L THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JULY 5 , 1803. /El / 0 11 for ft Natloiml Convention of the American Bimetallic Loagna. ITS MEMBERS ARE VERY CONFIDENT IVnrner Think * the Sherman T.itr Cntinot ! ! Itoptnlmt Without Concet- loin lining MmlB to the Hllrtrlttt ) to ult of n CntiTAii. WASHINOTON , July 4.--Tho following call for n national convention of the Amer ican Bimetallic IO.IRUO was issued from the national lic.idtiu.irtcrs this mo mini ; : WAHIIIMITO.N , I > . P. , July . 189l.-Tho : recent - cent culmination nf ovDiits of llio Krciitost imiim-nt to the poopluof thin country : iUU fur TtUo couniol utiil determined action on tlio vnrt of all putt lutlc cltl/oiu , A concerted nilr- Iioio l manifest Uisclriuipon Him printout op portunity to destroy bllvor in money and to establish Ilimlly mill forovcr thu Mntslu ( { old standard mill at one stroke to change all dubls to gold ilubtH , with n nnvrr-cmlliiK rise of Kold nnd full of prices. A llmiiicliil disturbance , Inrguly artificial nnd nccilli-s , hat buun created in aii olijcr.t lesson and falsely attrib uted to thu present silver law , In order , out of It , to crciilu u timiilfiiiUitlon of public nenll- niuiit , under rover of which thiiRiuntor crime of ori'rtlironltiK the muneyof the constitution Will Hn Dlmntron * In Mankind. has hccn called to meet In extra _ „ . . on August 7. If , at this session , the money * iiiiidaid of thu constitution Is over thrown ami the alnglo gold ftlandiml Is fltmlly rslulillslicd to bo e.Meluled over the vrrirld , an I'canomlc lovohitlon will hnvo heen Inaugu rated mure disastrous to tlio wolf.iro ot man kind , nnd especially to the producing nnrt laboring classes , than any In the history ot tlio world , In vlnw , therefore , of the threatening comll- tloim tlmt have iirlson and In uuswer to num erous appeals for action , tlio executive com- nilttiH'oftlio American lllimitalllc league lias deemed It proper to cull u nullnnl convention. to ho held ut Chicago , beginning August 1 nnd to continuo us long as the convoution may direct. All moiuliurs of tlio league nro urged to at- tiMul , und all who are In favor of maintaining the money of the constitution and opposed to the estublMiiiti'iit of the single gold standard In thu I'nltcd States , without regard to party , nrolnvltml t nltend and partlelp'ito In thu doltnoriitlons of the convention. All economic assoelntloiHund all Industrial organization * are requested to .send delegates to this con vention. A special Invitation Is extended to Momliurs of congress ami momhers of state legislatures , ( lovornors of states nro ro- ( | uo. tud to appoint tu many delegates as they may doom proper. Hy order of the uxecutlvo committee , A. J. WAIIXKU. 1'robldont. \V. M. llAlliliSOTOS , Secretary. Selection ot the Convention City. In the selection of the convention city there was a sharp fight between Chicago , St. Ijouis and Washington , the south and southwest favored St. Louis and the east and near by south , Washington. The reason why Chicago prevailed was because of the inducements which the World's fair ana the cut rates atTord. The idea of the silver people is to moot at Chicago and adjourn to Washington. Hero the convention will reassemble at about the time when congress convenes nnd will prob ably continue in session until after the or ganization of that body. General Warner made the following statement this'evening : "A thorough poll of the silver forces establishes the fact that the Sncrnian law cannot bo repealed with out a substitute which will bo satisfactory to the silver rights. This canvass of strength has been in progress since the day after the issuance of the president's procla mation. It has boon pushed actively by moans of personal consultation , mail and telegraphic - graphic communication. When the canvass1 was begun the first effect of the anti-silver blow was still felt and there was a manifest fear on the part of the silver men that the Sherman law would bo repealed. Gradually this fear gave way to hooo , and in turn thia has boon supplanted by dolianec. " This statement of General Warner reflects the sentiments of the free silver men here and there can bo no doubt 'that ' within the past t.venty-four hours they have gained re newed confidence In the belief'that the Sherman act cannot be'repcalod withoul giving the sjlvorltos something equally at good or better7. Tholr Jlnpo In the H nato. This hope is in the senate and the reasons for their faith they express as follows : It thnt body nro men who represent tlic veo life or death of the white metal : man wh ( are able nnd earnest , and they boldly announce nounco that they will never give up the Sherman law unless they can bo coticillatoc with a measure that is moro friendly to sil vcr. With the dotorminatlon of such mot it must bo plain that to ropoa the present law would bo a dilllcut matter. Ono method might prevail the adoption of the cloture in the upper chain her. The gold uien have already thrown ou this threat , but thosilvcrltcs meet it boldly Over such a proposition there could hi nothing loss than tlio most determined strug glu. In this connection , the former fight t when nn effort was made to introduce tin cioturo In the senate nt the time the forci bill was trying to bo forced through by th < republicans , becomes of the greatest 1m portnuco. The democrats were in a dollcati ir jiositlon , and they finally enlisted the sorv ices of BOITJO ot the free silver men in thol behalf , on what was understood to have heei an otTnuslvo dud defensive alliance Through the aid of these men the fore bill was defeated. Among these who aidoi the southern democrats successfully wa Senator Stownrt of Nevada. Now the Urn has apparently arrived for the silver men t call upon tholr' former allies to fulfill th pledges , and it is rcasonablu.to expect tha they will do BO. With such a combiuatio tho.adoption of a cloture in the senate woul scorn Impossible , nnd without the cloture i would appear that any effort to repeal th Sherman law without an accompanying sul l stltuto measure would bo a hard task , ns th plan of talking proposed legislation to deatl bus boon successfully accomplished. DlfTfreiit In the House , In the house the situation is different , am It-would scorn tlmt the repeal can bo at