FV' TTTTC OMATTA DAILY WKIWRRHAY. .TUTYV 19 IflHM. THE DAILY BJBK TKIIMS 01' SUItSClMITION. pnlly Ifrn ( without Pumlny ) One Year. . 18 00 M.illv and Sunday , Ono Vcur . 10 } * ) MX Months . . . . . SKI TlirrciMontln . . . . . . . - 2 DO pitmlny llr-i' , Otift Yrnr . - 7 yjj Piitmifair llci > . Ono Yunr . > JJ Weekly llco , Ono Your . - 100 Omnhs.Tlin He lUlllilhiK. , Fotitli Oiiintin , enrnnr N mill 2fith Strcotil Council llluIN , 12 Pearl Htrrcl. Chlrimo OHlPo , 317 Uliambor of Oomninrco. New York , lloonn 13 , U and 10. Tribune GtllldlllK. . Wellington , fits Fonrltuntli Slroat All romiiniiilMtlons rrlatliu to M0l' ! ' " ! " ' Hlltorlal niiutcr should be iiddrossml : To the or < orinrstNraa UTTTKIIS. 1 All ImsttiCHO loiters niul rnnlttiincM should IJT nililrpMPd to The H i Publishing Co mpany , Utniilm. Drafts. rhccKs uml nosUiniuo onlnrs Jolio miulo payaulo to the order of tno coin- Jinny. I'nrtlp * Inuring the city for thn xninmnr can Jmvo tlin llv.n si'iil. tliolr udclicft l > y leaving an order nt tlilw cifllco. THE HEK inmUSHINO COMPANY swotiN ST.\TIMINT : : ov CIKCDLATION. Bt.Mnof Nclir/iMci , I ConnU'or IMiifflfiR. I _ _ . . . . Ore * . II. T KOlnick , SiiTPlnry of TIIR HEK publishIng - Ing company iloi > s nolrmnly H\v r Hint tlio nclital rlrenlntiun of TllK 1U u.r 1I .K for Ihu week ending July IG.ISSU , winus : follows : pmiday. July H . . ' ' 25'22fl MotKlny. Jirtv ID . . . S3'P.7'J ' TnnHd.iy. July 11 . M.Hlg W. July la . 23.H.JH Jiilvia ' . rl'G'.S y 1 1 . - : } , ' " Baturclay , July 13. . LM..I.U niimnK II. TWIIUCK. , , S\VOHN to Imforo 11111 and HiittsprlbcU In * NEAI , I my prowiico tills I'.tli tl-iy of July , 180H. I , I N. 1' . Knit. . Notary Public. Tim Urn In Clilmso. TIIR DAILY nnd SUNDAY linn U on saio In Oilrnpout Hit1 following pi utnt I'ulmci lionsc. animlPacllli'liolol. Auditorium hotel. Client Northern holoL ( Join hotel. I.elaml liotcl , Kilos of TIIM IlBK can lo noon nt tlio No- lirnnkn bullilliiK iind.thu Admlnlsiratlon buildIng - Ing , Exposition crounUs. Avi-rnRo Circulation lor .Inno , 180:1 : , 24U10 HOW can Secretary Morton bo nway on his vacation and bo interviewed nt Washington tit one and the same time ? A MAN can ride six hours for 50 cents on the tnuisit facilities of Now York. It costs 10 cents to ride ton minutes on the Omaha and Council IJlufTs bridge inotor cars. TUB discovery of a cotnnt within the tail of another comet by moans of tclo- Bcopic photography is a crowning ovi- dcnco to the recent strides made in the advancement of astronomy as a science. ONI ) by one the commercial organiza tions of the country are making public their demands for the repeal of the Sherman silver purchase law. The latest resolution of this kind cornea from llochoator. SUNDAY'S storms created havoc in i Various sections of Nebraska. Farmers i liavo to expect losses to a greater or loss extent at tills season of the year , and if conditions continue favorable they ought to bo abjo to repair most of the damage ' 'jjuiTorod. THE expected rush for excursion tickets to Chicago at reduced rates did jiot inatarinlizo to the extent antici ( pated. Can it bo that the railways de layed the concession so long that the people have given up their intention to Visit the fair and have made other plans Instead ? TllK Mormons are again doing active proselyting down south and are said to Imvo converted thirty-throe women in /Virginia. / Wo trust that husbands Imvo not become so scarce in that great state JIB to drive women to rely upon the slon- flor chance of reintroducing polygamy Into the United States. THE answer filed by the managers of the impeachment case in reply to the application of Judge Doano for an order enabling him to secure the balance of the sum which ho claims was promised him for his hervicos , is that the services have not been performed. When law yers resort to the law in tholr own bo- finlf laymen may stand by and enjoy , iho never ending complication of tech nicalities. CoMPAiin the Winnobago fandango with the public ; ball given at New York in honor of the Spanish infanta and they will bo found to differ in degree rather than in unbalanceIn neither did the scanty attire of the participants mar tholr enjoyment of the occasion. But the Now York affair relieved the city treasury of about $10,000 , while the Jfiulian jamboree was comparatively in expensive. Tills Is a distinction with a vengeance. ENTKIKS for tlio stock show at the World's fair have clohod with but two tiamosontho exhibitors book registered from Nebraska. This ia a deplorable etuto of affairs. Stock raising is one of the most important agricultural pursuits in this state and an exhibit worthy ot the industry would form n most attrac tive feature of Nebraska's contribution to the exposition. As it is , visitors to the fair can scarcely fall to bo impressed with the smallness of our stock exhibit , especially when they Imvo n perfect right to expect one much larger and moro varied. THAT co-operation in business enter prises may ho made a success has been niuply demonstrated. JJrigham Young demonstrated it is his mutmgomont of the commercial institutions of the Mor mons in Utah , and the fame of the Roch dale Pioneers , the oldest of co-operative societies in England , is another > illustration. But this very suc cess of the Pioneers suggests that there is within the system itself the elements of disintegration. With a handsome accumulation n.3f profits , it is charged that now the mem bers who own the largest blocks of the papital think moro of their dividends than they do of the patronage