THE OMAHA DAILY BEfe , , MONDAY. JULY 17. 1803. SPEG1RL NOTICES. . ron TIIESK COMJMNS will lioinUiti mull p. in. for thgercnlnir nnrt until 8:30 p. in. for tlio moniln * nud Sunday AclvortlM-rfi. liy rooucMliur n numborrd cliock run li.ivo llmlr nrmwcrn mUlrpfmitl to n nnmb rdl lotlor In cnro of THE HKE , AtiHwern no nddrrtiMod o dellvrrcrt upon tircsnnUvtloii ot tlin chrck. SITUATIONS WANTED. JlntCB , IKe n word Crsl Innnrtlon , Ic n vronl there- fitter. Nothing taken for lc than SBc. -SITUATloiTwAWTKlPAS "CMmriNO Oil croccry clerk or assistant uooVcr. Kff , lice. l WANTED MALE HELP. Raton , mo a wonl flril Insertion , Ion wonl there- Utter. Nothing taken for lens than 25C. r. . . . ALL STENOGRAPHERS. HOOK- . 'nee IHTH. ( tnli-miii'ii , pharmacists , clcrkfi of nil kinks , main or female , out of employment In lown , Nebraska or Wyomlnc lo wml tin their tinmen and address. We eau IK ) of Kervleo In you In nldluir you to secure iwHllloiiH , V > estern liust- ncsa Agency , aid N. Y. Life llldg. 34B Iy20 -IF YOU WANT A GOOD PAYING JOH WHITE the Hawks Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , Win. Wo07 S3 1J-GENTLEMEN OP GOOD CHARACTER TO JJrepreVMit our business , Intur.iiico men pro- forredj 417 Ioobulldln ) > r. M837 _ _ -S A LF.SM EN TO S E LI , GOODS TO MF.R- clmnlBby Maniple : $100.00 a month for workers : finniples niul cisr : > furnlnhiil frees Inclose ntamp. Model Mfg. Co. , South llcnd , lud. MU25 17 * -SALKSMEN TO SELL iTAKINO POWDER. -IS Wo put our Roods lu Glass Roll tiff IMus. 00.0 ( ) mouth mid expenses , or commlvtlon. C hi- C.IRO IlakhKf l'o\vdcrCo.,707 Van llun-u street Clil- TJ-WANTED. A FIRST-CLASS IIAKER IN A IJIIvti NrbniHka town ! state reference and price. Address L 21. lleo. M1UO 17 * IJ-WANTED. WALL PAPER HANGERS TO J'pellniirt haiKt paper. Reference ri-qulrcd. Ad- ilrens with mnmped envelope , U. .V R. , cam Rich- ardaon Dniir company , Omalia. Ml Ho 17 * -IIAKER ! A GOOD" BREAD AND CAKE bakers steady employment : Hlato waijcs waiiti-d box OOt ) , Ya'iiklon , 9. 1) . 170 2U B [ -WANTED , DRUG CLERK. 1' . O. DOX MB. T > -WANTED , A COMPETENT FLOORWALKER I'whoenn tnkeclinnninf advertlnlmr fordry foods and clothlmr house. AddrcBB L XI , lleo. -OFFICE MAN WANTED. 1IY WHOLESALE house : llrat-clnHHonico man : must write Rood liaud and 1m r.ipld and accurate at flcures. Steady employment and Koort position to proper party , Addr.iss. L 41 , lleo. 201) ) ID' WANTED , A OOOI ) tlUTCHER THAT UN- dcrstands the business will pay good waircs. Heiicel Mlsko , Onl , Nebra/ka M271) ) 21 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. Rated. 1 Me a wonl first Insertion , le n word there after. Nothing taken for lesa than 2Cc. WANTED , LADIES TO WRITE AT HOME. C Enclose stamped envelope. Ella Werst. Sec. , , Soutli llelld , Illd. -1" ! /1-WANTED , LADIES OR YOUNO MEN TO \ - < take llcht. pleasant work nt their own homes : $1.0(1 ( to $ : i.OO per day can boiiuletly uiade : work neut by mall : no eniivniwlnir. For parlleulars nil- dri'Hi < Ilolxi Mfg. Co. , llox 0331. Dostoii. Mass. Es- tabllsliedlgHil , MBl'Jly ! * . _ - , LADIES TO..WRITE AT HOME. Enclose stamped envelope. Verita Lancdou , South lleud. lud , M077 } y2 * FvGIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. W. F. v'Stoetzol. 1221 S. 2Uth , between Poppletou and Woolworth avo. P ° - n- LADIES OF GOOD ADDRHSS TO INTRODUCE VAmr butlness amonB frli'iids. $75.00 to SlOO.Oi ) salary'to rlfht parties ; 417 Ueo building. MBilU n-WANTKD , LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. WE \ * > will pay yon $3 to $12 per welt to work for us nt your homes : no canvnsHlnc ! strictly homo work : Hend Hclf-addrcBwd cnvvloim. G. V. Emmoiis & Co. , cor. Balterymarch and Water Streets. , Boston , Mass. 210 HI * -YOUNG LADY TO QUALIFY FOR OFFICE work. L4B. lleo. M2GO 22' /-1-WANTED. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- VAvork , utlHH ) California street. M2 2 18 FOR RENT HOUSES. Rates , lOc a Hue each Insertion , 51.50 a lluo per mouth. Nothing taken for lusi than 25c. " n-FOlTRKNT. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF aJtho city. The O. F. Davis company , 1003 Faruam. 440 -a AND -ROOM APARTMENTS , VON DORN block , with steam : references req.ulredSlUS22d. ; 447 i-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. CONVENIENT biiRliics'i or wholesale-lucu. Apply 1112 South'lOtli Hlrcnt. 442 I 7-ROOM COTTAGE TO RENT , CONVENIENT > J for U. V. railroad men. Iiiaulro 1112 3. Will HL D-FOR R1NT. NO. 212 N. 17TH. 14 ROOMS , two floors furnished , near now poslolllco Bile. See Goo. J. Fox , 1218 Hartley street. M570 ly 27 -DELIGHTFUL HOME.KIGHT-ROOMUOUSE , modem conveniences , barn , beautiful lawn , natural sluide trccu , f.)5 ) per mo. Inquire 21)03 ) 1'lereo Bt. 884 TV-TWO KAST FRONT 7-ROOM COTTAGES , J-'nll modem and lu excellent rep.ilr. half a block from car lino. Will rent together to desirable ten- iiiitB very cheap. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Faruam , . MOID "n-FOR RENT4 ! ) AND 5 ROOMS. 0tl : S. 17TH J-'Street. Uutwoon Jackuun and Luvenworth. 11S-17 * T\-FOR RENT. H-ROOM HOUSE. S1ODERN IM- J 'prnvi-mcms , llvit inlnuteH walk to the post- onico. O. F. Davis Co. , 1003 Farnam street. 100 10 V-0-ROOM COTTAGE , I047 CALIFORNIA duor. M''lil 17 * T\-FOR RENT. COTTAGE OF SIX ROOMS WITH . /modem conveniences , only three blocks south of com t house ; possession August 1 , liiqulro at 1112 S. 17th st. T1. J. FlUmorrls. 2J2 FOR RENT ELEGANT HARD WOo'l ) Ff IshiMl und handsomely decorated eleven-room house , tlue barn aud lan-o Ki'ounds lu tlrst class ) ooallty. i..oo per month lo acceptable tenant , -Address L 42 , lli-o. M'Jttl 22' D-ELEGANT COTTAG E FOR RENT. CORNER . ' 1 tliand Chicago. Apply at liiou Fiiruaiu St. M2H5 17 iv FOR'RENT. 2-STORY HOUSE , 3210 CASS 4/slixHft ; lirnt-class cundltloui itioduru Improve ments : nuiiiu , hot und cold water , baths , elc.j tlnii location. E. A. Northup , Tax department II. .V M , Uy M25U 22 * D-FIATS OF II ROOMS. EACH IN GOOD 11E- li.-ilr ; Union block. _ ' ( ! Hour , ir''D.OD per month One frainu IIOIIHO uf S rooms , newly papered. In good repair , i-unier of Jackson and llth st. , f.'O.OO IH.T month. Julm Humllut)17 ) Lluton block.M233 M233 VO& KtNT 3SUKN1SHED HOOMS Rates , live a wonl llrst Insertion , lea wonl thero- aftRates Nullihii ; taken fur less than ' - ' . " > c. E FURNISHED ROOM WITH ALCOVE FOR KcnUciiieu.modoru couvenlenceu , U'JO North -'Hd. M7HO E-FURNWHED ROOMS. 