Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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    . . . t / THE OMAHA DAILY BEE - : WEDNESDAY , JULY / > , 1893.
- - -
Oclolration of the Fourth in Omaha Oon-
fined to Flogs and Fireworks.
Celine * of mjoymcnt from Popular Jto-
urtt I'lcnlo * In fnvor Ilntr tliu
Uny Wan Generally Obiorved
In the Unte City.
"Wo are strictly In It , " retired Iho Jumbo
firecracker nnd the meteoric skyrocket for
twenty-four hours yesterday. They referred
to the atr In nnd around Omaha. No ono will
dispute tlio fact.
It was a great day. The echoes of the
grand Columbian celebration at Chicago
were not heard In Omaha. In fact , there
was no possible chance for an echo of any
kind , whllo the heavy bass voice of the can
non cracker and the rapid "poplets" of the
revolver held undisputed possession of the
local atmosphere. Flags of freedom flut
tered proudly from many buildings. These
majestic pennants of liberty seemed to wave
a -Joyful welcome to Old Solomon of
the sky , for his bright and
cloudless smiles. The heavy rain of
the nreccchnK night caused the hearts of
many patriots to beat with sorrow beneath
their chest protectors. But when they
nwoko yesterday morning and beheld a
spotless summer sky , rejoicing supplanted
sorrow. They at once proceeded to tap the
founts of their enthusiasm--
There was no formal celebration. It wa a
. flow around
Kencrul go-as-you-plcaso. Eagles
Omaha yesterday. Some wore golden.
Others wcro silver. All had their tall
feathers on and wings widely spread. ' There
was ft diversity of tastes among citirens as
to how to cclcbrato the day of the nation's
birth. . Some were filled with enthusiasm.
Others were tilled with something else.
The young American was a potential fac
tor in the observance of the day. Small
boys wcro accompanied by larco firecrack
ers , whllo a few proud Juvenile patriots ,
In a spasm of courage , armed themselves
with 22-caliber revolvers and deadly cigar
Many people flocited to the public resorts.
Courtland beach , Hanscom park and Lalto
Manawa wcro all well patronized. Many
picnics were on the popular program. Amonjr
the prominent affairs of this kind was the
Ancient Order of United Workmen's picnics
and the butchers' great spread at Sarpy's
mills. Some people of qulot Inclination re
mained at home. Many men who bellovo
that marriage is not n failure reclined
In birr arm chairs under some
nice cooling shade tree at homo , surrounded
bv loving wives and prattling children.
Others spent the day in hammocks and en
joyed a few hours with their favorite litera
ture.Tho decorations , particularly In the resi
dential portion of the city , presented evi
dence of good taste and abundant patriotism.
In the business portion of the city flaps
and bunting wcro displayed profusely. A
new flap proudly floated from the top of city
hall. Old Glory waved over the county
building. Flag staffs on the prominent
towers of modern architecture in Omaha , in
cluding the Now YorkWfo and TUB DEC
buildings were surmounted by the glorious
flag that 1ms never suffered defeat. An
electric ball on top of the New York Lifo
building was a feature of the evening illumi
When the shades of night started the
flrop curtain on the Scones of Uncle Sam's
glorifications , a profuse display of fireworks
completed the informal celebration of'tho
Fourth in this city. Several accidents , 'in
cluding fatalities formed .tho usual unfortu
nate features of _ thb diy.
Crowds of Citizens Patronize the Itcsort
imtl Mnke the Munaerr Huppy.
It was a red letter day for Courlfand
beach , and from morning until night all
roads led toward that popular resort , toj the
great delight of Manager Grifllths and to the
cnti/o satisfaction of everybody who visited
Omaha's watering place.
f/hortly / after the first break of dawn Cus-
tcj- post , Grand Army of the Uepublic , sixty
strong , massed its members , their wives and
children at Sherman avcnuo and Corby street
where a. grizzled veteran took command.
