Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    r\\T A Tf A T\ATTV ntl ? . MtTiTiJor\ ? IITT-V in iono
f nrftcr lo any p , rt of t'i8 cltj
lUiulnMtOmco. N > 3
Kdltor No. 23
,1//AO ! / ! ; . > 77 O.V.
U. Y. Plumbing Co
Boston Store for sun umbrellas
Jiulsou , pasturage , WO Sixth avenue.
Mlltonbrrcer Is the hatter ; 03 Broadway
The Mayno Heal listnto Co. , 021 Broadway.
The remains of Carl Schonberg , who died
n day or two ngo , wore taken to Cedar
llaplds for burial last evening.
A mnrrlngo license wns Issued yesterday
to William H. Seymour and Maura Ii lot-
tens , both of this city. Their nges wcro 'Jo
nnd 17.
Six moro tramps were gobbled by the
police yostcrday morning at ! t o'clock hiding
nwny in ono Of the railway yards. They
wcro taken to the city Jail and sentenced ti
ten dnya work on the streets in police court.
A man named Huben n chtckon peddler ,
tried to cross the track In front of the
Northwestern passenger train on Broadway
yesterday morning. Ho missed colliding
with the cowcatcher of the engine by only a
slight majority , but ranmiuarely into a tel
egraph post , breaking his wagon , hurting
the driver and both horses ,
Yesterday was the hottest dny of the
Benson so far. The thermometers In various
parts of the city ranged nil the way from
H0 ° to 10"i = at a o'clock , according ns
they wcro located , This high tcmpcr.ituro
was made all the worse by the fact ofn
hot wind that blow all day long from the
eouth and rendered the air almost stilling ,
No cnscb of.fum stroke were reported.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J , B. Illghsmith celobrntcd
the first anniversary of their nmrrlniro Tues
day evening at their homo , I CM First avenue.
They entertained n largo number of their
friends , dancing being the chlof amusement.
Supper wns served , nnd when the guests loft
nl nn early hour In tbo morning they loft be
hind them many valuable testimonials of es
teem and mementoes of the happ.V occasion.
II. Walton nnd the two boys to whom ho
ndmlntstbred n little good advice In hard
chunks , Nick Bothers nnd John Slcklor ,
were oeforo Justice Ylcn yesterday to have
their troubles aired. The youth of the two
boys , the smallncss of the amount they stole ,
nnd the fact that Walton had given them
some rather harsh treatment before he let
them out of his clutches , wcru all mitigating
circumstances in the eyes of the court and
they were discharged with a good lecture.
Walton was also discharged.
AVlth n Nloo Ilniiiinock In a Nlco Slindy
Npot You Can.
Tlio Boston Store is headquarters for
For the next few days wo offer you the
finest Mexican grass hammock for S'Jc.
A larger sine with bettor equipments
for $1.11) ) ; others got $1.50 and i&.UO.
Ask to see our 8I.-15 Mexican grass
hammock , a 82.00 hammock all over the
country. Everybody ought to have ono
who can find n place to hang it.
Wo have hammocks for everybody , no
matter what price you want to pay.
Hammocks with stretchers nnd ham
mocks without and stretchers with ham
mocks and stretchers without.
Picnics suggest baskets and bring
us to our text. Wo are head
quarters for baskets in general and
picnic and lunch baskoU in particular ,
of which you will ilnd an excellent as
sortment on our second lloor , at our
usual low prices.
Now is the time when seeking present
comfort , to lay aside heavy corsets and
tnko to thin. These are tlio summer
corsets best known ns C. C. C. , at 45o a
pair ; every pair warranted not to pull
out. Dr. Warner's cold wave at $1.00.
Thomson's ventMuting $1,00. Ball's '
high bust $1.00. Ask to see our own
cornet , "Uool Breeze , " at7uc , well worth
, -91.00. Wash goods In endless variety.
Got our prices.
Ladies' waists , the largest line , the
lowest prices.
Ladies' hosiery headquarters.
Ladies' mitts. Ask to bee our all silk
mitta at I'Jc , lioo and 'llic.
Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices.
Jj'otheringliam , Whitolaw & Co.
I'KltbUSAI. 1'Alt.UillA I' IIS.
Mr. and Airs. .1. C. Blxby loft last evening
for a visit in I-ockport , III.
Airs. W. K. Aitehlson Is homo from a
mouth's visit at the World's fair.
C. P. Christcnson is visiting In the eastern
nnd northern part of the stutc.
E. H. Heck of Nebraska Is in the cltv look
ing over the Kround with n view to locating
Miss Stella Patterson left last evening for
0 two months visit with friends in Sterling ,
111. , and Cnleago.
Mrs. OlK-er Pettit of Silver City is the
guest of Mrs. Emma Bolknap on Madison
street this week.
Hov. H. .1. Colter is In the city on n vaca
tion from Port , Scott , Kan. , the guest of his
father , Kov. Henry Coker.
Air. and Airs. C. It. Hoss. Air , and Airs.
James Whitney and Leon Lozler formed a
party that left hero for Chicago last night
over the Northwestern. .
Misses Cora nml JosMo Farnsworth loft
Inst evening for Tncoma , Wash. There
they will meet their father and accompany
him on a trip to Alaska.
Prof. N. O. Brumbaugh of Boston Is in the
city , the guest of J. P. Hess nnd family.
Prof. Brumbaugh is state lecturer for tlio
University Extension society , with head
quarters In Boston.
