Mary Btongga Grieves Over ft Domestic
Quarrel and then Takes Morphine.
dhnitly Orectlinr of R llnnlinnil IVIio He.
tarn * frcini Work \ Murrleil Waiimn
lleccimti ntleil with Her Fooling !
nil then wll .Morphine.
Another stilcldo ot n married woman who
brooded over domestic troubles occurred
Mrs. Mnry Stengga , residing at tlio corner
ofVlrt street nntl Sherman nvcnuc , dk-u nt
8 o'clock ycstordny mornliifj from the effects
of n tloso of morphlno administered by her
own hnnd with suicidal Intent.
The alleged reason th.it prompted Mrs.
Stonqga to take the deadly dose was duo to
the fact that she and her husband had n
quarrel Saturday over domestic affairs , The
deceased was said to bo n high-strung ,
. She took the
quick-tempered woman. quar
rel much to heart , saying to her daughter-
in-law n llttlo later that she was "going to
taKe something and end it all. "
Thuro was n liottlo of morphine In the
house and she took a largo dosa somatlma
during tha ovcning , but as it did not take
imniciliuto effect the family concluded that
the remark was only made In trilling r.ngcr.
They sat up with her until nearly midnight
and then went to bed. She was found In a
comatose condition about 0:80 : o'clock In the
morning. Dr. Henry was summoned , but In
splto of medical efforts the woman died
About 8 o'clock.
Heforo she died she rallied to her senses
and called Mrs. Martin Howard , her step-
dnughtcr-ln-law , to her sldo nnd said : "I am
lorry to Icavo you and Martin , but this will
end my troubles. " Her son , Martin Howard ,
Is In Denver , and had been notltlcd.
The woman has four children nnd has
been married about ilftccn years to her
present husband.
( irortu.l with n Ilylnc Wife.
Derrick Stcnggn , husband of the deceased ,
works at night in the Omaha round house
ana ho arrived at homo justhoforo the dcatli
of his wlfo. Ho feels very badly about the
affair and said that the quarrel was over : i
trivial family affair and did not amount to
much. Ho was shocked to think his wife
took such a serious view of the matter. The
coroner viewed the remains in the afternoon
and decided that au Inquest would bo unnec
Mrs. Howard , who resides with the Stcngga
family , said : "Along In the evening I noticed
that mother acted strangely nnd watched
her. I was In the front room with her , when
she sent mo out into the kitchen. I was afraid
that something was going wrong nnd went
back where she was. She had n glass and
spoon and had taken a drink of water. I
could llnd nothing to indicate that she had
taken poison and she asked ino to bring her
n glass of ice water.
"Later on she soemcd to got drowsy and I
woke her up several times. She scolded mo ,
laying thai there was nothing wrong and
ifter while wo went to bed.Vo found her
this morning in an unconscious condition and
the bottle of morphine near her. I think
iho took the poison early in the evening. "
The funeral will occur Tuesday as soon as
her ion arrives from Denver.
D. I > . Dnvln Knsnnreil a.Siuceptiblo Fomnlo
with Honeyed Want * .
B. D. Davis is in jail 'on complaint of
Annie Kurtena , who charges him with securing -
curing $80 of her good inonoy undnr false
The womnn alleges that Davis came to her
ml said ho had fallen holr to * G,000 in the
old country and that ho owned a farm near
Ho wished to borrow money to aid him in
establishing his right to the legacy. She
now says ho has no farm or legacy and was
living her the rnzzlo-tluzzlo to got the money.
i Will Itt'oiivor.
The condition of Alfred Patterson , the col
ored man who was shot by Lou Goldsmith
Friday nhcht , greatly improved yesterday.
The hospital authorities arc contldcnt that
ho will recover. Everything Is in his favor
at present. The ball entered the left sldo
Just under the ribs and lodged in the back
near the kldnoys.
The bullet has been extracted and Pat
terson partakes of substantial nourishment.
The excitement caused among the colored
pcoplo over Goldsmith's release has suu-
cldud nnd no more trouble is looked for. The
preliminary hearing is set for Wednesday
morning. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *
Itnsiilti of u S | re
Nols Mattcaon was arresto.l early yesUsr-
day morning for going homo drunk and play
fully strlkfng ana boating his family In such
a manner that neighbors had to Interfere.
Ho will hold n short so'iuco ' with Judge
Berk * this morning and try to explain his
pugilistic practices.
Four Chcnp Kxcumloni.
The Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific
railway will soil cheap round trip and
ono way tickets to Chicago on the 17th ,
2-lth , Illat lust. nnd August 7. "Tho
Nebraska State Limited" and "World's
Fair Special , " both limited vostlbulod
trains with dining cars attached , loiivo
daily at 4 p. m. and 5 p. in. , arrive in
Chicago at 8 a. m. and 1) ) a. in. Cheap
'excursion ' tickets good on both of those
trains. For particnhu'B call at ticket
olllco , 1002 Itanium street.
Amos moved to 1017 Farnam.
Omaha I'eOila Who llnvo VlilUil the Xew
SnEiuiiAX , Wyo , , July 10. [ Special to TUB
DEI : . ] Sheridan has for the past two weeks
been turned into a summer resort , and the
canons in the lilg Horn mountains have
been dotted with llshlngipartlcsrhclh have
all boon loud In their praise of this beautiful
country. Among the prominent persons who
have had the pleasure of visiting the snow
capped ix > aks and casting n line In some of
the many trout streams that abound wore :
Senator Allison of Iowa , General Hrookoaiid
party of Omaha and C. 12 , Perkins , president
of the Chicago , Hurlington and Qulncy ,
Last week Acting Governor Barber ,
Btato Auditor 0.V. . Burdlclc , accompanied
by Mrs. Harbor , Mrs. Burdick and Miss
Kent of Choyeniio : Mis * Stewart of Toronto ,
Out. ; ( iooiyo Pollard , A. J. Houok and
M. A. Upton of Onmha , visited the ranch of
lion. Gcorgo T. Beck and lilt : Geese canon.
I'lio party succeeded la lauding 100 mem
bers of the tinny trlbo. Mr. Pollard secured
jno whiun weighed three pounds. W. II.
Kilputrlck , the railroad contractor , KnloH
VVcaUm of Newcastle , MUs Ratio Western
ind Mr. liert Weston of Beatrice , A. J ,
[ { o\ick and J. L. Larimer made up u party
and la one day caught forty-two and a half
This week General Manager O. W , Hold-
rege came uu with a party including : Hon.
Charles F , Mandcrson and wlfo , Mr , and
MM. J. N. 11. Patrick , W. K. Antiln and J.
E. Patrick of Omaha ; MUs Fries of 1'hlla-
ilolphla , MUs Black of Chicago and Lieutenant -
tenant Hutchison of Fort Uoblnsou. The
party went to George T. Book's ranch at
liecUton and enjoyed u day's sport , returnIng -
Ing wlh ( a flue lot of the apookled beauties.
Colonel Matt Patrick and family arc at
the P 1C ranch of Patrick Bros , ou Soldier
This is the first summer that the tourist
jeula reach this DOW and wonderful country
by rail , and from the nlxivc list TUP.
readers can readily sea that it will not he
long until this country will take a promi
nent placa In the list of summer resorts.
With the hot springs * of South Dakota east
nnd on the line of the B. & M. . the trout
streams abounding with llsh , the mountains
containing elk. deer , mountain shcop anil
bear , placer fields being worked there Is In
all an attraction presented to the tourist ,
capitalist or Invalid that is unsurpassed in
any other section.
A largo nnd handsome hotel has been built
nt Sheridan. It Is heated by steam , lighted
by electric light and has all the comforts to
bo found in a well appointed hotel , Mr.
Gcorgo Canflo'd Is running thoShcrldan Inn ,
nnd his chief delight Is to take his guests
out for n drive , and In less than two hours ,
over n good road , ho has you In the canon ,
where you can catch all the trout you wish.
The Shrrldnn Inn hns gained the reputation
of being the best hotel In the state , and
much credit Is duo Landlord Canllcld for the
pains taken to please the public.
Major Schnitgcr , state llsh commissioner ,
arrived it , Sheridan last week with IW.OOO
young brook trout with which to stock the
headwaters of our mountain streams above
the falls , Four parties had boon organized
and wcro In waiting to make the various
plants. County Treasurer Griffon nnd
Deputy Chllcott tcok the number appor
tioned to Tongue river , and , after traveling
all night , successfully placed them In that
stream in iho Tongua river basin about 10
o'clock .on thu following day.
