1 THK OMAHA. DAILY HKR : SATURDAY. JULY 22. IrtM. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL OPPICBl KO. 12 I'BAUb STHEhT ly furrier to sny purl of lha clt ? II. W , TII/TON. - MANAGER TITT . . rpitnNpq . I HnslnpMOfflre . " No. 43 [ Nim.t Kdllor. . . . . No. 23 MI.\Jlt MKSIlOtr. N. Y. Plumbing Co Boston Store for sun umbrellas J ml son , pasturage , WK ) Sixth avenue. Mlltonlicrgrr is the hatter , 60S Uroadway The Majno Heal MUntcCo. . 021 Uroadway. Judge Smith will hold a special session of district court next Monday. About twenty-live residents of First avenue - nuo spent last evening at Manawa. , Oscar hinder has take-i out a permit for the erection of a cottage on nvcnuo A , to cost * 1KW. A case of scarlet fovcr was reported yesterday nt the homo of C. M. llarl on Oak land avcnuo. Henry Uethers is under arrest on the charge of malicious mischief. A warrant Is out for his brother , /Cud , for larceny. I.i. A. hlmons , the Lawrence , Kan. , youth who was arrested for trying to hell lottery tickets , was tried In police court yesterday morning and fined $ U'.l.GU. Twenty-live members of the Ganymede Wheel club went to Omaha last evening to take part In the wheel parade. J'heir bicy cles were decorated with old gold and bottle grcciii , the club colors , and they made a gay appearance. Miss Cox , n bright , dark-haired little lady from Denver , gave n unique and highly enjoyable - joyablo entertainment at the First Uaptist church last evening. Her program was ar ranged to show her uhnrmlng ability as an' artist in Delsnrto nnd elocution. Her grace ful Uetsarte movements In Grecian continue and her remarkable ability as an elocutionist provided nil entertainment that charmed licraudlciico. Mr. and Mrs. Drill , who live nl the corner of Twentieth street nnd Fourth nvcnuo , were tipped out of their buggy Thursday evening while driving on Eighth street. near Willow avenue. The accident was caused by the recklessness of a man driving another team , colliding \\lth the bjggy and almoHl demolishing it. The fellow who did the mischief drove away as soon as ho found what ho had done , and Ills name , fortunately for him , was not learned. M. VanAtta keeps the saloon nt the corner of Fourteenth street nnd Uroadway , In front of which the light took place that was men tioned in yesterday's lir.i : . Ho ntates that the ausail.mtH had not been in his place for about an hour nnd that they had never been there before , to his knowledge , before that afternoon , tie states that ho does not en courage thugs and plug-uglies to make his plaeo their headquarters , and denies all re- E | > onslbillty in the matter. Keys Uros. wore compelled to shut down their carriage factory last evening on ac count of the dullness of the market. They have been running on short tlmo for quite a while past , but hoped that an Increase in sales would nllow them to resume before long nt their usual standard. Last night , however , they notified their employes that they would have to stop work Indefinitely. Just UH soon as the financial stringency of the money market is over and the sales can bo made 'o justify thorn , they will reopen. TlH'ro is another line attraction : it Mnnawii which will continue until Sun day evening. It is the Great Southern Colored Concert company , comprising fourteen inoinborH. They will tfivo con certs ! eaeli evening In the pavilion at the hotel. The company 1ms : i line reputa tion , and includes many nrtibts capable of interpreting classic | ihiutntim melo dies , An urtinibbkm of 5Uc will bo charged. _ The best building sand in the market by carload. Address N. Sehurz , 34 Bald win Block , Council Blulfs , la. Domestic soap is the best. : Arthur Hoffmayr Is homo from a visit to Chicago. W. V. Fleming left hist ovcuiiiif for n two weens stay In UhlcaRo. Mrs. T. A. Clark has returned from a trip to liurlington .lunution , Mo. Mlssca Stella and llcttio Graves are visit ing in Munitou and Colorado biirlngs. Colo. Frank Trimble and Knimut Tlnloy re turned yesterday morning from the World's fair. fair.Miss Miss Frances Bowm.ui loft yesterday for a visit of two \vcolis with rolatlVL's In Glen- wood. Miss Datton has returned to her homo In Nebraska after a visit with the Misses Ilcnn on Vine street. The engagement of Miss Sndona Elizabeth Clark , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Clark of this city , to Mr. Alexander Johnston of Milwaukee IB announced. Mrs. Dr. Thompson of Fort Smith , Ark . Mrs. liubbartl of I os Angeles. Cal. , and Mrs. Reynolds , Jr. , of Gencseo , 111. , arc In tlio city for a visit with their sister , Mrs. Dr. Thomas , on South Eighth street , and their brother , John \V. Furrier. Tlio Manlmttuu Hunch company has 80 acres of hind bordering on Lake Maimwa , much of it covered with beau tiful Hhmlo trees and ac-iosaiblo to tlio beach. Persons dohirinp to wiini > out are otTorud , grounds for that purpose frco of olmrgo. Apply to G. M. Wash- burn , ninnngor , at the bath houbo olllco , and Holcot your location. Manhattan Bench Co. _ _ _ _ _ _ There is nothing Sn thib country like the fruit kojt ) in Whcolor , llorold & Co. 