TITE OMATIA DAILY BEiS FRIDAY , JULY 14. 1803. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Speculative Market Left Off Tim Though Final Prices Were Lower. WHEAT STARTED JUST A SHADE BETTER Dry AVcntlier BInp nnd l > r of Drouth In ( lie Went Acted nn n Strengthening I'nctor niul Helped HuntiUu 1'rlcci Clpncritlly. CniCAGO , July 13. Today's clcwlnn KU\OIIOWBO ( an advnnco In prlco at 1'arU nnil licrlln. Tlio speculntht market loft ofTIlrm , though flnnl prices ncro from 4o to Kc lower than yesterday. It was bolnp pointed out tliat crop prospects are th smallest with ono oxroplIon since 1877. Wheat started u tlindo wetter on the itronficr Liverpool cahli-B nnd n ccnonil hull fcclliiB RrowliiR out of tlio crop damage rumor * . The dctnnml was soon MitWIed. OfforlnKS were RcnorniM , trndo slow , ami when Iho cool weather wan reported In Iho northwest , ( inlet- Ins to a conslderahlo cxtint Iho apprehensions of hot weallior In that region , the market 1)0- catno decidedly weaker and the prices went off. off.Tho The I'rlco Current's prop Biimmaiy was far from favorahlo concornlnc wheat , but thli fern n tlmu did not appear to 1mvo nny Influence. Cudithy nnd Itamicy Chandler were the prin cipal hellers. The mail < et opened from He to Me up , declined He , Imprmcd slightly , hold steady untl Iho rln'-liiK wns from Jfe to Kc loner than yrt-tuiday for Soutctnlier and ! e loner for lleccmbcr. 1'list trndiH In rot n wcto at a trine niUnnco , nelllnc tin ft nut 'SC lo HI'NOOII afterwaid. Tlio dry v.entlier map and ftar that If rain does not c'omo MIOII there will liodamaitu by ilroolli nnd hot wlndH In pnrts of Kansas nnd Nc- liraxkn , acted us a ( .troiiKthonliiK . factor and helped sustain the price. At the upturn the olTcrlniM bicntnc healer , the rerelpts coming In liuirer nnd wheat tumliiL- down , the market told nir f torn ! < c lo ic. ntlpd .stronger and ut the closu was from ! < c to " < c lilchor. Oats was weaker , especially July , which wnshold freely by parties who ha\o boon tlio loading buyers of late , and there bolnir Ices than llio muni support , jirloes receded Ic from tliu openliiK niul closed ut a not loss of ? ic , The new crop futuies declined Jic for Septem Cash ( imitations ucio us follows : Fl.ouu V.iisy , at recent quotations. \YlirAT No. i ! hpiliiK , ODKJlOO c ; No. 3 iprlnp , f. o. b. , 5Cc ; No. ' 2 led , 05 } < 54G6 c. CoitN No. ' . ' , 40cj ! } No. 8yi'lloHcloslni40c. OATS-NO. U. SHWJOc : No. U whilef.o. . b. , ISwas&'JC ! No.3 whlto , f.o. b. , 0'JJS33c. UlK No. 2. DOc. liAitr.GY No. 'J , nominal ; No. 8 , no sales ; No. I , no sales. 1'i.Ax SEKD No. 1. J1.08JS. TiMoriivSECD I'rlmc , 84.10. roitK-Mefcs , per hbl. , * 18.05(3il8.07i ( { ; lard , ncr 100 Ibs. . Jtl.7a',5 ' 0.7uj short I Ihs. sides loose ) , J8.l)7 ) > j0.00j dry Baited shoulders iboxen ) , J8.26iib.fJO ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , I9,7.T810.00. WHISKY Distillers' flnl&hcd seeds , per gal. , SDOAHS Unchanged ; cut loaf , Cjfc ; granu lated , 5.7C ; standard "A , " 5.04. The following were the receipts und ship ments for today : A1UICI.ES. BHU'MENTS. Flour , bills irt.ftll lVlic.it , bu 4lllfil ( Corn , bu CflL-.d-j t . 108.MHI } e. bu , . 1.M30 arlev. bn H.KS.t On the Produce oxcharige todnv the huttor market wns dull ; creamery , 1 OilHe ) ; dairy , l&aiBC. nggs , steadystrictly ; frebb , 14iJ@16c. New Vork M.irltots. Nnw YOIIK , July 13. ri.ouu liocolpts , 22- 000 pkgB. : expoits , 0,600 bbls. , 7COO Racks ; mien , -18.000 pugs : inurkot dull and weak. COHN MBAk Dull , steady ; yellow western , 12.70. IlYE Dull , steady ; wcstorn , B7GC2C. WHEAT Kocolpu. 128,000 bn. ; exports , 230,000 bu. ; salen , CJ10.000 bu. fill tiles , 62- DOO bu. t-pot. Hpot mnrkot ti-iy dull ; No , 2 red , In store anil oloviitor , 725i72Uc ; allont. 73 { .73 ! c ; f. o. b. , 717aT474 ( ( ' ; uimraili'd led. 09 B74c ; No. 2 northorii. 72mj72 ic ; Xo. 2.Mil waukee , 70 > ( ® 70jc. ! OptlunH opened llrm at He ndviinco on llruior cablohiind a bulll h report from the west , but declined 'no on the weakness In Wall slioet , rallied ! (4i3e'c and closed steady at JSc ; No. 2 reil , August , 72Wc ; Bontunihnr , 72 ic. OOIIN Hecolpti , 17.000 bu. ; exports , 82- 000 bu. : sales , 180,00(1 ( bu. fnlmcs , 30,000 bu. ipot. Bpots null , Him ; No. 2 , 4tytc In Bloviitor-r.ljfo ; ntlont. Options were \ory dull Mid closed unchanged ; August , 481ife40c ; September , 4 ! ) l-10Tt4UMc ( , closing at 40J5c. OATH-Kecelpts. 70,000 bu. ; oxporti , 21,000 bu. ; Bales , 300,000 bu. future * . 01,000 bu. ipot. Huots weak , moderate dcinnnd. Options fairly ncthe , opening weak , closing easier ; Auguil , 33iRnjSc : ( , closing ut 32 > gc ; Hop- lombor , 31 n-lOc ; closing at 31 We : No. 2 whlto. 4Uc ; No. 2 Chicago , 4BUc ; No. U whlto1 B0iti42c. IlAY-Stcaily. lloi-s Dull , steady ; state , common to Choice. 10Q22c ; 1'aclllc coast , 10Q.21HC. _ riipvisiON8 Cut moutx , qulot , unsettled. J < urd , iiitlot , llrmer ; Milen , none ; optlcmu , hales none ; July closed nt 110 ; September , closed at 110.30. lrork , dull , steuay ; now met.fi , $18.60 wlO.OO. ' HuiTfli-Qulet ; choice , 20 < < i22c. KtKis I'alr demand : receipts , 0,000 pkirs. ; western , fresh , TAWw-bonrcu. { Ornij city (12 ( per pkg. ) , 4 Ho bid , &c nsKed. Co no HKEI ) Uu/ -Quiet ; 80@37o ; yellow , I'ETitoi.EUH Dull , linn ; I'ennoylvanla oil , not hales , none. August options Bales , none , Cliu hid. Mma oil , snleu , none ; 3Su bill ; total tales , none. KnsiN Dull , weak ; strained , common to good , * l,05 $ l,12i ! , Tuiti'KNiLMK Acthc , lower at 27lJ < 228c. ItiCK Hteiuly , fair demand. MoLASMbS-Now Orleans , oj > on kettle , good to cholco , htcady , 1 blilMll Hnw , ijulot , htenily ; sales , 0,800hags centrifugals , 00 tcs.t , 4 ° oc. 1. f. ; refined , qulot ' .ml llrm. Pin IIION Steady , dull ; American , I12.76O I6.t)0. Coi'l'Kll Weak ; HO.Q5. LEAII Steady ! domestic. ta.G2l { . TiN-Closed htrong ; Straits , IO.B5 uskcd ; platen , ( inlet , Kteiulv , Hi'Ei.TEit-l hit ; domosllc , t4.12jj. Oiuiilui Proitiiro Alurkrt. IlUTTEit The mnrltut U firm and the buyers of packing stoi'k mo bidding as high us 14i-In Bomo can's , which N ! ic moro than was paid uurllor In thu week. Tim market on other Brinies U about Meiuly. Kuncy creamery , print. 