8 THE OMATTA DAILY 1IHE : TUESDAY , JULY 18 , 1803. CHIEF ARTHUR IS COMING ProspocU that Ohief Olark of the Conductors May Also Visit Omaha- LATEST DEVELOPMENTS OF U , P , DISCORD Gcorco Vrnmnn , Clmlrmnn or the Knrjl- nerrft ( Irlcvitnco Committee Tnlks Wlint Ho lint to Sny About ( he lire" Inc Trouble. Chief P. M. Arthur , the venerable head of the Brotherhood ot locomotive Engineers , will receive by mall tomorrow n statement of the Misting troubles on the Catsklll branch of the Union Pacific railway. Ho has been asked to como to Omaha and cn- cleaver to secure the reinstatement of the employes discharged for alleged drunken ness. Cnlef Clark of the conductors H Is said will como her to confer with the Union Pacific officials on n similar mission. The grievance committco that mot General Manager Dickinson yester day evidently failed to attain the object of their visit. The eminent chiefs have , therefore , been appealed to and may accede to the request. They nro expected Friday or Saturday of the present week. Clmlrmitn Vromnn'it Views , Mr. George Vroman , chairman of the gen eral grievance committco of the Order of Hallway Engineers of the Union Pacific sys tem' looking at peace with nil the world , talked with a represonatlvo of TUB BEG re garding the facts In connection with the dis charge of five tr.ilnmon on the Catskill branch of the Union Pacific. "In Mr. Dickinson's recent Interview pub lished In Tin : Uic : , the Inference Is made that both National brotherhoods repre sented here uphold drunkenness and drink ing while on duty. Now that Is an unfortunate - nato mistake , because drinking while on duty Is prohibited by the fundamental laws of both the National brotherhoods of en gineers nml conductors. "Jn this case wo have only nsltea what seems right between man and man , the pro duction of proofs to show that thcso men hail been drinking on their rim from Cats- Jttll to Trinidad May 29 , when it is alleged by tlio company the drinking took placo. Hut nt the meeting with General Manager Dick inson no proofs wcro produced. On our side wo have many nflldavlts to show that these men had not been drinking on the day in question. Superintendent Rgnii CrlllcUcd. ' Another fact which goes far towards strengthening tlio cause of the men In my eyes. Is found in the manner of their sus pension and ttio efforts used by Mr , Kgan. the division superintendent , to fasten the quilt upsn the crow. When four miles out of Trinidad on Juno 12 , they worn informed by telegraph to icyort nt the division supcr- Intcndcnt's ollico on their return. Each man was then taken into the ollico of Super intendent Egan's and asked as to all the details of what occurred on May 20 , with tha result that everybody told the same story , oven to to the iiroman , who was not discharged. Now , these men could not have fixed up a story in tlmo to tell Egan , especially when they did not know what they wcro called in for. It is a fnct that where the drinking Is said to have taken place there Is only a shanty , and no liquor Is on sale , although the cn- Kltieor testified that ho had been offered a iliink or. this occas ion , but refused. When they wcro dismissed from the service the men natur ally began to gather evidence in rebuttal nml seventeen men , reliable men too , have aworn that the men were not intoxicated nor had been drinkiugr.on the day mentioned. "My own Impression is that some spotter Is responsible for the laying oft of thcso men nnd that the company Is endeavoring to shield him in llio aiTnlr. "So lar as 1 am concerned , If a man drank while on duty placlug in peril , not only the lives of passengers , but train crews ns well , I should dismiss him without'compunction , but where there is a gravoqucstion of doubt , us in this case , I believe It but Justice that the evidence of guile should bo produced. "This talk of a strike of coursu is twaddle. Wo never piny any bluff game and nro con servative in all matters affecting the inter ests of the men nnd company. Whether wo shall have another interview with Mr. Dick inson is still undecided. Ofc-uurao the mat ter is not dropped by any moans waiting for advices from other sources. Jl.immoml Tiilli * . Charlo N. Hammond , the engineer who was so incontinently dismissed from the ecrvlcc of the Union Pacific on Juno 17 because cause ho had been drinking while on his run from Trinidad to Cnt&kill nnd return Ma } 29 , told n different story from the divivisioi superintendent , Mike Egan. Hammond , who la a very mild-mannered , pleasant look ing gentleman , said : "Wo were ready to leave Catskill at 3:2. : , on Mny'Jit , when wo got an order o go to Smith's mill on the Hod River branch to got Bovcn loads of lumber and take them to Trinidad. This put vs about an hour and a half behind tune , as the cradei nro some thing prodigious in that section of Colorndc and Now Mexico , mostly over vcrr hig trcsslcs and stiff curves. Hut wo arrived in Trinidad only fifty-livo minutes late. It wai on this trip that the alleged drinking tool place , although