THE OMAHA DAILY HIM : S UAY. JULY 8 , 1893. 3 THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL Bf. OPKICKt NO. IS I'EMIL STUKt.T 1 j- carrier to ony part of the cllT II. W. TJLTON , - MANAOFH , , . . No. < J NO.VI3 1C. Y. Ptxnr.Mr.R Co I TJoston Store for sun umbrellas .liaison , pasturage , 02'J Sixth avenue. Mlltouticwcr Is the hatter , 603 Hroadwny Ui.cS Mojito Kcal Katatc Co. , G21 Uroadway. The water works ofllco will bo open Satur day owning , July tf , until bSO. : Come cany and save , \our dlKCoutit. Charley Vord , a G-yenr-old pncor , owned by a hotscinnn in ' 1'aroma , , Is at MIISO Wife's stable. Ho hus u good record. The Northwestern Is laying now eighty , pound steel rails between Council Bluffs and Honey Creek In Jilaco of the old sixty * pound rails , Tlicro will be a special meeting of Har mony chapter No. SC , Order of the Eastern Star , this evening for purposes of Initiation. By order of worthy matron. A warrant la out for the arrest of Jacob : v Florko on the charge of stealing a pocketbook - book from a fellow boarder at 700 Fourth street. The purse contained 111 In money. Tlicro will bo a free lecture tomorrow afternoon at ! ) o'clock at Fnlrmount park by Dr. II. T. Stanley of Now York City. His subject will bo "Out of Error Into Truth. " 'A marriage license was Issued yesterday to II. A. I'urcuplo of Omaha and Maud Delano of Norman , Okl. Their ages are " and i5. ! They wcro married by Justice Field. The corner stone of the now German Evangelical church nt the corner of 1'Iorco street and Glen avcnuu will bo laid today. The IIrat Intention to have appropriate , cere monies In connection with the litylng has been abandoned on account of the warm weather. The city council took a drive over the city yesterday In the patrol wagon on a tour of inspection with a view to ascertain how much of truth there Is in n large number of complaints that have como in from property owners in almost every Dart of the city on uccoimt of sink holes that need filling up. A meeting of Fidelity council , Koyal Arcnnum , was held last evening at which II. - \ . rinyder of Waterloo , deputy grand repent for the state of Iowa , was present. I. M. Troy nor resigned his position as grand regent of the state , nnd the vacancy so made was Illlcd by the appointment of S. T. Me- Atcons Ills Bucccsor. The attorneys for the city and the plain tiff In the Krucgcr damage suit argued a motion for a new trial in the district court yesterday morning. The plalntllT's attor neys claimed that enough had been brought forth in the way of evidence to show that the verdict of the Jnry was not strictly regular , while the city ntornoy contended that enough evidence had been put forth to show that the maker of the famous Gorman aflldavlt had Hud in some particulars , nnd that , therefore , his aflldavll was subject to dlsbcliuf In every other particular. Judge Dccmcr took the subject under advisement , Ollicnr Kemp ran across four suspicious looking characters last evening at ttic cornet of Alain street and Broadway ami arrested thorn. Ono of them , whr afterwards said his nauio waa Join : Ilnimncrcott , showed light and Kcm | had to use his cano with a good deal of vigor to got him under control. He claimed to bo a soldier frou Fort Logan come iloivti to sco the elephant In the tussle that took place between bin and the ollleer they rolled over nnd over h the street and both wcro somewhat dis figured. Nuinnor two of the group was cuugh nnd held by Ira F. Hcndricks and C. H. Han man , who happened to bo standing near um appointed themselves temporary policemen The other two got away. Piles of people h.ivo piles , out Do Witt's Witch Hazel S.ilvo will euro them. Muimiru. Picnic trains , until further notice will leave for that great fishing resort HuyV Landing and Matmwa park , Min cral Springs , Gorman shooting grounds Manhattan beach nnd Munawa opor , lioiibo ( where two performances will bi given during the benson daily at 4 un < 80 : ! o'clock p. m. ) us follows : Nine am 11 a. in. and 1 and " p. m. , and ever ; thirty minutes thereafter until 12:110 : a night. Last train will leave Maimwi for Council BlulTs at 11:55 : p. m. Able your grocer for Domestic sbap. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. J. Day are In Chicago. K F. Murphy has gone to Mackinaw fo an outing. Airs , Henry Qoffcon and children are visll Ing In Shcnamloah , Mrs. F. A. Buckman left yesterday for two weeks visit to Chicago. Judge Dufllo of Omaha was In the city ye ! tcrday , attending district court. F. C. Marshall , traveling auditor of th Hock Island road , was In the city ycstordai Mrs. Ernest Thornton of Kearney , Neb , . 1 in the city , the guest of her father , N. A I'usey. Mrs. M. A. Clark and daughter , Miss S : dona , left last evening for a visit In Burling ton Junction , Frank Biownell , formerly with Shugart Co. , now of Sioux City , Is in Council Bluffer for a few clays. Miss Luo Snoll , who has been visiting rol lives and friends hero , will leave this ovc ing for her homo In Paris , Tox. W. A. Ballcnger and sister , Miss Lcona. i Moulton , la. , are In the city , gue stft of Mr II. A. Ballcnger , Willow uvenuo. Miss Gladys Allen loft last evening f < Chicago , accompanied by Miss Nellie I ace , whoso guest she has been for the past t\i weeks. J. P. Chrlstcnscn resigned his position I cashier for the Hock Island freight onici yesterday. Ho will bo succeeded by H. ] Mullls. W. 15. Fitzgerald , son of William Fltzge nld , Is homo Irom St. Joseph , where he hi been attending commercial college. Ho wl return thcro In the fall. Will M. Keller has returned from scho nt Kingston , N. Y , , and will upend the vac tlnn with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. S. Keller. On his way homo ho stopped Chicago nnd took In the sights at the fair. C , 11. Bolter , a prominent citlzrn of Logu was In the city yesterday. Ho states th the long drawn out light , started by tl people of Missouri Valley for the purpose having the county scat moved from Logn is practically at an cmt , and the Ix > gi pcoplo still hold the fort. Plies of people nave pt.os , out Da Witt Witch IIiuol Salvo wlllourj thom Manhattan Heach restaurant IK open. Flhh suppers a specialty. Urea f ht served for lishing parties. Fn Hupp , proprietor. Carbon CouL Co. , wholonlo and roh ccul , Homovod from 101'cnrl to 114 1'en street , Grand Hotel building. Nut Unite Clinic Conn , A darkey porter loafed around the Nort western depot yesterday forenoon for a n uic nt too lung , and the train that belong to him moved oft and left him. Ho ga chase and overhauled the train just as was crossing the Indian croon bridge nor of the depot. As ho uus clambering board ho missed his footing and full botwc the train and the iron guard that scuarat the two sides of the bridge. Ho was n seriously hurl , but a v erse frightened di key is not often seen. As ho walked street to Had a doctor ho was at least sov shades whiter than ordinary. A cut on 1 chin nnd a bruited nrm were the worst his Injuries. _ For that "out o1 torts" feeling Tuko Bromo-Scltzer trial bottle 1 Williamson & Co. . 100 Main etrec largest and best bicycle stock lu city. Cook yot" meals this summer on a g range. At cost at Uio Gas company. Use Doiuefatle soap. NEWS FKOJI COUNCIL BLUFFS Two LUtla Girls find a Man Billon by n Rabid Our , WILLIAM HALL'S FIGHT WITH THE DOG Attuckti ! IteptiUoiUjr , lie Only Snccoedi In Drlrinc ( ) ( T the Vlcloui Ilrtito Alter a ; UeiieriUa | Klfort Krlctult Await ing Development ! , The residents of Broadway , In the vicinity , f lilghth street , \vcro treated to n genuine uad dog scare yesterday corning about 10 'clockyilllatn Hull , a plasterer living at ho coroner of Avf.nuo 0 and Fifteenth troot , was passing along when a llttlo dog amo running up with flecks of foam alllnfi from his mouth , and nil the other ymntoins of hydrophobia. Ho bit Hall In .ho leg nnd rotumcd repeatedly alter being kicked away. Hall family managed to pot : iway. whereupon the dog went to the stair way next to Charles Swalne's store and lay down. Shortly after two llttlo girls of Mor- rcllFosdlck went down stairs and the dog bit them both , ono In the