Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Priooa Advanced Earlyl and Declined Con
siderably Toward the Olosa.
i _ _ _
I. t r AilTlom Imlloatcil nnln la the North *
woit anil Wctknon * t-'oltowail Op r -
tutVmo Mnposnil to Soil
on the lllne.
OnicAno , July -I'rlros marched up the
hill today and then mirchod down again In
whoa ! a fulr biislnci"i wv > translated. The
oponliiK' was ibout 'ic ' higher tliiiu yesterday's
clo-iln , : , ruled linn nnd prices were fuithor ad-
vntu-cd He. then oa .cd olT iitidduollncd Irregu
larly 1'nC ' for K-ptembor di llvorv , thnn hold
Ktoudy and theelo < o wis about ' lil luT for
July , UC higher for August , ' < o higher for Sep
tember nttd C up for December than yesterday -
day H close.
Tha eat-ly flrmnoM wn duo to the hid no | :
ropotts rocclud yesterday which brought Inn
good many bu.vlui : ordots Homo hid reports
wcro re'olvcil today and fur a tlrno nitrons
filing prevailed Hiltl'iter advices reported
rain In the northwest and weather cooler
Conflritlng report * were also received from
the mirth' * est regarding the growing crops
Homo topotts Mild : "Outlook' fa\orablo , ex.
coptlnoats ; "will he 'in ivoriuo crop " Other-
wiiriiUllo ! | gloomy and piodlued a khorlcrop
Otioi Hots woio r ithi i imm1 disposed lo vc'l
at thitutlv anco and undnr nuliir free rolling
chit 11,1-v V irtlos who lleured early us bujorji
Tliu Milpulng Interest , appears toniteitalr
nulto "bullish views" of torn and bout
frei-l > the local crowd lining Inclined to < < al
on the bulgrs Thomirkot stiuti-d out will
from ' c to 'ic ' gain nnd gi uln illy wotked 111
ic , rotH di d f loin " < e to V , Imt.iitnln dUK 01
Ironi a4c to ' 5i' , declined from Uc to " , , e , inlet
steady and til the ulosy July was 3 ehlglioi
August ' < : anilc'plrniber fioin 'fo toc bet
tor. OtltslrVi mirkelH were nllhttonKtr.hu1
not In piopui lion lo the bulge here , rorolgi
advlii's w < t o uNo 111010 favorable to holders
Uiibli'S come In with 'I'1 "dvaiii'e and irci-lpl1
wore light nnd the estimate far too hinull 'I hi
out Inspei tlun v. us linniLiisu at oUb.JU
bu. , 1 irjit'ly iiinti.ict
Ti ulo In oils \\asof tlm spasmodic oidei
A liimi'i fielliiK | ) iu\nlled , prliis u\ui IK'HI '
higher July adx.uicnl ' c mil S-i-pti-mbe
5 i- , but lust most of It befoui tliu cloM ) Then
WIH moro Imiulrv fin M ly ftotn thoi.iat , bu
the ll2htolTeiliiKschr > cUeil business
I'oik was utmost uitln-lv ni'Kltvtcd , bu
Unto homo Inunlry foi ribs fiom hhotts
nnd the clliiuo took ciro tliillho > e whom
rjulied them should piy well fin their put
chavcM. I , ml ailx . .inriilI0i - and libs 27'-c , bu
lost iispeclUelv 1'J'io .mil 16f of the K-iin
I'oik clustd numtn illy lOo higher 'h in IAS
Ksllin i'cd receipts for tomonow : Wheat
47Krns ; coin , JJ5 c.irs ; o its , 135 c.ttsj hog
14,0110 head.
The Ic.ulliiK futures i ingcd as follows :
C ish iiuot itlonsuro us follows :
rmiTit Dull ; prices Rvnvrillyisliiido i
\\ni-Ar No 2 siitliiB , Ole , No 3 spring , I
o I ) , 02e : No. 2 ic < ( , C5o.
Cons No. 2 , 41'8c.
OATb No. 2 , 20&JOUC : No 2 white , on tracV
83c ; No 3 white , f. o. h , 31CJ3.IO.
KM No 2. 40ft50c.
llAiti.i.r No , 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , no sales
No 4 , no s lies
i LAxst MI-NO ,
TiMOiiivSM-o I'rlino , W.
1'oiiK Muis , per bill , J10.35@10 37'5 ; Inn
pel 100 Ihs , VJ.)2"eo.05 ) ; short ilhs. side
( loose ) , S0.12'JiO ( ? 17'J ' ; dry silted shoulder
( lo\iilB ) 75 ( 0 00 ; short clcur bldeb ( bo\od
f 0 50il'.76. (
WiHbKY Dlsttllois' flnlhhcd goods , iior gal
htidAns Unchanseil ; cut leif , GJfc ; gr.uui
lateil,5.70ttiuilaid ; "A , " 5 04
'Iho folloHlnj ? ere the receipts and shir
meats for Uxl ly :
On the Produce o\clinnio today tlio hutlu
niitiketwasste idyjcrtainoi y , lOTtl'l'ji-j ' dain
1417'/ic. life's , steady ; , 13&i > Ue.
Non York Mrfrkot * .
NEW Yonic , July 7 I'loini Kccoliits 4
OOO pk s : export" , 7.HOO hhls , 20OOU sacU-
fcalcs , Ki.OCK ) pKgsj maiket quiet , c'lisj
Mlnlt r client , low t-'iadcs , $1 OOftJ 41 ; wlntt
tancy , * V.4&n ! ) 45 ; l ) Hunts. S3 UI'QH ' OU ; Mliim
Wkta clear , ? . > 00 © . ) 00 , Mliinosotii straight !
t3 R034.0II ; Mlniu-sotu putt nts , f4 OOd.1 40 ,
COIIN MFAI < Dull , steady ; jellow wc-sten
12 dHi42 70
KMDull ; wi'stnrn. CO CBc.
llAia.uv MAI.T Dull , hteaiiy ; western , C5 (
\\lll-AT Uecelpts , 217,000 liu. ; export
Ifid.OUUlm. ; Bileh , l.SHri.OOObu. futuies , 12H
OOO lm. spot , fcpot niaiktiteiy dull , ( Irini
with options : No 2 icd , In stotu and eli
viitor , 71'4il72e ( ; iillval , 71' < 5'7n e ; f. o. li
71't ' < f-7lcj ! ! ungniileil led , bsa7Jc , No.
iiortliHin , 72'to72'c ; No. 1 hind , 77'5'5 ' 77'ii :
No. 2 northiin. 71c ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 71'i
flUV.11 1 , I .I' ll. I tU , UJUMI
7r > Sl,7Cc ( ( , closing at7ji' ( ; Octoher , ' 77'Y87tfC
closhiB nt 77i4cj December , 81 ° sliJ.82'ti
CloshiK at 81aiC. ,
Coii.N-Itccilpls , 05.000 lm. ; exports , 2,00
llll ; sales , 330,000 lm. futures , 187,000 hi
spot. Spoth ( jnlut , Iliiner ; No. U , 48' ' .c 1
olexator ; 40k49'4c alloat Oiitlons ni
vume-d Viiml foil 'uttUc- ; trading \ery sin
nmt tins clo KIIK linn .u iHfl.\o uereste
day ; betitciuhor , 00' < c , rloshiK ut SOc
OATbItecelpts. . b8,200 lm ; o poiM. 2r > ,0 ( )
1)11 ; sales , 85000 lm. futiireh , 14&.OOJ hi
pot. bpotb Him , fnlrly uclho , Ojitioi
dull , llrmeriJnly , 3ni < ( itJtiv , closing at J&.i
iiKUbt , 33'fc , .Suiitumbur , 3Ji43J a , closlii
tS'J'dN'o ; 2 white. 3Hc ; No 2 Ch cail
imiO ciNo. ! 1 while. 37r : mixed Hesturi
86'ifc.ncliltewchtein ' ; , 30Ri43c. (
llAi 1'Mh deinanil , sternly ,
lloi'd Otilei , iiiiHi ; state , coiniiKm to cholci
lOlt Jc ; PaullUco ist , lUJWUic.
