Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1893, Image 1

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Struggles of American Patriots Recalled by
Numerous Nebraska Oitizons.
Clvlo Soclutlf * nnil Commercial OrcnnUn-
tloni Cotnlilnn to MnUo the Occmlon
lltoroiighly Interesting I" Other
J'urtg ut the State.
FIIF.MONT , July 4. [ Special to Tnn Bun. ]
Fremont has done herself proud in celebrat
ing this anniversary ot the Doclaralloti of
Independence. At an early hour men , women
and children began to gather in the city
from every direction of the surrounding
country in vehicles , and later In the trains ,
until the city was allvo with patriotic pee
ple. The procession formed about 11 o'clock
and consisted of the firemen of Omaha ,
Scrlbncr , Hooper , Columbus , David City ,
North Bend and Fremont , the Fremont Nor
mal school band and several other bands and
iho flfo and drum corps. Nearly all the
manufacturing and wholesale and retail
firms wore represented. In the city park
Clyde Hull read the Declaration of Inde
pendence , and Hon. Gcorgo L. Loomls , presi
dent of the Fremont lire department , deliv
ered the oration ,
On the Chautnuqua grounus at n o'clock
this afternoon Her. Frank Crane of Omaha
delivered n very able and eloquent oration.
The music at the Auditorium was furnished
liy the Hnnscom park quartette ot Omaha.
In the afternoon occurred the blcvclo races ,
llranion's foot race , sack race , calathumpian
parade , etc. This evening's entertainment
closed with a grand display of fireworks repre
senting ono of the naval battles won by John
Paul Jones. The shower last night laid
the dust and cooled the air , making it very
much more pleasant today.
JtliiRiilllcont IMnpliynt llontrlcc.
BEATHIOC , July 4. [ Special to Tun BEE. ]
The weather has been very fine and as a
consequence the Fourth of July celebration
has drawn a largo crowd of people to the
city. The parauo this morning was the
most maBiiiilccnt of the kind over witnessed
in southern Nebraska. The firemen made
nn especially fine showing , as did also the
Nebraska State , Wllbcr and Third City
bands. The floats were very elaborate aud
attractive. Tills afternoon the Nebraska
State band pave an excellent concert at the
Chautauqu.-i grounds which was thoroughly
enjoyed by a largo concourse of people.
General Hastings , the orator of the day , was
'enthusiastically received and his efforts
mot with hearty applause. The evening
was devoted to n band concert ana fireworks
h i- display.
- * All Kullorttm Cclclirutoil.
FULLHIITON , July 4. [ Special to THE BEE. ]
The denizens oE this city spent the day In
n most sociable manner. The family of
Urad D. Slaughter , together with numerous
friends und neighbors , picnicked the day
through in the beautiful grove surrounding
Mr. Slaughter's house. Lawn tennis , cro
quet , whist and high five , interspersed with
line vocal and instrumental music , was the
order of the day. The day's entertainment
was concluded by a handsome display of fire
works , which proved to bo a rich treat- for
the little ones.
E. D. Gould held a royal reception 9f
friends in his largo grove on the Woodlirie
farm , where each and every participant en-
joved full freedom and a Jolly good time gen
erally. '
Andrew Erickson kept open house in his
. extensive -.gravo , one mile cast of town' ,
\vhero many country and city folk met and
snoiit the day happily in danculg , swinging ,
visiting , card playing , etc.
The young people had iv grand , good time
in Jackson's grove , ono mile west of town ,
where genuine independence was fully dis
played by something like 100 true American
liruiul Isliiml'H Quiet Fourth.
GUA.NIJ ISLAND , July 4. [ Special to THE
BEE.J The Fourth was spent very quietly
hero. Numerous small picnics were indulged
in by various societies and the several picnic
grounds and gardens were in demand. To
night a fireworks display was made by Hon ,
A. N. Wolbach , which was well worth
Keiitnro of Wiikollolil' * Celebration.
WAKEFIEU ) . July 4. [ Snoclal toT
Everybody in this vicinity celebrated the
Fourth in the happiest of spirits , from the
fact that the long continued dry weather
was at an end. Last night it rained for four
hours. Corn is on an average considerably
In advance when compared with this time
last year. It was just beginning to suffer.
