereas , Dlilrnss heretofore unknown 1m made llst'lf manifest In every part of our Innil ' .hiislilntf tlio liutn of industry , uarnlyzliig tlio twilling Imnd of labor , and uliiingliiK the liupoy homes of Aiuurlciin worklnginen Into sctinos of despair and want ; and Whereas. Wo foul assured Is dlstrov U largely duo to the unfriendly attitude o. ninny KovommunU toward thu USD of silver as money ; und Whurens , It U a solNavUtant fict tlmt wlia Is duslrnlilo anil scarce li hard to obtain , am the .scarcer money bucomes tlio harder It Is u Kot and tlio lussruadlly It Is Invested In pro- lvolMitorprlsos and the employment o lalicir ; ami Whurcas It tukos nil tlio world's present store of coined money , both silver and golil to pay onu yom-.s Interest on the world' bunded Indebtedness ; and Whurcas , All legislative attempts to dustro1 thi ) full money nuallty of silver have macti money scarcer nnil harder to obtain , and huv thuniforu bunn lit tlio 1 merest of thu money lender and fatal ID thu welfare ot producers laborers and craftsmen ; and Whereas , Work without pay Is slavery , nm work for half pay Is half sluvory , und unde the denionell/.atlon of silver waies havn hcui inaliHaliied at living r.itos only by thu con slant c' ( forts of labor unions ; and Whxruas , Thu unconditional rcpual of tin so-called Hienmui act , without provision firs l > ulng miulo fur the c.Uonded USD of silver n money , would destroy , ut n blow , one-half th country's ability to pay Its iluhts or the Inter thereon ; would double ) tlio scarcity ef money und rivet upon the debtor ! ho chains of perpetual debt und upon tlin workliiginitn the serfdom of scarcn employment ut Inaiieonnto wiiRL's , and would deduct from tlin world s In- snlllclunt supply of gold thu 'Ml nor cunt of our country's total gold product which comes from Bllvur inliius ; Now , Tlmroforo , wo respectfully nniy that congress pass a law which .shall provide for the fruo und more uxtoniled usu of silver as inoiu-y of ultimate redemption and thereby chuck thu continual contraction of the currency which hits boon and now is sinking thu free labor of our country deeper and deeper Into thu inlroof enforced Idleue.s- * , penury und despair. Muny Iel gntrii Solrctml. The followimr Is the oflloial list of delegates - gates selected by Iho oftlcers of the Ne braska Bimetallic league lo attend tlio national bimetallic convention which will assemble at Chicago on August 1 : Independent Senator Allen , W. A. Me- Kclgan , O. M , Kom , Jay Burrows , J. H. Craddoek. Ellas Baker , William Leeso , Judge Bates. W. Novillu , George Lind , W. C. Iloldcn , J. C. McNernoy. Chares May- norr.v , Judge Stnrken , J. Eslcrllng , S. Kent , D , Clem Doavor , Allen Kott , Mr. Tlbbs of Ponder , Wilbur F. Bryant of Hartington , W. H. Dcch , O. Hull. Judge Busb. Judge Wheeler , W. ( Irani , Judge Uuirnn , J. Me-fford , J. V. Wolf , O. V. Hall. W. L. ( 'reou , John Duvlno , J. F. Liimastor , Isaac P. Hascall , J , N. Kountz. Republican A. S. Paddock , E. A. Kors- 1 megcr , Lincoln , Nou. ; W. S. Urinin. Alma , Nob. j M. A. Brown , Kearney , Neb. ; M. D. .Hmith , St. . Paul , Nob. ; P. M , Khnmel. Me- Cook , Neb. ; A. J. Cornish , Lincoln ; John C. Hays , E. E. Artcrhurn. Imperial ; I. M. Kny- inond , Lincoln ; G. M. ' .amhcrlson , C. C. Burr , E. E. Brown , H. M. Buslinoll , L. C. Pace , all of Lincoln ; W. P. Smith , Senator Corroll , Senator LobecU. Dumocratiu Xal Smalls , Fremont , Nob. ; J. C. Van Housun , Scnuylor , Nob. ; Arnold ICIchoff , Aton , Nob. ; J. G , Manor , Chadron , Nob. ; A. E. Sheldon , Chadron , Nob. ; W. H. Wostovor , Uush vllle Nob. G. A. Unkhort _ \ . , t.'m t iri ; _ T > n t r i. . i _ t , . Tlldon . - f. , City ; W. H. Hearing , Phittsmouth ; P. W. Birkhuusor , Omaha ; C. J. Bowlby , Crete ; It. J. Burnotl. Clay Center ; W. H. Thomp son , Grand Island ; Fred J , Fox , Crolghton ; Dr. George F. Kelper , Pierce ; C. D , ( Jasper , David City ; John Thomson , Fremont. J'onunul Clivok * Don't ( iu. The wholesale merchants of Lincoln today sent their customers the following commutif- cation as a result of the rule recently adopted by the bankers of Omaha and other Missouri river poiiils : , Nub. , July 22. The banks having nollllud us thutull private chocks will not bu rtvulviiil ancnsli , but accepted for collection only , uud which collection churgu will bu debited to us , ivu urn compelled to nnnouiicu that wu cannot accept yourchi'cka In payment for bllli , but must have draft on Lincoln , Omaha , Chicago or Now York. Thin dupurt- uru you will rend liy sue Is forced upon us by thu action of tliu Imnkv , which U not conllned : tunny one city but U Ktjnurul on thu .Missouri river , and a clmrk'o by thu bunk.s en urury chuck mukos nu uMHJtiao that wn cniinot ' - ford