HlliFri 1'ulr lU'inaiicl , steady ,
AN 001- Dull , iiiiMit tied ; dom ( .tlo fleece , 27 <
82c- , pulled , 20ft37c ; Teim , U.JOc.
I'ltin ihiONS-Cut iiioiits , Inactho ; nlcKlc
shoulders1 ; ® ; nilildlekdull. I.urfl , flriuu
quiet ; western hUwiu closed at * 1O)0 ) , nomli.ii
Biili'H. untie ; options sales , nonu : July close
nt J10.20 ; buptembor , closed at * 10.76. I'or !
dull , steady ,
Hum -Quiet , lea' ' * steady ; western dalr
aiHc ; ntihiurii ereumc'iy , 17a22c : westei
Cactoiy , Ifiij I7c.
riin-ir Hi m , fair demand ,
Kdlih-Qulet , weak : receipts. 6,048 pkm
neslein fresh , l& iiluUc ,
TAiiXw Qulet : city ( Jj | ) er pUc. ) , 4'lcbli
ronoNsumi On.-Dull , , > cal ! ; ciude. 30 ,
jolluw pilino , 41fi(42o.
I'LiiiouuM-Diilli l'eniifcyl\nnla oil , KIII
snlix none ; optlom. mles , 2,000 , hhK at bu
clo-liiKiit fK' ! bid ; llma oil ; salon , none tot
KitaiN lull.HtMily ) | strained , common I
good. Jl 17' , 1.20.
Tuiii'i Mi.Ni-Qnlot , stoaily.
ltui. : Tulr demand , Htondy ,
MOI.ASSIS-NOW Orleans open Itettlc , good i
Cliolie , HH'iuly , ijulet.
buiiAit Kan , stniuly , imlet ; fixlr rcflnln
Bile ; i-eiitrlfUKals , UU test. 4Sc ; s lies , 600 tin
Museouido , bU test at 8 > 4c ; rotlned , fall
1'Hj.JliOM-QuIot , steady ; Antorlcan , I12.1
( iri-iJii-Stoady ; hike , f 10 40.
I'/AII bteadj. iiulot ; doinei-tic , 3 72U.
TIN Weak ) btnilu , * 18 o&j plates , stead
; domestic , M.15 ,
Kuiiftui Clt ) Murkot * .
KANSAS CITV. July 7.ViibAT Kchleho
No 2 haul. GOiniuc ! No. a roil , Gu < l G7c ,
lUu-\V < ki No. 2 , 40c.
I'UAX bFhll OHC.
ItiUN Weuk ; 4704nc.
UAY btendy. uni'hiuu-oil ; prairie. ' 17.4C
8.00 ; timothy , 10 OCKB9 60.
IltiTTKU I'll in ; creamury , laaiOo ; dali
1 8 Sti 1 Go.
Did Dull and weak , 10lic.
UiccLliTta-Wbeat , 1,0K > ou , ; com , 2,500 bi
OBtv , none.
Hu iruiNTB Wheat , 28,000 bu. ; corn , 10,0
bu. ; ouu , none ,
\\ool Aturkrl.
I'llll.Aliill'iliA , July 7. Course wools In In
proved demand. Western line X and \ :
2l23c ; medium , 25iiV27c : coarno 2b < Q27
flue wmhoUdcluluQ X uud XX , 23327c ; lu
ilium wnlitd.romhliu nii'l di > l\lno , 'JT 'JCc :
r1lnr ' ) w.nliPil. jumblnK ftnil 'Ifhilim , adi STr ;
Oiinniin tm'iod ' , rntnhlri ; , a 'Uda , tub wi hcil
riinifn , fliu.i2e ; fnir.nna lr.roiiMii. 'JTa'jyci
moillum it iw\heit cii.ii'ilnr an i di 1 tine , 20SZ
2A" cn/irM / ) iiirMixhr I I' mid delaine
j Mont in i , lUCJlSc , TctMUiry , Oi4l7fl.
Olmhi I'ro'lifo Mnrkct.
H fh situation K uncli meed In th j
huttpr m-irket Tlioro li si 111 a Rood tlcjnonij
forliuttor und somu hoil o'i ftre blildlntt Hii
for imuklni ; 4lKk , tum'T cioimorlts , tolld
pnckml , H'c ; fair to cuoil rr"Mriuilns , iiollil
parVid , Id lSc , choice to fancy co.lntry , 162
lOc ; filr to coed oountry , t6c ; picking stock ,
fti'sh , 13'iQllc.
mar'xot li . * ' In fact
Ktu.sTho steady on oxt.
tlio market Mns temalnod statlnmry for some
tlmo. The bulk of tlio silica to reported al
Iiiv'u 1'ooi.T.iv Thnm.irhut 1 Ktendy Fomc
xery choice old lionx brought RI hl h i
Be , but 111 it wm nil outline pi lee and would
baldly bo Justified as H iitotMloti Spring
clilrlien * . per dor , It. 7 01 60s chlcKuns
b"st hont , nnr Hi , 7'i7'ic ' ; I'h'.ckpm , mlvo'l
i"ijH ) , per II ) , Gc ; old u iHlnrH , pur Hi , 4TJ"ji' !
lurKoji. per Ib , DJilOc ! thifki , imr Hi , 7n > 8i : .
I'onTors 'I ho market IH nctlto and llrm
Thn iLonlptnntn v Iklil furl Iho o.loilnus
nui\oolT < iuicUI > ut , tlrnl ( irlcui The old stoul.
tb il Iris been nilniR nn Iho m'uKnl of 1 lUi k
behiBcle int-d up % ery rnpldlj i.nil only n fun
holism hii\o , my let. ( Did | tat
nuiv poiatopx , per bu. , ( L 00 IL 1.10
Iti.uuuRTlicro wa ( | Ulto n peed many
it i an bunles on the itinikut for this lain In tin
hiihvon and us a coed de il ot thv stoc'U did not
tin ho INeiy irood condition , the ntiuKut na <
lower riieto was , ibnut leO c isos ot black-
hoi rles nnd i fall tun of rasiibei rlus. ' otiic
_ . . . iiisplnjrilca arrlvulon Ihu miirkol
In vuiy „ good h'iptii btianheirles , Oregon
ancy. $1 51K4 00 , bluckberilcs , per 24-it | ,
case , W.60 , b | iclc taspbertles , per24-uU case
3 60
SviAt.r , I'liftis The in irkot Is about bare
ot Cillfornl i chot rlcs , bat there Is a good
upply of everything else In the way of Cull-
ornlii fiulis now In season. There are also r. .
good many TUMIS pu u'hos on the market
\pilcots , poi 4-basKut crate , tl.Q'ifiil 40 ;
limns , will ! goosi ) and Chlokasiw , per 2l-qt
tale , $250 , Callfoinil peachi's , $1,253)1.60 )
L'IIMIS peauhi's , BOoltSl 00 per M-bu. bo\ .