Rye and winter wheat will make full crop , fields are larger than any previous year ,
Tlio dry weather affected it worse tlrm nnj
other crop , so it will not make quite half r
crop , but the ram last night is the maker ol
what small pr.iin there "will bo ; besides , II
came just in tlmo to save corn from suffering
and on thoovo of the glorious Fourth , whlcl
the citizens of Wakolield made such olaborati
preparation for "celebrating.
Convlcci Knloy tlio Day.
LINCOLN , July 4. [ Special to THE BEE.-
The Fourth of July was celebrated In groa
style at the penitentiary. Warden Bcemci
some time ago announced his intention o
giving the prisoners n day that they wouli
Jong remember , and ho succeeded well. Ii
the morning the prisoners wore assomblci
in the chapel aud listened to a firs't rati
minstrel show given by penitentiary talent
The hull was decorated with the nationa
colors. An orchestra rcndoroJ selection
during the waits. Quito a crowd of visitor
from the city was there and enjoyed th <
show almost as much as the prisoners. Ni
particular restraint was placed on the con
riots , and the good performances were nn
pltiudctl and the poor onea hissed as frccl ;
as In a theater.
After Clio performance the men wer
turned loose In the yard for two hours , en
joying perfect freedom , to converse am
move about , The warden furnished an ahum )
aiii-o of cigars to nil , The prisoners Bpen
the afternoon in their cells eating a clilckoi
a Inner. Warden Bvemcr has just had mad
lovcral long tables nnd benches and as BOO
is tho-lloor Is put. in the ne\v cell house th
prisoners will oat in thoro. Numerous othu
Improvements will t > o inaugurated as raj ;
Idly as possible. With a vlu\v to saving us <
less expenses some of the telephone :
have been removed. Mr. Beomer is Justl
proud of the fact that last month's repot
ihowed no punishments , the first case c
this kind In the history of Uio punltontiarj
Unkilule'i Cflclirutlon ,
u ! , July 4 , [ Special to Tin ; BEE-
riio glorious Fourth was ushered In at inu
night by the booming artillery of th
heavens and a continuous Hush of flroworli
from the clouds. Ono extra charge roi
the stcenlo of the Methodist church an
parted everything In its pathway to tli
earth : The farmers' prayers were nnswcrc
by a precipitation of ono andono-hulMncho
mid all nature Is wearing a smiling fac
today. The day was properly observe
otherwise ,
Sultou'a Nlgim ! Succcsi.
BUTTON , July 4 , [ Special Telegram to Tn
Bsif. ] S'ltton commenced with its birth i
18fc ) and has celebrated every Fourt
ilnco , this making the twentieth demousir ;
tlon. The chief feature today was the on
tjon of t'rof. Shclton of the Lincoln Norm ;
university , which was highly appreciate !
The day's program included race % g&tiu
and fireworks in the uvoi.lug. A largo nun
ber came down from Omaha aud Lincol
former residents of Button , for u rouulou an
good lime ,
How HJT CU Celebrated.
Sriucrto , July 4. [ Special Telegram
THE BEE. ] The Fourth was celebrated
erent style hero today. Prof , llaylor <
Lincoln delivered the nddross , which wi
listened to by fully tt.OOOiaoplo. . Thu liars
man-Zimmerman wrostllui ? contest was f r
purse of t'i.M ) and gate receipts. Zimmerrai
Eel the firiit fall , going down heavily. Tl
tut two fAlls wre lo t by H r Uuian 1
mere scratches. In the fourth round Harsh-
man throw his antagonist heavily. The
fifth round was a veritable tug of war. but
was won by Harshman , alter quite a strug
gle. Harshmnn weighed 1G2 and Zimmer
man 175.
At Chndrnn.
CiiADitox , Nob. , July 4. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bnu. ] The Fourth was cele
brated hero In good old-fashioned shape.
The old-time float with young ladles repre
senting the various states was there , fol
lowed by the llro department , officials In
carriages and trade floats representing local
firms , the whole led by Prof. Jester's band.
At the conclusion of the procession speeches
were delivered by Hon. Alfred Barlow and
Hon. C. Dann Sires , ns well as the usual
patriotic songs , etc. The afternoon was
given to sport , the 100-yard foot race being
won by Clyde Hossltcr In 10 % seconds nnd
thn half-mile blcvclo race for a handsome
medal by C. W. Vance In 1:10. : The whole
was concluded this evening with n grand
Isplay of fireworks , n play by local talent
nd n grand ball nt.'tho oper.i houso.
