THE OMAHA DAILY 1VRK. RATtTR.lUY. JULY Ifi Iflfl.T COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Torrid Weather Kept the Traders Out of the v Pits Yesterday , \ * * - * r STRONG FEELING IN GRAIN EARLY Tjitcr It Oavo Place toVFenhnril , Followed by i I'nrllat Hecovcry Corn Oon tlnucd Quite AVcak to the Clcie- . CnlcAOO.Jtily 14. The torrid \rcatlier hero kept traders out of the pits today. In grain there was a strong feeling for a short tlmo at the beginning of the session which gave place to a long spoil of weakness , followed by a par tial recovery. Corn continued weak to the cloic , which was at ! < c dccllno from yestor- day'n resting figure. \Vhoat , Is Uc lilghor for September and from M to ! { c higher for December. Provisions are li regularly lower and ribs nufTerlng and 17)lo ) lower. Lard yielded most , bolng 17Wc lower. 1'oilc Is nominally l&cdoivn , The feeling at the opcnltiR In wheat was attillmtrd to the fact thatcables were slightly betters thcro was more nown of damage both nl homo nnd nhrqail , but there wainoercnt amount of trading. Mitchell bought some To- colnber , but was not very aggressive , whllo Itnydoii sold September very freely. It was un derstood to bo for Cudahy. Vlrmnossnt Mv- crpool gave the bulls hero a llltlo advantngo near the close. The opening was strong and from Uc to He higher than yesterday's closing and ndvnncvd from ! ic to He , then wcnkoned and prices declined > ic for September and only from He to ! { c for December , then hold stonily , and the closing was steady at frumctoUc ! under best prices , Torn nt the start was firm. Mrst trades wore t uboul yesterday's ( Inn ) llgurea , but ho dumaml wits coocl , Inlluonci'il mainly by reported dry weather west , and tliu pileo wan jiit ) up ? c. The nation of wheat also helped the upturn. The advance brought out In- riuntiuil olTeilngH , nnd the cstlmiited receipts for tomorrow cumlng In larger at COO cars , Marled llio local crowd to selling , resulting In u ; > ( ! hreak. The market later recovered part of the decline. Oats wan quiet and stronger today , but re acted and declined ! { c from the top and closed \vlth a net loss of He. Trading was almost en tirely In Sepicmbcr. l'ro\lHlons ' opened talily steady , but free of ferings of short ribs by the packers and a Iiioiiilncnt speculator caused u break. It Is claimed that the caiisols the liberal supply of hogs In this city and thn present condition In monetary circles. Trading was on a dccldodly limited ectilr. There was llltlo demand for vesM'l room for lluiriilo. r.stlnmted rcrelutH for tomorrow : Wheat , fift ears ; corn , 04 cars : oats , i00 ! cars ; hogs , r-.OOO head. The lending futures ranged as follows : Articles. Upon HlUll. Low. Close. WllIAT July , 00 OEM OHM 70M Conv - July. . . 40M AUB. . . 40K i'2 OATH July 28M Sept. July 00 St-pt UP CO 10 50 00 LAUD July. 0 00 n no 72W Kept. . 10 22K 10 on HO ( > ot. . . 0 00 0 05 77 BiumTHuis- July. 77f ! Sept. 0 10 0 I' ' H 07H t Cash quotations were as follows : I'muiL i-isy. ; Some Inquiry from shippers. MIIKAT No. 2 spring , li ! > Je : No. 3 spilng , f. o. b. , CICJOlic : No.2 led , Gu f < 2G57ac. * COIIN No. 2,4iiic ? ; No. 8 , OATS No. 2 , 2B c : No. 2 ivhtto , f. o. b. , B6U(335HC ( ! No. a white , f. o. b. , ! il(233yc. ( HVB No. 2 , 61o. lUiu.KV No. 2 , nominal ; No. S , nosalci ; No. t , no sales. KIAX } ICII : No. 1 , 81.09. TIMOTHY HCBD 1'rliuc , J4.10514.20. roinc Moss , per bbl. , 810.0019.02M ; lard , per 100 1IH. , (0.76 ; short ribs , sides ( loose ) , | 8.77ii8.80j ! ( dry sailed shoulderw ( boxen ) , lH.2Gii8.60 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , S9.75a 10.00. WHISKV Dlsllllors' finished goods , per gal. , < fl.12 , BUOAHS Unchanged ; cut loaf , 0 , ' c ; granu lated , 6.70 ; standard "A , " 5.64. . The following wcro the receipts and ship ments for today : On the Produce exchange todav the butter market was steady ; creamery , 17@20c : dairy , ifi18c. Eggs , quiet ; strictly fresh , 1415c. Now Yorlc Market * . NEW YonK , July l-J.-Fi.otm Receipts , 14- , 000 pkgs. : oxpoits. 2,000 ubls. , 10.000 sacks ; inlcs. 10,000 pkgs ; market quiet , spring grades Itcadler , others easy. ( CoiiN MEAI/ Quiet , steady ! yellow western , KYK Firmquiet ; sales , 10.QOO bu.j western , ( H c alloat. JIAIII.KY MAI.T Quiet , steady. \VliiAT Kocelpts. 108,000 bu. ; exports , ICu.OOO bu. ; sali'S. 1.020,000 hu. futures , 00- UOO bu. spot , f-pot nioderato ; No. 2 red In store nnd elevator , T , ' ( & 2'.ic ; alloat , 7-lc ; f. o , b. , 74H74 ! < o ; unnradcd red , 70 > ia78yc ; No. i ! northern , 70i < a.71c ; No.'J Milwaukee , 7072c. Options were very dull und closed from H < it ? c advance on local cover- IIILuiul hetter cables ; No 2 , red , July , 7257'J'iu ! ; eloslns 72 > 5c ; August , yshw ? . ' ! ? ' , closing 73 ic ; Septombi-r , 7D7-1U 0 70n , elosIiic7fi34C. ( COIIN Keeulpts , HO.OOO bii , ; exports. 34- 000 hu. ; sales , 1-10,000 bu. futures , CO.OOO bu. ipot. Spots quiet ; No. 2IB1Jr. In elevator ; UU4' ulloat. Options dull and almost neglected , closing lit ! < e advance ; September nuistactlve ; August4Ht > < r ( > 49'Vc ' : closliig487 c ; BepteiiibiT , 4UU ( 40Vo. closing 49.Ue. OATS-ltecelpts. 100,000 bn. ; exports , 1,000 bu. ; sales , 100.000 bu. futures , 40,000 bu. ipot. Spots quiet , ( Irm. Options opened firm nt ! < c advance on covering , fell > ( c nnd closed steady and unchanged : August.33 ! c. Hoptem- bor , .1Ujt3lMc ; closing tit31 ? c ; No. 2 white , 40c ; No. U Chicago , 3BJic ; No. 3. 39c ; No. 3 white , 43c ; mixed w03turn , 87 @ 43c ; whlto Western , 30Q > 44tC. ! Jl AY Qiilst , steady. 11oi's Steady , iiulot ; state , common to choice , lux/i22c ! ; 1'acinc const. 19@22Kc. llinta I'lrm , demand steady. AVoot/ Quiet , unsettled ; domestic fleece , 27 C32c | pulled. 