THE OMAHA DAILY BEErIUKSDAY , JULY 20 , 1893. THE DAILY BJEE COUNCIL , nu OFF'.CBi NO. 13 PKAULi STUKKT Vy currier to ny jiurt of the cltj 11. W. TII.TON , - MANAOEIl I Hmnt ! Office . N.o.13 . rrt FPJtnNFn . . . Tf J.F.I IIor r.S | NRllt , Editor. . No. 3 .ifi.vTiy.v. N. Y. Plumbing Co Boston Store for sun umbrellas JucUon , pasturage , WJ Sixth avcnud. Mlltonbcrger is the hatter , WH Broadway The Mayno Heal Kitatc Co. , 021 Broadway. About twenty members of the Gnnyinedo Wheel club took a run to Mnnawn. last even ing.Mrs. Mrs. M. A. Klngsbury Is making arrange ments for another concert to bo given July 111. llneltcl Hnrmoti commenced n suit In the district court yesterday for n divorce from Charles Harmon , whom she charges with do- lortlon and failure to support , Dave Ward , n well known character about the city , has been found Insnno by the com missioners and ordered taken to St. Ber nard's hospital for confinement. Kcgular session Harmony Chapter No. 2. > 7 Order Eastern Star nt Masonic tcmplo this evening. Members and visiting mem bers cordially Invited. By order > worthy matron , G. A. Schocdsack has taken out a permit for the erection of a now $ .1000 dye work ? building on lot 14 , block JiO , Central sub division. It will bo two stories In height , nnd built of brick. Tlio funornl of Mrs. Susan McFco will take place from the residence of Laura Baldwin , filM ) Willow avenue , nt 10 o'clock this morning , Kov. K : Phelps officiating. In terment at Walnut Hill. A warrant has been Issued for the nrrcst of "Dutch" Hoynlon , Dick Lundou and a man named Miller on the charge of highway robbery. Young Mulvaney , who claims to have been hold up and robbed on the Cres cent road last Saturday afternoon , filed the complaint. The city commenced nn notion in the dis trict court yesterday looking toward .tho final condemnation of certain lots In Cochran addition for park purposes. The lots in question nro embraced in the territory do- nnted to the city by Colonel Addlson Coch ran , but the title is not altogether clear , nnd this step hns to be taken in order to give the city a good title. Charles H. MoMnhon und wife nro made defendants. A consignment of 100,000 grape baskets has Just been received in this city from Michigan ever the Burlington railway , to bo used in putting up the grape product of Council BlulTs and the vicinity this fall. Encli bas ket Is estimated to hold mno pounds. The baskets now on band may bo supposed to in dicate In a measure the expectations of the grape men with reference to their crops. It took five freight cars to transport the bas kets from Michigan to this city. Arthur Morris , a small boy who lives with his parents in Washington township , was brought before .ludgo Smith yesterday after noon to bo examined iu the hope that his honor would have him sent to the reform school. The father of the boy , who was the prosecutor , cou'd only say that the boy played "hookey'1 from school n few tunes and shown himself troubled with some of the "smart aleck" disposition , common to boys of his ago. The intended victim wns consequently discharged , with n lecture from the court to the father. News of the death of II. II. Shlllingtnn has boon received in the city. Ho was formerly connected with the Citizens State bunk of this city , but was taken with consumption several months ago nnd wns compelled to go to Now Mexico , in the hope that his health might bo benefited. Ho returned homo last week much weaker than when ho went away , nnd it wns evident that he could not last much longer. Ho was ono of the fore most workers in the First Baptist church and the Young Men's Christian association. Ho wns nt Ills former homo in Dciilson when the end camo. ' Another Improvement to the popular , S'chubor.t piano. Swanson Music Co Smoke T. D. King & Go's Partagas. Domestic soap is the best. rilltSU.VA / . IM lt.-Hll.-ll'IIS. E. W. Peterson is homo from u visit to Chicago. Mr. and Airs. E. C. Smith leave this morn ing for a visit to Chicago. I. A. Fort , n prominent citizen of North Platto. Nob. , Is in th.i city. Aliss Kittio Buchcllo of Lyons , Nob. , Is in the city , the guest of her sister , Mrs. C. G. Peterson. Miss Ida Colin of Chicago Is visiting the Misses Anna and Belle Marks on North First street. Airs. A. M. Lcichtlor of DCS Aloines is in the city , the cuest of her brother , II. E. Grimm and family. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Swan have returned from a visit of two months in Ohio , Pennsyl vania and Chicago. Aliss Belle Snydcr leaves this ovcning for a visit of two months wlthrelatives in Galesburg - burg and Chicago , 111. S. T. Alcars. of LnPorto City , la. , nn old collcgomuto of George W. Cable , is iu the city , the guest of his friend. George W , Cable of the Perpetual Ma turity Bonding company has roturncd from nn extensive trip through the west. Ho says the contrast makes him love Iowa better than over. John L. Alorkcl hns roturncd homo after n year's absence on the road ns n burnt cork artist , aud will spend his vacation with his parents , Mr. and Airs. L. Alerkel , i.8'J Wash ington nvcnuo. Kov. Henry Delong will Icnvo today for Sioux City , to testify in the case of If. C. Carbco. He wns the clergyman who united Cnrbeo nnd Aliss Ala Arnold in marriage % vhilo the former was In the county Jail hero. Kocliil. Tlio following is the program for the social at the Broadway M. E. church this evening : Trio , Instrumental Dinner lllinmol . Molir Itccltntlnn . Miss Laura ( Jay Vocul holn illnlo olillgnlo ) . . . . Miss .May Tnlleys Violin solo Coucurto No. 7 . lo llerlut Miss Virginia Uobliixnii , I'lnno duct. . .Mrs. Knot Is. ! ml Mlss/.nlln Nlles lliirltoim hiilo . Mr. Frrd Illncoinliu Iti'cltntUm . Miss Nnimlo I'Muld ' Tlio , liiutriiinvntul Uypsy Diincu . Haydn Driuorrutlc Comontlnn , J , J , Stiea , chairman of the county demo cratic central committee , Issued u call for n county convention yesterday. The conven tion will bo held hi the court house iu this city at 10 o'clock Thursday morning , Auetist 10 , and will bo held for the purpose of select ing twenty-six delegates lo the state conven tion to bo held at DCS Alolncs. AugusT , " ; i. Un less otherwise ordered by the township or precinct commlttceincii , the caucuses in the various wards and