wrist nnd the other In the leg. Physicians wcro at oncn summoned and the three casca were cared for. What will bo the outcome cannot yet bo ascertained , but the friends of the un fortunate victims arc very anxious. Ofllccr Cliiar happened to bo passing the scene nliortly after the affair took pluco nnd was notlllort. As ho approached the animal How at him , but was prevented from using his teeth again by a kick from the ofllccr's ' boot. Claar then brought his cane Into play and killed the dog with It. nUNMSON 1UIOS. ilulr Clonrliiff Snlo. BIG SALK SATURDAY. . Wo are cutting prices all over the storo. Cost not considered during this irrcat clcarlnir out sale of summer floods. ENORMOUS CORSET SALE. Saturday wo olTcr-ovor BOO our entire stock of "fie line stripe , long waist sum mer corsets at the low price of UOc pair. Closing out all oilds and ends in Indies' shirt waists nt luilf price , nt 50o , OJc , 'oc nnd l)8c ) each. 300 do/en misses' and children's line ribbed hoi-o in tunsuul fast mack , Sat urday 8o } pair. Nearly giving away ladies' pure silk gloves. Our entire stock of ladies' 75o and 31.00 pure bilk gloves in black , tan and gray , tomorrow only , 2 pairs to each customer , 2f > e pair. Special Saturday evening. Another picnic for our customers. Saturday evening for I ) hours , 7 to 10 p. in. , wo offer 1,000 drebs patterns , con sisting of 10 yards of nice figured lawns and clinllie.i , entire , dress pattern only liOe. Everybody turn out and gut a nice cool dress pattern. Open Saturday until 100p. : : ! m. HENNISON BHOS. DK.VTIl rUO.U A 11 LOW. TcM-\c r-OI < l lloy Venture * * Too Ncnr a Mi'rr.r-Co-Icouiiil nnd In rntnlly Injured. H. O. Mead of this city went to Crescent a short time ago and set up a "tnerry-po- round , " which was well patronized by the young people of the vicinity. It was run by horse power , with an overhead gear. Trade was unusually heavy on the Fourth. On that day the merry-go-round was heav ily loaded nnd was in full blast when a chain broke , allowing one of the heavy pieces of machinery ( o fall out to ono side and strilte a little boy named Kilpack in the head. He was picked up in sensible and carried to his homo on Pigeon creek , where it was found that ho was suffering from a fractured skull. Every thing was done to relieve him , but In vain. Ho died yesterday morning. The accident could have been averted by the use of suit able guard ropes to keep the crowd away , but tbo proprietor failed to use any such precautions. GAI.A. 1 > AV At the lloBton btoro Urcuc Glnglmm Sulc. Another chance for the hundreds who could not get waited on last Monday and Saturday evenings at our gingham conn' tors , for this evening from I ! to 10 the finest line of 10 and 12Jc ginghams all to go at 5c a yard.BOSTON BOSTON STORE. Leaders nnd Promoters of Low Prices , Mitimwii Hct'i'dii. There wcro great crowds nt Manhattat beach last night and ycsteulayafternoon , al enjoying the cool and pleasant breezes tha a make lifo In hot wcathor endurable am 3- happy around the lake. People who cami from the heated walls and scorching pave ments of the rtvln cities could scarcely real Ize the great difference In tenipcratun between the cities nnd the lako. Man ; bellovcd that u change had occurred in tin weather until they returned to the ho streets of the towns. The wafr Is delicht ful , clear as crystal and just the righ temperature to bo pleasant. There wen many ladies m bathing last night. Fish suppers nnd clam b.ilccs at the Man hattan beach restaurant are getting to ho i popular fnd. You can have the privilege o cati'hini ; your own lish and digging jourowi clams or you can order fiom the stock alway kept on haml in ice. Those who have trlci the clams fresh water clams , vulgarl ; called mussels say they are line eating am a real delicacy , served as Fred Itnpp serve thom. They are not as popular , however , a the fish , royal black b.iss , that are cookci for you Just as you want thorn. Manhattan beach Is so largo that n multl IS tudo docs not make a crowd , and thcro i novcr any daugor of uiu'omfortablo crushes