Ml I.O.NSiiteiineloii4 ate coming hi thlcl
nnd fast and pilei's arulowei. Oood canto
oiipcsiiro mil pli-iily. Watoimelons , per 1 U
18 ; ciatod , 25c ouch ; cautelouped , pu
TltOPlCU , rllUtTS.
Ptsi'U'Pi.t.s riorld i , purcisu of 5 to 7 dor
5 50j,7.00. (
OHAVH.S Hlvcrsldo Medlterrannan sweets
36043.75 ; ItheisUloseedllliKS$3.23j brlghts
Ll MOSij Mcsslnai. ( "ctta fmey , $56011000
Mi sMims , | ic'i box , choice to faiioi , tu OIU&5 5C
HAVASsPcr bum.ll , 1'irgo , J2 25cS2 75 ; pu
jiinuh , small lo nuullum , i2 00it2.25.
Hints , ru.tow , i.ic.
llims No 1 gieon hides. 8c , No 2 grcoi
ildi S lie : No 1 Kii'on Milted hides , 3'ii1 ! No. '
gi en silted hide * , 2'sc , No I giei n s.iltci
titles , 25 llx. to 40 HiJ'jc ; No 2 gnmnsalui
bldts , 25 Ib , 10 10 Ills , 2 > 4c ; No 1 veil call
8 Ibs to 15 UN , ( > c ; No 2 vc il cilf , 8 Ibs t
15 Ihs , Ic ; No 1 dry Hint hides , 7f , No. 2 di ;
Hint hides. 6c , No. 1 diy silted hides , 61
Pat I clued lildeh He pel Ib less th in full ,
SIIEHPi ITS Orcon s iltcd , each 35cJil 25
men " -tltc'd sheirilng < ; ( shoit woolcd e'nl ;
skins ) , e it'll 15T2"ic ( ; diy shearlings ( shor
woolul e irly skint ) , No 1 , i u'h fuJlOi1. dr ,
shcirllngs ( short wouled early skln-l , No I
cat'li 6c ; dry Hint K ins is und Nebinsk
Imte-her wool pelts , per Hi , u dial weight , lOi
lie ; diy Hint ! v ins isanil Neljr.ibl , i
wool pelts , per II ) , actual weiglit , 710c ; dr :
flint C'oloi.nlo butclier wool polls , put Ib
uctn il w ( l ht , OITKU' ; dry Hint Coloiado Mur
inln vvoil pe'lli , p T II ) , ii'li , il weight , 7fri'Jc ,
dry plc-i i s and bin-Its , actuiil weight , S c.
'lAIIXIV * AMI lilttAhl' 1'llllon , No 1 , IKiH
4'.c , tallow. No 2 , .Iai ( < ( i4c ; gio ise , whlto A
I'iffi5c ' ; gre isc , white 11 , 4c ; grease , yi'llow
3".jc " ; gie ise , dark , .ic ; old butter , 2j52'c ' }
beeswax , prime , ll > ' 3.26e , rough tillow , 21
Hosts Car lots weighed and delivered I
lilca'o Diy bullalo , per ton , $1G ( )0 ) < 3ll8 00
dry country , blenched , per ton , SlOOOiJlJOU
< liy countii , tl imp und meaty , i8 OOi&lOOO.
The peach nop of Delavvuie and thn M.trj
land not I Ion of the ncnlnsuli Is being estl
in.ilcil at 5,000,000 biskets In 18'Jl ther
wns a good ciop and 3,000,000 b isKotb wer
* | ) d.
As commission men gcnorilly keep the !
collections up pictty close , weekly collection
of all bills being tin iulo , ihuy ire doubilei !
millcrlne le'ss fiom slow collections than th
jobbeis , who sell on long time.
A commission in in obsjrv es th it the Gcorgl
invloii hhlppe-rs appcii to bo lather nuivou' '
for when they ship a c u of melons they tele
granhevcrj day , all tllsp itches collect , askln
If the cat h is aiiUcd , what the piospi'ct ts fu
Iho m uket , etc. The m iiket Is gelling dow
to i point now whcio It will not take man
collect telegiams to wl | e out Ihu m ugln.
Potatoes ha\e hi en growing scatccr ever
dny this week until the 111,11 km is vuiypooil
supplied. As a consc'iiuunct ) every ono-l
hustling to gut In some nuw potalous and !
would not bo suipilsing If the m irkct vvi
ovuisiippllcd nexl week and pilces lowei. Ik
sldts ihu shipments fiom i dlst nice lioin
giown slock will coiiimencu veiy shoitly t
cut iiiilto u figure in the mark 't.
The shlpucrs of Tt > \ is cither do not irrovv th
best vai ietles , 01 elbCt tboiols something I
thecllmatu m the way thosiult is h indlv1
Ih.itdup'hcs It of keeping ( pi illtles. " I'oi o >
ample , sonic piotty good looking cantclotipc
have been uielved from thuie , but they it
as soon as tiny i ip MI sullicicnt for use Thei
aiipeiisto be veiy llltlo siitlsfnctlO"n In hum
ling Texas shlpni1 nts. T'le ' shlppuis dow
tbeie have got a good dc il to li'arn bcfoi
Texas will cut mnchof a llgure as a fru
btate in distant m u kets
St. l.oulH Miirkt ts.
ST. Lotus , July 7. riotiit Firmbi
uncli ingtd ; pitents , $ .1 10IJ3 25 ; exti
fancy , $2803200 , fincy 52 40 ® ' . ! 50 ; cholc
i2.U > (1.2 ( 25 ; family , $1.002200 , ijo Him
I 25SS3 40
\\HL\r-Cimli.blghpr at G2 , i02'4c ; oiitioi
advanc'd a e.uly , but n acted I itei an
closed the same as ycsieid ij ; July , 02't
Augubt , ( > l'c ' ; s < e < ptembet. t > ( j , c.
COIIN Advancid 3uC , ihcn dropped ngali
butclosida fiactlon ubo\o yesteidty ;
37fBc : Julv , 37'Jc , September , 30a.3'J'c. '
OATS lluliei ; cash , JO' c ; July , 27'jc ; Al
gllsl , 21sac , Supit'iiiher , 2bc ,
HVIII.I.V No market ,
\Y-Kntliolj uncli ingcd.
Hun fit rncliangcii ; cieamcry , lG20i
dairy , 1.1 ® 17e.
Koi.S Unchanged.
Cons MLAI , Unchanged.
\VlllSK1 * steady.
PHOV IHIONS , Uncli inged LirdhlchcratJO C
09 12' . Diy MI I ( .HUMUS hluher ; loose slum
dois , (8.25 : lungs and libs , i'J ' 10 ; shortstil 51
lioxul lots , 15u inoiu , Itacoi .ind hams in
changed ; p icked sliiiulilius , $0,25 , longs an
ribs , $1026 ; blioiU , $10 50. hugar curetl ham
Plnur , 2,000 bbls ; win at , 33f , ( )
bu. ; corn , 32,0t'o bu. ; oats , 28,000 bu. ; rj
and Imrlov , none.
MIIPMEMS Plour. 4,000 bbls ; when
0,000 bu. ; corn , 60,000 lm. ; oats , 2,000 bu
iye , 1,000 bu ; bnrley , none ,
, (111 Mlll-KnlH ,
Cir. CITT , July 7. National Transit ce
tlllcatos iiuened at 67'gj highest , fill " , [ lov
cst , bThl closed at 5'J > i. buies , 1'J , ODD bbla
bblpments , 122,104 hblk ; run > , HH.'Jbl liljl.s ,
I'inHliuiKi , July 7. National Tianslt ce ;
tllk'atus opened ut 58 ; closed at 60 ; hlghob
blowcut \ , 68. bale , none.