Commissioner J. P. Robinson took charge
of the 5HX ( ) apportioned to two branches of
Big Goose. Ho traveled until half past 1
o'clock Saturday morning , when , haviug
reached thu base of the mountains , the tanks
were packed on the hurricane deck of a
mula ana a llftccn-milo tramp up the
mountains , over the divides and through the
canons was commenced. About noon the
Walker branch was supplied with its quota ,
nnd nt II o'clock the balance wcro turned
loose in the main stream , several miles above
the highest falls.
Commissioner Spear nnd Commissioner
Harper went out in charge of the allotment
for Llttlo Goose and Plnoy , rcspectlvelyand
were equally successful In getting them dis
tributed without serious loss. Probably not
over 'MO out of thu ! iOM ( ) died In transit.
Major Schnltgorspcnt several days In Sher-
lda.n and vicinity , and thinks wo have a won
derful country "tho best country on the
face of the earth , " to use his own "expres
sion. Ho left Tuesday morning for the cast ,
and will visit the World's fair before return
ing to his homo at Lnramlc. He thinks
Sheridan county's apportionmcntof llsh from
thu state hatchery will reach 75,000 next
MUM Meeting nt tli Y. M. C. A , Suvcrul
( innil Aildrcmcs.
Yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock n largo
number of friends nnd members of the Nebraska
braska tioys and Girls Aid society met
in the Young Men's Christian nssocialioi _
rooms. Dean C. H. Gardner spoke for ten
minutes In an earnest and eloquent way , nnd
called attention to the importance of the
work. llo pledged his active nnd
hearty co-operation. Ho was followed by
Kev. C. W. Savidge , Hov. Mary An
drews and Mr. W. N. jSnson. 1'hoy
all endorsed the work In the highest
terms. Dr. G. W. Martin of Kearney , who
is general superintendent of the association ,
explained the work in detail. Some ten or
twelve life subscriptions wcro made , includ
ing Tangier Temple , Mystic Shrine , the
Second Presbyterian Sabbath school , Dean
Gardner , Kcv. Irs. Andrews , and others.
Many annual memberships wore also added.
The llfo membership is SW , payable $5 per
year , or nil cash , at the pleasure of the sub
scriber. Annual memberships are $1. Mr.
Jules Lumbard sang two most excellent
solos. The meeting was an Interesting ono ,
nnd Is regarded n great success. Subscrip
tions for life memberships can be made with
nuy trustee of the Omaha Boys and Girls
Aid Society.
Arrested fur Foreory.
U. C. Jones , who was until recently night
clerk at the Mercer hotel , was arrested last
night on the charge of forgery.
After leaving the employ of the hotel a
couple of months ago ho represented that ho
was working for an insurance company unit
ran up a board bill of f-'O. Ho left town for
a short time , and on his return ho was asked
to pay the amount. Jones went out nnd
shortly returned with a chccK for $00 which
ho tendered for his board and received 10 In
The check turned out to bo n forgery nnd
the young man landed in jail. Another for
gery is reported and the police think they
will have moro cases against Jones. Ho was
arrested fora like oflcnso some time ugo but
escaped by paying thu checks.
Iluld us u Witling * .
J. B. Brown , a witness to the shooting of
Alfred Patterson In Goldsmith's saloon ,
was nrrcstcd yesterday. Ho is de
tained as a witness against Gold
smith. The police are of the opinion that if
Patterson recovers Goldsmith may bo able
to placate the witnesses nnd cot on * with a
nominal punishment , if not altogether.
AVorlU's Fnir VlMtnm
Should continue their trip to Utah nnd
the west. The magnitude in resources
and beauty of the western territory is
incomparable. Nature in oroativo mood
has fashioned rock-ribbed crested peaks ,
over wliito with the snow of untold
ages nnd whoso hoary summits seem to
uiorco into some unknown realm beyond.
The grand canons and cataracts are awe
inspiring. In the west you can llnd
health , wealth and happiness ; it is ono
largo sanitarium , and is best reached
by the Rio Grande Western railway.
See that your tickets read both ways via
that road which olTors choice of three
distinct routes and the most magnificent
scenery in the world. For copies of
pamphlets , etc. , write to J. II. Uenuott ,
Salt Lake City , U. T.
Amos moved to 1UI7 Farnatn.
Ml < l t riiic-Clml Illlln.
Twenty hours ride via the Burlington
Kouto lands you at Hot Springs. S. I ) . ,
whore you can oatho in a magnificent
plunge bath or a UJO.OOO.OO . bath house ,
luivo choice of scores of charming drives ,
enjoy the pure , rest-laden air that an al
titude of I-100 ) foot above sea level in
sures and live in a hotel which would bo
a credit to any American city of 1100,000 ,
Host of all , you are eternally cool.
