Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Violent Death of a Bollcrroakor in a Man-
bole ,
lie Wai ItoimlrliiB i\ Holler In the 'Motor
1'oxfer lluime RtnlV * ( liven nn Int-
lierfcclly Iiuulntcd Light Wire
liiituntly Killed.
A cao of electrocution occurred yesterday
morning at tlio street railway power house at
Twenty-second and Nicholas s'.rcuts , nml the
body of the \lctlm , Clnrlca Hitman , lies nt
Maul's moifiuo axxalthitf the notion of the
coroner's Jury.
The deceased xxas In the employ of Wilson
ft. Dr.iko , bollormakcrs , nt ii htconth and
Pierce , and xxas sent tottio power house this
morning to make some repairs on one of the
bolters that generates the steam to run the
djnamoB As the only opening Into the
boiler Is the stn.ill manhole nt the end , It la
necessary to use nrtlllulal light in making
repairs on the Inside and this was furnhhed
In this case hv an Intandcsccnl lamp .it the
end of several . \aids of slack xxiro , xvhlch
wns , boxNoxer , supposed to bo thoroughly in-
BUlalcd. *
The lamp x\as placed Inside the boiler ,
with the wire resting on the lower side of
the manhole. Kluimn then started to crawl
inside , but ho never passed through the
fatal opening. Ills assistant , Michael J'roy ,
who was at the other end of the boiler ,
heard him scream , iincl tunning mound to
the opening , found Kkinan l.vlng In the manhole -
hole , xtlth Ills head and shouldus inside the
holler and his lugs hanging down outside.
Ho at once saw that something xxas xxrong ,
and seized Ukman by the ankles to draxx
him out to the open air , but received n so-
xoro shock as soon as ho touched the body
of his companion , which hurled him sexcral
feet away. Ho had , how oxer , moxcd the
body of nkman sufilclently to cause the
loucr part to oxerbalantc the upper , and the
body fell out of the inanholo and to the lloor
below. Assistance atrlxed Immediately , but
Kkman did not niox'o or breathe , and an ox-
nuimatlou showed that ho xxas dead.
Hun It lluii | > unc < l ,
A single glance at the fatal wlro showed
pithily how the accident had happened.
The Insulation over a pirt about an Inch
long had been torn off , leaving the wire exposed -
posed , and In crawling acioss It the deadly
ctiirent had been communicated to the body
of the unfoitunato man His shlit , wet
with the pcispirntton of hard toil , had
furnished a fieo conductor to the subtle
fluid and the DOO-xolt stieam of electricity ,
backed by a piessuro of fiom 400 to COO
Amperes , xxns forced through his body ,
thence to the metal walls of the boilei alxnc
nnd cm cither side of him. The poweiful
current had burned and blhtcicd the flesh
in a number of places , and the unmistak
able odor attending It wns plainlj noticeable
when the horror-stricken stokers gatlu-iea
nround the lifeless foim.
Coroner Maul wns at once notified and rc-
moxed the body to Ills moiguo. An
examination of the remains disclosed n deep
burn on the abdomen .is hutre as the nalin of
a. man's hand , xxith in irks running from it
toward either side , indicating where the
wire had been A long , uaiiow burn also
extended ticioss tno chest nnd tv > o Hrgo
blistcis , ns largo as sllxcr dollais , xxcte
found on the riuht hip The light aim was
buincd from the shoulder neail.x to the
elbow nnd on the right shoulder blndo was
n bum nnd blister , four inches wide nnd
sex en inches long. On the chest and Abdo
men the skin wns burned to a crisp , nnd the
llcsh undeinealh was chat red On the head ,
Just abox-o the light temple , was a biulse ,
nnd tic if It a gash an inch and a half long ,
but these wcio caused by striking against u
piottuding iilcco of iion ns the bodj fell
from the manhole. Neither of them would
ha\o been serious wounds , and it is prac
tically certain that the man was dead before
ho was seen by his companion.
ISkman was ! ! ! > years of ago nnd unmar
ried , and boaided at Twcntj-lUth street and
Popplotonaxcnuo. He had been in the employ
of Wilson & Drake for ten joars , and was rc-
parded as a faithful , haidworking and cnte-
ful man.
ihu emplojcs at the power house had
been accustomed to use this wlie and light
Vihenox'ei an > thing of the kind was In de-
Iiiantt , and h id not noticed th it the insul.i-
t'on ' was imperfect. One of thorn thought
the defect was the icsuU of Milking the
xxhoablow with a haminei1 , thus rutting
the foxoring , but whether this was done by
the deceased while nt xxoru , or whether o'r
not it was done in th it wav at all , is some
thing that can only bo surmised.
