Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Alarming rinanoial Report ? Onuwd n Panic
Among Chicago Spcculatora ,
Tli fit Corenl OpiMii-d n Fraction Low or thiiu
Monday' * Clo lne L'nrn STinp\tlil 'd
hllBhtly-Kvrr > lim1jr tried to Sell
on a Demoralized Murket.
ClliCAno , July 18It was Ilko the Jolmitown
flood for a while today In the whe it Undo
Tim speculators took frUht at thn alarmliiR
( InancliU reports from both cast mid weft and
lot KO their holdings In a way approichlm ? the
p inlcky. Altogether It was a d iy tint loft
scars A decllno of 2c ! per bu. In wheat In an
hour would ho u heavy fulling off If the -price
liiidbeenSl Instead of only 09c. That was
the limit of the decllno and It closed with a
net loss Mnco yesterday of Pfe. Corn sympi-
Oilyptl slightly and Is marked down Uc. Pro
visions were In aMunipy condition Lard Isoff
BOc and ribs 47'c Thodocllnolu poik was
\\hcat was on now ground and broke the
record for cheapness. September has not sold
boforobolow 08 > { C. Hut today touched OOMo
The opening wasalioilt > ( c lower than yester
days closlne and prices further declined U'/c '
fin BJiilciiibor and 15 < c for Ducembei , then
tallied Ic.easeil oir and the closing was from
Jc to "iC from the botloni.
Ono sni'ill failure occurred , that of 0. S leo ,
who has biui bullish on wheat. There were
two distinct spurts In the solllnir and on etch
tbr triule went wild Yestenlay's close w.isat
hOr foi Sjptombor. The llrsl drop ibis tnorn-
ing was lo 07'Jc for September. After a little
rally the selling broke out again and In oini
inlnutn September went from 073c lo C0'tc.
It was longwheat thrown on the niarkut by
scared holders On the early hreik the selling
was largely through commission houses. On
the Rtcomf break everybody sold or tried to
hell on a badly demoralised market On i-.ich
break there was good buying of by
Bhorts who were ready to gtab at quick pioflls.
While the excltemtnt was on inurybody was
trying to Icniii the cause. No one phco of
tiewsbioko the market It was the culmina
tion of gatheilng huinlness The llninclal
news yesterday was M-iy bad , yet the nuiikot
held up f'llily well This moriilin : Now York
Blocks WLroeiy weik with I.oniion selling.
The cable news hlnlul at homo bid failure as
probable. The Irado had scarcely begun
when Demor reported the f.illuio
of the grcilLst ineicantllo bouse iliure
Tort Scott Ifnn . luporlod n $300,000
bulk falluto 'Ihero wtie ropnits nf thno
other Di imr binks closing up It was attlio
Miinn tlmn reported Hi tl a gi.iln house It id
fallid here Aside fiom h id tin incl il news the
Inllueiicis weio be irlsh The cibhs weio
cither Inillllerent or lowei. The bcttei tem-
peiatuie and slioweis met Iho west weio
inoiu fn\orable for n'iowlngciops and hnnest-
! ! ) „ ' t'lilcago had 3J cars of now whe it and 11
curs giaded No. 2
The contract wheitln public elevatOMTgaln
Increasul 04,000 bu. to a total of ne irly 17-
000,000. Itelim the last hour tlio trade ro-
co\urul finni the p inlcky feeling somewhat
New Yolk had expoit safes for fiom40loGO
boat lo-ids Cash wheat woiked hero amounted
to about. 110,000 biii of No 3 led , and 70000
bu of Xo 3spilng. Theio no adxersoll-
iiiiiiclal news.
The corn 11 ano had a much narrower mar
ket than In wheat , vet transactions were Im-
poitant The ricilpts were close uti to tlio
\iiyblgestlmatoof047cirs and about 900
cir-uifumli act corn for the day. Tlio move
ment foi Mend ij appeiiid on the blackboaid
nt 007,000 bu. iccelpts , and 100,000 bu shlp-
menlH ' 1 lie show ITS over I ho corn bo It helm d
croppiospicts Wllbdiawals for the day weio
but 11)5,000 imlthweak stocks anil wi ak tlm market broke V1 , but the LS-
111 ilo \\ednisdaywasmuch llghtLr ut J20
cais New York cleared 180,000 bu font ! ict
coin In store was lulueed 254,000 bu. foi tin )
wiuk , to a Ijital of 9rj l.OOObii Tlio close was
at a itcojery of > ( e fiom the bottom
Oats wlis f ililv active and weaker early In
sympathy with tlie two IL ullng ii.iln ; niarl.i Is ,
but the close was tin illy m ido in only a fi ic-
tlon under ye t ndayrs litest figures ' 1 ho
total stocks In stoni at piosont 'ire only about
ono-elglith as Inico as tboso of last
ror nn hour there was a Kraut n. irket In
provisions 'J ho trido settled down to the be
lief that the ANrlirlit line of ribs hid been
liquidated at a loss. The ( .oiling of libs this
morning was begun by the packers.
was no support In the m irket. In lard them
was a Utnicr opening with several commission
bouses buying. Then the heptcmbu pilco
broke to$10 and was pegged again for a tlmo
HSOII Monday. After the prlco got past the
HO mark anil the vurv clique nrokors who hid
mpported It lieforo tuned sellers nshaip
break followud. On tlio break Wagner bought
several thousand tierces of lard , piobublv foi
Uatoly. KIbs milled 20o from the low point.
After this the mat ket hecimo quiet.
Kstlniatcd lecelpts for tomoirow : Wheat ,
44 cars : corn , 3'iO cars ; oats , 1JO cms ; hogs ,
22 000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotation * worn as follown :
l'i Dim Weak , nominal.
WillAT No. 2 Hprlnir. ni' < ( ilG15c : No 3
iprlng , bales. GOY ; No. 2 red , b.imiOJ c.
CDIIN No 2 , 3U3.c ; No , 3 ji'llow , closing
80 < 4c.
OATH No. 2 , 2814'c : No. 2 white , f. o. b.
nna.l Ic : No 3 white , f. o. b , 'J8'U.l-c.
Hi G No. 2. OOc.
llAin.KY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , no sales ; No.
4 , no bales.
Ki.AxHEH ) No 1 , $1.10 < i.
TiunnirHKED I'rlnif , * 4.1&SII.20
IMllK-Moss , pui lib ! , $18.751118.77' } ;
laid , per 100 Ibs , $0 37'i ' < < & 9.40 ; bhort ribs ,
Bides ( loose ) , S7.H7iSi7 UO ; dry halted
shoulders ( boxed ) , * S 20H.00 ; short clear
sides ( boxodl. t9.70ail)00
WIIIHKV Dlstlllorb' Hnlshod goods , per gal ,
MHIAII * Unchanged ; cut loaf , C'ffj grauu-
latod , 0.70 ; htandntd "A , " ft ( > 4
The following were the iccclpts and ship
ments for today :
On the Produce today the butler
niaikot VSIIH biiioly hlendy ; ciiiamory.lO'tii '
20o : dnliy. lu/Olbu HSBH , HOWJ ! htrlutly
fru'bb , camlled 1 Ic.
Vork M. rkcl < .
Nnv VOIIK , July 18rioiiu Hocolpts , 21-
ROO pkgs ; exports , 7.BUO libls , 17 , .100 Bucks ;
miles , ( i.OOO pkgs ; mm ket dull , weak ;
olfoied freely ; winter wheat , low grades ,
H.00 < rt2.40 ; winter , fair to fancy , * J 40 H 00 ;
\vlnler patents ) ; Minnesota
Ktralghts. J3.30ffl4 00 ; Minnesota p items ,
4 OOM4 20.
UOIIN MBU < Dull , stonily ; yellow western ,
121.0 2.70.