townships will be held Saturday evening , August . ' > . to select delegates - gates to the county convention , Cook yot" meals this summer on range. At cost at ho Gas company. ItxudiT Hound Over. John Kceder is in the county Jail and there ho will stay until July ! JT anyway , with the probability of staying much longer if the climates agrees with him. Ho WHS brought up In Justice Vlen's court yesterday for a preliminary examination , but ho asked for a continuance until the ' 'Till , In tlio mean time his bond u lilted nt tV-00 , which there is about ns much of a cluiuvo of his giving as there is of his taking an excursion to the moon. Tln > iiu es of John Ilouijinnyvr , Hugh O'Donnull and Jim Murphy have been con tinued indefinitely , Suiimlieil H llugrgy. A team belonging to Kobcrt Jack , a farmer living at Taylor station , broke looto from Its moorings in front of the Boston store yester day afternoon und plunged wildly up Broad way , On tlio way it encountered tlio buggy of 1) , J , Hutchlnson , which wiitf standing in the road. The bugry wus smashed to kind- line wood by the force of the collision , but both horses escaped injury. The driver of the wagon was dumped out after the team bad run quite a distance , but bo , too , was un injured. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Oolnnel MoSorloy Tries His Knifo's ' Edge on Colonel Ryan's ' Ribs , ONE WAY OF SETTLING A DISPUTE They Were Arguing n lilt of Matter Ho- twltt Tlicmactvci nnd tlio KnUo Cmno In to Act n Arbi trator , Von Know. James McSorley tried to waft his friend Dan Kyan to the roglons'of the blest last evening , but ho made a botcb of tbo job , Tlio two men were drinking together in Far- roll's saloon on I/jwor Main street when a war cloud arose. What was the cause of tbo trouble could not bo learned , as all tbo spectators were very anxious not to be put on record. The trouble was there , however , and McSorloy whipped out a knife and planted it where bo thought it would bo apt to ptav hob with Mr. Kyan's circulation. The knife struck Kyan in tbo left side , mak ing a gash about three inches long , but fortunately for Hyati , it hit a rib and made nothing moro than a ilcsh wound , Kyan vas Immediately spirited away by his riends and McSorloy spirited himself away o thoroughly that ho was nowhere tn bo ound when the ofllccrs got after him. Ho s said to have n solid girl iu Omaha , aud 1s ooltcd for to turn up there. 1'iilcl Another Ilonil , Tlio Perpetual Maturity Bonding Co. , of Council BlulTs , has sent by the Vmorlcan express $1,000 in crisp cash in mymcnt of another matured bond of the irst series. The bonu wni held by Mr. Martin V. Stit/.el , Spoknno Falls , Wash. I'lio bond lias only eobfMr. Stit/.el $20 , laving been obliged to pay but the Irst year's assessment. lie is a well tnown butcher of the place , and in these tringont times the receipt of $1,000 , in cold cash will no doubt bo nn important nul desirable event in his life. The best building sand in the market jy carload. Address N. Schurz , 34 Bald' .vin Block , Council BlulTs , In. ikimui.Aits WHO Conductor Cnrnrllim' Housn Itiniiclcd ; : by ThlovcM Who Wiinteil Charley Cornelius , tbo conductor on tbo Milwaukee road , who lives at ( til Sixth ivcnue , left for his regular trip on the road Tuesday noon. When ho returned homo r'cstorday aftorncon and opened up his louse lie found tlmt some ono had been thcfo since ho loft , nnd the house was in a terribly jcfuddled condition. The intruder climbed n at a collar window , pried open the door .eadlng from the cellar , and went all over the house. There was no ; a bureau drawer or cupboard that had not been opened mil thoroughly investigated , and the con- Lents wcro scattered about tlio Iloor Iu away that would have made oven a passably par ticular housewife sick. Mrs. Cornelius had lieen away from homo , so that the thieves had been allowed to have their own way. Mr. Cornelius had a brand new $ oO suit of clothes hanging in a closet , but It was not taken , and so far us he can toll now there is nothing whatever missing. The thieves were evidently in search of money or jew elry , but as there was none in the house they were disappointed. A tine fall overcoat was lying in a chair , ns though the visitors mighl have intended to take it , but were frightened off in tlio midst of their operations. Miiiiitwit Truum. Trains for Manawa will leave Broad way depot at ! ) and 11 a. in. , 1 , 2 , II , 3iO : ; p. in. , and every thirty minutes thereafter until 12:30 : nt night. Last train will leave Munawa for Council BlulTs at 11:55 : p.m. . Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street , largest and best bicycle stock in city. lliul n Ilully Time. A number of well known Council Bluffs men took advantage of the beautiful weather last Sunday to make a visit to the School for llio Deaf , where they wcro shown about the grounds by tlio steward with all the con scious pride which the attaches of the institution so justly have in the beautifully kept surroundings of the institution. Among other things that were displayed to the interested ga/.o of the visitors was a line Holstein bull , who was laid up with a bad case of sickness. Ho was so meek and docile to look upon that ono by ono the vistors ventured in side the enclosure and became some what more familiar with the ni.lmal than they would had ho been enjoying his usual state of health. Suddenly the bull came to the conclusion that ho ivas hardly as ill as ho thought he was. Tlio rope which had tied him to tlio ground broke under his increase- spirits , and lie leaped on his feet and made a rush at ono of his guests , a well known abstractor , who sought safutv In precipitate and indis criminate Uight. Just as ho cleared the fence at a single bound ho looked around and saw that the bull had transferred his atten tions to ono of ills companions , an attorney whoso "vldth and wisdom" are nliko objects of envy to a good many of his rivals at the Pottawattamiu county bar. Hut all his Icgnl learning' availed him noth ing in n contest with n bull that didn't know the difference between a habeas corpus and a procodondo , and his width was an absolute - lute hindrance to his welfare. In making the race he was not careful enough to see whore ho was going , and jumped bead lirst into the slop trough. Ho emerged a moment later with all the evidences of his unhaemp' experience clinging lo him , among ttiby being a badly sprained wrist , Llttlo oy little the story leaked out in spite of thp efforts made to keep it quiet , and It now seems to bo the opinion of all who saw the encounter that the next time they monlccy with a Holstein bull they won't uionkoy witli him at all. ( ircut Iteduolloii In ( 'mtur 1timber I'ncog. Our company , having a largo supply of rod cedar In their yards in Arkansas , have concluded to greatly reduce their prices on red cedar for the next 00 days. Now is your time to got red cedar cheap. \V. P. BAKKK , Agent , Shugart Block , Council BlulTs. Carbon Coal Co. , wholesale und retail coal. Removed from 10 Pearl to 34 1'earl street , Grand ilotol building , Use Domestic soup. The llnliy Saved llur. Mrs. Albert Miller was tried before Jus- tlco Vlen yesterday for assault nnd battery. Mrs , Day , n itistur-m-luw , wns the complain ant , and the trial was the result ot n family fracas which took place about six weeks ago. The reason of tlio postponement wits that Mru , Miller had become the mother of a very small child , und It was the child that saved her again yesterday from u confinement in the county jail. Mrs. Miller was lined flu. Stic did not have the money so payment of the fine waa out of the question. The clanging doors of the jail were staring her In the face when the court suddenly decided that it would hardly bo the proper thing to compel a U ucelcs old baby to make its debut in jail at so early nn ago. Mrs. Miller was allowed to depart iu peace with the un derstanding that the baby was not always to remain so small , Sociable at Broadway M. E. church Thursday evening , July 20. Program of instrumental and vocal music , also reci tations. Refreshments nerved. Admis sion 10 cents. Greeiibhlolds , Nicholson & Co. , real cbtuteund rentalsGOO Broadway. Tol.151. Wlivul Club Pur.idc. * The Ganymede Wheel club has. been ten dered an invitation to take part in the whcul parade which Is to be given tomorrow night in Oamtm. The invitation came from the TourUt club , aud will bo accepted by almost every member of the club , as well as by n number of outsiders who rule bicycles , to all of whom nn invitation Is extended by the Grtnymedes. Those who wish tonttcndwlll bo at the club house in this city- tomorrow evening at 7:16 : sharp , with wheels decora ted with the club colors , nnd ride to the Tourist club house in Omaha , where they will join in the parado. The races which are to occur In Omaha on Saturday will bo participated In by n num ber of Council Bluffs wheelmen , nnd at tended by many moro. D. K. Hughey and ICdward Duquette have entered as contest ants. All wheelmen who expect to witness the races are Invited to meet at the Gany- mcdo house Saturday afternoon nt 1:30 : o'clock nnd leave In a body. Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , t to Icit $2.00 house In Iowa. Amutonr lloiitincn. Joe Spauldlng and C. Wesley undortoolc the Job of running "Tho Omaha , " a steam boat which ran on Lake Mnnawa until this season , over the placid waters of Cut Off lake Tuesday night. They went to Court- land beach to servo the writ of replevin which was mentioned in yesterday's Br.r. ns having been Issued from Justice Field's court In favor of Timtnorman & Condln , who claimed right to possession by virtue of n chattel mortgage executed by John Madden , There had been" attempts otnado to levy on the boat on the Nebraska side , but Madden KOI wind of It and kept the boat In Iowa water. Spanldlng and Wcsloy wcro accord ingly sent to interview him. with the result that tbo owners , for the time being at least , changed hands. When the two ofllctals had secured posses sion they proceeded to no the boat , not very gracefully to bo sure , but they inamgcd to keep the smokestack out of water , Wesley acting ns engineer , llrcman and captain and Spauldlng as pilot and lirst mate. They took the boat to the Nobrasua landing , where It wns delivered up to Tlmmermaii and Condln , who drummed up passengers and started off on n pleasure trip. Wesley hnd built up too hot a lire , IIH later developments showed , for the upper deck caught lire from the smoke stack , Tlmmerinan clambered up to ex tinguish the little blaze , but missed his foot ing and fell into tlio water head over huols. The water was only two feet deep at that point , fortunately , and ho was rescued without any serious results. There is nothing in this country like the fruit kept in Wheeler , Herold & Co.'s cold storage. No matter what the weather is it reaches the customer in perfect condition. Another car load of lemons was put in Saturday. Domestic soap outlasts olieap soap C'oiniiiiiiy Will A rumor is afloat which is troubling the people who reside near the electric light plant on Third avenue greatly. It is to tlio effect that tlio electric light company hns decided to enlarge Its plant sufficiently to put in two now dynamos. The rumor comes from the best of authority and it has put the neighbors into a ilurr.v of excitement. It was announced several weeks ago through TUB Bnu that such a move was o'n foot , but the announcement brought do'.vn such a hornet's nest about the cars of the company that the scheme was allowed to go by the board for the time being. It is now stated that the company has renewed the scheme , and has really had the plans 'drawn ' for the enlargement. The adjoining property owners state that the electricity factory has almost ruined their property already , and they do not in tend to allow nnv more improvements to bo made that will it-sure the plant's remaining in that place permanently. They think that the proper place for an institution of that kind and size is away from the residence part of the city , down amonir the tracks erin in some other place where adjoining property will not bo affected. They renew their threat , made some time ago , of securing an injunction if tlio company persists iu its plans. _ The Uranii Hotel , Council BlulTs. Tlio most elegant in Iowa. Dining room on seventh Iloor. Rate , $3.00 und $5.00 a day. E. P. Clark , Prop. _ Ask your grocer for Domestic soap. Itclt-Mllltll. A.quiot but happy wedding took place