Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1893, Image 1

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    < t / OMAHA DAILY BEE.
Another Party of Indignant Citizens Anx
ious to Hang the Wife Murderer.
Ho Otinrilt tlin .T.ill vtftli n I'mso mill 1're-
vrntH the Proponed HiinRlnir vm of
thu Mnrilrrnliiiiiiin Arrnstuil
\\lillc Itceonnoltf ring.
CotWMiit's , Neb , July 10 [ Special to Tin :
HP.K ] Sheriff Kavunagh has shown his
ability to aet piomptly and cITcctlvely. His
cool head and vigorous measures saved
Columbus ronsldcrablo tioublo Saturdaj
night Word was received heio that a
lynching paity was coming from Gonoi , Fill-
Icrton. Hutnplifoy and Tainov , and that It
proposed to have Deb my dangling nt a
lopo's end befoio Sunday morning
Sheriff Kavanagh quietly deputized a
posse consisting of R L. Rossiter , Charles
Taj lor , Mam Ice Major , Joe Wells , Bert and
Arthur Arnold , Andiovv Campbell , George
Taylor , Steve Rjan , Frank Ixisllo , Lee Bor
row lek , I Albert , J G Reeder and ono or
two others , who , with himself and Deputy
Sheriff Thomas Gentleman , went to the J ill
mid awaited developments. Events showed
the pteeautlon wisely taken.
About 1.30 two young men wo re soon prowl
Inp around the street in the vicinity of the
Jail , They weio piomptlj ovethaulcd and
placed under auest by Charlcj Tavlor , Gen
tleman and Rosslter. When se.uchcd a
heavy loaded lovolvcr was taken from one
At llrst they claimed thoj had eomo fiom
Omaha , and hearing that something was go
ing on thoj h id eomo out to see the fun
L Her they owned up they weie sons of the
mm del oil woman , John and Andtew bochoo
by name , and had been sent out bj the Ijnch-
Ing p.u tj' toreconnoiter the Jail and ascertain
how much of a posse the shciiff had guild
r lug It Thoeiptmejl the spies cvidentlj
discoiK cited the remainder of the party , for
no fm ther demonstiation was made It is
probibly as well th it no assutlt was made
on the Jail , for behind the doors was a mis
cellaneous as'ottment of aims sunieiont to
equip a Cential Amciiean lovolutlomij
iu m v and a lot of men who know how to
shoot man fashion The law abiding citi
zens of Columbus do not believe in Ijnulling ;
thoj leel tli xt Debanj is It tblo to h ing , but
thoj insist that the law bo allowed to take
Its couise. and will icsist anj lawless attack
on Iho Jail or any of the misoners.
Debanj p isscd u huuiblc night Ho know
what the sheiIff was gu.uding the jail foi ,
and ho ctouehed in tciroi in one coiner of
his cell. Ills loid of miseij-was gi. itly
added to when the sons of his victim weto
placed In the eagowheie thej could got at
him In hoirso guttoials thej indulged in
the most terrible thioats , telling the thor-
otiglilj liightened man what thov pioposcd
doing with him. 'Uiej both vowed the most
condign vengeance In case Debanj escaped
hanging by tlio law.
Two othet men \\ero arrested about dav-
breakbut as they woio known to theshciiff
they weie icleased An c\tia force of
police was put on duty tonight , ind evcty-
thlng is qulot. Debany is said to have
( ilOOO in cash , bcsldo his farms , and will
make a despctato offoit to clou himself.
TOUCHII ) iiv A uvcr.oNi : .
McCool ,1 auction's Xurrow I-ic ipc from nn
Awful \\lstcr ,
MrCooi. JUNCTION , Neb , Julv 10 [ Special
Telegram to TUB BI.B ] 'Iho second cjclono
3f the season stiuck hero last evening , this
tlmo doing over § 1,000 worth of damage ,
: omplotely destrojing the largo Butler store
mid many dwellings , unrooting the 1 ugo
Robbins wtore , destioylug W Vandoveoi's
cribs , Chessman's 1 ugo granary and all out
buildings Consiiloiablo damage was done
lo the depot and Henah ins iSc Lincoln u stoic
It was a genuine twister fiom the south
west , dipping to Iho giound on Iho main
sticet and then Using and pissing over
F Tollcs , a joung mini , vvas cat i led fifty
fcot. A Dlekoj's fannlv took refuge in the
cellar and aio unlnjuiod , while one-half of
the building vvas destiojcd and cauicdmxty
feet acioss the stieot Their stove , chairs
ind tables are all In place Although one-
half of the dwellings of the town aio useless ,
toitunately no ono has been seiiouslj hint.
IT It AIMI ) .
Downpours of Water I'ollow ] "xpcrltnrntt *
ol ItnlittMnkurs.
LFMNOTOV , Neb , July 10 [ Special Tel
egram to Tun Bun ] Djnamito liiing was
commenced at 0 o'clock last night at four
difteiont points ami continued until this
morning. At noon clouds appeared and nt
B a heavy rain set in , extending in showcis
Eill over the county and lasting fiom ono to
twohoms. as to
the benefit of tlio explosions none would hes
itate to aid another cxpciimcnt of thu kind ,
ind the majoiitj' are Him bclioveis in the
Jliect benellt.
'Iho tower of the Presbjterlin church was
blown down dm Ing a wind stoim today
A iiumway team lolllded with a cait con
taining two ladies and a child , pissing en-
tlielj over the cait , l.Klies and horse diivcn
lo it , w ith no dam igo except to the v ohlcles
ItrniH trout Ili-hron ,
/HrmtON , July 10 [ bpooial to Tun Bci : ]
Ah in Moltco went to Omaha on last Thms-
3ay Cliailcs Kinney his gene to Hopkins ,
Mo , on business
Hon. C II Wllhud and wife are spending
i few dajs at Lincoln
Miss LUilo Riehauls is visiting fitends at
Kali bury.
Ex-Senator Stai buck muloa business tilj
to Omaha on Momlij * .