compllshod. The members of that bed ! come In moro direct contact with the poonl who lire now loudly demanding that th ! law , or at least the elauso in it which n quires the purchase of 4,500,000 ounces of si vor each month , shall bo wiped from th statute books. In the house , therefore , th popular fooling Is moro likely to bo felt. BU oven there , without a more stringent sot c rules , the will of the majority cannot bohel at chock by filibustering. This subject he not yet been seriously considered , bi though n direct cloture rule may not bo ca rlcd there can bo little doubt that a inothc will bo adopted by which the majority cii speedily carry their desires into effect nn shoulder thn responsibility which they ai willing to accept. DK31ONKT17..VT10N OF SIl.VKlt. Prof. Amlronr * ' AUilren an Ilia Colorado Hprlnct. Coi.oiuuo SruiNOS , July 4. The Colorai Bummer School of Science , Philosophy m Languages was formally opened this nfto noon by nn address by Kov. Hlclmrd Mo taguo of Colorado Springs , which was lut followed by an oration delivered by Pros dent K , IX Audrops of Brown university , ' member of the international monetary co fercnco. His theme was ' The llomonetlz tion of Silver. " The following is a synopa of his ronmrks ; Prof. And rows began by describing the rut ous otTert of the demonetization of allver 1873 by the United Status and Germany , ai dcseilbcd the demonetization policy us tl hardest , saddest blow to human welfaroov delivered by the action of the states , uulo wo except those which have initiated hi lory's worst war. "This malign policy , 1 said , caused the full of prices und the ru turo of the world of commerce in two hem ; phcres , between which trade cun go on on with great difllculty , The fall of prlc brought with It two subordlnato cffocl each fearful in its way. Ono was iujustlc dire , widespread ami inexorable , maul : every man who was in debt overpay wh ho uuid and , so , with every man who h run hi debt from that day to this , The oth effect was tlio paralysis of productive Indi try and the tendency to turn banker a money lender. U you engaged In iiidusti your stock wont downwurd in value , when on your hitndi ; if you had mouoy , its p ducing power increased on your hands , Ir spectlro of Interest , whlloyou slept. I do not y that nil the stagnation of Industry slnco 1873 , hai como from the fall ot prices , but I firmly bcllovo that this has hiul moro to do with It than any other single causo. Ono in : > tt of Detnanettzntlon , Tlio other main affect of the demonetiza tion was the division of the world Into a gold-using and ta silver-using hemisphere , with no par of cxctmngo between thorn. Hero in America wo have thought less of this than of the fall In prices , but , every thing considered , It ! s qulto as great nn evil. There Is no par of exchange between - twoon Mexico and the United States ; be tween Mexico and ( iroat Britain ; botwcon the United HUtes und China and Japan , anymore moro than there Is botwcon gold nnd iron or botwonn wheat and zinc. A Chlncso wall is built between the gold world nnd the silver world , worse than any tariff over conceived. This Is what has patslod England's trade with India and nil the east and led nt last to the recent attempt to place India upon n gold basis. Not only is trade between two parts of the world reduced to a gamble , but International loaning and borrowing across the chasm of oxohango is also painfully Interfered with. I propose to consider what in all probabil ity would como to pass should the United States begin free coinage nlouo. No doubt , after the first stringency accompanying the announcement of n frco colnnijo policy , a stringency arising from the fact that gold would bo instantly withdrawn from circula tion , while sliver would bo coined to take its place , but slowly , our country would derive great advantage from siding with the silver states. The fall pf prices could bo stayed , perhaps sotno rlso of prices ensue. U'hnt thn United Stitto < Could Uo. ThcTUnltcd States would take its place ns the ono great manufacturing nation of the silver world and dorlvo from that position the immense gains which Knelnnd has hith erto reaped , but largely lost by the de monetization of silver. Wo should manufac ture for Mexico , South America , China and Japan and England , and owing to lack of par of oxchnngo with thorn , would now lese most , or all of their custom. No doubt there is n splendid chanco. Wo may effectively "dish" England as a manufacturing und commercial nation by the means suggested , I do not wonder that this prospect carries away so many , for It Is , ludeed , a glorious ono. But there dro shadows to iUaftcr all- shadows so dark that wo should do far batter , In my belief , not to attempt free colnago nlono , but wait a little longer in our present unhappy and anomalous condition , until wo can bring Great Britain to Join us in rcmono- tlzlng. But how can wo Induce Great Britain to act with ust By ceasing to purchase silver nnd refusing to coin moro until other nations will ; 'nt the same time creating a law ordering the sec retary of the treasury to open our mints to tha free coinage of silver at nny data when ho is valldly in formed Great Britain , Ger many and the Latin union or any two of these will do so. What would bo the result of such n stand ? Would Upset the I'lnns for India. It would probably mnkoimpossible the proposed Introduction of the gold standard in India , leaving Indian exchange and the finances of the Indian government in a worse condition than over. The In Jia government , you know , proposes by stopping the free colnago of silver to treat the rupee as the equivalent of li'J gold centswhen its silver is worth only about 23 cents. It Is doubtful if it can do this now , so slender is its stock of gold , nnd so immense Its supply of silver , but our act increasing the coinage nnd pur chase of silver would depress the Intrinsic value of tholr rupee still moro nnd at the sumo time make it harder for them to got gold. gold.By dropping silver for the time being nnd Joining the struggle for gold wo shall pre cipitate in Europe another fall of prices so aggravated that the most obdurate banker of Lombard , street will have to admit that gold cannotsafoly bo taken as the solo inter national money. To