Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA DAILY ttftE : FRIDAY , JULY 7 , 1893.
K. liOSKWATKU , Kdllor.
Dully lc ! mlihoiit Suwliy' ' Onn Year. . 8 fl OO
miiy ami Siitiil.iy , Ono Ycnr . 10 00
Six Slonlln . . . . . . . 5 "fl
Thr Moulin . . . . . . 2m. '
Pundftv Hfp , One Ycnr . - ? < ? x
Butiirdiiy Urn , Ono Your. . J "JJ
Weekly llco , line Yfiir . 100
Omnlin , Tim Ilfollullillnff.
Honth Omnlin , N iitul 28th Streets )
Council IllnrN , 13 I'rntt HlrrnU
t'hlcnirnOnieo , ! U7 Clintiibor of Commerce.
New York. Knoms 13 , 14 urnl 15 , Trlbuno
Iltilldliu : .
Washington , 613 Fourteenth Strcnt
All cmmimnlc.itloin rnlntln * fo news nml
rrtltorlalrmitterihouldlxjiidilriMsod ! To tlio
AllliiisliiMHlrttor * nnrt rmiilttnnrns Miould
bonrtdro < nod toTlio IIco Publishing Oo inpnny.
OniHlm. Ill-lifts , diocks mid iioslolllco orders
to bo niiulo payable to tlio order of the coin-
nrMonvim nry for tlio summer can
linvn tlio Ilr.K iiint tliolr tulilrcss by leaving an
order nt this ofllre.
Slatiilif Ni < hr.iNli.i. I
County of DuiiatitN. t . . . .
4 Oro. II. TzM-litich , Sccrelnry of THK Her publhtli ;
Inn niiiiinnv tloi'H Holi-imitv weir that llio
circulation of TllK njklt.v IlKK for tlio weclt einllntr
July l.lh'.KI , wilt us follows !
Rmiilay. JIIIIP ! , sn.nnr
Momlay , Juno 1MI 2.1.IHI
TiioHdny. Jmm'JT 23.H07
Wdlnriulny. JiuinSB. . 'J.T.RItil
Tlmrednv. Jtinii .Ml 23,7 < itl , June : ! ( ! 23,8117
Batimlay , July 1 24.180
oion : < ir n. T/sriuicK.
i * .SWOllN to bofnrn nut ami milmrrlbort In
i.iy iirewenco tills lHtd.iv of July , 1H03.
N. 1 . FKII. Notary IMbllc.
Tlm Urn 111 < ! lilrltt : < > .
Tnn DAILY nml HU.MUV Hun U on sale In
Chlrnpo nt the following places :
I'nltnor house.
Grand I'lirllli'hotol.
Auditorium hotnl.
Oroat Norlliorn hotel
Ooro hotol.
Iliind hotel.
Wells II. Slznr. 180 Stntct'rnot.
Flics of TIIK HKU. c.a'i hit sunn at , tlio No-
braoka building aniltho Administration buildIng -
Ing , Exposition crmuiils.
Avcrnno Vlrruliitlon .or .Iniio. 1KIKI ,
THK not gold in the treasury con
tinues nearly $4,000,000 below the $100-
000,000 reserve limit , which goes to
show that limits do not limit.
n nro good reasons for believing
that Congressman Blund is considerably
perturbed over the satisfactory conclu-
filon of the recent interview between
Speaker Crisp and Secretary Carlisle.
Ex-CoNGiinssMAN BEWOUD lias been
hoard from in relation to the silver sit
uation. But the once fumoui "rod-
headed rooster of the Rockies" has not
yet succeeded in hatching the silver
EVEN a hasty perusal of the Colorado
newspapers those dava will convlnco the
country that congress will have no little
diflloulty in preventing those sterling
silver patriots , Tom Patterson and John
Arkins , from seceding from the union.
THE eastern editors who persistently
Ill credit the west with financial vagaries
may read iv significant lesson in the fact
that the voice of the south is still for
the repeal of the state bank tax while
the west is almost solidly opposed to it ,
IT is hardly probable thnt the gov-
eruor of Colorado will call an extra sos
nlon of the legislature in order that
eorno excited people may have an oppor
tuiuty to repudiate honest obligations
That's not the western way of doing
THE Russian nihilists never rccoivec
much encouragement from the people
of the United States. If they try to
carry out their schemes of assossinatior
within the jurisdiction of this country ,
they will ilnd sympathy hut a poor con-
eolation after a criminal conviction.
manding the democratic squadron , has
ordered the two houses ol conpross to
execute the gridiron movement on the
silver question. There is n growing
fear that the maneuver will bo attended
with great danger to the democratic
flag ship.
SENATOR PKFFHK'S lonesome junket
is likely to be brought to an untimely
end by the extra session of congress ,
but the KuiibiiB senator may console liim-
Bolf by the rollectlon that ho has had a
rattling good time. And that , it may
bo remarked , is the chief effect of a con-
orossional junket.
Tin : Sunday closing question at the
"World's fair has once more risen Hko
the pluwnlx from its ashes and is
to bo again discussed by the national
commission. The people have been led
to baliovo that this controversy was
ended. Its rougitation is desired by few
and cannot bo fruitful of result.