on which : th9 continued prosperity of the society must depend , and that they expend the least in co-operative purchases. Tlio incident is merely indicative of the im possibility of tlio social millennium pic tured by Edward Bellamy so long us human selllshncsa remains u character istic of mankind. A POTENT OAUSK OF MSTHVST. There can bo no reasonable doubt that ono potent cutiso of the business distrust nnd depression la the apprehension thnt the earning congress will nmko a roth vision of the tariff that may Injuriously affect most of Iho Industries of the connre try by subjecting them to a moro or loss destructive foreign competition. It la not to bo questioned Unit the dominant sentiment of the democratic party Is favorable to a radical doparUiro in the Ih-al policy of the nation. That was clearly shown by the largo majority which adopted tha plank in the national platform Denouncing protection a3 a fraud and a robbery and declaring it to bo "a fundamental principle of the dotnofc cratle party that the federal government has no constitutional power to impose and collect tariff dutlm except /or the purpose of revenue only , " and there is no evidence that tlicro Is not now a matl jorlty of the democracy prepared to supai port this viow. Nobody of ordinary in- tolUgonoo needs to ho told what u tarilt "for rovonuq only" moans , ritich it policy would necessarily do away with all pro tection. Where the purpose is solely that of producing revenue the duties muni necessarily bo made with a view to encouraging and promoting linporta- tlons. It Is but a short atop from an oxq cl naively revenue tarllT to free trado. The democratic party is distinctly pledged to tariff legislation of this kind , and the fear that it may carry out this pledge is exerting a depressing infillti once upon every class of industrial enterd prise. In the presence of such a danger manufacturers are naturally disposed to curtail operations and in many branches are tloinjj so. Capital cannot ) > o induced - duced to embark in new undertakings that may bo affected by the tariff. The disposition is to wait and HCO what will develop , and this'waiting must result In an enormous loss to labor and an enforced - forced economy which will bo felt in every department of busi ness. Even with the return of financial conlldcnee which now seems assured , a complete restoration of business activity cannot bo expected so long as there is fear of a radical depart ure from an economic system that has prevailed for more than thirty years and to which the business of the country is fully adjusted. There is reason to believe that Presi dent Cleveland is conscious of this condition - dition and would like to have the connc try understand that the danger is not so great as is apprehended. Tills inference is fairly to bo derived from the language of an editorial which recently appeared in the Philadelphia Lcdijer , that paper being recognized as reflecting more nearly than any other the viewa of the president. That journal said : "Upon the silver question it is known to everyone ono that there is no ono in authority , no ono in the country , whoso financial pol- icy is safer or sounder than Mr. Clove- laud's , nd it is , if not absolutely known , at least confidently believed , that his economic policy is opposed to any revision - vision of the tariff which will injure the people's industrial interests or joopar- di'/.o their prosperity. Mr. Cleveland is known by his own declarations , which are conclusive , to bo favorable to a ro- vision of the McKlnloy act , but ho is also known by his own declarations to bo unfavorable to free trade or to anything like free trade , or to any thing that would be unjust or harmful to our great manufacturing interests. " Although somewhat ambiguous this is in a certain degree reassuring. Mr. Cleveland has never expressed any sympathy with the anti-protection declaration of the demo cratic national platform and it is doubt less true that ho Is unfavorable to free trado. But there is uncertainty as to how far ho may bo disposed to go in that direction and no ono can assume to say how far he may bo compelled to ylold to the will of a majority of his party. So far as known Mr. Cleveland lias no very well defined ideas about schedules His study of the question of tariff reform i- form has not extended to details , and in the preparation of a now , tar ill law it is possible that these whoso duty it will bo to arrange the de tails may not do so In all cases to accord with the president's view of what tariff revision should bo. However , there is reason to believe that Mr. Cleveland intends to prevent any extreme action by his party in congress - gross that would bo destructive in its ' effect upon the industries of the country 't , and ho can do a most valuable service when ho communicates with congress in August if ho will toll the country in clear , unequivocal terms that such is t his intention. would , Nothing moro ef fectually help to restore business con fidence and activity. DISMISSAliS full DIIUKKKXKKSS. In the controversy now pending between - twoon the Brotherhood of Railroad 31 11s road Engineers and the officials of the Union Pacific railway nya- torn over the discharge last month of certain employes on the ground of drunkenness , it is a mistake to assume that either party defends drunkenness as not being a Hiilllciently IS ciso : to warrant .dismissal. On is point there can bo no difference of opinion. The labor unions In general and the railway engineers in particular have never ceased to