SUNDAY rS VJ A. H Jk s JL Jk JL ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , JULY , 9 , 1TO-SIXTEEN PAGES. COPY FIVE CENTS. HIS VICTORY ISV03 \ VOaprivi is Now Morally Ctr'nin of the Passage of the Military Bill , POLES AND ANTI-SEMITES SUPPORT IT Oapltulation of These Parties the Political Sensation in Berlin , WILL'TAX TRANSACTIONS IN STOCKS Speculators and Brokers to Bear the Addad Burden of the Army , HERBERT BI'.MARCK'S ' STAR 13 RISING Ho U Itnpldly Coming rorvmnlnn n T.ciulcr of the Conicrvitllvo L'nrty In the llclclmtne Cnprivl Htlll hchcm- < IIK for Tower. JKW by James Oonlon BnnU.v , July 8. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE Unr. . ] The situation Js Just ns much ns ever Involved. The Poles , It would seem , have given way , but now the nntl-Seinltcs crop up , demanding that the taxation for the military bill should fall heavily on the Stock exchange other wise on the Jews. This Is Just as strongly opposed by the liberals , that Is these repre sented by the Freislnnlger vorolnlgunK , so already the chancellor finds himself between two fires. That the bill will pass there seems very small doubt , but when ono comes lo think of the frantlo efforts which have been found necessary to scrape together the meager majority which the bill now appears likely to huvo , its passage savors more ot the nature of coercion than a victory for the government. As It is the discus- eion will probably last three weeks , during which time , it the government wishes to CD tain a majority , It will have to tread with Very delicate steps and in nil probability make several concessions , notably author izing the two-years service clause as permanent. Cuprlvl nml the llulor. I urn told that Caprlvl hnd the greatest jflilHculty in persuading the kaiser to put off "his northern trip , and it was only when the chancellor explained that the bill stood In fmmiiont danger of being refused that the monarch assented. The story goes here that the chancellor got wind of a plan whereby the kaiser was likely to moot Count Walder- see , who happens to bo tr.ivollng in Sweden and Norway , and feared the meeting might bear evil results for himself , ns ho and the late chief of staff are well known to bo sworn enemies. So it was that , the chancel lor accentuated the ill impression that would be loft in the people's mind were the kaiser to bo away nt such a critical moment. Ills said , however , that the kaiser acceded very reluctantly , but Caprlvl hau his way and was aappy. llltmnrclc In the Anoendancy. It Is dally growing upon the political mind that Herbert Bismarck is going to bo ono of the present Keichstag. Tlio sight of Bis. marck listening to the speech from the throne , read by the monarch , who was formerly on the most intimate terms ol friendship with him , but who on that daj * gave him no sign of recognition , was duly ro marked. It proved the great antipathy whlcn reigns between the houses of Ilohcn zollern nnd Blsmurek today , hut in the Hclohstag a great many conservatives anc liberal conservatives , who have been drifting about for want of a strong loader see nt last In young Bismarck the possibilities of such a man , and in tin Hclchstng they have overwhelmed bin with attentions. It was much remarkoi that Count h rchcnfcld , Bavarian delegate 0 the Federal Council , warmly grouted hlu nnd convoyed to him the sympathy of the eouth toward his father. Thorn are few strong men on the conservative side , whlcl is largely filled with aristocratic nonentities nnd amongst the possibilities is that Bis. 'marck might assume the lead of a largi party , representing the agricultural Inter csts , which arc going to play so largo a rol later. Whether In the meantime the meet ings of Bismarck and tha kaiser at the Im pcrlal gardens and elsewhere may lead t the tru eh desired reconciliation remains t bo scon. Cnilvrd a Sonntlou on the Holme. There was almost a panic on the bours . today , owing to Caprlvi's giving way to th antl-Somttcs In the matter of taxing stoc transactions. The feature on tha polltlcn board was the capitulation of the nntl-Sc .yiltes and Poles , insuring the ptusngo c tjie military bill. The Boersen Courier cor tains an article denying the Mlquel Intel view published in the New York papers , an has demanded a retraction , Prince BUmarck is suffering consldernbl from varicose veins. Mlqucl Will Nut Itntlro. Hcport says Mlquol has expressed to soi oral friends a desire to retire from politic , life , in which ho has made such a success : i a statesman , 1 have made Inquiries , and friend of his says ho does not bollovo such I the intention of the former director of tli Diaconlo bank , in fact , although Mlqu < carries the ago of a veteran , no is too fret ) to luy down his anna. Moreover , he has nc ceased to dream of the post of chancollo and , overwhelmed with distinctions from tl : emperor , aud supported by the right centi and national liberate , ho has every right I not consldor lilspo'.ltlcal mission terminate ) 1 In is well nwaro that he represents tl smartest Intellect in the cablnetholdmg U greatest amount of imperial confidence , un such a condition of affairs should contradii any rumor of his retirement. Mlquel hi not yet reached the npogeo of tils brlllini career us n statesman. Ho is n friend < Waldcrnoo , und is not averse to Bismarol Ho will yet play an important role in tl ] > olltlcal arena. The assaults made on hi by Ahlwardt have uot hurt him. He laugl ot them. Hound to Mnko the Vlilt. Ono'dny woaro informed the kaiser hi given up his northern trip , and the next tin he will undertake it. Tlio latest news sa ; ho has reconsidered ha ! former decision , at encouraged by the assurances thut the mil tary bill Is sure to pass , influenced by tl strong wishes of the kaiser , in that he ca tics out the trip ho has undertaken , ho w stqrt on the 15th or 17th ot this month f ( Swedish waters- Accordingly the bualno of victualling the royal yacht is being vlgc oualy pushed forwarJ , Therefore it wou Boom that optimlstUm at the cattle rul strong. This is ttio outcome , the result Uaprivi meeting on Thursday with the heu Of the friendly parties. 