THE New York Evening Post cites two
Ceases where shopkeepers In the vicinity
'of the metropolis have refused to accept
silver dollars except at discounts of 40
and 47 per cent respectively. This is ,
of course , a violation of the law , as the
silver dollar Is by statute made a legal
tender. Merchants in this part of the
country nro glad to accept any money
that boars tlio stamp of the United
States mint at its face value.
OTIIKK states bonldes Nebraska have
trouble with their public Institutions
for the dofcctivo classes. Tlio imnutes
of the State Reform school of Kunsae
are In open mutiny owing to the machin
ations of the retiring ofllcers , and a
onmmittsu appointed to invostijrato the
Hospital for the Insane at Independence
In. , has just made n report roundly
Bcorlng its management. Plainly toe
little care is oxnrcibod in the selection ol
officials for such important positions.
THK presidential succession in Moxlcc
lj already attracting attention , The
interests and industries of the United
States arc now so closely allied to thai
country that the political campaign wil
bo uioro-ulosoly observed from this sidt
the Rio Orando than hitherto. Gov
ernor Koyoa of the state of Nuova Looi
is spoken of us the one who will prob
nbly bo cho&on to succeed President Dia :
nt the close of Itis pru.iont term. lie is 1
spoken of aa u man of much the sami
mould and pro rossivo character as tin
p-osont chief executive of our neighbor
A SHOUT sfis.s'/o-v
I'fipors thftt are umlcMtood to bo close
to the ndmhilftlratlon tirjja that the ex
tra pcsilr n bo made as short as possible.
Thn ? the Phllttdolphlu Lulycr says that
"a lung , contentious session should , for
many gmnl tviHoii-t. bo avoided. " It sug
gests that the silver qtioitlon In enoh
and nil of ill various phases Inw boon
Buftlciontly discussed , that the { iroprirty
of the repeal of the Shornum law is not
n matter for debate , mid there should
bo no delay growing nut of debate.
"Tho Inexorable logic of facts , " snys
the Lttlijcr , "tho financial dis
turbances , the mercantile embar
rassments , of which the act has
been the fruitful cause from
Maine to Now Mexico , demand that con-
groH shn.ll not waste good time in talk
ing about doing that which should bo
immediately done , and which the most
vital Interests of the country demand
shall bo oxpcdltioiisly done. " The idea
is that congress should promptly elect a
speaker , and ai once pass a resolution
( riving the secretary of the -treasury
authority to discontinue purchases of
silver , or to dlrdctly repeal the com
pulsory purchasing cltufeo of tlio Sher
man act.
Doubtless this is good advice. A pro
longed contention over the silver ques
tion would unquestionably have the
effect to aggravate nnd intensify the
distrust and depression which It is so
dcsirablo and important to relieve as
BOOH us possible. But there is very little
probability that the advice will bo
heeded , even though it bo known to
represent the desire of the administra
tion. The extreme silver men have
already plainly given out that they do
not intend to surrender without a strug
gle and it is not to bo doubted that they
have it in their power to make a long
fight. Tlio prerequisite to prompt action
and a short session is such a change in
the rules of the last congress , which will
bo in force until the now congress is
organized , as will prevent filibustering.
This is recognized by members of the
majority party , who also sco that the
task is likely to bo a dilllcult one that
may take a good deal of time. The free
silver men will light any change in the
rules designed to put a check upon them
and from all appearances they will have
the advantage in the content. They will
contend that the democratic majority
cannot afford to adopt the methods
which prevailed in the last re
publican house and in this posi
tion they are very likely to have
the sympathy and support of demo
crats who are not friendly to free
silver but are on record in hostility to
the "gag-rule precedents of Speaker
Reed. " Much will depend , of course ,
upon the attitude of tlio republicans ,
who may not feel called upon to take
any part in making the rules for u dem
ocratic house , whatever they may think
of the wibdoui of providing1 a check to
filibustering and other obstructive
tactics. They may with entire pro
priety leave this question of parliamentary
tary methods to bo settled by the demo
crats and it is quite possible they will
do so. In that case the chances of a
short session will bo small.
The indications are that not much
time will bo wasted in the organization
of the house of representatives. The
re-election of Judge Crisp is practically
conceded , and ho will doubtless bo able
to announce the committees within a
day or two. Then will como the tighten
on the rules , and no one can say how
long that may last. It will not bo sur
prising if the extra session shall run on
to the date for the meeting of the
regular session in December , and oven
then the purpose for which the session
is called may not bo accomplished.