Falling into line the battalion marched to
thocar lino. With the old familiar "Yankee
yoll" they took possession of two trains and
everything In sight. The conductors ana
motor men offered sorao resistance , out
finally capitulated and turned the trains
over to the boys in bluo. Out
over the valley and through the
fields they went , frightening the
prairie chickens and Jack rabbits from their
covers and making the dmv besprinkled 1s
blades of grass tremble and shrink away , as
their songs and cries split the bright morn
ing air. Upon reaching the grounds the
commissary train was backed up to the gate
and enough well tilled lunch baskets brought 3t
forth to feed an army. They did not contain
the regulation hard tack and bacon , but In
stead were filled with pies , cakes , white and
flaky bread , chicken done to a dclicato
brown , and other good things that would
tickle the pahito of an epicure. All of these
things were carted down to the shady Knoll 1
that overlooks the lake. They were spread 1I
out for inspection , though carefully guarded I
by a soldier and a fixed bayonet.
Those little preliminaries having been ar
ranged , the old soldiers fell in line behind
the post colors , and to the tune of "Yankee
Doodle , " rendered by a drum corps , marched
to camp , taking the position of 'parade
rest. " But It was evident that the "old
boys" wcro not at the beach for the purpose
of doing parudo rest , and there was seine
rrumbling , tlioy saying that they wore out
for a feast and not for the purpose of going
through military tactics that were thirty
years old. Ulght at this point in the pro
ceedings the bugler blow the mess call. A
moment later the old braves , their wives
and children wcro smiting the victuals hip
and thigh , though thcro was enough to feed
Hi-regiment. Thcro wcro pics , cakes and
meats that were not uncovered , but theao
wcro put away and furnished food for the
dinner and supper , which meals wcro oaten
thcro , for the people of dialer post were out
for a day and did not return to the city until
the lant electric glim was turned low.
Thcro was another organization thcro in
full force and regalia. This was the Ancient
Onlor of United Workmen , and they mua-
tercd COO , to say nothing of their wives ,
Bwoothcurts nnd children who went along to
help In the merry making , Those people
followed close in the wako of the old vet
erans and took possession of another quarter
of the grove , which extends along the south
ihoreof the lake , where they spread the
well filled lunch baskets und participated in
in old fashioned picnic.
About this tlmo crowds from the city com
menced to arrive and at noon it was esti
mated that there wcro 5,000 people on the
rrounds. Manager Dclong of the East
Omaha Motor company wont over the line
ma anticipated a rush. Not to bo caught ,
bo orJcrcd out every cffr and during the bal-
moo of the day gave the people a live min
ute service , taking care of the crowd in the
nostsatisfactory ir.nnncr Imaginable.
During the mlddlo of the afternoon the
people of the city broke away from the cares
If business and in holiday attire they all , or
It least a fair proportion ot them , wont to
the beach , BOtno poiug in private convey.
iuo33 uud more on Iho cars. After getting
there tluiy wore not idle by any means.
Tuoyatonco caught the Infectious spirit of
enthusiasm nnd made things howl , us it
weio , for they bathed In the surf , they rode
the gravity road and the waves , they lis
tened to the seductive music of the orches
tra , they went round and round In the ca
rousal , or sat ID the cool and delightful
hade. All of tills tlmo the croud was
t icrcashifr , and at 0 o'clock It was estimated
tuot , 0,000 people had passed through the
gates , and they wore good people , too. The
crciun of Omaha society was there and the
members of this soci wore lust as happy ai
t iclr poorer neighbors. They bathed'iu th
tame water , rode on the tame car , and for
ouco they throw down all ban UTS. The
mual balloon ascension and parachute jump
wa * a feature of the day.
The display of fireworks , which wcro ex
ploded from an elevated stand on the north
shores of the lake nt night , was ono of the
finest over seen in the city , having boon
ordered especially for the occasion , nnd con
sisted of candles , rockets , mines , wheel * nnd
a largo number of fixed pieces.
At midnight , when the closing hour ar
rived , the last pleasure seeker had loft the
place , but long before that tlmo the thou
sands had voted the day at Courtland a grand
success and the resort ono of the finest in
land. 1 (
Joirph Jto < cn tonk' Itcrolvcr Emit III !
Kiirthly Cnrccr.
