THE OMAHA DAILY TUESDAY , JULY 25 , -JAKE ROWED AROUND NED Ganclanr Easily Defeats Hanlon b tbo Eaco for the American Championship. HANLON STOPS PAYMENT OF THE STAKES HU Clnltn tlmt the Courno Vi'nn Clinnged IIiipil to H , > l ter Up n Kick 111 * lie- fentVllliout n or Doubt. OUIM.IA , Ont. , July 21. The Hnnlon-Oau- dnur championship boat race attracted a largo crowd today. A stiff breeze made the course a Httlo rough at the turn. Hoth men were in good condition. At the start Hanlon shot to the front like a flash , and soon led by a full length. Hoth men were rowing about thirty-four strokes to the minute. After the first half mlto OanJaur quickly overtook Hnnlon and at the turn was load ing by a full length , with Ilanlon apparently out of It. Ho Increased his lead until a quarter of a mtlo from the finish , when ho stopped to wave a rcsiwnso to his cheering friends. lie then made a magnificent spurt nnd crossed the line an easy winner by seven lengths In 10:53. : Hnnlon was twelve second * behind and notified the stakeholders not to pay over the money , claiming that the course had been changed. 11ACINO lll UI/r.S. Ono Jock Killed nnd Another Hart nt llrlchton llcncli. IlnKiiiTON HBICH , July 84. In the second r.uo for maidens today , a largo Held started. > Three horses fell nml Jockey Tom Flynn , who was riding Sub Kosa , went down under hli mount. Wl'icn assistance reached him ho was unconscious and died In an hour. If , Lord of the Harem fell in the first race with Jockey Harbo , but without serious re sults. The latter escaped. 1'lrst men , mlle nnd a sixteenth : Wcstcho1- ter (7 ( to 10) ) won , Double Cross ito 1) ) .second , Laura HH ( to Dtlilrd. Tlm : 1:51. : . Second race , one-hiilf mlle : .lakle Josephs ( ID to 1) ) unn , Hnnoy Hen , colt , (10 ( to 1) ) hueuml , Niipolt'iiti (40 ( lo 1) ) third. Tlmo : fiU'f. Till id race , three- fourths mile : Innovation (5 ( to 1) ) won , Drocns CJ lo 1) ) second , Laurel ( G to 1) ) third. Tiini ) ! lir. : ! ( . Fnurlli race , llvu furlongs : Goraldlnn (5 ( to 2) ) won , Major Daly (3 ( to 11 second , lllllct Doux ( Oto 1 1 third. Tlmo : lt)2 : ) . Klfth met1 , siiveil furlongs : Tom Tough ( men ) non , Virsdo (15 ( to 1) ) second , Faithful (2 ( to 11 third. Time : 1:110" : , .Six Hi race , .six and a half furlongs : Morilotto t'2 to livon. . Merry Ditko (7 ( to 'Ji .second , Kng- llsh Lady (11 ( to B ) third. Time : 1:24. : llrokn Ills I.CK Iliinnln ? . ( ti-owr.sTF.n , N. J. , July 21. Not a favorite won hero today. In the fifth racoThormlalo , who was backed down from 20 to 1 to 8 to 1 broke hii log after running a quarter of a mile nml had to bo killed. I < 'lrst mcc , sovun furlongs : H.irguln (3 ( to 1) ) von , Morton ( H to 1) ) second , Dago ( oven ) third. Time : ItilUli. yoconti rare , four and a half furlongs : Ileau- tlful lli'II (4 ( toll won , 1111 ( 2 to 1) ) .second , Sweet Alice (9 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : r.r.'f. Third niro , live furlongs : Jorii'V (3 ( to 1) ) won , FhMiiolto (7 ( to 1) ) second , I-lla (3 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1 : < > 3'4. Kourtli racn , six and a fourth furlongs : Grand Prix (5 ( to 1) ) won , Urounwlcli ( nven ) .second , Marina ( H to 1) ) third. Tlmo : lil'J1' , . Fifth lace , sl.x and n half fiuloitgs : Itoso- Irarry (0 ( to 2) ) won , Aftermath (7 ( to 2) ) sncond , Acllojiini (3 ( to 5) ) third. Time : 1:20 : W. lxt > > rnro. four mid a half furlongs : Va\- Imll 13 to 1)on ) , Princess Khelda (2 ( to 1) ) Bucond , Homeraot(4 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 074. ? Opmilngr itt Snrntogii. SAHATOOA , N. Y. , July 24. Tills was the enlng day of the summer mooting at this track. The attendance was large and the track fast. Thirty bookmakers did business. First nice : Lord Harry (3 ( to 1) ) won , Hoslyn | 0 to 1) ) second. Dr. llashrouek (2 ( to 0) ) third. Tlmo : I-.OIJJ. Sucond rnco , ono'inllo : SuraRiisa ( oven ) won , Monuwiil (7 ( to 1) ) Bocond , Sandownu | 3 to'l ) third. Tlmo : l:41'i. : ' Third race , one-half mile : Clallloo (3 ( toil ) won , William T lO to 1) ) second , Miss I.alllo (8 ( to D > third. Tlmo : 4'J. I'ourlli raco. mlle and u fourth : Stowaway (3 ( to 1) ) won , Mlragu (4 ( to 1) ) second , Walnut ( ute to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 2loa' : ; . Fifth race , six furlongs : Shadow (3 ( to 1) ) won , Itlco i2 to 1) ) bocoud , Major Jou (25 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 2:10. : Kntults at Mniimnulli. t PAIIK , 'July 21. Results todav : 1'lrst r.ici > . HX ! fnrlotiicsi Addle (3 ( to 1) ) won , Top Gallant (10 ( to llhocond , Hcglnald (3 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:14 : { . .Second rni'o , II vo furlongs : Hatrlnston (3 ( to 1)irn ) , Hloiu-null O(10 ( to 1) ) second , Uuracoa (3 ( n tolltlilid. Time : .fOlHS. Thlid iaci , mllii and 11 \tcunth : Kacnlund (2 ( lo 1) ) won , Now or Never ( li to 1) ) bucond , HportCl to 1) ) thlril. Tlinu : 1:47. : I'omtli race , flu ) furlongx : Astoria (11 ( to 5) ) won. Did Dominion (7 ( lo 1) ) second , Artillery , (3 ( to 2i third. Tlmo : 1:00. : Fifth lace , onu mile : Kstelln (8 ( to 1) ) won , Noiiuul (7 ( to 0) ) buuoml , Arab i9 to 0) ) thlid. Tlmo : IMOli. Sixth race , llvo furloinjs : Correction (7 ( to D ) won , Toriuciito in lo l second , Kingston ( ovun ) third. Tlmo : 1OU. : fritz I'forr.-r Atnrntt SturU u Hint by As- iniiltttiK thn nii > : ichnrs at tliiino. T-OUISVIUT. ! ' . . July 24. There was almost n riot during the game at the ball park. The bleachers guyed Pfoffcr unmercifully , ami thu second baseman linully hit one man with his lists and another with a stouo. The crowd .started over after PfofTcr. The players nnd tbo umpire hustled over to take n hand when the police appeared nnd restored - stored order. Attendance lbl)0. Score : Louisville 0000 0 0 a 0 2 4 I itlsliurK a 0 0 O a 4 4 1 13 lilts : Ixmlsvlllo , fi ; riiisnurK , 17 , errors : l.HlKvlll. < , 4 : I'llh.burK , 3. I'.arnud rims : LolllsVllltl. , 1:1'lttslmrtfi. ( Halterles : Stratton unit Urliiini ; Klllun and Sudden , l Spurt Almost llnilnil , i.Tuly St. With the score nt a tie at their end of the ninth inning , Brook lyn batted out thu winning run , Score : I'liUndolnhla 0 7 llmnltlyn 1 2 0 3 1 0 0 l ) 1 a IIIlN ; I'hllttiluliihla , 12 : llionUyn , 18. Kr- rois : I'lilliidnliihta , 2. Knuu'd inns : I'lulti- ( hilphtit , 2 ; llrooUlyn , 3. llatturlos : Taylor and OluiiicnUi Konnudy and Klnslow. C.l.intu < ! ot AntitliKr. Nr.w VOUK , .luly iil BiildnIn's pitching Was to much for the Baltimorc.s und Now Vorlt won a cloio name. Score : NIMV Voik . . . liiiittii.iiio o o o a oooi ( ) lilts ; llalllinun' , 5. ] Ni'tt Voili , ! ; Uiiltltiiou1 , 'J. r.Hinpil runs : V , \'l' . ! ! , HattiTlcii llalilHlnaiicl , , , , jui McMahon anil Oliul.i- , Cello lililn't I.