recapitulate , my preference for tutor- national bimetallism to a national procedure in the restoration of silvof I basoon these considerations : 1. The international policy practically unites the country , all but the few gold- blind pcoplo whoso Influence need bo only feared. S. It qlono makes It possible to rciutroducc the free coinage of silver without panic or Motion. > r 8. It alone settles the world's hard raonqy 0 t ' problem for at least a century or probably longer. ' 4. It nlono makes the world's commerce into ono unbroken unity , establishing a ilxod par of exchange between all parts of the glebe , and thereby furthering civilization as much as steam navigation or the abolition ol f slavery. ACTIOX J1Y UOLOKADO. Addresses Issued to the Conimerol.il Organizations d ganizations of the West unit South. I- - In DENVER , July 4. The Chamber of Com' il merce , in conjunction with other commercial 1 ile ilt exchanges , has sent the following address t ( everycommercial organization In the soutl : and west : The decline In slUor bullion , which has boor steady for moro than two years lust past , nut thosuddon closing of the mints In India to fre < coinage und the recent sudden decline In bui , sliver and the determined efforts of the mono- 0 nietalllats , In Doth Huropo and the Unltot 0o 0e Status , to unconditionally roouul the present o puichnsolaw , thereby reducing this country to a gold basis , Is fraught with alarming consequences - io sequences to thowolfiiro and permanency o ! o tlio republic. Such u calamity muni resuli rIr In practically closing every inlno am Irn smelter In this country , paruly/.mg al n business , crippling every Industry am ruining the wheat , cotton and woo ' incuistrlus. The consequent Incrunso In flu puichnslng powur of gold would decrease tin d value of all real and pursuim ! property , luhoi is and the product ot labor , not loss than onu 10 hiitf , causing n general liquidation and UK 10.o unforced-transfer ot all property of tlio dulitoi ID to the creditor , thus permitting Kngland ti It " uclilovo by legislation what It failed to do bj "war that of ruduelng tlio people of fret in America to a condition of practical M > rvltudo Id "TO prevent the consuiiiiiratlon of the uios it gigantic conspiracy 111 the world's history 10 tlmt of destroying oiio-half of the * autoiuatli > money ot the world by making silver a men commodity and depriving two-thirds of tin 10h population of the globe ot the ) h money , Is the duty of the hunt No one will contend that , should th United States establish Its financial stutu upon a gold basis , any other nation couli id maintain silver with gold as money. Ti ido prevent the calamity Involved In tliodustruc oy tion of sliver money , tliouominurclalorgaiilza loIs tlonsof this city have resolved to Invltu th coiiiiniirclul bodies of other cities throughou Is thusllvur , wheat , wool und cotton districts u 0- thu west and south to appoint , each , ono o II10 more delegates to moot 111 Ht. Iioulnon tlio 1711 10 day of July. 1HU3 , at the Houtliurn liotol , th 10 siuno to bu known as a "Muutlng of the ronru suiitatlvu.sof thuconiiiiorcliil Interests ot tin lit litof bouthurii and truii'iiiiUsIsslppl Hiatus , for th of purpoio of organising n tour through the woe Id and cotton district * of thu west and south nn as grain growing suctions ot tlio Missis ut Hlnpl vulloy , and ouilonvor to con vfnco the business and tr men producer trod that every known Industry UnlTectod < iuall ; with the silver producer In thu iiialiilununc 1111 of a ( loublo stnndard , und onduavor to hav nd business orguiilzutloas and thu pooplu , In mas ro convention assembled , mumorliilUa and petl lion tholr inembuni ot congress not to ylol tliolr convictions to the hoduetlvu Inlluuncu of public patronage , the blandishments of th gold standurd advocates or the appual ot subsidised press , but to stand firm for th at cause ot the peoplu in thU trying inomuiit I thu hUtory of thu republic , Kncli commorclu body Uuxia-cted to provl'Je for the expense du ot Its dologuto for u tour of ut least thn ud weeks. It U liopodthut the gravity of the sltuntlu or" will . prompt . . your body to Immediate uctln m- Jtiid that your most ruprvxeiitulivo and be < m.or Informuil mt'ii will IK ) luli'CU'd , und tlmt sue sulectlon will bu made ruuurilliiivt of politics. Work ol tbo Kxtru .Suisluu. w WASHINGTON , July 4. The fact that wlthl wa short time the various departments of tl its government will begin the preparation annual estimates gives rise tothe belief tin In the extra session of congress will not on ! nd dual with financial qucstlous , but will ix > he sidcr ami , perhaps , uut upon the upptoprl [ rev tiou bills ns well. At any rate the oitUnmti SS \ > 111 be hurried along so that congress me is- bo prepared to deal with the nppropriatU isho bills if it sees fit soon after the seusiou b ip- gins and the commissioner appointed. ils- There will bo n messugofrom the preside ! ily to congress when it convenes , but it is o es peeled tlmt the document will deal itlmo ts , exclusively with the financial questions th ce , have assumed u phuho requiring congrc Ing sloual treatment. Its general scope w ; ten briefly Indicated'in the president's proclam ins tiou. ler us- In the Vatican at Homo there is a mart usnd sttUuo with natural eyelashes , the only o ry with this peculiarity in the world , It ropi illo scuts Ariaduo sleeping on the Island of Nax iro- at the moment when she was dojortod ' roI I Thcsou ' * . LOSS BY- FIRE AT HERMAN Several Residences and Easiness Houso3 Destroyed by Flumes. STARTED BY A BOLT OF LIGHTNING Men , Women nml Children KiiRnucil In TrjlnR to Save Threatened Property Ulalr Hook neil Unditcr Com- pnny Called Out. HEIUUH , July 4. [ SpecialTelegram to THE BSB.J Quito n fire occurred in this city last night nnd the following sustained loss : J. Li. Connnt , brick building. M,500 ; frame , $ l,000j uhyotclans' supplies , $1,000 ; total , $0,500 , covered with only $1,000 insurance j Oammoll & Kirk , about $ IWU ! on drug stock and * 1,000 on flour nnd food , with $3,000 In surance : Knights of Pythias lodge , $330 worth of paraphernalia nnd supplies , no In surance : Masonic order , $200 , no insurance ; \V. A. Uliss , Jeweler , $300 , no insurance ; Ed ward K. Pulasky , proprietor