20Q37c ; Texas , KiQ''Oc. I'IIOVIHIONH Cut inontH , unchanged ; middles quiet. iard , quiet , steady ; \sosturn steam closed , t30,10 ; sales , 360 tierces at JO.OUffl 10.00 ; option sales , none ; July closed lit J 10.10 ; Bcptemborclosed iit10.0. Porkdullstuauy ; cow messiu.60319.00. JlUlTiil : Oiilrt , steady ; choice , 2022c. /HKicsK Mollorute demand , firm. KdiiH SoutliweKtern , . . , TALLOW Quiet , sU-ndysclty i'J for . . . . „ _ . . . UoTTOMiKKU Oil/ Quiet , easy ; crude , 86ci yellow , 42u. J'CTnoi.r.UM Neglected ; l'cnnbylvanla oil spot Bales none ; August options sales none , Otjjjc. Lima oil , Hiilea none , 080 bid. Total sales , none , HosiN-Qulot. steady ; strained , common to good. 1.0<l,12 . TiTiii-KNTiNE-Dull , steady ; 274@28c. | UlUB Active , hteady. MOI.AH W Now Orleans , open kettle , good j to choice , steady. fcuuAU Haw , dull , steady ; reduce ] , fairly active , sternly. 1'Ki IKON Quiet , btoiuly ; American , 812.76 ® ) . Coi'iT.ll Steady ; lake. M0.25. LIAIH-Btetulyt : doiiicstlc. 13.65. TiN-Quiot ; htralts , $10.10 hid , 110.25 usltcd. I'I.ATKH Dull , Nteadv , u Weak ; domestic , f 1.60. Nt. I.ouls .1 ST. Louis. July 14. Fr.ouK Unchanged ; pat nts , f3.1oi3.25 ; o.x11:1 : fancy , IF2.80U2.UO ; COIIN On crop nous gained % c early , but lost It ; No. 2 mixed , cash anil July , 38ic ! ; August , SHKc ; tJupteinbur , 3Hje. OATH Options , steady ; cash , higher at 28c ; July. U7f/c ; Hctitember , 23Jic. KYK-NO. 2 , 4ilo bid. Unchaiigod , SOOB Unchanged , IMuivtBiuhb-Uiwor , dull , with only a lleht jobbing demund ; pork , t776 ! ; ; lard , I9.12li ; dry suit meat ( loose shoulders ) , 18 ; longs ami ribs , ( U.12U ; shorts , (9.0 ; boxed , 16c more ; bacon , packed bboulders , ( Q.&O ; longs mill ribs. (10.60 ; shorts , tio.76 ; hums , el3.00io 1UOKI1TS Klour , 3,000 bblH. : wheat , 00.000 l > u. : corn , O-i.OlH ) bu. ; ouU , 29,000 bu. ; rye , 1,000 ; barley , none. HuifuBNTti Flour , 1,000 bbls.t wheat , 6 , 000 bu. ; corn , 25,000 bu.j oats , 1,000 bu. rye , iiouu ; barluy , none. lUltlmuro Uruln Alurket. lUi.Tiuoil , July 14. WHEAT Steady ; No. 2 red , spot and July , 68c. COUN Klrin ; mixed , spot and July , 47)Jc ) , OATd-Quiut ! No. 2 whlto yfp > ) orn. StHc , Nrvr York Dry Uuodt Markxt. NKW YOIIK. July 14 , liusliipss does not j > lck up uiucn m dry goods. Coltectlou * , how "V * * , c , * r. ftre fll | rftpot t < l good Mid. then U no Mnrm * the ultuMlon Or outlook. Moro activity tuny rjitln * UU At nny time. The mnvomontonbacU Jraniactlpnsfs moro free , which I * Rood Indtciuldii. Some of the south ern mllUfirp shutting nown and moro trill dote to whcrf neoemary. Jlctxvy ttocki urn ftccor/l- jnply not to bo looked for , "ji " * nyf& Onmh.i Proilucft j mrk t. IlUTTr.n The market li firm find there l an actlro rtemaiHl for nncklha stock. The amount of butler that I * hr-lnK shipped to Kuropo bin ciuutcn n Rood itcinaml for western Imttor and tlio shipment * from this point nro quite law. I'rlcM tire not e scntlnlly cli.ingod from the quotations already Riven. Fancy creamery , frlnt , 21C ! fancy creameries , solid pricked , DCS fair toKondcrpanicrlc , solid packed , 10 J1HC ! chulro to fancy country , IfiitlGc : fair to good country , 16c ; picking stock , fresh , . EGOS The nmrUct Is slow and wrak and the local demand Unlit. While itlioui three-fourths of the eggs are sold at the quotation Riven there appears to bo a deposition toshauqtho prlro when necessary. The quallly of the CJJKS coining to market U r.ot overly good and the losi . Is heavy. . The general market la 11 ! < C. ' I'oui.Tiiv-Tho receipts of pou iltr , have hern light during the paU few d.nys unu the market Is firm The demand Is not largo bulfor&omo roamu there bin been n sudden falling nit In the arrivals nnd the mar ket has for several days been kept well cleared up. Spring chickens , nor dot. , Il.76a3.60 ; best hens , per Ib. , 7OSc : mixed coops , per Ib. , Oe : old roosters , tier Ib. , 4SOc ; turkeys , per Ib. , He ! ducks , tier POTATOES There were very few potatoes In the hands of the commission merchants , tlio market being almost bare. The local gardeners brought In a few moro than on former days , hhnwlng that the supuly In the country Is Increasingbut there are not enough rarly potatoes grown In this locality to III ! tlio demand. Now potatoes per bu. , OOcJtll.OO. w Tlio market was almost h.iro of tomatoes .mil these luVuscs that had any had no trauhlo In semiring enod prlcus. Southern , per 4-baskel ! < i&l,76 > At'i't.Es There" Is'"no'Important chance In the market. Apples , per M bu. box , 76cdln.OO. lliitlltiS : : The receipts were light nnd the offerings worcplrkodup.xory quickly. Illack- bcrrlcs liikoiuu Instances sold u little belter than on the day hrforo. Thcto were a fn\v homo gronu raspberries nhd n few cases of Arkansas hucklobeirlos. llhu-kberrles , per 24-qt , case , 13 ; bluck raspberries , per 24-qt. case , J3.00-2) ) 3.26 ; huckleberries. 83.60. HMAI.T. 1'nuiTS There were no fresh re ceipts of California fruits on the market , but a car or tno Is o.\pcctcd to arrive on Saturday. Southern peaches are out ot the market , also Callfoinla cherries. Apricots , per 4-baskct crate , 11.25 ; plums , wild goose and Chlcka- saw , per 24-qt. crate , 62.50 ; California pcachcH , Jl.lfiltl.25. MELONS Tlio supply on tlio market Is not BO largo nnd there Is u better feeling than there was n few dayn ago. The low prices and ro- luctnnco of commission men to receive con signments of melons has apparently decreased the shipments. Watermelons , percratopf ono dor. J2.50 ; loose , per 100 , 1B. CKI.KKY Small shipments nro coming from both Michigan and Missouri , Celery , pur doi. , 4Cc. TrtOPicAt. ruuiTS. OIUNOES Riverside Mediterranean sweets , t3.60S3.75 ; brlghts , ? 