21c ; fnney i-ri'mncrlcs , mllil packed , lOc ; fair to good rmutmrlrs , solid iiucked , 10 OIBci pholc'u to fancy cuuntry , 16&10c ; fair ' K < xd country , 16c ; pictlng ktock , frenh , is'tai-ic. Kni8 The general tnnrUot remains about tenily and Is without fcaturo. The fooling Is 5'.0Vury.Mro"gn1 | the local demand ratlior IlKht , The bulk of the calcs uru btlll inado ut 11 He. I.ivi : roui.THY-Tho supply continues light and the mnrki't U steady t prt'\ Ions quo tations. Turkeys and ducks nro out of M'USOII anil are cry slow bulo , Hprlng chickens , per dot. . 11.7603.60 ; bcit lieiis. per Ib. 7a8c ; mixed coutw , per Hi. , Go ; old roosters , Ijor lb.,4Q6c ; tuikeyB , per Ib. , be ; ducks , uor ' iWATo'is-Tlicro were few potatoes on the market , but prices did not bbownny material chiingo. New potatoes , per bu. , 00o&1.00. TouATorh-Thero weio bd-no freMi urrlvals which were an Improvement iner the uirurliigs of the past fuw days. A few iiumo grown tomatoes are ciunmcnclng to Und tholr way to the market. Southern , IH.T 4-baiket cratu , C'Ki.tu'vHmull Hhlninents uro coming from both Michigan and Missouri , Celery , per do * . , 46c. S There were very liberal receipts of blackberries und some of them arrived In peed condition. Thu poor stock sold \\uy down , but good stock wus ktt-ady. There were very few raspberries ami no ttravv berries. Illuckberrlen , per 24-ut. case , (3 ; black raspberries , per 'J4jt. . case , | 3.00Qa.26 ( ; liuckleberrles. (3.0. t-MAU , J'litins The murket was well sun- piled , Iliere belnic two fresh cars of California fruit In. The demand was ijulto fair , dealers * eportlug a good trade early In the uiorulog. Ciillfornln chorrlei nro out of the mixrVof , Aprlcoti , per 4-lmnVot crate , J1.26 ; plum * , wild Koote ft nil Chlckntnw , per 24-qt rrnte , ' t'J.&Oj Cnllfornl * rcnchr * , tl 1G31.25I TOIM po cliMOOc lll.OOpor H-btt. box. MEI4 > -Tlinro ) l < i notnlngof Itiiportftnco to offer nn the subject of melon * . Watermelons are oollltiz at K vrldo range and the mnrkot Ii vnry llbomlly supplied t the present time. Watermelons , pcrcratootono dor. , f2.0j loose , porlOO.flfl. Afl-t.ES Quito a Rood many apples arottolnjj received on the market andthcrolsn wldo rnngo In the nrlces. Cholco rod apples that will answer for itandnuriKisesnro peed unllors and command the best urlccJ. Apples , par K bu. box , 75cail.OO. rnoriCAi , riiuws. OnAsQEItUorsldo Mcdltorrnncnn sweats , t3.&OO3.75 ; hrlplitn. t'2 76O3.00. LEMONSMcmlnas. . extra fnncy , 10.0000.60 ; Moislnat , per bet , cholco to fancy , $ ft.00il6.60. lUNA AH-l'cr bunch , Inrgo , f2.25tt2,76 ; per bunch , tmall to medium , (2.00 < Q2,2& . lltnl.S , TAttXW , ETC. HiriE XH. 1 grcon lilite § , 8f ! No. 2 prcon hldrs , 2o ( No. 1 green salted hides , .Tic ! No. 2 green Knlloil hides , 2 > { c ; No. 1 creen sailed nldcs , 2f > Ibo. to 40 Ihs. , IUc ( ; No. 2 pri'cn Billed liltlPH , Efilhs. to 40 lb . , 2'4c : No. 1 venl calf , B Ibs. to K. lb . , Co ; No. a veal culf , 8 Ibs. to K. Ihs. , 4ct No. Idry tllnlhlOcs , 7c | No. 2 dry Hint hides , fie ; No. 1 dry nllcd hides , 6c I''irl cured hides He per Ib. less tliiin ully cuied , HIIKEP I'r.r.TS Orcon salted , cnch 3r > cff.ll,2ri' Rrocn snlted shearlings ( rdiort woolen early rklns ) , each IDCl Cc ; dry ehcatlliigs ( short wooli'il early skins' , No. 1 , each TiJilOi't dry flieurllngs ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 'J , cnch Cc ; dry Hint , Kansas und Nebraska bulchorwool poltx , per lh. , actual woljtht , 10 ® Hi' ! dry Hint 1C iinsas and Nebraska Murrain wool polls , l > er II ) . , iii'liuil xvelght , 7S&10H : dry Hint Colorado butcher wool peltx , pur Ib , iii'lunl weight , OlflOo : dry Him ColoindoMur- loln wool poltf. , per Ib. , actual weight , TCl'Jc ; dry jtleces mid bucks , nrtunl weight , V&jc. TAI.I.OW AMI ClIllJABE 1'lllloW , No. 1 , 4yiJ 4c } { ; tallow. No. 2. 3JM41' ! ireuso ; , whlto A , PtjCfifte ; preasc , whltii II , 4c ; grease , yellow , alicj grease. < larlc , 3c ; old butter , . < T42'c ; bocswax , prime , ' lG5i2uc ; rough tallow , 254 tt3c. tt3c.HONES HONES Car lols weighed and rtellvorod In Thlciigo ! Dry bultalo. per ton , ( lG.ooaiH.00 ; dry country , blenched , per ton , tlO 00i 13.00 ; dry routttiy , dump und meaty , J8.UO-10 00. St. l.oulH AlnrketK. ST. Lotus , July 13. I'l.ouu Unchanged ! pat- entR , } 3ll ( 3. f > ! cxtlrt fnncy , $2.80512.00 ; f ti'y _ { 2.40142. Ml ; chqlco , _ 2.16fl,2.2Dj , family , fl.0dau.00 : ryn Hour , } 3.263.40. \ \ HEAT Weak , closing ! 4u oir ; . . ' cash , Ol'Je ; July , Gl c ; September , CO'Jr. t'oiiN firm ( in crop dainago nowsi No. 2 mixed , rush , 37Jf.c ; July , 87&c ; September , OATS Nominal ; No. 2 cash , 27Hci July , 27c ; i-optimbcr , 23Uc. Kvc No. 2 , 43c bid. IlAY-Unrliunce.1. ItUTTnit Uncliangcd , Knus Loner. 1'novisioNS Qulot , unchanged ; pork , current make , 818 : lard , 80.12J ! : diy salt meat ( loose sliouldcis ) , 68 : longs and ribs , J0.12'J : shorts , fO.CO ; boM'd , ICu moro ; bacon ; packed shoul- duis , } u.)0 ) ; Inngs and libs , J10.00 ; Elicits , J10.76 ; liiinis , M3,0014OU. KkCElPTfl riotil , 2,000 bbls. : wheat , 100,000 bit. ; corn , 3B.OCO bu. ; oats , 18,000 bu. ; lye , none ; barley , nono. Hui'ME ! i8 Hour , 7,000 bbls. : wheat , 100- 000 bu.j rorn , 72.000 bu. ; oats , 0,000 bu. ; rye , none ; barley , none. ICnnniis Cltj.MurkoU. . KANSAS CITY , July 18. WIIKAT In hotter ilomiind at n slight nduinco ; No. 2 bard , 64JJ 4iDCc ; No. 2 red , 67c. CoitN rirm , jronorallv fractionally bettor than yesterday ; No. 2 mixed , 83c ; No. 2 whlto , OATS rirm , white Ichliihcrand very scarce ; No. a mixed , 20527'Jc | ; No. 2 whlto , 20Jc ! IIUTTI.H scarce , and Urm ; cioamcry , 10 ® ' 20c ; dnlrv , 17c. Ktius Very dull nnd weak ; lOc. KUCEIITS Wheat , 8,000 bu. ; corn , 3,000 bu. ; oats , nono. Hiin-MK.srs Wheat , 13,100 bu. ; corn , 10,550 bu. ; outs , none. New York Ury Hoods Murknt. NEW YOIIK , July 13. Quito a number of buyers hn\o arrived In the dry goods market this week and some pm chases ha\o been made , but nsa lulu they urn so far observers of thu situation. The middle of this month bus been designated us the tlmo when operations for the fall ttado would bo likely to expand. The coming week may accordingly show more llfo and Inteicst. Murkats. Mir.ivAnicr.n , July 13. WHEAT Steady ; Scp- tomlior , G7' c ; No. 2 spring , 03c. COII.N ( Julct ; No. 8 , 34c. OAIS Qulot : No. 2 whlto , 33a34c ; No. 8 , whlto , 31ii(233ijc. ( HAIII.EV Qulot ; 65c. S Dropping ; pork , $17. Collea Mnrkot. NEW Yonit , July in. Options opened steady at from & to 1O ipolnts advance ; closed steady at from 6 to 10 points up : sales , 17,600 bags , In cluding : July , SIG.O&ffilC.lO ; S-optombor , J1G.O& ; October , $15.00 ; December , J15.70S 16,76 ; January , , 16.GO. Spot Ulo , easy , qulot ; No. 7 , S17.12U. Minneapolis Wheat Alnrkot. Mi.NNEAroi.is , July 13. Market very dull , cash about steady ; Receipts. 