Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Grain Markets on the Board of Trada Opened
Quito Weak.
Wc kr. M of the ny Ilml Serernl Con.
trlbiillnc CunieB , Amoni ; AVlilrh J-'or-
Cabin figured Conilder-
y Stuck * and tioudi.
OillCAC.o , July 6. The RfAln market en tins
flonrd of Trftdo opened weak thU Morning.
1'ork wns dull ntid nloady , 1ml Itml nnd ribs
Vtcro tomowhtit higher. Tlio animation wl..cli
In iminlly found to succeed ; i holiday rrns nl-
toictlirr ; wanting , with orders from outside
jjolnts cither to buy ut hull conspicuously
Tlio bullish feeling which was noticed on
Monday hns given phico to bunrlilmowi and
InBtond of from 70Un to 71c bid , us on Monchiy ,
thcro were sellers t the start today at 70 ? e ,
ttllh mi Immediate decline to 70c and a fur
ther decline to COUP. In the next few minutes.
Theio luisa nuiiowlngof the spread between
July mid September to DC per bu. In the
cumvonf the ( list liHlf hour of the session.
The vrciiknp'-s todny hud several eontt Uniting
cnuscs. I'oielgn markets worn notoncourug-
Ing. Mveipool misquoted slrndy nni ] Inactive.
Visible nocks ucroreckoned tolinvoincrcnsed
B.OOd.OOO lu. : lust wpuk.
Tin ; Hoard of Tindo cnblcgrnm nindo the ox-
trnordlnnry stnlrnipnt Unit In Knglund heavy
rnlns succeeded by n protracted drouth hud
mutcihilly Impioved the ciop prospects. The
weather map here. showed rain fiifrly well dls-
trll'tiU'd In thii Diikoliif , whoio wheat wns ic
ported to lime been previously sulterlng for
the want of It. Theio wns nn Increase of
nlout M7.COO bu. Iti the mock of contract
wheat In Chicago. These were the chief
features of the rnrly niiukct news. The price
kept within a nnnow rniiRo after thodcclln-
until after thu result of the ylslbio supply
Bl.itomunt WIIH published , following whlcn
there was a rush of sellers and a rapid decline
to fiBJi'e for i-Yptomber.
ThiMlceieiiM' . Instead of .amounting to be
tween 3,000,000 and 4,1)00,000 ) , us had been
mnlldontly expected , was only 701,000 uu.
Tlio close was weak at. thu bottom IlKurcsol
the day. July Klarted out Independently. It
opened u'c lower thnn the closing of bnturduy
at. 0-tc and on u sharp demand for the cusli
article , sold up It : , but the strength did not
hold and the close showed u gain all wiped
Corn was weak , partly In sympathy wllli
wheat und partly owing to line corn weather.
The receipts weui llhural also and people. In
outside mnrkplH weie not sending any orders
to speak of. Thel-o was noaotlvlty In Ifio trade
at any time. The sinead between July and
Keptoinber narrowed to "c per bu. July was
not. traded In to any great extent , but was firm ,
even when September was showing weakness
July opened yi > up and kept Imptovlng until II
lucl reached liUiic , the pricomi which It closi'il
Bnturdny , and closed at 39'ic. i-eptomboi
ojiened at 42c , rose ; 0o , then sank gradually U
41 , c , and closed at 41 > c.
The oats market was ( inlet a ' .d lower , partli
In f-yinpathv with wheat and coin and dm
tome to heavy titterings. Shorts boughl
freely Saturday , expect In ; ; a big advance ovoi
the holiday , but the crop reports were ever
better than they havii been lately , and tin
visible supply was also u disappointment ,
showing a good Increase. September opened
DC lower at VOUe , touched ! iOac , told off to20 <
nnd closed at 2U0c. !
The piovlshm market was dull , but tin
weakness \vhlrh accompanied the want ol
business at the close of the piovlou.s week wai
succeeded by firmness , lion receipts wen
liberal. The price quoted from tin
vaids was lOo over Saturday's rates
Thu carrying charge from July to Sep.
tember was narrower In this than for the cur
rying of grain. Wright wns credited wltli semi
buying of ribs and lard , ind was also ell sup
ported by the bulls. September pork showcc
no chaiiKo at the opening compared with t-at-
urduy's lustllguies , but weakened oil'Uic ! dur
ing the session , closing at Inside llgures. September
tember lard opened Oc hlghur and advancei
12'ie ' moro , but reacted lOc before the close
July ribs started COc up , sold oil''JOc and ral
lied 5c , while September opened only 10 <
higher , advanced lOc moro and declined 7t ! <
before the close.
Estimated iccclpls for tomorrow : Wheat
JOO curs ; corn , SCO cars ; oats , 240 curs ; hog *
24.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Ciihh ( inotatlonc were as follows :
I'l.ouu Dull , weak , and USc lower than i
vri'uk ago.
\ViiKAT-No. 2 pprlne , 64 < 204Sc ! ; No. !
spring , uGQ&Uc ; No. rud , OlttiM'tc.
UoiiN-No.2 , UUKO'JOKc ; NO. 3 yellow , clos
Inc U'Jc.
OATB No. 2 , 27c ! ; No. 2 whlto , no sales
No. a white , 2UiaOc. (
HVE No. 2 , 4Hc.
HAIU.KV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 8 , f. o. b. , 4Cc
No. 4 , f. o. b. , 3Gc.
KI.AX KKKD-NO. 1,11.1 f.
TIMOTHY SEUD i'rlnio , * 4.
1'OHK ML-J.S , JILT bbl. , J18.82418.85 ! ; lurd
per 100 llm. , * 'J.42KQt.46 ) ; short ribs , side
( loose ) , S8.70a8.7Q ; dry suited shouldur
( boxen ) , $8.75a'J.OO ( ; short clear hides ( boxed ;
. , .
WHISKV Distillers' finished goodn , per gal
Thu following woio the receipts und ship
mcntH for today :
m : ; luue it
to Itulfulo.
Ni'W Vork MarlietK.
NKW YOIIK , July D. 1'i.oun-Ucoelpis , 123
Odd pkgs. : export * , 3,00(1 ( bbK , li.OOO ack
miles , iti.OOO plgn ; market quiet ; while
whout , low griuleH , fl.UCift2.45lnlor ( ; funcj
l'J,4fi.4Dj ! ) piiloiil.M , $3,4tiJ/,4,00 ; MMIII | > MII
clour2.00(33.00 ( ; Minnesotastrnlghln , ta,30 <
4,0(1 ( : Mlnnebotu pnti-nts * 4l)04.46. )
COIIN MKAiActlvo , ilrm ; yellow wcsteri
KYI : Dull , htcndy ; wosti > rn , C6X3J18C.
llAin.F.Y MAI.T Dull , bteudy ; westu ,
WllKAT-Heci'lpts , 1.100,000 bit. ; export
O.VJ.OOo bu. ; Hilled. 020,000 Int. future * , 120
000 bu. spot. Hpot market nioderntel
closlni ; ' at" 77 ? cj"leci'riiber. ) "
chihliiK ntBOyc.
