Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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at the Fair Grounds Before an
Interested Congregation.
Oronndnml Lofty TirYnbllnc by nThoronth-
bred tlmt Oorkoil tin Talent I.lltlo
I.uck In ricklnR\Tlnnam Other
Ilnce Track llcsntti.
T WAS a delightful
afternoon , but the
threatening aspect
of the weather was
probably 1 n s t rn-
mental In cutting
. .down the attend-
i i'anco at the driving
I park. Whllo the
crowd was a fair
ono , It In novrlso
compared with that
of the day boforo. These who wcro on hand ,
however , witnessed flvo splendid events , ana
loft the grounds moro than satisfied with
the afternoon's sport.
All morning the sky was overcast with
lowering clouds , and a dclugo was antici
pated at any moment. Under the clreuin-
stances it was unreasonable to expect an
out pouring of-tho people. The track , wh Ilo
yet a bit ho.ivy , was a vast Improvement
over the Initial day , a fact the horses and
their mount } seemed to appreciate Immeas
Not wishing to disappoint any probable
late arrivals Starter Tuthlll did not sum
mons the quintet booked for the half mlle
dash , the opening race , until a quarter past
2 , but when the horses did appear they were
greeted by a mighty shout , which attested
to the Dent up eagerness of the crowd to see
them off.
Tanglefoot Took It.
Iko S should have won in a gallop , but ho
did not , thanks to his own resllvoncss ,
Jockey Seaman's bad judgment nnd Mr.
Horr's hip Ued Buck colt , Tanglefoot. The
dash was far from a thrilling ono. The best
horse , considering the conditions , was
beaten , and the disappointment engendered
by this was augmented by the showing made
by the second choice , Parole. Iky Strieker ,
the owner of .Iko S , was in anything but nn
angelic frnmo of mind after the race , Sea
man's ridlnu arousing his wrath to the boil
ing point. But Iko is next to unmanageable
, nnd the boy probably did the best ho was
'capable of. Tanglefoot was In ttio front
from the Jump and staid there to the wire ,
although Iko S gave him quite a chase down
the stretch. Parole third and Ilo Do last.
Tlmo : 50K.
In the second ovcnt , seven-eighths of a
mlle , Tell Tale , the favorlto.und Limebrooko ,
n 10 to 1 shot , toro off several lengths to.tho
good In getting away. .Limebrooko pushed
his nose to the fore round to the quarter ,
when Yoeman gave Toll Tale a llttlo extra
rope and ho shot Into the lead like an arrow
leaving the bow , Llmobrooko being the only
ono of the bunch that attempted to keep
him company , and ho going so slow that
Yeoman swung back with both hands full of
his horse , couldn't ' help keeping his place ,
the others absolutely refusing to bo coaxed
within hailing distance , and in a procession
they cantered under the wire , Toll Tale two
lengths ahead of Limobrooko and Mike
Whiting third. Time : l:34 : > f.
According to JL'rovIous Agreement.
The thrco-clghths of a mile was an extra
event on the card , but very "imcxtra" from
a standpoint of speed or excitement. Pnrolo
nnd Tanglefoot did n double song and dance ,
and ns they belong' to the same stable , the
performance ivus probably arranged the
night boforo. , Honest John seemed to have
n few $1 friends , but wo'iild look better
hitched to a dray than ho does in art
nbbreviatcd fly , over a heavy weightcourse.
'Hose Leaf , too , should bo sold at once to
some trick dog show or the nearest farmer to
the track. Parole and Tanglefoot Jogged
along together like two old soldiers on a long
"inarch , Guiett pulling up Parole a bit on tno
stretch In order that Tanglefoot might not
dump th'o gentlemen In the betting sheds.
Time : '
. Very Nice fllllo anil One-Klghtti.
These "Old Comrades" Harry Walker ,
Kettle S. Nellie F and Frank Clapp looked
Starter Tuthlll square In the face for the
long race of the day , the mlle and nn eighth.
Harry Walker was a prime favorite , while
Clapp. the winner , could ho bought from 8 to
1 to 0 to 1 up to the very fall of the flag.
There were but few Kcones , Dwycrs , Smiths
or Cushlngs on the track and the bookies
were exceedingly desirous of trapping every
stray cartwheel that dared show its face.
It was n beautiful gallop for the mlle , Walker
nnd Clapp. nose and nose , and the two Ns ,
Nettle and Nellie , dizzy girls that they are ,
lighting like mad for their entrance. Jump
ing from the last eighth , Clap | gained the
pilot's position nnd hold It by a head in an
exciting finish homo , Walker second four
lengths before , these rival old ladies pre
viously mentioned as giddy maidens. Tiino :
The day's card was concluded with n
dash for ilyq-oighths. As usual thoJavorUo
was a "con" gamennd again the offender
was Iko S. For a half hour ho edified and
electrified the crowd by flying to the eaves
of the grandstand , with ono leg tied behind
his back ; oy standing on his head , grating
on his tall , and executing other incrcdlblo
convolutions that the pen of a Dickens or a
Hugo would have a tough Job In describing.
The very welcome conscquenco was ho got
loft at the post , and Fred S. nn old selling
plater that used to bo on the Tremont street
car line In Boston just at the close of the
war won , by n half length , Wild Follow second
end , two lengths away from Yankee Band
third. Timol:0l5' : : < .
. fliiinnmrlcn.
First race , put-no 1 1RO. half-mile dash ; O , I , .
llorr , Tunglofoot , lilmx-lloston-Ueil Jluck
( Uubo ) 18'J won ; Isaac .Sinker , llioS , Ilortrain-
Itaywooil , ( Soanmn ) 111) ) horoml ; wubb. Head
< b Co. , I'urnlo , UnUnoHn-UnUnmvn , ( Uulutt )
123 third ; H.r. Di-an , I'ottlcoiit. Colonel Aus
tin-Unknown ( WnshnurnUl ? , and Hand's Ilo
Do ( Hard ) 113 ulio ran. Time : 60 } j' .
Second rtico. imn > o * 175 , suvuii-olKhthi miler
RmlthsToll Tnh ) , Answur-Kulego , ( Vcomun )
114 won ; J , J. Iruy , Umotirool ; , Tenliroock ,
Vulr)110 ) second ! Fjuthorlund's MIUo WliHInir.
nknonn. ( Adams ) 1'Jt thhd ; Wet > ! > ft Unm ) .
l.lttlo Follow , Jr. , Uttlo I'ellow. ( Cliilott ) joe
nnd J.IIrushmnn.MuryL. instruction , (1'ottor ( )
114 , us mimed.
Third rnco , purse J100 , three-eighths mlle :
JVobb & Hoiid'H I'nrolt ) , ( Oulott ) la-J won ;
Jlorr'u TuiiKloioot ( Itoho ) 1'JJ second ; Itoso
l.vafniul Honest John run unplaced. Time ;
man ) 110 , third ; bchlltor's Nellie r' , 1'ostus
( lo ) lluvon ) , 117 , unplaced. Time : i:03V ! : > .
\RiiUoo lion , Leo lion ( Gultto * . 1'J'J , third ;
btrlrker'a Iko S. left at post uml Dean's \Vest-
bldu Hey unplucod. Tjiuo ; lXiH. ;
A. largo attendance should bo on hand this
afternoon , when events are down
and several now horses will compute.
Kntrlc * for Thu Afternoon.
I'frst race , three-fourths mllu ; llottlo Ilrock.
Mike AYhltiioy. Vunkcu Hand. Toronto. St
Albany I.tKlni'Hiid Murk Twain , '
Second race , ono mlle : Umobrooko. Harry
Walker , Kj'y tpno. 1-rank Clapp. llymala ,
AlKtora uudll. II. H.
