i 'PITH * t-JATTV nil ? . 1ITTV Id 1QOO HEAP BIG INJUN'S ' HOLIDAY Annual Festivities of tbo Oolleotod Tribes At the Winnebago Agency. MEDICINE : DANCE , GIFTS.AND DOG SOUP lloir n Hot tiny TV i Bpent by the Noble licit .Mnn In I'urmilt .of Hrnnrtceot I'louBuro IIIn lull , III * folltlcx and IIU 1'ernoiml Ilnblti. WiNNEiuoo AfiKNCr. Thurston county , Neb. , July 10. [ Stuff CorrosDondcnco. ] The citizens of Omaha , surrounded us they arc with nil the luxuries and conveniences of modern civilization , little Urentu of the scenes of superstition nnil un tutored savagery that nro yet be ing unacted within the confines of this thriving nnd progressive state. Bent upon witnessing the annual celebra tion of the Wlnnob.igoes , a sort of a red man's fourth of July , 1 boarded the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneap olis and Omaha 5 o'clock train Friday evening nnd three hours later was in I'ondcr , thu nearest , point to thn unency , and the only town within the big nnd bounteous county of Thurston. Ponder * Is a smart little city of possibly lr 00 souls , with handsome public buildings , churches and school houses , two newspapers , snug prtvr.lo residences nnd every essential manifestation In the way of general Improvement that so murks the ugo in which wo hvo. It is finely located , near the rotr.nntln I egan , upon tin elevation , or 11 scries of clov.ulons , that command an en trancing view of the waving ami blooming ngrlcultral p.iradiao which environs il com pletely for mllua nnd miles , beyond the reach of human vision. Instead of finding the sccno of the \Vinne- bago fandango within nn easy stroll of this charming town , I quickly learned that It was adjacent to the genoy , nearly if not quite twenty-eight miles away , upon a ono hundred nnd forty uuro truct of as line land ns lays out dcors , allotted to them by the government especially and exclusively for these annual reunions nnd weir festivities. J3ut such a drive , across n rolling uralrio landgrander In beauty nnd tho. variety of Its attractions than any picture man could over hope to paint on canvas , was to bn regarded in the way of a genulno pleasure , rather than a laborious discomfort. Niitim1' * Stvnel .Symphony. The broad corn Holds stretching away Hko oceans ot prccn , sang In the breezy tone of swaying stalk unit waving blades ; that do- lieious faint , far-away roar , like tlitu which routes In from the sea at dead of night , and always to bo heard upon the limitless plains , murmured softly , anil those.wlth the blended voices of rural valley , the tinkle of thoshuup bells , thn rttatlo of the yellowing wheat and drone of the clcadtc. In most persuasive music , scorned to invite ono to make the journey. Unt n more powerful attraction than all the UclljjhtR of nature combined was the assurance of witnessing a scene of wild jollification by the remnant of a once power- _ fill nation of America's aboriginal citizens. This was something not to bo resisted , \Vo made the drive , starling from the Peebles house , oven buforo the sun's first rays had begun to glint tno tassels of the waving corn , uut it la needless to enlarge upon the grandeur and piclurcsqun beauty of the country through which wo Journeyed. Throughout this almost endless plateau , if I may so call it , anil while the whole territory is almost ono unbroken world of corn , wheat and pasture land , them nro no settlements. Hero and there , on the edge of some strag gling motto or bunch of timber , aro' clusters of rough habitations , ttiu abode of some tenant of the Indian lands , and along the small streams the abandoned hut of some cowljpy or musKrnt trapper is to bo detected occasionally. It was but a comparatively few years ago , when this broad terri tory was the homo of the buffalo nnd the antelope , over which alone the warlike Sioux and florco Pnwneo galloped their gaily bedecked po nies , either In conllct with each other , or in pursuit of the lordly game that was always found thcrohut Is now next to extinct , . There nro no buffalo , oik or antelope there now. The Indian alone remains , and ho is so meta morphosed in looks and demeanor that it re quires a considerable stretch of thu Imagi nation to fancy him what ho was then. The golden tangle of the midday sun glit tered amid the scrub oaks that thickly dot the sloping hillsides , the damp nir of the valley is full of fragrance , and the serpen- tlno stream , winding in and out , gave flash for flush , as wo came in sight of the bo- bluffed spot whcro stands the agency. Good Irnlli\v lit thu Agrncy , A sharp turn round a Jutting , craggy point , the tramp of our tired horses over the little bridge , a slight ascent nnd wo pull up at thu door of the one-story log store of the posl trader , Tom Ashford , n handsome , nthlotlc ( follow , who knows moro about the Indians than the Indians do themselves , and who is most generous in dispensing his knowledge ; tells good stories and tolls them well , and In > fact is an all round , wholosotiled. good fellow. A short distance from thu tr.iding post are the quarters of Captain . H. 13cck of the Tenth cavalty , the now agent recently ap- polntcd by President Cleveland. These quarters consist of n low , rumbling Bert of a- frame building \ of a do/oh rooms or moro. There 4ro several other buildings within the radius of of L'OO or ! iOOyards , nnd altogether the agency is well calculated to remind ono of the trad ing stations upon the oxtrcmo frontier n s half u century ago , when such places were the world In miniature , n focus of its pas- I slons , Its prejudices , its hates and loves. sid * There were a motley lot of ragged nnd greasy Indians , bucks and squaws , mixed up with counterfeit cowboys and country hump- kins , with the odor of bad whlstty In Ire nostrils , in anil about the trader's store , and after n rather hurried inspection of the outfit , wo again hooked up our horses and started to the seeno of the celebration some two miles further on , situate upon an non Incnco giving a distant view of the dark Valley of the Missouri river. On our way over wo'fell in with a camping party from Ponder , consisting of Agent Bock nnd his family , Hon. W. 13. Peebles and Mrs. Peebles , O. Y. Chlttemlen nnd wlfo , T. I * . Sloan nnd wlfo , G. S. Hancs. ndC. M. Howard ami Miss ICatio Tellokamp and brother. They had their tents pitched In nda grove of dwarf oaks on the very upex of the divide , a lovely spot , and wcro enjoying tlio long summer day nftor the most robust homl approved American fashion. Wo halted long enough to quail a couple of bottles of liudwulsor , right off the ice , then resumed our journey , with the sweet strains of man dolin and guitar , mlngluu