Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1893, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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currier lo * ny part of the 4ttr
I llmlnc Office " , . No. 43
. . . . . No. 23
N. V. Plumbing Co
Boston Store for sun umbrella *
Judson , pasturage , WJ Sixth avenue.
Mlltonbcrgcr Is tlio hotter , HM Hroidway
The Mavno Heal Estate Co. , GUI Hro.idwav.
.1 ml go Smith will hold ft special session of
district court tiuxt Monday.
About twenty-five residents of First five-
nuo spent List evening at Manavva
Oscar Under has tuVcii out n permit for
the erection of a cottage on n\tnuo A , to
cost t\,4M \
A case of scarlet fever was reported
jcsterday at the home of C. M Harl on Oak
land avcnuo
Henry Mothers la under arrest on the
charge of malicious mischief. A warrant Is
out for his brother , /Cod , for larceny.
I < A. falmons , the LawrenceKan , jouth
who was nirosted for to me to sell lottery
tickets , was Ii led In pollcocourt jcstenlily
rooming nd fined ? - " . 00
Twcntj-llvo incmhcrs of the Oanjr.cdo
Wlificl club went lo Omaha last evening lo
take part In the wheel pai.ulo 1 heir bicy
cles \ \ . with old gold and botllo
preen , the club colors , and thuy made a gay
Miss Cox , a bright , oark-halrcd llttlo lady
from Denver , pave a unlipio and highly enJoyable -
Joyablo untcrtulnmcnt tit the Hut Baptist
cliurch last evening Her program was ar
ranged to show her charming ability as an
nrtlst In Dclsarte r.tul elocution Her grate
ful Delstirto movements In Grecian costume
nnd her icnmrkabloiihllltyus un elocutionist
provided an entertainment that charmed
Mr. and Mis Drill , who HVP at the corner
of Twentieth street and Fourth avenue ,
were tipped out of their buggy Thursday
evening while driving on Eighth street ,
near willow avenue The accident was
caused bj the iccklessncss of a man driving
nnothcr team , colliding with the baggy anil
almost demolishing it. 'Iho fellow who did
the mischief drove away as soon as ho found
what ho had done , and his name , fortunately
for blin , uas not learned.
M VnnAtta keeps the saloon at the corner
of I'ouitecnth street and Hroadw.iy , in front
of which the light took place that was men
tioned In ji-sterday's HIM , . Ho ntutcs that
the assillnils had not been in his pluco for
about an hour and that they had never been
there biifore. to his knowledge , before that
ikftemoon He states that ho does not encourage -
courage thugs nnd plng-ugllus to make his
place their headquarters , and denies all re
sponsibility In the matter.
Kejs Ihos. wore compelled to shut down
their carriage factory last evening on ac
count of the dullness of the maikot They
have been running on short time for unite a
while past , but hoped that an increase In
sale's would allow them to resume before
long at their usual standard. Last night ,
how over , they notillod their employes that
thuj would have to stop woik indefinitely ,
.lust ns soon as the llnancinl stringency of
the mnyc'j mnikct Is over and the sales can
ho made < o Justify them , they will icotien.
Tlioro is another line attraction at
Manawa whieh will continue until Sun-
duy evcnlntr. It is the Great Southern
Colored Concert company , comprising
fourteen members. They will ivo con
certs each owning in the pavilion at the
hotel. The company lius a line reputa
tion , and includes many artists capable
of interpreting classic plantation melo
dies. An admission of OOo will bo
The best building sand in the market
by carload. Address N. Schurz , 34 Bald
win Block , Council Bluffs , la.
Domestic soap is the best.
Arthur Hoffmayr is homo from a visit to
W. F. Fleming left last evening for a two
XVCCKS stay In Chicago.
Mrs. T. A. Clark has returned from a trip
to Burlington Junction , Mo.
Misses Stella and Betlio Graves are vislt-
Ing in Manltou and Colorado Springs. Colo.
Frank Tiimblo and Emmet Tinley re
turned yesterday morning fioni the World's
Miss Fiances Bowman left icsterday for n
\isit of two weeks with iclatlves in Glen-
Miss Dntton has returned to her homo In
Nebraskaafter a visit with the Misses Hcnn
on Vine stiect.
The engagemcnt'of Miss Sudona Elizabeth
Clark , daughter of Mi. and Mib. T. A. Clark
of this city , to Mr Alexander Johnston of
Milwaukee is announced.
Mrs Dr. Thompson of Foil Smith , Ark .
Mis. Hubhaid of Los Angeles , Ciil. , and
Mrs Hej nolds , jr , of Gcncseo , 111 , are in the
eitj for a visit with tholr sister , Mrs Dr.
Thomas , on South Eighth street , and their
brother , John W. Ferrier.
The Manhattan Beach company has
80 acres of land boulorIng on Lake
Mnnawa , much of it covered with beautiful -
tiful Bhudo tr/es and aejessiblo to thu
beach. Portions dohiring to camp out
nto otTured grouiulb for that purpose
free of charge. Apply to G. M. Wash-
burn , manager , at the bath house olllco ,
nnd select jour location. .Manhattan
Beach Co.
There is nothing in this country like
the fruit kept in Wheeler , llerold iVt
CO.'H cold stoiago. No matter what the
weather is it icnohes the customer in
perfect condition. Another car load of
lemons was put in Satin day.
llin ( iianci Until ,
Council BlulTs. The moat elegant in
Iowa. Dining loom on seventh Moor.
Rate , $3.00 and $3.00 n day. E. F. Clark ,
An lulitiit Ii iliiKtry.
Joe and Mat Snyder , two men who are
naiil to li\o in Omaha , were arrested jester-
day morning by Oflicer Claar while they
weio engaged In an opeiation which It Is
claimed lias been tholr solo means of liveli
hood for soiiio tlino past They had a wagon
with them and weio picking up empty kegs
in the icar of a saloon. An agent
of Lump's brewery In this city went
to the police station * uml identified
the kojs as having boon stolen , and tiled In
formation against the two men Fred Geiso ,
nho is agent for I'abbl , has also been the
victim of tie two men , who , it is claimed ,
h.ivu Hindu n regular business of stealing
kegs and gelling them to dealers In Omahtt ,
making anj w hero from $ .1 to tf > a day bj the
operation Emptj kegs are eiedited up to
ilealciH who lutnrii ( twin to thu biowerj at
f 114) ) for the "pony" keg and tJ 'M for iiunr-
teiH , HO it may bo easily seen * , hat thu busi
ness has been a losing one lor the saloon
The friends of II. O. Cook , who mot
with a bad and painful accident at the
elevator while in the disohargo of his
duties a few weeks agow , ill bo pleased to
learn that ho was a member of Huvvk-
eye lodge , Order ( if the World , No. f.ti . ,
which puye a eick and accident benollt
of * irK ) ( ) per week , lecoiving $7fi.OO for
the three weeks that ho was ditabled.
For wliich ho ib highly elated and
cheerfully recommondd the association
as gilt edged anil A No. 1.
Mitiinnn I'ruiiK ,
Trains for Miinawn will leave Broad
way depot at and 11 a. m. , 1 , 2 , 3 ,
: i:30 : p. m. , and every thirty miuntos
thereafter until 12:30 : at night. Last
train will huno Maiiuwu for Council
BlntTtiut 11.V : > p , m.