Third ruco , throu-fotirths mlle : Ansel Maid ,
-TolfTalO. Vankoo Hand. Wild llu\TUoihUo ;
St. Latnnr , Torpedo and Mnrlnmck.
Fourth race , ono mllu : lluttlo II rook , Nettle
| t fi , 'Al Taro , Kojrbtono , 1'iank Ulapp und
ftii raco. half mlle dash : I'nrolo. 1' ,
Iluclobot , l-'red 8 , Alouio , Yullouituuo , Him-
lieu , Loucfollpw and llastott.
'Admission today to all parts of th'o ground
160 cents.
) ju
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 ' Vliilih at Fort
FomrDODOE , July 6" [ Special Telegram to
TUB BCB. ] The three day a racing of the
Port Dodge TrolUng association closed hero
today. The track und u cat her were good
but ttondanco light. There was some lively
pool telling on the free-for-all trot and ft
took ilx bests for Ebony \VllUes to , win.
SLockvrS ) ) ! came In flrst-in the last heat of
the free-for-all run , but was ruled out on a
foul Summary :
t , pure $300 , flvo flatters :
Iiiidy 0 won , I ) I ) second , Tartar third. Holt
tlmn : 2:41. :
I'rpo-for'all trot , PUMO $300 , four stnrlnri :
rimny Wllkn-i won , MiiRelo N second , \ou.
Toll third. Unit time : / : * ) .
rroo-for-all running , puMollOO , four start-
on : Glides won , Silver How second , Micky
I'co third.
roncn'n ProRrnm r.illn to Develop Any
thing Sciuntlonnl.
PO.VOA , Nob. , July 5. [ Special Telegram
to THE BRU. ] Tlio track was fair today.
The timers were M. II. Cole , W. M. BilluDi
nnd A. F. Nash. Judges , W. B. Ncodham ,
C. W Caldwell and J. M. O'Connoll. Noth
ing happened today. The races wcro
fair for the olassos. Summary :
2:60 : class trotting :
, , , , ,
Nllos.Jr 3 4111
Action 7 1123
.lorry M 3 2344
Hello McCJrogor 1 3 4 0 G
Monwood 0 Ti 0 3 3
( Jrnnmont 4 0050
Ctlckot B 7 7 7 7
Ladyllussolt H 8 dr
Tlmo : 2:32,2:32X. : : 2:31,2:33 : : , 2:31 : , 2:33. :
B:40 : pacing :
Vallco ! 1131
Huby Klein 3212
Vlrtflo K , 8 3 B a
Tlmo by boats : 2:28 : , 2:2HH. 2:35 : , 2:32 : ,
Mlle dash foal * of 1H'J2 ' : Jew Huupo won ,
Nelllo socond. Time ; 2:05. : Only two start
2:35 : trotting :
Oov. Hlddlo 1121
( llotllnoro 0 012
MonsulUlilof 0343
McCornmc 3 4 D 4
lowiiUhlof 2 2 0 5
E. W. L . 8 034
Nickel t'luto 0 777
Mike 4 8dr
Kurutus 0 H dr
1'niillno H dls
Tlmo : 2:27.2:23 : : , i:23 ! : } { , 2:25',4. :
Washington Vnrh IteiuHa.
WASHINGTON PAIIK , July fi. Results :
First race , purse $1,000 , mlle nnd sovonly
yards : Wlldood ( to D ) won , London ( D to 2) )
second , Sweet Hlossom third. Tlmo : 1:44. :
Second race , jmrso 1,000 , llvo furlongs :
1'etor the Orent ( G to 0) ) won , Wllfonso ( S to 5) )
second. Chant (8 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:02. :
Third rnco , purse 41,000 , mlle and nn
eighth : Cicely (1 ( to 21 won , 1'rlnco of Dark
ness (7 ( to 0) ) second , Dundee (3 ( to 1) ) third.
Time : 1:55. :
Fourth race , soiling , purse $1,000 , six fur
longs : Ray LochlolJ(7 ( to 1) ) won , Outt > f Sight
(10 ( to If second , Shadow (0 ( to 5) ) third. Tlmo :
Vlfihraco. pnrso 81,000 , ono mlle : Union
(10 ( to 1) ) won , Tlio King (15 ( to 0) ) second , 1'rlnco
Doculvor(4 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:42. :
Sixth race , purse $1,000 , six furlongs : Bul-
gowm : (3 ( to 1) ) won , Tlm Murphy (0 ( to 1) ) second
end , Major Tom(12 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:1411.
Second Day nt Inillunariolls.
Ixm.vNAroi.ia.July C. Flvo thousand pcof-lo
saw the second day's rnco of the Indianap
olis Driving club. Summary :
2:30 : trot , purse 1500 : Hilly 1) won , Maud D
second , Arlington third. Hosttlmo : 2:10W.
2:20 : par.o. purse J3OO : llurnoy won , 1'rlnco
second , Henry F third. Host time : 2 :
2:33 : trot , pnrso$500 : Imuulno won , r-
ulda second , Scotia third. Hosttlmo : 2 :
lemma * Olty'A I'rojriiin.
KANSAS Cur , July 5. Results :
First race , flvo furlongs : Immllda won ,
Helen Wren second , Harrison third. Tlmo :
1:07. :
Second rnco , six und a half furlongs : Trudo
won , J. H. Gouts second , 1'ortugneso third.
Tlnm : l:28f. :
Third race , six furlongs : Sir George won ,
Highwayman second , Hul Flshur third. Tlmo :
1:20. :
Fourth race , seven and a half furlonss :
Oovornor Ross won , VYmUolluld second , I'at
King third. Tlmo : 1:372-5.
Fifth race , four anil u half furlongs : Lank
won. Hurry H.second , Dan Furrol third. Tlmo :
68 4-5.
Sixth race , six and a half furlongs : Newcastle -
castle won , Tom Jones uucond , The Judge
third. Tlmo : 1:20. :
Sovunth race , four and a half furlongs :
Nelllo It won , Decoy Maid second , Oracle M
third. Tlmo : 59 j.
Outcome nt Monmouth.
MONMOUTH PAIIK , July 5. Results :
First race , six furlongs : Iddloslolgh (7 ( to 5) )
won , 1'rlnco George ( D to 2i second , Correction
( G to 2 ; third. Tlmo : 1:12 .
Second ruco , llvo furlongs : Mistrial (15 ( to 1) )
won , 1'rlc (4 ( to 1) ) second , Trlnctilo (30 ( to 1) )
third. Tlmo : 1:02. :
Third nice , mlle and n furlong : Now or
Never (8 ( to fj ) won , Lonsitroot (13 ( to 1) ) second ,
St. Forlan | (7 ( to 2) ) third. Time : l:57y. :
Fourth race , Hv und a. half furlongs :
Astoria (7 ( to 1) ) won , Kinglet 15 to 2) ) second ,
rrlnuo John ( Oto 1) ) third. Tlmo1:00. : .
Fifth raco. seven , furlongs : Hammto (0 ( to 1) )
won , Lomi Uoach ( B toll .second , Key West
(11 ( to 0) ) third. Time : 1:20. :
Sixth ruco , ono mlle : Stonnell (1 ( to 5) ) won ,
Suruh Rumoy (4 ( to Dhocond , Lykestono (5 ( to 1) )
third. Tlrao : l:41M.
AVluuorH nt Gloucester.
PHILADELPHIA , July 5. Three favorites ,
two second choices .and an outsider were the
winners today at Gloucester.
First race , mlle and a fourth : Ilyaclntho
(5 ( to 21 won , Second (3 ( tel ) second , National (8 (
to 1) ) third. Time : 2:14U. :
Second ruco , llve-olRliths of a mlle : Some
Moro < 2 to 1) ) won , Dillon (2 ( to 1) ) second , Lady
Luster (3 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:03 : 1.