1017 AND 1K2S CAPI- tel aveuua MU73 A7 1118 DODGE. ISO IB * E-ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT DOARD , 2308 Douglas. ll > t > 17 * NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMH AND jtood bouul. 5'JO N , llHh blreet. W'JIO 17' SUITE OF FURNISHED ROOMS , NORTH Frontage , uiiHleru , uullable foi' two our four ceil * tkiiu'n or man uud wife ; cheap If taken BOOH , 11)13 ) Faruam. ' 'J5 15' FU11NIBHE13110DM3 AMP BOAItD. nates , lUc u wonl tlrst lusortlon. In a wor * . there after. Nothlui ; taken for lens than 25e. TJ'-THE DOL.VN , 200 ANDill ! N. IbTH 3T. 440 17N10U ROOMS WITH HOARD AT 107 S. 17T'I , 17YOUNO WOMEN'S HOME , UNDER CARE Of 1' Woman's CUrlntluu uiuoclutluii , 1113. 17th ut. 480 i -HOME TA11LK RATES , MOD1UIATE. 1024 Farnam Hlreet. D3I Jy 2U * 1 ? FURNlSll1 D OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS Juud board at The Frcuzer , lit ! N , ' 'Mil Btreet. M2UU at * _ 17-N1CELY FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARD J. at iho Wubsler , f > lt ) and 018 N , UUli at. li''J 21. l ? NicBLVvuiunsiiKi ) SOUTHEAST FRONT X room with nlcevit and bay window , modern con- veulenwM , private family ; boanl. U22 South 2UIU ireei. l'J83 IT * FOR BENT UNrURNlSH'D ROOMS Rate * . IKo a wonltlrntluiMirllou , lea wonl Ihoru- after. uthlne taken for lc than 2ic. -TOR RENT. 4 NIt'E UNKURNISHBD ROOMS BUltublo for houseUixjpluir. i-llVAvater. ( run. uto. Low rant. Northwest corner 17th and Webster iruclii. _ SU'J G-2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING , 10.00. 1H14 Davi'iiimrt. MiiOT 18 * STOBIES ANPOFflOES JUte . loon linn eacli Imortlon. $1.50 a line per inonlli : Noililuy | .iUoi | for lu llitu 23u. 5 I -FOIl IIKNT. STORK VJ.N' ' " " . "Vsili T ST. , LA NOB J block , Bullable for meat niurkt-t , hinlware or try UOO.IB ; btoru liuiulro tilHI S. 13th at. 451 J- FOIl KENT , THE 4-STORY IIRICK UUILDINQ illll Faru4ii | Ml , The Imlldlii.IIUM u nrepn > jf. co- oicnt uaKcmiuil , iiouiplule leam heatlunxtureti , irktur vu ull Uui lluuiii , fit * , wW. Jiwly at tUe oRlca 010 AGENTS WANTEU , 1 0o a line o.icli Iniortlon. $1 .51 n line per month. Nothing tnk < m for Ions thun Me. I - AO ENTS EltHER SEX WANTED TO SELL 'o--.rnpwkotllocloinor , bnvvl and cskn knlvni andolluTnownrtlclM. Easy nolloM , bl profit * , term * easy. Clauas Shear Co. , Kitiisan City. Mo. M310 jylO' 1 THE A n C INVESTMENT 1IONDS PAY ' * .M)0.irt ( In from one lo llvo years. Ihty onn. $5.onc.i4h nnd 81.00 a month afterwardi tmlll paid. 1 ! < "U l ylmr Investment extant. A ruilllui nccnt wauled In every town and county. For full particulars apply to Tin ) American llond company , Paxlon block. Omaha. MI87 : | y2 ' WANTED TO BENT. Il.'iten , lUo a word llrst Inxortlon , le n woi-d there * after. NothliiK taken for ICHH than \i ! > a. -XMOT MANBEMUE MlSnT iS/f fnriilshe < l room lu a private family ; references. Address L37 , lleo ofllco. 2211 18' _ _ _ _ _ _ Hairs. lOcnllno each Insertion , $ l.f > 0.illuo per mouth. Nothing taken for lesi than 25c. L -IIERIIY & CO. , RENTS ! 717 tt Y. Lli'B. 370 " STORAGE. llalos , I0cn1lnni < ach hiBertlon , J1..V ) a line per month , Nothing taken for less than 2. > c. jyj-STORAGK.'AlLL S. C IO , . .j M STOIIAOR FOIl HOUSEHOLD OOODS ; ; clean ana cheap rates. U. Wclla , 1111 Farnam. 451 . WANTED JO BUY. U.itcn. IKo a word tlrnt Insnrtlon , lea word there after. Nothing lakifti fur lim than ' 'Oc. VOn ptlNITUBB. HOUSEHOU ) J. i cocxls , c-tc. , or will null Jgr owner In our auction snlca. It. WellD. 1111 Fariiiim. -.01 _ -LUMI1KH YARD , DO1NOGOOD 11USINKSS IN acooil town In caxtern Nebraska. Hrown A lloltoii , 112 Soutli lilth St. , Lincoln. Noli , Mala 1H * N -WANTK1) A OOOI ) PKCONU HANI ) SAUUM3 niul ; brittle. Address Lock llox ! J7H. 1011:1 : N WANTED. JK11SBY COWS , HKIKKHS AND calvi'8. AilUruMH , with price , neo and ilrncrlu- tlon , L 'Ul , Hue. M''tM 17 * _ JFOBSAUE HORSESTWAGONS.ETO ] liti-s , localities nach Insertion , $ l. . * a line per moiitli. Nothlnif taken for leas thai ) line _ P-ON ACCOUNT" 11KMOVAL VUOM T1IH city I will H 'H for ca li or on time , or trade , a flno Hlx-year-old horse , liarnem , UiiRiry anil Uoublu Ruatfd carrtairc ; all In A 1 condition ; lioraocan bo used for buggy or carriage. Address L'Jj Iu-e. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , IWc a word fli-nt Insertion , lo a word there- fter. Nothing micen for lens than 'Joe. Q-NO. 1 SPRING FRAME RAMRLKR I1ICYCLE , cushion tire , nearly new. Very cheap. Ad- rt ! s K U. liee. MI5I : ( Jy Bl Q-1'UO PUPPIES , ROOM at ) ' 11ARKER IILOOK. M700 Ai ! Q-FOR SALE. ONE 30-QUART ICE CREAM freezer. Ilaldntt. M'JIO Bl fWFURNlTHRK AND FIXTURES OP A 10- lolroom boardlni , ' house , first class , house full of rood pay Ins : boarders , best location lu city , cheap eut : reason for selllnc , 111 health : everything lu oed running order. L & ' - ' , Iteo.M281 M281 20 CLAIRVOYANTS Rates , lOe a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line par iioiith. NothliiR taken for leas than > c. reliable business medium * Oth year at 111) ) N.Hltli 457 MASSAGE. BATHS , ETC. Rates , Die. a word first Insertion , lo n word .hereafter. Nothing taken for less than -'So. MADAME SMITH , CO' ' S. 13TH , UND FLOOR , Room U. Massage , vapor , alcohol , strainsulphtir- .nu and nca baths. tu'J77 'Jl * 'IV-MME.CARSON , 1121 DOUGLAS STREET.'JD JL flour , room 7 , massage , alcohol , aulphur aud sea baths. M'JIM Bl' f-MMK. MACK OF CHICAGO GIVES 11ATHS , Lni.iguotlc , massagu treatment. Ill ) North ISth St. , second floor , room 1. lull 1H- : -MME. STOWI3 , MAGNETIC HEALER , 205 Douulas block. M127 At ) ' PERSONAL. Rates. IMoa word llrst Insertion , le a wordthero- Her. Nothing taken fur less than ' _ ' 5c. F-WRITE FOR A FREE COPY OF OUR HEAU- IIfully Illustrated Matrimonial Journal , con taining uiauy photo-euRravlngs of handsome women and callaut men who wlsli to wod. Drown Publishing Co. , Temple ? ourtToledo , O. M711-31 * U-CUT THIS OUT AND PRESENT ATCOWAN'S Photo Studio , 'JlL'a Cumins : St. , ami you will bu entitled to 12 Arlsto Cabinet Photos , very best , on Rllt edged cards , and one 8x10 for framing , for l.'J'J ; without this , $5.UU ; for 10 days only. M-'llj Jyl7 U WRITE FOR FREE COPY OF OUR BEAU- tlfully llliiBtnibxl marriage Journal. Hrown Pub. Co. , Toledo , O. JI80D a3 A GENTLEMAN DESIRES LADY FRIEND. u Object pleasure. Address L 1)4 , llee. U17 17 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. W --LOANS , G. G. WALLACE , ai'J DROWNMILK. 47i ! W-LOANS ON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED city proimrtv , $ : iui)0 ) and upwards. 