discourage the in temperate usu of intoxicating liquors. a8. Railway employes hold positions in volving a double responsibility. They owe their employers the faithful per formance of their duties and they ewe the public a due regard for the protection and safety of the passengers. To subject either site passengers or property entrusted to their care to the dangers incident to the control of trains by drunken trainmen could never ho tolerated for u moment in a civilized country. On this all are agreed drunkenness while on duty is good cause for the instant dismissal of any railway employe. The point at idsuuthon is not drunken ness as a cause for discharge , but the proof of the fact that the employes wore drunk. The representatives of the rail way engineers maintain that the charge should be supported by Indisputable evidence before any notion bo taken upon it ; that the licensed be considered innocent and retained with all his rights unimpaired until the cause assigned has been found well grounded by a sort of in formal trial. Ou the other hand , the rail ways insist that they must rely upon the word < of tholr agents and that to retain men who have forfeited all claim lo con fidence ( would bo detrimental to both the company and the public. Tholr plan contemplates Immediate dismissal with reinstatement in case the discharged man can satisfactorily prove his Inno- conco. They also want the decision upon the : sufficiency of the evidence to rest with themselves. There is some plausibility to the con tention ? on both sides of this argument. But the question is not yet so pressing as ! to justify extreme measures. A little concession by both partloa might easily tide over the difficulty. The .railway , for example , might keep its authority tc dismiss upon n charge of drunkenness but leave the decision whether the charge is sustained to some kind of an arbitration committee. Acquittal by the committee should then entitle the accused to reinstatement. The subject la sufficiently important to attract se rious ] attention. OF SlhVKK. Up to this time in the current month the treasury has purchased loss than 1,000,000 , ounces of silver or not one- fourth of the amount which the law re quires shall bo bought by the govern ment each month. It has been the habit of the treasury , until the market for < silver became so unsettled , to have about completed Us purchases before this time in each month , buying on stated days three times a week , thus giving some advantage to the silver own1 era. Secretary Carlisle lias changed this ! policy , so that now the owners of silver seek the treasury instead of the treasury seeking them , and the gov ernment gets the benefit. It is not at all surprising to learn that the silver men are storming at the Vc- fusal of the department to purchase sil ver at the prices they name , but they are wholly wrong In assorting that the policy j : which the treasury is pursuing does not conform to the law. The silver purchase j act requires the secretary to purchase 4,500,000 ounces each month , "or so much thereof as may be offered at the market price , " so that it is clearly within the discretion of the secretary to buy I all or only a part of the amount designated in tlio net monthly , depend ing upon the offers he receives at the market price. Tlio Bland act was man datory in requiring the coinage of not less 1 than 2,000,000 , silver dollars a month , but 1 It appears that John Sherman , when secretary of the treasury , did not strictly comply with the law. It is stated that in 1879 ho had coined but 21- , 000,000 ( silver dollars and in 1881 but 22- , 000,000 ( , whereas the law required the coinage of 2-1,000,000 in each year as the minimum amount. The secretary riow has a discretion that ho did not have under the Bland act and in using it in the interest of the government | he is doing what every fair minded i citizen will approve. Had this policy ] boon adopted sooner , instead of allowing i the silver men to combine and bull 1 the market , it is not to bo doubted that 1 the government would have saved a i considerable amount during the past three i years. There is'inanifcstly no reason i why the government should have 1 a different policy in buying silver from that which it adopts in purchas ing other commodities that is of got- ing it at the lowest market price established by competition among sellers. The secretary of the treasury is complying with the law and his course nas the general popular endorse ment regardless of the views or wishes of the silver owners. FAJII PLAY run UMAHA. Through the unceasing oltorts of Omaha jobbers culminating- an organized - ized move through the agency of the Commercial club , the railroads loading to the northwest have boon brought to recognize the just demands of our local merchants. The practice has prevailed among these roads up to this time of dis criminating in favor of the towns lower down on the Missouri river by giving them the bamo rates us these placed upon goods shipped from this city , not withstanding the greater distance over which the goods Imd to bo transported. This was plainly depriving Omaha of the advantages to which its situation en titled it and building up rival towns at the expense of our jobbers. A new tariff sheet , to go into effect on the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley and the Sioux City & Paeilio railroads on the first of next month , is said to have remedied this long standing abuse so far as those lines are concerned. It .tO will place Omaha jobbers In position to extend