Third race , four nnd n half furlongs : Morn
ing Glory (8 ( tel ) won , Apollo ( G to 1) ) second ,
Morton (15 ( to 1) ) thlrdi Time : G7.
Fourth race , six and a half furlongs : Tlogix
(5 ( to 2) * ) wonr 1'unzanco (0 ( to 5) ) second , 1'also U
third . Time : 1:28K.
Fifth t.-iee. flvo furlongs : Minnie (2 ( to 5) )
won , Chatham (2 ( to ll second , Flourotto (15 ( to
1) ) third. Tlmo : 1OU : ? { .
Sixth race , four and a htilf furlongs : De
lusion (7 ( to 2) ) won , l-'o\lmll ( even ) second ,
Hobby Calnun (4.0 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 58.
nt llrlcliton lloiich.
s BEACH , July fi. Results :
First race , five-eighths mlle : Express ( even )
won , Raster John (8 ( to 5) ) .second , AustorllU (5 (
to 1) ) third. Time : l:04Jf. :
Second rnco , emi half mile : Montopnnl (7 ( to
10) ) won , Alice OB ( to 1) ) .second , Angela (40 ( to
1) ) third. Time ; 6Hi.
Third ruco , llvo-olghths mlle : Ilorwyn (8 ( to
6) ) won , Sutherland 18 to 1) ) second , Shelly
Tuttlo(2 ( tel ) third. Tlmo : 103K. ; * >
Foupth race , HOveii-olKliths mlle : Saragassa
(7 ( to U won , Mujor Daly (1 ( to 3).second ) , West
Ohostor(20to ( 1)third. ) Tlmu : l:29y.
Fifth ruco , ono mlle : Undo Sim (7 ( toG ) won ,
Circular (2 ( to 1) ) second , Shonaudouh (3 ( to 1) )
third. Tlmo : l:43J. : (
Sixth ruco , nix und a liulf furlongs : Foxford
(0 ( to 1) ) won , Ecllpio ( even ) second , Ingot(10 ( to
1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:23W : ,
Urlvlntr nt Ili-lmont 1'nrlc.
PHILADELPHIA , July 5. The Bclmont track
was In line conuitlon today.
227 ; p'lclng race , was won by Oray Inauc In
straight bouts ; Cedar Snag , the favorite , get
ting fourth plncu. Host time : 2:1UU. :
Flvo lieats woio necessary to docldu the 2:20 : ,
Fldos Slanton. the fuvoritooii. . H , J. , after
winning the third boat In 2'JH ; ( < wus uiudo
first choice. Host tlmo : 21U ; } { .
Orioles Now Know U'liut It J'c l § I.llio to
Ho Hlint Out ,
PiTTdiiuuo , July C. The Baltlmorcs w'ore
shut out for the llrst tlmo this season. They
could not hit Klllun , McGraw was put out
of the game in the fourth inning , Score :
IMttDUUIK. . , 0 00110000 2
llultlmoro UOOUUOOOU-U
Hits : I'lltslmrK , 0 ; H.iltlmoro , D , Errors ;
I'lttslmrKllaltlmoro. : . 3. llattcn-les : Klllen
and Miller ; Mullnnoand Robinson ,
llrooklyii l.nst the Tie.
CUSVELAXO , July 5. Cleveland and Brook
lyn played off the tie of Tuesday. The homo
team hud moro luck than thu visitors and
this with Kennedy's wildncss gave them
the game In cloven innings. Score ;
Cleveland. . , . 2-0
Hroolclyi 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 7
lilts : Clovoland. 12 ; llrooklyii. 10. Errors :
Cleveland , 4 : llrooklyii , 3 , Earned runs ;
Cleveland , 4 ; UrooUlyn , 4. llattorlos ; Young
and /minor ( , Dally and Kennedy.
Mainline of thu Tim mi.
IM ) cit n ( Jroiit ( ] iinio.
The greatest gaino of the season was
played Tuesday , the iNonparclls defeating
the Mall Carriers at Nonpareil park. It was
ono of the best games over played in the
cty. | Creighton , Miller , Bowman , Adams ,
Kennedy and Howies of Birmingham's Con.
veutlons played with the Mall Carriers.
Hddlo Mahoney of tlio Nonpareil Juniors
covered himself with glory in loft Held for
.tlio Nonpareils. A two-baso hit-by ClurK In
the fourteenth Inning won the game for the
south cndcra , The score :
Mall Carrier 001 03 000 a 1000 0-7
Nonpareil * . . . . . * - . 'J 03000001 1000 1 H
IfcMlorlcNowurvllsi Jelluii , Lacy. Mall
Carrlcia. Allllor , Cicleliton.
HASTINGS , Nob. , July 5. [ Special to THE
Htu.J Under the , aiupifo-i of the Hastings
Uuu club yesterday uflcruoou u tournament
was hold nt the club grounds In the north
ern part of the city. A target race was won
by liaydon , Itantr. and Fleming dividing second
end , A flvo llvo bird shoot was the second
event , with nlnoteen entries. Boyd , llantz ,
Fleming and Young divided first money ,
Williams , Fountain , McCronry , Crooth , Hny
don , Bay and Miller sharlnit In second place.
A sovcn bird race came next , with fourteen
entries. McCroary , Pratt , Haydcn and
Boyd tied for flrst place , nnd Boinls and
Fleming also n Ilo for .second. Another llvo
bird race , with nineteen entries , closed the
tourney , Boyd and liaydon dividing first and
Fleming , Kinnoy. Evans , Pratt , Klpp and
Miller second monoy.
Clront llnnlcy Itosntta llflgnu with Good
Attonilnnro and Fnlr Sport.
LOSDOX , July 5. The Ilenloy rowing regatta
gatta began todaythero being many foreign
contestants. Only the first rounds were
rowed today. The second rounds will bo
rowed tomorrow nnd the finals on Friday.
For the grand challenge cup today the
Lcandcr club boat the Magdalen College
club ; the Thames club beat H.IKSOSSolno
club ; the Tjondon club boat the Trinity Col
lege , Cambridge , crow : the Dublin univer
sity bent the Molcsny club.
In the ladles challenge plato Trinity college -
lego , Oxford , beat the Now college.
In the diamond sculls Boyd , Trinity col
lege , Dublin , boat Hudson ; George Henry of
the Clrclo 1'Avlron , beat Charles Fonwlck of
the Soclotyfor the Encouragement of How-
In the Thames challenge cup the Thames
Ilo wing club beat tlio Vesta club.
In the ladles challenge plato Kidloy col
lege boat Bradfonl grammar school ; first
Trinity heat Bradfonl grammar school.
In the s towards challenge cut ) the Thames
club beat Brasenoso college ; Magdalen college -
lego beat Trinity.
Three heats were rowed today for the
Wy/old cup. It the llrst heat crows from
the Molesoy and London Hewing clubs were
pitted against each other. This rnco proved
to bo the most closely contested race of the
day. The Molesoy crow won by a quarter of
a length. The next heat was between the
Midway and Thames Howlng clubs , The
crow of the latter club ran Into some piles
on the river and this accident destroyed
whatever chances It might have hna of win
ning. The Midway club won as It pleased.
The third heat was nwarded to the crow of
the Kingston Rowing club , who rowed over
the course alone , there being none to com
The crow of the Koyal Chester club was
matched against the third Trinity club In
the steward's challenge cup , but the latter
was scratched , and the lioynl Chester crow
therefore simply rowed over the course.
Ilo Quietly Ask < Jiideo Newton to Get
Chnwloy to .Sign or Giro Up.
CHICAGO , July fi. Champion James J. Cor
belt Is perturbed over the rather caustic
letter that President Newton of the Coney
Island club has sent to him.
