THE OMAHA DAILY BEEr'HTIIUUSDAY ' , JULY 20 , 1893. THJg DAILY BEE. K. HOaUWATKIt , Ml tor. "BVKUY MOHNINO. TKHM8 OK HUJIHIJUM'TION. Urn ( without Hun < 1iiy)0n ) Yoar. . B 00 Sullj anil SuniUy. Ono Y iar . - 1" JJO ixMonllii g'M' ' Thri-n Mnntln , . . . , - < | f' " Hiimlny | | i o , Onn vmr - ? * * PuliinUr llnn.Onn V nr - } J | Weekly iluo.Onu Ynnr - ° ° Otnnlin. The lice Illllldliiff. Hotith Oimilm , cnrnnr N unit 2lth ) Rtreevjl r nmrll Illuirn , 12 I'tmrl HtrcoL ChlriiL'o onico , 17 Clmmliiir of Oomionrco. Now Vork , lluoin.i 18 , M und 10. Trlbunn IltillilliiR. WuOiliiKtnn , fiia I'oiirlnmithSlroot. WHIIKSI'ONDKNOK. All roiniwinlcntloin rnlntln * I" , ' " > ? , ' * Prt rillinrliiliiinltdriiliiiulilliiMUliliuuodl lo the liUltor < mmiNTMS I.KTTKIW. AIHniino'i | | ' InttorM and MUnltlanrri wliouin > nililroMcil to Tim Urn I'ulilUhlnK mp ny. Uiiuilm , Hrnfli , ilniKnml ; ! | M Uirilc ordorn tiilHiinnilo piiyuhlo to the order of Iho com- imny. riirllimlonvliiR thnr.lly for thn nmnmnr can Imvn dm HKiiNKiit their nddrcsi hy lonTlns mi inlnr nt Ihl.i onion. THUKK \ \ I'UHMHUINfl COMPANY 8\VUN ) HTAT1JMK.NT OK tllliaiJI.ATtON. fllntd lit NiOir.ixkn , I Orii. M.'rTMolmcR.Mi-ori'tnr.v of Tltn Ilr.n imhllMi. ln i-iiiiiiiiiy | : I | < M-H NOlenihlv rtwe.ir0i ; l tlin ixctiml pliniil.iliiiii f THK lun.v IIKK for tlio wwU unillnif July I9IHI' ' : > . waniiH ( ollnwHi Mnniliiy , July ID 'I'ni-Mitay. Jnlv II \\YilnoiMlay. July 1'- riinrwlnv , Jnlv 111 J'llilnv , July II > _ , - . , - . , B.itnnlny , July 13 2J..17H ( iK.lllinKll , TH'tll'CIC. ( ' , > .flWOHN lo tii-forn nut nml Hiilidprllxil In J Hr.Al. I my tiriiu-iii > ii IhlN Iftlh tiny uf Jnl , IHIW. jn -f N. p. nil. ; . Notary I'libllo. I'lli Urn In ( Milritiit. Till' DAII.V und Ht'.MHV UKK U on iinln In ClilciiCiint lint follo\vlii' ' { plnuuil I'lilnici ImiHii. Iliiind I'iii-lllrholnl. Aiidllorliiin linlnl. ( Iri'itt ' Nofthurn luitoL ( loitilinlnl. l.i'lanil Inili'l. I'lles of Tnr. UK : ran IM > ti-nti nt Iho No- 11rn Idi liiilldlnx mill HIM Ailnilnlslriitlnn liullil- IhK , ! ' . limit Ion croundn. Ai rnKiilri-iilntliiii ! : nr .Inno , 1HU3 , iM.iiUl Tun Now York MiirHImo exchange hius piiHMod resolutions tloiimwllntf tlio repeal of the Sliornmn Hllvor purohnso luw. Next ! THIS woolt'H crop reports uro on the Yrliolo favorable ivnil indicative ot gon- urul Iniprovouiont. ( iooil hiirvoHthifjH Will liu uxpoi'toil to owjrt 11 Htfunijthon- IiiK liilliiciu'o upon nil the IniliiHtrlul und Inurciuitilo cuntorH. H ovorywliuro will lulto ( front IntoruHt In tlio Hold tints of fnrin inn- chlnor.y now boliin inuilii In oonnootion with tlio n i-lutiltunil uxhlblt ut the Woi-lil'ri fair. Nothing In BO convincing us notuivl exporhuunt. AT A mooting of n prohibitionist tnutiml nilinlnitlon sixiicty on S tut on Inland Sunday , Or. Funk oiiln lzod pnthor MuOlynn und Futhor McGlynn Domnllinontod Dr. Knnlr. Vorlly , there nro Hljns ( of rovlvliig nutivlty in the Jiroiiibltion cuinp. ONK of the DougliiH county bonds val ued ut $10,000 , which IIIIH boon currlod n.i n lliihlllty upon the county rucords ulnco 1887 when It uuunud to bour Intor- pat , HuuniH to hnvo dropped out of oxlat- onco. So long us no unu nppoaru to bo Injured the tuxpuyur.s will not objoat to rouplng the bonolit uocrnlng from the loss. A BTOUY Is ruiinlnt ; wild down onst to Lho dlToot that Secretary Orosluun will bid for the democratic nomlnntlon for pro.-tident. Many , many thingH may Imppon within the next three yoara. Hy Unit thno , wo vontnro to predict , good inon will hesitate before uoiiHontlng to let u dumouratlc oonvtMitlon lead thorn to daughter. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IT is a mlstuko to iiHsumo that the now railroad luw will cause an nvorngo reduction of i ) per cent in oxlHtlng freight rut on In Nebraska. In mmio in- Btuncos the iiiaxliuuni law will admit of rutos higher than those now in force. U'horo it ) good authority for the estimate that the now rato.s will cause an avorugo reduction of about -0 [ ier cent. AT THK dictation of tholr owners , tlio railroads , two Lincoln nowspiiporrt are olumorlng for a iniin from the woatorn portion of the Htuto for the mipromo lionoh. If the oorporatloiiH wanted nil niBtorn man , or u xouthorn man , thuso twt ) ninvrtpaper puppotH would fall right Into lino. The fact of the nmttor la Hint ( ho talk for a wo.itorn man IH intended to ileludo anil to eovor the real purpoxo of these corporate wiro-pullorn. Tin : Bantu Ko railroad will IB.SIIO no Inoro imsrtOH to the state onicliiln of KansiiH. Kor'thlH ronolvo the road IH to bo oommondod , The Htuto , UH oIllclulH und Its people would bo bettor off if nil the roudtt would take Hlinilur notion , In N'ohrankn , abiiut oonvontion time , U him boon the practice for certain Htatoonicoru to carry books of blank PUHHOH for free illHtrlliiitlon , Wo venture to Hay that the railway * will hull the day when tmoh niun nro forever politically turned flown. TliKcoronor'n jury lnventlgatlng tlio WorldM fulr holocaust of Monday lunt Week IUIH brought In a vordlct holding the dhwtorof works , the hulldorHof the fatal building und the Uro mnrahiil nndor bondu for notion by the grand jury. It Is doubtful whether any tunglblo ovi- , ilonco pun bo produced before the grnnd jury , bocuumi In calaiultlos of this kind the responsibility Is usimlly too nuioh illvldod to bo distinctly trncod. As u warning ntfiilnst nogllgont conduct in rotation to buildings iittontUul for public uses , the llndlng of the coronor'a jury cannot but provo an Instruutlvo lessen , THK county agent for outsldo poor hua mndti u report which tthowB thut the In digent wards htivo cost the county f7 , 72.35 ilurlng six months of thla year. The year's oxpomUturos for ohavlty will probably amount to $15,000. This la n largo mini of money und is Biifllolont to draw nil the puupors from aurrouiullnir towns who loarnof Douglas oouuty'a UUirnlity und can bog trana- portathm to this city. It nhould bo I ho constant olTort of the county agent to BOO that the taxpayers are not Impoaod upon. Giber coinmuultlca compel worth- leas vujjttbonds to uiovo ou. AVhy can't Omaha do BO ? CU.Uf.YO TO TIIKln StKtlSICl. The doolslon of the railway president * to uboy the spirit and letter of the now maximum freight rate law , which goes Into ofToct In Nebraska next month , will lw hnllod with satisfaction by every rosldont within thti Htato. No ono will fcol anything but jilcasant disappoint ment In learning that the rumored talk of willfully Ignoring the provisions of the titntitto have proven altogether un founded. That there was some thought among the subordinate ofllclals of the railroad companies doing buttincsH with in this Htatd of paying no attention to the logltdatlon onautcd on this mibjoot and of lighting all attempts at onforco- inotit , from the lowest to the highest court ? , Is not lo bo doubted. In laying aside every disposition to oppose the provision * ! of the law the presidents have displayed commendable good sense , for which thny dcsorvo all credit. The railway * have boon urged to take thin stop largely hy considerations of tholr own best IntorostH. Advice that obedience IH the only policy consonant with tholr welfare has been olTorcd by parties In no way hostile to the corpora tions affected. A late number of the United tittttcs Jnvcstnr declares : Tlio law imut bo oboyuit nnil the donimonil U U atraiih'u tlint the railway cnntiot nee thut tliolr best policy making gracaful concosslons to the rampant autl-moinpoly spirit In tluiso west- crn Rtntnfi. It ls powerful unou h , If Irrl * tnteit too far , to crush the railways , They will IInil tholr future more safe by shutting off the lobbyist and Inwyor lUmdliond list , anil by tronlliifr with the shippers and fiiriiii > r.i fairly and honorably. It the rail ways In the west nro not us prosperous as they should bo , they have themselves largely to blnmo.t Hero , whore public interests and rail way policy colnQ.ulo , the course adopted H the only rational course for the rail- iyH to pursue. The people have a right to take the iresldents at tholr word and to regard ho announcement as evidence of a sin- ere purpose to obey the law. Acting tpon that assumption they will expect ho railways to discountenance every ict of tholr officials contravening the pirit of the legislative enactment. An loncHt olTort to adjust themselves to the ow conditions will do much to restore ho railways to the favor of a people whom they have so long treated with liter IndllTerenco. H 01THK ItuVSK. It is the consensus of opinion among hose who have the most favorable op- ) ortunily of knowing what is proposed n democratic circles that in the organi- y.atiou of the next house of ropresenta- Ivos now loaders will take the places of the men who. were at the front in the ast congress. Such competent author ty as the Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia. Lcdijer has recently stated that Mr. Springer will not bo ro- alned at the head of the ways and means commitlco , and while ho does not say ) osltlvoly who may bo the successor to -hat gentleman he names MeMillin of Tennessee and Wilson of West Virginia us possibilities. It is understood that either of the last two would bo accept able to the administration , with a pref erence , probably , for the laltor. It is now declared by those who represent the president that Mr. Springer has not the quallllcations necessary to frame a tarilT hill and that his appointment two years iigo as chairman of thy ways and means committee was a surprise and a Disappointment. That this criticism is not ultogethor just there can bo no question , but it serves the purpose of the administration , which pro poses to manage the whole work of tarilT revision , to have It made , and certainly those who do not desire a radical change in the tarilT cannot reasonably complain. The dropping o Mr. Springer will necessitate other changes from the composition of the ways and moans committee of Iho last congress , and It is understood that Mr Uryan , who waa placed on the commit' too at the request of Springer , will droj out with his patron. Bryan was not i purlioulurly ellloient member of the com unttoo und besides this his position re garding silver makes him particularly objectionable to the administration. As to the chairmanship of the com mitt too on coinage , weights and measures uros It 1ms recently been stated that Mr. IMund does not desire to bo m tained , It IH certain that u majority o the committee will bo opposed to his vlows on Hllvor