harmoniously with a delicious soprano , a fair tenor ami good bans , from the merry picnickers bohlpd , filling - ing all our senses. Another quarter of an Hour nnd wo were upon the festal grounds of the Wlnncbago , and n thrilling and remarkable sccno lay spread before us , l.o On HU Native Heiirlli. There were tepees here , tepees there , and tepees everywhere , crowning the Hdgu us far as otto could see , nnd specking both sides of the bluff's , some in regular rows , others ns if tossed hero and tliero hy some mighty but unmethodical hand. Tepees of door and JUtw > skin , tepees of canvas , tepees of carpet wale rugs , and tepees of scraggy hrai.ches of oak and willow ; scrawny horses and spavined ponies , mangy dogs with wolfish snouts and pointed ears , curs that looked hko brindle mops , and half nuked nnd filthy bucks , untidy squaws , , nnd cunning , chubby paK | > oscs , strapped on ain squaw's back or rollltm nnd kicking up in ' g' untutored delight In dirt and sand and loaves , There Indians nil were of ages , con- v dltions and kinds from the , Santco un arian to the Pottuwattamio baho vnth its eyes buruly open. Squaws in full dress and squaws in na good us uo dress at all ; ditto bucks ; some with plug hats , others with soldiers' caps , but the bulk of them with n crow's wing or hawk's tall for head er ing ; long-haired Indians and - red Indians : blooming maidens and toothless ! , frray-haired , droning hags ; the thrifty red farmer and the worthless rod vagabond and gambler ; sober Indians and drunken In- aiutu , Kood unit bad , lazy and industrious , attractive and repulsive , they were all there on an cqunl level for the ono day any \Ti\y. The Ull Sunloo from 'wny north of Itoiobud Agency , with his smooth- shaven cranium with Its bafnathcrcil scalp- look , straight as a hemlock , po > vorftil , ugly , kfton-oyed looking fellows , who must have been topnotchors with the tomahawk and scalping knlfo In days when poor Mr. t/j had a show for his whlto ally , The stolid , low-bnwcd , snaky-orbed Sioux , in wild holi day paraphernalia Of coyote hldo , bull's horns and feathers of the turkey buzzard. Always sullen , covert , reticent and suspi cious , yet the nearest approach to the orig inal aborigine of nil tllat straggling , illy- clad , frowsy and dirty assemblage. The quick-footed , sharp-voiced Kloway , with his bedizened nnd berlbboncd pony , was an Interesting Individual on account of his picturesque dress nnd proud bearing ; the slovenly Otoo and crafty S > ae , with primitive bow and arrow and nbant as much Intelli gence In his face as you would expect to see In n chop-houso buckwheat caito ; the round faced , . lulling and greasy Oitmha , with his hulky body , bu.iJs , feathers , banded ankles nnd wtilsky. They wcro all there , ' 'plenty ' big Injun , " too , every ono of them , ns they were the guests ot the Witmobago , mighty man , pompous nnd overbearing , on the occa sion in hand at least. It is estimated that there were fully 1,300 Indians present , which included a band of about TOO Wlnnchagos , the rest coming from the distant reservations of the Santco , the Sioux , Pottnwattamlo , Omaha , Kloway nnd Sac. Dunning In tlio Mmllclne I.ml jr. The medicine dance was in full blast when wo reached the sccno , and oven before making a cursory round of the musbroom tepee town , wo hurried forward to the medicine - cine loiigo. whcro jxisilbly 100 warriors and squaws wuro Indulging In the wild and weird orgies that distinguished their celebrations centuries ago. The medicine ledge was a stucious struc ture orcclfHl ui > oii the highest point of land for miles around. It was built of si'rub-oiik logs , planted iiuriiiht In the sandy soil at intervals - tervals of six or seven yards. From the tops of the o , from ono to another , nnd across nnd back again , wcro stretched thongs of cow- hldo , until : i very reticulation of thong r.nd cord had been formed , utwn which was heaped the branches of the oak and willow , ntiij.grns3 , cornstalks and weois : , furnishing a tolerably good roofing , not only sufllcicntly Impervious to preclude all discomfort from tlio Hery rays of the July sun , but to defy a very thorough drenching in case of incloin- ent weather. Kvery available Inch of space on the in I side of this mrdlclnc lodge , and encompass ing It to the depth of twenty-flvo head or more completely roundabout , were half naked or red-blanketed Indians , as deeply interested in the grotesque spectacle being enacted in the contoroftho lodge as whHo man or woman over was in mugnlllccnt opera or thrilling tragedy. It was with ex ceeding dink'ulty that wo were enabled to crowd our way into a spot commanding a view of the charmed arena , but ICdward Hose was my guldo. and his long familiarity with the Wnnobagoes proved the open scsamo. "Jerry Fox" I-oil thn Dance. Cho-ock-sopii-no-ke-noc-kaw. or Jerry Fox , an old Sachem nearly 100 years old , was conducting the ceremonies when wo entered. Hose called him over , and , giving a short , sharp yelp , the tom-tom boaters lay down their sticks , the lierco looking Ducks ceased their contortions , nnd the plaintive chant of the squatting squaw gradually grow fainter and laintor , Dually dying out in gloomy cadences of lingering , mournful sound. Mr. Uoso Introduced mo to Fox , as I will call him for short , and told him as nearly ns ho could in Wlnnobago that I was there for Tun BEE , nnd was going to write the celebration - bration up for the enlightenment and amuse ment of the white reader. The old fellow looked pioasod , whether ho know what Koso told him or not , and , with nn expressive ugh ! ho said .something to a squaw at his elbow. She disappeared at once into the crowd , returning quickly with n camp stool in \ her hands. This Fox took and , placing it j near the tom-tom b.ind , waved mo to a scat. I couldn't help but look at the old follow , in that wild garb , and wonder at the thoughts that must bo tilling his dusky brain. There was no monkey business about Cho- ock-sopa-no-ko-ncc-kaw. Ho was a superb specimen of what you might have conjured up his forefathers to have been ; the fierce nnd truculent warriors of the , wilderness back in the primeval days of the mighty King Philip. Tall and commanding , despite the burden of a hundred years , with a hard , cold , austere look in his bronze facowrinkled with care and ago. Uut his eyes , buried deep in his bkull , sparkled Hko those of a mink or a woaacl , and gave no indication of the long , wild life ho had led. Ho were a strip of wolf-skin tied tightly around his head , with the painted tall feathers of an eagle or buzzard sticumg out hero and there , and a Mowing mustang's tail depending from