Ono of the saddest accidents of the tiny
was the Uoath of Joseph Koscnstock nt his
residence , 2303 Cass street. Mr. Iloscnstock
had been sitting on the porch watching the
children shooting oft flroworKs. After lookIng -
Ing nt the performance for n while ho re
marked that ho hnd n pistol that would
mnko more nolso than the neighborhood had
henrd'for a long tlmo. Ho followed up the
romnrk by going up stairs to got the revolver.
The next thing heard was a heavy shot ,
followed by groans. One of the servant girls
went through the house and located Mr.
Hoscnstock In nn upstairs bedroom. She
snw him lying on the floor. Supposing that
ho hnd fainted she rim { o the neighbors to
glvo the alarm. In less thnn llvo mluutcs
nftor his wlfo nnd friends arrived the in
jured man breathed his last.
It Is supnoscd that Mr. Roscnstock was
trylnir to load n revolver nnd it was acci
dentally discharged.
The bullet entered the abdomen nnd
passed clear through the body. The weapon ,
which wiis nn old fashioned Colt's prccusslon
cap pistol , lay on the lloor bcstdo the body.
Friends scout the Idea of suicklc. and from
all appearances death was purely , acci
Coroner Mntil viewed the body and will
hold an inquest nt 11 o'clock today.
V. M. 0. A. Turk.
No records were broken at the Young
Men's Christian association Athlotlo park
yesterday afternoon , but a fair sized crowd
wcro well entertained by the able-bodied
young men who delight In ont door sports.
An extended program had boon arranged ,
but owing to tlio rain of the previous night
the grounds wcro Iu better shnpo for the
propagation of web footed bipeds than for
racing , ball playing , etc. By the liberal use
of saw dust the grounds were put In fairly
good shape.
The first thing on the program was a race
over n course of 100 yards between Staloy ,
Woods nnd Nicholas. Stnlo.v and Woods ran
together nnd Staloy won in 11J seconds.
Then Nicholas ran against the time , breast
ing the tape In 111-5 seconds , winning the
prize uicdnl.
Donmau put the islxtecn-pound shot nt a
distance of thirty-two feet and six Inches ,
beating Shell and Volkhardt. Staley won
the half mlle race in 2:21 4-5 , with Woods ,
Anderson , Osborne nnd Hunt following. He
also won the mlle race , beating Anderson , Ir
5:272-5. : In the pumo of basket ball the
Volkharclts beat the Bullaoks in a lively con
test. Six tumblers , dressed as clowns ,
created lots of fun by their antics. A little
after 4 o'clock the ball game between the
Fort Omaha ana Young Men's Christian as
sociation clubs was called by n aoeilo lookIng -
Ing young mnn named Anderson , who ofllci-
nted as umpire , with indifferent satisfaction
to the ' "fans" in the grand stand.
The Christians were first at bat and they
drew n blank. The Soldiers found n flguro
ono In the umpire's grabbng of scores.
The Christians scored in the second , sixth
and eighth inultigs and twice In the ninth ,
making flvo runs altogether. The Soldiers
scored ono In the first , two in the third , ono
in the fourth und two in the llfth , making a
total of six. Knabo , who was pitching for
the Christians , hd to glvo up to Robinson
in the sixth inning on account of a sere arm.
With Abbott as catcher this club had a good
battery , but its support was not the best ,
as Waltomcycr , Hougiand and Frail made
costlyorrors. Wultomoycr , who was play
ing in rieht field , made enough errors to lot
in two-runs , after which ho retired and Ar-
.npld took his place. In the last two Innings
the Christians made a strong effort to beat
the Soldiers nnd scored three runs , but with
two men on bases nnd one out. they could
not make a safe hit in order to tie the score.
The Soldiers put up a fairly good game ,
nnd Mcllvalno mis strongly supported by
iho Inflela. Owing to the intense heat , the
boys did not put much ginger in thnlr work ,
anU , asldo from a couple of close decisions by
the umpire ) , which the crowd declared were
rank I , the only interesting play was In the
last half of the sixth inning , when the
Soldiers wcro at bat.