Peter Holleiibc k , superintendent of the
Iowa division of the Chicago & Northwest t-
ern ; W , O. Litton , assistant superintendent tt. t.
nnd'W. \ViiliU\niRUnurliitemkMit. . of bridge
building , were In the city yesterday ,
Air. nnd Airs. V. II. Evans , Air. and Airs ,
W. U. Hardln and Air. and Airs. William |
Underwood will leave this morning for a
trip to Lake Okobojl ,
They will travel the
entire distance by wagon and will bo nwav .
about three weeks ,
John Adams , president of the J. B. Lewis
Shoo Muiuifiicturlni ; company of Koston ,
stopped off fora short visit with his brother ,
E. 1C. Adams. Ho was on his way from the
World's ' fair to the Puelllo
coast , whore ho
will spend some time rusticating.
There Is nothing in this country like
the fruit kept in Wheeler , Herald &
Co.'H cold storage. No matter what the
weather is it reaches the ciibtomar in
perfect ' condition. Another cur load of
lomous'wns put in Saturday.
Domestic soup outlasts cheap soap
Smoke T. D. King & Co's Partugas.
lliirclurlztMl by
The rcslacnce of A. T. Idea nt 1S ! ! Fourth
street was entered by burglars yesterday
afternoon at 1 : 'M o'clock. They broke in the
back door and made a thorough tour of heed
preinUcs , taking everything that suited
their fnney. Among ttio things that TO
found to bo missing at llrst were a ck
satin dress , u new dress' a dozen handker
chiefs and a half dozen kid gloves. Airs.
Klco was away irom homo and it eould not
bo Ascertained Just how much had been
taken , When she returned and made un ex
amination she found enough more goua to
bring the total loss to $150 , at the very In-
side. There Is no clew.
Another Improvement to the popular
Bcliubcrt piano. Swaneon Mubio Co
Williamson & Co. . 100 Alain street ,
Inrt'est and best bioyclo stock iu city.
Cook yoi " would this summer on a gas
At cost ut Uio Gas company.
Ute Domestic soap.
Last Day of the April Term of the Dis
trict Court a Busy Ono ,
Trod UriioKor Awarded One Dollar In Hit
Salt AKiiluftt tlio City Settlement
or u Jng Cure Cnne Other
.Tiulgo Doomor adjourned the April term
of district court yesterday. Before doing so
ho handed down sovcpl decisions In cases
which wcro tried during the term Just
closed and which nro of nioro or less public
Interest. The case of Fred Kruofror against
the city was ono of the most Important. The
plalntllT sued for $ lt,000 ! damages for the
death of his wife , who fell on ono
of the clt.v's sidewalks , but the Jury
only fjnvo him a verdict of $1 , Just
enough to throw 'tho costs on the city.
The plalnlllT's attorney filed a motion
for a now trial , and , as wounds for it , pre
sented nn aniilavlt from ono of the Jurymen ,
altttliiK that while deliberating on the ver
dict ho slipped out and got u drink of
whisky. The city's attorneys showed that
some of the statements niado by the Jury-
mun were faho and contended thai if ho
would He in one particular the chances were
that ho would Ho In all. In rendering his de
cision Judge Deemer said that if there was
any way oy which ho could sustain the ver-
ulot ho would do FO , but the supreme court
had decided more than once that , any such
action as that of tlio Juryman in question In
validated the verdict. Ho accordingly sus
tained the motion for.a now trial.
In Iruvnr u ( ti Oiilil Guru Concern.
The rase of P. M. Hunter and 0. C. Cook
cf tills city against the French Lcnauo
Safety Cure company to recover $10,000 ,
which they had put up for shares ot stock
in the defendant's
enterprise , was alto ono
In which the public Is considerably Inter
ested. .Itulgo Dcomcr stated that the evi
dence showed that Hunter and Cook had
been Induceu to put their motiov Into the
business through the fraud of the defend
ants , and if they had shown duo- diligence
after ascertaining that thcro had been
fraud practiced upon them they coula
have rescinded their contract. But
they continued their connection with the
compatty oven after they discovered the
fraud , and the fact that , the plaintiffs and
defendants had nlovo "
n feast" on the night
after the meeting was held , at which it was
alleged the settlement hud been made ,
showed a wavering disposition that ho
thought would make n judgment for the
plaintiffs impossible. Ho accordingly handed
down a Judgment for the defendants.
In the case of Wood A. Haves against
.Tames McCabc , n Judgment wns rendered
for the defendant. The plaintiff , as assignee
for a plumbing flrm , sued to collect the
price of some furnaces tfial wcro put In
McCnbo's house. McCabo's defense was
, that the furnaces were of no account. The
court said that there wns considerably moro
heat in the trial than there could have been
"In the furnaces , if all the evidence was true ,
and ho accordingly gave McUabo a judgment
for costs.
Keys Urns. Oorntoil. !
Ono of the most Important decisions wns
that in the case of Keys Bros , against A. W.
Askwith. Aakwith , toccthcr with a lot of
other business men of the city , subscribed tea
a bonus that was raised by the Board of
Trade to induce the ilrm of Keys Bros , to
locate In the city. Subsequently no-irly all
the subscribers refused to pay and suits
were instituted to collect the amounts
claimed to be due. The Judge stated that
the plaintiffs had left the question ns to
whether there was any consideration for the
subscription in some doubt. They admitted
that they had relied upon the promise of the
Board of Trade to see that the fund was
raised and not on the subscription list. Ho
accordingly rendered judgment in favor of
the defendant. Similar judgment was given
in the suits in which W. C. Estop , Pcrcgoy
& Moore , Decro , Wells & Co. , I * C. Besley
and J. I' . Weaver wcro defendants.
The motion of the dofendniit in the case of
Bartlos against Witt for a new trial was
overruled. The principal ground upon which
the now trial was asked was that W. H.
Darrlngton. ono of the jurors , had made some
very harsh remarks to W. H. Uobinson and
another Juror named Nolan about Witt's
character. Witt's attorneys claimed that
his case had been prejudiced in this matter.
The court held that the character of the defendant -
fondant was practically ono of the issues in
the case , and timt consequently the de
fendant's case could not bo unduly prejudiced
by such a discussion.