The Burlington llmito's ' 10:15 : a. m.
train from Omaha carries u sleeping1 car
for the 131aok Hills.
Reduced rate tickets on sale July 15 to
August 15.
City ticket olllco , mi Farimm street.
No.xt l fondav ' is your day to go the
World's fair. Why ? Because the
Great Rock Island route has given
greatly reduced rates , and you can now
make that proposed trip to sou the Big
Show. The rates apply on the follow
ing dates : Go Monday , July 17 , return
Friday , July 21 or 8. Go Monday , July
21 , return Friday , July 23 or Aug. 4 ,
Go Mondiiyuruly , ' ) ! , return Friday , Aug.
4 or 11. Go Monday , Aug. 7 , return Fri
day , Aug. 11 or 18. Aslc nearest ticket
agent for full particulars. Jno. Sebas
tian , G , P. A.
Thnu .Well .Spoilt
a wook'a holiday at. Hot Springs , S.
D. , best reached froin Omaha by the
Burlington Route's 10:15 : a. m. Black
Hills express.
Round trip tickets at the ono way rate
on sale July 15 to August IS. Through
sleeping car from Omaha dally.
Sou the city ticket agent at 133-1
Farnam a'troot.
Telephone C.V. . Hull Co. for prices
on hard coal. Summer delivery ,
A convenient and pleasant pln.ec to ob
tain luncheon. Balduir , 1520 Farnam.
m ii
Wanted , a bottler at G. Harris bet
tling works , 1221 Broadway.
Amos moved to 1U17 Farnam ,
Union Switehmen Enter Vigorous Protest
Against the Employment of Tun ato.
Tronlilo Threatened nt the Union Stock
YnriU .Miiy I'dKillily llo Avcrtiul U
Tungiito In Kinployrd , Union
.Men Will Wnlk Out.
Trouble between the Union Stock Yards
iompany nnd the Switchmen's Mutual Aid
Benefit association is threatened. The dif
ficulty arises over the contemplated employ-
ncnt of Charles B. Tungato ns night yardmaster -
master of the Union Stock Yards railway
: ompany.
Mr. Tungato la obnoxious to the union
'witohmon ' because of his nonunion tcndcn-
: lcs nnd the part ho played In the memor
able contest for supremacy between the Bur *
Ington and the brotherhoods of engineers
nil llrcmcn in 1837. The union switchmen
employed by the Stock Yards company are
irotcsting most strenuously against the in
stallation of Tungato as night yardmaster ,
and a walk out is threatened lu case ho Is
) laccd over them.
James U. Bond , past master of the switch-
men's union , explains the dlftlculty from the
switchmen's standpoint , as follows : "Tho
union switchmen will not submit to being
ruled over by a man of Tungato's stripo. Ho
lias made himself obnoxious to union men
everywhere , nnd is Known ns a rank 'scab1
engineer and switchman nnd is forever male-
ing war on unionism. When placed in a
position of power ho Is not slow in discrimi
nating nnd it would take him but a short
time ID succeed in displacing the old men
nnd installing m their places his pot scabs.
It is unfair to ask us to work under him and
it Is hoped that the management of the
stock yards will realize the fact. His
stepping into authority will affect the night
crews , numbering a do7.cn union men , many
of whom htivo been with the company four
or five years , nro married men and zealously
endeavoring to pay for their little homes.
"There are any number of competent men
to bo had , whose hearts are in the right
place and are not forever aiming at org.in-
i/.ed labor. Wo have no particular person
wo desire to sco secure the plnco , excepting
that wo will always be found protesting
against a nonunion man , who Is recognized
as a scab. Tungato took a Brotherhood man's
place in the cab on the Burlingtom and Is
now assistant yarJmastcr of the satuo road
in Omaha.
riiri'ixtcn to Wnlk Out.
"Wo will simply walk out If ho goes to
work tonight , ns is understood ho will and
wo will have the support of the railway labor
organizations. The union crews on all the
roads excepting the Burlington will refuse
to handle cars from the stock yards and
tie up things so that the company will rcal-
I/.o Its false position In placing such a man
as 'L'ungato In so responsible a position. Ho
was to have gene to work last Friday , but
our protest delayed It , nnd wo understand
now that ho will assume his duties tonight.
