Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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other , xvoro surrounded , anil far
into the streets rroxvds gathered , until
the police xvcro called to clear the vray
tor traffic. At 10 the Union National po led
n notlco that It xvould not open Us doors.
Tills started the panic and following quickly
the Commercial National posted a similar
notlco. Then the National Hank of Com-
njorco did the samo. A run xvas Immediately
sinrttii on nil the other banks , though to no
great rxtont upon tbo Peoples National.
The First National appears to bo In good
condition , having over LO per cent of Its deposits -
posits on hnnd , vflth a private fund oflfiOO-
( XX ) In addition to draxv uixm , making It Im
possible to close Its doors. The Colorado
National nnd several others nro equally
good. The mob withdnixvliiK their money
are alt small depositors.
Tholnnksaropajlngnll demands oxcepl
on tlmo cortllleatos , demanding thai these
remain until the expiration of their tlmo
President J. A. Thatcher of the clearing
house siys : "I am confident today will see
the xvorst of this and the ueoplo xvlll come to
thi'lr senses. At a meeting of the clearing
house last night xvo decided xxo
tould not help Iho banks and so some
of them hnvo gene to the xxall All of them ,
I relieve , haxo ample sccurlly to prntoct nil
depositors , but unfortu itely nt this lime Iho
cash ami not security Is xvhat the majority
of the people arot-lamorlng for. "
At the State National bank qullo a run Is
in progress The onlcors nppoar in the bosl
of humor nnd say they aio confident they
can xvealher the storm.
Up to noon oveij thing xvas quiet at the
Colorado National. It Is understood fTiOO.OOO
in gold xvns rocolxcd there Just before Iho
doors opened Ihls morning.
( Julio n urn ml of people nro about the
doors of the Denver National. II xvas
rumored there xvns n run In progress there ,
but II xvas soon found Iho men xvoro Union
P.iclllo employes simply getting their checks
cashed for lasl months xxork.
"This batik closed by order of Iho board
of directors , " Is Iho notice posted at ox-ory
entrance to the National Hank of Com
merce. The olllcors InsUln refuse admission
to outsiders The conditions of the bank is
not known , ns It did not print n statomen
jestordayas xxns done bjnlmosl ull the
other banks.
At tlio City Nntlonul.
John P. Hanna of the City National said
they xxero In as good condllion ns anybody.
Hnnnn hopes to bo able to continue enough
ot the deposits to tide ox or Iho bank. Several
of Iho principal depositors made largo
deposits this morning. Some who OXTO the
bank In the shape of notes , but hnvo cash
deposited , had payment lofused on checks.
The liabilities subject to cheek are $58M)3. ! ) )
Of this the olllcliils control nearly txvo-
thirds , so that the cash on hand , amounting
to UI,38 : ! , ° xxill meet Iho demands of small
The Union closed Its doors this
morning , nnd n notlco xvas posted explaining
that tbo b ink had pild out $100,000 lo do
posltors In the last few xvcoks and
had realized on sccuiltlos ns
lapldly as possible , but not
fast enough. It has $1MX,000 ) In securities
nnd oxxcs approximately $500,000. It is
thought It xxill bo able to realize on secur
ities , xvhen all doposltoisxTill bo paid In full.
It expects to open again.
The liabilities of the MciSamnra Dry
Goods company arc $210,000 and the awsots
unknown. ' 1 ho failure xxns-causcd by an at
tachment bv the Union Natlonil bank for
$71,780 and thoColoindo National for 20,847.
The president of Iho Utter bank had n pri-
vnlo claim of S-W.OOO , anil Dennis Shecdjnn
ofllcor in Iho Denver National , for 10,000.
The Union bank's lesources consist of :
J..oana nnd discounts , $ lu2JibU ( ; United
States bonds to secuto cli dilation , $ lf > 0,000j
rash nnd exchange , $147 , ! > l > 8 ; ovcidrafts ,
$ , B,078 ; deposits , fr > 3J,5- ; duo from other
national banks , $14,01)8 ) ; clue from state
banks , Si'J.bO'J ; paper outstanding. $170,000
President Woodbury thinks the bank xvnl
1 ho Commercial Nalioml closed Us doots
when U became oxldcnt from thu sl/o of the
crowd outside Unit n run xxould bo Inaugur
ated , and the following notice ixas posted :
1 Closed for liquidation , by order of the
Ironnt of directors " It has capital stock uf
S'iW.OOO and only $ J,000 cash on hand.
At the American National small depos
llois. xvho are not numerous , made n run.
The bank has 51,000,000 capital , nnd deals
> largely with men xx ho handle big sums.
Kxrltonicnt Dying Ui n.
The excitement and demand upon the
banks for money continued unabated untl
about 3 o'clock , xvhon it had almost entirely
Btibsldcd at all the banks except the State
National and the Gciinan { National , xvhoro
the line of depositors seemed to Increase in-
Btoad of diminishing. This bank Is under
stood to have a special train on the xvay from
Kansas City boat ing $400,000 , and thai It
xvlll roach hero early tomorroxv morning
The First Nationnl bank received $170,000 at
n little after 1 o'clock today nnd $250,000 at
the closing hour. This came from Nexx
York. It was money duo PiesldentMolInll
for bullion he had sold.
Jusl before the close Ihc failure of Iho
Mercantile Savings with a capital of $100,001
vxas announced. Its assets nra sufllciont to
pay all liabilities In timo. At 3 o'clock , the
closing hour , there xxero baldly half u do on
people in any of the Institutions except Iho
D. II. Moffntt. president of Iho First Na
tlonal bank , said the deposits at his house
during the day had greatly exceeded the
vxithdraxvais This bunk has alxxajs boon
most eonsorxatixoly managed nnd Is nlmos
exclusively ovxnod by Mr. MofTall.
Thu gencial opinion among Iho bankers
and business men Is the panic Is over
and that no moro banks xx ill bo obliged to
close , although the lun in n mild xvay ma ;
continue against txxo or thico banks fora
day or txxo
It is bolleicd by financiers that todnv
tun will lesultln the people having mot
I * I confidence In the strong banks and that th
money withdrawn today xvlll at once b
rodoposltcd and a holler feeling DO cstab
llshcd in financial circles , xxhlch xvlll mak
in.onoy easier. The suspended banks expcc
to resume business In a short time.
Ilnil liven a Coiutnnt Drain.
The constant drain on the banks by scarci
depositors has brought about a crisis. It i
stated by bankers thai no less than $3,000 ,
OCX ) has neon drawn from Iho banks durin ;
the last three months. Of this , $ J.OOOOOC
has gene to the east in the icgulur lines o
business , bul Ihcro is $5.000.000 hoarded it
thocltj'Ihostfoty deposit vaults are ful
and there is icason to suppose that th
homos of xxorkingmon contain secret place
in which their sivlngs nro hidden. If ono
Jlfth of that amount xvas let Into elrculatloi
tha stringency in Denver would cease.
Ilyunin & Co , proprietors of the Boo Hlx-o
store , MuWhlrtor & , Ulpps , dealers In man
tels nnd Hies , niuinnglo & IliurU , dry goods ,
have Jusl assigned. No statement , but the
amount ixlll probibly not bo Inigo.
Following the failure of the big McNamara
dry Roods house this moining soxeinl other
mercantile failures xxoro quickly announced.
They xvoro the John Mouat Lumber com
pany , on nn attachment from the German
National bank for $155,200 , Albert Nelson ,
restaurant and saloon , went down with the
National Bank of Commerce. His assets are
placed at $111,510 , with liabilities at 1)11,725 ) ,
hi. S Noah. Installment futniiuro house ;
assets , $40,000 ; liabilities , $10000 Three
other linns with liabilities of $ . ' 0.000 cauh
x\ ore announced this afternoon They xroro
all caused by the bank pnnlo of today.