Coroner's Initi [ < > ht.
The inquest oxer the remains of EUman
was held at the morgue yesterday afternoon.
But three \\ltnesses weio examined Troy ,
the nompanlou of the dead man , Superin
tendent , of the stioot railwu\ com
pany , and ,1 M Wilson , the senior member
of the Him for which the deceased
vroiked at the time of his death Nothing
was teamed as to his dc-ith , 111010 than is
stated aboxe , ns theio was no eyewitness of
the occunenccb immediately preceding the
fatal contact with the xviio. The juiy ro-
tumed a xcidlct of death hi olcc
trie shock , and no blame was attached to
anone. .
A careful examination of the premises
joiteulay afternoon demonstrated Uoiond n
doubt that the burn on the abdomen of the
derased xvas partly caused by 11 hot water
nnd steam pipe , and partly by tlio electric
cmiLMit. ' 1 ho inanholo Is a llttlo moio than
waist high fiom the tloor , and the plpo tuns
along Just below It. There is ox cry reason
to boliox'o that the dead man had put his
head and shoulders thtough the hole and
hiidjust thrown his xxoight on his chest
xxhenhorccelxed tliobhoek\\Iiich xxasof suf-
llclent foico to dopuxo him of coiuiol of his
muscles , and throw him upon the \vlio help
less IIo was also thrown upon tlio
hot pipe nt the snmo time , and olcctricl ins
in u of the opinion that the metal pipecaused
the cm rent entei ing nt the chest to seek an
outlet tit the abdomen , nnd ns his clothing
Jnterx'ened nn nio wns foimed , which burned
tin ) clothes and also caused the huge bum In
the flesh nt that point The shape of the
bum Indicates that it xxas In contact xxlth
the pipe , while tlio curicnt must haxo
passed through there to haxo charred the
llcsh. It Is not belioxcd that the burns on
tha arm nnd shoulder were caused by the
curient , ns the metal framework of the hole
is Insulated in the hio wall , and * nuld not
haxo offoicd n readj passage 'J hose burns
xvero undoubtedly caused by contact xxilh
the plpo after the body fell to the floor.
Wlro XViu All Might.
It seems qulto certain that the light xxlro
wns all right * vheii Ukman started Into the
boiler and that when ho pressed it upon the
sharp comer of the opening the Insulation
XMU either cut or so tightly compressed that
the current passed thiough to Ionian's body ,
the arc , thus foi mod but ning off moro of the
inuulatlon and within u xory short time
covering the xviro Itself.
niccti Iclans nre at u loss to knoxy xx lint
caused Klimaii'b death , ns they say that tlio
current wns not sufllciont to cause It Tha
light xvas on n sldo circuit with four other
lights , and wns connected by a half nmpoiu
fuse , xxhlch would haxo burned out had a
Btiongor current pnsacd through it. It Is
maintained that death could haullyhaxo
been caused , had not the xtctim had
oiganio heiiit tioubio , In which case the
shock might haxo had n fatal result.
Ho that as U may , the unfortunate n man
came lu contact xxlth n current , howoxer
strong it may haxo been , and did not survixo
it , anil the bums Just over the heart nnd on
the abdomen show that thu current xvas
not a weak ono.
t'l'mso " before '
nerxou * taking Hood's
tearsaparllla. "I'm ' so xx ell" after taking
Hood's , Moral--"Iio sura to got Hood's. "
Firexvorks , balloon ascension und par-
auhuto jump , Courtlnud bvuuh tomorrow
Chui i > Kxctmloii to tlio llluok Illlln.
July 15 nnd dully thcrcuftor rouml
trip tickets from Oumha to Hot Springs
ami Domlwood xxill be on sulo ut ono ( art
for thu round trip ,
Inquire city ticket olllco , 1401 Furnaii
Through sleepers dally from Wobstoi
Street station.