yesterday nfternoon at 3 o'clock at the res idence of Fred Lamb , jr. , 131 Graham ave nue. The parties were Air. T. A. Bolt , who has been for several years employed ns a traveling representative of the Kokcn Barbers' Supply company of St. Louis , and Miss Carrie Smith , a well known young lady of this city. The ceremony was per formed by Kov. J. E. Simpson , rector of Grace Episcopal church , and was witnessed only by the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. Immediately after the marriage wns solemnized Mr. and Mrs. Bolt left over the Northwestern for a visit in Chicago , after which they will go to St. I-ouis , where they will make their homo in tlio future. Their many friends hero extend congratula tions. _ Wo wonder if you know how much en joyment you are missing these beauti ful moonlight nights for a boat ride on Lake Manawa and an hour's sport on the toboggan slide at Manhattan beach. liurcliirlzril u K.incry , Tlio Boston bakery , corner of Broadway and Ninth street , was entered by burglars Tuesday night and a lot of flour stolen. Entrance was effected through n rear win dow. Through tlio carelessness of the thieves a trail of Hour was left along Ninth street and west on nvcnuo A for qulto a distance , until it was finally lost. Officer Claar followed the trail , but was unable to find the missing Hour. Dentil Itoll. MII.WAUKEI : , July 19. A special to the Eycnlng Wisconsin from Green Bay , Wis. , ' says : Ucar Admiral Melaneton Smith , U , S. N. , died there today , aged S'J , after a two days illness. LrriM ! UOCK , July 19. I ) . A. Brewer , r ditor-in-chiuf of the Arkansas Gn/.otto , died last night at Idaho Springs , Colo. , of con sumption , Ho was about 15U years of ago and unmarried , Nmv YOIIK , July 19. George Frederick Pnrsons , for ten years nil editorial writer on the Tribune , died from Brlght's disease- this morning at his homo iu tills city , lie was for many years an active newspaper worker on the Pacific coast , * Amiiliiint ol I , Ill-ill Milliter to llo Trlnit. AlACKiKAO , Mich , , July 10 The verdict of the coroner's jury in the Lilian Saultor case was , "Suicide by poison , indirectly caused by ono William Bagely , wilp , as the evidence seemed to disclose , had committed a crimi nal assault unon the girl , the disgrace of which caiscd her to tuko her own life. " Bagely will bo given nn examination before fore Justice Preston Thursday , The penalty for criminal assault , with which he is charged , Is from llftocn years to life impris onment , Wrecked by n IsmmiTiiy Cnr. JOSESIIOHO , 111. , July 10. A peculiar acci dent resulted hero today from a car being loaded with wheat getting away nnd running at a terrilic speed down the. grade west of town , colliding with a southbound train two miles from hero. Brakomnn J , Marshall was crushed between two cars and instantly killed. The engineer had his foot crushed und the fireman was also injured , The en gine wns badly wrecked and several cars de railed , white the wheat car wus utterly de- niolUhcd. . CnrUiui'u IIU .Vunic. The brother of Kckman , tlio boiler maker who was killed at the electric power house , arrived in the city from Chicago last night. Eckmun'i real name is Carlson , and It Is said ho changed his name because there are so many Carlsons in this city. The remains will bo interred in Forest Lawn cemetery at U o'clock today. Funeral services will bo held at Maul's undertaking establishment. l-'iru Uucuril , SUSAXVIU.K , Cal. , July 10. A disastrous lire here last night resulted in the destruc sf tion of sixty build inirs and caused a loss ol f insurance small. Piroworks , balloon , Courtlund beach tonight. Music , boating , bathing. triMTTlP IT t'ATTTII All < II 4 AM AIRS AT Mull OMAHA Tungato Appointed SMmwter Sogardloss of the Protest ofrllnion Switchmen , h . . CHIEF BECKETT ACCIDENTALLY SHOT lllnzo In tlio I.lsler Iljock A Confectioner's Conltlct with n llnrKlnr Saved fojr n Scream 1'oilillrkllnilly 1'uitcliad niul Itruliml. Chnrlcs D. Tungato took charge of the Union Stock Yimls railroad yards last night at 5:45 : o'clock , bringing with him three now switchmen. J. McMonaglo nnd , T. M. Sullivan , switch men employed on the old force , wcro dis charged before Mr. Tungato took charge. They wore discharged for the nllcgod cause of not reporting 6n tlmo for duly or sotullng any word lo tlio head yardmaster. All the other switchmen went to work , thus knockIng - Ing out the report , that none of them would work under Mr. Tungato. Mr. Sulllvun Is financial secretary of the switchmen's union , and says that ho will lay his discharge before the union for invostlea- tion. Ills statement Is that ho was "llrcd" for being live minutes lato. All sorts of rumors were afloat early In the evening. The police had been told that n gang of Omaha switchmen were coming down and that the old gatig would walk out during the night. A man who is pretty well onto tlio situ ation said to n reporter for THE BKE : "There will ho no trouble whatever. Mr. Tungnto has taken charge of the night yard work. Ho will not cut wages or discharge any man who attends to his work. Soino' of the old men talked of walking out at lirst , but after duo consideration have concluded not to do so. They nro paid the full scale of prices hero and do not nave to work any harder than the.v do In other yards. Some of them have families and their homos only partly paid for. If they should go on n strike they might lose what money they have worked hard to save nnd bo thrown out of work for months. They have taken a sensible view of the matter and are going to go ahead with their work. " In order to take advantage of any distur bance that might , occur on account of the change In the yards Mayor Walker at 7 o'clock swore in ttiu following men as special policemen : J. S. Mullen , ICdward Tischler , Paul Stevens. Frank Glass , Scott Kcniiuci- wortli , G. W. Thompson , C. Groskey , J. Wnlner. A. K Bryan , 15. C. D.ivis , William Txibbs , William Puinpoug and Charles Hath away. Those men were assigned to different stations throughout the Stock Yards com pany's railroad yards and remained on duty throughout the night. No disturbance whatever was reported. Chief llL'duitl Wounded. An unfortunate accident occurred last evening in the police court