2.76@3.00. LEMONS Mcsblnas , extra fancy , fG.OOtt6.60 ; Messlnns , per box , choice to fancy , J5.ODiiO.tJO. HANANAS I'cr hunch , largo , J2.2632.76 ; per bunch , small to medium , 1IIDM , TALLOW , KTC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 3c ; No. 2 green hides , 2c : No. 1 gronn salted hides , OKc ; No. 2 green salted hides , 2'c ' ; No. 1 mecn salted Hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibg. , 3'c ; No. 2 grueiisalted hides , 26 His. to 40 Ibs. , 2 c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ills , to 15 Ibs. , Gc ; No. 2 veal calf , B Ibs. to 16 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , 7c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides. Tic ; No. 1 dry salted hides , Du I'att cured hldoa > lc per Ib. loss than ally cured. SIIISEII'ntrs Green salted , each 35cS1.25 ; green suited shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , each 152Cc ; ilry Ehoarlliiirs ( shoit , woolod early Mlns ) , No. 1 , each fiillOi- : dry shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 2 , each 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska Imtchernool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , loa lie ; dry Hint Kansas nnd Nebraska Murrain wool pclH , per Ib. , actual weight , 710c : dry Hint Color.ulo butcher wool pelts , per 11) , actual weight , 910c ; dry Mint Colorado Mur- inln wool polls , pur Ib. , actual weight , "iB'Jc ; dry piece'- ) und bucks , actual weight , bUlc. TAM.OW AND CJiuiASi : Tallow , Nij. 1 , 4J.J ® 4Mc ; tallow. No. 2 , 3a'.4c ( ( ; grease , whlto A , UiSOc ; grease , whlto It , 4c ; grease , yellow , 3Jic ; grease , dark , 3c ; old butter , 20(2ic ( ! ; bousuux , prime , 10&20c ; rough tallow , 2yt ® 3c.HONES HONES Car lots weighed nnd delivered In Chicago : Dry ImlValo , per -61G.OOai8.00 ; dry country , bleached , per ton , # 10.00ftl3.00 ; dry country , damp and moatv , S8.00310.00. City Alurket * . KANSAS CITY , July 14. AY'HBAT Showed some strength loduy ; No. 2 haul , & 4ffiOGc ; No. 2 rod , &GU&57C. CORN li'lrm ; whllo fractionally higher ; No. 2 mixed , 33c ; No. 2 while , 83Uffi3-t'4u OATS-BIow ; No. 2 mixed , ii6a27c ; No. 2 whllo , 28M20J- . UUTTEII ficnrco and flrmj creamery , 16 ® 20c ; dairy , 13 ® 10c. Eoos Very dull nnd weak at OHc. Wheat , 400 bu. ; corn , none ; oats , none. „ Wheat , 6,100 bu. ; corn , 10,000 bu. ; oata , uono , Oil Marktitg. Oir , Cur , July 14. National Transit cor- tlllcatcs oncned at CtBH ; highest. 68 % ; lowest , 68 ; closed nt58U > Sales , 15.000 bbls. ; clear ances , 10.000 hbls. ; shipment ! , , 74,208 bbls. ; runs , 71,200 bbls. PiTTSiiuiic , July 14. National Transit cor- tlOcatos opened nt _ 68K ; closed ut SB J ; highest , 6Bli ; lowest , 68. LONDON , July 14. ItKivtNCD PCTIIOI.KUM 3 16-lGd per gnl. FINE KostN 10s Gd per cwt. T.\vrpnol Mftrlcetft. , July 14. WHEAT Firm ; demand - mand fair ; holders ofTor sparingly ; No. 1 Cali fornia , 5s lO'-id ; icd western spring , 6s I0d ! ; No. 2 red winter , 5s O'd ; receipts wheat past tluccdayri , 107,000 centals , inclu < llng 105,000 American- COU.N I'lrm ; demand fair ; recolpU Ameri can corn past threu days , 10,10U centals. LAUD I'rlmu western , 60s pur 100 lha. TIHIPENTINC Spirits , 21b Gd per cwt. Ciitiiiu Murlci-t. NEW OIU.EANS , July 14. Steady ; good mld- dllni ; , Be ; low middling , 7c ; ; good ordinary , G 10-lGc ; not rucolpld , 1,44& bales ; gross ro- colpts , 802 balv.s ; exports to Great llrltalu , 6,000 bales ; sales , 10,000 bales ; htock. HI 000 bales ; futures , steady ; salcs.12,200 buluhuly ; , J7.GO bid : August , 7.rG < 3,7.67 ; r'optnuibur , ? G.G57.G& ; October , 87.7 a7.70 ; November , $7.87ii7.88 ( ; December , J7.0Ga7.07 ; January , J8.llfti8.12 ; February , t8.1K ! 8..20 ; ilarch , 8.274 8.28. Mllwuukoo Mnrlcnts. MILWAUKKK , July 14. WHEAT Steady ; Sop- tcmber , GGc ; No. 2 spring , G3c. COHN ( Julot ; No. 8 , 30c. OATS Steady ; No. 2 while , 34@3&c ; No. 8 white. 32ittii5o. ! : ) ! llAllLEV 55c. KVB-52C. I'UOVISIONS Dropping , pork , $18,76. IMilludulplilu Ur.iln Mnrkot. Fnii < AiiEr.i itiA , July 14. WHEAT Firm ; No. 2 rod , July , GOW GOHc. COIIN Firm ; No,2mlxod. July , 48US48 ( c. OATS Firm , quiet ; No. 2 whlto , July , US ® , Colfee .Murkot. NEW YORK. July 14. Options opened dull at from 5 to 20 points dccllno ; closed sluady , xinchangcd lu 6 uolntK down ; sales , 10,760 bugs , Including ; July , mo.OOttlG.05 ; August , JlG.OOffllO.05 ; Boptombor , JIG ; December , 816.GOiil5.70. Bpot Klo , dull , nominal ; No. 7 , W.12i. ! Mlniieupolls U'licnt Alurket. , July 14 , Market lifeless and trading slow. Cash steady. Kecolpts , 251) ) cai-s. Cloiiai Slay , 77Xc ; July , 7Uftc : August , OlJiu ; fcoptembor , G44e ? ; December , 70Kc. On truck : No , 1 haul , U2ic ! ; No. 1 northoru , OBe ; No. 2 northern , 7077c. Clnrtniintl Aliirkots. CINCINNATI , July 14. WIIKAT Steady : No , a red , U4c. COIIN Scarce and Btrong ; No. 2 mixed , 44c. OATS Htioug ; No. U mUud , U3 c. WlllSKY-tJIuady , tl,12. Tuloilo ( iinlu Murker. TOLEDO. July 14. WHEAT Dull , steadier ; No. 2 , CIIMI anil July , GGc , COIIN Dullhtealy ( ; No. 2 cash , 41)5c. ) OATH-Dull ; cusli-Jljic. Aiuerlorfii JtBlrli ; rnlor LiVKiiroou July 14. AIIKUICAN 1 AIOU lluicf Koreiiutirt-Jra , it'JIi d ; I ters , 3s 10d@4s 2d per lOU-lbs. by th' ' t TOCKS AM ) 1KIXOS. Ioirer ( luotatloix from London Caused a We.ik " - - NEW YOIIK , July 14. Lower quotations from Londoncaubcdu rather Irregular oponlngof the slock market , but uutNldoof LouUvlllo k Nashville , which * dropped -S per cunt to 67 , there win , no ducllno to spouk of. The Increased supply of money on call and llio fact tlmt a moderate amount of funds was olTurud on tlmo led to purchases of stocks for both the lonir and short accounts. SQUID of the boars atlemptud to cover , whllo certain opur- utorti who nxuuty ! espoused the short fcldo took the bull tack. The demand led to a glmrp rucovory , and , notwithstundlng ropoatcd attempts temptsto bring about u reaction , nearly everytlilnf on the list showed a not sain for the day , thu Improvement varying from to 2H per cent ouuldo of Louttiulllo & Nuilivlllo and 1'uclUc Mull , which were dowu IS per Cl'Ilt. The rUe wus UKsUtudby purcbuhcs for In- > L'stmcnt which Imvo beuomo qultu a feature ot thu duHllny. The most uutivuklocku wtiro Bt. Paul , lTMlngton. ; : Western Union , Itock IiUnd and Su ar. TJiO distinctly onMor fool- in * In the money mnrel" ) ? < V3U.rW , tll(1 ( CorP * mf loil Uouws fo branch out a i. ° ln.l ° J , " tholr operations , nnd the fact thai .I''I still ft heavy outMnhtilng Mie.rt Interest fur- n'"hps ' a bjsls ( or n still further recover If Uiuro arc no tinlookfdfor developments , financial or commercial circles. culfttlon loft oT ( steady to firm In lone. . , The 1'st says : This morning's