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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1893)
THF. OMAHA DAILY 111 ? ! ? ! WRDNESHAY T2 1R03. PREPARED TO PULL PISTOLS tiinooln Bnrinesn Men Narrowly Avoid Very Serious Trouble. POLICE COMPELLED TO INTERFERE Jndlcntloni tlint the Ollrer-Inn Inf Dim. oultjr AVII1 Vet llcinlt In lllnoil- Ued Nobrntkn Olrcltt at Kaie. .y , July 11. [ Special to THE BBE.J The fond between Lunging nnd Oliver is do- Yoloplng n decidedly sanguinary hue , nnd predictions are freely made that unless Oliver Is restrained the blood of one or the other will How. Yesterday , nftcr Oliver hrul paid bis fine for slapping Lansing , it is reported that Oliver informed a friend that ho would kill Lansing before sundown. Ho did not do so , however , but this morning an nounced his intention of doing so before noon. Shortly after 11 o'clock ho stepped into Lansing's ofllco in the Lansing theater building with n hatchet in his hand. Ho walked up to Lansing , who backed off be hind a deiik , nnd , flourishing it m his face , announced his Intention of seeking from him personally the Justice the courts had denied him. LanMng did not stop to nrguo wllh DIUer , whoso face was drawn and whoso > ycs wcro staring lllto n madman , but tscapcd through the rear door. Spectators Interfered nnd prevented Oliver following aim. aim.Somo Some 6no telephoned for the police , nnd Vrhcu the onleor arrived Lansing and Oliver rero both standing out on the sldewallc , janslng with n cano nnd Oliver with his Hatchet , nnd revolvers nrotruding from the lockets of each. Lansing asked that Oliver > e taiion away , but the oflleur declined to flo so until Lansing would pro along and make complaint. Ho refused to do so , and , calling his carriage , wont homeleaving Oli ver still on duck. Later Lansing went be fore Judge Borgclt nnd secured a warrant Charging Oliver with threatening his life nail assaulting him. In Strtto Ilnnklnc Circle * . Tbo latest news in banking affairs nt the ntato capltol would not seem to indicate any particularly alarmlne state of affairs in financial circles of Nebraska. The Bank of Jlarrlsburg will bo opened in n few days in Bennett county with a capital of $5,000 , the Incorporntors being J. V. Cross , J. M. "Wil son and C. S. Beard. I The Commofplal National bank of Odoil Jias boon released from the control of the banking board and trill bo allowed to go into Voluntary liquidation. This action is the ( result of a most unusual expression of confl- pcnco on the part of the depositors of the bank. They agreed to cancel about $11,000 bf the bank's liabilities , and- tendered the i examiner a check for the sum. ' ou condition that Monroe Robinson , the ex-president and tnnnager of the Institution , bo allowed to take charge of affairs. The banking board ins agreed to this and turned the funds , over , o Air. Hoblnsou with instructions to wind iu the affairs of the bank as speedily as con- if3tent with the highest realization of the issots. Keports have been received from the ex- minors of theibauks n't Schubert , Ognllala ind the American Savings bank of Beatrice , but the action of the board has not been made public. public.Doesn't Doesn't VTnnt Ills Help. Receiver Haydcn of the defunct Capital National bank is somewhat annoyed by the frequent publication that C. W. Moshor is coming to Lincoln to assist the receiver , ( lo says most emphatically that ho has not iskod for Mr. Moshor's help and ho does not [ now thnt it is needed. As to his coming nto the receiver's ofllco ho does not know , nything , and doesn't believe that ho is. 'orhaps the bank's ' attorneys have nskod for ils assistance and testimony iu the cases that hnvo bcon brought in court , says Mr. Hnydcu. but ho way not hnnUcring for Mr. Mosher's assistance , and was in no Violent need -of It. All of which troultl seem to indicate that when Cobb & Harvey , who were appointed &s the bank's attorneys at the request bf the then receiver , J. D. Macfarland , who * happens to bo ft son-in-law of Cobb , asked uudgo Dundy that Mr. Mosher bo detailed to Assist the receiver , they had temporarily or Dthorwiso forcotton that Macfarland was hot the receiver and had neglected to ask Sir. Huydcu if ho was in need of the banlc Crocker's assistance. The evident attempts tn the part of the bank's ' attorneys , Moshor's attorneys nml a number of other interested parties to sccuro Mosher's immunity from Imprisonment for nt least n year by having him detained hero ostensibly to assist the receiver , when the receiver hasn't nskod for nnd doesn't want him , is creating consider able ieellng among the depositors aud the Lincoln public generally. Died on the Train. Dr. Frank McDonald , city physician of