Au-urduil Thirty Inllur .
W. R Bambrldge wns awarded $30 as his
compensation for acting ns assignee for the
firm of U G. ICnotts & Co.
In the rase of Jerry Hayes against the
First National bank of Council Bluffs the
plaintiff was given a judgment for $4a7ri.08
on n eertifleato of deposit which had been
lost and the bank had refused to pay until
the plaintiff put up an indemnifying bond.
The plaintiff In the suit of Dplson against
Heed wiis given a Judgment for f 1'j ,
A motion for a new trial In the case of
Bokempcr against Hazen , in which the
plaintiff was beaten recently , was overruled.
A motion to compel the plaintiff In the suit
of the Kearney Milling and Elevator com
pany against the Union Pacific and the Citi
zens State bank of Fremont , Neb , , to bring
its books into court lor examination , was
A motion for n new trial In the raso of the
Little Sioux Savings bank ngalnst Freeman ,
in which a Judgment was given for the do-
fendent , was overruled.
The case of the United States Publishing
company against Alfred Egbolm , with C. A.
Beoboo and Frank Lovw as securities ,
bo decided during vacation.
The Judge decided to give the assignee and
his attorneys their fees In preference to all
other claimants against the flrm of Kimball
& Champ. x
Aliiimwn Trulim.
Trains for Miinuwa will leave Broad
way depot ut U ii ml 11 it. in. , and 1 nnd
Iti.'lO j ) , in , , and every thirty minutes
thereafter until 120 : ! at night. Lust
train will leave Miinnwii for Council
Bluffs at 11:55 : p. in.
Tlu < ( iriinil
Council lUulTfl. Tlio most elegant In
Iowa. Dining room on soveatli lloor.
Rate , Sa.OO nnd W.OO a day. E. T. Clark ,
Domestic sea | ) is the best.
Cut lint \Voriln ,
Citizens are beginning their annual cru
sade against the wcod nuisance , The weeds
have been allowed to grow In all parts of
the city without letor hindrance , until many
parts of town are miido to look like a siri-
( lower forest. This state of affairs Is not
' coullned to the outlying districts , but the
'weeds are allowed to grow right In the resi 1-
dence portion of the city. There is a street
commissioner whoso duty It Is to look after
this nuUuneu , and ho is given a gang of men
to look after it with. It might bo a good >
Idea for the men who
, have been earning '
their wages every day by doing almost
nothing .o get action and
, ECO what can bo
done toward cleaning up the weeds.
The beat building Mind in the market
by carload. Address N , Schuns , 114 Bald
win IJloek. Council UlnfTt * , Iu.
Carbon Coal Co. , wholesale and retail
coal. Removed from 10 Pearl to . ' 14 Pearl
street , Grand Hotel building.
GriToiishiolilB , Nicholson ft Co. , real
cstatoand rontnlsUOO Broadway. Tel , 151.
Stop at tlio Ogden , Council Bluffs , to
leU &J.OO lioiibt ) In Iowa.
Ask your-grocer for Domestic soap. '
runt Vlrclui I'ullr.l ,
The police were busy rounding up' pact
virgins last night , About ten Inhabitants of
the burnt district were given a rldo to the
l > ollca' station hut evening because they
were delinquent Iu paying the usual fine for
maintaining parlors for the susceptible ily.
They will bu arraigned In the police court
ttil * mornlug. Several new plain drunks
were also on the register nt a Into
hour last night. _
StntP Clinmplom Cttlllnclmm nnd Ilnttln
Htillcr Orlpiit from Young nnil Cnnkon >
Another step toward the completion of the
city tennis tournament was taken yesterday ,
and there nro now seven matches remaining
to bo decided flvo in the doubles and two In
the singles.
Yesterday's piny was noteworthy for the
defeat of Messrs. Culllngham nnd Bntttn ,
tlio state champions. They wcro opposed by
Secretary C. H. Young and C. If. Cookson
who gave Mr. Culllnehani such n hntd light
In the singles the night before. Cookson wns
npnln In excellent form , apparently never
missing nn opx | > rtunlty to score.
Ho put In n few successful
fast services , but. like most players , ho re
lics less on this kind of game than he did a
year or two ago. Young also contributed
his share to the victory. Tlicro wcro few
errors of judgment noticeable in his play ,
nnd it wns generally safe to expect that if
a ball wns sent to him ho would show that
ho know what to do with It.
On the other slclo of the net Battln , who
got moro than his share of the balls , did less
than his share of the scoring , while Culling-
ham also appeared to bo u bit "off color. "
"Twould be unfair , however , to say that the
victory was due to the shortcomings of the
defeated , for both Young nnd Cookson
played throughout with n vim nnd determi
nation that presaged a victory which was as
well deserved as it was decisive.
* This was the chief event of the day. The
match In which Bowman and Hnskell had
overnight won nnd lost ono sot against Til-
den and Seville ended in the victory of the
ftrmcr pairs and McKcll and Brown also suc
ceeded m leaving Butler and Pratt out of
the race , though they lost a sot In doing It.
Tonight Young and Cooksou will do their
bcstito continue their victorious career , and
Fosbcnuerand Lawrence will strive their
hardest to mnko the task a difllcult ono.
That outstanding tlo between Bart and
Dciilsc in the soinl-llntil of the singles is also
on the program for tonight.
Scores :
O. H. VOUIIR and O. H. CookMin beat C. S. Ctll-
iiindJ. W Hat 0-2 .
tin , - , 0-4.
II. Ilowtnnn and V. Haskell beat II , Tlldcn and
. ! . Seville , G-3. a-G , n-3.