to stand.o tburuforu rcquust your curof ul ntuntlou lo this tuultor uud vend u * xchnn n , M tnnntlonpil. until tlin lmnl < "III en In ngroo to rlrnr your ptlvuto cli ( > ok , The letter I * signed by Plummor , I'orry , " * To. , lUymond Uros. , < Oo. , 11. P < Lnu , llnr- re.ivos Uros. , I.lntoln Fruit company , II. T , } lnrko Urtip comtiany , Uavld Wise & Co. , .ilncoln Coffco and Splco mills , Huckstnff Mantifnuturimr company , McShnno " Jowan , Jones-Ddiiidas bakery , Grftincor s. , II. Wol tornado , Hnrphnni llros. , Jos- " Junco , H. 11. Patrick . < * Co. , W , J. Cooper "e Cole Uros. , Lincoln Paint and Color com- ) .iny , Wisconsin Furniture and Coflln com- > any , Funko & Ogdon. M. Ackermann i < c Co. , Jl.ison ft Fletcher company. A. M. D.ivls . . T. LoniInK ft Co. , C. M. n ch Hros. company , Herman llros..oh Kins Glass and Paint company. Western Glass and Paint company and H. WUtinnnn ai'KCt.11. jf.un ATTitAGiiuxa. I'rocrmn for tlio W k nt JncUton 1'ark WenthcrVurin but I'li-mnnt. CIIICAOO , July 34.- The weather contlnuos beaullful , though warm. This is Indiana editors' day at the World's fair , and they an to be given \veok of enjoyment. They went by sieamer lo Iho park this morning and this afternoon hold a reunion , with speeches , al the Indiana stale building , which was gaily dccoralod for Iho occasion. Tomorrow will bo commercial Iravolors' day ; Wednesday will bo turnerbund day and a largo number of these In attendance on the festival at Milwaukee nro expected to take part In the exorcises. Tuesday will bo poor children's day , the ivalfs being given free admission. Liberia has a unlquo program arranged for Wednesday. IllKATlttt . , Col. Alniovortli , Contrnotor D.iut , Htipt. Covert nnil Knclnunr Sn4n Indlotod. WASIII.NOTOX , July 84. The grand Jury has foiO. a true bill aga'.nst Colonel Frederick O.sic AInsworth , chief of the record and pen sion division of the War department ; Gcorgo W Datt , coi lraclor employed to make the excavation for the electric light plant ; W. E. Covert , superintendent , and Francis Basse , engineer , holding thorn responsible . / for Iho old Ford's theater disaster last June , in which Iwdtity-throo persons lost their ivcs and a large number were injured. Awnrili AVI1I Ho InstructIve CHICAGO , July 24. The chief object of the bureau of awards of the World's fair , ns disclosed in a statement Issued today , Is not to cater to tlio commercial side , but the in structive sido. For Instance , grains will be chemically examined to discover If the far mer is utilizing hli land for the host pur poses. Wool will bo experimented on In a laboratory to ascertain the value of its flbro and the propriety of raising certain grades of sheep In certain localities and under cur tain conditions. Peed products will bo ex amined and Iheir physiological values de termined. No such examination has over taken place in connection with any expo sition. < C'uillllno Day t Detroit. DETROIT , July 24. The city today for the llrst time , colobraled Iho Iwo hundredth an- nlvcrsary of the arrival hero of Antoine do la Motto Cadillac , the lirst settler on the mite of Detroit , and it will hereafter bo known as Cadillac day. The celebration began this afternoon with a parade of mili tary ana civic societies , at a to and munici pal ofllcors , etc. , followed by addresses , his torical and otherwise at the Auditorium. Killed Captain und Craw. July 34. Chinese passengers on the Dutch sloamcr llajah Kongsoo , on the coast of Achcon , alluckcd Iho crow , killed * the English captain and male and twenty- two of the Asiatic sailors and wounded flf- teen others. .Toe .Iun r iin All ltl ht. BuzzAitn'u BAY , July 24. To an Assoclaled press reporter this morning Joe Jefferson de nied positively thai there was any trulh whalover In Iho slory that ho was dying of cancer. He declared ho was never iu belter health. Fifteen Imllntml fur Smuggling- . WASHINGTON , July 24. The treasury Is Informed - formed thai fifteen persons , eight of thorn federal oniclals , have been indicted at Porl- land , Oro. , for smuggling Chinese and opium into the United States. Another World's Tulr Fire Victim. FJNI > IAY , O. , July 24. Marshal L. M. Meyer , guard at the World's fair , has been missing ever since the fire in the cold storage warehouse there. It Is feared ho perished in the Humes. Itoblicr Commit * Sulcldn In .lull. HiM-snono , 111. , July 24. Gotlieb Most , the robber who so brutally out Mr. and Mrs. Ka/.brlck lasl week , hanged himself last night in Jail hero. Doctor Kills n llutchor. COL.U.MIIUS , O. , July 24. Dr. Herman Hlrsh- borg 1 shot and killed T. 1C. Moisso , a butcher. Ho claims that Mcisso assaulted him. l > rnppoil His oil. " Bon Johnson Is Iho name of a distinguished Kentuckian wno