Plttsburg , Pa. , died on board the Rock Island train No. 0. nt Plymouth , this county , nt 1U:40 today. The doctor bad been ill with diabotcs for aomo tlmo , nnd had gone to Colorado Springs for treatment. The "C physicians there told him they could do nothing for him , and that if ho wished to BOO homo'ngnln before ho died ho should re turn immediately. Ho took the next train for the cast , but was taken ill durlug the night and gradually sank. Dr. J. H. Tyndalo of this city and Dr. John Campbell of Cincinnati were on board thu train aud ad ministered aid , but tholr efforts wore of no avail. The remains were removed tojocal undertaking rooms , nnd his relatives in Plttsburg notified. Ho is apparently about B5 years of ago. ty City in llrief. Vv Dr. A. D. Harmon of Auburn and Miss 1 Alice E. Gndd of Bethany Heights were mar ried this morning at the residence of the brido's father , K. T. Grtdd. The young couple were members of the graduating class of 'l > 3 at Cotner university nnd go to Helena , Mont. , wcro Mr. Harmon takes charge of a church. The published report that the printing house of Jacob North & Co. has been sold to Ports Wilson is uutruo. The wholesale wrapping paper nnd bagging business of that ilrin was , however , transferred. The county commissioners have decided to levy n 17.7 mill levy for thu coming year , an increase of 1-10 of a mill over last yrar. Alleged Hop Thlur Cnpturod , FBBMOXT , July 11. [ Special to THE BEE.- ] Shorlft Milllkon found Itolla Skillon In Nomaha county and brought him to this city yesterday. Ho pleaded guilty to the charge of grand larceny and was sent back to jail to await sentence from the district court. Ho is a brother of James Skillon. ono of the four young men who pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing hogs from the Bay State C.UUo company and were sentenced to Olio year each in the penitentiary. For the same offcnsa ho will doubtless receive the same sentence. Some ouo entered the house of W. II. Turner hut evening during the absence EI.of the family und after thoroughly ransacking the IIOUSQ found a gold wntuh belonging to . Mlss Norn uiul a few hundred dollars th bf silverware , which they took with in before the family returned. Fnrt Itoulimoii ( Juustn. Four HouiNsoN , July 11. [ Special Tele gram to THU-BKE. ] Senator Maudorsoii , Mr. Holdredgoof the B. &MW. E. Aunln of the Salt Lake Press and a party of ladles and gcntlumcn , numbering ten , paid the jx > > st a three hours visit today , during which six troops of the Ninth cavalry had a mounted dress parade , uftor which troops D and I , Ninth cavalry , gave an exhibition drill under the direction of Captains S ted man and Gull- . After thu IIro foylo. military ceremonies were milled an informal reception was held on the lawn In front of Colonel Bldala's quarters. The Ninth cavalry baud rendered some of their choicest selections. Arranging tor n 1'ubllo I.tbrnrj- . HASTINGS , July 11. [ Special to Tim BEK. ] The ladles of the Hastings Library associa tion last pight offered to give the books now ovrucd by thorn to the city us a nucleus for a free publlo library If the council would 'AS- sumo the trust. The members of the couu- I h cU were unanimously in fuvor of accepting V AJVJbo gift , but the mutter was referred to a I * - committee- make qoccssary arrangements. It is suggested by some of the councilman thnt the vacant block formerly occupied by the Fourth ward school homo bo taken as n site for R library bulMlnir , the rest of the block to bo converted Into n neat park. The trnct in question Is but four blocks from the business center of town , and already U quite valuable. IT WAS 0 IJ FKM.OW5' MAT. Central Clmntnticinn A emhly Entertaining Slniijr Member * of tlio Order. FnrvosT , July 11.- [ Special to Tnn BEB. ] This has boon Odd Follows1 day nt the Cen- trat Chantauqun assembly and consequently was attended by a very largo number of the order from this nnd other cities accompanied by tholr families beside the regular attend ance nnd these desirous ot learning tnoro of the order. This afternoon Hon. A. H. Weir , grand master from Lincoln , and Grand Uop- rcscntallvo J. S. Hongland of North Platte delivered able addresses. Among other things the grand muster said : Wo nreia happy , Joyous , prosperous family of brothers and sister * . Wo keep our treasury well filled with funds to supply the needs of these who are sick and In dis tress. Wo also keep on hand-n largo and valuable fund of friendship , love and sympathy for the suffering humanity , Our secrets are to guard this sacred treasury against the parasites of humanity. Thrro are thousands of human vultures wandering over this world who arc too lazy to labor , nnd who by reason of their vicious