TTTR HAT ATT A DATT.V TIRKta VTITHAV .mr.V 7 IflOft rt 1'tEACMENT CASE CIIOST Doano Insists that Els Foe HM Not Been Paid , SUED THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE JPeremptorr Writ of Mnmlntnns to Compel tli * MannRnrn to Liquidate Il queitil Substance of the Attorney' 1'stl- tlon tn the Case. LIXCOI.X , Juno O.-lSpeclaltoTne HBB. ] Judge Doano , Into counsel tor the state m the Impeachment cases against the state officers milked Into the dlstrlot court today with a lengthy petition in which no insists that P. II. Il.irry , O. D. Casper nnd Gcorgo Colton , managers of the Impeachment pro ceedings are indebted to him In the sum of 1500. and asking for a peremptory writ of mandamus to compel thorn to pay the cash , Ho sots tip that at the twenty-third session ot the legislature , In Joint convention , articles ol Impeachment were adopted against John G. Allen and others , which were presented to the suproino court for trial under the provlslors of the law and the constitution ; that thereupon the Joint committee appointed and constituted Barry , Casper and Colton , who wcro then and still are members of the legislature , a bo.ird of managers to prosecute the said articles of Impeachment bcforo the supreme court , and authorized thorn to employ counsel for the .purpose of aiding In the prosecution ; that thereupon the board employed the relater as ono of the counsel , agreeing with him that ho should rocolvo for his services J2.00 . in full thereof. Tno rclator directs attention to the act that the legislature appropriated $15,000 , for the purpose of defraying tlio expenses of the prosecution , and that thereupon ho entered upon the duties of the appointment and per formed the services for which ho was em ployed ; that tlio services were coutlnuod from the date of his appointment up to the final disposition by the supreme court of all of snld articles or until the 21th day of May. Ho says that the defendants , constituting the board of managers , drew their vouchers in favor of rclator for the sum of $2,000 to apply upon his contract and no moro , and upon Ills request and demand they have re fused and still refuse to draw their voucher CortlioiWW remaining duo him on his con- Ho'furthor alleges that the $15,000 appro priated for expenses was placed at the dis posal of the board , and It wus duly author ized and empowered to draw and approve Vouchers upon it in favor of any party who might render services lu connection with the impeachment proceedings and that It 1 ? . Its duty to draw a warrant in hla favor for the remaining $500. Ho' says there Is an amount remaining In the fund sulllclcnt to pay him. and therefore ho prays that a writ of mandamus commanding thorn to do so Issuo. Ht.ito House Notoi. Bsnk Examiner Morris , who has boon looking after the Nebraska National bank of Beatrice , stated today that this bank would In all probability resume business as soon as the present crisis has been weathered. The following cases were filed in the supreme - promo court today : Stor ? & Her and Theo dore Olcson against Lena Finklestcin ot. al , Douglas county ; John C. Havemeyer against Marcus iahn ot al , Douglas county ; St. Joseph & Grand Island Uallway company , Cass county and South Omaha National bank against Wright & Baldwin and Flora M. Wright , Douglas county. MoilleiU Man 1'rotoUcd. A lively discussion toolc place before the State Board of Health this afternoon. It ap pears that at the last nicotine of the board it was decided that medical licenses could not bo grunted to graduates of the Cottier Medical school , as the institution has not complied with the law. At today's meeting Dr. Latta , the dean of the department , and numerous other Cotnorites appeared before the board and vigorously protested. The board finally .decided to reconsider the de cision at the next meeting. KcHUlt of n Drunken Itow. S. ti. Studloy and Mary Bronnan alias Mary Studley are a couple who have been living at 651 University avenue in this city for some time. This evening wiiilo the couple were mixed up in the intricate mazes of a mutual Jag Studloy lay down to sleep. Ho awoke to IIml the woman sawing at his neck with a dull butcher knife. When ho wildly remonstrated the woman withdrew to sharpen her weapon. Studloy meanwhile scoured a club and when she returned pro ceeded to brain her. Ho succedcd In Inflict ing several sovcro scalp wounds before ho was stopped. Studley was at once arrested and the woman taken to the hospital. i'uvor Homo I ml in try. Mr. O. C. Holmes , the secretary of the Manufacturers and Consumers association of Nebraska , has been in Lincoln for sev eral days past endeavoring to persuade the Board of Purchase and Supplies that Ne braska products are as good as any in the market. That ho was eminently successful the following resolution shows. ' It wasoiro'red by Mr. Hastings and ad mitted without dissent : llolluvlng llmt goods of Nohruska manu facture iifo eqiml In all respects to any In the sumo class , nnd , desiring to unconriiKo homo Industry , and furnish employment lo our own IH'Opll. ' . 