U\K OulotMeai1y ; nostorn , B7cJ107'jc , MAi/i-Qulot , blo.idy , western , 093
6 ( > c.
c.WIIFAT Itccclpti , 9.GOO hti ; mports ,
I20.0OO Im ; sales , 8B' > 7,000 hn of futures
4UJ.OOO bu spot , hpol iiiiuki't , acllvo for
export ; lower with options , closing llrm :
No 2 led In ktoro and olevalor , 71' ' , to
7H.c ; alloat. 72'4 < it73e ; f. o. b , 72lfl7Ju ;
ungraded red , l > 9jt77i'i No. 1 hard 7ilc ; .No 1
northern , 71'i < 2.7'-V ; No 2 northern , 71ic ! ;
No , 2 Mllwaukiu , 70c , Uptlons VMIO iiLltvo ,
Dxclted , and rinsed steady nt 'iftl'si ' ; deellne.
The oni'iilng was weak and prices elf HiHL- ,
ralllud S ® > iu on an acllvu o\pi > rt dem mil
with local covering ; July , "U'.w.vl'sC , eloblng
at 71'ic ; August , 71' c , i'lo lng at 71V ;
K'ptember. 73'ia.747.i' , closing nt 74e ; October ,
7G\,4070 > 4C , closing at 7U1 c ; Deceinhor ,
BOUilBlUc. closing nt bOi.c.
Cou.N-UecelpU , HO 000 Im. ; exports , 181.-
DOO bu ; tJiileu. 1HO.OOU bu fllluii's. 180-
UOO hu. spot. hpotN modurnlely acllvo : No.
e,48Kiln eloralor ; 4HiHlio ) afloat. Options
were dull and lower ; August , 4Hlcu.48 ) > > e ,
closing 4B3cjj September , 4U1lQ48'c , clos
ing at 4HV.
OATB-Ht-rolpts. 32,000 hu. ; exports , 93,000
* . 170,0001)11. futures , 40.UOU liu.hjiot.
, f . t ,
1'hlciiKo , Hfi c ; No U Mlilte , 37iii'i ml fd
urn , aU'irt'JHeilillo ' western , UU&-HI- .
HAVI'nlily active , Mi'iicly ; hhlpplm ; , (7.00
C7.SO ; good to cholco. Id 00 > d0.60.
S Qulot , bteiid ) i btute , coiniuoii to
VM lus , H'.Ci TokUH dry , 'JlaJ7 ( Ib. , 8
\ S'ooiModerately active , bteady ; domtbtlc
fleece. VKtate \ Texiu , 1 IVSVOc.
I'HOMMIONS Cut menu , dull , steady <
Plcklul bclllm. 1'J His. , nt 1'Jcj plcklvu khoul
ilerit 7ic ; pickled hunn , r. ; midilles
dull ; ihort clour , OV.V. I , nrd , dull. Inwor ,
vvcsli-rn sloiim closi'd at $9 HO : sules , nnnoi
options , fiiilps. 60U tlcrcesi July closed at
lOfiOj Poplpmlier , ! 10 15. eloslni ? I10 | Oc
tober closed nl JU 86 , I'ork closed qnlof now
IlirrrFii Weak ; western fnclorv , IB'tc. '
( .iti.KSb 1'lrin , fnlrdemnmli pnrt skims , 1 (
I misDull , woik : rpcclpls , 11,300 pK8S !
western fresh , H'lftlOc ! western , per case ,
12 51) ) 3 00
TAII.OW Wnnlcd , llrmcrt city ( (3 forpkg * ) ,
Uc lild , Oo isked
UorrnsikriiUttiMitht supply , firm ! crude ,
SWIOc. yellow. 42i bid.
riTlidl.iUM Market was slrnily : I'cnnsyl-
vanln oil , , ilea , nonn , AiiKUst options , sales ,
2.IOI ( ( bills at .ri7o ! Mma oil , s-vlus , none , 3Dc
bid Total sales , 000 bbls
Hosiv Quint , vasy ; strained , common to
good , ? 1 Ooftjl 05.
T rni'iivri.Nf , Moro active , stonily at 27K ®
28 We.
ItiCEI'alr rtomand. stp-idy ,
MOI.ASSFS Now Orlpiuis , open koltto , Rood
to cholco , iinlcl , sleuly.
bitiuu Haw , dull , nominal : rcntrlfiiRals ,
00 test. I tic ; rollni'd , ijulcl , Moady.
I'm liio.N-nnll , fcleady ; Aineilean , $12.76 ®
1& & 0.
fori'iMi-Nomlnal : lake , flOSO.
l.l.AD-QnIet ; iloiiiPKllc. J1 ' 2'i.
Tlv-CIiHcil slroiiK ; Hlrnlls , $1905 bid ,
$10 10 asked ! plalcsstoadv.
bl'M.TCU Domi'sllc , ? 4 Ofi ,
Omalm I'ro.liicn Markot.
llitTTFii The feelliiK on the market dee * not
appear to bo quite as strong as It was on pack-
In slock or rather Iho pickers do not appcir
to bo qulto so anxious as they were a d y or
two ago for butter of that , grade. The re
ceipts , however , ate light and there U a
dotimml for all that Is coining to
this market. Kiincy creamery , print ,
21o : fancy croamerlos , solid packed ,
1'Jc ; fair to Kood creamorlus , solid picked , 10
( SlHoi cholco to fancy count iy , IBjllOc : fair
to ( food cimntiy , 1&L1 : ptcUliiK stock , fresh , He.
IKH ( The local demand Is llKht and e tgs do
not move elf freely , even when olTei IM | av less
than the market. 'J'ho proporltonof poor CBKS
comliiK to miirkot Is very large : In fact , 1111-
usn illy laiKO , oven for this season of the year.
' 1 lie few selects that are candled out meet
vvllh fair dale , but the hec'oiuls aio hard to
dispose of at any price. The Intlor are olTercd
as low as He. Thu general market on good
0K > < Is 1HC. {
Mvi : I'OUI.TIIV The market was not much
changed and pi Ices lonmln as quoted during
the p ist day or two Hiiilni ; chickens , pur
doz , JJ.OUtfl 00 ; best lions , per Ih , 7
© 8c : mixed coops , per 11) ) , Oci old roosters ,
per Ib , 4U6C ; tin keys , per Ib , 8cj ducks , per
Ib , 7fflHc.
I'oiAiors1'ot itoos nro becoming moro
plenty again and are not selling qulto ns high
as they weie. Local growers have hold on I ho
hi i eel as low us fiom OOc lo bOc per bushel ,
but choice stock Is being shipped out at from
90cJtolper bushel. Theio is some Iniiulry
from local giowcrs In Iowa vvno will soon have
pol noes to ship to m irkot.
1'dM UOMThere Is a weaker feeling on the
in uket , owlb to tin ) 1 iigfrsupply , botithorn ,
pel 1-baskot ciate , $1 OU1 70 ,
Hi mm fi-Pho receipts of 111 ickberrles were
llio I ugcstof Iho season thus fur and Mime
stock went to the peddlers late In the day at a
veiy low figure. The supply of oilier
kinds of benles was not large. Hlnck-
borrlcs , per 24-qt enso.32r > ; lllnck rasp
berries , per 24-qt. case , JS 00 i3.20 ; Iiueklu-
borrlos , $3 00
bM\i.i , I'm iT4 Quotations remain about
steady. Apricots , pet 4-b iskot orate , $1.20 ;
plums , wild goose and Chlckannw , per 24-
it. | crate , J2 00 ; California peaches , $1.10 ®
Mi i oss There ire not so many melons on
the market ns tin ro we're a fen days ago and
price's an * Himer. It would look as If now was
the tlmo foi the giowcru havlne mulnns that
they could not sell a fo\v days ago to
got them Into m iruet. Watermelons , pur
ciatoof one doz , $ J 00 ; loose , pur 100 , $1H 00&
20 00
Ci M UY mall shlpmenls are coming : from
both Michigan and Missouri. Celery , pur do7 ,
Ai'i'i vs There Is no Importint change In
the market. Anples , pei > j bu box , 70c4ii.OO.
OIUNOFS Klversldo Modlteiranean sweets ,
3 Mit.l ) 70 ; brlghts.sJ 703 00.
Li MONS Messlnas , extra fancy , $ G OOJJG 00 ;
li sslnas. pei box , cholco to fancy. } 5 OOiJO 00
11 \NAS-lVr bunch , largo , ( 2 JOS2.70 ; per
lunch , biiiall to medium , i2 00120 ?
linn , TAMXIVV. , i.rc.