City hotel nnd bakery , $2.600 , 81,000 insurance ; Henry War ner , dwelling , about (1.500. The tire brolto out about 13 o'clock nnd the reports given nro that it was started by lightning , The whole town nnd surrounding countryt women and all , worked to prevent the fire spreading. Tlio Blair hook nnd ladder com pany nrrfvcd about 5:30 : and uullcU down the walls. This is quite a blow to this city , being its first flro. The estimated loss ex ceeds $13,000 and the whole amount" of in surance is fU.OOO , leaving a total loss of at least $0,000. WINU AND HAIN. Yesterday's Storm Ono of the Wont of the Sciisnn. ATKIXSOX , July 4. [ Special Telegram to THU DISK. ] A bad wind storm passed through Atkinson last night. A number of barns nnd outbuildings were demolished nnd trees broken down. Several barns were smashed into kindling wood. The storm was foi- lowcd by a heavy rain and crops nro in flno shape. LYONS , July 4. [ Special to Tun Bnn. ] This part of the state was visited by a soak ing rain last night. It was the first good rain slnco the first of June. The rain will make n good crop of small grain. Corn never Jooltcd more promising at this season of the year. Many Holds are as high ns a man's shoulder. Tame grass was damaged some by the dry weather. The potato crop will bo suftlciont for homo consumption. CiicioiiTox , July ! . [ Special Telegram to Tint BEB.J A heavy ram fell for live hours last night , which insures good crops. Knox county farmers are jubilant. Torn to 1'lecai by l.l-htnlnr. ) WEST POINT , July 4. [ Special Telegram to Tim Ben. ] This morning at 3 o'clock Mrs. Ed Anderson was Instantly kilted by lightning. A torrlblo electrical storm pre vailed all night. The family reside three miles south of West Point. The husband was paralyzed and crawled one-half mile to his father's ' place to notify them of the catastrophe. The woman's body was strewn in all directions. ISrettlo Creole's 1'ostmnstor Hurt. BATTLE CHEEK , July 4. [ Special Telegram to TUB BBB. ] Postmaster K. D. Scott , while decorating the postofllco building , fell and broke his right , arm just above the wrist and cut his chin very bad. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA. J.lst of Toucher * Who Will Control Young IdouR In the Single City. Owing to the election of teachers on Mon day night the school board did not open the bids for the now school houses. A special meeting will be held for that purpose on Friday night. Nearly a lof the old teachers were re-oloctod and four of the High school graduates will bo given nn opportunity to instruct. Following is n complete list of the teachers for next year : A. A. Monroe , superintendent ; . J. Taylor - lor , principal of High school ; Miss Helen Sooloy , assistant ; Miss ' HoUio Moore and Miss Hattie M. Wood , teachers in tlio High school ; Miss Anna Taylor , Miss Agnes Holl- man , Miss Mary Soykora , Miss Kate Gregory , Miss Eliza Gibbs , Miss Alice Havens , Mrs. Lilian W. Haid. Miss 'Luclla Krion , Miss Clair Davis , Miss Hope H ornby. Miss Jennie Allen , Miss Nora Cox , Miss Elsie Hartman , Miss Margaret O J'oolCiT Miss Mary Ueed , Miss Mary Garra- ' hau , MUs Mary Littell , Miss Lizzie Hayes , Miss Marion Thompson , Miss Mary Elgin , Miss Eflle Sampson , Miss Sadie Finley , Miss Nettle r Hunter , Miss Jeannette Mul len , Miss Anna Blauehard , Miss L. Mary Koss , Miss AliiSo Erion , Miss Martha Evans , Miss * Rebecca Gchon , Miss Matio Howe , Miss Mildred E. Dennis , Miss Blanche Glasgow , Miss Anna Wells , Miss Nora Snyder , Miss Anna Hunter , Miss Eugenia Chapman , Miss Jcnnio Hess , Miss Jennie Robeson and Miss E. M. Boll , special teacher in drawing ; Miss Emma B. Wood , spvlal teacher of music , vno foliowintr is a list of the janitors and where they will work : P. J. McCauley , High school building ; Mr. Lund , Brown park ; D. M. Anderson , Albright ; B. A , Nunn , Missouri avenue ; George Hayworth , Twenty-seventh and F streets ; C. A\ Allen , Fourth ward ; Mrs. Haraincrstraum , West Albright. MullcloiM Mischief. William Stadolmau' ? cigar store had o narrow escape from being burned ycsterdaj morning. Mr. Studolman had arranged o largo show case with fireworks in and on' it ami placed the case on the \vallc in front ol his store on lower N street. Joe Holobook n young kid , full of Fourth of July cnthu slasm , came along and , seeing the dis play , concluded to have some sport Ho sot fire to a whole package o ilrocrackors and then tossed the burning bunch over on top of the show case. An in slant later nnd there was n teriilc explosion About ? 25 worth of fireworks went off ai onco. Tno Jar was so powerful that II cracked the largo plato glass window am smashed the show case completely The awning caught llro and if 1 had not bean for the promp action of Mr. Stadolman and hla son tin store would have burned. The kid rai away and was not punlshod in any way fo his recklessness. "Fireworks In tlio livening. " The heavenly canopy that ovorshadowot South Omaha last night was fairly fillet with lira works and some gangs returning fron the country were oven funny enough to at tempt to sing "Good Bye , My Lover , Gooi Bye. " It is estimated that the retailers dls posed of J500 worth of fireworks dur ing the day and evening. The small bo ; held full sway until last night when ovoi the old codgers caught the fever ana al hands wont to work destroying powder an colored paper. It was blnp , buug , boot 111 Ml from dark until after midnight. Tlio pollc 111Ut arrested u few mnn who had indulged in * th flowing bowl a little too freely , but the wore only locked up long enough to take sleep ami then turned loose to complete thol celebration. During the day the street in were deserted , but last night it was llvol ho enough for the siortlu.st ] gang in town , Mugia City ( ijanp. " J , E. Hart leaves for Chicago this mornlnf y L. D. Burnett spent the Fourth at Oscooli " la. la.Dr Dr , Ernhout spent his Fourth at Cour es land. ay on 1'ollco Judge Fowler and family syeut th le Fourth at Courtlnud beach. lent Swift & Co.'s quarterly Dividend nt 2 por.cont and is payable July SI. K , O. Mayileld and family and Ed Benne ist and wife spent yesterday at Courtlaud bead .at Harry Lyman of Tokamah was in the ell 3Sas yesterday , the guest of his brother Fraud Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Campbell