Attorney C L Rlchaids and J. M Bciv
not t went to Cteto on 'ihuixday on kga
lr F E Fannen has been called to Smltli
Con tie , Kau , on business
Wilier l o ikwood , who was uhot In the lef
511 the Fuuitli , is again able to be on tin
'Ihe wife and daughter of H J Ri ed oi
Uiukiii am visiting fi lends In this eitj
C. M Weiss , cashier of Illuo Valley bank
rrns attending to mattcis pertaining to it :
business at Cailoton on Thmsdav "
Mis tr ) I M Pry and Mr and Mis C M
Bnthciland who have been nttemllns. tin
Wet Id's fair for the past month , aio honu
and all have nothing but words of praUo ic
giading the gteat exposition
Rev A A Randell of Falimont , formerl1
of this eltj , Is visiting friends here
Nlel Lament , son and duughtcr of Lak (
Linden Mlih.wero the guests of Captali
Utehaids this week
J. W. Lammhas has departed for Golden
A T Stow art , ono of Beatrice's piomlnon
clothing men , and formeily of Hebron , !
ipendlngn few daj s with his brother , Tom
O. A. and W C , Pat inly , accompanied b' '
Ihelr mother , Imvo ted for the World1'
Mis. W L. Thompson and daughters hn\i
fono to Kansas Oltj to Join Mr. Thompson
'Die count j'commissioners huvo completci
[ he July 1 settlement with the county tieai
jrerand report tlio tlnanccs inn healthy con
lltlon , and complimented the treasure ! fo
Iho mauncr in which his oftlco was found.
Unl I'HMon.ili.
Old ) , July 10. [ Special to TUB HBK. ] Th
rlciids of Mr. Mid Mis. M. A Showers wer
luvprlsod bv their onlval hero Thursda
( veiling , Both arn old-time icsldents of On
veil known and highly respected , Mi
Showers Is now ft lesldcnt ol Cnlifoinlt
chllo Mu Showers has been visiting wit
> cr sister In Aurora , 111 , They were mimic
n tb latter city Juuo XV mi are uow o
their way to the Pacific coast. Miss Sarah
Mcl/itn will tender them a reception this
evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Gcor/o
W Mllford.
Mrs M Coombs returned from a visit to
relatives In Iowa Monday evening.
Mr GeorKe H. Stover , late of Ord , now ot
Ogden , U T , Is visiting old-time ft lends.
Miss Anglo Ramsay teturne.1 from Albion
Monday evening.
Miss Sarah Ginesple of Iowa City , In , is
visiting with her brother Mr S S Glllespie.
Mr E A Littler loft Monday on a visit to
Mankato. Minn.
Mrs w W Haskcll and family returned
Wcdncsdav evening fiom \islt to Michigan
and the World's fair
Mis Frank Mallory and Mrs. Townscnd
loft this morning on a visit to friends in Chicago
cage Whllo there they will view the
World's lair.
Mrs Anna B Moirow was burled In Old
cemetery Wednesday foicnoon. Being 111 of
consumption she left hero about a week ago
for Denver , hoping for an improvement lu
he kith , but died there Saturday evening ,
Julj 8.
\\KS1 lOMI.M'.r ON r Hi : Tit AUK.
.John VV lillo SrlrrU it I ) Ulcerous Itoitlnc
I'luno nt rromont nml l Hurt.
FHKMONT , July 10 [ Special to T'IIKBUB ] * -
A trnmp. calling himself John White and
claiming to hail from PuoOlo , Cole , while
quietlj sleeping on the Union Paelllo track
vvas knocked into the gutter by the 7-ilO
train this mtining and quite severely in-
Jmcd. His head was well nigh scalped
and bruises on his side suggested Intcuial
Injutieo. Ho vvas picked up by the police
and brouirht to the Fremont hospital wheto
he Is receiving careful attention Ho is a
ci ipplc , hav ing lost a u it t of ono of his feet
several ago by Michigan
fiosts 'Ihe smgeon sivs that ho
will ptobiblj' bo out in n few davs
to continue his trimp thiough thounfilendlj1
and lonesome woild Ho Is being caicd for
at the expense of Dod o countj , as the ia.ll-
ro id people icfuse to help him
'Iho icinalns of Heibeit Shlvcly , who was
di owned vcstordav at Ames , weio bi ought
n the citv about 5 o'clock last evening and ,
.Uliouglt . witnesses weio summoned , it was
oncludcd to hold no inquest. 'Iho funeral
ccmied atrip in today and was attended
iV a huge and sjmpathotic gathoting. Rev
liownof the Methodist Episcopil chuich
i cached the funeral sermon
'Iho rain storm of last night was Inaugur-
ted DJ high winds which , however , did no
rcater dam igo than bieaklng limbs from
ho more fragile tiees
Nov or did corn and all late v egotatlon en-
oj a more i.ipid or luxuriant growth. Ono
an almost see the coin glow , and late pota-
oos promise to crowd the picsont high and
xorbitant prices into the dust.
The city lawns were never moio beautiful
ml , although this citj is piovcibiallj prettj'
ust at this season , It eclipses all former
llio foundation for the now standpipe of
ho water woiUs Is completed and Con-
lactor Duenpoit has the lion nearlj ready
o push it sbvard It occupies the center
jftholovelj pirk wheie so many Omaha
) eoplo h iv o enjojcd delightful picnics.
James Lowi" . who , for minyveii. , was
: onspietious in Fiemont's pollticil and busi-
icsshistoiv. but who , for the pastjearor
, \\o , has been m the mountims , is homo
visiting hK f.unilj He is now connected
iv ith the business intei cats of Los Angeles ,
The Baptist ladv preacher called out a
uec audience at the Chautauqua giouuds
this aftcinoon.
Pish Commissioner May and wife aio
visiting fi lends in the citj' .
Goring I'uoplo Juhlluit Over n Suooojnful
Artenlau i\pcrlniPiiN :
GEKINO , Neb . July 10 [ Special to Tun
Br.r.J The people of this vieinitj' uio allatno
with excitement ovcrthostrikingof artesian
water in a well put down m Goring. At II
o'clock this aftcinoon the water vvas struck
at a depth of : iil feet and it runs in a steady
sticam out of the inch and one-half pipe
standing scveuilleot above the giound It
s a sttong How and theie Is no doubt tint
when the pipe is pumped out and the well
drilled a few feet further down it will hive
still gteater ptcssuto. Iho finding vvas
ccidental ami as the depth is unusu illy
shallow for aitesian water , farmois aie
ahcady talking of putting down aitisiin
wells of huger s/o for iriigation pui poses
TccMiniKoh NenH Itenio.
TCCUMSI ii , Neb , Julj 10 [ Special to TUB
ur.l Jjdgo Wilson and wife are homo
fiom an extended visit to the Black Hills.
Hon. Andiow Cook is entertaining his two
I uightors this week , Mis D Macuaig of
Nebraska City and Mis S H. Fullerton of
Miss Maud Colton of this countv was sent
to the insane asjlum at Lincoln Monday.
H. W. Biandon and vvifo are home fiom a
two months visit to Chicago
Thomas W. O'Liughlln of DuBols and
Miss Marj1 Diinlap of Teemnseh weio mar
ried at the homo of the bridu's paicnts , this
citj' , Wednesdav evening.