-ut Inc , ! - r I.oL'1- , . ' > I.oL'1July I.--Chicago's costly or- IOIH. liiiili ; > nstoin' & gooit jiiti'lilng and the Brm\n : ' ifooil stick-work tell tlio story. I'l.l.ouH 2 0-H t'lilr.iw ' U 0 000010 1 2 lilt * : M. Louis , 11 ; ChlratM , 8. Krtors : St. Lout- ( I'lilrauo , , lliirniMl tiiiih : M. l.oiili , I llullnilcs ; Ilioltt'llslolii and i'ull/i lliitch- hiMin anil ? f' ' ! iiiiitili > < l nui John. fiNriNx Ti.inly UM. Dwyorhad the Clove- lands t his mi-ivy and the Keith played i-ood nil round lull. AUomlittu-u , y,5UD. Sfuro. I'li'flmitul o 0 1-7 I'lu vi'ltiml 1 0 1 1 0 0 O 0 O 3 lilts : t'liiflmmll. 17i ( 'Icivuliiiul.S. irmrs : : ( Inclniiatl , 2 ; I'hivnlunil , II. Kiinu'il runs1 I'liicliinatl , ' . ' ; I'lovhlitml ' , 1. Il-itlurl > > : DnyJr und .Murphy ; 'Jlarkxun und O'Connor , huiiituiVrtu ! ) itt Hutting , Bobios , Juli ' . ' .I. The Senator * bout the Champion ! ) out In H torrlllo lulling gumo. Mrhols wt'iit In iu thu ninth imiln to hold v ' ! iu Senators down , hut hu failed utti-rlj. oil O 3 01400 f > -17 llOMoil 4 0 0 3 II a I 10 HIlH : WuxhlliKtO" , 17 ; Huston. 1 : rrors Wiisli liKton , .J ; HiMim , : i. Km tied r A\asliliiRton , 12 ; lloslon , h. llatt < > rU < s : Ht ihilo and I'mri-li ; tia-ttl0'ht , MchuU and Uuuxul , * < liiliilliitf < d ttio Tr iUli. w. n. I'.ct w. L. ' ! : ! : < loilhtaIII ! 'Jtl tM..l St. Tallin , . , . : ti : : ii J7.1 . , . . , . H.I : is 10 ' , IMttnUiirif . . . 42 : 17.Kow York. . Clnvelnn , ! , . . . . : ITJO | < ill 4.1.7 Urook lyn. . ; I7 Ml fil.llVntliTurtvn. | ill ) 4.1 41.1 47.-JfI.giiUTlTli' ill 3.5 ( ipit.iini onei.ft Onii /iimurl < . it U undt'retood that there are quite : number of crio ! < etoi-s lu this city who ar not members of the Omaba Cricket club , nnd Mr. O. Vaughan , with his brother , is getting up a team which ho will call the Zlngnrls , to play the Omaha Cricket club Saturday afternoon next. Among the /.In- garls , In addition to Ocorgo nndV , Vaughnn , Will Ixj Jack Prlnco , the bicyclist. 'STAKKS Ol' MPUItT. Dlton n ftrn-tn-Ono 1'nTorlto. Nnw YOIIK , July 24. The next fistic en tertainment to bo hold before the Coney Island Athletic club Is scheduled for August 7. Tlio principal event of the evening will bo a fight to a finish for a purse of & 1.500 be tween George Dlxon , the featherweight champion of the world , and Eddie 1'lerco , a local featherweight , who has but recently entered the professional pugilistic arena , in a recent fight with Ocorgo SIddons ho sue- coodcd In standing him off for forty rounds nnd would no doubt have defeated him but for the lattor's tricky llzhtlng and clover generalship. The men are hard at work training for the fight. The odds are at present In favor of Ulxon at about 2 to 1 , but it Is bcllnved that these will materially de crease before the day fixed for the fight ar rives. The preliminary bout o the night will lw a ten-round affair for $1,000 between D-inny McHrldo and Tim Muiphv , both Now York pugilists of great cleverness. Hernia I'nrk ( Inn dull I'lenle. The Hcmls Park Gun club will give Its first annual picnic on Tucsd.iy , July 25. The club will furnish the conveyances and start will bo made at 8:30 : a. m. sharp from 1414 Karuani street , office of the Nebraska Puol company. Each member will bring his gun and shells nnd such supplies as ho has boon requested to furnish. A mooting of the club will take place during tlio day lo vote on the admission ot several applicants and to take action on the amendment of the by-laws brought up at the last meeting in regard to tlin reduction of the Initiation fee and to transact ether business. This picnic is ex clusively for members. lCr.llnn | of the Htnra. The Swift Winchesters and the Sixteenth Street Stars crossed bats Sunday morning nt 10 a. in. on the Cudahy Hex grounds. The Winchesters won by a score of 13 to 11. Batteries : Winchesters , Flnnoy. Horn and Parker ; Stars , Vodako aud Shamihan. The feature of the game was the heavy batting and magnificent catching of Michael Harrot. Next Sunday the Winchesters and the Hangers will cross bats for the third time , each nine having won a game. Dnnli ud Up till ) lloeH. The Omaha Hees played two games yester day , losing both. Tlio scores : Itoltoms 21300000 0-11 Ileus 3 12021000 0 Shullys 20015103 0 12 Ileus 0 10120000 9 llattt-rles 1'lrst txmo : Hotloms , Do Peters and Cully ; llecs , Ilnlold mid Yocha. Second Katun : bhollys , Irish and Davis : Hoes , Koofot and Krebs. Soldiers I'lny ItalL The Fort Omahas defeated the Clippers Sunday fo" tlio second tlmo this season on tno former's grounds by the score of 8 to 4. Tlio feature of the game was IJui hbank's coaching on tbo oloachurs. Hatterles : Fort Omaha , Mcllvain aim Iee : Clippers , Law- ler and Basco. Umpire : Kennedy. I'ntttpoi'Od tun Milt. George Middloton and Snapper O'Nellwho vho were to have contested for a purse Sat urday night , have postponed the event until omo night the latter part of the week , J.oltor lor l.yettrgiif. There Is a letter at the sporting depart ment of Tun Bin : for Lycurgus Miller , the iouventlous' star twlrlor. t > Fireworks , Courtlaml beach to- niirht. Balloon , beating , bvthinfmusic. MyHtc.ry or a .Unit S.iok. Michael Cahill , ono of the drivers for iowhy and Stono's furniture house , dis covered a mail sack half full of letters and mail yesterday morning at tbo California street crossing on North Fourteenth street. Iu returned tup sack to the postofllco and nn Investigation is being made to ascertain .vhothor tlio stick fell out of onu of the mail ivagons or had been stolen by some ono who lecaino frightened before ho could rob it of thu contents. Killed liy n Illow. OCOSOMOWOC , Wis. , July 24. William Schumacher , coachman for William H Thompson of Chicago , was Instantly killed this morning by a blow struck by his cm iloyer. Mr. Thompson found his coachman u an altercation with another employe. Thompson interfered and struck Schumacher i blow under the car. from the effects of which ho soon after died. Fireworks Courtland bouoh to night. Buloon. boating , bathing , music. n.jtk ux.i L Ex-Senator Paddock is at the Murray. Bob Grotto of Iowa spent yesterday here. Miss