and lie Is stild to haw concluded that in that case ho oould dc bettor Horvlco for free stiver on the lloor as an independent champion of thut pol ley. Undoubtedly ho will bo allowed this privilege. It seems not to have boon fully determined whether Hol- mun will lie kept ut the head of the ap propriations committee or not , hut the chances nro that he , too , will bo sent to the rear us being too superannuated for the work required of the head of the appropriations com mittee , There would bo no'gonornl ro- I ! rot at thla change. Ills the Impres sion that the reorgani/.ation of the Im portant committees of the house , agree ably to the wishes of the administration , will provoke a great deal of dissatisfac tion , but it Is obviously necessary In order to onublo the administration to carry out Its policies. There Is the pos sibility , however , of the broach between the democratic factions becoming wider and deeper than over. . - .vwir ru-w.Ksi'jcv iMf.tor , Secretary Carlisle has pu/y.lod tlmin- olul circles by adopting a polloy which IH not only new , hut under existing con ditions altogether remarkable , Not- whhstundlng the depletion of the gold reserve In the treasury , whluli in nearly $2,000,000 below the amount at which it was maintained blnco the llrst adminis tration of Mr. Cleveland , the treasury otllctals at New York have boon volun tarily paying out gold Instead of cur rency , although these having demands upon the treasury preferred the latter. In vlow of the genorul undorstmidlng that thu Boorutury was anxious to replace - place the gold that had boon taken from the ro.Mirvo , the extraordinary notion of the treasury caused some surprUo and curiosity. Two explanations nra offered. Ono is thut the secretary desired to tx > prepared for a possible largo demand upon the treasury for ouritmoy to inovo the crops. It Is suggested that the hoardIng - Ing of currency , both by the banks and by individuals , may cause an unusual call upon tlio government to moot the demand for currency a few weeks hence , and while this Is not assured , it Is doomed expedient lo bo ready for it in case it should come. The ether expla nation Is that the banks being just now In need of small bills , the treasury has taken advantage of tho'op portunity to force the banks into exchanging - changing gold or gold certificates in largo quanlltlos for small legal tender notes that they need , and it is intimated this Is done In a spirit of retaliation that Iho banks having withhold their gold from the treasury when it needed gold , the treasury now proposes to "got even" by keeping the banks out of the currency they require until they shall surrender gold for It. The llrflt explanation in Improbable , however commondiiblo the motive to which It ascribes the action of the treas ury. The national treasury has never concerned Itself about the possible cur rency demand of the country for moving the crops , and while there Is nothing to prevent tlio adoption of a precautionary policy with reference to such future call for currency the proceeding would bo so entirely foreign to its legitimate func tions that it is not easy to bellovo Secre tary Carlisle , who la known to bo strongly in favor of keeping the opera tions of the treasury strlclly within Ihoir proper limitations , could bo induced to adopt it. It is conceivable that a policy of withholding currency by the treasury might under provalng con ditions do some good , but it is also conceivable that the establish ment of Hitch a precedent might be fruitful of havoc in the future. AH to the ether explanation It is perhaps sulll- clout to say that If the action of the treasury was intended to retaliate on the bunks It was a grave mistake , for Iho obvious reason thut it cannot pursue a course of thin kind without inllicting more or loss Injury upon all Interests. If the banks require small notes for general distribution and cannot obtain them from the only source whore they are to be had , the injury is not to the banks alone or chiolly , but to the business and agricultural communities where such currency is in demand. Such a policy must inevitably work widespread Inconvenience , with damaging results to business , from which the people would be the principal sulTorors rather than tlio banks. The administration of the national treasury should bo free from all schemes and expedients which tend to complicate Iho financial alTaira of the people or to interfere with the regular processes of business. Whenever it goes beyond pro vlding for the obligations of the govern ment and maintaining the public credit it exceeds its proper function , and the result cannot bo otherwise than harmful. .IUmO/OI/.S / .1X1) TIMKl.Y UOUNHKL. When people are under the inlluonco of excitement and four , the man who comes forward with calm counsel and rational admonition is a public benefactor. The comptroller of the currency , Hon. James II. Eckels , was not supposed when ho was ap pointed to have any very practical ideas of financial affairs. lie is u luw- jor who hud not boon identified with bunking , and the rule had been to select for the position ho occupies a man who had some knowledge of the business' of banking and neces sarily of Ihmnciul allairs generally. Quito naturally , therefore , there wore mlHgivlngH us lo whether Mr. KckoH would bo found equal to thu demands o the very responsible olllco which ho holds , Thus far , it is nlmplo justice to say , ho bus justllled the wisdom of his selec tion , and ills only fair lo judge from this thai ho will continue lo do HO. He took hold of the duties of his olllce in a way to give confidence to the country that he intended to administer it will : reference to the public intorontH , ant the results HO far have been sue ! us to satisfy all fulr mlndoil men that Iho- national banking system of Iho country will ho looked aftoi b the present administration wlthou favor or prejudice. Comptroller Eckels was given a dinner at the Union Loiiguo club of Now York , TuosdayTivonlng , am his speech on the occasion containc ( muoh wise and timely counsel whicl should bo carefully considered by al classes of pooplo. lie did not take the gloomy and pessimistic view of the liimncial situation. lie did not sou In every bunk and mer cantile failure an ominous sign of impending panic. Ho did not regard the outlook an full of danger to the llnanclal and business intorosta of the country. On the contrary , ho declared that there was no possibility of a panic , that the bunking Institutions of the country are generally in a sound con dition und that the legitimate business of the country is not seriously threat ened. The admonition of the eump- Irollor waa simply that the people should abandon tholr fears and recover eon- lldonuo. Ho deprecated the withdrawal of ourrenoy from the banking institu tions merely for the purpose of hoarding it , as calculated to produce the very condition of affairs which It is the gen eral deslro to avert. Ho counseled con- lldence in the banking Institutions of the country reference being had , of course , to those under governmental supervision us warranted by past ox- poriotioo , and ho commended the gonjjr- ally courageous course of the banks as having boon "a constant source of in spiration to all the country. " ' The comptroller hud something to say about the evil effects of specu lation , which everybody understands and appreciates , but the force and worth of all that ho said la to bo found in the implication that the exist ing condition is chletly duo to a lack of conlldence for which there is really lit- tit ) substantial reason , That there are still weak spoU in the llnanclal and commercial editlces is not to bo doubted , and these may bo ex pected to continue to show themselves as the process of liquidation good on , but tho'-o is no valid reason wby the continued downfall of specu lative and badly managed entor- prlbos and Institutions should create alarm and impair contidenco in those vhlch have doinotftVJj Ad tholr claim to onfldonoo. If tha.JitdloloU3 and llmoly ounscl of ComrVtrbllor Kckols were generally heeded 1Ts probable that the country would oxjjor'loneo a moro rapid recovery from < 1liirist { | and depression. Tun Lincoln oraW of the Impeached and acquitted BtaJij'o'ncM8 ' throws out his fling at the Impeachment managers : 'Thoro being somtoof the impeachment und loft over aftoV ho acquittal of the nomborn of the Jjjn o Board of Public . .amis and Buildings , ' it is not at all ex traordinary that the lawlng is to go on mill the last dollar ,1s absorbed. News comes that the 'Impeachment committee' ms doelded to 'reopen the case , ' dis charging all the old lawyers but Mr. l.ambortson. " Out of its own mouth It s condemned. Tlio fact that all the awyors but ono have been discharged is not conclusive evidence of an attack upon ho impeachment appropriation. What jothora this subsidized Lincoln organ Is .hat . the legislature appropriated money o investigate the men who have fed it at the public crib. It Is a mutter for sincere regret that the unexpended balance in this appropriation cannot bo used to convi''t ami puntHh the mon who robbed ; ho state through forged vouchers nt tlio insane hospital. Tlio subsidized organ will know to whom wo rotor. CASKS suspected to bo cholera have joon discovered on some of the incom ing vessels at our eastern ports and prompt measures hnvo been taken to [ > rovont their Introduction into tlio United States. Whoh the subject was dlHcursed last year the conclusion gen erally reached hy medical exports was that if the winter could be passed and the plague kept out during the spring , the danger of its onlranco inlo this country would bo entirely past. Now wo Und that no absolute limit to the danger point can with certainty be laid down. Under the circumstances the only method of insuring the health of the people is to retain the most sirin- gent quarantine regulations and to exert every effort to put our dwellings and streets into a condition which will not invite diseaso. Those precautions are not needed alone in the seaport towns. The interior cities must do their Bhnro of cleaning up if they want to re main in a healthy condition. ATTOUNKYGKNKIIAT.J OI.NKY is said to bo anxious to secure tlio appointment to the existing vacancy upon the bench of the supreme court of the United States. Owing , however , to the fact that ho resides in Massachusetts , whence Justice Gray was appointed , his pros pects for the attainment of that position are not very brigljt