IMliN-HrculpU. 170,000 bu. ; exports. 177.0C
bu , ; bilk's , 440,000 bu. futures , 100,000 hi
tiiot. Hpots hicudy , UttlSe lower ; fi.lrly in
live ; No. 2 , 47'ju In elevator. 4bK < a4H'j
nlloat. UplloiiK very dull und He louer ; cloi-t
bteady ; July , 47 ! < - > 74'o , closing i
47Jc ; AuKiisl , 4HWO..JOC , closing ut 40 <
betitember , 4'Jiie40 ? < c , cloklnn at 40 ! < i- .
OATB-ltecelptk. atiii.OOO bu. ; exports , 2C
liu , ; biilt-R , 120,000 bu. futures. 111,000 In
un , .nc-j iiu. .llMllll' , aii'je ; IIIU
, 36Qatic ; whlto wcbturn , aJi4J42c. ( )
ilAY Qulel.eaiiy ,
llOI'S Uutul , hteady ,
llinr.s ralr denmnil , btcody.
I'noviHioijB-Cut iiiu.itK.iiuU't. steady spiel
led bidlleK 12 lli . , at 13 < : i pickled Mioulderx ,
. .
jteiuly i hhort clear , lifer. I.urd , itilet | , htuud' '
Ti' lei-n stea m closed at (0,70 ; Miles , COO tlerci
t it > ,76 ; optloiiK biiles , iiiiiiu ; July cloxed I
J'J.70 ' , nonilnul ; iMiteinber , cloheit ut < 10.4
tionilnal , 1'ork , dull , htvtidy ; new mebb , ilO.t
HuiTun-Qutct , steady ; western dulry. 16
IBc ; MCktern eremuery , 17&2''c ;
( iictory , lM .17c ; Klgliik , 22c.
l.'llKKsiB ' Utilet , I'iit-y ; part skims , .
KoilB-Qufet , fctendy ; receipt * , 2,000 pkg
> Te terii freuh , ltilti ! < u ; western nor cua
| 2.f.Oit3.oO.
TALUIW Klnu , cjnlot ; city ( f2 per pk |
OiiQul t , flnii : crude , 87
BHc , nomluut ; yellow prime. , 42'i4Sc. (
1'BTUOl.KUM Thu luaikvt wus nrglrctr
There was no price all day ; crudu In bbl
\Vukhlntrton , t4.B&VubhliiKton ; In bulk , 12. a
fClluuU Kow York , JO.llUi i'Ulladvlphla
, f..10 : rhltnd lnhl.In bulk , 13,00 3.05 ;
I'ennnylvHnlN nil , Mxit siiloi , none ; Auiiiit ,
optlonx snleii , none ; I.linft oil , laics , none , 20c
id t totixl > snlG < , none
ltd.ii.-c ( JiiUH , itpmly : iitrnlnod , common to
[ oed , ll.'Jlcil.S : ! .
TtmrKXTtsE-Qulct , easy Rt nO'Jc.
KICKI'nlcly active , steady ; doincitlc , ( air to
.2'l t5 > iri JHPIXII , .
Mor.Af sr.s New orlcnninpcn kettle , good to
iholco , dull , steady nt noilSHe.
KuoAti Haw , ntm ; fntr dcmnndi snlcfl 60,000
; ncs nl 4 cc forOO test ; cpiitrlfucnls , n't'c for
B ( RAt ; Muscovndo , SSu for 60 test mohi <
rnKuenr ; reflned , fiilrly active , firm ; off A ,
, 16-16(36 ( 6-KJc : mould A.&O-lca&Uc : llnnd-
ird A , 6 tJ5 o > liit ( : confectioners A , 6W58
7-lCc ; cut lonf , 0 18-lOSlOc ; crushed , 6 18-1B
Cc : powdered , 6)it6 ia-10c : granulntcd , D ?
& 1 1-lCcs cubes , 6'jOS 13-lCc.
I'm IKON Dull : steady ; American , H2.7C ®
6.60 ,
CotTEn Luke , ttcady nt 110.05 ,
LKASt ! ady ; doincillc. I3.7fi.
TlN-Qulct ; Straits , (10 hid , 119.20 Ktkod ;
lilnlcd , quiet , Rtnndy.
Sl'KlTin : Dull ) domestic , M.17H ; on 'change ,
iilc : , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Onintin I'roiluro Mnrknt.
HUTTP.n The receipt * of butler continue
Ight for the season und below what n good
niiny lnal expected. The market , which has
'icon ' very Mrnng during the pnst week or
nero , on packing stock eopucliilly. shows signs
if ncnkcnlng. Homo of Ihn puckers who have
iccn very active buyers do not nppoar to bo
,11110 , so ( tnxlotis for butlur us thuy did a few
lays ngo und are prodlotlng nil vask-r markot.
'anr.y cipnmory prlntF , 21c ; fnni-y croamorles ,
olid packed , flic ; fnlr to good crcnmcrloB ,
olid packed , IGff&lSc : choice to fancy country ,
6U-10C ! fair to peed country , l&c ; packing
lock , fresh , lilUUHc.
K os- " The egg mnrkot U not very fertllo In
nuw funturos and theio Is not much to bo Mild
nbout it. The receipts me fnlr and the local
demand Is not very dcmonslrntlvo. The bulk
f the snles nre mudo at ll ! c.
Ltvi : roili.Titv The miirkct Is slow , nnd In
not , IthnsbuunhlowforsonuMiayspnHt. There
ire u good many very binall chickens coming
hat uru not irnntod nnd nro slow xulo nt most
ny price. There are very few really choice
pi Ing chickens cuntlnc to this market. Spring
: lilcken.u , per dor. , tl.76Q3.6U ; chlcUuns , bchi
liens , uurlb. . 7&7JiC : chlckuns , mixed coops ,
ier lb. , Oc : old roosters , per Ib.,45l5cj turkeys ,
ler lb. , OS10C ! ducks , pur lb. , 7ftHc.
I'OTA-IOKS The potato market continues In
oed shape. The receipts are liberal but no
nicer than the demand nnd stocks nro kept
ivell cleaned up , old potatoes , 60UC6c ; nuw
.lotittoex . , per bu. , Jl.OOijjil.lO.
Hi'.nunis Thoru wuiu about llfty cnics ol
tuiwburrlcs and quite u good many blnck-
lerrlcs , hut the supply of rnbiiberrlfs wns not
argi ! . Strnwberrlos , Oregon liincy , J4j bluulc-
K'riles , per24-it. | case , ! 4 ; black riiipbcrrios ,
iur24-jt. cast' , t3.60ia3.76.
i-.MAt.i , I'ntliTK I'eiichos mo celling at very
ow prices for this early In the season. As the
: itm both cnbt nnd west is reported to be Inrgc
flL-nlt-rs nre genernlly looking for u low market
ill the season , which will have a natural
undcncy to btlumlato the consumption
Apricots , per 4-baskot crate , S1.2S 1.40 ]
plumi , wild geese and Chlckasiiw , pur 24-jt
crnte , J2.60 : Cnllfomla pcnches. H.20O1.00.