and Immoral conduct nro unworthy to associate with bouest people and who a'ro coiitltmally practicing tholr parasitical pursuits , of living upon the fruits of honest labor , performed by other human * bomgs. Our secrets bar them out of our society , nnd no honest person will condemn us bc- cnuso of such socrots. The dishonest man would llko to son our secrets swept away for the same reason thut the burglar would llko to sco thu banner strike the bolts and bars from off his vault. "In tills wondrous world \vbcro man nnd woman scorn to hold full sway to lord it over alt other living things , and full control of wealth and power and everything which brings to them the Joys nnd comforts of life , tncro are manv who nbuso the privi leges granted them by tlieir Maker and seek to usurp tho. rights and powers of other human beings. Worn it not for such vrickod usurpation of power , born of selllsh instincts and fostered nnd fed by thoughts of grcod , of gain and unholy ambitions , thcro would bo no necessity for institutions such as the Independent Order of Odd Follows. Perse cution , fraud , deceit and countless other wrongs would not exist nnd friendship and love would 1111 the heart of men with gener ous sympathy nnd all the world would llvo in iicaco , harmony ami happiness. " Soon after followed the half nnlo nnd tnllo bloyclo races , which were free for all , except the half-milo bicycle race , which was for Odd Fallows only. The Ellsworth band gave a coifi-crt In the evening , followed by iv grand panorama and brilliant display of fireworks. The float containing the panorama rama conslstcdjof five largo wagons contain ing the oflleers of the locigo in full uniform , representing the lodge at work In the differ ent degrees of Odd Fellowship. LoNO PIXE , July 11. [ Special Telegram to Tin : UKB. ] This was the big day of the Chautawjua. It was entirely in the hands of the Grand Army of the Kopubllc , nnd was presided .over by its commander , Judge Church. Hon. Church Howe , who was ad vertised in the program , was unable to bo present on account of sickness. This Is the only instance during the season that the program has not been carrlud out as repre sented. Several speeches were made In the afternoon , and lu the evening a camp flro was hold. A brilliant display of fireworks ended the days Jollitlcatiou. Tomorrow is recognition day , when a class inChautauqua , Llterray and ScicntlHc circle will bo grad uated. The assembly wlllclosowitha grand concert In the evening. CKKTK , July 11. [ Special Telegram to THE Bp.u.l Unity the attendance increases at the Nebraska Chautauqua assembly grounds. Largo crowds came from Lincoln today to see nnd hear the second exhibit of Prof. Toft on the "Decorations of the World's Fair. " The program \vas carried out as ad vertised. Soifar , iu point of attendance as well as in receipts at the gate , this year's assembly keeps ahead of any of those of previous yeara. An excellent program is prepared for tomorrow. Interstate' llciinlou Kcntiiroi. SupF.mon , July 11. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bur. . ] Gclioral J. D. Gage was in'the city today conferring with the interstate re union committee upon the encampment of National guards , which is ordered hero for drill during the Interstate reunion.August 1 to 0 , and reports that ho is well pleased with the extensive preparations that" are being made by tbo citi/ens to make each day n rod loiter ono. The "companies are all doing their utmost in preparing for the drill. There will bo about ono thousand old votor- ims in line all around , and they will take part in the sham battles that will bo fought during the reunion. The district commander has already ordered several thousand rounds of cartridges for the occasion , and expects to have 1,500 men to take part iu the engagement. Cn County's Fair I'rogram. PLATTSMOUTU , July 11. [ Special to Tun DEB. ] The directors of the Cass county fair , which will bo hold in this city during Sep ! tember , have decided to introduce a fcaturo quito now to county fairs. Ono day will beset sot asldo for bicycle racing , and on that date not a race horse will bo seen on the track. The association will hang up some $ T 00 in prizes , and the managers of this department have already received the assurance that several dozen of the speediest riders in the state will bo on hand to battle for the purses. The races will bo run under the League of American Wheelmen rules , and none but amateur riders will bo allowed to partici pate. Both the fair association and the bicyclists anticipate a great day's sport. Duinonliul by Trouble. GiiANn ISLAND , July 11. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] Mrs. William Wndo , widow of William Wrldo , who was drowned at Omaha three weeks ago , was taken to the iusuno asylum today. The commission in vestigated her case Saturday , but nor brother applied for a writ of habeas corpus ' , his object being to put her under the treat ment of a faith euro scientist. The writ was denied 'yesterday by Judge Clifford. The lady had boon talcing the faith euro treat ment and there was 301110 bitter fueling iton the part of some members of the family Fireman Herlouily Hurt. CHCTB , July 11. [ Special to Tun BBE. ] While flyer No. a on the B. & M. passed hoer station yesterday evening Fireman P. Me- Glngls of engine 803 leaned carelessly over the gate at his side of the engine and was struck by the mall pouch hanging to the mall post. The shock throw the man off his engine , landing him Jiftocn feet from the track on the hard ground. The result was a broken and badly dlsllgured faco. Ho will live. Took n Tumble from Ilia Wheel. JUNIATA , July 11. [ Special to Tim BEB. ] Fred Vanbuntor , the young-man who .had his leg broken last spring by a horse falling on him , foil off a bicycle yesterday evening and brolto his leg again. It is worse this time , us both bones are now broken , Ho had only quit using his crutches about a month. His mother has boon away for some tlmo attend ing the World's fair , and his father started yesterday morning to Join her thcro. Fremont null Chungm Ilnnilt. FUKMONT , July 11. [ Special to TUB BEK. ] The Lommou brothers , formerly of the Geneva Hcpubllcan , have purchased the material nnd good will of the Fremont Flail and expect to make it ono of the best papers puolishcd in this county. Major It. srsE. bor.ui will still continue to publish the Cauip Flro. unlumbiu * Nmr School Tencheni. Cm.UMiiua , July 11 , [ Special to TUB BEB. ] The city school board wet last evening to elect teachers for the coming yoar. The ' nuw onus selected wcro : W. E. Weaver , Morrison. 111. ; Miss U. Ward , David City ' j Miss Julia Henry , Orange City , la. The High school principal has not been selected. CIIETB , July 11. [ Special to TUB BEB. ] Cleorgo Itobinson , a 15-year-old son of G..W. Hobmsoii , a farmer living six miles north of hero , caught his hand in a solf-blndcr yes terday , The accident will necessitate the amputation of three lingers , PI VAT P A OAT TVT ? ftVni APTAV FATAL GASOLINE EXPLOSION Two Beatrice. Women Meet a Terrible Death by Tiro. NO EXPLANATION' THE AFFAIR Mr * . O. II. Vnn ArmUlo nml Mnry Hoge- felt th * VIctTmi Ituihniul or the Former Grared by 1II > fright ful Misfortune. nzvrmcs , Nob. , July 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tun HEnT ] Ono of the most fearful accidents over recorded In this city occurred about 1 o'clock today. Mrs. C. H. 'VnnArsdalo , wlfo of the well known dry goods merchant of the firm of Bcgola & Van Arsdalo , and o domestic , Mary IIogolfcH , were engaged In cleaning bedsteads with gasollno when the can containing the dangerous fluid exploded nnd both women were instantly enveloped In flames. Before any aid could bo rendered both were burned so fearfully that neither of them was recog nized. It will probably never bo known exactly how the accident occurred , but Is supposed that while using the gasollno ono of the ladies lighted a match for the purpose of making n closer examination of the wood nnd that the inllamablo oil was thus Ignited. The flro department responded promptly to the alarm of flro , but the flames were extinguished before the de partment arrived. During the run to the flro J. 1C. Whlto at tempted to Jump on a wagon which was drawing a hose cart , but was thrown under the wheels and had both of his foot badly crushed. Both Mrs. C. H. Van Arsdalo and the domestic nro dead. Various theories have ocen advanced as to the probable cause of the accident. Mr. Van Arsdalo has uoen crazed since the occurrence and fears nro entertained that his reason will bo seriously Impaired. UKMISli Ol' A. riONEItn. lion. Thonun Stovmisuu ot Ncbraakn City Numbered Among the Drnd. NEIIIIASKA CITT , July 11. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Hon. Thomas Stoven- son died this morning , aged 63. His death resulted from a complication of troubles. Five weeks ago ho fell from a tree , breaking his arm. Shortly afterward n largo car buncle made its appearance on the back of his nock. Blood poisoning sot in , resulting iu his death. Mr. Stevenson was well known throughout the state. Ho was a member of the first senate and rendered valuable service as captain of company A , Second Nebraska militia , in suppressing the Indian outbreak of 1801.Vhllo a member of the legislature In 1809 ho formulated the present school law. Ho was mayor of Ne braska City for five successive terms and member of the school board