While wo desire to avoid trouble , yet our
manhood would never permit us to submit to
being placed under a man who is the avowed
and determined enemy of unionism the
safeguard of labor. "
General Manager W. N. Babeock of the
Union Stock Yards company was asked re
garding the mattor. Ho said : ' 'There is
nothing whatever to it. Mr. TuiiRato has
been down looking over the ground , but ho
has not accepted the position and it is under
consideration. Ho will not go to work to
night. That is about all there is to the
whole matter. "
Popular nnmnnil Tor the Kiirly Opening of
Thirteenth Street.
The opening up of Thirteenth street south
of Missouri avenue is a question that is Just
now being agitated by the citizens of South
Omaha. A liberally signed petition has
been laid before the county commissioners
asking them to do the work , but there are a
few persons who oppose the commis
sioners placing the county to that
much expense. A reporter for THE Bun
yesterday took a drive over the prospective
route of the extension of the road or ns
nearly so as ono can go with a buggy. It is
ono of the most scenic nnd beautiful tracts
of country to bo seen aiiytThcro in this sec
tion. From Missouri nvenuo south the pro
posed line of the roadway follows along o
knoll which slants gently toward the river.
At no point along the line is the river lost
sight of. The tall , shady trees to the west
and the grassy meadows nnd BUrglng river
to the east keep the e.vo constantly feasting
upon a view of interesting splendor.
From Missouri aveuuo to the Sarpy county
line is just ono mile and n half. Engineer's
have gene over the grouii'J carefully and It
is estimated that it will cost the county
from JviO.OOO to i5,000 to grade the road
through. Jf this is done the Sarpy county
authorities have agreed to continue the road
on to the new fort or to Bellovuc. In speak
ing of the matter last ovcning Mr. Maxwell ,
nu old plonucr of this city , said : "Somo
persons have been unkind enough to say
that the proposed opening of this road is a
real estate schema. It is sjiothing of the
sort. What the people of Omaha nnd South
Omaha want is n roadway for the farmers
nnd people living over in that lo
cality to get Into the city.
That country is already wall settled
up nnd'there is no way In which the people
can reach us without going a long way
around , nnd then over a very poor and nar
row road. Thirteenth street is ninety feet
wldo and would make one of the grandest
boulevards in the country if it was made
pas.ihln. U Is on on direct line to the now
fort , n driveway ifahJch Is Iwund to become
popular sooner a * IMcr , The county nnd
property owners hxro already spent about
fcr.,000 fixing this ptado nnd the cost of com
pleting it to the.oounty line Is. compara
tively spcnklnp , snramnll that It Is not un
reasonable to ask ttot the commissioner ! ) go
ahead with what ha * already been started
nnd nltnost finlshcOl"
From a boulovarcllstandpolnt this road Is
certainly n beauty. Beginning at the south
limit of Omaha nnd Jor several blocks north
to the extreme wnth limit of Douglas
county the vlow U ; simply grand. In the
language of Ur. Millar , ono of the park com
missioners , "thereHa-no grander view than
this along the Hudson river. " The now
south park has boon located cast of Thir
teenth street , near the southern limits of
Omaha. If Thirteenth street is graded
through to the line in all probability nu an
gular boulevard will bo built through from
this park to Thirteenth street , reaching it
somewhere In Clontnrf precinct.
The present road to Fort Crook Is nt times
Impassable , nnd the pcoplo living down
there consider that they ucscrvo some re
cognition in the shape of n passable street.
"Tho grade would not bo heavy In any partic
ular places , nn.l in other points there would
scarcely bo any cut at all.
Kvlilcm-o nt Mi'iiltil Aberration.
Oniccr Mitchell yesterday went to Omaha
with Mrs. ICoysor , the womnn picked up by
Ofllccr ICuicrick on Saturday night , nnd
found her friends for her. Mrs. Koysor
noted a llttlo strange on Saturday night , but
was so much cxcitixl that it was dlfllcult to
tell whether she was insane or angry. She
told how her husband had repeatedly abused
her , and that she had made up her mind to
Icavo him for good. One reason why the
lady was suspected of being affected men
tally was tha fact that she tried to borrow
car faro from n South Omaha pollccmnhv
Oniccr Mitchell found Mrs. Koysor's
mother , brother and sisters living on Grace
street between Thirteenth nnd Fourteenth
streets and left her there perfectly con
tented. Koysor still hns the children nnd
Mrs. ICc.vsor will lot Klin keep them so long
ns they nro properly taken care of. She vows
emphatically , however , that she will never
agaiji darken the door of her husband's
I'lromoil Kept llnmy.