's cold storage. No matter what tlio weather is it roaches the customer in iiorfoct condition. Another car load of lemony wan put in Satnrduy. . Tim ( Iranii Hotel , Council niulTri. The most elegant in Iowa. Dining room on seventh lloor. Halo , $3.00 und $5.00 a day. E. bClurk , Trop. _ All lnlitit IniliiHtry. Joe nnd Mat Snyder , two men wbo nro Bald to live in Omaha , were arrested yester day morning by Olllcur Claar while they were engaged in an operation wlili-h It Is claimed has boon their solo means of liveli hood for some time past. They had n wngon with them nnd wore picking up empty kegs in the roar of a saloon. An ngent of lamp's brewery In this t'lty went to the pollen station and ulontitlcd the keys us having been stolen , and Hied Information - formation against the two men. Fred Guise , who IB agent for I'abst , has also been the victim of the two men , who , it Is claimed , li.tvo made a regular business of stealing keg * and soiling them to dealers In Oniahit , innkiin ; nnywhoro from (3 to fn n day by the operation. Kmpty kegs nro credited np to dealers who return tlieui to the brewery at $1.00 for tlio " | > ony" keg and J.'JO for ipinr. tors , so it may bo easilv seen 'hat the busi ness lias been n losing ono for the. saloon keepers. _ The friunds of II. O. Cook , who mot with a bad and painful accident at the elevator while in the dlbulmrgo of hid dulled a few wculca ago , will bo jilt'tiBcd to li-arn that lie was a member of Hawkeye - eye lodge , Order of the Worlo ; , No. fill , whloh paya a sink nnd accidenl benollt of $20.00 per week , receiving * 7fl.OO for Iho three weeks that ho was dlbabled. For which lie is highly elated and cheerfully recommends the usbociutlon us gilt edged and A No. 1. rritini. Traina for Maimwa will leave Broad way depot at 0 and 11 a. in. , 1 , : > , ; t , 3:110 : j > . m. , and 'every thirty minutes thereafter until 12:30 : nt night. Ltibt train will louvo Manawa for Council HlulTaat 11:55 : ji. m. Cook yot" mculs tins summer on n gas range At cost at the Gus company. Ask your grocer for Domestic soap. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Arrcst of a Prepossessing Young Man Who Sold Spectacles Ohcap. ANOTHER SCHEME fO CATCH THE UNWARY How Ctinrln Uallljr Annex-In toil a Confidence with n I'rcpurntlnn to Ctcnuia wrr The Young Man Hum Acultut the 1'ollco. A young follow of rather prcK | > ssesslng ap pearance has been soiling spectacles around the city for several days past. Ho took out n license for that purpose , but the specta cles were apparently the lesi Important fea ture of his stock In trade. Ho professed to bo selling a mixture that would clean silver. When ho struck a place where there was a woman who looked as though she might have use for spectacles iiu would pull a pair out of his pocket hi an Incidental sort of way and offer to sell them cheap , as bo bad picked them np on the street In Omaha and needed money. The spectacles looked like solid gold and the puddlur s.ild they were made of genuine pebble glass , Ho had no trouble In getting anywhere Irom & to $ i.r > 0 per pair for spec tacles which , when examined moro rloicly , were found to bo the very cheapest kind of gilt wash and common window glass , nnd iniuht buvo cost the seller as high us &i cents n pair. Some of the victims made n complaint nt the pollco station , and Charles llallly. a young man who has been doing the business , w.is arrested yesterday and slated with ob taining money under fal&o nretonses. The police claim to have a number of witnesses who will appear against him at the proper time. Utility says ho lias done nothing ex cepting vhat is done by any enterprising merchant every day In the } ear. IIo gave a bond of ? .V ) for his appearance In pollco court this morning. GltiVT : TlA.UMOCIC ANI TOtVUIj SAI.IJ At tlm lloitiiii btoro. A chnnco foi * those who dijsiro to make themselves comfortable during this very hot weather. Ww Saturday only. A real Mexican grass hamtn'ick , sold everywhere for SI.00 ; out1 price for Sat urday , ( Illc. with braided edge. A 31.ol ) Mexican grabs hammock for S'Jc ' Saturday. A $2.00 Mexican grass hammock for SI. 10 Saturday. IJjn't fail to get one , as " they are certainly 2T > to 50 per "cent cheaper thati you over had tut opportu nity of getting the bamo grade of goods at before. As we stated in yesterday's paper , wo have received over 7f > 0 dozen towels of all grades , the same to be put on sale today. Wo have them all laid out and ready for inspection. The great s-alo on them commences today , for one clay only. Homembcr wo are open until 10 p. in. tonight. 75 dozen beautiful huck towels , hemmed ends , colored borders and white , for today 1 le each. 100 dozen colored border , knotted fringe towels l-o ! } each for today. 