of Mlssou Valley are visiting ut the homo of Mr. at Mrs. Fred 1'earl. Assistant County Attorney Sloybaugh an family were the guests of Dr. Sloybaughut ro. family yesterday. cos Bernard McGory died yostordny at tl by residence of hi * souinlow , J , P. Hourlga on Twenty-sixth between O and P street The f tmorM will taho plnco on Thursday morning at 0 o'clock fron Ht. Agnes * church , AVERTING HAU.IW > AD WHEOKS. Uno ol tlio Itcccnt lurentlons Snlil to Have Unit n SnccMnful Trlnl. P. 13. Seagravo of T6lc\lb successfully ex hibited to n numbcrtof'howsDapcr men on the railroad track at the Mauraco Rolling null recently an apparatw jby which railroad accidents may bo averted. , The exhibition was made through the medium ot two hand cars. A central , an clcclrlo battery and a small wheel or metallic brush is about the only extra thing necessary on every railroad In the country. Thw 'dovlco , upon which letters patent will scon Issue , looks especially to the prevention of collisions botwcon trains and accidents duo to the neg lect or earolesstiMs of railroad employes at the * stations , according to Tun Bnn. By this arrangement an nlnrin Is sounded In the cabs of the locomotives , when two trains nro approaching each other on the same track , moving In the opposite direction , or ono train following the other. This nlnrni ndviscs the engineer of the proximity of another train and enables him to put the tram under control and avoid ac cident. A slmplo contrivance in each cab enables the engineer ot either train to signal to aiid communicate with the engineer of the other , though both limy bo moving rapidly nnd not In night of each other , thus com munications and orders may bo given in order dor to avoid collisions. By the application of the snmo principle the station agent can communicate with n train approaching a station ono or two miles illstuut , and can communicnto equally as well with a train that Is leaving n station and glvo orders looking to the safety of the train. In addi tion to this the dovlco provides that nn alarm in the cab shall sound it a train is ap- proaohlng on open switch or drawbridge. A largo percentage of accidents to moving trains occur under thocondltions named , and If this dovlco will enable trains to bo oper ated with greater safety , and prevent , to any considerable extent , accidents attend ing the collision of trains nnd open switches , It would seem to bo of very considerable im portance. In addition to this , however , the ability of an engineer of amoving train to communicate with the engineer of another moving tralu , and especially of the possi bility of an operator at the station to com- muulcato with nnd give orders to nn np- preaching or retreating train , when ono or two miles distant from a station , certainly render this Invention of great Importance. Anthony J. Drcxol'tt Uciimln * . PiiUADKLi'iHA , July 4. Drcxol & Co. were today notified that J. Harges , sr. , of Droxcl , Hargcs & Co. , Paris , and his son will leave Carlsbad on Wednesday with the body of Anthony J. Drcxel. The remains will bo shipped to Now York on the steamer ICaiscr Wilholm II. , nnd will bo accompanied thither by tho" Messrs. Hurges. Tlio steamer will arrive nt Now York on or nbout the 18th inst. The interment will bo made in the Droxcl mausoleum m Woodlawu cemetery , West Philadelphia. o Visitor * to tbo World' * Fair Will consider their Interest best by send ing for floor plan and rates to the handsome Park Gate hotel , Jackson park , Chicago. Being situated across the street from the fair grounds gives easy access at all hoUi s. It ii convenient to nil transportation ; con tains IKS rooms , single or cnsuito ; clovators ; is absolutely lire proof ; on European or American plan ; rates Sl.50 per day and up wards. ' PREV-ENTIOlAiir DISE A.SE. Snlvntlon In IntolllgAnt Isolation and Iu- Inrcclion. Recent studies have ; shown , as most educated people wolil , _ know today , says the Century , that tlYo whole class of for- inidablo diseases is batisid by minute or ganisms which eiitor'ltho body from without , nnd each aftondts kind , poison or kill. It is a loignnd ; sinister list , witli consumption , orv > tuberculosis at the hoad. In its "train ' follow pneu monia , diphtheria , . scarlet fever , ty phoid fever , cholera'Smallpox , , mca- slos , typhus fovorlycllow fever , mala ria , and moro of the , devilish brood. .Twelve years ago wo now practically nothing of these invisible enemies , the pathogenic gorKi's , wliich never theless carried' off x prematurely and under untold suffering a largo part of the human race. Today some of thorn are present at the roll call in every well furnished bacterial laboratory ; their pedigrees , their lurking places , and their habits are as distinctly matters - tors of record as these til larger crimi nals in statelier prison houses. Today wo know something of the stories ol nearly nil of thorn , and of many how thoy. produce their dire effects in the body : wo know the conditions uridot which they thrive ; wo know how , out side of the body at least , thoj can bo killed. Now and again it has scorned as if the veil were part ing , und wo could catch glimpses o ] a time not far off v/hon wo shall hi able to battle with these intruders oven in the body , when their ravage * are already under way. But as yet the great practical result of this dccado o discovery lies not so much in the powoi which wo have acquired , as in tlio powei to prevent bacterial 'disease. JVo hav ( Icurncrl that in a largo number of bac toriul diseases the inciting germs have no brooding places outside the bodies o these mon or animals which are thoii victims , und that if all nmtorinls throwi oil from these bo at once destroyed hi huat , by llro , by chemicals , 'or in ani other way , all danger of transmission ii removed. In regard to such diseases then , as typhoid fever , cholera , diphtheria thoria ( and in largo measure tin sumo is true of consumptioi and pneumonia ) , our point o view has entirely changed. The ; are not inevitable accidents , oven undo the complex and in many wuya unfavor able conditions of lifo in crowded com munitlos.Vhon today wo hear tha this or that usofnl citizen has fallen b ; the way , stricken with typhoid fever , o when dipthoria claims tiio