manipula tion certainly suggested that the hand of the chief boar operator had lost Its running. The childish plcco of jugglery with which the market opened was worthy the potty traders whoso olTorU at "working'1 London turned on thorn recently the laugh of Wall sttcct. Nothing U castor In Ix > ndon'g tagnant market than to break down prices for Americans. Hut to buy back such short stock without loss Is quite another matter. LoulsTlllo stock was olTcrod down today In London to a prlco 8t ! IKJlnts below Iho Now York parity. Hut nobody was deceived as to the sourro and nature ot the ordcrn , except perhaps , those able critics who have been furnlshlni panic news from London to the cable syndicate * . Arbitrage brokers were certainly not alarmed and the subsequent local break In Loulsrlllo mount simply more ihort stock out- Atandlng. It Is at least a doubtful question whether thcEO ( peculators have bettered their market by their recent desperate raids. If not , the week's exploits are likely to cost them heavily. There was a strong demand for stocks from the moment of the ouonlng , chlolly for the short account , but In nemo considerable degree on actual Investment orders. A few onorts at renewed bear raids oiiBuod , several transparent laics of dlsitslor being Incident ally , sct loose. Thn uroxroBs of the treasury cpld reserve toward $100,000,000 was notlcoablo again. The relative loss through recent "counter" payments to the banks has , In fact , been much moro than made good by tho-Cur- rent specie Imports , which have In a large part been exchanged at the assay olllco for currency. The following are the closing quotations on the loading slocks on llio Now York Stock ex change todays Atchlaon . . . uu i Northern IMC. | iui , " ' . . . . . 145 U. 1 > .I.AO 04 tAlton.TcrroIIiuito 2(1 ( S'ortbncstcrn..1. 102 rte profit 145 do prflfcl IBS American Express 108 N. Y. Central . . IDOM IlaltlmoroAOIdo. . 08W V. Y.AN.K T. 22H Canadian I'.icllle. . . 71 > J ) ntarlo A Western 12J < Canada Soutlicrn. . -10,4 Oregon Imp 10 Central 1'aolllc. . , , TO ) roRon Nav . , 6S ! Clios. A Olilo in ' " ' " IChic.iffO A , Alton. . 140 'acini'Mali. . . . . C. U. AQ 8'J oorlaDcc. AE. . . . Chlc.170 CI.'is ( UK MltRbiirt : ltd ( < d das , . 120 ! tilbnan Palaco. . . IRO C , C. C. ASt. L nil' ' Inailliif ; 14M ColtonOllCert HO ! Uclnnoiul Tor. . . . . ! 2i ! Del. A Hudson. . , . . 118 ! doprt'f'd.t IB Del Lack. tl Wost. 1411 RlotirAndo Wn. . . 1C D. All. Q. prufd. . . 28i do profit 03 Ills. A ; C. P. Co XV Hock Inland Ofi' $ EnstTcnn . * . St. 1'aiil UlU Erie Ill do prefd 112M do priif'd 1 ! " St. 1'aill .V Om.iha. . 07 Fort Wayne 114 do pruT'il. . . . . . . . . . IDC Great North'npfd 104 Soutliem IMcllio. . . " " "Vs C.AE. I. pM IUJ4 Sugar Hennery. . . . HIM Hocking Valley. . . ill Tumi. Coal A. Iron. IBM Illinois Central. . . . 88 Texas I'.icino 0)1 ) St. 1'uulA.Uultilh. . Ml ! Tol.ilO.C. lift ! . . . . 72 Kan. .t Tox. pfd. . . 17 | Union 1'acltlc 21U Lake Erie AW. . . . lfi ! U.S. KxproHS. . . . . . OH Lake Erlo A W.pfd l l ] W.S. L.A.P 7H LakuShora , . . . ! . . . . 118 doprofd ISM Lend Trust lH5j Wollfi Fawo Ux. . . 130 Louisville.t Nash. " " " Western Union. . . . 7l'S ' ' " \Vliwllnir.V L. i : . . . 1U con' . . . 120 do prefd 4'J Memphis * . CIl.lS. . 10 M.JLSt. I. t > * Mlclilein Central , IU U..VK. 0 8K MlBsotirl I'.icine. . . 2tl General Klootrlo. . . flO < Mobile A Ohio National Linseed. . VUK Nashville Cbatt. . . 70 Colo. F.Ac 1 22 National Conlase. . do prefd 00 do profit. . . . , II. .IT. C N.J. Central , T. , A. A.&N. M. . . . OU No.A \V. prefd. . . 1 ! ) T. St. L..tK. 0 2 North Amor. Co. . . . do prefd 10 Northern P.ictnc. . 113 : bid. tasked. The total sales of stocks tod.iy were 105,000 shares , Including : Atchlsoii , 0,000 ; llurllng- ton , 22,000 ; Chlcnw Oas. 10,000 ; Chesapcako & Ohio , a.lOO ; hackawannii , 2.700 ; Dis tilling , 0,100 ; Krlo. 3,700 ; Ucnoral Electric , 8,100 ; Loulsvlllo & Nashvlllo , 14,700 ; Mis souri Pueillc , 800 ; Now England , 01.000 ; Northwestern , 400 ; Itcudlng , 3,000 ; Hock Island , 5.100 ; St. Paul , 43,700 ; Sugar , 21- 400 ; Western Union , 10.200. XOVT York Monojr Mirkor. NEW Yonic , July 14. MONCV ON OAi.i Kasy at1IJ.O ] ) er com ; lust loan , 5 per cout ; closing olTorod at 5 per cont. " I'liiMi : .MKiinANTii.KPArnrt GfllO per cent. ExciiANdE Firmer , with actual business In bankers' bills at ? 4.8114.8'J for sixty duvs and $4. 83Ji © 1 , 84 for dotuund. Sii.vKit Firmer , with milus of cortltlcatos at 78 to 74c. und closing 73i745c. ! ! GOVERNMENT BONDS Steady. Stale bonds dull. dull.Tho The closing quotations on bonds : U. 8. 4a rcg . Ill Stt. AI.M.Gen.88. 70K U.S.4SCOUP . Ill St. L. A.S.F. cn.M. 101 O. S. 4h ref ( . 117 31 Paul Consols. . 120. , Pacific Us of ' 1)5. ) . . tSt.'P. . C. A P. IstB 113 LoulBlnimBt'o'dlB OU T. P. L. O. Tr. llcta 70W MlSHOurlUa . 1IH T. P. K. O. Tr. Hcta 10 Tenti. new BotllB. . . 100 Union Pacific luts 103 Tonn. new Bcttia. . . 115 West Shore V8H BCI.SB. . 07 R. O. W. Ista G8 Canada So. 2da . 1)9 ) AtchlHon 4a 70i CentralPac.lsts. . 103 Atcb. 2MB , olaea A. 80 D. &B. Q. lets . 114 O. H.iS. A.6a 00 D.4H. O.4s . 74 O. H. & 8. A. 2d 8s. 100 Erlo 2ds . 82 II. & T. C. BB 103 M.K. &T.GOH.OS. . 77 do con. OB ; . . 1U2 M. K & T. Gen. fis. . 37 N. Carolina Oa 122 Mutual Union Os. . . 100 N. Carolina 4a 100 N.J. C. Int. Cort. . . 107 3. C. Browns OS N. I'ac. IBIR . ll- ' Tenn.'old 6a till N. Pac. 2da . lee Va.Os BO N.V. . Consols . 131 ! Va. cons. , 2d Borlea 00 N. W. Uobcnt'rsOa. 103 Union Pacific 07 bid. t aslted. Novr > 'ark Mining Quotations. NEW YonK , July 14. The following are tbo mining quotations : Crown Point 30 Plymouth i0 ! Con. I Cal.audVa. . . . 10R Sierra Norada 40 Uoadwood , 100 Standard. . ? . 110 Gould A , Curry i ' 'S Union Con 40 } Inlo .V Norcrosb. . . . 10 Yellow Jacltot DO Ilomeotako 70 Iron Sliver IB Mexican 4. * > Quick Silver 200 Ontario 600 do lirufd 1600 Bt. r.oitU MlnliiGT ST. Louis , July 14. The following were the closing quotations : Adama. . . . $ .ill ) Ur.mlie. . 