Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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    Tin ? mrAftA run.v TIKE ? FRIDAY , .mr.v 7. isnt. :
Behind the Bars at Lincoln for Fifteen
Fleeting Years.
III * Onnjt Wiu Itcmlr to Hold Up tlm 1U-
pro * * \Vhrn the I'lillco Nnllot Him
Think * HcniilnRtnn In a IMnkcr-
ton Detective The Storj.
The pates of the Nebraska penitentiary j
hnvo closed behind Train Itobbcr McClure
nnd ho has commenced serving out his lUtcon
year's contract with the state , having been
placed behind the bars by-Jailer Theodora
Dennett yesterday.
Kcnnettntid his man went down to the
ttatc workhouse on one of the early trains ,
nnd on the way McClure unbosomed himself
10 sonic extent by declaring that at the time
when the members of the gang wcro ttikcn
by the Omaha detectives H was the Inten
tion to rob the St. I uls express , at or near
West Side , that very night. The plan was to
flag the train and bring it to n full stop , nnd
then , while ono of the robbers was directing
Ills'attention to the engineer nnd Hrcinan ,
the other members were to go through the
express car. All of the preliminaries had
been arranged , and when the train came to a
standstill the other members wcro to Jump
onto the platform , knoclc on the door nnd de
mand an entrance. If this was denied , a
stick of dynamite was to huvo been put
under the door to blow away the whole end
pf the car. When the entrance was made It
Was the Intention to shoot the messenger If
ho offered any resistance and then go through
the strong box , taking the contents and lieu-
Ing into tno woods in the vicinity of Belle-
Suspicion of McClure.
The gang , McClure said , was organized
Boino months ago nnd , at the time , ho pro
tested against taking in Ucnniugton , be-
litivlng that ho was n Plnkcrton and that
his joining was simply a ruse to land the
whole crowd behind the bars. Several Jobs
had been worked and each time ho had
noticed that Ucnnington was taking notes.
These incidents created n suspicion in his
mind and ho concluded to queer the whole
thing by making 11 clean breast and pleading
guilty , thinking at the tlmo that by doing so
ho would be rewarded by the leniency of the
court. Slnco the preliminary examination
McClure sntu that ho hail been moro thor
oughly convinced than over that Bcnnlngton
was n Pinkcrton nnd was in with tlm police.
If this had not been so ho would not have
been placed under the small bond of00 nnd
afte" that released on his own recognizance
to appear at the next term of the district
McClure felt very luird toward Judge
Bcott , who gave him fifteen years , the full
limit of the law , remarking that there was
ho reward for honesty offered by" the courts
pf Douglas county , the main object seeming
to bu to make an example out of every man
who wanted to do the square thing.
Hm Only ltorct. :
Having relieved himself of this fairy tale ,
Mr. McUlure shut up like an oyster until the
ftlm wall of the workhouse hove in sight ,
when with a sigh ho said : "II I had not
riven up and pleaded guilty , either Hennlng-
ion or I would have died , for if I had over
caught htm giving our snap away , that mo-
tnent there would have been revolvers for
two , nnd the man with the drop would have
been the ono who would have remained to
tell the tale , but us I h.ivo been quite handy
with u gun. I am of the opinion that I would
have been that man. "
On the way down Bennett tried to have
his prisoner reveal his identity , but this ho
positively refused to do. Ho said that ho
had a father and an aged mother , both of
whom were respectable people , residing in
one of the eastern towns , and that so long
ns ho withhold his mi mo from the public ho
would not bring them into disgrace. Ho had
been educated in ouo of the best schools of
the land and had bright prospects until wine
nnd women drove him into bail company , '
after which ho loft homo and for live long
years had been clven up for dead by nil of
his rolatl"cs.
.Indies Taking to the \Vooils.
With the approach of the present heated
term most of the Judges pf the district
court and the lawyers have hied themselves
to the mountains nnd the sea shore , leaving
the court rooms deserted and the walls com
forting themselves that they will hear no
moro legal eloquence until about the middle
of September.
Yesterday Judge Ferguson was the onlv
member of the Judiciary who Is on the
bench and about all that ho Is doing Is hear
ing oxparto matters and issuing a few
orders , which ho finished yesterday after
noon. Sometime during the week ho will
pass upon the law that applies In
the Olmstcad-Willmins commissioner contest -
test case , after which ho will seek the
cool nnd seductive shade of some big plno
tree In the mountain districts.