for many years. In politics Mr. Stevenson has always until recently boon identified as a leader of the republican party. A widow and six children survlvo him. The whole city is in mourning. PI..ATTSMOUTH , July 11. [ Special Telegram to Tils' BBE. ] The death of Hon. T. B. Stevenson Is quite n blow to his many friends in Plattsmouth. Mr. Stovensou was ono of the oldest practitioners in all NoDrnskn and ono of the leading lawyers In this Judicial district. He was a citizen of great influence ) nnd an honest advocate and will be greatly missed in all eastern Nebraska , where ho was widely known and highly ro- spectcd. The members of the Plattsmouth bar will Journey to Nebraska City in a body to attend the funeral , which occurs on j Thursday afternoon. Stele Money nnd Decamped. WAVEIU.Y , Nob. , July 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BED. ] William Holt , who has been in the employ of Mrs. Margaret Par sons for several months past , suddenly loft town about noon today , taking with him about $112 which had been placed in his hands by Airs. Parsnns to settle some bills In town. A warrant was sworn out nnd an ofuX-er dispatched after tbo fugitive. Tolo- grams.wero scut to principal points where it was likely to intercept bun. Mrs. Parsons begun proceedings for attachment on some property that ho had loft to recover the stolen money. Urnntoil n Kerry License. DAKOTA CITV , July 11. [ Special to THE BEE.J The Board of County Supervisors today granted a franchise to Dick Talbot to operate a lorry between Covlngton and Sioux City , la. No action was taken on the franchise now owned by Selzcr Bros , of Sioux City. Balloon tonight nnd tomorrow night. BESCUE"HALT HALT , . Board of Counsellors Urco Prompt Action to Overcome Apathy , The board of counsellors in connection with the maintenance ot Rescue hall mot at the hall last evening to consider the practi cability of keeping up the homo. The report submitted by the executive committee dis closed a dollclency of about ? 1.000. which would bo more than provided for had all subscriptions been paid when duo. Remarks by several of the delegates from the various churches showed n lack of inter est on the part of the churches , which was clearly sot forth by members of the execu tive committee. They urged that the earn est co-operation of the churches was abso lutely necessary to the successful operation of the hall , and advised the Issuance of'a circular appeal to the churches and their pastors setting forth the situation and im pressing upon them the need of assistance : nnd cnconragcmcnt. A committee consisting of Messrs. Tibbr , Pcnfold nnd Ilamlmg was appointed fie formulate this appeal. Kov. Dr. George W. Martin , chaplain of the reform school Kcarnoy , was present , and addressed the meeting with reference to the work of the Boys' and Girls' Aid society of the state , which has undertaken to maintain a state homo for boys and girls , who would other wUo bo compelled to look to the streets for 10u shqltcr , nnd to furnish thorn with good homes. The society will take the rooms now > given up to the use of boys and girls at the hall , and maintain thorn as a nucleus 10o : establish tholr work , which it Is expected to soon remove to other quarters in this city , the location of which has not yet been definitely agreed upon , but a lease of which > Is now under consideration. inU Ono of the converts who was rescued nt the homo last December was present and In a short address told of the course of study thnt ho is undergoing in the expectation % soon entering the ministry. It was the sentiment of nil present that the hall must bo maintained and that a vigorous effort would bo made to awaken n proper interest in it anion ; the church people of the city. Lmly jurorwitt goes up tonight about 8 at Courtlutid bouuli ; also tomorrow. Justice Illutrhfurd'n 1'uiKirnl , NcwroitT , H. I. , July 11. Funeral services over the remains of late Associate Justice Samuel Blatchford of the supreme court of the United States were held this afternoon la All Saints chapel , conducted by Bishop Potter , assisted by Bishop Clarke of Rhode [ Island and others. The lloral gifts were profuso. The pall bearers , headed by Chief Justice- Fuller of the United States supreme court , were : Justices Gray , Brewer , Shiras L , Jackson and other prominent people. After the services the remains were taken to Naw York nnd will bo interred in Qrocuwood cemetery tomorrow. William Jt. Harrison Drowned. A letter from William A , Conant from Kllensburg , Wash. , states that William imH. Harrison was drowned there recently. Mr , Harrison formerly lived In Omaha. Ho was about " 3 years old and leaves a wife and child. His mother and brother llvo in Nebraska. " Balloon