1.10 A. Nettle. . .30 ffi .30 tLco .UU Montroso. .03 t asktd. bid. Financial Notns , KANSAS CITV , July 14. Clearings , 81,247- CBO. CBO.HAVANA HAVANA , July 14. Sugar quiet. Exchange quiet. I'AIUS , July 14. Three ner cent rentes , 07f 7t > c for the account. HAI.TIMOIIE , July 14. Clearings , 72,186,670 ; balances , f 338,120. Money , C per cont. PHILADELPHIA , July 14 , Clearings , f 10,321- 140 ; balances , $1,020,584 , Money , G per cont. NcwOitl/UANS , July 14. Clearings , $084,184. New York exchange , 75c per $1,000premium ; bank , (1.60 piemlum. CINCINNATI , July 14. Money , G8 per cent. New Vork exchange , par to 75c discount. Clearings , fl.685,000. ST. Louis , July 14. Clearings , $3,414,225 ; balances , 8435,1100. Kxchango on Now Vork , $1 discount. Money quiet , OiiS pur cent. ' HOSTOX , July 14. Clearings , $13,608,420 ; balances , $ l,27o,044. Money , 7 3.10 per cent. Exchange on New York , 30 to 60c discount. CHICAGO , July 14. Clearings , tl3G08,638. Now York exchange , $1.60 discount. Sterling exchange , dull ; J4.81,4i.83'j. ! . .Money , steady at 7 per cent. NKW YOIIK. July 14. [ Special Telegram to Tun HUE. ] Uxchango wax quoted as follows today : Chicago , Jl.2141'.00 ! discount ; Denton - ton , 30 350 discount ; Bt. Louis , Jl discount. OMAHA LIVi : MTUCK JMAUUICTS. Cuttlo Trade Completely Doinornltzed IIocs Slump 10 to 1C Cents , PlHDAY , July 14. There were moro cattle and sheep and fewer hogs on sale than were here u week ago. Bo fur1 this week compared with lust the Increase amounts to nearly 4,000 cattle , 13,600 bogs und 3,200 sheep. The cattlu market today was by long odds the worst of tliu KOiison , Kucolpts were rather liberal , eastern markets lu bad hhnpe , the de mand IndllTerent and prices anywhere from lOo lower on choice dry lot cattle to fully 25c loner on half fat and grassy stock , Of the I Ib curs lecelvod fully tuo-thlrdH never haw com and woio III tlo butter than foedoix. The extremely hut weather reduces thu demand for beef to thu minimum , and makes It risky buhliittss to bhlp cattlu on the hoof , fncunbo- quenco sellers had it "haul row to hoe. " Dieted bout mi'ii had things prottyv much their own way , as neither Milppurs nor feeder buyersolfuied them any notions opposition. 1'oor natlvo grass stock sold downtof0 : ) unit thu 1,410-11) . Leuves that brought * 4.76 \MIIO strictly cholco. Kuir to goml 1,000 to 1,300-lb. bteors kohl ut fiom $4 to $4.60. The range cattlu mostly void at very uiikutlsfuc- lory feeder prices , lly noon pu&stbly half the otforlngshud guuoo > ur the scales , hut ut S o'clock theio were enough cattle still lu llrst baiidii to inuku u respectable supply for Satur day's market. - The cow market was "too dead to skin , " There were plenty on sale , such us they were , but buyers were out after clump stock , und they got It , too. Less than u do/un head of good dry lot cows bold ut $2.76 to $3 , the big bulk of thu grass stock selling ut under $2 , IBc fully a quarter lower than Thursday und 40c ) to tJOo lower than u week ago. 1'ufr to good cons changed hands largely ut from $1.80 tent $2.36. Tha few culyes olfenul sold at ubout tteady prices on the basis of from $2.60 to $5.50 for common und prime veals. Hulls and oxen ut from $1,75 to $ U.0 uuro liurdly quot- ubly lower than Thursday , but rough stock itlS not In much demand. Knough fresh feeder * were received to last to vo nil days , Tlio yards were full of them and u demoralized trade resulted , I'rtces ruled ubout 2&c luwer on all grades and It took I choice , well Jbreu , smooth stock to bring (3.25 ! , whllo the tile bulk of the business was done at $3 nnd under , Hood to rholco feedorj nro ( liiotablo at M.2& trtfa.50 , fair to good at $2.60 to $3 nnd common * lnit nt $2 to $ i.60. ! llcpro- jontnllvo tnlCJI 7TT ntcr. No. Ar. No. Ar. Pr. 1060 07 1187 4 26 . P78 < 0 1004 4 25 17. . . 1072 55 . . . . .1147 4 80 1..1030 61 1203 440 20 . 1002 025 4 GO 10 . 1030 1 1410 4 60 20 . 1112 85 ] 32g 4 65 30. 1331 21..1206 4 GO 21 .1105 20 1370 4 70 40. 1328 21 1410 4 76 Slttl'MMO AHD XXPOIIT. 08 1100 0 tW- ' ° ( MIXED. 0. , , . . . 683 Q. . . . .1030 S3. . . . . . 8G2 1 00 n. . . , . 733 2 > . . . . 805- 2 00 4. . . . . 842 60 - " . . . . 780 200 1. . . . . 7CO 10" . . . . 005 2 05 0. . . , .1023 13 , . . . . .1000 2 10 ' ' . . 040 0. . , . . .1170 2 10 o.'r , . 860 17. . , . . . . 007 2 10 i. . . . . BIO 13 . , . . . Oil a 20 , .1060 01. . . . . . 022 2 30 . . 036 21. . . . . .1020 2 85 , .1086 B , , , . . .1007 Q 35 , . 841 0. . , , . . . 077 2 40 51. . . . 008 n. . 000 2 40 29. . . 870 2. . 2 75 . .1220 2. . 855 2 75 20. 045 1. . . , . . .1310 8 00 1 1030 00 nntrcns. 1C 680 85 1. . , 030 200 12 710 00 G. . , 002 2 70 1 G10 DO DOCALVES. CALVES. 3 . 200 4 26 C. . 214 0 00 3 .1200 1 76 1 1050 2 85 1 .1230 225 1 1430 236 .1400 2 25 1 1130 260 OXHK. 2 .2000 3 CO 2t STOCKEI13 AND t 700 2 40 .1000 8 00 1. . . . 800 2 50 . 7GO 8 00 8. . . . 40G 2 60 .1010 B 05 " 880 2 85 . 820 8 05 10 ! ! . 009 2 85 0. . . . . 852 8 10 ' ' ' ' . 062 2 85 B. . . . .1053 8 25 40' . . . . .1007 3 00 WESTERN CATTLE , IDAHO. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 21 fccdors.1400 $2 50 04steers..1211 J2 GOJ SOUTH DAKOTA. 4 feeders , 027 2 85 82 feeders. 070 2 85 88 fcedors. 050 2 70 MCI1HASKA , Scows. . . . 023 2JO 11 cows. . . . 000 210 7 COWS. . . . 023 210 Ifoodor.iBSO 2 82W 2lfoodors. 857 2 82J ! 22feodors.lll6 ' 8 00 51 cows. . . . 870 1 80 AVYOMINO. 14 COWS. . . 834 100 42stcors..ll03 850 41 cows. . . OG2 100 l&COWS. . . 029 200 17 feeders. 807 285 lfocdor.1130 300 18feedors.ll65 300 1COW..1050 236 0 COWS. . . 053 2 85 1COW. . . 050 2 35 Brows. . . OG5 235 10 feeders 024 270 1 feeder..1040 270 16 fcedor.sll58 800 7 focdors.1137 800 16 cows. . . 848 100 4 COWS. . . B.05 235 7 COWS. . . 032 235 11 COWS. . . 008 235 8COWS. . . 012 1 GO Scows. . . 043 1 GO 6COWS. . . 802 105 4 COWS. . . 007 106 86 COWS. . . 878 105 8 feeders.1030 2 85 80 feeders 008 2 85 1 fouler..1240 2 85 3 fccdorsl24G 2 85 1 steer..1350 285 0 steers..12-18 285 1 calf. . . . 