FHE OMAHA DAILY r * - ESTABLISHED JUNE 19. 1871. OMATIA , TUESDAY MORNING , JULY 25 , 1893. SINGLE COPY FIVE CUNTS. ATTACKED BY THE STRIKERS Guards find Rioters Engage in a Pitched Battle at Weir Oity , Kan , REPULSE OF THE ATTACKING FORCE llruvo IXifoiun of the 1'roprrty Under Tliclr Ji C'nro Miula lij- the Di-imty MOver It Over lOU.SIint * KinlMiiB WEIK CITV , Kan. , July iil. ll-.M p. m. The guards nt shaft No. 47 had u pltcUvd battle with a inch of strikers at ID-.IiO o'clock tonight. The mob approached the mine quietly und llred Into the shaft. Deputy Sheriff nrant , who was on patrol guard , re turned the llro and calling Iho other guards defended the mine against the mob. Over u hundred shots were llrcd , but none of the deputies Injured. When Iho mob saw that the guards were standing iholr ground they lied. It is not known how many , If any , of the mob were shot. Shaft No.17 of the Kansas ft Texas j company started up under armed guards with a full force of men. A large crowd of Ridkers and women ( 'uUicrod In the vicinity of the shaft anil were planning to make a raid upon the shaft when Sheriff Arnold ap peared upon the scene. Ho addressed the crowd , tolling them that although his sym pathies were with them ho was bound to do Ills duty. Ho had placed armed guards at the mines anil had ordered them to protect the properties and Iho men ut work upon them. If ho found thut his deputies were powerless lo guard Iho properly in Iho county und the lives of Its citizens ho would so inform the governor und the executive could put W)0 ) militia upon the ground In. three hours. It was useless to altack the men al work , ho said , nnd ho ordered Iho mob lo disperse. The mob obeyed Iho order and there was no disturbance. The Strip pit men were nil ut work today nnd , so far as heard from , were not molested by the strikers. Now thut the sheriff has shown lhat ho can and will guard the work ing miners other minus will start up. Shaft No. IS of the Kansas & Texas company and two of the Kellh & Perry shafts will be Blurted in Ihe morning. The only thing that now causes apprehen sion Is tbo rumor that Uio foreign mlucrs are making dynamite bombs and will inaug urate with them u reign of terror. -.vii.i. msisT Tiii' : .vntncnits. KIIIIMIH .Mlno OWIIITI Drrlnrn Hint They Will Work Thrir 1'riipnrtlnn. KANSAS Cny , Julv 2-1. There Is no longer doubt that the Central Coal und C'gko com pany and Ihe Kansas & Texas Coal com pany Intend to bring an end lo Iho slriko in their mines In southeastern Kansas in the next few days. The Central Cole and Coke company has nearly finished the building of stockades around its mines at Weir City and Scaminon , nnd has built bouses for the workmen within the walls , and Ibis morning President U. II. Kellh told u reporter that the mines at both places would bo opcraled before the end of Iho week. "What day will you begin work ? " ho asked. ' ' "I don't know. That has not been de cided definitely. " ' "Whore are the men who will work in thorn to from ? " ' ' " como - J- Kusy I'noufili to Oct Men. "Some of our old men will bo given n chance to go lo work again if they feel so disposed. The -others , tbo men who have given us most of the trouble , we don't want nnd we won't have. Then there are some men coming from Colorado nnd some men coming from the south. It is easy enough to got the men. " "Are the men who como -from the south negroes ? " "I guess they arc. Negroes make good miners and what wo want Is men who will dig thu coal. " "Will they be furnished with the arms thut are stacked nl Springfield and else where ? " "Wo are not going to pub men into our mines co bo shot down like catlle. There is no use trying to disguise the facts. Wo have no reason lo believe thut they will be pro tected by the slate. Our experience with the stale nnd county ofllcers has been such that wo can expect lllllo from Ihoni. Wo must do something. It would bu folly and "it would bo cruelty on our part lo put work- ingmcn in those mines without protection. When Iho miners go Inside of Iho slockades Ihey will bo prepared lo defend themselves ncalnst attack. " The Kansas it Texas company is preparing for worlc. too , but neither company-will teli when work will begin. Manager Crandall of Iho Kansas A ; Texas company is al Iho mines and will probably slay there until mailers are settled. It is expected ho will take some decided action during the next two or thrco days. ( lnvi'riKir l.mrlHni , ' TakiM Action. ToruKA , Kan. , July 21. Governor Lowol- llng received u number of telegrams this morning from Weir City us iho result of a protracted conference of Iho stale ofllcors. lie sent a telegram to the sheriff at Weir CHy to notify the striking miners that under no circumstances would the stale permit violence , trespass or any assault on the United Stales deputies or the destruction of properly. 'I'ho governor declines to sialo llio subslnnco of iho telegrams received. Ho Ink's sent for Lieutenant Governor Daniels , now at Weir City , and It Is believed that the Ktato militia will bo called out. So far us known everything is quiet -lit Weir City. Trouble Is believed lo be close ut hand in Cherokee county. ' .s nn.iT .1 .tiif > niu\.utr. ItiuiKli Treatment Acriinlnil Minn Mrtlmi tin Antrrlriiii Woman , In Turkey. Niw : YIWIS , July 'J4. Letters received by the 1'rcsbyUTlnn hoard of foreign missions of this city contain news of an unprovoked nttack'upon Miss Anna Melton , an American missionary who was stationed at the time of the outrage at a llttlo village among the Nestorian mountains In Turkey. Miss ' . Molten escaped with her life , but was merci lessly beaten and bruised by her assailants. On thu night of her arrival she pitched | her tent on the roof of a house In the vlllngo ; ns Is the custom in thut country. In the middle of the night she was awakened by iah man armed with a heavy stick with which ho beat , her severely. In some way sho/broko / [ nway from her assailant and Van bleeding from the tent. Shu was cut severely and her clothing covered with blood. After much lnslstoi.ee on the part of Mr. McDow ell , Imiulrv was Instituted by the authori 1- ties , but llttlo satisfaction was had. Thu mailer has been called to the attention of the State department at Washington. MUa Mellon has been a