Hini.s No 1 gicen hides , 3c ; No 2 green
ildcb , 2c : No 1 giccn s iltod hides , J'tc ; No. 2 silted hides , 2'5c ; No 1 irreen salli d
ildes , 20 Ibs to 10 Ibs , 3'ie ; No 2 greens iltcd
ililes , 20 Ibs to 40 Ibs , 2 > , c : No 1 veal calf ,
i Ibs to 10 Ibs , be ; No 2 ve il calf , 8 Ibs to
.01lN,4e ; Nrl dry Hint hides , 7c ; No 2 dry
lint hides. Oc : No. 1 dry salted hide's , Oc
ait cuied hides 'ic per Ib. lees than ully
* hiiubiPMTS Oreon salted , each 30cSM.25 ;
green silted sin ? irllng * ( short woolcd early
skins ) , each 10B20c ; diy bhoaillnzs ( shoil
woolod e irly skins ) , No 1 , each OSlOe : dry
Hhearllngs ( short woolod early skins ) . No-2 ,
neli Oc ; diy Hint , Ivans is and Nebraska
mtohor wool polls , pur Ib , actual weight , 103
lie ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska Murrain
wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 7QilOc : dry
Hint Colorado butcher wool polls , par II ) ,
actual weight , OillOc : dry Hint ColoridoMur-
1 tin wool pelts , pi i Ib , actual weight , 7 < S9o ;
ill y pieces and bucks , actual weight , 07c.
TAI.I.OW AMI'ASk fallow , No 1 , 4Ji ©
1'So ; tillnn. No 2 , 3Vlc ; grease , white A ,
41s0e ; gre ise , vvhllu 11 , 4c ; grease , yellow ,
3ic ; gruaso , dark , 3c ; old butter , 'Jffl.J'io ' ;
beeswax , prlmo , IbU'-Oc ; rotuh t illow , W
" ic.
IIONi's Cir lots wolghe'd and dellveiod In
Chicago : Dry biillnlo. per ton , JIGOOaiSOO ;
dry country , bli'uehoii , par Ion , 10 OOtilSOU ;
dry countiy , damp and meaty , id UJtOlu 00.
St. I.IIUM AlurkutH.
ST. Loui1 ? , July 18 rr.oun Dull , weak.
\ \ HErA Closed 1 42,20 be'lovv yesterday's
ji'slcrdav's cash , nnd July So ; August , 70'jC
COIIN Cloie'd l't < 3\c nndcT yoslerd iy ; cash
3G'ic ; July and August , . .I7ceulemboi ; , 37 c
OAIS Loner ; c ish , 20c ; July , J ' < c&optum- ;
bor , 22'8c
Hfrr 11 fo at 40i Jc.
lltrrri H-lInclmnired ; creamery , lG19c ;
dairy , IJSil- .
KIIIIH Dull ; 9o for fresh.
1'oilK Lonoi , J10.70
LvilD i'J.
Ui CKirTS-rioui 2,000 Racks : wheat , 93 , .
000 bu. ; corn H7.000 bu ; oats , 13,000 bu.
Mlii-MiNTf rioui.O.OOOsucks : wheat , 1,000
bu. ; corn , 02,000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bit.
ICituoim Ulty M irknti.
KANSAS CITY , July 18. WIIKAT Was li
2c lowci today ; No. 2 hard closed nt 02 <
OJc ; No. 2 rod , 04'Zs04'fo. '
Conv hnmnvvliiituiisuttlcil , ' ® lc lower ; No.
2 mixed , 3233c : No 2 white , .I.l'a34c '
OATS Nodomund ; No. Umlxocl , 2Jc ; No. 2
white , 2Go.
H if f ! ire , ( Inn ; croiimory , 1020o.
Kilos Yey | dull and wuak ; btrlclly fresh
candlud , ( J'tc' .
HiiCKMTh Wheat , 0,200bii.corn ; , 11,100 bu. ;
oats , 1)00 ) bu.
bmrJii.sTH Wheat. 38,200 bu. ; corn , 9,100
bu. ; outs , none.
Oil Mnrttnu. ,
Cir , PITY , July IB Nutlonil Transit oor-
llllcates onuned nl 07'J ; highest , & 7'i ; lowest ,
00 , closed at 01 ! bales , lb.000 bbls ;
nleiranccs , 31,000 bbls. ; shipments , 131.B44
bbls ; l iins , 99.090 bbls.
PiriHiiuiui , July 18. National Transltcor-
tlllc'utes opened at 07i { ; closed at fiV , ;
hlglii-st.07' < : lowest , 60'4 ; bales , 10,000 bbls.
LONDON , July Ib. LISSEI On , 21s per
cwi.Tuui'KNTiNn Si'iiiiT 21s 4'jd per cwt.
I.lvjrpaol M trKota.
Livmil'OOU July -WIIUAT nisy ; holders
ollor freuly ; No. 1 California , Os lO'JdQ-Os ' " , d
per I'onfil : roil viostern , spring , 6s 10' ' ( < K $
Os ll'id. No. 2 red , wlntur. fcs O'd ' < ao 10 t | ;
receipts dining past throw da > H wore 220,000
centals , incliiillm ; 200,00(1 ( Anuirlciin.
COIIN-btuady , demand Him ; inKc'd wi'slcrn ,
4s 4d put cwt ; receipt ) , ot ni'Htoin corn ( lining
pist ihruHiluys , 1,00(1 ( cenlals.
1VAS Canadian , Os Oil porci'iilal.
LAIID I'rlmo western , 48s Hd pur cwt.
Cotton .Miirknt ,
Nuw OIII.FANS , July 18 rirm ; good mld-
dllir. , HUe ! ! ; low middling , 7",0 ; good oidl-
n irj , 7 7-lbc ; nu ( ncolpls , lOObalos ; gioss 10-
rulpts , 7l > 0 lulls ; export to Urenl llrllaln ,
: i,30U b ilos ; sales , l.OoO bales ; stock , 84,708
1'iituros Bto.ulj ! sales. 19700 bales ; July ,
$7 bJ bid ; Anvils ! , $7 07it,7.0U ( ; M'ptombur
* 7 4f47 Oti ; DolobOr. $7 77 , Novomher. $7.80
6C7871 Dei'C'mboi. * 7.90 ; January , $8 10&H.11 ;
lobiuaiy , $8 IH'JB'JO.
JSovv Vork Dry ( liiinU Miirknt.
NKW YOIIK. July 18Tho demand for dry
eoodb Issomowhat holler Hi in a uo.'k ago , hut
Is still veiy consurvnllvi' , Tlio resumption of
tliu llunr grades of brown and hluaclied goods
and slrlclly wlnlor fabilos aiolnsti'iidy movi > -
nifiit on oiclerK. lluslnesti Is easier Prints
aio cjulet nnd print cloths are almost 11:1 : low
us over. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Colfon Mnrkot.
Nnvy YOIIK , July 18. Options opened Inroly
stfiidy Ifi lo 2(1 ( imlnls lower ; closed barely
hlo.idy 10 iiolnts down ; unles , 14,700 bags ,
InclililliiK. Julv. 810.20 ; August , fit ! 'Joaifl 20 ;
U10.UO ; liiicoinhor. * rB.O& < i 10,70. r5pot Hlo
dull , uuaily ; No. 7. $17.20.
riiibidrlpb n l.niln .Mnrkut.
I'nii.-Mii i.riiiA , , July 18. \\IIBT \ Weak ,
nominal ; No. U ioil , Jul .
Neak and lower ; No. i ! mlxod , July ,
2 white , July ,
Ilnltlmnre ( iriilii .Vlurket.
lUi.TlMOiu : . July 18. WIIKAT Weakj No. 2
ted , upot and July , G7liC.
CDIIN Qulot ; mixed , spot and July , 47 > { c.
tTS bioady and llrm ; No.2 vrhtto wcitern ,
IV'ciol Miirltet.
HOSTO.N. July 18. Iho demand for vtool has
boon modomto and ulenhiivo bien mostly In
mnall lots ; prices nro light but about steady.