MUI.ONS Watci melons are coming In very
'rei'ly und thu market Is lower than It was n
ew days nco. WntermuloiiK. per 100. Jlb.OOfl
20.00 ; cruted , 26u each ; cunleloupus , pui
loz. , t'2.
.ES riorldu , pur case of 6 to 7 doz. ,
OiiANdKs lUvcrsldo Mediterranean sweets
3.60I&3.76 ! Ktvorsldo socdllngs , 53.25.
Lr.MO.N8 Me.s-.lnns , extra fnncy , f5.5030.00 :
Mes.slniiH , per box , choice to fancy , $5.00i 5.00
HANANAS-l'er bunch , largo , $2.2G < a.2.7& . ; poi
bunch , binull to medium , t2,00&2.2S.
HIIIKS No. 1 green hides , 3c : No. 2 prcon
ides , 2c ; No. 1 green halted hides , SJJci No . ' -
green Kiiltud hlilcs , 2c ! ; No. 1 itrcen halted
ililes , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 3'c ' { ; No. U croon salted
lildus , 20 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 2ic ! ; No. 1 veal calf ,
J His. to 15 lb.s. , Go : No. 2 veal calf , 8 Ibs. tc
15 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , 7c ; No. 2 drj
Hint hides , 5c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , Gc. .
1'nit cured hides lie per lb , less than fullj
SliKiil * I'EI.TS Green salted , each 35c < 381.25i
green tnlted bhtmrllngs ( short wooled earlj
.lutchor wool pulls , per lb. , actual weight , 102
lie ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska Murrain
wool pmts , pur 11) . , netuul weight , 710c : dri
Hint Colorado butcher wool polls , per lb
: ictiml weight , OftlOc : dry flint. Colorado Mur
rain wool pells , per lb. , actual weight , 7ii 0u ;
Iry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 57c.
TAI.I.OW ANH GHEASK Tallow , No. 1 , 4MQ
4Hc ; tallow. No. 2 , 34'ffi4c ; grease , whlto A
HiQSc ; grease , white 11 , 4c ; grease , yellow ,
3Hc ; grease , dark , 3e ; old butter , 225C ! !
beeswax , prime , 10S25c ; rough tallow , 2
HONES Cur lots weighed nnd delivered it
Chicago : Dry bufTnlo , per ton , 81G.00@1H.00
dry country , bleached , per ton , * 10.00i 13.00
dry country , damp and meaty , J8.00@10.00
Nt. Louis MnrkntH.
ST. I.ouis , July G. Frouii-Qulot. nbou
steady unchanged ; patents , $3. 104J8.25 ; oxtr :
fancy , $2.80a2.00 ; fancy f2.4CXii2.60 ; choice
$2,152.i5 ! ; family , Sl.'JOa2.00 ' ; rye Hour
83.25 ® 3.40.
WHKAT Made n strong start , hut hcavj
sales drove the mnrkut Ho below Saturday'
close ; No. 2 rod , cash , Gl'c ; July , G2c ; Au
gusl , G4c : ijcptembcr , GGlSc.
COIIN Dull , closing J c lower than Saturday
No. 2 mixed , cash , SGJic ; July , 3Gtu ! ; fcptem
ber , 34J'c.
OATS Dull , weak ; No. 2 cash , 30c ; July
27Je ! ; August , 24ic ? ; September , 2434'c.
I'novisioNS Dull , unchanged for jrk an (
lard. Dry salt meats , loose shoulders , $8.25
longs and ribs , SO ; shorts , 9.37'i : boxed , 15i
more , Bacon , packed shoulders , (9.25 ; longi
und ribs , $10 ; shorts. S10.12H. Hams , un
changed ; sugar cured , JUl.003U.Oli.
KKCEli'TS Klour , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , 74.00C .
bu. : corn , 282,000 bu. ; outs , 05,000 bu. ; ryi
and barley , none.
Hiui'MKNXB Klour , 8,000 bbls. : wheat
133,000 liii. ; corn , 40,000 bu. ; oats , 5,000 bu.
rye , 1,000 bu. : barley , none.
11 UTTKII Unchanged.
C/'lty Murkotn.
KANSAS CITY , July 6. WHEAT Was dull am
Ic lower ; No. 2 litud , 645Sc ! ; No. 2 red
COIIN EtiBy and generally JJc lower ; No.
mixed , 33c ; No. 2 whlto. 33)fc. )
OATB Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 262Gc ; No. !
whlto , 2727'Ic.
KVK Weak at 40c.
FLAX Sr.KD Nominal ut 08e.
HAV Weuk ; prulrle , $7.45aB.OO ; timothy
? 6.009.60.
HurrEii rirni ; creamery , 1610c ; dulry
13 > 'i ai7c.
F.03 Weak nt 1010'jc.
UKCEIITS Wheat , 15,000 bu. ; corn , 8,200 bu.
outs , none.
Siiii'MKNis Whout , 62,000 bu , ; corn , 4,00 (
bu. ; outs , none.
Alnncliufttur Cuniinrrcliil Ituvlew.
MANCIIISTIII : : , July 5 , The Runrdlan , In it
coinniercliil article , bays : The murkct 1
quieter , liuiulry hus blackened. Meichnnt
have lately bought frculy from India. Th
llrmnessof quotntloiiK und the extended thn
ri'intlred for delivery have checked buslnebt
Luigo ImiulrleH from India for tirlnted an
fancy goods uro coming forward. The engage
meniMof manufacturers ol printing und finish
ing cloths nrn checking Ihn execution u
orders. The limits of tUnproductlonsof loom
hnvi ) been rouchnd. Inquiries tire "iiulo froi
China as to prices , but orders uro not bum
Yurns uie qulot.
Oil Alnrl < nt > ,
On. OITT , July G , Nutlonnl Transit cor
tltlcates opened ut 6U ; hlghost , 6B ; low
Cbt , f)74' ; closed at. 68. Sales. 12,000 bids- .
cicnritnccK , 22,000 bids , ; shipments , 1G7,3G
bhls. ; runs , 1U0.87G bbU.
I'lTTsnumi , July 6. National Transit cer
tlllcntutiopcncd at 57U ; closed ut f < 7ii ; higher
67i ; lowest , r > 74' . Sales , 6,000 bids.
11s Ud pcrquurtur.
LiNsuui ) Uiir20s7jd ! porcwt.
Cotton Market.
NKW OIII.EANP , July 5. I'lituroiiulot , stennj
snles , 0.000 bales ; July , 7.467.4G ; Sur
tember , * 7.55a.7.6G ( ; Oclobor. 17,00 7.07 ; Nr
vember , e7.7fi4i7.7G : Deci-mber , * 7.H43,7HJ (
Janiuiry. * 7)4(2H.OOj [ ) ( rebruary , i8.0GO8.0t
Muii-li. J8.ia < 3H.15.
( iood middling 7'ic ; mhhlllng 7 7-lGc ; lo
middling ? 4-lUc ; good oidlnury G. u ; nutun
gross recolpts l.OOO bules ; exports , coustwl.i
1,120 bales ; bales bOO balet > ; stock OQ/J&4 bale. .