Late this afternoon two moro savings
hanks assigned. The flist ono xvas the
North Denier Sivings bank , It being fol
lowed by the nrix'ato bank of Stephens &
Hanchott , knoxvn ns the Capital Savings
banlt. No schedule of assets or liabilities
haxo been tiled , but their deposits are not
thought to haxo been hunvy.
i.xi-ours AM > niroms OF SI
homo Viry Iiilrrntliii ; 1 'I cures from tlio
llurimu uf StutuUcn.
| \YA8UINPTOK | July 18. The chief of the
bureau of statistics , In his statement of the
exports atd impoits of gold and silver , reports -
ports thai the exports of gold from the
United States during the twelve months
ended Juno SO , Ib'JJ , amounted to $10SCtiOb41
and the Imports to 21,174,1181 ; excess of experts -
ports , $37,500,403. During thu corresponding
period of tlio preceding jcar thooxpoits
vrero f50.lU5W7 ! and the imports HD.C'jy M :
excess of export * , f li , G J.
'Ihocxpoitsof ailxer during the txvolvo
months ended Juno SO , 18'JI. x\oro $40,7U7,31U
nnd thu Imports i.UiJv ! ; , " > J ; excess of ex
ports , $15.544,007. During the con cspondlng
period of tlio preceding j ear the exports
xxerojy,8IO5'J mid imports SlO.lCj.OlH ) ; ox-
cesi of uxpoi ts. 18,855,47J.
During the alx mouths ended Juno SO the
exports of gold amounted to i73,717lU3 , an
lourutoof $ & , U8,7bS oor the corresponding
period of the preceding ycnr , The Imports
X7ero $11,750,013 , an Increase of t3,7i ! . > ) ,4nI > >
Dnitbln th Amount Ilcqnlrcd by I.nw I *
llnlil In ll ' ervp.
The most noticeable font urn of the state
ments of the national banks of Omaha nnd
South Omaha , Just published , Is the largo
increase In the proportion of cash moans to
dcxslts. | Iho banks , In other words , hnvo
moro cash on hnnd In proportion to the deposits -
posits with xxhlch to meet the demands of
depositors than they nld nt the tlmo
of the last statement. On May 4 ,
the tlmo when the last statement
xxns made , the banks of the txvo cities
had about II per cent of their deposits In
cash means. Since that tlmo there has been
a pn\n \ In this respect until now the cash
means nru much laruer In proportion to the
tlcposlts The national banking law requires
banks in icscrvo cities , like Onmha , to have
! ! . " > per cent of cash moans and other cities 15
per cent. The Omaha Innkers forcsaxv the
coming of n money stringency , and com
menced to "prep ire for It in tlmo by Increas
ing their cash means until they now have
double the amount required by laxv.
\Vhllo the percentage of the cash moans of
the banks has been incicased the deposits
have naturally enough decreased , owing to
tbo scarcity of money. A careful examina
tion of the statements will bring out nn in
teresting fact in connection with the decrease -
crease in the deposits. All of the banks
cnrr.y moro or less deposits of country banks ,
and ns the country binks haxo needed the
money at homo they have reduced their de
posits in the Omaha banks. This causes
quite : t decrease In the total deposits in the
Omaha national banks , and the decrease Is
due almost entirely to this ono cause. deposits hnvo fallen off very
little ; In fact , ono b ink shows a gain in this
p.titiculnr. This is considered qulto re
markable , as It xvas generally supposed that
the dullness of trade and slow collections
xxould force business men to reduce their
suiplus in the banks to a laigo extent. That
thej' haxc not done so to a much greater ex
tent than shown by the bank statements
xxould seem to inatcato th it business Is not
in such bad shape after all.
Another feature of the bank statements Is
the i eduction in loans and discounts.
In order to provide fgr an emer
gency , the banks haxo boon cutting
down their loans and discounts nnd
In this wny Increasing the amount of cash
on hand , which xxould bo axallablo in case of
a sudden demand. While this has been
rather hard on borrowers , It has enabled the
banks of Omaha to make n most satisfactory
shoxxlng , and ono that business men say xxill
go a long xvny toxvard increasing public conll-
donco In their stability. A banker said yes
terday that It xvns an ngiccablo surprise to
note the case with which borroxxcis are
liquidating their obligations.
IIu Thinks the XV o rut nt the Flimnclnl
ritirry 1 O or.
CIIHHOO , July 18 Ex-Comptroller Licy ,
president of the National Banking associa
tion , said today : "Aside from the recent
bank failures in Kansas City and Dourer
and their effect upon the region tributary to
these cities , the countrj' seems to bo recov
ering from the iccont severe stringency
which has prevailed for the past thteo
months. It is probiblo that the disturb
ances at Denxor are the outcroxvth of the
recent sllx'or agitation nnd the consequent
depression in related industries. Want of
confidence , resulting from an unusual num
ber of failures , has boon the chief cause of
the recent disasters xxhleh the public press
has been called upon to record. It is xxoll
to rcmombor , , hoxxoxer , the number of
bank f dimes alluded to has borne a xery
small proportion to the total number of insti
tutions doing business in the United States.
IIcio nnd thcro unsound institutions haxo
developed and failures haxo resulted , but
tlio gi eat bodj-of the banks of this country
possess an abundance of sound assets and
xx ill bo found amply able to moot all calls
made on them.
"Depositors In banks who are so unxxlso ns
to niako demands for funds xx hich they do
not need simply aggravate the existing
conditions , and unnecessarily embarrass
the imlusttlcs , upon which nil alike
are dependent for livelihood. An epidemic
of distrust has oxerrun nearly the entire
country and these later cases nro simply
the last outbreak xvhich precedes the return
turn of healthful conditions. It is fortU'
nato that the demonstration at Kansas
City has been delajed until the harvests
aio xxell under xvay , as the marketing of tha
Immense crops of the Mississippi valley will
speedily replenish the drain upon the banks
by this senseless sc ire , and wo shall soon see
those in the Interior strengthened bj' the
pijment of iniituimg paper.
"As these local institutions loplcnish their
cash , U xvlll ovorlloxv into the rosoivo cities
and so tbo xvholo banking sjstoni xxill bo re
stored , nnd the normal condition of strength
and bank accommodations to these engaged
in loeltimato cnterpiisos xvill again cxeu a
healthy stimulus.
"Tho meeting of congress Is near nt hand
and thai o scorns to be no reasonable doubt of
the speedy repeal of the silver purchasing
clause of the Sherman act. The importa
tion of gold has already sot In and xvill un
doubtedly Incicaso as the effect of the
alreadv largo exportation of teieals pro
etuccs its legitimate lesults.
"Tho Now York banks have commenced
rotiiing clearing house certificates and. nro
abundantly able to meet the
demands of legitimate business
and the pinicky condition of the stock
market need not necessarily excite dis
trust. The banks nro dally gaining in
deposits and cash reserve , and this is
also ttuo of most of the roscrx'a centers
in the inteilor. The recuperative pow
ers of the couutiy are now aotix-oly
employed and in ull probability will , In the
near futuio , restore conditions.
What Is needed Is the oxeiciso of cnro and
sound Judgment upon tbo part of ovorv lead' '
ing eiti/en in the land , r.illuros xvill inevitably
ovitably occur , oxen though xvo speedily
rcali/o our highest expectations in the way
of reuoxvcd confidence. "
II. .XI. Illnkla & him ol Sprlnt'lUiId 1'liul
Money Too Chile.