Although Presi dent Cleveland during his first term promoted ono of his cabinet advisors to the supreme courtyot , , the polloy of breaking up the unity of a cabinet is not ono that will commend itself to general favor. That stability so highly doair- able in the counsels , df the executive is marred sulllciontly by deaths and resig nations without tb e introduction of this disturbing factor. THE Now York Tribune prints some interesting tables bearing upon taxation returns in tlie metropolis. The total valuation of real and personal property for 1803 is 91,033ril8,528.00 , an increase of $105II. " ) 1,2. ) I over that of the previous year. The value of property exempted from the levy by law foots up 9410,323- 185. Only nine parties are taxed upon ever $1,000,000 in personal property , while almost all the great dignitaries in Tammany hull pay no nueh taxes at all. The personal estate of Grover Cleveland is listed at 35,000 ; of Chuuncoy M. Dopow at $10,000 ; of ox-Scerotary Fairchild - child at $3,000 ; of Senator Calvin S. Hrico at 87,500. For samples those will do very well. DisrATCHKS announce thut when the railway commissioners of Iowa notified a certain company that it would give a hearing to complaints against a contem plated live stock rate it received prompt ronly stating that the objection able rate had boon withdrawn. This is ai example of the work of the Iowa rail way commission. How long is it since the Nebraska railway commission has secured any concession from the rail roads to the shippers , however slignt ? uf Cyclone * . It la worthy of note thnt Iowa's doadl.v oyelono closely followed the route of the Illinois Conlral railroad. Tno Uluntlty o : paths uuiy have boon u ooluridenco ; hut it will probably bo seized upon .11 conllrmatori of the theory that such mini if on tat Ions are of olectrio origin and to nil to follow the motnlliu jiathways uf the railway and tno telegraph Hues , : lor Vfllcnr Motnl. .Spr na.nt.ll ( . .Wdjj.rjmblfftin. ) ( . They re not wasting nuy time in talk titu threats in Montana , hutliavo gene to work : it ( tilling out more gold. The return * fron the mines for the Ural weeK of this inoutl In that state show u production of J'JO.OOO ' it Kohl IIH fonipnrod with flU.OOO produced ii the sainn tluiu last year. This is the way tc RCI b-iolc nt tl.o "iold bujjs. " Such an out put of Iho metal as was had In the f > 0's which lotl to talk of d nllino. tiling that metal would undoubtedly make those "antl-sHvo conspirators" wo hoar o much about nor form In a w.iy Broatly. ju > ainuso our excitoi western frlotids. Supiioso they put to thi : teat the realltv of their shadowy ono mios. _ * " l' i > uf Uiilvur tiy ICjIoiulon. ? ( < / > ? > ( ' { /miM. Nothing is moro rj-iijirnuteristio of the tltnoi hi which wo live than the constant multiplication of plnus.Jor promotlnB edu- cation. University o ( o sion is ono of the boat. It affords ongy/ip ] ) t as well as In struction , for ovou teojuiifal subjects uro always presented iu thu form of i > opular ad dresses , intoiuled for'pl.T u people. Its ques tion work , paper \vrllnr ( and examinations afford means for classifying and retaining In mind the facts obtained , it Is not to bo expected that the student can Rain a uni versity education by suoli means , but ho can como nearer it than H ii&siDlo by desultory reading , or by any ether plan ofccopl actual attendance at a seat oftho higher learning. IiiipurtHiirn uf IkuulDVHrtli. CMcduo CaiTttlwntlcnt * Qlobc-DtniOfrat. There U a lesson for St. I uis in the boulo- vanl and | > ark system of this city. When Chicago had half a lullllou people someboiiy had thu forothou to plan a system of parks anil many miles of counectin boulo- " arus for QUO million. Then it seemed like a Journey to tha interior of Illinois to reach some of Chicago's parks , ana the boulevards were rows of trees across vast stretches or prairie. Now , the jiarks are none too re mote , and the boulevards are neither too wide uor too long. There U a vast difference botwoou a city of half a million imputation and ouo of ono million , Chicago reallu > s. St. . Ixiuls will. The lesson of the Chicago jurk * ami boulc- vurvis Is : When you have half a million prepare for a uiUliou. ttKnit.lSK.l AHl ) .YKW/MSK.l.YJ. Mrs. Kate Olllotto Flutes , a UoMrlco vroman , Is to Join an opera company. A mill Is to bo built nt Clay Center If the cltlzeni wlirfMio the required bonu * . An Ploctlon on the question ot issuing $12- MX ) In bonds to build water works will soon bo hold nt I'ondor. LlRhtnlng struck n barn near Vlolot , Paw nco county , and killed two horses belonging to Taylor Covcnharvo. An Immense cattish stuck ono of its horns through the hand of C. H. Fields of Taylor ami produced a very painful wound. Owing to the stringency of thomonoy m.irkot. work on the Fanners' Irrigating catml has boon abandoned for the present. Oliver Kolby and hi * ' son of Cflllawny , while cutting Kralm rroro run away with , The boy was Injured Internally anil Oliver had three ribsbroken. The explosion of a tump nearly caused the death of Horace Miller of Arap.v hoo. The child's right hand and arm are badly burned with spots along the siilo and leg. Assistance from neighbors , who were attactcd by his piercing shrieks , with the cries of his distracted mother , who was vainly trying to extinguish the ( lames on the boy's clothing , saved Ida life mul the build- Ing. Ing.It It Is generally known , says the York Times , that O. W. Wirt , the leading grain man of this part of the slate , is m llnanulal stralti. and will not bo able to get through and hold onto his largo property. While this state of nffalrs U greatly regretted on his account , his Nebraska creditors are all naid or amply secured already , and ho declares his Intention of paying ovcry dollar that ho owes everywhere. * While two families were onrouto by pralrlo nchoonor from Wyoming to their old homo in Arkansas it became necessary to economize space , no William F. Saynrs und Katie L. Uoromas were Joined in wed lock al Goring. The happy pair at once setup up housokooplng In a wagon to themselves' and made n bridal tour with the vehicle about a milo away from the caravan , whore they remained untlt-noxt morn. While Hiram Hlppcn and wife , living near Ijodgo Pole , were attending school meeting , thrcoof their boys were driving some stock as a storm was approaching. Some of the calves ran through a wire fcnco and as they were bolng driven back , all the boys were struck by lightning , 010 slightly shocked , one stunned and Johnny. 8 years old , in stantly killed , the bolt striking his temple , leaving n blood shot mark , while his loft arm nml le , ? were dislocated. Moro seines are reported In the river with in tlio last taw days says the Deatrlco Kx- pross. Kvory not that goes out is spotted almost before It leaves the barn , and within twelve hours the tlsh commission Is in pos session of the nanio of every man in the party. Tlieso names are Hied for future rof- orcnco ami not fishermen can rest assured that they will bo remembered in n disagree able way before very long. Mon who nro llnanclally solid and who bollovo in llsh and game protection uro interesting themselves in the matter ami promise to prosecute every man who violates the llsh ami game laws , in cluding owners of mill dams where no suita ble llsh stair Is kept in accordance with tlio law. This means every dam in the river to the Kansas lino. A strong lo.tguo is bomg formed and a good lawyer is already engaged to nroseouto offoudors. The club proposes to put up the cash and the legal gentleman will attend to the rest in a very thorough manuor. . ' ' . ' . -1 I'ltKI'TX l.ll'tl.K KVAST , ST. KnwAim , Nob. , July 17. To the Editor of Tim RKK : Such scurrilous lllngs nt the old soldiers , the defenders of our country in its tiuio of awful trial , us nppoarod in the World-Herald of yesterday , in which the venomous tongue of the pension hater spits its poison in the suggestion that the treasury might soon accumulate a surplus if the pen sioners would furnish themselves with "wigs and pare tholr corns , " is disgusting to every American who has a drop of patriotic blood in his veins. Our pension list U not made up of frauds and thu dastardly Ingrate who insinuates that mil lions would soon IJ added to a depleted treasury , that are taken from it by "bald heads and corns on veterans toes , " should bo shunned on the streets of Omaha and everywhere nlso In the st.ito of Nebraska us people would shun a pest house or a lepor. Such laiiicuago is lit to bo spoken only by those who made a pension list posslblo or necessary and have not yet repented of their treason. H. F. WILLIAMS. tl.ntrit from tlio Mohlcnn. SAN FiiAKCisco , July 11) ) . The sealing schooner Charina arrived last night from Alaska. Her captain says that on Juno 2,1 , the date when the Mohican was supposed to have boon disabled by the steam sealer Alexandria , the war ship was lying at Sand Point , uninjured. Nothing was said about the llsrht with the Alexandria. Chnlorn lit .Viiplcs. July 10. The surgeon general oral has received a cablegram from Naples saying that the cholera is thoro. There were four fatalities , widely scattered. Cholera bacillus was found in all. The origin is not traced. There have been no cases since Monday. o Itin ISOAST. Dallas News : The Cherokee strip was form erly n.sculp. Iiovroll Courier : Sharu rlllo practice pickIng - Ing pockota. Boston Transcript : Appropriate quotation nn imtorliiB n barber's shop : "I como not hare to talk. " Ijlfoi Now Harbor ( referring to shaving cup ! l ii't yours a fancy nui , .Mr. O'Unllly ? O'Hollly Say , Mlsthor Harbor , I'll break your fuco if yo git norioounl. Klmlra Ciaznttii : Jncson i > ay * tlint the fellow who la'uus whistling "After the Hall" oiiKht to got It. IlulTiUo Courier : Sponkliiv of hollow mock ery , ilooan't a hungry parrot como uretty n'our answering thut description ? Brooklyn K.tglo : "I mot JackFtageloon last ovunliiK. Uo t lU inn liu U going 014 with u company next sonson which will produce 'I'lrimmn Fri'd , " ' "Indeed ; what does ho play ? " "Tho ho'io. " Detroit Tree Prow Does liont expand ? Of couifiii It dooi ; 'tis proven In a trice ; nml yut Homuhotr the rule won't work upon u lump cf Ico. lhlliilnlphla ! Times : No wonder effort and acrltlco are Hindu to find thu polo. Como to think ot it , ono way or another , it's a big stake. Indianapolis Journal : "Did tno neighbors succeed In suppressing Thompson's cornet priictlco ? " "They did