5 to OK per cout ; no delays. W. Faruam .Smith & Co , 13'JO Farnam 41) ) tiT \T 1 AND 2 YEAR LOANS ON CITY AND FARM V mortgages. Rood .VSolby , 341 Hoard of Trade. 4U7 W MONF.Y TO I/JAN AT LOWEST RATES The O. F. D.ivlB Co. , 1DU3 Faruam utrcot. 4UU r-FIRSTAND SKCOND MORTGAGE LOANS ! 1 low rates. Alex Moore , 401 Ueo bldir , 474 W-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate,1 to C yeara Fldo.lty Trust Co. , } .TO'Jt Farnani. 4U1 ! \v LOANS , J. W. SQUIRE , ' 'IS DUE 11LDG. 475 TI7 VNTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO..31BN. Y. < > Life , lends at low rates for choice security on Nebraska und Iowa farms or Omulia city property , 470 W-CENTRAL LOANi TRUST CO. , DEEDLDG. 403 W-WANTED. TO BUY 8 PER CENT NOTES SE- cured by morti'aKos Omaha city or Douglas Co. properly. Reed & Selby , UU5 Hoard of Trade 407 r-I HAVE $1,000 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED first me.rli.Meo f nu land or city propertv. Nulhlnir but the beat security will bi cousldurud. Address full particulars to L ID , U o ofllcu. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rales , IKc a word flrst Insertion , lea wont there after. Nothing taken fur ICHH than ' 'Be , V-CALL AT THE OFFICE OF : OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. : : INCORl'ORTED. i . . . . * ' ' ' * * ' ' ' 'IF YOU WANT'MO N E Y' , You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MERCHANDISE ! , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. We will lend you any aniouut from $111.00 to Sl.OOO.Oi ) . ON TUB DAY YOU ASIC FOR IT without publicity or removal of prouorty. You can pay the iitnnuy back In any amount you wish , and at uny time , nud each payment BO made will redueu thu cout of thu loan. Remember that you hove the IIBO of both tha property uud llm money , und puy for U only ba lou * us you keep It. There will bu no expense or chareo kept out of the amount wanted , but 'you will receive thu full amount uf the loan , liefoni liorrowliur elsmvhoro rail and BOO us ant ] you will nud It irreatly to your advantage. OM UIA MORTGAGE IXJAN CO. , fcOU SOUTH 1UTH STREET , first floor above the Ntrvnt. THE OLDEST. LARGEST ANDONLY INCORPOH- ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 477 L-DO YOU WANTMONKYt THE 1'IDKLITY LOAN OHARANTKE CO. , ROOM t W1THNELL IILOOK , aiiM SOUTH lai'ii , CORNER HARNEY ST. WILL \ LOAN \ TOU \ ANY \ \ \ ' SUM LAROB OB BMALL FROM \ TEN \DOLLAn3\ \ \ UP. WKMAKK LOANS ON FURNITURE , HORSES CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS OR PER SONAL PROPERTY OF ANY KIND ' YOU / WILL /POWELL/ / / TO CALL / / ONUS rJRST/ / FOB OUR TERMS WILL WKUIT YOUIl APPROVAL. You con pay th inoiiuy bock at any time and hi uy amount you wUh , aud thus reduce the cost of carrying tuu loan lu prop.ortiou to utrumul you p-iy. IF YOU owe a balance on jour funilturu or otliur iwraoual property of any kttirl wu will pay U oft for you unrt carrr It a * louir an rim deiilro. YOU OAN HAVE YOUR MONEY JN ONE HOUR yjlOM THE TIME YOU U AKK A HPLWAT1ON. No publicity or removal uf property. M that you ret Iho ute of both money ami uroporty. 47 l V WILL I AN MONEY ONANvTuND OF SE- Vciirlty ; Btrlvlly couUduutUl A. U. HarrU , room 1 Coutlnui.tal block 47 d BUSINESS CHANGES. Rains , locn line r.tch Innortlon , * 1.CO a lluo per month , Nothtnir taken for lees than 'JJc Y" 56 TOU W ANT * TO ilUY , flELL OR EX chamrn.i InmtncM , real p.itoto or lands' Do you want capital In your biiRluenit If o see us , VTH can help you. Call or wrlto for our bulletin. omcc in nil principal cities. Western IlunlncsH Agency , ! > in N. Y. Llfo llldg. 34 Iy30 -BUSINESS OP'NINGS,874SHENANDOAHIA. - _ RENT , A SMALL WATER MILL. AlT dress box f > 3 , Lincoln , Neb. fril -FOR SALE. HARttER SHOP AND HATH room. Inc.ited tu tliu bt lncs4 part of city niul excellent busbies * . For partlcuUrs address. K : I7 , Deo. 004 30" -FOR SALE , WHOLESALE TOY AND FANCY eooda business ; beat trailo In city. Address L gu.llee. Hit ' . : < _ _ _ Y -FOR SALE OR TRADE. FIRST-CLASS DRUG _ Btoni , cenlntlly localeil , peed cash bUBlnoM. C. W.I. . P. O. llox 01H. M ' 'O'J _ V-GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR i cash In a country town ! best In Nebraskn : be tween Omaha and Lincoln ) cheap mil ; ilolnc a business of $10,000.1)0 ) per year ; Block bo n < - iliicinl $ , ( ) > l.IMi ) ) 111 health cattno. Adilros * P. O. llox 185 , Waboo , Neb. M''U7 111' _ \r-FOR SALE. OR WILL TRADE FOR GOOD JL farm land , patent right to A No , 1 standard arti cle of farm machinery , unlimited sale and lee ivr cent protlt. Address L 44 , Dec. > 1HU ! 17 * _ AN EXCLUSIVE SHOE IIUSINESS : CLEAN stock ; cowl location ; cunh or Ninall amount of clear land. PartlcnlaJs , box lull ) , Lincoln. Neb. Sill 18 * Y FOR SAI.K , IIAT.F INTKIIKST IN A F1HST clnnt CO-bbl. capacity roller Hour mill , auto matic riiRlnc. Located In bent wheat district lu Nebraska. A bargain to tlio right iHjrxoii. Addnm L -II ) . lleo. Ml' 17 IS _ 3TOU EXCHANGE. Rates , 1 Oca line nncli Innortlon , $ l.SOa line per month. Nothing taken for le.s * , than U5c. Z-$2 3 , Utll ) WOKTlCLKAi ; LAND TO K .tnco for mcrchandlHo.I1 ' bid ? . MU11 17-1 HAVE * ' . ' , nin.nO ( KQIJITV IN 1RO AC11E3 AiOl ) mlles from Oniiiha ; ; ilno II'JO ncrt" ) In MlH- Hourl. nil clear. Will sell or uxchiiiiKU for Aleck general merchnmllHi , , boots and shoes. lior os or cattle. J. It. , 4001 Leavenworth street Omaha. .MDS3 27 * r/-\ CLEAN STOCK OF OENK11AL MD3K. uWIll take real ustateaud money llox'JUj , Frank fort , Ind. 481 Z-I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEIIRASKA , KANSAS and Dakota. Will sclleheapor exchange for uidse.horses and cattle. TU.Fnuilcfort , Ind. 481 /-WHAT IIAVK YOU TO OFFER IN EX- A/cliatiRu for coed , clear Missouri land anil town proixsrty ? Addrt-'Hi , with particulars , K. O. Iti-lle- Isle , Madison , Neb. WBOO 17 * r/-FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE OR PARTNER AJwanted , of n -ll-l ( > : irr l Bletim flour mill , roller proccHB , In a Rood location , Rood custom trade. Aluo for Hale or < ! .xuliaut-u u Hteam plant of 'JK- IiorHo power. Rood condition. Inquire of Stanton Roller Mills , Stanton , Neb. 218J * -A11OUT $7.000 WORTH OF STAl'LU OEM- oral morchandlae for onu-tlilrd cash or Bmjured notes , balance Omaha city property or good farm. J. 11. Haddock , Falrbury. Neb. JI''SO Z-I WILL TRADE GOOD NEI1RASKA LANDS fur stock of mcrehniidlDe , Write mo L til , Il < * ; . M'JSIt 18' FOE. SALE REAL ESTATE. Rates , lOcallno