their trade in tliat territory I which naturally ought to bo tributary to tliis city. Omaha does not ask for differential 0r rs ferential rates discriminating in its > favor. But it unhesitatingly denounces differential rates discriminating against it and in favor of other towns. Fair play is all that is demanded and that is what wo have been led to expect from the now tariff. If the Commercial club lias boon the instrument by which this concession has boon gained , it has justi 1n fied its existence even if it should fall in all future oftorts to further the business interests of this community. attention Is excited by the steady increase of the train robbing industry , and the Jluilroud Guzctto sug gests the organization of a state police : as a restraining inlliionco. It was sunh a force that cleared Spain and Italy of l those highwaymen and bandits , and it is pointed out that every other civilized country except this has a force 6f this isfl character. It would seem that an organ ized rural police , at least part of flit mounted , subject to the authority of the state to keep guard on the farm roads , the highways and the railroads , will become an absolute necessity before long for the protection of the traveling public. Within the past six months'no loss than tiixty-ono attempts to wreck and forty-one to rob trains have boon made. The attempts at train wrecking have boon most luimorous. in the states from Massachusetts to Illinois , and the roads between Pittsburg and Buffalo , Chicago and St. Louis have boon the greatest sufferers in this respect. it.a Trumps are assumed to bo the perpetrators tors , and the great route of these nuisances il10 sances is along these roads where the rnfloago Is great and the trains froqucut. Two-thirds of thor train robberies have boon in the Io Hiatos from Iowa and Nebraska toToxas , including Kan sas. But no section of the country scorns to bo oxonlpHfrom these doproda- lions. Sheriffs a iT constables do little to protect the couuAry nnd tholr sorv- vices are only jcallod into requisition after the bandits hrwo done tholr work. Public indlgnatlftn'has boon BO aroused by late outrages tUrlt the vocation of th o wrecker and rqh.b'o'r Is not likely to hereafter prove "safo ono in any sec tion , yet nowhorq'la thoroany organized provision made ty/guard against them. Until this is done these violent inter ferences with railroad trains are likely to occur with increasing frequency. However drastic may bo the punishment of the marauders when captured it is only by throwing proper safeguards over the lluos of travel that the safety of pas sengers can bo assured. t Tun fact that sixteen fcocond lieuten ants remain over frojn this year's West Point graduating class after filling the vacancies in the branch of the army in which they are entitled - titled to serve , has occasioned the suggestion that congress abolish addl- Uonals , except in the engineer corps until all vacancies are filled. Such action is not probable. Even should an increase in the army organisation , of which there Is some prospect , fall to render necessary a greater number of officers than are added to tlio army an nually from the academy and by promo tion from the ranks , there Is need of every olllcor now on the roster. With the detail of seventy-live officers from the line as instructors in colleges and universities , of twenty-two as Indian agents , and scores of others on special duty with the militia of tiio states and elsewhere , there are not officers enough now to meet the requirements. So urgent , indeed , is the demand for mili tary officers for special assignment that a number of regiments are now without a sufficient number for the purposes of drill and discipline. In view of this fact the War depart ment is about to curtail the detached ser vice , and many captains ami subalterns now absent from their commands will bo returned to their regiments. It is stated that of the 200 odd officers thus officially employed loss than a dozen of them are engaged in civil pursuits. But the demand is sure to continue. The un usual number of requests for officers as military instructors at the institutions of learning will ptobably induce con gross to increase the number who may be detailed for that duty. Instead of ' objecting to the nli'injbor of additional , if the increased w-ork that congress has put upon line officers of late years is continued , it will rnuro likely bo neces sary to add to the ilumbor. i . vs. THE returns novv'p , ] , coming into the Burcaifof Industrjaj Statlstics from the various Nebraska counties indicate a marked improvement in the mortgage indebtedness in this Btato. While a cer tain number mortgages are renewed continually and n'qw" dffbs drawn , the amount of role'ases oxceodis thXt of the documents field. ' If there wore any way of securing 'figures for the payments made unon mortgage indebtedness be fore the mortgage is "canceled and a re lease filed , thord is no doubt that the process of paying off farm inoumbrancos would appear to bo going on much moro rapidly than has heretofore been ac knowledged. Tomniy'H ( ilciry rules. Cincinnati Commercial. For a man of his years , Mr. Glaistono Is developing activities that are phenomenal. As a master of cloture , ho makes ex-Speaker IJeod of Maine gasp. Thti Kiitort Courteuufl. Lnulnollle Cowier-Jiurnal. Colorado mon are talking about wading In hlood up to the bridles of tholr horses. These brethren do notjknow the real value of bridles or they would put some on tholr tongues. The Issue I'lnln. alnbc-Uemncrat. Sound