1 can find no verification of the report tb the German war authorities have been pur- ch.islng largo tracts of land on the French frontier , with the object of building forts , which has boon assorted by French papers to bo the case , The question of the return of the Jesuits , n 'twlthatnndln ; the wishes of the center , will not bo dlsousso.1 this session. Antl-Scmlto Deputy Mctteles sayi not on'y will his party vote against the bill , mi * 1 > ss It is understood that taxation will fallen on the Stock oxclnnge. but also will many of the conservatives , who owe their scats to the anti-Somite support at the late elections. Ximmcrman will bo the orator of the anti- Semites. The government hopes the session will bo over by the end of next week. Another Important InitUI'.lii it. The greatest curiosity has-been aroused ns to what attitude Dr. Slgl , the famous cham pion of the Bavarian bauerbucnt , will tnko in the now Helchstag. At the hustings Slgl made things very lively , nnd without any douot he will make the wool fly in the Hcichstag. This remarkable Individual is returned ns what he calls n particularism Ho Is the editor of Voterland , a small sheet with a largo circulation , which preaches violently lently against Prussia. Although a Roman Catholic , ho Is a most violent enemy of the center , nnd revels in reviling the pope , for .vhlch . ho has been excommunicated. Ills ideal was Pius IX. Leo ho considers a dead 'allure , a man of straw. He has been named Schlmpf Slgl , for the force of the fnsulting anguago he adopts , tig has seen the insldo of prison walls on account of his violent , .ittcranccs , but amongst the electors ho is Highly popular. It is owltu * to him that the Bavarian center lies demolished. His paper nas ' 15,000 subscribers and is a paying con cern. Ho is strongly anti-Somite , and will bo the moat orlalnal typo In the Hcichstag , [ \s also the greatest firebrand there. DETAILS Ol' Till : UKUATK. Speakers So Fnr llavn Only Volcotl Their Individual Sent ! in tills. BnnuN , July S. The speeches made for and against the army bill in the Keichstag have been of purely partisan character , in dicating nothing of the undercurrents which may ultimately guide the votes of the several parties. Bach speaker Indicated his known program aud avoided any reference to a compromise. Hcrr Boockcl , who leads the democratic faction of the anti-Somites , today suggested the terms by which tils half dozen followers would support Von Caprlvl. The suggestions contained the idea that If its terms were not granted the faction would maintain its opposition and set Its face airainst the bill. The best speech today was that of Dr. von Bennlgson , the national liberal leader , who attacked the centrists and Rlchtcrlsts. de claring that they were defeating their own purposes by the Intensity of their hostility to tlio government. These parties were re jecting conciliatory proposals and forsaking their best traditions by demanding their own terms or nothing. It was tills attltndo that led to the political destruction of the frelslnnigo party , for which Eugene Hichter was responsible. Jtlchter Dcft-mli Hln-Cmirso. Herr HIchtcr was very angry at this allu slon to the defeat or the movement which ho had led to almost complete extinction and made a furious reply. Ho said , amonj other things , that moral principles formei the bolo standing ground of ttio radical pee plo's party , nnd that the triumph of their principles was assured. The defeat of his party was but momentary. Then Herr Preslss , an Alsatian , dcnouncci the increase of the army. The increase askci for by the government was needless am would place an oppressive burden upon the p'eople. The obvious determination of a largo num her of the members to bo heard on the bil Implies that the discussion will last unti the end of next week. Wednesday next i the day for private members' motions. The centrists will then raise the question of th rcadmisslon of the Jesuits. The frclslnnigc papers persist In stating that the govern ment's support of or refraining from oppos Ing this ultra-montane proposal will bo the price paid the centrist for tbf ir support o the bill. Both the centrist loaders and th government adherents deny any compact. HIITO Aikncl un Incoma TUT. The chancellor undoubtedly has a majoritj in favor of the bill in the centrists. In th lobbies today It was not the Jesuit but th taxation question upon which the centrist declared an arrangement for their support s possible. While Herr Goober pro claimed "no compromise" in the house members of the liberal wing of the hous < stated in the lobby that if the chancclloi pledged the government to