SrniNoriBM ) , Neb , July 18. [ Special TolO'
gram to TUB BKE ] II. M. HInkle & Son.
dealeia In general merchandise , failed this
morning1. Liabilities , $10OJO ; assets , about
the samo. The Him executed chattel mort
gages to C. 1C. Spearman for $3,870 , McCord ,
Brady & Co. , $ J,500 ; Harpy County State
bank , fl.II'J ' I , last night and the mortgagees
took immediate possession of the
stock this morning Today other ,
chattel mortgages xxero lllcd by
Kilpatrlck-Koch Dry Goods company ,
$1WS ) ; Cedar Haplds Improvement company ,
$717 ; ICitkoudall. Jones & , Co , $202 , and
l onis Biadfoid , $141. They also confessed
Judgment to soxcial other Huns in small
Doing business on n limited capital and
the general unsettled condition of financial
affairs Is the cnuso of the failure. 'I heir
books and accounts , xxhlch aggiegato less
than fJ,500 , xxoro purchased outilght bv J ,
I ) . Spearman X Co , bankets , to sccuro them
for money loaned the linn.
limn i'ullurr ,
PBHHV , la , July 18. ( Spec ! il Telegram to
TUB UEB.J The Intgo iliy goods house of
Klncuid & Hro. was closed by the sheriff to.
night. The attachments filed amount to
$7,000 so far , and the stock Is xxorth $15000 ) ,
The firm docs business in suv ral towns In
Nebraska and Kansas , and has been doing ,
a bit ; business trading Kansas lands for )
stocks of goods.
AVIll Nut Itraiimc.
CiiKuao , July 18. The committee having
in charge thu icorganUatlon of the Chemical
bank , xxhlch suspended some tlmo since , has
decided that resumption uf business Is not
practicable at the present timo. Ino reasons
gixeu for the declination are the stringency
of the money uiaikot auu tuo Inability of
some of tlio stockholders to meet the nccos-
ary assessments.
Quirt In KitiKHt City
, July 18. Although last nljjht
the bankers of Kansas City did not expect to
get through today xvithout tioublo none
tame , and the impression prevails that today
maiks the beginning of the end of the recent
financial Hurry , 'lliuro Is evidence today
that the people haxo stopped to think. It Is
( a notable fact that no tuuu XT ho had uionov
- .
in the Bank of Kansas City or the Missouri
National tins the slightest doubt of getting
every cent of It. The banks In Knnsns City
which have failed nro the National Hank of
Kansas Ulty , the Missouri National bank ,
tbo Kansas Cltv Sifo Deposit nnd Savings
bank nnd the Hink of Grand Avenue , the
latter being a stale bank ,
llrnril nt VVnflhliiRtnti.
WASHINGTON , July 18. Uefore the oftlco of
comptroller of the currency xx-as closed this
afternoon , Information had been received of
tbo failure of three national banks toda.x
the ] Commoiclal National and the
Union National of Denier. Colo. , and
the Tlrst National bank of Fort Scott. Kan
Comptroller Eckels Is In Noxv York and no
action xxas therefore taken on the failures.
The nexn of Iho Donx-er crash caused some
surpiise In Iho comptroller's olllco for It xvas
belloved the vxoi-st xvna over
national b inking matters would soon resume
their normal condition.
Tlio eold reserve took another tumble
today from $ l)8Ol)0OI4 ) to $ U7CrJ,832. The
currency bilanco today xxus $20,118,115'3 ,
agulnst $20,117,1)13 ) .yesterday.
Demxml the Itopnil of ills Shot-milt Act
Nuw YOIIK. July 18 A special meeting of
the board of directors of Iho Maratlnio ex
change xxas hold tod.ijto consider the silver
question. Kesolullons xxeto unanimously
curried demanding the prompt repeal of the
clause of the Sherman act under xvhich the
goxornmcntlstequirod topurohaso enormous
quantities of silver , believing that this is
the llrst stop necessary to a resumption of
A committee of three members xvns ap
pointed bj- the chntr lo co-opoiato xvith the
committee of Iho Chamber of Commerce in
Iho stale of Noxv York and olher commercial
bodies to sccuio th it end.
Hnllurlriiiirkinun. .
ELMOOD , Ind. , July 18. A deplorable con
dition of affairs exists among the poorer
classes of this cltjOxer 2,000 workmen
are out of employment nnd many nro In suf
fering circumstances xxlth starvation star
ing thorn In the faco. The stagnation tln
business circles pi ox onls thorn from obtain
ing any xxork and \vith no propect of any im
mediate relief in this direction they nro in a
very plliablo condition. Tn order to allexlato
them Major Malforlty has called n nicotine
of the council to doxlso means for their sup
ColnnRO ofSilver .Not Umtrlctml.
LONDON , July 18. In the House of Com
mons today Piimo Minister Gladstone , in
replying to questions asked upon the sub
ject , denied that there xvas artificial restric
tion of coinage of sllxor in Emrland. The
Australian system , ho said , xxas aimlagous
to the noxv Indian sjstem The quantity of
silxer coined In India xvould not bo icgulated
by the conx enienco of the government , but
by the xvants of the country.
Cotton MlllH Cliino I HUT u.
BOSTON , July 18. Iho Amoskoag mills ,
n hich xvlll close for the month of August ,
accoidlng ton vote of its dimeters at Man
chester , N. H. . employs ,000 hands It has
a pay roll of $252,000 per month and uses
0 000,000 pounds of cotton per xveok. Other
mills aio likely to folloxv suit. The Amos-
keag mill is the laigest producer of inanu-
factutcd cotton In the xx-oild.
Kunsas ItniiK Failures.
Toi'EicA , Knn. , July 18. Stuto Bank Ex
aminer Breldenthal this morning recolxed
notlco of the failuio of the Citizens bank of
Kansas City , Kan. ; Bank of Richmond and
Farmois nnd Merchants bank of Ossa-
xxattouilc. The concerns are all small. No
statements. Other similar failures through
out tno state aio expected.
Smpminlon of nn Arniuurdnlo Ilnnk.
AHXIOUHDAI.B , Kan , July 18 The Citizens
bank suspended pajment todajxxlth assets
of 31oluOO and liabilities of $ U2(5,500. ( Stuto
Bink Commissioner Bicidcnthal toolc pos
session of the bank. Among the heavy cred
itors of the bank is the countj' of Wjandotto ,
ix hich had on deposit some $10,000 of Its
Alnrmnit XViii-ltl' lair Visitors.
CuiCAfio , July 18. The bank failures in
Denver bax'o alarmed mauv of the Colorado
visitors to the fair. Hon. J. D. McGllvay ,
I. S. Broxvn and manj- others left for homo
this afternoon.
. Wlllard Scott returned to Chicago.
John Li. Webster and family ere In Chicago
Dr. Doherty and family have loft for Chi
C. A. McCargarof Lindoln Is at the Mer
> C. n. Hilcs , a Milxvaukoo capitalist , Is in
the city.
C. S. Parker of Fullcrton Is visiting the
Captain , ! . A. Hutton , Eighth UnitodStntcs
Infantry , and J. n Click of THE HUB returned
yesteiday from a hunting and fishing trip in
the Big Haiti mountains.
Assistant City Engineer Alva J. Grover
returned jesteiday from the Woild's fair
and Wisconsin. Mr. Grovor's family will
remain In Wisconsin during the summer.
Judge Walton xxill como doxvn from Burt
county ted ly nnd will devote the day to
disposing of mattois xvhich have been the
subject of legal discussion bofoio him during
the May term of court.
Mrs. A. Haas and sister , Miss Nathania
Ansbacher , start for Chicago today to
visit tbo fair. Miss Anabacher then leaves
for Sharon Springs , where she stays until
October 1 , then going to Noxv York to resume -
sumo her musical studios ,
At the Mercer Con Khk , IJoston ; H. P.
Hallock , Mr. Huso and Mr. Marks , city ; H.
P. Shutnxvuj' and son , Wnkollold ; J. A. Hutton -
ton , U. S. A. ; Kdxvard Jj. Burko. Genoi ; H.