Cook yoi > - meals this siumnor on a gas
range At cost at ho Gas company.
your gi ocor for Domcutiu soup.
Arrest of n Prepossessing Young Man Who
Bold Spectacles Cheap.
How Clinrlri Knllljr Amnclateil i Confidence
tlnmn wltli it rropurntlon to Clvnni *
Nllvcrnnro The \nuni ; Mnn Hum
the t'ollce.
A joung fellow of ralhcr prepossessing ap
pearance has been selling spectacles around
the city for several days past. Ho took out
a license for that pur | > esc , but the specta
cles were .apparently the less Important feature -
turo of his stock in trade. IIo professed
to bo selling a mixture that would clean
silver When ho struck a place where
there wa a woman who looked as
though she might have use for spectacles
iio would pull a , pair out of his pocket In an
Incidental sort of way and offer to sell them
cheap , ns ho had picked them up on the
street In Omaha and needed money. 'Iho
spectacles looked like solid gold nnd the
peddler said they were made of genuine
pcbblo glass. He had no trouble In gelling
anywhere from * J to 150 per pair for spec
tacles which , when examined moro olosolj' ,
were found to bo the very cheapest kind of
gilt wash and common window glass , and
mlirht bavo cost the seller as high as 1C
cents a pair.
Some of the victims made a complaint nt
the police station , nnd Charles Hallly , a
young man who has been doing the business ,
vvns aricstcd yesterday and slated with ob-
t lining money under fnllb uretcnses The
police claim to have a number of wilncsscs
who will appear against him at the proper
time Hallly sajs ho has done nothing ex
cepting what Is done by any enterprising
merchant every day in thu j ear. Ho gavn a
bond of f.'O for his appearance in police court
this morning.
At the Itottnn Store.
A chance for thosovvho desire to make
thoiiiHohos comfortable during thin very
hot weather. For Saturday only.
A real Mexican prass hammock , sold
everywhere for $1.00 ; our price for Sat
urday , Cilc , with bruidcd ed > ; o.
A 81.50 Mexican grass hummock for
8'Je ' Satiuday.
\ $2.00 Mexican grass hammock for
81.11) ) Saturday. Don't fail to get ono , as
they nro certainly 2o to 50 per cent
cheaper than j on over had an opportu
nity of getting the bamo grade of goods nt
As vvo stated in yesterday's paper , wo
have reeoived over 750 do/.en towels of
all grades , the bamo to bo put on oalo
today. Wo Imvo them all laid out nd
ready for inspection.
Tlio gieatsalo on them commences
today , for one day only. Remember
ate open until 10 p. in. tonight.
75 do/en beautiful hnek towels ,
hemmed ends , coloied borders and
white , for today lie each. ,
100 doon colored border , knotted
fringe towels l"e } each for today.
100 dozen of a very line huek towel ,
fringed and colored borders , for 17c , or
U for 50e ; would bo a bargain at 25c.
For todaj only.
At 20c , 25c anil 30c vv c show over
twenty styles that cannot bo duplicated
any place for one-half more. If you need
towels now or in the near future don't
noglcct this chance for today only.
J50 ohildrcn'b gau/o vests , si/os 10 to 20 ,
for lOc each. Si/es 20 to 34 , for Hie
each. The above is a bargain in vests
seldom to be had. 75 do/en ladiob'
Egyptian fine ribbed vests 12Jc each.
100. do/en ladies' lisle tluead vests
with silk strings , worth 50c , for 25c
today only.
100 do/on gents' outing flannel and
French percale shirts , wore 76c and
$1.00 , for 48c each.
Fotheringhnm , Whitclaw & Co. ,
Originators , Leadci'a and Piomoters of'
Low Prices.
Sandwich Iinni ovoinrnts.
The Sandwich Manufactuilng company
has been making some extensive and hand
some Improvements , and now cnjo\s the dis-
linclinn of having one of the most prominent
buildings in the agricultutnl implement dis
trict. General Manager W. II. James has
assumed the lusponslbillly of transforming
thu building , which has alvvajs been a buo-
hive of industry , into a modern struclure ,
adding means lo facilitate the handling of
the constantly growing business and improv
ing the exteinal appeal-nice and the internal
conveniences The cxtciior has been painted
a rich Venetian red. with broiuo , black and
gray trimmings The business oHIccs have
been gieatly brightened and improved and
the whole place changed so that it is scaicoly
"The hum of the Sandwich cornshellcrs
will make moro music in the land than
over. " remarked Mr. James , " /or there is a
World's fair corn crop in the west this j ear ,
and ovcr.Mblng indicates thai Iho fanners
will gel big prices for Iho biggest crop they
have laiscd for .vcars Wo increased our
sale of shellurs l.asl .vcar by in mv thofsand , and this jear wo are going fnrahcad
of the high water mark. And while wo are
doing this wo aio going to make our head-
quartois hero attiactlvo and comfortable.
It Is only a question of a short time when
wo will have to still further cnlnrgo. You
can depend upon It , wo will do our shaio
tnwaid making the ngiicultuial district of
Council Bluffs the greatest center of such
trade In the world. "
Sailing Kn nttii lit Munilwu.
At 50 : ! p. m. Saturday , July 22 , a
yaclit lace v\ ill ba bailed over the Lake
Manavva conrbO.
Seven of the finest bailing yachts have
ontuied and will competu for tlio mag
nificent silver cup now on exhibition at
the Turf , Manavva. A Imnilhomo pribo
will bo given to the winner of tlio ladieu'
lowing r.ico ; also a handtomo pri/u for
the gcntloman winning the single hcnll
laeo no cntianco foj's. After the races
there will be a grand display of aquatic
( irciit Itcduflloii ti. t'inliir l.iiiulinr I'rircn.
Our company , having a largo supply ol
red cedar in their yardb in Ai knnbns , h'av o
concluded to greatly i educe their prices
on i ed cedar for the next ( it ) days. Now
is your time to got i ed cedar cheap.
W. F. UAKKH , Agent ,
Slingart Ulock , CouiicrHiluffc.
Carbon Coal Co. , wholesale and retail
coal. Removed from 10Pearl to 114 Pour ]
street , Grand Hotel building.
Grocnshiolds , Nioholbon < fc Co. , real
estate ami rentalbOOOHroadway. Tel.151.
UHO Domestic soup.
Illliznril t'liino Ituck.