missionary of thu 1'rcsbyterlan church for many years. She wan appointed from Randolph , la. t Hud u UllurimiH Tlmo. Ik'NTiNOioN , Ind. , July ' „ ' . Hugh Harvey > ind Homer Hansholder , "just for the fun of i > the thing , " shot through n vyimlow of Sclmefcr's powder magazine near hero this klicrnoon. Thu shot exploded t'-OO pounds ot powder and fifty pounds of dynamite. Har vey and Huusholder were both killed. Houses In thu neighborhood were riddled d.Si Hying bricks and windows were broVen nil ncr the city. Andrew Her&tog and John Goley wei'o badly Injured by ( lying bricits. ( iilliiuhcr lIvHlllrmi III * UuiiTi'mlmi. Pmniifiio , July 24. Patrick liallaghur. , thu Uomxtcad poisoner , today rculllnned his last confession and made nftlduvll that y had potted him loivrear lo certain things and that ho told him If they stuck together mcanlnfi Boatty , Davidson nnd' himself they would nil got out of prison. AK//M / . . ( I..I TK.tr I'JIOlVVTWtf. Active Volcnnn Snlil to llavn Hern Illncov- crnil Ni'iif I'linrii. Siot-x Clir , July ! M. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Br.n. | A genuine volcano Is the latest product of Nebraska. It is about four miles south of Ponca and was discovered by n party of bicyclists last week. From a flssuro In the bluffs n blast of hot air Is Issuing with force suftlclcnt to carry twigs and bits of paper a distance of several feet. The air Is said to bo of a temperature suftlclcnt to kceo Investigators nt a respectful distance. The crater of an extinct volcano about twelve miles from Ponca was ifoted In the nc- count of the Lewis und Clark expedition and thu spot bus been frequently visited since. The river In the neighborhood has been eating into tlio bank and destroying the roads , nnd It Is thought thu water has reached a deposit of limestone and produced the heat. The old erator has now almost disappeared but It wns undoubtedly In a state of great activity In early days , nnd deposits of Invu und stone thrown out uro found about It In considerable quantities. The now freak of nature Is situated In the bluffs Just above the river and the party which discovered It was nt loss to understand Iho nolso made by iho escaping air until ono of them felt the breath of a blistering wind. There wns no peculiarity of odor and no foreign substance his been thrown out , but there Is no doubt of the ex istence of some disturbance underground which IR sending to the surface a continuous current of Intenselyheated air. The phe nomenon has been called to the attention of some scientifically Inclined people who will make an Investigation. Illinois Company to Snnpond. Ciiiuit UAVIDS , la. , July 24 [ Spacial Tel- cgram to TUB BUG.J John Wllcllo ot High land , 111. , secretary -mid treasurer of iho Helvetia Milk Condensing company , today issued the following notice from the olllco in ibis city : "In view of the present depres sion In business and uncertainty in regard to the future the Helvetia Milk Condensing company will In u few days temporarily sus pend both of Us establishments , ono of them Just recently started in this city , the other its main plant nt Highland , 111. " Itiillrimifn Withdraw 1111 ODIIOKIOIIN Ordi r. DCS Moixr.3 , Ia. , July 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tut : Hun. ] The hay shippers of northwestern Iowa last week filed a com plaint with the railroad commissioners , pro- lesling against Iho order established by the roads demanding prepaid charges. The com missioners were arranging lo investigate the trouble , but word was received this morning that the order hud been withdrawn. Mruck liy n Ti'tilu unit Itillml. Dis MoiNcs.Ia. , July I. [ Special Telegram to TUB line. ] William Serman , aged about 85 and unmarried , was fatally injured by being struck by u train near Alteona , a few miles east of hero , today. Ho was brought to DCS Molues and died on arrival. Critically 1,1. DcsMoiNcs , la. . July'4. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE Bii.J Chancellor G. T. Car penter of Dralco university 1s critically ill at his home in this city and his recovery is doubtful. Ho Is well known a an educator all over the northwest. I'atnlly lnurml | by H Iliirie. DES Moi.sr.9 , July 24. [ Special Telegram to Tin : lice. ] William Clark , who has a wife and several children in East DCS Moines , was kicked by a norse , trampled on and otherwise fatally injured this morning. , Jo Wit KdUnrn' ChtriiKo Online. Dr.3 MOINCS , July 24. Hcsponses received by President Young of the Iowa Press asso ciation indicate that the meeting of editors at Chicago , August ! ) , will be the largest gatbciing of Jowa editors over known. f'1'O.U/.vO 1'JCAHtlia I'lltES. Ciront IMimigo Danu nt tlio Kcil Hill Cattlu Ionise. BUFFALO , Wyo. , Julj 24. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BUB. ] A llro * broico out Friday about two miles from hero , on the Buffalo side of the old T. W. ranch in the red hills , where J. G. Oliver it Co's. sheep camp is lo cated. The news was brought in by some wool freighters from the cam ] ) , in the aftnr- noon , and Just about sundown the flames were plainly visible on the divide. As tlio darkness increased , the burning prairie pre sented a beautiful , but terrible appearance. A glowing ridge of lire extended for about ten or twelve miles from south to north , and was seen to bo advancing with great rapid ity , while every moment great tongues of Ilamo leaped up as tlio lire caught the long grass around some rocky eminence. It seemed as if the llro would make its way down to the meadows and hayliclds of Cle'ar creek , and Messrs. Conrad and Hlne dispatched a force of IIU.MI to their ranch to aid In lighting the llro if necessary. U. J. Daley and Danny Mitchell hitched up a light rig , and taking a largo tub of water nnd about a halo of old gunny sucks , started 1 for the scene of operations. From their account one of the most fertile sources of danger lies in the buifnlo chips that are scattered around In such profusion. These retain the lire for a long time , and their smouldering ashes are liable to bo taken by any high wind to start the llro In a new place. Another dllliculty is the sago brush , wiilch cannot bo beaten out us easily as the grass , and thu glowing stump * of which con tinue to throw oil' sparks long after thu llro has passed. Any shift in the wind is thus apt to carry thorn onto new ground. M. T. Hodman and his whole crew were out to defend their pastures , and doubtless every ono on the crcelc was on the alert. When the party from Buffalo returned the llro had died or burnt out along the wcstnnd I north sides of the divide , but was steadily advancing to the east and northeast , 'lUiis morning it Is still seen to bo burning , though : at u greater distance. The red hills , the scene of the conflagration.is onoof the favor ite winter ranges lor the cattle of this vicin ity , and the loss of the grass this year , when almost all the range feed Is short and scarce , will cause considerable trouble. KllliMl i > Ktnrli : 1'orrlimn. L.MIAMU : , July 21. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bin-Louls | W. Virgil , a Mexican sheep hur.lcr , shot and Instantly killed Hao Smith on the ranch of Curlln & Amesbury In thu northern part ot this ( Albany ) county , Saturday evening. Smith was foreman of the ranch named and Vl'gil was working under him. Thu killing was thu result of n quarrel between the two men , iho Mexican refusing to obey the orders of the foreman. The murderer was brought to this city by Sheriff Fatver this evening and lodged in _ the county jail. He refuses to talk further , than tli.it ho claims ho killed Smith in self- Tbo coroner's Inquest \ \ us hold tliU after noon , but as yet no verdict has been reached. The murdered man was well liked by all who know him and was u popular gentleman. Virgil U a very quiet and inoffensive appear ing man and would not bo taken for u mur derer by any ono. I'ho community north of here U considerably worked up over the killing. Morrmi-ntK cil Oc't'uu At Mobile Arrived Furncsslu from Glas gow. gow.Al London Sighted Michigan , from Bos- Ion ; Maasdam , trum New York ; Munchen , from Bromerlnven. for Baltimore ; Dublo- dam , from Now York , At Philadelphia Arrived Indiana , from Liverpool. At Now York Arrived Anchorla , from Glasgow ; Kins , from Hamburg ; Frleuland , from Antwerp ; Norga , from Copenhagen. At Ulasgow Arrived State of California , from Now York : Corean , from Philadelphia. At HamburgArrived Usacn , from Balti more. At Boston Arrived Scythla , from Liver pool ; l iut'ustnuu , from Liverpool. mTDV Aw liVIU'MlUhN ' Railroads Go Bofora the Federal Quints to Check tha Maximum Rate Law , NOTICE TO THIS EFFECT FORMALLY SERVED Stuto Ilonril ot Trnnipnrtntlon Sitmtnnnoil to tin In Oinahn Tomiirrmr to An uer Why tniinctloii | .should Not lie J iuoil as Ankcil 1'or. LINCOLN , July 24. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bp.n.j The railroads tonight played their last trump card in the game they have been playing with the people ovfcr the maxi mum rate bill by serving an Injunction upon the members of the Slale Board of Trans- porlatlon. The Injunction was token out before the United States circuit court by the Union Pacific and Burlington companies , the roads being represented by C. J. Greene and T. M. Murquctto respectively. The papers were served on Secretary of State Allen , Atlornoy Genori , ! Hastings Auditor Moore , Commissioner Humphrey and State Treasurer Bartloy , the five mem bers of the Stuto Board of Transportationut , nlato nour tonight. The preliminary hearing will bo at Omaha on July " 0 , while the final bearing Is set for September 1. Air. Tlinr ton Illsclnlini ) tlio Action. Solicitor General John M. Thurston of the . Union ; Paclllo company was seen last night. He said : . ' The Union Pacific company hns not ap plied , for tiny restraining order on the Stale Board of Transportation , nor am 1 aware that it will do so. "At the mecllngof the railway prcsldcnls In Chicago on July 11) ) It was agreed that all the Nobrrska railways would adopt a schedule of rales In conformity with Iho new law , which will be Hi-force on and after August 1. By a computation of rates it appears to tbo managers of our company that the now schedule will almost bankrupt our lines of road in this stale , but there is no doubt that we , and the other roads , too , will lest the consliluUonallty of this law. This will bo done through a lest case. ' As to Iho intention of tbo application for a restraining order by Iho Burlington com pany 1 am not informed and did not know that they hud taken such action. They may be aotintr independently of Iho presi dents' agreement. "H could bo that the stockholders of tlint company were spplylng for u restraining or der tlto some as in the contests known as the Texas cases. "An injunction In favor of ono road would not necessarily enjoin the effect of the law upon other roads. All of the companies have agreed to adopl Iho rales set forth in this law. but wo will sooner or laler lest Us validity and constitutionality ( in the federal courts , be cause we consider it unfair tons and it has unconstitutional provisions in nearly all of the sections. "As yet the Union Pacific has taken no action iu the matter. " CUT IIYTIIK m 1'OUlt. Chimp Tickets of that Koatl flooding the Chicago MurkoU. CHICAGO , July 24. Heads east and south from Chicago were thrown Into a state of great excitement today by the discovery that the market hero was literally Hooded with Big Four tickets , which were uoing used to scalp rales from Chicago to St. Louis , Chicago to Indianapolis and Indian apolis to St. Louis. These tickets are pur porlcd lo bo round-trip World's fair tickets. They arc , as a matter of fact , one-way tick ets from Cleveland to St. Louis , via Chicago and Indianapolis. There is nothing to show that the portion of the tickets reading from Cleveland to Chicaco has been used at ull The brokers are selling the portion from Chicago to St. Louisvia Indianapolis for f."i. This is u scalp of Sl.ftO on the reduced one- rales by Ihe direnl lines. It is really giving 512 worth of transportation for ? 