money mon make no war on silver. They sco that the silver oloiuunt of the cur rency Is as largo as the country can carry , and in order to knap up the parity between it and gold they demand , in the interest of silver , that it bo restricted to its present voluino. Now U thu Tliiio to Mtrlko. Cincinnati Cnmmcrctal. It is evident the Treasury department Is not bulling the sljvor market. If the povor- nor of Colorado proposed to strlko with the battlo-axo of freedom tiirhtly grasped in his red right hand the gold bug kmp full In front , now is his time. Ho who would bo Jrco himself must deal thu blow that smites oppression. I'lllgfocl to JCnllroiil Size. lllntr Tilnt. Paul Vandorvoort and his mouth nro mak ing a political stump tour throncrh South Da kota , nnd the reports say the hitter Is work ing at 'tremendous nvto , insomuch that ter ror strikes uvnn the populist heart > as soon as ho gets warmed up atn meeting. HIi vagailes nrodistasteful even to independ ents , and who rover ho goes the walfo of dis gust ho loaves is as broad as u railroad - , track. Conllilunoo .iilnpliicocl. /uuincH Cltu Times. Iowa democrats are still anxious that Gov ernor Boies should bo n candidate for reelection - election , but that giiutleiiian bus a sena torial hco in his honnot and cannot ho de pended upon to ask fortho ) governorship for the tliird time , Thujdemocracy of Iowa should not Impress its republican opponents with an ido.i that itannnot win without Holes. Any good , strode' democrat will ho elected , ami Govcrnorallolcs will bo sent to the [ Jnitod States souuto , where ho will boa foremost llguro. I.utiokt and tlio Cropi , I'a/iftfon / Urcu Attention is ( UrcctiMJlIi tlio interview with Hon. H. I * touch's , taken from Tun OMAHA UBE. Mr. .Louuks admits that "a season of poor crops moans corresponding gains for the third party. " In other word * ho depends upon a public misfortune to strengthen the rinks of the Independents , and ho asserts that South Dakota crops are going to ho vary ligUt. 'In this statement Mr. Loueks either itftnrautly or willfully , Is guilty of gross misrepresentation. The southern counties of the state promise as abundant harvests as have aver been known. Whllo the newspapers generally , throughout the northern and central regions of South Daxota , are not complaining , but speak hopefully of a fruitful season. No ouo can read the language used by Mr. Loucks with out leaching the conclusion that ho views the success of the independent pnrty as of vastly moro consequence than abundant har vests. JtlcllcHiloiu llUoiiiiluns. Herald. The most ridiculous tiling connected with the excited discussions at the west in regard to the financial question is the denunciation of the "gold ixmor" and of the "monoy power. " The legilatlon of this country for ten years shows that the silver power us dominated politics and that the gold er has had very little to say , The silver jxiwer now is threatening revolution if its demands shrill not bo concoJpd. The fort silver states , with 6illy A tcoro of electoral rote * and with I cm thnn n tuciHloth of thn rotlne population , have controlled the politics of the country for a doc.ido. Hoth p.irttof have sacrificed everything oUo to secure the votes of the silver aUtcs. It U time tliM some other "power" should have the prlv. Hogoof lntorK | > Mnit n word or two i to the tlnanclal policy of the government. A Fnvornbla Outlook. T7'X < lon Olnlie That a tidal wave of yellow money U sot ting In tolvnnl America , not even the most persistent of professional pessimists now attempts - tempts to deny. At this moment tv million of money In gold Is on Its way hither. As it nmls resting place In this country this great nccesilon of world-honored coin will ofTor most solid and substantial evidence Of a highly slgnlllcant fact tlio purpose of Europe to purchase heavily before the season closes from Amur- lean : hands. There U nd such thing n * delaying or Ig noring the question of food supply In Europe. Whether thoolil world Is willing or not her people must look largely to us. Crops are ILkoly to moan money In this country the present year moro than over be fore. Tno nations across the water must buy of us. If nt all j nnd. In vlow of the largo homo demand that Is assured , they must buy at good , remunerative prices. What wonder , with an outlook such as this , that the nlnrmlit for partisan purjiosos only should o.xclto simply laughtort What wonder that oven the chronic croaUor who seeks to make a living by decrying his country's prosperity should roallzo that his occupation tejrono , and tnat thU year of all years the people of the United States are not to bo frightened or stampeded ! No Alllnnno with Mmmrchj. A"IHS < I8 CttJI Tin ti. The action of the Russian' government In establishing dry docks nnd headquarters for Us North Atlantic squadron at Now York Indicates that the government of the czar proposes to cultivate us more vigorously than ever. It is now apparent that the Russian emperor looks for a war In Europe , a strug gle that v . ' probably Involve all of the Im portant nations of the continent and Includ ing England , perhnps. Russia should know that all of tha overtures that that govern ment makes , and all the display of friendli ness that it may make will not cause the United States to form an alliance with it against any European power. KusMa is a land of internal nnd external troubles. The United States Is peaceful and for pcacs. An alliance with Hussla would bo decidedly n one-sided affair. XEHHASlt.l AXlt XK1IICA ! < KAXS. Work has been begun ou Phelps county's now $4,000 jail. The German Lutheran ohurch near Firth has boon dedicated with proper services. Work has been begun on the A. O. U. W. temple at McCook , which is to cost fi" , lK)0. ) A well known resident ol Loup City has boon caught tapping the till of a meat mar- kot. x Three valuable horses and a cow were killed by lightning during a storm at Red Cloud. Several barns and windmills in the neigh borhood ot Oakland wore destroyed by lightning the other night. liI Ovorstudy unbalanced Miss Maud Colton's brain and she had to bo sent to an nsyJum by her parents , who resldo at Tecumsoh. Lightning struch II. J. Cullon's barn near Dillor and destroyed the building with all the fodder and machinery it contained. The fullerton News , the third paper in the city , has made its appearance under the direction ! of J. W. McClelland as secretary and manager. aI S. C. Woodruff has disposed of the Stroms- burg News to J. A. Westenius and Is now devoting - voting his cntiro time to the publication of the Tekamah Burtonian. The shock caused by the death of Mrs. Van Arsdalo'of Beatrice , who was fatallv burned by a gasoline explosion , resulted in the demise of her father at Port Huron , Mich. While trying to catch a horse James Hruska , a 12-year-old Colfax county lad. was kicked in the face , his teeth knocked out and his check and lip badly cut. Ho will ro- cover. .Tames M. Patterson has qualified as county Judge of McPherson county , and several - eral people who were about to go Into some other county to he married will now stay at homo and patronize homo industry in the matter of taking out licenses. Two lloldrego girls were induced to join a drcssed-up tramp last week in an alleged theatrical enterprise. They succeeded in leaving town before their friends learned what was going on , hut a brother oj ono of the girls followed them up and interrupted the Initial performance by artistically thumping the tramp aud carrying away the young heroines. A man from Yankton came into town Thursday on a horse , says the Hartlngton Herald. Tying the animal to a post ho pro ceeded to look for an individual who , he claimed , owed him a bill. The man was found and for some reason could not or would not pay. Whereupon the stranger proceeded to "tako it out of his hide. " The cries of the unfortunate debtor attracted the marshal , > vho arrived Just in time to sco Mr. Yankton Man astride his horse and going at full spcod "o'er the hills and far away. " 'JCUUA'Jt AllUUT Ilia tAlK. Boston shows how to catch lobsters as her contribution to the fisheries oxhibit. In the library in the Illinois state building are twenty-six newspapers and thirteen magazines edited and published exclusively by women. Bands of music s > ro to bo stationed In the galleries of the Manufactures building in order to attract visitors to the exhibits placed there. The platsancc is a place of many strange acquaintances and not a httlo love making. Material for a Jirst-class romance can he nad there any day. Most of the Viking crow aro-to remain in America. Several of them hj - < j relatives In Chicago. Two mon arc to ho retained to watch the ship ; the others are to bo p-iid off July 20. British Columbia has sent to the Forestry building specimens of pmo trees whim will square four feet for the length of almost 100 foot. She is admitted to hare carried off the honors for spruce , pinoand cedar. There is an ostrich farm on the jilaisanco , " whore the public llnds much amusement in seeing the California birds swallow oranges whole. It seems to bo very funny lo see the fruit take its course down thu length of the neck , The now steam mocking blr.l in Machin ery hall Is ready for Its duties of calling stray llrcnion and guards to a lire. Tlio bird has a compass of two octaves ; of those different notes are to bo so arranged as to in- dlcatu what portion of thu rounds the ilro may bo. A Int of whlto silk In the Woman's buildIng - Ing nas a romantlo historical Interest It was found in the 'Irianon Just as Marie Antoinette loft it , sot in her tambour frame. It Is embroidered In bunches of flowers , tied with blue bow knots. 'Inn colors are as fresh < ts when the beautiful queen worked il , The meek nnd lowly lunch-basket , of the free and untranimolod American citizen has wrought havoc with the expectations of the restaurant concessionaires at the World's fair. They threaten now that If the direct ory does not remit the "take-on " of twenty- live percent , they will close their restau rants. Harriet Hosmcr has cabled from Rome that she has completed the Isabella statue and considers It the great work of her life. She wishes to leave u copy of it in Romu , for fear that tha original may bo damaged coming over. Making the duplicate will delay - lay the shipment of the statue for several weeks. Many people go away from the fair and never learn that hack of the Manufactures building , on } ho lixko front , can be found lit tle chocolatd booths where you can got n cup of chocolate and two crackers for a nickel. Aud there are other places on the ground where the same article can bo had also for 5 cents. A copy of Queen Elizabeth's bible , the cover heavily embroidered In gold thread in the design of a rose , the loaves nlled In with green silk , Is included in the South Kensing ton exhibit in the Wom.m's buifdlng. Queen Victoria owns the original of this blblu and lout it to the school , that the cover might bo reproduced. Chickens are now being hatched out dally In the Agricultural building by electricity. The