light of tin household , wo know thnt Ignorance o carelessness , bo it privuto-or olHciul , i alone to bluino. wo cannot always , wi cannot often , trace the fault , so complo : are the conditions of modern lifo. ] may bo the milk dispenser , it may bo ui inolllciont street cluanor , it may bo , polluted water supply , or the liltliy foil ; of trailing skirts alonj * the streets wliich luiM brought the germs to th victim. They arc sown by indiscrotio and fostorcd always - hy- ignorance an neglect. Dipthcria claims yearly in thi land its hundreds oft thousands of chil victims , tibolossly subrificod on the altar of public apathy or"\h4vato indolence A consorvutivo comfemon and ostinmt sliows that In thi ? mlo of Miohigu alone , during the tlii MTTyoiu-s , 1B8U-81 at Icust 10,000 caso.s . ol.liptliorla wet probably prevented ftiidfjnoro than 1,7 ( iivos saved by intolliucut laolntloti' an diainfootiou. \ < lo- A. Monuur 'roo. There is a tree at'TnW , state of Oa : uca , Mcx. , whioh rivala in the extent > ground covered by ltd bt'niichca Homo > the famous mpnstor 't"rb8s of the orion A traveler , who Ba 'jrfJ reconlly , BSI ; that Ho found restint' pdor Its brunehi a detachment of troops numborir 52 ! ) . Jtjost of them boion od to tl 10 nul hborliood , and tlioir wives ai children had como to 1liu , rendezvous is moot tfloni , and there were und or tl tree besides u number of vendora of n [ &ortd of oatabloa und several horses. A tlieso hud plenty pf room und they we all within tlio wall which surrounds tl tree , wtiile Ita brunches extend non irl ud twenty feet beyond the wall on ovoi Bide , ulTordiug tthado for quite as mui ad more. ua ' The Girl I Left llohind Mo" has be played and sung In England slnco 1700. ] ho original name was "Urlhton ( Cuuiu. " It , an Irish air , but who composed cither t words or the music is now unknown , TO TURN DOWN PROHIBITION Iowa Republicans Inclined to Bo Satisfied With Ton Tears Experience. PROBABLE POLICY OF THE PARTY Mlccty to Modify the Olijoctlonnblo l.nvr In Such n Mnnncr nt to Bntlttr All IntorotU Approach or thr Cninpnlgiu DBS MOINBS , July 4. [ Special to TUB UEK.J The notion of the majority ot the republican central commtttoo nt Us recent - cent mooting In this city loaves nn shadow of doubt that the nctlvo luflucnuo of thnt powerful political factor will bo exerted In favor of securing delegates to the coming republican state convention who will favor a modillca- tlon of the prohibitory liquor law , on the line of the Gatch bill. The commit too was by nn moans unanimous In this conclusion , hut a working majority of the committee , In cluding the chairmandecided on taking this stop. It is understood that the majority is nmdo up of the members from the First , Second , Third , Fourth , Seventh and Ninth congressional districts , with two or three others passive or neutral. The most important action of the com mittee which tends to prove that this policy has boon agreed upon was the recommend , lug for the permanent chairman nf the con- volition of Senator Lawrence of Sioux Uity , the well known antt-prohlbltlon leader. The bare mention of the uamo of Senator Law rence serves as a red rag to the radical pro hibition contingent , but that ho will bo chosen to preside over the deliberations o f the convention , despite all opposition , there Is scarcely n shadow of doubt. Ho Is nn excellent parliamentarian and will rule the convention with both fairness and llruiness. 1'rolmblo 1'lutform. It has not yet boon fully decided by the liberal clement in the party whether they will Insist upon going into the campaign with a platform committing the party to the repeal of prohibition , or with a platform modeled after the last republican national platform , merely pledging the party to the adoption of "tho most practical means for the promotion of temperance and. morality. " This , some claim , will loosen the party bonds and leave the republican members of the next legislature free to exorcico their own Judgment in voting on this question ; others , equally earnest , insist that such a course would not only bo cowardly , but would give the democrats the honor and whatever political advantage might accrue from the repeal of the odious statute. They also fear that if the republicans take the llrst named course the local option feature- the Gatch bill will bo omitted and the state thrown wide open for the return of the saloon. They argue that the republican party hav ing given prohibition a ten-years trial should now openly and boldly maUo such modillca- tions of the law us the experience of the past dccado in its enforcement would sug gest , maintaining the prohibitory feature in such counties of the state where the law has been fairly well enforced. It is needless to say it will bo nccess.xry for these two fac tions to "got together" before the conven tion moots if they hope to control the con vention. The third element in the party is for pro hibition pure and simple and , us they ox- Dross it , would rather go down with the Jlag Hying in honorable battle than to win n vic tory by compromising their principles. Whichever way the tide may turn the next republican state convention promises to bo the most , intensely interesting political gath ering over hold within the borders of the stato. Some ot the Cdndldntei. At least three prominent candidates for the republican and gubernatorial nomina tion have been brought to the front , with a legion more in the background. These are Lafayette Youiig of this city , formerly of Atlantic , ex-Auditor L > yens of Guthrlo and Frank D , Jackson , ox-secrotary of state , , Mr. Young is the avowed cnujidato of the prohibition contingent , and wbilo ho says ho will enter into no scramble for the place , unless ho absolutely withdraws from the ruco will likely receive the solid support of this clement. Mr. Lyons bus been phenom enally successful in politics. Ho is person ally a prohibitionist and comes from a county of the same complexion , but it his been rumored that ho is wiliintr to pledge himself to sign any bill on the subject that may pass the legislature. If this bo true Lyons will prove a formidable candidate , and his prov erbial good luck in politics may win for him the nomination over all opposition. Secretary Jackson formerly lived in Butler - lor county , but since his term of ofilco ex pired has made Dos Moiues his homo. Both ho and Mr. Young nro newcomers to the city and Polk county may conclude to divide its vote between these rival candi dates. JncUson is pro-emiuently the candi date of the liberal , or anti-prohibition ele ment , and is immensely popular with the young and aggressive loaders all over the stato. That ho will develop no small follow ing , if he is really in earnest for the nomina tion , is admitted on all sides , und the real contest now seems to be between him und Lyons. While a few county conventions have boon held , it is not likely , in spite of the active urging of the press , that a decisive majority will come together till very late in the month and possibly not toll the first week in August. Meanwhile other candidates may develop with a show of surprising strength , and cer tain contingencies may crowd these already mentioned entirely off the track. The democrats are lying still , part of them cursing Cleveland for withholding the ofllces and the remainder endeavoring to amuse themselves by wutchlug the republicans , They will probably take no decided notion until the policy of republicans is fully out lined. WHAT BECAMS OF HIMP Story of a Sohniuo Kutlo nnil Her Cousk Concocted. They were two fair young things , say * the Chicago Tribune , who were spend ing the night togolhor und exchanging confidences as they prepared torotlro. , "O , Kutio ! " said .tho blonde ono as sh ( deftly drew out her hairpins , "what hai become of Unit awfully hundsomo fellov with the long , drooping mustache whc used to take you driving so often ? " "O , mercy , did I never toll you aboul that allair ? " auid the brunette. "You know you didn't , you mcai 10 thing , nnd I am just dying to hear al III about it. " "Woll I'll ' toll but what id , you porfectl ; IB lovely russet shoos , whoro'd you go Id thorn ? " P8 "Oh , bother the shoes ! lam just dyiiij 0. 0.to "Oh , yes , asl was saying ho was pot 111 fcctly lovely it'a a long story , though You romcmbor that I told you ho wu ro equally attentive to my cousin Nell 00 who was staying with mo ut the time ? id "I remember ; porhups it was only b ; causa uho looked t > o much like " ' 'Well , it just kept on that way unt our patience was worn out. If ho too ) mo driving u messenger buy would cu , ! of in our absence with u box of lloword u of candy for Nell ; if ho took her to th It. matinoc ho loft mo a back or maguzin which ho especially wanted mo to reai cs That part was u little hard on mo , " all wont on , meditatively , "but I huvo u ho intellectual brow and a pair of oyi nd glassed and intibt llyn up to thorn. " to "I know , I know go on with you ho atory. " til "Woll , as I was Baying , It wont on fc Ul a long time like that until Nell und ire gottirod. Wo laid u bet aa to which 01 ho could provoke him to u proposal Jim uo The ono who won him was to receive n ry emerald ring HSU wedding present , ny always wanted anomoruld ring ; the lose was to bo bridesmaid and have tl choice of the host man at the wedding r. icn Its "What a splimdld idea ! Did you U "Woll , wo just worked right along , the that Uno ; I leuniod a lot of Byron ut developed u fondness for b.uling 1 moonlight ; Nell got him to tench her to piny on the guitar nnd pang love nonga to htm in the gloaming. Wo kept nn comparing note * , hut neither of us scorned to got ahead , nnd 1 was almost disheartened when " . "Don't stop , go on ; toll mo just whnt ho nnid. " "Well , I was nlono In the parlor in the twilight. I were my white India silk , and loaned back in that low wicker chair when I heard his footstep ; ho cnmo in and sat down beside mo , and somehow ho got hold of my hand " "Of course O , it's wildly interest ing ! " ' 'Thero was a great bunch of lilacs on the table near mo , and across the way somobodv was playing 'In the Gleam ing.1 \ on couldn't think of anything moro lovely for a proposal , and 1 knew thnt if Nell would just keep out of the way long enough it was nil right. I told you she was upstairs with the dress maker , didn't IV" "Yes no I don't know ; do go on. " "His arm stole along the back of my chair I told you it was a low ono nnd he said : 'You know that I love you ; could you ' Ills imtstacho just brushed my oar and I could hear his heart boat , when " "Yon don't mean to say that you were interrupted ? " "Wo were ; the parlor door flow open with a bang nnd In came the house maid with a lighted lamp " "But he had said so much then that it was all right anyhow , " declared the blonde girl. , "Wolf , not oxnctly , for , you BOO , ho had mistaken mo for Nellie in the dark. " HASTY ICE CREAM EATING. I'nrnlyzoft Nerves of thn Throat mill Sliooti to the llrnln. During the scorching weather of July nnd August you often rush into nn ice cream saloon with the avowed intention of cooling your body to nt least a few degrees below the molting point , says the St. Louis Republic. If you nro in a great hurry you nro apt to mnko tho' llrst few tablcspoonfuls of the cooling mixture rather large. This almost im mediately gives you a violent pain in the temples or somewhere in the region of the eyes. Why is this ? Did you ever stop to think ? Ono who has studied the physiology of the case says it is caused in the following manner : The frozen mixture coming in contact with the nerves of the throat ( the larynx , pharynx , etc. ) temporarily paralyzes them. The bunsntion instantly shoots to the center of those nerves , which is in the brain , but finds there a side con nection in the shape of the great facial nerve , which starts from in front of the ear and extends its branches over the sides of the face. Ono branch of this facial nerve , ex tending across the temple , is a "nurvo of sensation , " while the other brandies are simply "nerves of motion , " utilized chiplly 1o govern the play of the mouth. Tliis great facial nerve sidetracks the pain which proceeds from the chill , throwing it out along the nerve branch which traverses the temple , the pain being most atroni/.ing at the points whore the nerve brunches. If the irritation is extraordinary the "rellox" action whicl ; takes place may cause a violent pain ir the eyeballs as well as in the temple , the eye pain being simply sympathetic ! The porbon who rashly swallows greal