Judges Davis. Ogden , Hopowcll nnd Key-
ser have llnished up nil of their cases and
have gone hcnco. Some of the gentlemen
have gone to the trout brooks of Colorado ,
some to Chicago , while others have bought a
stock of palm leaf funs and are on the shady
sides of th'ilr domiciles right hero in Omaha.
Judge Walton has completed hearing the
evidence in tbo case of Wyman , receiver of
the Nebraska and Iowa Fire Insurance
company , against Williams , and has sought
the seclusion of his Washington county
farm , where ho will remain until July 'JO ,
when ho will como to the city and near argu
ments In a few cases In which motions for
now trials hnvo been Hied. His decision In
the Insurance case will not bo rendered until
the beginning of the September term of the
A tor ilrenkfait
To purify , vitalize and enrich the blood , and
give nerve , bodily and digestive strength ,
take Hoods Sarsaparllla. Continue the
incdlcino after every meal for a month or
two nnd you 111 feel "llko a now inun , " The
merit of Hood's Sarsaparllla is proven by its
thousands of wonderful cures. Why do
you try it !
Hood's Pills euro constipation. They are
iha best after dinner pill aud family ca
5100.00 lota $25.00 down ; see irajfo 7.
Mnjor lIMcomlio huiteeit * n I'Uu at doing
on with the I'livlnc.
Major Balcomba has an idea that because
the case In the supreme court will not bo de
cided until So.itcmucr it is not necessary
that paving bo abandoned. Ho salu yes
terday morning :
"If the property owners on any street do.
elrc to have the same paved , all that Is nec
essary for them to do is to proceed in the
regular way , mid In accordance with the de
cisions of the court thus far. They can so-
euro n majority petition asking the council
to order the street paved. When this la re
ceived the council can order the same paved
nnd give by ordinance the owners thirty
days in which to designate material. As
soon as the designation is made the Hoard of
public Works can bo ordered to advertise for
bids on the material selected and award the
contract , which , when approved by the
mayor and council , will permit tho'contractor
to proceed with the work , 'ilio tying up of
the case in the supreme court need not prevent -
vent the properly owners proceeding If they )
really dcsiru any p.iviug done. "
Whllo the major's ideas , if carried out ,
xrnuld delay mutters a llttlo more than a
ipcedy decision from the court would have ,
yet In view of the fact that the i-aso cannot
bo decided until September it would , as matters -
tors new-stand , bo the speedier w.iy to t > olvo
, the -question. Contractors are at work unou
but four streets aud only u few days will bo
fp/juircd to complete them This will prac
tically Ilalsh up the paviug toe the year un
less now districts tire created and ordered
paved. A very few men are employed on
.those streets , nnd the number vriio have in
| ho- past been upon the pay rolls of the
paving coutraotora and now idle Is very
largo. Fourteen street * uro being graded
ind four main sewers being conitructcd.
headaches promptly cured by
promos-Seltzer trial bottle 10 ct .
WOO.OO lots 82.J.OO down ; see page 7.
Everything- * nt Colt *
No stop to this great cost cash Pnlo un
til August 1st.
Today wo will eoll below cost.
1 CIIHO of tfrenablo suitings , the pretti
est wash fabrics of the f-cntnn , fully
worth _ 20o per yard , at 7io ; limit nt this
price 2 full dress patterns to a customer.
1 cnfco of li'jo fancy sateens BO today
nt 12ic per yard.
All ougonta' negligee shirts at net
All of our gents' summer underwear
at cost.
All of our cents' hosiery nt net cost.
All of our Indies' ' hosiery at cost.
All of our ladles' underwear at not
cost. ,
All gloves nt not cost.
All corsets nt cost.
All our line linens at cost.
All our cotton cloths at cost.
All our whttu goods nt cost.
All our wash goods of every descrip
tion at cost or under.
Never was there u sale such as this.
Everything in our magnificent stock
sells all this month nt net cost.
N. 13. FALCONER. i
P. S. Saturday \vo will place 10.000
Japanese fans on special sale ut less than
they cost at auction. Full particulars
tomorrow. N. 13. FALCONER.
I.CRiil Coinpllcntlim * at the Aincrlcnn
Wntcr Worl Company.
Few people of the thousands who dally
consume Missouri river water are aware
of the complications nnd legal wran
gles that hedge about the great plant
that furnishes the supply of aqua pura for
the twin cltlos of Omaha nnd South Omalm.