1)11 ) It Huiolvod , ly the Hoard of I'urclmso nnd Buppllos , that lioreaflur In maUlns out all pro posals for the huvcrul Institutions of thl.SHtiitu that tliosovuralsuperintendents of stiuh Institutions shall , 1.0 fur us practica ble , where kind nnd quality desired can l > u obtained In ninniifiicturod good * , to specify In nil such ciiso.s sDiiiu known nnd ruroenlrud brand of Nebraska made goods or equal , and so fur as practical , lu purchase ISuUnisku made goods , quality and prlco being equal. KuNOlvoil , That the sucrutitry bu requested to furnlHli to fiicli of tint siipurlnUmUuuts of euld institutions u copy of this urder. tlll.VUT.VUOU.VS. Note ! of the Assemblies nt Vroto and J'remnnt. CitBTii , July 0. [ Special to TUB Buu.J Iho Crete Chautauqua assembly opened fostordav evening with a concert by Brown & Lansing's orchestra. Tlio attendance promises to bo as largo as any previous year , judging from the number of tents engaged. The grounds are lu splendid condition and tbo iniumueniout has spared neither expense or cost to beautify the groves , Prof , Graham Taylor , D.D. , of Chicago lectured today on the "Institutional Methods of Church Work. " Tomorrow evening Hon. William J. Bryan will deliver n lecture on "Bimetallism. " A largo audienro Is expected. FIIUMONT , July 0. ( Special to THE BEE. ] "Anioru'a'u Tomorrow , " last uvonlng was the culmination of Mr. Wlnshli'solTorthavlng , nil the patriotic characteristics of a genuine fourth of July oration , Ho pk'turod the ub- polutonnd relative grandojr of the country Which lias nrought unparalleled prosperity to the rich and greater ndvuucoment to the poor. England is bocuro In IHT prosperity because of her ocouomlo focus , Germany from her intellectual , Franco , from her BO- nial and America's permanency , ho declares , Will bo determined by her acceptance us her piisslon the solution of her problems of hu manity , which are these of labor , liquor , joyulty.r.iio ; and religion. Ho then devoted Ills time to ilium problems. Tomorrow being farmers day will , with * out doubt , bu ono of the big days , Tlio sil ver question will bo handled without gloves by the very able and eloquent or.itors , united States Senator Stewart of Nevada , Hon. tafa Fence of Colorado and A. a Ime I Its , president of the National farmers allianco. _ Mutt Audit Account * . LIKCOI.K , July 0. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] [ n the supreme court today the following opinion was handed down ; In rb Hoard of Public l auds and Buildings. Original. Opinion by Maxwull , chief Justice. Justice Norval dissents. Tli tltlo of the act of Kouruary IB. 1877 , "To Ituuulnto the Pirn-huso of Supplies for thu J'ubllo institutions and UxrcuilvuOniceaof tliu htiitu , " Is not brand iniough to Include a rupual l > y Implication of the provision of thu act i0' ' J'obrimry 13. 1877 , fur the mullllng by thu liourd of 1'ubllc I.nmU and Itnlldlnirsof tic- cnunta for money dUbur&cd for tlio nupport 1Cof the public Inttllntlons of the stale. to III * Doath. T , Nob. , July 7. [ Special to Tim Jits. ] Edward Stonier , a young farmer 18 yours of fo , was drowned In the I/nip rlror whllo bathing with a number of companion * Tuesday , Ho had boon diving from the chute of the mllldam Into n deep pool made by the waterfall And was suddenly mlssod by his companions. The body was found ton minutes later nottr the piling of the ( Jam where It had boon drawn by the under current. Physicians wore Immediately summoned but tholr efforts to rcsusciato the unfortunate young man were un availing. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DKIIANY MAIM : HIS ESCAPE. Would-llo Murderer of ( tenon nltulcs Illi Farmer * Without DlfTlciiltj- . OEXOX , July 0. [ Special Telegram to Tnn " " 'tracoof ' DoDany , the Polandor who attempted to kill his wlfoSaturday , tins been discovered. Parties are still searching the brush along the river south of town , but the prevailing opinion Is that ho succeeded In reaching the main line and Is secreting himself In a box car. Mrs. Debany was re moved to Columbus today and tlio third bul let was discovered in her head , with the Probability that it Is lodged In her brain. Her jaw U broken in two places and her features nro bruised and swollen. When the crowd gazed upon the victim at the depot today imprecations were loud against the monster who committed the deed and had ho been present the county would have been saved the oxpcnso ot try- ing him whon'caught" ' Fair Crop rro | innts. NKLSON , July 0. fSpecial to THE Crop prospects are somewhat improving in Nuekolls county , The rains of last week were of great benefit to corn and grass. Wheat harvest has begun with a prospect of one-third of a crop. Onts will make from ono-thtrd to one-half a crop. Corn never looked better at this tlmo of the year. DU.NIUH , Nob. , July (1. ( [ Special to TUB Br.B. ] Oats are looking bad. Some of it Is only about eight Inches high. Corn is standing tlio dry weather good and Is yet In good shapo. Ilains have fallen nil around hero In abundance. Hay is qulto short and will bo scarce around here. Farmers are Jubilant ovor'corn prospects but look upon grain and hay prospects with discontent. It has been threatening rain hero for the past four days and the locality may yet got enough for corn. Potatoes are drying up. Cnuclit In n Itarolvlnic Sliaft. KnAnsBY. July 0. [ Special Telegram to Tut : BEE. ] Last night whllo Albert Best , night operator at the olcctrio power house , was working around the shafting connected with the arc light dynamo his clothing was caught and ho was thrown nvor the shaft. His leg was badly bruised , his knco cap knocked off and his clothing badly torn. Hunting * UHiilitorH | o ( llobcktxll. HASTINGS , July 0. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKE. ] The Hastings lodge of the Daughters of llobekah Installed its officers with elaborate ceremony tonight. Delega tions irom Aurora and Junlata lodges were present and participated in the exorcises and the banquet which followed. Central city Failure. CEXTHAI , Crrr , Neb , July 0. [ Special to ] This morning the J. S. Schott Saddlery company of Burlington , In. , closed the harness and saddlery shop of L. S. Brun under a bill of sale for $1.300. Slow collec tion } and dull trade are the causes that led to the failure. Ulvim u Light .Sentence. DAVID Crrr , July 0. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] In district court this morning Judge Wheeler sentenced John Baize to the peni tentiary for one year on the plea of guilty to the charge of forgery and uttering forged paper. 11AJCD TIMES Iff AUSTRALIA. Great Dlstren Cfluieil by Recant Bank 1'iUluros Swnrmlnc to America. SAN FKAN Cisco , July 0. News brought by the steamer Mariposa from Australia Is of a discouraging tonor. The closed banks are trying to resume and business is at a stand still. Strikes tire imminent and tons of thousands of poor out of work. A number of coal mines have shut down , wages being re duced. The omnibus drivers went on n strike because their .wages wcro reduced from 510 to S8.75 per week. The unemployed awnrm the docks , seeking a chance to stow away on any vessel bound for the United States , nnd the Oceanic Steamship company's sheds at Circular quay had to bo turned into a jilaco for the destitute to sleep in. The Mariposa's second cabin and steerage were crowded. Nearjy all these who came up were men and women who were once well-to-do , but who lost nearly all in the general crash. They could not spare the money for a first class passage , and , consequently quently , had to como up in the stoorago. Nearly all hope to make a now start in America. The governments in Victoria , Now South Wales aud Queensland are doing all in their power to relieve the situation , with some degree of success. Ono of the measures adopted by the government of Now South Wales Is the establishment of a state bank. A committee of six appointed to take testimony made the following report : That after a careful deliberation they are of the opinion that the establishment of a government bank of issue is not only practicable but urgently necessary , and sug gest that its functions should comprise : First , the solo right of the issue of cur rency uuon a gold and llduclary basis , in ad dition to government stock. Second , that 10-shIllIn : : notes should bo Issued In addition to denominations of the usual note currency. Third , the business of all government de partments in connection with the receipt nnd expenditure of revenue should bo revised - vised ; that the management of such banks should bo entrusted to a board of commls- slonois to bo appointed by act of Parliament and removable only by vote of the legisla ture. The government adopted the suggestions , and when the Mariposa sailed tbo formation of a bank was under way. The government stood by the BanK of Now South Wales and uald JDil'J.OOO In gold into its treasury. Pro ceedings wcro also taken to rcstoro a largo quantity of gold in the closed Australian Joint Stock bank to circulation. The share holders of the Bank of Victoria hold a meeting while the Mariposa was at Svdney and decided to wind up the affairs of the bank. The affairs of the Mercantile banK of Melbourne - bourne are reported in a bad way and the depositors cannot got a cent of tholr money. The Australian Joint Stock bank is to bo re constituted and nearly all Queensland banks are getting on their feet again. KJIIIH run HIE .utj/r. I.Ut of ClmiiROH In the Itegulnr Sorvloo m Amiounoud YoHlerilny , WASHINGTON , July 0 , [ Special Telegram to Tnn BEH. ] The following army orders were issued today : The leave of absence granted Post Chap lain John S. Selbold , U.S.A. , Juno 0. IS'JJ , Department of the Plutto , U ox tended throe months. Leave of absence for six days Is granted first Lieutenant Frank T. Meriwotnor , as sistant surgeon. sIi First Lieutenant David J. Humbough , Third artillery , is detailed to attend the encampment - campmont of the Second regiment , Alabama state troops , at Lake Como , Birmingham , Ala. , July U to 18 , IbOJ. Second Lieutenant Richmond P. Davis , Second artillery , will altutul the encamp ' , ment of thu militia of North Carolina at Morohoad , N. C. , commencing July la , 18U3. Captain William C. Manning , Twenty- third infantry , will proeyed at the proper lime to the camp of the militia of Texas aud attend thu encampment commencing on oran about July 19 , Ih'ja. Ltuvo of absmico for four months on surgeon's certillcato of disability , with per- mUsion to leave the Dopartucnt irof Colorado , is granted First Lieutenant Henry C. ICccuo , jr , , Twenty-fourth infantry. The loavn of absence granted Second Lieutenant Hanson H. Ely , Twenty-second : infantry , Juno 10 , 1SUJ , Department of Da kota , is oxtcuuod to Include July 20 , " Kolimaku I'ulr VUltori , CHICAGO , July G , ( Special Telegram to TUB , ( BBK. ] The Omaha people at Jackson park today