The flrcme i wcro given some lively exer
cise yesterday afternoon. About 4 o'clock a
gasoline stove exploded in a two-story frame
house al Fourth nnd M streets. The buildIng -
Ing is occupied by two families. Mr. Appor-
inan lives on the second lloor.
H was In his apartments that the flro
started. The inmates became very much excited -
cited on both floors , but through the cool
hcadcdncss of Mr. Appcrman the llro was
extinguished without heavy damage. 'Iho
carpets and some of the furniture caught
lire , but the ilrcnicn soon Hooded the place
with water and put an end to the conflagra
tion. The damage by flro nnd water on both
floors is about ? . ' ! UO , on which there WHS no
insurance. John Duo owns the building ,
which was only slightly damaged.
Klstirrs Never I'revnrlontc.
An examination of the table of statistics
taken from State Superintendent Gaudy's
twelfth biennial report of the schools of Ne
braska shows that South Omaha has a
larger enrollment of pupils to the teacher
than any city In the state except Blair. Six
cities show a greater cost per pupil enrolled ,
hirtcen show a greater cost par pupil on the
average dally attendance.
South Omaha oxjicndcil S'JT.nSS for buildIngs -
Ings during lS'Jl-2 and has no indebtedness ,
whllo other cities have an indebtedness
ranalng from Sl.llo to fSo.tl'JT.ya.
The value of school property In South
Omaha is about 150,000.
The current expenses of the South Omaha
schools for the past year were
South Omtilut > > n nd. "
In a private letter to a friend in this city
Dor. Howland of Billings , Mont. , tolls how
his stage was held up and robbed a short
time ago. Rowland lived 'in South Omaha
for a number of years , and from the report
It Is shown that Don has not lost any of his
old time grit. After the robbers had secured
the Dooty Don gave them n chase , nnd after
a hot fight succeeded in capturing ono of the
G'i'y Goislp.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. V. Wachel
was buried yesterday.
James \ \ . Tanner , proprietor of the Fullerton -
lorton Post , spent Sunday In the city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Steel , living nt
Twenty-eighth and J streets , Uurlcd their
" months-old son Frank yesterday.
Hlg Drop in World's Fair It n tin.
Round trip tickets to Chicago ( good to
return leaving Chicago July 21 or 28 , na
preferred ) will bo on sale at the union
depot and the city ticket olllco of the
Burlington Route on Monday , July 17.
at the low rate of $15.00. '
Tickets sold at above named rate are
not good in sleeping cars ; otherwise they
entitle holders to accommodations that
are first-class in every particular.
Full information may bo obtained from
the Burlington's city ticket agent at
IIW1 Farnam street.
Ames moved to 1017 Farnam.
Jluinri I'ljln In thu Air.
George Jones became angry with John
Ilutson Saturday evening and expressed his
nngor by slashing Hutson across the groit
with a razor , making a painful and ugly
looking wound.
The assault occurred nt 1011 Davenport
street , ilutson works in the Palace stables
on Capitol avenue. Jones is said to have se
riously stubbed a man named Traccy about
ttireo years ago.
I.oir Katun to tlio World's Futr
Will bo olTorod by the Burlington Route
on July 17 , 1M , HI and August 7.
For full information iniiiiro | of the
city tiekot ugonwnt 1H--I Fiirnam street.
In nil cooking receipts calling for Baking
Powder , or Cream of Tartar and Soda ,
Dr. Price's
Cream Baking Powder
Will give better results. Simply use one teaspoonful of Dr.
Price's Cream Baking Powder to each pint of flour , or in
the proportion of two teaspoonfuls to every pound of flour.
How to avoid Alum and Ammonia Baking Powders :
First , All powders offered at twenty-five , cents or less a
pound can safely be discarded as Alum , for a Pure Cream of
Tartar Powder cannot be sold at such price.
Second , Avoid all brands , labeled "Absolutely Pure , "
Chemical analysis , as revealed by the Scientific American report ,
proved that brands so labeled contained , in every instance ,
either Ammonia or Alum. The first aim of a dishonest manufacturer -
ufacturer is to deceive by his label.