' The Columbian Athlotio club never tried
to got me away from the Coney Island ctub , '
said Corbott today. "Whllo I am anxious to
llvo up to the agreement with' the Coney
Island people , and while I want to fight
there In preference to anywhere else , I don't
see how it is possible for mo to do so unless
Judge Newton and his associates can get
Mitchell. "
New YOIIK , July 5. Champion Jim Corbott
sent tnis telegram to .ludgo Newton , match
maker of the Coney Island Athletic club in re
sponse to the judge's letter of Sunday niuht.
CHICAGO , July 4. Judge Newton : I have
sinned nothing here to prevent nt Coney
Island , but you must got Mitchell alined u :
you said you would three months ago. Thing *
must , be settled .somo way nt once , ns I want
to start training , und I cannot do so until
Mitchell bus signed. Answer nt once.
Judge Newton promptly wired the follow
ing reply from Coney Island :
i never said I would got Mitchell. You said
that being champion and the challenged party
you had u right to name the mooting plitco ,
und assuming that iDOiltlon to bo correct , you
mimed Coney Island utid signed for Coney
Island ; but there was no other club at the
time In a position to outbid us , but JUstashoon
as there wus another to raise the purse you
sought to make excuses on account of the
extra $5,000. This i.s your real po-iUon ! In the
matter , and everybody will BO understand It.
Now , thon. why not come out man fashion
nnd , say whether it Is Coney Island or not
Yours , etc. K. 11. NKWTON.
Games nt Fort Niobrara.
FOKT NiouitAHA , Nob. , July 5' [ Special to
TIIE BBE. ] The garrison was awakened yes
terday oy the strains of the Sixth Cavalry
bund , which filled the air witli national music.
Soon after guard mounting the base bal
game between the east andwest end of the
garrison was started , and after a tightly
contcstod game the west end Avon by a
score of 7 to 0. For four innings neither side
n.ndo a run. During the , game the Sixth
Cavalry band played under a hospital teut
and enlivened the gumo.
'Tho game wound up at 11:30 : , when every
body went to their quarters and waited for
dinner. Every organization 'tried ' 'to outdo
the other one in preparing their Fourth of
July feast. They were all grand , but troops
A , G. E and K and company B , Eighth cav
alry , was something extraordinary. Yours
truly ate his dinner In troop A , Sixth cavalry
and this was a few of the articles before
him : Iloast chicken , roast veal , roast lamb ,
boiled ham , boiled tongue , lob.stnr naiad
potato salad , chicken salad , green corn
green peas , greens of all descriptions' , pies
and cakes until further orders , ice cream
nuts and raisins.
At 1 o'clock p. m. the other sports com
menced in the following order and the win
ners named opposite :
Suck race , sovouty-dvo yards : McDonald
1C , Sixth cavalry.
Wheelbarrow raco. 100 yards : McDonald , 1C ,
Sixth cavalry.
One hundred yards race ; Crofut , H , Slvtli
cuvalry , first ; Holy Cano , L , socond.
Running high Jump : Urobo , A , Sixth ,
Two hundred and twenty yards race : First ,
Holy Cane , L , Sixth ; Hocond , Shoots th
Thruwlnc the liainmor : Ilnrnor , K.
Standing broad jump : Galluhun , A , Sixth.
Water nice : Reynolds , 1- ' , Sixth , first ; ( Jro-
nln , ( > Eighth , second.
One mlle race : Holy Cane , L , Sixth , first
second , Fust Dog , L , Sixth.
Running high jump : Uronhi , O , Eighth In
f nn try.
Ureiisud pig : Spotted Tall , L , Sixth.
Handicap nice for hoys under 15 : First. II
Young ; .second , \Vllllunu. .
One mlle wulk : Thomas , A , Sixth cavalry.
llurdlo race , 200 yards : G'rofiit , H , first
I'm I.s , ( > , Eighth , second.
( Jllmblng the sronsed polo : Isaacs.
Tug of war : East and west .side of gurrlson
"Kithtonil. "
The day concluded with a grand display o
The 1'all of tlm Mmmrocka.
The West Omaha Juniors and Shamrock
Juniors fought out a stubborn battle Tues
day , the West Omahus finally triumphing by
a single tally. The score :
AIInn K AiiniiK
Welch , illi , 4011) ) Dolan , 11) . . 4 O I ) 1
Soozer. Ha , . , , , , . 4110 Il.irmvell , rf 4101
T.ilbolt.i- 4 1 1 II Lowry. ab a 1 o 1
HiiKlibinliH , . ( , . II O 1 II Whltnlni , ' , Ha. . . , H O 1 ( I
( ii-ay'Jli.Vi a U I ) I Kennedy , o H 0 II II
lirotti' , If : l O U I ) Troby , i H 0 1 0
Ol.ulnVJb.Vcf , , ! l 0 0 II Koloy , If „ . , .1 I ) 1 I )
( ) : t i ii i Putur-ion , lib H 1 1 0
Murphy , cf.Vp , , : i i i i Hcimlnloiltcf. , il U 4 H
" "
Totals Ill 4 4 : i Totals , , 33"S"111
SliamrocU Jr . , , . . , . 0 0 U 0 0 0 1 fl
VTml Omaha Jra. , ti U 0 U U 1 1 4
Karntxl niim : wV t Omnh.iH. 1 ; Suamrooka. 1 ,
Two-uUKolitt ; Foley , 1. Struck out : Uy Murphy ,
7 ; uy GrayU ; by Trouy , 7 , Umiilro : Voter-sou.
lourit Wheulmoii'a It.K-oi.
ViNTON , la. , July 5. The results of yobter-
duy's races in the Iowa Wheelmen's meet
wus as follows ;
Mlle safety , open ; Ruy Kcntor , Chicago ,
won. Tlmo : 2:37U. :
Mlle Hiifuty , handicap : J , II , Clnieasbro ,
Waterloo , MUlli Tlmo ; * : J7Jt
H u safety , Iowa division clmmplon-
ilp : A. li. Kdmond * . DIM Moinex , won Tlmo :
llbJ4. Edmonds uUo won the two mile uaiuly
for the championship of lowu , Tlmu : GOi' : , ,
Two mllu safety handicap : 0. W. Ashley ,
Sioux Ulty , won. Tlimn & : l'Ji.
Half nillo bufoty , open : A , llelmlch , jr. .
L'lilcago , won. Tlmo ; lilO'i ,
The exciting race of the afternoon was
the flvo mile handicap , which was won by C.
U. Fox of Chicago , No time given ,
rinimlii ? for u t\\s \ HUCB.
DUTIIOIT , Mich. , July 5. W. O. Blair ,
manager for the three Australian oarsmen ,
James Stansbury , Charles Stcphonson and
Alec MuLioan , said today : "I will issuo'a
challenge for SUnsbury and Btenhouson to
Hunlon and Tuomor to row for tno double
scull championship of the world and $ . " > ' , JJ
at Chicago or Geneva , 111. , date to ' jd
on when articles signed1
Executive Head of CEo Brotherhood of Loco-
molrvi Fireman ,
tt _ _
What lie S T Afioul .Imteo Hicks' r tnon
Uoclilon IntorpKttng Interview with a
Control Klfnkrc In Atnorlran
I.kl.dr Circles.
P. P. Sargent , cTiinf of the nrothorhooil
of Locomotive Firemen , Is In Omaha on bus *
Inoss connected with the general welfare of
the order. Ho was soon last night at the
Paxton by a representative of TUB UBB.
Mr. Sargent was In hU well known pleasant
humor nnd perfectly willing to talk ,
although ho had nothing startling to toll
"I have Just como from Pueblo , Colo. , " said
the distinguished visitor. "I stopped over
hero for n couple of days to slzo up the
general condition of affairs and to attend tea
a llttlo business with Mr. J. H. McConnell of
the Union Pacific. 1 shall go to St. Louis
tomorrow afternoon.