nach Insertion , Sl.fiO a line per month. Notliln ; taken for IUM.I than 'J.'io. B 1ARGAINS-HOU3ES , LOTS AND FARMS , SALE or trade. F. 1C. Darling , Darker blk. 1UOA13 J < OR SALE ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS : A soulh front cott.iee , 0 rooms , $ 50 foot. ABOllth front cottage , 4 rooms. $1,100.00 , fill feot. A south front house , 0 rooms , fi..IO.OI ) , 101) feet. A north front cottage , 0 rooms , $ l,10IUi ) ) , r 0 feet. A north front cottage , 4 rooms , $1.000.00 , r,0 feet. A north front house , 0 rooms. $1,800.00. no feet. A small payment and easy monthly p-iy- ments. Small clear lots will bo taken hi exchange. See N. A. Kuhn , druggist , 10th aud DOUKUIS M35J Jy 17 INVEST YOUR MONEY IN LAND AND GET JLrlch. Wo offer for quick sale 10 choice little planta- .Ions of ten acres each , at Mtllard , only $100 ] wr aero. You can live there and work or do bust- less lu Omaha. Ilest thlnr ; ever ollertil. Call early f you would secure one of thcso elegant pieces of and any uuo of which will produce a living for fouraclf and family , Uoggu & Hill , 1403 Fantam sU OU3 Jy 2U E UY LOTS IN STOEPEL PLACE. Cheapest and best lots la OMAHA. Special prlcu and terms to HOME IIUILUERS. Stoepcl Place lots will always advance In price , for the city must grow westward. Call on or ad dress W. A. Webster , 402 Ueo bldg. JI577 FOR SALE , A GOOD STOCK AND GRAIN FARM of 4HS acres In Harrison county , Iowa , on very reasonable terms. Address L. U. Raymond , Ma- nolla , la. M84-J A3 * T HAVR FIVE QUARTER SECTIONS OF LAND J IK and fi miles from town ; will sell It all way from $7.00 to $ ' . ' 5.00 per acre. Thl laud Is 'llrst- class laud and If anybody wants to iret good , cheap home this Is a chance. 1 jrot one \i with miming water , t0 ! acivs broken , 2 miles from comity seat , and by making a Htiinll payment on this laud I will Bell It on 3 to I ) yiiiira time. Wrltu at ouce or como mid seu mo. C. Hauck , Loup City , Neb. 111)70 ) 17 * \\niY PAY RENT , WHEN YOU CAN I1UY A S3 i foot " 'ast front lot on Virginia avenue , lu the finest residence portion of thu city at lunch less than IIH value , and turn In your oulsldn $ . * > 00 or S-iiOO lot as part payment.This Is an oiler Heldom made on such desirable proixjrty. Now Is the time to buy a place for a home , und thisis the property. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam street. 11)1-23 A CHANCE TO INVEST YOUR SAVINGS. KA3T front lot Lawo uvcuun ( PoppMon park ) , easy access to motor.N Owner going Into business. Will Hell very cheap for cash. Also lot llauscom Plac . Ilia bargain for cash. Address I * F. , P. O. llox 3SG. M143. BARGAIN. SIX ROOM COTTAGE. SOUTH front half lot Hurt between l and 111. Will consider any reasonable oiler , half cash , terms to Hult on balance. W. N , Nauou , Room 111 Hoard of Trade. IIDUU 2'J FOR SALE , CHEAP : HOUSE AND LOT NO. 2714 KugglcH Ht. , Omaha ; desirable fi-rooiu house , big lot , for $1,800 : oue-lhlrd cash If taken ut once. Address Day & HUSH , Council Ulultrt. 171 19 JAVE MONEYI 5 DO IT NOW I THE SAFEST WAY Is to buy a $100 lot that Is right In town , lias two motor lines , itf on grade , has all Improvements , iHirfect title , abstract with every lot. Is not way out in suburbs nor down on the bottoms. First pay ment lu $25. Then $10 a mouth no Interest till $100 Is paid. Como aud sc-u yourself what this property Is , what thu neighborhood la , what GOOD HOUSES are already built on thn ( 'round aud new ones being built. This Is a good chance for you to get n start In acquiring a home , You cannot help but do well. It Is the best property today In Omaha und the cheapest. , AMES REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 1017 FARNAM , 105 17 Opj > . N. Y. Llfo , A HOME OR AN INVESTMENT. Do you want thu handsomest cottage homo Ir. Omaha ? Then let ns show you the only oiiu wu have left In Avoudale park. Just completed , i rooms , electric light , furnace , until , cement , cellar , nlcvlrte bells , speaking tubes , oiled Hours , elegantly paiieruttmantel , ete , worth $5,000 , and foi sain at * : t.KOO.)0. ( ) You can Hen It uvi-nlngs , No. 27.11 Webster St. Wu am offered $30.00 per mouth foi this cultage If wo would rent It , nearly 10 per cuu on thu prlco which wu ask. Fidelity Trust Com puny , 1702 Farnam struct. 1113-23 TVTEAT 4-UOOM HOUSE AND CELLAR , CISTERN Liaud well ; lot 30x13 : ; , completewoi'tli$1,700.00 ; prlco for a few days $1,000.00 , $ U50.0O cash. Twt Booil Aiublor Place , each $300.00. F. D. Wead , Kill uud Douglas. M211 17 WORLD'S FAItt HOTELS & ROOMS Raton. IKo a wonl first Insertion , lo a word then- aftor. Nothing taken for lusa than -5o. TO RENT IN MODERN RESIDENCE i vsouth Side , comer iisth Htreut and Rhodes avo- nun , out ) block from cable cars ; 10 minutes ride to lair ; reference ; 75 cents per day each person ! Hpiflal rates to parties of 4 ormoro , Address O U , Newman , 130 35th street , Chicago , M106 111 * SECURITIES FOR SALE. Hates. IKo a word flrst Insertion , lo a word there after. Nothing taken fur les than l5e. ! TF YOU HAVE FUNDS FOR INVESTMENT 8KB A our list of bueurltles. First mortgage loans on Omaha property from 200 to $0,000 for sale A safe nud courenlent Investment. Call und lu us bhow you what we have . Fldlllty Trust Company , 170'J Faruam street. 177-27 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , * l.SOallnopo month. Nothing taken for legs than 25c. YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN CAN SOO.N acquire a working knowledge of shorthand am' ' typewriting at A. O , Van SantTs hchool of attort hand , 313 N , Y. Life. Tyiwwriteni to runt. 4S3 80AI/E8. Rates , lOo a line each Insortlou , $1.50 a Hue lie month. Nothing taken for luss than 'JSo. TSJKW i-SKCOND HAND SOALB3 , ALL KIND- 1 > Address llordon & Sclluok Ou. , Laku St. , Clilo.i/o PAWNBROKERS. Rates , lOo n line each Insertion , ft. .10 a Una i r inontlL Nothing taken for IUM than -J3u. T SONNENIIERO. DIAMOND DROKER , 1305 f .Doui-laa st. Loanu mouoy on dlamondi.vvatuha * , tc. Old gold aud sllvur boufbl. Tsl. 1058. 433 LOST. _ _ R.Mo . IKc a wonl flrtfWortion , los wonllliors- nflor. Nothliig takpn ft r.fc * n than 2So ' " T If.OST. . A flo'D MONoiiAM"A. -I If. Rew.tnl offered. , X E. Novln , all McCaeno IJ16 M < ? 