Illi Vleiri In llr-gnnl to the New 1'oU
IX D. Scerlo , n member of the firm of God-
ills & Scerlo , thg Denver contractors , xvho
hnvo l > ceii prominent bidders for the con
struction of the noxv Federal building hero ,
xxns In the city jestcrday. Ho xvns seen by
n HER rnnn Just prior to his departure for
Messrs Orddls&Soorlo hnvo been bidders
for the xvorlc on the now building fiom the
start , and Mr. Soorlo'i xlslt hero hail to do
xvlth tholr connection xxlth the matter , In
which Mr. Fred McConnell is their Omaha
TCprcscntatlxc. Said Mr. Sccrlo :
"Wo hoi * to got the contract for the noxv
sliding. Wo hnvo certainly tried bard
.noiigh for It. The first tlmo xvo wcro next
o the lowest bidder , but the 'powers that
iverc' decided that the loxxest bidder xxas
oo loxx. and the bid w.n not axxaided Next
, lmo our bid loxvcst , but xxas In excess
f the appropriation
"There Is a stronc effort on tlio part of the
ndlana men , this tlmo , to work in under n
: hcap limestone bid , but xvo stand n show
ust the same.ohavothrco bids In , ono
n Colorado granlto , ono on sandstone and
no on limestone. Of couisc , xxo hope to
.ecuro . the contr.ict on Colorado granlto.
"Yes. I hax'o seen the reports concerning
ho bank failures In Donxer , nnd they don't
iniko mo feel a bit good. I am n stock-
loldor anu dliector In the People's
fc'axlnc's bank , which suspended this
morning. Wo xxoio foiccd to the
ivall , Just ns sexeral other good Institutions
tiaxo been , by our Innblllty to borrow ready
nonoy on the x cry host of secui ity. That xvo
i111 bo able to pay all our obligations Is not
loubtcd by any ono , but It xx-as absolutely
mposstblo to call In our outstanding loans
n tlmo to meet , the calls picclpltated by the
. .ilk of Waltc , llolden nnd the other
ranks. "
Fireworks , bnlloon nsccnbion nnd par-
ichuto jump , Courthvnd bench tomorrow
'roinplncm of Mnrnhiit Whlto Ituncuca
JiKlca ntiiuly troin n 1'ln Dinner.
The qulcl of the federal court xvas ills-
.urbed jcsterdny morning by n rather amus-
ng Incident. Judge Dundy xxas listening to
motions In equity cases and xxas occupying
ho sm ill court room on the second lloor.
31oso by his desk thcro h n door xxhlch
opens Into the hall. While the Judge xxas
engaged In xx riling nn order in the docket
this door opened gently and an Instant
.ater in stepped a xxoman , accompanied Dsi
small girl. Thinking no doubt that she had
simply cntciedn prixato oftlco the xxoman
ipproached the Judge and said : "Couldn't
I sell \ou some tickets for a chicken pie
suppcrdown on South Tixenth-fourth stieet ?
The tlckotb nro only txxenty-11 "
By this time "hlzzoner" xvas looking no nt
the earnest face of the ticket seller and the
spcctatois and lawyers xxcio anxiously xx-ait-
iiig to see hoxv the Judge xxould got rid of
the church entertainment canvasser , out the
natshal xxas onto his job and before the
ludgo had an opportunity to really doter-
nine xxhether he xxas afool or n hoineback
the xxoman xvas Informed that com t , was In
session and must not bo disturbed. She.
blushingly apologized and took bar dopurt-
Bulloon this cxo.
.Now lor llio
City Attomoy Council yesterday morning
reccixcd fromD A. Campbell , the clerk of the
Nebraska supreme couit , a postal card bear-
ng the ir.form itlon that the opinion In the
Omaha pixlug case has not been filed by the
court and that only a memorandum of the
.udgment xxas glx'cn. Mr. Council had
asked for n copy of the opinion nnd the
reply of the clerk Indicates that it xxill bo
some time before t no opinion in full is filed ,
[ icrhaps not before September.
Hoxxexcr , Mr. Council Is of the opinion
tha-C.thc memorandum furnishes sulilcicnt
enlightenment for the council to proceed.and
that It is xx holly unnecessary to haxo the
opinion in full , as all of the points nt issue
haxo been covered. In his Judgment the
paving can noxv be proceeded xxlth in the
districts where majority petitions have been
filed , conditional or otherwise The attorney
also expresses the belief that In the future
It xx ill bo nocossnry to nvoid complications to
have a clear majority asking for ttio creation
of a paving district before the same can bo
done. With the districts in hand Mr. Con-
neil considers that the hue to follow is laid
out In the decision and that the contracts
can bo executed and the work of pax ing pro
ceed us soon as the bonds are disposed of.
ClmrKeit nltii Grand Iarccny.
Jim Leo had his preliminary hearing yester
day morning on the charge of grand larceny ,
preferred by Uortle Mann. The defendant is
accused of stealing BOX oral rings nnd an um
brella , the xvholo vnlued at $1-0. Ono of the
rings xxns found in his possession and he xvas
arrested for the theft. Ho is in the
employ of an upholstcicr and ho accounts
foi the possession of the rlnir b saying that
a lot of fumltuio belonging to Miss Mann
xx'as sent to the \xherono\xasomploicd ,
to bo iciipholstcred , nnd In romoxing the old
covering ho found the ring botxveen the seat
and bick of ono of the chahs. Ho xisltcd
the place kept by the plaintiff xvlth the ling
on his linger , and it xvas iccogni od and ho
xvas airested The lost of the property has
not been found.