in five years constant work Ing out of Trinidad this is the first marl against a clean record on my part. "Tho train from Trinidad to Catshlll is made up of freight and curries passengers and the mail. Lately the train has been making very bad tlmo and nn order from th postodico deparment imido its nppearanc calling the attention of the officials lo th fact ami asking for bolter service. This believe to have been the real cnuso of nl thodiniculty. The run from Trinidad t CatHlull twenty-seven mites , takes nin nnd ono half hours although wo have neral four hours at Catskill to kill , which w usually do by switching empties Catshi to the lumber and tie camps and coke ovcm long the line and bringing back loaded cars as wo can only huulfcorcn cars at n tlmo u loniu of the grades. "On May li'.iwogotln ' late and nnturall thcro was a kick. On Juno 12 wo wcro lai off although sveryonoof the crow tcstillc to the fact that there had been no drlulInK on the trip. When I went up to Egan on Juno 17 to hear the result of the investiga tion which wo had asked , ho told mo that I was discharged from the company's service , that ho hod the 'dead slnch1 on mo anil that It was useless to carry the case up hignor. J'Aor slnco 1 came to Omaha to attend the annual meotl'ig of the grievance committee ho has had it in for mo seemingly and re marked to a frloml that It would c-ost mo my lob , Uuder these conslderiil'ons 1 cannot help but demand nn Investigation and call upon the officials to furnish proofs of my dlmllng on that day. If the ehartro was true 1 would ( rrnepfiilly submit , but my friends at Urlnldait said they would testify to my reputation ns a good citizen nnd they Inter ested the general onicers of the Order of Hallway Engineers In my behalf. Of course I think Mr. Dickinson believes ho has evi dence to justify tils statements Jn THE Hun but 1 would like to have that evidence pro- duccd. Wo are hero 101- that purpose and will sco Mr. Dickinson on his return from Chicago. " WII.I. HAVK TO 1)0 bOMUTIHNQ. Chicago llniuli Cuinplulii of I.aok of Ituil- HIHutu * tii Ho lU'iliiroit. CHICAGO , July 17. The western roads nro 6t last ready to como down on World's fair rates nnd they nro ready to got uhiost to the bottom. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul , Northwestern , Atchlson and Koch Jsland roads todny requested Chairman Caldwell to call a meeting at 10:30 : o'clock on f Tiilay morning of this week for the pur pose of considering World's fair rates. The request for the call says that U Is deslr- nblo that tickets bo sold every day , good for passage on regular trains , and good for the return passage from Chicago any day up to _ ind Including a tinal return limit of about thirty days , the ono way rates between Im portant terminals are to bo based proportion- ttcly upon whatever reductions uiuy bo ) uide or agreed upon for the round trip rail's The propositions which the nssoclatlon wfll ' consider nro In specific form as follows ! The mtfihlMimont. of fair ono find one- third for the round trip from points within 200 miles of ChlciiBo. , One faro for the round trip from points 200 rnllos or over from Chlcapo , the rate to bo cradod bnck until tha ono and one-third faro Is reached. Tickets Rood for the eolnjj pftssnge , com- menclo on thodntoof sain nnd coed for the return pns ngo from Chicago for nny date within tha final return limit. The tickets to ho good for passages In any cnron regular tvnlni. Tickets to be told every day from July 20 to August 1 , One-way rates between Important termi nals nro to bo agreed upon nnd proportionate rates are to bo t-ranted for St. Ix > uls. In ad dition to this , all rates are to bo used for selling and basing purposes. The association may not decide Vo yield all the points asked by the lines , but It Is prac tically a foregone conclusion that It will Irant ! .tho most Important one- that of ono faro for the round trip and the chances nro very strong that they will adopt most of the others. The truth of the matter Is that the passangcr business for July la showlmj a marked decrease from that of Juno nnd the ro.uls nro beginning to feel uneasy. People are not Hocking to the fair quite ns much ns the roads anticipated , nnd they now realize that something must bo done and done at once. Chairman Caldwell - well Issued the call for the meeting on Fri day ns requested , and next week will proba bly sco the new rates in effect. The total ot castbound shipments , except llvo stock , amounted to riOS57 tons , against Ifi/iCCi / tons the preceding week , and 63,1H ! tons for the corresponding wool : last year. Lake shipments last week amounted to 78- 4G3 tons , against TS.Sl'J tons for the previous week. The Audubon , Chicago , is an nttractlvo World's fair hotel of stone nnd brick , perma nent and safe , nt Midway Plalpanco nnd Oglesby avenue. An entrance a block away. Now , clean and comfortable. Rooms $ l.f > 0 per day and up. Ample baths. Fine cafe. Moderate charges. Write for catalogue and engagements without advance