Ill a timely article in the current num
ber of The Iforth American Itcview , Albion
W.Totirgco estimates that the feeling of
apprehension against trusts , as combina
tions of capital intended to take advan
tage of the necessities of the many for
the bcnofit of the few , uro culled , is quite
as general , perhaps , in the east as in the
west. The demand for remedy and re
striction is louder , more emphatic and
more general in the west , however. He
llnds the reason for this in the more
rcliant and independent character of the
western people , who immigrated to this
country. "Thosowho tarried in thocast
wore largely servants and employes who
sought only a better service. " Such a
population as that of the west is "natur
ally more restive under conditions which
they believe are both dangerous and
remediable than one which has in
herited the idea that however harsh
they may bo , they are quite Incurable ;
that the only way to avoid being crushed
on the lower levels is to lie down and
try to worm one's way to the upper
ones. "
Mr. Tourgco , with the fairness of judg
ment and statement that should char
acterize evnry writer on economic sub
jects , recognizes that this crusade
against trusts "is not a orusado against
wealth any more than democracy is a
crusade against power. " It is merely
the "most pronounced form of the protest
against the most evidently dangerous
feature of plutocratic control. It is only
a demand for the restriction of power
exorcised by combined accumulation , as
democracy was a crusade against the
power of combined privilege. "
Another blgnllli-ant feature of Mr
Tourgoo's paper is that he recognize *
it Is not easy to dodno the
relation of this anti-trust hcntimonl
to the iiopullst party. "That onlj
, a small portion of it is represented
by that party is evident to any obso-vor
\Vhllo antagonism to trusts is one of the
tenets of Unit organization , it has iO
many others , and they nro of iOm
heterogeneous a nature , that they seen
to have driven from its support many o
the more conservative of these witl
whom this antagonism is deepest. Tin
strength cf this movement docs not con
rtlbt of men who are cither bcciallsta nor
revolutionists. They do not expect thi
world to ho made over in a moment , no
bullovu In any untested curo-all fo
oconomle ills. They simply believe tlm
u great and growing evil exists am
; must be lumedlcd , "
This clear exposition depicts fully thi
depth and character of the sontlmon
- that is developing against this form c
control. It is guided by the ubstruu
law of self preservation. It Is merely
the transfer to this now country of the conflict botwcon the strong and
the wonk recorded throughout the his
tory of feudalism. It Is confined to no
wlltical party , or social condition It
t the pomitar protest against the power
f unrestricted accumulation. The
writer seeks not to consider the reme
dies that might avail or the moans by
which they may be applied. "Thoro is
10 doubt that the same connection whleh
iias made the principle of the Granger
cases an Integral part of our law and
lias forced all parties to admit the right
of state and nation to regulate corporate
control of transportation will lind n way
to restrict the power of capitalistic com
bines ot every sort nnd character , and
relieve our civilization of the peril of a
feudalism based on wealth. "
A question of very great importance
to American railway Interests , which
the next congress will undoubtedly bo
called upon to consider , is that of chang
ing or modifying the regulations by
which the Canadian railroads are now
enabled to hccuro a very largo amount
of trafllc botwcon American points that
would otherwise go to tlio domestic
roads. This question has been discussed
for a number of years and apparently is
no nearer nscttlomcntthan at the bogln-
nincr. At the last regular session of the
senate the interstate commerce commit
tee was directed to make a thorough
examination of the question of the rela
tion of the United States and Canada
with regard to railroad transportation ,
with particular reference to the exist
ing laws and regulations governing the
transportation of vCanadian cars over
American territory. The convening of
congress In August will probably neces
sitate a postponement of this investiga
tion , but it is to bo hoped it can bo made
before the time for the regular session
in December. This will , of course , de
pend upon how long the special session
According to n statement recently
made by Congressman-elect Hepburn of
Iowa , who was solicitor of the treasury
under the last administration and in
that capacity gave a great deal of study
to our railroad transportation relations
with Canada and Canadian roads , the
privileges accorded to these foreign cor
porations by the government of the
United States are worth to them proba
bly $20,000,000 , annually. This trtitllc ,
Mr. Hepburn observed , naturally and
properly belongs to American roads ,
and if controlled by these roads would
enable them to give as low rates as their
competitors. Not being subject to the
long and short haul clause of the inter
state commerce act , the Canadian
roads possess many advantages over
the American lines with which
they compote. It is contended
that besides the great injury done to
our own roads by permitting this largo
trafllc to bo diverted to the foreign cor
porations the present method is most
unsafe to the revenue interests of the
government. Mr. Hepburn is of the
opinion that no legislation is necessary
to effect the desired change in the ex
isting regulations , the secretary of the
treasury having ample authority to do
so. The matter was carefully considered
ored by both Secretaries Windom and
Foster , and from the fact that they took
no action it is a fair inference that they
were not satisfied that they possessed
the power to act.
It is as well as assured.that a strong
pressure will bo brought by the Amer
ican transcontinental railroads to in
duce congress to adopt a policy which
will give them the control of all rail
road transportation across the continent ,
without interference by their Canadian
competitors , and it is no loss certain
that this will bo met by an equally vig
orous pressure to prevent any serious
interference with that competition. An
investigation similar to the one now or
dered was made by a senate commit
tee some three years ago and it
developed a practically unanimous senti
ment in Now England and the north
west against any extreme measures
looking to the suppression or the ma
terial curtailment of the competition of
Canadian roads. All the testimony
taken showed that while the people of
these sections would not oppose'any
rcasonablo regulation that would require -
quire the foreign corporations to con
form to our laws , they would strenu
ously resist legislation whoso effect
would lw to cut them oil from the ad
vantages which Canadian railway com
petition gives them. This sentiment has
not undergone any change. A Now Eng
land senator recently said in reference
to this question that a policy which
would destroy this competition could
not bo otherwise than injurious to tlio
interests of Now England and it can bo
confidently staled that the producers of
the northwest are us earnest now us
they have over been In the determina
tion not to bo deprived of the trans
portation benefits , both as to facilities
and rates , which the Canadian competi
tion secures to them. The lust udminis-
trution regarded this question as ono of
commanding importance. The position
of the present administration regarding
it is yet to bo defined.