S. Molntosl ) , Chicago ; Captain J B. McCoy ,
Wisconsin ; Or.i P. Haley , IViramlo , Wyo. ;
Clinton H. Lee , Lincoln ; O. K. Bartlett , Noxv
_ _
Firoxvorks , balloon ascension and par-
uohutu jump , Coin-Hand beach tomorrow
Building permits amounting to $300 xvcro
Issued yesterday by the inspector of build-
Hugh Murphy has completed the paving of
Douglas street from Nineteenth tel xvcntloth
with Colorado sandstone.
There xvlll bo u special of division
No 4 , Ancient Order of Hlboinlans , In Its
hall at H o'clock this evening
The hjdrant claim of the American Water
Works company lecontly passed by the coun-
ell is still in the hands of Major iionils and
is unsigned.
Ed Mauror has taken out a permit to make
alienations in the store building nt 1300
rnrnum streot. Ho xxill expend > ,000 in
making the necessary repairs and altcr-
a lions.
The passenger elevator conductors ordl-
nance is noxv a .law , ami the conductor's
union is taking stops to en force its provis-
Ions. All co-iductors In the city over 18
jears of ago hiixo boon invited to become
mumbcisof the union.
The t-onstliutlon of the Omaha Wonians'
club , by eider of the board of directors , has
been placed In the hands of Miss Allen at
the public Horary so that these xvho haxo ox-
piessoa a xvish to sign It may hux-o un oppor-
tunlty buforo the October mooting.
Major Fur.iy , as soxxcrcommlsslonor. made
his first appointment jcstordny ai.a ho xvas
backed up In It uy the other membeis of .tho
Board of Public Works The major mimed
as an inspector Joseph Dougherty , nn old
friend of j oars standing and u comrudo dur
ing the " 1 ito unpleasantness. "
Geoigo E. Ward has filed n petition in tha
probalo court , asking that ho bo appointed ,
administrator of the estate of Afcannn 15.
Ward , xvhodlod Intostato on July H , nt her
rcsidtucc , ! 03 Ohio stioot , this i-lty. The
estate of the deceased consists of flO.OOO 'of
personal property and loal estate of the
xutuo of $7,000.
The Omaha National bank did a xvholo-
sale business yesterday In the .matter of
bringing sulta agaliut U. Stevens & Sons ,
contractors , Indixidually the members of
the firm xx010 sued for $1.1,601 , and In addi
tion thereto suits xvoro commenced against
the following named parties , xylth the Stox--
ens people a * co-defendants : Thomas Tay
lor , $ :1,500 : ; James K. Curtis , fl/JOOj H. U
Kennedy , fl.OOO , and Hans Porter , SJ.tJOO.
Balloon tonight and totuorroxv night.
His Uool Play Wirfe Him Pint Place in
the Tennia for Singles
HP Opened the Kxenlng by Winning n IOTO
Sot , liut Poll TJirtiucli Ornrroiilliloiico
I'ojticiiner null LnwrnncD Itont
llnnkoll linil Iloxvinnii ,
Nearlj- largo n croxvd gathered on the
Omaha Tounls club ground last ox-cuing as
on Monday. Those xvho saxv the start In
the final of the singles xxcrd there again to
see the flnish. and the chairs along the xvost
suTo of the court xxero again all but lllled.
Culllnghnm and Denlso entered thocoutt
soon after 0:15 : , the lime that had boon
agreed upon. From the vorj' outset il xvas
ex Id out that each man meant business.
Denise had the service and following' his
flrsl ball up to the not volleyed Iho return ,
nnd after a lonj rally finally xxon
the Point. This xvas n good start and ho
xx Isoly stuck to the stmo kind of play to
the end of the sot , Culllnghnm xvns
kept on Iho defensive all the tlmo. Oc
casionally ho had a chinco to got pist
Donlso on ono side or the other , and occasion
ally Denlso xx-ould make a false play : his
racket xvould turn In his hand and the bill
fall into the not or in attempting to teturn a
lob , nnd Cullingham senl him plenixho
xxould dilvo It ox or the side line or out at the
vu vit . IJul Cullingham never raptured a
game , though In the second ho scored no
fewer than nlno points.
Homo Very Pretty Tamils.
As the score gradually grow In Donlso's
'avor ' , the lookers-on became moro and moro
engiossod in the play a-ad toxvard Ihe end of
, ho sot his every point xxas cheered. The
climax cnmo xx hen ho had taken six games
running nnd scored a love sot. This put him
ono game ahead of his elder and moro ox-
> oi loncod opponent , and there seemed no
; ensou xvhy ho should not pull off thu match.
: lo had made a grand effort , nox-or falling off :
for nn instant in his assiduity to return , and
oturn xvith Interest , every ball that came to
The closeness of the score put ex-cry ouo
on the tlptoo of excitement as Iho Uf th not
commenced. Denise started xvith a well
ddgod service , skimming nicely over the
not , and ran ui > after it. Ho scored the
joint , as before , but Cullingham xvas noxv on
uls mottle and gave him feu or opportunities.
"Tvvo-lovo , Cullingham leads , " xvas soon
called , and Cullinghnm seemed lo be
xx inning. Uul Denise inad o r. spurt and
caught up. Then Denise lostrhls service and
lost the next came , xvhon his
score xxas ! iO , on a disputed ball.
Four games to txvo xvas a good
j lead , but Denlso xvas not beaten yet. Ho
made , an oxcolloiH light for the sex-en th game
and , xx on it , but failed at a crucial point in
the , eighth. The 'vantage xvas against him
when ho ended n beautiful ralljby dropping
the ball stioit into Iho not. Ono game xvas
all that Culllngham , now xvanted to xxin.
Denise hud the seix-eo and xxlth a little
moro coolness might have saxed himself
f loin defeat. Hut nerve is not alxxaya on lap
xx hen most in requisition and Cullingham
got to 40 0 and ran'outi to 40-15.
It had been a hard fought game , nnd thoio
was little to choose between Iho men.
Dcmso's defeat xxits duo as much lo his oxxn
failuto al crucial points in tbo game as to
his opponent's superior skill. But Culling
ham had a majority of txxo games on the
match und , oven without his handicap which
counted ono point in each of the forty-two
games plajed , he piobably had a majorily of
1'rrtty I'luy II ) tlio Double * .
Fosbonnor and "L iXYrenco came out on
the right side in thclcicontest xvith Bowman
and Haskell. This game was not much
-itched , for it xxas played xvhen the more
exciting singles . .mutch xvas going on
in the other Ycaurt.i' Still there xvas
some piotly play .tfhofb. Fosbonuer on
his side und Bowman on the ether stuck
close to the not , except , xvhen serving , and
there xxas consequently some very quick
volleying. The winners xvon as much bj-
quickness and diligence us anything. Their
score xvas (5-1. ( 5-7 , G-2.
Just before this game xvas over Denise and
Wilbur made a bolu start against MeKell
andBroxxn In the court in xvhich Culllng
hnm had just xvon the first pri/o in tbo
singles. Denlso seemed none the xxorso for
his hura xxork and was anxious for the fray.
Ho and Wilbur had taken ono set in easy
slylo , at the score of six games to ono , xvhon
It xvas agreed to put off the finish until
tonight , xx lion it is hoped thai Iho llnul xvill
also bo played.
ItPBUlt Of til
Beloxv are the complete scores In the
singles competition xvhich xvas finished last
night , showing each round as il was played
and the seoies of ox cry match :
C K Cookson , a bje I Cookson
A. It Johnson , n bj of 0-J , 02ST
2 °
J XV Ililtlu ( IJittln 1
E. WiltK'i f b-l.O-slCullhiBlinm o
CSCiilllnfflnm.CiiUlMsliim ( | 0-0,13-1 ! 5 = "
U , 1'ollock f U-0,0-0 J o J >
Ij.O Denlso ( Denlso 1 * -f
C II. Yoiin. f lUllGJ | Denlso
II TIlilPii ITIlden f 0-1,0-3
J. W. Parish f 0-1,0-4) )
I ) . Butler , n b ) o I Hart BA |
K. Hart , a bye f 0-1,7-0. Jo
Coniiunror Ilrenk * n XXorld'n llnourd , nnd
Ontonlmi Goey Ynry l.ntr.