cover the In crease in the expenditures by a progresslvi Imperial tax on incomes of over 12,000 mark ; the centrists would vote for the bill. Dr. Llcber means to Insist that the bill gi to a committee , giving tlmo for negotiating The session "is certain to clast longer thai was at first expected. The national liberals have given notice o a motion In regard to the distress caused b , the drouth and also to the lack of fodder fo the army manonuvers. The Heichtorlsts with the members of the volks parties , wll propose the entire suspension of the impor duties on fodder until May , 16'Jt. Sool.iltit r.lcctlom In IJ.'ivirlu , The election for members of the Bavarlai I andtag arc proceeding. Tor the first tlmi the socialists have captured ITO scats fror Muulco and Hapsburg. Emperor William will receive the czare witch at the Pottsdam station on the rotur of the latter from England on Tucsdai After taking dinner at the palace [ * , the ciarc witch will continue his journey to Moscow , The emperor will wait for the Uultei States to rnlso Its legation to the rank c o embassy before ordering Baron von Saurma Joltsch , the now German ambassador , t sail for America. lct Thpirt Oil r.itilly. CONSTANTINOPLE , Jufy 8. Professors Id yayan and Thoumaln , who wore soutoncei nt Angora to bo executed for complicity 1 the rioting at Cercra and Marsovan , an who were pardoned by the sultan on cond tion that they leave Turkish territory , wll sail from this port for Marseilles tomorrow The sultan has given them free passage an has in addition presented $151) to each o B them. Alarmed by rinunclnl llnpreitlon , SALT LAKE , July 8. ( Special Tclegrai to THE BEE. ] George A. Moars , a prom ncnt mine owner and manager , of Salt Lak shot himself in the forehead with a revolvt today. The skull was burst open ut death resulted instantly. Mr. Moars is wcll-to-ao man , but the financial dcpresslc and the unmarketable condition of sllvc which was the principal metal produced I his mines , caused him to worry over tl situation. Ho was uuablo to sleep and are : at 5 o'clock tub morning to dclluorately tal his life. George W. Davis , a largo retail grocci merchant of this city , committed sulcii today by shooting himself in the heart. I was deeply involved in debt , which , with tl present linauclal panic , prompted this fat action. 'aria is Now Thro\t3ao3 by the Dragj of Metropolitan Citizenship , STUDENTS' DEMONSFRATIONS HARMLESS In Theras3lvo3 They Wen Oaly Showing of Distrait of the Goveruuunt. FLOATING ROUGHS TAKE UP THE FIGHT Orginizsil Labjr Rifusei to Tn'io Part in tha Pr-ssout Turmoil , GOVERNMENTAL ACTION IS RESPONSIBLE Ilrutnllty of tlio Police nm ! the Httiplilliy of the Mlnlitry ttlaiiioil for Precipitating Almost n Revolution The Political Sltnntion. ICopi/rfuMfd l > u Jamtit Gorilon Hcimctt.l PAUIB , July 8. [ New York Herald Cable Special to THE Ben. ] Now that Iho riots licro appear to have come to an end , it Is necessary to show their character. They began with n demonstration on the part of the students , nnd the pollco in a b'.mglln ? way tried to repress It , but the trouble was continued by the lowest p.irt of the popula tion , a clas to bo found In every great city. In Paris there are 23.0JO person i who rise every morning not kuowiud where they are to cat , drink or sleep In the next twenty- four hours. They take adrantigo of every opportunity to give trouble and they are the persons who are responsible for the dlsnrders. On Friday morning It was believed that the closing of the Labor exchange would bring about a demonstration on the part of the true workingmen , but it scorns they pre fer to have a general striko. Therefore the situation is without importance , for the brawlers had neither leaders or definite object. Such demonstrations can bo trans formed Into a revolution only when thcro is some well defined end to be attained. - VTIioro IU Slznllioinoa I.lcs. And yet the disturbance Is of grave sig- nillcancc. They gave a noiv turn to the habit of demonstration on the part of the population of Paris. The people have been tranquil since 1STO ; now there is a tension between them and the police , who have acted most .brutally. The closlnc of the labor exchange will have the olfect or mak ing the Paris ouvriers vote at the next elec tion against these deputies responsible for the governmental act. This trouble may belike like n little stoue , compelling the big ma chine to roll in a now direction. The Chamber of Deputies today approved the policy of tno ministry , after a dibato In which the conduct of the police was blamed , yet many believe that the ministry will not live long. I believe , on the contrary , that the elections will take place on August 20 , aud there Is no tlmo to begin a now admin istration. JACQUES ST. CEIIE. STOll.M IN Tilt : ITALIAN CHAMUUIt. Slffiinr ItovloStliM Up a Ttiinjiot by Attack ing the IttnK Itoudiora. UOME , July 8. The final debate on the bank bill in the Chauibar of Deputies today was tumultuous. Sig. Bovlo.vho has boon energetic in pressing forward the investiga tion of the frauds , made the speech of the day. The time had como , ho slid , for all im plicated In the bank robbery to explain tholr actions. Deputies , senators and merchants who had soiled their hands with the corrup tion funds of the bank issue , ought to con fess now ana defend themsslvos if they could. The country ought to learn who were its