has recently been appointed to an oltlco in that state , says the Detroit Free Press , "By the way , " said a gentleman who mot him. "your namu is Bon Johnson , I bollovo. Do you spell it as did your famous namesake on the other sido" " "Oh , no , " responded the colonel ; "he was an Englishman and drooped his n. " I'roiiiUci. Washington Starr "Look liero , " said the business man to his friend , "you promised mo you would llx thai little Indebtedness yesterday. " "Did IV ' 'Yes. And thal's aboul the fourth prom ise you made. " "Well , " said Iho delinquent , peed na- luredly , "you know there is no use in a inau's being so mean as not lo promise1" Tukn n Walk , Mailnm. Philadelphia Itorord : An uptown bride , whoso husband full sick soon after Iho wed ding , was , in her anxiety , constantly plying him with various doses in violation of the doctor's instructions , "Don't you think he'll 1 bo able to take a walk soon , doctor ) " she asked. "No , madam , " he said , "but if you would take two or Ihroo long walks each day I ihink your husband would bo greatly benefited. " A Weather llurenu. Chicago Inter Ocean : Looking at furnl- turo bearing placard , "Style during the reign of Louis XIV. " Manny Joslah , I wouldn't a missed this for nothing. Josiah Why.Mandy ? "Well , don't you see it's ono of them' weather bureaus , for it mentions the reign. " L-inirr. Minneapolis Times : "This gees against the grain , " said the Harvester , as it started across ttio Hold. "That wan a very cutting remark , " replied the Thresher. "Pulling Ihls and lhal losothor. ; you fol lows seem rather uarcastic , " alghud the Binder. Had Worn n Una. Pitlsburg Dispalch ; Fond Husband- Sweetest , you are au angel. Pretty Wife I don't want ever 10 bo au angel. Fond Husband Why ? Pretty Wifo-j-Bocauso I have found that feathers are not becoming to mo. Piles of people nuve pi.os , uuc Da Witt's Witch Haiol Salvo willcurj thon. Tlmu lo Tllltik. Boston Globe : Young Man Why don't you go fasterl I am golug lo be married Ihls morning and al Ihls rate I will arrive lee late for the woddlug. Driver ( sympathetically ) Well , what of ttmtt I urn giving you plenty of tlmo to think bettor of it. For , hat "out o' sorts" feeling 1 Take Bromo-Seltzer trial battle 10 o TRICKS I I OF L1MLN Largo Gun Cartridge * Pfapjd on the Motor Oar TrAcfci. , SOME DAMAGE DONEJWJJ THE BULLETS Hotel Lincoln Oiimti , , Nurrnnrly l > cmp Dputli in n llmult of , tlio AfTnlr Onn of I IIP HoyAA'nilor Arrnt , j , LINCOLN' , July 21. f.SpbcTnl Telegram to TUB Br.B. ] Chief ClerkWhltmoro : of Hotel Lincoln passed through an-uxpcrlcneo about S o'clock this evening which no.irly cost htm his life. Two small boys , Oscar Brown , a colored lad , and Haytnond Lovl , both about 0 years old , hail secured several largo gun cartridges. Lovl gave the colored boy three of them and told him to put them on Iho street car track , Ho did so and Die motorman - man of the next car thai came along nearly fell off the platform at the scries of ex plosions whlclt followed each other in quick succession. Ono of the heavy bullets passed through a large , heavy plate glass window in thu hotel a half block away. Mr. Whltmoro and two guests of the hotel were sitting In front of the window when Iho bullet whizzed through between their heads. The plate glass window wan shat tered on n level with their heads , the ball burying Itself In Iho wall on the opposite side of the room. The colored boy was arrested. COULDN'T FIND MA , ) ( > 113. Editor Carroll uf Hebron 1'llllng Oovornor 1'rouinn'i Olnilr. LINCOLN , July 24. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Governor Crounso has gone to Wisconsin on a ten days trip and during his absence 13. M. Corrcll , president pro torn of the senate , will sleer iho ship of stato. Au effort was made to reach Lieutenant Gover nor Majors , but It was learned thai ho is al Hot Springs , S. D. A loleeram was more- fore senl lo President Con-ell informing him of Hie emergency and the Hebron edllor promptly replied that ho would bo In Lin coln ami assume the executive functions lo- morrow afternoon. Frank II. Wilson of Plattsmouth was this afternoon appointed steward of the In stitute for Feeble Minded at Bcatrlco. In view of the necessity for economy Mr. Wil son will also act as bookkeeper for the insti tute , thus saving the salary of one man. The Board of Public Lands and Buildings held a brief session today to consider bids for putting In ! now cement Moor In Uio old cell house at the state penitentiary. A largo number of bills wcro received , but the board came to no conclusion. Another session will bo hold tomorrow. IIANUL.ICI ) I.OTTKUV TICK13T3. Lincoln Oltizon Arrcntod for Unlngr tlio .Mulls for Thnlr TrnimiiUMim. LINCOIX , July 24 , [ Special