270 6 00 HOGS Under ordinary circumstances the run of hogs today , 7,200 head , would not bo considered heavy , but with lower eastern markets and no support from shippers and speculatois. there appcurcd to bo about 3,000 moro hogs than \ > cro needed ? as fully that many wvro loft unsold In the ponsat tliu close. Opcnlnc bids and sales wcro iibout lOc lower than Thursday ut S5.76 to J5.8G for fulr to choice hogs of all weights. Buyers found I hey could got nil they \\anlod nt these prices and soon began bidding { 5. 0 for about everything or lOc to l&u lower , As soon us sellers madu up tholr minds to. take $5.70 Iho bids wcro lowered to JO.GO and J5.G5 , or lOc to 20o lower than Thursday. There was BOMIO llttlo trad ing at $5.05 , but not nftfch , and ut noon about fifty loads wcro still In first hands. After din ner buyers aiinouitced'their willingness to buy up some of llio hogji at 95.00 , but most sellers fulled lo heo tlio T'pmt ) , and fully 2,000 hogs woio carried over IiHIl-31 hands. As fir unsold No. Av. Sh. 1'r. . No. Av. fell. Pr. C8. , .254 120 $5 G5 ' 47. . .249 100 J5 75 05. . .231 240 6 65' ' 1 62. . .234 200 G 75 Gil. " . .207 80 0 66' -.73. . 265 160 G 76 < G5. , . .250 600 5 G5 - 50. . 265 40 5 75 61. . . .230 40 5 C5 ,10. . 247 40 6 76 66 . .251 1GO 5 65 1 : B. . 182 G 75 67 . 277 120 D 05' 64. ; 294 40 6 75 63 . .244 80 6 66- 63 ; . 274 120 6 75 07 . .263 280 ,70 , , 40. . 343 60 G 75 68 . r.248 120 5 ' 88. . 288 G 75 63..234 120 0 " 68. . 254 -120 G 77W 66. . . .230 201) ) 6 70 77. . 212 160 G 80 70..208 240 B 70 04. . 246 320 G 80 74..254 120 6.70 70. . 267 SGO 6 80 2..250 6 70 70. . 246 120 G 80 01..230 40 6 70 04. . 283 60 G 80 63..244 B20 5 70 66. . 233 240 G 80 78. 258 280 5 70 GO. . 240 G 80 67. 246 200 5 70 02. . 213 120 G 80 60..2GO 200 5 70 65. . ,268 , 120 5 80 06..255 400 6 70 64. 241 1GO 6 80 62..243 200 5 70 72..230 120 5 80 6..221 80 5 70 78..7.231 320 G 80 2. 245 5 70 9..223 40 G 80 D6. . 252 100 5 70 68. .247 80 G 80 " SOU 5 70 81. .223 200 G 80' 4" 262 5 70 72. .231 G 80 58. . 284 40 5 70 108. .236 240 G 80 67. . 254 200 5 70 75. .230 120 G 80 0. . 280 80 D 70 58. 295 80 G 80 60. . 233 80 0 70 76. ,232 200 G 80 52. . ,318 , 120 G 70 67. .100 120 6 80 58. . ,205 120 5 70 67. .219 120 G 80 57. . 273 200 B 70 70. .207 160 G 80 01. . ,27H , 200 0 70 80. .237 G 80 70. . 270 280 5 70 70. .232 820 G 821' 08. . .227 ICO 5 70 62. .241 ICO G 82tf 142..278 800 0 70 67. .229 80 G 85 413..241 880 5 70 63. .201 G 85 23..238 ICO 5 75 60. .200 1GO 6 85 03..259 300 B 75 70..109 40 5-85 27..292 BO 5 75 30..1GO 6 85 SIIKKP lliit ono double deck was received. Tlio market tt us very dull and wouk. Advices from Chicago reported the trade there tha worst of the seiisoi : . Fulr to good iiittlvcs , J3.50 © 4.Ml ; ( air to KOOI ! westerns , { 3.00 ( 4.50 ; common und stockEhcnp , S2.00fJ3.60j ( good to cholco 40 to 100-lb. lambs , $4.00 ( 5.75. Jtocelptfl und DUpuiltlou of Stouk. OfUctnl rocolpts and dlapniltlon of stock as shown by the books of , the Union Stock Vardu company for the twenty-four houH ending at 6 o'clock p. m. July 14 , 189J : UECEIC'TS. DISPOSITION. UUYEIIS. Omnha Packing Co The O. II. Hammond Co. . U27 HH1 Swift A Co till ) Hid The Cudahy Packing' Co. . . B27 2,1'-7 I .nylon Hammond A S A. Haas 181 | Demon A W Shippers and feeders. , : , . . 43U Total. . ' ,077 6,188 223 Clilcaifii I.lvo .Stock Mnrltot. CIIICAOO , July 14. [ Special Telegram to THE IlEE.l The market for native cattlu was not a whit better than on tlio day befoio. Kquulpts 'wero much higher , but everybody was tilled up and did not care to inakp additional ' piuchascH , oven at tlio ahouklngly low prices pf the day before , The day's bublnebs was done at the lowest prices of the wcnk and of the year. Cowu and bulls hold largely at prices below * 2.75 and from * 3.70 to (4.75 bought fair to choice t > tcorg. There was a somewhat lliiuur tone to theToxns branch of the mar ket , duo to the llinif receipts , only about 2noO head arrlvlnif.1' ' There was llttlu atinnno today In hog values. Trade watt ciiiUaiultinlat todlillncHs and the fueling was weulc , b4UtUio range of urlcos was about as at yuxtordiiy elose. reculnts were csllmalud ut 1 ! | , OlK ) huad , making 139,01)0 ) for the week so far.'tin ntiiliist OdS2i : for the Hamo time last wot'WJM'i'lcos bolnj ; from JO to to.10. ' Sttl The situation In shfUll was as bad as before. The fact that today * receipts were temperate did ; iut have nine/ ) , weight because the puns weie juiiinied fullori > tiiju stock. Not ( inu-lailf of tliu supply coulfl uir placed , though thure weie plenty of aAxlous sellers at utmost liny price biiyersi'iiwore ' generous enough to offer. The Jccjlno for the week amounts to from Wo.lo ; OOc , closing ( iiiiitu- tloiib being from JCM.ty (3.0 for Inferior to fair grades , niid fi < iLV376 | ! to W.7 6 for good to choice. The dec-lilt1' In lambs U eijually bovoru. They huvelritllun to from 13.00 to to. Itirelptx : L'attlo.riT.UUOj calves , 1,000 ; ho s 10,0(10 ( : hheep , O.OOHo i < The Kvenlng Jour Ml rouort-s : OATTI.S Hecelpts , PI60U lioud ; shipments , 8'JOO heudr iitttlveauiill , 40c lower thuu last wt'V'U-j cows und Tuxnns steady , lBii-5o lower ; prime heavy. M.7&a&.10 ; good , 4.4oa4.COj medium , J3.BOHM.3& ; Krusicrt , , S3.26ii3.76 ; stoukers , U.7&U7.0U ; Toxuna , 11.10 ; cows , . . . iloos Kucclpts , 10,000 head ; shipments , 7,600 head ; market steady , closing easy ; mixed and packing. 5.7&at3.1O ; prime heavy und butcherii' , u10it0.aO ! ! light. tti.loao.3O. biiKUi1 Hecelpts. b.Oou hoau ; shipments , 1,100 heuU ; market overbtoskod ; prlco 70caH.i5 ! lower than last week : natives , 4.76 Q&.OO : westems , t3.G034.00 ; Texuns , * J.35it a.BO ; lambs , t3.00as.40. Knnim City 1-1 v Stuck Murkot. KANSAS OITV. July 14. OATI-I.E Hocolpts , 1,700 head ; shlpweutt , 1,700 huatl ; market for best grades was steady , slightly lower for othurs ; Texut tucrtf,02.4Ua4 , 0 ; Tuxus cows ' , tl.7Hi2.7fii Milpplng t ' ri , M.5oa&.aai na- tlvp cow . 1 SAtM.UUt biltrhcr tock , JJ.604J 4.40 ; sttx-kcrs nnd feodoM , M.0oa4.70. „ IIJHifl-Hecclpts , 8,600 head ) Milptnents. 