S P. Davidson and familv , A C. Sullivan
and family , J b Dow , J. S. Harris and A.
W. ButTum of this city aio visiting in Hot
Spilngs. S D
The Misses Don Auman , Aim i Hoslc and
Maiy Holmes and Mr and Mis Hoiaeo
Stoverjue among the Teemnseh people v Isit-
Ing iho'Wotld's fail this wool : .
Church Dedication nt Junliti.
JINIATV , Neb , July 10 [ Spcciil Telegram
to Tin : BPK ] The German Baptist bretlucn
foi mall v dedicated their now house of wor
ship lioto today , the dcdlmtory scimons being -
ing pieached bjEldeis Slant ) lugh and
Hutchlnson Thctowas a laigo audience ,
and the elegant church odiiico was crowded
full. Rev Atmstrong of Iho Baptist
chinch dismissed his congregation and with
them attended the dedication in a bo ly. The
eh u re h is In the south put of tow n and is a
splendid building of good slzo und eonnno
dions enough to aeiommodato the biotluon
and theii maiij ftUnds
Doiimii nl Dunhii.
Dt'Muit , Neb , July 10 [ Special to Tut
Bl i : ] The tomponttiro registered 105 °
in the shade Filday. 'It was followed
by a heavy lain and an oxcoptlomlly hlgli
wind , which did some damage to the coin
lajing it level to the ground in places
Mis Jane Wilson , a pioneer settler , bavins
eomo hero In Ib.'itl , celebrated hci 7Sth Lilrth
dav , recontlj' .
Henry \Vostbrook , recent graduate ol
the local High school , has hccn tendeied the
position ot assistant cashiei in tlio Dunbai
State bantc Ho will ciitci on his duties to
.striicu \ ) I I
, July 10 [ Special to TUB BBK
Dining the thunder fctoim list night th (
slaughter house of J W Ames , one milunoitl
of this place , was stiuck by lightning am
the northeast coi ncr badly torn out Chai le ;
Ames and his brother ' 1 horn is wcuo in tin
house at the time diessing a bcof. The ;
were both knocked down and liy uncon
si ions for some time Chailoy comiilalns o
his head and hack this morniag , but thtnU
ho will bo all tight in a day o , * two
Fairmont and vicinity was visited las
night by a welcomed und much needed tain
IlolielUdl h ) Itiiln.
NFMAIIA Cirv , Neb. , July -Special [ ti
Tin ; BKK j This section of Iho eountrj ua
visited by a line rain last night , which wll
suvo the coin crop The wheat crop Is nov
being vested , but will not bo over half i
crop Pi ult of all kinds will bo vety sc.ucc
except the peach crop , which looks \cr.
promising at ptcscnt
Helped the Ci < > p < *
TECCMSBII , Neb. , July 10.-- [ Special to Tn
BEB J Johnson county was visited by a rail
last ulght refreshing vegetation woiuloi
fully. The continued dry weather has don
slight dnmago to corn and potatoes Funnel
have tbeli wheat all harvested , and oat
now clulm tUeir atteutloa.
Admiral Wandelkolk Onpturod by the Brazil
Government Yesterday Morning.
HU Effort t I > cipo I'rovcd I'litllo nml
llo ( invo Uplthont n riRlit Ills
1'uto U Nt't In lloiiht South
Anicrlcnu Nolcj.
ISM twJamti ( Ionian Ilennrtt. ]
VALI-AHAISO , Chill ( via GaUoston , Tex ) ,
July 1C. . [ By Mexican Cable to the Now
Yoilc Hei aid Special toTnr. BUB. ] Admiral
Wandelkolk Is a prisoner , and is now on his
way to Ulo do Janeiro , the nr.trillnn capital ,
under heavy guard. What his fate w 111 be
w hen ho reaches that city can easily bo
guessed ,
Ho was onlj * recently formally declared to
bo a traitor and now that he has fallen Into
the clutches of the govctnmcnt ho will no
doubt bo executed without much eciemony.
News of the captmo of Admiral Wandel
kolk leached mo this afternoon in a telegram
from Yaguaiot. It was surpilslng , bcciuso
news was tccched last night by the Bin-
zilian legation in Montevideo and from the
Herald coiicspondcnt at Artigas that the
admiral , with the steamer Jupiter , had
eluded the Br.uillan war ship Hepublica out
side of the bar at the mouth of Lake Dos
Pates , below Kio Grande do Sul , It was
Dclioved that ho had cleverly avoided cap
Him i : rly this JMoriiliitr.
The telegram from Yaguirot , however ,
sajs that the cruiser Kepublica gave chase
to the Jupltor outside the bar and cimo up
with her at 0 o'clock this moinlngat the
bar noith of Sinta Catharina. Admiral
\Vandclltolk tried to dlsembnk , but was
tovented bj' the fog. Shots were Hied on
, ho Jupiter fiom which a white ilagwas
eon hoisted. The captain of the Uepublica
emanded the unconditional suricndcr of the
upitcr , her oftlccrs and her crow. Admiral
Vandolkolk was forced to submit , and the
fllcers and crow of the ship , the rovolution-
tonaiy tioops on boaiit and the twenty-
oven sailotsof the gunboat Catnocen were
11 made prisoners The captain of the lie-
lubltca started t'lem for llio do Janeiro un-
.or a heavjguild. . A Uiuguajan irunboat
las gone to look for the Italia , which wasie-
oited to have been captuiod , but leally es-
: aped. She is believed to be near Waldonado
ni the Uiucuaj an coast. If she Is captured
: ier crow w ill bo disarmed.
> lcurniimii l.lherHlH Ilo\olt.
MANVOI Nicaragua ( MiGalveston , Tex ) ,
ulvlO [ By Mexican Cable to thoNewYoik
loiald Special to TUB BKK ] Leaders of
no libei il party decided jesteiday in a se
cret meeting to Join the levolntlonists in
' . .con and todaj' Santos /elij-a , w ith fortj'
ollowers , went to the rovolutionat jhead -
quartets This caused the citizens of Gra
nada to come out moio stronglj' In fa orof
the goveinmcnt.
General Airlez , who escaped from
tno icvolutionists who made him
ind President Mechado piisoncrs in Leon
nhcn the revolution broke out , i cached
Pipitopa this morning and came to Managua
this ifteinoon Ho was warmlj' received bj-
the people. His presence has aided mater-
.ally in restoring public confidence. A largo
inimber of the leading cltucns and camtal-
sts of Gianada , Uivas , Massoya and Leon
arc hero to meet with the citizens of Man i-
gua and decide upon some united jTlan of
.iction in this emergency.