ASK run A si'KoiAi. r/n.u.
The assistant city attorney uttompts
, to palliate thu biirrondor of thu ulty'ri in-
torc.sts in the paving ease hy City Attorney
noy Council by Htullng that the intervener -
vonor would , without any concession
have boon ublo to elofor the calling of
tlio ease to a ritill lutor time. Iniwmnuh
as the supreme oourt hud ordered all
hriofs to be lllod two duys before U waste
to adjourn , the olty attorney eau flnd nt
Justifiable oxeuso for yielding undot
atrcds of a moro possibility of delay. In
* the mounwhllo , Mr. Connell has 'hurried
oil to spend his vacation in Chicagc
10 without oven endeavoring to scuuro u
n- riieoial | term of the .supromo eourt prioi
to Soptoinbor , The people would like
10 very nuieh to learn what ho is now Uolnj
or tuoxtrleute the olty from the mlro int to
or which ho bus drugged it.
Scotlon 1021) ) ef the Consolidated
Statutes of Kobruska rcacis as followo
The judues of the supreme court , or i
10 mnjority of them , nro hereby authorized to
nt appoint nud hold u spcelnl term of said ton
of at sucli titao as they may elesl untn for Is.u
ct posing of the untluishcd business of any gin
oral term of saMVourt ntirt may appoint ono
term of s.tia\ourt In nny ono year for
Bcncrnl or
This provision 'Mtatiiii at first glance to
authorize the ' filling of a special
term In the nrc-ient case , but It was
not Invoked My the cltytattorney. .
If a special teniijof the supreme court
can legally bo hoilh after a date has been
fixed for the no tVjItiing no time ougnt
to bo lost In puling forth efforts to In
duce that trlbutmlAo call such a session.
The question wjifcjflior the public works
of aclty as largpjfi'as Omaha shall bo
postponed for arw fiolo season Is ono of
such vital Importance as to demand the
earliest possible consideration by the
court. At this time of financial depres
sion , moro than at any other , the cessa
tion of the work of public improvement
means much to the laboring men of this
city. Now when employment is difficult
to obtain In private industries ,
when manufacturers "and traders are
sorely tempted to cut down expenses ot
every point , it is of the greatest Impor
tance that some outlet bo afforded the
laborers in employment upon these pub
lic works for which the money Is now at
hand. The city council' its meeting
tonight should promptly pass a resolu
tion calling upon the assistant city at
torney and the attorney specially re
tained for this case to. Investigate
whether it bo possible to secure a special
term of the supreme court and to take
every stop which the law allows to ob
tain a speedy decision respecting the
city's right to proceed with the work.
THE Now York Chamber of Commerce
yesterday adopted resolutions urging
the immediate repeal of the Sherman
act and suggesting the appointment by
congress of a cominls.sion to inquire into
the currency system of this nnd other
countries and report at the regular
session of congress in December. It is
not apparent that the proposed com
mission is necessary or that it could
render any important service. Ex
perience with such bodies has not been
altogether profitable , and there is
nothing- that a currency commission
could ascertain that might not be as
well learned by a committee of congi ess ,
while any recommendations that such a
committee should make would have no
more weight , either with the country or
with congress , than would these of a
congressional committee. It is not likely
that the suggestion will receive any con
sideration from congress.
THK persistonco-with which the sec
retary Of the treasury refuses to muko
public the figurcs ( Thowing the growth
of the tin plate irtdustry in the United
States has given pie to the somewhat
natural belief that ho results of the in
quiry are not entirely satisfactory to the
Treasury department from a political
standpoint. Figure's are at hand , how
ever , to slibw thatJtwenty-four 'factories
now in operation nrnpd out ,2-iU.080 ; ) :
' '
pounds of tinned 'aftd to'nio plate during
the first three months of the present
year. *
UNDER the lus jgongross a place was
made Congressman W.j A. Me-
Koighun on thot > com.raitt6o oft coinage
ago , wnights and measures. Speaker
Crisp , if re-elected , intends to re
vise the names on the roll of this
committee so as to secure a roper1
favorable to an administration measure
looking toward a repeal of the Sherman
silver purchase law. McKcighan wil
probably have to trim his sails or else
drop out in the shuflle.
THERE is nothing encouraging in tin
outlook for South Carolina's now liquoi
law. The people arc defiant , the saloon :
have not closed in unison , the railroad
are still importing , liquor for their customers
tomors , only a single druggist in the
state has taken any cognizance of the
provision regulating his business , and
however honestly and energetically
Governor Tillman * may have labored in
behalf of his scheme it is evident that
all his efforts have resulted in only a
ridiculous muss.