235enrs. Close : May , 77. July , 6'jyc ; August , Olc ; September , ( i4 ic ; December , 70J4c. On tiucU : No. 1 hard , G2c : No. 1 northern , GOc ; No. 2 northern , & 77 > c. Clnetnii > itl JMurkuts. CINCINNATI , July 13. WHEAT Fulr.iflrm for uow ; No. 2 rod , GOc. COHN Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 42c. OATS : ? cuico , stiong ; No. 2 mixed on track , 33c. WHISKY Steady , $1.12. rlilliulrlphlii ( irnln .Mnrkot. Pnir.Aiini.iMiiA. July 13. WiiEAt < Steady ; No. 2 red , .1 uly , GOSO'JUc. Coii.N A shade llrmer , butaulut ; No. 2 mixed , July , 48 } < (3 ( BJ\ic. \ OATS Klrnior , but < julet ; No. 2 whlto , July , Gottuu Murknt. NEW OIIT.EANS , July 13. Futures , sales , 11- 200 bales ; July , S7.01 bid : August , $7.62' Foptember , S7.CO7.02 ; October. * 7.727.73 ; NuTeiiihur.t7.81 ; December , * 7.005t7.01 ; Jan uary , $8.05(218.07 ( ; 1'obrimry , { 8,05.- Liverpool Mnrketn. LivEnvooi. . July 13. WHEAT Steady ; do- inniid poor ; No. 2 ted winter , 6s Od per contul COII.N Steady ; demand moilciuto ; uilxoi western , 4aISid percental. Toltido Orulii .Market. TOLEDO , July 13. WJIIUT Dull , lower ; cash , GS'/icolWred ; cash , new , GGc. [ C < IIIN Steady ; cash. 41 ! > c. OAis Quiet ; cash , STOCKS AND IIONDS. AVero AVIdo anil Frequent , bu u Citlmer I'collnp 1'rcv.illcd. NEW VO K , July 13. The stock mnrkot was nxtremoly erratic lit Its course today. The fluctuations were whlo nnd fiequunt , bu taken altogether u much ciilmur feeling prevailed vailed than on yesterday , The beam kept u | their raid Incessantly , although It was ovldcii they wore attempting to cover thulr shortx In certain stocks. This fact was most clearly brought out late In the afternoon when llur llngtonand ! Hook Island wore both shut ply attacked , and ono boar house ulonu puichusci ever 16,000 shares of Bt. 1'aul. The depression In the two first namoi 'naturally hi ought out moro or loss St. I'au and other stoi-ks , The lowest figures touched showed declines us compared with the Una quotations of yesterday of U * per cent In llur llngtonand IK per cent In I.ukuShoie , Aftc repeated luoUVctual attemuls tn fnrco dowi prices still further thn market Dually had i substantial rally. The Improvement wa partly duo to the totlviil of the talk of gold Imports on account of the de cllno In sterling exchange , the dccldoi easier feeling In cull loans and statement mitdoJiy the director of the Hock Island roai that the properly Is In excellent tlniinclal con dltlon , Among the notable gains were 49J pc cent In Lackau.inna and 2 per cent In Lake Slioro , Manhattan and Loulsv Illu & Nashville III the specialitiesOivgon Navigation droiipei 6 per cent and Colorado Coal and lion iron 10 percent to 20 per cent , thu latter on thr decision of the dliectors to p'iy thu dlvldem on thi ) iirefurmi stock In bcupt Instead o coin. So far as thu general niiukut Is con corned , the feeling was decidedly inoio coii lldent. The markut closed llrmer In tone. 1 ho rest bavs : Two facts weru ohvlou : from the courno of today's stock murket thai thu hear speculators had gone too far um that they were resolved to iiiakii a desperate light to piotect themselves. The oponlni here und Indeed thu early London inarke lt elf di-vuloped uery lurgu short lntorc for foreign account , whoso eager liurchaso t < cover both In London und Nvw Vork forcei nil prices In such oversold stocks as 1/ouls e and Ht. _ yesterday. This"was" "a" most liiipo'rVun"t""ln cldent , for It lemoved the probability of Lou iloublilpment ! ) of securities us a factor In tlio ( terllng murket future. KxcluiiiKo , in fact declined again today and late advice * , no made known In all the btreet before the close rejiorted a heavy told withdrawal In Loudoi for shipment to New Vork. bnmllor Iris o gold , men nt I mi' , came actually to hand by today H utouiiiurs , Hut this jmb.ed ulmoat un noticed. It should bo not Iced that wlillo- all money rates are relatively ea < y , their figures hurdl : relied the true situation , If 4 distinct specu latlvo inoveinent were to urUu for bulling stocks Iho ratfb would harden Instantly , They do not Imrdeii now becuubo cl.ibs. have learned that speculators , nb a money cannot yet b bad for aggrosslv.0 operations for the rise Iho measure ' , It may bu milled , of the money uiarkal'a return to uorwal condition In not th notations In the loan crowd of the Plock ox- hnnRO , but the progress In cancellation of tiMtandlng Clearing Ilouso cprtlllcntes. Thl * alter consummation will bo himtoncd by the oturn , now fnlrly In progress , of currency hlpmenU from tlio country Imnkn. Thoottrstlonof tlio l.trgo western cities Is omowiiatdlffcront. Chicago banks scorned to rvvo rnachod a good financial status , but the otoof discord in nil dispatches from that city s the steadfast refusal of Chicago banks to andlo their own country discounts. _ Thls loans , of course , that they ovpect Now York o continuous support of tributary Institu- lons. The following arc the closing quotations on lie Irndlng stocks on the Now Vork block ox * hango today ; .tchlKon Northern Pacific. . . . , , , Northern Pac. pfd , Iton.TciTollnuto. Northn-entorn. . . . . . doprof'd. . . , , . , . . do prufd. . . merloan Express N. Y. Central . iltlmoro .VOhlo , . N. Y.AN.E . nn.ullnn 1'aclllo. . . Ontario A Western \in.id.i Southern. . Oregon Imp 'ontrnl 1'ncinc. . . . Oregon Nar hen. A Uldo . O. S. N . hlcneo , V Alton , . . I'ncinoMnll I.II.AQ . I'oorlaDec. AE. . . . -'hlc.ico ana . . . . . . 