Mlko BlUzard crossed the Big Muddy yes
tonlny noon in company with Deputy Mar
shal Tow lor and now occupies a uhoica eel
In the city jail Seigeant Whalcn and Do
tcclivo Yizzard ran him down in Omaha Ii
accordance vvilh Iho reijuobt of the BlufTs
ofllclals , in spitoof DlU/ard's ' havlngshnvoi
off his moustache with the evldont intention
of disguising himself In order lo avoid ar
rest. Ho is charged with highway robbery ,
and both ho and his brother Charles wll
have a preliminary hearing in tlio pollco
court this mornlag , J. W Crook , the at
U'gcd victim , having remained in thotity to
Whllo making the trip from Omaha to
Council Bluff * BlUzurd talked fieoly about
the robbery und admitted that ho had raupoc
Crook over the head , as ho sulii , "Just for
fun. " Ho said Iio was drunk and fell quar
relsome. Wtic'ii askiHl if ho took Crook's
money after ho had knocktxl him senseless
ho replied , "I want to sotan attorney bcforu
I § ay luj thing about mouuy. Do jou think
,1ml man Crook looked Ilkon mnn that would
havt > fVI all nt onci' "
Mlko Hll7Mrd Is well known In pollco clr-
cls , he havlnu been in norapos l j-
'ore , but tils f.iihcr has alwn.vs paid his llnei
nnd had him released 'vllhout having to
undergo any very serious i-onsciiuoncei His
jrothcr , on the contrary , Is generally well
: hought of and It Is the opinion of the of *
Iclals that ho was Innocently drawn Into the
affair and , like most other Innocent people ,
was unfortunate enough to get caught
Olcnntlr < * nto SiUimlnv.
ILN'OHMOUS 1'UllCHASK of ladles' Jersey
ribbed vest.v. also men's ' and boy's negli
gee shirts , bought for spot cash. Kntiro
lot on sale Satttrdrty nnd Saturday evening -
ing ati price.
.1,000 LAIJIKS' ' riNU QUAUTY Jersey
ribbed vests in fine 1'gyptinn combed
cotton , silk trimmed ; also ladies' lisle
thread vests. Not ono garment in this
lot worth less than .lie and up to 50c.
Die entire lot Saturday nt ono price
only , 15c cich. Not moro than 0 to any
-Hio customer. Turn out during the day
if possible and avoid the evening rush.
Wo hnvo plenty for nil.
1,000 OKNTS' SCOTCH CHKVIOT negligee
shirts , neat stripes , lay down collar ,
good material , at just half price , Satur-
lay 2oc each.
1U)0 ! ) OKNTS' ' OUT1NC1 TLANNKI. ,
Madras cloth , French sateen and canvas
cloth negligee shirts , beautiful styles ,
well made , colors guaranteed fast , worth
Sl.OO nnd 31.2. * ) , Saturday at loss than
mlf price , entito lot 50c each.
The greatest shirt bale on record.
28 do/en gents' bilk and wool stripe
French Madras cloth negligee shirts , n ,
very line imported shirt , worth $1.50
and $ I.7r , Saturday , during this sale ,
500 boys' negligee shirts , very fine
quality , neat checks' and stripes ih me
dium nnd dark colors , at ono-half price.
Saturday , 'Wo each. Catch on boys.
Saturday evening for thieo hours , 7 to
10 p. m. , wo will olTor the last lot of
those beautiful figured lawns , 10'yards
for 25c.
Open Saturday evening Until 10 p. m.
Originators of Low Prices.
ANoniKii ricNic roic TONMGIIT
At tlin lloston Store.
2,500 yards duchess mull ginghams
nnd seersuckers , goods wortli 8c , lOc and
12jc all for tonight Irom (5 ( to 10 for 5e a
1,750 yards pongee and corded batiste ,
beautiful colorings , for tonight from 0 to
10 for ( He a yard. Only one pattern to rt
Fothoringhnm , Whitolavv & Co. ,
Leaders of lowprices. .
Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street ,
largest und best bicycle stock in city.
Another improvement to the popular
Schubci t piano. Swaiibon Music Co
Dr. J. C. W-atorman'b olllco removed
to No. 9 South Main stieet. i
Stop at'tho Ogden , Council BlufTs , tie
lest & 2.00 houbo in Iowa.
Smoke T. D. King & Co's Partagas.
Domestic soap outlabts cheap soap
FVTVHK Ainlllt.ll.1.
Cadets Appolntrd to the Nnval Acndomy
at Annnpolli.
WASHINGTON , July 21. Nearly all naval
cadets for the next class have been ap
pointed. Among them are : ,
Illinois Fouith distiict , Max Schmidt ,
W. H. Hettig , alternate ; Sixth district , P.
Graham , L Steusloy , alternate ; Tenth dis
trict , P. Paul , L. P. Wolcott , alternate ;
Twelfth distiict , C. C. Jewell , I Williams ,
alternate ; Sixteenth district , P. Williams ;
Eighteenth districl , W. M. Shackford ;
Nineteenth district , O. S. Eukridgo ; Illinois
at largo , C. S. Huford.
Iowa Third districl. H. P. Varnoll , C. H.
Mullen , alteiinto ; Fourth nistricl , D. N.
PallisonFiflhdislrict ; , A. S. C Smith. Jr. ,
W. N. MotTett. alternate ; Sixth district ,
William H Wells , W. E Foster , alternate ;
Seventh distiicl. A. McCarthy , E K. Law
less , alternate ; Eighth dislricl , L. N. Hider ;
Tenth district , II Robinson.
Nebraska Fourth districl , L M. Over-
sticet H. M. Wells , allornalo ; Fifth dis
trict. M.J. Shelton.
Wisconsin -Hist district , D E. Thclon ,
It. A. Chandler , alternate ; Third district ,
M. F. Chase , U. W. Fowler , alternale ;
Fourth district , K F. Adman ; Seventh dis
trict , Frexi Atnold. jr. , W. H. Clark , nlter-
mto ; Eighth distiict , 13 C. Hai ihamjTonth
distilct , H. N. Jansen , T. II. Parker , alter
South JJakota At large. F. F. Clough.
DiRtmrinmit Ciiaeti DlHinUHOcl.
WASHINGTON , July 21. Commissioner Sey
mour of the patent oflico today rendered a
decision in the disbarment piococdlngs of
Church & Church against Foster & Free
man , attoincjs for the Boll Telephone com
pany , and William E. Simonds , late commis
sioner of patents. Mr. Seymour finds thai
Foster it Freeman are nol guilty of any
wrongdoing , as chaigcd , and as to ex-Com
missioner Simonds , ho finds that what ho
did was within his dlaciutlon as commis
sioner and that the taking of the copies of
the Drawhangh application , especially as he
had the consent of Secretary Noble to dose
so , vvat > not , under the rules of the oflico. a
mailer of which ho could bo cognizant. The
complaint , therefore , against all of the
parties was dismissed. / .
Throe Men Killed anil Ono Wounded Over
ii I'lluilly Allulr. , III , , July 21. The community
was shocked this evening by the moil dread
ful liagcdy over known In this section.
Hlchard Shoem liter killed Hlchard Lukcns ,
jr. , George Lukcns , his brother , and after
seriously wounding the father of the two
dead men , put a bullet Into his own body
with fatal results. All the parlies are men
of high social standing , and vvclMcnown
thiouphout southern Illinois and a poitlon of
Kentucky. Hlchard Ilikens , jr , married
Shoemaker's stoplaughtor , Miss Lillian
Jones , about thicu jeairf ago Shoemaker
had been her guardian , and after the mar-
rlago was called upon fo-an accounting of
Iho rslato. Seumlngly , ho had run through
a largo sum loft the girl bv her father. Pro-
traded litigation followed and much hitler
fooling was the result. Hecently a
piano in the possession of Mrs. Lukens
was sold by Shoemaker , and on ils removal
moio hoi words were Indulged in The feel
ing hud been greatly Intonsllied bv this last
incldonl , and this uvcnliiK about ti0 ! < Shoemaker -
maker walked up to Lukon'a lesldeiieo
armed with Iwo revolvers of largo caliber ,
and entering the yaul opened tire upon
IJick and George , who \\eia standing there ,
Iho former wllh his In bo in his arms lioih
fell dead In an Instanl , George with a bullet
through his temple and Hlchard wllh ono
thiough his heart. Their father , Hichnrd
Lukcni , alarmed by the shooting , ran out
and mot the murderer , w ho was llrlng that
after shol Into the bodies. Ho fired a bullet
Into the old man's thltrh ' 1 hen , as a crowd
had collected , ho turned and ran down the
street two squares when , suddenly hailing ,
ho srnt n bullet Into his own abdomen and
died In a short timo.