T. MrKull nml .1. S. Urown beat II. Ilutler and
A. I'rntt , 0-2 ! , 3-0 , 0-1.
CuiCAOo , July IS. At the -tennis tourna
ment today J. Koad beat George Wrcnn ; R
Wrcnn defeated U Warden tit S. Sumncr
defeated C. D. Ncal ; In doubles , A very and
EltniK defeated Carter and Street : White
nnd Warden defeated the two Wrcnns ;
Alumluy nnd Knickerbocker defeated the
twoSimmoners ; Avcry and Elting-defeated
Carter and Street for a place in the semi
finals ; the two AleConnicks defeated Chusc
nnd R Wrenu.
rlnns I.nlit by the Tourlntn lor a Grciit
Trial of Speed ,
If the weather remains HI pleasant ns It
has for the last few days , and no otner un-
forsccn circumstance arises to defeat the
preparations , which are being made for the
bicycle tournamcntxat the Omaha Driving
park , Omaha people will have a chance to
witness a genuine amateur race moot on the
afternoon of the ' . d inst. The track will bo
put In its best form and when it Is so pre
pared , , it is the fastest and best bicycle track
itn Nebraska. The races will bo managed
and run under the auspices of the Tourist
Wheelmen , assisted by other clubs from
Omaha and the state at , largo. Edmunds ,
the Iowa state champion ; Pixlcy , the Ne-
brnsknn one-fourth mile champion ; Condon ,
tlio ono mile. Nebraska champion ; Holton ,
the two mile champion of Nebraska ; Hey
Keater of Chicago ; Young Bunks , the
phenomenal little llycr from Denver ,
Mockett 1 ! , the speedy Linconito ; Mulhall ,
Culley , Grinith , Barnctt , Schnell , Borglum ,
Landls of Hastings , Mock of Alma , Patter
son Bros , of Plattsmouth , Hughey , Luring
and Hattenhauer of Council Bluffs , and
scores of other speedy riders of local repute
will contest. The races will DO fast nnd ex
citing , and the management will spare no
means to make the tournament success.
Six hundred dollars worth of prizes have obtained , and these will bo hung up for
the live events on the afternoon'g program.
Flvo thousand people witnessed the races
at Lincoln on the Fourth , and there is no
reason why the Omaha tournament should
not draw as well. Hero is a partial list of
the prizes which will bo distributed :
Unu high grade bicycle , value , $150 ; ono
diamond cola modal , value $70 , donated liy
L. E. Ilollon. Oimilia ; i oriu Jl.OOO policy in tlio
American Casualty and .fcfi'curlty cumiinny ,
donated by Itlnewnlt Hros. , Omaha ; ono
bet of Morgan tt Wright pneumatic tires ,
vnluo $ i0 ! , donated by Morgan & \Vilgbl ,
Chicago ; ono "Solid Comfort" saddle , vuluu * li.
donated by Itrctz Curtis Manufacturing cuin-
! > : iny , Philadelphia ; ono "Hunt" roud or ruc-
iiK saddlevaluefG , donated by HuntManufac ;
turing company ; ono "UarforU" saddle , value.
JU.HUmatod by Uarford Manufacturing coin-
puny ; ono pair llygtndo" silk hose , value(7.
donated by H. P. t'urtls commmv ; ono cyclometer
meter , value $0.00 , donated by WhlttlngCnd-
dlng Cycle company ; one cycle clo.'lc. donated
by S.I. I.ovy ; one yoai'n NUbi-crlptlon to the
Hoiirings , Whuel unit Uofuree , uucli ilonulud
by the munuKUinuiit of those cycling journals.
In addition to the above , the following
parties have agreed to donate prizes aggre
gating J'JOO , consisting of medals , watches ,
etc. : M. O , Daxon , A. II. Porrlgo & Co. . A.
L. Beard , II. B. Whitehouse , H. 1C. Smith.
The races will bo called promptly at 2ao : In
the afternoon of thoM. . A small admis
sion fee will bo charged at the gate to help
defray expenses. The program as arranged
by the club's racing board will likely bo ns
follows without change. Itaccs are all open
to whosoever desires to cuter :
Ono mlle novlco.
One-fourth mile open.
One-half mlle open fur boys under 16.
Ono mile open.
Ton-mile handicap.
Ono ir.lle club championship.
Visiting wheelmen will find quarters at
the Tourist Wheelmen club house , 2000 Cal
ifornia ; Omaha Wheel club house on Chicago
cage and Seventeenth street nnd Young
Men's Christian association building. Ko-
ccption committees will see that all visiting1 *
wheelmen nro carefully looked after.
A lantern parade on tho" evening of the
Slat will be ono of the features of the tour
nament. The tournament was to have boon
held on the l.r > lh inst. , but owing to some
misunderstanding with the driving park
people the club was compelled to postpone
the moot until the 'JIM Inst.
Ituii Down by u Train ,
CIIAIII.ESTO.V , W. Vn. , July 1'J , A carriage
containing the board of .appraisers of the
National Building and Loan association of
New York was run Into by n train tit Sprlntr
Hill this evening nnd Captain Stone of this
city was instantly killed and F. W. Mc-
Daiuel , special agent , was fatally injured.
IIuV Mlporjcnulllvp.
SALT LAKE , July 1'J. [ Special Tologrnm to
THE BEU. ] Wllford Farmer , the 15-year-
old sou of a ranchman living near Grauts-
villo , Tovcll county , fatally shot himself
through the lungs today with a revolver be
cause his parents hud scolded him this morn
ing for shirking work.
"I can Pee where great good can bo >
done in imparting correot 'information
about the banking btitiinoHS to people
who lire not in it , " said T. S. Plum of
Tnlladega , Ala. , to the Globe-Democrat.
"Wo have bad considerable experience ;
in our btato with people wno have mis
taken ideas about banks. Tlio word
'bank' ' IB wort > o to thorn than a red rug tea
a bull. Thuy believe the bunko are the
cur e of the country. It la bimplv be
cause they do not nnderatand the uusi
noKH. An old farmer oamo into my
olllco not long ago , and bat down. I was
putting my aigimturo to BOIUO blank blllu
received in slieotH , the usual form , yon
know , from the Trcabtiry department.