dishonest servants. "If the senate will appoint a now commit tee of Inquiry , " continued Slg. Bovio , "I will refrain from naming the guilty men. I demand , however , that the guilty men re frain from voting on the mcasuro now before the home. If they do not , I will uamo them. " Uiot broke loose in the chambar as Sig. Bovlo made this threat. Some of the dep- ullos shouted : "Name them. " Other turned on Bovlo with clenched lists and called him a boaster , a liar and n hypocrite. Insults were exchanged on every side , and u dozen or more lights were prevented only by the Interference of a few cool men , who liold back their most pugnacious colleagues After endeavoring In vain for five minute ; to restore order , the president of the chain borsuspended the sitting. When the pro ccodings were resumed Sip. Rovlo yielded tt the Importunities of his friends and declined to continue his speech. The bank bill was then passed by a vote of 223 to 133. The chamber then adjourned for the summer hoi iday. XElIJt.lliKA AT TllK F.tllt. The o Who Roglitorud at the fitnto IIousi Yeuirilny South Onl < oti' Opeulnr. CHICAGO , July 8. [ SpeelalTelegrnm to Tni BEE. | Omaha people at Jackson park toda ; were ; J. G. Shen , W. M. Bushman am wife , Maslo Slocum , Mary Reid , Notlli Vapor , Charles Nemelz , Lillian Upham , A ti. Hampton , J. II , Hunter , C. S. Cole , Anni Mclatz , Lilly Mannetlo and Anna Brown. The South Dakota building will bo dcdi cated next 'Wednesday. The Brooking band of SJputn Dakota will furnish tin music. The program Is as follows : Prayer llov. I ) , It. Lnndls of Piern Presentation of Keye Thomas H , Drown L'oMHiiliSloner , to Governor U. II. Bliuldon. Houuonso The Govorno Music. Humarks , Mrs. Helen M , I'arke luairumehtal Music. Oration Judge U. S , Palmer of BIuux Fall Address W. P. Btorllni Mublc. > An informal reception will bo hold by th i governor , at which all South Dakota peoul 1 and those residing In this city are invited t bo present , 1 O.U.1/JJ llVHUl.AH AKRESTE1) . Iloury Mnniflcld Captured In Mluoui \Vhllo Working on a Fiirin , SEIULU , Mo. , July 8. iSpocial Telegrat to TUB BEE. ] Henry Manslleld , alias Mam Hold King , who broke jail a few mouths ug at Omaha , whore ho Is wanted on thre > , charges of burglary , was arrested on th rd farm of P. M. Yeaior , three miles from her ra today by Chief of Pollco Dolong. Thro a months ago Mansfield was taken In cuHod n hero as a suspicious character , ' He was phi " , tographca and hit picture placed in th y rogue's gallery. A few days ago his pho'.c 0 graph was sent in exchange to Omaha , whei 0o It was recognized and the authorities not 0y tied that the original was wanted.Vhe arrested Manstlold was working as a fan y hand. An Omaha onlccr is eurouto nei .0 after the prisoner. , .0s s Balloon ascension nnd parnuhuto jum this afternoon at Courtlaud Beach. DKAlt .4.V/ > fV.7Oi > . rorty-foiir Klllc.1 mill One Hundred nnil Ten Woitmlfri. Dr.9 Moi.sns , July 8. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Following is a correct list of the dead and injured in the Pomcroy cyclone. The dead : 110. HAW. I1KN DAVY. - J. I' . U'NDQURN. * - Mil. AKNOMIANt ) Mil. HU1.BTT AND Wll'12. MKP. I.OVKJOY. J. M. O'liltlKN. MRS. 1) . S. OMIIUEN AND IIAI1Y. Mil. VVII.KMNfON. CIIAIILKS KUHUTONi JOHN lltVtTY AND TWO GHILDUEtt. HKN'ltY OKICK. Mils. MAH1A AIUM3. OI.MIi'iiosr , AOKD ie. OKOVRIt lUiAriv ANDCIttU ) . Miiy. n. j. iiAiu.owr . ' Mlttf. FUAN'K JOHNSON. MUH. QUINI.AN ANU ItAHY. Mliy. DAIIUltlEKN AND tIAUY. MRS. THOMAS AND llAUY. Mil. DIUjMimi. lIKSHIi : HANKS , aged 17. WlIiUE HANKS. KIU.IK KIKKKH. A. roUCHE. v MRS. o. ii. OKOUOR , ndv AND ami * MRS. JAMKS MILI.KIl AND 11A1IY. HAMUKLMAXWKM ) . A I.IIKKT MAXWELL. ItENUY NntTINU. MHS. II. NIUTINO. S. HUS1IEONAN1) CHIIjR I.lnt ot the U'uuiuloil. The wounded are : 1 1 MIH Y WKOIIBVE , adult , skull fracture. EmvAiin SiLKiir , adult , extensive flesh wounds of thigh , leg may have to bo amuu- tatod. SAMUP.I , W. THOMAS , fractured rib , scalp wouml and probably internal Injuries. LI/.ZIE THOMAS , adult ) injury to foot aad leg and scalp wound. y Mns. FIIANK PHUN'O , Injury to shoulder nnd scalp wound. j MUH. SAMUEI , MAXWCI.L , back , arm and head bruised. Miss OUT.MAN , Injury to face. Miss AUIIELIA ICuKi.AXfz , fractured rib and injury to head and leg. j Jous ICoKiASTZ , Injury to head and spine. CitAHi.cs KAXIULI. , adult , fractured Jaw. Mus. JOHN HANUALI , , fractured skull and Injury to leg. DCliA BLACK , aged 10 , skull ana right arm Injured. * Mas. S. L. BLACK , ago'1.83 , injury to chest. CHARLES BLACK , aged 0 , fracture of right arm. Jon DF.MOSS , aged 21 , fracture of ribs nnd wound in back. JULIA WESTKIISCIICLT , aged 32 , fracture of skull. DAHLOHEEN , aged 7 , extensive contusion of baud , also punctured wound In side. side.HOY HOY ICEEFEII , aged 18 , Injury to left hip. THOMAS BLOCK , aged 8 , scalp wound. W. T. BLOCK , aged 82 , 'fracture of the left ribs and incised wounds. H. QUICK , aged 10 , faacturo of former. G. B. DAULQIIEDN , ascod,4Q , scalp wound. ObCAH DAULOIUIN , ngcu 2 , wound in the head. ' _ \VII.I.IE IJ.uiLOitEN , aged" 2 , burn of hand nnd shoulder. / " 4" * J. E. BLACK , aged 22'cOatuslon of face and limbs. ' C. W. Git.nEiiT , ngc 'SJ , contusion of bark. HCNIIY CHECK , aged 02 , fracture of fore arm and laceration of shauliler and leg. EDDIE NELSON , aged 7 , wound of head. WILLIE - JELSON , aged 3 , fractured neck and body. MIKE QUISLAN , aged 24 , scalp wound and injury to kidneys. AIDES SOLTZMAN , scalp wound. Mas. AIDES SOLTZMAN , back and arm in jured. J. F. WII.KISS , injury to back. Mus. A. FOCKB , contusion of shoulder. ELLA FCHCKC , scalp wound. KATIE FOUCKC , Internal injury. AHTHUH FOUCKE , arm broken. FIIASK FOKCKC , thigh broken. MALV KSUDSOX , injary to scalp and thigh. Mns. J. A. DAW , f r.nyuro of skull. ' BILL MAXWELL , injury to scalp. EEITH MAXWELL , Injury to scalp. JosEt-u BnowNEi.L. ribs fractured. F. J. BIIOWNCLL , badly bruised. Mns. En HAXKI * , bruised. EMMA SriES , back and head cut. GEORGE STCWAUT , loft arm broken , head bruised THOMAS HARMON , left arm broken. EMMA HAIIMOX , log wounded. LLOYD HARMON , bruise / GEO'KCIB HANDALL , bruised. EDWIN FECHT , bruised. EAIH , FECIIT , bruised. FANNY FECHT , bruised. VIOLA FECHT , bruised. FLOUESCE FECHT , bruised. En DOYLE , head nnd leg bruised. Mns. JAMES MILLEII , legs bruised. Mns. GconoE STEWART , noad , back and left leg bruised. HAY STEWAHT , baby , head bruised. JOHN DALIN , ankle fractured. NCTTIK I1 HOST , wound in back. CHAHLES BnuNnAiiur , injury to scalp. HAY BERNHAIIDT , cut in arm. N. FECIIT , fractured shoulder blade. Mud. FUCHT , badly bruised. AiiTiiun GEonoc , bruised head and left arm. arm.DOHA GEOUOE , knees cut nnd other bruises , GEIITIE LUNDQIIEN , injury to face , JAMES MILLEU , fracture of. ribs. MARY MII.I.EII , internal injuries. Mns. JACOII PAPS , scalp wound , AUQUST MEYER , Internal injuries. COIIA MEYCII , scalp wouud , NANCY HUSTIN , fracture of thigh. GUSTAVE LINDEH , headtiujured. ALFIIEP LINDER , hip dislocated. ALMA LINUER , injury to head. ELVIIIA i.iNDEn , cintujlon of faco. GoTTfiiiED LiNDEn , injury to head. MRS , GUST LIKIJCR , teat and hip injured , MINNIE STANKLINO , injury to arm. ANTON LuNnm.ANT , injury to scalp. Mns. A. LUNDULANT , Injury to faco. ANNA LUNUIIUNT , injury to head. AulViUK LBNIIULANT , injury to head. JAMES PIIUDBN , injury to leg , II. J , EELM , scalp wound. Mus , A. L. LuNUtriiECX , injury to head , GEOHOK GUY , head and hands bruised. JAMCS MIU.EH , fractured ribs and hands. MARY SODERSTOKM * lejt arm broken. LONIDA Oi.bEN , arm broken. Mns. ANNA BLOUUEIIO , head and foot hurt EVEIILIN BI.OMUCUO , loft side and eye in Jured. / DINA BLOMUEIIU , scalp wound , HELEN GEOIIOE , leg broken and seal wound , GILIIEUT FITXOBUAI.II , bruised , C. H. GEOKUE , badly bruised. O. Cim.DUM , log badly cut and brulsod. N. BUOUNELL , lo nnd head bruised1 , D. E. DOYI.E , bead brulsod , right leg cu and badly bruised , EMMA O. HARTUAN , Injury to eye , MAUD MOOIIE , head injured. l > MRS. H. O. BROUNKLI * log bruited. MRS. KATE A , KKALY , injury to eye. Attack from a Colorado Silver Enthusiast Angers the Old Senator , REFLECTIONS ON HIS PERSONAL PROBITY Charged with AKtrafaating Silver and Using His Secret to Speculate On , COLONEL PLATT OF DENVER DID IT ALL Writes a Letter in Which Ho Assails the Conference Committee of 1873. SOMEBODY IN A DELICATE POSITION Veracity Qupitloncd , Honritjr impugned nud IlGSponilbtlltjr Chnrgrit hjIlotli Side * of the Controversy NO\T I'hase of the Financial Hltuutlon , CHICAGO , July 8. "That man ought to bo hanged. Ho knows ho is lying when ho makes the statement ho docs and covertly Insinuates that honorable men have been guilty of dishonest and scoundrelly acts. " These words came with wrath from Senator John Sherman at the Union depot last night , as ho was about to take a train for his home nt Mansfield , O. , and were drawn out oy a charge brought against him and others by James II. Platt , president of the Denver Paper Mills company of Denver , lu a news paper communication , The charge Is In conncotlon with the pass age by congress of the law of 1873 demonetiz ing silver , known us the demonetization act. Mr. Platt , In effect , charged that Senator Sherman , while acting as a member of _ the conference committee on the bill , did , in con junction with other members of the commit tee , surreptitiously insert n clause in ono section of the bill repealing free coinage , and smuirpllmr it through both houses In a base , underhanded manner , ami that not a member of the senate or house , nor oven President Grant , when ho signed the bill , had the faintest suspicion that such a clause was contained in the bill. Most Srrlnui Charge of All. Mr. Platt further intimated that advan tage was taken of this secret clause by mem bers of the conference committee for specu lative purposes. Mr. Sherman continued : "Ho Is slnply revamping some old charges that were ex ploded long ago. They even failed to serve the purpose they were intcuaod to , and were nrctty generally laughed at by mtn of both parlies. Why , bo eminent a democrat as " Abram S. Hewitt of Now York , "then a member of the house , investigated the charges when they were first given currency , and made a strong report to the house to the effect that there was not a word of truth in the charges. That report of Mr. Hewitt's I made use of in one of my speeches when called upon once before 'to deny thcso ridiculous charges. " I'ljtt Quietly Perucvproii. DENVEK , July 8. Colonel James H. Plntt was shown a copy of the dispatch to the Associated press from Chicago today in which Senator Sherman answered Plait's charge that the bill demonetizing silver lu 1873 was stnuzgled through congress without debate or the kuowlengo of