Illllml .Near MllUrcl.
Train No. Son the Union Pacific going xx-ost
killed a man jesterdaj morning three miles
xvcst of Millard stntion. lid xvas xx'alkinj *
cast fiom Elkhom und apparently did not
sco the engine. IIo xxis apparently a
tiamp. but pipcis In his pockets showed
that his name was W. L Oakley nnd that In
Ib'Jl ho xvas employed In the comptroller's
office In Noxv York. Others indicated that
ho had been lu Sin Francisco during the
present yoir and was getting back to his
old homo on foot , or In any xx ay'that ho
could without the use of money.
Coroner Mini xx-as apprised of the nccl-
dent and ordered the burl il of the body.
Sewer C'ontruLtn Coimnuiicccl.
The Uoaid of Public Works has directed
the sewer contiactors to proceed xxlth their
xvork. The ordoia issuotl xveio to F. Jj.
Uooxot&Co on the Dorcas and Nineteenth
sub mam extension fiom Twont.x-first
street , McDonald it Ponlield on Twenty-
seventh stieot extension , Samuel ICatz in
districts IbO , 1ST and Ibb. and to J. A. HU-
patrict in distiicts Ib'.l and 1U1.
Thesecontr'ictors x\ill commence xvoik ns
soon as material Is on the ground , some of
them having already be un.
Vnn Nnminou I'ulion 'Hire itcnuil.
Ablao nt " .Toff's icstaurant" threatened
the destruction of the wretched frame ahull
on Two fth , betxveen I'arnum nnd Douglas ,
belonging to the Van Nammco cst no , about
10 o'clock \ eatenlay morning. The ill o caucht
from a dofcctlxo tine oxer the range In Sey
mour & Golst's restaurant , The building
xxas damaged to the extent of ? f > 0 , and the
restaurant men buffered n slight loss. Tlio
building can bo lepalrcd.
The following mauiugo licenses xvcro Is
sued yostoi day :
Name and address. Ago.
( Kdnard 1' . Scliuinle , Omaha. . , , , . 30
] JulluWuthvilcU , Omaha . as
J rrnnU llonnck , Om ilu . il !
| Anna lllax kn , OmnliH . 18
I J. H. Hewlett. Dinah i . , . , . "a
1 I ) . A. tixxnyrc Ditmlin . 10
i Henry It. ( lower , Uamliu . . , v . i > 8
1 Mjru Jl. Uoiiglus.Umiilin . . . . , , , 'J4
40o Dross Goods Going at 10s Per Yarfl
$1.00 Dress Goods for 26o ,
S1.50 BLACK GOODS 621-2C
SIOH XVrnpprrii Oo nt IIRc ; I.mllon' 85a
\Viilnl8 fur nf.c , r.linlt S tu n Cintomor ,
25o nnil r.Oc < ! lni.lmni mid
Satocin ( Junt lUo 1'or Vnril.
All our 20o , ± jc , HOe , : ( . ' ) cniHl 50o laxvna.
Ntt a ynul of linens , cotton cloths or
xvush giwria soiling nt regular price' ,
every yuitl nt coat or niulor.
3 solid cnses of wash dross goods , not
a yaitl xvorth loss than l'2c } , anil from
that up to 20c , go todny t t OJo per
ytiril. Do you wunt n. xvush dross this
bcuson or noxtV If so buy noxv. Thcso
bargains cnnnot bo duuHcntcd.
10 ilo/.on of thcbo utul every xvalst
xvorth Sou or more , two to a customer for
35c apiece.LADIES'
You cannot tlupllcntu these xxnlstsnny-
where clso for loss than $1.50. Buy
thcbc uoxv und trot thorn for 75c apiece.
' WAISTS $ l.oi.
Gllhort's fast black \vulsts , nctually
soiling In this city at $1.05 , today
they go with us at $1.05.
WAISTS $1.50.
iiOO xvnists , not ono xv.iist xyorth loss
than $3.00 , your ciioico toilny at $1.50
All thcso silk waists are regularly sold
at $0.00 in Chicago , Noxy York and ovory-
xx hero. At $3.00 each they are the bout
bargains xxo have to olTor.