In an cditornl HI Duiio Nicaiaguanso ,
the conservative pirtj' organ , advises that
, ill the poweis of the government bo con
ferred upon ono poison. With President
Mechado a ptisoner In the hinds of the reb
els , it is neccssirj' to otgini/xj a goveinment ,
and 1 1 Dial 10 Niciiaguanso advises the so-
ection of one man to contiol lather than a
divided responsibility. This advice will
probabby bo follow ml. Avllezor exP -
P esident Xirala will probablj' ho named as
dictator , runds in the Leon branch of the
Nicaraguan National bank w ere sei/cd bj' the
revolutionists Each side is recruiting an
urmy , but no lighting has occurred ,
lloth Partli'H to llio A0 lr lllnine Kach
Other for I'rueliiltntliiR Iloitllltle * .
PAHIS , Julv 10 M Admiral Humnnn , wno
was in command when the cunboats Incon-
stance and Compto crossed the bar of the
Meinam ilvor and procce < lcd to Bangkok ,
has made a brief icport of the Incident to the
govctnmcnt. The gunboats did not mo on
the Siamese forts until the forts , w Ithout
any previous wanting or demand , had 11 red
on the gunboats.
M. Pavio , Piench minister resident in
Bangkok , hecn instructed to piotest
against the Hring as an Indefensible act and
constituting a violation of International law ,
inasmuch as the friendly iclitions estab
lished between Fiance and Slam by tlio of IblO had icmaincd unimpiiicdup
to that tlmo The soeretaiy of Hiam denies
that biam was the aggressor in the affair
The conflict vvas duo , ho sajs to the fact
tlmt the Trjiich commlssloneta misunder
stood the ordois of their government not to
cioss the bar.
LONDOV , July 10 The Times correspond
ent in Bangkok telegraphs- have in
spected the Ficnch and Siamese ships The
only leal damage done was to ono of the
Siamese ships , in which a shell was ex
ploded , killing ten men and wounding a
d07en Outside the bar I found the rorfait
( Preach gunboat ) , whoso captain had threat
ened to kill all foreigners iu the .Siamese
service Captain Vill , the Siamese harbor
mister , at om-o replied to this threat oy pre
senting himself with the avowal that ho was
a German subject The French cuptaln col
lapsed and sent an oftlcor to return Vill's
visit. Hntiio Ignorance prevails hcte an tc
the attitude of Hnghuid , "
Work of a J'ownrilly Moll.
ST PuKiisntmo , July 10 The Jews ol
Yalta , in the Crimea , i of used to obov the
decree to rotlro within the pale. Tor several
davs the cleigj exhorted the rest of the
population to rise and expel them. Las )
week nn anti-Jew mob took possession of the
stt eels , broke into houses occupied by Jnws
and tried to drive the occupints from the
town 'iho Jews fought back. Dozens were
dragged into the stieots and wore beaten
Many were killed The houses owned bj
Jews woio plundeied and w locked. Troops
were called to the town to restore otder
None of the riotois were killed and but few
w oio Injured _
CliuiiKuil thu rotation of the I'Ug > .
HAI.IFVX , July 10 The French warshii
Magon has arrived hero Hon. Isidore .U
Blanche's llagstaff flow the tricolor over tin
British ensign , but as soon as this came U
the notice of the Dominion man of-vvar Ad
mlral Knowlton , 1C C B. , promptly rowoi
ashore and ordered the enthusiastic Acadl
ans to reverse the position of the ) Hags , am
the ButUn ensign was put on top.
Unfit on the Corruipoiiiient ,
PAHIS , July 10. Lo Provost do Launay
deputj for Coset-du-Norto , will luterpolati
the Kovernme'nt this week as to the dis
patches sent by M , do Blowitz to the Londoi
Times , lie will pruuoao that UlowiU bo do
privet ! of his French naturalization In view
of his statements In the i Times concerning
French politics and public men.
K orjr Dcpnrtinont of HID London KxchniiRO
Dull Mnncr Almndint.
LONDOX , July 10 Discount during the past
week was quoted nt 1 ( for three nionlhsand
Jf for short. Money was abundant. On the
Stock exchange ther6 was a dull tendency In
uvcrjdepartment. . Koallng ! that the fail
ures of the settlement Just closed have
thrown on the market nn amount of stocks ,
which , while the general weakness lasts , It
cannot absorb , dealers will not increase their
commitments , preferring to sei70 every
chance to unload , The most experienced
members of the Stock exchange bcliove that
the financial troubles are not jot over , and
that the next settlement will see firms bam-
metcd that got over the last settlement bj'
the skin of their teeth.
English railway securities closed with the
week's fall ranging from 's to lf } points.
Brighton A's declined 2 points. American
railroad seemIties closed lirm jcstordav on
better Now York qttotitlons Tnoariations
of the week include tha following decreases.
Ixnilsvlllo it Nnshvillo , 0 points ; Denver &
Hlo Grande prefotred , 6J | points ; Atchtson
mortgage , 3' points ; Like Shore and Union
ordinary , Missouri , Kansas A- Texas and
Norfolk Westnin piefcried , l f points
caeh ; Denver & Hlo Grindo common and
Ohio & Mississippi , IX polnls each. Gland
iruiik securities were heavily sold , Hist
piefcrcneo falling fij points ; second ptofer-
encc , l1 points ; third prefeience and guar
anteed , 'J points , and ordin try , 1 point.
HoiiRht n I'ori l n l.lhrir.v.
Brut iv , July 10 The collected In
Goettlngen by the Orientalist , Logardo , has
been bought for the Unlveisity of the City
ofNowYoik. The llbrarj contains many
rate volumes
I'LAVC 2 11 Kilt l'Allll [ \ HOIKS.
lown Uomocrttt I.qok un the ( lovornor 119
Their Only Ilopo I hi * rail.
DtitLquu , la. , July 10. [ Special Tolcgtam
to Tun BI.U 1 Chairman Fuller of the demo
cratic state centtal committee , is in the
city. Ho says emphatlcallj tint Boies will
be renomlnatcd ; that the democrats can't
do anj thing else ; that their only hope of
winning is with Boies.
IOIYU linlglit * loinphir.
DBS MOINUS , la , July 10 [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Buc.J The annual grand com-
tnandery of Iowa ICnlghts Templar his Just
: losed at Spirit L iko Tile follow ing oftlccts
iv ore elected for the ensuing vcar : Com-
: nander , W. J. Babb of Mount Pleasant ;
deputy commander , D. W Clemento of West
Union : generalissimo , IJ B. Licoj-
of Council Bluffs ; captlin general ,
T II I > canbrackof Animosa , piolate , J. W.
eigcr of Marion ; scninr warden , S f. Wil-
iams of Chailes Citj' ; Junior warden , J. H.