now invention coctns to acfornpllih the maternal work of the hen moro perfectly th n ny prorlouily Invented InctibiUor , Tno hoixt Is crcnUxl by n very light current of electricity , nnd there U no trouble * whatever In keeping the heat at the doslrml tlcKrco. The hatchery Attracts , n great deal of ntton- tlon. tlon.No.ir No.ir Midway plnUnnco n Kftn n4 exhibi tor shows a section ot h oM rail fcuco. It h overgrown with n coirtploto crop of weeds , representing the posts of the Kansas . ' .inner , cockle hurra , Iron wood , million , llmson wood , milk wood , rac wtod ftnd pus- loy. This novsl exhibit h mtondod to brlnfr out the boautlos of an adjoining fence of woven wlro which affords no troublesome corner * for thn woom to lode ( In. but Is bor dered by clean , eloao-shavcn turf. Denver N paying n high prlco for the gov ' ernor's whistle. Colorado's executive popjjun proved moro disastrous at the brooch ttian at the muzzlo. Accumulated evidence proves that Clover- nor Walto's "blood to the bridle'1 notes have gone to protest. Emily Faithful smokes cigars , hut docs so In onlor to relieve the chronic nslhnm from which she Buffers , A heated July Is said to moan a cool August. Comfort may bo extracted from pleasant anticipations. Now that Sunday closing Is assured the pious calamities In stora for Chicago will bo imlollnltoly postponed , The ruction between Matnafa nnd Mallo- tea comes nt an opportune moment for para- graphors who hanker for Samoa goro. Mrs. Lease has given § .V ) to the relief of the striking Kansas miners. She did not ask Mr. Luaso's permission to do so , either. If his parents overlooked the matter , Ulantan Duncan succeeded In expunging the center "n" from his monitor nnd tailed It with a "t. " Oovornor Stone ot Missouri , Is not wrapt with the majesty that doth hedge about a icing , but is guarded a Jefferson City by a big Danish watch-dog. Lemuel Stevenson , for twenty years a clown with Barnum's and othur circuses , has conriectod himself with the Salvation army at lprlngllold , Mo. Sarah T. Bolton , Indiana's polnoor poetess , is lying at death's door in Indianapolis. Among her productions Is the famous poem "Paddlo Your Own Canon. " . Thomas C. 1'latt has retired from Now York politics. The announcement has a wealth of whiskers aufllclcut to provoke the envy of Nebraska railroads. Senator Voorheos of Indiana Is credited with thn prediction that the session of con gress to begin on the 7th'of August at the call of thu president , will last until the mid dle of August , 1MM. There Is a painful lack of patriots hunger ing for the consulship nt Santos. Yellow Jack is holding court there and death riaes the breezes. The ploleis do not regard the salary sufllclcnt to Justify suicide. Although dire muttcrlugs echo in the foot hills j and freshets of blood threaten the . gulches , the oppressed and distressed list In vain for a cheery word from Pcnnoycr. dadzooks , have the witches of Salem gagged the governorf John P. St. John has written a letter to General James H. Weaver , which indicates that he is endeavoring to break into the pooplo's party. Past experience of other parties ought to convince the leaders of Vho populists that ho is too heavy a load for them to attempt to carry. Secretary Lament has boon down nt Gray Gables with the president , and the Now York democrats are hopeful that he hasllxed a satisfactory plan for the distribution of the federal patronage to the Empire state. Some of the patriots are becoming very hun gry , and Secretary Lament will have a dim cult task to keep the peace between the anti-snappers and the Tammany men If cur rent rumor is correct. Huhtt Hazwcll of Wlndhatn county , Con necticut , has roosted for twenty-five year * In i the branches of a chestnut tree as the re sult of a bet made In 18US that Horatio Soy- n'our would bo elected president. Ho has built I a slianty hi the forks of the tree , twenty I feet from the ground , and has made friends 1 whh the birds and squirrels. At least , this is the story told by the Boston pa pers' , which are nothing If not voracious. Editor W. T. Sto.ul ol the Review of Re views has turned his attention to spooks. Ho J has boon investigating spiritualistic phe nomena i and has decided to publish n quar 1i terly 1 review to bo called Borderland , which is i 1I to he exclusively devoted to the study of the I manifestations that Ho on the border land 1 which science has hitherto contemptu ously ( relegated to superstition. Mr. Stead is 1i 1 not likely to get into trouble m this line of investigation i as ho did when ho exposed some of the diversions of the aristocracy of England ] a few years ago. AXTlltOTHS roil JU.UKS. Rending Times : Ho suroyou'ro right , then agree with your wife. Atchlson Olobo : Almost every ono who can't sing was at one thuo n member of a church choir. Philadelphia Uocord : "Miss Illank , who eloped with the Uhlnnimin , has returned home. " "How did her father receive her ? " "Very coollu. " RomarvlIIo Journal : A llsh story Hhould nl- ways he ulthln tlin thiiMi-mllu limit that wo hate always heard HO much about.