I.OSPON , July 7 , UNShi.o OAKK Wester
i'l > ud pei ton ,
Ii.NhH D bpot , 21 ! Gd porcwt ; spot , Jui
and July shipment 42s Gd ,
\A HAl.h Ou iJlO pui ton.
Cutloii Mnrkttt.
Ni.w OIU.FANS , July 7 , Piitures qulo
ste lily ; snti < s , 17.UOO biles ; July. S8 48 bli
AilKllst , * 7 I8tt7.40 ; beptombiu , 1757 ; Out :
boi , J7.705J771 ; Noveiuuei , $7 7a7.80 ! : 1) )
cember. f7.Sl ( ; .laniiiuy. t8.OJa.803 ; Pebr
ary , J8.12Q8.13 ; March , J8.17C,8.11I ! ,
( food iiildilllng , 7\c ; middling , 7 7-lGc ; lo
mlildllng , 7 3-ldc ; goodordlmuy , G c ; net r
celuts , 146 bulcH ; gloss leculpts , 600 bale
sales , 3.850 bales ; stock , 100.011 bales.
I.Ivxi p
I.ivrnpooi. , July 7 , WHEAT Steady ; d
iniinil moilorate ; holders oiler moderate !
receipts foi past three t days , 3GO.OOO centii
including 277,000 American ,
cons Ptli den iiand ; western , 4s Gd p
cental ; lucclptr American corn ptst tin
dajH , 87 , 300 1 cumin ,
llACON I/ong cleui , 45 Ibs ,633 percwt.
LA O I'rlmo wc'stern , 40s percwt.
MllnuuKoo Alarketi.
MII.WAIIKFE , July 7. WIIKAT Firm , stead
Eoptemboi , GJT ( C ; No 2 spring , UJiic.
Ooiis-Pfrm ; No. 3 , 40c !
OAa Plriu , No. 2 white , 33334c ; No ,
while , 31CCJ2C.
HAIIM.Y No. 2 , 6Sc ; lample , nomlnui.
U fc-No. 1,620.
t ; pork , Bcptomber , 120.1
Itivrnroou July 7. AUCHICAN UKUUOE
ATOH Hi E Poruiuurtors , S'Jd ; blndiiiiirte |
6' il per IU , Amerlcun Ihu cuttle , sinking t
otlul , 64il per II ) .
llhi PinciuiiiiterH , 2J4Xi63l ; hlnUiiuai teis ,
ddii4s per eight Ib * by the ciirciiss ,
Cultua .Mnrkct.
NEW YOIIK , July ? . Options- opened stcncl
unchanged to 5 points up ; closed steady , 10
15 points up ; sales , 11,600 bagB , liicludln
July , * 10 ; > .ugut > tll6b& ; beplembur , * 16.7 (
1605 ; Octobci. | 16.7Uai6,85 ; Decembi
116 60ffil5 to. Spot Hlo , tinner , more aulv
No. 7 , * 17.
I'lilluilulphlu ( iriiln Murket.
IMiiLAiiciriiiA , July 7. WIIKAT Wca
lower ; No a red , July , l > 8 4'5GOc.
t'oits-Plrm : No. 2 mlxtd. July , 48Q48ic !
( Mas-Cur lots higher ; futures ttionger U
quiet ] No. 2 white , l ) > , it37c ,
Nuw York Ur > duotU Murknr.
M.W YOIIK. July 7. Notblng of a posltl
chuructur vraa dikclosed rensrdliig the trude
ilry ( jooil Iliiytfrt are yet few and tran sC' '
tlons silrh ni am Imperative. Some lines g
woolen cloth * are golnff well after tlio moderate
orate ripening tirlco. While there U Improvct
cotillilonco 111(1 ( monny Is nintnr , the facts tit
not yat Increase business as there nro no In
dlcatlons of an > linmcdlato change In tin
illtiillon , _
Cincinnati Mnrki > t .
rjKC'v.NATt , July 7. WIIKAT Qulot ; No
2 rod , GOi * .
C'onM Iliroly stcnily ! No 2 ml VIM ! , 40'C.
OAT * -Heady : No 3 mlxt-d , 31it31 ( < 4c.
WHISKY -In light demand at $1,1'2.
H > ltliunre Oniln Miirkot.
HAt.Ttvtonr , July 7. WHEAT I'lrmcr ; No. '
ted , pot and July , r
Conv Dull and flrmct i spot and July , 47' c
OATS Oool iiujulry : No. 2 white western
Mliinoit | > < > llVllrllt Mnrkr-t.
MiNNiiArouo. July 7. Trndo light ! nuirkpi
aslcr. Close : Julv , 69'c , ! , AiiRiist , G2Kc ; Sop'
ptnber , ( > 4yc. On tnt6k : No. 1 hixrd , (12 ( W
* fo 1 nottliein , OOV * I No. 2 northern , 69c.
Tolndn ( Iniln Mnrkct.
Tot.nno , July 7 WIIEVT No.
ash and July , 05' Jc ,
I'OIINDull , steady ; No. Q cash , 41c.
OATS-QltlOtiC.lSll , 31 iC.
Tendi-ncy of I'rlcoi on the r.xchinpo Win
Uim ril Yontcrdny.
Nrw YOIIK , July 7. The tendency of prices
n the Stock exchange was upward. The
volume of business was small , but as the bear'
hewed n disposition to cover the market rulei
n a higher range. The upward movemcni
\.i9 assisted by the advance lu America !
ecurltlos al London and by the absence o
inport-uit mercantile or bank falluies a
lome.Millo the dciillnKs were largely foi
irofesslonul account , the commission house :
re almost iiiianlinotis In reporting an Increasi
n the number of orders for fractional and ful
ots for investment.
Now Jersey Central moved up 2y per cen
o 104 , .Manhattan 2' ( per cent to 124 f , Nev
England l'i per cent to 22 % , and the genera
1st any where from < { to 'f per cent. Plna
quotations wcro from i. to \ per cunt , except
ng In the casn ot Manhattan , which reaetct
l' < pet cent. The jump In New England wit
K'cusloncd by reports that the company luu
iiudu iirriingements to enter New York Olt'
via llrewsters , Poidham and the Suburbii
KUll ) ( Tr.inslt HMD , tlio Inst mentioned con
nectlng with tliu Second Avonnn Klovutei
roid. Veiy little oredenuo was ul need In tin
us Uoidugo fell fiom B < ( to 7if per cent
il liter adv meed to S' . The mirkot wa'
not alTeoted to anj gieat oxlenl by the rise li
the lates for money mil closi'il stc uly In tone
In Its Iliiunclul article tln > Post' , ijs1 : Mlvc
bullion his begun to decline iiiruln , the chle
iiolnt of dlscouiu.gemcnt to holdeih of the bill
lion belim the leluctiince of the government t >
liuy. This policy of ( he Tn usuiy dep irtmen
lstillo | Justul ihle for c ireful ptoxlslon wu
mule In thesilxei piiichnsu law Itself to pro
lui t the govi rnment from buying an artlll r ingo of pilec- . Quotations weroclearl ;
of surli u iMi under.