Pettibono of Burlington ; treasuiei. O. P.
Wjland of Ilarlan ; recorder , Alf Wingato of
DCS Monies ; standatd bo irer , J. H btanton
of Chatiton ; swoid bearvr. D F. Calleiider
ot Des Moines ; waiden , C. L Richards of
Davenpoit ; sentinel , Theodore Sehreinor of
Mount Pleas int.
Novel ISaco to the World's 1'iilr.
CEDVU lUt'iPS , la , July 10. [ Spec ! il Tele
gram to TUB Bnu-1 A hovel race to the
World's fair is being arrai.jted bj- the old
men of Coggon , a little town in the noithcrn
: iai t of this countjAJlthbso eligible to enter
nust have passed the three score mark
and pay an entrance foe of $100 When all
airangoments have been perfeotod these
who ifave entered will start to walk to Chicago
cage The ono llrst arriv Ing at the dooi way
of Buffalo Bill's Wild West show captui es
the en til o purse
HIE UAtilirKIl.
Part riiiyetl by .1. J. Ituth In the Tulluro of
thu IClmln , > . Y. , Itnnk.
ELMIHA , N. Y. , July 10 Cashier J. J.
Bush , of the defunct Ehnira b ink , was ar
rested at his homo hero earlj- this morning
on awair nit issued by United Stites Com
nnssioncr John T. Davidson , upon complaint
of ex Congiessman H. H. Kockwcll , ropie-
senting Jackson Richardson , ptcsldeut of iho
bank , and a numbci of dcpositois In his
affidavit , upon which the wariant was
issued , Mr Rockwell alleges that when the
last quarterly report of the bank was made ,
on Mav 4 , the bank's overdrafts weic named
as $18,01' ! 5 , when , in .fact , Colonel Robin
son's ovcrdiaft amounted toflbOOJ , that on
oi\.ibout May G , Mr. Bush gave to the book
keeper tin ee notes amounting to $ ! H,000
which Mr. Bush diiected him to credit to the
colonel's account It Is cbarired thatithcso
notes were made in New York on May 0 , and
weio sinned by parties whoso identity has
never jet been established ; tint thcso notes
wtio vvoithless and were thus credited to
Colonel Robinson's account for the purpose
of deceiving the stockholdois.
Mr. Bush was arraigned before UnlteJ
States Commissioner Davidson , pleaded not
guiltv to the charges and bail for $10,000 was
Why the Jniltiin .Mints Were Uloaod to the
Coin lira of Silver.
DENVIMI , July 10. The Hocky Mountain
News will publish tomoriow letters Iroin
Sil Moroton Frowen of London , ono to the
editor of the News and the other to Lord
Lmsdovvno , vlccrojof India , in which it
appears , according to the statements of
Lansdowne , that India suspended fioo coinage -
ago ot silver at the time it did became the
tone of the American casteinpioss left no
doubt upon his mind that the Unltod States
congress would , us soon as It assembled , repeal -
peal the Shot man purchasing act and India
found it nocessaiy to bo beforehand with
thu closing of its mints. This is an import
ant hlstoty of the general OnaiiuIiU contro-
\eis\ now convulsing the world.
He Wan Tired of I.lfo.
Piin.Anru'iiiA. July 10. < John A. Lombard ,
COycais old , manager of'tho Hero Fruit Jar
company , which was involved in the failure
of the Spring Garden National bank , and
who was the defendant In suits brought by
the receiver of the wrrckod institution , was
found dead , with his throat cut , at his Homo
last night , having evidently committed sui
cide , lie was last seen , alive in his room by
a servant about U o'clock Satuidaj morning.
Ho did not appear for dinner , but his ab
sence attracted no intention until Mr. IU > m-
bard failed to take his accustomed place nt
the supper table. At that hour Harry ICen-
nedja nephew , went to Mr , Lombard's
room and found him dead In bed with his
tin oat cut and a razor by his sldo.
Held a secret
Wii-KESiiAiiitK , Pa. , July 10. A secret
meeting was held thls > afternoon In the
nrmoiyheio by the grievance committee
and many omplojos of the Lohigh Valloj
Railtoad companj' . Vice President Veer
lices' letter , it it said , was again discussed ,
andrepoits wore read from the different
bianclies of thu Lehl h Vulley unions. II
was learned tonight that the men had do
elded to send another committee to confei
with the Reading oftlclals and endeavor U
have them reconsider their action boforc
taking any further stops.
Crops in IttiU WIIIuw County.
IMIIANOLA , Neb , July 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE.J A Una rain fell at till ;
point tonight , which will bo of great bonefll
to the corn crop , the extreme heat having
dried \\\o \ \ \ soil , causing some Holds to curl
Fields that were well cultivated and not tot
thickly planted were pot suffcilng and have
made a wonderful growth. Spring wheal
and oats are very light , and few fields art
worth cutting , Rjo and winter wheat wll
make ouo-fourth of a crop. Alfalfa Holds
however , are about ready for the second cut
Qoorgo Willinm ? , Alins Dodrill , Spends a
Repentant Sabbath iu Jail.
TlicroVm \Voinnii In tlio Cmp Tlio
A n ln l.nlil In AVult for Ills Me *
tllil StMiicl | of , lralou < ) null
Drunkvu 1'rciiz ) ,
George Williams , aim Dodtlll , alns
"Boncsy , " the assassin of Andrew Kjan ,
has confessed his cowardly crime In the
agony of romorso. Wllltains has almost as
many mines as hohas wicked thoughts H
is the consensus of local opinion , however ,
that his name will bo Dennis when his crime
Is recited bofoto a Jury of "twelve good men
and tine. "
The murderer spent a day of bitter repent
ance In the city Jail jcstotday.
When bo sobered up and thoroughly real
ized the ' of and the
cnormltj' ttio ctlmo poil-
tlon In w hlch ho Had pliccd himself by a few
moments' work while In a diuukon
fren/j' , ho btoko down and cried Hko a baby
all day.
The body of his victim lay on a cooling
board in lleifcj's undertaking cstibllsh-
ment and was \lo\\od by many friends and
curious pooplo. Many ugly looking wounds
show the viciousness of Williams' alt ick
and ono slash shows that the blade oC the
knife pissed through the lower pottioiiof
the hoait. There are four gaping wounds in
the loft hi east , two la the arm , ono in the
side of the no A and ono under the shoulder
blade. All wcro dcon and ro\eil the fact
that the murdoter put an awful foico In his
blows as ho tepeitedlj * dio\o the shatp
blade Into the body of his defenseless \ictim
\Vomnn III the Cilso.