were : C. Mark Morton , WHlard Emery , Mr. and Mrs , W. 10. Hamilton , Mr. and Mrs. Simon Calm , Oscar C. Hone , V , lr.A. . and L. H. Need hum. A.o Among other Nebraska arrivals were : Hufus O. Beutloy , O. T. Fisher , Lincoln ; J. N. Johnson , Crete ; Dr. and Mr , U. Me- Couaughy , York. MONTREAL'S CLAD WELCOME Opening of the Twelfth Annual Convention of the Society of Christian Endeavor. FELICITOUS SPEECH DY THE MAYOR Two nij ; Meeting * Crowded to OrerdotTlnc Ilnppr Hlt bj the Owton of th * lfljr rrooeodlDK * of an In * teroitlnn Nnture. July 0. The Christian En deavor convention got down to business today. The delegates were welcomed to the city by representatives of Montreal's relig ious llfo. The first meeting was hold In the drill hami . The hall Is n vast structure a regi ment can maneuver with ease on its spacious node , but It was filled to overflowing with delegates to the twelfth annual convention. For J half an hour the vast multitude sang gospel hymns with a dash and spirit and then llov. Dr. Clark arose and led the audl- cnco In repeating the Twenty-third psalm , after which Uov. F. n. Keene of the Protes tant mission , Japan , offered up prayer. Then llov. J , A. McIClllovay welcomed the convention on behalf of the pastors of Mont real. After him came Senator DCS Jardluea , the mayor of Montreal , wearing his chain of myself , and while Montreal Is a Hainan Catholic city , that is , the greater portion of her citizens profess that faith , none will ex tend n heartier welcome than wo will. The great crowd cheered the senator almost into astonishment. Not a Xlattlo of Creeds. ' It is not a battle of crocus nowadays , " continued the senator , "but a battle between belief and unbelief , " and there was another great ' outburst of applause. When Dos Jardlnes sat down , President Clark called upon the choir to sing "God Save the Queen , " the audience Joining in and waving their handkerchiefs and Ameri can : and British Hags. As they finished , President Clartt shouted. "My Country 'Tls of Theo" and again there was another great outburst of applauso. Sccrotaay Durgo of the Montreal Young Men's Christian association welcomed the delegates on behalf of the younz men of the city. The third address of welcome came from Mr. A. A. Ayer of Montreal , chairman of ; the ! 1893 committee. llov. Dr. II. P. Hcnsanof Chicago replied to the addresses of welcome. Speaking of Mayor Dos Jardinos' remarks , ho s id that ho wished that Montreal could lend the mayor to Chicago for the next four months. They needed him bad ly enough. That the fame of Carter Harrison has spread over the whole American continent , was apparent in the laughter and cheers which came from every corner of the hall. Dr. Honshu's speech was witty and patriotic. Ho did not think that the tlmo would overcome como for annexation , but ho did believe that the time would como when the proudest thing a man could say , English or American , would bo , ' ! nm a Christian. " Ho believed the present convention to bo n greater exhi bition than that on the shore of Lnko Michi gan , especially since it had been smirched by the perlldy of a local directorate. Dr. Henson - son did uot believe in donoininationallsm. The forces of evil were massing. It behooved all Christians to do likewise and forgot their differences. In Honor of the Royal Wedding. The applause was deafening when Or. Henson 1t 1 finished. Just as bo was finishing , 1i the t guns of the battery on St. Helen's island i opposite the city began booming out a royal salute of twenty-ono guns. President Clark ( drmv attention to the fact that they were iI booming for the wedding of the I sailor prince of England and Princess ] May. Ho did not know Prlnco 1i 1 Gcorgo and his bride , or of the man 1i ner i In which they were celebrating their wedding day , but ho thought they should in some i way observe the event. To do this ho called < upon Uov. Bishop Arnett of Vlcks- burg ' , Miss. , of the African Methodist Epis copal church to offer up prayer , which the bishop ' did , the audience then joining In singing ! impressively , "Praiso God from. Whom All Blessings Flow. " . The benedic tion was then pronounced. It was tent against drill ball at the Chris tian Endeavor society this day , or at least that was the way It looked. Simultaneously the afternoon session in both places began with music and song. "Soul Winning" was the subject in the tent and "Tho Junior Christian Endeavor Society ; Its Past , Its Present and Its Future" engaged the atten tion of these in the drill hall. In the latter hall Miss Alice may Scuddor of Jersey City presided and introduced llov. J , T. Cowan , whoso address was entitled "The First Junior Society ; Its Original Growth. " Alias llnus of SU Ioul5. Then the roll call came , conducted by Miss H. II. Uaus of St. Louis. Miss Haus had something witty to say of each state and interspersed speeches between her cells , ono of which called upon the people to go homo and go to work fet * the children. Chicago's fair would not bo open on Sunday , she thought , if the children had been brought up right. The roll call was followed by the address , "Tho Possibilities of the Junior Society , " by llov. Waylaud Hoyt of Minneapolis. An address on "Junior Christian Endeavor In Foro'gn ' Lands , " by Mrs. Francis E. Clark , the wife of President Clark , brought the meeting In the drill hall to a close. In the meantime In the tent , W. A. Patter son of Toronto presiding , the address , ' Special Work for Young Men , " was spoken on by Uov. Uufus Sailler of Hummolstown ' , Pa. Pa."How "How to Reach Young Men" was the sub ject to which raoro than a dozen young gentlemen spoke. "Evils in Church Work , " by Uov. F. D. Power of Washington , ended the speeches for the afternoon , and the tout mooting'wns brought to a close by a series of answers to the question. "What Evangelistic Work is Our Society Dolngt" San Francisco was chosen as the city In which the Christian Endeavor convention of 1891 will bo hold. LAWN SOCIABLE. I.ndlos at the Iliuisoom Park Methodist Church Kntertnlii Tholr Friend * . Under the auspices of the LaoTlcs' Aid society of the Hanscom Park Methodist church ono of the prettiest lawn parties of the season was given last evening at the residence of Mr. C. A. Clafhn , 1141 South ' Thirty-first street. Mr. Claflln's ' charming homo was illuminated for the occasion. Tbo lawn was fairly ablaze with Japanese lanterns and headlights , which made the grounds look Ilko a section of fairy land sot down in Omaha in honor of the event. otA lurgo family tout had boon erected , in which refreshments were served , whllo a smaller tent attracted the parishonors idle friends of the church to the lomomtdo bowl. Mrs. A. Waggoner , presi dent of the society , was omnipresent , whllo Mr ? . W. II. Hazzard , chairwoman of * committee having the entertainment in charge , was "up to her eyes" with work In connection with entertaining the guests. As aids in this capacity Mrs. Hazzard was as sisted by Mcsdamos Charles Clark , Maynall , Pior-ou , C. A. Ctntlln , Seamen , Ittnor , H. S. : Murray , Clark Abbott and Miss Allen. Mrs. Ackorman and Mrs. Straight were in charge of the lemonade booth , whllo Mrs. Martin presided over the ice cream. A number of captivating young ladles sold tickets to the guests. The oujcct of the sociable was ted raise money to help liquidate the outstand ing Indebtedness of the now church recently completed at Georgia and Woolworlh ave nues , which was formally dedicated Feb ruary " 0. $100.00 lota $23.00 down ; BOO page 7 , Wootliueii Will I'lciilo. Camp 130 , Modern Woodmen of America , will give n plcnla at Courtland beach Tues day , July 11. All the members of the camp and tholr friends are making arrangements to attend and a grand good time is looked : forward to , The program of exorcises for the day and the list of prizes is as follows : Gents' sack , race , sack of Hour ; ladles' egg race , souvenir ipoonf ; t men's rneqtwalKing canoj gents * runnlDR race , Woodmen , jrold plii ) ladles' run ning race , silk parnsofj Cents' walking race , of slippers' gouts' ' boat pair race , box of cigars ; ladles'boat racftpalrof kid gloves. At 00 : ! ! o'clock luncheon will bo had and nt 7:30 : the dancing will wglu. The Gate City orchestra will furnish , tno music , onm I ) . I. Thornton will Mas pjnstor of cere monies. nssUtod by" the following cdmimt- tciE. : lion. W. E. CadtfJC. H. T. Hcipon , J. E. Van Glldor and G.Vi ( Uood. Camp ( 1'JO Is reported , to bo In excellent shape , consisting of almost COO members. It Isad rapidly Increasing''in ' numbers by the adoption of from slxnto twoaty-tlvo now members at each moating , The camp was organized In 183.1 with1 fifty charter members and now holds the "natlbnal pride banner" for increase In membership during the last quarter. WITIlDREir ITS MISISTCK. Nlcirau _ no Longer Knprcicntoil In the United Hinted. WAsnixoTox , July 0. Dr. Guzman , the Ntcaraguan minister , today called upon Secretary - rotary Grcsbam and placed his letters of re call In his hands. Ho has communicated to the department the fact that the Nicaraguan government had abolished its legations hero and In Europe and , in fact , in all save a few countries In South aud Central America. This action is understood to bo based on economical considerations. As a matter of International comity , the diplomatic repre sentation of ono country with another is expected to bo reciprocal. When ono gov ernment withdraws its representative from another , the government to which tbo ofllclal was accredited usually gives a leave of absence sonco to Its own representative or withdraws him altogether. It is thought unlikely , how- > , that this course will bo pursued with Nicaragua. American Interests In the canal art ) so important that Mr. Baker , the pres ent minister to Nicaragua will bo requested to remain. Scheme of n Swindler. WAsmxoTox , July 0. The attention of the War , department has been called to the workings of an American who signs himself as J. J. Fuller nnd who represents himself as ; n nephew of thn chief Justice. Ho ad dressed letters to sergeants of various companies diPi panies throughout the west with requests tc them to road the letters to tholr coin- panics ! , offering through the assistance of his undo to obtain a repeal of the laws pre venting ro-onllstmont after ten years serv ice nnd prohibiting a man purchasing his discharge. "Send mo $1 , " ho says in con clusion , "and I will guarantee largo proflts within n short tlmo. " Ho gives his address as San Francisco nnd requests soldiers uot to delay , as ho starts for Washington on August 20 to press the matter In congress. s Point Cadets