Kobiuson had Just gene into the box to re
lieve Knabo , and , as a sort of a Fourth of
July present , he gave Mcllvaino nnd Trap
per bases on halls. Duborry then hit a fly
to Trail , who not ooiy captured it , but made
a Brand stand play to AicIColvoy , putting out
Mcllvalnc , and McICclvoy flrod the pig skin
to Angel at first , putting out Trapper , retir
ing the side with a flno triple play. The
score was as follows :
Christians 0 1 0 II 0 1 0 1 2 fi
Soldiers 10212000 0
Wounded I'atrioti.
A carriage was driven up in front of Dr
Solomon's ofllco ntSouth Omaha about 4
o'clock yesterday afternoon nnd a man and
woman got out and wont into the houso.
The follow was wounded in the fleshy part
of his thigh. The doctor probed for the
bullet nnd removed it. The man gav.o his
name us Michael McGraw and said ho 'lived
at the corner of Twentieth and Cum ing
streets , Omaha. Ho claimed that in draw
ing his rnvolvcr fiom his pocket it was ac
cidentally discharged , but the course of the
bullet would lr.dicato that the man had'been
shot direct , from the rear.
A few minutes later George. Shelby called
on tna doctor with a badly cut liu , which
necessitated several stitches being taken in
it. Shelby got his disfigurement from scrap
Abbott' * I'lronorki.
If what the people at the California chop ,
house , 1103 Fanmm street , say is true , II. B.
Abbott , a waiter , tried to sever his connec
tion with this world last night by turning on
the gas and then endeavoring to take n
perpetual sleep. Abbott , ills claimed , loft a
note to "Maud , " asking her to forgive him.
Friends discovered the leaking gas nnd
roused the young man. When found ho was
nearly asphyxiated. A brisk walk of a few
blocks brought him to his senses.
Tint riro of the liny ,
The proverbial small boy and firecrackers
combined , resulted in the first blaze of the
Fourth about 8 o'clock yesterday morning at
810 South Seventeenth street. At thls'num-
bor is n house occupied by Patrolman Cum-
ings and owned by Mr. Lend holm. Mr.
Cumlngs , in endeavoring to extinguish the
flames , whlchoriglnqtod in thogurrot of the
bulldlngysustalnod painful injuries by break
ing through iho coiling. The damage from
the flre was slight.
Soldier * Celebrate.
The Interested men of the Second Infantry
"chipped in" yesterday and bought a supply
ot fireworks. Colonel Bates , the command
ant of the post , donated n fine piece. The
tiroworks wcro set off on the parade ground ,
and the soldiers had a little Fourth of July
altto themselves last night.
ricnlo nt Harpy Mills.
The butchers' plcuio at Sarpy Mills was
well attended. Every available conveyance
In the city turned out , and the 'busses and
express wagons were kept busy from morn-
Ing until night hauling the people lo nnd
from the grounds. The program wixs n
sporty one , nnd all the contests were spirited.
fiegel' * Inillicrctlon.
M. Scgol , ft young man employed by B.
Wolf nt 500 South Tenth street , got tangled
up with the authorities yesterday for
being Indlicrcot with n six-pistol
loaded with ball cartridges. A ball
from the gun aforesaid glanced
from a cobblestone ncross the street , and
went through a window in the ofllco of the
Hector Si Wilholmy Co. , ncross the street ,
nearly striking Mr. Hector in Its flight ,
whereat Mr. Hector got warm , as ho had ft
right to do under the circumstances. Young
Mr. Scgel is not likely to monkey with a
loaded gun ngAin , after ho gets through
paying for the window ho broke.
I.awu 1'cto.
Colored citizens hnd the exclusive benefit
of n delightful entertainment at the homo of
Mrs. O. Williams , nt Twenty-fifth nnd
Charles streets , last night , the Women's
Auxiliary of St. Philip's Episcopal church
giving the sociable.
A Inrgo number ot persons attended and
everybody enjoyed themselves.
Ansnultoil nt
SrnAcusn , July 4 , [ Special Telegram to
Tun BEE. ] Antono Qloystlno was knocked
down nnd evidently stamped In the fnco nnd
left for dead about half-past U tonight.
John Crcasmcn nnd ono Klnnomnn wcro
charged with the assault and were both
lodged iu Jill by Marshal McFarland to
await a hearing tomorrow.