either house. Mr. Platt said : "Thcro is no issue of veracity between Mr. Sherman nnd myself. It is entirely between Mr. Sherman and the Congressional Ho"ord. lie will not deny that the eleven words which took away from silver Its minting privilege were added to the bill by the conference committee , or cjaim tnat the repeal of free coinage , which these words caused , had over been discussed or suggested in cither house of the Forty- second congress or referred to his commit teo. Neither will ho claim that in present ing the report to the senate nftor thcso wards had been added by the conference committee ho or any ono else called atten tion to the addition , or that Mr. Hooper of Massachusetts , In presenting the report to the house , alluded In anv way to this moat important amendment , although of far more importance than all the rest of the bill. Auks Tor un Kxpliination. "If Mr. Sherman would kindly explain how the conference committee was induced to insert thcso words , by whom they were suggested , and why , having added an amend' mont of such momentous importance , ho did not call the attention of the senate to it , the country would bo deeply gratified and il would have much inoro effect than calling names. "I did not charge Mr. Sherman with hav ing taken advantage of his knowledge foi speculative purposes ; I did say that the few men who know that the minting privilege had been taken from silver hud a great op cortunlty for "p ulation , but I did no charge that they took advantage of It. Tin Congressional Hocord is on file ut ovoo public library. Any ono who cares to knou the truth of this matter has only to take tin Hccord and follow the bill through from it ! 11 rat introduction to its ilnal passage. Ii this way the absolute accuracy of my state mcnts in the letter to the Journal of July I can bo easily ascertained. " HACK. Husky Itbaoana Pruvu Too Much for tbi MINNEAPOLIS , July 8 , Cornell won tin varsity eight-oared race from Ponnsylvanli late this evening in 2340 ; und by thret lengths , The crowd witnessing the grea event was the most enthusiastic rowini crowd over seen In this part of the country and the result was riceivod with a roar 0 applause from ono contingent and disup pointed silence from the other. The event was won on its merits , the dasl and action of tbo Ithacans being too inucl for the slower , heavier movements of th Pennsylvania crew. Thcro was some nolnys as usual about get ting the course clear , but at last the pollc bent succeeded in making the majority o spootator crafts como to anchor nlong th banks. Big Island was well lined with pec plo , who sat there for two hours , awaitlni the arrival of the boats , and there was ills a largo crowd on Gales Island and the twin at iMko Park was literally black will awaiting multitudes. It was after o'clock when the referee baat. Sauc Kate , having aboard Colonel Job T. West , the referee , the Judge and nowsjiiper men , started down th courso. She was gaily decorated , flying tli colors of both crews. The Cornell crow gc afloat first and started towards Wuyiuta ut pretty lively Jo ? . Ttio men looked llnol ; and they swung together as prettily as ov ( a crow did , A few minutes later the bow c the Pennsylvania boat shot into view. Tli Quakers wort ) pulliuir a slow stroke and ju : puddling down to the start. They U looked lit to row for their lives , aud a gre ; THE BEE BULLt = : \ | , " " VftaHitrfnrOmnhttantirithiUii K < ilr0uoltr ; Variable irnd ( < . 1 > ( Icrmin Army HIM Sum lo t \ Turin Ib Dmtgor Irom tlio 111 \ Srn-Uor Shormnn riontetrhnt > \ . llnxr M Hint to Mlllrr Uli-il. 2. Kcriipn' cl Tt'lrcraptm \Vonclor. . ( liv.Tniurnt Hum Convict I.ilmr. 3. lUllroad I'lrrn Itrcln lu Titmlilr. Attciiitnnrc ut fie 111 ; 1'nlr Incrrnnci. How O iintii' : Imntin 1'irr. It. ile * Will Not Ito a fnmllilutc < 4. I.nnt Work In I.ocnl Miclrt.r. John 31. Thur.tnn Annwrnil < A. How of the Alll-inro IMItori. Ucnrnl Nrhrniilm No < G. Council ltltiir I.oont. Clirlitlin fjnilonvorprn ut 7. Olmatrnil Ior n Kiimil. South Omahn lli Santntlon. Mcmlirr I.amln lu ,1 til. 8 , Stoty or n Hirer Ititrr. to. ( Juror Now Mrxicvtn Cmtiin. Cottoning Itont In I'ntjlixnd. llotr to Itcnch the 111 ? I'.ilr. 11. ( lonftlp Tor Bvo'g SucccftHorfl * lit. llilltorlul nnil Comment. in. NUWH from the I.oilgo llonmii. It U Sitlil that Women Iirlnk. in. Omnlm'B I.ocnl Trailo Kiwlcir. rinnnclnl and Commercial .Now * . 0. OrUwulil'Veotdy Grlftt. cheer went up for the rod nnd the blue , on the success of which so many men and mads had pinned their faith. It was 8l.r : > before the start was mndo , as the wind refused to go down and blow "great RUUS" off Blue Island , The Pennsyl vania used a paper shell and the Yale stroke , while Cornell pinned Its faith lo an alumi num shell and Its short , choppy stroko. For the first two miles It wus t.ock and neck , neither crew being able to gain any advan tage. At two and a half miles Cornell had n lead of half a length , and steadily in creased the distance until the finish , Cor nell started at thlrty-oipht stroke , but low ered it to thirty-six , while Pennsylvania held nn average of thirty-four. The race wns finished in utter darkness , and ns row boats and sail boats had crowded on the course disaster was narrowly averted. TI1BV VS AO. of tlioViitlior Itiirrnn CliUm to Iliivn Annnuncrd the I'yclono. WASHINGTON , .Tulv 8. The followlhg special bulletin has been