I ) . either on the ucach or in the water. While this weather contiiiiics over.vbod , r- who can got to tha lake will go and feel bet ris tcr for the going. ill iCterniil Vlellnnon illol Is the prlro of health. Hut with ull our prc olu caution tliore are enemies iihvnys lurkiii uS. - about our Byst-cms , only waiting a favorabl opportunity to assert themselves , Impur ! at ties of the blood may bo hidden for jours o oven for generations und suddenly * brou n , forth , umlerniliihiK health and hu.stcnln at duath. For ull diseases urlslhL' from linpur ho blood Hood's Sursuparillu is the imcquulle of and unupprouchiMl remedy. U is king o n , them all , for it conquers disonso. There is nothing In this country Ilk the fruit 'kept In Wheeler , Hcrold < Co.'s cold storage. No matter what th weather is it reaches the customer i IW perfect condition. Another car load clemens IWk lemons was put in Saturday. llurelury ut UniliTtvuail , J. H , Ksterlfo uiid Joe HuKlics , the fornu ill to hull from Sun Knuiflsco and tli irl latter from Dos Molncs , were brought I from Underwood yesterday morning to I kept in the county jull until the grand Jur situ next August , They uro charged wit h- burglarizing the residence of Thoinus Cool 10' a bcctiou boss on thn MHuuultco ut Undo cd wood. They stole ffl In nionoy , a razor an some trinkets , after which they dccampci voU The burglary \vus teen found out , a posse < U men was organized und the two Ugh then fingered gentlemen cru overhauled iu on coriiflcld about a mllo- from Underwooi on Uxm | being given u hearing before. Justii ct > Vun de Uogurt they were bound over to tt lOt grand Jury. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Plica of people have piios , but Oowltt' ' ' cu Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. lis of After Thui-Mluv Mibs HiigFdalo's m ! linory store will bo found at No. 10 Peat Domestic soap outlubts cheap boap. Looking fur HlVlto , About thrco weeks ngo TUB HEB contain * an uccouut of a brutal ussuult on little Kth Touipkius. daughter of W , E. Tompkiu , wl live * at 6UJ Souti Fourteenth street Omaha. John llyau , the iufuuipus scoundi who did the deed , disappeared aud has u MANAWA in . a ill. Finest Lake , Bathing , Beaches , Boating and Fishing in the West. Perfect Summer Resort , Moderate Price , First- Class Flotel Accommodations. Grassy groves and sandy beaches for campers , and EVERYTHING ABSOLUTELY FREE - % Motor trains make connection with Omaha and Council Bluffs electric lines from 9 a. m. , until midnight. Boats leave every five minufes for Manhattan Beach , a clean , perfect , sandy bathing beach , with all modern accommodations. VISIT "THEX FOLLOWING PKAGEXS OE1 A'T'TRAG'TION The Turf Exchange , Manawa branch Omaha Turf Exchange and under same management , opposite Manawa Park. ! ' A favorite resort for gentlemen ; finest wines and liquors to be obtained. The "White House , " northwest corner entrance to Manawa Park. Fine lunches , refreshments and music. . " ' While you are at the lake visit William Dolson at the "Diamond , " in the rear of the horel , for lunches rnd refreshments. > cen hoard from olnco. Evcr-sinco the sad affair took place Mrs. Tomnkins has been acting strangely and her friends came to the belief gradually that her mind bad been af fected. One day she disappeared and for some time no trace of her could bo found. Mr. Tompkins was in the city yesterday afternoon and stated that he had traced her o the Metropolitan hotel on Lower way , whore she arrived last Tuesday. Mrs. Tompklns1 maiden name.was Maude E. Ilickoy and they were married in Homer , Mich. Mr. Tompkins still has hopes of Und ine her and is leaving no stone unturned in the search. GllUAT MITT SAI.K At the lloRton Store. The popular hand covering for this hot weather is a nice pair of Bilk mitts. For today Wb will olTer entire stock 10c and i0c ! silk mitts for 112Jc a pair. At So wo show a guaranteed fast black silk stitched mitt worth lr > e , only 8e a pair. 50 extra quality all linen towels for today only " " > o each , worth 8e. Special waist bale , for