There was an interesting three-cornered
scrap in the federal court yesterday
morning which resulted in giving the legal
status of the water works case another
feature. Attorneys Congdon , Webster iinu
Offutt were the three legal ll hts
representing distinct and diverging
Interests all vitally concerned in the
dlstilbutlou of the moneys that arise from
the natural income of tbo American Water
works plant.
Mr. E. Hyde Uust of No\v Jersey was appointed -
pointed last fall as receiver for the entire
property owned by the American Water '
Works company , Including both the Omaha
and Denver plants. Yesterday morning
Attorney John L. Webster appeared In the
United States court and filed a petition u sit
ing for the removal of Mr. Hust. It is
claimed that Mr. Hust induced certain stock
holders to take up interest coupons to the
amount of $22,600 , last January , under
promise Just as soon as ho had money
enough on hand derived iroin hydrant
rentals , that ho would redeem them. It la
said that ho now refuses to do as ho had
agreed , but Instead of redeeming these
coupons held by stockholders , is apply
ing the Income of the plant to other uses.
That part of the petition asking for the re
moval of the receiver was not acted upon ,
but will beconsulcrcd no doubt when the re
port called for has been submitted.
Mr. Congdoh wanted to get an order
from court directing that .1 part of the
the proceeds derived from hydrant rentals
bo disbursed in the payment of a note of
§ 10,000 duo the 1C. P. Allis Manufacturing
company as a balance'on the immense engine
which was purchased two years ago by the
water works company. Ho argued that the
company should pay this particular debt for
the reason that without the use of this par-
tlculnr pleco of machinery furnished by his
client it would be impossible for the plant to
bring in any revenue whatever. He said
his company had waited patiently for nearly
two years and patience had ceased to become -
come even endurable in the case.
Hcceivcr Hust was seen by a BEE reporter
last oveniug , but he was somewhat reticent.
' I have not seen the petition filed by Mr.
Webster , " said the receiver. "Until 1 have
1 do not care to say much about the matter ,
1 presume this is but another phase of the
unpleasantness that has so long hovered
over this splendid property. The Omaha
water works plant is an excellent property , if
It were only out of this unfortunate legal com
plication. When I have read Mr. Webster's
petition I shall probably be in condition to
say something bearing upon the charges
that ho has seen Ut to make. "
There are tnreo things worth saving
Time , Trouble nnd money and Do Witt's
Little Eurlv Hlsers will save them for you.
These little pills will save you timr , as they
act promptly. They will s-ivo you trouble as
they cause no pain. They will save you
rnoncv us they economise doctor's bills.
Iloiotkcopcr i\valt Found Ooiiii In a Toilet j
Yesterday morning at 4 o'clock H. Ewalt ,
propnotorof the Gault house at Eleventh and
Farnam streets , was found dead in a bath
room nt his Farnam street lodging house.
Heart disease is supposed to bo the cause of
the sudden death.
According to the story of William Emery ,
the nleht clerk. Mr. tin-alt rtroso at ! ) : : ! 0 ,
passed through the ofllco and into the toilet
rooms. Up to 4 o'clock the proprietor had
not returned to his bed and the clerk , think
ing that posssbly ho might have boon taken
sick , went to the door and called.
As there was no answer the clerk became
alarmed and called for help. Several of the
employes of the house responded and after
procuring n stcpladdcr : i man climbed into
the room through a transom , Mr. 1C wait
was dead , and word was sent to the coronor.
From all Indications the deceased died
from heart disease , and it is hardly probable
that the coroner will hold an inquest. Louis
llortzcl , who , lives at CIO Main street ,
HulTalo , N , Y. , a nephew of the deceased ,
has telegraphed Coroner Maul , saying that
ho would como at once to take charge of his
uncle's body.
Busy pcopio have no time , nnd sensible
people have no inclination to use pills that
make them sick u day for every they
take. They have learned that tno use of
Do Witt's ' Little Early Hlsers docs not In
terfere with their ho.tlth by causing nausea
pain or griping. These llttlo pills are per ,
feet in action and rcsulto , regulating the
stomach and bowels so that hoadachoj , du
llness and lassitude are prevented. They
cleanse the blood , clear the complexion and
ono UP the system. Lots of hualth In thass
Young I.uoii Cromer Injured by a Shot
from nn Unknown.