The fireworks In the evening were greatly
The fireworks poJdlcr was strictly "in it"
A largo crowd attended the running races
at the fair grounds.
Many Omahnns crossed the river nnd en
joyed the day nt Lake Mnnnwa.
Chief of Police Scavoy moved his ofllco
yesterday from the jail to the city hall.
Results of the past few days celebration
in Omaha sums up two llrcs , three fatalities
and seven accidents.
"Keep off the gr.iss" was a sign not heeded
by Hags at the Merriam hotel , yesterday.
The lawn was filled with llugsstuckuprlght.
It was a pretty display.
QStfud Farrlsli's friends are responding
nobly to the call for a popular subscription
for the gallant llroman who lost his baud
while celebrating the Fourth.
A man who was hit with a falling stick
from a sky rocket created great excitement
nt Sixteenth and Farniim streets lust even
ing by his blood-curdling yells. Ho was inoro
scared than hurt.
A member of a picnic party which went to
Bellevue yesterilny was complaining loudly
last evening because ono of his fellow "pic
nickers" was arrested for discharging a re
volver In that quiet village.
To gain strength Hood's Sarsaparill.i. .
For steady nerves Hood's S.irsaparilla.
For pure blood Hood's Sarsaparllla.
8400.00 lots $25.00 down ; see page 7.
To Our I'atruns.
Notwithstanding our recent loss by
the burning of our barn and the loss of
horses , etc. , wo will bo open for busi
ness as usiml 7 a. m. Wednesday. Re
spectfully ,
$400.00 lots fcio.OO down ; see page 7.
Millionaires Van lloulcii ofVeosp Look
Over Omuha and Council UlulI'D.
Omaha has been honored for several days
by the visit of two of the cocoa manufnc'
turers , C. J. Van Houton and D. J. "Vnn
Houten. The Vnn Houtens nro from Hoi
land , and are many times millionaires. They
have never visited this country before , ex
cept a flying trip made three years ago
when D. J. Van Houten hurriedly visitct
Now York , Chicago and San Francisco for
the purpose of establishing business hero
Attracted by the World'9'fulr they deomci
it desirable to Improve the opportunity o
taking a glance nt some of the territory in
which their poods had become so familiar
Mr. J. J. Stork , their local representative
mot them at DCS Moines and then brough
thorn to Omaha , where they have spent i
day or two , nnd also took pleasure In a drlvi
about Council Bluffs.
The prominent buildings of Omaha , the
streets , the pleasant acquaintances formed
nil seemed to surprise as well as charm the
visitors , who at last courteously and cau
tiously admitted that they had entertained
very erroneous ideas about Omaha.
Ono of thorn remarked. "Omaha is ono o _
the best advertised cities in the Unitec
States. It is known throughout Europe , bu
to bo honest , t never hnd any idea that i
was a ro.\l city , with such wonderful places
nnd pooplo. Of course I know that ther
was something more than n gathering o
cowboys and Indians , but still I could no
pot rid of the impression that there must to
much of the frontier in a city which ha <
grown so marvelously in so few years. I am
uitTo than charmed with H. "
The gentlemen were much interested in a
visit to the smelting works , never bavin ;
seen such a sight. In fact two more onthu
slastlc visitors never loft Omaha than thcs
two gentlemen as they boarded the train for
Kansas City , from which point they will re
turn cast , intending to sail for homo on
the 23d.
Fntlguo nnd exhaustion overcome by Brome
Seltzer. Contains no opiate.
$400.00 lots $23.00 down ; see page 7.
Seven Cunctinr Indians Awaiting Their
WiLDOiiTON , I.T. , July 4. All Is expectancy
hero tonight over what action Governor
Jones will tuko In the matter of commuting
the death sentence imposed on the sovei
Choctaws now awaiting' execution at thi
place. The governor has received a message
sago from the authorities at Washington
asking if thcro is any authority whereby the
chief magistrate of the Choctaws may com
mute a sentence of doath. What reply th
governor sent is not known , but th
general impression hero is that th
execution will occur according to pros
cnt arrangements ; as the Choctaw laws
make no provision whatever for comuiut
Ing. It is generally conceded , however
that if the governor should fully submit tc
the demands of the general government for
a release of the prisoners on the grounds
that they are political prisoners and no
really murderers , such action would go fai
In the direction of allaying the bad blooi
engendered during the last Choctaw cam
paign , If the War department is forced tc
arbitrary methods in order to quell the present
ent trouble , not a few loading Choctaw
think the result would bo disastrous in the
end and result In the overthrow entirely o
the present government.