Will Visit the Fair. WASHINGTON , July 0. The West Point cadets are going to the World's fair. The legal objections advanced have boon over come nnd today Acting Secretary Grant sent the necessary Instructions to Colonel Ernest , superintendent of the military acad emy. The oadots will loaro West Point August 17 and remain at Chicago tan days. The entlro corps of 303.cadots Is expected to go. The cadets of the second class , now on furlough , have boon plvon the choice of start ing with tnolr comrades from West Point , or joining the batallloh at Chicago. The expense - ponso of transporting the cadets to and from Chicago will amount td $17,000 which will betaken taken from the general appropriation for army transportation. The cadets will bo encamped In Jackson pane during their stay at tho'falr. Joii \Vnahlnctoa ! Notes. . WASHINGTON , July Ow-rN'o consolidation of land districts Is anticipated before the sec retary of Interior returns from his summer vacation. In consequence of the contem plated consolidations 'very ' few , if any , ap pointment of local land ofilcors wilt bo made at present. Alfred P. Swlnofordrof Wisconsin , who served as governor of Alaska during Mr. Cleveland's former administration , has been appointed inspcctof surveyors general and district land ofllccs. The arguments In the patent ofllco in vestigation were concluded today and Com missioner Seymour took the case under advisement. The treasury gold now amounts to $90- 778,040. _ Coat of Experimenting. WASHINOTON , July 0. From a statement prepared by H , S. Wiloy , tbo chomlst of the Agricultural department , it appears that amco 1633 $20,273 has boon expended at the Sterling sugar experiment station in Kansas ana $40,024 at Medicine Lodge , from July , 1800 , to Juno , 22 , 1803 , chiefly in experiments iu making sugar from sorghum. The above amounts do not Include traveling expenses nor the chemical apparatus and supplies purchased for the use of the stations. Secretary - rotary Morton is considering the figures with a view of reducing the expenditures. Appointments I'ostponod. WASHINGTON , July 0. Postmaster General Dissoll returned to the city this morning and will remain until Saturday , when , ac companied by the members of his family , ho will return to Glenn Summit , Pa. , where ho will spend his vacation , returning to Wash ington about the 1st of August. The post master general said until the president's return from Buzzard's Bay , early in August , no further appointments of presidential post masters would bo tnndo. Future Uonornli. WASHINGTON , July 0. The following named cadets have boon appointed to the West Point Military academy : Iowa C. L. Owen , Fort Dodgo. Kansas - C. Alton , Krle. South Dakota J.V. . Baker , Dcadwood ; C. E. Kehoo , alternate , Rapid City ; P. Strong , Melotto ; J. Hausan , alter nate , Huron. Utah-C. Cole , Wlllftrd. The ' term of the cadets will bcgln'Juno 1 , 1801. An Average Crop ot Wheat. WASHINGTON , July 0. In reply to inquiries , the secretary of uerlcultura says the full normal crop of wheat of 'tho entire country , from which the department calculates per- contagos in its crop reports , has varlnd for the past ton years train 13.00 to 15.09 bushels per acre- , and that the average is about I4.G. * THOUSANDS DROWNED. nisnutrou * Remit * of 1'loodo tn Clilnn MU- lonarloi AttaoUoil. SAN FRANCISCO , July 0. The Bteamor Bolgio arrived from Hong Kong and Yokohama yesterday , bringing advlcoa to the olToot that ono.of tlio branches of Welling river Iui3 overflowed in consequence ifg quence of the heavy/rains. / At Shaking nnd Woolo it la estimated that over 1,000 persona were drowned and us many raoro loft homeless. Incessant rains in M-nlngfn have boon succeeded by djiftistrous Hoods , de vastating a vast ar n.of . country , and according to a toloRiwn received by nutivo uuthorltioa at Shanghai nearly 10,000 , people have > ioon drowned and crushed to deathby the fulling of houses , ' The mission promises at Klangatin , above Chung King dn the Yang Tso , were attaokod by amob on May lu and partially destroyed ! t The inmates , Misses Anderson nnd Ramsay of the China Overland misslun , and Miss South- all of the Friends' nJisuion , escaped into the house of a neighbor. The Unltod Status war ship Monocacy , wliioh wont ashore on Sunday island , is not badly injured. The vessel lost three anchors before she got off. The Peninsular and Oriental steam ship Khiva , , while on her way from Bom bay to Mecca , carrying 01)7 ) pilgrims and a orow of eighty , took llro and was totally lost. Tlio captain ran his ship on the boaoh. In uttamptlng to leave the burning ship u number of pilgrims rushed to ono of the , bouts , which cap sized and twenty of their number were drowned. The rest of the passengers and the orow reached the bhoro in safety , Oholern Uoutli * In Trance. LONDON , July 0. The Lancet says there have been 701 deaths from cholera in the south part of Franco since May. MONARCHY'S ' DYING STRUGGLE Supporters of Qnoon LilluoValnnl Conspiring Against the Provisional Government , RINGLEADERS PLACED UNDER ARREST Attempt ! Mnito to llribo Monition of the UoTerntnentSoldlerj tilnuiSpreckeli 8 ld to lie Implicated Dnm * nglng Tostlmnnr- HOXOLCMJ ( via San Francisco ) , Juno CO. In the preliminary examination of Crick , WalKer and Sinclair , arrested for