his scalp lock almost to his heels. His sinewy , red arms were bracolotcd. with brass bands , and about his ankles was a strand of small copper sleigh bells. Cho-ock had been a mighty warrior in his day , so I was told , nnd a great hunter. Ho took a prominent part in the Minnesota massacre in 1802 , allied with the government , and was ono of the scouts who chased the truculent Little Crow into the dense morass north of Mankato. whcro ho was treacherously mur dered by ono of his own warriors. A short , sharp whoop and the weird cere- moines wore resumed as if nothing had occurred to interrupt thorn. On wltli I ho Dunce. There were a dozen bucks or moro boating ' the tom-toms , hugo tub-liko contrivances , feathered and painted , with a goat's skin stretched across the top , and around which : tin ) bucks squatted like so many delighted children. On these the red musicians beat , with monotonous system , with long tillable sticks , bulbed nt the end with chamoii sk In and cotton. Around these tom-tom In a tors- was seated a circle of .young squaws , proli l ably numbering twenty or more , and around these another row of squaws , old and squalid , wrinkled , thin and repellant , while around the whole were the dancers in the gymnas tic nnd fantastic evolutions of the great mcdlcluo. The monotone of the tom-toms and tho"hi-yil hl-yil kt-yl ! ki-.vil ho-hol ! kl-yi ! ho-ho ! kt-yll k-.vll ki-yll" of the bucks nnd the squaws together , old voices and young , shrill and strident , as well as soft and melodious , inlontncrscd as it w.i.s every instant or so , by a sharp yelp from someone of the frenzied dancers , made sight and : sound white man seldom enjoys. It wa weird , singular and creepy , yet fascinating to a degree iucroJIblo , and despite one's scruples about the danger of disease or ver > min , ho would find it impossible to tear him : self away while the orgies continued and ho had n chance to stay in hens pusn. At an understood signal the din and dancing were suddenly discontinued ns quickly ns they began , and In the midst of breathless silence , Nah-ko-kog-knw , or Wild Jack , clad in a shabby buckshin suit , em broidered with strand after strand of red , uluo and yellow beads , strode into the arena via an avenue that had opened up for him as if by magic , loading a small , dun pony with ono hand , while in the ottier til clasped his pipe and tomahawk. lie was closely followed \Va-ra-ra-chun-K.iw. . or the \\lilto Ilurso , a tall , slender , half-clad , oldish looking busk , who loan second pony. These were gifts to the chiefs of the visitIng - Ing tribes , and during the day something Hko fifty head were given away , a generous custom that has been in vogue among the wild children of plain and forest for hun dreds of years. The nresontation of each gift was the signal of a sccno of wild hilarity. In each instance thojeadors of the ponlos , with gesticulations that , 'ooked moro liUo tight than anything else , nnd n short address - dross fairly iilssed from between clenched teeth , would beckon with liU tomahawk , and the recipient of the Wlnnobago's generosity would appear. Silently and stolidly ho would relieve his red cousin of the pony's halter , and as silently and stolidly leave ha arena , leaving nil drmonstratlon to the laughing squaws nnd young men. Then that short , sharp yelp again , the monotonous tom-toms , the tquawa1 dolorous chant , the warriors llorco cries , mid the stooping , stamping , bending , crouching ' , whirling , crawling evolutions of the dancers would be resumed , only to bo interrupted again and nguln , ns above related through out the live-long day. Can a more thrilling experience bo Im agined } Tlio dunce Itself , which partakes of some of the features of the medicine , ns Uoso told mo , also has parts of the Green Core , the Sun , Ghost and War dances in it ' , and on u whole , In consequence , oxccods In interest any turpsichoreaii specialty the tribe may or can indulge in. KUetl by 1'rlie Ilcautln. 'Long about half past 2 ttiero was a half hour's cessation In theic ceremonies , during which all the assemble\ tribes , In squat * ting , sitting or lollintfpostunu , listened to .1 stirring address by Ho-chunk-ko-no-knw , old Hod Leg , the orator of the nation. Ho Is nn old vetor.xn of the war nnd buftnlo trail , and was also a government scout dur ing the Uttlo Crow uprising , Ho would bo a tlno specimen of the Wlnnobatro wcro it not for a hugo won on tlio side of his fnco.whlch ho holds up with ono hand or the other while shooting off his elocutionary pyrotech nics. Old lied Leg was followed by Hlnck Hiiwlf. Hew-Ka-ge-nuck-kaw. Ho was nn ugly old scalp rulsor , and Is said to hnvo been hostile to the whites in the Minnesota massacre. Ho arose and advancing , with a great deal of dignity , to the center of the circle , stopped and stood n moment , scan ning the Immobile faces about him. Then ho put himself In nn attltudo to speak. It was nialcstlc , oven If Ulaok Hawk was dirty and dlshovclod. Ho proudly llunrr the tat tered robe of iioyoto skins from his powerful form and stood erect In nil the barbaric lofti ness and dignity ot person as over distinguished warrior hoforo. Every In dian was now nn eager nnd attentive subject , and the Hawk began speaking with the natlro eloquence and Impresslvencss of the Indian sovereign. The fir&t words that fell from his lips , though soft and mild , cautod his lolling auditors to straighten up into attitudes of respectful attention , but us ho went on , his language grow less calm and deliberate , nnd his face darkly flushed with the feelings within his breast. His little eyes glowered Hko n wolf's , but the dusky forms of those wild beings wore as silent nnd motionless ns If they hadliecii carved from stone. Ana all ho was talking about , I afterwards learned from Hose , was the leasIng - Ing of a few thousand acres of land , and the bountiful outlook of the mnlzo crop , nnd all the time I thought ho was haranguing of rapine ana murder. Hlack Hawk through , the dance nnd the music was resumed. At ono time tliero wcro fully 100 budczlnod , half naked Indian vagabonds , . , loafers nnd farmers , leaping , i ' Jumping , stamping nndisorcaining Injdellrlous ecstacy , and the medicine ledge might well have been taiten for some unhallowed arena or pandemonium whcro malicious demons had assembled to enact their bloody and infernal rites. IJuck after buck fell Into the whirling multitude , until about nil within the ruodleino lodge , including Ed Hose and Tom Ashford , were numbered in its dizzy mazes. If It hadn't have been for Tomin ) his shlrtsloovcsandstovoplpohatnnd Kd , with a gray Scotch suit and straw hat , the spectacle might have boon