Grace Mart has returned from her Towa trip. John N. Hancher of Hot SDrinjs , S. D. , Is * n Omaha. Harvey Jackson , a popular traveling man , is in town. .1. O. Harris mid family ot Broken Bow tire at the Dcllonu. Colonel C. II. C.irlton , U , S. A. , Is at the Millard. Colonel Frank P. Ireland of Nebraska City is iu town. D. F. II. Marnell of Nebraska City was in the city yesterday. II. G. Clllov and wife of Falrflold nro reg istered at the Pitxton. Miss \j. I-i. Gassetto loft yesterday for a week In the White City. .1. B. Anderson of Julesburg , Cole , , Is reg istered at the Merchants. G. Jainioson. manager for Hayden Bros , loft for Now York yesterday on a two weeks trip. trip.Dr. Dr. T. E. Holland of Hot Springs. Ark. , enrouto to Denver , stopped off iu Omaha yesterday , Mrs. J. W. Stlth and daughter , Miss Alice , of St. Louis are viailiii' } Mr. It. M. Taylor. Walnut Hill. It. J. Kllpatrick of Beatrice and C. P. Iddmps of North PUtty wjro vialtile in the city yesterday. A. 10. Watorhouso of Carholtuo Uoid , Ijou- don , Kng. , a well known journalist of tlio 'tight little island , " is in Omaha. Mr. Khnor Firestone of the Columbus Buggy company's branch nt Dos Moines , but formerly of this city , is jn Omaha. Mr. J. I. Porcupilo U lying at his homo , Ib'Jlt Farnam , very dangerously ill. ills friends have dusp.ifroU pf his recovery. Among the LincolnUci in Omaha yester day were J. A. Oahor , W. II. Holleck , S. 1C. Ixnvull , W. S. Summers und Frauk L ! . Wood- rulf. rulf.City City Attorney Connoil bus returned to Chicago , where ho will for some tlmo. Assistant Cliy Attunui.y Cornish is expected to return today. Among the Nubrnskans at the Merchants are 0.1' . Harmon of Kullorton , H. J. Stomiof IwOiiK Pine , P. Carroll pf Stautoii and G. T , Scott of Ojrnlalla. Judge Duuilv was in hla ofiico at the federal bulldingyi'-itnrday . morn in if. although ho bus not jot roeovurod from the effects of his UTcnt iiulisi > 0bitinn. E. P. Hoynolds , jr. , Mrs. Bon Uoynolds nnd ( laughter , Sam itonzlcrand H. C. Van Dunkirk of W.ymoro compose iv party of NoiiiM'ikuns bookeil at tlio P.ixtou , Mrs. E. P. Nnwinll , wife of the genial S' of''tar.v to the pivsidunt of the Pacillo Kxpnxas , und her two sous loft Friday even ing for Toronto , Canada , where she intends * ojiiurning during the heated term. Mr. W. U. Chapman of the union Pacillo iioadiiuarter'j force has reslsnod ills posi- iluni\lth ilia railway and left Monday for liK old homo lu Watorlmry , Conn. , where ho mtcii'ls ' to go into business with his brother. At tlio Metvisr : It. M. Steele , St. Joe , Mo ; J , A. Mui'rls , D < ; s MohiL's ; John AuICuciciioy , Chicago ; W. 11. Hawurd , 1C. B. Branch , H. P Cole , u , T. Brown , Theo. Starks , Citv ; John Iloss , Pooila : O. Millsaii , M. V. Tut- tier , City. CIIIOAIUI , July ! -Special ' 1'clBjjr.iin to TUB IiBe.j-Senator Charles V , Mandcrson came bore ajr.iln to siwiiil a few days buforo going \Vunhlugtoii. . Hu li at tliu Kiclie- lieu. CONDITIONS ARE FAIRLY EASY Now York Bankers Taking a Moro Hopefnt View of the Outlook. LIGHT DEMANDS FOR ACCOMMODATION Currency nml ( Join HoltiR Shipped to the Country The Witre of Unroit SwoopIng - Ing : Towjnl Ohio IMillRitolpliU'n Very Peculiar Situation. NEW YOIIK , July 24. The banks reported the condition as fairly easy and , to some ex tent , bolter , Inasmuch as the demands for accommodation wore light. The most nota ble demands for assistance today were from Ohio. Tho' calls for currency today were Hijht. The subtroasury was debtor nt the clearing house this morning only $118,000 , and that sura was paid In notes. What caused the treasury officials to p.iy In notes today Instead of gold , as they have done for the past week ) could not bo ascertained , but it was assorted the protest of the banks through the press tlio inconvenient method of settling the clearing house bal ances in gold had caused them to see the ab surdity of the practice. Tlio Indications to day that a considerable amount of currency was being received from some sections of the country by the oanks In this city Is being offset by shipments to other places. One leading bank received ? IS3,000 on Saturday , while its shipments wcro not nearly so much , but on the ether hand there were some banks on Saturday that shipped n great deal of currency without any receipts to offset those shipments. Heavy .Slilpmnntn of ( Jitrroncjr Kxpontccl. From the demands received today from Ohio and some other places for rediscounts , it is bollovod that the shipments of currency to those sections thU week will bo heavy. In many instances during the last few days , gold has boon shipped to the country in stead of currency , aud moro will probably bo sent. The banks asking for the accnmoda- tion are providing themselves against runs as the wave of distrust sweeps over their localities. Speaking of the great number of western banks which closed on Saturday , the presi dent of ono of the largest national banks In the city said today that ho believed that In the majority of cases they were not failures , , hut only suspensions ; that they were ( per fectly solvent and that they would resume business again In a few days stronger than ever. Now EiiRlnml'H Situation. The situation In Now England is attract ing a great deal of attention now and especially in the manufactories. At the ofllco of "Watson & Gibson , 53 Broad way , it was .said that sonic trade advices from Boston were to the effect that money was practically unlondablo In that city at G percent aud stocks wcro being carried at 4 per cent. "I consider. " said Mr. Gib son , "the situation as regards the Now England factories the most serious factor in this market. " The failure of the Milwaukee bank on Saturday was very generally discussed in this city today. The failure was not unex pected by wide-awake bankers in this city , some of the most conservative of whom had boon aware of its real condition for some tlmo. Ono of those bankers said today that the report that the failure of the bank was duo to the failure of the Schlossingor syndi cate was not true. This bank's failure , it was said , was due to having ovcrloanod to several parties with which the Schlessltigor syndicate had nothing to do. At I'ltllndelpltln. Several banks this morning reported their inability to make collections in Philadelphia or obtain payment ot the largo balances they have to their credit with some banks In tual city. Ono bank here has between ? 500.