Mr\v Vork Dry ( luoiU .Market.
NKW YOIIK , July G. The dry goods marki
oiiuned very qulut. lluyers who went uut t
thu city had not loturned nnd the business b
mull wus light , though romlttnnces weiu ful
Thu llnanclal kit nation wus moru easy , but n
particular change as regards demand 1
looked for Immediately.
Liverpool Alxrkcti ,
I.tVKiti'OOU July 6. WIIIUT Quiet ; dc
maud moderatu ; holders oircr moderate ) )
No.l Cullfoinlu , 6s lO'id&Gsld ' ptTcentiil.
COIIN Steudy ; demand fallen off ; mlxc
western , 4 4Sii | per cental.
I'KAB Cunudlun , 6s 7jjil pur cental.
Clni'liumtl Jtlurkiiu.
2 red , GOc.
L'oitN In light demand ; No. 2 mixed , 40c.
OATB-Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 31 < 33Vl3.
WIIISKV Kusy nt 11.12 ,
I'lilliitlvlplilu Grain Market.
I > IIIIAIKl.l'IIIA.luly G. WllEAlVrQuICt.No.
red. July. U Uc.
CoitN ljulot ; No. 2 mixed , July , 4G { < 247 ! (
OATS- Quiet ut tinner rules , futures dul
No. 2 white , 30 ? Q37'iC.
VUililu ( iruln Niiiily.
NKW YOIIK , .July . G.-VUIblo grain mpnl
\\heut. ti'J.yn.OOU bu , ; corn , U.07G.OOO Ini
outs , 3,3(10,000 ( bu. ; rye , 882,000 bu. ; burle
L'olToo Market ,
New VOIIK. July 6.-Option steady. :
poluu up ) cloicd llrui , 20 to 30 uoluta u
ale * . 18.6CO h RS , Inehidlne : July , { lft,70Q
1G.LH ) ; Auitiiftt , J16.8ivai6.00 ; September ,
(15.60ai6.HO ; OclolKT , I15.4tai6.70 : No-
vrmbcr , IUi.36iil6.40 ( ; Dccornlxir , llf > . 2
16.36. Hpot Hlo , nrincr , dullj No. 7 , tlO.70.
MlnnenpnlUVlirut Mnrket.
MiNNEArous , July 6. Wheat etrotig for fu
tures. Receipts 642 cars Close ! July , GSc ;
Atigtut , Glc ; Scptombor , 03140. On truckNo. ! .
1 hard , Gl'.Jc ; No. 1 northern , GO ci No. 2
northern , 6GiQ67ic. ) !
II v.imi Mignr .Market.
HAVANA , July G. Smuti Quiet , According
to n Mute-incut IsMicd by Scnor ( lurninc , a
well known crop MntlMh'Inn.thuMlgnr crop up
to Juno 30 nmountod to G70.G75 tons.
Ilaltlmnro Onilii Aliirkot.
nAi.Tistonr. , July G. WHEAT Kasy ; No. a
red , spot , G7Uc.
CoiiN-Dull ; No.2 mlxod , spot , 4G , 'c.
OATS-Qulot ; No. 2 white , 30c.
Tolrilii ( Imln Aliirkot.
TOLEDO , July & . WHP.AT Lower ; No. a
cash nnd July , Ii4e. ! (
CoilN-Dull. steady ; No. 2 cash , 40o.
OATS-Qulot ; cash , 31c.
bTOCKSANl ) 11ON11S.
Lower Ciiblcn from London Led to n Wc k
Opening ,
NEW YOIIK , July G. Lower cables from
London nnd some selling by arbitrage houses
led to n weak opening In the locnl stock mnr-
ket today. In the first trndlwr prices receded
from M to 1U percent right through the list ,
nnd a sharp advance of 1 per cent In sterling
exchange nt thu opening of business also
worked ngulnst the stock market. Humors uf-
fcctlng the cicdlt of 0. 1' . Huntlngton were
Rgaln put nlloat and It was reported from Lon
don that the Central Pacific would not pay Its
August dividend. Mr. Huntlngton denied In
tote stories alleging his Inability to meet his
contracts and asserted that the Central Pa-
clllc would pay Its August dividend. Subse
quently , when It wns found that brokers hud
no dlfllculty In renewing their loans nnd that
forelcn houses were liberal lenders of money
nt comparatively easy rates , a more bullish
feeling sot In nnd under the leadership of Oen-
oral Kloctrlc nn advance of from H to li per
cent wiis recorded. The firmness wns fchort
lived , however , and soon tiftor inlddny thu
bear forces renewed their attacks , Northwest
ern , St. Paul , llurllngton , Hock Island. Ameri
can Sugur"lllg Pour nnd Western Union were
sold by thu profi-sslonal element , and rumors
wuro circulated that largo failures wore Im
minent In London. These reports could not be
traced to any authentic source. Northwest
ern wns directed by reports of closing out of
loans nnd of the shutting down of iron mines
In the territory traversed by thu company.
I ho market closed nbout steady.
The Post snys : The Hank of fcnglnnd's gold
supply is still closed to us nnd the bank's
policy Is further Indicated by its purchase In
yesterday's London open market of 102.000
gold. The rise In sterling , nevertheless- n
favorable feuiuru In so fur us it reflects tliu
International markets' return to normal con
ditions. How far tho. recent extreme low rates
for sterling wore duu to importers' Inability
to raise money for the purchase of bills on
London It Is not , easy to siiy , Certainly this
has played its part , for what the sterling mar
ket hus witnessed in thu past has been the lib-
scnco of a demund so complete that , moderate
otl'orlngs If pressed could break the rules tc
nlmost any figure.
Precisely the same situation existed in Oc
tober , 1871) , when ncluul quotations fordo ,
mand sterling fell to $4.70 , thu embarrassment
of importer.- ; through thu luck of bank accom
modation being then incrcnscn. by thu market
premium on gold. In 1873 the Inck'of ' salable
commodities caused n rapid nnd continuous
rally In exchange , the Hank of England ratu ,
too , standing nt G per cent. The circum
stances of this year , notably in the grain
market , presented In most respects an alto
gether dllVerent situation. H Is at least Inter
esting to observe that thu London pnpors just
received , tho'ugli not predicting an Immediate
gold export to New Vork , admit that bitch a
movement cannot bo long avoided.
Thp following are thu closing quotations on
the leading.stocks on the Nuw York Slocli ex-
day :
ex dlv.
The total sales of stocks today were 08.70C
shares , IncludltiK : Atchlson , 5,000 ; llurllne
ton , 11.71H ) ; ChlciiKO Gas , 4,000 : General Klec
trie , 5,200 ; National Lead , 3,200 ; .Northwest
orn. 4.400 ; Head 11115. 4.200 ; Hock Island , 0,500
St. I'aul. 10,400 ; Supir , 7.400 ; Western Union
4,100. Hales sliver ceillllcatcs , 50,000 thares
Now York Monuy .Market.
easier , ranuliiK from 3 to 5 per cent ; lust loan
3 , closed offered nt 3 per cent ,
I'niMi : MimuNTii.El > Ai'EH C8 percent.