Finn dulaluo iukctloiUMoll ut 2t > c for Ohio uud
25c for Mlrblzftn. In nnwRshnd comhlnn wool
thorn havir In'on sales of ono-quartor and
Ihrco-olghlhs blood ( it 21tti3ci TorMtory ,
Toms nnd Cillfornlrx snllson n scoured basis
of 43tt40c for fine and flno medium nnd 40c for
medium. I'ullcd wools quiet nnd sto idy.
Minneapolis \Vbrivt.
MINNBAPOMS , July 18. WIIBAT Wai xory
wenk , cash Hrm , close : May , 70' C ! July , 08Sc ;
Altgu't , OOSC ! fuptombor , G2'ic ' ( : December ,
G8 , c ! on trick , No 1 Imril , ; No. 1 north-
urn , 01 ; No. 3 northern , Oeut.VJo.
Clncliumtl .MnrkntB.
CINCISNATJ , July 18. WIIKAT Wcik ! No. 2
red , COc.
t OIIN Kisy ; No. a mixed , 42c.
OATS Pastor ; No 2 mixed , 33
, $1.12.
Toledo drain Mnrkot.
TOLEDO. July 18. WHE vr Acllvo , steaillorj
No 2 cash , GJ C.
UditN Dull.siendy ; No 2casb,41c. ! }
cash , 31'ic. v
Spponlatlnn on Sncnrltlei WAR Ohirnctor-
Ited liy ( Ircnt Ic'pro l ( > n Yesterday ,
r NEW YOIIK , July 18. Spoculnllon nt the
Stock exchange was char ictnrlrcil by great de
pression A sh irp decline In American secur
ities at London , coupleil vv Ith nuinorous llnan-
clal embirnusmonts , started liquidations
hero on an oxtonslv o scale , and prices declined
rapidly. Urged on by Iholr success , the boars
circulated stories affecllng Iho credit of some
of the most prominent houses In London , Ber
lin ami Anis-tenUm. On Hits side the lendlnif
fealuro was Iho Increasing anxiety ever the
pinlc In Denver , where a great run was made
on the binks. The bears sold everything before -
fore them , and a very uneasy fooling pti'valled
In slock circles , although It Is to bo
said tint the locil money market remained
eisy and despllo Iho gro it shrinkage In values
noi a single failure occurred at Iho block ex
change The decline w ns icimvl lo 1 and 9
poll Is fomuirod with Iho final miolallons of
yeslcrday and lowaids Iho close slocks were
sold almost r ; g irdloss ot prlco National
Slarch second preferiod foil oil 9 nor cent ;
Ame-rlcan Cotlon Oil preferred , 7 per cent ;
Manhatlan , Gporcont ; St. 1'iull , fi'4 per cent :
Loulsv Ille & Nnshv lllo. O'D per cent ; American
Sug ir , 4y put cent ; llurllngton , 4' } per cent ;
National Leul,4'i percent ; Nuw York Cent
ra I.4H percent ; L'ickawanna,3 > ipercuntnn d
Missouri 1'iicllic 3pjrcont. . During the last
half hour of business there was an outpouring
of long stock on n vague rumor tbAt a down
town d ink h id called upon tliu clearing house
for assistance , hut upon Investigation It was
found theio was absolutely no truth In the
story. A few stocks l allied i { to ? i per cent In
the Mini trunsaotlons but speculation left oil
heavy In lone. *
The Post says : London w is responsible for
the oxtiemo domnrnllr itlon In ted ly's stock
in irke-t prices. 1 he London market began In
a condition of great weakness and sales for
tint account were piessed on New York from
Hu ope'iilng. Under this pressure stocks with
an Inlet n itional m irkot docllned i.inldly and
beats proliti'd. How great a windfall this
week's Lomli tionblos his been to loc il
operators may bo judircd by the money situ i-
tfoii s very roil and visible Improvement In
the face of today's stock markoU
Tliero Is among bank olllcers a more general
feollmi of cheerfulness today than at any
tlmo since the acnto stringency bogan. It
Is Is not , Indued , because of Iho heavy
ri'turns of currency , but because the
dem ind for furtliei Interior "redis
counts has fallen so fir below recent
expectations. The ease In call money rates Is
slowly alloctlng the market for lommerclal
ll > coiints and but for tint London trouble
vonld doubtless have helped Stock exchange
irlces. It Is In fact ftom this source , com
lined with covering of shorts , that an 1m-
novomentln the m irkot just subsequently
came. It cuitnlnly will not cotno from undei-
akings Ilko that of the "bull pool" oignnlml
ist wi ok , which sold nun h of its stock nt the
lot very reiminoratlvo prlcesof led iv As for
ho sterling market , todav's advance will
lonbtloss check tomporailly the oastwnrd
Ion of gold. Hut present r itus ulTord a ti-mpt-
ngchanco foi forulng bujois of Julygriln
mil cotton options to consummate tholr bar-
Tlio following ire the closing quot itlons on
o h ailing stocks on the NOH York faloe'k e\-
ango toda ) :
Mclilson Nortlirrn Pic pfil.
Ad mm Kxprc'ss . . . I4r , U. P.I ) A. a
Alton Tc-rroll into. 'JO Northwestern
dopretd 115 do profd ,
Ann rlcm KXPIXHU 111' ) N. Y. Ccntril in
Illltiniore.VUIilo. . N Y.AN K
Ciiiidlin Picldc. . . Ontirlo A. Western
Cinicl l Sotitlii-rii. . 4c' [ 'Kon Imp in
( Vntril IMclllc. . . . Iti IKOII Nav . . . . no
Clicu A. Olilo 14 O fa J , A.U. N. . . . ii'f '
Chlciiro.V Alton. . . H- P iclllc Mill
C. II * , Q H7(1 ( PeorliDec .V.E. . . .
Clllfinfl G is 14ri
Conxaltilatecl GIH. . I'nlliuin Palico. . . IIH
C. C C. ASt L
roliou Oil Cc-rt Richmond Tcr
Del A llmlHOn . . . iT do prof il . . . . . .
Del I. ick .V West. lllo drmdu W n . . 15
1) AH O p.of d. . . do tiret d 51
Din .tC P Co. . . . Rock IH ! mil
KiHtTcnu St Pml
Krlo 11H do pruf il lO'l
ilopri'fd 27 St Paul & Oiiili l .
Fort Wijno lit clopiufd 10'
Ore it North'n i > f d llll Southern Pacific. . .
C A i : 1 pfcl . . . . 1)1 bnirir Kcfliierv . .
HcicUlui ; V.illev. . . Turn Coil it Iron.
llllnolB Ccntril . . . 8(1 ( Toxis P iclllc
St I'uilA.Diiliitb Tel .V. O C pfd . .
K.m A. TC-X.IH pfd Union Picltlc . . . .
Like KrlcA.\V . . . U. S Express
Llku Erlo & W pfcl Vf SLA , P
r.aku Shore dopnifd
Lewl Tnibt \\'ellti r.u 'o llxp 110
LoulHvlllc A. NlHh. VVcHtcrn Union 7BW
LuulHvllluA.N A . sr Wlici'llni ; A L K . .
Miuih-Ut.ui con . ( lo pref d
MciiiphlH A Ch is . 10 IM .VSt I.
Mlcliltraii Cuntril. 8' ) ID .111 O
MlHSOiirl Piclllc SriW ! Ociicril Klcctrlc . .
Mobile , t Ohio 15 Nairn il Unseed. .
NllHllVlllO C'llltt . . 7rt Cole T A I
Niitlon il Cordage . inii ciupic-ni. .
( lo pruf d .14 T , A A AN M .
N J. Ci-nlril If H.V.TC
No. A vy prcf d . 1HK T hi L t K C
North Amer Co. , , . l4 ! do prufcl 20
Northern Piclnc . 7m
The total s iles of stocks tcdny were .ItiO. 100
sh ill's , Including : Alehlson.U.UOUK'hlmigo ( Jus ,
2.1,0i'hes ( ( ) ; ( ipi > ikoAUhlo J.3ULnckawann ( ) i ,
3200 ; Distilling , 7,100 ; l > le. 9.000 : (
r.lei trie. 14,700 ; Lake Shore. 0,000 ; Loulsv Hlo
A. Nashville. 1 l.HOO ; Manhattan , O.bUO ; MIs-
sonil r.iclllc , 0,000 ; National Lo id , 3,400 ;
New York Central , 8'JOO ; Noi tbwost'jrn , 11.-
HOO ; Norlhe-n I'nclllo proforieil. 4,000 ; Uead-
111. . 12.000 , Itoc-k Island , O.HOO ; St. Paul ,
3,000 ; hugir , 7,000 ; Western Union , 21,000.
b iles of silver certlllcateb , 30,000 ounces.