< trfttm
not only docs finer und better work , but its purity has never
been questioned.
not strange that some people do
wrong through Ignorance , others from
n failure to investigate as to the right or
wrong ot a mattor. But it is strange ,
that Individuals and firms , who are fully
nwaro of the rights of others , \vlll per
sist in perpetrating frauds upon thorn ,
liigh-toned , wealthy manufrcturlng
firms will odor and neil to retail mer
chants , articles which they know to ho
Infringements on the rights of proprie
tors , and imitations of well known goods.
Wo want to sound a note of warning to
the rotallcra to bownro of such Imita
tions and simulations of "CAUTKll'8 LIT-
TIM LlVKll PlU.S. " When they are of
fered to you , rofusp thorn1 you do not
want to do wrong , and you don't want to
lay yourself liable to a lawsuit. Bon
Franklin said "Honesty Is the best poli
cy" ; it is just as true that "Honesty Is
thohcst principle. "
nit. P. I. . SK.vril.K4. ConsuUIni Sur-soo
Graduate of Hush Mollo.il Uollujo. ( I'O.V '
SUI/l'AT10N Li-illiK. ) l < 'or thu treatment o
Wocnro Catarrh , All Disease * of tha
NOBO , Tliroiit. Oho it. Stomuoli. dowoli
nud Iilvor.
Blood. Sklti mid Kiiluov Dhoaioi ,
Fomnlo WoaUuoNxoi CURED.
I'll.KS , FISTULA , FIS3UUH , pernKuicMitly ouraJ ,
without the use of Unlfo , lliiliiro or e.iuitlc.
All maliulli-rt of n prlvuto or dollcatu unturo , of
cither ox , positively eunxl.
Call on or ruUlrosa , with Blumii , for Circular. ! ,
t'ix'0 Hook ami KectiH
Dr. Searle5 & Searles ,
Next , Door to fo.sl.oftioo.
Any one whose Watch lias a
bow ( ringwill ) never have oc
casion to use this time-honored
cry. It is the only bow that
cannot be twisted off the case ,
and is found only on Jas.
Boss Filled and other watch
cases stamped with
this trade mark.
Ask your jeweler for a pamphlet , or
Eend to the manufacturers.
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,
But come to our studio for
your photographs as we are
sure to satisfy you , as our de
sire is to obtain your relatives
friends patronage by the
parfect likeness we will make
High. Class Photojrap'ay.
At Popular 1'rlcoi
313-315-317 , S. lot'a Stroot.
Omnlia , Nob.
mmmmm m minmmimmtw
2,500 PAIRS
° f PMits , loft from a sale of over fifty thousand suits
this season , will bo placed on sale on Saturday
morning at nlno o'clock sharp , in throe separate and
distinct lots , and sold as only "Tho Nebraska" dare
soil pants. In this grand assortment are pants of all
descriptions-cassimeres , choviots.homospuns , tweeds ,
worsteds , serges ; pants
foreign and domestic woolons-in dark medium and
light shades ; in black blue browns tans grays Ha.
vanas ; in plaids-stripes-checks pin stripes-hair
lines wales diagonals ; plain elfects mixtures-
rough goods-fuzzy goods-smooth goods ; all regular
sizes ;
from twonty-flvo dollar suits , and odd suit pants from
five dollar suits ; pants from about every kind of a suit
that wo'vo had this ssasoncomprisine by far the great
est assortment of single pants over on sale at ono time ,
in this wide western would. Hundreds of men who
have profited by past experience will bo hero
Some of them have attended everyone of twelve pre
vious sales of this character. They know what this
sale means. Do you ? It means that you can buy
I that are worth two-fifty two
Pauls for Ji.50 seventy-five twenty-five a three pair. dollars three
. . P 00 rrf\ \ that are worth three fifty three
IU.Jr. 0i \ ) Uu seventy-five-four a pair. , and four fifty
Pnnlct frm that are worth five flvo and a
I all to lUl half six six and a half seven
dollars a pair.
There are no chestnut patterns no pants from reg
ular stock no job lots in this sale ; each ind eveiy pair
in the entire grand assortment having been left from ,
some suit where only the coat and vest have lioen sold.
Prepare to pant.
Unsurpassed course of
study Music , art. IHcra- ]
turc.clocution , business , &c
location tHMlthjraod picas-
anv Gas.waicr. steam bc L
? 38th year opens 3cpt. tath
Rer.W.A.Wilaoi.A M.Pmt ,
Lcilncton. Rio. Stz d
partmcntaoriniiiruction. 19
offlccra nod teachers. Con
aervatory ot music. Art.