Although a few days late another Fourth
of July accident has put in its appearance
and has taken u prominent place in the list
of casualties. The victim of circumstances
! s Leon Cromer. the 10-year-old son of Major
Cremer , who resides at Twenty-first and
Webster streets. .
On the evening of the Fourth young Cro
mer was walking along Douglas street , bo
sstwecn Thirteenth and Fourteenth , when n
pistol was llred In the vicinity. Crcuier felt
a stinging sensation In ouo of his legs , but
thought nothing of the mutter until ho saw
the blood running out of his shoo. Shortly
afterward sharp pains went chasing each
other up and down the log , and jumping into
n cub ho was driven homo and put to bed.
The attending physician Informed the young
man Unit ho had been shot und that ho had
a pretty bad llcsh wound. Yesterday the ball
was removed and the sufferer Is getting
oalong very nicely. Who llred the revolver Is
a mystery , and whether it was intentional
or accidental Is not known , .
Ed Nosh Carries a Lead Souvenir in His
Loft Log.
.Soutil Onmlm I'ontnl Service Mr. C'niiio
Shock * the 1'rorilo by Appearing In
1'ubllr , Wearing Hit Under
clothes nnd nSmllo Oonslp.
Ed Nash is carrying a largo sized bullet
around In his loft lee this morning as a re
sult of his resisting arrest by Captain Aus
tin last evening.
About 7 o'clock In the evening Mrs. Brad
ley showed up at the police station with her
face badly bruised and claimed that n gang
of toughs on the hill near the corner of
Thirty-third" L streets had assaulted
her. Chief lieckott was at the station at
the time and gave orders to Captain Austin
to , go up nnd arrest the whole gang. Austin
went and when ho arrived ho found about a
dozen men drinking and carousing. Ho told
thorn that ho had como to arrest them and
that the whole parly could consider them
selves under arrest.
SIu "Tho whole d d police force couldn't ' take
us. " shouted some ono , and at that the cap
tain ! took hold of Nash , who was nearest to
him , and started to bjmch the men. Nnsh
broke loose and started to run. Austin
cried out to him to halt , but ho refused , nnd
the ofltccr ilred. The bullet entered the
llcshy part of the left thigh and Nash fell.
The crowd scattered nt this , but Austin
succeeded in getting James Hlley , John
Hcnkcu , Fred Martin nnd William Fatze.
Nash was taken to Dr. Ernhout's ofllce ,
where the doctor probed for the bullet , bat
was unable to get It , ns it had passed on
down the leg beyond reach.
The other prisoners wore taken to the station
i tion house and turned over to Officer Thomas.
While , Thomas was searching the men ,
Hlley , who Is an old offender , skipped out of
the side door and escaped.
The prisoners say that none of them as
saulted Airs. Bradley , that it was her own
husband who did it.
, Nash's wound is not serious , and ho will
probably be arraigned with the rest of the
men this morning.
Criino'ft Clomvncrf
Jim Crane has some peculiar ideas when
on a toot. On Thursday noon ho filled up on
various liquids nnd started out for a big
celebration. When ho reached the corner
of Twenty-fourth nnd Brown streets ho con
cluded that It was entirely too warm to
wear clothing , so ho stripped off his coat ,
pants and vest and started for Bcllevuo on
foot in his underclothing. Oftlcor Krocgcr
found his clothes and took them
to the police station. Crane avoided the
eye of an oftlcer until ho reached the out
skirts of the city , After lying around in
the rural districts until last night Crane
walked into town and demanded his clothes.
There was no money in the pockets but he
left 1 n good watch and some papers. His
garments f wcro handed over and Crane prom
ised 1 the police that ho would go on a sober
lay 1 for the next sov mteen years.
Cracked Several Trunks.
A well dressed young man walked Into' the
Delmonico 1 hotel and registered as Charles
Norte j , Aorth Platte , Thursday night.
Ho j was assigned to a room and
settled his bill for bed and break-
fust. J This was tno last seen of him about
the t oftico. The next morning ha slept until
every one had left their rooms and gone to
work. The young follow then took a stroll
through | the rooms on his floor and cracked
several trim Its , taking such articles as
suited his fancy. Ho was not very particu
lar. 1 it seems , for he only got away with
three i gold rings and a revolver. The rings
belonged 1 to J. Wieder an'd the revolver to a
man i named Mooks. The thief escaped with
out i being arrested , as the matter was not
reported i until after ho had left the city.
Co.irgu Work.