"Everything Is lovely with the order Just
now. wo nro not only holding our own In
every way , .but nro rapidly increasing In
numerical strength , having acquired over
700 now members during the past three
months. The order now has over 23,000
members , nnd Is In bettor working condition
than over before. Wo nro on Rood terras
with most of thu railroads , and with the ox-
coptlon of that Toledo ease there Is nothing
to bother us at all Just now. Of course ,
times nro pretty null nnd a number of com
panies have been cutting off many of their
trains , thereby causing the laying off of a
good many of the boys , but this Is only-tem
porary and I look for a resumption of traffic
very shortly. "
"How Is the now organization getting on
the association of all the organized rail
road employes , of which Eugcno V. Debs
was elected urcsldent when the association
was formed In Chicago about three months
ago ? " was asked.
'I'ornlniit" Federation.
"I rcallv don't know , " answered Mr. Sar
gent. "Tho fact Is , I haven't paid much
attention to It. I suppose they nro getting
along well enough , though. "
"Then you don't look upon Mr. Dobs' plan
as feasible ; You will not co-operate or
amalgamate with organization1 '
"Certainly not. In the first place , 1 don't
know Just what the plan of the now organ
ization Is. I have been too busy attending
to my duties as head of my own order to give
anything else much attention. My tluio be
longs to the brotherhood , nnd as you will
readily understand , I cannot spend it look
ing into the plans of foreign organizations.
"In the second place , Lsoo no reason why
we should contomplnto an alliance with any
organization. As I said before , wo nro in
bettor shape than ever. Why , then , should
wo think fora moment of disbanding and
entering another order ! "
Kicks' Decision Will lie Reversed.
"What do you think about Judge Kicks'
order to the Ann A'rbor employes to return
to work , declariug'vthat striking railroad
men are guilty of yiolation of contract ? "
"I think the decision will be reversed , of
course. Wo have [ caryled the case to the
supreme court , aml"aro confident of a de
cision in our favor. The Judge takes the ab
surd ground that when a man quits the em
ploy of the is bound to give duo
notice , and adds tliat' the employes nave no
right to leave , more than one at a time. If
this is right , then the railroad companies
arc bound to glvo tholr employes duo notice
when they discharge them ; but do they
do it ? Wo expect , that ns a result
of this appeal , t the supreme court
there will be passed by congress an arbitra
tion law governlu.gtho | settlement of diffi
culties between corporations and labor
organizations whlctfvHl b < S satis factory to us
and also" to a majority of the railroad com
panies. This law Is bound to bo enacted
sooner or later , and wo look for it soon.
JJoiril of Arliltrntlin.
"It will bo an act requiring all matters of
controversy between corporations nnd em
ployes which cannot bo otherwise amicably
adjusted to bo loft to the decision of a board
of arbitration consisting of three members ,
ono member being appointed by each aide
and these two to select , the third.
"When this is done there will bo no difficulty -
culty in keening things straight and I look
upon such an act as the only solution of the
railroad labor problem.
"Yes , of course some corporations will ob
Ject ; but if you think 'you are right in an
argument aren't you perfectly willing to
leave the decision to u disinterested party ?
Some of the railroads will oppose the passage -
sago of the act ; they almost Invariably take
the stand that their business is their own
and not to bo interfered with by outside
parties. But the act will bo passed , Just the
31111 Ownrra Complying with
AHioolntloii'K Demands.
PiTTSiiuitQ , Pa. , July 5. Whllo the local
manufacturers have not yet signed the
scale , the mill owners , eastern and western
districts , are one by ono agreeing to
the amalgamated scale of wages.
At noon today the Locust Polnl
Iron and Steel company of Baltimore
signed the scalo. This afternoon a dele
gate from Muncie , Ind. , reported at the
Amalgamated association's headquarters
that the Midland Stool company had signed
the scale , nnd the White River Iron company
would sign before tomorrow night.
A dispatch from Chicago states that the
Illinois Steal company U willing to pay $5
for puddling , nnd In all iron-making depart
ments , providing a similar reduction is
granted in the finishing departments. It is
likely that the amalgamated olllcials will
make this concession , and that peace will bo
concluded with the largest steel firm wostol
Tryliitr to Arrnnxo .MHttrrs.
NKW YOKK , July fiTho meeting of the
oxoitutlvu board of the American Fodoratioi
of Labor was continued today. The most
important matter was the discussion of u
now schedule of wages /or iron and stec' '
workers. No action was taken , however , as
n compromise has been effected for thu time
being. The other demands were considered
and a resolution adopted that the executive
council arrange for an interview \vith Presi
dent Cleveland for the purpose of discussing
the adoption of an night hour law and also
to protest ugalust'J any understanding
between the Unlto-lnSlatoa nnd China tx
annul or modify the Chinese exclusion act
The executive council is to report after the
meeting. ' ' ' '
Acrrnil to a lluilumlon In
CiiKHao. July -JhV Joint committee o
arbitration between itho Carpenters and
Duilders association' ' had the United Carpenters -
ters council has dl'clurod in favor of a re
duction of the ininl/n'uin / vote of carpenters' '
wages from -ID centsvto : r > cents an hour unti'
October 1 , on accoufil Jol the financial con
ditions. ' 1'
.Ni'lir.nkiinl ut tliu rulr ,
CIIIOAOO , July 5.i3SpecIal ( Telegram
TUB Ben.J Prof. I 'L Hartley of the Nebraska
braska university arrived at Jackson parli
today from Lineoln.f.ft'rof. Hartley will tuk
.charge of the statuSi"exhibit in the depart
ment of forestry. J. 71. Collins of Crtito and
J , S. Wosterdahl of Omaha have also ar
rived to take charge of the agricultural ex
hlblt for thu month of July.
Among the Omaha psoplo at the fair today
were : William McCunc , E. Kchrolbcr.Slmoi
Wagensan , Mrs , 10. T.Vinspon , Alice J
Wlnsnen , Clara P , Cooper , Agnes M. IX\w
son , Howard Kennedy , Gooi-fto 1) . Lake
Or-ico Lilllo , P. I . Hooves and wife. 13. H
Hoke , H. W. Black , MUs Daisy Froomnn.
The rovlscd llguros on thu uttondanco a
the fair yesterday nnho the paid udmiss.oii !
2S3'jni and the total HM.HM. The hlghes
paid attendance up toyiMtcrduy was thato
Juno 15 , Herman day , IKi.otX ) ,
I > vel | > n : ; mil.i It ! < iln.
, S. IX.JulvS. [ Special toTn
BISK. ] During the month of Juno'&U filing :
wcro inaduat the Unliail Ktito * fund olhc 0
inthlsdty for cUIti ? h t'n loaoJ Sioux
lands. Thlsrccorl irm s b/ twenty ,
seven the best rci-urj ji 4Ujjirovlou * month
In thohlitory of the office. Ever since the
first of the pros out year now settlers have
boon pouring Into the country west of the
Miisourl river and U ils estimated that the
Increase In population of that section will
roach nearly 5,000 during the period stated ,
As the season grow later it was believed by
some that the number of settlers arriving
would decrease month bymonth , but exactly
the reverse has been the case. Every day
strings of pralno schooners pass through
hero on their way to the coded lands. The
development of the vast region west of the
Missouri will add to the prosperity of the
ontlro northwest.
JV IIV X'Jlt TllK AltStY.
I.lil of ChnnitPs In the Itcculnr Surrlco ns
Announced Yesterday.
'WASHINGTON , July 5. [ Sooclal Telegram
to TUB HMB. ] The following orders were
Issued today :
Captain Thomas V. Qulmi , Fourth In
fantry , having boon found by an army re
tiring board incapacitated for uctlvo servIce -
Ice , will proceed to his homo and report
thcnro by letter to the adjutant general of
the army.