tonight and tomorrow night. Itcflei the I'viierul Uovernnisnt. OAIIDO , L T. , July U. RcgnrdlnR the shooting or the uluo condemned Choctaws , in behalf of whom the federal government has IniertoncJ , Oovornor .To\ft taysthoy will bo shot < or horlll cnll out eVery member of. his militia to that end. b i : Balloon tonight ana1 tomorrow night. TARGET > PRAOTIOE. OIHccrs TTho \ Vlloinrt \ | nt Once to the Ilellrvtio ililbgo. The following ofllcore linvo boon ordered to report for duty at the JHollcvuo rlflo rnngo In connection with the Annual cayalry com petition on August 5 : , Captain .losoph Oarrnro , Oth Cavalry , Fort Hoblnson , Nob. ; Cftptnln Henry H. Wright , Otrt Ca\nlrv , fort Koblnsou , Neb. ! 'Captain Matthias \V. Day , Oth Ci\ralry , Port Kobin- son , Neb. The travel directed In necessary for the publlo sorvlco. Uoutonant Harold P. Howard. Oth Cavalry , Fort Washaklo , Wyo.j Lieutenant Goorqo C. Unrnhardt , Oth Cavalri' , l-\jrt McKlnnoy , Wyo.s Captain Clarcuco A. Stodman , Uth Cavalry , Fort Hoblnsou , Neb. ; Lieutenant Lawson M. Fuller , Uth Cavalry , Fort Uoblnson , Nob. The followinp odlcers have been ordered to report for duty nt the Hollovuc rlllo raiiRO on August SI In connection with the annual department rlflo competition : Under the provisions of paragraph 005 , small arms 11 ring regulations , as modified by paragraphs 7 nnd 8 , general orders No. 14 ! ! , sorlea Ib'.K ) , adjutant general's oIUco , Llcu- tcnant James A. Goodin , Sovcnth Infantry , Fort Logmi , Colo. , distinguished marksman , will report in person August 21st , next , to Captain William V. Uiehnrds , Sixteenth In fantry , commanding the department rlflo range , near Bellevue , Nob. , to participate in the coining1 annual department rillo com po tion ; Lieutenant William H , Johnson , Jr. , Sixteenth Infantry , Fort Douglas , Utah ; Lieutenant John C. Gregg , Sixteenth Infan try , Fort Douglas , Utah ; Lieutenant Ed ward Choynowoth , Seventeenth Infantry , Fort D. A. Uussoll. Wyo. { Lieutenant Harry O. Lyon , Seventeenth Infantry , Fort D. A. Uussell , Wyo. MAXIMUM BATE LAW. Work of the Cliori < or Completed , bat no Hrsultn ( liven Out. The freight men who have boon chocking rates under the maximum freight bill hnvo raPt practically completed their work , although not a single tariff has yet bcon published. The j result of tholr work will bo submitted to an Important mealing of the presidents to beheld held In. Chicago next Tuesday , and the result of this mooting is looked forward to with grout Interest as the magnates of the railroads concerned will then decide whether the will. is to-bo observed or quietly ignored Secretary 1'otoot In it recent Inter view in a Kansas City paper speaking of the maximun rate law said that ho thought nearly < nil the roails In Nebraska were In favor of putting lu tariffs according to the Nowborry law with the object of demon strating its ruinous workings , and thereby having it repealed. The experiment of violating : the law nml thus taking It into the courts with the hope having It declared unconstitutional might result in ; \ great loss to some of the roads , as the penalties for violating nro ? 10,00i ) for the first offence ! nnd 8.50,000 for the second At the meeting of the trnns-inissouri com mittee today In Kansas City tno bill is again being I discussed the Omaha roads being rep resented by A. W. Dt-Qokrof the Burlington , Merchant of the Elkhorn and \Vood of the Union Pacific. _ is IMPROVING. Victim oT the Mui-derolifl Assault Coming Out i'nlrly Well. H. Koplan , the pawnbroker who was as saulted In his store Monday evening , Is still suffering from his broken , Jaw , but is in an easier condition than glfht have boon ex pected from the severity bf his wound. Ho Is able to talk a llttlo and has told the story of the assault. ' According to Re-plan , , about two weeks ago C. B. Edols , an employe of the date City Laundry , who sometimes iicures ti sa song nnd dance man , cnmd 'into Kaplan's store nud saw u suit of clothcs : > whlcri ho wanted to buy , but had not tho.moncy to pay for them at the tlmo. Ho therefore gave ICoplan 50 cents to hold the suit for him a Tow days , saying ho would then como In and pay SO and take tbo suit. Some time passqd , during which Edols called for and delivered laundry bundles. On Monday eveningIt is said , ho came in and asked Koplan to glvo up his 50-cont deposit or sign a receipt for the same , and upon Kaplan's replying that ho "guessed ho was good for the amount" and that ho considered himself entitled to Keep it on account of having saved the suit , Ebels assaulted him as stated in yesterday's BHE. Ebels Is well known to the police , who will run him in on slgut. How's ThUT Now train to Lincoln leaves Omaha