room just after Mayor Walker had sworn in thirteen special policemen to look after any difficulty which might arise over the "change made in the night yardmnstcrsliFp in the stock yards. The room was wcll'fllcd with men who had just pinned thulr ne.w stars on them and the mayor had just stepped from the platform when there was a report that made every body in that court room jump for a second. It was only a 44-enliber , but it sounded like the gun of u battleship. In a second Chief Beckett said , "My'GoU ! boys , I'm shot. " The blood began streaming down his right leg until his shoo'"wiis ' lilled with his own blood. The ball unt'ored just above the right ankle and passed through the leg and ouu into the iloor without breaking a bone. Af ter striking the floor the ball glanccUoff airaln and went intd life side wall. It wns John Mullen' ' * gun that did the work. Mullen wasirttting in a chair and the chief wns sitting"65i the end of a tablo. Mullen 'nroso 'and stopped in front of the chief nnd his gun fell to the floor , but ex ploded as it fell. It must have been forced out ( f his pocket by the position ho was sit ting in. Mullen says ho does not know ho-v the gun got out of his pocket or what set it off. It was an accident. The affair drew out a largo crowd of people. Dr. Ernhout was.sent for and soon gave out the cheerful information that no bones wcro broken. Ho then bandaged the leg nicely and the chlefAvns taken to his homo on Upper N street. It being only a flesh wound the chief will not bo laid up long ; if nothing unusual happens. Chief Beckett is u man with a great deal of ncrvo. Ho was perfectly cool headed while the wound was being dressed and talked with the mayor and the officers as cheerfully as thoucli nothing unusual had happened. Ho bled freely ami was made very weak from the loss of blood. Suvctt by n Scronni. G. I * Sweeney , the confectionery man on N street , near Twenty-sixth , had , an exper ience with a burglar last night which made his hair stand on end. Mr. Sweeney hnd locked up his store and started up stairs , where ho lives with his family. On the stairway ho felt n man grappling to got hold of his arms , and ho put moro motion into his body than ho has done before for many a day. The maii fol lowed on and made a desperate effort to get hold of Sweeney's pockctbook. They wcro still fighting at the head of tlio stairway when Mrs. Sweeney rushed out of her bed room nnd began screaming. The thief then concluded it was time to go and , ascending the stairway , ho escaped through a back window. Mr. Swoonoy had sold a team of horses during the day and tlio thief no doubt thought ho tiad the moiioy ho received for It with him. All the cash Mr. Swccnoy had on him was the receipt A of the day in his store. Officer Thomas was called in and took n de scription of the burglar , but ho is still at largo. The thutr had secreted himself iu tlio store before Mr. Sweeney locked up. A Itnimwiiy Aauiilont. M. F. Sexton was seriously injured in a runaway accident yesterday morning , Sexton drives the delivery wagon for D. Galncy's grocery storo. While passing out Twenty-fourth street the horses became frightened nnd started to run , Sexton at- tomptcd to turn them around , then the wagon was overturned and Sexton was dashed headforemost to the pavement. His face , head and body were badly bruised. Ho hung on to the lines nnd was drugged for a block , when ho lot loose of the linos. The team wont oiVTbr several blocks nnd smashed the wagon'lttto kindling wood , I'linclnid ' n I'ucldlrr. A peddler of ver 0 small stature nnd as harmless ns n child "was almost beaten to death by partlcs-Uxlng out near Bellevue yesterday nftornooh'A Ho nppltod to Justice I ovy for a warrnfUT'Just evening nnd the judge will go with'turn tomorrow to 1'apil- lion to Illo the necessary papers , 1'ho peddler - dlor claims that Harry O'Neill is the party who assaulted him and savs tlmt he also sot the dogs on hliUjfvor ho was so helpless that ho could scarcely walk. The follow was badly bruised. Oao.hand is terribly lacer ated , ho says from"buing bitten by O'Kuill's log. _ The gang of burgl rf tint has been doing u thrifty business. In'Houth Omaha for soinu time , took a rest'Tuosduy night. They made ono effort , however , and were no doubt fright ened away. The rear door to Welsh & Me- Uonough's saloon shows plainly the marks of the burglars. With a sharp knife they started to cutout ono of the panels of the door , but hero the work wns stopped , caused , no doubt , by the approach of a policeman or watchman. _ ix iiiilniul by Kxi > ert . At a special meeting of the schojl board last night the books of the board wcro turned over to Hulncs Bros. , expert book keepers . to IK ) checuod up from the time the school district was organized in 1883. The board will meet again on the evening of the tioth to open bids on the repairing of tlio Fourth ward school house ana to open the bids on desks for the now buildings , bouor Ciivud in. The now sewer that U being built on N street cast of Twenty-fourth caved In for a few feet ucar Twenty-Urn street yesterday. A nurtPA f workmen who wcro In the ditch nt the tlmo'"fcaino very near being burled In the dirt , but all escaped without Injury. T.Utor Ulnck Hint * . The Lister block on N street near Twenty- cvcnth wns flooded again yesterday with water , on account of fire. This it itho third time n flro alarm has been sent in from this building inside of n month , It wns about 3 o'clock when Mrs. Plcrco , who occupies rooms on the third floor , dls. covered that the southwest corner of the west wall was on fire nnd sent la the alarm. The firemen wcro prompt In arriving nnd soon had the flames under control , but In order to do so the building was flooded with water from the third story down. Mrs. I'lcreo rents furnished and unfurn ished rooms on the second nnd third floors. All the carpets and much of the furniture wcro dnmngcd by water. As soon ns the crowd arrived , people began carrying the goods out and moro or less stuff was smashed up In reckless handling during the excite ment. Mrs. Pierce carries iSOO Insurance on tier household goods , which is sufficient to cover nil of her loss. J. S. Heed rented unfurnished rooms on the second floor. The damage to ills goods will