The certlUc ties sold by these adventurer
weie taken by expoiters and cancelled , sucl
wlthdi.iwals fiom ihen mercantile H ife de
losltH amounting in the last four d lys lo n
ess than 270OU ounces The total stock do
lioslted ag ilnst ccitlHcutcH iniounted a wee
ago to naiely 200,000 ounces. The cii.ince
t ikon by last wee'k's short sellers on the Moc
oxcliingo mo obvious. Hut itso Inppcncd a
the moment when e\poilers wiio withdraw
Ing tholi pun hiised bullion from doposll
agents of sineltliig compinion were busy de
positing the ictiial iniuket supply of sllvc
with which they h id been caught Deposit
against ccillllcutcs acgregutc'd 207,82
ounces , thcccitllli ites being held , of couisi
iigilnstthu tteasury's expected resumption n
sllvi i purch ises As matters now stand It I
not In the least Impiolmhle ( Imt the importer
will gut the fullili'iHiill stoi k aftci nil
J'he following are the closing nunalloiis 01
the Ic idliis stocks on the Now York block ex
cb inge ted iv :
j ii iuiui , iiuuu , jie'iiuiii ; , iiji'u , ni. irau
1,000 , bu ar , 6.0UO , \ \ esteru Union , 4,401
l'iv Y rk Monej Market.
Nrw YOHK , July 7. Most , Y ON CAMWii
more nctl\e , raii Iii from 0 to 20 pur ecu
last loan , G , closed olTcied at (5 ( percent.
1'HiMh .MI.IICANTII nl'Ai'1'H-OjsS percent.
hiLiiMMl n\ciiAM.i Steady , with iictui
buslnus at * 4 b2 and f4 83 for httty-day bll
nnd $4 84's4 84 foi dc-mund.
bii.vm MAIIKKT Dull and weaker : oertll
c itCh'-old at7 ® 73o. closiiiKiit71'ii'u.71Jaf.
CJOM-HNMhNT liOMJS bllOllg. btllte bOllt
Tim closing rjuotitlons on bonds :
London I'liium 11 lte\letr ,
| C i > i/r < ' ; ht J ISHUu in IM ( ) t > nln ltenn'U.\ \
LONDON , July 7. [ New York Herald Cat
bucclul to Tin ; lliik. ] Absolutely no bui
waa done In thU city today , tliu ho
being too Intense ruuf the ocoplc , dftor yostcr-
( lay'sfcstlvltleo , WU B more disposed for any-
tlidm thnn WUIH. rrni's , boTfOvoT.15VCrC ; .V "
cralw firm , with npthih ; of spoclil lutororft \ In
he Amprl ifnuJiipptttua v > VIp ! < WAq w
li ned „ iIoilliiA IfiMlhy or lee shares , The
disposition of onsrators was rather nmVo
buoyant , but tlu/'mtlilRf was disinclined for
business , rornlgn Mocks were nt n complete
stntnlstlll , Slivoruifas weak at 34'id per
ounce ,
riii/ilirlnl / > oto .
KANSAS CITY , July 7. Clearings , 11,871-
, N'EW YOIIK. July1Clearings , $86,052,882 ;
balances , $4,735HQ1 ,
I'AIUB , Julj 7. Throe percent rentes 07f
G2Ho for the aceoiftiK .
OMVIIA , July 7.-rllcarliig9 , $047,084 ; same
day last week , $025,788.
. I'lltt.ADEU'ilu. July 7.-ClcarliiBs , M2.38B-
125. Money , G per cent
" V.NA , July 7-Pugnr iiuiiit.
u Loinloi. 2U { premium , ,
. lUl.TlklOiic .iiilf -CMoartnet , fJ,018,000 ;
balances , J3B1.37J Money , fi pur cent.
LOMIOV , J'llv 7. Amount of bullion gone
Into tlio Uank of England todny , A30.000.
Ct.vqiH.s4 ft , July 7. Money , 4tt7 per cont.
r > VorkexchanRo , par ClearlnislOtU,600.
M luring , July 7. Now York oxi-hiincc ,
selllnKiitSl. 60 premium Clottrlims , $160,002 ;
balancot , } 44t''t.
IIOSTON , July 7.-rioarhns. $16,102,102 ;
bilancos , 81 , 100,014 Money , 7 8 10 poi cent.
lixclmiiRe , 30R40c ilUcount ,
ST. Loins July 7.-Cloarlnes , ! 3r 8S,027 ;
bahincos , ? 2t > 1.120 Money quiet , GQ8 per
cent. Uxcliantfc1 o ; . Now Yoik , 60c to par.
Ni : Ollt.KiN' , July 7.-Ulo irliiRs. $972-
GG2. Ncv Yoilc oti'hHiKc' , commerjliil , 76o
per $ l,0i)0 ) iiromlum ; batik , it , 60 premium.
.OltlCAiio , July -Ueutlni ; * , 14G81,089.
Jvow ioik pvcfiungo uomlnnl , 1 per cent
disc-mint , btvrllne CTCIIIUKO active $4.B3O
4.85 , Money " -toiidy , Tpoi rent.
NL\V YOIIK , July 7 [ Special Tclegrain to
I uu Hi r ] rjiclunito v\as quoted as follows
today Ohlcaeo , ? 1 idlscnunt ; Huston , 30oto
40c dlicount ; St. Louis , 60c discount to par ,
Flrmor Tone to the Cattle Trnile
Active nt H Dlmo Lower.
rittnvv , . Tuly 7.
Hcrelpts today wore not agreatdoiil dllTor-
ont from lust Trldny. Supplies ko far this
week fall abdut 2,200 cittlo , 22,000 IIORS and
2,000 sheep short of receipts for the corro-
hpomlinB period laat week.
The receipts of c Utlo Included hilt a do/en
loads of Kanais City Texans billed nlrcot to
Cuilnhy. There wore no other ranee cattle
hero t speak of. Adv ices from Uhlcugu VVITO
not pirtlculirly bullish , and the m irket
opened slow , with buyers inclined to shade
prices on all but the best cornfed
cattle , whether heavy or llsht. Choice
l. < U&-lb. beeves bioiiRht 44.00 and good 1210-lb.
Mceis sold for $455 1'alr to coed 1,000 to
lJiU-lb ( steers bold laigely at fiom 54 25 ( o
$405 , with sal"s of green and half-fit stock
hcatlorlni : all the vv ly down to { 3.25. HiislnesH
was brisker and prices lather llriuei nloim
toward the close and by noon iho biipply had
bi > n disposed of.
Cow stull as in limited supply , fair dem ind
and lirm. Oood to chulro fat cows and heifers
sold at fiom S3 to SJ 75 , with canners at from
81.25 to J2 25. Cholco vi-al calves WITO In ne
mo rc < iuc'st and htiongor , with sales up to
$5 25 , while common largo stock was dull , hell-
Ing lib low as $1.75 I'alr to choice bulls und
sings sold at from tl.75 to f4 , or at fully
.steady prices.
There WHS not much doing In feeders , but the
dem ind was good and prices iiik'rt strong , fall
to good stock selling at from * 2 80 to * 3 55.
Hepresentative b.i0i | , :
llous The innrkot was nearly a dime lowe :
than Thursday , hut decidedly active at tin
decline. Receipts were rather liberal , tin
shipping demand was lighter than usuil ant
Chicago was repoitod easier. In const iiuenci
ot these bearish liitliicnces seller * were generally
orally prepared to accept the situ ill.ii .UK
business tilled lively. The hogs all soli
within a 12'ic ' range , practical ! } within a 6 *
tango , as but 4 lo ids Hold o > ei or undoi
* 5.00 and $5.05 , Toward the close , on tin
strength In provisions and more favorable le
ports from Chlcuco , the market III mud up an <
ptlme llghtwelglits sold up to } ( > . Mlxui
p ickeiB sold an low us $5 87' : early. Tlio tr id
Ing , honovei , was almost entirely atf5)0am !