L'ho Chadron ball club defeated Hay Springs
jy n score of 10 to 4.
Kenrnejr Won the Lncrosso Gome.
KEAnxr.r , Neb. , July 4. [ SpecialTelegram
o Tun BRB. ] A complete success. Such
HIS been the celebration in Kearney today ,
riio weather has been perfect and nothing
ias happened to mar the pleasures of the
5,000 people present In any way. The pro
gram was carried out to the letter in every
respect. The procession this morning was
over a mlle long. Henry St. Hayncr of Sld-
my was the orator of the day and the exor
cises wore held in High School park.
In the afternoon various sports were en-
eyed , nndint ! 1 o'clock a game of lacrosse was
, ) laycd on the ball grounds between the
thamplons of Kearney nnd the Omaha team.
The score stood U to 1 in favor of the cham-
) Ions , who have never yet been defeated.
Joth scores for Kearney were played by
jewis , Slid Doltchburn made the score for
, ho visitors. It was a clean , strong game
'rom llrst to last , nnd the 3,000 people who
saw it were delighted. The Omaha ulayers
are all gentlemen and there was no scraping -
) ing on the ground. This evening over fT > 00
, vorth of fireworks were shot off , nnd the
argest nnd best celebration ever seen In
Kearney ended in a grand pyrotechnic dis
Obtorvctl nt Tnblo Itock.
TABLE HOCK , July 4. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : BiiE.l Theheavy ruin last night was of
Immense benefit to crops , but delayed thd
celebration. The exercises at Suttou park
did not begin till nearly noon , and the ex
cursion from Tecumsch , including the band ,
did not arrive till the speaking was over.
The ground dried rapidly , however , and
after sing Ing "America" the Declaration of
Independence was read by Hattie Goodale ,
after which Hon. F. M. Proutof Beatrice de
livered the oration. The band then arrived
and rendered some stirring music. After
dinner there were songs and toasts by J. B.
Pepsou and Prof. Wymcr ; after this the
race track of Fellers Bros , was the scene of
Interesting contests. The track was in good
condition notwithstanding the rain and thoraces
races were spirited. The bicycle race was
especially interesting. The usual trials of
skill , girls race , boys race , etc. , were in
dulged m at the park , making plenty of
sport. Tnc attendance was very large. This
evening u fine display of lire works was made.
The storm last night overthrew a show tent ,
breaking some of the voles and injuring
slightly some of the performers , and they
moved out for repairs.
llcuini'r'H Dmpl'iy.
BEEMER , Neb. , July 4. [ Telegram
to THE BEE. ] The most successful celebra
tion ever held in this county was held hero
today. The address of the day was deliv
ered by G. W. Hunt of Norfolk. Sports of
all kinds were Indulged in nnd every ono 'en
joyed a r good time. A game of ball was
played between Wisner nnd Boomer teams ,
the former winning the game.
r . Quiet , I > .iy nt Hustings.
HABTIXO ? , July 4. [ Special Telegram 'to
Tun BEE. " ] The Fourth was observed very
quietly In Hastings , there being no organ
ized celebration. However , the Grand Army
of the Hcpubllc and the "Woman's Relief
corps held a picnic at Colo's park , athletic
sports and a ball game amusing part of the
crowd. The tournament under the auspices
of the Hastings Gun club was well attended
nnd some good scores made. Many of the
citizens of Hastings went to Junlata , six
miles west , where an old fashioned celebra
tion was held.
Premature Kxploslbna In Scvenil Cases Ke-
RKlt HntUrr IMsimtroiisly.
IjEsuns , la. , July 4. [ Special Telegram to
THE BnB. ] James Milton was instantly
cillcd this forenoon at a celebration In
Jnlon township , this county. He had pro
vided a cannon by fastening the two hubs of a
corn cultivator's wheels together , and In
Iring them the f use burned slowly. Ho was
n thp act of examining itwhen , they ox-
iloded , tearing his abdomen entirely away
1 md killing him instantly. Ho was about 80
\ cars old and unmarried.
f Injured While Celohriitlnp.