Sioux FALLS , S. D. , July 18 [ Speelal
Telegram to THE BEE ] The Dilvlng club's
races opened auspiciously , xvtth the track In
excellent condition , bofoio l.-WO spectators
The races xvoro the best ox-er held In this
section. There xvas a groat'rnco jn ( na 3.
year-old trot between The Conqueror and
Onola. Conqueror took the third heat In
15:17 : , the xvorld's record for the joar In this
class. He made the last quarter In ! U In
the third heat of the 2'J : ) pace Ontonlau pot
a mark of 'J:00 : | . Chandler , drlx-cr of On-
Ionian , snj.s bo could easily have mud a thu
tlmo 'J U" ) , as ho never urged the horse
throughout the heat Tha List half was
made in 1-03. It tooic llvo boats to decide
tho2inpaco. Newsboy took the first txvo ,
und Txvo StiiUos the last throo.
Twohtrlkus . 0 5 1 1 1
Xowsboy . 1 1 B 3 5
Smith . Ji4- . . . , . 4 n 3 3 2
Maud M . , . 'J i ! 3 D 3
Unehi Jnclc . . . , . , . , . . . . f > 4444
llroxxn Frank . . . . . J 0 dls
UlrchwnoU . . . . .r.i.s : . . dls
Klch ird . i-tvi * . ( lls
Tlmo : 2l8y : , 'JiaUl2 ; , : ! , asiaj } , 2:13. :
Throo-yoar-old troti
The ( /oiKjuuror . , . , , . „ , . . Ill
Oiiola . P.1. . , . 2 J 3
XAInomi . J. " . 332
OliuiloyW . ; .1'i ' . 4 U 4
Charley llon'Ks . -i . 0 4 0
SiillimAV. . 050
Tlrnu : 2-.20X , 2:1JO"iaa:17. : ! :
2:20 : paee : n jj ,
Ontonlmi . I.H. . . , . . .
ThUtln Dow . , ' . . . . 2 U 0
Fred llolconib . , * . 7 8 2
Ttiltanmh . , . . ( f. . 343
Hylurk . I./.J. . 5 3 0
I.ucy Hmltli . 'V . . .j . 004
AbnorTaylor. . . VJiif. . 4 7 7
Sr . . . . . . . . ' . ' . % . 858
Tlmo : 2:14U : ,
Tyro XX on tlit >
Ciiioiao. July 18.'t Washington park
today the Maiden st\ko ; xvas the principal
feature , IMxxaid Corngan's Tyro xvon
xvithout any dllllculty , after Linda , the
illly , xvhich recently bent Morello , had led
for a mile. Tyio xvas 1 lo 3 In the betting ,
Kosults ;
1'lrat nice , maldous , Q-yours , flvo furlongs :
Ohio Hello (4 ( to II won. I.ady Itoso (15 ( to 1) )
second. Sprllo (10 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:02. :
bocond race. Boiling , mlle und anelKhth
IlHSty (8 ( to 1) ) won , ( Jlruly | 3 to IJsucond ,
Oynoiiiru (20 ( to It third , Tlmul:04li. ;
Thlrdrtiee , the Muldon > stuk04 , tl.OUO iiddud ,
mlle and an oUhth : Tyro ( I to2i won , 1-Indii
i& to 1) ) tocond , Dccnpod (0 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo :
! : & & .
1'ourlh race , mlle nnd a sixteenth : llollrnr
IlucUnordl to 6) ) won , Iaku Bruore ( U to 6) )
jerond , 1'orest Ho > o(5 ( tel ) third. Time : 1:47 : ,
Klfth race , ilx furlontli : t/hurmlou (4 tn 5) )
won , I'rlm-ogs (0 ( to 1) ) second , Marlon O (1U ( to
1) ) third. Tlmo : l:14 i.
blxth race , uialdon 2-yoar-nlds , llvo fur-
lotix * : Uu h Oar (7 ( to 1) ) won , Polmar(15 ( to 1) )
second , O rdln < 13to 1) ) third. Time : 1-02.
bu renth ruco , uillo and a slxtueutti : lilluy (6 (
to M won , llonnlo lljrd (50 ( to 1) ) second ,
1-oronroil'J to H third. Time1:47 : > 5.
KlRlith nice , six furlongs : Prlnpo Docclxor
Ifi to 1) ) won , Tulln Illxcklnirn IH to lueconil ,
Senator Morrlll (15 ( tel ) third. Tlmo : liUi < .
lto ult nt llrlRhlon.
NKXV YOIIK , July 13. Kosults at Hricjhton
Uoich today :
Plrst rnr < > , ndln nnd nil ol hth : liny lor (0 (
to 1) ) won , Nook llnrrvn (12 ( to Hand Il7/ln Me-
lulT(10to ( lirnn n clciu boat for the place.
Tlmo : l0HJ. ! (
Second race , four and n hnlf fiirlonus :
Token (3 ( lo 1) ) won , r.nulliio (4 ( to t ) nnd Vlo-
Icttn(7lo2) ( ) ran a iJentl heat for the place.
Time : & 8' $ .
Third race. Ihroo-fonrths mlle : Hlllot l > oux
(5 ( to lxxon ) , xVostolioslor (4 ( lo II sec-olid , Lou
Illicit (11 ( ! to 1) ) third. Tlmo : lir : > > 4.
I'ourlh nice , mlle and n slxlt'onlh : Lowlander -
lander (2 ( to 1) ) won , I.lrzlo 12 to 1) ) second , Vlr le
( into t ) third. Tlmo : 1:50. :
llf Ih race , sixain * a half furlongs : Plav or
Pay (1 ( lo 1) ) won , Ki'innr > > o (5 ( lo 1) ) second , vnfi-
nboiul (5to ( lthlrd. ) Time : 1:2.1. :
Sixth rnee , snxeii furlone : IiiKotOto ( 6) )
xvon. I/insltiK < 15 to llsivontl , Don't Know (100 (
tel ) third. Time : l:3jy. :
c "t ( lloiiccti r.
, July 18. Kesults at Glou
I'lrst rncn , mlle and an eighth : Ouptaln
llnnimor j (20 ( to 1) ) xvon. Wallnca (7 ( to 2) ) second ,
lltlolml(5 ( to 1) ) third Time : 2U'f :
Second race , fix n furloiiKs : Hobln lloodd lo
31 won , llciuitifnl llclls(5 ( to 1) ) M'conil , homo
Jlciro (0 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : l-n. (
Third nice. llxp-nlKlithsmlln : Morning Glory
(3 ( to 1) ) won. NiMMlmoro ( H to 1 } second , Morton
(8 ( tel ) third. Tlmo : 1-.03H.
1 ourthrai-o , six nnda hnlf furlones : Ohnt-
liaintlDto 1) ) won. A. O. II. (3 ( to 2) ) second ,
SltoosijoUtor 1100 to 11 third. Tlmo : l:2t'y. :
Mf tli rnco , four nnd n half furlongs : A roll -
bishop ( ox on ) won , Il-X7lut(5 ( to Ijieuoml , I'olla
(7 ( to II third. Time : 57J { .
.Sixth rnco , six nnda half fu-htiiKs : Marly
U. (3 ( toll uon , The roruin (10 ( lo 1) ) second ,
Turner (8 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1JO. :
l'rofritm nl J
Nnxx YOIIK , July 18. Monmouth
Park :
rirstrncp , flvo-olglillis mlle : Arllllory (3 ( to
1)Mn ) , llnrvi < Ht in lo D ) HiM-ond , Lima Ollxer
( do toil third. Tlmo : l:01 : f.
bi-eoud i.iee , mlle and n fourth : Itnuho (4 ( to
1) ) xvon , White Itoso i7 to 1) ) second , 1'ulry i7 to
10) ) third. Tlmo : 2-01.