THE journalistic carper is a hard man
to please. Two weeks ago ho was abus
ing the president for not calling an
extra session of congress to meet the
exigencies of the financial situation.
Now ho is criticising the president for
not grappling with the situation slnglo
handed. The general public will In
cline to the view that in calling the
extra session the president did the right
thing at the right time.
THE cheerful intelligence comes from
Lincoln that the stockholders of the de
funct Capital National bank will refuse
to pay tlio assessment ordered by the
comptroller of the currency. The people
of .Lincoln . will hu'-dly express their
admiration for a class of citizens who
refuse to live up to their moral and legal
obligations simply because tho'stato ' of
Nebraska happens to booono of their
principal creditors.
atobc-IWnncrat. 1
Three more natlonAli bunks whtoli recently
susponilmt huva resumed business. Occur
rences Hko those plunv that the lliitiuuinl
situation is liiherontly strong , dospltu sur-
fuco indications. .1 !
Hupuilliilo tlie 1'liitriiriu.
fftw York 'fttennter.
J2x-Socrotiiry Fostei-'siiBgosts that if con
gress on the first day bf its session should
pass a resolution not Jto touch the tariff it
would at 0111:0 : rello70tho business depres
sion. Wo offer us'an amendment that
the democracy ropuiHjvto the whole Chicago
platform , which has paused most of the
, mischief. : il
for lUJ'.luultoii. .
To say the least. Spunkcr Crisp was guilty
of a violation of KWuli taste in making a
rancorous ussuult UDOII the republican party
at the Tumumuy celebration in Now York
yesterday , Tlioro Is enough iwrtv [ mlltlca
in this country all of the rest of ttiuyear
without lugging it In on the Fourth of July
n il.vy whleh all American eitUens ought to
cololiralo in u spirit of friendly and
harmonious patriotism ,
i > f rriinpiirlty.
Ono of the best evidences that our couti'
try is prosperous us u whole and is going tc
remain so , notwithstanding the largu imtii
ber of failures occasioned by the stringency
of the money market , Is to bo found in the
Heavy Increase of railroad earnings. The
increase U not conllnod to any ono seel Ion
a but U Koncrul , every part of the country hav
Ing had u larger railroad business so fur this than it hud during the Jlrst half of lasl
. year , ami last year , too , was the most- pros
IHJI-OUJ OIK ) for our railroads up to that litre
hi the history of the country. The trafllc or
some ro.vli ha * det-llnod , but If the business
In a stiuoorsootion of the country U coin-
Pared with thnt of Inst sprint ; run ! fliitnmor
in the mo territory nn Incrcaso will bo
shown , nml In most cases nn InrrcAso not
only la the total receipts , but nlso In the not
earnings of the roads.
Trftin Itoliherjr.
Cttil Star *
Fifteen ycnrs In thotpcnltontlnry is the
sentence received by n train robber In Ne-
braskn. That Is the right kind of ills-
couragmont to extend to nn industry whleh
Is becoming altogether too comtnon In the
Ono Vrry llrlulit Spot.
AVio York Vhnintctf ,
A very bright spot In the situation Is the
exceedingly cncourafdng reports ol railroad
earnings that are bein received from nit
parts of the country. U Is not merely that
very satlsfnetory gains In gross earnings t ro
shown , but thnt net earnings also record
very gratifying Improvement , n iwlnt having
evidently nt length boon reached where
augmented expenses no longer consume the
entire Improvement In gross income.
Ixcat capitalists of Campbell have organ
ized n company to build n city hall.
The Dumiy county fair will bo hold nt
Benketman September U7 , 28 , ! W nnd 00.
Lightning struck the stable of n man
named Hancliott nt Seneca nnd destroyed
the building
Alexander Marrs , a prominent ploncor of
Johnson county , died recently at his homo in
Spring Creek precinct , aged Kl * .
Frank Miller , who sold whisky and beer
at Fort Crook , paid S100 anil costs for his
illicit dealings nnd lost all his stock in trade.
Auburn lost nn honored clttrcn in the
death of Mr. Murdoek. Ho w.\s a pioneer
and n prominent member of the Grand
Ahorse belonging to Henry Klcnko ot
Schuylcr was .stolen from In front of a
saloon where It was tied nnd the robber
failed to leave n clew.
Fishermen are using nets In the Blue
river botwcon Sownrd iuul Milford. They
nro doing this In dollnnco of law , but they
nro catching lots of fish.
H. Newman , who forged a cheek for $422
on Henry Q. Loavltt of Grand Island , was
captured tit Chapman and is now hi the Hall
county Jail awaiting trial.
During n storm nt Gordon lightning
struck Marshall Stannnrd'a barn and con
sumed it , but three horses inside wore res
cued without being in the least Injured.
llov. John Peterson of Oakland Is short a
Mft saddle. Ills sen loft his father's horse
tied in front of a store until 11 p. in. , and
when ho went to mount the animal ho found
the saddle missing.
I'KUl'LK A.\l ) TllIXGH.
No matter how lofty the temperature
there Is always n coolness between the iceman -
man and his customers.