If serious trouble is averted In thp oni
everybody will bo surprised , unless some in
tcrferenco Is made cither by Govorno
Jones or the United States authorities
Four of the condemned men will bo shot 01
Friday noxtiand the remaining three on th
l < iih last. If any resistance is content
plated by the L/ocko or Jackson party , no
body outsldo their own ranks knows nuj
thing about it. Considerable talk Is it
dulgcd in , but no public demonstrations have
boon mado.
$400.00 lots $25.00 down ; see pajfe 7.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder , No Atnmouta ; No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Brlof Session onMtHA Day of the Nation's *
t Birth ,
Mnj-or D mU SeniU'ln Soma Appointments
nnd Alto SoiHo Vetoes Communica
tion from Qenrnl Manager Hot *
onWliduot Question.
A man without a military title will soon
succeed ono of the three majors. J. H. Win-
spear is the now chairman'of the Board of
Public Works. Ills appointment was sent
Into the council last evening by Mayor
The mayor's communication cited the fact
that the ofllco of street commissioner was
abolish oil by nn act of the legislature , and
that the commissioner was provided for in
another section , making him a member of
the Board of Public Works. In view of the
fact that Mr. Wlnspcar has proven n faith
ful ofllclal , accordlncr to Mayor Bemls' com
munication , ho appointed him a member of
the Board of Public Works. When the ip-
polntmcnt is confirmed ho will bo chairman
of the board , Major St. A. D. Balcombo ,
street commissioner , and Major John B.
Foray , sewer commissioner.
The reading of the communication rcenlvcd
close attention. Major Blrkhnuscr , H. W.
Gibson and ono or two other candidates
wcro present. Not n word was said , except
ing to refer the appointment to n special
Munro , Snundors , Back nnd McLeario.
The following appointments an members of
the board of directors of the Public Library
wore submitted and referred to the special
committee , F. U Haller. Mrs. Claim Hustlu
Mclntosh , P. L. Perrino nnd T. 1C. Sud-
Appropriations Vetoed.
Mayor Bemis vetoed two items In the ap
propriation ordlnanco , ono In favor of Hugh
Murphy for paving In dUtrlct470 , amounting
to $1,444.70. and the other being Pat
O'llaweB' attorney's fees In the squatters'
case. The former was vetoed for the reason
that the bonds are not all disposed of
and no money is m the fund against
which a warrant can bo issued. This
veto was sustained. The latter veto was
prompted by the mayor's idea that the
claim should not bo paid until the squatters
have vacated. This veto was laid , tempo
rarily , upon the table.
The mayor submitted a letter from Gen
eral Manager Holdrcgo of the B. & M. re
garding the proposed Fifteenth and Six
teenth street viaducts. Mr. Holdrcgo called
attention to n contract intorcd Into bo'tween
the city nnd the Union Pucillc nnd Omaha
& Southwestern railway companies Febru
ary 1,18SO , providing for the construction of
the Eloventhjind Sixteenth street viaducts ,
the widening of Thirteenth street ana the
closing of certain other streets , and ordi
nances subsequently enacted. The general
manager of the Burlington holds , tnat in
view of the contract , the legislature or city
council does not possess the power to order
the construction of- the viaducts , nnd es
pecially not n viaduct over the vacated portions
tions of Fifteenth street , or to order the
destruction of the Slxtcnnth street structure
for the purpose of reconstruction without
the consent of the railway companies. The
communication was referred to the Judiciary
commitlca and the assistant city attorney.
In view of the day b'elng the anniversary
of the birth of the ridtlon the council ad
journed until Thursday evening.
I-'or World's u'.Ur
Low rates !
Fast time !
Perfect road bed !
Magnificent Pullrfian sleepers !
Free reclining chair-cars !
"Wqrld-famous'dining ' ears !