'onHollilntedOas. . I'ullinnn Palaco. . . > . C , O. A St. L . Kcaillnir otton oil Cert . lllclimoml Tcr ) elel . A IludHOn . lie profit ) el I.ick , .t Wnst. HloUrnmla W'n. , . > . .til , ( I. profd. do lirct'd.i ) ls AO. P. Co . Hock Inland. . . . . . . . InntTenn. . . . , . , , , . Si. IMttl profit : rlo . St. mill fc Omali.i. . do profd . do prof d Fort \Vnmo . tSoutliprn I'nclflc , . in-nt Nortli'ii pfd Itelliiery. . , . 3. A.U. I. nfd . HIM Tenn. Coal A. Iron. locking Vallrar. . . TOXIIB I'.iclllc lllnols reiittnl , . . . Tol.AO. C. pfd. . . . t. I'atdXDiilntli. . ' Union I'nclllo an. A. Tux. pfd. . . IT. S. Kxnri'HS iko Krlo A W. . . . W. S. L.At I1 .nko Krio A , W.ptd lie prpfcl. . . . . . . . . . .nkoshoro . WellsForgo Ex. . . ad Trust Western Union. . . . Wlieollni : & L > . E. . . < oulftUHo,1t N. A , . doprof'd Innhnitnii con M. A St. L IiMiiphlH.V elms. . i ) . A H. n Michigan Cenlnt. ODiicr.il Electric. . , IlHsoiirlPaeltlo. . . 211)11 ) National Linseed. , lobllc.t Ohio Colo. F. .VI ViiMlirlllo Chntt. . . 1do pref'd. > National Conlaso. II.AT.O ' do profd T. , A. A. AN. M. . . . > . J. Central T. St. L. A. K. C forth Amer. Co. . . . ilo profit bid. f iiHkrd. J first asut. paid. The total s-iles of stocks today were 270,000 Oiares , Including : Chicago Uas , 3,400 ; Colo- ado Puel and Iron , BOO : Lackiiwunna , 5.000 ; ) lstllllnit , 4.200 ; Erie , 3.HOO ; Gcnoral Electric , H .300 : Loulsvlllo & Nashville , 11,000 ; New : nglHiul. 4,000 ; Northwestern , 4,400 ; Hoc ) : sland. 20,000 ; Ht. I'aiil , 34.700 : Sugar. 10- oOO. ' bales of .silvercertificates , 35,000 ounces. London rinnnrml ICovtcw. ItTlli'j Jamci ( lonltn IlennM.\ \ LONDON , July in. [ Now York Herald Cubic Special to TUG Ilr.B.i Although n few inoio failures an the Stock exchange * have tukcn ilueo , I ho markets have hud a much firmer iondoncy today. Investors have been at- .rnctedby the low range of ( imitations , anil especially In American mil waysIn which an all'round advance obtained. Demer pref erences advanced iy per cent , Illinois Cen- rul 3 per cent , and Missouri 1'uclllc anil Norfolks J4 per cent each. Mexican railways are 2 and 2 > { per cent , .Mexican Central bonds 1'4 percent and Mexican government bonds ire ! percent better. Silver Is unchanged. Itupeo paper Is u llttlo weaker. There were strong haul ; returns. Hates were fairly easy at the close of the settlement. There Is a gen- -ral feeling that things li.ivo seen their worst , lutthcro Is tome nn\letv about the threat- nedstrlkoon Monthly of 300,000 colliers. In Midland and ncluhborlng districts. New Vork Money .Iliirkot. NEW YOIIK , July 13- . MONEY ON CAM/ Easy at : i5i8 per cent ; last loun , 3 percent ; closed offered at 3 per cent. 1'iitMK MKitCANTiLCPAPKri G'ttlO ' per cent. STUIII.INO K.\cii.\MK Weak , with notuiil luslnoss In bankers' hills at J4.81a-l.Hl'i ( for sixty-day bills und 84.83 for demand. Sn.viu CEUTiFiCATts Hulod firmer , with s.ilesut72iicclosed , ut 73 > jcbld. OovriiSMh.NT ltMS ) Dull , btato bonds , dull. The closing notations- bonds : U.S. 4s rei ; Ill St. L. A.8. F.Ocn.M. Hli ! U.S. 4s coup 111 St Paul Consols. . . li ! ( ) U. S lUsrcg 5I7W St. P..C. .VI'.lsls. . ll'JK I'.icinoUsof ' 05. . . . HUH T. P. L G. Tr. llcts HUH Loulslan.iBt'p d 4s. 91 T. P. H. O. Tr. Kcts 17 Missouri liB H'JJl ! Union I'aclflc Ists. lO.'ls Tenn. new Bet ( Is. . . 11)0 ) Westbhore D8JJ Tumi , now Bet fi . . . 11)0a R. G. W. lats JiO Tenn. now net3 . . . 07H ' C.in.idn So. Udx ll'l Atch. 2K , class A ! 37 Central Pacific Ista io , G. II..VS. A.Cs HO U. AH. O. iBta 114 O. II. At S. A. ad SB. 100 D.A-K. O.4s 7S II. & T. C. 6s 10.J Erie 2ds sm docon.Gs 102 M.JC.AT.Ocn.BB. , M i N. Carolina OB 124 Mutual Union Us. . . 110 N. Carolina 4B 100 N.J. 0. Int. Cart. . . 107K S. C. Pro\vn 116 N. PlIC. IHIH 113 Tenn. old Gs 02 N. Pnc. 2dB Va.Os 60 N. W. ConsolB 132 Va. Ex-Mat , coup. . 36 N. W.Dobont'rsSs. 104 Va. cone. , 2d series 00 StL. AI.M.Oen.Os. 70M Doftton .Stock Quotations. BOSTON , July 13. Cull loans , 710 percent ; time loans , G per cent and commission. Closing quotations on stocks , bonds and mining shares : Atch..Top. AS.P. . West End prefd. . . American Snt'.ir. . . cBthiKli. Electric liny Stito RIIH do pref'd lloll Telephone. . . . IBO Wls.Ci.nt IloBton A Albiny. . 207 AtclilHon 2d8 llOBton A Maine. . . . Ifi7 New England OB. . . dopref d 140M Oon. Electric .la. . . Chi. , llur. A Q M > WU. Central IB. . . . Fltclilmrp 711 Allonez Mining Co Gonrral Electric. . ( ' . : ! Atlantic 111. Steel 60 Iloaton A Montana Mexican Central. . . 0 ImtteA liOHton N. Y. A Now Emr. . 21 Calumet A Hecla. . Old Colony 178 Ccntennl.il Oregon Short Line 11 Franklin 11S Rubber S Ke.ii a irfu San Dlt'co 10 Obceola Union Pnclnc Qulncy West End 12W T.umrack ' . . . , . Now York Mining : NEW YOUK , J'lly 13 , The following are the mining quotations Crovvu Point 10 Sierra Nevada in Con. Cal.undVa. . . . lllf ) Standml 1211 Ucailuooil 100 Union Con : tO Gould A Curry li ! > Yellow Jacket Ml H.iluANorvroea. . . . Ill Iron Silver 1C > lIomeHlako 700 Quick Silver 200 Mexlc-an Co do pref'd 1600 Ontario 700 Dulwer D Plj mouth 20 Snn FmnclHoo Mining Ouotntloim. S N FHANCISCO , July 13. The ofllclal closing quotations for mining stoclis today wore us followH : Alta 10 Halo A NorcroBB 10 Ilelelier HO Mexican fill IleBtA Ilclchcr fin Upldr 7f. Hodlu Consolidated , . 10 I'olosl in Chollar 'JO Suvah'o ifi CoiiBolld'dCpl.AVa. Ill ) hlei ra Nevada 40 Crown Point UA Union Con , : ifi Gould A Cm ry HO Yellow Jacket 70 Sr. I.ouU .Mining U ST. Loots , July 13. Mining blocks vvoro dull and nnchungod. The following were the clos ing quotations ; Flnitnclil Notes. KANSAS CITV , July 13-CloarlnBs , J1.624- 707. 