The old farmer watched me for a few
moments , nnd nuked ;
" 'What is that ? '
"I handed him one of the sheets. Ho
looked at the blank billy , and said ;
" 'Thin Is money ? "
" ' Ye,1 1 1 wild.
" 'Is that the way you innko It ? ' ho
" 'Yes , ' said I.
" 'My godlomlty1 } ho said , and walked
out without another word , "
All of the Merrill Packing Company's Wnro-
honses DestnMd by Flames ,
Deluded Hcport of tile Cjclono Iltunfisa nt
I'omoroy Dcnth 'Dnlly ' IiicrrnslnR
CoutrlbiitliiKtu tlio Keller
of UiO'fiiilTcrors ' ,
OTTUMWA , In. , July 12. [ Special Telegram
to Tnc Bnc. ] The first flro In-tho history of
the Merrill Packing company occurred to
night nnd n clean $500,000 wns licked up by
the flames. The warehouses of the Ilrm took
lire from the electric wires In the building
near the elevator and In nn instant the
whole structure wns In flames. These
houses contained the cellars , cutting and
weighing departments , chill rooms , lard
refineries , smoked meat department , Jobbing
rooms and ofllco. The packing house hnd
been slaughtering lr > 00 hogs dally and at
least $200,000 worth of product wns
consumed. The main buildings containing
the moSt valuable machinery and engines ,
the warehouse containing the pickled meats
wcro saved , The plant Is covered with
nearly $7f > 0,000 Insurance , All the Insurance
companies represented hi the city nro losers
from $5,1)00 to S'Jo.OOO. T. D. Foster , general
manager , said tonight that they would bo
killing hogs again Trlthln a week , The
burnt structure will bo rebuilt nt once.
County liinuttitu lit Sidney.
' SIDNEY , Ia..Iuly 12. [ Special to Tun Bcn.l
County Superintendent O. W. Durrotto
opened the Fremont county Institute Alon-
day , with u targe attendance of enthusiastic
teachers. The following Instructors are
employed : Principal U B. Stewart , Ihur-
man , penmanship ; Superintendent B. P.
Hoist , Boono.civics nnd didactics ; Principal
J. U. Iling , Hamburg , psychology nnd his
tory ; Principal S. Al. Alowatt , Sidney , phys-
lology and grammar ; Principal l P. W. Hnuff-
man. Glcndora , Cal. , sciences nnd literature ,
and Uuth Van Huspu , Sioux City , primary
atBi . The work In all departments is pro
gressing to the satisfaction of the members ,
and the Institute promises to be ono of the
most successful over held In southwestern
any previous year , showing that Superin
tendent Durrutto is doing his share in workIng -
Ing up nn Interest in the schools. State
Superintendent J. B. Knoofllcr Is expected
to lecture hero before the close of the ses
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Indicted nn loiTti Ia\vyor.
CEIUII IlAi'ins , la. , July 12. [ Special Tele-
cram to THE BBE. ] Robert D. Gale , n young
attorney | , was today arrested on a charge of
maintaining ! n nuisance. A red hot saloon
Avar has been in progress hero lately , and ns
a result some forty saloon keepers wcro in
dicted by the recently adjourned grand Jury.
During the Investigation by the grand Jury
it developed that Gale owned a half interest
in a saloon and an indictment against him
was returned. Ho gave bonds for his ap
pearance at the October term of court , when
it is expected thcro wllj bo sensational de
velopments. His arrest has caused n big
( inrza Kvliols In Iowa.
Dunuqun. July 113 ! "Five deputy United
States marshals have arrived hero with ten
United States prisoners for the Anamosn
penitentiary , all boakuu for terms running
from ono to three years each for violating
the neutrality laws between this country
and Mexico. All arjj members of the noted
Garrn band ot rillbusterlng "revolutionists. "
Nine of the gang nro Mexicans , and one .is
an American. They lived in Texas and
made raids into Mexico. With ten others
they nt ono time murdered eighty people in
a village. All-nre desperadoes of the worst
character and worelieavlly ironed.
ICdltors to Visit tlio I'llir.
> . DES MoiNca , July 12. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEC. ] President Youug of the Iowa
Press association has called a meeting of the
editors of the state to bo held at the Iowa
building at the World's fair grounds August
It at 11 a , in. He says If the editors expect
to visit the fair at nil they will find this the
best opportunity , as the courtesies of the
fair will bo extended to nil editors and their ,
wives during tnis visit , and llko courtesies
will also bo extended by all tbo special at
tractions on Midway plnisanco. An effort
will bo made to get special rates at a largo
enough hotel to nccommoJute. nil.
Iowa ItciniMlcann ( letting In Line.
DES MOISEH , July 12. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] At a mooting of a subcom
mittee of the State League of Republican
Clubs it was decided to hold n state league
convention in DCS Molnes August 15 , the dny
preceding the regular convention. Kopre-
sentatlves to this convention will bo on the
basis of ono delegate for each county and an
additional delegate for every 400 votes cast
for Harrison last fall , or fraction of 200 votes
so cast , giving the convention about COO
members. A number of noted speakers will
bo present and an effort is being made to
bring Governor McKinley hero.
Tnlcen After Two Wcclcs.