The origin of the crime , as pioviously inti
mated , was a tivalry for the smiles of Mav
Dais , a resident of the "district. " Mike
Ford , Gcoigo Dwjer and the woman wore
locked up as witnesses The two nun were
released on bonds of $ liOO , ! each , but the
woman is still in Jail.
Yesterdaj' about noon Wllllims sent foi
Captain Gornnck , Set scant Ormsby and
Chief Deteethe Haze and told them he
wished to confess the ciimc. Captain Cor-
mack told the prisoner not to siy anj thing
that would be used against him on trial , but
the fellow said th it theio was no use dcnj1-
Ing the fact tint ho killed Iljan.
His feelings so o\oicamo him that ho could
not pioccod for sexetal minutes and con-
Milsivo sobs shook his fiimo Bj' an olTort
ho leg-lined his composure and & ud tint ho
and liynn h id hal it in for oich other on ac
count of the Dufs woman , whom both wcro
"stuck on. " They hid been dnnlcing and
went into the Belle Biandon place at nighth
and Dodge stieuts. Boor was ouleted and
Williams presented a S5 bill in ptjtnont
thetofor. Tlio change was furnished bj' a
saloon keeper named George Bo\le The men
\\ranglodovcrthc ixaot rijn < 5untvand AV11-
liams claimed Boyle was frying to "short
change" him.
< 'oufeiiDCB IIU Cownrdlrn.
Ryan had some words with Williams and
Mike Tord and Williams loft the house first.
The other men soon came out and Williams
stooped out from the shadow of a building
and tnurdeted Kjan before the other men
know what was going on. Ho then escaped
and was arrested about ! 1 a. m. by Dotccthes
S ivago and Dempsey at nie\enth and Pierce
All the men had been drinking f rcelj' and
Williams oUdentlj' wished to engage in a
quarrel with H\an on some pretext so that
ho coulu get him out of the way. The
quarrel with Boj'lo mil imcd his anger
toward Hyan and ho laid m wait for Iljan
with a largo , kcen-bladcd pocket knifo. His
stiong aim did the deadly woilc quicklj' .
Hyan is a corpse , while his assassin Is
charged with the gtcatest crime known.
He In Willing to llnnc.
Williams said ho know what the consequences
quences wojild bo and expected to suffer the
extreme penalty of the law. In the agony
of rcmotso ho slid ho hoped they would soon
hang him and end it all.
The officers withdrew and the murderer
pared his cell moaning and sobbing In a pit
iful mauncr. Ho blames no ono but him clf
ami his foolish infatuation for May DaMs
for the crime.
Coroniir'H Inqiiflit.
Coroner Maul has charge of Hj'an's re
mains. Ho has ompinclod a jury and will
hold an inquest at 10 o'clock this morning.
Both mun have been in the employ of
the B. & M. and Union Pacific railways as
switchmen , and Wllllims is given a reputa
tion as being a vicious ami quariolsomo man
when ho Is drinking Ho was stupidly
drunk when ho was auestod , and the knife
covered with Hj'an's llfo blood was found on
him. Mike Ford , a Union Paclllo switch
man , was with him , but the men didn't
know Uj'an was dead.
The witnesses , or the men who were pre
sent at the time the quairol started , will not
talk about ttio aftair , only to acknowledge
that there was some trouble between the
men about a woman.
The district where the murder took place
is a tough locality , ann miny serious rows
und robberies have taken place there during
the past several \oars.
Ityiiu niift IIU Frluncls.
A Union Paclllo railroad man who has
known Andy Uyan for \oars said last night ;
' Hj'an was ono of the last men In the
world to go around looking for troublo. He
has alwajs bscn known as a peaceable , qulot
sort of chap , not 'slow' at all , but still qulot
and reserved , Ho was ono of the most pop
ular switchmen In the Bervlco , and , whila not
so well known as his brother Tom , % ho used
to be jarduiastcrhoro , he lus nlwajsmado
friends wherever ho has boon. "
The police and othois gl\o Williams , the
murderer , a bad name , and railroad men are
feeling and talking very bltteily toward
Tulle of t.ynolilncr.
A number of Hj-an's friends viewed his 10-
mains yesterday. During the day , when the
confession of his slujor became known ,
groups of railroaders earnestly discussed the
assassination Some very plain talk was
mude A number of the dead man's friends
gathered near a certain railroad yard yen-
torday and there wa evidently vcry Indi
cation of a prospective lynching boo for a
while , reeling Is running very high among
the switchmen , although cooler counsel will
doubtless prornll and the law wilt bo al
low ed to tnko its course.
According to "Dodrill" Wllllam'siown con
fession , hU attack on Uyan was prompted by
Jealousy , and the cold-blooded manner In
which ho laid In wait for his unsuspecting
> ictlm bus aroused general Indignation
among rallro'id men.
The murderer Is not very prepossessing In
appearance. Ho hus about a week's growth
of board on a feco that U lluihcd wltU d | *
Mpatlon J ! Velcht be will tip the sitales at
170 polini - Ho Is about live feet , nlno
Inches hi ; T I Ills complexion Is ono of
swaithyii . Vtlon , and ho dresses In good
stjlo \
inh\ia' .u rm : run.
Hut n ' 'mull Cro l 1'imed Through tlio
( lute * i t .litrknon 1'iirk Vcitrnlit ,
CmcHno , JuH 10 Notwlthstandlnu It was
advertised woild-wldo that the proceeds of
todaj's ticket silos at the World s fair weio
to bo don Ued to the families of the lit omen
who lost their lives In llio awful lire of last
Monda\ the attendance was unusually smill.
It was announced as "Heroes' day,1' ami the
total admissions for the d iv. according to
the estimate of the bureau of admissions ,
will scarcely reach S.W.lHX )
At ! l o'clock this aftetnoon but S.r > X ) people
ple had pissed the tmnstlics Midway
pi Us ineo seemed doserU'd an I had a ball
bathliko air Tlieio was no music in the
pivillons and what was announced as the
last open Kunday of the fair , inthoojcsof
some olllclals at , was a ptonounced
The weather , though waim , was much
mo to comfoi table than it his been for the
p ist tince or four da\s I rilncd slightlj in
In the moinlng and refreshing buwos
weio blowing fiom the like Memoi-
lal e\eiclses In Test hal hall weio
slightly attended. ' 1 hero was not a
thousuid pcnplu gattieicd theie and
had It not been that the hall was draped In
moutnlng the small audience would seitcely
have Known the oxetclscs weio in lioiiorof
the flictncn who g.uoup thelt li\es in tlio
discharge of their duty loDr. ! . Meuer
pleached. Ho made no mention ot the ter
rible dlsistor until ne ir the close and then
ho spoke bi lolly of the men who sietillced
their ll\es in the disch irge of duty.