mouthfuls of frozen milk should rcmom her that every time it comes in contac with the nerves of his throat the whole nervous system is injured to a grcate or less extent. Chomkriil Diamonds. An ingenious French chemist , Moissan by name , has at last succeeded in wha has boon a great object with chemist for a century the manufacture ' 6f rcu diamonds by chemical means. Ho ex plained his method to the French So ciety in Aid of the Friends of Science and actually produced artiticial and genuine diamonds before the eyes of his hearers. They were very small , however , and ho does not bolinvo that such can be made of size enough to " ' "inject trouble into the souls of the owners of natural diamonds,1' as the odd French phrase is. But a later chemist may iinU a way to make great diamonds , now that the method is discovered for smaller ones. RAD FIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR lias proTPii an InfallibJo spocllio for all derange ments peculiar to the female cexsuch as citron lo womb nnd ovarian dis eases. If taken In time it regulates and promotes healthy action of all func tions of the generative organs. Young ladies at the ego of puberty , and older ones at the meno pause , vlll flndln ita licallnc , Bootlilng tonic. The lilRhest recommendations from promi nent physicians and tho.io nho have tried it. Wrlto for hook "To AVornpn , " mailed f rno. Bold by nil druggist * . IIRADFIULD KEOULATOII Co. , proprietors , Atlanta , Ga. I CAN BE CURED IN 10 MINUTES 1JV USING Wf'Sf0 ' PRICE 25o PER BOX. A.slz Your Druggist fllAMJl'ACTUKIIU 11V OMAMA , - NBB. r- The Original and ueuuine ( WORCESTERSHIRE ) .11k ,11 ImparU the moot dsMdoui tatte uvl Wit jr EXTRACT RUUl'U , 10 oruLETTEUfrom 10 GUAVJEH , d. 'i'l.EMAN ru , to 111 * brother 10ui ftt M'OUCEfllEK. ui Hay , U6L. HOT ifc COIJ ) o- "Tell I.K.V fc PEItllJNS' AIBAT.S , thtt tbelr uuoe Ii hUhly oiteetned In CADIE , lodlt , MI J1J la uy or opinion , the moi' WKIXII- pnUiib'.s , u neil II u tba matt whole , RAUEI11TS , no r.ome f uco tint Ii Sec , it. it.nn nnI Beware of Imitations ; ho or lee that you get Lea & Perrins' . " Jn nd fJlftuture on oTcry liollle of OrUrini ! Ii Qtnulna by JOHN UUNCAM'K OU.NH , NtV VO1C1C. AY ruEY'itu rtr trr , In MRlwl Kl vl . Is noUKh In Itself to rocvMnmtnd Dr. riorcVa rioMwtt Vellcl * . It UMJU thm M wtxy * frc h nnd rcllftWa. Vou c n'l 1 sure of the Mff , old-fashioned pUU In wooiloii or tiMtobonrd boxes. Uut thwo llttlft relicts M * bettor nt every pontHT | lllir ( ! tonls or strcncthonlnB effect on the lining infinhraiiM of the Intwtlnps , they Incrcnso the tnftir l notion of tb bowel . and ixrinancnllucwe Jivur. dlco , Biliousness , Dluimss , Sour Btomnch , Indigestion , nml conw qucnt stupor or ilrowilnesj. There's no dlstm banco , no rene tion nfterwiml , nnd their ntlp laits. Ono tiny Rrnnnlo is n KCiitlo lam * tivo ; three nro cntlmrtlc1 , Thoy'ro the Biunllest in filxc , th * < \iscst ! to tnko , nnd the cixslcst in the wny they net , Thoy'ro tha cheapest , too , for they're puaron- tcttl to glvo Kntlsfaetion , or your monov Ii roturneil. Nothing cho cnn bo " Just M ood. " Tricky dwilers nlvrayg hixvs iliiRS to UI-RO tipon you which nro , tetter for them to * H , but bad for you to bill/ . Dr. W. H. BETTS rind Ponlcir Momliar of the 'aniuus Klriu of Physicians , Siir onj anl SpsciillJts , "Are they doing a larso bmlno ! " Is n question often aUod concerning Drs. Itotts & Uotls. ImiulroM urn requested to road thn following siinitnury nndjudjo forthomsolvoa : Ntimhorof yo\rs : In prautlcn. . , , . . . . J ] OlHecs In ouoritlon In vartom oltloi. . . , . 1 Assistants employed - ] U.iplUl Invested In ImslnoM. 52nOvW Avorano annual oxponscs .V1 1 AvuniRO annii tl rnoolpti 114.4U Mutnbor discs In-TyoiM H1-4- ! Complete ctirm olTootoit tl.KH nrontly bencllttotl l.'Xi Hulloved nnd Improved -M ) Not cured -j Cost of proposed now Institute 11 > .0) ( Cost per iiiinuin of iidvortlslu ; . IIVKX lioul cstato ownctl by llrm 3XVXX No wonder thnt Or.V. . II. llotts , the hoitd of this great ( Inn. Is re ferred to bv hU friends a * "tho sr.ty- liulrod old doctor. " for lo his nntlr inn energy und perseverance , his signal ability , both as n bmliiesj and professional man. ha the binl- nu.ss of the Urin grown flora absolutely - lutoly nothln ; to Its present gigan tic proportions. To create and miilnt.iln so grout nn enterprise 1 * enough to turn any man sr.iy.whllo thn glow of honest prldo th it shlnas In his kindly fitce , his riidily fott- iirei und quluk , llrm. olmtlo stop , nil bcspoak tlio joy ho fooU In the great success ho has won Mil tha peed ho lias bestowed noon his fol low man. The stole nnd the suffer ing will nnd In him a true anil last ing frlond DRS.BETTS&BETTS , 119 S. (4ii ( ! Sires ! , Con Danglns St. OMAHA , - - - - NEB , York Hospital TREATMENT. For all Chronic , Hemai , Private and Special Dis3as33 , MEN AND WOMEN Ftnoturo nnd all otbsr troubles tro-xtcd at reasonable charges. CONSULTATION ITtKR Callonor address DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , NED Opposltolliiyilon lira * . Cfttsrrh CUD curoi cataarh All ilrugRlJti. am unt . NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK. U. 8. Dopooitory , Omaha , Nob. CAPITAL , - 8400,000 SURPLUS , - eG5OOD Offlcorfl nnd nircxHorn-Uiuiry W. YnlCH , prosl- nent. H. C. Ctmlilni , ' . vlcn im'HlUrnt , O. S. Mnnrlci * . W. V. Morriu. John S. Uolllim , J. N. H. I' H B , Kecd , vaHlder , THE IRON BANK. STRENGTH , VITALITY , MANHOOD J \V.H. I'AtlKKIlSl'.n..Tfo , llluldnchrt. , or , iljHH. , thief itntiiltlny fihuttetan of IM I'JJA "ODY Al KO I C'/il. IJfsTl'jrUTK.to nh"l fit atvaaJrd Hie onto mui. ) l > y the HATIONAC MrtilOL A IH > "liTliWfo iltllllty , BDcJ oil Jlna . * ODcl Wtukiittt of J/UIL , niinPO 'ho young , Uio tnWiHi'agtil and oui. lillKrN ' 'un-nltatlOQ in pcnou cr liy letter. UUIILO I'rooectu.with tnitlmonhdc , FRKK. f.-irne book , HUI NCK OF 1,1 Kf , Oil SKI.F- ) JIKSKIIVATION. SCO pp. , Ji Invaluable pre > intlnnM. fiili r. C nnlvftl.fi' * ' ( V tnitll. ijtalrd PROTECT YOUR EYES AND USB tr KffiSCHBERG , ? HirscHberg's ' M - Speelaeles ail EVE BUSSES Q C 'JiTU JUiyjunS5 DR. McGREW 1 * the only SPECIALIST WIIO TDZATB XLL PRIVATE DISEASES and DEBILITIES of MEN ONLY. Women Excluded. IB years experience. Circular * tree. llth nnd Farnam Kl .t UlUlU ,