Komctnboi1 , outbido of thcso special
offers , almost ox cry thing goes at net
cost.Buy noxv , xvhllo you have a stock fully
xvorth $200,000 to bolect from.
Umbrellas xvorth $0.00 are going at
Parasols xvorth up to $10.00 go at
Ladies' ribbed xcsts , 19c.
Two cases ot 50o vests , today at
19c per vest.
Don't put off. Buy noxv while the bar
gains last.
Amos moved to 1017 Farnarn.
MllUt rillu-vllll 111118.
Txventy hours ride via the Burlington
Route lands you at Hot Springs , S. D. ,
xvhoro you can batlio in a magnificent
plunge- bath or a $30,000.00 bath house ,
have choice of bcores _ of charming drives ,
enjoy the put e , rest-laden air that an al
titude of 3-400 feet above sea level in-
fain os and llvo in a hotel xvhioh would bo
a credit to any American city of 200,000
Bebt of all , you are eternally cool.
The Btulington Route's 10:15 : a. m.
tiain from Omaha carries a sleeping car
for the Black Hills.
Reduced rale tickets on sale July 15 to
August 15.
City ticket ofliee , 1324 Farnam street.
Ames moved to 1017 Farnam.
A convenient and pleasant place to ob
tain luncheon. BaldulT , 1520 Farnam.
World's 1'nir
Should continue their trip to Utah and
the xvest. The magnitude in resources
and beauty of the xvustcrn territory is
incomparable. Nature in creative mood
has fashioned rook-ribbed crested peaks ,
ever xvhite xvith the snoxv of untold
ages and whoso hoary summits seem to
pierce into bomo unknown realm beyond.
The grand canons and cataracts are a\xc
inspiring. In the xxeat you can find
health , wealth and happiness ; it is ono
large sanitarium , and is best reached
by the Rio Grande Western railxvay.
See that your tickets read both xvays via
that rtiad which oilers choice of three
distinct routes nnd the most magnificent
scenery in the xxorld. For copies of
pamphlets , etc. , xvrite to J. H. Bunnett ,
Salt Lake City , U. T.
Balloon tonight ami tomorroxv night.
Tiitiru In tlio Koiky Monntn ns.
The "Scenic Line of the World , " the
Denver nnd Rio Grande raihoad , offers
to tourists in Colorado , Utah and Noxv
Mexico the choicest resorts and to the
tian&Lontinontnl traveler the grandest
scenery. Double daily train service
with through Pullman sleepers and
tourists' cars between Denver and San
Francisco and Los Angeles.
Balloon tonight and tomorroxv night.
Appraisers Itcport n rinn of Assessment
for J'ajIn' Hii Dill llrlit.
The city engineering department is nt
present xvrcstlliiff xxlth n proposed plan of
assessment for tlio opening and extension of
Twenty-ninth ( Pnrlc ) axonue. Several
plans hax'o been prepaid ! , but hax'o nlwaxs
juovcn ilccliledly unsatisfactory to the pioi- |
crty owners , nml tholr vigorous protests
haxo resulted In the rejection of the s uno.
The avenue xvas opened up several years
npo anil the settlement for the s uno has
liunjf llro over sinceAt the last meeting of
the boaul of equalization CIti Attoinoy Can-
noli nnJ Howard U. Smith nml Hy II Mujjy
for tlio property owners were selected to
ncioc upon n plan cf nsscssmcnt that xvoulil
pioxo satisfactory. They xxent over the
Krouiul and llnally renclioil the conclusion
that the property owners shox-lil pay $11,00) )
of the f.U.000 duu , tl.o city at largo to stand
thu bil nice. Tlior.jw plan Is boini ? pro-
piioit In accoidaiiLo v/ith that understand
ing. 1'roperty on both slues of the ax'onuo
from Dodge stieot to IM Crcljjhtou axonuo
will bo assessed as follows :
i iti i ufi.i HUu , ui iuuauiiiJiiiiii , iviiu Ul
Victor 11 btoiiulin | | , July IB. iigcil 33 jrurw ,
ruuural July I'J , ut U o'clock p. in , from
rusldi net ) , Xo 131U boutlj ThlrUuiUi btittt
to L.iurol 11111 Louiotury ,
The only l > ure Cream of Tartar Poxvder. NoAuimoniajNo Aluiii.
Used iii Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Staudard.
Innrit or 1'dnrntlnn ) Momltrr * 'XVIIIIne to
Itrnunn wltMtlrnlth Omr-UU.