be quite a little nnd lie has no Insurance. Mr. Ticknor , the restaurant man , who has been flooded out a half dozen times within the last six weeks , loses heavily again , with no insurance whatever. Tlio Brlghnui Printing company will bo ho heaviest loser. It estimates that the lock nnd machinery Is damaged flr > ( X ) . i'liero is no insurance on the stock , but the lamago to the machinery is fully covered. L'ho carpets on ono floor of the Uelmonlco otcl wcro damaged considerably by water. The origin of the flro is a mystery. There ro began burning on the west side of the vail on n level with the roof of the ndjoln- ng building. There Is n brick chimney on rath sides of the spot where the flro started , nit there hnd been no llro in cither himnoy for hours. Ono theory Is that parks sot llro to n bunch of rags nnd rub- itsh that might have accumulated on the : -oot and nnothor Is that it was caused by ponlnncous combustion , the bent dotting Ire to the pitch in the boards on the side of ho wall. Another theory is that It was the vork of nn Incendiary. But little damage vas done to the building. The worumcn in Brlgham's printing office thought they mulled something like old rags burning bout 10 o'clock in the morning , but after iiaking an investigation found nothing , and bought no moro of the matter until after ho fire alarm was sent In. ( liy ( i < i < ii. A. L. Behlngcr of La Platte was In the Ity last evening. John Flynn , the clothier , returned homo rcm the Chicago fair last evening and re- rts having had a good time. Attorney M. Kandall is in the city on his ivay homo from a visit to the World's fair. Mr. HmuhUl made many warm friends in South Omaha during the short period ho Ivcd noru and his friends gnvo him a royal tvclcomc last evening. SUE WAS ONLY A GIRL. C/iffa.o / > 8 ( . "Only a girl , " growled Noah Park- louse , turning ( .ontcmptuously away ivhon Miss Deborah Duryea brought the iny morsel of humanity , wrapped up in i faded llannel shawl , to show to him as 10 sat before the big wood lire in tlio iirmhouso kitchen. ' 'Why couldn't it m' been a boy ? " "Bring1 her to me , " said Mrs. Park- louso's weak , tremulous voice from itnono- the pillows. "My little girl ! my iwn ( laughtori "Whatdid he say , Bobby ? , Vas lie pleased ? " "Well no I can't say ho was , " says Deborah , rubbing her nose. And Mrs. Parkhouse , whoso gentle soul had naught of ullinity to the live : ioisy boys and their griiff , material : ninded father , ' laid her cheek against the little biiby girl's and silently gave hanks. "For , " thought the mother , "sho will be all my own. " Dorothy Parkhouse grow up , as it wore , in the shadow. It was true that icr mother loved her with a silent idol atrous sort of devotion , but with the loud-voiced father and tlio five riotous boys she was evidently "ono too many. "If it wasn't for mothor"thought Dor othy , curling up the llttlo chill feet that the farmer had decided "thero wasn't no use in buyin' now shoos for as long as old ' " "Ishouldn' the 'mis hung together , want to live. " Tlio next year Dora's eleventh sum mer an artist came out into the rural wildernesses sketching "studies" for his winter's work and boarded for a few weeks at. Farmer Parkhouse's. Dora watched him as Aladdin of old might have watched the marvelous productions of tlio magician. " 1 believe I could do that , " said Dora , with u voice that fluttered with her fluttering breath. "Mr. Kynor , I have saved 0 pennies ; would you bo good enough to buy mo a pencil like yours when you go down to the village to morrow ? " Mr. Ilynor looked around with a good- humored smile. "Take ono of mine , Cinderella , " ho said , and th.rew her a piece of paper and pencil , and then ho went on with his drawing. Dora worked on in silence by his side , so rapt and absorbed in her occupation that she never noticed when ho glanced ever her shoulder. "Faith ! not so bad , " said ho. "Is this the lirst you have done ? " "Yes , sir , the very first. " Mr. Ilynor said no moro , but ho gave Dora a lesson every day after that until she had learned to handle her pencil with no mean degree of skill. Dorothy Parkhouso had been an ugly infant , a plain , unattractive child ; but it is not always possible to judge of tho- llower by tlio folded hud. She grew up rarely , daintily pretty , with brown hair , bluo-gray eyes und a face like a wild rose. rose.But llozckiah Parkhouso did not notice - tico her any more than he noticed tlio cat in the chimney corner , and ho never was moro astonished in his life than when George Elden , whoso father owned the best sawmill in the county , asked .him ti use his influence with his sis ter 'hi hislwhalf. Hexokiah wont homo and communi cated tlio great news to Dorothy , as an eastern emissary might bo supposed to tell the humblest slave of the harem that thu bultuii hud cast u favorable eye upon hor. "Well ! " cried Farmer Parkhouso , as soon an he hud boused up the tidings , "Dorothy's fortln's made now , sure enough. " . -"Not in that way , " said Dorothy , calmly. "I shall not marry Mr. Eldon. " " You won't marry him ! " roared Farmer Parkhouse. "No. " "But I say you shall if I have to drag you to the altar mybolf ! " lie said. Dora said no more , but the next THERE is HOPE For every ono who has blood trouble , no matter In what Hlmpu or how IUIIK standing , Jiro\ldcil nonuof tlio > IU > 1 organa ha\o liceu go far lin- i.ulred as to render a euro impossible. H. H. K. uoeitnthurootof the disease , and rrnuncii the caiibc , by expulllni ; the poison from the liody , and at tlio naniu tlmo H a toidototho wliolo t > ) btcm. llowuvor bad your case way be , there It liojio FOR YOU. Cured moot a most malignant type of chronic blood trouble , for which I had Ubcd various other remedied without effect. My weight Increased , und my lieallh Imjiriiied Incsturywa . 