pay. N. II. Henchman , jr. , Mgr. , G032 Oglesby avenue , Chicago. A TJ.lVKbUX 1'AllK. Vlsltori Continue to Crowd tlio Fair ( IroiitidaYntrriliij' ' * IVntttrrn. CHICAGO , July 17. The day opened warm , ivlth clouds at the World's fair , but It did not prevent a largo attendance. The work of clearing away the dobrls from the ruins of the cold storage warehouse will require an other week. iMoanwhilo the stench from the decaying meats and vegetables , and possibly human corpses , Is most rank In splto of the liberal application of disinfectants. The fund for the benefit of the survivors and families of the dead firemen now amounts to $ K0,000 ! , and is not yet completed. An unusually attractive musical program has been arranged for this week. Tomorrow will bo Chautauqua day at the World's fair and many departments .of the famed educational system will undoubtedly bo well represented nt Jackson park. Brazil's liuiutsomo building at the World's fair grounds will bo dedicated ati \ o'clock Wednesday altcrnoon. This ceremony has been delayed some time because of the death of Marshal Oilveira , the Brazilian commis sioner. The first competitive flight of homing pigeons was won by a bird from the loft ot Thomas J. Clark at Ucton park , L.ong Island. The winged messenger arrived nt the end of Its Journey nt 7:18 : this morning. A few moments later a dispatch conveying the information was rcceivt'd at the agri cultural department at the World's fair. The time of the pigeons started Saturday morning was not what the owners expected it would bo. They were started from Jack son park at 10:30 : Saturday morning nnd wcro duo in the cast yestcr day , but nothing was heard of them until 7:18 : this morning , when the first reported. Accordingly , the trip was made bured that the birds never fly at night , It is very evident that they wore on the wing from daylight until dnrlc , If they did not fly in less than two days , and , when it Is remom as fast as possible. The owner of the win ning bird was awarded the World's fair gold medal nnd ? 5U from the Now York section. The second lot of pigeons lot go on the plaza today uro for Philadelphia and some of them are expected homo to'morrow. In the national commission today Com missioner Stearns of Idaho offered a resol ution calling for the appointment of a special committee to secure evidence to aid the United States government in refuting the claims of damages made by foreign ex hibitors. Ho said claims against the United States government amounting to $ IOO,000 had already beeti filed by foreign exhibitors , who held that their gooils had been damaged at the fair. It would be easier to secure evidence to refute these claims now than to wait until the close of the exposition. Mr Hundley of Alabama , held that , according to the act of congress creating the fair , the United States government stated it would in no manner bo responsible for any damages. Ho therefore moved to refer the matter to the Judiciary committco and his motion prevailed. An evening paper says IJussia has an agent in this city gathering information for her war department relative to the Amcrl can system of firing dynamite long dibtanc.-s by means of compressed air guns. Every effort 1ms been made to conceal the purpose of the visitor relcrrcd to. Ho la a captain In the Russian army and is a professor of distinction in the Nicholas Academy , an in stitutlou for instruction In the tactics of war. Ho will return to his country wcl. supplied with drawings and other desirable matter. Ho looked over the entire exhibit of the War department of this country nnd also that of Krupp , the German gun manu facturcr. Piles of people have piles , hut Dewltt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro thum. I'utlicr ' . MuL'.trtliy Departure , uov. Fr. P. F. McCarthy , formerly pastor of St. Philotnenn's cathedral in Omaha , departed parted for his homo in Newark , N. J. , las ovoning. Many of his former parishioner : mot him during the day , and n party o friends accompanlol him to the union depot , The parting with the old pastor was vcrj touching , and to.irs more than words at tested the affection of his people. v It Is not yrobablo Father McCarthy wll bo seen again in the dioccso of Omaha as a yastor. Ho keenly fools that nn Injustice lias been done him , not on account of the re < mo\al from the pastorate of the Cathedral but because of the reasons assigned , th summary character of the proceedings ami the reflections cast upon him. The illncs of his parents nnd the material affairs of tlii family will demand his attention for SOIUL tlmo , after which ho will probably scolt a Hold os labor in some other dioccnso. Kov. Dr. S. F. Carroll , pastor of St. Cccl * lla's church In Walnut Hill , has been as signed to St. Philami'ii'3 Cathedral and will take charge during the coming week. Father Can-all served as assistant at the Cathedral for a number of years , and being familiar with its affairs as well as a tireless marker , will undoubtedly tirovo a most acceptable successor to Dr. McCarthy. Kov. Dr. Welch of Norfolk , will tulso charge of St. Coclalm'a church , Piles of people hnvo piles , out Do Witt's Witch Hazel Halve will euro them. MnrrliiKO l.icrnti'S. The following uiarrlago licenses were Issued yesterday ; Namoand nddre&s. Ann. Louis J. Allli'ii , Lincoln , Neb . 