7n in CTOLKN-ONK HORS IllND KECT witmf , jRorij on each shoulder , ; Ann brown horse , whlto pot on fare : weight , wA thousand each : farm team : liberal rtiwanl H m for recovery. O. W. Love , Arapnhoo , Neb. $ M285 17 tTNDEBTAKERS'BOND EMB ALMEH9 Rates. lOc .1 line each rtriw'rtton , $1.80 a line per month. Nothing taken fuplnis than 25 < s. CW. IIAKKIl ( FORM11RLY WITH JOHN O. Jacobs , deceased , laWnwtlli M.O. Miitll ) . undertaker - taker and embalmer , 310 B. lUth at. Tol. Dim. 4 S3 SECOND-HAND TYPEW1UTEBS. Rales , lOo n line each Insertion , $ l.fifl n Him per month. Nothing taken for less than 2 , * > c. BOYLES.tllAlin , DEALERS IN TYPEWRITERS. All makas boiiKtit , Hold , exchanged , tviiutl. iil ) ; N.Y. Llfobldif. 1V1.0M 481 MPSIO , ART AND LANOUAOE3. Ratcn , lOc n line each Insertion , $1 nil n line per mouth. Notlilug taken tor less than aJo. " GF. GKLLENDECK , 11ANJO1ST AND TEACHER , 1S10 California street. 014 No. 1C33. REl'OHT ot the condition of the OMAHA NATIONAL HANK , ut Onmhii. In the slide of Nehruslui , at tiio close of business , July 12th , W. . UKSOUUOE3. Loans niul discounts. . . . f2.G33.SIS 30 Overdrafts , soonrod and tinsnuuriMl 33,933 37 U , S. lioiids lo soc'iiro ulrctilatliin (30,000 00 U. H. bonds to secure donoslta 150.00000 Stocks. Bccnrltlos , etc. . 8,191 09 Dun from approved ro- sorvotmutil ! ) } oC9.007 4 ! Duo from other nation al brinks 132,017 03 Dun from Btato bunks and bunkers 117,307 M880,53202 llaiiUliiK-lioiiso , fiirnl- turo and flxturoB 200,00000 Other real estate aud 81,091 53 Current expenses null taxes paid 11,143 2il Premiums on U. S. bonds 21,00000 Checks und other cash Hems 213.231 83 Exchanges for cloarliiR- house , . 40,4If , 22 lllllsof other bunks W.975 09 [ ' 'motional paper eur- ronoy , nlukols and cents Kit 45 Speoio mi,314 2t Lezal-tandernutcs 103,602 Od 1813,83073 Kndctnptlon fund with U. H. treasurer (5 ( per cant of circulation ) . . . 2.2.M 00 Total $1,004,30103 LIA11ILITIE3. Capital stock paid In. . . 1,000,000 00 Surplus fund . IM.OOO 00 Undivided profits . 23 , < & ) 43 National bank notes outslnndln ; . 45,00000 Individual doposltssub- joot to cheek . l.CS3a" 2 2S Domanil cortlfloatos of deposit . 1.274 01 Time certificates of ilo- poslt . , . 423.30359 Cortlllod cheeks. . v. 7,787 41 Cashier's choolis out- stauUlnK . Ii4.r,23 ! 20 United Htiites doposh .v 77,891 01 Deposits of U. & ills- . burslnz ofllcors. . . . ' . . , . C4G. > 9 12 Duo to other national bunks . . ' . . 039,03023 Duo to state banks and bankers . t. . 577,329 09 3,030.612 47 Notes and bills rediscounted counted . . . . 50,00000 Total . . - . . : . HOOU01 03 Stnto of Nobrasko , | .M. County of DonelnB , u" ' I. Win.ViiIIncc. . ufl.-ihlor of the nbovo- naincd bank , do solnmnly swear that the ubnvo stalptnont I.s trh to thu best of my knowledge arid belief. ' ' WM ; WALLACE. Onshlor. Subscribed and sworn to befoto mo this 15th duy of July. 18 < .U It UAUIUEK , Correct Attest : J. 11. MILLAKD. E. W. NASH. PATENT BUREAU , SUES & CO. , Solicitors , Bee Building : , Omaha , Neb. 4 years Examiner.- . S , Put Offloe Adrloofroo No fee until patent is obtained. To Wnll Contr ctor : nid.s will bo received at the offlco of the city cleric untllJuly 17 , 18)3 ! ) , at C o'clock p.m. of said day , to bore two six-Inch (0) ( ) wells , und furnish two four-Inch points for the oltyof lllalr. Neb. ; depth of wells front 100 feet to 105 fenl ; same to hit completed by AiiKUit 1U , 1B93 , Plans anil specifications on Illo nt oillco o [ 10. J. Karr , water commls > > ioner. Illght reserved to reject nny and nil bids. G. II. UAimiUAN , City Clerk of lilair. Neb. lllalr. Nob. , July 0,1803. M Jy 10d7t&Sun JylO RR1LWHY TIME GRRD DIUCAOO. HUR'LINGTON'Jt Q.l Arrives Depot Knli and Mason Sts. I Omaha Omaha I Depot 10th and Mason Sta. I Omaha . . .Denver Expruiis. 4.00pm 10.1 Sam .Dcadwood Expnisi 4.DO pm 4.r lpir. Denver Expruus. 11.Ill ) am 1.50pm .Denver Limited. li.o,1 ! am U.nopm . .Nebraska Local ( ExceptSun ) , . H.ntl pm H.lfiam . .Lincoln I/Xial ( Bxcnpt Huul. . J.i3 : am "Leaves I 7JlrTOAOO.'Il. 1..t J'ACfPIC. I Arrives' Omaha I Union Depot HUh AMarcy Sts. | Omaha Atlantfc Express 0.00 pm Chic & Lincoln Vestibule Lni'ul tt.GOpm 7.1lpm Nhht Express am WoNhht C.oujmi Wo irlifsFalr Limited 4.40am "Oolitic _ . . _ rein West Union Depot IDth A Marey Sts. West ll.lllpm . . .Lincoln , F.ilrlmry Local. , . . in.-j.lam ll.H ) am CI ; iio. .V Lincoln Vestibule'ul ; t..r > 0 pm ! ! .aopm World's F.ilr Llinltuil 4.41)11111 leaves "Arrives Omalm Depot IDlli and Mason Sts. Omaha "L avim Omaha lUnloii Depot IDth .V Marey Sts.l Omaha Oinahn I U. 1 * . l > | > ol aud Maroy Sin. I Omaha riu ; pm i .Chlc.-wo Express. . . : am ll.aoaml iayJx pri-ss 0.50 pm Leaves I F. , E. li MP.'VALLKY I A rriven Oiitahal Dciiot liith ami Wnbster sta. I Omah Staves CHICAGO .V NOIlTH WE3TN , I Arrives Omahnl U. P. depot. 10HVA Marey Sts. I Omaha Loaves I MISSOURI.J1AOIKIC. [ Arrives Oinahal Depot lith a 4Wubator ; Sta. J OiiiaUa l.lnpm .HI , Louis Bxpresa. S.SOam 10.0(1 ( pill .St. l 4,23pm fi.2Q IMII 8.55am Loaves I O. ST. PM."It O. I Arrives Omaha I Depot IBth and Webster Sta. I Omaha Leaves SIOUX CITY & PAOIFU I Arrives Omaha I Depot , 10 and Mnrey Sta. I Omaha 7.20 ami. . , , Sioux Clly Passonser | 10.20pui 4.QO putt. Bl. Paul Kxpress , 110.00 am Loaves I SIOUX CITY i PACIFIC I Arrives Oiuahaj Depot , IBth and Webster Sta. I Omaha 6,45 pm St. Paul Limited I U.'Jfi urn C.4S pm Chluano Limited. . I U.VOnin OMAHA .t ST. LOUIS. jArrivL'ti IlLP. Depot , lUth aud Maroy.l Ouiabu 4.00 pmr..r. 8t. Louis CannolilJall | 12.39 pm A CLEVERDYESTURER , CMra "Gooil " ovcninpl" The banker , WilUnm Murray , rnlsotl Ills eyes from his letltjor. Ho wns somo- | wlmt surprised , for ho did not expect nny clients nt tlmt hour , nt which , as was usual , his oillcovrts closing. The now arrival \vnq well built , tail young man , brully dressed. Ho had on- turod ns the clerk was lonvlng. "I wns iifrald I should bo too late , " said the visitor , whoso voice agreed better - tor with Ilia nristocrnUo fnuo than did his worn-out clothe * . "Permit mo to ask how I can serve you , " said Murray , without gottinR up to receive him. "I bocr you to bo as quick as you can , Sir Henry , bocnuso I want to cot away. " "I will toll you at once , " replied the younjf baronet. "I come to ask you for the loan of .WOO , " Murray eyed the young follow from head to foot. "And the guaranty ? " ho said , shortly. "My prospects. As you know , I am the presumptive heir of Lord Ilorvoy. I am the nearest of his relations. " Murray laughed sarcastically. "Sir Henry , " ho said , "you know very well that you are Boinowlmt inoxact. I know from a private source that Lord Ilorvoy 1ms sworn not to Rive you another penny , and 1 think you will