S5 U5 , against * 5 U5 to f0 05 Thursday am
* 5 ( > 0 to (5.70 on I.ihl I'llilay , Hepresentatlvi
sales ;
30 . .247 240 6 00 4S . S83 ft 00
J IHO - 6 00 GO 18H - 0 ( K )
f.o. . . 103 ice n oo f. . . an * o oo
80 . ,211 320 600 1J.273 40 000
M'OS AND nouoiT.
1 . 410 - 3 00 0 .236 40 6 00
1 . .820 - 600 0 240 40 660
HitErv Tlioro wcro no ghcop on snlo ami no
quotnbloelmngo In tinnmrket. . 1'alr to Rood
natives , ? J 00.44,76 ! fair to Rood westerns ,
f3 604 60 ; common unit slock thcop , $2 r > iWi
3 60s good to cholco 40 to 100-lb , lambs , $ . ' 26
Itooelpts iintl DlipnMtlnii of Stock.
Official receipts and dUpviltton of stork ni
shown by the books of the Union fctock Yanli
company for the twenty-four hours uiulliiR at
5 o'clock p , in. July 7 , 1803 :
Hcnd Pars U out I fit N Hlfuli Cars | lloail
1.I2S 130 s nn | I . I
i l.lvoMnck Market.
CiitCAoo , July 7. iSnoclnl Telegram to
THE Hn < , 1 Hccelots of cattle today were
about 10,000 head , 0,000 head of whli'h were
natives. There was a ( pilot and uitnor easy
feeling at the opening , while the latei maiket
was active and strong. The eistern demand
was better than for some dajsp-ist , and as
quite the usual number was wanted by local
buyers the putiply of native cnltlo quickly
melted away. Tradn In the To vis division de
veloped loss activity , hut nnthlnu hid to bo
carried over , biles wore pilnclpally nt fiom
$2 25 to $3 25 foi native cows 'ind bulls and at
fiom $4.25 to $5 for steels , with fiom $125 to
$5 05 Die extiemo range of quotation' ' ) Texans
sold largely at from $ i 16 to } 2 15 for cows and
fiom $1 toiJ.GO foi steers , lirassora sold to
pool advantage ascompired with div-fed cat
tle , hut they sold , thanks to the moderate pio-
portlonsof the supply.
The hog maiket was as coed todiy ns nt any
tlmoyesterdav. It was from6c to lOcstronger
than at vosterd ly's close , when the host
heuvy and medium weights were quoted at
$0.30. The lecelpts ic'aohcd about 2J.OOO
heid and tltoto were , net nans , 1,000 sfilo
hogs , miking a supply of 2i OOO heart , but
thoso-wcro all gobbled up , and a few thousintl
In uddtllon to that nunitior could have bten
pi iced without any soflenlng of pi Ices Al
though the aidor of shippers was mcisui.ibly
chocked by the hot weather , there w is a
lively dem mil for local packing account -ind
Ihu market hail n buoyant tone throughout.
The bulk of iho slulf was weighed at fiom
$0 20 to id 30. though the exttemu ringe of
sales was from $ J.5i ) lo 5040. Iluyeis mule
but little iHlloicnce between light Hiid he ivy
weights , the foimtr being lu small supply
was the slrotigei of Iho two If the qu illly was
Of the sheep market It Is sulllclcnt to sny
thai It has not Improved. HilppiMs continue
to cotno foiwaid witlt a freedom hltherlo un
known at th s time of the ye ir and this low
prices recently i stabllshed still rule Cholco
niitlvesare quoted ut from IM 85 toiSnntl
choice Texans at from $4,2"i to $ t 10 , but we
note there w.isonlj a limited amoui tof Hid
ing In nallve sheep at belter than $4 76 und
th it the mlk of the Tex inss ild below $ -1 25.
Theie Is no sin plus of good muttons , but they
have to bo sold ut low flguies because of ilm
too extreme depression in thin sheep , of
which theie Is a Htgcly excessive stipplv.
L imbs have been In ample stock , hut prices
have been sustained by a moio than onll-
nurlly coed deniund The range of quotations
is from $4 50 to $0 50
Kecblnts1 Cattle , 10,000 head ; calves , 600
heiitl ; bogs , 2J.OOO head ; sheep , 0,000 bead.
The livening Journal siijs :
CATTI R Keeelpts , 10,000 hold ; shipments ,
3,300 head ; gootl sle uly , common und Tuxins
weak ; best beeves , ? } ov < jf > 25 , good , JIOD ©
485 ; medium , J4 25Q4 GO : grassers , )50i4 )
4 10Texans : $2 SO'tj.S ljstockorsaml ! ; fecdois ,
ti 25 , cows , * 1 15(5,1 ( 35
llous Hecclpts , 23.OOO heart ; shipments
7,000 he-ad : market opened strong , closed
we lU , mixed rmd packing , J ( > OOSG 25 ; prln o
be ivy and butchers1 weights , JG 25ijl > J5 ; 11-Mtt ,
$ ( > 16 040
SlltM' UccPlpts , 11,000 head ; shipments ,
110 heul ; good n itlves , if4 bO ; olhc'is dull ;
natives , i4 00r ) 50 ; westerns , WOOSl.75 ,
Te\.ins , $3 OOS4 45 , 1 imbs , J3 50Sb 25.
KuiiHim Oil } l.l\o stiil < MurUol.
KANSAS Cirv , July 7. CATTI.K Ilcrclptu ,
5,000 bund ; shipments , 1,800 head , m irkot
strong to lOc up : Tevas sker < , i 2 tOtil 00 ;
hhlppliiRsteers , * 4 30'7Ti 40 ; n itlvo cows , ! ! 80
4 > 4 00 ; hutchoi stock$3 75S4.40 , stoukcrs and
fnedmt , J2 45S4 00 ; bulls ami mlxc-cl , fl 00
C3 00.
Hods Itecelpts , 10,400 head , shipments ,
2,100 bend , maiket steadyclosed stromr ; bulk
ot silos , ? 18ort5QO ; heavies , Sr bio5 ( ) 01) ;
p u kers , f5 70a5 ; 00 , mixed.r 55tt5 00 , light ,
J500SOOOYoikeis , $5.00 000 , pigs , $500
4J.5 80
Siinu1 Ilocc'lnts , 2,700 head ; shipments ,
700 huacl ; market ste idy to lite loner.
Nt n Yoik I.lio sunk .Murker.
Niw YOIIK , July 7 HCEVFS Heceipts , 2.-
000 head : slow for all cr.idos , at a furtbei decline -
cline of lOc ; pooicst to best native cornfed
steers , fc4 40S5 30 ; Texuns und Coloiutlos ,
? 30S , ( ) 80 drchbcul beef dull at 78'sC. '
CAIAI-V-Hetelpts. 000 bead : muiket dull ,
natives a sh ule easlci ; veals , $10051700 ;
but lei milk calves , $3 00ili3 50 ; western c lives ,
$2 25(0,4.75 (
MII-KI' AM ) LAMIIS Keci'lpts , 0,700 head ;
sheep llrm und stiong : lambs slow ut a decline
of'25c ; sheep , $1 2rto52r ) , 1 imlis , * 5 75U7 00 ;
diessed mutton ste uiy at 8'10o ; diessed
lambs lowci it 0(6 ( 10'ie.