Comfortable day coaches nnd smokin ;
cars !
Baggage checked direct from resi
dence !
Three vestlbuled and gas lighted
trains daily !
That's what the Burlington route of
fers World's fair travelers. Try it.
Trains leave Omuha at 11:45 : a. m. , 4:2C :
p. m. and 12:10 : n. m. daily.
Vanilla Of perfect purity
Lemon Of great strength-
Orange Economy In their USD.
Flavor as delicately
and dellcloiiKl. ' an the fresh * r" < *
-Thcso two words nro
known in every' well
ordered household
throughout the world
as . designating the
oldest , purest , best and
alwaystobouopondod -
upon '
OTIie Best.
Douglaa Stroo ,
At you have heretofore done , for a
We ate now making : one. vrlth Deep Points ,
equal to an ; In the market ,
ron 20c.
S U ll the L idl g
UMen' * Furnlihm.
The Monarch U the best warm weather
Shirt. Solid comfort and complete * atituc >
tlon guaranteed.
To know that n single applica
tion of the Cuticura Remedies will
afford instant relief , permit rest
and sleep , and point to a speedy
and economical cure of torturing ,
disfiguring , itching , burning and
scaly humors , and not to use
them without a moment's delay
is to fail in your duty. Cures
made in childhood arc speedy ,
economical and permanent.
Bold throughout Hie world. Ponr.n Dncn Ann
CIIKM. Com' . , polo proprlctorx , notion. CB"All
About the UlooJ , Bklu , ticali ) a iuHli\lr"mnllcdfrco ,
Jtfirrnclitt ItlrmlBlirH , fulllnc Imlr nndeUuplc
baby railicn prc\cnlccl by Cutlcura tSonp.
If tired , aching , nervous moth.
era know the comfort , strength , and
vitality in Cuttcura 1'lnstcrn , they
would never boItliout them. la
over } ' way the purest , sweetest and
beat or plasters.
UITAI | TVanQ Vlecr < inlc"r ro
I I ALt I tore4. Kcnrous
U I DcliJlltr
Vllltfc.ll I . , '
cCi > , urely „ „ , , , , b'
INl Arn. thcKrcnMItndnoliemrdy. Bold vltli writ *
ten f-unruntcc of rtlrc. Hnrnplo dent Ircp. AddrcKl
Oriental Mcillcnl Co . til I'ljr .alb ititr , Itleifo , 111.
nil. P. L , . SK.VIM.12S , Consulting Sur/oo
Graduate of Umli Mollcu ! Collude. ( CON
bIll/I'ATluN FUHi : . ) Vac the treatment o
AN I )
,3 ,
Wo euro Cntarrli , All Diseases of the
Nose , Throat. Chott. Stomnoli. Uowols
and Iiivor.
BIooil. Skia qntl Kidney DHoaSoi ,
Female WoalcnnsNos CURED.
PILUS , FISTULA , F1SSUHK. permanently enroll ,
without the HBO of Unite. ll r.itur > 5 or cniiHtic.
All maladies of n prlvatu or uellealo nature , of
either sex , positively cured.
Cnll on or lulilrenH , with stamp , for Circular * ,
Free lloolc anil Iteclpca ,
Dr. Searloj & Seirles ,
Next Door to Io.4Loffioa ,
Can bo obtained from rtny
ncgatlvo you may have had
taken within tha last ton years
at our studio , finished In the
latest of processes.
High Clans Photography.
At Popular Prices.
313-315-317 , S. 15th Etroot.
Oumha , Nob.
mmmmmmmm m mwtmtmg \
" Five
Hard i
To bent arc the five cnscs of ele
gant Halbrlggan Underwear that we
qflerin the "furnishing ( ixin's for
men" department today , at 25c and
40c a garment positively worth
forty and sixty-five cents anywhere ,
even here.
of those
at 50c each.
Not so ninny not qtiite so good nn
assortment as we had in the last sale
but just ns good as your dollar will
buy you anywhere else on earth.
Fisin' Folks for tlie Fourtli
without flsin' folks' pocketbooks - r
otbooks with fancy figures.