conjured ute ono of wildcat terror. Eh-shook-kc-kaw , or Jim Bird , was ono of the loudest bucks at the ball. Ho was en tirely nude , save n smalt calf's-hldo breech- clot and moccasins , but was painted a bright yellow from the crown of his head to his ankles , and from the way the bright eyed squaws followed Jim's grotesque movements 1 imagined ho must be as much of a masher as ho Is of a dudo. The girls call him PussyCat - Cat , and ho is the Ward McAllister of Skunk creek. Wah-stcd-da-kc-kaw was an other honey-cooler , both in his skill us a dancer and the Ingenuity displayed in his make-up. Wah-Sted's head was closely cropped , save the inevitable scalp lock , which was tied full of rod , green and crim son feathers , while from each side of hU head protruded the long horns of a Texas steer , and a couple of big brass rings clinked and Jingled from his big Koman noso. Grizzly Bear , Pats-kot-to-kaw , Wah-shot- stod-eh-kaw , \Vow-nlch-strus-kaw , were also star performers , particularly the latter , who went through the intricate and devious convolutions of the Winnobago Ger man with but few moro clothes on than when ho came into the world. Ho is called the IJlack Bird , nnd Is said to have run dowr nn nntelopo a few years ago on the open plain. Hcw-no-kaw was a scout in the late rebellion , nnd is a government pensioner , drawing $42 a quarter. Ho is an intelligent follow , a goodpenman and reader , but loves "pogeneno" whisky fast horses , women and the ghost dance much more fervently than ho docs knowledge , and this combina tion is sooner or later bound to got him into trouble. Snowball can dance as good ns the youngest buck in tlio party , notwithstanding ho is 80 years old , and Naw-sko-ack-kaw , 81) can Jump over u pony's cack and never touch a hair. Norf-mo-nuck-ke-haw , with n black , red and .vellow torso , and old calico apron for a breech-clot , and a creasy horse blanket for a robe , was a conspicuous iiguro In the danco. lie has been to school at Carlisle , Pa. , nnd acquired a good educa tion ; still ho would rather lay around in the little mangy tepees , with the buxom Winne bago girls , trap mush rats , drink "p.ipcnea , " and loaf with his people , than clerk in a white man's store , or carry clay in a white man's brick yard. Mo-nuck-ki-kaw has a head on him. Se-gotch-che-kaw , another raider of ' 03 , and a follower of Little Crow nnd" Waueouta , is 83 , nnd yet ho won't miss a chance to tip his fantastic red too if ho haste to travel from moon to moon to got thoro. Old Man Eater , Won-ga-ga-rutch-kiiw , is another very old warrior , in fact so old that ho cannot oven give an idea of how old ho is. Ho saw service on the frontier of Wisconsin n half a century ago , and was a relentless , treacherous and blood-craving hostile in the Minnossotn uprising. Another patriarch of the tribe is Gray Wolf , a little , woasennd driod-up old follow , very quiet and inobtru- slyo , and famous always as an unswerving friend of the whites. But to return to the festivities. Toward evening. Cho-ock-sepa-no-ko-nio-kaw ran rapidly through the medicine ledge uttering a series of yelps Hko these of n canine caught under the fence , and with ono accord , but without push or Jostle , the whole crowd , bucks , squaws and children , arose and ran for the hollow in which the day's feast of roast ox and dog soup was to bo held. The Indians range themselves in circular rows and are waited upon by the squaws , who can dish up n shovel full of dog and grasshopper elf and got it in a greasy pan before a conveni ent neighbor with n celerity that would make a restaurant flunky fall dead with ; onvy. Dog soup is the Wimmbago's national dlnb , Just the same a. % spaghetti Is to the Now Orleans Creole , They will cat a co savory piece of roast beef or pork , but if you wish to particularly tickle their palates give thorn dog soup , bu it mudoout of setter , pointer , bull or rat terrier ; it is all the same to the delicate gastroDomlo organs of tno Winnobago. With the most of them the first course at a big meal is dog soup , then some moro and once again , the dessert IB identical with the emulsion of hair , IS , gristle and toonalls that distinguished the first course , The only wonder is where do all the dogs como from ! Uonoluilcd with < lumo . After the banquet came agamoof lacrosse , which was about as exciting as a game of mumbly-peg , then a number of bucks gave | us iicateii-us-cateh-can wrestle , others feats of leaping and jumping , and still others ia display of their skill with the paste-boards in thu seductive divetiisomentof stud-poker , , in which game the ladies are especially dox - terous. The closing event in the day's progrnn was thu IIvo milo liorso race , with thirty . live entries. Thn capitalists of the tribe hud "thrown in" and raised n nurse of f 101 , adof which $ , " > U went to the first liorso , & ! l to the Hoi-owl and U nnd $25 to the fourth nnd fifth respectively. This was nuito a thrilling feature , ho funny part of it being that the last man In came riding , yelling and screeching and illg - glng his heels in tils pony's sides with all the vohoinoncoand oxcitnment that signal - izod the winner of first money. In fitct ; aler all thu winnow were in , the balance nave lot up a particle , but kept on riding for ilea > life , just as if a portion of the prizes were yet within their grasp. The jamboree ended last night , the In- dtnns breaking up camp , with little ovidonei of the mirth and oxcltamout through wh let ttioy had just , passed , SANOV GUIDWOUI. Vfnt on III * .MiHfle. TAUI.B HOCK , July 17. [ Special Tologratr to Tim Hr.u. ] Harry Uobb , a colored man , created consldurablo excitement last even ing by uromisculously knocking down Jeff " Carter , "William TrioliT and others on.tho street without provocation. Ho was soon locked up mid this morning pleaded guilty tend assault and battery and was lined $10 and To rill Judge lllutolilortl'ji I'liicc. New YOIIK , July 17. Congressman Thomas | F. Maguor said this afternoon _ that the president hud tendered Judge ICdgur Mo- Culluu the appointment to the suuromo court of the United States in the place of the late Justice lilatchford. Mr. Maguur said that hU Information came from law yers and ho understood U was correct. | The balloon goo.i up tonight. BENEATH A ; MQTOR TRAIN Thomas O'Connor Hy Hiiy Mangled on a Lincoln Street Oar Line , SOME MYSTERY ABOlfr THE AFFAIR PrlcniU Think UoVn Mfardrrcil by Trnmps for Mnner nnil Ul Jloily 1'lncccl on thn Toadc to 110 .Miitllntoil4 LINCOLN , July 17. [ SVccwi to TiiDBr.c. ] Was Thomas O'Connor murdered , or was ho the victim of nn accident ? This Is the ques tion that will occupy the attention of the