Shnomaker was about-10 j ears of ago and.
loaves u w ifo and two ebllilren v
The dead men v\ ore aged 'M and 2,1 respec
tively , and each letivei a wlfo und child.
Their father's condition Is serious.
New lurk Kit lixucr.
NEW Yoiik , July 21. [ Special Tolegrani to
TIIK HKB. ] Exchange was quoted ns follows
yes erduy : Chicago , $1.80 to * 2 discount ;
Hoston , id to 45 cents discount ; St. Louis ,
t-i discount.
Approval of t.orTn-Ycar , Garbage Con
tract tolttt MacDonald.
t < f _
d ? 777
Cnnllrmiitlnn of flo'me of tlie Mnjor'n Ap-
poliitiiirntK Inlrpiluctlon HIII ! r nc
of ( ) rdliiiinj - -jMr. llmcult itiul
Sir. Munro-Crnii sworilf.
10 V
irnoM TBSTBitUi'j' ' sfecovn EIHTIOV I
The city councllias { npprovod of the ten-
j car garb-xgo contract with A. MnoUonntd ,
and the simo now goes to Major UoniU for
his approval The contract and bond was
ireseuted to the council at last night's
meeting It occupied the attention of 'tho
counciltncn for a considerable time , and
speech linking was frcquctitlj indulged in ,
some of the members becoming the Ic.isl bit
personal in their remarks
The contract is rather a lengthy docu
ment , and It will go into effect the 1st day
of January of next jear , unless otherwise
ordered by the mayor and the council. The
garbage and all refuse matter shall ho re
moved at least two nnd one-half miles from
.bo corporate limits of the city , and within
ihreo miles at places designated by the
Hoard of Health where the same
will not become n nuisance. The
charges for collection and removal
shall ho ns follows : Dead animals ,
neighing over 500 oounds , $2 each ; less than
600 pounds , 81 ; dead dogs , 75 cents j dead
cats , U * > cents. Kadi lo id of manure , ashes
or other refuse , $1. The standard of loads
shall bo , manure , sixty-four cubic feet and
ashes and other solid refuse , twcnty-sovon
cubic feet. Kich barrel of garbage , thirty
gallons or more , 20 cents ; receptacles of less
than thirty gallons , for each ten gallons , 10
cents ; removing contents of vaults , 10 cents
l > or cubic foot. The contractor shall collect
Lho same at the charges named and shall
load on cars at Hvu points , as nearly thu
same distance apart as irosslblo. Desk room
shall also bojnrnlshcd In tlio rooms of the
Hoard of Health , free of charge. For these
rights Mr. MacUonald will pay the city the
sum of $ J0 per year , and glvcs-n bond of
$10,000 with S. L Wiloy and A. U. Hunt as
Ie < l to Gone nil Dlscimlon.
The dlicussion of the proposition to ap
prove of the contract was prolonged and
most of the members participated. Mr.
Hascall led the discussion for those fa or-
able to the proposition and Mr. Muuro fought
to have action deferred. During the discus
sion Mr. Hnscall and Mr. Munro became
somewhat acrimonious.
When It came to a vote Munro and Kl-
sasser voted In the negative , as they be
lieved there was undue haste manifested.
On the other hand Hascall , McLeario and
other members insisted that thu proposition
was a good ouo and should be speedily
snapped up.
Dr. bouiers was present and ho was called
on for his views Ho considered the schcmo
the best and most feasible yet suggested.
As soon as the ddctor completed his remarks
the bond and contract were approved
Cotnpti oiler Olien asked to have the plans
and specifications' for the library building
transfciicd from' thb City clerk's oflico to
that of the comtltr6ller. Hcfcrred to the
committee on Judlflari.
The action of the park commissioners was
approved and theclty , attorney directed to
prepare the ncJcssary ordinance for the
widenintr and p-irlclrfg of Woolworth avenue
from Hanscom park to Thirty-sixth street.
The members < of < Mount Pirgah Baptist
church asked for J.ho yso of the largo room
on the fifth floor of. fho city hall , to bo Httcd
up with pows , for the purpose of holding re
ligious services tlioro , , Hofcrred to commit
tee on public property and buildings.
C. A. Spoonor hied " a personal injury claim
A protest against lie paving of Twelfth
stre-et , from Lea.v-enworh _ to Jones street ,
was presented an'ij ' referred.
Appraisers returned damages In the
amount of $12,3130 , for the opening of Burdotto
street from Eighteenth to Nineteenth
A resolution was adonted requiring the
Missouri Pacific to plank between the rails
and tracks on Thirty-fifth and Vlnton
The Hlkhorn company was Instructed to
place a watchman at the Sherman avenue
crossing until 11 o'clock each evening.
Casey Got tlin Contract.
Thomas Casey was awarded the contract
for feeding city prisoners at 8 cunts per
meal. J. Danbium bid 10 cents Casey.
who has formerly Ind the contract , was
charged by Munro and Bruner with fmnish-
mg impure food. However , his friends were
in the majority and ho secured the Lontract
The Lommittco on sewers recommended
that house loll 400 bo incorpoiatcil in an
ordinance , as per request of the .Ipuineymau
i'lumbcis1 association The ordinance was
read the llrst time. It provides qualifica
tions and prohibits othcis than jouinuymen
plumbers being appointed inspectors of
Tlio sewer committee also recommended
that Plumbing Inspector Duncan act in au-
coi dance with the directions of the city at
torney with rofurcifco to tuinlng over all
recorus and matters pertaining to excava
tions In streets and allcis to John B Fuiay ,
w horn the committee sajs claims to bo sewer
The committee on viaducts and railwajs
reported upon the petition , asking that tlin
Mice street horse tar line bo changed to an
electric motor lino. The stu'ot railway offi
cials signified to tlio committee n willingness
to make the change as soon as the street is
brought to grado. The whole mailer was
rofeirod to the committee on grades und
The committee on maikot house was heard
from in the shape of n icport upon the pro
test of County Commissioner II , Wvesoy
against the establishment of the market
house on Capitol avenue botw eon Ivlovonth
and Thirteenth streets. The protnst was
11 led , as the committee found that the com
missioner owned no property on Capitol
av enuo w here it was proposed to establish
the market house.