23 MurjjniPllnM. Kuary.UhlcnK" . ID . U3 Holiert H. Dlckion. O'Noll , Neb . 'JO lrim > n. lliH-k. U'Nell , Nub . si Kdward Wolf. Klulmrn , Nub . 41) Kmtiiu L'hlmluon : , WubblurUlty , Mo . H7 John K. Wilson , Oninliii . 'JQ Hannah l/'arlsun , Uniulm Jua Nu vii try , Umiilm Autunlit LoLrasUu , Uuialm WrccUed on llio I'urlllo. SIN Fiuxcisco , July 17. A telegram re ceived hero states the stcnmor Emily was wrecked and Is u total loss at Coos bay. The steamer Emily is a passenger and freight steamer , plying between San Francisco nud Coos bey. _ _ Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hiucl Salvo will euro thorn. Nulinukn Stuto I.tmltotl. The Nebraska State limited via the Reek Ishtnd , going west , loaves Union depot nt < Jlli : a. m. dally for Lincoln and runs through without a slot ) . P I I PAYIIMIIP PAPTl P 1 CMf O I T P hiLCONLR S COST CASH SALE No Matter What the Sacriflco , Stock Must Bo Turned Into Money , DRESS GOODS WORTH 40C GO AT IOC Whltr , Check , Striped , I'lnld nnd Printed l.nvnu , Worth Up to BOe , All ( Jo nt lOo l * r Viird U'unli Drrii lloodn , Worth U | > to 20c , Uo nt 0 tc. . NO STOP TO THIS SALE. Almost everything going at cost nnd many tilings below sost. SILKS AT COG. 2,000 ynriln of tlio choicest silks over brought into this market , mostly the cclobratotl makes of Cheney Uros. and John D. Ccltlits. not n yard worth less than $1.2 , " ) , and from that up to $2.00 per yard , all go today at OUc per yard.J This is an opportunity to buy for the future if your present'needs are sup plied. DKKSS GOODS , IOC PER YARD. All our stoek of 2oe , I15o and 40o ovolty wool dress goods go at lOc per ard. DRESS GOODS AT 2oC. 10,000 yards of choice all wool spring nd sunmior dress goods , not a yard vorth less than G5c and from that up to " 1.00 , today they go In out1 great cost ash sale for 2 , " > c pur yard. PAUASOLS$2.SO. The entire balance of our stock of ovolty parasols , none worth loss than 0.00 , all go at $2.89. UMBRELLAS $2.09. COO choice tallota silk umbrellas worth 0.00 each , go today for $2.09 ; all other .imbrollas at net cost. WASH GOODS , GjC. 10,000 yards of wash dress goods that old up to 20c pot- yard all go today it OJo pop yard. No limit ; you can buy ill you want at this pi-ice. WHITE LAWN , IOC. Our entire stock of white lawn , that old at from 20e to 50c per yard , goes to day at lOc. Mso 1,000 yards of pretty figured awns that sold nil ever town at 20c and 25c. go in this sale at lOc. You cannot miss a bargain with us ; almost everything is going nt cost or under. N. B. FALCONER. Snioko Niilaiinco , Building Inspector Tilly has served up wards of i00 ! notices to owuers of build ir.fts o abate stnoko nuisances. The limit ox- [ ilres September 17 , and then the city will Lake a hand In enforcing the provisions of the city ordinance. The ordinance is not very lengthy , but it Is to the point nnd aims at tlolm ; away with the smoke nuisance in this city. It pro vides that after the date mentioned it will bo n misdemeanor to permit of the issue of smolco or obnoxious ijascs from smoke stacks and chimneys. There are many protests entered against the proposed abatement of the nuisance by the owners of some of the buildings. A lai-RO numuer , however , are readily complying with the notice of the Inspector specter by putting in smoky consumers of different makes. The committee on public property and buildlncs of the council is at the present time investigating the merits of the differ ent consumers ami will make a recommenda tion to the council as to which patent shall bo adopted for the city hall boilers. Always patronize the home article. Special ly if it's bettor. Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne has no equal. A Mimic Military .Men. The Army and Navy Register has pub- lisheil a complete list of the officers of the United States army and the date of their retirement. The sheet is in great demand about-army headquarters. The following military convicts will betaken taken from Fort Omaha to the military prison at Fort Leavcnworth : Frank H. Clark , Joseph Flala and Ferdinand Kurcn- benj. Lieutenant 'William M. Wright of the Second infantry , stationed nt I-'ort Omaha , has been granted a leave of absence of ono month. Captain Henry B. OsRood. commissary of subsistence , has completed the transfer of the property under his charge in the Depart ment of the Platte and is now on his way to Washington from whence ho will go to Bos ton to assume charge of an important supply depot. Balloon this eve. Ames moved to 1017 Farimra. World's Pair Visitors Should continue their trip to Utah nnd the west. Tlio magnitude in resources and beauty of the western territory is incomparable. Nature in creative mood lias fashioned