issued with re ference to the roccnt disastrous tornado In Iowa. It will bo noted that the bureau claims to have fortold this calamity twenty- four hours In advance. UNITED BTATHMIBPARTMRKT OP Adnioui.Tuni : , WL'ATiicn ni'iiSAU. WASIIINCITOX. July 8.18U3. Special building. Referring'to thooccu- rancos to the roccnt tornadoes In the west , at tention Is called to the fact that thcso de structive storms have bei'n unusually num erous and furious during the past bt'tison. During t'cbrurnry tornadsos were reported from Mississippi and Louisiana , during March from AlabainaGcorgIn'Mlsslsslpi > l , ] < ouUkiui : , Arkansas , Missouri , Indiana , and Kentucky ; during April from Ohio , Illinois , New York , West AMrglann , Iowa , Arkansas. Indian Ter ritory , Oklahoma , Kansai , Missouri , Jje- braska , South Dakota , Tuxas , Georgia , Alabama , Louisiana , Indiana , Mich igan , Wisconsin nnd Tennessee. During Mny from North and youth Carolina , Georgia , Mississippi , Arkansas , Indiana , Ohio , Iowa , ' 'South Dakota , Minnesota , MIchlKari. Missouri. Tcnni-ssi'O nnd Kentucky. During Juno from Missouri , Knnsae , Nebraska , Indiana , Georgia and Texas , nnd during July from Iowa. It Is estimated that about 170 llvos have been lost and probably a million and a half dollars worth of property destroyed. The most destructive of thPKO storms , these entailing the greatest. lo-h of lift1 nnd prop erty , wore those of March 3 , in Mississippi ; April 11 and 12 , In Missouri : April 5 , In Mis souri : Junu21ln ( KanaitH , and that of July G , In Iowa. This last storm exceeds all previous tornadoes In the number of lives lost since thnt of March 27 , 1890 , at Louisville-Ky. In the greater nuinbur of these CIIKCK the weather bureau has cl von warning from twol vote to twenty-four hours in advance , und In the caBO of the Iowa tornado messages were sent the preceding night lo every weather bureau In the htato .stating that severe local storms ncrt ) likely to occur In Iowa on the Gth. These warnings were disseminated us widely iis pos- filblo throughout the state by telephone and tolpprnph during the day , and people within roach of these agencies were cautioned to bo on their guard , .Special attention 1ms bocn given to the fore casting of tonittdoL's by the wouthcr bureau und with marked success. It U not to ho In ferred from tha forugolng statement thnt thcro is a permanent chaiiito In the weather changes in the dliectlon of lncrc ho In tor- niicoud , liuL this Ii nn UIIUHUU ! your for thulr occurrence as was also the year of 1883. In the niatter of precaution nnd protection , resi dents of the states of the upper and control Mlk. l slppl und Missouri valleys nhould pro. vide pUccs of cafe resort , huch as a portion ol the c611a In their houses strongly protected , RELIKV1NQ TI1U Liberal Contrlbatloni IJelnz Mi do In 1)11- faront rortlonn of Iho Htutr. DEB MOISEB , July 8. [ Special Tejegram to TIIE BEE. ] The people of the state are coming f jrward nobly in the matter of re. lief for the Pomcroy cyclone sufferers. Dos Molncs has already raised ? 2uOO and word comes from Cedar rapids , Dubjijuo nnd other cities that liberal contributions are being raised nnd forwardnd. A correspondent who returnsd from the scone today gives the correct list of the doaO at forty-four and seriously injured at 110 , n score of whom uro likely to dto. Tin property loss will reach fully $500,003. ,'OiiT Ia. , July 8. [ Special Tologran to TUB BBB. ] By early morning Duveupor was at work for the relief of the Pomero ; suffers , Mayor Vollman. aud n committee o citizens who have been prominent In the ro ilof work of th country for years pas ! notably in the Johnstawn Hood and the Ru : slan famine , entered upon a canv s of th city today nnd secured a round $1,000. 0 this , $050 was collected In tlmo to go foi ward this afternoon by express. The bal ance will go at once. Besides thlt , ono ca ot lumber will bo sent as soon as It can b loaded , and the work of soliciting is to I continued. The committee has made but beginning of the work here. The sympath ; of the people Is unbounded and the tlghtnes of the money market docs not seem to clos their purses. LEMAKU , la. , July 8. [ Special Telegram t THE BEE. ] Lomars sent f353 In cash nnd half car load of clothing and a case of no1 shoot from the Lcinars shoo factory to th flood sufferers at Vomoroy today. The clt of Lemurs appropriated $100 and the fit company donated { 0. Sioux Utiv , July 8. [ Special Telegram t THE BKE. ] At a meeting of citizens th : afternoon , suggested by the mayor , 81,00 eroy , and the relief conunlttoo thcro wi authorised by telegraph to dravr for thn amount. In addition , other funds have boc forwarded by individual donors , A larg amount of provision * , clothing , etc. , ha already been forwarded. Arrangements a belug made to receive twenty-five of tl wounded at Sioux City hospitals. A nut ber of Sioux City physlclaus will go to Pot croy to relieve these who have becu wor ing there. HANGED HOI ANYHOW Mob at BnrdVill Refuses to Bo Bulked of Itj Prospective Victim , CHARLES MILLER PAYS AN AWFUL PENMTY Charged with an Atrocious Crime nnd Sur rounded by Oonvictiag Circumstances. SOME DOU3T AS TO HIS GUILT His Earnest Statement Saves Him from Biing Buruod ( it the Stake , EFFORTS OF THE SHERIFF UNAVAILING Ton Thoimntul Cltlzent of the Section Spend the ! > . ) In llnrdtrell , Proper- " Ing nnd