5. The rate from Chicago to Indianapolis is now $4.50 and from Indianapolis to St. Louis is $7.50 , making $12 for the sum of Iheso locals. Freight tralllc in and out of Chicago con tinues to bo exceedingly unsatisfactory to the roads , eastbound dead freight last week suffering a considerable decrease ns com pared with That of iho previous one. It amounted in the aggregate to 47,509 tons , against W,2.)7 ) tons for the previous week and j 62,240 tons for Iho corresponding week lasl year. Through shipments of flour , grain and provisions amounted to 19,848 tons , against 20.551 tons for the corresponding week last year. All Iho lorritory from Chicago to tbo Pa cific coast is now practically under Iho pro visions of the Western Passenger associa tion agreemenl. All the roads in the nsso- elation have become parlies to the .local agreements at San Francisco nnd Oakland , which virtually einoody the principles of iho association agreement. These local ngree- inonts have for their object Ihe putting an | end to the demoralization that has played havoc with transcontinental rates for moro than u year past. Peace and stiff rates are now oxpeclcd to prevail in California terri- lory.An An immense amount of lobbying wns In- dulgcd in today by iho we torn roads among themselves to bring about an ngreemrnt be fore the meeting tomorrow on World's fair rates reduction. When they gel through a hopeful feeling prevailed among ihom that they hud succeeded. The Santa Fo pro- fessed a preference for nn agreement to act independently. At the same li no it wauled to have the agreement on Its own terms and persisted in ils demand for u flat one faro rule from all iransmissourl territory. The other roads wanted to compromise on t\ \ added to the ono faro rate , but the Santa Fo refused to listen to this. It is figuring on making a 1-cent par milo r.Uo from lorri tory in western Kansas , Texas , Utah , Colorado rado und Now Mexico if an agreement is not reached today , M.tltTlX'S t'KJICH. Wlmt the KIIIIH i > Senator IIi ; to Say on tlio 1'uturii of DiMiionrnry. Toi'ii-A , July 2-1. United Slates il John Martin who left for Washington ls afternoon said thai he expected the extra session of congress to run into the regular session. Ho would vote for tlio ropa.il of the Sherman act only upon the condition that the repealing not should Include better silver legislation than the Sherman law. Ho regards ttio Sherman law lib an Iniquity and a crime , wtilch was put upon thocounlry by the gold standard men for the purpose of discrediting silver money. But liu would not consent to Us repeal without a gooit sub stitute. Ho believes thai a repealing act may . possibly pass the house , but isconlldenl thai it will never i gut through Iho senate and that in the end a compromise will bo agreed upon , Ho boliovcs the president will bee the Impossibility of forcing an absolute repeal through congress and accept a com promise. The position the eastern wing of tha democracy has assumed on the money ques tion causes Senator Martin to take u glcomy vlo - of iho future of iho parly. He belloves that unless the democratic parly abandons its eastern loaders and curries out Its , pledges on the tariff nnd ? money questions the republicans by abandoning their pro ! tection tariff doetrino and stealing some of the populist platform wilt carry the next presidential election. The populist party ho says , cannot grow fust enough to win ! in ? ; isyt ) . The thing for the democratic party to do , ho holds , Is to bo faithfulto its pledges to tariff reform and give the country a cur rency of gold , silver aud treasury uotes , iras I it protulbua m the last campaign. This done the people wouUV continue the party in power. Any other course would bo suicidal. TltltOUir > r.tprcUcd nt Mlhritalton Will Clo > o Todny mid Trltr * llhtAitnoiiurod. MIIAVAUKCE , July 81. [ Special Tclccram to < Tin : BEE. ] Today was devoted almost exclusively to individual prize turning , in which the Davenport Turners claimed five ol six prizes. The boat record for long dis tance Jump will go to n Davenport Turner , with nineteen feet ono Inch. The Omaha , Turners did not participate In iho Individual prlzo contest. A Fremont , Neb. , Turner , Fred B. Hcltllng , Is to get the prize for all- around athletics. The aged Tumors from Omaha , fourteen In number , made n good showing lu the turn ing contest between the aged classes this afternoon. They Included Iho two heaviest men in the Held. The western and cnstcrn Turners are en- Joying themselves alike at the fest. All prizes will bo announced tomorrow night , The thirty-six active Turners and twentysi eight ladles of the Davenport society gave nn extra exhibition at 8 o'clock tonight on the grounds. They went through a variety of innrcmcnts with much grace und received much liberal applause. Before the exercises were over this afternoon - noon many Turners left the camp on account of the extreme heat. Kach class chose Its own exercise In competition , the lime being limited lo twelve minutes , Over UOO Turn crs over ! ! 0 years of ago took part. The prize contest of the Bears was partlc- ipatcd , in by tbo following classes : Social of Chicago , Philadelphia Vorwacrts , West St. Louis , South St. Louis , Aurora of Chicago , Chicago Turngcmeinde , Central of Now York , Bonn Frol of .Milwaukee. Concordla of St. Louis , Manltowoc nnd Omaha. The Philadelphia class chose Indian clubs. The Chicago Socials ga\o an exercise on parallel bars ; West Si. Louis iho wand nnd dumb bell exercise. The Chicago Auroras , Iho Turngcmeinde , Iho Conlrnis , Omaha , aud Concord of St. Louis gave an exhibition of parallel bar exercises. Over ! 500 turners over ! )0 ) years old took part. The afternoon contests were particularly interesting. They consisted of rope climb ing , grouping and Jumping. The ropes were suspended from yard arms at the top of poles raised on each side of the street , and though the top of Iho ropes was not reached by any of the climbers , some of them were very near it. Joseph Fisher , n long-limbed , husky Turner from St. Paul , pidled himself up ward until his feet were thirty-elgLt feet six inches above the ground. One of llie most Inlcrcsling groups around the place of contest was made up of the members of the Stciibinville , O. , turn so ciety , who watched with almost breathless Interest every movement of their champion , Fred Pride. He made a gallant struggle on the rope , scoring thirty-eight feet to the great joy of his felknys , who cheered him vociferously. Pride , is among Iho best known ainleles in Iho turner-bund. The FremontNeb..turuvorein sent a loam of eleven men into the contests at the head of which was Fred Boltling , ono of the best. all-around men of the gathering. His per formances wore ambng the best of those yesterday. In the high jump ho scored live feet four inches ; in thu lotyr jump eighteen feet six inches ; lib fun 1(1) ( ) yards in eleven nnd three-fourths pecouds , and put the heavy shot eighteen feetj " Ho would prob ably have innile tliii , best f all-around record of the day but for hi ? , . Inability lo vault the pole. It was the Must , 'contest ho had to participate in , and . .heingj very.tired , ho did. very poorly , bcinp-.T-raelicully out-of this contest. ' Tho"cqnteals will bo concluded tomorrow morning. TOOK POISON. Lizzie Whnlcn AttemplB suicide , but U Saved front " ' 'utul ICukittiu. Mrs. Lizzie Whalen who resides at Twen tieth and Martha streets was found In an unconscious condition at her homo last even ing about 7 o'clock. She was discovered by her brother who had just returned from his work in u South Omaha packing house. Ho summoned medical assistance and it was found that the woman had taken u doac consisting of u gll ) of laudanum and am monia with suicidal intent. After hard worlc Mrs. Whal n was brought back to consciousness and at midnight it was believed ) y the attending physicians that she would recover. The womun says she "has had lots of domestic Iroublo lately" and hetvnamo ap peared , on Iho police records recently , charged with disturbing the peace. She had some trouble with n 'neighbor , who caused her arrest. Her husband , Peter Whalon , Is a grader employed on the II. & M. railroad in Wyo ming , and not hearing from him regularly she became despondent. Tlio woman is Ii7 years of age and takes her troubles , real and imaginary , much to heart. She secured thu poison in South Omaha within the past few days. UTAH VlOSEKItS VKI.iitll.lTKl > . Colubrntlon of the Aunlvornary of the .Set tlement of Snlt I/ilie Vnllr- , % SAI/T LIKE , U. T. , July 21. [ Special Tele- grain to Tim Biu.J : The forty-sixth aunl vcrsary of tlio entrance of the pioneers to the great Salt Lake valley was generally celebrated throughout the territory today. An immense concourse of people gathered at the Mormon tabqriinrlo In this city and was addressed by Governor West and President Wllford Woodruff of the Mormon church. The tubrrnaclo choir of 4IK ) voices furnlsncd musiu lor the occasion , nnd the old pioneers joined heartily in Iho favorite ramp-lire chorus of half a century- ago when they wore pushing handcarts or driving ox teams across the Great American desert. Killed \\7lli it 'liirart ItllL' . SALT LAKE , July 21 [ Special Tele-grain to THE Br.K.J Mrs. Kuth Townsend was acci dentally shot und killed today with a target rlllo In the hands of Lovlnu Harkard , iho sweetheart of Mra. Tpwnsend's son , Arthur. Miss Harkard was. . aiming at a taivot and Arthur Townsend' who was endeavoring to steady her aim by ( rusting the rlllo on his arm , suddenly dropijad his arm at her re quest , changing Iho jaiin. Mra. Townsend , who was standing to ono side , received the charge of thu rlllo In , the left side and died in tun minutes. ! Kiliivutlomil Miiujfctft lUrnii ) Ml , Ciiicjuio , July 2,1-fTho question of what shall be taught in the' public schoo's was discussed in thoganchil educational congress today. Bishop Fellows presided. The speakers were Pwif./ITr.incIs / Parker of the Cook County Nqrmal school : Thomas J. I Morgan , the soclalbt : Thomas D.ivldson of New York , Hainlin Uarlund of Indiana and ( Jeneral Franeio Walker. In the congress of higher education papers were read bv Pcpf. Bernard Moses of the University of California , the chancellor of the . University of Now York , J. A. Galloway of Glasgow and others. Now .IiTioy .vililar | MrlcUon. Asnniv I'AIIK , N. J. , July 24. Ono hundred and forty members of th First brigade , Now Jersey National guard , now in camp at Sea Girt , were pros t rat oil by some mysterious poison , iho nature ot whiun is nol known. It may Imve como from Iho oxalic ucld galh , . ered In the tlu cups , which have been stored since lust Bimimor. It Is not thought any men will die , Ciiuld Nut Hoiril : the Itiinlin. NBW Yoitu , July 23. Owing to u strong northwest wind , the health ofllccr reports that hoas unable to get alongside of the Itusslun warship Nicholas 1 , which arrived this afternoon. BOMBARDED BY BARBARIANS Nicarngvmn Knbels Open Tire on Munngtm Without Giving Any Warning. SII.1IEK OF A SHELL THE FI3ST NOTICE .Minister linker' * t'ntntly Jfnrrnwly l * r pc lr trilctloii During Ihn Oll-luilit : Mnny Wantrn mill Children Killed or Injured During tliu firing. am's dnnlon MANAOIIA , Nicaragua ( via Giilvcston , Tex. ) , ' July 24. [ By Mexican Cable to the New York Herald Special to Tun USB. ) Without giving notice to the Inhabitants , or giving the women and children n chance to escape , the revolutionists opened n bombardment of the city this morning. Two of the luke steamers seized by them when they opened the revolution appeared oft the city this morning at daybreak. One of them carried .1 Kruppgnn , which threw a projectile weighing vcnty-llvo pounds. The oilier carried an Armstrong gun , with which smokeless pow der i was used , and throw n shell weighing ninety pounds. With these guns they opened lire on the city. No warning was given to most of tno In habitants. ) , Now11 of the proposed bombard ment was brought when the report of the first j ] gun wns heard unit the ilrst shell came whizzing over the city. 'JL'hcro wns great . consternation all over the city. Trying to Itcmiivo tliu llrplc ! . Efforts were made to get women and children to pkiccs of safety , whllo n. brisk llro was opened from forts on the revolu tionists'llotilla. The aim of the government -miners was inaccurate mid their shots did llttlo damage to the enemy. Only one of the steamers was damaged. Two of her crew were killed. Shells from the rebel licet did considerable damage to public and private buildings in the city. Two Momcn and thrco children wore killed and many persons were wounded. During the four hours the bombardment continued thirty shells were thrown in the city. The rebel ships sailed away about 8 o'clock and have not since been seen. One of the shells struelc near the United States legation where Minister Baker and his two daughters reside. Mill xtnr llnkt'r I'ornmlly I'rotcnti. Foreign residents uro greatly exulted and more than Indignant over the bombardment of the city without having boon given notice. They denounce it as ti savage and barbarous act and Minister Uaker has made u formal protest to the revolutionary leaders. Many of the foreign residents arc preparing to leave the city. Immediately after the bom bardment a meeting of foreign residents whs held and the foreign consuls were abkcd 'to take measures for their protection aiut also to protest against the bombardment of the city. The consuls decided to follow the lead of United States Minister Baker in making a formal protest. Minister Baker and'bis daughters were in great danger from the shells thrown into the eltjrjaniiiMr.