STKUMNO KXCIIANOE Kirm , with actua
bllhlncss in bankers' bills at f4.83iS4.B3/
sixty-day bills and if4.84Ma4.85if for demand
t-u.VKii MAIIKKT Quiet , hut strong : certill
cates sold at 75@75'6c , closliiK at 755i70c.
tiOVKUNMENT HoNus Strong. State bonds
Thu closing quotations on bonds :
Louiluu l < 'iimiu-itl lluvlvir.
| Coj > wrJah ( < taut//-nei ! ( ionton Hennttt. }
LONDON , July C. [ Now York Herald Cub !
Kliecl&l toTliK IICE.l lliulni'fs on the bloc
exclmiik'o wuk virtually bUhiieuiled today in
prices show little change. There is a tcudem
Jo hcllovo the tickets now nl the
> 'St point iiltluuu/h. | icrlmpi , no de
cided Improvompiil U likely In the
the near ful uro. Silver Is firmer nt 34 > < d nnd
crcurltlosdcpeiiiiciiti'thprcon ' are hotter. In-
rludlnR rupco impcr which closed at 04 < 1.
Vmcrlcnnrallwnyswrre qulot nnd Irregular.
With the oxcpptloti of nuntamnlnt most South
Americans wore lower , hut Internationals were
Mcndy. Homo sccaMticr were featureless.
At the bank A'Ol.Ouo jtp wlllidr.iwn.
St. I.nuu
PT. F.outs , July B.4-Tlio [ followlmr were the
iilnlng nuotatlong on cxchnngo todny :
Ailjm . . . . $ .10 t .Ml | KIizabelir. $ .8(1 ( .S5
N''lp. | .UB ,3lMhlopo : 3.00 M3.7S
'rJUiltcM. 1.0(1 ( 1.7 i > l'S. Hopes. .M )
'linnet-lie. ' 3.00 ( ix-o. . . . . . . .oa a .04
asked. ' '
I'lniinclnl . . . . .
HAVANA , July 5.-Kxchnngo , quiet.
OMAHA , July & . Clearings , H , 177,308.
KANSAS CITY , July G.-Clearings , tl.685-
. I'Atuo , July 6. Three Dor cent routes I07f ,
f > 0c for the account.
NKW YotjK. July O.-Clenrlngs , J138.180.077 ;
balances6,305 , < 40.
I'nil'AliKt.niu. July R.-CloarlnBo , 810,473-
704 ; bnlnnccs , 12,350,850. Monpy 0 per cent.
IUI.TIMOIIK , July G.-Clenrlng . t3.023,410 :
balances , (570,020. Money , 0 per cont.
CINCINNATI , July G.-.Mnney , 0 9 percent.
\orkoxchnngc , par. CleurliiiM2,261,150. !
CHICAGO , July 5. Money on cnll nnd tlmo ,
? per cent , clearings , JIO.430,030. Sterling
jxchnngo dull.
MKMIMHJ , July C. Now York cxclmnco ,
" 1 " ' " ' ° n' " * * ' ' ' '
Kilnnees , Mivni
llosTON , July ri.-Clenrlngs , J20.830.031 :
mlunccs. Jl.030.107. Money , 7 3 10 percent ,
hxclmngo on Nuw York , lOc discount.
, .Jjnw.0' ' ; ANs. July O.-Clourlngs , Sl.GGO-
. ; , ' , , v ' . ' " 'K exchange , commotcliil. 76c per
i. „
1.000 premium ; bnnk , ? 1.60 per M.OOO pro-
ST. Lotus , July D. Clonrlngs , $4,000,103 ;
uinincrH , e-iOO.lsjO. Monpy quiet at IVBb tier
; ent. Kxclmngo on Nuw York , &OS7&C dls-
P 'WI'I " ? " ? J < Tll'y ' 5. ( Special Telegram to
i MI. IIKI.J Lxchnngo was quoted ns follows
"day : Un cnito. 25r discount : lloston , lOc
llscount ; bt. Loulu , OOc to 75u discount.
LONDON , July G. Amount of bullion gone.
en.Vi,1" ! ' . , ! K "f ' ' ' "gland on bulunco toduy ,
( .
i30,0 0. million to the amount of Jtiloo.OUO
wns withdrawn from the Hunk of Kiiglnnd/for
shipment to America. /
: uttlo I'rlcrs Sag Iliully Hogg Tiiko u
Sharp Advniicu Slierp Stviuiy.
A was expected nnd ns is initially thu case
on the duy following n holiday , receipts were
comparatively light. So fur this week com-
l > arud with the llrst three days of lust there
ins been n shortage of 3,200 cattle , 15,400
hogs and 1,100 shteu.
Kecclpts of cuttle were nbout the same ns a
week ago , but on nccount of a heavy run In
Chicago nnd a lower market thnrv ! , trade hero
was dull and fat cattle sold lOc to IGc lower
than Monday. The fair to good light fut
steers , weighing from 1,000 to 1,150 Ibs. did
not. show so much decline , soiling from S4.25
to $4.50 us thu fair to choice 1.200 to 1.450-
b. beeves that sold ut from M.20 to 54.00.
Half fat nnd grass stock was very dull with
sales ut from J4.10 down. The movement was
slow but a fair clearance was effected.
tow btult was practically unchanged. The
supply wus light und poor to choice stutr sold
from $1.75 to tS.OO , with S2.50 to S3.40 buying ,
the bulk. Culves were in moderate simply
und steady ut f rom 8-2 to $5 , und rough stock
sold very gunorully in Monday's notches or
fromtl.GU to $3.50 for poor to very good bulU
und sings.
The feeder trade was. light , both supply and
demand being limited. Prices were nominally
-.tendy. . Itopresuntutlvo sales :
No. Av. l > r. No. Av. I'r.
1 480 ? 250 88 1145 ? 4 30
? HH'J 3 25 ' 43 1034 430
} 1210 325 81 1120 435
1 HOO 13 25 . 44 1223 4 115
1 Bt)0 3 50 65 120G 4 115
1 1150 3 75 . 50 11H1 4 35
13 703 3 85 28 1017 4 40
24 830 11 00 41 1140 440
10 840 4 10 , , 10 1200 4 45
4 1)05 ) 4 15 ' 55 1004 4 45
18 . . . 1441 4 ill ) . 9 1)02 ) 4 50
5412H4 4 25 10 OU2 4 50
31 1310 425 - 21 . . . . 1177 450
33 1124 4 25 30 1223 4 50
20 1002 4 25 .40 1130 4 50
30 1122 425DO 1210 455
18 1IIGO 425' ' 33 1207 400
23 022 430" - 30. ' 1308 4 GO
20 1110 4 I'll 163 1251 4 60
31 1120 4 25
135 1400 5 00
078 275 7 1137 440
30 1020 4 40 .