bo- llovo mo when I say that I am porfootly well informed. " The face of tlio young follow did not change in the least. "But the reason I have called upon " ho said "is because know you , , you the friendship which your brotlior-in-law , who is my grandfather' lawyer , has for mo. and 1 want to show you this letter , which ho hiia written to mo : " OKAH Sin HENUY : I have nt last the pleasure of sending you a friendly word. Your Rraniltntuor , whoso health has changed for the worst , desires to sco you and bless you before ho dies. I advlso you to 1:01110 : as ( illicitly as possible. Your old friend , 1) . JAM F.SOX. "This is really the signature of my brothor-ln-hiw , " said Murray , after ho had read the letter. "And my best friend , " continued Sir Henry. "If ho know the conditions in which I am ho wouldjccrtainly help mo. " "Why do you want this assistance from mo ? " "Precisely because I want to go to my grandfather , and I require some for the journey. " "Ah , well , I run a risk now and then , " "Excuse mo , " interrupted Sir Henry ; "but I hear some one moving in nn ad joining room. " "You must have been mistaken , " said the banker , after looking. "There is nobody there. Lot us return to our business. I can only lot you have 100. " "Very well , give mo that , " said the young man , "and make out your ro- coipt. " The following evening Sir Henry was another man. Ho had boon running about all day engaged in the most varied and agreeable occupation in paying his debts , in rigging himself out anew. At 0 o'clock in the evening ho received from his grandfather's solicitors the fol lowing telegram : The condition of your grandfather is much worse. lie will not alter his will until ho sees you. Come immediately. Ho hastily packed his portmanteau. A few minutes now would decide his lot , either make him the heir to an estate of $30,000 a year , or leave him as hard up us ho over was , to bo reduced some day , perhaps , to bog his broad. He went into a neighboring hotel , took up a railway time table to lind out the quickest and shortest route , lit a cigarette and then started for homo. "I beg your pardon , but could you oblige mo with a light ? " The speaker was a man dressed in dirty , well worn clothes. Poverty had rendered the baronet con siderate of others. Ho stopped at once , and gave the man what he required. "A fine evening , " observed the latter , continuing to walk along by the s'do ' of the baronet. "Yes , " replied Sir Henry. "Good day. " Ho had reached his lodgings , and was preparing to go in when the man stopped him. him."Wait "Wait a moment , sir. " said the man , placing his hand upon the baronet's arm. arm."Well , what is it ? " "Nothing , except to toll you , Sir Henry Morton , that you are arrested. I am a police oilicor , and I am sorry to say you must consider yourself in my cus tody. " 'You arrest mo ? " "Yes ; for the murder of. William Murray yesterday evening in his office. " "But , my dear sir , I am abdolutoly in nocent. " "I hope so , sir ; but that does not concern - corn mo. You will have the opportun ity almost immediately of producing the proof. " "If I cannot see him before his death I shall remain a hopoluss vagabond , " thought the young man , Who had suf fered too much poverty not to look upon the prospect with fear. "Uomo with mo. Let mo have an op portunity of speaking with you , " said ho , as ho noticed the passersby wore beginning - ginning to observe them. His companion followed him unwill ingly to his dingy room , and without waiting for the baronot's invitation seated himself in the only chair whioh the aimrlmont contained. "Pray toll mo what all this moans , " said Sir Ilonry , anxious to know all and wondering wnothor after all ho might not find some moans of pursuing his journey. His companion coolly proceeded : "Tills morning when Mr. Murray's clerk arrived at the oillco ho found his principal shot through the heart , dead , seated in his chair. The police wore at once sent for and made inquiry into the alTuir , I being one of thorn. "Wo learned that last night the night of the crime a person had boon scon to leave Murray's ollico at a rather late hour. I caused that person to bo watched and learned that he made several purchases today , among others some from Smith & Blake the tailors , whom ho had paid with a bank note indorsed with the name of the bunker , Murray , written with his own hand. "Tho person who paid thorn that note and loft the murdered man's oillco at such a late hour was yoursolfl" "I will give you now an exact account of how I passed my time and make you a confidant as to my position , " said the baronet , and ho hastily did so in us few words as possible. " 1 indeed pity you sincerely , " said the man , interesting himself in the baronet's position , "Then can't ' ? " why you Kelp mo "I don't sco how I can. " "Give mo three days' grace. At the end of that time I will coino and give mybolf up of my own accord , I swear it. When I am reconciled to my grand father I shall have nothing more to four. four."You "You shako your hcadl Look , " nald Sir Henry , ontreatingly. "Hero is my purse. Take all it contains. I only want sufliclont for my journey. The rest THE DENVER INVESTMENT BOND CO. WILL. PAY YOU for Call at 417 BEE BUILDING for Proof. x > longs to you , and I give you my prom * so to como and give myself up in three ays' time. "It is very little that I am offering on , but directly I get possession of the nhorltanco I swear to j-ou that I willet ot forgot to reward you. " "But if 1 should lot myself bo ovor- oino by compassion I don't sco how I ould help you , " said the man. "I have 10 wish to deceive you. At every sta- Ion there are police olneOrs with your oserlption. If I lot you go free you vlll fall into their clutches , so it will bo 11 the same. " "Yes ; but cannot I disguise myself ? I vlll do anything you wish , but 1 bog of on to let mo go. " 4 "But how can you dlsgulso yourself ? " ontlnued the detective. Sir Henry had a luoky thought. Ten minutes after the young baronet , mvlng put on the stranger's corduroy rousers , black coat and cloth cap , had : ono forth Into the street and leaped nto a call , while his protector , in the iow clothes , had taken another dlroc- ion. ion."Luckily , I have another suit in my > ag , " said the baronet to himself , throw- ng himself on to the seat and glancing at his costume. Ho reached the station In time to got ils ticket and to buy an evening paper , o that ho might find out the particulars > f the