rock-ribbed crested peaks , ever white with the enow of untold ages and whoso hoary summits seem to pierce into some unknown realm beyond. The grand canons and cataracts are awe inspiring. In the wo t you can find health , wealth and happiness ; it is ono large sanitarium , and is best reached by the Kio Grande Western railway. Sco that your tickets read both ways via that road which offers choice of thrco distinct routes nnd the most magnificent scenery in tlio world. For copies of pamphlets , etc. , write to J. II. Bennett , Salt Lake City , U. T. Tours In the Kuulcy Mountnlni. The "Scenic Line of the World , " the Denver and Rio Grande railroad , ofTors to tourists in Colorado , Utah and Now Mexico the choicest resorts and to the transcontinental traveler the grandest scenery. Double daily train service with through Pullman sleepers and tourists' cars between Denver and San Francisco and Los Angeles. Balloon tonight and tomorrow night. Ames moved to 1017 Farnara. Clump Kxcurslou to tin , Illuclc Illlln. July 15 ami dnlly thorciiftor round trip tickets from Omulm to Hot Springs nml Doiuhvood will be on gulo at ono faro for the round trip. Inquire city ticket ofllco , 1401 Farimm street. Through sleepers daily from Webster Street atutluii , Telephone C. W. Hull Co , for prices on hard coal. .Summer delivery , Ames moved to 1017 Parnuiu. liulloon this eve. in Kit , I Xottrts of flvt Itnet itr lent wider this htad fiflu cents ; c r/i / ciiMitfcmuI line ( en cents. GUI.lbK Mrs. if. A. , Monday mornlni ? July 17 , IBOU.ut the Hurt stri'Otolil ladles huiiio. 1'unurul survlucs at tliu homo Tuesday July IS at 4 p. m. NO DRINKS WHILE ON DUTY Several Railroad 'Employes Press the Button and Bgan Did the Rest , VERDICT IN AN UNION PACIFIC CASE General MMi.igeC Dickinson ItcfiiAci to Ho- Initnto flvo Men \Vlio Wore lluiincoil bjr Superintendent Kfjan of the Cntikltl llranch IliirclTlmotTnlb. J. U Ktsslck , chnlrrrmn of tlio grievance committee of tlio Order of llalhvny Conduc tors , nml George Vrom.in , chairman of the general Rrlovanco committco of the Order of Hnlhvny Engineers ) nnmcsvoll known to railroad men throuKhout tlio west ) , toROther tvith C. N. llitmniond , engineer , and Edward Hlnes , conductor on the Cntsltlll branch of the Union Pacific , mot General Manager Dickinson of the Union Pacific yester day to talk over strained relations be tween the company anil several discharged men. men.Tho The presence of thcso men In Omaha , It was learned , was to reinstate , If possslblo , several employes of the company who had been unconditionally "fired" on account of drinking while on duty , the names of the discharged being Ed Hlnes , conductor ; C. N. Hammond , engi neer ; .fohn Tammany , George Marshall and Amiv Nelson , brakemcn , running on the Catsklll branch , and directly responsible to Division Superintendent M. li\ Egan , who holds ofllco under General Superintendent W. A. Deuell. Superintendent Egan , learning that thcso men had been touching the "rod eye" while on their run , suspended them on Juno 12 , pending an Investi gation. On Juno 17 tlio men reported to the superintendent to ascertain the result of his Investigation , and Instead of meeting with reinstatement they were told their ser vices wcro no longer desired by the com pany. Thcso facts having been reported to the grievance committees of the two rail way organizations , General Superintendent Doucl was called upon to investigate , but his findings sustained Division Superintendent Egan. Having exhausted their resources in the west with oHlclals on the ground , the committee nslccd for a meeting with General Manager Dickinson , which was accorded them this morning. After three-quarters of an hour with Mr. Dicitlnson the committee came out of the general manager's ofllco looking .anything but happy and nt once repaired to their hotels to report the result of the mooting to ttio ccncral committees of the orgaulzna- tions. I'o.t4t4 the Fake Factory. Mr. Dickinson , speaking of the result of the meeting of yesterday morning , said : "Tho talk of a morning paper that a strike would result if the men discharged were not rein stated is about as silly a piece of newspaper twaddle as I have ever seen. Certainly such utterances could not havei como from cither Mr. Vroman or Mr. KUslck , who are both Intelligent , fair-minded men. "After going over the situation carefully I found that there was no ground for revers ing the decision reached by Mr , Egan and so informed the committee. The men had been drinking while on duty and wo liavo a most stringent rule regardup ! that subject which the men are awuro of when tlioy enter tlio employ of the company. If such a rule were not In force , llfo and property would bo constantly in jeopardy , and its rigid enforcement must bo insisted upon by the ofllcials. Men are being discharged every day by every railroad in the country for drinking while employed in their call ings. It must bo so , else how could disci pline bo maintained ? ' It would seem as if this company had not the