-JBuker is of'courso indignant overthe' act of 'llitf revolutionists. He tonight sent the following protest to the rev olutionary junta in Leon : IliM N'utu KI tlici .7 mi til. LEGATION OF TIIK UNITKII STATES , MANAOUA , NiUAKAfli'A.JuiJy 2-1. The undersigned repre- senlutlve of thu United Status re.slcllng In Man agua noticed with pain and humiliation tlio iictof barbarism this morning committed by olllcots und men acting under your authority and direction. I refer to tliu bombardment of this city without previous notice. Hint jeopardizing the lives of Aniuilcun citizen' ' , and other foreigners besides women am children nnd nonconibatants. Such proceed hiss are condemned by the civlll/od nations ol thu world. In tliu nanio of tliu clvlll/ud senti ment of the ago and of common humanity am : In tliu 11:11110 : of the Kovernicnt of thu United Status 1 enter u solemn and linn protest. 1.l\VIS : IlAKI'.lt. The consuls from Spain , Austria and Italy will also enter protests. A United States cruiser is ncedc di n Nicaruguaii waters. Ono should bo scut without delay to protect the lives and prop erty of citizens of that country. The revo lutionists will not obsurvn international law. I1ICA/.II. UXtiA llTIIii A I'l.OT. ItcvoliitlnnUtrtVora Alumt lo .Seunro Sun ( iiliilnl Through Trcucliury , [ Copi/r/u/ifol / / Id'M li l \ James Gnrtlun ncimctl. ] VAI.I'AIIAISO , Chili ( via Galveston , Tex. ) July 21. [ By Mexican Cable to Iho Now York Herald Special lo TUB BEU. ] The Herald's correspondent in Klvioru telegraphs that the Brazilian government has unearthed a plot among some of the officers of Iho troops stationed in Sun Gabriel to surrender lhal city to the revolutionists of Kio Grande do Sul. The plot wus discovered just In time lo prevent Us execution and the ofllccrs implicated have been sent as orisoncrs to Porto Afegro. The correspondent adds thai In an engagement near San Louis the revo lutionary forces were defeated. From Montevideo the Herald's corre spondent telegraphs that the Uruguayan cabinet has deckled that the request of Brazil for the arrest and surrender of Sil- vlera Marline and other members of Iho revolutionary committee cannot legally bo compiled with. It was supposed thut this demand ot the Brazilians coupled with an ordur for thrco war ships to proceed to Montevideo mount thut war would follow a refusal , but the Brazilian minister loday as i- sured the Uruguayan foreign minister thut the war ships were on a cruise and that no hostile net was Intended. This nssuraneo has tended to < iulot the fear that war would at once be declared but It by 10 means In i- dicates that ii. ro will not be serious trouolo. Modified 'Ilii'lr Action. Possibly the knowledge that Argentina would como to the assistance of Uruguay has caused Brazil to call the visit of her wur ships to Montevideo u "cruise" instead of a hostile uet. Meanwhile Ihe ships will be near Montevideo and also close to Buenos Ayrcs , if wur should actually bu declared. The Montevideo correspondent says that only guerilla warfare U now going on in Kio Orando do Sul. Ambulances have been pro hibited by the government from going t ; the relief of these wounded on the frontier. Nothing Is known in Montevideo ! of u reported revolution In Santa C.itiutrina , thu Bra/.ilian stale north of Kio Grande do Sul. News which goes to London from Kio ioI Janeiro is from government sources. Noth I- ing is allowed to coma to Montevideo and the situation in the Brazilian capital Is not known. It is'bolleved that the report of llu revolt in Santa Culharinu grow out of efforts : of emissaries from Kio Ur.indo do Sul to SB. euro recruits for the revolutionary army. The Herald's corrcsiundent In Iluenis Ayressays that llu Arciiitinj govern no nt Is still engaged in thu work of disarming the provincial troops. Then ; wus a Hurry today in the Valparaiso money nurxct. Exchange fell. Tlu-ro was a drop la tbo vuluo of nhui'os in ho Iliuinclinca silver mines , a largo number of which are held In Kuropo. WJSS S A Sll.VIti : . I'ernciin * * ltrn ? Think * n Sntitcrlpllon sltoiilil IIC , l < rd for Him , Al o. MAIUIIP , Jul l ; The representative in his t city of ths ssoclaled press had an nlorvlow wUljT , o Marquis div Barbolcs , jrothcr of theto " " of Ver.igua , in regard otho propnsul' " iat has been made In Iho United States , licet a fund for the duke , who has lostv . . ,0sl. If not all , of his tortuno In bad business Investments ami through goln ? security for friends. The nat'tils ( | said he regretted that the subserlp- lion was Intended only for Ihe bcnellt of the duke. The marquis ituelurcd that he , equally with his brother , was u descendant of Col- imbus , and us u matter of fuel , was poorer ; ban Iho duke of Veragua. The marquis thought ho should bo considered in the mat- ' icr , and expressed the hop" thut the organ- 'zcrs of the fund would see lo it thai ho wus 'lvcn a ihlrd or a i-nnrtcr \\haloversuni might bo collccled. In Mncl uur r.tr.liiinrnt. LONDON , July St. The Ilouso of Commons , sitting ns a committee of the whole on the homo rule bill , discussed this evening , Mr. Gladstone's new financial clause , which pro poses that Ireland's contribution to the im perial exchequer shall be one-third of her total . , revenue for six years. The speech of the evening was made by Mr. ( .iosehen , chancellor of the exchequer in the last Salis bury cabinet , who spoke for nearly two hours. Shortly before midnight Chairman Mcllor applied the closure to the debate and the clause in question was adopted by a vote ot JW to Hll. Klui ; Olio ot l.iv.tr.ii Mrxicii , July .M. The condition of King Otto of Bavaria is daily becoming worse. The paralysis with which ho Is aUlioicd is increasing , and it is the general belief that his end is near. / t.vMu.v. I'urtliar Tncts In tin ) CVisu ( ilvcn to the nbllct Ityihu I'riMinn ISnroiui. WASHINGTON , July 21. The following addi tional statement has been Issued from the pension olllco with reference to the suspen sion of Judge Long's pension : ' A further examination of papers in the cnso of Judge Dean Long , who , on May 0 , ISs'.i ' , hud his pension rorated and $ > 0 a month granted from June 4. 