not , The complaint avurrcd that ho vnu learning to play llio cornet , and ho proved by hU tuachur that ho hud not learned anything lu all months. " HoHton Transcript : ( moat Hut what does tills extra charge of * 3 intian ? Landlord The chauilxirnialil says shu found you this morning bathed In toara. VS'o always charge } J for a bath , 111:11 : AdlTATIo.v. lI'iH/idivton / S'.ur , With woo ho llnds wlmn ho would speak Innoft mid tender nnrasoi Slut simply stops to diinco and shrli'k With vigor that amazes. Tlin pretty paths uhoro branches bond Ho now iivoliU with reason. And so will da till tlmo shall end Tlio caterpillar season. j-'j.v HI : The avoraeo paper nowadays 1 * full of ttilit > i amusing , Am ! of tun I'm convulsed with mirth At breakfast while porusln - The bright bonsniots and paragraphs That grace tlio funny column I always read them first bccauso They euro that feoilnrf solemn. Who In there can repress a smile At Hungry Hizglns' sayings. Or Dismal IiawHon' * witoful wit And Wrary Wllkms' braying * ? Thou Colonel Hot la and IleauchauipClnrk- Tvro nuuies that should bo tre < i < iurml The murrlmont thut thuy liaro cuu > ed Cuu uu > ur well bo measured. Hut when I turn the patco and see The vainly hpokodUcurslous Of railroad people met I' ) Uv Thu ratoa fur 1'ulr excursions , TU not till then 1 feel the foruo Uf humor's iluope.t meaning , Ami thlnklui ; not of aspects sad 1 lauju until I'm screaming. AFTER A PENSION FRAUD Dlsohftrgo Papers of Qeorgo Mi Hoag of Omaha Usotl , HIS NAME HAD BEEN SKILLFULLY ERASED Leopold Prledlor Attempted to .Manipulate th * Scheme Ha In NCHT a Hcrftennt-iiUArmi Valtu tine to Uo itetlrad. WAsmxoTox ULMIKAD or TUB BBS ' 513 FOUIITKBXTII Srur.ET , \ WASHINGTON , July 0.1 The authorities are looking for ono Leo pold Frledlcr , a Gorman , upon the ohargo of attempting to defraud the government. It is alleged that several days ago Frledlor ap plied to the Treasury dopartincnt for certain arrears of pay and bounty , lUtui ; an alleged dlschargo paper to the effect that ho hud served in company 0 , Second roglmont , Now Hampshlro volunteer Infantry. Upon nn ex amination ot the paper it Is alleged that some other name hail been erased and Fried- lor's inacrtod. Further Investigation con vinced the authorities that George M. Iloag of Omaha had the paper and other pension papers In 1837 and that Fried- Ier , coming into possession of the discharge paper , erased HOUR'S name and inserted his own , It is suld that Friodlcr was a llouton- ant of pension attorneys of this elty , but that they iiocnmc convinced that soinotlnng was wrong and so notified the authorities. Friedlor Is supposed to bo in Virginia near this city. ' city.V1II \V1II Hollovo a Nolirnikn Cltlzon. Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate 1C. 1C. Valentino will Join the great army of ox-ofllco- holders on August 7 and will return to hli homo In West Point , Nob. Mr. Valentino has two sons , Wash and Kd , who have been enjoying lucrative places in the ofllco of sorgonnVat-arms and they , too , will to obliged to suok other employment as soon ns the democrats assume control of the ofllces of thn senate. ItntiiriiltiR to IIU Nntlvo Land. Colonel William MeK. Dye , who has boon In the service of the Icing of Coroa for a number of years , will shortly return to Washington. Colonel Dye is well known throughout the west , having served on the frontier for some years after the war. Ho has boon engaged in Coroa in establishing a military school and now having gotten the enterprise thoroughly started Intends returning to his native country. Ho has purchased a tract of six acres in the suburbs of this city and will build a handsome country homo. Western I'mtftltins. The following pensions granted are re ported : Nebraska : Original .Tamos O. Walton. Original widows , etc. Catherine Lahor. Iowa : Original Lovl W. Schoonovor. Increase - crease August Urulet. Original widows , etc. Hannah Lnvcrty , Catherine Bowen , Gertrude M. Schoonovor , Madam Lee ( mother. ) Mlicnllancoll * . The commissioner of pensions today ap pointed the following imineil physicians members of boards of examining surgeons for tlio pension olllco in Iowa : Bedford , Drs. W. P. Strouder , James Standloy and Joseph - soph Bcauchamp ; Mount Ayr. Drs. J. S. Merrill and W. L. Glcason ; Mnrshnlltowu , Drs. H. Laudis Gotz , G. W. Harris and F. C. Brady. In the case of Isaac W. Price against Charles W. Schaub , involving the home stead entry of the latter for a tract of land in Buffalo county , Nebraska , departmental action has boon rendered unnecessary by Schaub'n rolmquishmont to all right and title in and to said tract. M. 15. Sharp was today commissioned post master at Boomer , Cuming county , and Henry Clark atSwauton , Saline county. P. S. H. DUTY ON WOOLS. Important Cliniigo Muiln In Its ClniKlflcn- tlun l > y the Treusury Department. WASHINGTON , July ID. An important chnngo has boon maJo by the Treasury de partment in the classillcatlon of wool that will lower the duty on some grades of the article nearly 100 pur cent. The chnngo follows conclusive evidence offered by wool Importers that certain grades of high class wool were practically analogous to grades classified lower in the wool schedule of the McKlnloy