right to discharge ono of its employes era a dozen , when openly violating ono of tlio strongest rules of .tlio . service , without first securing the consent ot the order to which the man is attached. "So far as I am concerned my connection with the affair is nt an end. I told the dele gation that I would leave for Chicago today and return on Thursday or Friday , when , If they had any additional information tt sub mit I would bo glad to hear it and moot the representatives of the orders directly con cerned. "So far as a strike Is concerned T do not think It is contemplated for a moment , but should it take place It would undoubtedly still further reduce expenses , which wo arose so strenuously bent upon at this time. In fact u strike might solve a vexed question of rail road management at this tlmu and save us considerable money which wo cannot save now. " Dcproftulon lu Rallroul : Itu liic * . General Manager Dickcnson Of the Union Pacific , being1 in a pleasant frame of mind yesterday , unbosomed himself regarding the hundred and ono reasons assigned for the general discontinuance of passenger trains on branch lines of railways throughout the west. "But the most senseless - loss reason assigned , " said Mr. Dickinson , "I found copied in a western paper , wherein It was stated that so hard pushed was the Union Pacific to take care of its business on the main line tnat it had to discontinue its branch service to secure equipment to take care of the main line travel. I can not Imagine u moro charming bit of llctlon than that is. It IB as far from the truth us it could well be. "We huvo uot only been compelled to re duce all branch lines so far as passenger trains are concerned but huvo bocn forced to reduce our forces to a very great extent. The employes have accepted the situation philosophically , particularly the shop men , who are most affected , These men road the papers and appreciate the crisis through which railroads arc passing and nro willing to iibidu the curtailing of expenses knowing that just ns soon as business warrants they will bo put back to worlc. Wo have no work for the men let out and couldn't pay them if wo had. " "Will the Union Pacific go into the hands of a receiver ? " the reporter asked , "That is another rumor made up out of whole cloth. A local paper alleged that Mr , Clark had son -mo a telegram stating that if expenses Vcro not cut down the road would have to go to a receiver. Now Mr. Clark never sent mo nnv sort of a telegram whatever , and if ho had I would hardly ped dle it around the community. Up to July 1 the llnunces oft the Union Pacific wore In excellent condition , the fact that it anticipated its July Interest being proof of that statement. Hut what condition the road will be In next Janu ary Is an unknown quantity which no man can solve. Wo uro in no worse shape than other western roads , and if the Union Pa cific should go into the hands of a receiver , which I do not for a moment anticipate , It will have several associates in the same business. "No ono denies thitt misincss is not bad , but it is not bad enough to warrant the cry going about the country that the Union Pa- cillo will accept a receiver as the only way out of the dinicutty. " Mr , Dickinson loft yesterday for Chicago cage , where ho. ROCS to attend a meeting of general managers of Nebraska roads upon the maximum rate bill. Kiuurnloti Tlokvti In l.lilit Dmnnnil. The push for coach excursion tickets , which wentousaloyesterday morning for Chicago cage , was not by any means as great as the most conservative ticket agent had antici pated , the Milwaukee , Hock Island , liurllng- tou and Northwestern having sold in the neighborhood of fifty tickets up to the time of departure of their trains. Mr. John Francis of the Burlington , The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. however. In talking of the experiment , Mid ! "Wo always sell n number of tickets every day to j > ooplo who do not use stooping cars , and naturally this class will take kindly to the Jlfi rate , which Is a rcdiicltun of $2.W ) on the icgular rates. While wo mny not sell any more than the usual number of tickets to people who do not ride In sleepers It is n fact that wo sell four tickets to passengers who do not patronize sleeping cars to ono who taxes n Pullman. The business , however , will bo done from the Interior of the state , our reports showing that there nro many in quiries for thcso tickets , which nro limited to return cither July 21 or'JS. This first ex cursion Is really an experiment and must not Ixj taken as a reflection for future excur sions. " Humble nt tliu Hull. Eraslus Young , auditor of the Union Pa. clllc , Is In Denver. The Union Pacific Pioneers mot yesterday nt L. A. I cary's shop to nrramro for a picnic. JO. P. Vlnlng , formerly general traffic man- ngerot the Union Pacific , accompanied by his daughter , arc In Omaha. H. U. Kooscr. contracting frMght agent of the Missouri IMclilo , has returned from the World's fair , which ho says is the great show of all