- 000 ana $690,000 in Philadelphia which it is unable to obtain without recourse to measures which would probably cause trouble to the banks referred to In that city. New York banks , as a rulo.aro now refusing to accept drafts from their customers on Philadelphia banks , except for collection at the depositor's risk. In some cases where merchants in this city have had drafts on Philadelphia they have sent thorn there by special messenger for special col lection over the counter. This course , how ever , involves trouble of Identification , and when it has boon adopted a liberal commis sion has had to bo paid for Now York ex change currency not bolug obtainable. Ac- ? ording to the reports to the comptrollor.the Philadelphia national banks wcro as well supplied with cash 011 July 12 as wcro the national banks of this city. Those reports show that on that day iho.rcsurvo of the national banks of Philadelphia amounted to 30. ! ? ) per cent of the deposits. It is a cause of some wonderment , therefore , why the Philadelphia banks should be so slow in making the remittances to this city. MI.VKIl 1'UIIUHA.SES. lflfty Thousand Ouiico * ISoucht Carlisle's Const ruction of tlio Law. WAsntxoTox , July 24. Acting Mint Di rector Preston this afternoon , In response to his counter otlor , uurchased 50,000 ounces ol silver at $0.0910 per ounce. There is no prospect of purchasing the full quota ol 4,500,000 ounces of silver this month. Mr Preston states that the department , if it fails to purchase the full quota this month , will not make up the deficiency next month. That is , if only 2,500,000 ounces of silver are purchased this month the department will not purchase tlio 'J.oOD.OOO ounces shorl this month and the 4,500,000 , ounces next mouth , the usual monthly purchase. Eacl month's purchase will .stand by Itself , am thus it may happen that nt the end of the fiscal year thu aggregate purchase instead of being 54,000,000 , may bo only half that amount. This Is the construction placed upon the Sherman law as to the requirements of ail vor purchased , by Secretary Carlisle. As f consequence of short purchases , thu amount of coin , or Sherman notes , lssuo.1 qgainsi tlio silver bullion purchased under the law will , of course , bo correspondingly low. JIOHIIKUS llltK.YK A UAMC. of Thrro Thousand CniMiii the 1'liiln vltur .Stiltii to Clnsu. PI.AINVIIIW , Nob. , July 21 , [ Special Tele gram to TUB BHK. ] The Plalnvlow State bank at this place was robbed hist night of about f.,000 In cash. In consequence , the bank has dosed its doors for the present. .1. K Heoht is president , ,1. 13. Ilocht vice presi dent and Ij. Stone cashier. CIIIOAOO , July 24. Parkliurst & Wilkin son , iron merchants , this afternoon confessed - fossod judgment in the circuit court iu favor of the Continental National bank of Chicago for ? bT,173 , and the sheriff took possession , The II nu was ono of the best known In the United Ktutos , having been pstabllshe-i for more than twenty years , and had douo busi ness witn the Continental bank for ten years. The company's notes were renewed from time to tlmo. The hank's rotusal to further extend the notes within the past few weeks precipitated the confession of Judgment. It Is believed the concern will bo ablu to resume within a short time. All Al > lo to K DENVKII , July 1M , Bank Examiner f/iznr says all the suspended banks here Iwvo enough assets to resume in tinu anil that the nliu is on foot to t'ot depositors to accept certificates of deposit , payable In install ments , glvnur thum tlmo to realUo on assets and prevent unforced liquidation. In tlui DiiiuIiTor it ttcrrUvr. STHACUSB , N. Y. , July 34. The manufac turing comivtny of Bradley & Co , went Into thti hands of a receiver this afternoon , The linn manufactured trip hummers , wagons , fancy carriages nnd inters. London Dull and D LONDON' , July 'J-J. Stocks were dull and unsettled , partly duo to the uncertainty about the Franco-Siamuso dispute. Button & Co , , stock brokers , Irivo failed , Cliiai'il lu lunr . FALLS , Mont. , July 24. The Mer- chants National banTTpfoned Its doors today. A notice signed by thodlrcolors , stating th-it nil the depositors will bb paid in full , was on the door. The bank tield $21,000 city and f.T.J.000 county , and f30,000 state funds. There Is no oxcltomenHn the city. mii , nni.iH HIM TO TIMK. Henry Well of the > ie r York Slock 1U- chittiRn to llr Disciplined. NEW YOUK , July V4. iTho counsel of the law committee of the/New York Stock ex change has been ro/juctcd to formulate and present charges against 11. O. Well for un businesslike language and actions detrimen tal to the best Intf-rostA ( > f the exchange. Mr. Weil will have his first hearing before the governors on August 4. Well Is the broker who recently refused to take gold In payment for $50,000 government 4 per cent bonds purchased by Harvey Fisk & Sons , but ho subsequently changed his mind when Fisk threatened to buy bonds In "under tno rule. " Ho is also the hero of the Manhattan Banking company incident of last week. At that tlmo ho was credited with the state ment that the bank could not furnish him with currency ho had deposited. Tlio ofll- clals of the bank subsequently dented his statement and ordered him to withdraw his accounts. The maximum penalty for tbo offense charged is suspension for ono year nnd the loss of the privileges of the ox- chaugo. SiKpotislmi of tlin l.oulnvlllo. LotnsvntB , July 24. The Louisville City National bank closed Its doors this evening. Slnco the financial dlniuulttos began the bank has exerted every power to Increase Us cash resources , but could make Httlo headway against the general stringency. 1 ho statement of thobanlc made July 12 , by order of the comptroller of the currency , shows resources. Including loans and dis counts , of $ lloy,705 , with liabilities , outside of the capital stock paid In , which is $400,000 , of * 709,70r. . It is hardly probable the bank will resume. Throe years ago , Pope , Its teller , fled with over ? 