Telegram to Tun Bun. ] Ilorteuslus Holzman , an ex-policeman , was arrested lonight by Doteclivo Malone on" "tho charge of using Iho United States mails for the transmission , and salq. ofyjottery tickels. Holzman had been suspo.Rted for some time but il was only today tmit oVldonco sufllcionl tis warrant his arrest > was secured. When searched a quantity of ,1'pkots and number of letters were found In his pockets , which clearly proved his guilt. ' * ' The tickets are of-regulation style and across their face is printed with rubber stamp the place where-the prizes will bo ' cashed In Omaha. - Holzman served on Iho police force during Mayor Sawyer's administrfition and again during Iho lirsl term orMavor , Weir. News triijn tVliuiur. -\ViSNEit , Neb. , J'uly 2 ( " [ Special lo THE BEB. ] The following cores'of teachers has bcon appointed by the''sch'dJr bbald of this place tor Iho ensuing lorrfi'of ' ulno months : Principal. Prof. C. H. Beaver "of Panlher , ' la. ; Mrs. N. C. . Krako. Miss Clara Hictiard- son and Miss Bertha Knoll , all of this place and Miss May Maslerson of Saudo , la. , as sistant * . The outlook for an immense corn crop was never better than at present in this section of the state. As Michael McNaraara , a prominent farmer living northeast of town , was coming to church at this place yesterday morning with his family , the horses attempted to run away. Mrs. MoNamara jumped from the vehicle. Both limbs were broken Just above the ankles by the fall. The match game of base ball played by West Point and Wlsner nines on the letter's diamond yesterday afternoon resulted in a victory for the liomo loam , with a score of 10 to 111. Thu C.uholic society has at last secured a resident pricsl in Iho person of Father Attorn , who conducted his llrst services ycs- lerday. A parsonage will bo creeled at once. Hey 11 County' * Institute. BuTrn , Nob. , July 2-1 fSpccial lo THE BER. ] The second annual session of Iho Uoyd county institute closed Saturday oven- , ing. It was the most onthusiiislic galher- ing of Iho kind over attended by liio teach I- ers of Uo.vd county , and there are a number , ol experienced educators hero. Prof , Wise of Blair organized tlio lir t Institute with twenty-two enrolled. This wus gratifying , taking Into consideration thai the county was only ono year old. Tills institute en rolled ilfiv-ono teachers and the county is only two years of ago. Three of the teach ers passed Iho examination for first grade certificates. The teachers are dissatisfied with only two weeks institute and have already asked for four weeks next year and also asuod Prof. Wise to conduct ft again. Ho Is qulto popular. Two small Mrun. July 24. [ Spjclnl Telegram to Tin : Bui ! . ] A lire alarm was soumiod this afternoon , caused by a blaze in the cngino room of Klmball'a laundry , tlio largest es tablishment of the kind In the city. Ener getic notion of the employes and the prompt arrival of the Ilro department prevented a serious coullngration. The damage was light and fully covered by Insurance. HAHVAIID , Nob. , July ! M. ( Special Telegram - gram to TUB Bun. ] The barn of G , W. Leo burned this afternoon. A horse , buggy and cow valued at $300 were destroyed. Adjoin ing buildings were saved by the lire dopart- nient. Crops lit Itiinbar. DUNIUII , July St. [ Special to TJIE BGU. ] The Dmibar Alliance ) Kjoyator company bought 25UOO , busiicls ofcarjriast week. The prospect for corn being tfood , most of the farmers sold. - Fall wheat Is not as.ifijfyl , a crop as last year , but will yield an ( avQragu of twenty- two bushels per aero. , . Thcro is some local 033 In n of Dunbar hav ing a ttouring mill. AlaWjm ) anxious to see u mill If but the right jmih'.t'an bo found. 10f H. C. Jeffurs has rcsl'iicJ the | > osition of ' manager of the N , A. $ & , % Co. elevator of 'this place. _ f . , ' Dentil ot H .Sclo * 4O Vntnran. NCUSON , Neb , , July < tt.Speoial [ to THE BEE , ] H. II. Warren , ri'pnfthlnont resident of Nelson , died July ' Lat-Colordo Springs , Colo. , where ho had pone/or the benellt of his health. Ho was Uli ye irs of ago , and loaves a wlfo. thrco dauymprs and two sons , Ho was a member of tlfqJlSyeHth Wisconsin ' regiment during the war" , The funeral services wore conducted by George H , Thomas post , Grand Arm4) ' of the Uopublio. I'l'll tlin TmirUtll. GiiAND ISLAND , July 2-f. [ Special Telegram to Tim BSE. ] Fifty mlnem , mechanics and other iulo toilei-s arrived hero at 4 o'clock this afternoon bound for the east. They were from I-eadvlllu and state thus a body of ninety Is fooliug it east and were passed near Kim Creek , They were ta' < eu to hotels in two divisions of twenty-llvo and given supper at the expense of thu city. They were orderly and no trouble was