centuries. The Motion Is making a one-way rate from nil points on Its line to the World's fall- good In either sleepers or coaches. Several of the roads In the Central association have also announced Ilka rates. Messrs. .1. H. Uuclmnan. A. H. Smith , Ram Hutchlnsonnnd W. H. Murray loft , for Kansas City last evening to attend the meeting of the Transmlssourl committee of t'ho Western Passenger association , which incots'tomor- row In Knw town. o Do fore breakfast Jlromo- Seltzer Acts as n bracer trial bottle 10 cts. Tlio balloon goes up tonight. Minor 1'olicn Mittrr ; . Albert Altcndorff had his preliminary ex amination yesterday morning on the charge of assault with Intent to commit murder. Ho Is the man who struck cx-PolIco Officer Uullcn over the head with n picco of gas plno dur ing a quarrel at the Union Pacific shops , where both wcro employed. Ho was ad judged probably guilty , and was hound over to the district court in the sum of $2,000. Judge IJcrku was confronted with a good- sized representation of the great unwashed throng yesterday morning , but ho was fueling very good-natured 'becauso of the tumble in the temperature , and the majority wcro ad monished to go take a hath and sin no mote. John Martin was not in the list , however , as ho was given live days on the streets , Just to show the others what would bo their fate In case they wore "slewed up'1 again. A Yi'omnu's Itomcdy Tor Inlbimmnvory IUirMiiimtlm , I nm nn old sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism. The past winter it came upon mo again , very acute and severe. My Joints swelled and became inflamed , sore to touch or almost to look at. Upon the urgent re quest of my mother-in-law , I tried Chamber lain's Pain Balm to reduce the swelling and case the pain , and to my agreeable surprise It did both. I have used three fifty-cent bottles tles and believe It to bo the finest thing for rheumatism , pains and swellings extant. D. E. Carr , l'JU5 Harrison St. , Kansas City , Mo. Plies ot people nava pi.es , out Da Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo wllleuro tho.n. " \Vntrr Works Tutuls. Judge Dundy Issued nn order yesterday dl reeling that a largo sum of money deposited in the United States National banlc to the credit of Mr. E. Hyde Hust. and belonging to tlio American Water Works company , ho paid into court for distribution among the legitimate claim holdeis , The money was paid over to Mr. Hunt , the present receiver , and was then paid into court. A part of the funds in the hands of the federal court and belonging to the American Water Works company was disbursed by order of the court. The E. P. Allis Man- ufacturimr company got $11 , 000 and the bond holders $17,000 on coupons past duo. Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. are all caused by DC warned ! Nature must be ns- slstcd to throw oft the poisons. For this purpose nothing can equal Nature's own assistant A pure Vegetable Compound of Herbs , Barks , and Roots. Contains no acids or mineral poisons , II U M rcllnlilo ia tlio llnnk of Knelnnd. All Until claimed for II , It will do. tl.UU a bottle. All druc.'liti. 0 HKALY & nioEtow , ' > < ? 511 Grand Ave , , New Haven , Conn. O HINDOO REMEDY jnOUUCW THE AIIUVB _ li-ri.TH ! : In CO IU VS. Cuu null , Nervuu < lilsc'in-i , Knllln : } Jlcniorv. , I'artkl * . Kli'eiiU' 8 siit \Yf > akiit'M > ii. * . * , . * * * itiunii iiuickiy but surely rufclort-s l.ott Vliultlylv ililoryouiiLiuilly : rnirk.l In wet porkcC. ITlcr , l.oo n jincKat't * . Ku for 4 > > ' . < > O with \trlilrn unur * Biitclc < tii ruru or minify rt'liir 'Jt-il. J ion'l IC I iluy nl. I'rinclnli'ililiun'l'l ' rll fonaayknuluflmllallun In ll t or. hailiii ; l.MIAI'O Mono other IT lit ) Jiu * nuJ sot It. o lll mul It liy iniill ui'uu ' rrrrlpt of jirk < . I'Mniililrt 111 Fenlrnl cn I'U'lio free. AiIunMi llrltntiC Urdlciil Co. , tiU I'lfliiouiuriliev. ( 'lilcuuu , 111 , SOLD by Kulm & Co. , Cur. ijtli and Douglas St : . , and J. A. Tullcr It Co , Cor. jjlli ami I > -u0' _ . CIS. , OMAHA , Nliil.i by I'.iul d. Sclmcidur.21 Broadway and 6 I'carl St. , COUNCIL 13LUPFS , IOWA , anil other I.cadin O Tooth oxlraclod In tnoriiln ? , Kuw ( mcHitiHiTt'slufliiruuou BUIIIO day. IV-rfoct IH fiiat- uulucd. uulucd.miMcr Sttil I'loor. _ _ _ 1'iixttm lllaolr , lilt It ninl I'liriinni Htroot * Elovulorbii lltlli Slivut. TOlfiihoilo 10S5. lilllNO THIS WITH VOU. Omaha's Newest Hotel. C'or. Utli and lloivurJ btteoti tO rooms 115'J par day. 40 rooms tJ-00 jior day. iiOrouins with ljutli ut ii uor < Ur , U ) rooms with ball ) utiUJ per Jujr. .Mull em In l.vury Kuspuui , C. 3. ERB , Pro ) } . aimm m mmmmm m mmmmmmmai I /TV Who told you Hint everybody \vns hunting on ( o their money ? 