daily at 0:10 : a. m. from union depot via C. II. I. & P. railway , arrives at Lincoln 00:40 : a. m. MUST 1'J.r IN OOLD , Such Is the Notice Glvon Its Customers by n Hie Import In c Drug : Store. NEW YORK , July 11. A dispatch from Pittsburg reports a fooling of dis satisfaction among the big drug houses ) in that city. It is said that the trouble arises from a circular letter sent out by. W. H. Schiollin & Co. of this city to the effect that for the present all payments for imported drugs purchased through their liouso must bo made in gold and . that no silver would bo taken. At the olllco of W. II. Schioflin & Co. Manager Tompkins Bald : "Wo nro not demanding gold for our goods. Wo have tnkon precautionary stops , pure nnd simple , in the event of gold goln to ; n premium' All the druggists" under stand , " said Mr. Tompkins , "that rwo have to pay the European houses won gold nnd , further , that wo nro simply ; protecting ourselves in these uncertain times against gold going to n premium. Other largo houses in the city have adopted the same measures. " The idea thnt importers would gen erally follow the load of Schiollin & Co. is not borne out by investigation. All branches of trade m this cityappear to jegnrd this notion as unnecessary nnd unwiBo , in that it might tend to place gold at a premium , the very danger which they fear would disturb business and destroy confidence , A number of drug linns which were called upon today disclaim any intention of making such lya request. A. number of dry goods houses have made it n practice for a long time to have printed on 'tholr bill heads , "Payment requested .iu gold. " Tills Is no now fcaturo nnd > i entirely a pre cautionary measure of traditional stand ing. / The clearing housor issued today $250- 000 worth" of loan certificates. The bank taking them donosito'd the collateral last week , but did not , cull for the certifi cates until this morning. The largest banks in Wall street-report a slight de , mand for currency from the west , all small amounts , whfoli'Is counterbalanced by a return of currcfaby to Now York from several wostorn'lilio8 ' | in the settle ment of balances , social the amount loot ota currency tent nwuyJi8 ( reduced to a minimum. Five principal banks regard the situation as u littlciimprovod. llulldlni ; 1'ormiti. The following permits to build were Issued yesterday by the inspector of buildings : It. T. Koehneman , 813 South Thlrty- Blxth , addition aud alterations In dwelling , . , , , . . , . 2,000 Ono luluor iornilt , . . , 100 . * Tire permits , aggregating , , , , g 12,100 Fugitive * from Juitlre. J , Heoder , John Murphy and John Bonn- myor are at the pollco station charged with being fugitives from justice. They ire wanted for the assault ou Council Blutfs o ifll- cers at Courtland beach Saturday night. ( lore the I'lili a licit. BUZZAIID'S BAY , July 11. President Clore. land did not go fishing this morning , but drove from Gray Gables to tbo postofllco hero and back. And yet lives in Ignorance of the fact that a single applica tion of the CUTICURA REME DIES , will , in the majority of cases , afford instant relief , per mit rest and sleep and point to a speedy , permanent , and economical cure , when the best physicians and all other rem edies fail. CUTICURA Works Wonders , nnd its cures of tor turing , disfiguring , and humil iating humors arc the most wonderful ever recorded * . / Bold throughout tlio world , romn Dnco AND CUE K . Coin- . , polo proin. , Iloslon. its-"All About tha mood and BUn,1' mulled frco , Fnclnl niomlxlion , falling Imlr nnd § lm. rlolaby roahoa prcientcd l > y Cutlcurn boiip. Nervous Instantly relieved by a Cntl- . - . euro 1'lntlor , becniuo It vi- AlUSCUlar tallies the nerve forces nad \Vnnlrnnce nonce cures nervous palnj , WcaKness weakness and numbness. THE SECRET or UTY REVEALED ; BY MME. M. YALE , At no tlmo In the world's history ha " vroumn over accomplished whnt MME. YALE has. Her name will go ( 'own ' la history as the woman plonoor who llft- od womm : from the dark aqes Into anew now life. offering up now hopa and a revelation of beauty nil theirs. Ily experimenting in domestic und foreign dyes this wondorftil'woman cliomlat has compounded Complexion Kemoclloj that trill remove from the human akin any blemish Itnown to mar boauty. She euros sWla disoasosof auy nnturo. Her system Is the only thorough ono known which treats the blood aud skla also. MME. YALE has a rranoh Tom lo of Beauty lu this as well as every other l > jr < ! o city. Ladles lira treated here dally fronl 0a. tn , toG p. m. , or they can buy the remedies nnd treat themselves at homo. Instructions glvon free tn MME. YALE's wonderful system of Facial Massageiordovoloplng the faoo , nook anl