100 dozen of a very line httek towel , fringed and colored borders , for 17e , or . ' ! for 50o ; would bo a bargain at > e. For today only. At UOe , " ' > c and Me we show over twenty styles that cannot bo duplicated any plnco for one-half more. If you need towels now or in the near future don't neglect this ehance for today only. 150 children's gau/.o vests , bizos li ( to 110 , for lOe each. Sizes 20 to Hi , for lOc each. The above is a bargain in vests seldom to be had. 75 dozen ladies' ' Egyntinn flue ribbed vests 12e } each. 100 dozen ladies' lisle thread vasts with bilk strings , worth 50c , for 23c today only. 100 dozen gents' outing flannel and French percale blurts , were 75o and Sl.OO , for 4Se each. BOSTON STOKH , Fotheringhnm , Wliitolaw it Co. , Originators , Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices. Siinilnlch Imprnvuiiiantfl. The Sandwich Manufacturing company lias been making some extensive nnd hand some improvements , and now enjoys the dis tinction of having ono of the most prominent buildings in the agricultural implement dis trict. General Manager W. H. James has assumed the responsibility of transforming the building , which has always been a bee hive of industry , into a modern structure , adding means to facilitate the handling of the constantly growing business nnd improv ing the external appearance and the Internal conveniences.The exterior has been painted n rich Venetian red. with bronze , black and gray trimmings. The business ofllces have been greatly brightened and improved and the whole place changed so that it is scarcely recognizable. "The hum of the Sandwich cornshollcrs will male more music in the land than over , " remarked Mr. James , "for there is a World's fair corn crop in the nest this year , nnd everything indicates that the farmers will get Ing prices for the biggest crop they have raised for 3 ears. We increased our sale of shelters last year by many thousand dollars , and this year we are going farahead of the high water mark. And while we are doing this we are going to make our head quarters hero attractive and comfortable. It Is only a question of a short time when wo will have to still further enlarge. You can depend upon it , wo will do our share toward making the agricultural district of Council Ululfs the greatest center of such trade in the world. " Siilllni ; HoKiitt'i ut Mumuvn. At 5:30 : p. in. Saturday , July 22 , a yacht race will bo bailed over the Luke Manawa course. SovLMi of the finest sailing yachts huvo entered and will compete for the mag- nillccnt silver cup now on exhibition at the Turf , Manawa. A handsome prise will bo given to the winner'of the ladion' rowing race ; alho a handsome prize for the gentleman winning the single t-oull race no imtraneo fo s. After the races there will be a grand display of aquatic fireworks. ( rent Itfiliictloii In ( 'miur Lumber Priti > . Our company , having a largo supply of red cedar in their yards in Arkansas , have concluded to greatly reduce their prices on red cedar for the next < K ) days. Now is your time to got red cedar cheap. \V. V. IJAKKU , Agent , Shugart Block , Council BlulTs. Carbon Coal Co. , wholesale and retail coal. Removed from 101'earl to til 1'earl street , Grand Hotel building. fJreonshioldH , Nicholson it Co , , real cbtatoand rentals , < iOUUroadway. Tel.151. Use Domestic faoap. Hll c > tnl C'uino ll.ick. Mike Illlmrd crossed the Ulg Muddy yes terday noon in company with Deputy Mar shal Fowler and now occupies a choice cell in the city jail. Sergeant U'halcn and De tective Vlzzard ran him down in Omaha in accordance with the request of the Bluffs olllclals , In spite of Blizzard's having shaven off his moustache with the evident intention of disguising himself in order to ovoid ar rest , Ho is'ctwrgod with highway robbery , and both ho and his brother Charles will have a preliminary hearing In the police court this morning , J , W. Crook , the al- lrgo.1 victim , having remained in the city 1o prosecute. Wnlle making the trip from Omaha to Council IllutTn Dllzzard talked freely about the robbery and admitted that ho had ranpud Crook over the head , as ho said , "just for fun. " Ho said ho was drunk aud felt quar relsome. When asked if ho took Crook's money after he had knocked him senseless ho replied , "I want to see an attorney before 1 say anything about money. lo you thtuU that man Crook looked liken man that would have fftO nil at once * " Mlko Ullrmrd Is well known In police cir cles , ho hnvlnir boon In several scrape * be fore , but his father his always paid his lines nnd had him released without having to undergo any very serious consequences. His brother , on the contrary. I * generally well thought of and it Is the opinion of the of ficials that ho was Innocentiydrawn Into the affair and. like most other Innocent people , was unfortunate enough to get caught. IIINMSON : nuns. -nlo S.itnnlny. 