Kmtl Noy , a grandson of the French mar
shal , is living in San Francisco , according to
the newspapers of that city.
They nro now looking around for stone for
the Grant monument nt Riverside park.
Patriotic movements nro rudely Jostled iu
The ovolutlng womnn fears no man , oven
to a giant. Snndow , the strong man , was
horsewhipped by Lurlino , the "water nuccn"
of Now York.
Dr. C. F. Simmons , who sued the Tildon
estate for $153,350 for medical services to
Mr. Tilden , has accepted $10,000 In a com
promise with the executors ,
Joseph Jefferson , the veteran actor. Is Im
proving in health and Is superintending the
erection of n now cottage at Buttermilk Day
to replace the ono which recently burned.
Mayor Harrison aeelarcs there Is a paper
in Chicago capable of lying without provoca
tion or excuse. As Carter Is in the publish
ing business , it is probable ho is giving
away family secrets.
Under the now law requiring Interest on
public funds to bo paid Into the public treas
ury , Philadelphia has Just received $ l0,000 ; !
Interest from the banks of the city. What
a snap the treasurcrship was before the ro
Ex-Congressman John A , BInghnm of
Ohio , who took n loading part in the Im
peachment proceedings against Andrew
Johnson , resides nt Cadiz , O. , and at the ago
of 77 is in full possession of Ills mental and
physical faculties.
Governments differ ; politics , never. Hera
is Umpccor William making concessions to
the Poles for votes. At the same time
President Cleveland has n anus lot of fa
ofllces in reserve to reward the impression
able congressman.
Industrial number 10 of thd Cincinnat
Commercial is nn interesting review of the
ex-pork city's Industrial strength. A tableau
In black and white a giantess amid belch
ing smokestacks forms the frontispiece. I
the figure truly represents Cincinnati th > _
wonder is that the factories are in operation
The face alone is enough to stop the current
of the Ohio.
Allen G. Peck , the Rhode Island veteran
who has reached a sudden prominence as re
ceiving u pension for ' 'loss of hair. " Is much
pleased at the notoriety ho has gained , but
thinks the public- does not understand his
case. Ho applied for n pension on the
ground of serious physical ailments , ho
says , nnd It was not his fault if the pension
officers picked out n remote circumstance on
which to establish his claim.
ItOUXl ) AltOUT TllK F
The state of Washington exhibits wrap
ping paper made of the pulp of Jlnvood and
Director General Davis has proposed to
abolish the Columbian guard aim to substi
tute 1,000 Chicago policemen.
South Dakota has n model of n minor's
cabin , n mine nnd a quartz mill , the \vorlc of
a Black Hills boy 14 years old.
Grneo Darling died moro than fifty years
ago and yet the interest shown iu her boat ,
which stands near the entrance to the
Transportation building , Is evidence of how
the memory of her bravery is still cher
Oregon Is now exhibiting nn eighty-two
pound salmon. This ono will bo kept In its
block of Ice all summer. The express charges
on it were $150. The seventy-two pound
salmon was cut into slices and delivered to
Oregon's Chicago friends.
Now Jersey reminds the younger stntos of
her ancient lineage with tlio figure of the
mlnuto man with his old llintloek which
guards the entrance to her pavilion. A plow
dated 171)0 ) with other .indent forming im
plements and n structure hung with tree
mess and acorns arc unique.
The hnt thnt Zauhnry Taylor were and the
camp chest that wont with him through the
Mexican war uro among the Louisiana curi
osities , and with them are pieces of furniture
which the Spanish governors used when
Louisiana extended away up the Mississippi
valley nnd included Missouri ,
The foundation of the Washington state
building Is made of logs the samn si/.o nt ono
end as nt the other nnd 127 feet In length.
The finer polo is 238 feet high , nnd everything
about the building , down to the most trilling
detail , was brought direct from Washington.
Tlio intention was to show what It was pos
sible to do with timber us thu solo building
material ,
' Corn Is King ! Sugar Is Queen1 ! Ne
braska displays this double motto on her
building to fallaUoutlrm to the fact that she
Insists on the practicability of a boot sugar
Industry , Kansas makes little boast of
snrghuti ) sugar , nut Nebraska Is as confident
as over about the boot oxporlmsnt. Not
only uro samples of bout sugar shown , but
the process of extracting It is illustrated.
John Wesley's old clock Is In the Methodist
exhibit In the gallery of tlio Manufactures
building. It stands about IIvo foot bik'h und
bears tlio Inscription , "Do yu nlso ready , for
in such an hour as yo think not the son o (
man comoth. " It was lent by the oldest
Methodist church in America , that In John
str.iot , Now York. There nro nlso numerous
rollca of Bishop Asbury , including a picture
of hU ordination In 1781. It contains sixty-
' seven correct portraits.
Massachusetts goes In for the historical In
- her state building. She has copied the
homo of John Hancock , of Declaration ol
Indupondonco fame. She has put into It the
cradle which reeked 11 vo generations of
, Adamses , from whom came two presidents ,
the mirror In whleh Governor Hutehluson
surveyed his powdered wig 1W ) years ago
and thodosk General George Washington
used at Cambridge. Sixty pictures of men
nnd women famous in Massachusetts history
hang on the walls.