Unsurpassed course of Vounjl.jiliri Momrf < houi
.study Mi lc , an , men- M One of ttccIJcsl.Lx" , ! in Mii.
cullo''bus 1"8S.c > souri Appointment * modern.
lltoranO plcav Muilc uid AH. Toacncrj
pcdaluii Illustrated euu'
J81h year opens S pt. uth jlogw Ut ' . T. I" . WKIIOII ,
Eer.W.A.Wtljoa.A M..Pre t , . fn. ,
h < * \ Lcilncton. Mo. Six dc- * " } l-i.lniilon. Ma.
p.-irtmctui ol Instruction. lt > O'Jtil ' miliury ( clioolln
oncers anil Icacbcrs. Con- , 'Mbtourl llc.tllhlul liicn- ,
Berralory ol music. 'Art Itloti
Ktuanablc iLtmi lh ,
GjrnnaJtum. Modern1 mv .lujlriuac
' I'pnlnlmcmiVSll ' llliu
) jcar
MA.I. s. sr.LLin < i
A. HOX8S2. . „ , . ' .
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb ,
The eminent socclaltit In norvoui. chronic , prlralo. lilonrt , skin anil urinnry dlioaias. A regular an <
registered gMdunta lit mcdlclna , ni cllplon : anil ajrtltlc.ttoi will slum , l < ntlll treating with the Kroatest
ucccss , catarrh , lost manhood , sotulnttl wo4kncss , nUtit losses nnJ nil form * of prlrato diseases. No
mercury usod. No\r treatment for loss of vital power. 1'nriK'i" imablo tovlslt'moranr uotreutod at bom *
by correspondence. MoJIclnoor Instriiniiiati son ! by mall oroxpmss nuourolr packed ) no inarm to Indi
cate contents or nendor. One personal Interrlew prerorruil. Consultation froa Corrojpon'donc * strlctlr
private. Hook ( Mysteries of Life ) uont freo. OlUcabuurn , B to 9 p.m. SuaJayi , IU a. in , to 13 m.
baud ; stamp for circular.
Mudu by Curtis &Eon , 1'ortlnnd , Mo.
_ _ _ _ "Ami nil tlio train ol
company them In ini'it QtnniU.Y and I'JHtMA-
NKNTLY CUUii > . Full STKliXKTlI ami tonl
Klvpit to every I'.trt of thu body. J will send ( no-
cnrtOv packed ) TKKK to any HtilTvrur tlio prescrlp-
1 Ion Iliat ( Mired mo oflliuBU doubles. AUdroua I.I
A. UllAULKV , llattlo Crceli , Mich.
.This wonderful preparation is Purely Vegetable : compounded
from the prescription of tlio Official Physician to the Court of Spain.
"Espano " recreates Mental and Nerve Power in Han and Woman.
An infallible remedy for Nervous and General Debility ,
Nervous Prostration , Creeping Paralysis , Weakness caused
by Debilitating1 Bosses , Excesses or Over-Indulgeuces , In
cipient Softening of the Brain or Paresis , Dissiness , J < oss of
Memory , Confused Thoughts and all Brain , Nerve or Sexual
Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain
to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholic Beverages ,
or indulgence in the Opium , Morphine or Chloral habit.
Have you abused the lawfl of-nature and injured your nervous system ?
Are you despondent and melancholy with confused ideas nnd gloomy thoughts ?
" ESPAN6 " will positively euro you. It contains no mineral poisons and
is remarkable for awakening organic option throughout the system nnd an
improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles , bones , nerves , hair ,
nails , Bldn , blood and gives vigorous life to the unfortunate who lias exhausted
his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry
in the pocket. Each-box contains 00 doses or enough to last ono month nnd is
worth many times its weight in gold. The price $1.00 per box or 0 boxes for
J5.00 if ordered at ono time and a guarantee will bo given that any case mentioned -
tionod above that it doea not euro , the money will bo refunded. As .to our
financial etanding wo refer to any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to
any address in United States or Canada. Put up in plain wrapper with no
mark to distinguish what it is. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address ,
CO. ,
AiTablo Brain and Nerve Specialist can at any tlmo bo confidentially
consulted entirely free of charge , personally or by mall , at the above