Some bold but bunglesome Jobs of burglary
have been committed in South Omaha within
the past two weeks. The Indications are
that the work is being done by novices , but
the petty thieving is no less annoying. A
number of residences have been en
tcrcd , but the thieves only succeeded
in getting some clothing or cheap jewelry.
Charles ilinz' grocery store at the corner of
Twenty-fourth and I streets was broken
Into and several dollars worth of cigars nnd
tobacco taken. The thieves entered by pry
ing open a window that leads to the cellar ,
Once in the cellar the rest was easy. The
night police force under the charge of
Captain James Austin will make an unusual
effort to single out some of these young
burglars and if caught they ivill be severely
Sou ih Qmiihu I'ostul Service.
The business transacted at the South
Omaha postofllco during the month of Juno
ivasas follows :
Amount of registered letters dis
patched . -lOfl
Amount of roRlbtorcd lutteis reculvt'd 610
Stamps , stamped envelopes , etc. , sold
durhiR thoiiuarler . $9,107.b3
Til uroeiu ObB doinuhtlc onJers told ,
niiiountini ; to . 5,835.40
Domestic ' orders paid . 6H08.03
1'ostnl orders hold . CGO.l'J
1'ostul ordurs paid . 557.54
Thoru ttero hovunty-nlno Interna
tional orders Mild , amounting to. . . . 1,520.80
M\o Inturnatloiial orders paid . 142.00
On the liiBtiillmrnt IMnn.
The team hltchnd to Brewer & Sloan' !
delivery wagon broke loose from where 1
was hitched nt 'iwonty-fourth and I strccti
yesterday evening , nnd made a lively run
away while it lasted. The wagon wn
loaded with furniture at the time , and thw
goods were thrown out and scattered all
along the street. One wheel was torn from
the wagon and ono horse was pretty badly
injured. All of the furniture was new , and
several pieces were smashed into kindling
ii' * liiul I. uclc.
Bob Ijowdcn , pressman at the Dally Stock
man oftico , mot with a painful accident last
evening. Ho was working about the press
when his loft thumb was caught and com
pletely crushed. Dr. Slabaugh dressed the
member for him and suvs ho thinks ho can
save it entirely. Bob , however , will have
to carry his arm in a sling for u couple of
weeks at least.
Mngio City ( ionsip.
Jake Jaskalok has gone to Ohio.
John Forbes of the Cudahy torco Is In Chl-
U. D.inlcls , the mall carrier , is on the sick
Dr. A , 1C. Dickinson started for Chicago
yesterday. ror
Henry \ \ liolau Is bade from a trip to Livermore -
more , la. rin
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Grlfllth uro homo from
a visit to Slnux City. ina
Patrick Casey und wife huvo gone to Al
bany , N. Y. , to reside. /
John H. ICnox , president of the American
. Hailing Stock company , Is east.
' Thomas \V. Tallafero , superintendent of
the Omtha Packing company , has gone cast ,
Mrs. Hawkins of Lexington , Nob. , is vis
iting at the residence of Uov. C. N , Djwson ,
Mr. and Mrs , Isauo Young have moved to
Moorlaud , la. , whcro they will reside in the
The only Pure Cream of Tartar rowder. NoAuiuioniajNo Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
for Qnteumptlon Is what you
nre catering , if your blood la
Imparts. Consumption is simp
ly lAiiiff Scrofula. A scrofu
lous condition , with n Blight
couch for cold , is all that It
neouMa develop it.
Hut ju t w It depends upon
the Uifod for ite origin , no it
dcpcnlli upjm the Wood for
1U cam. The surest remedy
for Bcrofula In every form ,
the matt effective lilooa-clcfliis-
cr , fWJi-bnlldcr , and strength-
rcstoriprUint'a known to medi
cal raancp. Is Doctor I'ierce's
U olden Medical Discovery.
For Cbnsamptlon in all its
earlier Btnges , nnd for Weak
Lungs. Autumn , Sovcre Coughs ,
und all Bronchial , Throat , and Lung nlVee-
tions , that Is the only remedy to unfailing
that It cau bo guaranteed. If It doesn't
benefit or cure , you have jour money back.
No matter Low long you've bnd Catarrh ,
or how severe , Dr. Sago's llomcdy will effect
a permanent euro. fVX ) reward Is oirercd
by the proprietors of this medicine , for an
lucurabla case of Catarrh.