Btrnngo crime. Ho had hardly hrown his .portmanteau into the car- luge when the train started. ' 'At last , " ho murmured , settling him- elf in one of the corners. But in an instant after ho looked out of the window , terrified as though a por- lon who was standing there under the itation awning had been a ghost. This person was William Murray , the mmlorod banker. As the train moved off the baronet uuintatnod his gaze through the win- low , but suddenly ho gave himself a shake and took up the papor. "If ho really was killed I shall soon cnowt" ho exclaimed. lie looked all through the paper , but could not find a word about the crime. \nother ploco of news , however , at tracted his attention. It was the iromiso of a reward offered by the police iiithorlticR to whoever should give in- ormatlon loading to the capture of an adventurer who had for some time been oing around the city committing acts of roguery with the greatest audacity and skillfulncss. Ho.continued his reading : "The adventurer wears a cloth cap , a ilaclc jacket and corduroy trousers. " With feverish haste Sir Henry took rpm his bag the spare suit of clothes with which ho.had provided himself , rapidly arrayed himself in them and as ; ho train passed through the short .unncl before reaching the- station ho lung the property of the wily swindler out of the window. Twenty minutes after ho had reached its destination his grandfather passed away , and he was the possessor of an estate and income of JE30JOOO per annum. When Tni Toll ( iff. Whether on plonsuro bent , or business , take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs , as t acts most pleasantly and efTcctivcly on the tidnoys , Hvor and bowels , prevents fevers leadnuhcs and other forms of sickness . " "or sale in 50c and SI bottles by all loading druggists. Monufacuyed by the California Syrup Co. only. A DRESS OF GLASS. It Is Not TraimpariMit find Cost * Only 83 u Viircl. A gown of glass , with fringes and ( lut ings all of spun glass , gloaming white .ike the sheen of pearls , deftly woven that it may not break or fray , is worn by a well known actress , says the Now York Sun. Sun.Tho The fabric woven is not unlike a coarse-meshed grenadine , only heavier , and has a glistening surface more bril liant than that of satin. It takes on graceful lines in the drap ing like fine and heavy velvet , and will not crease or break in wearing. Only if , on mischief bent , some one folds it in a crease sharply and presses it firmly with the linger nails , tlio glass threads snap and cut the warp in a rene that is dilllcult of repairing. Now , this material is not transparent , nor is it brittle ; neither is it molded to Lho liguro warm , though the beauty of lit suggests the idea. It is made up in a carefully fitted lining of silk , which , after its adjust ment , is ripped apart , spread out upon the glass and its outline traced. The glass is pasted along the traced lines with a solution of glass before the cut ting to prevent fraying , and the cut edges are bound and lapped beneath a gimp or passementerie , also woven of ijluss in an open pattern. Twenty-live dollars a yard is the mod est value placed upon this product and a score of yards are required for a trailIng - Ing gown , so that there 5s little danger of its losing caste by too great popularity. With the cloth of glass como wonder ful fringes like woven milkweed ( loss , pasBomcntories and braided bunds for girdles and headings. The material itself may bo plaited with pulls and fulled into rullles , which , with the soft , line fringes , uro the most effective decorations for the glass gowns. Another interesting fact for the woman who wears the Cinderella dross of crystal is that whan it becomes soiled in wearing she can wash It oil as she would her parlor windows and make it as fresh and beautiful us ovor. The actress1 gown is made in the 1830 fashion , with the During skirt fitted closely about the hips , the gores out lined with a braided gimp of glass. At the foot there Is a pull'of glass , ever it u fall of uhillou , covered with the exquisite quisite gleaming glass fringe. The bodice is deeply vamlyked from the bolt toward the shoulder , and between tweon the points arc pulls of chillon uar rowing toward the bolt and broadening toward the lop , where u full of chiffon is covered with the glass fringes whioh finish the low cut neck. The huge pulfed sleeves of the period are all of glass , draped in the approved fashion and finished with fringes. There arc tnree uangs worth savins Tluio , Trouble aud money aii3 Da Witt's Little ICarly Hlscrs will save them for you. These little pills will save you time , as they net promptly , They will save you trouble as they cauio no pain. They will savu you tnonov as they economize doctor's bills. Itoiooo Coiikllni ; ' * < Jeti ro lty , Colonel Robert J. Ingersoll satin the surrogate's olllce the other day. Mop ping his high forehead ho said to a Now York Herald man : " 1 never enter this room without having my thoughts recur to Koscoo Conkling and his tactful manners. It was during the time the Hoyt will was being contested. I had occasion to pay frequent visits to this place , and was somewhat annoyed by a poor fellow who used to stand out in the corridor and lay for mo each morning to ask for a Binal loan. Ho was one of that vast class who oxlbt in the lliokurintr light of formoi ullluenco. On one particular day I was not in the happiest of moods , BO whet my impecunious customer 'bored' me for another loan I said to him : " What ! here again. What did you do with that $ - I gave you yesterday * . Gone already ? ' "The follow mumbled some apologetic reply , to which I said : " I'm ' getting tired of you making a steady target of me. why don't you give some other man a ohunce1 "Coukling came along and eootuod to ako In the situation nt a glanco. for ho aid , with his most engnging mnilo It was soft and sweet as a gentlewoman's ! ItVi my chance today , colonel , ' and mug down into hla waistcoat pcckot ho islieil out a crisp bill. As my bewildered HMislonor took it and shuffled oil , Conking - ing said pally : ' Now remember , colonel , it's your chance tomorrow. ' "Do you know he made mo fcol down right small. Oonkllng was n great and good man , " added the eloquent lawyer , nu'lngly. CAUGHT IN A QUICKSAND. Terrible I'rrdlenflirnt ot n TomloiTont In .Mrntiiim. James 1C. Itochtutor , who Is said to mil from m > ar Boston and who has boon n the neighborhood of Platwlllow , Mont. , for some weeks for the