The letent apiwintmonts of members of
the directoiy of the public library by Mai or
Bcmls as follows , wore confirmed : Mr , I' . lj
1'orrine , Mr , r L Haller. Mrs Clalro Hus-
tin Mclntoshnnd T. 1C Sudborough ,
Old i minces were Intiodmctl as follows ;
Providing for thu lighting of certain railway
crossings at the oxpunsn of the railway com
pany ; logulatlng the closing of barber shops
on Sunday ; giving permission to Bead As
nillott to npurato as fire reporters ; paving
Sovontconth sticet from south sido6ftho
alloy betw con Faroam and Douglas sti cuts
to Oodgo street ; cVAitlng oftlco of plumbing
inspector and ai stant , being an amend
ment to the exist liig otdlnaniu ,
Ordinances weiW passed as follows : Locat
ing water hsdranf JiW feet west of Twenty-
fourth Htruut on TVmtpluton stiect ; pivlng of
Mllltniy aveiiuo from Hamilton toUrant
atiuut v 1th vitrlnVil 'biiuk ' ; cieating u pav
ing district of nllWlh1 block 21 , city.
I'lilll III lUlllOCtH III ( lull ) .
NEW YOIIK , Jul V.f-nanlc presidents ro-
portecl today thnijtii ) ) situation was fairly
easy , with some alfipmcnt of currency to St.
Louis , Denver aiuI' Clty. The HUb-
tioahiiry was a dfifiWf'at the dealing House
today * I , : H,000 ) a jlj'jtj paid in * l.rT5,000 : of
Unit in gold , all in < U > { iblo , cnglcs In addi
tion to that somo-of the debtor b inks paid
their ualam-es inltjold , so that more than
1 1.700.000 in gold luul to be distributed by the
Clearing HOURO amung thb creditor banks
There is considuiabla dissatisfaction among
thii Innlt.s at the snbtrensuiy In thu matter.
Ono prominent bank prtblucnt said' " 1 do
not know w hat is Urn. object of this obsti uc-
tivc policy of thu treasury ofllclals , but what
ever It is il is an exceedingly inconvoiilunt
ono for thu hanks , 1 do not knuw what
action thu haul's will taku in this matter ,
but I tUink they will probably picsent u ' 'cry
strong protest to thu secretary of the trcas-
ur > against u tontinuaiicu of thu jiractlcu of , " /
U he. Urgu balance duo thu Clearing House
today by the subtreasury was innlnii caused
by thu PU.MIICII ( for gold delivered to the
assay ofUoQ yesterday. The puj mcnts tor
pensions , too , at this timqof tliujcar uro
always unusually heavy.
ThuCluailng Housu loan committee met
today , but did not Issuoanv more loin cor-
tlflcate < 'I hpy arrauped , however , for the
retirement tomorrow or Moiulav of $ ir > 0fMI
of the ccrtllU-AtPs The total amo nit of cr
tlllcates now outstanding is t ? ! , 100,000
I'diori of I'tnplitn shout * Ilimhrit VVlirn
tlin Hut Win l'ii * nl.
The populist ealhorlm ? at Knights of l ibor
hall last night was called to order at 8 'M
o'clock by Judge Fowler.
Gcorgo A. Maguey was elected chairman ,
vvhllo W A J Goodln officiated ns secretary
The chairman cOlcd upon O ( Jlum Oe.vver
to explain the object of the assemblage
In a flftcen-mtnuto speech Dcavor sild the
meeting had been called to talk over the
political sltuallon , from a popu
list standpoint , of course Ho eon-
tended thai the "calamity howlers"
of last fall were wise prophets He
wanted many Independents tocoino together
in order to got icidy for Iho silver leagao
meeting on Jul.v M , of which ho dcsltcd lo
make n success The monei , not the tariff ,
was the all-absorbing < | Ucslion , ns ho had
alwnjs contended Pcoplo would have lo
meet with a lltllo advetslty before they
could bo cduealed up lo thu people's pirly
standpoint on money.
Allen Hoot h id learned more In the last
six months than over No tariff talk In any
shape for him Money , money , and plenty
It was all ho war cd The middle of the
road was what ho advised his party to take ,
and then it "mado some difference as to
what animals they usoil , " to use ills own u\-
| iresslon. A tour of the state had con
vinced ImrMhal the late supreme court dc
ctslon in tha impeachment trial had
made half a million votes for the third
party. The accursed llnancl il sv stem of the
countiy made men tall In business and was
responsible for overi cilntnlly. "It is an out
rage , " continued Mr. Hoot. Hero ho stopped
long enough to pull a set of resolutions ,
wherein the goldbugs and John Shcrmui
weiu sat upon in a vehement manner with a
final resolve thai tbu government go out of
commodity puichnslm ; business at once and
unconditionally the Sliciman act.
This last brought Joseph Edgcrton , ' 'our
Joe , " to bis feet. No unconditional 10-
pcal for him until ho know what
Iio was going to got in place of
It. If free coinage , which ultinntely
would lead to piper money , would supplant
the act of Ib'JO , he was s itislled , olherwise
ho would most emphatically object.
V. O Strlckler moved an amendment of
this character.
Doavor had objections to the pre.xmblo.
J. M. ICennej' moved to refer the whole tea
a committee of live for correction , but before
this was carried another party desired to
supplant Iho words Ireasury notes by legal
The commit too appointed consisted of
Mien Hoot , Joseph Edgcrton , V. O. StricK-
ler , D. C. Dcaver and Judge J M Fowler ,
after considciahlo wrangling over whom the
appointive power should bo vested in.
A proposed people's patty open-air meet
ing at Haiibcom park on .July 'J next i o-
ceivcd attention All went well on this sub
ject until it came to the spcakois. General
Weaver was suggested.
Some one suggested Governor Waite of
Colorado , vv ho w as styled Iho anarchist of
Colorado by George Washington Hiowster.
Dave How den wanted Tom Patterson of
Colorado and this piecipltatcd the storm of
the evening. Mr. Patterson was distasteful
to inanj' , being , as ho was called , a people's
partj' man for rev enue onlj- .
Patterson , however , had staunch defenders -
fenders there , and after a couple of sec-saw
ing motions all three men wore accepted as
suitable speakers , \ > hlo ! Mrs Lease , whose
nama was suggcslea bj some one , was loft
down In the toirld rone.
A committee of three on Invitations and
arrangements was appointed for this moot
ing , and Bilgham , Everingham and Stod-
dard were named tonctns sucti.
Gcorgo Washington Bicwster , who by this
time had distributed his prospeclus for anew
now peoulo's party paper in Omaha , again
broke loose , and from domoniti a-
tion went direct to free trade
purchasing power , making finally
conncclion wllh the toiling masses , etc. All
went well again for a time until the hat vxns
passed for collection , when the assembled
fiftj' members slowly , one by one , before the
receptacle reached them , sought tholr hats
and made their exil Ihrough the door , loiv-
ing only about ten tO'traiibacl Inc remaining
Cline ofn Mirrosiifiil rump.
CoiiviNO , la , Julj21 [ Special Telegram
to TIIK BEE ] 'Iho Iowa National gu.irds
Third regiment , which has been in encamp
ment at Camp Mitchell , this citj- , under
command of Colonel C V. Mountrand Inspector
specter J. Hush Lincoln of the Iowa Stale
Agricultural collcgo , during the past week ,
will break camp tomonow at 11 o'clock. The
week has been a very pleasint and 'profit
able one. The outpost engagement of
Wednesday was the cvenl of the week. Its
ropicsented as ne.iily as possible the actua 1
skirmish maneuvers ol a battle The oppo-
intf factions wcie under command of General
Lincoln and Major Ix > jior. The battle of
Nodaway Valley was delightfully success
ful , and covered three miles of country.