707.HAVANA HAVANA , July 13. Sue AH Qulot , steady ; \eliaiiKO ( inlet. OMAHA , July 13. Clrarlngs , f880,183 ; bumo day last wcek , l,008,410. NBvO'oiiK. July 13. Cloarlnss , (100,108- 842 ; balances , (4,1GO.'J01 , ItAi.Taioiii : , July IB. Clcarlntrs , f2,338,2S6 ; balances , i3a3lUb , Money , G per cent. July 13. Now Voik iixi-hanco telllm ; attl.60. Clearings , } 160e20 ; balances , $46,380 , ( UhfiNNATi , July 13. Money , OttS per cent. Now Vorlc exchange , pur to Ouc discount. Olcailnira , J1.H1 1,000. BOB f ON , July 13 , Plearlnps , 1424,882 ; biilancoH , tl,0li4li. ( ( Money , 73 10 nor eont , UxchaiiKO on Now Vork , 2Ou30a discount. HT. Louis , July 13. Cleiirlnps , f3,000,001j balancex , J443.000 , .Money ijulot , 0H per cent , LxchaiiKo on Now Vork , OOa discount. CIIIOAOO , July IS.-Cloarlntts , $13,722,216 ; Now Vork exciiaiiKO , * 2 discount. Utorllui ; exchaiiKo , loner ; demand , $4.U24B4 ( , Jloney , easlur , 7 jiui cent. I'AUIP , July 13 , Three nor cent rentes , 07 f 7fjc for tlio account. The weekly statement of the Hunk of 1'riincu shows a decrease of 2,060- OOOf ( 'old and 2,600ooof slher. LONDON , July 13. Tim bullion In the Dank of England decreased 101,000 during the past week. The proportion of the Hunk of Eng land's reserve to liability , which last week was 43.40 per cont. la now 47.02 per cent. Amount of bullion KOIIO Into the Hank uf Eng land on balances , AN , 000 , O.MAHA I.1VK OTOGIC JI.1RKRTH. 'Cattle In 1'ulr Supply , hut 1'oar Quality IIoc < Average a Sliudo Ijinrar , TllUlisDAV , July 13 , AlthotlRh receipts of all kinds of stock were light today , the four duy supply 'has bnon heavier by 3,600 cuttle , 14,000 hogtf ai.d 2,800 sheep than for the correspundliii ; porloU last week , There was little quotable change In the gcn- orul cattle market. Kecelpts were compara tively light and decidedly common , being ever half grussera , Including seventeen loads of Kaunas City Texuns billed to Cudahy. Poor to very good cornfiul cuttle changed hands roadlly ut fully sttudy prices , from (3.70 to (4.60 , but there was almost no market for tfras.s and khort fed sUck. A good many of tlio cattle were hardly good enough for beef and not very desirable us feeders. In comsu- qucnco they proved to bo very hard to move , oven at very low prlJcjB-2ic to 60a lower llinn nwcokngo. HOT Wllhcow It wasiiHrctty much the same Ooml dryfcd stock nMVmi a toady Halo , but- buyers were all rHhHdlnu ( prlcei on sras stock , 1'oor to Rood tcfAg and holford sold at from Jl to 13,26 with iho bulk nt f2 to (2.70. \ eal calves were In llRht Bttpnly , acllvo de mand and strong , wltlusales at f 4.60 and (6.60. A few bulls and oxeuchanged hands at around I1JBO to * 3.88 or very hfcarly steady prices. The stocker nnd fecdpr trade was quiet and ' weak. I'rcsli olTorltiM yore light aml.altliougli tlioro was iv fnlr supply n the hands of regular dealers , the demand wn-s light nnd the move ment sluggish. Keiiruscntntlvo sales ! No , Ar. I'r. J. No. Av. Pr. Jl 010 I240M 12 1128 1440 18 1030 370W 12 1203 440 2 605 B 80 -17 1164 446 18 1U60 881) ) HO 12HD 460 21 1140 430 22 1200 460 MIXED. 2 8SS a 60 COWS. 1 801) ) 100 21 043 240 1 780 160 4 045 240 10 B40 1 65 0 030 240 2 800 175 1 1070 260 IJ 841 IBO 1 1040 260 6 782 1 80 1 1200 2 06 10. . . . . . 828 180 12 888 205 1 1000 200 0 800 276 4 1027 230 11 041 276 24 058 240 25 811 200 24 875 240 2 1035 BOO 20 028 240 23 1131 825 11GIFUIR. 14 777 200 ' 7 034 225 2 0802 00 00CALVES. CALVES. " 1 ISO 460 2 160 600 3 120 460 1 160 GOO 8 170 4 60 0 104 G 60 nui.t.s. 2 1140 160 3 1257 225 OXCN. 1 2010 3-85 STOCKEI1S AND FCDDBIIS. 1 440 200 1 1050 280 1 8(50 ( 2 00 20 , . . .1051 2 05 25 708 260 0 , 741 BOD lions The market wns rather slow through out , and altiioiigh the range was Mia name , the average of prices paid was a shade lower than \Voilnesday. Offerings were modointely liberal - oral , and with not much of a shipping demand and Indifferent teportH fiom Chicago huMnchH displayed verv llttlo llfo throughout. Sales nf fair to good hogs early were at $5,80 and ? 5.86 , largely 15,86 , and the maikot rather llrmlmt up as the day advanced J5.85 and J5.00 bought ii good many hogs. Some cholco hogs sold early for $5.00 , but the popular prlco was C5.U5 , ov ut half the hogs selling at that llguro. Iho close was after dinner , but everything linally sold , Iho bulk nt (5.85 and $5.00 , the same as on Wudnesdliy , and against $5.05 to 80.05 on Thursday of last week. Keiirescntu- tlvo sales : No. Av. Eh. Pr. No. Ar. Sh. Pr. 2..255 J5 75 & 0..235 120 ? 5 85 CO..230 ICO 6 80 1..340 5 85 4..105 580 CO..252 ICO 6 8ri 74..252 1GO 6 BO 07..255 ICO 6 85 02/.208 80 6 MO G2..220 80 6 85 4..275 5 824 ! 45..300 40 5 85 50..273 40 5 H2i ! 03..206 120 5 85 07..270 200 5 85 64..275 200 5 85 05..2.10 200 5 85 07..223 200 5 85 GO. 270 200 5 85 C8..200 300 6 85 CO..277 80 G 85 65.200 40 5 85 04..203 210 5 85 03..217 120 6 85 57..274 ICO G 85 62..281 120 5 85 70. . . 205 200 G 85 48..200 1GO 5 85 GO. . . 207 ICO G 80 08..237 240 G 85 07. . .201 140 585 48..278 80 685 C4..315 240 G 85 05..237 100 6 85 10..201 120 G 85 70 . . .233 200 G 87J G..320 G 85 55..230 40 6 00 72..210 G 85 47..241 100 6 00 72..241 120 5 85 20..172 G 00 71..234 280 G 85" 65..210 200 6 00 54..312 40 5 85 44..377 5 00 73..250 40 6 B5 * ' 70..221 100 6 00 53..250 HO 5 85' * 76..243 120 6 00 GG..240 bO 6 8S ' 78..215 40 6 00 02..220 200 5 85 c 73..203 120 5 00 G3..250 120 585 , C1..250 440 600 75. . .244 120 5 85 145..273 300 5 00 07..252 80 585 08..240 200 600 74..240 120 G 85 . 70..230 1GO 5 00 78..273 210 585 75..1)11 ) 80 GOO 4C..2G3 ICO G 83 ' ' 61..230 G 00 07..255 580 5 85 , * 82..213 80 6 00 74..2JO 40 G 85 / 03..180 SCO 0 00 CO..271 40 G 80 ' 74..225 80 5 00 58..201 2hO G 85JL 05..200 120 G 00 74..214 320 G 85 , a 73..304 120 G 00 CC . . .208 ICO G 85 " 02 . . .233 120 5 00 GO..278 120 6 85 > 67..205 40 G 00 5G..2G1 120 G 85 G7..285 120 6 00 70..222 240 5 85 n 68..100 5 02J4 CG..2G4 200 5 85 - G8..240 120 5 05 08. . . 250 120 G 80 CO..282 120 6 05 C5 . . .2GO 240 G 83 j 70 . . .215 40 6 05 58 . . .253 280 0 83 1 1'idj'ANp nouon. 1..190 400-\ 2..420 025 SIIEEP Kccolpts consisted of four doublo.