coroner's jury this evening , and in the mean time the public is discussing sovcral thco- rlcs ns to the probsblo causa of the young man's death , O'Connor was a young man 23 yours of age , nnd for some time has been em- I ployad n a stationary engineer In this city. I Ho hud one child and lived at 1307 1C street. Yoiterdny morning ho started to walls to the resilience of his ttithcr , near the peni tent In ry , and it Is known that ho spent the day thcro. Ho started to walk homo late la the evening , Ho had been paid off the evening before and while nt his father's rcsldenco ho had $40 in money which ho displayed to his parents. At 10:90 : . last night Motorman Klston , on the South I Fourteenth street car line saw n man lying on the track ahead of him while ho was run ning his car nt full speed , Kovcrslni ; his lover nnd putting on the brakes ho made an effort to stop thoar , but ho was too la to. The wheels passed over the man's body , crushing his head to n pulp , mangling his right arm nnd crushing his loft side. The car was then stopped and the people on board assisted the niotorman to remove the body. The man never breathed after ho had been picked from under the whools. Some ono walked to the' state penitentiary about 200 yards distant and telephoned the uollco. Tlio patrol wagon was sent out and the remains of the unfortunate man brought to u local undertaking establishment. An examination rovenlud the fact that the mnn had a terrible gash on the top of the head that appeared to have , been made by some sharp instrument. In' hi ; pockets were found n brt\8s badge giving his name and residence. In his fee pockctof his trousers , safely pinned In , was $15. The rest of the money he was known to have carried all day Sunday was not to DO found. These fuels have led many lo believe that the young man was niui'ilersd by tramps. The sccno of the fntnllty was on a lonely part of thu road , with high vpoils growing in the streets on both sides of the truck. It was Just the spot a gang of cut throats would naturally select to waylay nu intended vic tim , nnd if O'Connor resisted nnd made a light ho may have boon killed in the struggle and his body placed on the tr.ick in order to cover the evidences of the crime. The body lay at the foot of a steep grade where it would bo dllllcult to stop u heavily loaded car. car.Thoso These who do not Incline to the theory of murder think that O'Connor ' was drunk and lay down on the track to sleep. This theory is hardly tenable for the reason that he was not u drinking man and' hud been at homo with his parents all. day. Then , too , the motor car hnu passed , the spot loss than six minutes before on its Way but , ana if O'Con nor had wandered tlmt'way ho would hardly have had time to sinkjinto profound slumber before the car returned. Again , it is argued that if ho had really Ihid' down on the track his injuries received from the car were not necessarily of a nature.to have caused in stant death. It Wns Purely Accidental. The coroner's jury commenced its Inves tigation at 7 o'clock thl3Jovcning. A largo crowd of spectators being gathered by pop ular interest in the case. Contrary to gen eral expectation , however , the testimony of the several witnesses brought out no sensa tional features. Neither was any evidence adduced to show that O'Connor had mot with any foul play. The mystery surrounding' th'o1 cuso was as deep when the lust witness was dismissed us it was this morning. It was simply established that the deceased hud visited his parents and remained until within fifteen minutes of 10 o'clock lust night , when ho started to walk to the car ; that ho had not drank a drop of liquor and that ho was not subject to tits. The most interesting statements were made by Deputy Sheriff Lungdon , who has worked all day on the case. Ho discovered that O'Connor had crossed the track from the west side to the east and again ap preached U from the east. His tracks were plainly discernible in the soft ground. The footprints of another man were also found leading across a plowed field from the west side and the two series of footprints met nt the point where O'Connor's boudy was found. The pockets of the deceased hud not been rilled , nnd no testimony was drawn out to show that ho hud moro than $15 , found uinned up in his fob pocket. In the absence of any positive evidence throwing light upon the mysterious affair the Jury re turned a verdict to the effect that O'Connor's death was accidental. InilPponiluiitH .Mil } ' ICnllorsn Mnxwnll. Chairman Blake of the Independent state central committee this afternoon issued n call for the mooting of the executive committee In this city on July . The state central com mittee will not bo called together , but the executive comnittto will issue the call , for the state convention. The committee is composed of G.V. . Blake and C. II. Pitrtio of Lincoln. O. Nelson of Schuylor , 0. C. Deaver of Omaha , Daniel Freeman of Beatrice , P. H. , Barry of Greely Center , \ DfV. P. Brooks of Cook , J. F. Bishop of Lincoln , nnd J. D. P. Small of York. Chairman Blukosaid this evening that loading .in dependents all over the state lire favoring the nomination of .Tudgo Max well as the Independent candidate for Judge of the supreme couot. Judge Bates of York and Judge Kusli of Beatrice are mentioned . , . but only us secondary candidates. Maxwell Is the favorite according to Chairman Blake , who bollovcs ho will bo nominated on the first ballot. Dluka says the independents will talto Maxwell at first hands hut will not endorse him If placed in nomination by the republicans before tlio Independent committee : mittee meets. ICHtiito of Ilolrlosn It.illuim , Governor Crounso was this ovonlng the re cipient of nn autograph letter from Seerotnry of Stuto Gresham in which his attention was culled to the fact that the government of Italy hud complained that thu local au . thorities hud neglected to comply with the provisions of the consular conven , tion of 1878 between the United States and Italy , The article referred to provides that In casoofjho death of n sub ject of Italy In this .country who has ibno Known heirs or testamentary oxooutor desig nated by him the local authorities shall give notice of Iho fact to , Jio ) .nearest consular agent. Governor Crqiisp ) | U requested tone muko the complaint iipbjio In order that no further mistakes muyoc < uir. Stntu Hoard of'Kijimllziitlon. The State Board of''l . ' uallzatlon hold its tlrst session this forcrtwiftind meetings will | bo hold every fuw VajW for the next two weeks in order to p&Ymil county oflloials from various parts of ' < | io state to appear and make known their 'fcriovuhces. From the manner in which tfhfs 