Sr. I.ouls Iistorlc
ST. I < oui3 , July 7. CATTI E Itecelpts , 3 flOO
bcid ; sblpmentb 2,000 head ; in irket stcnd > ;
fair to Rood natives , SJ 50j$4 50 , Tt\.rns and
raiiRers , JJ 20.
Iloiih Uicolnts , 1,000 bead ; shipment" , 2-
100 head , m ukct steadv ; top pilus , $0 l'i ,
Silt ! " [ Uect-lpts , 5,000 liead ; shlpmi nts ,
2OOO head ; mai Kot entirely unchiimiul ; mlxtu
nalhts , t ) 75i&4 35 ; Tems , ItJ 25iiJ 00
At Courtliitul beach tonight l tollo
Gtibblo mukes unothor balloon ascenoiou
and patauhutc jump.
J -T.
A ( illmpso of n 1 cw Iniporlod ( .onus
Direct Iron , P.l-ls.
CiitCAno , July 0 | to TUB HBU J
Trimmed dicss skirts me now so much in
\oguo that n plain ono Is quite in the sh.ulo.
It is noticeable that Hat effects in trimming
iiiotho most fashionable , nnd
lufllcs cling to the skirts Lace insertion
o\or colorcil ribbon is the latest expensive- v , vrhilo roulcmx of b-itln : mdelvut
niu used jirofusoly in io\\s und lous iiinnuig
mound the skat , Tke trimming that runs
up and down the sc tins of the skirt Is more
no\el , and whoniiKOwn of plain fabric is
einbU'Uieied longtlnviso of the seams the
icsult is ery pleasing.
An olabouito dinner ( ; o\vn I saw was
trimmed In this manner. The skirt was of
heacrtam satin with n swrojiing wutteau
tiain" Cith seam of the skirt was cm-
bioldcrcd its IciiKth bi a band four inches
wide , done in gold ami flihcr thtuads in de
signs of lca\es and spravs The low-nocked
boilico wus iinlshc'd bn iiilllo of cit-am latt- ,
the ilesitriib of uhicli weia outlined with
jrold und silver tin ends. The sleeves vvuio
tight from wi 1st to olboxv ; fiom clbavv to
shoulder vvas an inmicnso puff of cicnin
satin. With this dinner toilette the hair
should beoin high nml suimountcj by u
white uigrotto.
An evening gown dcsi nea for n stately
blonde U of pale blue vehotrllttine the hipi
s.iugly .mil hmginh'wide mid the
bottom of the long train White luce four
inches w Ido festoons the foot of the back
unit sulo IjieniUhs , caught uu every six
ineht-H bj strings of imrtow uhito ifbbon.
At the sidu seams of the fiout panel the
lute ia brought up in cascades ns high ns the
knee , ending in n rosette and long loops of
the mil row ribbon The blue Milvut bodko
is tight-fitting with Marie Antoinette Jlchu
of white lace and net , the alcoves are of
alternate puffs of white satin nml blue vel-
\ot to tli elbow , hcio they are mot by blue
glotrVith this iroun the hair should ho
worn high aim held in place by pearl orna
An elegant reception gown , which would
bu bwoming either to a blonde or brunette
complexion , is a heavy cream lace petticoat ,
almost hidden by panniers of rose colored
cau-du-nll silk ; narrow at the top and widening -
ing to nbjut eight indies at the bottom of
the skirt and edged by a nnirow pinked luftlo
of the roiu silk. The corsngo has three
ruflles of the sillf over the shoulder * -drawn
down In front to the waist line and there
fastened by u rhinestone buckle , the mate to
which also fastens the black vehct stock
and silk netk ruche. The sleeves of this
gown are u succession of little pinknd lulllca
from the wrist to the shoulder.
A very modest promenade costume is of
dark green A , el vet moderately full In the
skirt , whith escapes the ground all around
and Is trimmtd around the bottom with n
nairowbii'd of black velvet , with another
wider band of the i > amo midway of the skirt ,
scalloped on tliu upper edge , whlth
is outlined by bronre beads. Over the tops
of the sleeves falls ft plain bertha of green
It was clubbed blue Monday
By old Mrs. Qtundy
A long time ago . /
No wonder that under /
This sctiouo blunder r
The working was slow. m ,
But Mondays have brightened ;
Work lightened clothes whitened
Since housekeepers know ,
Without further telling ,
What FairbanL is selling
Sec sample below.
of Cbicac < o , roake it.
\Volf \ Bros & Co.
Omaha Tcnt-Awniug . ,
CO Ml'A .ST.
Mami'icturersof Tents.
HOUSE COVKHS. Awnm/ lie 73. ) suit
lllJlarnnmStrobt. Til.- * lull
Bcmis Omaha Bag
Importer * nmt inaniifnc
turari of Hour Backs ,
burlnp , twliie.
Bnlosroom and OlHce-1107 HIM III ! llo nrtt
l-actory-llll'-lUI-lI.'l ' Howard It.
of llooH ntict
r Mumifajtureri
We uro Iho ovi
Ijj lo nil to I
oiirneiTtMtory. "
KirUndall , Jones & Amcr ,
COMPANY. Whulcaalo
S1IOH CO bouts ulipea
uilr' , szenti lloeloti
Hi liberoo | ) Co. ilu.- and rubbi r &TIKKN & 1 Uj
11U1 lllibllnrnuy Street IIIU It irnuj Ulco-t
Coal , Colic & EdglcCoi nice Works
Mfrs il anltrjt Iron cor-
I.IMi : CO , hard nnd B Oft nlct1 , w InJ Jw ciipa ulo
coal. S h. cor. 1IHU unit tnllc fkrll hls tic 1 U3
Douglni struct. nml Iliu Dodstu-trcii.
OmaliaUpliolsterinij BS'JCC & Runyan
UpboUtercd lurulture , FUUMrUIllS
HU.-IIUI Mcholai at.
Wboles&lu oulj. od Uth Stroa
vohot. Hie front of tlio bodice ts without
datts , the fullness inuctinjr in folds at the
\\.ustlino.\\lieic thcv .ire hold uv .monu
ment of bronro be.idb , which also dccoi.ito
the i\nst of the l.iifro Icp-o'-raiilton sleeves
A Dtotty ball diess for .1 ioung debut into
isof p ai-ii pln'ic Ljons silit , tlio slclit just
esc ipli ) ( ; the floor , .mil , i two Inch llounco of
Dink tulle boulciing the otlijo of tliu sltut ,
.ind .tnothci half w.ii to the top Ife.iditnj
the ptnic tulle llounces .ire festoons of lilies
of the \allej held in place b.\ Nile green
lost'ttes of narrow ribbon A wide cni | ire
bull of Xilo Rtocn satin onciiclcs the \\.ust.
Thoonli bodice tiimmlnc : is u lioi tha of tlio
drooping lilies , fastened by tmv iibhons.
The empito slee\es ate of pctclipink b.itin.
'Iho lunr to bu uorn vith this toilette should
bo bialdea loose nt tlio nape of the ncuk ,
with a small spray of tlio lilies of the \iilloy
at the left suio ol the low coiffure
A dainty tc.i IKMVU is of stiiped brondo ,
eicam ground , the stiipo consisting of a vine
of pinic rose buds and ifold leaves Dcpuml-
ing from tlioshouldei is .1 ill.Spoof point do
pcuo lace eontinuod in cascades down cai-h
side of the fiont to tlio foil of tlicgo n ,
the full slee\es belnj'of iiinkclvotnntl the
loose ft out of the s uno. confined at the waist
bv a gold girdle pendant fiom which : ao
graduated ro\\sof gold beads
Anothet te a go\\n is of 10111 coloied silk
mull , willi full fiont and coll.iretto of uliito
embroi'lcred tulle.