CoiiNiso , la , , July 12. [ Special Telegrnm
to THE BUB. ] On the evening of Juno W
the homo of D. H. Buckley was entered by
thiovoswho ( secured { 48 in money nnd a
quantity of whUky. Warrants have been
out over sineo for parties who skipped the
town the next morning. Last evening
Gcorgo Woodward , ono of the suspects , ven
tured home under cover of darkness nnd
afoot from Nodawny , where ho nrrivcu on
No. 12. Sheriff Eldrigo located him this
evening nnd served the warrant and ho Is
now conilncd in the Jail charged with
Alii Tor 1'iiineroy ,
Consiso , la. , July 12. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bin : . ] At a called meeting of the
Corning Board of Trnue , held tonight , ? noM
was a uproprlnted for the Pomoroy cyclone
sufferers , nnd committees were appointed
who will solicit aid to raise this to a goodly
sum. Ladles' committees will solicit , linen
for bandages and clothing. The churches
nnd various fraternal orders have already
raised contributions.
Balloon tonight.nnd tomorrow night.
Drntli Itiill.
BAI.TI.MOHB , July.12. . Mr. David Harlnn ,
father of Henry U.-iliarlan , died this mornIng -
Ing aged 62. > ned
NEW Youic , July&fil Octavla Allen , nged
M , nt ono time a well known actress , is dead.
She was nt diffcnmt times loading ludy for
Booth , Barrett and ICeeue.
A Town In Grrinifny ICutlrnly VVIpoil Out
by un Arfi'Hli" ! Well ,
A curious fate has overtaken the little
town of Rchnoldeniitlil , in the Duchy of
The pc'dplo of Schneidoiniihl
had a town pump''twhich ' had supplied
them with water f6r many years. Dur
ing tlio cholera , 'uWdcmio lust summer
the water fell uhir ( | miBplcion , which
analysis' seemed , to confirm. It was
therefore determined to go deeper and
the pipes of un artesian well were put
down. At a depth of forty-four meters
an underground reservoir was tupped
and the water , probscd on by
the superincumbent neil , rushed
up with great forco. When
the artonlan pipe was stopped the
water forced its way up ouUido the
pipes , bringing up with it quantities of
mind. All the elTortH since nnido to stop
the ( low huro boon useless , and usj the
water rites the earth nlnkn. The oh-
vioiiB inference seems to be that HO long
tin there was no oseapo for it the water
formed un incompressible stratum on
which the upper earth rested in safety.
Every hydraulic press illustrates the
enormous force water will bear and will
convoy when no outlet is provided for it ;
but lot there bo a vent and it yields to a
touch , So the hidden water
stratum under the I'osen town./
It bore up the weight
ofas fifty-four motors of salld earth so long
as there wns no outlet , but Uio artesian
jiipo lot it loose nnd it rushed out from
its confinement , and the soil it had
borne < above it necessarily sank down.
There is nothing remarkable , nothing
altogether unexpected. It lias boon
often pointed out that thcro is a danger
tcA which artesian wells may cxposo us.
Alarm has sometimes been expressed at
the possible , though not probable , re
sult of tupping to tiny largo extent the
water-bearing strata under London.
The case of Schneidemuhl is perhaps
the first in which this danger , which lias
always been theoretically recognized ,
has been realized to a very serious ex
. tent.
IIo IIKVlfo When Ho Wns Yoltnu
mid I'oor.
Pndcrowskl wns younger once It goes
without Baying ; moreover ho was moro
handsome , but less interesting. IIo wns
gay and light-hearted , and full of ambi
tion. His wife , she was young , too , and
very womanly and very sweet to look at.
She had blue eyes and brown hair , and
a little dimple in the loft check. She
was devoted to her husband full of
aspirations for him. She expected to
see him a great man. IIo played to
her always wliat ho wrote , and she lay
on the couch and listened and admired
him.They lived in a plain , little room.
Padorow.Mkl was not great in those days ,
and they were very poor * . Things got
worse. All their plans miscarried ; and
the castles they built fell so quickly
and in such ruins ! Did ho .hope for an
engagement behold , tlio manager died ! '
Did ho arrange to play at a concert it
was never given. Had ho a private
recital a felon came on his hand.
So it wont on , and the wife she was
not less cheerful , but she remained on
the couch for hours every day. She
Frew thin. She became a consumptive.
It was the worst form , and you could see
her change from day to day.
The doctor came and said : "Take her
away from hero. Go to France or Italy.
She needs change of air and scene. "
The husband could not do it. "Then
give her wino nnd good food. " IIo could
hardly do that. IIo tried. Only ho and
she and very near friends know now
hard he tried. Fate was all against
them and she died.
What ho now receives for ono evening
of his music might have prolonged her
life for a year.
Balloon tonight and tomorrow night
Intcrrntlni ; ICIrctloit Cno Perilled.
MoNTiCKi.r.o , 111. , July 12. In the
county court Judge Davidson decided a
point in the now election law that has
never before ariben. In the spring elec
tion four men hnd received their tickets
and wcro in the booths , when the polls
were declared closed. The judge ro-
fuscd to put their tickets in the ballot
box and in consequence- two can
didates for justice of the peace
wcro tied. It was shown by allldavittliat
tbatall four men intended to vote for one
of the candidates , and by the judge's de
cision the olllco was awarded to him.
Generally Tnlr nnd Coolnr Arc the Pre
diction * Tor X bra ki : Todily.
WASHINGTON , July 12. Forecasts for Thurs
day : For Nebraska Generally fair ; north
erly winds ; slightly cooler in eastern per
tion' .
For Iowa Generally fair , except possibly ,
local thunder storms during tlio evening ;
winds shifting to northwest ; cooler Tliurs-
duy night.
For South Dakota Generally fair ; north
erly winds ; slightly cooler.
fjocat Jlecorcl.
July 12.- ! Omaha record of temperature and
rainfall , compared with corresponding day
of past four years :
1803. 1802. 1891. 1800.
Maximum tcninoraturo. 973 ! llo 90 = U''o
Minimum tcmporniuro. 73 * 733 703 7'JO
Avoruifo teniporuture. . . 803 823 h03 82O
Precipitation 00 .02 .00 .17
Statement showing the condition of tem
perature and precipitation .it Omaha for the
day and since March 1 , 18U3 :
Ncrnuil temperature 79o
Excess for the diiy 0 °
Dullclcncyslnco JUiircb 1 223o
Noriiml precipitation 18 Inch
Deficiency for the day 18 Inch
Excess since March 1 03 inch
Iloports ( rein Other 1'olnts ut H p. m.