CEIIAH KAVJIW , la. , July 4. [ Special Tele-
. h'ram to THE BEE. ] At Spnngvlllo this
„ morning Mayor E. E.Tathwcll was seriously
injured while charging an anvil by a proma-
Lure explosion. Lou Taylor who \Vas standIng -
Ing near was also seriously Injured.
Lawrence Powers , a boy about 14 years
old , was badly injured here late last night
by the premature explosion of a toy cannon ,
It Is believed ho will lose his eyo.
Mnlvorn Hcitrft the Ragle Scream.
MAT.VKUN. la. , .tuly 4 , [ Special Telegrarr
to Tun BBK. ] The eagle screamed here
today in the presence of ono of Malvern'f
largest crowds , despite the hard rain of lasi
night nud early this morning. The address
was delivered by Hov. Anthony Jacob o ;
Charlton. The Jlvo-mllo bicycle race was
won by Snell of Omaha , Frank Wallace Ol
Emerson second.
Cusptr'H lilt : nay.
Wyo. , July 4. [ Special "Tolegran
tp Tun BCIJ. ] The celebration hero toda.i
was a grand success. A special train wa :
run into the city from Chadron. Over 1,501
were present. The races were splendidly
contested. Doe Mlddlcton , a horse ownec
o by Dan Hobortn of this place , beat Sorrel
n John , owned by Sheriff Dahlman of Chadron
o badly. A Chadron horse boat H. U. Tom , i
ir local horse of considerable reputation , i
) - great deal of money changed bauds on thi
a- races and the interest was Intense. Thl :
ay as was the biggest day Casper over had.
liny Kiler's I'll to ,
" There were numerous rumors fioatlni
around yesterday in regard to the fata o
Hay Kslcr , the aeronaut who made an ascen
slon from Courtland beach Monday night.
Eslcr , presumably , was drowned in tin
river. Ho was last seen struggling in th
Big Muddy , whore iho balloon draggei
him nt 8:83 : o'clock Monday night. ' U ,
to a late hour last evening ho had not n
ported to Gould , and Gribblo or Manage
Griffiths at Courtland beach. However , i
was extensively rumored yesterday tha
Kslcr exemplified the well known quotatio :
from Swinburne that "dead men rise u
over , " and that ho had risen from 'tis w.itcr
grave and was seen on the streets of Omah
last night. This rumor has not been ofl
clally confirmed ,
Killed by Lightning.
KANSAS CITV , July 4. While standln
under a tree , ten miles south of the clt
id ut 8 o'clock this moruliifi , Irving Clark , ago
10 , 01 Twenty-third and Penn streets , an
Frank Paullin , aged lil , of Twenty-eight
to and Broadway , were struck by llghtniuf an
itof instantly killed.
of Mrs. Irving Clark and Miss Minnlo Clarl
a : who were with the boys , were stunned an
ha buruod aud lay under the tree for an hoi
hnn before they regained consciousness.
nn The party had started on a fislilng excui
he slon and bud taken refuge under thu tree t
by avoid Vho storm.
Patriotic Thousands Thronged Jaclison Park
Vice Vrenldcnt Stevonnon Deliver * n I'lonn-
Lildrons ItlliBlnc oftho Xw Liberty
Ilclt-IIrlllliint impl.iy of 1'lro-
works In the
CUIOAOO , July 4. It Is fitting that the
Fourth of July , the natal day of the na
tion's independence , should witness the
largest attendance of the season at the
World's Columbian exposition. Although
the onlcial returns arc not In the officials do
not hesitate to declare that today's attend
ance will not fall short of 250,000. Every
railroad running Into Chicago gave a special
Fourth of July rate today , and the closing
of commercial houses In the city en
abled the working and business people of
Chicago to swell the throngs until the ag
gregate became greater than that of any
.previous day's attendance. The weather
'was ' alternately fair and threatening , nnd
just as the hour of 12 o'clock arrived a slight
shower broke over the assemblage and
paused a hasty uprising of umbrellas. For
tunately , however , the ra'n was slight and
of but few minutes' duration , nnd the exer
cises of the day were favored at the close bv
bright sunshine. Good taste was displayed
by the exposition officials In the brevity of
the program , the entire exercises of speech
and song consuming but little over an hour ,
The stand was erected on the east sldo of
the terminal station and the space between
this structure and the Administration build
ing was packed with humanity a half hour
before the beginning of the ceremonies. The
crowd was n good natured and Jolly ono and
everybody there seemed bent upon an appro
priate observance of the Fourth. Every
patriotic sentiment of the orators of the day
was cheered lustily and the enthusiasm of
the assemblage was an inspiration to the
Crowded with Visitor * .