70,000 , aiid this was a hard blow to the bank. Depositors will bo paid In full. The local banks rccolvod over f500,0K ( ) from Now York this morning and no excitement is being shown. Itortinnd to llucdivo nllver. CniOAOo , July 24. All day today as the bank employes , carrying sacks of silver coin of all denominations , entered the United Slates subtroasury , a notice confronted them to the effect that silver would not bo ecclved , nnd they hau to trudge back to , helr banks with their heavy loads. "There is more silver lying uncounted bo- lind the rails of the subtreasury than the "orcc can handle , " said an official of the de partment thl afternoon. "On every shelf ind in piles on the floor canvas sacks filled with dollars and other coins nro stacked up until there is hardly room to got about. Wo nro uuablo to handle the big amount of sil ver wo have on hand , and until It can bo all counted nnd chocked up wo will not receive any moro over the counter. " Il nppoaiud wlm tlio Lodger. MILWAUKEE , July 34. John B. Koottlng , cashier of tbo defunct South Side Savings jank , has disappoarcd from the city , and simultaneously the discovery wn * made that the general loJgor of the institution Is not among the effects of the , institution. - Prosl- ient Trumpff of the bank says the cashier eft Milwaukee last Friday , and before tak- , ng his departure lott with him ( Trumpff ) lower of attorney to convoy his real estate and homestead , worth $50,000. into cash for .he benefit of the bauk's creditors. John Barth has been ap'ltolntpd receiver for the aank. NRW YOHK , July 24. Henry Bach , whole sale dealer in clothing at No. 737 Broadway with branches iu Boston and Chicago has become financially embarrassed and has confessed Judgment for 84,017 for loaned money. The liabilities are said to bo over * 100OJO. Mr. Bach , says ho will offer 30 per cent on the dollar as a compromise. MlnOB Closed Down. ILY. ( ' , July 24. The For est and Bean mines , situated near this vil lage , owned and operated by the Pough- koopslo Iron Ord' company , have closed down for nn indefinite period. These mines liavo been operated without Interruption for the nast 100 yea . No reasons are given for ho closing. Knorcaittzatlon. NEW YOUK , July 2 ? . The reorganization committee of the National Cordage company gives notice that the extended time for depositing - positing securities under the plan expires to morrow. About 85 per cent of the stock has been do posited and the reorganization will become effective. Throw 1OOO Men Out 01 Kuiployment. JAMAICA , LI. . , July 24. The Galluo and Grosjean agate and tinware factory at Wood Haven , the largest establishment of its kind in the United States , shut down this morning for two or three weeks , throwing out of employment over 1,000 persons. AVIrnSIlllH Clone llown. PiTTsntmo , July 24. The rod , wire and nail mills of the Carnegie Steel Co. , at Beaver Falls , closed down unexpectedly today. Superintendent Wrigoly says , to matte repairs. The 800 employes are fearful of a long shutdown. f Kx-Treasuror ilumon'a H nk Fall * . CoNXonsviLLK , Ind. , July 21. The Citizens bank , owned by ox-United States Treasurer Huston , has failed. There is no statement of assets or liabilities. Depositors will , it is said , bo paid In full. * Coir Mill Cloied. BUOOKLY.V , July 24. Arbucklo Bros1. coffee mill , employing over 800 men , closed on account of the depression in trado. It is hoped that it will start up again on Thursday. _ bontlitirn Rloctrlc < ; < > iuilny' | DllllcuUlns. BALTIMOHE , July 24. The Southern Eloo trie company made an" assignment today The assets nro estimated at $175,000 ; llablll ties , $100,000 , _ Kooponed lor Itimlndtn. PORTSMOUTH , O , , July 24. The Citizens Savings bank , which closed four WOOKS ago , reopened today. _ Kittled to Opiin It Doom , TACOMA , Wash. , July 24. Tacoma National bank did not opan Its doors tills morning. Fireworks , balloon tonight.x Will Oinr.ito | by Tolrpliono. CIIIPAOO , July 2-1. It is reported hero that the management of tfie Pennsylvania road has decided to dispense with the use of the telegraph almost outlroly In the operation oi _ Its trains and substitute for them the long- distance telephones. ! ' 'It ' 1 } said the diango Is to bo made in the interest of the traveling public , its now management having con vinced itself that 'the telephones can IK ) operated more clicudl and with greater sim plicity. * i , Itumnvitii'UinSliurlir. MKMi'iiH. July 24.LAs a iTsult of the lyndilug of Walker , 'tho ' 'negro .suspected of assault Saturday nlgfi't , ( ho criminal court today suspended th' < 1 sheriff. The grand Jury has been called lo In + ostigato the case. Three men were njre.sja ; today for com plicity iu the lynching mid other arrests will lollow. _ ' BOSTON , July'J4. At a mooting of Typo graphical union No , IB resolutions have been passed commending ttio pardoning of the Chicago anarchists by Governor Altguld , the resolution calling the men "tho victims of n capltalistfo eonspirayy of lt > SS to throt tle the eight-hour movement of that year. " A lleilnlllon. Texas Sittings : F.innv ( who is studylne her lesson ) Papa , what is the definition of volubility ! Papa -Volubility is the distln- gulsliing feature pf u car drivpr when ho is thirteen minutes beliiml schedule time on his supper trip nnd an overloaded truck breaks down Just in front of him on the rail. Kt'i'plni ; lUu Ax Duty. WAsiiiNtiro.v July S4Tho total number of fourth-dass postmasters appointed today was 120 , of which llfty-two were to fill vucau lus caused by death mid resignations. FLOWERS FROM A FATHER Touching Incident at the Morgno Over Hnttio Aldrich'a RomnitiB ARRIVAL OF THE DEAD GIRL'S MOTHER lloiljr Will Do Interred In nn lovrn Chnroh- yurcl Iluudrixli of Toople Vlow th Corpie llor t.nit Letter li hjr Uldor * llcatrlop. The remains of Hattie Aldrtoh , the girl who suicided on Sunday , will bo shipped to her homo in Iowa by Coroner Maul at 11:30 : this morning. The mother of the dead girl arrived from Maptoton , la. , yesterday. The scene at tl ; morgue , when she behold all that was loft of her daughter , was indeed a pitiful one. Her grief know no bounds , and with a heart bowed with sorrow , she was led awav after gazing with a tear-stained face at the re mains. Mrs. Aldrlch will accompany the remains of Hnttio to Maplotou. tmplrtnl by IliiCKard'n lleatrlon. The exceedingly pathetic letter loft by tbo unfortunate girl , and addressed to I1 rank Doncckcn , caused many eyes lu Omaha to till with sympathetic tears yostordav. Men. who possessed hearts of oak , where pity seldom - dom nestled , felt choked with emotion at the pitiful eloquence of the communication , written while the hideous skeleton of death looked over the shoulder of the dcspoudent writer. The letter sounds somewhat fam'llar to all who have road Kider Hag yard's novel entitled ' 'Beatrice. " The metaphor * uro similar and the language possesses the sumo ring ns that embodied In the farewell