Tor some reason the work of clearing aw ay
the stinking rubbish and debris that icmaln
in the ruins of the cold stotago warehouse
was suspended today
1'iiuii im.i * AO7 A c ttti : or r.\\vuix < > .
Itcllcird lir Mnnr \llpnllitllpr1linKPil
llliiisnlf tn Kftcnpp I'tiiiMlminnt.
VicrsNrInd . Julj' 10 Uiwienoo
county Is still excited o\er Iho death of
Allen Butler , who at llrst was supposed to
have been Ijnched. H is now belio\ed to bo
a case of suicide and that Hutler was
led to self-destruction by romotso over the
deed with which ho wis chaigcd Allen
Butler was ono of the most prominent
and heietofoio respected i olored uti/tns of
Lawtcnco countj Ho and his son \Vllliun
weio arrested forpiocuiing an optritum
upon the poison of Ida lilklns , \ourg white
girl not jet inears old Iho time for
ptoliminarv examiintion was sot , but the
old mm , who has foi twent.\-lho been
looked iiiion as a model man In whom o\eij-
body had confidence , could not f ice the lawt
and about daj light went out near his bun
andta'ing some binding twine made a rope.
tluowin.gono endo\er a limb of a cottonwood -
wood tico and hanged himself
The ClUns gill h id been Irving In his fam-
ilj foi thicejeais Butlei confessed to b
C. Lewis , an attotnev , that ho was guiltv as
obliged , also that ho had been having intei-
cotirso with the little gill fora j ear past
His son Billy could not fuinish bail and is
now in jail at LawictucUlle Howasafiaid
to go to bumner to appear in mollmtniuj' ex
amination , feat ing' Judge L\iuh , and sent
Attoiney Goo to wal\o exammation for his
appciiancc at the ihcuit couit Theie is
still a feeling , howo\er. in I-iwicuco county
tnat Allen Butler was Ijnehed aftei . .con
fession had been foiced fiom him bj the
mob Many disbelieve the suicide story , and
declato that it was -simply stalled to cover
the disgiaco of aljnehlng. Butler was a
farmer , a doctor , a urcicher , and was very
General ICtlwnrd Juril no I'aflsoi Quietly
Awaj Alter u Short lllno H.
Nrw YOIIK , July 10 Gencial Kdward Jar-
dine , who has been critically ill for some
time , died at 1 p m. His doith was not
unexpected , but shortly beioio the end came
his phjsician left the sick ch imbcr. A few
minutes afteiw.nd the veteian suffered a ro-
curicnce of sinking spells which ha\o
liulled him down at infrvals dm ing
his illness Mid he suci umbed fiom
sheer exhaustion. His wife , who his not
once collapsed under the piolonced stiain of
attending hoi husbind , boio up wonderfully
this aftci noon and was busj sanding dis
patches to iclatncs and comtadcs of thu
dead soldiei
The funeral will bo hold Tuesdij' morning
under the auspices of the Ancient Pico and
Accepted Masons at Giccnwood ccmetety
Geneial Jiuliue was G"jeirs old Tor
twcntj-four jcaia the genetal attended to
his duties as a weigher in the custom house ,
but was never without dutches. Four
months ago ho was obliged to give up and
take tp his bed and Ins never slnrc left it ,
WASHINGTON' , July 1(1 ( Adtnii il Earl
nngllsh , retired , died nero todiv aged 00
Ho was made roar admiral in 18&1 , at which
time ho resigned the position ot chlol of thu
bureau of equipment and iccruitlng , which
ho had held for six jeirs and took command
of the European station.
llo AMU Not Kotuiii to Caiuulil ,
NEW YORK , July 10 A spcciil fiom Ot
tawa , Ont , sijs : It was stated heio yes
terday that Geneial Hcbeit , who was called
to London by the British government"1
ostensibly to arrange for can j ing out the
ptoposcd strengthening of the fortidcitions
of British Columbia , will not return to
General Hobort succeeded Gcnetal Sir
Prcdeiick Mlddleton in the command of the
Canadian militia , but his scheme for 10
otgani/ing the forces all along the line of the
regular British nimywas not appioved bj
the Dominion govctnmont , as it involved a
verj largo sum of inonoj1. Ho denounced
the Canadian militii as worthless for do-
lenso , but after ho loft for England his ice-
oiiimondatlons were ignoicd
General A rinHirinit-'u I'niicral.
CINCINNATI. July 10 Vho Commercial
Ga/etto's Ironton dispatch sa s : The
funeral of General Aimstrong , member of
congress , was of the simplest ch iractcr
The services at the grave wcro these of the
Grand Army of the Republic. The f liner il
Eormou was preached hj Kov W B Maish
There were present the following mombois
of congiess : G , Wilson , G W Hauck , C
W. Gro venor , John 'DaUol , Thomas H
Palmer and ex-Congressman H , H. Bundy
and A C Thompson and W A Hutchlns
The concourse of cltl/ons was very great.
Celebrated It * UOOtli Anniversary .4 ;
BitooKLYN , July 10 The convention of the
Hvangellcal Lutherati chuich of America
was held In the bwedlsh Bethlehem chinch
this afternoon Bishop von bchcclo do
livoied the pitnclpal addtess
Accoiding to the secretary's teport the
church has 175,000 members , 740 umctcga
lions ; U70 ordained ministers , six colleges ,
tin eo hospitals and ono theological soinlii u y
The convention is In celebration of the itooth
nnnlvcmurj of the adoption of the docilities
of the rofoimatlon by thu Swedish people.
How Cleveland hpunt Sumlur.
Buz/Aim's BAY , Mass , July 10 President
Cleveland passed a very quiet day at Gray
Gables The wind was very fresh in the
forenoon , but as It quieted down In tlio aft'
ernoon the weather became extremely hot
'J ho nrcxldcut and family spcin much of the
daj on the veranda
Voted IloiuU fur it School Homo ,
GEiuisgjf Neb , July 10. [ Special to THE
lite ] A special school election was hcl'd
hero today , and bonds' wcro voted for the 1m
mediate construction of a two-stoiy Uriel
school building in this city.