At no time during the day was the
weather oppressively warm and after the
slight noonday shower the weather became
cool and bracing. The greater number of
the visitors arrived early In the forenoon ,
most of the excursion trains from abroad
entering the grounds by not later than 0 or
10 o'clock. As usual , most of the visitors
had either heard of or been the victims of
the rapacity of the World's fair restaurants ,
and a great number came fixed with
capacious lunch baskets.
The commemorative exercises of the day
began promptly at 11 a. m. Lone before that
hour the space for hundreds of feet sur
rounding the grand stand was thronged with
spectators ana every prominent arrival was
greeted with cheers. At 10 o'clock Mayor
Harrison , the city officials and the common
council entered In carriages , preceded by the
band of the Second regiment , Illinois Na
tional Guard. The exercises opened with
music from the Immense chorus assembled
by Director Pratt. Nearly 2,000 , singers
wore marshaled around the stana. groups
being stationed in the galleries of the ter
minal station. The front gallery of the
Mines and Mining building andiiu the bal
cony of Machinery hall there were 'four
bands distributed at regular intervals about
the plaza.
When Mayor Harrison , the common coun
cil and the escorting citizens and exhibitors
arrived at the grand stand , Director General
George R. Davis , who presided over the ex-
ercisos''aroso a'nd called the assemblage to
order. As ho did so Colonel W. H. Clatko of
Milwaukee stepped forward and presented
him a gavel made from a piece of the famous
Washington elm , at Cambridge , Mass.
Vlco Iru8lilont htovcinoii Introduced.
At the conclusion of the prayer by Rov. H.
II. Burrows , Director General Davis Intro
duced General Adlat" Stevenson , vice presi
dent of the United States , as the orator of
the day. Great applause greeted Mr. Ste
venson when ho stepped forward.
Mayor Carter H. Harrison of Chicago was
the next speaker introduced. Ho was given
a hearty greeting by the assembled thous
As ho ended his speech the booming of
cannon aud tlio ringing of bells announced
that it was high noon. Mrs. Mary Madco
Morris stepped quickly across the platform
and touched the telegraph key and the
clicking of the instrument announced to the
cities and towns all over the country that
It was noon In Chicago and that the original
"Old Glory" was being hoisted. It carried
the news to Troy and the now Liberty boll
sounded its first notes.
While the instrument was yet clicking ,
Mrs. H. H. B. Stafford , bowed with the
weight of three score years and ten , with
trembling hands , seized the halyards and
pulled aloft the historic Paul Jones flag.
The vast throng stood silent with uncov
ered heads for a momcilt and then thuro
came a mighty shout that drowned the uolso
of booming cannon and clanging bells.
Of the Xow Liberty Hell.
Hon. Hampton L. Carson of Philadelphia
was introduced when the applause following
the raising of the original "Old Glory" had
.ceased. After paying duo attention to the
celebration ; to what it recalled from
the pact ; what it attested from the
present and foretold or the future ,
the speaker gave an exhaustive history
of the old Liberty bell , particularly referr
ing to the occasions on which It had been
. In ho said. In reference
1 UUf ; All closing I1U DUIU. 1U iUiUl U11UU to the
Columbian boll : "And thou great boll , cast
from the chains of liberators and the copper
pennies of the children of our public schools :
from sacred relics contributed by pious and
patriotic hands ; baptized by copious liba
tions poured out upon the altar of a common
country by grateful hearts , and consO'
crated by the prayers of the American
people , take up the note of prophecy
and Jubilee rung out by your old sistei
In 1770 , nnd in your Journey round the globe ,
proclaim from mountain top to valley , across
winding river and expansive sea , those tones
which shall make thrones topple , and dcspou
tremble in their sloop until all peoples aud
all nationalities , from turbaned Turks and
Slavic peasants to distant Islanders aud the
children of thu sun shall Join in the swolllnc
chorus und the darkest regions of the earth
shall be illumed by the heaven-born light ol
civil and religious liberty. "
AtS o'clock this afternoon special oxer
'cises were held at the Delaware building 11
honor of Columbian bell , cast at Troy. NSY ,
and which rung today In that city for the
first tlmo. Chairman McDowell of tin
Columbian liburty bell committee called UK
meeting to order and brief speeches wen
made by him und National Commissions
Woodsldo of Pennsylvania. /
Tha pyrotechnic display at night was con
ceded to bo the grandest up to this date
A salute of fifteen-Inch maroons fired fron
steel mortars and exploding at an altitude o
1,000 feet was the opening of the progr.ui
aud was followed by a magtcul illumlnatloi
of thu park with S50 prismatic lights
changing colors five times , llrpd by ok'c
triclty. Among the most unique displays tint
representations of the evening were thi
star spangled banner and n fire portrait o
George Washington with the motto , "Firs
11 war ; first in peace ; first in the heart :
of his countrymen , "
JlliiCliiK the Hull.