1 700 1 75 5 SCO 2 75
1 740 200 0 1130 300
1 1050 2 00 2 1035 3 00
2 950 2 10 U 048 3 10
2 1130 225 1 1240 325
1 1110 230 2 1030 320
1 1010 230 2 700 325
2 1120 200 1 1100 U 40
1 000 260 14 1028 340
7 020 260 4 1185 860
1 1240 270 4 1402 300
1 1220 270 2 1100 300
G 828 350
1 BO 2 00 1 120 4 50
1 J50 3 50 2 110 4 50
2 130 400 3 100 500
1. . . . . ' 110 450 2 140 GOO
1 1000 150 1 1000 285
10 1437 200 1 1350 300
1 1410 250 2 1830 3 OO
1 470 250 1 1500 315
2 1250 250 l.f. . . . 050 350
20 1G17 205 1 1710 360
1 740 2 25
720 1 ! 10 I COO 3 00
030 2 30 22 753 3 20
7bO 2 00 12 708 3 35
lions Hecolpts today were oven lighter
than anticipated. Thcro were less than half as
many hogs on sale as weio hero last Wednes
day. This fact and a favorable report fiom
Chicago made business lively from the start
with prices unevenly , but very materially
higher than Monday. Only two local houses ,
were In the Held , but ontsldo packers were
free buyers , taking ever 2,000 hogs or neaily
half the olt'erlnps. Early bids were lOc to 16c
higher than Monday , and theio was some
trading at from J5.00 to JS.70 for fair to good
hois. ; Under the keen competition and with
very bullish news from Chicago llio market
advanced sharply and Into sales of the samu
kind of hogs were largely at from $5.75 to J6.B5 ,
\ \ eight ami quality wore lost bight of and thu
buyerb main Idea seemed to bo to got Hit ;
hogs. Long before the middle of the forenoon
the pens were cleared , the bulk of the hogt
Milling fit } 5,05 and S5.75 , against J5.45 tt
* 5.60 Monday , and J5.75 to J&.80 a week ago
Kcprcbcmativc Bales :
No. Av. Hh. 1'r. No. Av. Sh. 1'r.
1..140 . $550 73..230 HO $5 70
6..280 f 00 65..270 40 6 70
03..233 HO 6 00 07..217 280 G 70
02..264 120 6 00 03. . . 241 120 G 70
71..200 80 G 00 02..220 120 G 70
72..200 240 GOO 62..277 10(1 ( 570
05..270 HO G 00 70..220 100 G 70
70..235 120 G 00 70. . . 210 120 G 70
68..200 80 6 GO 72.220 240 G 70
40..257 80 G OO'i 01..280 100 670
GO.267 G 00 02..240 40 G 70
70..217 100 G CO t , 62..304 670
4 . . .300 80 6 05 63.234 G 70
70..221 120 6 06r 73. 255 120 G 70
G4..280 80 GOG 21.303 676
04..205 G 05 , 77.238 240 676
100..235 100 5 OB' : . : : ( ! SJ ( 676
70. . . 242 120 605 HI..218 HO 675
76..240 240 605 ( JH..250 leO 676
72. .208 2HO GOG 82..2.14 2HO G 76
80..103 100 605 j 113.285 240 G 75
76..220 100 G 05 70..243 300 G 76
77..242 40 G05.r 05..260 80 G 76
01..202 120 GOG. ' 63. . . .361 240 6 7G
0(1 ( . . .220 UHU 605 , 7G..220 240 675
74..244 bO 670. ' GO. . . liUJ 120 676
42..242 80 6 711 . ' 72 , . .23t 240 676
81..210 2hO 670' 05..214 : 6 75
60..278 2HI ) G 70 , 03..228 40 G 75
02..250 ICO G7f. ( 02. ! . 204 120 575
85..210 80 670' 70..240 100 6 77' (
07..23G 100 670'V f,2 . 7rt 40 G tO
134..234 200 6 7l'V C LvlO 240 660
0..230 670 OG.-.OU 6 HO
1..280 G 73 03..280 320 G HO
02..240 80 670 07..263 100 U 80
80.200 2UO G 70 70..23U G 85
1. . . 420 - a 25 1..100 6 00
bum- : Hut one load was received , a doubh
deck of inlxvit Mexican yearllngw , shorn , tha
averaged 58 pounds and brought f-I.GO. i
steady price. There Is little quotable changi
in the Munition. r ! r to good natives. M.OOJi
4.76 ; fair to good westerns , J3.61X24.70 ; com
limn und block sheep , i2.60&j.GO : ; food tc
choice 40 to 100-lb lumbi. , M.263G.7G. lon (
ruhi'iitutlvu bales :
No. Av. 1'r. i
223 Mexican yearlings , shorn , 68 M 00
Chlri o l.lvo Stork Murkot.
CHICAHO. July 6.-Hpcclfil | Teh-gram ti
THE llKE.l-Tlio supply of cattle hero toihr
WUH estimated at 23,000 , Oi Uin numbe
about 10,000 were Texans. Wlillti thokiippl' '
was not lurgu in the aggregate , thuio was ai
unusually luncu number of nutlvos for i
Nednesdny. However , buycru wuio unwlllln ;
to pay Monday' * prices und the tiilun roporlei
show a decline of fiom 10 to 20c. Thoru wcr
many good cattle among the offering * um
several bunches that would vulsly , au wer t
thodpgcrlptlon of choice , hut Mill there were
very few 1 Hides nt over (5.U6 , price * ranging
downward from 6 , moil of the muff oell-
liift principally Rt from 4 to H.OO nnd from J'J
to 3 buy Ing the greater pnrlof eow . The
decline'foil ' principally upon grass RtPOM-tho
kind that must soli in competition with
Tex n . They were neglected at from lf > e to
20C off , nnd many lots were In sollcru' liandg
at thcchMO of business. Tlio recoliitsof Texas
cattle wore the largest of tliosiinton , Al
though In actlvo demand , thny wore Milnblo
at former prices , the decline varying from U'o
to * ( 'o. *
Only about 24,000 hozi have arrived slnco
Monday , and the total for the lust three days
Is barely 52,000. or 20,000 head lot * than for
the same time lait week. With such a du-
rrenso there was bound to bo an Improvement
> prices. That tit least Is the way
holders rcnioncd , nnd accordingly tney
Insisted upon an advance of from focto20c.
Iliey got It. the domnnd being brisk at from to $0.20 for common to choice heavy ami
medium nnd nt from ? 6,7G to 10.26 forllght.
Most , of the business was at bettor than $0.
A load or two of medium weights fetched
50.26 and that figure was paid for astorton
Mr-it , culls went as low as from 53.60 to J4.
Hceolpt * for the remainder of this week uro
not expected to prove greater than the de
mand and sellers uro hopeful. Good to choice
sheep Bold ns well as on Monday and low
grades were not much cheaper. The Utter ,
howovor. were In heavy supply and wore ( lull
and weak. There was a good demand at from
11.76 to 34.40 for poor to choice Texans and at
from 84 to 15 for poor to prime native ? ,
low of the 16,000 head of sheep on sale
were good enough to bring moro than J4.76 nor
weco theiomany tradeslbelow2.76. The offerIngs -
Ings of spring lambs were liberal , but they
were wanted at from j.8ti : ) to 50.60.