conspiracy to rcstoro the monarchy , members of the army Of the provisional government testified that Walker , in the presence of Sinclair en deavored to got them to play the traitor to the provisional government and advise tholr soldiers to lay down tholr Tins when the royalUts wore ready to make a strike against the existing government. Walker said ho could easily overthrow the provisional government , ns ho had a thou sand armed men and good backing In the per sons of Claus Sprockets and James Campbell. Walker declared bo had an underground passage to the palace and a battery con nected with the povernmnnt building by which ho could blow it up. Ho said Sprock ets was to give the royalists $1,000,000 and Campbell $500,000. Tlio assault would bo made on the govoramotit If the decision of the United States was against the royalists. The fact that a list of the conspirators Is In the hands of tlio government causes mucn uneasiness among certain royalists. The government says it has still stronger evi dence to produce on the regular trial. It is not believed Sprcckols has anything to do with the conspiracy , and that walker used his uamo without authority. Attempts at llrlberjr. Simon von Topas. a soldier In the provis ional army , testified In the conspiracy case that Walker had approached him on several occasions and , after predicting the return of the queen to power , offered him a position m the custom house as soon as the old order of things was restored if ho would give him a list of the soldiers who would turn traitors. Walker said ho could easily overthrow the provisional government as he had 1,000 armed men , aud told von Topas to advlso his companions to lay down tholr arms In case of trouble. Walker assured witness that the royalists had good backers In the per sons of Claus Sprcckcls and James Camp bell. Sinclair was with Walker on several occasions when . Also John Bowles. On ono occasion Walker said his plan was to prevent tlio voter forces ol the provisional government from approaching preaching ! the executive building and , rely ing on the co-operation of the guards , his men would oltoct an entrance through an mui underground passage. uibi A meeting of royalists had been called , but the natives did not attend , aiid only 300 whites were present. Sam Nowllno , half white , was to bo ono of the leaders. A. S. Prescott , a member of Von Topas' company , said Walker had told him that Claus Sprcckols was to assist by giving the royal ists $1,000,000 , and James Campbell was to give $500,000. Walker said ho had access to the water mains , and also had a battery connected ( with the Kovorumcnt build ing and could blow it up. Some of the royalist fighters were concealed about the queen's promises , aud others wcro out drill ing. An assault on the government was to bo made if the decision of the United States was against the royalists. Another Hcliouio. A movement is on foot among the royalists to have native lawyers go among the natives and advlso them that the provisional gov ernment has no power to levy taxes and ad vising thorn not to pay , thus crippling the government. The sheriff attempted to remove a band of lepers from Kalalau valley , Itnuul , They resisted and killed him. The government will now remove them at any cost. A till I r nt Samoa. Aril , Samoa ( via San Francisco ) , Juno 20. The war dogs of the Islands have not yet boon lot loose , though there is constant fear that the two factions will begin open warfare. King Mallotoa has informed the counsels of the three powers that he is confi dent of being able to effectually quell the rebellion without much lighting , and a council of war will bo hold by his party on Saturday next , Juno 24 , to dcciao upon an immediate course of action. It scorns im possible that actual war can long bo pre vented. Von Pilsach has departed from Samoa , his resignation being accepted by the powers and the king. The finances of the country are in a de plorable condition. Drastic measures will bo necessary to save Samoa from hopeless bankruptcy. The result of the labors of the council will besot before the king in a letter which ho will receive from it two or three days hence. The health of Hobort Louis Stevenson , the novelist , has greatly Improved. Broke the Iloso Team Itocoril. COKRY , Pa. , July 0. The Crosby hose running team lowered tlio record for 200 yards at Bradford by making1 the distance - tanco in 221 seconds. Iho former record of 23 1-5 seconds was held by the Everett Hose company of Boulder , Colo. Is It Worth " the Chance ? If you arc sincere in encour aging honest manufacturers in giving you pure preparations instead of worthless ones , at fair instead of seemingly cheap price , is it worth the chance to purchase the dozen and one adulterated extracts on the .market instead of Dr. Price's Delicious e Flavoring Extracts of Lemon , Orange , Vanilla , etc. , that impart the natural flavor of the fruit , and are endorsed for their purity , strength and economy ? A trial of Dr. Price's Delicious Flavoring Extracts will prove a great movement towards good eating , active digestion and happy homes. Dr. O. OroWo. Iho king of Clilnosi ! niuillclnnn , can truly IHI called iho kliiKof mixllclnn UHMUHO of IiU wonderful Hklll ami euros of all kliul illBc.iHca. He nixml 8 yearx In college nf Clitn.i nnil lian IvarniHt Km uellonH of over rumtHllea. Hu lias ncriulml much knowlodvu that took ) nrs of hard umlcurm'Ht ' uluily to uccoinnllBh. Chi- ne8u im'illclni'K lire BUIM- rlor boc.iumi ot tln'lr purity ; inU HtriMiKth. They lire rootH , iMiku , hnrbt , llu oru , InulH , nU ! . Hu iiuikuH it speciality of nion'H private dUoanuH , lout inuii- hoot ] , catarrh , norvoiiHiiuHs. chronic illHo.niuu mm all fuuinlo wo.'UuwBBBH. I'.illonts at u tllnt.incouiu Uo troati-a by corrrniioiidiMicu. The doctor Jus ImnilroiU of testimonials. Si-mi 1 cc-nts Btiiiupa for free book ot tCBtlinonlnU anil mifimoii lilanka. Dr. C. Guo Wo , ICtu and Callfouilautrcets , OmuUu , Not ) . { . flST VI T flLITY "lored. Nirr ' - . b' eta.urely rej , INDAl'O , tli * great Hindoo llerewljr. 