- Troy Press : No matter how hopeless the fu ture may hu lo other mon , thn good mathema tician nfwuys lias boniethliiK to count on. Clothier and Kurnlshor : Young Mr. Saploy 1 nl h 1 eoultl c t n hixt Unit win Mil loci to mj hpact. Mitt PalUtido-Why don't you pot toft half \VnihliiRton Stnr ! "Wlmt l < the dlffcrenco bntwcan a cook find nchoff" "Two or three thousand dollars a yonr. " llatton Transcript ! When KogR win thrown down by thn olt-ctrlo car into the lap of a dignified old Indy ho said ho now Inion whnt II \ > as to lit In tlin scat of tlio scornful. Il.iltlmnro American : Unmlvcd orlli rarolf occur. The fncttlmt money 1ms boon tUht fl said toluivu rutultod In a good deal ol sober thought. Union County Standard : Mature delibera tion ; planning to moot n note. Ghlcaeo Kooord : Iiawyor What clmtign did you first not Ice In tlio ti.itlontns a result of hli uciiulrlni ; the clinrntto nnd murphlnn habit ? Wllni'ss Well , ntllrst hn bognn totalUln- Ccilu-routlT and then ho took to no.iilntf plnV shirts. " _ A ( UTtSTItOl'llK. Somtrvlllt Joiir'iiif. HwliiRlni : In thn hammock slowly , In tlio rfstful'calm nnd holy llushof evontlmo , Innnod by Rontlo brio i" straying , Sliu was listening to tin1 piny Ins Of the distant ultimo. Hutiilast nsshu was musing ( . 'niuo a swlftclooont , confusing , Though no loss of llfoj ' ! < or her brother Johnny under- tli had cut n rope usundur Trying his mm knlto , The Pike's Peak mine , Cripple Creole , li shipping ere running froiullWO to $10,000 a ton. ton.The The cattle marketed from Sheridan , Wyo. during the next two months will bring It $200,000. Montana In 1801 sheared 1'JOO.OOO head ol sheep ; In Ib'.U , 1,800,000 , and this year the number will bo still larger. The big stories of a gold mountain nt an cxllnu1. volcano ninety miles west of Pluunlx , Ariz. , have been proven falso. There was a fearful hall storm near San born , Colo. , killing -100 sheep at the Glee Falls live stocK ranch. The hall lay thirteen inches deep. At Epley's ' C'imp on Willow crook , fourteen miles from Hot Sulphur Springs , Middle park , some Denver mon are malting from $11 to § .S u day at placer mining. A prospecting party has left Bonnor's Perry , Idaho , for the headwaters of the Tahk river. They will thoroughly explore ) the country , and expect to make some valua ble discoveries. Rain foil the other clay about half an Inch throughout southern Arizona. Thu rainfall has been bountiful and everything promises a gooil cattle season. This , In vlow of a dry and disastrous year in Ib'J-i ' for cattlemen , is encouraging. The Johnson County Canal & Hesorvolr company was Incorporated at Choyonuo with $100000 capll.il stock. Irrigating ditches will bo built m Johnson county , watcir being taken from the north fork of Crazy Woman creek. J. W. Smith anil W. II. Miohols , two Pueblo street car conductors , who were recently discharged for ' knocking down" fares , have brought suit against thu City Hallway company for $5,000 damages for defamation of character. A lot of nuggets were brought in from East E.iglc , Idaho. The largest piece weighs about $100 , but the others range from $ -10 to SI. With the exception of the largo pioeo and n few weighing an ounoJ or so , the col lection indicates heavy wnsh , as they nro smooth , Thu lot Is worth $150. Senora Carmendo Maytorono and the foreman - man of her rani-h , Folipo Maytorono , her nephew , were shot from ambush aud klllod by Yaqul Indians within a few miles of Guayiius , Sonora. Mexico. Several bullets pierced the man's body , and a ball went through the woman's heart. The horse was also killed. Thu only mollvo assigned is the general hatred by the Yaquls for the Mexicans. Fourteen years ago a Mexican named Pedro Ixipez was killed In cold blood at Tres I'iuos , Cal. , by Mariano Gorman , who then escaped by riding quickly away and shoot ing right and loft at his pursuers. Two months ago a Mexican who has lived In Tus- couforyoars under the names of Poilro Garcia and Antonio Bnrtolo was positively identified as Gorman. He was arrested , and is awaiting the sheriff of San Bonlto county , California. JomJ < m Truth. To pnlntor not to paint ? That In the question ; Whether 'tU tmttor on one's chocks to sulfur The mailis Inlllctod by a w oaring .sunson , Or to tnKu steps against IncrousInK pulunuss , And , with the rourfo pot , mid It ? To paint , to roiiKO That's all ; nnd by a simple nmonr to mask Tlmo's onset , aim to clninxo the pasty line Our llcsli Is holr to 'tis u consummation Devoutly to ho wlsh'd , To paint , to rougo. To roiigo , perchance to daub nye , thiro'.s the rub ; For , of that simple smear , the moss some make Must glvo us pause , und hid us hosltato Ere wo supply ourselves with now complex ions , For who would bear the marks ot ilhilnj.- out ; Of crowded bulls , of visits to tlio omiru ; Of smart rciinHns and sleep curtiill'd ; Whenslio herself might bring youth's rosoi back With a soft Imro's foot ? Who would .still hi pale , Hut that the drond of rouging badly douo , Of paint put on with IniiltVetlve touch , And clumsily ultlial , pii7./.los the ulll , And makes us rather wuar the hue wo have Thnn rouk'e a new one whuna hcarcu know bow ? A : Thus does belt-consciousness and fear of rldl- culu Makocowardsof homonf us , though not of all ; Anil keep us , In the midst of painted blushes , KUlt sicklied o'er with a palo cast of cheek. DOWNING , KINS Largest Manufacturers and Retailers ol Ulolblu lu the World Chopping Down We're knocking out the suits now. Just read on and we'll save you monoy. $20 Summer Suits $13.50. All styles , colors and grades. Some other suits marked down as low as $5.00. $3.50 Boys' Wash Suits $2.00. We're getting out all boys' summer goods with a rush. These $2.50 boys' suits go now for $1.50. $1.50.Men's Men's and Boys' Straw Hats Half Price. And coats and vests summer the prices arose so low we're afraid to print them. All the ladies' waists we have left goat 50o and $1.00. You will find they are bargains. BROWNING , KING & CO. ,