There was no bloodshed , but three of the
Doyswcro overcome with heat in the on-
guirement. After dress paiado this evening
the tioops were reviewed by Goneial Wright
of Centeiville. Thobovs nio indulging in a
grand hall tonight at Hold's opera hnuso.
Governor Holes and staff will review the
troops tomorrow al 0 o'clock.
Thrcu I'listmiiHtcrx lit Once.
WAICOMA , la , July 21. Il is doublful if
there is another town besides this lhat is at
present possessed of three postmasters , bo
far us appointment Is concerned. They aio
J. M. Hurnsluo , who Is In chaigc of iho
ofllco ; J. J , ICieion , who v\as appointed to
buccccd him in .May , and A F , Glossier , vv ho
was appointed Iwo weeks later Hoth Kleron
and Gresslsr furnished ( . 'lit edged bonds al
once , both are unobjectionable , both are
democrats , and the politicians in this pan of
the state nionnnblo to solve thu mvsiery ,
' 1 ho present incumbent requested to bo re
lieved Jul.v 1 , but no commission for his suc
cessor comes to hand
CiuMiii'.iu.iis , S. D , Jnl > 21. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Bun ] Kiank Phelps ami
Hedry Schroder have been Indicted by the
Lyman county grand jury for the murder of
Mat Matson last May .Matson was ns-
siiSshmted while bathing his foul , sitting In
the door of his rahin Tlio til il of the two
mun will commence on September 21. point
having adjourned until that time In thu
Inleiests uf other depositors , Judge Hnnuy
has dissolved thu attachment of Cutinly
Tieasurer J last man against thu building and
contents of thu failed I'lunklnton bank
Kastmnn has . ' 9,000 of Auiora county's
money tied up in thu concern
ICiniR llnvn ( 'cimril at I ! if > mine ,
WAHIIINOTOV , July 21. The comptroller of
of the cuironcy advltcs this afternoon from
Che\emio , W o , stated that the banks thuio
Etand linn The excitement is ended and
no moro trouble feared. Today's deposits
far oxccun withdrawals The examiner in
charge of tlio First National bank of Chey
enne writes the i ompu oiler that no moro
trouble is appiehendcd theiu , and that do-
ixisltois who wlthiliuw Ihuir muiiu } from
thu Tirst National bank uro now depositing
It with thu Slock Growcia National
bank. Huns on both banks have ceased.
I'ntHl VVriuk ol u riy t\Vh rl.
MrMi'iiiH , July 21 ' 1 ho gieat driving
wheel of the Memphis I'lectrlu powur IIOUKU
today but st Into hundiedb of pieces tearing up
thu building and killing Knglneer 1'al Me-
Dcrmolt instantly Thu wheel was four feet
aiTosn , ltflcc.n fuut In diameter nn < ! weighed
27,000 pounds. Il became wild and ei.centrto
\V lij Ono .Moiitli' * Trrnt.nrnt Now In
Worth Two or Tlirrn Month * ' TreU.
incut In tlio Winter.
Climatic eomt'tlons fivoMb'u fo * n co u
pleto mil ulnolnto euro nto now proiont.
AVe know pnsltlv civ tint yoir iiflnryo r , HS
wlntiir comes on , mil uilds nnd snru thro its
brim ; on nn iiKitruviitcd condition of rour m il-
udv , von lio.'ln in feir iniuiitnonta nnd con *
siimiit on unit litirrloilly pi ice jouriolf under
incdlenl truatinutit. Von striuclo tliroiuh these
so > ere winter sums und trying weather of
thutlntur. . coiitlniiull } under a doctor's euro
eoiithin illy criimbl IU iintuil imctor'a bl K
Thuii , v-liun sum IIT conies on mil vonrtrou-
hlc grows less m-cr iMnl , you strHlKhtwny
It coinp old y mill unlov such cunlfurt
i H voiircoiiillllon will tie
\ on uruiniiiuover thu doc-tor's bllU you had
to liny duriiu Ih t wl itur
( itioiiisoyon do'
You blame thu doctor for not havlni ; entire
ly unroil you.
Of ooiir-o you do1
Von inner slop to think for a moment of tha
fact th a buvoiid puni \otitnru I ho hin butin
moro thiin fortiinutu In Keeping j on allvu to
enjoy thu spi ins once more.
\ on noxur xtiip to think how youhnvn miida
him work dtirlnit Ilia loir. , drouy months un
der conditions mosl dlllleii.tiiihl dlscour.iglnK
to him.
No ! Now that summer Is liore , wltti Its sun
shine npon you and the dlsciKu noes not ouuso
you sorlons trontilo. jon Immediately neglect
yourscif utterly and wult for another winter
to eotno with Its siime old rounds of colds , soru
throat , utir.iiited cilarih , wunrlsomo und
tri < itmcnt and nns itlsfuctory
Ono tnontli'H treiit'iiont now Is worth three
In ulntnr. Ttto or three months now will. In
all probability , eomoietoly euro vour trouble.
m ilto you --o in I and wull , and lea\e jou hi
such aeondltlon th.iL\\hen next w liter comes
no tie itmeiit nlll iio nuous-iiry , thu do lor s
bills will not ho un oft-recurring Incident !
crlppc , piieiimonl i. consuinpl on anil similar
Ills ulll have no onpjrlunltv to olit , ln n
footbolil , and vnu will onlov that grimiest of
all blissliigs over jet ghoii lo nun n'ool
ritnn TKST TO AI.I. WHO .trpi.v.
Drs. Coputand and Shopirl announce the
Kreitiat opporttniHy to the pnblb tint his
over been olfcied bv any a | ucl illsts In tnu
mudlciil world. ThU oiler is In the form of a
fruo tuslof their plan of tiotlniMit for tlio
euro of catarrh and nil other curable chronic
dUuihUS All who apply In pulton lit their of-
llei's will bo imlnod and trontinl iinoti tholr
flr-a visit freu of nil charge In addition to
this. thoroiiBh consult itlon and uihlco will
bn ghun to all \\lio app y. without n penny to
p.i > . Phis olTorof u thoroiuli friso lust ho'ds
good for tlio months of July an 1 Auiust
A lUSIM.MAN. : .
VIr. Julius T. IVstnnr lion * Not Iliiiltito
to SiH'iik I'mlnlj to tlin Oiiuili i I'nli-io.
Prob ibly no man In Omnhn U hotter k 10 i n
th in Julius T IVatner thu Job prlntei it IDS
S 14th street. Mis fuher , the late I'lecicMhU
C. I ustnur. formerly a member of the Ito irl
of ' 1 i.ide. ebt ibllsbeil the printing l > iilii < sIn
ISTli. His now earrlud on with cio it hiieetss
by the son. who enjoys a lurvo natron icofrom
the business men ufUinahii. Mi L Ustnur s iyn
this :
"I/nst sninnioi by cutnrrh bcc.imo so serious
sis to mnku moontlrely deaf In the r.rhl. ! e.u ,
with iliiiklni ; of the nose , throat nnd head
Month after month my ill e 130 iralnud on mu
until , to s ivo my ho irlni , I went to Dr. bhop-
nril. uho n ono tie itinunt KHVU inn cro u tu-
llof mill M'ri shortly rid mo of my tumble ,
and perfectly rostoied my lioirlnI'hu ro-
fiultB were piOTiiul , und Milisf ictory. 1 hi'url-
llv commend tbu sic II and business motho la
of the. physicians of tha I'ont'land Vloilleil In-
fctltne , JULlUb T. riXl'MMl. "
from some unknown c.ausp , rev olvmc at an
inciediblo speed and befoio it could be
stojiped the breaking icsultcd from centri
fugal foice.