Dr. W. H. BETTS ,
Principal and Senior Member of the
Kuinous Firm ot
Physicians , Sar0eon ; an I Spaclillsti ,
"Aro they doing a Inrgo business ? "
Isu question often a lodconcernlni
Drs. llotts & llotts. Inniilrord urn
rciiucstcd to road the following
summary nndjud-'o for themselves :
Number of yeiir.s In practice 97
Offices In opcr.itlon In various cltlos. . . . H
Assistants employed "U
U.ipltul Invested In business Ktfl.OOO
Avnruco mutual OMIOIISOS W.OOO
Average annual rocolpts 142.4U
Number cases In'7 yours NU'-
Oomploto cures effected BJ.HiS
Oroatly bcneflttod 1,912
Itollovod und Improved"J - !
Not cured 20
Cost of proposed now Institute ll'i.OOO
Cost per annum of udvortlslii ? . : ti,003
Koul estate owned by firm 200,003
No wonder that Dr. W. II. lletts ,
the bond of this great firm. Is re
ferred tobvhlsfrlen < 5sns"tho gray-
haired old doctor. " for to his untlr
1m ; energy nnrt , porflovoranuo , Ills
signal ability , both as u buslnetj
and profosslonal'inan , ha ? the busi
ness of the flrm grown fiom abso
lutely nothing to Its present
tlo proportionsTo create and
maintain so grant an enterprise n
cnougli to turn any man zr.iy.whllo
tlm glow of honest prhlo that shtiios
In his kindly face , his ruddy feat
ures and quluk , ( Inn. elastic stop ,
all ucsponk thai joy lie fools In the
gro'it success Ho has won un 1 the
peed lie bus ; bestowed upon his fol
low man. Tho'slck and the sulfor-
1ns will find ln'hlin ' u true und last-
lii'- friend
1119'S : Kih StreBi ,
. 'Cor. Douglas St.
OMAHA , - - - - NEB.
O . P. I , . SK.VIll.KS , Consulting Sur oo
Gr.iduato of Uush MoJ'oal ' Uolloto. ( OO.N
for the treat mo nt o
Woouro Cntarvb , All Diseases of the
NOHO' Throat. Choit , Stoiuaoli , Bowel *
niid Livor.
Blood , Sklti nitd Klcluoy DHoaso * ,
Fomnlo WflnlcncbsoK CURED.
I'lUfe. FISTULA , FlSbimU.iwrm.incntly cured ,
without the use of knltu , llk'aliiru or caimlU * .
All maludk'B of n private or dulluutu nature , of
llhiTbex , positively cured.
Call on or aililrt'HU , with bt.inip , for Circulars ,
'rou ' Hook and Ueclpex ,
Dr , Searles & Searles , 11HsiTiVlv,15ti'l ' ft !
KoxL Door to -itoftioo. .
New York Hospital
For all
j ,
Private and
Special Dlsoasss ,
Ftrioturo and alt other troubles trnitcd
at reasouublo charges. CONSULTATION
FKEC. Cull on or uddreis
_ Opppsltaliydoa | Ifros _
Do you wear them ? When next In need try a pair
Beat In the world.
. * 5.00 . $3.00
S4.00 L$2.50
43.50 , $2.00
2.50 $2,00
42.25 SI.7S
42.00 FOR BOYS
ron . . . .
If you want a fine DRESS SHOE , mada In the latest
Jtyles , don't pay $6 to $8 , try my $3 , $3.50 , $4.00 or
$5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom mada and look end
wear as vtell , If you with to economize In your footwear ,
da so by purchasing W. L , Douglas Shoes , Name and
price stamped on the bottom , look for It when you buy ,
W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton , Uail. SJ4 bj
- K
Has no slightly damaged goods to sell ; but we are in better shape
than ever to turn out the very finest work.
We are now ready to make re-sittings and fill all orders that may
lave been lost in the fire ; also all appointments for sittings , made dur-
ng our temporary suspension , can be accommodated at once.
My operating , 'printing and finishing rooms were totally destroyed
last Wednesday morning. Every instrument , back-ground and ac
cessory was burned. We opened again yesterday morning.
Just seven days from date of fire. Having rebuilt my operating room
I now have one of the largest and most approved skylights west of Chi-
'ago , and no more perfect outfit of photographic instruments and most
Exquisite Backgrounds and accessories ever placed in any gallery.
See Gray's new display in show cases at our doors.
Examine this work closely. Remember our cabinet photos are $3.00
per dozen.