Gjmanitum. Modern up-
nolntmcnifl. 2Mb year. 111 us-
IrBted cataof ! uo.
A. A. .in KM. l're * l.
_ Vounn .JdiCH Momc&choul
e of colUcal.boslln.Mn ]
t itourt. IKJlntracnH moilcrrW
Mu lc and Aft. TOJCHur )
. l > l to , U ;
Oi.lcst oilhury ictiool IrJ
Missouri llenllhlul loc 3
tloh. Itrasonablc termt Ui
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb ,
The eminent iDccUllit In norvous. chronic , prlrato. blood , ikln and urinarr illiaaiaY A regular !
registered vraduatu In medlclno , ni dlDlonmii and oorttllc.Uos will show , Ii mill troatlnx with tha grottoi ]
success , catarrh. Ion manhood , loialnnlwaiknoss , nUUt loiioi and nu formi of prlrato dli a u . HJ
mercury used. New iroalmont for losi of vital powur. l'artl unable to vlil ! mo uiajr tie treated at homl
l > j correspondence , Modlolno or Instruuio.m unt bjr mall oroiprois icoilrolr packed ; no ruarki lo ladu
eate contents or mudor. Ono uorson.'il Interview praferrjd. Consultation frm > . Corroinoudoaot itrlotll
private , llook ( Mj l ilis of Life ) > unt free. OOIct hours , 8 a-tu , to 9 p.m. Sundays , 10 a. m , to 11 ife
Btndlitamp for circular , _ _ J
6233 to 0241 OCUESQV AVE. CHICAGO.
First-class brick Croprcxif Kuropenn Hotel , only
three blnt'ka Irom tlio hlxly-Kccoiul Bt. entranrn to
Iho World's Knlrcrounds. Our rooms nro all light
nnd nlry , mostly outMcIo rooms , uuldltiK Irmn three
to six people cuch. I'rlccn per room , f.1 ( I ) H.ID nnd
f .U ) pur tiny. Awnlnns , Bcrecns In evrry window
nnd covered piazzas on ovury llnor. Tlio lintel 15
operntcdpy the owner nml H will cost yon nothlnu
tnvecuro roonin In advance. A llrM-clns.i Dining
Uouiu connected flltli tuo bold. C. II. tint , L fNV
Omaha's Newest Note ! .
Oor. 12th und Howunl StreeU.
40rooms tl. > 0 per day.
to rooms &LOO pi > r dity ,
: tOrooinn with biitli t13 pordrtr.
: rooms wltlt batlt tit $1.50 portliijv
Moilorn In Kvory llmpuut.
Noirly r'liriilHliuil Throughout
C. S. ERB , Pron.
This wonderful preparation is Purely Vegetable : compounded
from the prescription of the Official Physician to tlio Court of Spain.
" Espano " recreates Mental and Nerve Power in Man and Woman.
An infallible remedy for Nervous and General Debility ,
Nervous Prostration , Creeping Paralysis , Weakness caused
by Debilitating Bosses , Excesses or Over-indulgences , In
cipient Softening of the Brain or Paresis , Dizziness , Ioss of
Memory , Confused Thoughts and all Brain , Nerve or Sexual
Weaknesses. It lias no equal in restoring the Stomach nnd Bruin
to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholic BeveragCH-
or indulgence in the Opium , Morphine or Chloral habit.
Have you abused the lawa of nuturo and injured your nervous system 1
Are you despondent and melancholy with confused iJcaa und gloomy thoughts 1
" ESPANO " will positively euro you. It contains no mineral poisons and
is remarkable for awakening organic action throughout the Bystem nnd an
improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles , bones , nervcH , hair ,
nails , skin , blood and gives vigorous lifo to the unfortunate who has exhausted
his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry
in the pocket. Each box contains 00 doses or enough to last ono month and la
worth many times its weight in gold. The price $1.00 pur box or 0 boxes for
$5.00 if ordered at ono time and a guarantee will bo given that any case men
tioned above that it does not euro , the money will bo refunded. As to our
financial standing wo refer to any bunk in this city. Sent charges prepaid to
any address in United States or Canada. Put up in plain wrapper with no
mark to distinguish what it is. Bond for circulars and tcatimoniala. Address ,
oo. ,
1 Stockton Street
J r * SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. , U. S , A.
An able Brain and Nerve Specialist can at any time bo confidentially
consulted entirely free of charge , personally or by mail , at the above
_ J