Now York Money .Mnrkot.
NKW YOIIK , July 18 MONEY ON UAi.rKisy
at 6510 pjr rent ; last loan , 0 per cent ; closed
oHYri d at 0 pui cent.
I'IUMK Mriu'ANni.ul'Ai'En83J12
-83J12 per cent.
bTi.iii.isu KxciiAvdE btroiiK. with aclntil
hnslnohs In biiiiUcH- , ' bills at $4 H3B4.HJ' { for
sixty die > > and f4 80 for doimind.
bii.vpii We ike'i : cot ilflcntus hold at 72c and
closed at 72c bid. 72'4c asked
Oov'Kii-iJUNT HONDS btuady. Stile bonds
Plio closlm : quotutloiis on bonds :
lloiton Hticrk Unotntliinii ,
HOSTON , July 18 Call loans , G9 per cent ;
tlmo loans , u per cunt and commission , Uolnt |
iiiotatloiiii | on slocks , bomU and mining shares ;
1o < lnu niiolMlnn-Aflf mining stocks today
were as follows ! ,
J'lllfiirJil Notn.
lUt.TlMonR. July lff.-01o rlnjs | , J2.282.104 !
balances. J273,7UO , , ,
l'Aiti.July 18. Three per cent rentes , 07f
2'Je ' for tliu nccoitnt. ,
NKW YOIIK. July -Clearings , M03.848 , .
OD4J tmlaiicos , $4.478,412.
I'lltl.AliBM'iiiA , July"18.-(1loarltifts , 112.059.-
3B9 ; hnl-incoo , J2,24tj87. Money , 0 per cunt ,
LONDON , July is. 'Amount of bullion anne
Tito tlio ll.iiik of Knzland on balances today ,
1 0,000.
Ml VIIMIH. July 18. Now York oxcbnngo soli
ng at tl 00 tin-mlum. Clearings. HG2,108i
) itnncos , } 42,270.
Ni.w OIUKAN . July 18. Clearings $1,700.-
238. Now York o\ch ingo , commercial , $1 tils-
omit ; bunk , par.
CISCI.NVATI , , Tuly 18. Now York exchange ,
mr to OOc illscount. Money , bS8 per cent.
Clearings , $ lOoU,000.
KANSAS OITV , July 18. Clearings , $717,295 |
It-crease of Gl.O per cent compared with tliu
corresponding day last your.
HOST-ON , July -Clearings , $10,007,088 ;
laloncos. $1,618,805 Monuy , 73 lOuurcont.
. .xclmngo on Now York , 35c to 40c illscount.
ST. Lotus , July -Clearings , $3,012,041 ;
mlancos , $198.280 Money unchanged atoae
lurcent. Kxch ingo on Now York , * 2 dlHCount.
Cllicvilo , July -Clearings , $14,021,571.
New York oxclungo , $1 00 discount. Sterling
xclnngi ! ( illicit nctml business at $4'82iJ ©
4.84K. Money strong at 7 JIT cunt.
Nn\v YOIIK. July lB.--tHt > uclnl Telegram to
JIIB HH-.l Lxelmngo was quoted as follows
odny : Chicago , } 1 BO discount ! Huston , 30 ®
40c discount ; bt. Louis , $2 discount.
nttlo In I.lclitur Suppl ) , but Still Io-
luorullrcd Hoc * fecurcn mill Illghnr.
TUISDAV , July 18.
Compared with a week ago receipts today
show a bin fulling Orr. Tor tlio past two ilajs ,
compared with supplies for Monday and
L'uusduy of last week , tlio decrease amounts to
J.OOO cattle. 6,000 bogs and 2,000 sheep.
Tliero were hardly half as many cattle re
ceived as wore hero a week ago , but In tlio
iresont domornll/ed condition of tlio tr.ido
ho limited offerings constituted an ele-
t.intmilUcloncy. Tor doslr.iblo dry lot beo\es
hero was a inoderiluiluiiinml and prices i uled
ibout steady at the recent doollnu , that Is ,
iboul fl lower than tun da.vs IIKO. but tlio
same old story of abnso anil neglect came from
ho holdois of half fat and grassy Mock. Good
1.100 to 1,300-lb sleets void at from J3.7IJ to
4,10 , with the common to fair stuff at from
sJ.2.itof. ( 00 Ollorlngs include a good many
ango cattle , but they weio mostly on
ho feeder order and brought me in
.toiler . prices. Theio was some slight
how of llfo to the tiado , but
: lie market was weak and any Improvement In
; ho tone- was wholly duo to tlm very light sup-
; ily. It will tiiku several daysof llKht reoolpts
, o restoio anything like norm il condition' ,
I heio was llttloch mgo In the cow market.
If anything. prices ruled a trlllo lijtu-r on ac-
L-oiinl ot the limited ollorlngs. Tlio big bulk
if the ti.ulliiK VV.IH at from $1.70
i JJ.75. Poor to very ( roodeal
oahes sold at from $1.70 to $4 00 or .it
somewhat shaded prices. liough stock around
' 1.20 to $2 30 was about as low as It has been
Ihls joar.
In Illu feeder triido there \\oro no new dovul-
ipiiionts. Tliovtrj-lmv prices aio attracting
i few buvers , but the supply Is still coiihlder-
ibly In \ciss of tlmilL'iniind. 1'ortr to choice
.took sold today at frVJni $2,10 to i2.90 with tlio
inlkof the tradlnV' tiround $220 to $2.70.
llopresont itlvo s iles:1 :
No Av. I'r No. Av. IV.
3 . . . GOc ) $2 00 20 . . 1140 $3 90
21 . . .1018 3 25 119 . . . .1197 00
0(19 ( 3 2Ii 3 . . . 137G 00
J > Cf H ,1000 3 40 20 . . .1112 4 10
JO . . . 780 3 30 13 . . .1107 4 10
> i . 917 8 00 ' 38 . . ,1202 4 20
? $ - .1140 3 73 47 . . .1274 4 20
: : .1212 3 7C , IB . . .1247 4 30
001 3 80
23 . 1293.4 25
4. . . . . 93r. 1 20 * 24 . . . . 939 2 00
7 . . 778 1 35. , 1. . . . . 030 2 00
9 . . . . 928 1 40 1 . . . .1000 2 00
or. ' ' " . . 840 1 00' 7. , . . . . 001 2 00
r. . . . 840. 1 CO' .1040 i ! 10
1 . . 1070 1 GO ' ' ' ' .1110 2 20
30. . . . . 774 1 70 1' . . . .1100 2 00
1 . . . 9'JO ' 1 70 00 . . . .1020 2 00
1 . . . . 950 1 70 23 . . . .11 ( > 7 2 70
24 . . . . 088 1 UO 4 . . . . 877 2 80
8 . . . . .1080 1 00 o .1010 3 00
3. . . . . 840 1 UO . 77J 3 00
2 . . . . , . 410 1 20 8 , . . 030 2 10
10 . . 441 1 40
1o 300 1 70 2. ICO 4 20
o " ' ' ' 330 2 00 2. 220 4 20
2" . . . 80 3 00 1. 220 4 20
G . . . . 100 U 20 1. 130 4 Otf
1 020 1 20 1 1000 1 80
1 . . . DUO 1 20 3 1300 1 UO
1 .IBM 1 00 1 1470 2 .10
1 1370 1 70
1 . . . . 900 1 00 G 89(5 ( 2 DO
2. . . 400 10022 . . . . 783 240
1 . . . 020 200 1 1120 200
03. . . . 700 210 1 . . . . 950 200
11 . . . 707 2 1(1 ( 27 . . . H77 2 &i\ \ ' .
10 892 220 40 . . . 937 270
20 OHl 220 1 . . . Oil ) 'J 70
1 . . . 000 223 19 . . . . 705 2 HO
2 . . . . 7HO 220 19 . . . . 84H 280
2 bOO 2 30 20 . . . . 770 2 90
No. Av. I'r No. Av. Pr.