1S7S , and $72 a month from Juno 17 , 1H7S , does not improve matters for Ihe Judtje. The examination shows lhat the case \yas taken up without legal applica tion or declaration of any kind , on May ti , ISb'J ; that it was examined on May 0,1SS9 , reviewed - -viewed on May 0 , ihMl , medical action taken on May II. 1SV.1 , and ccrtilieuto issued on May li , IS- . ' , ! . In other words , It was rail- roadcd tliroinrh between two suns and something - thing like Jii.OOO paid lo Iho judge In luck pension. On July ! tO. lbs > 9 , in compliance with a letter written by the judge to Com missioner Tanner dated-Juno 12 , 1SS9 , the case was further rerated at the rate of $25 per month from Juno 24. , 1S02 , to Juno li , ISIili , and $111.25 per month from June 4 , 1)72 ! , to Juno 4 , 1S7This ) second rcr.Uing netted the judge a tolal ot about $1,000. It is further remembcrod by several pen sion otllcc employees that Judeo I.OIIK was on Iho ground himself when the pension bureau took its Ilrst j'o'nnrldblc action und , together with Major Wright of the pension bureau , seemed to bo looking carefully after his intorcsls. The papers also show lhat despite the fact that the ofllce medical board which ex amined ' ' Judge Long on March 21 , " 183-1 , "only/ / fouh'd h'iinentitled to ! 0 per' month , which" dofealtd any right of liis to an increase , fo'r ho wus then in receipt of S0 ! per month pen sion. In August , 1SS4 , his pension was arbi trarily Increased by Commissioner Dudley lo f.r > 0 per month. 'It should bo stated , however , in Justice to Mr. Tanner , that before no grunted Judge his llrstrcratim * , he obtained from the chief of the l'iw division Mr , . Bailey , a legal opinion prepared by Captain Lyon , which sought to Justify the contemplated rerating by the commissioner. Ills needless to say that tills opinion do.-s not properly stuie Iho law in Iho case , us an/ ono conversant wllli pension affairs will altest. " TIIUV .MAY Illlti : Cl.l'UKS. CongrrRfinrn Will llu I'lititlril tit Sncli A < - l * t iiicu During tlio Kvtr.i. Summon. WASHINGTON' , July 24. First Comptroller Fowler has made several decisions in answer to queries from Clerk Kerr of the house of representatives regarding the employment of clerks by congressmen , provided for at the last session. Ho decided that congress men are authorized to employ clerks during an extra session of congress ; that any num ber of congressmen may employ and pay the same clerk If they desire and that clerks so employed do not have to take an oath of of fice. fice.The The Ilrst comptroller.also called Mr. Kerr's attention to the fact that but fill.OOi ) Is ap propriated for "miscellaneous items and ex penses of special and select committees , " and if all members avail themselves of the privilege of hiring a clerk during the entire session , thu fund will bu exhausted during the lirst month of the session.- More money will probably bo appropriated for this pur pose at an early day. rrui-ri'h * ( if HIM Cholera. WASHINGTON' , July -I. Assistant Surgeon General B. U. Young ol thu Marino hospital stationed at Naples , Italy , today cabled thu surgeon general that cholera continues at that place , averaging throe cases dail 1. The Marine hospital service also received a cable message this morning through the Department ot State from Consul Strickland lit fjoro-Dalcar , Africa , Baying : "Cholera prevails in Senegal. " No statistics as to the number of cases anil deaths or other particu lars were glvoa. Senegal is a French col- 'onUldopomieiu-y in West Africa. CHILD CRIPPLED. Unfortunate ) Fall "f Horlrniu OUtrnni , u 7- V.sir.uid ( i.rl. Hortenso Olslrom , u 7-year-old girl , resid ing with her parents in the lints at the souih- iwest corner of Sixteenth and Howard street , mot with an accident last evening that will prove fuial. Whllo playing wilh oilier children , on iho roof of an unfinished building in the rear of itho Hats , she slipped and foil lo the ground , where she wus picked up in an unconscious condition. " Drs. Leo , Somors and Towno were sum- moncd. They found that Ihu unfortunate girl had fractured her skull and broken both limbs , ns well us sustaining severe injuries of the thighs. 'I'lio lltilo sufferer was tukon to the polieo stullon and later to the Presbyterian hospi * tul. It Is ihought that she cannot possibly sur- vivo Iho Injuries received. TEDMAN FOUND. .Ml.rflii ; ; IlrlduKr.iuni I.orated tit South Iu < kiitii mill \Vlilou llurki ) I * llnppy. II'o Charles II. Ted man. the breveted bride groom from South Dakota who mysteriously disappeared from Omaha lattSaturday , was located yesterday. Ho U ut South Kdge- inont. S. D. This fact afforded n largo amount of relief to ' Mrs. Mary II. Burke : , the inajria'geablo Pltuburg widow who came all the way from the Smoky City to marry Tcdmun in Omaha. Shu secured the assistance of the police to Him her miss . ing Charley and now shu ia happy over their ' success. Mrs. HurKo secured transportation over the Burlington and will .leave for South ( , 1'Mi'umont tuiay. It scenu that Ted man wants her to come there now to have luu nuptial Haul tied gooJ iiud Lurd. GETTING READY FOR ACTION Franco mid Sintu OloaritiE- the D.'ckl and , Preparing for Bloody War , BLOCKADE OF THE SIM COAST DECLARED Vtlmlral I'nvln Spirrliiu fur \ VindI'l l'X | > vcti > il to llrj-ln Tiitnorrow frcnrli .MlnUtrr I. in VIM II iniknk Kii I.cmUH iultli Dl isxt tiu James dontiiiiJnincH ) U > xi > ox , July tl. ! [ Now York Herald Jablo Special to 'I HI : Bt-i : . ) Tliu followinn has boon received from the llor.ild corre spondent at Bangkok , dated nt 4:05 : o'clocK p. in. last night : 'Slam's oflor has been refused by tin French , owing to "tho disagreement regard- thu concession of the left bank of the Mekong. The other demands were generally conceded. Admiral 1'avlo hns asked foi pilots to leave on the 'JOth , when the tldn will permit the Constant to cross the bar. In the meantime diplomatic relations have been broken off. It Is believed the delay In Intended to enable more French ships to ar rive at Saigon to assist In the destruction of the forts at the river entrance , previous to the attack on the palace. The king will make a strong defense , as bo baa organized a force of I'J.UOO troops. A terrible hand-to- hand conlllct on th'j French ship Is probable. Foreigners are protected by tlio British , Dutch and ( u'nnan ship.