bust MME. YALE will un- dortalco to develop any fnco into per fect boauty. GRflnfllRRESIOREP-ToIt3natunlIoolor WRINKLES REMOVED- THE SECRET OF BOUT froo. Wonion of 40 mndn to look from IS to 20 ; 50 from 23 to 110 ; GO from 30 to 'la No cosmetics ana natural beauty guaruntsod. EXCELSIOR SI [ firm Guaranteed to remove rUUlJ Wrinkles. I'rico 8L5J , 93 ; twoslzos , irrookles- LnFRECKLr EXCELSIOR SKIN FOrKMrIo * cvpciQifiD nnuDiivinu ninnu Guaranteed to LAuLLOIUIl uUmrttAIUIl ULlnull remove all Skin lllomlshos. JJOO. [ VPtlQini ) UfllD TflMin Hostoros the oolor to tAUaOlUH nflm lUNIu cray hnlr. stops It fallIng - Ing In 21 hours , creates a luxuriant growth. I'rico 11.0) . finr/T / | onnr Kills superfluous Jmlr Instantly , UlltHl obUI guaranteed. I'rico .OU. Mall ardors sent out of town. Address MME. M. YALE , Uoauty nnd Complexion Spoolallst , Kooms 501-2 Kartiftoh 11 lee it , Co > . 16th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha , Neb DOCTO R SPECIALISTS nit. K. r HRAIll.KS , consuUInz Bnrjoo Orudtiato of Hush MoJIonl Ualluxo. ( UUi KUl TATIUNiritUK. ) For the treatment o CHRONIC , NERVOUS ANI PRIVATE DISEASES Weonro Catarrh , All Diseases of the Nose , Throat. Ohoit. Stomaob. Bowels aud lilvon Blood. Skin aud Kiduoy Dljoasoi , Fein til o Woakno o CURED. 1'ILKS , FISTULA. FISSUia : , pormanontty cured , without the uaa of knife , lliraturo or caustic. All maladleu of a iirlviito or. dolluala uature , of oltbur BOX , positively ctirocl. Call on or atltlruaa , witb stamp , for Circulars , Kieu Book aud HoolimH , Dr , Searles & Searles , KoxL Door Lo 11 G Easi1 9n n We have been trying it and an shall continue moving. ' We n are moving a quantify of Mo- quette Carpets and Rugs ; the price has been moved down i to about one-half the usual .figure , and it has moved a I1 quantity of goods the past two weeks. We invite every hotel \ i- and boarding house -in the state that has carpets to buy S to call now or send for sam ples and prices. A large line of Moquette Carpets made up from rem nants for nearly all sized rooms at $1.00 per yard. Carpets purchased now will be held at our risk until want ed for use. MOQUETTE RUGS. 6x3 feet , $4.00 5x2 ft 3 in. , $2.65. Mats , $1.00. I is an arbitrary word used to designate the only bow ( ring ) which cannot he pulled off Ihe watch. Hero's the idea The bow has a croove on each end. A collar runs down Inside the pendant ( stem ) and lit * Into the grooves , firmly locking the bow to the pendant , so that it cannot be pulled or twisted off , It positively prevents the loss of the watch by theft , and avoids injury to it from dropping. IT CAN ONLY BE HAD with Jas. Boss Filled or other watch cases bearing thla tradfc rnark All watch dealers sell them without extra cost. Ask your jeweler for pamphlet , or send to the manufacturers. KeystoneWatch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK. TT. S. Depository , Omaha , Nob. CAPITAL , . . . 840O.OOO SURPLUS , . . . 805 , ODD Officers nnd Directors Henry W. Yules , pretl rtnnl , K. C. Cualitiur , vlco i > ronluont , 0 , H , Maurice , W. V. Mnrao. John S. Collins , J. K. U. 1'atrlolc Luwla H. Itccd , caahlur. THE IRON BANK. Ilia 11 UUUAnd nil llio train of EVJL3 , WKAKNKSSK9 , UUHIMTV. KTO , , that no- company tlicm In men QUICKLY mid 1'KHMA- NKNTL.V OUUKD. Full HTKKNGTJI und tone given toovory imrtof the bcxly. I will Bund ( securely - curely pacltcU ) FilKK to any sufferer tliu prescrip tion thut cured mo of tliutui trouulou. Address Li A. UUAULKy , UattlaCrouk , Mlcli. HOT.KI.Ji. HOTEL LERflONT 6239 to 6241 OQLEBBY AVE. CHICAGO. rint-rlBK trick Uro-uroof European Jlotol. nalr threu blocks from the bUtyocuni ] til. oulrnnru tu tlio World's k'ttlmruunds. Our rooian nro nil Unlit nuil alrr.mostly outildo roomsboldlnu ( nun Uirea to > lz people oacli. I'rlcOB per room , tl.tiJ 11.Ill nnd tun per Oar. AWDlnut , ecrooni In uvurf window and covered ploitaionovery iloor. 'Jho Hotel U operated t > r tuoown r anil It will cott 7011 ontblnv to tocura room * In advance. A tmt-clni ) Dlnlna Uoow coouectod with toe botcl. c. u. OUIY , iuu v The Mercer. Omaha's Newest Hotel. Cor. Utliuua Howard Htreoti 40 rooms j.50 ! par day. 40 rooms I-109 per day. 30ropui with bath ut H per day. 0 rooms with bath at 11.59 per tlar. Modern la Every lt [ > eot. Hewly Furiilihed Throughout C. 8. ERB , Proo. CAN BE CURED IN 10 MINUTES I1V UhlNO PRICE 25o PSR BOX. Your Druggist MAM7I < WCTUK1IJ JJV OMA1-IA , - NISB. MAKES THE BEST Photograph REASONABLE RATES FOR 1BSO Btroo , PRESERVE YOUR EYE SIGHT , USE HJlS SISte Bra Co , Full S15T or Tooth extracted In inornlnj , Now otioitliiHorUxluftoriioua tame < ljy , 1'orfuct tit iriur- untcoa. lint flour , I'tixton llluott. Htroiit. 10th Street. Tulophouu 1033. WITH YU U.