1,000 GENTS' NEGMOKB SHIRTS 250. KNOKMOUS PUKCUASK of ladies' Jersey ribbed vests ; also men's anil boy's negli gee shirts , bought for spot cash. Entire lot on sale Saturday and Saturday even ing at i price. H.OOO IADIIS' : FINE QUALITY Jersey ribbed vests in line Egyptian combed cotton , silk trimmed ; iiNo ladies' lisle thread vests. Not ono garment In this lot worth less than Hoe and np to 503. The entire lot Saturday at ono price only , 15e o'loh. Not moro than ( I to anyone ono customer. Turn out during the day If possible and avoid the evening rush. Wo have plenty for all. 1,000 OKNTS * SCOTCH CHKVIOT negligee . shirts , neat stripes , lay down collar , good material , at just half price , Satur day 2m each. iioo : ans'Ts' OUTIXO FLANXCL , Madras cloth , French sateen and canvas cloth negligee shirts , beautiful btyles , well made , colors guaranteed fast , worth $1.00 and Sl.'JTi , Saturday nt loss than half price , entire Iot50o each. The greatest shirt sale on record. 23 tlbzoii gents' silk and wool stripe French Madras < jloth negligee shirts , a very line imported shirt , worth $1.00 and $1.75 , Saturday , during this bale , USe each. A PICNIC FOIl THE BOYS. 500 boys' negligee shirts , very fine quality , neat checks nnd stripes in me dium and dark colors , at one-half price. Saturday , 'toc eaeh. Catch on boys. ANOTUKU I'ICNIU SATUItOAY KVUNINO. Saturday evening for three hours , 7 to 10 p. m. , wo will olTor , the last lot of those beautiful figured lawns , 10 'yards for 2."ic. Open Saturday bvening until 10 p. m. BENNISON BROS. , Originators of Low Prices. ANoriiKii I'icNio roil TONianr At tlm Hostciti Store. 2,500 yards duchess mull ginghams and seersuckers , goods worth Sc , lOo and 12e all for tonight Irom 0 to 10 for 5e a yard. 1,750 yards pongee and corded batiste , beautiful colorings , for tonight from (1 ( to 10 for ( ic } a yard. Only ono pattern to a customer. BOSTON STORE , Fothoringham , Wliitolaw & Co. , Leaders of low prices. Williamson & Co. . 10G Main street , largcbt and best bieyelo stock in city. Another improvement to the' popular Schubert piano. Swaiibon Music Co Dr. J. C. Waterman's olllce removed to No. 0 South Main street. Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , to lest $2.00 house in Iowa. Smoke T. D. King & Go's Partagas. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap Tourlit Wlicitlmon'H Ilticos. The racing meet under the auspices of tlio Tourist Wheel club of this city takes place at tbo fair grounus this afternoon , and the prospects are excellent for a lot of superb sport. Following will bo found the program and a partial list of tbo entries : First race , ono nillo novice. : C. Ij. Coleman , Oniiiha ; Itoburt Allen , Omaha ; E. L. Dmiuolto Council ItlutTs ; W. N. Itariiuin , Omaha ; J. K. Cotitaut , Wlleox , Nub. Second race , quarter mlle open : William Schnoll , Unialni ; Jack Cnlluy , Omaha ; C. I. . I'oU'iniin , Utnaha : Kil M. Cox. Omaha ; 1) ) . K. lluirhoy. Council ItlulTcV. ; . A. I'lxloy , Omaha : Kussell P. Condon , South Umnliii ; U" . M. Har- iiiiin , Omaha ; .1. P. Coutnnt , Wllcov. Neb. ; T. V. 1'armalo , Platlsmouth ; Samuel Patterson , I'l.ittMiioiitli ; li. 13. llolton.Oiiialiii. Tblrd rnco , niio intlo open : W. A. 1'lxlcy , Omaha ; I ) . K. lluu'hey , Council llluir.s ; Jack Cullev , Omaha ; William Schnell , Oiiialiit ; C. \i. ( 'oleinan , Oinnhii ; Itussoll 1' . Condon , South Omaha ; . ! . T. CoutautVllco \ ; J. A. Daln. Spokane , Wash. I'ourth race , ono-half mlle handicap , hoys : llcrt ( irllllth , Council IllnlTs ; Charles I'lgau. Omaha. Several othisr entries for this iitcu are niomlsail and eight or ten rntrli's are expected , The hoys will ho handicapped ac cording to ago and speed. rifth , ten mile . I . race handicap ; C. < Coleman - man , Omalm ; liobert Allen , Omaha ; Wllllum Schnell , Omaha ; Jack Cnlluy , Omuhu ; I'd M. CUT , Oniiiha ; W. A. 1'lxley. Omaha ; Hiisscll I' , Condon , South Omaha ; J. T. Coiitant , Wlleoxl Neb. ; T. K. Pat male , PlattHinoiith ; Samno. 1'attur.son , I'littsmoiith : .1. A. Daln. Spokane. Wash. ; i , . F. . llolton , Omaha ; Charles I'laau , Omaha ; II. Mulball , Omaha ; II. C. Kredutlck- fcon , Omaha. The Tourist \Vbccl club made a great showing on its parade last night. A string of wheelmen , two abreast and extending four blocks , their wheels decorated tvllli Chinese lanterns nml nearly every man blowing wind through a born or whistle , made the princlp.il streets IOOK as though a small Miirili Gnu bad struck the city , and occupied the enviable position of center of attraction while the parade lasted. Thuro promises to bo a good turnout at the races today , Y. M , C. A. v < Uouvuiitloni. The Drat of tbo advertised series of five games between the Young Men's Christian association and tbo Conventions will bo played this afternoon at Young Men's Christian association park , The game will bo called at 4 o'clock sharp. The teams will line upas follows : Conventions. Positions. V. M. 0. A. I.IHI Catch Abbott Miller 1'lti'h lullun llowmun Hr.it Alltel iliighhanU Seroml littstln Kennedy Short Dual Dolan Third McKohoy Imwlor I'l'ft ' Wllklm Davis Center Koblimon Clark IMglil Crawford Umplio : JudKO Shields. At NiMipnrull I'nrk Nunilny. There will bo a game of ball Sunday at Nonpareil park , beginning nt iio'cloek sharp , between tbo old Haydcn team and Nonpa reils. Following aru the positions ; llaydens. 