10 feeders 1037 $2 Or 30 feedors.1022 $2 00
10 fei'ders. 788 2 40 34 fcudurs. 7JJ 2 40
M. E Nelles.
20 feeders 1013 2 00
John Wolili.
7cows. 070 1 70 13 feeders. 992 2 00
41 cows 932 200 1 cow 900 2 00
Icovv . . . 98O 225 Icow . 800 2 20
1 cow . . . .1000 220 23 heifer101.1 2 00
1 fcudoi 1070 2 GO 1 feeder..lO 0 2 GO
llix.H 1 ho market was a very peculiar one
agreeably perullai to tlio selling Interests
Hecelpts were exceptionally light for a Tues
day , falling aw , lyunderdealerw' estimate- , and
footing up hcarcoly a third as many as were
hero last Tuesday. There were urgent buying
onliTs lieio , both from local and oiiuldu
houses , and as the olTorlngH vvoru small the
market opened acllvo , fully lOc hlghei , and
the pens were clean d In a jlllj. Common
mlxidto choice ! butcher IKVS bold at from
to dO tn JO 70 , with tlm bulk of the fall to good
IIO.-K of all weights at 0 00 , against to 00 .Mon
day and ifi.OO to * G last Tui'Mlay. After
urgent orilurs had buen filled the market
simply collapsed , with a few lo KU In first
hands on which hujers could not got Mon
day's prices. Heprebentiillvu SII.IB | :
fallUH' There worn no fresh reculpta o
blierp , The markqt ( ( decidedly weak In bym-
pulhy with other markets and prices are dovri
to the lowest point lit the your , i'alr to gooi
imtlvt'k , < 126404.20 ; fair lo good wosUinih
13 00 4 00 ; common and stock ahexp , * J 00&
3 00 ; good lo choice 40 to 100-lb. lumbs , 14 00
& 00 ?
ITO ( titock Market.
CinriAUO , July 18. [ Special Toleitriun toTiic
llEi-.l IUHS thfin ? ,000 natlvo cattle nrrhtc
todayand jot of such u robliictod charatlor
was tliu demand that sellers were tiimhlu to
miiko u clvarunco itxcujit nt a further ic-
rlllco of prices. Uood lo cholvo heavy
hooves went chuapor tlmn at any previous
tlmo blnco prices bi'ttan lo tumble , niul other
Krudi'sot nutlvocattlK woroncKlictcd at Mon
day's iiuolatlons. The hulk of the hales o
ktcursvturo at from f3 00 lo H.40 und fron
(1.70 In (2.70 bought most of Iho cows am
bulls There were about 4.0OO Texas catlli
received and Ihey wt-ro In fair demand at
Monday's ikclltio , but not all found buyers
bomo imthis also went over unsold uncl tlio
general market did not potscbs aiolltury un-
couratlnK feature at the close.
'Ihoru was no ijuotublo chanKO today li
prices of hogs. The small receipts , ostlmalui
nt 11,000 laud , warranted oalemaen In holdlnt ,
ut hUhcr llgures thuu were uuid ou Monday ,
nit with th6 two principal ornlorn bnyorn out
of tlio Held , compc3tltlon wni ( oo woik to Im >
) arl Incromcd Rtrcnijth to the markot. rrlocs
TOM Mistalnod and tint vrai all , nalp makliiK
in n hnnlsoftG for tliu host heavy and medium
folitliu nnd from IG.10 tofO.lD for aborted
ljht. ( Hut whllocholco erndp-i could lw sold
xt these tlRiires ihoro wn < but lllllo tridliiK In
ho former cla s at over 10 00 and
ho prevailing prices for light were from fO.OO
o tii.OS , The nuallty did not average ai Rood
\t for < > onio day * past. There was a larger
pniporllini of light welRhti nnd Rrassors
In Micoti there was a sllnht chntiRo lod'iy
n scllor * ' favor. I'oor Micop could not
10 sold at any advance , but holder *
if Rood to cholco millions rloooil
itlt at from We to K > c advnnco. Tlioi'linneo
nis a result of decreased receipts nnd the
irospoctof moderate arrivals for the remain-
tcrof the vvi-fk. There wan a still moro r.ull-
nl cliango In the lamb imrket They sold
rom lOc to UOc hlchcr than jeslerilny , nnd
Tcro wanted at the hlKher prices. SMli-s were
> n a liisls of from J3.70 tofl.H.'cfor Koodrholco
mllvo and from (1.30 to JI.35 for Texas
beep. Limbs were quoted at from J3.20 to
d , according lo iii illty. M'uiv common sheep
Btllllloln Iho pens.
Hecelpls : Lnttlo. 0,000 ; calves , 1,000 ; hogs ,
11,000 ; sheen ,
The Kv onln # Journal reports !
CUTTI.K Uocclpts , 0.000 head : shipments
2,100 head ; imrket ilcmorallred , supply c\-
leSslve , the prices lowest of the yuan prlmo
leoves , 4 70S4.80 ; cholco. $1 00 4 00 ; Rood ,
4 00514,30 ; others , J3.00y.TJO ; stockurt ,
1.7tyit7uiTitiuis ) , $2 loa270 ; rows , } J.70a
llopa-Uecolpls , 11,000 hevl ; shlpmenls ,
J.OOOliond ; markel opened strong , clothiR loc
ewer tin heavy ; ml\ed and packers , JO ( > OjJ
° ! -prlmo heavy and butcliors' welRhls.
' 0 HOOb 00 ; llKht mUed , JO OO30 00 ; sorted
iRhts , $00030.20.
fcliKLi'-liccolpts , 7,000 head ; shlpincnls ,
1 , 370 head ; lop grades strong : others steady ;
iiitlves , J3.70.iD4.70 : westerns , jl onl4. 10 ;
Texiins , $1 30IJ > .J.OO ; feeders
ambs , *
Hecnlpls and Dupniitlo i of Stoc.k.
Ofllelal rocolptsnnil dUpniltlon otsto'lrns
shown bjr the books of the Union Stock Vards
comi any for the twenty-four hourj ondltis at
0 o'clock p. m July 18 , 1803 :
HIIEKI' iiousrs.v > iis
Itend Cirs He-id Ciri llunl Cars Held
1.171 - BB 3 5111 1(57 (
linnln Pn . . . 1,1811
Tlm ( ! H Hunmond Co .114 74S
Swift \ co SB I 2HI !
Thu Cud ihy P icklnc Co .tos 01
" ' ' ' " ' 4J
it\v.s us
Hammond A S 111
" r .VP Co .US
II Wilson
Shlpiitm nni fu dern
Totil .V.'dl
Kan nn C'ltj l.lto MOUK Mnrlint.
KASOAS CIT\ , , July 18 CATTM : llccolpts ,
J.filliJ : shtpmunts , 2.000 head ; m u ket
lull , 020o lower ; Tot is steers , * J.2ra (
O4.10 ; Texas cows , S170U2-10 : shipping
stcoic , , J4.20U0.10 ; natlvo cows , Jl 00 ,1 00 ;
butchers' stock. iJ'JOI64 30 ; stocki'is .mil
foedurs $ J 10it3 bO ; bulls and inKed , $ J.OOcJ
Iloim Kecclpts 8,100 hoid : > .lilpmeiils , ; mnrUt't demor ill/eil , 102 lOc lower ;
hulk of sales. JO 30 040 ; lie.ivles , JO 20JJ" ) 10 ,
packer , $ 'i 3040.00 ; pln > , JO 00.
biicui' Kocolutb , l.OOO ho.ul ; shipments ,
1,100 head ; market slow andlowei ; mutton' . ,
Sr. 1. nls I.lvu Stock Market.
ST. LoiTtq , July 18 CAm.u HecellilH. 7,000
licnd ; shlpmLtils , 1,100 head : mm kot KiaiOr
lower ; filr to Rood nitlvos , 510lliil30 ; good
Texas hteors , J3 OO ; cowi2 OOS2.70.
lloos Uicelpls , 1100 held ; shlpmenls ,
2,100 bond ; market 102.20C lower ; loppiiccs ,
} 0 00 , vv III ) bulk of s iles at } 0 0
tiirii1 lletolpts , 30IH1 head ; shipments , ; m u kot dull and uncli.in0'efl.