'Who told yon that all the money in the country was hid in old tin eiuis hurled in cellars tied tip in old stockings ? Wlio told yon that yon emtUln't Ket out a crowd particularly of men if yon advertised to give away t > ooils ? ' ( 'he man that told yon all Unit rot didn't look into our store last Saturday or he'd have changed his mind. What a crowd what a jam what a crush what a mob of men scrambling after those won * derfnl The barber had a "close shave" to jet the pants lie wanted before his neighbor , the banker , gut them away from him. The waiter "waited" till the crowd not it trifle thinned out before he found his si/.e. The carpen ter found a "plane" color to stilt him. The baiih cashier bought a pair of "check" pants. The undertaker "tin- dertook" to got a live-dollar pair for twolifty and he not them. The balloonist uot a pair because lie thought they might "go tip" if lie didn't hustle , Twelve him- dred men Jostled each other elbowed each other stepped on each other's corns in their eTorts ( to pant. They got that are worth two-fifty two Pants for seventy-five three dollars three twenty-five a pair. that are worth throe fifty thrco Pauls for seventy-five four , ana four fifty a pair. T that are worth live five and a Pauls for ' half six six and a half seven dollars a pair. So can you. T he balance of this KIM ml assortment of pants will be closed out every p lir this week. 65 > gsimsm * & * - - i jiSj&BSB-- LEXINGTON ( HO. , ) SCHOOLS. UAPTIST FEMALE COLLEGE. courseot K7Tiil1if ! ? 7i 8lllJJ' ' Music , orl. lltcra I , < & ? frcEoopM-U iuroclocutlon , lni ine < i . &c. 3dtl ! > r r cpens5ept. 12th Eor.V/.A.WIhoa.A Mrrett. CENTRAL COLLEGE FOH YOUNG LA'OIES. WENTWORTH MILITARY ACAO6MYJ , _ > I.cjlnslon , flo. SU dc- M A.I. S. MM.1.1:114. lt"\iiKa. MM , . ' , . W 1316 Doug-las Street , Omaha , Neb. The emlnont snocl.-ilht Innarvom. clironlc , prlr.ito. liloo.l. sil'i nml mniry ril > ninv A rojnilnr an4 rcalsturuil Kr.ulimlii In mcvl-c no , 111 iliou.u n ivH cirtitl'Utuj ' will ah JVT , 1 , ntlll treauru with tlio i'reato ( JUCCCM ; catarrh , lost miuM jo.l. fomrrtl wo iti'i n. nUtit 10303 tii-l nil f > run nf pilvatu ilhmniM. Nd mercury uncil. .Vuw troitm > 'iu for Ion or vltil : pair jr. I'nrtlJ ? unalilo to vhlt mj nuy botrcalo.l nt haiu * tf corrosponjonco. Modlcluu or Inutruuij.iti jonl by milt oroxproM oc ir.ily parkc * ! ; no imrki to Intlt- cato content * or sendur. Onu pjrumiul InturrlU'V nroi'orrtfj. Coiuult itloa fro ? C'lrrujpuiulouca nlrlctlf privatt ) . Hook ( Mysturloi of J.lfu ) o.it treo. Ufilcu huura. 9 a.iu , to J p.m. SunUayj , ID j. m , to U in. b uii : Btump fur circular. DO NOT GO ELSEWHERE "Pi i But como to our studio for /jyour / photographs as we are you."P sure to satisfy you , as our desire - sire is to obtain your relatives b friends patronage by the parfect likenssa wa will make of you. 7 At 1'nimtnr I'rlcnt S-im , 3,13tU Straat. Oumlia , Neb , ( CiiiiHiiltnf inn uufp uju.l in tlio treatment I'onlo , Pi'lvnti ) nil 1 'L i\ni'V 'US JJiiiinanS' - * > s Write to ur c'liuiilt lurojimlly TwS i iti-A 111 l.s : i1 n vIAII. \ . . % -y Ailclrnas witli btmnp fur | i ir- . VU.'Uiiirj wiilcli will Uu iijnl In plain unvolopu , " I' . O , Uu.v ul. Ollluu , lid ti. lilU miuot. Unialm , Ftif ! shes Iho Bcsl onJ Cheapest MelhoJ crt FIRE-PMOGFING HOUSES. fnr catal'jgue ol iMlhlag , N. w. UXI'ANIMJU MUTAr. co. , No. 403 Tt outSUtli S . . ClllOAOO. EDUCATIONAL. ILLINOIS CONSERVATORY. lU'tllil'Irm'llntiliinlliU'Hilt. iiieuliot Muilcul Slu.I ) I nia " ' " ' " ' " " etc. , AddTis. i-ruuuLATmAA" > i sulftlV' lew York Hospital Vm \ Wv& .vA Private anj NfiS. . * 'ff SrJ Bff Special Disnm ! % * > ; /T / of b ifi MEN AND Y/OME'i / ftriflnrn nnil nil otlisr trnuljloi trmtnil at ro.ihoiiiililii clmrjji's. OJMJfM'ATION I''llKlC. CallOHOr lUlcll'L'aH DR. SEYMOUR PUTNAM DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , NEH II iy.luii lira B STRENGTH , ViTftliTY , MHOOD . Y/.II. I > UltI' ' ] W.I > . , Tto.4 I ' , AT.- : , I'.M-H. rA rmiu/ / . < ; i7 ri/'fc/riiH of ttij Ai.rjvi'rn'rK.iowi.- ! r.nv.i. . ' ( I io iiiii.u ! ! > : > > M. ' ' ' I' ' " ' HATIUNAC I. Af I AI IDS fin iliol'Jil/.r HKHAYtm / 1 hi.tul.- \ ll < j/iti/.t'.iif iy , Vinau'auAI'/iyili'iit ' ' , ' ////fj' / , f.n I n. I Jltita .c * nml HViiXiiiii of J/u/i. l ! . 'jnung , Uin nM < ltfifnl nnil olii > ' " " ' "Itntlun ill IHTKIII IT | jy irtlrr. UU ) Tu4HTtiiii wllh WiimonliJr , KKKK. I.I.FKU i > < "ik , NCI i- : : , < ; i ; OK i.ii'ic , OH fiiu' : < ) UjSillVVl'JN. : : ) COO pp. , Vid lliv.ihmljl" [ iru > . , ; ii'.i : ' : . , u full uair. only SU * ' ! iv mail , nualed NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK , tf. S. Depository , Onmlitt , Nob. OAPITAI/ , SUAPLUS , - SOd.OOU Omcnrs nnd rili-ix-iorn - . . riliixiornIlfi.ry Vf. Yntes , prml. doin , It. O. ( Mibtiltiir , vlfi > prtiililt-iit. O. H. MiitirlcfL W. V. Jlorw. John 8. Colllnu , J. N. U. 1'atrlof J.u\vlH H. Ui'od. ' canlilur. THE IRON BANK. DISORDERS Rwfl nBUiUlilBAII I V I U I W 'U'W And nil the train ut f HVIUS WIJAK.S-hsSIW. DKIUM'J V , ETC. . Ilia" ao * * cuiiu.iiiiy llit-iii In inun QUICKI < Y and IMJUMA KHNTJ.V Ct'lll'lt. l--Ut bntrSNCJ-l-H und wnJ elvci. tuovoriimif : ' ; llio body I win nund ( o- cinuly iiatUcd I-'JIKK tw uny milforur tliu urj jrti > ' ' . "VnV1A1 V'Vv'i'J'f * ' " ' ii-JWio * Aadru L A. UUAl > lM , lluttlu Cruttk , Mlcti.