All On lot nt tlio stock Ynrds Just nt
Evcri thing vas quiet at the stock vanls
railroad yauls last night. The sjme gang
that.worlcd Thursday night showed up lor
duty and no luoiu changes have been m ido.
Mr. Sullivan , the switchman who was dis
charged for being late , returned from Lin
coln jesterday. IIo says his nlatter will
come befoic a union mooting soon.
Ono delegate from oath of the switch
men's unions has been appointed as a com
mittee to go before the dhcctois of the
Stock Yards comp my and explain Sullivan
and McMan i-rlo's rases. Mr. Bond was thu
delegate from the South Omaha lodgu.
Thci bad an appointment with the direc
tors jcstorday , hut as only Mossis Paxton
and Creighton were piescnt another meet
ing will be hold.
The following notice has been put out by
the Switchmen's Mutual Aid association ,
ledge No. 1 ( 1 , South Omaha :
"All mcmbeis of lodges No 11 , ! U , 100 nnd
101 aru requested to moot at the Ancient
Order of United Woikmon hall , coiner of
Twentj sixth and N stu'cts , feouth Omaha ,
at 1-10 p. in shaip , .inly m"
The above is bigned bv the master. Mr.
Sullivan was seen last night and said that
liis case would bo brought up at this mcctinc.
All the special police who woie appointed
b.\ the major wore kept on duly last night
and will bo until the major sees lit to with
draw them.
Another llfislmml .V
J D. KIstler , a man led man living on
Seventeenth sticet between 1 and J , Is miss
Mrs Kistlr called at the police station yc -
tcrdaj morning , ind asked tlie police to assist
her In Ipcating her husband. Kistler has
lived In South Omaha for some time and Is
well known. On Monday morning ho was
employed ns collector for the Motiopohtan
Insurance company. The local manager
for the t'ompmj' went out with Kistler
and Intioduced him to no\cral customers ,
then left him to RO it Mono It
Is known that ICistler collected $ ( ) . On Tues-
uay moinlng ho tui ncd In his book but did
not leave any money Thu manager was out
at the timo. lie has not been seen by the
Insurance comp my pcoplo since Ho was
seen last by his family on the 1'Jth ,
From what lufounallon the police can
Kloan it 11 the sumo old stoiy with Kistlci
IIo monkeyed with tlio tiger and other caul
games and lost his loll Ho wa seen in
Uoavcr's gambling house about 1 o'clock
Thuisday morning , and also again 'Ihursdny
night , and loft the game hioko Ho has prob
ably lufi the city.
AppriiUIni ; I'ropirtv.
The gentlemen who weio appointed to np-
praise the piopoitv to bo condemned on ae-
count of thuopimlng up of N stinut east to
the wcm line of the II. A. M light of way
havocomphUcd their woik.
I ho allowances are as follows1 To Mrs.
Maiy Holmes , four parts of four lots. l,12ri ;
Ooorgo Blchol , paitsof two lutH , M)0 ) ; Mrs.
Kaiiih Amscow and I ) D Gregory , a strip of
land ( GiiUlnlng ono aero , owned b\ them
jointly , fHOO ; John S. Canlliild , astiipof
land i ontninlng the fractional part of an
ni-io , ? 7fi 'Iho total amount of the allow
ances foots up ? Jioo :
Tbu propei ty owneis along this Htreut vylll
now 1)0 equally taxed to piy this inonoy and
tbu nolle of opening up thu Hticut will bo
begun at once _
.Met at HIM llreni-ry.
For several weeks the city council has
been juggling a pioposltlon to do something
with the public street just opposite Jotter's
biewerv A special connnltteo hold ono or
two sessions at the biowerj and lopmtcd
nothing but piogrcss At the last meeting
of the council Mr liulln had the matter referred -
ferrod to the committee of the whole As a
result the entire council mat HI the browoiy ,
or near there last uvcniui , ' , and sUcduptlio
condition of the pinto Ono half of t tils
Btioel only has he-en dodicatud , and the city
docs not feel Ilka malting anj repairs until it
rouuolB the w hole street It issald that tlio
browerv hands tioitod the coutuilmcn roy
ally while thcj remained
( .Tiuluil liy Ii u.
John Miller , ono of the etnplojos of the
tsouth Omaha Ice loinpjny , came near being
crushed to death at Iho Hxchuugo building
Mlllorwas unloading a largu cake of Ice
which would piobably weigh MU pounds.
Tim \ \ fKno \ \ rn Tci ctior Ol o III * I'AeU
In III * Onic.
Thn Tirlod features of oilnrrlml illsonio RM
well nhnwn In the cio of Mr. J. : . I'mmim.
icholnrly nnd ponulnr lo K-lier of Moric IjI'inN .
Nob. Mr. I'urtnitn hist uislil school In Iou7
Ins nnd bnunilnrs ulnntlcs for twonty-ona
yunrs and l wull known In education il elrclm
tliroimhnut tlio xtitu. lilt o IBO brings out
stroiiKly two points ! .
I. The powerful eToots of ontfirrh on tli
istems iitlncklnjj tlin uycslitlil honrltiR , 01-
geitliut , bownH. un I uonornl notltli ,
i. 'Iho olTocllvo rmult * nf Dr . OopnUnil
and Shnpur.l's hoi no or mull trontntont. MX tha
cn o of Air. Tunuim wna innOnotuil cntlrolr
by inixl1. Till a sucocs fill touchor | > oaK4 M
follows :
Mil J , n. I-AIIVUM , I'L'lll.IC SCIIOOI , TIMCIIiil.
"Two i olr ! ago 1 llrat full my illsonsn. II
bo ; an by ix cr imping inln on tlio i ltlit side of
my HOCK while m } Ill-nil si'onieil full with n
nnnili sunsitlun nniund tlio bimo of tlie hriiln
mid \rry soroseaip Clo-io npnti thcaoHVin-
loins o.iino iidl/7invs4. and I piiilnly aim tint
my liinrln nnil ovcslglit wuru fast boi-omliu
Itiio ilrcd. All slooiilni ; work K.IXO inn piln In
tlie tiiomneli nnd < lbiirhii'a After itlng t
always buil u henvv pain and my illKixtlon
was so ileriinzud tint imy iuliniliun food
oxon nplileb Moil d causea severe bunilnn
suns itlon ,
"Dining ill this'lino I ilhl not nxpootonto
any to IndU'ntn thu 1 had citirih ind snn-
noscd It to bo siinnly iiour ilgln , until Dr.