Kejiccrls Not So rnvornblit ns List \\ei > k by
Ituisiins of Hot \\liuln.
Tlio wceklj eropb ulletin of the Nebraska
weather service for tlio week ending Juij 18
has been issued by Dltector G U Hunt
from the Omaha station as follow s :
Reports for the week just closed are not
quite so favoiablo as those for the piccoaing
week. The hot , dri winds of the first half
of the period vroro injurious to all crops , but
for.tun.itdy were succeeded by icfiobhiiiff
showers before any lasting dixmngo in-
The growth of corn was interrupted and
oils caused to ripen too rapidly.otherwise it is
prohiblo that the general outlook is ns
favorable for good ciop jields in Nebraski
ns they Iia\e been dui ing the present season
Wheat harvesting is ptogressiug fluolv , nnd
in some sections the ciop hns all nccn savci\v \
Not enough has yet been threshed , however ,
to justify uny fair estimate ot what the jield
iv ill bo. Hailstorms inlliclul considerable !
damaga in localities in the extreme north
eastern portion ot the state bauuday inpht.
Cedar county appears to have suffered to the
gicatest extent.
Suutlioant .Suction.
Cass County Weather i.ivorablo for corn ;
lee hot for small grain , ripening too fist.
Clay County Wheat harvest about com
plete , about half a crop. Coin prospect
good , but damaged slightly by hot , dty
llutlur County Harvesting about com-
ploleu ; yield ivill vary from good to cry
Uooi in vaiiuus p.utsof the county.
rillmoro County High , hot winds on the
llth and l th injured corn and gardens.
Ilumilion County Hot aim dry ; need rain
badlv ; oat harvest in progress
JoJTivJcm County IVlaich corn beginning
to suffer fiom dry weather ; harvesting al
most done ; hay short.
Johnson County Corn generally looking
well. Oats will bo less than a half crop ;
need rain badly.
Lancaster County A good rain on the
Ifith , which bidly needed , as torn was
Nuckolls County The week has tried corn
scveicly , but the rain of the Kitti will help
it much.
Oleo County Hot wind 12th to Ifith very
trying to corn ; harvest in full force ; grain
ripened \ery rapidly , and fully two-thirds in
I'awuce Couutv. Hiirli hot winds 12th to
Ifith , breaking the corn stalks some , and
sunUmig the leaves , but followed by two
good lains.
Sauiulcrs County Coin laid by and glow
ing rapidly ; a good stand and looks excel
Sewnrd County Corn injured to some- ex
tent by dry , hot weather ; wheat all < ut.
Tli.ijor County Harvesting neatly fin
ished ; coin suffering badly fiom drouth ;
Rome pieces lolling ,
Vork County Hot winds hnvo damaged
coin somewhat and ) > otitocs ami pastuies
Nnrlliiiuot hiicllon.
Antelope County Temperature favorable
to all crops ; small grain shows a lack of rain
Col fax County All the i > o mid a majority
of the wheat has been cut and will bo about
a half uron ; bay crop good.
Cedar County Corn ( hie ; smill grain
ncarli ready to cut ; oo harvest begun , jicld
aM > rago.
Holt County Very hot ; good vveathor for
corn , which is in itxcoiloni condition ; i > o
nnd winter wheat being cut , and both it good
Sai py County Corn is looking well , but
the last fuvv days have scorched the top of
the lea VPS ; oats Indly il im icd by i list
Washington Countj Corn veiy good ;
small grain nearly an axoi.igo
\\ayno County Week very warm , with
good showers , Wheat and oils recoveilng
from drouth. Com in line condition ,
Citntral Soi lion ,
Buffalo County Corn in excellent condi
tion , hunt'sUup progiesslvo rapidly
Custer County Corn doing well , though
needing rain iu patches ; harvesting begun
nnd small grain hotter than expected.
D.iwson County Winter wheat and r.vo
mostly cut Corn dolug well except in small
places needs rain ,
Greely County Corn looking unusually
good , but some now needing ram Small
grain partly harvested but short crop
Merrick County Corn doing well , nearly
all laid by. Small grain below the averag * .
Wheeler County Very warm ami dry ;
corn has improved wonderfully , but small
grain has sutlered from drouth.
hmilliwait nectlon.
Franklin Couutv The intense heat has
curled corn , but rain the last of the vveoK
has placed it in good condition
Furnas Couutv Coin making good
growth generally but t > omo localities need
ruin ,
llurlan County Corn looks good ; very
little wheat cut ; chinch bugs took what
drouth did not dry up
Hitchcock County Drouth unbroKen ; all
crops much damaged
Kearney County Corn needt rain to keep
up lu present high condition ; hurveat of
winter whim ami Inrloy complete-j spring
wheat anil o.iU ripening rapidly ,
1'crklns County Hot ntul dry , nnd com
suffering bully.
lied Willow County Corn looks fair but
vv 111 not stand the ilry vve-Uhor much Ion nor
N'ortlivvmt Section.
Cherry County Com growing rapidly ind
looking well , sm til grain tie-oils rain.
Iveiit I'alia County Com looks line ; pota
toes good with few bugs ; small grain Injutcd
by dry hot weather.
I osan County Very warm , corn growing
finely , r o Harycst In progress , crop fair ;
ulic.ill.tto ntul light.
Hook County bnnll grain short but well
eared ; corn looks lino.
Seotts niuft Comity Small gialn well
headed out but short ( com Kite ; l otatoes
doing lino.
Unod Itcportu from Nenrlj All Vrctlom.
WASHINGTON- , July IS The weeWv crop
report ot the vv cither bureau stiles that the
vy.itni dry vvcather has been cspcclillv
fnvor.tblo for Inrvost work an ! ha.vltig ,
tt It loh Is well umlcr way as fir noi th r.s
southern Minnesota Inlcvr of the tcported
shortage- forage In Kurope , it is wet Ih v
.of special note lliat tlio hay crop is excellent
in almost all sections.
Some injury lias resulted to crops in Ken
lucky Tennessee and portions of Illinois ,
owing to the hot ury weather , ami rain Is
greatti needed east of tlio Mississippi , in
Texas nnd the upper Missouri valley.
There has been a general improvement In
crop conditions dm Ing the week Corn is
reported In excellent -condition In most ,
states The cotlon crop Is Itnprov inp , especially
pecially In South Carolina nnd Tex is , al
though the plant Is sintll.
Missouri Clilncb anil pot.ilo buss beoom
ing numerous ; liarvcslingboitiff rushed , gen
eral rain needed
Iowa Coin piospect never bettor ; oils
and spring wheat alTec-led b.v itist in ninny
localities ; bailey cutting commene'cil
North Dakota IXcmcd Improvement in
condition ot ciops is leportcil fiom all sec
South Dakota Uaiu would bo bonctlcltl.
03H1 doing llnoly , vvheit und oats heading
and tilling.
Nebraska Corn lias suffered sllghtlj fio'n
drouth , but continues in good condition ; luir-
vesttngand linj'ng IKIVO progressed lapldly.
Kansas Oat harvest ended ; 11 ix hirvest
begun ; com sllltintr scMier-ilU , but hot winds
throitonltig U in central counties
Wi oniing Crops have made but little nd-
Colorado Alfalfa vleld not so largo as at
first anticipated , wheat heidlng short :
potatoes look well , unit iterated crops ami
grass in bad condition
New Mexico The week bis been favor-
ablotoerops and eiltlo tangos ; all crops
show improvement.
Utah Ciops have made an unusiul
grow Hi ; gialn is beginning to turn and
li.uvet sulll soon begin.
I nun I be Sliito Hun 11114 nf Illinois.