Hecolnt.s ! Cattle. 23,000 head : calves , 2,000
head ; hogs , 24,000 head ; sheep , 16,000 , head.
The Kvenlng Journal reports :
UATTt.K Hecolpts. 23,000 head ; shipments ,
4b)0 ( ) head ! market active and 10Sil5e
higher ; best steers , 55.00a5.35 ; good to choice ,
$1.000,4.00 ; others , S3.7CiM.UOi Texnns. S2.70
W4.25 ; stock era and feeders , J2.60O3.76 ; cows ,
tl.25y.3.25 ,
lloos-ltocolpts , 24,000 head ; shipments.
10,000 head : market 10S2o ( ) higher ; mixed
and packers , ; prime heavy and
butcher weights , ! 0.1Gtt0.25 ; light , 80.16U
S > iiiii ; Receipts , 1'JOO head ; shipments ,
liBOO head ; maiKet active , llrm ; natives ,
J4.00a5.00 ( ; w osteitis , J4.25a4.UO ; Texans ,
4.00ii4.30 ; lambs , W.G051G.40.
Hecelpts'iiiid Diminution of HtncK ,
Olllclal receipts and disposition of stoc.k as
shown by the books'if the Union Stock Vardi
company for the twenty-four hours eliding ut
5 o clock p. m. July 5 , 1803 :
Marketing of HOBS Contluuoi Liberal for
Tins Tlmu of thu Vunr.
CINCINNATI , July 4.-PpecIal [ ToleRram
to Tin : Itii : : . ] Tomorrow's I'rlce-Current will
say : The marketing of liojts continues llboral
for this time of year , and packing returns
show 200,000 thu prccedlni ; week and -45,000
last year : total , 3,415,000 since March 1.
against 4,450,000 last year. Prominent places
compare as follows :
Kuimas City l.Un Stuck .Mnrltot.
KANSAS CITY , July 5. OATTI.K Uecclpts ,
0,000 head : shipments , 15,00 head ; market
Tor peed natives was acllvo and steady ,
o'hers ranged from lOc to 'JOc lower ; dressed
beef and import steers , t3.7C@5.00j cows and
heffers , $1.50 < 33..45 ; Texans and Indian steers ,
f2.2JXSa.75 ! stockcrs..50 < S4.00.
Iloos Heceipts , 7.200 head ; shipments
1,000 head ; market active and 15o to 25c
hlKher : extra raiiKu of range of prices was
$5.00S 5.fa2'J ; bulk of .sales-- , J5.755J5.bO.
HllElU'-lteceiuts , 3,00(1 ( head ; shipments ,
2,000 head ; the market was steady.
Sr. Louts Itvo Stock Market.
ST. Touis , July 5. CATTMJ Kccoints. 9 000
head ; shipments , 1,700 head : market 15i625c
lower , especially Texans ; native steers above
1.100 Ibs. , if4.fiOi4.75 : Texan steers above 000
Ibs. , 82.Coa3.55 ; one oxtia lot , $4.124.
Iloos Uecelpts 5,300 head : shipments , 1-
000 head ; market active and IGchlghor : ranpo
of price.s , J5.35 < ao.OO ; bulk of sales , J5.75 ®
5.00 ; supply light , considering no market
HiiKiuHcccipts , 7,000 head ; shljiments , 4-
500 head ; market quiet ; mixed natives , 3,750
4.35 ; Texans , J3.25ii3.90.
New York Llvo Stock Market.
NEW YOIIK. .Inly G. IlKBVKS-liecelpts for
two days , 2,200 head ; dull for all trades , clos
ing lOc lower ; poorest to best natlvu btcors ,
M.055.45 ; Texuns and t'olorados , M.'O J
4.05 ; dressed beef dull at 7G8'e. ' Shipments
today , 000 quarters ; tomorrow , 700 beeves
and 100 sheep.
111:1:1' : : AND IAMI1R Uecelpts for two days.
14,000 head ; sheep dull and Ho lower ; lambs ,
active but ! ic lower.
Piles of people nave piles , oat Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will cure tticin.
1'ollcu IMckliigs.
Police court circles were unusually quiet
yesterday miming considering that it was
the day after a national celebration. Only
seventeen arrests were made ( 'tiring the day
ana night , the majority being druuits.
Judge Berka was considerably surprised
ut the small number of prisoners paraded
before him ana as a rule ho let every one-
off easily.
Five plain drunks were assessed 51 nnd
costs and told to po ana sin no more ,
JosCph Ioiiihurd and John Marsh were
lined ? 10 and i'.Ti for lighting. A hasher
named Wells , who stole two hams from
a Fourteenth street chop house , got a
thirty-day sentence , and during ten of the
days ho will bo fed on bread and water.
There is anew "vag" in town who answers
to the iiaino of Albert Columbus , lie was
given twenty-live days on the streets and or
dered to leave town when-his time is up.
The Judge held William Cray to the dis
trict court in the sum of $ ' .1,000 , forcoimnitting
a crime against nature.
Belle Hr.mdon , the notorious , was in court
again , and declared positively that she would
not leave town. Prosecutor Cochran de
clared equally as positively that she would
have to quit running her low resort , and
there the matter stands. It the woman at
tempts to open her place she will bo arreuted
and sent to the county Jail under the atuto
law.McCool , the chicken thief , wns lined } 100
and costs in police court ycstnrdny afternoon.
Detective Vizard returned yesterday fore
noon from Sioux City with W. N. Cross , u
traveling man who is wanted hero.
J , C. MoMahon was at police headquarters
yesterday to see if ho could identify the men ,
Burke and Fay. who wore arrostcdfor murder
ously assaulting him on the IClovrmth street
viaduct n few nights ago , The assailed mun
is not positive in his identification and it is
n question with the police what to do with
the prisoners. If Jack Sharp will call on
ChicfiDotcclivc Haze ho will lind the pocketbook -
book ho lost recently.
Life is so short. Cook's Extra Dry Im
perial Champagne will help you to enjoy it.
It aids digestion and will prolong It.
CliliiK to till ) ( iuililoii.
The stars nnd atrlues waved from the city
hall Btaff on the Fourth , the now flag being run
up for the llrst time. The distance between
the etaff and the Uoddcss of Liberty has not
been correctly measured and u smaller Hag
will have to bo secured , Yesterday for the
most part the Hag's folds clur.g to the head
of the Goddess of Liberty und would not
let go.
Mayor Bernls gave warning as to this
danger when the Hag was ordered nnd honey
no\y believes that cither the Hag or goddess
wl .be torn to pieces , und the defect will of
necessity huvo to bo remedied ,
Piles of people huvo piles , nut Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
hayi IIu S ; w u rioutrr.
Sot'Tii OMAHA , July 4. To the Kditor ol
THIS llee ; This morning about 0 o'clock
James Irvin und I were fishing in the Mis
souri river opjwslto Armour street , when
James noticed the dead body of a woman
It wan dubbed blue Monday
By old Mrs. Grundy 'f
A long time ago. /
No wonder that under /
This serious blunder '
The working was slow.