1 consider H. 8o. . the best tonlo 1 CUT iibcd. "H. A. Wiiionv , Midway , Ga. " Treatise on blood , hiIn and rontnL-lotia blood iiolsou mailed ( rtoBWliT BI'KCIFIO CO. . Atlanta , Ua. morning she was gone and all the re maining trace of her was a little pen ciled billet pinned to the sleeve of her mother's calico morning dross , which bore thoio brief lines : Mother , I'm coins to try my own luck In the world. When 1 have mndo my fortune I'll come bnck after you. Keep up Rood cournpo nnd don't for ft moment doubt that 1 will krcp my proinUn. "Well , " ejaculated Mr. Rynor , as Dora presented herself before him and told her simple lale. "what do you sup pose you are going to do , llttlo onoV" "I don't know , sir , " said Dora , simply. "The ravens fed Klijah. " Cllls wife gave her some breakfast , and then the kindly artist took her to a place where other girls were drawing pi tuvos on blocks of wood for a great publishing houso. "Try your hand nt this , " said Mr ? Hynor. "I won't Insure you n fortune nt thls.but you'll got on if you nro painstak ing and diligent. " fc Dora tried and at 'uio week's end she found herself the possessor of n stun of money that exceeded her wildest hopes. ' 'Why ' , " she cried , "llozeklah don't got as much as this for his week's work on the farm. " "Possibly , " paid Mr. Rynor. dryly. "You see , my girl , you hnvo talent and Hezekiah has only strength and mus cle. " It was in August when Dora Parkhouso "ran away" and it was a bleak October night when she once moro approached the cluster of butternut trees that sur rounded the houso. Tlio light flickered faintly from the kitchen window as she walked briskly on. Suddenly she stopped ; a figure stood before her nt the fork of the roads ; Its garments lluttered in the wind and 0110 hand was pressed to its brow. "Mother ! ' ' she cried aloud. "Uornl Dora ! is it you ? I was going to look for you , child. They beat me , 'hoy turned mo out of doors , but 1 know should llntl you. " And she sank sobbing on her dnugh- or's breast. * 'I have come homo just In time , " said 3ora , folding the frail , quivering liguro n her arms. "Mother dear , wo will be ill tlio world to each other hencefor- , vird. " And from that moment Noah Park- louse and his live tall sons never saw Dorothy or li'jr mother again. Dora has a bright little homo , sus- ainctl and kept sunshiny by her own in dustry , and Mrs. Pnrklibnso is serenely 'nippy in her daughter's love and devo- ion. ion."Wo "Wo don't want any tnlrd one to make is contented , do we , mamma' ; " ' Dora * : isks laughingly. And her mother answers dreamily : "I knew that my comfort and help hnd come the day you wore born , mv Doro thy , my gift of God. " Sent lloinu for Iturl.ll. It. II. Oakley of 1124 Front street , Now York City , telegraphed Coroner Maul ycstcr- , lay to forward the body of A. L. Oakley , tbo man killed at Miilard , Xob. , to New York at once. Oakley was : i bookkeeper and had eomu west In .search of health , iie 1ms wealthy relatives in that metropolis. Connrrtlcut'H 'loli.icru Crop Di IlAUTroHD , Conn. . July ID. The cyclonic storm , accompanied ivith hail , which passed over this suction last evening , played torn- bio havoc with the tobacco crop in the arrest tobacco growing district m the ' fertile Connecticut'valley. . The damage will exceed glOO.OOO. _ _ Kmlmtci'tl iiitliollrl : in. NHW YOKK , July 1'J. Kov. Kdwnrd Benja min Uussell , the well Known rector of the American chapel in Florence , lias abandoned tlio Methodist Episcopal church and has been received into the Roman Catholic church by Archbishop Corrigim. Did Not KnlL-r KcrliiKT Ken. SiSATTi.n , July Hi. News from the scaling licet in Bering sea shows tlio catch to June 27 amounted to ttl.lHS skins. It is stated that sealers tool : all the skins outside and along the coast , not daring to enter Bering sea. o Slin lluil Outturn on llnnril. CAIIDIIT , July 10. Tito British steamer Blue Jacket , from Marseilles , arrived hero today witb cholera on board and was or dered to quarantine. The Blue Jacket sailed from Kcrtcb , in Crimea , on June 1M. filiiflttoiiu Slmkim ll | > . LosnoN , July 10. While riding in a brougham this afternoon Mr. Gladstone was considerably shaken np in a collision with a heavy wngon in Parliament square. lie re ceived no serious injuries. Near Midway jilaisanco a Kansas exhibi tor shows a soc.tion ot an old rail fence. It is overgrown with a complete crop of wccdss representing tlio pests of the Kansa farmer , cockle burrs , iron weed , million jlinson weed , milk weed , r.ig weed and pus- ley. This novel exhibit is intended to brinz out the beauties of an adjoining fence nf woven wire which affords no troublesome corners for the woens to lodge in , but is bor- ( tared by clean , closo-shavon turf. A TIHKD WOMAN , just as much us a sick and ailing ono , needs lr ) , I'lcrco's Favorite Prescrip tion. Tlmt builds up , strengthens , nnd in vigorates the entire female system. It regulates nnd pro motes nil' the proper functions of woman hood , improves diges tion , enriches the blood , dispels ncbes nnd pains , melancholy nnd nervousness , brings refreshing sloop , nnd restores health and strength. It's a powerful restorative tonic nnd sooth ing nervine , made especially for woman'i needs , nnd tbo only gutmtnfreil remedy for woman's weaknesses und nllmentK. In nil "female complninUi" nnd irregularities , if it over foils to bcnuilt or euro , you have your money back. A great many medicines "relieve" Ca tarrh in the Head , That means that it's driven from tlio bend into tlio throat nnd lungD. Rut , by its mild , soothing , demising and healing properties , Dr. Hages Cntnrrh Remedy perfectly nnd permanently cures , v Ilnnd this from Jarml IJHI : | > MN ) , hawrttncc.O. : "I am 23 ; milteriid for yjurs from rosullH of youthful iirrorn. I usoa IIvo boxes Nurvo lluans and uni conipliitulcured. . My nervru are now Htronir , anil I do not siillor nny moru from blnopiossncss ; my H.II | Iu hrlxhtj tippu- tlto ( 'oodi gained 1'illH. " Jl box , iinniiuh for two wcolm. All drn.'i-'Uts. or bv mall , Nvrvo lloau Co. , llntralo , N. Y. \Vo will B nU ymt the marri'loui [ ' Kreucli Procuration CALTMU3 * . frrr. tnd ksal Kuiruiiteilli.u 1 CAl/rilOS will Ilvilorn your . ' BlIb , Mr ncli mul Vljfo- l'irtanJfavi/iati/tit. r Addreai VOH MOHLCO. . E IMt iutrUu iM > U , CltilaniU. OU . 