Tlio iiHlniivto results of the controversy
xjtxvocn tlio Ho-xnlVlf/IIoAlth and tlio Hoard
ot Education orcr th < J mnlntcn.inco of the
Iry closet sjttoniiia scvorAl of the school
nilhllngs are diniculent present to predict ,
t scorns roasonabljiocrtaln tint If no con-
clllntory steps are ink on In the near future
ho xvholo nnttor XTtllihavc to ho decided In
the courts , but there nro Indications that the
itilrlt of nrbltKxtlorii nnd sound reasoning'
xxill gain the uppGttitaud and that an adjust
ment may bo rotchixllxTithout resorting tea
a xv.
xv.Spoiiktngof the matter yesterday sox-cralof
.ho . incmhcrs of the Botml of Hducatlon ox-
ircssed themsclx'cs as being fully confident
.hnt the Stnend dry cloiot system xvas por-
'cctly sanitary , hut at the iamo tlmo they
xxcroopen'to conx'icttoti as to the opposite
x Icxv of the case
"I hnx'o no disposition to oppose the Donrtl
of Health , " sild Mr. C. J. Smytho , hi spo.ik-
'IIR of the controx-crsy , "and in fact 1 hold
/hat It Is tlio duty of ex-cry peed citlron to
iphold the Uoird of He.iltli in every effort
.hnt Is undertaken for the pee > l of the public
10 ilth , But I am Inclined to boltovo that In
.hlsnnttcrof xentlhtlnp school buildings
the Hoard of Health has stepped out-
sulo of Its locltlnnto domiln to some
extent The moment that the Hoard
of Health can show concluslx'cly that the
Iry closet system of xxhatox-cr make or nat-
.ern Is unsanitary that moment I shall bo in
lax'orof romoxlng the apparatus from the
school buildings. Hut I am not In fnvor of
admitting that the dry closet scheme is 1111-
s'mltary simply upon the assertion of the
Board of liuiltli xx Ithout proof. I am not in
faxor of maintaining anything In thosh.ipo
of a. nuls.inee , not fora moment , butjl } must
lioconxiiiccd that this system , of xxhlch so
much has been said , Is N nulsanco bcforo I
sh.ill xoto to iiinko a channe. "
Kofcrrinp to the attltudo of the manufac
turers xx ho put these dry closet apparatuses
In the schools Mr. Smith continued : "If It
should tr.inipiro that those dry closets can
bo proxen to bo a nulsanco then , It seems tome
mo , another important question xxill arise.
Will not thcso heating nnd ventilating firms
xvho sold their appiratus to the llo.ird of
Education bo responsible for the imposition ?
Will It not ho possible to biing them to ac
count for piliutm off nuisances under the
gulso of sanitary apparatus ? "
Mr. Elgutter soon xvith regard to the
matter and s.ild : "I lux-o nox-or been much
of a dry closet man , as mv record in the
Board xvill show , but it strikes mo th it the
Board of Health is petting in its xxork on
thcso mnttcis at a rather late date Tlio
plans and spcclllcations for thcso buildings
inhloh the dry closets have been Intto-
duccd must hax'o been submitted to the
building Inspector before they xvoie llnilly
ndopto.1 by the Boird of Education. They
xxeto not only submitted , but \x-oio approx-ed
by the cHy building inspector before they
xxero incorporated in the buildings of xxliluti
the present health commissioner makes so
much complaint. Now it strikes mo that
xx hen the city of Omaha , through its au-
thori/cd agent , the building inspector , " says
that certain plans and spccltluitions arc all
rifjht und that they are in accotdanco xxith
the ordinances created to goxern such mat
ters , and later on tlio city rues up
through another agent , In the person
of the health commissioner , and
condemns the plans formetly approved ,
If there is anybody responsible for
the blunder it must bo tlio city gox'ermnent
I am not In favor of creating any unpleasant
ness or sensation over those mtttcrs. I bo-
Hoxc that xxo shouldiproceed in a businesslike -
like and dispassionate manner and if possi
ble reach an understanding that xvill not
onlj bo agreeable to the membeis of both
bo-irds , but also fortho best interests of the
ontlro city. I am Inclined to think that this
xvill bo done. I dbn't think that any man
can affoid to make- this an occasion for
pniadmg his particular MOXVS bcforo the
public simply for the sake of a llttlu notori
ety , and I feel pretty suie that good Judg
ment and common sense xvill win in the end
and xxo shall reach AX settlement of the dis
pute xx Ithout resorting to the Courts. I hope
nt least that this xxrtll bo so. "
The guaranteed cure foe allii hcaaacho is
Bromo-Seltzer. Thai bottle lOo. ,
Piroxvo'rks , balloon ascension nnd par
achute jump , Courtlund beach tomorrow
_ _
Ames moved to 1017 Farnain.