July 4. Hundreds of peopl
gathered today at the Clinton II. Mcnlo ,
iioll foundry , Troy , N.Y. , to view the Coluni
blan Liberty bell and to hoar its firs
toues. At 1 o'clock word was receive
from Chicago , at which place commun :
cation with the foundry yard was had
that all was ready for the ringing o
the bell. Two workmen held a sixty-noun
bell cljpper which Mr , Chester Mcule
guided while blows were struck on the bel
which was In the foundry yard , mouth u ]
ward. The notes sotlhdod were deep nnd
melodious anil when they rang out the as
sembled * gathering entered and cheered
again. Mr. Mcnloy says 'that ' the bell's tone
will bo extremely melodious nnd powerful.
President Cleveland nnil Sennlor 11111 Hent
Letters to tlio Meeting.
NEW YOHK , July 4. The New York Tam
many society , or Columbian order , today its
10-Hh celebration of the anniversary of Inde
pendence. The enthusiasm lacked nothing
through ago. Tlio Fourteenth street wig
wam was profusely decorated , and on the
platform sat those who were to deliver the
"long" and "short" talks.
Shortly after 1 o'clock the members of the
society wended their way to tho'platform ,
headed by Mayor Gllroy , who Is grand
sachem of the order. When the applause
which greeted their arrival died away the
mayor and grand sachem , wearing his hat
and decorated with the emblems ot the
order , arose nnd opened the proceedings
with words of welcome.
The society's scribe , Maurice F. Holnhan ,
then road the Declaration of Independence.
Spcnkor Crttp's Urntlon.
Then cnmo Speaker Crisp in the first of
the long talus. Ho began with a burst of
patriotism and said that although on this
July 4 there worn conditions which produced
uneasiness , yet there were still many things
of which to boast. But.they had not all
they wanted. If there was uneasiness , un
certainty , stagnation of trade , It could
bo charged up to the icpubllcnn
party , Iho laws which brought
about these conditions , were republican
laws , [ enacted against the protests
of democrats , but they-should ba thankful
that by the votes of _ the people last Novem
ber the democratic party had sot up house
keeping at Washington on behalf of the
nation. When congress assembled on August
7 , as far as things could bo remedied by leg
islation , ho was confluent that laws would
bo enacted which would restore confidence
and bring prosperity again to the nation.
Congressman Benton McMillan of Tetiuos-
see came next. His speech bristled with
patriotic epigrams and references to Thomas
Jefferson and was punctuated by the explo
sion ol fireworks.
The next speaker was Congressman Clark
of Missouri. The speech was of the post
prandial order , and excited lots of fun.
Kloiiucnt Mr ; IVUinvH.
Congressman John R. Fellows of Now
York followed. His was the irfost eloquent
speech of the day , brimful of glowing seutl-
monts and of smooth and easy diction. He
dwelt upon the meaning of the celebration.
Ho mndo no reference to current politics , but
ended by sayintr that n mightier hand than
any human hand had inspired the Declara
tion of Independence and guided the
nation in its future destiny. The men of the
continental congress were among the purest
that ever existed. No taint or suspicion
spoiled thsir hands and in that lay-lieir
great measure of success. France , when she
undertook to overthrow tyranny , set up
anarchy nnd failed. And still , ho said ,
tyranny and despotism were over to bo pre
ferred to communism nnd anarchy. And
that the country with its hospitality was
not broad enough for those foreigners who
coir.o hero to disturb the fabric uf our laws.