Third race , the Tjro stakes , flxo-elghths
mlle : llornplpn (7 ( to 5i won. Sum Lucas (4O ( to
Dnuooml , Dobbins ( U to 5) ) tlilrd. Tlniu : 1:01. :
1 ourth rnco , mlle nnd n fourth : Mr Walter (3 (
to 1) ) xvon , Dally Amcrlc.i (3 ( to 1) ) second ,
ItanmiMi ( ! ) to 10) ) tlilrd. Time : 2lim. :
rifth ruee , llvo nnd n hitlt fnrloniri : John
Cooper (5 ( to 21 won. O. Terrapin ( III to 1) ) s < > rend -
end , Urossllro eolMH to II third. Time : 1OS. :
Sixth race , mlle nnd u sixteenth : Deception
(3 ( to 1) ) won , IH'.insv (2 ( to 1) ) second , Madrid tG
tel ) third. Time : l55i. : .
runt Driving nt Dntrolt.
uly 18 The track at the De-
troll Drixing puk today xxas fast. The
ex out of the day xxas the Merchants and
Manufacturers race , purse ? 3,000. Siva of
the Clalrvluxx f.iim , xvon in three sti.ilcht
heats , her best time beinsc 'J.iif. : J. D.
Campus' Guy , black KeUHiiff , biolto the
xvagon locord of 2:15 : held by Allorton.
Hitched to a 130 pound load xx.igon he
trotted the mlle hi 2:13 flat.
I'lrst race , 3-jeai-olds , trottlnu , purse
$2,000. r.inlnsy xxon , Double Cioss second ,
Oriole third. Itest tlmo : 2:19 :
2:24 : class , trotting , Murchints nnd M-inu-
f.icturc'rs | iur-.e , JH.OOO : bisuuon. Miss Llda
second , Mambrltonlnn tlilrd. llust tlmo : 2:13 : : > 4.
Nou Vorks ( il\n Juck Stlvutti AVorao .Tnr-
rliiK Up tlinn Aimon Dill.
NEW YOIIK , July 19 The New Yorks bit
ted Stixotts for eighteen hits and ten earned
runs and boat the Bostons again in a cantor.
Seoro :
Now York 30123012 * 18
IJoston 200001 30 1 7
Hlls : Noxv York IS , lloston 14. Krror > : Now
York 4 , lloston 3. Earned runs : Noxv York 10 ,
lloston 4. Itittcrics : JUiblo and Mllllgan ,
btlxotts und ( Jmsol.
Cleveland Ouo * to Third.
CI.KX ELAND , July 18 All of Clex eland's
heavy hitters xxero in battlnj ; trim. The
homo team xxou and took third place in the
championship iaee Attendance 2.700.
Score :
Cleveland 14
I'lttsbnrK 300200000 5
Hits : ( Jlovoland , 10 ; IMttsbure. 15. Hrroi ) , :
Cleveland , 1 ; I'lusbnrg , U. 1'ained runs :
Clovolind. 0 : Plttsbiirc,4. Hitteiles : Young
and O Connor ; Miller , Ciuiubcrt and Munsol.
&ut the I.c dcr4 ISnck AKTiilu.
WASIIIMITOV , July 18 "Washington won In
the ninth inning on Allen's error , a single
and Modem's hit for three bases. Attend
ance 2,000 Scoio :
Washington 3 0220100 3-11
Philadelphia. . . .000300000 U
Hits : Washington , 12 ; I'lillailolphln , 9
Erioiu : Washington. G ; l'hllulol | > hlu , 5
Earned runs : Washington , 3 ; I'hllmlel-
pliln , 1. Batteries : MooUIn and Pnrrell ; Car-
suy and Clumonts.
Colts XVhltoivnsh Drr 1'rowm.
CHIOAOO , July 18 The Colts kept up their
gooitxoik , plvinir the Browns a coat of
whitewash. Score :
Chicago 010010002 4
bt. Louis 000000000-0
Hits : riilcigo , 10 ; St. Louis , 5. Krrnrs :
Chicago , 2 ; ht. Louis 2. Earned inns : Chicago
cage , 3. Batteries : llnlchliison und Klttild o ;
llroltonstein and Gun on.
.XIiiHhml lij thu lnll-inlc .
CISCINNXTI , July IS Clncinn ill's bunch of
errors tells the story. Attendance , 1,700.
Score :
Cincinnati.100110000 - = 3
Louisville 20000040 0-12
lilts : Cincinnati , G ; Louisville. 10. Error--
Cincinnati , 7 ; Loulsilllo , 1. E irnoil runs !
Cincinnati , 1 ; Loulsxlllo , 4. II itturliis : hul-
lU an und Murphy ; llommtng , Urlm and ( Jlurl ; ,
Antonio XVIus Once.
BAI.TIMOIIK , July 18 M.illann jiltchod gilt-
edged ball and Ualtimoro again took Brook
lyn Into camp. Attendance. 2- > . Score :
IlrooUlyn 2 03000000-5
Haltlmoro * -10
Hits : BrooUui , 0 ; lliltliiiom , 10. Error- * :
Brooldyn , 1 : liilllmore. 3 Earned inns :
Brooklyn , 1 ; Itiltlmoru , 2. IlitterUis : Hud-
dock und Kln- > low ; Mullano and Clnrko.
at i H ( II ng : < > l tn i Tninn.
w. r. P c W L P.P.
Pldliilolphl.i II ' . ' 4 III'J Now Yoit ! . 31 111 41 ! I
Iloalon . . . 4J'"i U-7 St. Louis . . . .Ill .III li ' ,
Cle olaml 17 17 ! .17 K Chic mo . . HI ) .ill 4 % X
I'lllHliiia' IH .10 S.l ) lUlllmoru . . - ' ! ) .Hi 44 U
Ilrooklyu. . . . 33 Jll CI.7 Wailihiimni. ' 'S III 41.J
ClnelniiUl. . . .11 , lr 47 U IxiilUvllIo. . . Ill M Al 5
Balloon tonight and tomorrow night.
Doutli Itoll.
OKLAHOMA Crrr , July 18 nx-Oovornor
W. M Slono of loxva , lalo cominUslonor gen
eral of Ihe land ofllco , died at his residence
near hero today.
The bony of the ox-governor xvlll bo
shipped to Knoxville , In. , for interment. Hx-
Governor Stone was born In Noxv York In
18SJ7awl came to loxxain IKii. Uoforo the xvar
he xvaa district Judge ; no seixod duringIho
first txvo years of the xvur us colonel of the
Txx-onty-socond Iowa ; xvas elected gox-einor
for the iliHt time in ISiVl. and xvas commis
sioner general of the land ofllco under Presi
dent Harrison ,
l.liiinr | Driller * to I'lnnla.
Omaha retail liquor dnnlors having formed
a bcnoxolont and protective association noxv
propose having a picnic. The date has nol
boon fixed on yol , bul xxill soon bo an.
nounood It Is Intended to give * general
pioxrani of sporl , such as xvill attract a
largo atlondanco. The receipts xvill go Into
the benefit fund
Firoxx-orltH , balloon usconslon and parachute -
achuto jumji , Courthuid boauh tomorroxv
i > l ) turlou Ilnnpioiirunco | ,
The friends nnd family of Curl Malgurd , a
carpenter xyho lives al USIO South Sixteenth
street , are worried over his prolonged
absence from homo. Ho loft homo for
xxork last Monday morning and no tidings
bavo since been received from him Ho xvas
sober nnd industrious and. his absence can
not ba accounted for.
Leonurd lli-parli.
J , 0 , Leonard , the Hostonlan xvho got
scratched by the claxvs of n Douglas street
tiger xx hllo in Omaha recently , has loft for
Chicago. Ho xvas accompanied by bis wife.
Ho said prior to departure Dial ho would re
turn and prosecute the gamblers.