bill. Hereafter the material known as 1-19 and ISO Flumantino skin wool , and 170 Kasapbatehia skin wool , second quality , llrst or second class , will bo known as 3'JO and HU7 Servian skin wools , and 130 Kasapbatehia skin wool second quality of the third class. The changes in duty cannot bo made clear to thu laymen through "tho language of the wool law , but the state ment may bo accepted as true that the duty is consilient bio lower in some cases , as previously stated , nearly 100 per cont. Wool growers and nnK | > rtors will bo inter ested in the change as shosvn by the law. First class wool , which included the three kinds transferred to class : i , is provided for as follows : "Duty upon nil wools of the llrst cluss shall bo 11 cents per pound. " Wools of the third class tire dutiable as follows : On all wools of the third class ami in nil camel's halfoflhe third cluss , thu value whereof shall bo Kl cents or less per pound , including chnrgos , the duty shall Ad vMorom. On wools of the third cluss und on cfimol't hair of the third clauiho raluo whereof shall exceed 13 cents per pound , In- eluding charges , the duty shall bo 60 pei cent ad valorem. Diniculty in classifying wool known ni " 145 Turkey Improved llcoce , unwashed , " rmuiod the department to omit that wool al together Irom the schedule , leaving It with the appraisers lo determine inequality. Tin value of thli wool differs according to tti condition. Immlcrnllnn St tl tlr . WASHINGTON , July I'J.-Tho ' chief of the bureau of statistics reports that miring the month of Juno there arrived at the ports ol the United States from the principal foreign countries , oxcont the llrltlsh North Ameri can provinces and Mexico. r > 7,773lmmlgrants , and to Juno , 1SW , 7. ) , ISO. During the twelve months ended Juno 'M , ISl'M ' , the number of Immigrants were 4U7,0)0 : ) and during the corresponding period of the preceding year , OlO..VJo. Of the number arrived during the twelve months ended Juno flO last , llfl.nifl came from Germany , a decrease of 34,300 ; from Italy , 7iJ,4ar ; from Swoiion and Norway , 3.1,873 , n decrease of .10.031 , and from the United Kingdom , IOS.710 , a decrease of S,3S3. IVinlotitrn Htupomlncl und Dropped. WASIIINIITON , July U ) . Inquiry at the pen sion ofllco elicited the Information that the total number of pensioners dropped from tha rolls slnco March , ISM. was 'J 15. ami that the total number of pensioners suspended slnco March , pending A further Investiga tion of their cases , was fiOiH ) . Itcmr Admiral Kngllih llurloil. WASHINGTON , July U ) . The of Hear Admiral Earl English , took place this nftornooti from St. Johns Protestant Epis copal church. The Interment was at Oak Hill cemetery. At tlio request of the family a company of marines were loft to guard the grave. _ IT JHiKl'LY. Director Durnhnm Talks of the Voritlot la the C'old Slornco Vim. CIIICAOO , July 10. Director of Works D. II. Hurnham fools deeply the blame Imposed upon him by the coroner's Jury In Its recom mendation that ho bo hold to answer before tha grand Jury for his responsibility for the World's fair lire. In a communication to the press on the subject today ho says : ' 'No mio ever called my attention to the imper fection of thu smoke lluo Until after the tiro. No communication upon the subject was re ceived at my ofllco. " The largo statue of Christopher Columbus that stood before the main portal of the eold storage building the day of that fearful lire , when so many human lives were sacrlflod , has been donated by W. II. Mullms of Salem , O. , the owner , to bo erected upon a suitable pedestal to mark thu graves of the dead heroes. The committee has accepted the contribution. It has been unofuVially decided by the local directory of the World's fair not to return to thu national government the gl.020,150 derived from the sale of souvenir coins. rA majority of the directors are not in favor of returning the money , and consider their action in voting to rescind the rule providing for the opening of the gates on Sunday all that is necessary in the matter , as that action was u sufllcicnt expression of their opinion. WKATHKK Fair und IVnrmnr Are the I'rndlctloni tor Nrlirnnka Todny. WASHINOTON , July 10. Forecasts for Thursday : ForNobraslca and Iowa Fair , warmer ; southerly winds. For South Dakota Fair ; southerly , shift ing to westerly winds ; warmer in southeast portion. Loral Itecord. X. A COL Largest Manufacturers ami Rotation olOlothlnx Jutlio World. Like dueks to water. Thai's the way the people ara taking to our great clearing1 out sale. Such a mark down as we have made has not occurred this season on high class clothing in this town. When you can get a good _ tailor made $20.00 Browning ; King & Co. suit for $13.50 , you are get ting something that is not to bo had again this season. season.All styles , colors and grades. Some ether suits marked down as low as $5.00. $3.50 Boys' Wash Suits $2.00. We're getting out all boys' summer goods with a rush. Those $2.50 boys' suits go now for $1.50. Linen pants 50o. Men's and Boys' Straw Hats Half Price. GOo bats 25o etc. Summer'coats and vests for $2.50 , that used to be $5.00. A neat office coat for 75o. BROWNING , KING & CO. , Btoro open. . till 13a | S < anJ ( Dougas |