8 MARTYRS TO HEADACHES Tlio Experience of Miss Louise Lincoln. Tucker , A Boston Saleswoman. The woman where ( martyrs to elck hoadrteho nro numbered by thousands , nnil nmonir the victims none suffer moro tliun the employes In stores mill chops , says the Lynn Sunday N'ows. Their work Is confining , thohoiirsare long , nnd the surroundings nro often such us to aggravate iniy tendency to headaches. The experience of ono of the best hnowi\ dorks of Ohiuullor & Co.'s largo sloro on Winter street , lioston , Is worthy the attention of nil whouro aim- llurly situated. Miss Louisa Lincoln Tucker hns boon oiniiloyod In this establishment for the past four years , ami during tlmt time , as for years boforo. she has suffered with sick hendauhcs to such nn extent , as to compel her many times to lonvo her business and return to her homo hi West Roxbur.v. So violent have these attacks boon that she has often been unable to walk from the store to the depot , and has boon compelled to call a carriage. Thin succession of tortures continued until last , March , wncn Miss Tuckor'a attention was attracted by tlio story of another woman's experience : ! , published in a Lioston paper. She had spenthirgo amounts of money on physicians , who had been unable to roliovu her sufferings. She decided to try ' .ho merits of the highly extolled 1'alno's celery compound. She took It without the knowledge of her family or friends. Hut the change in her appearance soon attracted the attention of the members of her family and her business associates , ami , thoroughly convinced , she ono tiny told how Pntno's celery compound had wrought for her the cure whlcli physicians hnd boon unable to accomplish. For the first time in the yours of her employment she had gone through an onliro month without a return of the attacks ) , and not only a relief but an ab solute cure has been effected by the compound. So grateful Is Miss Tucker for the euro In her ease , that she Is willing to lot all who suiter us she did , know of the only remedy she ever found. A WELL MAN OT ? ME " INOflPO TII.'ir.llKlT HINDOO REMEDY MIOllUCKs TMK AIIOVB IIKM'I.TH In BO II\VS. . _ , , _ Nervous Diseases , Fulling Memory , > v | lie. , nl * < | lilcklv tmt surely restores l'o \llnllly K > M or yoiinir. Knidly rnnlctl In vest pocket. 1TICH H.IIO n | inrlaie. 811 fur * .VOO Mil 1,11 rlllrti u" * fcnlc. . tnrtire or moiu'y r rii'il. . linn't Ift any uit | > rlncliil < MliliUtl ( t pell yml ciuy kindifmifufnm. . Ill * ( Ut or. lmvlii I.M > AIO iiuiu1 ulliiT. It hu lias noJ KOMt.voHllI Ffiulltty \ 11.alliiun ) rt > cfl | > t or iirlct. [ 'plntthlct la frrtlcil oiurlol.o fll'O , \ Mrt'HM Itrlt'litiO Mfillcal Co..Ml I'ljinoulli I'lnov , Clitruiin , 111 , SOLD by Kuhn & Co. , Cor. islh and DotiRlas St3. , and J. A. I'ullcr ft Co. , Cor. I4th and Do'Ji , : fits. , OMAHA. NEB. ; liy Paul G. Scliuciilcr , yii Broadway and G I'rarl Si. , COt'NCIL 15LUF1-S. IOWA nnd other I.picline IlriiCKist ? . til IIOTTLEKS OV ffiynsferSprings ERAl WATER -AND- Improved Hire's Root Beer. I'rlvriito families fimilancd with I'nro Drink- In - Wutur , fresh uverv niornliii ; , ut $1.50 pur month. I'utronlzo Homo Industry nnd not pura water and who'.osomo biinmior drinks. Mynster Springs Water Co. , E. K. WAItl ) , IlOli AVENUE II , Council Bluffs , la. ThobcHt iiayliiKliivcHliiiiint for a housuwlfo [ ho Excelsior Homc-Biiker and lloisler IlnltPH lin'.iil t.isty , loaruH It inolHt ; will lv Juicy anil Huh , HiivoHotu.-tldriliiiilrlUoimiilitniiinU. No lady can do without It aflnr liiivln trlol IU wrlto for ( -Iri'iiliim. AlHU other qulck-nollliur kltuhuii iiovc.'lllcH. AGENTS WANTED. CHARLES SCHULTHE1SS , Coil/10// Illllll'HOIVI. . EDUCATIONAL. ILLINOIS CONSERVATORY. lu > t Ituiiiicllfili III idlctri.Rrt- . . . * ar var a K"fJ.Sffl'SS ! ' W. fctc. , AUd.i : . K. IIULI.AKU , A M. Bupt. Jacksonville , 111 ! Special Not02 ! a. L'OIISALKOUTUADK-A ! liluh uraclo J IMIWIT iiiiirry-Ko-roiind , Wliit : hiivn you to offer' ! H. U. Mt'nilu , HIS North ' 'fitli Htrvct AIISTUACTS and luaim. rarin and city | iroNirty | buutlit und Hold. 1'imuy & Tionin ) : ; , Uuunoll IlllltlH OAHIIAOKri > iiiiV ( > dui > HNiiinlH | , v.iultH , uldmuoyi clianud , Kd llurlcu , at Taylur'H urocury , Ol'J llroadway. 17011 KXCIIANOM , nlcn lot on liollnni for hordd 1 and bui't'y. Urcunuldulilii , NluhulHun A Co. Irr.UIT KAHMS Wn havn HOIIKI flni ) l > i'irliiK ! fruit faniiH ( or nalc ; alHUKuud losva fariiiH ; auliuldt Vlil-atTo ( nrui , till ) IK.T uuni. Julnmtoi ) .V Van I'nltun , I7OU SAI.K at a bart-alii K liiki-n at onou. lUfi foot 1 by 'Jill fi-i't on I'ark avcniiior ! will Hull In Hinalhir parci.'lb HcleHlrud. K , II. Sliuafo , Urood' way and Main ntri-ct. . ' ( ) IU.N'T7 ; room IIOIIHO. waiiT , C.IH and liatli : Ifood Htablii. 71U Konrtli Hlri'nt. Oouncll lIlulrH. VVTA.N'TKI cnrni'iitur to liulld It ttniall IIOUHU ' and takn pay Iu hoi-Hca. Apply to l.ioiianl Kv- urutt , Council IlfullB , la. WANTK1) Men lo luke ciiiilract for trruliblnir and lin-aUlnif Id aorrnof uriiKli land nnnrtlin city. Apiily to I.-JOIIIU11 Kvurult , Council IlluriH , In OAK and hickory IIOHIH for Haiti rhcini on Oullti- gher'u farm. AiidrcBii .Mr . ( iallub'lior , Wuulon. la. A"N OI'I'OHTIINITV fern lioini ) . Wo linvit tahnn suvural iloHlralilu IKMIKCH and loin iiiidur fen > > ulOHiiro of inortKaKu that wo will vlosu out til coat on inonilily luyiuuulH or ( or va h. Day & Iluttv , 'M 1'wirlSt. DUYtiOODS and ulotldiiK. An opportunity fur coed Htwk at low ivnl. Adruan Day .t Huas. Counull lllullH , la. BICYCLE CLEARING SALE FOR 1893 Wo have : niigh-i'iado gouts' pneumatics , S2 ladies' unaumaUcg , high grade , 4 hoys' and 1 girl's wheel in stouk , all 18113vheoln , of latest design and strictly high grade. If wo eun got the cash coU of these wo will let them go. Thonu Include three of thu bast icncwn wheels In thu world and notu in ir ttoratuh on thorn.Vo are agents for Victors. New Mails , King Klipjurs and Wavorlys. Our roiifcon for clo.uiing uuat the middle of the bluyelo seuson Is August 1st we wi 1 have arrive 5 carloads of stoves 1 oar Bookwfth's Hound Oaks , Sears Uadls n Homes , 1 ear Stewart's and 1 car wrought ranges. To make room wo must clour our stock of all bulky gooJs. This in no advertising fake , but we moan exactly what wo Buy. Wo also have one flno HefrJgerator loft that will go at cost. ThU will clean out our bulky seasonable goods. Don't wait till those , are gone nnd than regret that you missed the chance of a lifetime. Our friends know we are doluju four-story bunlnebs in u two-story building , und are bbort room. COLE & COLE , 41 Main St. , Council Bluffs , la *