Will Hold thoU'
NKW YORK , July 10 This morning the
steamship Hod Sea was lowed ashote ot
Bodices Island to South DrooWj n Tha p-is
seugcrs , forty-five lu uumbor , are hildjfor fu
lure iuveitlgutlou ,
Chicago Italians' ' Day of Pleasure Ruddy
T o Men Killed , Tuo filially VVouudoil
uiiil .Miin.r InjtirtMl li } nu Utploilon nf
1'lrou ork I'ltldil Sr iu < < Alter
llio Awiitl Ateldent ,
Cincino , July 10 By tno prenmtuto ex
plosion of n iluiHorks bomb at nu Italian
plcnlo tonight , scvenl people w ei o killod/
and u number of otherf Injured.
The dead as far as known aio !
KlCllAUn MAUMIAI.1 , .
' 1 ho follnvUmt iirathiiinortally Injured i
AN I'OMO \ I'd INTO , a piece ot Iho mortal
passed tluough Ills body.
ANTOMO MASIIO , skull fticturcd.
The Injured aio :
TONLAnrr , heel loin off.
How the Accident Hnppimrd.
The bomb was Hied fiom an oxtompo'lroA
mortar ami was Intended to bo exploded- *
the explosion to bo ai i onip inlcd by a show or
of biilliaut Hio Just as the charge wa3
about to bo ilrcd theio was a deafening roar
and tlio liquid llio and limning explosives ,
togethei with plccts of themoitar contain *
ing the bomb , were hulled inoverydiioctlon ,
Hundicds of poisons wcro standing abou
the spot , and the Hash and lopoit were fol
lowed bj thoeik'sof those stricken to tha
taith No lights were at Hist to bo had am\
the dead and woandod lav toeotlier bonoathj
the feet of these who had cucnpoU. Many
fell bleeding and biuibed , and befoio they
could bo caicd for all the lights on the
giounds wcro cxtintruishcd and iticio.iacd
daiknoss added to tlio pinlc.
Iho Ihe and fiagmrnts of the mortal
seemed to plow their w.ij throuch the dense )
crowd to the outmost cirUo of onlookers. It
a moment the picnic giotmdsna the sccna
of unlimltett Lonfusion Some precaution
h id been taken to kcp older among the on
lookeis , and an cfloit was started to keep
al' ' , si\o these in chaigo , iemo\cit fiom tlia
stand whcto the nnoxploiled inoworUs were
stickedup 'lliis was putlv successful anil
those killed and injnicd weio chiefly pcisoii *
in chaigo of the display.
Colliipmt of n Criunl St mil at A Bl
( "ploln lit Ion Mnn } liijurutl.
MONT if u. , July 10 A grand stand con
taining 7,000 mun , women and children coU
lapsed at the colobtatlon of the tail of tha
bastilo under the auspices of T 'Unlon
K.itionalo rrancaise. 'iho stand with Its
human load ct ishod to the ground without
a ciack or the slightest sound of w anting. A
tot n bio D inio ensued among the 10,000 peopld
who throngcn the parks
Ihe unfoi tun lies who wont down with
the stand 1 tj piled in iac\tilcablo confusion
amid the w i eck of beams and pi inks and tin
ciowd lushed anil trampled over them.
Ciiesof pain and terroi filled the Sunday
air , and for many moments men seemed to.
ha\o lost all ptescnco of mind
When the managers and ( towd finally regained
gained their senses the woui of extricating
the people fiom the wreck of the stand waj
begun It w as ascet tallied tint none had been
killed , cither in the collapse or subsequent
tampodc , although many * wet o Injured and
some sciloublj' . * vL , „
I.Kt of thp Injuriul.
The following list of these most sotlouily
iimt , howe\er , was obtained :
MMl' UOM'lt.
Ui i t'N and MAUII : PLUTON.
Tlio stand that collipscd was at the ao\\l\ \
side of the stage in the reserved seat In )
closuioand was itppaicntly a Hiibstantiiv ]
stincturo Its fall IB said to bo duo to thij
sinking of the supports , caused by hoavj/ /
recent rains Tlio pcifoumnco was r *
sumcd , and an hour later while n not vrai
being sproia fora Uapo/o performance th <
suppoit broke aiul another panic and sUtnj
pcdo ensued , l ortunatclj , this tlmo ,
e\or , 110 ono was hint
It \\nt .Not tlu > Coinot.
GRMA-A , N. Y , July 1(1 ( Prof. Uroolti
today icpot ted tlio obsetv itloa of n dlsplajl
of the am ota heio last night the most mir (
nlficcnt featuio of which was a beam o
light of gio it liiilllamy reaching fiom tin
westein noil/on up pist the 7onltll towan
the ( "istcin sky It icscmbled In fotm am
bilghtncss a great comet , for which It wai
taken by many persons The re il i omut , b
said , was conaidciably to the noith of thi ?
and Is becoming fainter. H was Just \lsiblH
last night in the autoral glow.
Pound llaiiKliiK to u 'Irnt * .
Hi , PVBO , Julj 10 A Mexican named Jazj
was found hanging to a tree on the lowe ]
Island , where resided the famous Iosqu4 !
gang that mmdeicd the Texas Uant'cr , Cap )
tuln Prank Jones He had been hanging
thorn a day 01 two when found and there II
no clew as to who hant'od him. The Moili
cans say that ho was a Mexican clti/on and
that 'loxans hanged him. '
.Motrmnntu nl Oernn Stnuiner * July Iff.
At Liverpool Arrived Hostonian , froiq
Bo iton i
At Havre Arrived Laliourgogno , from
Now Yoric
At Now YoikAi lived Sorvlt , from
Kh ei pool , Ilurif unda from Marsullles
At Huston Attlv < d Polynesia , frorq
Ilambuig , Pa\onla , from Ll\erpool.
4. -
Mjr , hatolll Siijn llni * In tlio Open Air ,
HurrB , Mont , July IDThis rity wlt
nesscd today the giandest iicctado tu
Komnn Catholto chuich has yut seen In th <
west ArchbUhop Satolll , papal Icgatei
s , lid muss In tlio open rilr in llio prescmco o |
nearly twelve thousand people utid th (
whole Cut hello population of liutto ,
lllttcn by It ittlmnakii.
NEW Yoiik , July 111 Dot Sonwoll , a nak
charmer , WIIR bitten by ono of her ' rattlors"
today and It Is bellovcd she will dlo , H till
the flrl behind thu car , and this Is the ioc
end tlmo she has been bitten , Thcro rrftt
b'reat excitumcnt In ttm audlonco
' '
I'rntrtt fiom Arlion.i Itowdlui.
KINOUAV , An/ , July 10. J ast night IOT
oral rowdies prcpaicd nn Image of President
L luu-iniul and burned It In front of n taloon
dcsplto the protests of many business met )
and utUcna C'le\oland'a attitude oi )
Bilvtr question wait