purpose HMslblo purchases of land for ranch uns , had a few days ago an adventure hat , had it not been for the arrival of Imoly assistance , would have twmi- mted not only fatally , but loft his deatn > r loss a mystery until the day of judg- ueiit. Rochester had ridden out from his place to the ranch of J. Littleton , vlth whom he had business , and wan oturning homo when ho was caught in me of the numerous quicksands on the Mu. sollsholl river , a small stream trlbu- ary to the .Missouri. Mr. Littleton had accompanied loohoster a part of the way for the ox- iross purpose of pointing out to him a ) lace where the river uotild bo forded in afety. but the easterner blundered In ho direction , and before ho was awnro it it his horse boeau to lloundor In the iolding sand. He endeavored to wheel ho animal about and get out of the trap , ) ut the horse's legs wore already iin- norsed nearly to the knee , and though 10 tried desperately to obey the roln md extricate himself from the danger vhlch ho seemed to understand as well us his rider , it was too late , and his wild dunging only served to involve him still urthor. Mr. Rochester then made an attempt .o throw himself from the horse's back -o the bank of the stream , which was lot more than live or six feet- distant , nit owing to the struggling of the animal 10 fell short and into the sand. With strength of desperation ho caught at he bridle of the horse and managed to cL'ain the saddle , trusting that the luickbund might prove not too deep for the steed and that presently lie would lease to sink , but by this time the pant- ng creature was submerged to the body and the rider was obliged to rise in the saddle and cling to his back. With anxious eyes the unfortunate man scanned the country about seeking some help , and presently saw some tlist- uico off a horseman quietly plodding iftor some sheep , which ho was driving. This man Rochester balled several times without at lirst attracting his attention , jut the shcop-dog with the drove evidently dontly heard the cries , and with the eady intelligence of his species broke xway from his wooly charges and toru , o the banks of the river barking wildly as ho went. Ills owner in vain tried to whistle him back , then suspecting that the dog had probably scented some wild animal he sot out in a gallop after him. As ho drew near the stream ho heard Rochester's shouts of despair and redoubled - doubled his speed , unloosing as ho ( lid so the horsq hair lariat ho carried at the lomniol of his saddle. On reaching thu juicksund ho found that the man lad sunk up to his arm pits , while the horse had boon completely drawn under , and was , in all likelihood , dead of stiff oca- ion. Ho threw the rope to Rochester , who caught it and managed to secure it about him , when , wheeling his lioi-tu about , the border dragged him from thu mire. The poor fellow , overcome by the horror of his late position .and tlio narrowness of his escape , fainted as soon ns his feet touched the solid earth , and oven on recovering his senses was so weak that his rescuer had to bring him : o town on his horse. Rochester , who is a man of moans , pro * sonted Young , the man who had saved liim , with a piece of ground of100 acres md fifty head of tihcop as a .okon of his appreciation of liis promptness and courage , while ho purchased the dog , which had llrst gona to his rescue , from his owner for a good sum. The quicksand in whioh he was caught is the most dangerous in Mon tana and it is said to bo responsible for Lho loss of hundreds of cattle every year. It will bo fenced in now by subscription. Uusy pcopio have no time , aim sensible > eoplo have no Inclination to use pills that nalio them sick a day for every dose they ' Lake. They have learned that tlio use o'l Uo Witt's Uttlo Early Risers docs not in terfere with their health by causing iniusoi pain or griping. These little pills are per , feet ir. aetlon and rosultc , regulating the stomach aud bowels so that hoadachus , dk- lincssand lassitude are prevented. They cleanse the blood , clear the complexion aul one Ui ] the system. Lots of houlth la Ui3S3 httlefotlows. Coniont ns n Water nnver. An irrigating canal at Rivornldo , Cal. , about twenty-two miles long , has boon gradually becoming unlit for use in its twelve years of service , oh account ol holes bored in its bunks by gophers. The waste of water finally became to great a short time ago tlmt it was de cided to rogrado the whole canal and cover the sides with cement. This work has boon dona at a cost of about $1UO,00J ( by a firm of San Francisco contractors , The cement mortar was spread 1 } inches thick and wus formed of one part cement and four parts of line sand. The work could only bo done during the rainy season - son , when the water was not wanted for irrigating nurporiOB. Since it has boon finished it is found that the canal now delivers twice the amount of water thnt it did before , showing the Ions due to leakage , friction , and in a loss degree to evaporation , was at least 50 per cent. ' Af tor a night with the boys YouMfor a clear head. liromoSolUor. Western .Not . Two men tried to hold up a stage on th Dlaolc Canon road , twenty miles north or 1'hcnnlz , but Mrs. L'nsoway , a passunger , pulled a pistol and drove thorn off. The ranchmen along the Hlg Lnramia river are preparing an Injunction against the company which Is diTorting tlio water into Chambers luke In Colorado. An effort Is bolug made to have congress throw open that portion ot the Shoshone reservation on which the intnous hotsprlugi lu thu Hlg Horn ba ln uro locatixl. Ono good ofTcct of the silver slump will ba the now development of gold prospects , Ono of the finest gold districts In America lies a. few nillos Trout Helena , and wllliln the past week owners of thesu properties hnvo re ceived many Inquiries. When a double standard is finally established In this coun try Montana will bu ut the front in the pro duction or both mottils. Tnur < In llm Itockjr Moiintaiii. | The "Scenic Line of the World , " the Denver and Itlo ( Jrando railroad , offers to tourists in Colorado , Utah and New Mexico the choicest resorts and to the transcontinental traveler the grandest scenery. Double dully train service with through Pullman sleepers and tourists' cars between Denver and Sou Francisco and Los Angelo * . Nt > bru U Hlutu Limited. The Nebraska Btuto limited via th Rock Island , going west , loaves Union depot ut 0:10 : a. in. dally fur Lincoln and ruim through without a stop.