.Tlmo \ \ ' < ill Sp ut
n xveek's holiday at Hot Springs , S. D. ,
best reached from Omaha by the Bur
lington routes , 10:13 : a. m.j Black Hills
Hound trip tickets at the ono xvay rate
on sulo July 15 to August 15. Through
sleeping car from Omaha dally , v
See the oily ticket agent at 1324 Far
nam street.
Ashamed To Be Seen
Because of disfiguring facial blemishes
is the condition of thousands upon
thousands who live in ignorance of
the fact that in Cuticura Soap is to
be found the purest , sweetest and most
effective skin purifier and beautifierin
the world. It is so because it strikes
at the root of alLcomplexional disfig
urations , Viz : THE CLOGGED , IRRITATED -
Forplmplci , liacliliea ! < l , red nnil oily nUn , red ,
rough ImniU w Itli Blujwlcsn null" , dry , thin nnd fal.
luflialr , and linl > loMfj \ likmUhia ft U wonclcrf ul.
Bold throughout the world. Toiler Drug nnd
Chciu. Corp. , bol I'ropn , llontou.
If tlrc < i ; * Iilnirnflrvmi 11 mothers
know tlio comfort , Btruinth , and vital.
' ' ,
they would ne % or tow Itliout them. In
every vay tlio purest , swutnv and
bc t plaiur for women end children.
But como to our studio for
your photographs as we are
sure to satisfy you , as our desire -
sire is to obtain your relatives i
and friends patronage by the j
perfect likeness we will make
Zjofyou. IX
[ 7
At 1'opulur I'rlcaa.
313-U15-317 , S.151U Strait.
Omaha , Neb ,
Skin and Scalp Diseases , the worst
forms of Scrofula , all blood taints
and poisons of every name and nat
ure , are utterly rooted out by Dr.
Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery.
For every disease caused by a torpid
liver or impure blood , it is the only
remedy so certain and effective that
it can be guaranteed. If it fails to
benefit or euro , you have your
money back.
_ Eczema , Tetter , Salt-rheum , Ery
sipelas , Boils , Carbuncles , Enlarged
Glands , Tumors , and Swellings , and
every kindred ailment , aio com
pletely and permanently cured by iV
Handsome Women Can Loao Wolg i
Fast. Homely Men Look Bettor
M Thin. Try Dr. Edison's
System. No Dieting.
Band worth Twice the Wlonoy.
oniooof It. M Ilnrton , Ilanlwaro , Uary Sta
tion. 111. . Jim. 11. 1 U
Dr. Dear sir : I am xvoll ploasoil with
your treatment o ( ohosttv. I'lio linJ ) Is worth
twlco tlio iiionoy it coit , for cnmtort. I h tvn
reiliieod my woiirht tun pounds. I woUli U15
now , uua i did welsh JIJ , Yours truly.
They Are Doing Mo Good.
Knrlvillo , 111 . XliyJI 1332
liorlng Co * Inclose 1 IInil f ! ' < > tar whlc'i plm l
netid mo the other two liattlui of lr IMIiui s Ol)8 -
Ity I'll In. 1 have uiod ono mi Ithlnlc hanrj datnf
thuwurlc. ti M. KAIbX' , I' . O Hot > ' >
Talk So Much About Your Pills.
I'corla. Ill , Juno IS 133 !
Donr Hlrs : After hoArtiiii Dim uf 1117 frl Midi ttil > < so
Buchnbout your Olmilty I'llli anJ Uu bauallt lull
deriving from Ilioiu I think I will try them myulC
1'lcnBO aond mo a bollloi 0 O I ) , nil I oblUJ ,
J. Muitius. 4Uo 1'erry Street
Fool Bettor and Weigh 13 Pounds Loss
Ooshcn , Ind , Sopt. IS mi
Rantlcmcn * Incloioil I scnil you SI. for whlc'i you
will plcn a aunil motliroj buttles of thu obailty pllln
AuitukliiK tlio fourth bottlu anJ fuat very niuc * !
better nnd wultih IJ pounds less tlrnn whan 1
tnklnK tuom. 1 will contlnua your Iruat uonU
MflS J C. MCl'ONV ,
bouth slltli StroJt.
An Individual ivlioio
f > feet 1 Inch Bhould wol u KJ pound !