today only. Our entire line at less than cost price. Ask to sco our line at 22e , 4Ue , 02c } , , $1.12i , Sl.i7ic : , up to the fincbt silk. Wo show by far the largest line , newest styles , and at a 25 per cent saving to our patrons. I FANCY PAHASor.s. The greatest bar gains in this line ever heard of. All our $ : t.fiO , $4.50 , $ C > .00. $0.00 nnd $7.00 parasols at $1.89 for today only. Hosiery , 100 dozen misses' and chil dren's tuns nnd blacks , guaranteed fast colors , for today at Olic a pair , Boston storo. UndeTwcur , 50 dozen ladies' jersey ribbed volts Do each or ; ) foi worth lllo each. 100dozen extra qu Swiss ribbed vests , for today only liljc each , worth i"ic. Uoston btoro , Fother- ingham , Whitolaw & Co. , leaders and promoters of low prices. Tilt * Or.imi llotul , Council Bluffs. THO most olesant in Iowa , Dining room on seventn floor. Unto , & ) .00 nnd $5.00 a day. E. F. Clark , Prop. Aerlilfiitul Drowning , The coroner's jury held an inquest yester day over the body of Jcaso Carpenter , who was drowned in Mosquito crectf. The rela- tlves of the dead boy did not consider an Inquest necessary , as there was not the slightest possibility of any evidence being brought in to show that It was anything but a case of acci dental drowning. Tha coroner did not care to lose an opportunity of holding an Inquest and drawing u fco , however , and so the inquest went on. There was no informa tion of any nnportunco whatever elicited , and at the conclusion the jury returned the only kind of verdict that they could. The funeral of the dead boy will take pluco at 10 o'clock this morning at the fam ily residence , lf > 8 Grace street. Manhattan Bench restaurant now n ) O open. Fish suppers u specialty. Break fast B'jrrcd for Hulling parties. Fred Happ , proprietor. MutzK'r anil ItuiMllrtt'i lce . If you want bomething line , leave an order for Metzgcr & Handlott'ridoHcioub ices. Delivered in all parts of the city. Suing for Inturiinue , M. Salzmann hud a nro last February In \vlilch his junk stoto wus burned , entailing a loss of about JMX ) on him. Ho had had the place Insured for that amount In the Uurlim/- 8 ton Inturuncc company a llttlo over a month before , but otter the tire the company re fu cd to pay up. Bnlrmunn tiled a petition in the district court yesterday asking for a judgment for the face of the | > ollcy. Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , to Icit $2.00 house in Iowa. Grconshields , Nicholson & Co. , real estate und rentalnGOO Broad way. Tol.161. Another improvement to the popular Schubert piano. Swnnson Music Co Domestic soup is the best. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Mike Bubert Seeks to Shuffle Off This Mortal Coil. MPORTANT MEETING OF SCHOOL BOARD Asiesaincnta .Machine A Rents of Hobo Tendencies Looking Out furTnxntlou ( iiiiklp of u Personal ami ImporHunnl Nuturo. Mlko Subert made a bunglesome effort to shut off his earthly career by placing a ! ! 'J- cullbcr gun at his loft temple und pulling the irlggor lust night. ' Subert is u single young man nnd has been making his home with his uncle , Michael Schlugel , who lives at the corner of ICIgh- teenth and Q streets. 'Iho fellow has been very despondent .it times and has often said lie would kill himself some daj. After eat ing his supper last evening ho went out of the house and was not been again until :40 : o'clock , when ho was found hy his undo lying on the sidewalk a short distance from the house with u bul let in his head nnd gasping for breath. The word was soon passed around , and by the time Dr. Sluhuush arrived there were fully ! ! UO persons gathered at the scene. Young Hubert wus taken into the hnuso und worked en by the physician for some time. At mid night it wus reported that the man might possibly recover. Subort wus a weak-minded fellow nnd worked about nt odd jobs hero anil there. Ila hud been drinking yesterday and told his companions that ho was tired of life. Holio Machine Agcutd. A number of Idle men bavo boon going from house to house la South Omaha rcpro scutlng themselves to bo sowing machine