3uld * ltUwrlt > ten _ u rftnt. f cure. Humplv iit lr r. Auurttrl UrlcuUI llcdlcul Co.l rur UriM..Ut , IU. Continental Clothing House. SPECIAL SALE OF Pantaloons $3.75 500 pairs of high cost pantaloons , in fancj worsteds and cheviots ; former price $5.50 and $6 , this week , at $3.75 Sizes up to 42 waist , Over 1000 pairs-of extra suits pantaloons , in medium and dark colors , taken from our fine suit stock , at $2.75. 500 pairs of regular $3 all wool cheviot panta loons , up to 44 waist at $1.75. Continental Clothing House \j LEXINGTON ( MO. , ) SCHOOLS. BAPTIST FEMALE COLLEGE. ELIZAUETH AULL SEMINARY Unaurpaitscd course of _ Voucis Ladies MomcSchwil etuJy Music , on. HUTU- JlOncol lhcolJe l.t > c t in.Mli. tureclocutioD. busi&rit , &c 'i > 'fcilsourL Appom.mcnlHmo.lcrn. Locution bcjlttvyanil plena- Mu le and Art. Tacncr > anu Gdu.waicr.itcambcuL Spcilolisu llluiiratvdcau . . . 381(1 ( year opcntftpt. i > th [ lift Un. T. P. Wnlloi , B TW.i.WlUoaA.M.Pn > t. CENTRAL COLLEGE FOR VOUNO LADIES. WBMTWORTH MILITARY ACADEMV. Eifiliieton. lllo. . . t Sll . do- I.f xlnston , Mo. pirtmcnuof ln lrucuon. 18 dcM miliUry school I odccrs aoil teacbcra. Con . * . . Mhsourl llcnllnful I6c.v , jBcrvaiory ol music. Art . } lion llcnjotiatilc Utmi ll > , iGynioasiam. Modern . up- . tutratci ) ruuloguc J polnlmonls. VSlb year Illu- . . . . . irstetl A. A. caulncue. .II1VK.D. Pru'l. MA.I. a. SKLLEIlt. HIRSGHBERG'S The Ccle. bratcd Non. changeable Spectacles and Eye Glasses for sale In Om. EYEGLASSES aha by CAT- TM-n-wii' < . 0 MAX MEYER & PRO. CO. , ONLY. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK. TJ. S. Depository , Omaha , Nob. CAPITAI. , - - 8400.OOO SUKPLU3 , 805,000 Omcors ana DlreotorB-JIunry W. Vales , prest- doiit. U. auuslilnir , vlco priMlaciit.0.3. Maurice , W. V. Mortio. John H. Collhu , J. N. II. Patrick t-uwls S. Hood , ciiHliler. _ THEJTRpJiLBANK. _ ll ull SJSX OJ TJ3ETH Tooth oxtrnctr-d In mornhiai , Now oiKiHtnBOrtmlaftLTiioon Hamu day , I'erfuct lit guar- antooU. lnrnnm Mtroot. Kluvalor oil KHH Struol. Tulupliono 1033. I1UINO THIS WITH YOU. OR. McCREW U the only SPECIALIST WUOTJIKATS ALL PRIVATE DISEASES and DEBILITIES of I MEN ONLY. Women Excluded. 18 yonr * experience. Circular * tree , 14th find FarnnmBU. , OMAUA. Nun. J10TKI.S. The Mercer. Omaha's Newest Hotel. Cor , U'th und Hoiv.irJ BtrcoU i 40 rooms * : .5' > per day. 4u rooms 4J.OO per iluy. U ) rooms with bath at II per day. ISO rooms with bath at H.V ) per Jar , i lu Uvery Ituipuut. fiowljr ruriiUhod Throughout C. S. ERB , Prop. _ HOTEL LEMONT C235 to 0241 OQLE8UY AVE. CHICAGO. rirtt-cla > tirlclc Uru-PriK.r ICuropean Hotel , onlf tUrtetliicknlrom thuhlitr-'ocund Bt. eotrnnru In tbo World1 ! Kftlr grounilii. Our roorui ore all llvut uud lryiuo tlr outtlUo roomi , lioldlnv from tlirco tuilxpuoplucucli. 1'rlcou pur room , tiui IJUJ jn'l ' | iU ) per day. Awnlniii. screuni In evyrr window anil coTCreil nlauiuuiieTurr floor. Iliu Hold u opFratudbrtlieownirandll wlllroitjou dotblnii toiecuri fooma In advance. A Hr t-clnu Ulnlwi Uavra CO-OMW4 tilth tne Uotel. C. u. iiur , CAN BE CURED IN 10 MINUTES nv ram10 PRICE 25c PER BOX. -As.k your Druggist AIAMJIMCTlItlKU UK OMAl-JA , NE1B. SPECIALIST rniKlilrlit of NEW ERA MJItCilUAI. UISI'KNrt.VKY. ( Cnimiltutlim Kron. ) U unmirunaiud In the treatment of all Ouroulo , Private aud r orv2iis Dlioascs. Wrltu to or consult uortouallr UI.'AI'MKNr ItV AlAld. Ailitreis with ( tamp for P-r- _ _ , - UculaM. which will bo taut la plain onvolopo. I' . O. llo.t 05 | . Olllco , 118 8. 15tl > itrcot , Um.ilm , WHY SHOULD YOU PAY 25o As you have heretofore done , ( or a LIGHTWEIGHT , ROLL COLLAR , We are now malting one , with Deep Polnti , equal to any In the market , V FOR 20C. ASK ONLY FOR THE ALDMERE. Sold ty oil th < L adlng Men' * Furnltheri , The Monarch Is the best warm weather Shirt , bolid comfort and complete atlifac- tlon guaranteed , CLUETT.COON d. CO. TTT > AITVC Catarrh Cure cures oataark JJliViN Jit JL O All UruvKliV * . Wo onli. STRENGTH , VITAUH , MANHOOD W.II.rAHKICIl. M.INo.4 nuinncliet. , S. , e/itt } loninltlnij jihyilclan of IM VK.\I ' ) D > 'SI Klm/AMN-TII'CTiS.lowh' ' > ivn oi/afiU I the OOLIJ UKIIII. by tbo IUTIONAC ( IKOICI. Air yUTIuN f , tku 1MIIZK KHHAY on KthauiltJ yila'lliMi * > f-'vjJ > 'irioui < ii > 4'Ay f < al VttiHlti/ia > 'l M Jtito..t RDd ll'taknnt ol Mvn , niinPO the young , tlio mtdJtt-ayed and oiii lillnrCoDKulUtloa m pcrton or by : Htur , UUI1L.O l > roiprctu with Wlioonla ! . , KUKK. l. r o book. UO1KNCK OK I.1VK. OH HKI.K- I'UKflKUVATlUN , 200 pp1V > Invaluable ) ; i < * uiU. only tl O Ur ButL M > 4lMl. s