- dccku of Utah grussors. They averaged 00-lbs ] and sold roadlly at J3.0D. Tlio market Is not ejuotably Improved , but good muttons are In fair demand. Fulr to good natives , (3 50 © 4.75 ; fulr to good westerns. t3.00Q4.0 ; common and stock sheep , { 2.5033.50 : good to cholco 40 to 100-llj. lambs , & 4.2&QG.76. Hep- Ilccelpta nnd DUpailtlrm or Stoelc. Official receipts and disposition of stock as shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards company for tbo tnonty-Jour liourd ending at 5 o'clock p. m. July 13 , 1803 : IIECXIPTS. IIIBI'OHITIO.V. Clilcnuu I.tve stock Market. CHICAGO , July 13 , [ Special ToloKium to Tun llKK.l Ontllo woru lower nirnln today. The iieodB of tliu triidoillU not call for nearly an much block UH the yards cunliilnetl , and tlioro was biilHclunt prusstiru toouuulo huyors to 1111 their orders at a reduction from Wednesday's quotations of lOc. llcuvy cattle were not In ( lulled for , ami they sold worse tlnui any oilier tirade. 1'roni $ & to J0.25vas all that biiyers to J.iy forcluilcol200 ! to 1,400-11) . BtuerH , und It Is doubtful If more thuri J5.40 could liuvo hooii fcvcured for tlio finest specl- muiiHlu tlio bovine lino. Good 1,400 to l,60U-lb btcurs hold iit from H.&O to ! 4.7and no readily ut that. Cows und bulls were sulahl lit the ilecllnu , and so were flit 000 to 1,200-11) . Nteurx. Hut many grussurs niul Rood to prlmo licmy cattle went ever In bollun , ' hands. Only iihout'J.OOO Texas cnttlo iirrhcil today , but that Mipply was cnunl to the demand and values leniitlned weak. Tlio hog market was firmer than ut yohtor- duy'Bclosu us uconsciiuoncu of a decrease In the receipts of BOiiiutliliitf llko Ifj.OOO head. Tlio demand for eastern account was measura bly checked by the uxtromo heat , but them wak free ImyliiK by local packers and althoiiKli trading was Ktiuiuf out till n later hour than usual , uvuiythliiK 'us tukon. The greater part of the supply went out of sellers liumU at front JU.05 to < < ) . ! & for mediums and heavy uud iitfioin IG.1D to fO.125 for light. Theclosu was linn at an advance on the lowest pi Ices of the day before of ubout Oc , Holders of sheep hud u row to hoc. The pens weio full to overturning hllo the demand was of thomost lustilcled t'liarautor. A few good to cholco muttons rlmiiKi'd hands aroumlM.70 , but ( trices riuiKlnt : "uirtiiuurd fiom M.DO bought most of thtj , Muff that wus sold , The bulk of the common stun" could not bo moved ut any pilco , QuoUiUons ranged fioia (1.60 to 8-1.76 for thin rugged loth to * 4.70 for choice. There wus a fair d < pin.nd for Miring lambs at fioiu * H.7f ) to tG.25. Tim market erased 'JOc lower thnn yestoida'yTand not moru than half of the supply was deposed of . Itccelpts : Cattle ) il&.OOO ; culves , 1,300 ; llo 'H , 'J'J.OOO ; sheep..lOW , The livening Journal runorts ! UATU.G . Uucoluttli' 16,000 . head ! shipments , 14.000 head ; primeMfiWl/5Ml ; good , * 4.364S 4,05 ; medium , f4.bO ; grassers , J3.'J5'iil,75i ! cowsl.OOita.OOj Ti/XaiiEl$1.25@3.76 / ; btockers , . . - . llous liecolpts. .iiS.OOO hoadi Hhlpincnts , H.OOO Immli henvy lOc higher than ycbtor- dny'a close , cloklni : weak : light , strong ; mixed and packing , &BfXiie.l6 | prlmu heavy and butchun * ' . tiUi. . . . . . SllEEl1 Ki'colutn. < 1 ,000 head ; shipments , 2,000 head : iniirkufcJIowor ; natives , * 3.7fJ4S G.26 , : westerns , : tBli ) 4'J5 ; Texuns , 12.604 $ Kanin * Cltjr l.Ue Stock Market. KANSAS UITV , July 13. OATTI.E Hocolpts I , 4,700 head ; shipment * , 4,000 head ; market for best grades was weak ; other grades linn 1 , lOc lower ; TOXUK Mtor , 3.302,4.30 ; cows , H.7fxS4.au ; shipping steers , , H./O ; imtivo cows , tl.iii4t3.7t ) ; bulls uud nilxod , I1.7& © > 3.00. S.'d llona Itocolpts , 8,600 head ; uhlpmonts. 6,800 head ; murket opened Una but closed weakibulk of salex. I5.boa5.00 ] heuvlus. (5.70 -35.UO ; packers , t&.7f > Jf.U& ; mUed , (5.76 ( ® > 5.05 ; mixed , ( .ri.76U6. J5 ; pigs , I5.UOS6.00 , 3i HIIUKIHeceluta. . 1,000 lioud ; bhlpmenU , 20 huad ; market slow ; common stock lambs Urm , 5.65 , Kt. I.oul * I.lvo Hlook Market. ST. Louis , July 18. CATTLE Kecoluts. 2,100 head : uhlpmentfc , 7,100 houd ; market slow to lOc loner ; tvry few natives on kale ; grass Texans , (3.40. " lioau ICuuulptB , 2.200 hoed ; shipments , J.OOO head ; market'JOo lower ; top prices , 10.10 ; bulk of kales , (5.6USO.OO. BiiKKp Kvcelpts2.600 head ; shipments , 6,600 , head ; niuikut easier , unchanged , Hulloon tonight und tomorrow night. NO HASTY LEGISLATION Whatever Action Oongrosi Tnkoa Will Bo Duly Deliberate. CONGRESSMEN WILL ACT DELIBERATELY It Will Trtko n Long Tlnio to rormulnto Hills to CoTer the flnnnelnt NeeiU of the Country Suac * lu the Way. WASUHJino * . July IS. The idea which wns nroui-fid uy the president's notion In calling an uxttn session of eon- gross , thnt the work/'it / * which H would assemble couM \ < o nceomplishcd in n few dnys , or nl furthest in 5 very few weeks , is dying out and the nntlonnl legislntors who nro competent of judging - ing what n congress can or cnnnot do nro Bntlsficd thnt n protracted struggle is on hand over the repeal of the Sherman - man Inw. The idcn thttt nil the ills which hnvo befallen the finnnclnl world nro directly dtto to the operations of the silver pur- chnso net is not ns potent ns it wns. The attitude of the free silver men Is just ns threatening ns it ever wns , nnd tlio ns- Bortion of Senator Teller the other dny thnt the light would bo mndo nnd the contest A-ould bo to the death , hns caused no little consternation among the ndtninlstrntiontsts , who hnvo tried to persuade themselves thnt the nil- powerful word of Grover Clovoltind would bo respected nnd thnt congress would to g'nd ' to jump ut the crack of his whip. It is now nccopted by most of the democratic lenders that when congress muots it will remain in session without intermission until the work of the first regular session of the Fifty-third con- press shall have been accomplished. Those who expect to have a finger in the tariff pie are preparing to take right hold as soon as the \vtivs and means com mittee is appointed. It has been feomi- olllcially announced that this committco will accord no hearings to those inter- ested in the revision of the taritT. Representative ) Joe Wheeler of Aln- bnmn luis arrived in Washington nnd will probably stny here nnd nssist in the organizatiod of the house. In