experienced. I'lncd ell" .Martliul. STUOMSIIUIHI , July 24 , [ Special Telegram toTnuHKB.j A disgraceful row occurred last evening in this usually quiet village tiolwoon the city marshal and a oltUon. in Which Iho marshal came out second boil and badlv bruised. This morning he paid hu line for dltiurhhiR the IHMPO and was divested of his onicial regalia , OtppnlA * * N'IMT 'Oimhrrt. GO-KOLA , July 21. [ Special to THK Hr.K. ] Osceola's Hoard of Kdueatlon , at Us last meeting , elected the following teachers for thoiioxt nine months ! Principal. Prof. M. H. Knoilitras * ; assistant principal , Mlsi .lean- netto Proctor of Lincoln ; teachers , MM * H. May Henderson , Miss Lciultf Pr.xtl. Miss Maud MUsn-lmati , Miss Joanne Anderson and Mrs. W , J. Conklyn , Miiv ( % nt Him an t'.yr. WATEIIUM ) , Neb. , July ' . ' 4 , ( Special to Tnn EE.l Ooorgo llroivn , who was so badly hurt by a broncho on Haagonson's ranch last Friday , Is still suffcrlne terribly H Is thought ho will lose the sight ol his riulit oyo. His friends * ook him to the Presby terian hospital al Omaha Ihls morning. Nim Mill In Opi < rntliin. FIIEMOST , July 2 . [ Special to Tiir. BEE. ] Fromonl's now woolen faeUn'y is now beIng - Ing operated. The mill opened up Saturday and three of the llvo great looms nro In operation already. Aliout twenty men are now employed , which force will bo increased us now mach'ncry is put In operation. Until U'nntml tlin Unity , Fnr.MONT , July 24. [ Special toTun Bnc.1 A lltllo brooz6 of excitement was created Sunday In the kidnaping by John Paul from his wlfo. with whom ho had not re- cciitly boon living , of their --year-old child. Ills wife was living with her mother. The child was taken to Iowa. County liiilrtinttilrntft. NRI.SOX , Nob. , July 24. ( Special to Tun En. ] The Independent central committee of Nuckolls county mot Saturday and llxcd August. 20 as the date for holding the inde pendent county convention. Fireworks , balloon tonight. uxniniT ut a-iri.vs. Pour Sot * of Double * Hound for ChleiiRov nnil tlio Tnir. CHICAGO. July 24. Twelve twins. Many peculiar combinations nave boon brought to light in connection with the World's fnlr , but this ono of doubles is the most unique tlmt has discovered it self to u public always yearning for now sensations. The cowboy race ero.itod a great deal of noise and was a lix.xle ; a man pushed a wheelbarrow from thu coast to Chicago ; a one-logged bicyclist passed through the city onrouto from San iTranuisco to Now York ; on tlio way from Texas to Chicago cage are a number of milch cows racing .to ace which can got lioro to give u sample of her butter ; a woman will soon start from Denver on a broncho to break the cowboys' records ; another woman , 'accompanied by her husband and another man , all armed to the tcoth , ilJ J footing it from soinowhoro iu the wild west , to the fair. But the twins arc not running a race to Chicago. They are from tlio great Btato of Kansas , wjll probably como in a biill'ot car , and will stop ut a prominent hotel. William and Edward Stilog are brothers and wealthy real estate mon of Wichita. They are ) twins , and in addi tion are so much alike tlmt people who have known them intimately for yours constantly mistake one for the otbor. In the same town lived two school teachers who were sisters and twins. The authority for tlio story. A. M. Burton of Kansas , who is in Chicago , says that it is ditllcult to tell thorn apart. The four twins mot , foil in love and married. Each twin married the twin with whom he or she was in love , though it little ( mixing mud a discrimination unpossioiu. Many stories too long to Do s rotuld hero are related of thorn during the courtship , but aulllco it for the present narrative to say that , in order to avoid mistakes , William and the young lady to whom ho was engaged assigned Monday , Wednesday und Fri day nights as their nights for courting' , and Ed culled on the remaining nights of the week , so there would bo no mis take. They were married by the same preacher at the same time. The gentle men were dressed alike and so were the ladies. The preacher got a little mixed and had to refer to his notes , but the high contracting parties are satisliod that they got the ones they wanted. The father of the boys presented thorn colts that were twins , and Mr. Bur ton . H3's that any day these gentleman , .looking exactlyaliko and driving horses and buggies wherein no ililToroneo can bo detected , may bo seen in the atroets of Wichita , where they are known to nearly everybody in the town. Well , twins have como into tlioso two households , and "it is gravely ns- Bortod that each get of twins cannot bo determined from the other. They have all four botn ! in ono house and the visiting - ing mother has falcon two