SPECIAL RATES'will be made on different kinds of work since
the fire. The great question in the minds of the people interested in
photographs , is how can Gray turn out such artistic retoicching and fin
ishing , grand lighting and posing , and have thousands of dollars in
vested in equipments for doing all this , at $3 per dozen for cabinet
photos , and other sizes in comparison , while similar concerns are ask
ing from $4 to $6 for the same class of work.
If you. wish , photos of a high order and will call on us wewill con
vince you of the above. Respectfully ,
GRAY , The Photographer
This wonderful preparation is Purely Vegetable : compounded
from the prescription of the Oflicial Physician to the Court of Spain.
"Espano " recreates Mental and Nerve Power inyMan and Woman.
An infallible remedy for Nervous and General Debility ,
Nervous Prostration , Creeping Paralysis , Weakness caused
by Debilitating Bosses , Bxcesscs or Over-Indulgences , In
cipient Softening of the Brain or Paresis , Dizziness , I/oss of
Memory , Confused Thoughts and all Brain , Nerve or Sexual
Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain
to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholic Beverages ,
or indulgence in the Opium , Morphine or Chloral habit.
Have you abused the laws of nature nnd injured your nervous system ?
Are you despondent nnd melancholy with confused ideas and gloomy thoughts 7
" ESPANO " will positively cure you. It contains no mineral po'iBona and
is remarkable for awakening organic action throughout the system nnd an
improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles , bones , nerves , hair ,
nails , skin , blood nnd gives vigorous life to the unfortunate who has exhausted
his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry
in the pocket. Bach box contains 00 doses or enough to last ono month nnd is J
wortli many times its weight in gold. The price $1.00 per box or 0 boxea for
$5.00 if ordered at ono time and a guarantee will bo given that any care men
tioned above that it does not cure , the money will bo refunded. As to our
financial standing wo refer to any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to
any address in United States or Canada. Put up iu plain wrapper with no
mark to distinguish what it is. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address ,
1 Stockton Street
An able Brain and Nerve Specialist can at any tlmo bo confidentially
consulted entirely free of charge , personally or by mall , at the above
Are Bound
ctvit r.ttfict ST
\\'li OA'li V MA If IS THIS
High Class Photography.
At 1'opular Prlcoi
313-315-317 , S.15tU Stroot.
Omaha , Noli ,
, _ I Anil nil the train
EVILS , . : . . . . : iS , DEUIL1TV. ETC. , that no-
vunipany them In inn QUIfKliY iiinl I'KUMA-
- - - - - - - . I will bend ( oo- *
\l\\ea \ \ too\ury iiartof llio body.
curvly ( MtckcU ) VllEK to any bujfr-rur tlio uri'ttcriii-
lion that cun l me ot tlie o troutilcu. AUUrosu L )
A. , Uaulo Greek | Mich.
, . rJOi , I-
, .KK AKINTJ.V CJJE [ | | ) flj JjQ PAY ,
Wo roforyuit lon.fwa iittlcnts.
.No duteiitliiii from Ijiisliiois , No operation. Invoit
tlfrnto our ' 1iot' > ' " > ' 'vtlJ'.rHtuii ' Kimrniiluo to absolutely
curuiill kinds of UUl'TUKI ! of both sexes without till
u to of knlfu. no mutter of how long ( Umlliii ; ,
U07-a08 N. Y. UIo Btilldlug , Omaha , Neb.
1316 Doug-las Street , Omaha , Neb ,
T mlQenl D cl > Uit In nirroai. clironlo. ; rrte. | blood , fkla n < l urinirir dlitMM. A r gul
txlitut a jjraduilo lu muatclue , at dlploiuit Add oertllloalui will ibuir , U ittfl r tlojj with U l ut
tucccii , ciurfb. lott miDtinod. iomla l * ikuei , nljtit ! o i a4 all fonni ot prlrnt * dloiilk * crtltM BC
nercur/ t > tl. New treitroont fdr Ion ot iltsl power I'arili * uoibl * torlilt mom or bdrtilti it
l > r ootroipondence M Jlclii or RO
nt 117 toull uroxproi our lr j > ckeJi no citrk * to lei
caiacoaltnti or > endor. Onu .
ponoutl Interflow iu ferruj. Coniuluttou ( r . Coirviba&ltuat
grlrnio. liooMUjitciluuf ' * ' ) i all o. ORlccUouri , 9 a.iu. to V p. . BamUri. 10 & * . Hr
* , .