Leave of absence for three months , to take
effect July 20 , IS' ) : ) , Is granted Captain John
MeA. Webster , Twenty-second infantry.
Leave of absence for two months to take
effect July 10,1893 , Is granted First Lieuten
ant Erasmus M. Weaver , Jr. , regimental
quartermaster , Second artillery.
Leave of absence for two months , to take
effect September 1 , ISIKI , Is granted Second
Lieutenant Alexander L. Dado , Tenth cav
Customs llouso Investigation * .
WASHINGTON , July 5. The secretary of the
treasury has instructed the custom hbuso
commission at Now Yorlc to Investigate the
whole subject of refunds of oxcosslvo duties
as conducted at that port and to suggest any
Improvements which scorn to it desir
able. This Investigation will Incidentally
touch the "hat trimmings case , " now pend
ing for sottlemcnt , under recent decisions of
thu supreme court , and will probably embrace -
brace recent decisions which have been
made within the past few years as well as
cases still unsettled. One of the points to
bo decided by the commission relates to the
genuineness of the samples upon which
action has been taken for the purK | so of ro-
liquidatlon nnd whether the samples have
fairly represented the articles upon which
court decisions have been made.
Wc t rn I'niisions.
The following pensions granted arc re
ported :
Nebraska : Increase Jacob A. Wolfe.
Original widows , etc. ICltzaboth Howe ,
Sarah Ball.
Iowa : Original Clarissa Crossah. Nnrso
Moses M. Bates. Restoration , reissue and
increase Samuel A. Sparks. Hclssuo
Adolph Polck. Orlclnal widows , etc. Maria
B. Byors , Hannah Hall , Grace M. Cheshire ,
llcbecca J. Perry , Isabella E. Lore.
1'lot to Overthrow the 1'rovlslonnl Oovern-
iiirnt of Ilmvull Olncovorcil.
HONOLULU ( Via San Francisco ) , Juno 28.
Developments of the past six days have
been three arrests for conspiracy to over
throw the provisional government , a threat
against the life of Claus Spreckles and or
ganization of a society within the ranks of
the annexationists for the purpose of shoot
ing down certain royalists in the event of
any opc'n attack upon the present govern
Claus Spreckles found on his gate a few
days ape a placard ornamented with skull
and cross bones and bearing the inscription :
"Gold and silver will not stop load. " Ho
laid the matter before Minister Blount , nnd
tno latter forwarded Sprccklcs'statement to
the urovisional government. The names of
the persons arrested for conspiracy are T. B.
Walker. E. C. Crick and Archibald Livolan.
They are all English , nnd the British
consul was disposed to Interfere
in tholr behalf , but dropped the
matter when Informed of the nature
of the charges. The government claims to
have evidence against those men showing
they were forming a plot to blow up the
government buildings nnd then shoot down
the anncxntlonists when they should rush to
the scciio. A number of persons uro bclnu
watched by the authorities.
Six or seven hundred annexationists have
formed a "citizen's reserve. " They are
armed with rifles and have selected certain
prominent supporters of the ex-queen whoso
names are known nnd marked them for
slaughter in the ercnt of a royalist out
break. A member of this organization gives
a list of those marked for assassination and
s.ays that It Includes Claus Sprcckles and
Minister Blount in case they Interfere in any
light that may occurr.
As noon as the government received from
Minister Blount Claus Sprockels' statement
in regard to the threatening placard steps
were taken to protect Sprockels from further
annoyance. Ills homo is now guarded by
police. ,
A statement of the appointment of
Judge Snccd as minister to' Hawaii
has arrived , hero. Minister Blount was
delighted with the news that his
successor had bcon appointed. Blount's
relations with the provisional government
have not been of a pleasant nature nnd both
ho and the government will bo glad to say
farewell. Blount is making calculations to
sail for San Francisco July 18 , and will take
his final report of the Hawaiian question
homo with him.
Claus Sprockets , wife and family will sail
for San Francisco tomorrow.
IIo'll Iliivo im Item TliU Time.
W. E. Williams , who claimed to bo the
traveling correspondent for a Welsh paper
published at Utlca , N. Y. , and who has
been In Omaha for a few days past ,
had the hurry-up wagon called
last night to convoy Knio States , an inmnto
of a hou o of ill fame , to the station , claim
ing that Enio had "touched" him for four
bits. Elllo got the riilo , but much to the
disgust , of Correspondent Williams , he too ,
was garnered , and booked ns complaining
witness , to sccuro his appearance this morn
ing ,
J.UV.ll. nU
The Painters union gave a picnic Tuesday
at Teitz park.
APiattduotsehcr Vorcon's picnic Is to bo
given on July Hint llusor's park.
The Young Men's Christian association
hold a mootint : last evening and discussed
the probability of establishing a homo for
dependent boya and girls.
Brlcicluycra and Plasterers Tenders
sumbly No. 72'J , had a .sociable tlnm
day at Eighth and Bancroft Htreets. Mr
McNcal was the orator of the day.
The ladles of the Huiiseom PavkMothodlst
Episcopal church will glvo a lawn sociable
this evening at the residence-of Mrs. C. A ,
Clallin , 1141 South Thirty-first street.
Mr. William J. Biles of Hastings and MIs. <
Anna I. McICInnoy of Omaha wcro married
in this city July 4 , at the residence of the
officiating minis tor , Kov. Charles W. Savldgc ,
Two East Omaha motor c.ira collided be
tween Ix > cust street and Sherman avunuo at
about UH ; ! ) o'clock last night. Miss Ednii
Williams and a motor man were badly hurt ,
Owing to serious illness Mrs , F , B. Millar
, was unable to appear yesterday evening at
the benefit ut IJoyd's for Mrs. Cox , the
widow of Captain Cox , the fireman who mo *
death at the Shivcrlck tire.
Thomas Carter , the tough youth who wn
charged with the burglary of Panneloo
KUII stora some time ago and was discharged
for lack of sulll.lont evidence to convict him ,
was brought Into the station laat uvoninj. in
a noisily loaded condition.
H , Wnldoman , rnproucQtlng the normal :
Literary and Art works , was given ! > om
promincnco recently by having liU imm
connected with that of a fresh young mat :
named Kuohno from Oregon City
who was reported to have lost sovora
hundred dollars and a gold watrh down litho
the slums. Mr.Valilciniin says ho did no1
visit tlm slums with ICuohno , aim xvaa nuvo
with him at au.y place other than thu Cii.
hotul , where both are hoarders , Mr , Waldo
man object * to bo ing classed ns u rounder , urn
says ho puts In on an average twenty-foil :
haunt u day aittmUlng to hl own business.
Society of OlirUllun Kniloavoi.
MosTiiKAi , , July 3.--Tho Socloty of Chris
j tlan ICndeavor will not meat in regular aes ' .
sion until tomorrow. Today , on behalf of
jan t'ranclsco us the next umo'ing place ,
Mr. llollott Watt of that city , appeared to
press Its claim , but no action was taken
pending the arrival of the Denver delegation.
Tonight Mr. Baor stated that ho was In-
dined to think that Denver would walvo Its
claim for 18JV5 , provided that It would bo
promised the convention in 18UC.
VASIV AT vutiiir.o.
Ocpoiltors llnnlnRo the lUnks Clamoring
for Thrlr Moliry.
Ponnu ) . Colo. , July C. The bank panto
did not roach Pueblo until this morning.