babies homo with her , and if they become mixed they comfort themselves by saying , "It is all in the family anyhow. " The children are satisliod with either ono of the ladies as a mother. When either ono of the gentlemen moots any of the four on the street and it calls , "Hello papa. " ho don't know whether it's his or not. Eight of these twins , for. of course , the horses are to bo loft in Wichita , are coming to see the fair. At the hotel nro two negro boys , twins , who are to bo .assigned . especially to wait on them. Complications are looked for , as ono of the boys once had a broom ut the door when a gentleman ordered a brougham and the other brought a sick man a bible when lie asked for a , bur bur. Wlillo YIIII Wnlt. AtTopoka , Kim , , matrimonial ngon- clos arc uccrodited inslittitioris and car ried on like the real estate business. On each nldo of the door uro blnck boards on wliicli the good things of th" duy tire ohalkotl it ] ) . "Widower wants housckoopor ; if flttit- nblo will marry her. " "Young farmer owninir a quarter sec tion of land wants u wife ; Rood mil kor preferroa. " "Strong1 hotilthy womiin with $200 wants a liUBbtuid. Is not afraid to work. " 'A widow with ono chilil wants n hus- band ; will go into the country. " These represent tliu sober necessities of the occasionas the j , wording indicates , i A traveler who him just rotnrnod from j Kansas says Iwforo tlioso blackboards ' uro two tlibtlnct crowds , olbuwing and tiptoeing to HOO over ono another's j shoulders , men looking over the available - j I able wives and women inspecting the [ lists of offered husbands. In these groups no ono but strangers Keumod tu lind anything strungo or entertaining. Think * lie It I'luylni.- , Washington Star ; ' "I hope , " said Mabel to her brother , "that Algernon does not play cards for money. " ' No , " replied the young man , "I can safely nay that he does not. " "i am so glad to hear it. Bul are you sum ? " 'Yes , Sometimes Algernon Ihinks ho is playing for money , bul il Is really the other man who Is so occupied. " * WHITE SPOTLESS ARMS Bed unlto liandi . , ehapcly nalli. an unblrml-litd Uu , und luxuiluut lialr are i > rodtmdiy \ tlio relvbnitrU Cm. cum Ucuciucit wlivn nil utlier * ( all. In f.iclal blvinUlicii , or Ilia > uvcrf l bu. morn uud dlxtani'i of Ilio Ull lind calp wltll lux of lair , uven whcu crofu. ( loin or livicdlury , tliey uro oquallr lucccuful buldvvcryHbeiv. c ANXIOUS TO USB GRANITE Omaha's Federal Building Will Probably B-J lurthor Delayed. SECOND BIDS NOT SATISFACTORY Supervising Architect O'ltnnrkp Inillncit to Itrlrr Ilin .MuttIT Aeiilli to Hull * nnil s tonro Miirr t'tniiU fur tlin Work , WASIIINOTON lUntiuu OF Titr. linn , } Mil KnntTF.EMti Srlim ; T , > W.vstiiNtiTo.s , Only -J4. j Supervising Architect O'ltourke totiay took under consUcratlon the bids which have been submitted for the constructlmi of the now building at Omaha. The various samples of stone which thu soxeml bidders propose to use In the coii'tlriirllnn of the now building have been received and are being Inspected and tested by the supervis ing architect. Senator Mandersnn , when Uio first set of bills were received and It was found a gran ite structure could not be erected within the appropriation , insisted that bids should bo readverttsod. Under the responses to the second advertisement the situation lias nol changed materially , the bids ou granite not being any lower limit under the original ad vertisement. It seems to bo the consensus of opinion thai no malorhil oxccpl granite will with stand the rigor of Nebraska climate nnil It Ishi the desire of the supervUIni : nn'hltei't to build Uio now building of that .stone , but it appears thai iho existing appropriation Is not lurco enough , It Is thought thai tin ) enllro matter will bo hold In abeyance until the mooting of congress. When congress convene ? It Is probable Senator Manderson will Introduce n Joint resolution Increasing the appropriation and Immediately upon Its passage a contract , for a granite struelurc will bo lot. \\YntiTii r < iimloii . Tlio following pensions granted nro re ported : Nebraska : Original Jainoa McDonald. Original widows , etc. Minor of Hermit Lar son. son.Iowa : Original Isaiah Taylor. Hiram .Tarvis. Increase .lolin A. McCartney. Ko- Issue Henry Stewart. Comptroller Ifrkcls today approvnd the following ban Its to act as reserve nscnts for national banks in Nebraska : I'anb-rs National of ChleaRO for the First National of ( lOthonbmv ! American Exchange National of Lincoln for the First National of Hum- boldt ; Columbia National of Chicago for the Nebraska National of Yorlt. A now postolllco has been established at Hallam , Lancaster county. Nob. , and Uanut II. Kubaak appointed