note which forms a feature of ono of the chapters of "Beatrice. " Possibly It was an Inspira tion that formed a striking coincidence. It may have been n sort of semi-plagiarism , but , nevertheless , Iho last letter of poor , devoted - voted Hattie Aldrlch appealed to many hearts in this city yesterday. Struggled Aniilntt Fato. The history of the girl since she has boon In Omaha shows that she has been as much sinned against a4 she was sinful. Hattie was the older daughter of a wid owed tnothnr who is only In moderate cir cumstances and whoso homo Is iu that pretty rural Iowa village known as Maploton. Hattie came to Omaha several months ago , and , being somewhat unsophisticated bccamo an easy victim to the oily tongue of a tempter. At ono time she was accused of receivlnc goods stolen frdm Bell's drug store , but on Investigation it was proven that the goods wcro given to her as presents from a youmr clerk who was an admirer. She was not only pretty , but extremely attractive , and n brignt conversationalist. She made many friends. Not being used to hard work and being of limited moans , she ilualiyylclded to the temptation of a man of means , who supported her for a while. She tired of the life she was loading and the kind hearted police matron , Mrs. Cumings , secured a place for her in n respectable family , where she had a pleasant homo and was respected for her worth. She remained in her now homo for two mouths and then took a room in the Mandcrson block. It is hinted that she did so at the suggestion of ono whom she thought really loved her. , She was infatuated" with this man and the intensity of love and nature of which she is capable is shown by the desperate means by which she sought to end her troubles. Not being able to have the undivided love of the man whom she loved , she made the sad sacrlllco of Sun day evening iu order that ho might enjoy a greater freedom and not bo menaced by her presence on earth. She did not blame him for her troubles aud sought relief in the grave. Hundreds of people filled with sympa thetic curiosity viewed the remains in the morgue yesterday. The trirl had not lost her beauty of feature and form , oven in the cold embrace of death. Fully 500 people vis ited the morgue yesterday to see her. Flowers from it Kuthor. One touching incident occurred during the afternoon. An elderly , well dro. sod man with snowy hair , asked permission to lay a handsome bunch of fragrant white flowers on the body. The request was granted , and the old man with moistened eyes withdrew from the gaze of tbu > curious crowd. Attached to the llowors was a card with the following inscription : "A Stranger , with sympathy. From a father of an only daughter. " A Bnu reporter who witnessed this touch ing tribute hastened after the gentleman and asked for an explanation. The man "refused to give . his name but said the dead girl reminded him very much of his own beloved daughter who has a happy homo In an eastern state. Ho had read the account of the girl's death in TUB BKII and her plaintive letter had deeply touched bin. Ho wanted to do something to show his sympatfiy , and bought the flowers to place on the unfortunate girl's body. Ha said that ho would appreciate any such attention to his daughter if cruel fate had decreed the same ending for her. Ho was much affected as he thought of how Uattlo's mother must foci over her daughter's tragic doath. Letters from the girl's mother showed that a deep bond of sympathy existed between the girl and her sorrowing parent. But flattie had concealed her shame from her dear old mother. The remains will bo quietly Interred in the silent city of the dead in Maploton Thurs day and the last act in the girl's sad career will bo closed. FIKE AND POLICE BOARD. Sorgcunt Ormahy Still Wears n Star Unit It Mil 11 1'roor. Tlio Board of Fire and Police Commis sioners mot last night and the greater portion tion of their lime was taken up In hearing evidence in the case against Sergeant Thomas Ormsby , preferred by Frank Fisher , the man charged with holding up William Box. Box.Fisher Fisher charges Ormsby with maltreat' inout while in Jail. He claims no was kicked by the sergeant , Fisher said an olll- cer , to him unknown , eamo to the county jail and got his deposition In relation to the charges , Attorneys Covlllo and Churchill appeared for the prosecution and Attorney Kimoral represented Ormsby. The witnesses for tlio prosecution were Fisher nnd Ofllcers Cox , Curry , Cory , ICdgohill , Cumings , Flint , Clark , Kills , Oubols , llor Halter ami Fisk. Thrao oftU'ers were of the name opinion In general relative to the truth of the charges of kicking the prisoner and calling him names. Sergeant Whalen , Dotec lvo Hayes , Oftl- cers ttollard , Kvans , Oruinmy , Cook and Sergeant Ormsby appeared for the defense , ilonying that tha sergeant used unnecessary force in Handling Fislior. As soon as the evidence in this case was hoard the onu signed by Ofllcer Kdgohill , charging Sergeant Ormsby with conduct unbecoming an olhYcr , was taken up. As the witnesses in this case were not all present the prosecution asked to with draw the charge. The defense asked that a trial bo hold and the commissioners will hear the cuso at the next mcotim. ' . The case was taken under advisement until all the charges against the sergeant have been heard. On Information of Ofllcor Starkoy nnd Watchman Stlno , Sergeant Sheep protorrod charges of drunkenncbs against Oniuer Barrows. Uhief Seavoy made a report of the pro- cxodlngs of the National Chiefs of Police association convention which was accepted. C. O. Dooley applied for an appointment as speoi'U pulico for service in the department of the Hoard of Health. Ddtjulivo Michael Dempsey wants logo to the World's fair and ride on the Ferris wheel Ho has nv-ulo a good record this year and ho was gran tea u leave of absence for ton days with pay. Jailer "Patrick Havey was Riven twautv days lenvo with ten days pay. He U troublec with weak eyes and wants to take a rest. Ofllcer Daniel Haldivln was given ton davs leave with pay. Firemen O'Noll and LJr ban were granted a leave of ten nnd four days respectively. The board discussed matters relating to ho now flro nnd adjourned to neot Wednesday afternoon at U o'clock. Fireworks , balloon tonight. Senator Allen and Congressman Bryan will speak on the * monov question to- ii"bt at K < ! tnMtloi hall. Kvorybody Invited. Vdmlsslon free. Flro broke out In Bedford's old planlnf nlll , nonr Thirtieth and