Si'itivirii 111 18 The hullo-
Li ) , , Julj crop -
tin sajaTlio temperature the past vvook
was not mil Sunshine was above the
uveiago except in a few iiorthoin counties ,
Tlio rainfall was bu'ovv ' llio aveiage , mostl.v.
bully distributed local snovvcisfavorable for
harvesting and unfavoinblo for vcgolitioti ,
especi illy in the south and cast h ilf of
center Coin in the not th unit In the center
is genuiallj in line condition and glowing
well , but needing lain , in some
places tasseling and silkinp : out In the
south it Is somevvhat Injircil h > diotith , but
is making fair grow th and is genor.ill.v oie in
Chintli hugs liive appenod in some locali
ties Wheat h irvesting is neirlv completed
in the center and vvillprobalv he finished in
the noi th in a vv eok The jleld is light and
the cii.ilitnot | as good as expected 'I lucsh-
ing is piivu'ssiiii : in the south and west
The on haivesting is completed in the south
and ptogiossing rapidly in the noi th half.
If well llllcd theic will bo ptobiblv an avcr-
age i ield Considciable rust is IOPOI led in
the south. H ij ing is about completed in the
south and center and is beinc lapily i ushod
in the noi ih and cenlei. The crop is being
secured in line condition. 1'eaches and
apples aio still chopping from the tiees. Po
tatoes ate needing rain.
I'rospoctft tor lovr.i Gnrn.
DPS MoiM's , July 18 The crop bulletin
sajs : This has boon the wannest week of
the season , averaging two degrees alwo
normal. The rainfall is light except in
scattered localities , which rcpoit heavy
showers , accompanied by brisk to high
winds Coin made rapid progicss , and
thcio weio never blighter piospectH for a
huge ciop. Fall w heat and i.vo in shock or
stack is in pi line order. Ha.ving is progi ess-
ing , and the bulk of the crop has been put up
in generally good condition. Barley cutting
has begun , and in the south the oat harvest
will bo commenced this week. In many lo
calities oats nnd Hpiing wheat me somewhat
affected by i ust in consequence of the high
tumpcratuio and humidity.
Wo were the first manufacturers on this
Continent. Our latest Improvement surpasses
an j thing ever before produced. 15o , 25o , 35o.
pcrtln. UobiirotobavobKAUUUY'S. Asfc
for them spread on cotton cloth.
Prevention is belter tlmn euro , by biirnlnjr
these cimllcs bad smells In basements , closets ,
.to. are destroyed , nnd thus conta ionsdlse isea
nro kept aw ay ; also useful for expelling mos-
quitoB and Irritating Insects. Pileo.UOc. each.
To pnrlfy slck-roomi , apartments , etc. , use
vrhlch In burning , dNInlect and produce a
fragrance refreshing an I Invigorating. 0u. per
box of 13. Sole Manufacturers ,
Choiulsts. fNEW vnciir .
not strmitfo tlmt so inc. people do
wrong through l nornnco , others from
n fittluro to invosif jjitto us to the right or
wrong of u nriltor. Hut It U slmiic
Hint Individuals ntul firms , vvho nro fuT .
nvviuo of the rights of others , will por-N.
slsl In porpotrntiiy , ' fiumls upon tliom.
Htffh-tiincil , vvotltliv niamifroturitiK
flrins will olTor und hell to rotitil mcr <
cliants , articles vvhioh tliov knovy to ba
infrlntomonts on the rljrhls of proprie
tors , lUHllmltiitlonsof U Icnovyn < joods.
Wo want to sound n note of vyiirninir to
Ihu i otullurs to bovv.tro of such hnllii-
tlons ittul simulations of "C'AUi nit's Lii'-
n.i : Livr.U TIM. * . " Wlion they nro of-
foi\il lo you , rofii3o tlioin , you do not
\\i\nl to do wrong- , and you don't \vunl to
luy yourself lliiblo to a hiusutt. Don
I'Yiinklln s.tid "Honesty Is the host poll-
cv" ; it Is Justus true thitt "Honosty li
tliobost prltiulplo. "
Pic. r. I. , si : vti.iOoasuUlnt : Surso-i
Oradu.ito of Umh Molloil Uolloo ( t'l
sUl.l , v I KIN 1'iUIi ; i Per the troitmont o
WoouioCutnrrk , All DlnoiNOs of ths
Nose , Tliroiit. Olio it , Stomnou. rfovvalt
mill Livor.
Blooil. Skin * ml Kldiiov DUnaioi ,
Fnmiilo WdiiUnnKsoH CUCIED ,
1'lia.s Klil'l'l.\ h'lsstiUK , p.'rn m iitlv enrol ,
vv Itluml tlio use of Unite , llv iliu u ur e mslle
All in il nlleH of i iirlv Uo or ilullc Uo n ituro , ot
cltlierHex | nsltt\.h tun it
fall on in acidic 9 < with Blimp , for ClrculiM ,
1'ixo lloolt mil Hi
Dr. Searles & Seiries ,
Ko\.t. Uooi Lo l.Jintoltloo.
Any one whose Watcli lias a
bow ( ringwill ) nevei- have oc.
casion to use tliistime-honored
cry. It is the only bow that
cannot be twisted off ihe case ,
and is ft/und / only en Jas.
Boss Filled and other watch
cases stamped with
this trade mark.
Ask your jeweler fora pamphlet , or
send to the manufacturers.
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Ornahai
flcst Cattle Ho anil Stiuop m irlcot In tUo wait.
Wood Brothers.
I.lvo Stock Commlsilon Moro'iunts. '
? 0 ilh Omaha Telcphono 1157. CUIcaiJ
JOHN I ) I1ADHMAN , I . . , ,
, " " " " „ "
Market reports by mall and wlro Lhcorfullj
furnlshpil upon application.
p | M AH A
U fflanulaclnrc lobbeis Diiecloiv
Omaha Tent-Awning Well Bros & Co. ,
Manufacturer ! of Tenli
IIOI18R COVKHS. Awninm , i-ic , "OJ and
turimin btruet. 701S lOUi Wtrott
Berais Omaba Hag
Importer ! nnd inuniifno
turiri of flour i cki ,
tiuricii | , twluo
Mofsc-Coe Shoe Company.
Bftleiroom and onlco' " " " . " ' "
, | | | M
Moaufiiilureri of llooti i
We are tbo
our now factor/
Kirkendall , Jones & Amer , Hand-Sewed
mfri , agaoti llotlun BIIDKCO boon uliOBi
Hi bbor aiioo Co. IIU * nnd rubbnr iuol IM4
Mreet 1JIU llariiur U'ru ' '
110) 1100 Harper
oiiiaira"Coal1Coke& Eagle Cornice Works
Mfr ualinul/01 Iron oor-
I.1MK CObird and > ft nlcu , wliiduir cap iue
t llu krllihti ur MM
coal.H K cor ItftbHDcl
lluuglM tilrcol sntl I9IU
M . E. Smiths Co. Kilpatrick-KochUry
L'rr goodi , DOtloni fur Notloui , ueiit '
, lltb ana
in ituuiit cor
rlibloK goodi coruor ;
lltb auil lluirarc .ill ilarovr blrt u
Rector & Wllhclmy Louccli & HDD ,
Doalora in hnrdwnr * aa
Cornar 11th nod Jucloon IIIK hntiUa touli
blroota 14J4 DuuMltti Htrott.
W. A. L. Gibbon & Co Omaha Safe and Iroi
Wliolotalo wnitKs.
oap > , ulraw Snfes.vnulti , jitll woo
KlooTot lultlotu lail Iron bliutltrrt nQil Ur9 u
aua Huruu cipoi. liui Amlreea , 111
itnU Jitckicjii
John A , Wakeliild ,
linportncj Apvrlcan 1'ort
land cuinuni Mllnrnu-
komoniciit uticl ( Jiilnur
whttu lluiu I
rickle Herbert ,
Wuolciala liquor doKlort
1001 Knrnam HI
Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Co.
Carry a full itock of
firlnllnul wruiipliu anil and lubrlcatla |
wrlilnti paptn , car4
papcra , uto. elli , ailt fr * . tto
lirancli & Co. Jas. A. Clark & Co.
Produce. frutt of all lluttor. che i ,
puullrr anil g t
ilurli , ont r < IU b , Utb ttr t
Omaha Stove Itcpair M. A. Disbrow&Ca 1
Wound Htote repalri UtuufMlurtri ! itili. f
> ad wiUr mmcbiuuou doort , bll 4i ta
lor > pf kind uf dura muuldluii. Uranob o (
ud * . Uv