speak ing of what congress had to do he said : "Tho problem to bo solved by congress is to so legislate ns to preserve the monetary functions in both gold nnd silver. If gold goes to n premium , for nil practical purposes it ccabes to be money , and one-fourth of our circulation is withdrawn. If silver fs deprived of its function as money wo would lose about the same amount of circulation. Such a withdrawn ! of cither would contract the currency and add to the sufferings of the people. If congress re peals the Sherman act without any con dition attached , the country may find confidence shaken in the $147,000,000 of treasury notes issued under that law , and the country miiy also find that such 1mbty legislation has deprived us of some half a billion of money , acquired under the acts of 1878 and 1890. Thcreforu let us tako'warning at the first preamble of the Now York Chamber of Commerce resolutions , which says this country has suffered greatly by reason of hasty and ill-advised financial legislation. "We all remember the great pros perity which commenced in 1879 , when gold ceased to bo a commodity and became - came ; nonoy. Wo can hardly predict the evil which would follow should our $514,000,000 of gold now oeaso to bo money and again become merchandise. But wo must look at all sides of the question. The irrepressible conflict of the next twenty years will bo the strug gle between our country und Great Brit ain for the commerce of the world. When congress meets wo will have the president's mnasago and Secretary Car lisle's report , und the subject will bo moro carefully discussed and thoroughly Investigated. " I GOD 2tLEiH 1'OU , 311' C. An Eloplnc Couple i"nrfitcii by the Old Folks by Tolagruiih. DENVEK , July 13. Frank Wuhl , a bookkeeper for the Schlltz Brewing company of Milwaukee , and Emily Gillette - lotto , daughter of a Milwaukee official of the Chicago & Northwestern rail road , fearing that the course of true love was not to run smooth , stole away in n sleigh one cold night last January and ere married in Greenfield , a suburb of that city. Their parents aid not know of this until matters approached preached a ci'ibib , and then the daughter left her home on the 1st of July and joined her luibbaml in Denver. Her parents were grieved and thought she had dis graced them. Yesterday they learned of her presence hero and telegraphed the chief of police to mitko inquiries. Ho found the couple happy in their now HEED H WARM Which naturals constantly giving in the shape of bolls , pimples , eruptions , ulcers , etc. Tlieso show that the blood Is contaminated , and Boino assistance must bo Riven to relieve the trouble. Is the remedy to force out these poi ss.s. : sons , and enable you to ss.s.GET GET WELL. I have had for years a humor In ray Mood , which made me dread to shave , as small bolls or pimples would bo cut , thus causing thoBliavlncto bo a great anne ) ance. A f tcr takln p three bottles my face Is all clear and smooth as It S.S.S. should be- appetite splendid , Bleep well , and feel llko running a foot all from the use o ; 8. S. H. CHAS. HEATOV , 73 Laurel st. Phlla. Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed f rco BWUTX SPECIFIC CO. . Atlanta. Oa JIOTUI..S. . The Mercer. Omaha's Newest Note ! . Cor. l-'lli and Howard dtrcota. 40 rooms t-.rO per day , 40 rooms JlOJper day , 'M roams with bath at ft per diy. UOrooniH with bath attl alpordiiy. Modern In Kvory Kenpuot. .Sowly t'ur.iHliml Tlirati hout C. 8. ERB , Prop. _ _ HOTEL LEEV1ONT 0235 to 024 1 OOLE8BY AVE. CHICAGO. rinUluH brick U/e-i.ronf . European Hotel , only three lilcjckn IrumllmfcUty-ifLond bt. cntrniirn to tuo World' * lair Kruunde. Our rooms are all Iltnt and Birr , motllr iiutilile roouu , lioldlmt ( nun tlireu to tlz iieople eacli. I'rlccsperroom. M l 11 U ) and fiW ] ! er day. Awnlniin. wreent In e < ry window andcuvered plaizamni every ttonr. 'Iliu Hotel la opereuxlby tlieonocrandll Kill rott you nnthlnK toifcure rooms In advance. A nr t claBnOl Uouiu conceited with tuo lioicl. c. n. ( .lav , y.u SOUTfl Union Stock Yards Company , South Ornaha. IleitCtltlo lie aadSliaap market la tin war. COMMISSION HOUSES. Wood Brothers. Llvo Btook Cornmlsilon Merou.tnti < -onb ! Omaha Telephone 1157. Cblcm JOHN I ) DAUI'llAN , I WAI/TKK Ii. WOOD. ( \in * ait Mnrkot reporU hy mull and wire cheerfully furuliliud upon application. homo niul so roportctl. Last ni/jht / n toloprnrn came In reply rentlln/j / ! toRl "God bless my ch'llrtron ; nil is for given. Toll Emily nnd Prank tlmt I will send tranojortation ) and for them to come. " Mrs. Wnhl is a ImndBomo brnnotto , 20ionrsof ngo. "I did not trent dear oltl ] ) op oulto right , " she snid ! "I should hnvo told him of our marriage. " iruoi , Cnuiiri of the Staenntlon In lluilnesi Kx- plulned ! > ) n Denier. I30STON. July 13. A member of ono of the oldest wool houses in Boston , speaking of the depression in the wool trade , snys : "The prices of American wools today are practically upon a free wool basis. There is a heavy marked drop because the wool growers found themselves unable to sell. This was duo primarily to the the falling off in the demands of the woolen manufaelurors , because of the uneortainty concornltiK the notion of congress on the tarllT , but now the diniculty in tlio stringency in the money market. With thnt removed by the repeal of the silver not and the stop ping of the further purchase of bullion , the cxistinp depression will bo relieved materially. " Ho did not look for any disastrous failures in the trade , first because the business hero had boon conducted very conservatively , and second bocau&o the dropping in price hud come at a time when tlio wool dealers had no lariro stocks on hand upon which to stiller serious shrinkage in values. Tlio looses were therefore not as prrcat as they might have boon had the depression como at any other season. While the removal of the duty upon wool would not in the present condition uf the market effect | so serious a change as it might have j , done earlier , still in its after results K could not do otherwise than put an end , to the raising of sheep for their wool on the great