postmaster. P. S. II. Fireworks. Courtland beach to night. Balloon , boating , bathingmusic. A Uoortro Mirlcht Dlitil I.ttivliiK a Letter Muk- ln T Light nf lltnispll. PIIILADI'M'HIA.Tnly 21. George Clif ford Wright , a man of 'tl years , was found dead in bed at his room iu the roar of 52't Race struct early this morn ing and thu coroner will make a post , mortem examination of the b.idy to de termine whether death was 'duo lo natural caused or premeditated miirido. The man was in the last stages of con sumption , and it in possible that hu hut' a . promonitiun of his approaching death , for preparation for his demise hailihooi : made. On the table -wore several letters , Ono win romnrkuble and was directed to the "Professor of Hahneinann Hos pital. " It was as follows : Dear Sir Uut my body up and show the cranks how a cliumo is made. I have been a chump cyor since I bccamo a man. I am tired of being imposed upon. I owe nobody anything , have no money or friends. 1 am lircd of living. Don't lol my friends have my body , for I halo thorn all. Yours , A CnfMi * . Another letter was written to thu pro prietor of the boarding house whom Wright boarded , aoottsing Flutehur of failing to liolp lain in his trouble. Alongside this pile of loiters was a pho- graph of two women. The fuco und head of one of the females was out out and on tlio liaekof the card was written : "Sho is the uuuso of my troublo. " Fireworks Conrtland beaeh to night. Balloon , boating , bathing , music. AVciit Point SnliliiTH li.ttllo , CKANSTONS , N. V. , .Inly 21. Twenty West Point soldiers of company E en gineers , and n similar number from the cjvvulry detachment , engaged in a. hand- to-hand light ut Nissens , the notorious dancing pavilion in this villugu , hist night. The light was the culininutltui of a fond that has been brewing between the two companies , growing out of jealousy of the standing of the two bodies. The engineers wcro wit to ( light. Village constables who took si bund were badly used up. A number of the romlmttmts had to bo carried from the Hold. ' NEW Youic , July 24. The Long Brunch steamer Mary Patton , on her return trip to this city from Long Branch , became disabled oil Sandy Hook and cuiised a great panic among the passengers , which the officers had much dilllyulty in quieting. There was a mad light for life preservers and wo men and children wore trampled on in discriminately. The disturbance was tiuall.Vquioted and the steamer towed in. ty Dr. Price lias been for years perfecting his Delicious Fla voring Extracts , and they arc now winning their way to universal : wor from ' . - merits- Mo housekeeper who lias once .flavored a cake , pudding or crsam with DR. PRICE'S FLAVORS OF VANILLA , LEMON , ORANGE , ETC , , will ever return to the use of any other flavoring cx- tract. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR DR. PRICE'S -and satisfy yourself of their superiority. The Price Fla voring Extract Company arc the only exclusive manufac- lurers of Flavoring Extract * Mfjon the continent J. B. FARNUM. TltiVM1 K MTII 'IVit'ilicr ' I'notl in IIU The varloil fcatnrusnf mtarrlialdUoaioari I'll lnnfii In tlioi'.i n ot Mr. J , K. I'llrtiiitu. NClu > inrl j- und pouulnr tu.irhor of Mor p llhitTn , K. Mr. Knmuirt b : < tiushlMi'liool In loiu-- ) and Hiiiii'lnrs : rntiniloi for UTnily-onn I'OIM : anil tt wull knri'tn III education il olrcle liMUjliinil tin ) * tnto. ( Ill o , so lir.ngi out "It ( runijly iwopo'iifi- ' I. The tioivorfnl sTo-'ti of oatirrlt on tha R i.v9t-"iij aitnokin : the i-yo-tluhl hoailn ; , tll- KOHtlon. tintrivi. till I cnnoral ho illli. i 'CliL i < irilu > result * nf lir * . Cop.ilanil ind Shnrir | < s Umnom * in ill trn.ttinAnt. ni tha : i\i nf Mr. ' 1'iruiini wv4 , oonilti'lud onllrcl/ liy 111:11 : . TUN sujcu4ifut luachor ipaaks M followi. MU..I. K. I'AIIMrM , VtMlMCSCItDOl.Ti ; VOIIRIL "Two years au'o 1 llrsl-foil mv dlsouin. I IHUMM bv a rr imping niiln on the i K'bt sldo of inv nook , \\hiloiny head seemcil full with u iniinb Kims t'.hiii Hronnd tlio bmonf thrhr.ilu ami avry soiosu.up. ( 'hne up > n tliososvm- totns eatni ) u dlno < . und I p.iunlv SHW that my nearly nntl iiv tRlit wuru fust boooniln ? lionalrod. All stooiiliii work KIOO mo iiiln In the stonnicli und dlarilm'a. Attrr outing I always had a IHMVV piiln und IMV dl u < tlou WIM - < o ilnruiiaocl thai any uoliliilnus fool even hpplos would euiisu a Hovoru liurntnic Hunsttun. : : "Dilrliitf all this tlnio I did not oxpoctor.iln any to tndU'ato that I Iml o.iturrh. nnil snu- niMod II tn bo simply neurilu'ia , unlit Dr. Sliopurd priinoiincid mine u oiso : of uiitnrrhiil dUt-nso ; nnil the bcnullt tliat. 1 have derived from his tieatment proves that hi ) was cor * root. 