ugents. They do not cnrry cards , machines or anything else and have the uppcarunco of hoboes. It is believed that their solo Inten tion Is robbery , and yesterday morning Ofllcer Argobrlght gathered Iu flvo of them In the vicinity of indicate purk. The fellows looked Ilko thu.v might have some idea of a threshing inuchino , but when it came to a sowing machine- they would ho lost 'Iwo of the gung hud been ordered out of town several duys ugo , * John Harrington , John MuDcrmltt and Dart Sullivan were sentenced to fifteen days in the county Jail , with live duys on bread nnd water , The others were uischurged und ordered to leave town. Chief Ilcekott hasissued an order that all kids must bo off th'o , street by 0 o'clock at night und any of them found out later than this will bo lockcd'tfp unless they can give a good account of thpm.B'elves , ICijuiilUlnc'tho ' Aibc The city council rnet'as a board of equali zation Thursday nigh 'and wcro In session foi about three hoursjFUty complaints of "too high" assessment havb been lodged , Klglv teen of the minor complaints were justified , The owners of moat of the packing houses desire to have a reduction iu their assess ments. The Cudahy plant was assessed al JM.OOO and the Swift at WOOO. The Uudahj pcoplo want their assessment reduced to the figure put on Swift's , Hammond's was re turned at > . * i,000 , and think the amouul should bo reduced 1'i.OM In order to make ll the sumo as the Omaha Packing company. The members of the council were at a lost to know what they could do in the matter and have referred the whole proposition tc City Attorney Van Duscn , who will advisi them at the meeting tonight. The council met again last night , but ai none of the complainants were present an ad journroeut was taken until next Monda ; evening , I.onklup Out for Tuxitlon , There was a meeting of taxpayers In E ( Johnson's real estate ofllco Thursday nigh for the purpose of dUcussmg the present ant future tax on property holders of Soutt Omaha. It was a sort of au in Going over to Manhattan beach take Ed. Aainscow's swift little screw steamer Liberty or the sidewheeler Rescue ; a delightful boat ride for IDC. Manawa Hotel , European and American. Fine ballroom free for pafties. Regular meals 500. Short orders and lunches to suit. Manhattan Restaurant. Only restaurant on Manhattan beach. Fish suppers and Clambakes a specialty. Just every-day prices for every thing. Fred Rapp , proprietor. orrnal afTair and the conversation ens free for all hands. "Tho mcot- ig was hold , " said ona of the gentlo- icn who took part , "for the purpose of in- estimating some rumors that have been float In regard to executive sessions of the ity council. Also to have a committed amed to confer with the school board and eo.if that body could not bo urged to got long without making another levy this oar. " Thcro was nothing secret about the neetingand it could not have been held in a uoro public place in the city. The committees named were Frank Pei > ons and Judge J. P. Brecn on the school ipurd and Kd Johnson and John liyau on the Ity council. _ School Hoard .Moctlnt ; . The school board held a meeting last night vlth all the members present except Thomas. ; 'ho principal business transacted was the otting of the contract to build the two now school houses. Eggors & Bojk , a South Omaha firm , wore the lucky bidders. Their bid was'JO for each building. There wcro only two other bids , P. J. Crcodon bid $9y'J'J md Thomas C. McDonald bid $10,40 .27. The contract reads that Eggcrs & Bock must mvo the building completed by December 1. Juval Bros , of Omaha wore on hand with a hid , but as the hour sot for closing the re ceiving of bids w.