2,800 head ; market MllOc lowcri tmik ol dules , li.70JlG.85 : lioitvlod , fft.f.iaS.SS ; packers , * S.7oa586 ! mlicd , is.05ttA.OO | [ .5CXii L' ' t * 3'5-00' ' Vorkcra , fOWt0.05 ; pigs , , 1,200 headj slilpmenl , heads market slow nnd weak ! mutton * , 13,1034,20 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St , l.ouls I.tvo Stock Jtnrkct. BT. IXtisJuly ! 14. OATTi.R-llecelnts , 2.000 head ; shlpmcntJt , 1,000 head : market strong on natives , 100 higher on Texans ! best prices for ordinary grass Texas steers , 13.35. llnui llecolpts , O.GOO head ; shipments , 1,800 headj market opened steady , closed &tt lOc lower ) top prices , ffl.lG : bulk of sales , J6.OOiJO.10. SHEEP Kccolpts , COO head ; shipments , 3,300 head ; market firm , unchanged , BIBKHAUBEB'S IDEA. Plceon-llolo 1'rnclicn of the Major' * Shat tered Itcglmc. Another cnso of the "plgcon-holo" practice that existed in the ofllco of the Do.trti of Public Works during Major nirkhnuscr's time , was brousfi t to light yesterday morning. It was the sanio old donga of burying some thing from the other members ot the board and preventing thorn seeing that Instruc tions of the council nro carried out. . _ The particular case that came under the ofllclal eye of Chairman Vv'inspear yesterday morning was a resolution adopledby thoclty council Juno U" , nuthorlring the boanl to instruct the Barber Asphalt com pany to rcswrfnco Capitol avenue , from Ninth to Sixteenth streets , instead of patching the same. Mayor Dcmts ap proved the resolution and July 1 it reached the ofllco of the bonra nnd wns unheard of nnd unseen until yesterday morning , Uvo weeks nf terlts receipt. Chairman Wlnspenr hastily called the other members of the board in ami they went out on a tour of In- vostlgatlon. They found tlmt the Barber company hail readily graspeil the situation nnd by uld of the delay in bringing the resolution elution to the attention of the bo\rd : , had succeeded in repairing nnd patching the pavement until now It loons like a well de veloped case of the nmallpox. Capitol avenue comes under the Barber repair contract , and If the resolution had not been so conveniently overlooked or lost in the shtifllo , or mislaid or something else , the members sny the city would have been enabled to force the company to resurface the avenue , and not permitted u lot of cnu.y- qullt patching that will not prove servicea ble nnd require another going over next year. When the present members of the board ascertained that the ctunpany had patched the pavement and that the pigeonholing " holing of tho" resolution had enabled such to be done , they freely expressed themselves as to the motives nnd causes. Major Fura.v , who is Immensely pleased at being rid of Major Birkhausor , freely gave vent to his feelings in the matter , and' they were not in the least complimentary to the ox-chairman. "That Is Birkhauscr , .over nnd over , " said the major , "and is only moro evidence of the burying process ho was so fond of. In just the same manner he suc ceeded In getting Major Balcombc nnd my self into contempt of court by proceeding without Informing us. It is simply an out rage , nnd the pigeon-holing of that resolu tion gave the Barber company sufficient time in which to repair the pavement. Wo can hardly compel them to resurface the same now that they have repaired it. " A few words passed between Major Fur ; _ and Major Birkhauser in the rooms of the board at th i tlmo. The ox-chairman at tempted to Justify himself by sayinsr that ho did not consider it would have douo nny peed to bring the resolution before the board. The board concluded after discussing the matter to have the Twelfth street intersec tion resurfaced , no repairs having been made thero. Chairman Winspcar immedi ately issued an order to that effect to the Barber company. Piles of people have piles , but Dowitt's Witch Hiuel Salvo will euro them. Balloon tonight and tomorrow night * Aiming Military Man. Lieutenant G. O. Cress of Fort Walla Walla called at army headquarters yester day. Ho is on his way homo after a leave of several weeks absence. R H. Humphrey , a son of Major Humph rey , the Omaha storehouse commissary , has been appointed one of the cadets to West Point. Colonel M. V. Sheridan , adjutant general of the Department of the Platte. will depart today for the east on a leave of absence. Ho will join Mrs. Sheridan at Buzzard's bay , and from thence they will go to Capo Ann /or several weeks of rest nnd recreation. During the absence of Colonel Sheridan Lieutenant Quay will have charge of Uio ad jutant general's ofllco. The Bellevue range is being put in good cor.dilion for the annual competitions of the infantry and cavalry , which take place there in August. Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's Witch Ha el Salvo will cure them. Balloon tonight anil tomorrow night. llo.ird of Public Work * . The Board of Public Works held its second meeting since its reorganization yesterday afternoon nnd received the following bids for the grading of Tenth street , from Ban croft to Frederick streets : Henry Hill , 12 % cents per cubic yard ; Samuel Katz , 12 % cents per cubic yard ; Al fred Bralnard , 13 4-10 cents per cublo yard ; John Condon , 13 cents per cubic yard ; C. A. Jensen , 11 4-10 cents per cubic yard. The contract was awarded to C. A. Jen sen. sen.Somo minor sewer repairs were ordered and several estimates and reserves allowed. .Mnjor llalcoinbu's Asslxtnnt. The report lias Rene abroad that Major Balcombo Intended employing on assistant to look after the street work , which ho lias charge of. This caused 009 men , the major says , to wait on him and illo their claims for tlio job. For twenty-four hours ho lias had oppor tunity to do little but dodge place hunters. IIo bns never considered any such , n proposi tion , and has no idea of employing an as sistant street commissioner , as ho has great confidence In his own abllty to look after the duties that devolve upon htm. Balloon tonight and tomorrow night , I'lenlo ut Cotirilniiil lloucli. The Presbyterian and the Baptist Sunday school picnics hold nt Courthtnd beach Thursday afternoon were both well attended and drew fully 2,000 , youngsters , who put In the day worrying the bear and .riding the carousal nnd the gravity