Sheinnl prommncul nilno n c isu of i-iitnrrh il
dlsonsu ; and tlio bonullt that I Imvo ilurlvuil
from his tru ilinunt iiroxes that beMiscur -
ruetTvety ona notes my Imprinuinvnt bntnonu
cm feel It ns 1 do inysoil : for. Iull KUDU.
th it If I Irid not oht lined liuip , I could not
ha\u carried on mv st'hoiilMirk iniitli lunger.
"I uus In tills < -erliius ciinilltlonMILMI I
plucuil myself iindur thu tiiHttueiit of Drs. ,
Cinic'liind ant Miupird My condition H so
in ich InipriiM'd as to surp iss 'ill of mIIOIKM
and exiiOLt itltms. Mv uyesl Mil and h < urine
uro poifoi'llv restored nml my nervous M > S-
turn feels siilundldly built tip. All nnplu isant
he id symptoms IIIIMI passed a\\.iv My stom-
null 'lNes nto HI- iron v u thoiuht an I mv gnn-
oral ho nth 'Hid streiuth Is liuttoi th in U h is
boun for youra I o irnrstiv commuiul tlio < u
coutli muii to mil ix'uulu mid will st in.l by .
them for the good lliuy aru ilolui ; " * \
tufa ih n nl nil cur iMt , i/fi / us ti i' 1 a' low
a il tiilfinmial'jt in'ltelna fictI'lllcntiat a
J tnc I'n/iil'j ' trcn'il Iiu milt. .S'"ii { for
iiH blink.
KOJMb 111 AND 11 ! NOW VOIt C Ml" J
Kvery Curable Disuasj TrculuJ *
Olllcu Hours-'l ' to 11 n. nj.2 ; tel p m. : to3 D.
m. fcundiiy U n m to 1in. ! .
Special Noticai.
"IJ'ORS ' VLr.OUTK.VDK A 12 lilirli ( rriile liDtHe-
-i imwc r mi rrjconiiimlVlut lu\o jou lu
pliir1" 11 O. .Mi ule HSNurtlii"iHiHlrii ) t
AIISTIIAC1S amllouiH Farm ind i-ltv liruirt | /
buiin'ht anil Hulil I'lisey .V Tliiini is , UoiiuUl
G ARIIRr2llMllllIMl , CCHSIIltOlH.V UlIlH CllllllllOJ.H
cli mill. 1.U llurlio , at TiylorH eroceo , OU
I'OU KXCHANGII , nlcu lot on bottom fur hot
and bii t. ( jreciisIdildH , Nkluiluoii , V Co
IfKUIT PAUMS Wn lne Home line huirlnir fruit
f UIIIH forHile : alsuKond luwa fiiniH , iclmlcj
J 1(1 ( acre ( arm , fM IH.T aure. JuhiiHtun & . Van
P.uti ii
JOU bAT.K it a birc iln If tikeii at once , nil fi ( t
l > j . ' 1)4 ) Kit un I'.lik avimie , til will Hull In
HIII illcr ii ULI IH If ileslicil. 12 11 hauafo , llioil-
w.i ) and M iln Htiect
OAK anil hlcUon posts for H iln ( heiji on ( Jilli-
KlicrHfinii AildrcHH Mm d ill iiflicrVt nton.
AN OPPORTUNITY fin i bonie Wi < liiviM ilci u
se\cril tlihiritilo lioust s ml lots under fore-
clusnn of murtkM t * tli it ui-w 111 iloHi-otit itutv
nn moiithl ) ] > i.MiiL'iilH ur fore islt 1) u A , Hi H-i , II
IN 111 bt.
DUYOOODS.iiiilclHtlilnu' . An op.ioitimllj for i
Kood Htoik at loiv lent Ailr-HH 1) i > X II s ,
COIIIK.I1 lillllTH I I
" \\rAXTKD ( iioil irlrl for w n * r il lionsi-\\ork it
i > unco M I ! McKi HSOII , ! .0 Olklml ivumu
Just as he raised it to a platform at the icir
of the v\agon his foot slipped and he foil to
ttio giound , ,1 ulstanco of Iho feet Tlio
he u j cake of Ice fell dlic-ctly ii | on him , tlio
gicatest weight strikinghimon the stomach ,
At liiat it was Ihought the man was killed ,
but after aw bile ho showed signs of llfo and
was icmoved to his homo at Twontj fifth
and Q streets Miller Is a mauled nun and
a faithful woikman.
I'llClllltlu T < Mllcili Iff <
Thomas McGioovoj' , v\ho lives on P street
between Twenty-fifth and Twenlj-sixth ,
hatgiven his noighlwis several oxhlbitlons
of his pugilistic talcnls and has cich lima
used bis dcllcalo wlfo to display his biu-
Ills latest effort was last might when It If
said ho beat thu poor worn in until ho was
forced to lot up bj the neighbois. Ofllenr
Thomas was sent for bul airlv'ed too late to
catch MGreovoy or the indhitluil would
have been locked up.
Into C'oiini it I'ruroo I1II2K.
Ed Johnson and John J. Hjan , tbu com
mittee appointed by a mooting of t u p ivc-r
lo Investigate the city council , are gJlng
over the books at tbocllj cleik's oftko.
'I heir puticular attention was glvm
to biibinpss liansactoil bjlnoiotmcll v\illo )
in nxeiMitiui session and noxoi ghon out lu
Iho nowspipcis 101 publication.
.11 Mi ; I ( i City l.iiHiip ,
Elmer Dii'.tn of Iowa City Is visiting hero.
Chief of Police Hockott Is
nice\ ) .
C S Folch of the Hammond foico is homo
from Chleigo
Mlbs Jesslo IJ. Maloy is vlsltings friends m
Slan\vood , la
Miss Harbara Hejman IH vlblting friends
In Atlantic , la.
Mis Wlllhm Mi CjlliUer Is homo fiom a
visltto Marshaliown
G E Hliiekstonuof ( 'ralrf IH visiting his
daughter , Mrs J I' Coinlsh
The SI AgneH school i hlldrcn will plcnlo
al Spring Lik < > pr.ik Auirtist 12.
I ( I II ijvloll ii > homo fiom a trip thiough
HID westei n pm lion of thu slite
him GoMiey is moving his o.lluo lo Iho
hcconj floor of the Exchange building today ,
'I ho old man picked up on Iho sticots by
Iho pilii n hthl night was taken back to thu
jioor farm loday
A cow helonglni ; to Mlko Hart was ro.
porled stohn from Twintj-flflh and Q
strcoiB hint night.
A i lass fimn iho Hatioinlin , lurners loft
jeslenluy for Mllwatikoo to participate In
Iho national tournament "V./-
Thcro will bo a special muotlng of Ada , 'I '
chanter ISO M , Oidur of Uisluin Star , fur
Initiation work at .Masonic hall lomght. - .
Mr Henry J Heiso ) of the Cudahy 1'ao , ,
Ing company loft lodaj for Hot hpringa , S ,
U , wlmro ho will spend a Iwo weeks' vaca
itpy H I' Wheeler's topic for the morn
ing Honnon will oo 'Ulscounllng iho Puluro , " ,
and In thii evening , "God's Unchangeable !
Attitude. "
Mis John Owens returned homo jester-
daj from ( Jhlcago Shu was accompanied i
by Miss Otveuv , v\Uo will vUll Uoro for ov /
eral wccltn ,