Spauldlng streets , osterday afternoon. The damage was nom- nal. Origin , defective lluo. A team hltchoii to an American Express wagon which was standing under the Tenth street viaduct , ran away yesterday after noon. I'hov were stopped before much dam age was dono. Contractors have commenced work In two now paving districts. They are Seventeenth rom JaeUson to Ixjavenworth nnd Da von. ixjrt from Twenty-second to Twenty-fourth. Hoth streets are being paved with vitrillod brick. B. M. Itobcrtson and Alice Copson have II oil a petition In the oftlco of the probate Udgo asking that they bo appointed to look aftortho property of Hubert K. Copson , de ceased. sTho.v allege that there Is real estate and personalty of the value of $12,000. A former administrator failed to qualify. No levy has boon made by the United States marshal on the property of the late resident and cashier of the defunct Camtal National bank , In pursuance of the attach ment .suits llled lu the federal court last Saturday , as no property was speclllcally named , and the marshal has not run across anything that struck ftlui as particularly calculated to 11U the bill. Major Furay , the sewer commissioner , se cured possession of the room lately occupied by the Inspector of sewers on the tilth lloor of the city hall , This was not accomplished , however , by an act of the committee on public property and buildings or the super intendent of the hall. The major secured n key and Is now in possession. His son , Charley Furay , is Installed as clerk of the department. Clint Allen , who was reported to have been found short in his accounts for excess baggage at the Union depot and to have boon turned over to his bondsinon by Depot Master Hanoy , has demonstrated that his books are all right and there Is no shortage. When the alleged discovery was made , Mr. Allen was out of town , but upon his return ho quickly untangled the snarl which gave rise to the assertion that his cash balance was wrong. Dr. Davis , the Presbyterian minister of the Httlo church on Military avenue , coming to the conclusion Sunday that the torrid temperature of a church building was not conducive to godliness , hold tlio evening service in the open uir on e vacant lot In Clifton Hill. Ho was amply rewarded for this now departure iu church services by a largo nnd fervent congregation , which evidently - dontly appreciated the reverend gentleman's solicitude for its comfort. On a cot in ono of the Httlo rooms at the Jail lies Charles Patten , a laborer , who is suffering from a complicated kidney disease. Patten caino west from Springfield , O. , in hopes of bcncli ting his health and reached Omaha Sunday. Ho U penniless and had to apply to the ct'.y for shelter aud medical attendance. Dr. Somors ordered the man removed to the Presbvtorian hospital until arrangements can bo made with the officials at the county hospital. A colored man living on Eighteenth street between Burt and Cumlng received news Saturday that he had fallen heir to a for tune of $0,000 loft him by his mother from whom ho had been separated since a child , they both having uomi sold into slavery to different parties. Since which tlmo ho had lost track completely of his parents and it was only owing to a friend socinir an adver tisement inquiring for him , that" ho is now able to claim this unexpected but none the less welcome windfall. Deputy County Clerk Jenkins scouts the Idea that times are hard in this county and in order to back up his theory ha points to the records , showing the chattel mortgages lilod during the month of Juuo. During that period the mortgages filed acgrogatcd C'J3 ' , while for the same month of last year they numbered 871. Beginning with the ye ir 1SSG the chattel mort agea llleild'lring ' June have boon as follows : 1880 , MO ; 1SS7 , 4US : 1888 , 909 ; 1839. 030 ; 1800 , 730 ; 18U1 , S l , showIng - Ing that , during the oightyoars there has been but twice when the Juno tilings were less than they have boon tbis year. Fireworks , balloon tonight. ( Jnivor Was not nt Home. BuzzAnns BAY , July 21. The president , Colonel Lament aud Dr. Bryant went lishing today. Mr , George E. Pritchctt of Omaha , who is .summering with his family at .Nataskot beach , called at Grav Gables , but the presi dent was lishing. ' Mr. Prltohett wai United States attorney of Nebraska during Air. Cleveland's administration. Mr. Pritchott is of the opinion that the Sherman act will bo' repealed without a doubt , but as it is impossible to get something for nothing there is likely to bo a light as to what shall be put in its place. Tlio IMIillo'n Attltiulo. Chicago Uecord : "I have , " says Mr. Hobart - bart C. Chatllold-Tavlor , "I have in the bottom tom of a trunk at homo the manuscript of a novel which I have recently finished. " This announcement constitutes the public an accessory after the fact. Womnn lu tlio Hnrvoni Isolds. MACOMD , 111. , July 24. The harvest in McDonough county is progrosfling' , but farm hands nro scarce and in numer ous parts of the country wonion are working in the fields. Hold a I dirk l.munrii Soxslon. Kaufman hall was filled by delegates from various labor organisations last evening. They mot to discuss matters pertaining to the now building trades council. It was a dark lantern session. Reporters were de nied admission. WllA'tlMIHC It Will Itn UiMilnr unit r.oral Thunder Htorms Will Prnvull In NrliiunUn Today. WASIIIXOTON , July ! M. Forecasts for Tues day : For Nebraska Increasing cloudiness , probably followed by local thunder storms Tuesday afternoon or evening ; south winds , shifting to west ; cooler in western portion ; cooler Tuesday night in eastern portion. For Iowa Generally fair during the day , followed by local thunder storms in western portion ; south winds , to shifting west ; cooler. For South Dakota Local showers , followed - lowed by clearing woat'ior ; winds shifting to northwest ; cooler , oxLopt In extreme northeast portion , I , oral Uncord. WBVTIIHK BUHBAU , OMAIH , July -Omaha record of temperature and rainfall , oomparod with corresponding day of past four years : 180.1 , 1892. IROl. 1800. Maximum tnninoratiiiu. 'Jjo UH3 71o 7iO- J'liiilmuiii tunipuraiuro. 71o 7.00 r > ( i = MO Avoraito iwmwratuio. . . HJ3 80 = ll ) = > 7'J3 I'ri'cipltiillon . < W .00 T ,00 Statement showing the condition of tem perature and precipitation at Omaha for the day and slncu March 1 , 18'JJ : Ncrmul tmnpara tu ro . J77 ® Kxcovi for Ihn day . H.r > o DoHcUnicyMlnee March 1 . 