Lucky at I'urn ,
A cattle man made n xx inning of $1,000 at
the 41Donx-er" gambling house In this city
ast night. Ills luck at lure xvas phenome
nal , and ho twisted the tiger's lull into a
"Psycho knol" in a shorl time.
The balloon goon up tonight.
Safnty of Viadnota Will Bo nt Oaco Thor-
ongjy Investigated ,
Cjrelnno" Collier , the I'limoU * ChlcnRo
I.nwyrr , Mnkns firxrnnlnn Adclrrm on
tlio Depot yiionlUin llnrlirrft Auk
for Sumlii ) Closing ,
The monotony of the city council proceed
ings li ns broken last night by the
niu-o of Frank H. Collier , who s ijs ho .eamo
In from Chicago In his spechl car "Just to
give the council a foxx- pointer * anil poih ips
sohotho union depot prohloin" Air Col
lier Is n hoix-y-xvolght "eccentric" dlsclplo of
Blaekslono and halls from the Windy City
Ho Introduces himself bv giving out the In-
forin.itlou that ho xx.i3 the follow who xxas
hi ; In a political melee four.yo.irs ago , ami
ns n result ho has been locked up In dhers
mul immorous Insino hospitals , but ho al-
wajssucceeded In ' 'habeas ' c-orplislng" him
self out. Ho carries with him letters from
Major HArrlsoii and nil of tbo ptimitnout
onielals of the city of Chicago.
In addition to claiming to bo the original
composer of "Ta-ra-boom-do-ny , " ho pro
claims that ho is the iittornoy of sixteen
different railway companies , thtoo olo\ator
companies , besides bolni ; worth In bis own
right § 700,000. Ho Is on a uloasmo tiip to
the Rookies , niulht Ins boon 11 vo joars sluco
ho tasted of Omiha hospitality. Ho
takes to city ofllctals Hko a duck
to a < ] im pura , and at ono tlmo xxas a nieinher
of the Chicago Uonnl of Education , Ho
ilroppod in on Major Uemls jostorday after
noon and voluntceieil to toll how to got a
union dopot. As soon as ho ascertained that
tlio council would moot last uxcnlng ho an
nounced his Intention of belnir piesent anil
administering sound advlco to the city dads.
Ho xxns on haml early und pro ciuptcil Coun
cilman Ilonell's chair. Ilo wearied through
the proceciilngs , and when they gtow pir-
ticulaily tiresonio ho would lliul test in the
l.ind of nod When tlio council had com
pleted its business Councilman I'llneo Intro
duced tbo Chicago man.
Clcrro WIIH Not In It.
Mr. Collier Is a big nrin phjsieally and
when ho turned loose his \oeabul.iry of Hat-
tcilng adjectives it xxas to bo seen that they
xx oio as vast as his avoirdupois Ho compli
mented the council , the city of Omaha an I
its people and ho was very eloquent about it
nil Tliun ho turned himself to the union
depot. Ho slid : -'What you have dpwn
thoio ir , the rotlenesl uepot and is a disgiaco
to the city and the common council. You
sit heio and permit the railway companies tu
lord It oxer jou. Why not have n saen -
story structuio tint xxlll bo n magmlk-ont
stiuotuiei It is easily done. I'll tell jou
how to bring about the results tint xxillgixe
jou the liandbomcst depot \\est ot Chicigo
But jou must not inform the Q th it I haxo
given jou Uio tip. as I am the attorney for
that toad and would be Hied in a minute
It ullltaku txxo ordinances to bilug about
thoiosult. Fust piss an otitlnanco
inc ; that on and after the 1st ot August , Ib'U ' ,
no wooden stiuctuies of any kind or descrip
tion xxill bo peunlned ulongsido or within
the right of way of any lailxxny companj In
this citj- . The result \\111 bo thai doxx 11ill
como the fiamo shanties tluittuo an oxesoio
to jou nil. Then piss another ordinance do
clailng that on aim after the 13th dav o
June , lb'.H , all Hacks in the city shall o
delated to ten feet aboxo terra tltinn This
is a second Cliicagoiiml out supreme court
has held that such laxxs nro good Then \on
will ha\o the silk-tiled piesideiits of the
companies coming to Omaha and piotesting "
Mr. Collier then dcscilbed how the inesl-
dents would act nnd the tales of woo they
would have to lelate. Ho said meet them
with the reply that a depot is wanted and a
depot muat'bo scoured. Bj' poisistenoy in
this way ho thought that the depot would
be secured and It would bo a happy day for
the Gale Citj' . J'ho couneilmen cnjoj ed the
talk xory much and xxei every llbural with
Viaduct Oucstlon.
The council transacted considor.iblo busi
ness of un itiiportint nature. It wioatled
with the viaduct question The committee
on judiciiry submitted Its repott recom
mending that Engineer Itosoxv.itcr select a
competent engineer , and they , in conjunc
tion , with the engineers of the Builington
and Union 1'acllic , to examine the Eleventh
and Sixteenth stteetviaducts as to their
condition and icport to tlio council A ie elution -
lution to this effect accompanied the lepoit
Mr. Mumo said tiio puipoho of the resolu
tion xx as to bring about delay. The citj-
engineer Ind ptonounced the Eloxcnth stteot
viaduct unsafn and It had been fenced up
for a j'6ar. The city attorney said that
the city can compel the companies to ropiir
or iccoiistiuct viaducts. Ho thought it tlmo
to do something and CIMSO dillj-dalljing
Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Hascall s lid tlio
Elttxcnth and Sixteenth stieot A inducts
were constructed under a contiaet
with the companies pun ions to the time
that the charter gave aiithoiity to compel
the companies to construct viaducti Mr.
IIascall sild the sweet railxxav lompinles
hail boon poimitted under contiaet to eioss
thoxiulucts by picnic annually a nominal
sum , and to pay the cost of i ( 'pairs. The
question to Do considered , ho thciuirht , uas
whether it was not belt to delay until spring
the contemplated ici-onstruotlon of the
Sixteenth street viaduct , when the street
railway contiaet oxpttes , and it can bo com
pelled to do its pint.
At this juiietiuo the committee on viaducts
and railways otTetrd its report rogaiding
Hrnesl Htuht's protest against thacontinued
closing of ttio Uuvimih tilieet viaduct. 'J ho
committee lecqmmomled that the city en-
Rineoi prepare plans foi iei.i\ing of slid
viaduct nnd that the workbudonoascimckly
ns possible. Alio that the city iittouiov ho
Instructed to rot-ox or oy suit the cost of tlio
work from such piuies ns ho considers safo-
City Attorney Connell slid Mi. Hascall
had stated the fiets and ho beliox'od the
proposed muiso should bopuisuod.
Mr. Munro wanted the report of the iom-
rnlttoo on xladucta and i.illxxajs niloptod
and made a motion to that onVct.
Mr Prince fidt tint the questions involved
xvoio dissimilar ns io < aids the viaducts , nnd
thos.ifety of the Sixteenth stii'ot viaduct
did not outer Into the H lino. The motion to
adopt tlio report xxas defeated
Mr. Connell in reply to questions said he
thought the existing contract would not uf-
loci the proposition to reconsttuct the Six
teenth stioot viaduct. He nmlei.stood that
thuinihxay eompimes would rabu no obji-o-
tlon xvhen It x\as shown that thoxiaduit is
unsafe. Bofoiu nny icpairs could ho oideied
niiide the eiiginoois should detcrinlno what
Is necessary and then the question of cans
Ing the icpilrs to ho made could bo decided
Cit- Engineer Itosovuiter stated that ho
had iliado an abstract of nccessiiry icpalrs
on thoEloxonth sticot viaJuet , and ho ex
plained xx hat Is ncccss iry
The icsolutlon of the judiciary committee
xvas adopted after Mr Hdwards hail abut oil
discussion by moxim ; the piovious question.