KsvciitliiR u Turrlblo iSen- toncu on Siinpeut. CAIIIO , III. , July 7. iSpcclul Telegram to TUB BKE. ] Chnrlos F. Miller , ft mulatto who Is thought to have murdered tuo two liny sisters near Bardwell. ICy. , on Weduea- day , was lynched tUU afternoon ntul his body burned. Thn only evidence against Miller was cir cumstantial , and tlio strong plea made by him when it decided to burn him at a ' stake convinced many that they might not hnvo trot hold of tlio right man after all. It was decided that it would bo less terrible to huii ) ; an Innocent mnn than to burn him , so the former course wai adopted. By the nld of a bloodhound Miller wai captured lust across the Kentucky state line ) In Missouri lust night. Ho'was today takea to Wickliffo , the county seat of Carltslo county , for examination. The evidence against him seemed conclusive , though ho protested his innocence. At 11 o'clock this morning1 ho was taken to Bardwcll , the scene of the crime. The fact that he had been arrested had been telegraphed ahead , and , the whole country was thrown Into ox- citemcnt. Kiiiror fnr Ills lllooil. The train arrived at Bnrdwcll at 11:80 : o'clock , loaded with Cairo people und Wick * liifo folks with the prisoner. At the Bard ] well depot and stretched nlong ttio railway for a quarter of n mile , was "seen : \ mass of humanity with expectancy depleted on every countenance. As the train drew Into the station the mob became Impatient to BCO the victim and yelled for him. lie was ift the custody of the sheriff , John Hudson , and in the last car. Alongside the depot stood piles of bridge timber ten feet high. These were to form the funeral pile , for the verdict of all the Bardwcll people was , 'Burn him 1 Burn him ! " While , the mob was looking through the first cars the sheriff and his posse slipped out of the end car and hurried the negro across the back street in order to cseapo the fury of the populace , but they were not quictt enough. A cry was taken up which oould bi heard for miles , and then began the rapid tramp of thousands of feet through the dusty streets , and the dust stirred up was a cloud that completely enveloped the mass ol struggling people. Into every street poured the howling mob , yelling at the top of their voices. They mot the column marching rapidly down the street , and headed It off. Mnilo to Mount tlio ( tallows , The phcriff saw that it was useless to re sist longer , so ho agreed to take the negro to the front street whore the platform had been erected. Thcrotho prisoner was made to climb up , folluTrcd by the sherllt aud guard. < $ $ , * . . Immediately the great -inob" surrounded the platform until there wore fully 5,000 people in the vicinity , shouting , howling , and yelling for gore. When ho reached the top ho rained his atuioklod handa high aoovo his head as if to iinploro mercy. Mr. Hay. the murdered girls' father , called out that ho had promised Cairo and Wlckllffo people that ho would lot thorn know befora the affair tootc place , as they vrantod to be there. A collection was taken up for tha bloodhound who aided in the capture and the man who made the capture. Marshal M. T. Ingram of Sikcston was called for by the crowd to tell ho who secured the prUonor Mr. Hay again was called upon and nddodi "I want you to sot tlio timo. " Cries went up of "Sot your own tlmo , but don't nut It off too long , " ' Well , say wo put It 3 o'clock , " said Mr. Kay. Kay.Cries Cries of "All right , but make him stay on the platform until that time. " "Whero will wo burn him1 ! "Right here. " After utlmo order was restored and crloi for the negro to npoV. ; prevailed. II U 1,11 It AplHMlt. Ho cnmo with n linn atop and confident air to the edge of the platform and said ; ' Please bo quiet , everybody. My nixmo la 0. J. Miller. I am from Springfield , III. , am } my wife lives nt 710 North Second street , I am hero n lining you to Jay , looked upon atone ono of the most brutal men before the pop. plo. I stand hero surrounded by men who nri not willing to lot the law take its courts. and as far ns the crlmo Is concerned , .J have committed no crlmo , and certainly no crlmo gross enough to deprive mo of my llfo or liberty. I had saiuu rings which [ bought in Uismnruk of a Jew peddler. I paid him fl.W ) for thorn. I loft Springfield July 4 aud cnnio to Alton , From Alton I went to Kast St. Ixmis , from there to Joftcr- son barracks , thcnco to Desoto , thffico to Bismarck and to Piedmont , thcnco to Poplar Bluffs , thcnco to Hoxlo and to Joncaboro , then on a local freight to Walden , from , there to Sikcston July G. The day I was supposed to hnvo committed the offense 1 was at Bismarck , " Took the I'rltoner to Jail. The sheriff then stopped to tha front and auld : "Kor God's ' sake , gentlemen , I must tnko this man to Jail. I am bound by my oath to deliver this man to jnll. " The mob hud become somewhat qulot bjT this time , undone man shouted ; "Yes , taki him to Jail until a o'clonk. Then we'wou'i him. " The prisoner was helped off ttio pile .of inlluiumablo material ana taken to Jail . ' hj crowd dispersed soon after , and , all , ttia& could flnd dlnnura done so , but thou8Jfjl'J ' could not bo accommodated , Farm wajj and vehicles of every description could i- numbcrol by the hundreds. People . . miles about were on hand to witi e i execution , As the hour of 3 o'clock arrive the people llockud to the Jail yard. Tlio J l {