railroad , Even with all of tha children , there was neb an acci dent , nnd all , both old nnd youngnro loud in the paisoof the entertainment furnished by Manager Gritilths and the other ofllccrs ot the association. Piles of people have pnos , nut Do Witt's Witch Uuzcl Salvo will euro them. The Touchers' Institute. County Superintendent Hill of the public schools of the county , returned from thocoun- try yesterday mornlni-vvhoro he had been , in connection with mutters pertaining to the institute which will soon bo held in this city. IIo says the teachers are iminlfestltiif a great deal of interest in the coining gath ering , and the indications uro that it will the largest and most important meeting of teachers ever hold lu Omaha , Every Month | m ny women suffer from Excessive or 8cnt Menstruation ; they don't know ' who to confide In to get proper advice. Doa'l confide In anybody but try Bradfleld's Fama.o Regulator a Speclflo ( or PAINFUL , PROFUSE , SCANTY. SUPPRESSED and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. Book to WOMAN" mailed free. DRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. , AllinU , Ok. Halt bn w < VoULDLIKE TO LI VEIN THE cem make your house if you scrub it with SOLD BYALL GROCERS. MADE ONLY BY a CoCHICAGO. . OMAHA U Directory AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omaba Tent-Awning Wolf Bros & Co. , COMPANY. Mftnnfnctnrcrs of Tents , HOUSE COVKRB. AnninKi , pto , 703 ud HIS Furnaiu Stroot. 058. K.tli htrcot. BAQ3 * TWINES I BOOTS AND SHOES. Morsc-Coc Shoa Company. B.lo-room * * . lioKnrd We are the os'i.V M niifnturori of Moon OurnoHfaotorjr KirKendall , Jones & Amcr , Hand-Sewed COMPANY. Wholesale mfrs , aRonts Uoston SHOK CO. . boots , nhoof HubborSuoo Co. 1IIK- and rulilicr irood * . I.WJ- 110t-llOfl Ilnrnej titreot. UI'J ' llirnoy Ulroit. COAL. COKE. | CORNICE. Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works Mfrs ( jalrnnlie. ! Iron cor LIMB CO. , bard and soft nice , wltiduw cnp ! , mo- eon ) , S. K. cor. 101U nnd tulle ( krlllJtit" , utc-.UJd Douglas Mrcot. rmrt H1U Daaxa Mreot. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smitli&Co. Kilpatrick-KocliDry GOODS CO. Dry Roods , notions , fur- Notions , Rents' furnish rl hlnn Koodi , corner ing itood * . cor. 1HU aud lltu and Howard MB. liarnor Strusls. FURNITURE. OmahaUpholstering BeDee & Ranyan COMfANV. Upholstered furniture , rUUNITUUU COMTANY 11U2-110I Ntoholus nt. _ Whol saio oalj. and Uth Ptroa Whether quaffed from a vessel of tin , glass or gold ; There's thiugso no t good for the younger or the old as A delicious , health- giving , thirst-satis fying beverage. A temperance drink for temperance people. A 350. package males 5 gallons. Sold and Enjoyed Everywhere , ww-y. : - Jilo Dislodg , Stir up the Liverv Cure Sick-Headache , Female Ailments , Eempve Disease and Promote G-ood Health , Oovered with a Tasteless & EolnWo Coating. Famous the world over. Ask for Ilcccliara'f and take no otlirrs. Of all dfUL'Klrts. 1'rico 2R cents a BOX. Bearings. No lathe or locomotive will run on nickel bear ings. How much less v/ill a watch , with its delicate mechanism , Yet the only nickel RUBY JEWELED watches jeweled in the ADJUSTED center are mr.dc nt The WATCHES Dueber Watch Works. Ko other factory makes them. If your denier does not keep our wntclicn , mull UHour tutdrfc uiul no wllUeml you llio nanio ot u dealer \\liu ilota. Tuts IIUKUKU WATCII Wows , Cautoii.O , "nT IATI7 VC Catarrh Cure euros catarrh. JjllVPl 111 1 O All drut-fe-Utu. OU ccntu. WHY SHOULD YOU PAY 25o As you have heretofore done , for a , LIGHT WEIGHT , BOLL COLLAR , We are Don making one , nltli Deep Folotl , equal to any In the market , FOR 20C. A8K ONLY FOR THE ALDMERE. Said \ > i nil the Ltadlng Men' * Furnliberi. The Monaicli It the belt warm weather Shirt. Solid comfort and complete tatiiuc- tioa guaranteed. CLUETT.COON cV CO. HARBWARE. Rector & Wllhclmy Lobccli & Linn , COMPANY. Dcnlornln hnrilnnri ) an ! Corner lOthand Jnckion mechanic" ' tnoli Btrcotn. liui i > ouil.ii stroot. HATS , EXO. | IRON WORKS. W. A. L. Gibbon & Co Omaha Safe and Iron \Vholosnlo \VOItK * . ulruw . MtuUn , Jnll woo Kloovos , mlllonv Ktb Iron hlir.tlort und Uro u nnd liarnor StioeU. pipes , ( in * Andrccii , Hi LUMBER. John A. WaKcileld , ImportedAr "rlcan fort- land coinont. .MlluiiU- IUD ceiiu'iH und ( julncr whlto lluu. LIQUORS. Friclt & Herbert , Wholesale liquor dealers 1001 I'nrnam St. PAPER. I OILS. Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Co. Cnrry n full mock uf prlntlnxl w rapping iiiul Itellnol und wrlllnt , ' iiipera , curd papers , inc. oils , nilnroai ( , etc. PRODUCE COMMISSION. Omaha Slove Repair i M. A. Disbrow & Co V OItKS. Steve repairs I Jlnniifaclurora e ( ensb. and waterattaohmcnu I doors , blinds no * for aaf kind of store I nlouWlDgi. Ilranoh at * made. iaj7 Uougim st. J tlco 12tb and liar * . OJ\/ Union Stock Yards Company , South Ornariai HCBtCnttlo Uo nintSlieM iuir(3tl3 ! fi3 waii. HOi ) J ; II Yfood Brothers. Ivo ! Stock CornmUiInn Morcliunti ? OTtli Omrvlia Tolcphono 1I3T. JOHN I ) . DAOmiAV , I WAI/fKU i : . WOO , ) , Mnrkot reports by mall \Uioubccifiill ] furnished upon application. New York Hospital .TREATMENT. For all , Private a Special Dis3a333. T MEN AND WOMEN ftrietitro and all other troubles treiteil at reasonable charges. KHER Gallon or DOUGLAS BLOOK , - OMAHA , NEB Opposite tluydon IIr. ) R. S SPECIALIST t of HEW , ( Cinmnltiitluii Kio . ) li iinniirjinssoit III llio truutiuont of ull Uuroulo , Prlvnto nil I norv'iis lliiioasos. Wrlto ( u ur C'jinuU uurnuimll/ ' ' . . 'ltKAniKNl' IIV A1AII. . Addron with tnmii for pur- . tluulum. wlilch will Im eiit In l , O , lluxMI. Olllco , lit ) b. 15th treot , Omaha , \\'o T/lll > nd you the mtrieloui Kruicli I'rtr r Uon CALTIIO3 rm. * ml K Irani nuiruuur lli l CAI/I'IIUS will JU ( or Tiiur 3l nltli , hlriUBth nud Tlguis the Hand fay i/iatiiJteJ- Address VON MOHL CO. . i.U tBirii tBiriiETAL ETAL Furnishes Iht ) Best end Cheapest Method ol FIRE.PROGFING HOUSES. Write for catalogue ot I-utUInif 8tui > lo FUturen , cte. N. W. KXI'ANOKIl METAI. CO. , . No. 403Ttfonty EUtU B % J