-.s 5 o'clock on the evening of July 5 , their bid could not be considered. A bill for f I. ) in favor of Attorneys Adams Bell was allowed. This was the tall end of a compromise case that was instigated u long time ago. Architect Latonser was allowed $4. > 0 on account. This Is considered to bo about one- lialf of his bill for drawing the plans for the new buildings. Mr. Bulhi stated that ho hud read In Tin : BEE that a committee of taxpayers had been appointed to Investigate the board matters a llttlo nnd ho moved that the secretary bo Instructed to glvo the gentlemen free access to the books and papers of the board and assist them , in every possible way to find out what they wished to know. His motion pre vailed. The standing committees as appointed by President Check for the next year are as follows : Finance , and Claims Hlgglns , Jones and Thomas. Teachers' Examinations and Salaries Thomas , Jones and Check. lluiltliugs and Grounds Bmla , Check and Pearl , Text Books and Course of Studies Hagan , Bulla and Thomas. Repairs , Furniture and Supplies-Jones , Bulla and Pearl , Hules , Regulations and Publications- Pearl , Thomas and Hagun. Sanitary Affairs and Janitors Thomas , Pearl and Jones. The entire bourd was Instructed to look up all necessary repairs In the various school houses nnd report at the next meeting , These repairs will necessarily have to bo made during vacation , City M. Blair is In EUlot. Press Barrett Is homo from a trip cast. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. U Grimm of Al bright , a son. Mrs. Milton Griffith Is visiting friends in Plattsmouih , Charles King of Pcrclval , la , , Is visiting friends in the city. Mrs. Frank Wcpncr Is homo from a visit with friends In Buffalo , The family of Flro Chief Smith is homo from a visit in the east. Miss Hattie Lvman of Dunlnp , la. , la visit ing her brother , F. A. layman. The police arrested two bnyg for swimming in Walker's luke last evening , Kov , Thomas Stevenson U homo from a trip through the east and to Canada. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kratskoy was burled yesterday , Jitn Pancabo was placed under $230 bonds to appear against Arthur Hurley. Dr. C. G. Jaycox gave a tallyho party tea a number of friends last evening. The Misses Etta and Mary Heed have gone to Chicago to visit the World's fair. Miss Clara Munn of Nushvillo , Tenn. , i the guest of N. D. Muuu , her brother. Too past grand patron will install th novrly elected officers of Ada chapter , Orde BICYCLE CLEARING SALE FOR 1893 * Wo have 3 high-grade gents' pneumatics , 2 Indies' pneumatic ? , high graclo , boys' and 1 { jirl's wheel in stock , all 1893 wheels , of latest design and strictly ilgh grudo. If wo can got the cash cost of these wo will lot thorn go. These neludo three of the host Known wheels in the world and not a mar or scratch on hem. Wo are agents for Victors , New Mails , King Klipporu and Wuvorlys. Our oason for cloanini ; ui > at the middle of the bicycle season is August 1st wo will mvo arrive 5 carloads of stoves 1 car Uoclcwith's Hound Oaks , U cars Radiant lomes , 1 car Stewart's and 1 car wrought ranges. To make room wo must clear our slock of all bulky goods. This is no advertising fake , but wo mean exactly vhat wo say. Wo also have ono fine Refrigerator loft that will go at cost. This vill clean out our bulky seasonable goods. Don't wait till these are gonoand then 'egret ' that you miesed the chance of a lifetime. Our friends know wo nro doing a our-story business in a two-story building , nnd are nhort room. COLE & COLE , 41 Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. Eastern Star , on Saturday evoning. All neinbcrs are requested to bo present. The 7-months-old daughter of Mr. and ilrs. Sam Novons was buried yesterday. 'John J. Donovan of this city was yester day married to Miss Mary Hico of Omaha. Miss Eva Mason was called to Blair owing to the serious Illness of her mother. J. W. Shamblin was called to Moravia , la. , on account of the serious illness of his nothur. The parents of F. J. Persons arrived from JulTalo , N. V. , yesterday and will visit hero 'or u short time. Mrs. E. McKlnno.v nnd daughter of Hay Bprings are visiting at the residence of "jyman Carpenter. While standing In a crowd lust" evening watching n street fakir Asher Hoadlu had a gold watch stolen from his pocket , J. A , Silver has been given the contract to build the now Methodist 'church. The esti mated cost of the building Is $ : iHTO. Mrs. Alex Si'blcgcl returned homo from Plattsmouth yesterday , accompanied by Miss Myrtle Schlcgol , who will visit hero for i few days. Alpha ledge No. 44 , Daughters of He-- jokah , installed their newly elected officers ast night. A number of visitors from Omaha were present , and an enjoyable evening was spoilt by all who wcro in terested , Mrs , Johnson , nroprletross of the Leo liotcl , has implied to the police to take euro of an old soldier named CHIT who has been living at her houso. CHIT gets a small pen sion , but it all goes for llijuor before ho pays any of his debts. At loust tills is the story told by the officers. Chief Beckett , while out In the weeds looking for burglars yesterday , wont to u neighborhood row over on Twenty-lift ! ) and U strcots. Ho placed Joe Hill and Mrs. Corcoran under arrest. They were ut once taken before Judge Fowler and dismissed us the evidence was clear that nothing but a jawbone racket between two enemies had taken place. Isaac Mutheson , Inspector of hides at Cudaby's , in passing from ono end of a motor car to tha other on Twenty-fourth street last evening , mUscd his footing and foil. In the scramble to get up ho shoved his loft hand under the wheel , where It was frightfully crushed. Dr. Bull dressed the wound nnd thinks ho can save the hand , although two , If not thrco fingers will have to bo amputated. Plies of pcoplo have piles , nut Do Wilt's Witch Ha/cl Salve will euro them. At Courtlund beach tonight Ebtello Oribblo makes another balloon ubcoiibiun and parachute jump , Nohruiku VIMlorii ut the Fair , CHICAGO , July " . [ Special Telegram to TDK lli'.E.j Mrs. Itussell B , Harrison and her father , ox-Senator Alyln Suunders of Nebraska , called at thostato building today. Among others from Omaha wvro : Ex. United Status Marshal lllorbowcr and wife , Judge Davis , Chairman Ogdcn of the demo cratic state central committee , C. S. Cole , Boswortlt and Clark Morton. Piles of pconlo have piles , but Do Witt'a Witch Huicl Halve will cure them. Balloon tonight and tomorrow night at Courtland Loach ; parachute jump. Mandrake Pills have a value as a house hold remedy far beyond the power of lan guage to describe. Thn family can hardly bo true to itself that does not keep them on hand for use in emergen cies. * MANDRAKE * Is the only vegetable substitute for that clangorous mineral , MiitUUitY : , and while its action as a curatlvo is fully equal , it possesses none of the perilous olTccts. In Constipation , Mandrake acts upon the bowels without disposing them to subsequent CostivoncBs. No remedy acts so directly on the Ivor , nothing so Rpoodily cures Sick [ Icadiicho , Sour Stom- nch , ami Lhoso Tor Halo by nil rruzlst3. ) 1'rlco 3.1 cti" . per box ; : i boxes fur Kit'tii. ; or nont liy mull , post- USD free , on riU'olpt of urluc. Or. . . J. If. Bchoiicu & on , I'hllndolphlu. HOTTUvKH OK Mynster Springs MINERAL WATER -ANP- Improved Hire's Root Boer. 1'ilvuto families furnished with Pure Drink. In Wutor , fresh every mornliiir , ut tl.&O put month. 1'atronl/o Homo Industry nnd cot pur * water und wholesome biim'iier drinks , Mynster Springs Water Co. , Ii R WAIU ) , a012 AVENUE II , Council Bluffs , la. Special Nobloai. COUHQIl BLUFf } . A IIHTKACTH awl loan * . Farm uticl city i > rorrt/ /Vlxnitfiit und Hold. I'UBuy It TlioniuH , Council lilllfTH _ _ GAIUIAOK romovpil , ueHHiuolH , vanllH , chlmiirya cltMiitil. EU Din ku , at Taylur'B irroccry , OiO HruitUway. _ - gooA , Improve' ! f.irni I" * " ' . ' 73211 ShurluuCuNcb. | ( , furn.Ho at fUKHHHI. Thin la uway l > ulow ltn value. Julmston fc Vun I'aUuu. i'OKKXCIIANGK.iilcu lot on botloni ( or her 4 UreeiiblilulJu , Nlulioleon & Co. rOU SALK ut u harfitlu If taken at once. 108 foc by 'Mi fcc't on I'uik uvcnuu. or will Bull In BMiulliT iiarccls IfUcHlrwl , K. II. SlitaftDrond * way and Hulu utrect , Tx/AN'TKI ) , a yoiini ; man to u one about Um houitt ' ' und yurtl. Apply at office oJ lA'onard Kytrttl , Pearl mn-ft. _ _ \\rANTKf > - Farm liundj wood wnefB , Bamucl > > Avcry , cor , Fruiiklln and lltnuttt u\tn. , Cuuu- cii mum.