'Kvnry one note * my Improvoiiirnt but.tmno can fool It us 1 tlu myself : fur. I wnM know , that If 1 hud not obt.lined hn.p , I i-oiiid nnc have carrlod on mv HOhonl wont nun-h ltin nr. " 1 wus In this eertons condition when C ] d ici-d myself under the treatment of lrs. ) t.'onolaml tiu'l Khup.'ird. My condition H so niiioh Improve. ) us to surpass all of mv lionet and expoji itlon-i. Mv cyosl : hi untl hourlni ; uro porfi'i-tly rostnrod und my nerve is sy.i. lem feels siilunilldly up. All mu > ! i > isunc hu ill svmtitoiDS h.tvo nas'i'd uwuv. My stomach ach xlvos me scarce.y u thoimht an I mv L'tm- orul ho nth and sireir4lh Is honor than It Irii boon for voars. I o irnostiv-commund tlioiu iroiitlrinoii to our proiilo und will stan.l by them for tlio good they uro dohri. " ( Jrt'rt i"i a 'I all rur.tlile ill'M iwil : 1 n' In-a 11 il ti'ii/nrmr.itM inticf'iu fret. I'ttlcnlaut u ill'duicc nic : enfull-j tren'.il trj mil1. Sill I for fim ! } > l' n til in' ; . DRS. COPEtAND & SHEPAlli ) , KOO.MS ; ill AND : il2 XK\V \ VorC : Ml' . ' IHJIhDINO. OMAHA. NKIL Kvcry Curable Dlscas-j Tivat vl- onico Hotirs-l ! to 11 n. in.:3 : to > p. m. : 7 to3 D. m. Sunday U u. in. to 1'J in. OUSTER'S I-AST BATTLE A visif to this spot , which i.s now n national cemetery , is oxtrotnorly intor- cstinK. . JJoro scvontoon yoardi : { o Gon- oral-Custor nntl live coin.tnios. | of Iho Seventh United Sltitos oivatrynuinbor- : incrovor " 00 ollicora and nion , were cut to ticccs by the Sioux Indians nnol allied trlbos under Sitting Bull. The bnttloflold , the valley of the Little Biff Horn , loo.itod some forty odd miles south of Cdstor , Mont. , a stitlon on the Northern Pacific railroad , .can ho easily reached , liy st-ifje. If you will write Charles S. Pec , St. Pnul , Minn. , inclos ing 4 ccnW iu uostajjo , ho will send you a iiundejpinoly illustrated 100 pa o book , free of charge , in which you will lind n. grannie account of the sad catastrophe ) which overtook the bravo Ciistorand hia followers in the valley of the Little Big Horn in .Tune , ' 70. . HEW EHfl M MjltlilCAi , iMSl'MNSAKV. ( ( 'iiimiiltiklinn I'rnr. ) In iinuirii uiuil In Iho treatment uf till J roiiio , Privati an ! Ol'V IIS iJilOIlSOS- Wrlto tu or consult lu'raiinallir H..A r.tlK.NI' I V , U < VII Aililnus with Btinip for ptr- culuM. nlilcli lll bo Bout In pliilnonrolop9. I' . U. llux till. omoi ) , 118 ti. litli Blruul , Omnba. Omaha's Wewest Hotel. Cor. U'th und llorf.irJ dtreoti 40rooms tl.M pur day. 40 rooms * ll > } pur iluy. IXrooms ) with liutli at it nonl-iv. 'M rooms with bath at II. . ) ) per ilur. Minium In Kvi-ry ltitkiiuit. | .Nnwly I'liriililncl Tlirini'fliiiut C. S. ERB , Proj ) . \Vo v/ll ) rtnil yon thu niBrT lnu4 Krcncli I'icpiiiiiiioii CALTIIO3 trrv. anil heal iu rmilm' thai C.M/niOS Mill nrnloiv .four aivnltli , Mtrciitlli uul Vluur. I'if it unit fnv tfialii/ieJ. AUdroBB VOM MOIILRO. . Hilt Ao riu i | > oU , lluiumll. OLU. ' ' ' * " 1 - ' ' ' " * ' . ' ] ! L' lrLT T I-'H' 1" T I tf .L'B Niitlro In Conl raotorH. Notion Is hnreliy clvun Iliiithonli'd prnp will lie received by tie inoilur.ito ul MlllarU , fru new frnino NUI ) II | bnllillnv fur dmtrlot nil in bur 17. In Mlllind , NiiliriisUn , until July : il , Ihlll , nl 2 o'elo < k p. in. I'l.iiis mill Hiieellleii- tloim ran liust'on at Ilio nlllcii of thi ! iirehl'iu't. .1. I' , Until , room .MIJ-.M7 I'axtun hlonk , tinilii : : , und ul the o'llco of iliu iniiilorator In Mlllnnl. NelirnsUii. A eertllli'il cliuc' < for tlin Hum ot tf-Lli niu l ii'Cump ny oivli : blil. Tln < dlroa- lors roservu llioni-'lii Ui rnJeoi niiy or all bid * . .Kill N Ml.'NSTKIt , l-'ltl'IV. Si HAT/ . OIIKISriA.N KAKI.llKIl. To Vfrll Co nt ran D rn. III.AIH , Nub. . July 21 , 181)3.HUN ) will lie TO- ci'lvuil ill I In ) ollli'.u of tliu I'ity elurk until A ii n l f > , IHUa , ut 7 o'clock p. in , , of Milil iliiy , to liiiro two hU-lnch wuIN nnil furnlili two M.\- foot I'lxik Ntrulnur-pitlntK , Niiltublo lo lit uliiii for tlin city of Illalr , Neb. Duptli of wi'lU from 100 fnut to Hir * foot ; buino to l > uciinilutod ! hy AllKIUt'Jf ) , 1WJ3. I'luns and xpeellluiitlons on ( Ho Hi tlio olllcu of K. J. I'arr , wutor coinniNilonitr , Illulr , Nub. Hlx'lits rosurvuil to rojeet. any and all liliH R II. OAKICIIJAN , Jy211)15tA4 City Olurk of Illalr , Nub. Nutlru tu Ciinirartor * . Hnulod bliU to furnish material und construct six llr I vu ut'llt , from sixty lu ultflity foot iluup , ut tliu city water fctutlon ut MlHstiurl Valley , In. , uccordliiK lo bpi'f.liiciitlon * on Illu ut tliu city clerk's ullleii ol suhl city of illnsonrl Val ley , vrlll lie ruculvud up tu t ! o'clock p. in. . Auxiut 1st , IH'JII ' , when bids will bo uxuinlnvd und contract uwurdod b > lowest rehion ] Iblii Milder. The city ruhurvu the rlulit to riijrut any or nil lildi. A. II. HOrfllKOOK , City Clork.