- . There is no American vessel here. Slam Is trying to negotiate with Paris direct , independent of I'.ivio ] , but with slender hopes of success. " NOTIKIII : > TIIIC ririits. : . Trillion linn AIrouly Ctnnmmicril Iliutlto Opi'nttloiiH A-ilnst | Slum. July ! ! ! . The French a.dmlral has been Instructed to at once declare a blockade of Siamese ports. The French minister bai been advised to leave Bangkok in twenty- four hours. The government this afternoon notllled the powers of its Intention to block ade the Siamese coast to secure the guaran ties to which Franco was entitled. A cabi net council to decide on additional measures will bo held tomorrow. Arrangements are being I made with another government for tlio i protection of French subjects during the absence i of the French from Bangkok. ( illllllll.llH ( iOlllllir ItcHlly , LONDON , July ill. Thu Bangkok corre spondent of tlui Times says : "On Saturday the French gunboats were llxlng chain armor amidships. The Slimeso vessels also are preparing for action , AH have steam up. The French legation professes to believe that tliQ gunbo.its cannot cross tlio bar un til high tldo on Wednesday , which would leave time to complete/ amicable sottl"- ment. "The turritory that Slam offers to sacrU lieu covers the extreme point o.f recently at tempted Fcunch aggression. The cession involves the evacuation of the Sfamesu rfjrts of ' I'oowadetie , Altopcn and Sumpang. . riverlt3clt , the French -have been. uuablo in four' inon ths ' to place a single 'station , excepting Khou'g , and that was ob tained by a surprise. "I'lui. complete failure of ( Jovernor Gen eral Dchinessan'suttemptcd land advance was the causa of the naval nttaok now made through Bangkok. " 1 am credibly informol that Hussla re cently sounded Slum as to whether thu lat ter was disposed to concerto the island Salang or Junk CeyJon , on the eighth degree of north latitude and west of the Malay peninsula , for a Uusslun nav.il station. The naval authorities consider Salang as of great stratcgetical importance. " Ciiiiiiiieiilt ol Hi * l-'ri-nvh I'rc . PAHIS , July 24. The Llbcrte says : "Tho French gunboats will probably go down the river , shell and destroy the P.ikimm forts and then return to their positions before Bangkok to bombard the palace. Some pain ful measure is necessary for tlio preserva tion of France's prestige. " The Uoh.its says thut Slain as a rice pro ducing country , probably does not fear greatly the blockade. As for the operations on land , iho Debats thinks the Siamese will bo provided surreptitiously by Kngland with all the arms they nee.I. The majority of the Paris newspapers de vote us much space lo dununciallons of Eng land ns lo Iho mailer at issno belwcen Franco and Slam. They claim lhat ICntrlaml Is planning to give the Siamese secret aid when hostilities begin. A dispatch from Kama says that Italy has asked Kngland to protect liullun subjects in Stain. The Kiame.se minister in this city has not yet received his passports from the French government. Almt'il ill ( irnul lirlnln. LONDON. July 'Jl The papers generally comment In a belligerent strain on French proceedings in Shun and declare they uro really aimed at Great Britain anil must ha severely chucked. A dlsp itch from Paris to a news agency stales lhat the blockudoof Uio Slamesocoast will become effective on Thursday or Friday next. The Franro-Slamcso complications have been the ono absorbing topic in the lobbies of Iho House of Commons today. On all sides regret is expressed that the Hrltl-.li wars hlp.4 in Siamese walers were not rein- fnrcml a month ago , ar. thu British Interests in Simi outnumber the Frjiu-h u hundred lo one. A council of mlnlater * was sum moned this afternoon at Iho instance of Lord Itosubcry , Bccrotur.v ; of state for for eign affairs. Thu only subject discussed was the situation ut Bangkok. Ulllli'll Sliltm Illtm-iHti Iu > llilfl3lllt. ; WASIIINOTON , July 21. So far us the State department Is Informo'l there are no Ameri can clti/.cns roildiii in SI nn except about a bcoro of missionaries.It 1 $ not bjllovcil to bo necessary to take any spoulal nnsasuros for tliolr protection. The United States has no diplomatic representative in Slam. U the welfare of our missionaries should bu threatened t hey can secure protection upjn uppUcalioti to HID minister of sumo other na tion. Thu commercial Interests of Iho United States in Slum are Insignificant. Will Oprr.ttu liy l.iiml , PAHIS , July .24. The Llbcrto says that France will scUo nnd hold D.iltumb.ing und Angkur.i ns guaranties that her demands will bo satislied. The Tumps says lhat bcsUcs the blockade , military operations will jc opened shortly. Thu details of Iheso operations are still un determined. They will bo solllcd at a cabi net council within u day or two , Steps will bo laken In Indo-Cliinu toward sorlout action immediately after the arrival of the ballallun of thu foreign legion. .11. l'.iv | XVIII l.cuvo llHiiu-lnik. BANUKOK , July 21. M. Puvlo , French min ister resident , has lowered the flag over his olllco and has notllled the Khimcso govern ment that he will leave thu city lo go aboard the French war vessel , Incoantante , Wud- nesilay. He has requested the government , to provide pilots to conduct iho Lutm and Cometo down the river. French subjects in Bangkok will bo placed under the protoctlou of iho Dutch consul. llrltUhiTu In ll.ineUiiU Irrltutoil , LONDON , July SI I'ho Biux'rfok corro- 8Kjndcnt | of the Times lelcgraphR : ' 'Tho Ir- rituMun of thu BrllUh colony U intei.so at the seeming apathy of the home govern ment , "