Dmoii of the Young Pnoplo TomaHy Sol-
oinnizod Yesterday.
All Ot'inr OremonlnM of llecent Yours In
tlio llrHUli Court Kollpied l > 7 the
Splendor of tlin NnptlnU of the
Heir I'rospectlT * .
LONDON , July 0. Th-smnrrlatfoof the duke
of York ( Prince George of Wnlos ) nnd Prin
cess Victoria Mary of Tcek took place at
12:30 : In the Chapel Royal , St. James' palnco.
The wedding was n brilliant function , at
tended by n'largo gathering of British nnd
continental royalty nnd the highest nobility.
The vrcttthor was beautiful. A great crowd
gathered along the route from Buckingham
palace to the garden entrance of St. James
palncei. The dooorations along the line of
the the procession wore profuse nnd beauti
ful , nnd the ceremony eclipsed In pomp nnd
splendor nny recent ceremonial In the Bill-
Ish court.
The royal party loft Buckingham palace
In four proccsions , the first Including mem
bers of the household nnd distinguished
ucsts ; the next the duke of York and his
supporters , tha prlncoot Wnlos and the duke
of Loxcnburg ; the third , the brldo , necom-
[ muled by her father , the duke of Took , nnd
Her brother , Prlnco Adolphus ; last , the
luccn , accompanied by the duchess of Took ,
tor younger sons nnd the grandduko ot
Hesse. ICaoh procession was accompanied
by a military escort and proceeded umid
immense cheering. Arrived nt St. James
> alaco the members of the procession pro
ceeded to scats in the chapel , beautifully
adorned with palm's and ( lowers and car
peted with crimson. Drawing room dresses
were worn by the Indies nnd the gentlemen
were in full levee dross.
The ceremony opened with n procession of
clergy Into the chapel. This consisted of
the archbishop of Canterbury , bishop of
London , dean of the Chapel Royal , the sub-
dean , bishop of Rochester , vicar of Konslng-
ton.domcstic chaplain to the prince of Wales
and domestic chaplain to the duke of York.
Handel's march from the "Occasional Over
ture" was played by the organist ns the llrst
procession came forward. While the arch *
bishop anil the clergy were taking their
places , the ' 'March Inclpio" was performed.
iVs the queen's procession walked up the aisle ,
Sir Arthur bulllvan's "Imperial March1
was played , and "Tho March In G" was
played during the progress of the bride
groom's procession. As the brldo passed
up the alslo the organist played Wagner's
March from "Lohengrin. "
The brldo were the veil worn by her
mother at her own marriage. The wedding
gown was of silver brocade. The brides
maids' toilets were white satin and silver
lace , with low bodices. Neither wreaths
nor veils were worn only n simple rose in
the hair. The bridesmaids woroiPrincessns
Victoria nnd Maud of Wales ,
Princesses Alexandria and Beatrice of
Edinburgh , Princesses Margaret and
Victoria Patrica of Connaught , Princess
Victoria of Schleswig-Holstoln and Princess
The archbishop of Canterbury , assisted
by other clergy , performed the ceremony.
The bride was given nway by her father.
The services began with the marriage
choral , "Father of Life , " composed for the
occasion by Dr. Presser , and sung by the
Chapel Royal choir. In- the middle of the
service Sir Joseph Barnaby's , "O , Perfect
Lovo" choral , sung at the marrlago of the
Duke and Duchess of Flfo , was given. The
service concluded with the hymn , "Now
Thank Wo All Our God. " Mendelssohn's
wedding march was played as the royal
party left the chapel.
The registry of the marrlago In the throne
room was attested by the queen , the royal
family and guests. Dejeuner was served at
Buckingham palace.
After congratulations the bridal pair drove
to the city and proceeded by rail to Sandrlng-
ham. The lord mayor nnd sheriffs mot the
pair at St. Paul's cathedral. Their progress
through the lavishly decorated and crowded
street was n triumph.
To enumerate the bridal gifts would ro-
qulro columns of space. The duko's present
to the bride consisted of a rose In pearls
nnd diamonds nnd a live-row pearl
necklace , splendidly matched. The
brido'a parents gave her a tiara
necklace and n brooch of turquols and dla
moms. The princess of Wales gave Jewelry
nnd precious stones of the total value of
$ l'i-)0,000.
Moro or less comment has arisen over the
fact that the marriage today was to n lady
formerly nfllanced to the duko's brother , the
luke of Clarence and Avondnlo , who tiled n
few weeks before the tlmo sot ( or his mnr-
rlngo to the brldo of todn.V. The groom re
ceived ns n present from the queen the
royal dukedom of York ,
Celotirnteil nt tlin Fnlr.
CHICAGO , July 0. The rovnl wodtllnR In
England occasioned the only public demon
stration nt the World's fnlr today. The
subjects of Queen Victoria nnd mtiny others
assembled t Victoria house , llrltluh honti-
quarters , this afternoon am ! celebrated with
proper honor the vrcdcilng of the duke of
York nnd Princess May. The celebration
consisted of spoochmnklngniid militia music.