1'osltlon , Nonpareils. Dolan Catch l.iiony Snydur I'ltch S. .McAnlliru VapD Kh'nt I'lynn ( . 'nrrlK'tn Second Croft Stoney. . . . , Short Mianahan Van Annan .Third J. Muhonoy II. Howies lA'ft llraiKnrd Wlgnan Mhldlu J. McAullIfu Monanliiin ItlKht Summers W. Howles Substitute..E. Muhoney Wlicfll Itufi-s at Hintlnei. IlAbTiNQK , Neb. , July 21 , [ Special Tele gram to Tun DEC. ] The Hastings Bicycle club races this evening were well attended and resulted as follows : One-fourth mile , Deere llrst , thirty-eight and a fourth seconds ends ; bareback , one-eighth mile , Leach llrst , twenty-six ana n half seconds ; one-balfmlle , Wanzcr llrst , ono minute eighteen and ti half seconds ; Ut man's , one-fourth mlle , George ( Irst , fortv-threo and u half seconds two mlle handicap , Wauzor , scratch , llrst Hollamy. llfty-llvo yards , second ; Leach scratch , third. I tiTOKu Xoit Saturday. The Omaha and Kearney lacrosse teams will meet for a match game at the driving park Saturday , July i-"J. Tire Moro Cnlnruilo llanki Cloge. GHEK.IXV , Colo. , JUly 81. The Union bank made an assignment this morning to James E. Benedict of Denver. The bank is per fectly solvent , and not a depositor will lese a dollar. CUESTEW BUTTE , Colo. , July 81. The Ban ! of Crested Butte closed today. Liabilities { 35,000 ; assets , fur ,000. Piles of people have piles , mil Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro tho.ii. AFFAIRS AT'-SOUTH OMAHA All Qniot at the Slock Yanh Just at Present , TTTT COUNCILMEN MEETYATl JETTER'S BREWERY Jtr . Pntermin' * llouiixnre ApprnUInc Prop. erty Another Itimuntul .MlMlne tJ.lin- lilcni rail to" Soltlo ll'tllronil ClmiiRU Vlmlnet .Mitten , p it 1-1 F Everything was quiet nt the stock vanls railroad yards last night. The s-\mo Rung that worked Thursday nli ht showed up for duty and no n.oro changes have been made. Mr. Sullivan , the switchman who was ills- hnrgcd for being Into , returned from Lin- ohi yesterday. Ho says his matter will otno bcforu a union meeting soon. Ono delegate from each of the switch- lion's unions lias been appointed as n com- nittco to go before the directors of the stock Yards company and explain Sullivan nil Mo.Mauai'lo's cases. Mr. Hond was the oleiMto from the South Omaha lodge , 'hey had an appointment with the dlrec- ors yesterday , but us only Messrs. 1'axton ml Creiuhton were present another moot- njj will be held. The following notice Ins been put out by ho Switchmen's Mutual Aid association , dfru No. 101 , South Omaha : "All members of lodges No. 11 , S3 , ICft , and 01 arc requested to moot nt the Ancient Jrdcr of United Workmen hall , corner of I'wcnty-Mxth and N streets , South Omaha , 11:80 : p. m. sharp , > iulj yt. ; " The above is slniul by the master. Mr. iullivan was seen last night and said that ils case would bo brought up at this meeting. All the special police who were appointed D.V the mayor were Iccpt on duty last night ml will bo until the mayor sees lit to with- IMW them. Amitlirr lluOiiml J. D. Kistlor , n married man living on iovcntcciuh street between 1 nnd J. Is miss- Mrs. Klstlircallcd nt the pollco station yes- onlay morningaml asked tlio police to assist icr In locating her husband. Kistier has I'd In South Omaha for some time and Is veil known. On Mon.l.iy morning ho was mployeil as collector for tbo Metropolitan nsuranco company. The local manager or the company went out with Kistier ind introduced him to several customers , ben left him to go it alone. It s known that Kistlor collected $ i5. On Tues- lay morning ho turned in his book bit did lot leave any money. The manager was out it the time. He has not been seen bv the nsuranco company people since. Ho was ecu last by his family on the lllth. From what information tbo police can glean It is the same old story with Kistier. Ic monkejcd with tbo tiger and other card games and lost his roll. Ho was seen In Jouvcr's gambling liouso about 1 o'clock Thursday morning , and also again Thursday light , and loft the game broke. Ho has prob- ibly left tbo city. AppruNlnir I'roprrtv. The gentlemen who were appointed to np- > raisc the property to bo condemned on ac count of the opening up of N street east to ; ho west line of tbo B. & M. right of way lave completed their work. The allowances are as follows : To Mrs. Mary Holmes , four part of four lots , $1,125 ; orge Dlchcl , parts of two lots , $000 ; Mrs. Sarah Ainseow and D. IX Gregory , a strip of land containing ono aero , owned by them Jointly , JMJO ; John. S. Canllold , a strip of and containing the fractional part of an aero , J73. The total amount of the allow ances foots up & ! , ! IOa. Tbo property owners along this street will now bo equally taxed to pay this money anil ; ho work of opening np the street will bo begun at once. i M -t ut the Urowrry. For several wceVca ' { ho city