'forenoon's session started out the board la lilfcly to have u busy time of it before thu assessments are finally adjusted to the satisfaction of everybody concerned. " * " Ono of the first to uprMr before the board thli morning was County Cleric Sackott of Douglas county. Mr , SaoKott had no partic ular complaint to make of the Douglas county assessment , but ho wished the assist ance of the board In unraveling some compli | . cations in which the commissioners of the bij ; county on the river had involved thorn- selves. The Douglas county commissioners had mudo a levy far a county insuno fund un der n misapprehension of the law. Under this levy the fund vlll amount to about $25- 000. Mr. SacKctt uskod the advice or the board as to what was necessary to do in the caso. The members of the board were of thcioplnlon that they could do nothing , hut suggested to him that the cammUalonora iOf Douglas county could dlrcol the clerk not l to extend thu levy on the tax list if it should bo found lhat it was illegal. The clerk and two commissioners from Cuss county weio present nnd stated to there board that they would have to lave u ro- ( tttctlon upon the real estate assessment of that county. They claimed that their us < segment wns twice ns high as It was In Saumlrrs county. Hcprcscntatlvo Van Duyn and two com missioners of S.ilino county , asked the board to make a horizontal reduction In their county. Under the returns of tlionscs ors their property Is valued at > , QUO,000. They think that this amount should be reduced to about $ . ) ,00.1OUO , In order to place them upon an equ.il footing with the other counties in the stale. Commissioners Bollard nnd Waldron of Adams county , met with the board nt Its aft ernoon session , Their complaint was very similar to the others. The assessors had been n little too enthusiastic and had placed the valuation of the county too high. Uopre- sentatlx-e * of Gaio , Scott Bluffs nnd Clay county , also notified the board that they would appear this afternoon and ntaxo , , known their complaints ag.ilnst the unjust assessments of their property holdings as compared with neighboring counties. All of the counties of the state with the exception of Blalno , Boyd , Ouster , Dundy . and ThuMton have returned their assess ment rolls to thu auditor of public accounts. | Placing the reports of the counties nt the snmo figures they returned last year , the entire - tire assessed valuation of real nnd personal property ! In the state this year is " " 023.74. A comparison of the returns o' the sovcral counties of the state shows that the judgment of the assessors has varied as widely as the boundaries of the state. Some of the coun ties have been nasossed nt 130 per cent of their nctual valuation , while others have re turned ns low as 7 per cent. The law which makes It Incumbent upon assessors , to place the actual valuation upon all property coming .within their Jurisdiction seems to have been moro honored In the breech than in the ob servance. Afttir the Ynnktun & Nor Tot it. Secretary Dllworth of the Stnto Board of Transportation reports that considerable grading for the Ynnkton & Norfolk railroad has been completed In Pierce county. The grade of the proposed now road crosses the Pacific Short Line at Osmond In Plcrco county and extends for n considerable dls- tanco south toward Norfolk. Mr. Dilworth says that although the work of grading the now line has been suspended , there nro several things which indicate that dirt will bo Hying again in Iho nuar future. An interesting fact in connection with the proposed road has recently developed that will bo of cunsldorablo interest to the busi ness interests of the city of Omaha. An of ficial of the Missouri Pacific who recently paid a visit to this city intimated that it was the intention of his company to secure the control of the proposed Norfolk line ns soon as possible , and then extend the recently ac quired Kansas City , \Vyandotto & North western northward from Beatrice to Nor folk , where a connection would bo made with the now road and the two consolidated. This move , ho sMd , would give the Missouri Pacific a through line from Kansas City northwest into South D.ikota , and bo of great benefit to tlio business interests of the metropolis at the mouth of the Kaw river. The Yankton & Norfolk road shoull natur ally run into Omaha , but the Kansas City men already see nn opening into a rival's territory , and with their customary nerve are hastening to avail themselves of its pos sibilities. Xulir.islci Itonl ICltntu Mortgagm. The recent articles In THE Br.c exposing the unreliable nature of the mortgage in debtedness records furnished the state , Bureau of Industrial Statistics by registers j of deeds and county clerks over tlio State | seem to bo bearing fruit , for the Juno re ports show a marked improvement. Out of llfty-ono counties which have so fur filed their reports with the deputy commissioner of labor , twenty-six show that the acgregato amount of the mortgages released exceeds the aggregate amount of the mortgages tiled. When the returns are in from every county in the state it is confidently ex pected that the excess of releases over the filings will bo in marked contrast to the reports - ports of former months. The bureau is seeking to impress upon county officials tno importance of having mortgage releases placed upon the records , and the county oIHcors are in turn calling the attention of the mortgagees to tlio matter. A prouor un derstanding of tbo law will place Nebraska's credit much higher in the financial scale than it is at present , and thcro is good rea t. son for the belief that another year will show u marked difference in the mortgaged indebtedness reports sent in to the state bureau. Gimlp nt the Stuto Homo. Ex-Senator Wolbaeh of Grand Island was a state house visitor this forenoon. The oflicoof the state labor commissioner is gathering statistics of the manufacturing industries of the stato. The work will in clude a list of all manufactories in the state , the capital invested , annual output , number of employes , annual amount of wages paid I , nnd other interesting and valuable Tea- lures. The report will bo the first official 1 statement of the manufacturing interests of the btato ever published. A. H. Sampson , deputy commissioner of public lands and buildings , returned today from an over Sunday trip to his homo in Broken Bow. Superintendent of Public Instruction Goudy started west this morning and wilt visit teachers' -institutes in Scotts Bluff , Chase , Hall and Hamilton counties before returning to his ofllco in the state house. Considerable progress is being made in the work of publishing tbo laws