But Mondays have brightened ;
Work lightened clothes whitened
Since housekeepers know ,
Without further telling ,
What Kaitbank is Belling IMIi ? J&
See sample below.
s y
3nialiaTcnl- Awning \Yolf \ Bros & Co. ,
Manufacturers of Tonti.
coviu9. AwniniK , etc , TUJ nnd
UliUfttrnamSlrooU 70iS. Kill Street ,
Bcmis Omalia Bag
Importow nntl ninnufno.
turari of flour sacks ,
burlap , s tnlao.
Horse-Cot Shos Company.
Salesroom nd omco-1107-llOJ.llll IloirarJ St
Factory-1119-1151-112.1 Howard 3t
\Vo are tbo ONM.V Mnnnf < vturoct of lioota aul
.n" ? ? ' SVlJ-UoS'lVSllwdrt to all U Inspect
our now factory.
LIM1CO. . , hard and soft nice , window CIIJK. ino-
coal , 8 lv. cor. lUth und tnllc ekTll-'lits , cte-l ; 3
DouKlni Street. und I
M. E. Smitli&Co. Kilpatrick-KocliDry
Drr Boorts , notions , fur- Notion ? , ( rents' furnish-
rlslilni ; Kooda , corner IIIK iiuodH , cor. Hth and
lltU uud iloward ? ts. llnrney Streets.
OmaliaUphoIslcring Bebes & lUmyaa
Upholitered furniture , FUBNITURB COMI'ANY
11U2-1IU1 Nicholas ct.
\VhoU3alo oul/ .
floating down stream. Ho called my atten
tion to the object , and as it catno nearer wo
noticed that the dead woman had her nrm
around a child of not more than a wcnic old.
The lady was dressed in what appeared to
be a tight lining cream colored dress. So far
as we could see she was u decided
blonde of about " 0 years of age. Wo waded
into the water for borne distance , but UndiiiK
it too deep , returned to the ban ) ; . Wo went
to the nearest house , which was some dis
tance up the hill , and notified the occupants ,
but the family being Bohemians , wo could
not make them understand our mission. We
returned to the river hank , but could not dis
tinguish the bodies , as tliov had disappeared.
Yours truly , HAIIDV DI-NHAM ,
310 West Twenty-nfth Street.
Take Bromo-Scltzer for insomnia
Before retiring trial bottle lOc.
Auditor itliiiiro und Ocncinl ( iiirnnau ,
State Auditor Kugeno Moore passed
through the city yesterday on his way to
Lincoln after spending his Fourth of July at
his homo at Norfolk.
Speaking of the slight difference of opinion
that seems to exist between himself nnd
Commissioner General Garncau , the auditor
said ; ' 'I am convinced that somebody will
get u hauling over tno coals for the manner
n which Boino of the. money appropriated
for a World's fair exhibit has been spent
and I decided'co lot the people and
Mr. Garncau know and feel that I did
not approve of the manner in which the
business had been conducted. Mr. Gar-
ncati seems to think that it Is none of my
business how the money is expended and
he has also saiu that no ono eUo had any
right to chock him up 'on his nccoimta. I
would llko to know if that is the case who
has a right to check him up. From his own
point of view it appears that ho has absolute
am. ) undisputed control over the funds nnd
can and will spend the money us ho ptcabua.
1 have entered my protest against some of
the expenditures and I think that I have
( kino nothing tuoro than my duly in the mat-
lor. "
Plies of people nave pi.ns , uat Do Witt's
Vt'ltch Hazel Salvo willuura tha.n.
Tr.iliiH Drhiyi-il byVanliiiiitn. .
IvANf AS CITY , Mo. , July 5. Passenger bus
iness on the Missouri Pucillc , Hock Island
Hannibal & St , Joe , Burlington ami Wabash
railways wns morn or less demoralized this
morning by serious washouts that seemed to
have occurred last night almost on every
sida of Kansas City , The railways huvo
not suffered mich demoralization of travel
for more than n year. The trains leaving
Kansas City were all affected by the den.\ ! . ,
the mulls for the west uere stopped , and no
end of confusion unO InconvciiU'iu-o caused ,
The tracks will all be repaired touu.v bo that
trains will be running on time tonight.
Piles of pcoplo have piles , out Ua Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
Hoard or Kiiiiiill7Htiiin.
The council will meet Friday as n board of
equalization in coinmlltco loom A In the
city hall ,
The board will listen to the complaints of
property owners on. the proposed special
assessments to bu levied on property for
grading , construction of sewers and opening
of several tit routs In the city.
Piles of people have piles , but Dowitt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will cure the in.
KeporU of the
Clerk Brownlco of the tire und police
board is busily engaged in receiving and 111-
Ing away the semi-annual reports of the
sevcnty-ilvo druggists of the city , showlnu
the amount of liquor bold and given uwuy
during the preceding six months of the ytur ,
Piles of pcoplo ave pues , out Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
Omaha Stove Repair M. A. Disbrow&Co
WOIIK8. Stove repairs Mnuufictureri of iaib ,
and wntar attacbuiunta floor * , blinds ant
for aur kind of utotro moulding ! . Urnnoh o <
made. 1SU7 Douglas it. Uc 12lh and liar *
nit. F. r , . KKAKI.KS. Consultlni Surieo
Graduate of Hush Mollcul Unllune. ( uO.f
" KlSli. ) For the treatment O
Wo cur a Catarrh , All Dinoavoi of th *
NONO , Throat. Choit , Stoiuaob. Sowoli
Blood. Shlu nnd "Uduoy D-jea m ,
Fftinnlo 'WnnknrHMnv CURED.
I'lLKS , FISTULA , riSSt'KK , iM-rniancnlly curd ,
svlthuiu thu imo or hull. . , llcatum or cauittlu.
All nmliiillcH of a private or Uulicale nature , ot
ellhi'rtwx , poslllvuly u\irinl.
Call on or aclilruHM , with Btump , for Circulars ,
Jreo Hook and Koclpci ,
Dr , Searles & Searies , "
Next Door to fostolfioo.
, - . - _ And all llio train of
eoiiiiiany Diem In men QUICKLY anil I'KUMA-
NBNTLY CU11EU. Full hTHKNOTIl and tone
irivrntouvary parlor tliu body. I will Bond ( se
curely packed ) PKEK to any sun'erer the | ire crlp-
t Ion ( hut cured mu of these troubles. Adilixba Ll
A. UUAULKY , Jlattlo Creek , Mich ,
Union Stock Yards "Company ,
( lot Cattle Ha nnJShu3i market la I'll wait.
_ _ _ _
Y/ood / Brothers.
Llvo Stogie CommU-dan Morchunti
EO'itli Omaha Tcli-phono 1157. _ ChcaT |
WAI/1'Kll K. Wi)0 ) . f
Market reports by mall und wire chcorfulli
urnlbhod uponapullcatlon.
" The Watch Trust"
of greatest magnitude I
in the United States It
the confidence the 4I I
thousands of owners of
ADJUSTED"cfjJcwcl Wtttches have in
® ! EW hcir accuracy as tle. ,
mttfg keeper. .
. , * !