Alter the Hhnrmnn Law Whntl
Wertlanil llaln Owlfr.
But the repeal of the Shormnn law must
bo followed or ncoompanled by leglilntlon
that will place our money on n soonro basis.
Thnt cannot bo done without the use of sil
ver In nld of gold. The tnnnnrr In which the
to metals shall bo brought Into proper re
lations Is a subject for thoughtful considera
tion. U cannot bo disposed of by poll parrot
ro | > etltlon of meaningless phrases. Stntos.
men ot nit parties should unlto In trying to
roach n sound conclusion.
Orgitiitrliiir tlm llnuio.
CMeaga llcrahl.
The gratifying nnnouncomont Is made
from Washington that Mr. Ulnnd ot Mis
souri will not bo chairman ot the house com
mittee on coinage , weights nnd measures In
the next congress , Mr. Hlnnd Is nn en
thusiast for frco Hllvor nnd his retention nt
the head of this imiwrtnnt committee would
demonstrate thnt the organization of the
house wns not In sympathy M 1th the finan
cial views of the administration. As chair-
ninn of the col tin go conunlttro Mr , Bland
could grontly linpedu the passage of 11 bill
to ropcnl the silver purelmsjng eltiuso of the
Sherman Inw , oven though there wns n de
cided majority of the house membership In
its favor.
Sittings : Mary Jane says xhn Is looking out
for animation In Egypt , lioeausu there ru
such a. lot of "tellah "tnero.
IlrooklynMfo : "Ho Is tllpuant. IIo can't bo
serious It ho tries"
"Yes , ho can. lie Is very sorlous when ho
tries to bo funny. "
Washlngto Star : "Buy , I want $10. "
"Any ? that Is handy. The length makes
no dlllurenco to me. "
Philadelphia Times : Why express miriirNo
that n ynuntt man nhoultl cet giddy when a
pretty fifrl violently turns his head.
Olons Kails Hepiibllean : The inathoiiiatlcnl
feat of taking ono from ono and leaving t o
still continues In dlvoroo courts.
Uticn Herald : It Is said that Ktmlrn Fomnlo
rnllt'go has no yoll. Wo would suiritost : "Myru ,
T.lla , Myru , Klmlra , Surah'Hah , 'Hah !
Hiitrolt 1'roo Press : "Kalsor slngi bnautl-
fully , hut they lull nnho can't toll the truth. "
"That's i lilit. ; He's thu most tuneful 'lyro' In
the state. "
Indianapolis Journal : "Old you hear about
Palette's great success ? llo pnlnteil n picture
or u bi'll , not long ago. and accldontly hung It
whom the .summer sun had uuhanco to Hlilnu
on II. "
"In about nn hour It began to pool. "
IntorOcoan : "I don't hullovo wo can over bo
happy together. 1 " , ,
Fred Well , what's the use -bothering
over trlilos ? What I want is to know It you
will marry mo ?
Kato Fluid's Washington : "Is Miss 1'assnyo
nn holross ? "
"Woll , she was twenty years ago. Hcrgruml-
nlceo Is ono now. "
Harper's linrnr : "You made a great mis
take In culling that drama of yours u play
without u hero. " "Why ? It Imir/t any horoos.
"It's chock full ol them. Kvory inan who
braves nn uudlencu In a play llko thut Is a
hero. "
What wonderful weather the prophets fore-
, . , .
They toll us of garlands iml fruit
AnUdocInro thnt a nun in this climate shall
dwell , * , .
In warmth and a seersucker suit ,
Wo quiill when they promise a wave that is
And rest lost we quicken the blood ,
And then wo llnil out just as likely as not
The thermometer's dropped with a tbuu.
TllK WATKIt I.V TllK aPltlXO.
Atlanta Constilul/on. /
Younmy talk about your drlnlcln * all the fln-
< " "
Of | 1fhelt"o"da man an'giving forty
nutV"ur slzzln' soda fountains never canlud
Of ThoUrolor or the coolness of the water 10
tlio .spring !
The water In the spring ,
Where tlio birds u' summer bins ,
An' the cool lireo/o cnln Its capers
An1 the the honoyaucklus swing.
Ain't nny style about it-to a toiler In the
' ' ' ' it cools
Jo.'g'it'iown nil-fours'till
. on your
" !
An'ai'lT1briyou0"ylplantatlon , that your
WhonTt Veils'ui ol'fv-comln' ' from the water
In the spring !
The water In the spring ,
Whore thu birds o' summer sine.
An1 the cool brci'/ociiu t.-apora
An' the honeysuckles H lniI
Largest Manufacturers anil Retailers
ol Clothing Iu tlio World.
One Way
Of keeping1 cool is this way ; but a b-11- way is to
put on a light summer
coat and go right on
attending to your bu
siness. From now till
Saturday is the best
time you'll strike this season to get a light sum
mer coat or a coat and vest. We've marked down
every one of 'em , the silk , the alpaca , the light
flannels , the skeleton lined serges , the drap D'eto
and all kinds of cloths. There is every color from
lilly white to sombre black. Prices are too nu
merous to quote. Every garment marked down ,
A big cut in straw hats all this week.