GLUIKII : E. HITNT. Local Foi-ecast Olllclal.
Slightly Incrnniicil Alovnmnnt of IIKm Over
tlio Prrcailliii ; Wiiek.
CINCINXATI , July 12. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Dei : . ] Tomorrow's Price-Current will
say : Total packing. 205,000 hogs the past
week , against 200,000 the preceding week and
240,000 last year , making the western total
il.OSO.OOO sinceAlaruh 1 , acnlnstUIUO.OOO a
year ago. Prominent places compare us
follows :
Toughs Who Thumped the East Omaha
Officers Are Now Locked Up ,
Loomed nt rinronco with n Hie Multol
Hole In Ills Abdomen Tnkcn to limn
Without IlcqiiltUlona 1'roof
Strong Acnltut Tltcin.
Ofllccr Wiatt's gun that ho used last
Sunday night nt East Omaha In the riot In
1 which ho nnd Officer Crafts , also of the
j Council Uluffs force , wcro so badly hurt ,
was aimed to kill , ns yesterday's do-
vclopmwits show. Erer since the nffnlr
took phtco the police have been
working to Ilnd the guilty parties , yester
day a mail was found at Florence , who Is
said to bo the one who received the full uctio *
lit of the llrst shot that Wlatl llred. Ho
was wounded in the bowels and it is thought
that his Injury will provo fatal. Ho cannot
bo moved.
Informations have been filed np.ilnst Hvo
of the gang nnd three of them were arrested
Tuesday night about midnight In Omaha.
Their n nines are John Kcedcr , John Murray
nnd John IJoiieinoyer. Hcoder has bcou In the
employ of the East Omaha Motor company
and is snld to bo n hnrd citizen. IIo
Is the ono who stubbed Wlatt. Ho was de
posited hi Jail inOmnha charged with being
n fugitive from Justice. Att9rncy Mnhonoy
cominenced'habcas corpus proceedings nnd
Hceder wns released , but was at once rear-
rested. Ho nnd his companions then suld they
would not go to Council Bluffs without
requisition papers. lUit the authorities of
the two cities practiced un old , hut perfectly
reliable scheme , nnd ns n .result they nro
now In theclty Jail nt Council muffs , with
the charge of assault with Intent to commit
murder entered ngalnst them. The Omaha
patrol wagon carried them as far as the
middle of the bridge , where the muffs pa
trol mot them and finished the Journey.
Balloon tonight and tomorrow night.
' Alirriinl of tlio Times.
Detroit Tribune- : The doctor placed
Ins feet upon the operating table and
laughed discordantly.
IIo was not a handsome man , but de
cidedly intorcstinir in appearance ,
which is the best that can bo wild of
people who are not handsome.
"Yes , " ho remarked , as ho pared his
finger nails with a tealpol , " ! _ am
diagnosing many cases as mere debility
this year which a twelve munth ago I
ghou'ld have culled nervous prostra
tion. "
Thc-doctor pondered.
'But what arc you to do , " ho de
manded , "iu times of financial strin-
{ rencyV Nervous prostration"
The doctor picked his teeth re lice-
lively with a'probo. f I CD
"Means a trip abroad. Mere de
bility means the seashore for u couple-
days. We have to keep our linger on
the public pulse , you know ! "
And the doctor laughed discordantly
some more.
Down in the hind of Tilhnan no Jag Is
genuine unless the state seal Is blown in the
ITc Ojfer Tott a Xcmc/Jy /
tr/ic/t { Insure * Safety to
Zife of Mother and Child.
Itoba Confinement of Its
Fain , Horror and Risk.
AftfrnslnBoncbottleof " niolhcr'n Frlcnil"
uITcred but llltlt ) pulu.and did not experience That
weakni'R3 attcrwurd usual In EUch ca&us. 2lrs.
AKIIII : Oiar , Lamar , IIo. , Jan. istb , 1831.
Bent by express. clisrBM prepaid , on receipt ot
tirtcp , 81.00 per bottle. IJook to Mutlicrs mailed rrco.
W. n. PAKKKK , M. ! > . , No. 4 IltiinncH Et. ,
HCIKTCV ; , lj.'f .v c/itrf ennui/ting j > h\iticlin of thi
ivia nwnril ( J Uio ooi.n IIKIUI. Iy the HATH NAt
MKIIIOAI. A'-iooUTloMfui lliul'KIZI ! KPSAYon
rjrh'itnltJ Vitality , Attvr--y , AVrrnut nnd l'fiyti ( ill
I'ftilMy , enl , all Jiltia .ci nnd Wtakntn of Man
niinff * ihoyming , Uiu nilddlt-nyfJ nnd out
iitm\ ! Conniltatlon in ] > creon or by ; < tu-r.
IJUIIUO ] > r04pciliii with -ttlmonlr.c ! , KKE11
LnrRC boot. SCICNUK OF LIFE , < ) H hKI.l'-
l-ltKSiilXrATJN. : COO pp. . li in\alunlilo JW
- '
With Nerve Ha ns. now vou'oiablo discovery
of nmrvolous power , positive euro ( or nil
nerve trouuins , biich ns nervous prostration ,
BlREplcbsncss. ilrHuoiidciiey , ] i lni In.biiek and
tide , sick henduche. ilyspcpsln , loss of nppo-
tltc , etc. Wondurfiil ncivo tonle. makes rli-li ,
pure liloocl , tones entire system. $1 a box ,
cnoupii for two weokH. At ( IruitKlsts , or by
mull , Norvelloun Co. , Itull'alo. N , V.
of lmproY mfnt -
Dr. ncrc * ' ! Plww-
nt l > ll t . To
begin Trith , the/'r *
tb nmnllflst , iind
the eatlrat lo t V .