passed by Iho last legislature. The proof sheets of 130 pages have passed through the hands of the secretary of slate , and the work will soon bo completed. Erlo Johnson was at the state house this morning , after a week's stay at York , where the senate and house journals aru being printed , The proceedings of thu first fifty- two days of the house are in typo and satis factory progress is being made in the work. The house journal for the last session will boone ono of the most voluminous in the history of the stato. Superintendent McICelvy , of the Girls In dustrial school at Geneva transacted busi ness at the stale liouso this af tornoon. H. T. Clarke of Omaha was at the state liouso this forenoon. Secretary of Stale Allen returned this morning from a several weeks trip lo Ohio , where ho was called by Iho illness and i death of his brother. I The National Live Stock Commission com - pany of Chicago filed its articles of incor poration with Iho secretary of state Ibis . afternoon. Il has a capital of f50lX)9. ) , ( Labor Commissioner Erlon now has com- plolo tiles of Iho Omaha and Lincoln dally newspapers for Iho past thrco years. The , files are the only ones in Iho state house out side of Iho newspaper olllccs. UC. The Central Cily bank against W. II. C. Hlco is the litlo of a case filed with the clerk of tint supreme court this afternoon . It originated in Murrick county , John tiarsby , commandant of the Soldier's , , homo . at Grand Island , was in the oily this | afternoon. Another Will Contoit. Another chapter has been added to the sensational romance connected with tlio now famous Dola-Strnllon breach of prniuUo suit. Tills case has been referred lo so fre - qucntly thai its history is known to every person outsldp of the insane asylum In this city. It is a case in which Florence Dele of Hed Willow county sued Thomas Stratum of this county for iO,000 for seduction and breach of promise. At the ilral trial the Jury awarded her 57,000 , damagoi hut Strat um secured a irhuarlug and at the second trial the fair plaintiff was made happy by a verdict for ? | y,00 ( ) . The case went to the supreme court where it is now buried out I of sight in n dusty docket. In the mean time the father of youngStratlondled uud lin his will loft thu whole of his estutn , valued ut from ! ? 50,000 to $110,000 , to his wife , culling Thomas elf with & 0. nnd a daughter , Mrs , Mary Guilder , with a paltry fcJ5 , Mrs. Guil - ' der today commenced suit in the district court to have the will set aside U | > on the grounds that her father was In no condition of mind to act intelligently in making a will nnd thai hi * menial powers had been Im paired by reason of a sunstroke received while ho was in the army. She also avers that the old gentleman was unduly influ enced by his wlfo , who desired to not only ahut her out of any benefits of her father's ITCHING HUIYIOeS Torturing , dliflgurlntr cm ir.i , and every upvclci of Itching , turn. liw , urafy , rruttud , anil pimply kin nnil ecaln iUi-nc ] ; , with dry , thin , nnd fuIlliiK lialr , rvllwd by a 0)ntlo ) : application , and * m * : < lly ) nnd economically cured \iy \ llio CUTICIIIU IlKMKUitu , when Ui * Lent pbjilcUm full. estate , but nl o to deprive Mlsi Hole of the pleasure of pcmttug any of the money which might hnvo gene to Iho ton had ho not bo- cnmoontnnglod with her tn the breach of promise suit , During the trial the Guilders figured quite prominently nnd their sympa thies were entirely with the plaintiff , llni MiirrlTCil Three Punic * . Cnptaln John L. Carion , the well known Nebraska banker , who has for a year or moro lived at the Hotel Lincoln In thlt city , has been eng.igoil In the banking business In Nebraska long enough to ho able to noast that ho has wn.ithorcit two of the greatest financial storms that over swept over the country. The first was the panic of 1S37 , the second the famous crisis of 1S70 , and ho fools perfectly confident that the state will pass through the present panic In good shapo. Ilo said to a BF.R representative last evening that the pxperlenco of the first two panics furnished him no light to sea through to the end of the present crisis , In 1S. > 7 the panic was precipitated by the natural outgrowth of the abttso of the state banking system. In 187H the cr.iih resulted from the heavy failures on Wall street , together with Iho collapse of an era of speculation unprece dented In thu history of Iho country. In the later year tlio failures succeeded the panic. At the present time the conditions nro exactly reversed. The panic is traveling ahead of Iho failures and men nro going to the wall through the sheer fright"of the pcoulo who are perturbed over a situation which they freely admit lhat they do not understand , IiulRo I > oino'ft l''oo. The managers of the Impeachment case Hied with the clerk of the Lancaster county district court this afternoon their answer to the application of Judge Doano of Onniha for an alternative writ of mandamus to com pel them to pay him the sum of foOO. In their answer they al'cgo that they are not indebted to tbo Judge In the amount of fT > 00 or any ether amount ; thai Iho impeachment proceedings nro still pending , and that the services for which ho claims the addi tional compensation have not been fully rendered. They further nllotro that they have no power to audit and ollow claims and issue vouchers thereon , but thai Iho auditor of publio accounts is the only man who can perform that duty ; thai tbo claim has never been prcsenled lo the auditor and that con- ioqucntly il has never been rejected by that oniclal. They also point nut tho.fact that the Judge has a sutllclent remedy at law if the auditor refuses to issue a warrant for any amount ho may see lit to claim. They therefore ask thai Iho writ uo denied. Ill * lujiirlrs Wcro Fntnt. Joseph Humble , son of W. S. Uuniblo of this city , died today from injuries received about two weeks ago. Ho was 10 years of ago and was employed at the Cooper & Cole steam radiator factory. About two weeks airo he was sent to burn a lot of waste , sat- united with oil , tn Iho furnace under Iho boilers. While engaged in Ibis work n heevy blaze suddenly puffed out from the furnace door , completely enveloping his body in llames. Ho was badly burned , but for n time it was believed that his life would bo saved. Ho lingered for two weeks , suf fering untol'i agony , ami do.ilh came to his relief today. His father lives at 113J South Second street nnd is employed in the Lin coln Pottery works. Ol > JiM-t , to the Claim. The Union Pacific railway came into the districl court this morning with the state ment thai it would not pay the rstato of A. U Caldwell the sum of $ . ' > , OW ) without a bit- lor light. Several months ago a Union Pa- clllc engine ran into an electric motor In this city nnd killed Caldwell , who was employed as niotorman. His administrator sved the railroad company for damages in the amount of- > ,000. In its answer the Union Pacific alleges that the Lincoln Street Hallway company never secured the right of way across the tracks and therefore , Caldwell was a trespasser and his death duo to his own negligence. Divorce Court Record. The records of the districl court In this county were this afternoon ornamented with two moro petitions for divorce. Tho-llrst was filed by John F. Hawkins , who seeks a separation from his wit'o Lydia on the grounds of infidelity. They were married at Memphis , Tenii. , as long ago as 1S77 , but ro- contly Mrs. Hawkins has become quite friv- olous , and according to the petition has com- milled adultery with several men , two of whom are referred to In the document. The other case was filed by Elmer E. Solders , who married his wife in White Cloud , Kan. , several years sinco. In 1SSO ho moved to Lincoln from Oregon , but his wife refused to accompany Him. Ho has not heard from her since nnd has reluctantly come to the conclusion thai she has deserted him. WEiT UNllKIl i | Ornnd Island'- ! ICv-City TrciKurrr : Oliiirgoil \VIIh Kiiiliozzllnc Twelve TlimiHiinil Dollars. I Gn.vNDlsi.AXU , Juiy 17. [ SpecialTelegram to THE Bcn.J Ex-City Treasurer John West , was arrested today charged with the embezzlement of ? 1-,000. Ho pleaded not guilty and waved examination. His bond was placed nt $0,000 and so far ho has been unable to sccuro the sureties. West was treasurer from 1837 to 1SU3 , and waa a candidate for re-election last spring , but when ho saw all hope of re-election gone ho confessed to his bondsmen lhat ho was short in his accounts , the shortage dating from his very first year. His freedom was allowed pending Iho thorough examination of his books. Some of the councilmen learned that ho was making preparations lo invosl Now Moxlco silver mines , and his arrest was de cided upon at a secret meeting of the coun cil Saturday ni ht. iio has a largo family. When the warrant was presented West aclod as If ho had been expecting it. Trfiiiip'H K miuiiri liliiitiillutl. GIUND ISLAND , July 17. [ Special to TUB BKKA ] bricklayer has identified the re mains of tlio tramp who was killed hero yes terday by a train. He is belloved to bo Henry Berry of St. Louis , and the son of well-to-do parents , who 11 vo near Wain right's brewery. i' Water Worki Completed. HAIITINGTO.V , July 17. [ Special Tnlcgram to THE Bi'.n. ] The water works system is now completed nnd was tested today. Every' thing was found to bo nil right and the city couucll mot tonight and accepted the plant. Balloon tonight and tomorrow night , NATURAL FRUIT FLW/ORS. / Vnnllln Of perfect purity Lamon Of great strength- Ornngo ' Economy In their uco , Rose , te. Flavor as delicately | and ddllclousjy a the. fresh DON'T ' FRET ! about your imrvtm ; don't bu pnlu.v uk , norv- DU8. frutful , t > ! oupliss ! ; ilon'i nuvu priln In b iok oralilu ; don't bu without ambition for work or nleusuro. i'ut a knun edKuon llfo. Iho Nerve Boons , a now vnt'cUblu djaoovory nf ro- miirkab o power uvur all nurvom troubles i In both HU\us fl a box , enough for two wcuku. At ilru lsta. or by mull. Nerve lluun ( Jo. , Ituiralo. N , V. Gatarrlial Deafness. Mr * , II , A. Itltr , l.nmllnrtr of thn WMnut flroto lloiur , Council lllnlT" , loirn , On > r * Hnr Tullmonjr. U la \ common thine tor rntnrrh In the hand osloiilou Mowly until to'M deafnou Is tht rojult. Mrs. U. A , Hlco , who Is the poptlUr UnAlmly of the Walnut tirovo llnnvi , 1204 fOth ntroot. Council II hi IT * , la. , tolls her oxporlenc * as follows ! MllS. 11 , A. 1UOI1 " \ly creates ! , four w.is that I woulil hoenma totally dtiiif. My illsonso Imd been runnliK on for twelve years and sturted from nviU I took Kohu across Iho pntrlot to suliool. Kvury cold 1 KOI apiravatod mv catarrh anil nmdo my hoitrlllz word ) . Terrible tmlnn would shoot thronch my head ami eye * . nnd my IHHO anil throat woiu cho ! < cd up. An liiri'siunt bur.zliu sound wiis m my oirs usiwehilly tbo rlKht. My upput lo fulliid , nnil 1 K.IVII out In stroiulli and could scarcely ilrai ; my suit ivrouml , L \vaH rumitni down fust nnil uuttluinortvilear every duyvlnn Dr. .Sliupurcl Del ; hold ot my ease. When I went to hint 1 could heir only when iiooiilo veiled In my 0'iis , and In ohureh 1 could not hoar a word lliu proaehur would stiy. Today 1 can oaflly huar or-llnary con versation mill at ohiiron can huar rvory word. Thu roaring In my liu-nl that alinon cru/.ud me Is not Half so bud nnil I. amuliaottii now woman wlt.li ulcnty of strength tur.l uppulltu. 1 am Kiilnlin ; uvery dnv mill inn lau I onn testify ho irtlly to ihn peed work doito In my caso. 1 \vl | | ljugiad to vurlfy this at-itomont at any time. " ih ii'iil oil cunibtc dttewcs ( rente ) nt futo tiif/urmmM miilicliitt fret.Mtfendintu sue f.ufully trailed bu m tl' . Sen I for * l/mptum Man.V. DRS. COPEtAND & SIIEPAR9 , HOOMS 311 AND nt ! NBW VOIIIC Ml.4 IIUIUHNU. OMAHA. NKIl. Every Curable Disease Treated * Ofllco Hours > to It n. m.2 ; Io5 p. in. : 7 toS o- in. Sunday li ) a. in. to U in. I > H. r. I , . SKVIIM3S , Consulting Burton Graduiuo of Uush Mollo.il Uollmo. ( UO.f VKKti. ) for the treatment o AND Wocuro Ciitavrh , All Dlnoasos of the Nose , Throat. Cboit , Stomnoli , itowals nnd Liver. Blood. Skin anil Klduov Dhoaioi , Female Wonlmnisov CURED. PILKS. FISTULA , P1S3UHE , nsrmnnanllr ourol , wltlioul tliu iiHu of kniru , llHtura or o.uiitlc. All muliullcH of a private or dullualu n.iUiro , of eltlior uux , iiojtltlvuly enroll. Call on or iiililruns , with utainp , ( or Circular ] , Free Hook nnd Recipes , Dr. Searles & Ssarles , NoxL Door to Iot.otfloo. . In all your outings to the World's Fair- Seaside Mountains everywhere , take take'S ( Tasteless ) Pills with you. Illness-frequcntly rcsulls from changes of food , water , climate , habits , etc. , and the remedy is liuccham's Pills. OCO00 © " PRESERVE YOUR EYE SIGHT , USE Co. WHY SHOULD YOU PAY 25c As you have heretofore done , for a LIGHTWEIGHT , ROLL COLLAR , We are now making one. Tilth Deep Points , equal to any In the market , FOR 20C. ASK ONLY FOR THE ALDMERE. Sold by all the Leading Men' * Furnisherj. The Monarch is the best warm weather Shut , bolld comfort and complete laimac- tioo guaranteed. OLUETT , COON & . CO. on. WlcGREW U tlio only SPECIALIST IVUOTKKATa ALL PRIVATE DISEASES tmtl DEBILITIES of ' M N ONLY. Women Excluded , lii year * ospitrlenve , Circular * free. 14th nnil OUAUA , 'Q Cat'trrh Guru cim-tt catarrh O All Uruvk'lali. CU coutu.