City Kuglnoer Uosoxvator reported that
the approximate cost of needed lepaunon
the Tenth street x induct is * J,7ST ( The
xvork embraced nulmuntlully two features ,
the encasing of fooling atones under flftj-
three pedestals In Lenient mortar to pi event
disintegration , xxhlch xvill take place lapldly
unless promptly attended to. Also the repainting -
painting of the Iron work to piotcct the
uiotal from the effects of moisture
The engineer also submitted n iiluo print
of a section of the nioventh street viaduct ,
showing the repairs needed. Ills approxi
mate estimate of the cost Is < KilU. ) ;
Uiilloon tliis ovo.
TKU'.Utt ll'UHl HKU'.M.
l > uinu < llo.
The Navy dopArtiimnt has formally accepted
The drouth which extended o or an ixroa of
40oou Minimi mllis In ivusturn Texas was
lirokun yosU-rduy by KOCH ! rnlim.
Tlio plan of ruoriunlz ; tlon of the Georgia
Central rullroid lius lioun ulmudoiied. homo
of tliu utockliolihirs obji Clod to the * Uiuniu.
I'resldunll'luvuliuKl ' and I > nrty , on the Ktuain
yacht Unuldu , put Into NuHjxirt Imrhor UKUlu
lait uttinlntf. Only the atouurU wunt Ublioro.
Lloyd A | ) lnwull , the null Known club nmn
nr Nm York , U conunud In Voikvlllu iirUon
for fnrlhur uxlmnatlon In dufnultof 15,000
ball on a chargouf forgury ,
A girl uaued AtiUc oii , working for the lec-
tlon boss , nlno mltns rnst of Northflohl , Minn.
rrns fnlnlly stnhlied ( IT n tritmp , to wlioni .HI !
rufusod to glTp HOinotiiliiR to ' t ypstordtiy.
1'ndpr n ilorhloti of tlio Vtnh commls ton thd
polrKtiinlMsofthM slulo xrlll bo n-cMort'd
nndnllonpd to xolo nt the coining oloctlons
Thoyhaxo boon ilNfriinchlsed for Uio pist
MUs Ultima Hdfroltof I'hllndolphl-i , prlncl-
milof ndcnf tniitn nchool on Monument nnd
I old nxemip In Hint cliy , cominlllnd snloldii
l t"l8ntbyJumplncfroMi llu ) llfth slory of
tlio HrluRs lumtti. riilcn o.
The sulcldo of lilllnn ' nultor. who Klllod her.
solfnt Mirlnnr Island , Mich. , boontisn n sol-
dler ussiiulti'il her. eau ts much o\ollonu > iit.
\\llllnm lliglcy , Ihosoldlor clmrReil with tha
snull , \ \ q found Winliifulny nlghl In th
hold of a Canadlnn bound stcnmcr.
About H o'clock last muhtnn incursion Iralu
on the \\cstern \ .New \ ork .V IVntmhnnl i ,
hearing tlio nu > mbnrs of Itrtlmny .Siindnj
si'liiKil of HnlTnlo , N. Y. , ran Into nn open
six I trh ntllnst Aurora. About txxonly of the
chlldien ere moro or loss severely Injured
Thnilonil body nf MldlinolTwohy of Chlongo
need 10 ycnrs. was found In the Onhimul
rlxoryi'sturUny. Ono ' '
of 1'woliy's pln miitei
liiformod the piillco that two brothers iininml
Coltcy luid aqiinrrfl with T ohy ntiil , with
tlio iisslstnncu of t o Polish bojs , had drew nod
. .ludgo.IcnKlnsof'lsconsln will not resign
from thi ) bunch of the Dulled Sluu-s court bo.
cnuso of Ills Imllcttiii'iit by the grand Jury ns n
tllK'CKirof the 1M uiKlnlon bank. Ilo icnrlinl
' "s Ui'lsloii sluco n confuronco wltlu'hlel
Mistlcol iilluroC the I'nltoil Mates supreme
court ami his circuit conferees
Tired , Weak , Nervous
Mr a. Mary C.
" I had rheumatism so severely that I xvas
obliged to use a cane. Ivvpitlreil of life und
nasnbmdcn to these about inc. I elton suf
fered from dizziness , xvorrlcd much , nnd xxas
liihjccttonorxonsspoilt. Hood's Sars.ipiillln
made mo feel lILoncllffcrrul | > rr oii. loxvo
my present good health to Hood's 8-irsnpn.
rlllo. " Miw. MAitv C. CUYULHXI XN , I.i Ton-
taltie , KniHas. llosuro to get Hood's.
Hood's Pills euro nil I.lxcr 1IH , Wllouv
cess , Jaundice , Indigestion , Sick Headache.
MME , M , YRLB ,
At no tlmo In the world's history has
woman ocr accomplished xvh it MMH.
VAI.i ; has. Her imtno will go down In
history ns tlio uom in pioneer xvho lift
ed worn in from Iho ( lurk i-cs lutoi
novlife. . nllViIng up now hope unil n
re\ elation of bounty nil tholrs lly
oxporimontlni ; in domostlo and foroUn
dyes this wonderful \\omin chemist
IKIH compoun le 1 Complexion liomeillea
th it will remove from the hum in skin
any bloinUh Idinwn to tnnr bounty.
bho euros ri < tlii disu isos of any nature ,
Hersy tuin Is tbo only thorough ono
kr.ounhkh treats the blooj tnJ sk n
H. YMiT. Ins u -nnoh I Tutu lo of
llonnty In tills us well as ( ivory other
Urn-e oily. Indies are tro itoj lioro
( Lilly from On. in to G p. in , or they can
buy tlio romodlo * iml treat tliomsolvos
al home. Instructions glvun free In
MMi : . VAl.K's Konlorful syatam of
rncUI Misi ; iv'iiford"ve opln,1 tbo face ,
noi2l < mi I bust MXlrX VAIK will tin-
dcrt iko to develop any f ic-o Into pur-
reel bo mty
-I'l ibiiy f icm nnd ni'cl.l
made plump an I white.
friM ) Wiiiiniii of 4U madii to Inok fro n IS to M ;
( Wfrom 2Hu.l ) , Ml from , lio'V No oosmoUoJ
un.1 nntiirii beauty u ir uitje.l.
[ V. tlOlflD Ol/lkl cnnn " 'liirantuod ' to romovn
tAljiLolUH oMN rUUU WrlnUlm. I'ncuiflSJ ,
J.I , two si/us ,
rnmuvu all
IllemlsluH fi ( K ) .
UfllO TAWIf KotoriM the color lo
llnlH lUtllb uny Milr.HloiHll fall-
In , ' in -I hours , uro itw n luxnri nit jrrowth.
OfinT lxlll' l'"l > urlliioiM liilrlnstintly ,
ObUI B uar intedil
Mn'lordom Hunt nut of town. Address
lloiuty und ( 'omplixion ) i-puelallst ,
ICooiiisr > OI-J Kuibuoh Illooic ,
Cor. 15th and Douglas Sts , , Omalia , Neb
A Cup ofll
Bouillion | | InKuiKl I'uUtntiJo titlmulullux , Pure , Hofrcih- ,
can bo made in three minutes , thus :
take u cup of boillny hot wntor , stir
In a quui tor teuapuon ( not inoru ) o (
Liebig Company's
Extract of Beef ,
Then add an o'j ( , '
and Homo wherry If
liked soiiBon carefully -
fully . . . .
_ _ And all HIM train ol
coiiinniiy tin in In men QUICKLY und 1'KUMA-
h'KNTLY CIIKKD 1'idl S'J'IIKNOTH and ton (
( lr ntout ry pirldf lliu body. I will ouid <
curely iiackwl ) t'HKK tn any millcrnr ilia pivkc-rlu <
llun thitcuuj uioo ( tlmir Iroubln Adaiwa L
A UUAULKY , Uilllo Ure H , UlbU