They'ro tiny ,
nuciir-coatfd ntl
bilious Kt nuli.
icnrcely Isrgpf
thnn raustnri )
wrd . Etery chll
Is rcndj for thtm ,
Then , nftor thov'ro iAVon , Instrnd ot JI *
tmbliiR nnd ihocltltig ths system , thor ct
In a mild , rosy , nnd tmturnl w y. There's
no chance for nny reaction nftcnvAril , Tholr
help laxti. Constitution , Indigestion , Dllloui
Attnclot , Sick or Illlloux llradnclipii , nhd nil
derangements of the liver , stomach , and
bowels nro promptly relieved nml pcnimn-
cntly cured.
Thov'ro put np In Rlnss vials , which keep *
them nlwnys fresh nml reliable , unllko Uis
ordinnry pills In wooden or pasteboard
And they're the cheapnt pills you can buy ,
for thny're piiurtinfrm to glvo patltfnctlon ,
or your money Is rcturnod. You pay onjf
for the good you cot. ,
In all your outings
to the World's lrair
Seaside Mountains
everywhere , tnkc
with you.
IHncs * frequently results
from changes of food , water ,
climate , habits , etc. , and tl < c
remedy is licccliani's I'ills.
17. S. Depository , Omaha , Nob.
CAPITAL , S400.00O
SURPLUS , 805,000
OHlccrB nml Dlrpclorn Hrnry W. Ynteo , protl-
ili-nl. U. O. CiiHhliiir , vlcn iirt'Hliloiil , C. S. Maurl3 ( > .
W. V. John S. Collins , J. N. H. IMtrloft
llcwl ,
Tooth cxtraclpd In mornlngr ,
Now onesliiHurlinlnflrriioon
Bimo dny. Perfect III B ar-
Unl J'/oor.
7'd.vfoiiioor. .
Kith innifiiiuii " Srt'O ( .
Elevator on llilli Stn-ct. Tulupliono 1033.
THIS \viru you.
Ormha's Newest Hotel.
Cur. 1-Ih and Howard Streets.
40rooms M.51) par day.
40 rooms 13.00 per ( lay.
80 rooms with luilli at * ' ) nor ilar.
'JO rooms with biitli nt JI..V ) par day' ,
ililo.'fl In Kvcry Kospuot.
C. S. ERB , - Proo.
UorCOUIIRO Grew ) Ave. anil fl-ltU
t , . Ulile.ittu. Klritt elasa. Euro
iwiu. Superior Uliilns Itoom.
niilcH iroin Worhi'B Fftlr
111-1'- " " ' Si > "a 'owirou.
. - . _ _ . lar. W. N. 1M3LUUKE Hunt.
Huadiiunrtcra forWesturn WorlU'B Kulr Vialloro.
Special Notions *
LHSTKACT iKipi-rH loHt on Ilrcinilxvny. Id-turn 10
John William WulKi-r , lluo ojllco.
\\rANTKDpartlcHwitlia little tliuo nnil eapltn
it to iiiiikuanil Intrudiici ) < ) iited novelties. 11
J. AdaniH , 118 I'crln avuiiuu , Council lllullH.
AnSTKACTS nml loaim. Farm and city property
bought nnil bold. 1'imey i Thomtia , Council
GAHIIAfiK removi-il , cnBHpoolH , viinllH. chlrnnoyj
clciinud. KU llnrlto , ut Tuylur'H t'roccry , BaO
"oil EXCHANGE , nleo lot on bottom for horse
anil but'iry. UreeimhlelilH , NleholHou it Co.
I''llUIT KA11MS Wo huvu HOIIH- linn ln-arlnir frtilt
farniH/orHalu ; al o treed Iowa fiirnmj acholuo
j-lll-ucru fiirni , VM per IHMXJ. Johimton .V Vuu
itll HAT.K at a hamalu If lalu-n at oni-i' . H15 fe < -
J by lUl ! fei-t on 1'arlc nveiiue. or will Bell In
Hina'lU'r immilH Ifili-Hlrod. K. 11 , Sheafu , Uroud-
way and Main Htrcet ,
Wo have S high-cjrudo gouts' pneumatics , 2 ladles' pneumatic ? , wife'li grade ,
4 hoys' and 1 prlrl's wheel in Btoolc , all 18M wheels , of latest design and strictly
high grade. If wo can got tlio cash cost of these wo will lot thorn go. Thesa
include three o ( the bo t Known whoolfi in the world and not a mar or scratch on
thorn. Wo are agents for Victors , New Malls , King KlipporH and Wavorl.vs. Our
reason for cleaning un at * ! middle of the blcyclo BOUSOII is August 1st wo will
have arrive 5 carloads of stoves 1 cir : Dockwith's Round Oitkn , 2enrn Radiant
Homes , 1 car Stewart's and 1 car wrought ranges. To innko room wo must clear
our slock of all bulky goods. This is no advertising fake , hut wo moan exactly
what wo sny. Wo also have ono fine Refrigerator loft that will go at cost. This
will clean out our bulky seasonable goods. Don't wait till thoto are gone and tlioo
regret that you mlsbod the chance of a lifetime. Our friends know wo are doing a
four-atory ' businebs in a two-story building , and are short room.
'COLE & COLE , 41 Main St. , Council Blu/fs / , la.
You Will Need Them
* *
Wo carry thG largest line of Siolt7es , Knife Heads ,
tSt Pitman 13oxcs , RalcG Teeth , Oil Cans , Punches , Coal
Chisel , etc.
WG guarantee prompt shipTnents. Send us your orders.
1304-6-8-1O Main St. , Counc Bluffs Iowa/ .