But then It came with a vengeance. A week
or moro past largo withdrawals have boon
made from the banks almost dally , and the
American National , of which O. H. P. Bax
ter Is president and Itobort Gibson
cashier , when It opened for business
this morning found a largo number
of depositors waiting to take out
tholr money. The crowd continued to grow
arid It soon became evident that with the
ready cash on hand they could not hold out
much longer , and about 10 o'clock the doors
were closed. The notlco posted stated that
the bank would commence business again
soon , and that assets were $1,1350,000 , and
liabilities $050,000. Runs had already com
menced on both the Western National , of
which V. L. Graham Is president , and the
First National , H. D. Thatcher , president.
The Western closed Its doors Ixsforo noon.
They have doiraslts of over $1,000,000 , und
l.nvo always been considered very strong.
Hundreds of people stood in and about the
First National banK all day , and depositors
were paid as fast ns the paying tellers could
handle thorn. The general expectation Is
that the First National will bo able to pay
their depositors in full If they nro called
for , and tlmt they cannot bo forced to'oloso.
President Thatcher , when seen by a re
porter , said they had had a hard run , but
lie thought the worst was over and that
they would bo able to moot all demands.
The Central National , of which Deles L.
Iloldeu is president , closed about noon. This
bank decs n light business , but withdrawal
of deposits had boon so heavy of late that
It could : not stand any further run , and
they thought it best to close. Its assets
nro about $170,000 , nnd liabilities about
A sort of run was also made on the Pueblo
Savings bank , but It took advantairo of
the law which allows It sixty days. The
bank is regarded as perfectly safe.
There Is a much bettor feeling this even
ing , and the worst is believed to bo passed ,
uiach of the closed banks can pay in full as
soon ns they can realize on their collateral.
The American National hud on deposit
$50.000 of the state funds , against which the
state treasury held nn indemnity bond of
6200,000. ,
Thrc Fn luror ,
WonTiiiNaTOX , Minn. , July 5. The Nobo-
les County bank closed its doors this morn
ing and its owner , Potcr Thompson , made an
assignment. Several thousand dollars of
county nionov is tied up.
SiiMAs.Wash. . July 5. The Bank of Sumns
suspended payment Monday. No statement
is made , but it is thought creditors will bo
paid in full.
EvKitnTT , Wush. , July 5.On account of
inability to realize on securities the Puget
Sound National bank of Kvcrett suspended
today. The suspension is said to bo the rei
suit of the refusal of eastern banks to honor
heavy drafts on security affirmed. No state
ment yet made. The bank's capital is
§ 100,000.
Failure of n Stuto Hank.
KANSAS CITY , July 5. A special to the Star
from Topeka , Kan. , says : The Finnoy
County bank of Garden City , Kan. , has
failed. It is a state bank , and State Bank
Commissioner Brcldcnthal went to Garden
City this morning to investigate its condi
tion. The books of the hauls show assets ,
S20i77.4 : J ; liabilities , $ li ) , : ! 5,4l. The treas
urer of Finnoy county had something over
$4,000 county funds on deposit and the other
deiwslts aggregated about 312,000. The de
positors will probably be oald in full.
Show 1'rlntcrH 1'all.
KANSAS Crrr , Mo. , July 5. The Haskoll
Show Printing company ' , oao of the largest
concerns of the kind i'n the middle and west
ern states , made an assignment today. 'The
assets and liabilities are not known.
In 1'osKotn on of Creditors.
KANSAS CITY , July 5. Creditors today took
possession of the stock of the G olden Eagle
Clothing company on chattel mortgages ag
gregating fiO.OOO. The liabilities are § UO,000 ,
with assets of about the same. .
II , L. Wegner and wife , of Chicago , are at
the Barker.
J. E. Thome.s and wife of Elgin , 111. , arc at
the JJollone.
J. D. Cameron and wife , of New York , are
at the Paxton.
C. F. Uobertso.n of Kimball Is a guest at
the Merchants.
C. T. Beezloy of Beatrice was an Omaha
visitor yesterday.
William B. Price and 'Joseph Teeter of
Lincoln nro in the city.
Miss Addto Brisbluo of Pierre , S. D. , is in
the city visiting friends.
Ed Holdorness and wife of Crcston , la. ,
were In tl'o city yesterday.
Prof. McCloland , superintendent of the
Plnttsmouth public schools , is in the city.
William Naughton nnd G. W. Irving of
Lincoln registered at the Merchants yester
Itobort Uyan of Lincoln nnd Bartlett
Richards of Children are stopping at the
Dopotmastor Ilanoy.of the Union Pacific
has gone to Chicago to take a look at the
White City.
Miss lloso Copley of City Clerk Groves'
ofllco has returned from a two wcoka visit
at the World's fair.
Frank P. Sargent of Terra Haute , Ind. ,
chief of the Brotherhood of Hallway Fire
men , is in the city.
Miss Jessie Potwln is spending her summer
vacation at Evanston , 111 , , and taking in the
World's fair at the same time.
John E. Bennett , father of Sheriff Bennett -
nott , after luimplutiug n three weeks visit ,
has left for his homo at Chatham , Out.
.lames M. Wood , national democratic com-
inlttecmnn for South Dakota , came In from
Rapid City last night. Ho Is on private
business ,
Charles Hovvo U nt the Paxton , having
just returned from Bordeaux , Nob. , whore
ho addressed the Nebraska soldiers and
sni\or.s \ reunion.
Deputy Sheriff Dally , accompanied by Mrs ,
Dally , started for Chicago last night , whore
they will ivmaln a couple of weeks , taknlg In
the World's fair.
Miss ElUaboth Van Sant , stenographer for
City Attorney Council , dopivludlasfro vonlng
for Minneapolis lonunonth'.i visit with rela
tives In the Flour City.
Among the Nebmskans registered at the
Millar ) are ; .losojili W , Shabato. Mnroln ;
C. P. Edwards , Auburn , and Kimball E ,
Valentin ? , wife and child , West Point.
Mr. Frank R. Rjbcrtson has returned from
New York City. Ho I * nt present preparing
a Icuturo for the I'umlnir Ke.isnn upon "Nor
way , the Land of the Vlkhms , " to be ren-
dornd In both Norwegian and English.
Mrs. Addle Jufl'ries and Mlsi ( ) rlmio
PoUsant loft Wednesday evening on a
pleasure trip to Canada , They will visit
Montreal , Qucbnu and take n tilp on
Sagiienay river. They will stop In Chicago
to see the fair on the return trip ,
Mrs. C. F. Cntlin has Just i-omplotnd an
oil painting , vvhl < : h xhii calls a study In
oranges , that is attrai'tliiff u K < > : > 'J
of attention nuioiiff lovers of art. It is
the closing work of U.o year for Mrs.
Catlin In the Omaha Academy of 1'ino '
Arts. Tlui academy has closed for the sum-
inor and will reopen about Snptcmbur 15.
Mr. J. Jjiwrla Wallace , the director and
chief instructor , has Bonn to the World's
fair. '
Al the Merror : H. .P. Johnson , D.ivon- ]
, la. ; J. H. KoRonkrans ana wife , SoI I , Colo. ; S. Hawkins , A. W. Johnson ,
Stunton ; H. iHon hu\v. J. Wclr , Denver : A.
1C. Andrrxon , < Jcnoi : ; A.V. . Amleriim , Hluu
Hill ; Marguerite Vcrmvn , Phll.i.lolphla ; UH.
Hoarin , Chicago ; Thoi. K. HU-k/i / , Jackson
ville , Fla. ; Nelsun Mcronr. Aimovor , Mass , ;
J. U , Mills , A L. Duulap , NOW Yor.c
CIIIIHUO , July 5. JHi'Vi'lul Telegram to
TUB BBK , ] J. J , Dickey or Omaha i. * at the
Oru.-u Northern hotul : , ' S. Travis is at the
j HhiTiuan ; W. G. Whitman is 'it tho'l'ro
snout , and H B. Taylor U on ti i J. .iing.