A vori cliiu oxc'ning fjo n of sti iw rol-
otcd satin lias the skat tiimmcd uith thteo
llonois of black chantill.\ hue , leaching to
within five inched ot the pointed bodk-o , tha
( Ionem being caught up hc-io anJ theto bv
little tosotfa of lemon coloicdelot liu-
bon Anothei gown that isery stiiking , as
well as extieinply st\lisli , is of hoav.bito .
bitin , over uhii'h iicli black coiile-d lace is
sinoothli di.u\ii to show the design ot the
lace , tlio plain \\hltositin waist and litn'o
gigot sleovci are both coxurod w itli the lacox
in the sanio niannor.
An cxiuisito ( full letiKth opori cloik is of
blue ami white biocado lined throiighoiit
with mamo icvurs that leach to Iho bottom
of the tloak Tlio tiiple shouldei capes are
of m.itivoehut and ombioidc'icd with
pc.itls. 'ihocollni is u lilh-h Btamlitig full
ruclio of main o silk linked at the edge and
fastened \\ith n pcatl clasp.
Another lull leiiBth opera capo is a perfect
dream of clcgutice , made ol salmon pink and
cicam vchet -stripes about four inches
wide , the ctoam sttipo emhiolduicd with
gold spingles 'Iho tuo shoulder capes ,
ono of pink \chct and ono ofcrcuti la < o.
ate surmounted by u high neck lucho of
pink silk , the clasp bolng of gold
1 caino near foigottmg to mention aciy
costly and dalutj juitv dicss of palo gmcii
silk almost ono solid miss of peuil cin-
broidery with small po irl 'pendants hang
ing about Unco laches apattull over the
bkiit and forming a fringe aiound tlio silk ,
that is uaod for the beitlu , hutolv ono
could nc\cr dare to sit douu in such u
skirt , for tlio result would certainly bo most
disastrous to the delieato beads.
1'rtitty little Uolero JackotH nioahown In
rich designs to bu wotn with unj dress the
w cater may fancy and er.\ convenient ,
Thm .iro for a lady whoso wardiobo is somewhat -
what limited , tuldim ; u dressy and Uccant
effect to uu othei \ \ iso plain goJllACU
( JllACU
of people liaxo piles , Imt Don Ill's
Wilclt Hazel Hal\o will euro them.
At Couttliintl bench tonight MHB ! is- :
tcllo GrlbWo will K up in the now bal
loon and iimko u puruchute. juinji.
Dnnnlorl'ii I > lilumncy | ,
W. K. Deardorf , who lives at H.M0 Prank-
Im itreet , as arrested iesterdsy morn
ing for disturbing the peace. The pris
oner heard that there was a warrant out for
his arrest and tried to play u slmrp trick.
Ho went before a Justice of the peace and
pleaded guilty to disturbance und waa lined
II und costs.
This act on his part ho thought squared
matters , but it didn't. When brought Into
the Jail Deardorfloudly proclaimed that ho
kuavr something about the law aud ln litad
Rector & Wilhcliuy LouccK & Linn ,
iialo'i In tiirdnnraanl
Corner 10th and Jackioa tnuUaak * tnuls
btrooti lui 1'oiijilnt.uot. .
W. A. L. Gibbon & Co Om ilia Safe and Iroi
Wholesale WO I ! 1C"
HMi caps , slfnw goods SifC" % n lt' Jnll woo
Kluoios. tnltlon ) l.lli ; Iron luiltc-rs nnil lira n
uud llnrnor btrecti. ciio | < ( lu > Milrcon , Ui
I und Jiu Kson
John A. Wakcficld ,
Imported Arwrlctn I'ort
land ccmunt , Mllwau-
kOL'oomt'nt and Qulncy
wlilto llino *
Frick & llcrbsrt ,
Wuolcanlo liquor tloftlurs
1001 Karnnm St
Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Co.
tarry it full itoct uf
wrapping ami Uellnod and lubrlctlu |
writing paport , carl
ptipera , etc. oils , ail * groiie. etc
Branch & Co. Jas. A. Claik & Co.
Produce , frutti of nil lluttor. eheoio ,
poultry and gum *
klndi.oyBtors. 1 b. Uth straot
Omaha Stove Repair I M , A. Disbrow & Co
VOIIKB tlovo n p lira I-MnnufnctiirerB of njib ,
and wnterattactinicnla doors , bllndi 10 *
for anr kind of nlovu tnouldtnxi Ursnoh af <
made. l.W Doutias it. J Uco Uih nd li r .
Union Stoci Yards Company ,
ItOBtCattlo Uo nnil in iriot IT t'i9 ira
CDjfl MISSI J I H 0 J3 a.
Wood Brothsrs ,
I.lvo Etok Commission Merchuntl
60 ithtmnha Tolep'iono llj ?
JOHN I ) DADHMAN , I . , . „ . . , , . .
. .
Market reports by m ill .mil wlrnelieorfullj
furnlbliod upon application.
The Center Jewel.
Ask } our jt. weier ( o
phoon a watch with
the most important
beat in , ; in the work *
Jev. ec ! < ! . Jiok for the
in th" center.
Loo. . , lor tiic nama
ADJUSTED Dti"fcer - 1 1 a m p < 1 e D.
WATCHES \Vjtchcowiththcjcwel
in the center aie Duo-
. _ - watehc *
Hyoiir UulcvliMi nnt jooi | o ir watches mull
iit > ojr ailln , uuit TMlll sen Ijou l'j iiume
of it ili-alrr nlio lines. P.Tf Juiui r. WAJCII
is the right thiio
for cverj body to
drink :
Hires Root
A temperance drink.
A home-made drink.
A hc.iUhKiviiiidrink. ! .
A thirst-quenching drink.
A drink Unit is popular cvcryvUierc.
Delicious , Sparkling , Effervescent.
A 35 ctnt paclugr maliei 5 Rallnni < < l ) > h
dcllcioushcvrrjKc Don l tinlecntcd ifiileaicr ,
for the take of larger iirofil , lfll > ou tome other
llnti i > "jutl ai tood' * i ! filte No Imitation
It at tooJ ai the genuine Unas' ,
upon bolig released Prosecutor Cochran
also thought ho Itiievv a little law , too , aud
oidcicd the prisoner locked up ,
Iiuliillur I'urmlm ,
The following permits to build vrera
Issued yestordiii ;
I ) . V filmic * , agent , clirht dwelling * .
Ill , 116 , UO , 123 , 127 , 131 , 136 , 139
South Thlrti-hlxth street . $ 2etoo
Omaha Hopubllcan company , Tenth
and Douglas , rccoiuliuetloii . 6,000
Minor permit . . . 20ff ,
_ |
u 1 7f\ft " " '
Ton permits , l
Piles of peopio have piles , nut 1)0 Wllt'i
Witch Hazel Halve will utiu ) them.
MnrrbiKi ) l.licnuni.
The follow int' inanlago licenses were Is.
sued yesterdaj :
Name and iiddrosq , Ago
1 t'harles Mac Connell , Crawford , N , J .28
1 Augusta Uubulla McAui > l&nd , Omaha , , . 'J *
11 ; bvvnn KliiK , Waterloo , Neb , . , . . ,
| Je ! > lo K. NoycH , Walt-rloo , Neb ,
I'iloa of people na\u pitcs , out Oo WU'/ft
WiUiU UUM ! balvo will cure taoiu.