nlalns of the west. There would , undoubtedly bo. of course , n demand for mutton , but tlio revenue from that source is of very little account ftn taken in comparison with the present magnitude of the sheep growing indus try throughout the west. With the cheaper Australian , South American and African wools admitted free of duty , our farmers could not hope to compote , and their business must practically cca o. The outlook is therefore far from encouraging for them. Balloon tonight and tomorrow night. Irish Dny ut the 1'nlr. CHICAGO , July 13. Representative Irishmen of Chicago have determined to boFapart a day early in October to com memorate their race. It/will bo known as Irish day and will bo celebrated at the fair grounds. A four days' congress will be hold at the Art itibtituto nnd will terminate wllli tbo gala ovant , FrntioUi I. Colby , chairman of the o.xooutlvo commltteo.ycslordny said that owlnir to the onpnpotnonts hold by others of the Art institute the oongroso would not bo inaugurated until after August Ifi. _ _ \ OKXRH.ll. I'AltKJiK StTHlCKKJf. tieniral Grant * * Staff SeerMnry Suffers ft Htrokp of l'Hrnll * > Nr.w YonK , July 1H. General EH S Parker , who was on Grant's stuff in the war and who lias boon a deputy olork nt police headquarters for n , number of years , wn1 ? stricken with paralysis in his olllco Tuesday and wns removed to the Now York hospital. General t'arker is n Sonera Indian of full blood and is a- lineal descendant of the famous chief Red Jacket. Ho was the .chief of the Six Nations of Indians nt ono time. At Iho outbreak of the war ho became a colonel of engineers , nnd Inter ho be came GonaralGrnnt'fl military secretary , and wa < j on the general's ' stall until the close of the war. Ho wrote from General - oral Grant's dictation the terms of capitulation at the. surrender of Loo. Ho was breveted a brigadier general upon hN retirement from the army. Jlis Indian name ii llo-Nu-Ho-Ga-Wn , which means "Opon Door. " HU wife was for merly a belle in Washington. Balloon tonight and tomorrow night. O.U7J VI' 7//.S J'A'AMO.V. All Operation ItditiivoH it VrtrrnnN Ilm > tilllty unit lie Dnotluva Turtbrr Aid. BALTIMOIU : , July 13. Joseph P. Clarke , nn old union soldier of this city , has astonished the members of his Grand Army post and other friends by surrendering hl pension of 812 a month to the government. His disability \\as in the leg. Ho hud been affected since the war. A perilous surgical operation u week ago removed the trouble , and yesterday Mr. Clarke sent a letter to the commissioner of pensions returning his voucher nnd declining to accept anymore moro money from the government. ' Itnrlna for H Ituvcr nd Ulnpor. ST. PAUL , July 13. There is to bo a lively race between olliccrs from Kansas and Missouri to obtain po cssion of Rev. Leigh Vernon , the revivalist , who eloped with a young married woman of Pitts- burg , Kan. The couple are under arrest at Ditluth. Vernon is rlso wanted for misdcedb at .loplin , Mo. Ono of the KuiiMiH ortlcers succeeded in obtaining requisition papers from the governor at midnight. Under * the provisions of tliu Austrian poor law. nt CO jcarsof HKO n man -may cluiiu from his natlyo towa or eonummo a pension equal to one-third of the dnily wages ho hail received during his working yours. The amount vnries fiom S to 0 florins a month. In Vienna nlono there arc lli.OOO poisons who receive these pensions from the city. Nothing but Dirt is taken away by Pearline.0 It won't make black white it gives you a clean black , instead of a dirty black , that's all. Colors are re stored and freshened by it , and look just as they did when new. They are cleaned , but they are never altered or changed. Safety comes first in washing. The easiest and cheapest way to get things clean safely is to wash them with Pearline. ' , Peddlers and some un.crupulens grocers will tell yon. "this is as good as" or "the same as Pearline. " IT'S FALSE Pearline is never peddled , if your grocer sends . . . . . an imitation , be honest \ t .j ! .L. JL 353 JAMES PYLE , New York- 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. cite contents or sender. On peraoual InlerTlaw oroietruu. uonsunmioiureB burrui | > uiiuiiuv < i lBte ? TooM"iterl.igrUre.ontfrM. ? ) Offlc.uour. . B ft.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday. . 10a.m. UW bend ; Dump ( or circular. "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING , BUT NOT SHAVE WITH. " IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING ; OMAHA r U Ifafaclorers $ loiters Directory AWJONOB AND TENTS. Omaha Tcnt-Awnlug Wolf Bros & Co. , COMPANY. Manufacturers of Tout * . HOHBIO CO VIC 118. Annliigi , etc , "OJ uud 11U Farnitm Streou 705f * . Itttli Hired , BAQB dfc TWINE3 Bemis Oinalia Bag COUI'AHV. Importer ! n < t uinnufno- tur * of flour tacki , twine , BOOTS AND BHOEg. _ Morse-Coe 5hos Company. BaUirOomand OIBce-llOH UN-Ill I Howard ? t taetory-IIID'IIIMlU Howard 3t. We re ttio osi.v MAiiiifft-3tur ri at lloot ana ' * " " ' " ' ' " nil to Impact HARDWARE. Rector & Williclniy Lobccli & Line , COMHANV. Dealers la bnrdtrar * aal Corner Mill ana Jaokion intfcbanlci * tnolf. Btreoti. Hlrmt. HATS , ETO. | IRONWORKS. W. i L. Gibbon & Co Omaha Safe and Iron Wholesale WOUK4. Hall , c | i , Blruw Fnf , vnult , jail woo Klooroi , mllleni. lltti Irua > hullur > and lira a uud lluruoy fctreeti. cnpai. < lm Auilreaa , Us and Jackioa LUMBER. John A , Wafccflcld , Impotteil.Arvrlgnn ' 1'ort- Innd cement , Mllwem- koo couivnt and Quluc/ wlilta lime. Frlck & Herbert , ale liquor dealers 1001 Kurniia St. PAPER. I OILS. Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Co. Carrr u full ttock of printing ! wrappliu and and lubricating writing paior | , cord paperi , etc. elli , nzle gr t . tto. \ PRODUCE COMMISSIOy. Branch & Co. Jas. A. Clark & Co. Produce , fruit * of all Uuttor. eh * i ( , aggg , poultry and ga . klndi.ontori. u b m STOVE REPAIRS | BASH , DOORa Omaha Stove Repair i MA , Disbrow&Co V/OIIKU. More rvpalrt Manufacturari ( taib. and water ntltobtuimu doori , blin4 > auA- lor ktud - aur ut > lur . Bad * . IW7 Uoutfiu it. I uguldlpgi. AM UtU tad Uranobo Uu * . * . .