Result of the Investigation of the Iowa
Hoipital for the Insane ,
IlotrDr. IM1I Used n Crlmlimt to CuttlmU
111 * Turin nt the Kxpmiso ol the
Stiito Substiinro of the Corn *
mltloo's Kcport.
DBS MOINRS , July fi. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BKK.The ] committee which Investi
gated thu Hospital for the Insane at Inde
pendence made its report to the governor
today. The report Is signed by 15 , Alns.
worth , F. McClollaml nnd Harriet M. Alton ,
They say the Investigation was thorough.
The charges of cruelty were not sustained ,
except In two Instances nnd then only in
mild degrees. In regard to the use of state
property by Superintendent Hill the report
says thosn charges \vero not substantiated ,
George Erlukson Was found to have boon dis
charged February 10 , 18111. Ho was then
omplovod on Dr. Hill's private farm. At the
end of two years Hill filed an Information
against him In Buchanan county and had
him recommitted.
The committee Is of the opinion that the
superintendent used this man for his own
benollt. H was found to bo customary to
sell hospital supplies to employes at test ,
which Is declared bad practicealthough the
state did not lese anything by the trans
action. It Is recommended that the pur *
chase of medicines from the State University
pharmacy bo discontinued. The practice of
Dr. Hill lecturing before the medical
students at the State university was con
demned. As a whole the report Is rather
sovcro on the hospital management.
Will See the I'alr.
CniuuKu'ina , la. , July 5. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Thu BBK. ] The Chicago , Hock
Island & P.-icifio road will Isiuo passes to
Chicago to all of its employes In good stand
ing whoso length of sorvlco In th'o company
will Justify such action. There Is great re
joicing among hundreds of employes who
had given up hope of attending the fair. The
passes nro to bo obtained through heads of
departments and the exodus for Chicago will
begin at once.
I'll llrown * AlliiRnl Miirdrror.
OTTUMWA , la. , July 5. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Ben. ] Henry Eaton , follow worker
lu the tffllco with Edward Brown , who was
murdered Monday night , has boon arrested
for the crime. Ho was captured at Bloomfield -
field , la. , and had blood on his hands. Ho
was with Brown and evidence- goes to show
that ho quarreled with him. „
Forgot to Jtnturn the Ilorno.
CEUAK Rvrins , la. , July C. fSpocial Tele
gram to TUB BEB.J A young man named
Stormhauser , living near Cedar Falls , hired
a 1 erse nnd buggy of W. J. Irvine of Oelwln
Monday to go a short distance Into the coun
try. I He has not boon seen since and ofllcers
are i now looking for him.
Assignment nt Ottuniwn.
OTTUMWA , la. , July D. ( Special Telegram
to Tun Bnit.J A. C. Leighton , the most
prominent capitalist and speculator of this
city , assigned . today. Liabilities , about
SIS'J.OOO ; assets , $300,000.
ix TIIK jnK.\vn c
Lively Hour PriTl | > ltitoil by n Motion to
Dltcims the Itccent Hints.
PAUIS , July 5. There was a scene of up
roar in the Chamber of Deputies over the
motion to proceed to discuss the riots in the
city , which the government opposed. The
extremists precipitated a scene of the utmost - .
most disorder over the matter and it was
impossible to transact any business for
some time. Finally the matter was post
poned by a decided. . majority , , .
The inqb has been cowed by. > 'tho deter
mined front presenteu by the government in
calling out the military and all was quiet up
to 5 this evening. It is feared , however ,
that the trouble will bo renewed after night
fall. The government will order troops to
flro volleys Into the crowds If necessary.
The trouble originally rose from the lining
of the manager of the students' ball for
allowimr girls to anpear in a state llttlo ro-
inovod from nudity. The students , however ,
are disgusted with the roughs for carrying
things so far , have withdrawn from the
streets and only the scum of Paris is now
concerned. The students assure the govern
ment they no longer have nny sympathy
with the trouble and have posted placards
to that effect. It Is believed the Boulang-
ists are fostering the troubles for political
The affair has assumed such a serious
aspect that the authorities determined to re
store order at any cost. Almost the whole
city is occupied by troops , who have orders
to repress disorder with a strong hand ,
The body of Neuter , the young man killed
in yesterday's riots , was conveyed by Infro-
qucntcd streets to the Lyons railway station > J.-
this morning and sent homo to his parents
at Lyons to avoid another uprising.
The police stopped omnibus and tramway
trafllc on the Boulevard St. Michael and St.
Germain at noon today. The patrols pre
vented groups from forming on the .streets.
There has been no further rioting. Several
of those arrested fur taking part in the riots
have been sentenced to terms of imprison
ment varying from a week to two months.
The arrest ofsovcral , convalescent patients
who hissed the pollca from the windows of
the Charity hospital has called forth a letter
of protest from Prof. Germain See.
Uiotlng was resumed at ! ) : ! 10 tonight. A
mob In the Boulevard St. Michael assumed
a threatening otUtudo nnd the police
charged , driving It us far ns the PJnco
Maubcr. Thu mob madea stand and a
fight followed , continuing until the polieo
were rcinfurcod by a largj force of republi
can guards when the rioters were dispersed.
At 11 o'clock there was n sangiihiary en
counter on thu Rue do Ecoles. The exact
details nro wanting , but it is known that
iho republican guards charged upon tin )
rioters with drawn swords and the polieo
opened flro wltli rnvo'.vsrs , Ono man was
killed and several otlu r i wounded ,
Another mob u | SJt an 1 not fire to a tram
car in the Hue Mo IKO. Thu car was burned
by the tlmo.tho ilromen arrived ,
An assistant brigadier of police was found
drowned by the Gmiallo bridge , and Is sup
posed to have bcon thrown into thu water
by the mob. _ _
* II lit , b'JOK.W ,
1'riiiiHylvniilii TOHIIM llomlmrdril liy lrrozim
1'elloiH Crojii l > nmii ril ,
RKAHINO , Pn. , July fi. This city was vis-
ted by a hull storm this afternoon which for
destructlveness eclipsed all previous storms
of the kind since 113(10 ( , The storm originated
about three miles wust of Heading and cov
ered a width of about four mllos.
The strnots of the city were i-ovcred with
hull and water and the sewers bou'imu
choked. Grain , corn , oats , llowor gardens ,
Ki-api-H and other fruits wcro stripped oft
lllto loaves.
South of Uoadhi ) , ' and especially along thu
Schuylklll valley thu destruction of the
worn was very great. The wheat , rye and
oat crops not yet cut have been leveled to
the ground and many of thu fields uro
Hood oil.
At Kirdsbnro hall fell to tlm depth of
three inches and In some places was piled
up to a depth of nearly n foot. The stones
were the slzo of hickory nuts. It Is bolloml
that thdtlniniigo in thuSchuylkill valluy will
reach many thousands of dollars.
PIIII.ADBI.VIIU , July 0. Probably the
severest hull storm that has vlsltod this
suction In years' passed over the northern
part of Phlladfluhu between B and 7 O'OIOCK
this oveiilng , Hall stones nearly an Inch'ln
dlamutcr fell for fifteen minutes. Con
siderable damage was done ,
.Mltnliitf Now Vurk Ilelreu ,
Ht.vr YUIIK , July fi , An evening paper
says ; Miss Edith Drake , 27 ypurs old ,
daughter of James M. Drakn , the millionaire
banker , has dUappoirod mysteriously. 'I'hoj
have axkc.d the police to help search for her ,
hrtfaimi they say her mind U somewhat
.inurtai. Hho wa deeply Infatualou with
.Samuel 1) ) . AlcGlbupy , u builder. Miss Drnko
and Ali-Gibnyy were engaged to bo married
aunut a yuar ago , but without the consent ot
nor purcuu.