council lias been juggling a proposition to do something with tbo public streotjjust opposite Jotter's brewery. A special committee held one or two sessions at tbo brewery and reported nothing but progress. At the last meeting of the council Mr. Bulla bad the matter re ferred to the committee of the whole. As a result the entire council met at tbo brewery , or near there last evening , and sized up tbo condition of the placo. One-half of this street only has been dedicated , nnd the city does not feel like making any repairs until It controls the whole street. It is said that the brewery hands treated the councllmon roy ally while they remained. John Miller , ono of tbo employes of the South Omaha Ice company , came near being crushed to death ut tbo Exchange building yesterday. Miller was unloading a largo cake of Ice which would probably weigh WX ) pounds. Just as bo raised It to a platform at tlio rear of the wagon his foot slipped and ho fell to the ground , a ulstanco of live foot. The heavy cake of ice fell directly upon him , the greatest weight striking him on the stomach. At llrst it was thought the man was killed , but after awhile ho showed signs of life and was removed to his homo at Twenty-fifth and Q streets. Miller is a married man and a faithful workman. I'uglilstlc TiimleiirloH. Thomas MeOrcovey , who lives on P street between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth , has given his neighbors several exhibitions of his pugilistic talents and has each time used his dellcato wife to display his bru tality. Ills latest effort was last might when it is said ho beat the poor woman until ho was forced to let up by the neighbors. Ofllcer Thomas was sent for but arrived too late to catch MCJreovoy or the individual would have been locked up. l.oolcln ? Into Council Prooooillii H. Ed Johnson and John J. Kyan , the com mittee appointed by a mooting of tax payers to investigate the city council , are going over the hooks at thocity clerk's oflico. Their particular attention was given to business transacted by tno council while in executive session and never given out to the newspapers for publication. The O Htrrut Vluiliift I'HSSixlilo. At last the Q street viaduct has been made passable. This structure has cost the city a great deal of money , The repairs just made cost in the neighborhood of 1,500. The damage was caused by a washout from u heavy rain. The people living over in the Third ward are claipUiOVcr the completion of the work. , r Mil trio City OiiMlp , Elmer DiiL'tm of Ipw.i' ltv is visiting hero. Chief of Pollco llo kott is improving nicely. , , , , n Mrs. John Owens returned homo yester day from Chicago , i < Slu was accompanied ' ' " TO BRACE Ul > the gyitom. hltor "La Grippe , " pnouiuonin , fevers , and other prostrating acute dis eases ; to build up needed flesh and strength , and to resttffd health and vigor wheniyou feel "run-down" aniliUdup. . the best thing in ilioYorld ; , ] Is lr. I'icrco a Golden , Medical Discovery. It 'promotes all the bodily functions , rouses every or gan into healthful action , purifies and enriches the blood , and through it cleanses , repairs , and invig orates the entire system , For the most stubborn Scrofulous , Bkln or Scalp Diseases , Dysj > c [ > - sla , Diliouiness. and kindred ailments , the " Dlfccovery" u the only remedy that's guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure , you have your money back. Can you think of anything more convinc ing than the promise that is made by the proprietors of Dr , Bage's Catarrh Remedy I It is this : "If we can't euro your Catarrh , we'll pay you 500 la cosh. " by Miss Owens , who will visit hero for sev eral weeks. C S. Felch of the Hammond force ts homo from Chicago. Miss Harhara ( toyman Is visiting friends In Atlantic , In. Mrs. William McCollistor 1s homo from a visit to Mnrshnltown. O. K. lllaekstotio of Craig is visiting his daughter , Mrs. J. F. Cornish. The St. Agnes school children will picnic at Spring I ako pirk Autriist 13. J. G. Hayzlott is homo from a trip through the western portion of the state. . Miss Nclllo Hlackstone of Hlalr , who has been visiting friends here , returned homo yesterday. A class from the Uohomtan turners left yesterday for Milwaukee to participate In the national tournament. Miss Nclllo Cockren ret unto 1 to her homo in Missouri Valley yesterday.nftora pleasant visit with South Omaha friends. There will be n special meeting of Ada chapter No f > 2 , Order of K.istern Star , for initiation work nt Masonic hall tonight. A. H ix1" traveling representative for the stock yards company , and wlfo returned this morning from n visit to the World's fair. The fi-yc.ir-old daughter of John Sullivan , living at Twenty-sixth and O streets , fell from n llfteen-foot bannister last evening and was painfully Injured. Cudahy llros. . packers at Milwaukee\vcro on the South Omaha mar ! < i ' , yesterday for the tlrst thno in the history of the yards , Thcv bought sovcr.il cars of hogs. Uov. J. F. Hess , pastor the United Presbyterian church , will preach Sunday morning on "Ulio Host Treasure , " and in the evening his subject will be , "Preaching Jesus , " Uov. Father McOovitt has been chosen as the delegate to represent the South Omaha Young Men's Institute at the national con vention which meets In Cincinnati , Septem ber So. L > r. Sherman of Ncmaha county Is ono of the now veterinarians recently appointed In the meat Inspection department. Jay Mer rill is his assistant. They will hold forth at Swift's. Dr. Blnckwell and Frank Patrick nro assigned to Cudahy's. n n.rtniit It Wilt Ho l'n I r iinil S mtliorlyVlndn Illou * 111 Nt'lir.iftkii Tocluy. WASHISOTON , July 21. Forecasts for Sat urday : For Nebraska Fair ; continued southerly winds. For Iowa Fair ; southerly winds ; warmer in western portion. For North D.iuota Generally fair ; varia ble winds ; cooler in southern and western portions. For South U.ikota Fair ; southerly winds ; cooler Saturday night. l.ncal Iteooril. WiiVTinit : IJumuu , OMAHA , July -Omaha record of temperature and rainfall , eomp.irod with corresponding day of past four years : 189.1. 180'J. 1831. 1800. Maximum tenim > raturu. H0 = ! ) H = Hi ! = Minimum temperature , liiss f > S > ( JH = > Avuiago Ininpariituru. . . 7li = 81 ! ° 703 Precipitation . 00 .01 .10 .10 Statement showing the condition of tem perature and precipitation at Omaha for the day and since March 1 , lbU3 : o Ncrmiil tmnpuratuic . 78 o Dullcli'iiey for thudav . , . - ° Dellcloiieyhlnco March 1 . 'J37O Nonnal precipitation . 10 Inch Dollcluncy for the day . 1(5 ( Inch IJollolency hlnco Maicli 1 . 1.10 inch Krporttt from Other I'uint * itt H p in. "T" Indk'ateH tr.-u-n of rain. K. HUM' . Louul ForejaHt Olllclal. Scrofula are all caused by He warned ! Nature must be ns- 0 sistcd to throw off the poisons. 1-or this purpose nothing can etjual 0 Nature's own assistant A pure Vegetable Compound of Herbs , Barks , and Knots. Contains no acids or mineral poisons. It li ni reliable ns the I Link of Kncl/inil / , ' All Hut li ilMmr.l | IT It , u vlll do. $1.00 ft bottlu. All ilru liti , HEAUY A Iliori.ow , ' J3I Grand Ave , , New Haven , Conn , KNOWLEDGE Hritips comfort ami improvement nnd fcntU to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The innny. who live bet ter than others mul enjoy life more , with less expenditure , by more promptly adapting the world's host products to the needs of iiliysieal being , will attest the vnltio to health of tin ? purc _ liquid Inxntivo principles cnibinml in the remedy , Syrup of Figs. Its excellence la due to ils prc ° cnt5ng in' the form most acceptable nnd pleas ant to the taste , tlio icfreshing and truly beneficial properties of a jwrfcct lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system , dispelling cold ; * , headaches Mill fevers ami permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the mi'dujnl profession , because it acts on the Kid neys , Liver and Howcls without weak ening them nnd it is perfectly free fiom every objectionable substance. Syrup of Fics is for s < ulo by all drug gists in COo ami ? l bottles , but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only , whose name is printed on every package , also the name , Syrup of Figs , and being well informed , you will not accept any substitute if oflored. I 'KEEP COOL Itisldu , ontslclo. nml nil the uay tlirotiKh , by dilnUhu ; This Brent Tpinperniicc drink ; , us houlthful , 113 it H pluusanU Try It. MADE AVErL , MAN OT ME " iNBAPCT tin 'jiii.iT HINDOO REMEDY IIltUVCKb THE JUIOt K ltr. riT In ISO 1V8. . Cnrviull 11 < ; l > lMlg If tt.'nfcis , Falling -.MVlHI'rJ. > I rjT tti' . , and quickly but surely rcnoies l'.ont Vltullly lv 3lil orjomiLT , Kaxlly citrrli'il In vest pocket. Tiict * 91.00 a pACKncrp. Six for * r . .OOrllh n written ettnr- Hntpp torurt. or monyy rt'fu-f ! * . ! . Don't Ift any ui. | irlni'ltil iil ill uprlt FelMu'i anjkmdttf fmtlttttnn , In lift cm linvln.IM APe nuni. * other. lr lie tins nu > pot It , we w 111 cenil it l > > mall UK II receipt or prkf. t'r intilili't In icnlea rmplniMt fr * c. Aililri llrli'nttC Mrdlcul Co..Ml rijniuulll I'luoe , Cliliiiicii , III , SOLD by Kuhn & Co. , Cor. isth and Doufila ? St ; , anil ' I. A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. I4tb ami IJo'-n' St , 'OMAHA , rii.i ! : ) by Paul G. Schneider , 531 Ilroidway and 6 1'ratlSt. . , COUNCIL ULUFPS , IOWA , and other I.eaJinc DtucKists. A wliolcsomo tonic. Pellcloui to the tnntn. OOratofnl to tlio Momni li. I'urlfjlnu to the ( Si blond nnd ntroniitlienlni ; to the hMuni. X Un < urii ! < " ( Hl inn iiruxcntlvoof nnil ctiro for ' Q M.Vl.A It I.I , 1) VHI ii NlA , anil purlieu- , o larljr I'fllcncloiis In raM'siit Mjaki'iii'il dines. Qtlvo orguus anil compllcntloiu iirlslny there-1 o from. 2 1'ri'nnroil iirlnclpiilly < * r m ITcrlx U anil JCixiU , kuou n IIIE * lliclr iiilmlratilc X i > roirrl | > > In rniuetly turplillly of tbo 5 liter mid bowel * . | ABBEY LABORATORY CO. , g 1428 MISSISSIPPI AVENUE , ST. LOUIS.'MO. ' A Upon receipt of 40 cents to ilofrny our ci-1 o POII-CH , vovlll innll to liny IIIIIIII-&H , jxi-tiiKo U prep.ild.n trial hottln , rontutnlni ; lour ounces , ( fcccuruly parktil In wooden ciuiu. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ( MPrlco 81 jrcr bottlu. & . ' SOT O bottlcB , full slriM " " bjxiclul terms In lurtSBr lotn. Retreat KOR Insane In charge of thu sisters of Moray. This renowned Institution Is situated on the hlch blnlfs bnck of nml overlooking the city of Council lllulTs. The spncluui Krounds , Iti high location nnd splendid view , mnUo It n most plensliiK rotrntt for the iilllleted. A ti\T ( of eminent physlcl.ins nnd n Inrgo corpt of ex- perlunccd i.ui > cs minister to the comforts of tlKMutlonts. Special c.iru given to liulv pa tients , TERMS MODERATE. 1'or particulars utiply to SISTER SUPERiOA , Frank Street - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , llOTTIiKUS Of MynsterSprings S INEHAL WATER UfiBii&inic KB ni a a B kit -AND- Improvecl Hire's Root Boor. I'rlv-uto fiiiiilllon 'urnlsncd with I' nro Drink- In.1 W'ller , frush every moraine , ut Jl.M per month , I'lilroulro Homo Industry : ind cot pure water \\lui.eHoinu hiini'iiur drliilis , Mynster Springs Water Co. , T. R WAUl ) , ; 1J AVKKU12 II , Council Bluffs , la. The l > i"t p luvcsliiu'iit tor : i hou-juwtfo riio-Lxcclsior How-IUKcr .mil Rwslcr Ilnltrs liri'.iil tnsty loavi-s It inolnt limit will bs j'.lcj mil ik'h HivrHU'iu-thlrlmitrltloiisoluuients. ' No I. ul > iMiidn without It afti'r li.vvlnj trluil It , \\-ritr ( or clivul irn. Also other iilllck-uulllilir kite him novelties. AGENTS V/ANTE 0. CHARLES SCHULTHEISS , Omm// Io\\-n. Omaha's Newest Hotel. Cor. I''th und lli\v.irl btreoti 40 rooms Jl.'iO par day. 4(1 ( rooms { IflU per Uiiy. : > rooms with bath at * 1 nor d-iv. ; 110 rooms with huth utfl..V ) pord.iy. .lloili'rti In ICti'i'y UrHpi-ut. A 'ivly riiriiUln-il TliroiiKlinut C. S. ERB , Prou. Special Nollc23 * . , council lOKSAT iOHTIlADK-A 42 lili-h ( trailn horHo- -L IHUVIT ini'iTy-t'O-roiiinl. What havu you to onVr' ' II. O. JU'nili1 , 10S North J.lili Hlrut-t AllSl'JIACTS niul l anH. Farm anil city property liou.'lil anil aold. Puauy . . Thuniau , Council IlllltlH G ri-mnvoil. ocsHpuolH. vaults , clilnincya Kit lm ku , at Taylor'H frocury , 01J lliuailway. 1'OU KXCIIANOK. ulco lot on bottom for horao J. ami buggy. ( iiucnililrlilH , Nleliolnoii i Uo. FKUIT FAHMR Wi > bavc HOIIIP Hue licaihur Jrult faraiH for halui alHo iiioil Iowa f.inns ; nuholco Sli-iiro ( : flu in , Wi ) per ucru. Jolnmtoii It Van y.utun. _ I/OU SAI.i : at a bnrk'abi If Ultuu lit once , 105 fnt I hvill fi't't on 1'ark a\i < uno , or will null In Bin. lll'T IMivrlH If desire , I. U. H. Sheafo , llroail- wa.\ and Main mi eel. \\7"AN"rii : ) A rarpcntiT to build a Hiuall IKIIIBU ' anil Like p.iv hi ImrntH. Apply to Ix'onunl Bv- i-ii'tt. Council lliutrH , la. \\rAJfTI2D-Monlo takn contract for icrubblntr ami breaking 10 aeri'H of bniHli lanil near tliu clly. Apply to Lt'iiiinnl nvurett , Council lllultH , In poHtH/orHnlu cheap on ( lall.i- 0 Bhur , farm. Adiht'HU MrH. Oall.ik'liorVuHtou , la. ' Ol'I'OKTtlNITV for a home. Wo huvo tahnn AN' - . ilrHlr.tbln Iiiiimi-Hiniil lotH uniler foro- eloimiiof iiiorlifaRe that \\n will cliH' < out at cost on moiitlily p.iyinuntH or rorc.'iHli. D.iy .V llcbb , Ut ) 1'earl M. _ . An oppurtnnlty for a DllYOOOnSiiiiilcIollilnir. Atlru-ia Uay .V iluaa , Count. ' ! ! IllnirH. la. rANTKI ) ( Jood irlrl for Koiicrsi housework at once. .M. K. MeKoHton , .fjll Oikland nvoiiuu BICYCLE CLEARING SALE FOR (8D3. ( Wo liavo. ! high-irrade gents' pneumatics , 12 Indies' pneumatics , high grade , 4 boys'and 1 glrl't ) wheel in stock , all 18 W wheels , of lute t design and atrletly high grade. If wo can got the cash coit of these wo will lot thorn go. ThoHo include throe of the hot Known wheels in the world and not a m.ir < > . sor.itoh on them. We are agents for Victors , Now Mails. King RUppors and Wuvorlyu. Our reason for cleaning tin at the middle of the hloyclo season is August 1st wo will huvo arrive r > carloads of strives 1 cur Hoekwfth's Hound Oaks , U cars Radian HoinoH , 1 car Stowart's and 1 car wrought r.inges. To make room wo must clour our stock of all bulky gooJs. This is no advertising fake , but we moan oxnoty what wo siiy. We also have one line Kofrigorator loft that will go at cost. This will clean out our bulky boiiboimblo goods. Don't wait till these are gene and the regret that you mlssod the chanoo of a lifetime. Our friends know wo tire doing ft four-story bminobs in a two-story building , artd are short room. COLE & COLE. 41 Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. DON'T YOU KNOW You. can buy tlio host 73iiy , IJhnoion& , Carriages , Sulky , or" any tiling in thd line * We invite you t'j call a vl s - our repository. All of the 'ute ' . and b st styles leapt. If you want the best at ihe right prici come .and .j. us. or ad r ss , 1304-6-8-10 Mi n S , - UN ON TRANSFLR 'CO. Council Bluffs , la