2U7O Nuimal pu'clnltutiaii . 15 Inch Dolluluncy for tlui day . 1.1 Inch Uolicluncy since March 1 . 1.00 inch fli'Muils from Oilinr I'ulntt nt M p in. ui 55 STATIONS. ? ! ? i : 3 s J I Ormlia OJ .00 ! North 1'l.itto. . nn nnH .00 ciuar. Valentine ( H .Oil ( JlKiidy , Kc.irnny in .nu CUlc.tjto in .011 oi , ir. St. T.UIIIH HI ) .uoicitMr. St. I'aul ttj ii5 oti'niwir. ' I.lVfiipcirt KS .oo'ciuar. ' t'tty . . HU no llonvur 78 . .oi.CUiuily. S ill 1/iUu City. . 8(1 ( H8 .00 Cloiuly. lUiptil Ulty 78 88 . ( ) | I'tit ; ( s 78 HU .uo Ha DO . , -it. Vlucont 74 HO .10 nluildy IM BO .01 Ml iln Mlln Cliy 81 88 ou > Ulutr. UalVLUton 81 HH .Oil "T" Indicates tr.tcw of r.ilii. HUNT , Local IRISH SUNK THE VICTORIA Latest Version of the Omiso of tlio Tcrribla Mediterranean Disaster. LOSS OF THE BRITISH-SHIP NO ACCIDENT Such U tlin Tnto t Theory Advunroit to Ac count Tor the C niipriliMTii'n Mnvo l'lijlrnl 1'oroe Mnti IMIIO n Circular Letter. _ NKW Yoillf , July 21. A now nnil start ling theory has boon advanced ivs to the cause of the ulnktng of the Ilrlttah battle ship Victoria by the Camponlown. Irish revolutionists claim that the sinking of the vessel was the result , not of acci dent , hut of u iloop-laltl nlot , which has for Its object the duatructlon , If posaiblo , of the Hrltlsh navy ami the inlliotlon of dlro Injury on Hughim ! In every quai-Un- of the tflobo whuro her llajj Illos. A cir cular copy of tlio plot , which a morning paper micccudud In obtaining , ntul which hiw boon promultfatuil in Irish Nation alist circles , claims for the i evolution ists the honor of strikiiifj such iv heavy blow to Enirland. Itefomng to Admiral Tryon'a maneuver , the circular , which boars date of July 12 , says : "Admiral Tryon is not guilty of the loss of the Victoria. Ho is a victim of the sins of his country. The maneuver which ho proposed the Hoot should per form would have been successfully car ried out had our bravo brothers in England's service not been equal to the opportunity afforded them and given themselves u willing sacrillco for the cause of Ireland. For the bettor pro tection of the interests wo have at heart , wo will not announce whether uny of our brothers who were on board the Vic toria escaped death in the waters of the Mediterranean. "It is sulllelent for you , for tlio pres ent , to know that n noble deed has been done and Unit Ireland has btill sons for whom death has no terrors when their lives are asked for her sake. The spirit of Emmet still lives and the light must bo carried on until England hauls down her Hag in Ireland. " \Vo have sworn brothers now on almost every English warship. Wo have them in tlio English regiments at homo and abroad , and wherever the English Hug lloats there also may our men bo found. Wo are no win a position which wo never before attained of striking England in every corner of the globe. Thenceforward , brothers , the light must go on unceasingly. No oppor tunity must bo lost of striking England , nor must wo hesitate to use against her whatever science and inventive genius may place in our hands. " The circular is signed "Tho Exocu- tivo" and IH thought to emanate from the physical force men. Ilurned Our Tlili .Morning. About 2-IO : , fire totally destroyed the homo of William Davis , ! H14 Half Uass , the family barely csciping with their lives. Air. Davis is employed at the smelting works and was notiilcd of his misfortune about H a. in. No Insurance as far as known. W.'ioro Ilo Stood. jlndlanapolls Journal : ' 'No ono dares to doubt , ray party loyalty , " shouted the orator ( waving both hands lu the air. "Jilvorybody knows just where 1 stand. " "Yas , I iruess " that's so , " said the fioat- whiskcrod" man on tno back ocnch. "It's right in front of Flnncgan's bar at any hour of the day and night. You bet wo know where you stand. " A Trrrllilo IMnnlbllUy. Indianapolis Journal : Watts Do you believe - lievo it possible that tno earth may become too small to hold its inhabitants ; I'otts It might in one contingency. If it were a common thing for a man to got his collegiate diploma on the day his first baby was born , that state of things would obtain right now. Siioprmlcd Animation. Miss Ida Banwost , II ) years old , who arrived at San Antonio , Tex. , a few months ago from Nctiwald , Saxony , i lying there apparently dead. She has hail live such attacks. In ono of them about three years ago , bho was in a cata leptic condition for five days. During that time , her friends and relatives were so fully persuaded in their minds that she was dead that she was dressed in her shroud and placed in a coffin , and would have been burled but for tbo pro test of her mother. Physicians had pro nounced life extinct , and one of them , to demonstrate ) to the family that she was dead , applied a rod-hot iron to her foot. The Rirl winced and sighed per ceptibly. This seared everybody , A short time after the girl regained con sciousness and was ravenously hungry. She ate everything put before hor. Ever blnco then , after each spoil when she regainseonsoioiibiiuss , she eats heart ily and is stout and healthy for one or two months , when she is seized with another attack. The longest fence In the world Is in Aus tralia 1215 ! miles. It is made of wlro net ting and its object is to keep out rabbits. KNOWLEDGE igi comfort nml improvement nml to iur onal ciijoynieiit wliC'H rightly used. The many , \vlio Hvo bet tor tlmn othiTH uiul enjoy life more , with Iris oxpciKlituro , by more promptly lulnptiiitf the world's best proiluulH to tlio ncciTs of pliyhleal iK'ing , will attest Die value to health of thu pure li < juiil laxdtivo principlen embraucil in the remedy , Syrup of Figs , Its excellence ia duo to ltd presenting 5n tlio form most acceptable and plcin- ; niit to the taste , the refreshing and truly hciicficiul properties of n perfect lax- v ntivo ; effectually cleansing the nyMcui , < v dispelling coldn , licadacbea ami foveru ami permanently ctirinj ; coiiDtipntlon. It has given Batibfiction to inillionaatid met with the approval of the medical profession , bceuuso it acts on the Kid neys , Liver and liowcls without v.-cak- ening thorn and it is perfectly fieo from every objectionable subbUuice. Syrup of Fig * in fur tlo by all aniK- piists in OOu ami $1 bottlen , but H i * man- \ tifsictiired by the Californiu Fig Byrup t Co. only , wbobo nnnio is printed on every pitokngt' , also the name , Syrup of I-'ign , und being well informed , you will uoi any tubitituU if oikrcd. j idBj l