B feet Slnclios lUi
5 ftot 10 Incuoa " " 170
llr. Fdlson enya. "It my bo wotl to point out
that In tuy ozpcrleuco , whloli In iicccasnrlly very
conildcrnule , many troublesome skin JUo.iiei sno'i ,
cccaicniii. nzonu j'sorlmln utlcarln ate. , are prim-
arlly caiiBOd by obesity , nnd nn tlia fnt nnd II39)1 ) Is
reduced by the pills nnd Obolty 1 rult Salt un : the
action of the band those airoetloni have almost
maKtcally disappeared "
'IlioObeslty trultbaltls used In connection nltit
the 1'lllB or nands , or both. One laiispoonfiil In a
tumbler of watefinnkoj a dollcloui nodi Tastoi
Ilku clmnipnliine
Tlio banscost IJ M each fornnylon < th up to 3)
Incliui , bufor ono larger than < ) Inchaj udJ 10
cunts extra for oicu uddltlouul Inc'i
1'rlra of fruit Salt $1 D )
Tills tl 50 IVr Hottlo or i Bottle ] lor f I 0 ]
bent b > Mall or ICxpresi
Cutthls out and keep It , unJsuuil for our f nil ( J
columnurtlclo ) on obesity.
uii < o\v.
Loring & Company
Z Hamilton I'l. llept l , Boston Mi , 111 Stats
Ht , Kept-M , Chicago , 111. U XX' . . ' 3na St , Ucpt il ,
.New Xork nt ) .
For sale in Omaha by Snow ,
Lund & Co.
Is tlio only
Women Excluded.-
1H yenrs nzperlonce.
Clrculurs froo.
14th nnd rarnam bu ,
One-third Saved
By buying Moquette
a Carpets now , if you
J can find a carpet in our n
made up line to fit your / "
fl room ; and we have so
fi many sizes made up -
fia fin you are almost sure to
a find one. These are go
aa ing at $1.00 a yard as
v long as they last , which
D won't be long.
n Carpet Co , ' ;
. , .
Unsurpassed coureo ot
W.A.Wll onA U , r it
Lexllictun , Mo SIX dc
parlminllonrslrucllon \
oOlccrs ttod leathers Con
Ktr\olory ot musla Art
Dunum. Modern ap-
itnenis ifMuycar lllus
eg Irated ciHInaua
A. A. .lovrn. iv . 'i
fl One ol Ibe olJol t > r nl In Mlt
souri AppomimcnlMnodiirn.
Alujlc and Art TiAcner *
IOSUP llr , I l > Wnliuu.
l'rt ll nlj \
i , , lB ion. mi. . '
l.tmlnuluit , Me.
Odrki miliury ftchoolla
rr * Mbaourl llcilthlul lukiu
! ; ] Halt ItratonaMc lining l ) (
' lusirilcd raulocua
Mt I tj , SM.LPH4 ,
HOI ( Hi MMI.'I.
OOO for
Call at 417 BEE BUILDING for Proof.
This wonderful prepnration is Purely Vegetable : compounded
from tlio prescription of the Oflicial Physician to the Court of Spain.
" Eapano " recicatcfi ontul and Nerve Power in Mau nnd Woman.
An infallible remedy for Nervous and General Debility ,
Nervous Prostration , Creeping Paralysis , Weakness caused
by Debilitating lyosses , Excesses or Over-indulgences , In
cipient Softening of the Brain or Paresis , Dissiness , IrOSS of
Memory , Confused Thoughts and all Brain , Nerve or Sexual
Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain
to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholic Beverages ,
or indulgence in the Opium , Morphine or Chloral habit.
Have you abused the laxx-a of nature and injured your nervous system ?
Are you despondent and melancholy xx ith confused ideas and gloomy thoughts ?
" ESPANO ' ' will positively euro you. It contains no mineral poibons and
is remarkable for awakening organic action throughout the syutcm and an
improvement in every tissue. It produces belter muscles , bones , norxcH , hair ,
naila , sKin , blood and gives vigorous lifo to the unfortunate xxlio has exhausted
liis poxvers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry
in the pocket. Kach box contains 90 doses or enough to labt ono moiitu and ia
worth many times its weight in gold. The piico $1.00 per box or 0 boxes for \
$5.00 if ordered at ono time and a guarantee will bo given that any case men
tioned above that It docs not cure , the money xxill bo refunded. AH to our
financial standing xvo refer to any bank in this city. Pent charges prepaid to
any address in United States or Canada. Put up in plain wrapper x1th \ no
mark todiBtinguirfi xxhat it is. Bend for circulars and testimonials. Address ,
co. ,
$ toclcl m Street
An able Brain and Nerve Specialist can at any time bo confidentially
consulted entirely free of charge , personally or by mail , at the above
* S&1S $ ' & < S < tSV& < lrti/brt < V"V