Secretary McGoldrick next read letters of
regret from distinguished personages. Presi
dent Cleveland , under date of Juno 10 , wrote
to Richard Croker thus :
Sir. Cleveland's Letter.
InAU Sin : I resrofc'lliat" ! am unable to ac
cept the Invitation of tlio Tiituninny society to
attend the celebration of the anniversary of
American Independence on the Fourth of July
next. This Is u day \\h'cli nil true Americans
ought to celobrnto ns often us It occurs. When ,
however , the coinmemori'.tlon of thu discovery
of the land wo occupy ard the celebration of
the dny on which It wugconsecrated to liberty
and popular government are coincident , the
occasion should revive and stimulate all the
ennobling and patriotic .sentiments which are
cssenlliil to the safety and the perpetuity of
American legislation.
At this tlmo It Is llttlns that we rejolco In
the dauntless purpose and constant devotion
tlmt have thus fur marked out the way of our
great nation. Wo should lose the most Im
portant lesson of the day wo colcbrato If wo
lorKet thnt the labor and dlllKcnco of those In
trusted with self government must ba unie-
mlt I Inland always patilotlc.
Thmo has never been u time when our
countrymen should bo more soberly re
minded that they cannot safely del
egate their duties and obligations
of cltl/cnshlp nor neglect to cultivate
tholr Individual and personal Interests In pub
lic affairs. If those who now celebrate the an
niversary of American independence guard
against the sordid struggle for unearned
wealth that stlllcs patriotism ; If we exact
from public servants the strictest accounta
bility in the purfurmanco of public duties ; it
Ihuy hold fast to the American Ideas that work
Is honorable mm that economy is a viituu ; If
they Insist there should bo honesty and clean
liness In politics , und if thpy _ refuse to cncoiir-
nno e.xpeiilcnt.s that endanger the foundation
of sound national finance , those who follow us
will Joyously celebrate the day In centuries
yut to come. OiiovEit CLEVELAND.
Sonntor Mill's Letter.
Senator D. B. IJlll wrote thus :
It Is now evident that the national question
which so recently from , various motives was
sought In some quarters' to bo Ignored or
pushed asldo In behalf of other Issues Im
peratively requires precedence as \\o\l \ as
recognition , nnd Its solution Is demanded , not
by the adoption of temporary expedients nnd
ciucBtlonamo compromises , but a return to the
sound principles of our futhurs.
Not present relief moioly , but tlio restora
tion or establishment of u permanent finan
cial system , under which our cuncncy shall
bo safely regulated , is the plain duty of the
hour. A fixed , vigorous and definite financial
policy nntu weak and vacillating course , one
that will settle thu question not for u day ,
but for u decade , one tlmt embraces und sub
serves the Interest of Uio whole country ,
rather than any particular section , Is the
Vf Iso policy which thu nation needs.
The unconditional repeal of the Sherman
act against the enactment of which , to their
credit , bo It said , every democrat in congress
voted IK the llrpt and essential step In the
rlghtdlicctloniKUch repeal Is necessary to lay
the foundation for the enactment of that leg
islation or the Inauguration of that Internal
concuiienco which shall ovaiituully load us to
the goal of that , free bimetallic coinage , to
which both of the great political parties uro
solemnly committed.
Wo pledged the people that If successful wo
would rovUu the tariff by the leductlon of
dutlui tou'iovcuuo busl.ii tlmt wo would ro-
pcal the Sherman nut , wiiijh Is a u.ormco to all
business Interests of thu country ! tlmt wo
would establish and maintain a sound and
stable financial system and that wo would
honestly and economically administer the af
fairs of thu government. .
The pledges must uu kojit. And when the
promlfcd reforms , aree.ryktallzed Into statutes
u new significance will bo given to American
independence tlio masses will bo free fiom [
the domination from tin ) classes , and all men i
will bu equal boforu Uie law.
Other letters from cabinet members , sena
tors und congressmen were read.
An elaborate collation.closed l\\o \ affair ,
exhibition of an ln\r.i Citizen at tha
World1 Fair.
CHICAGO , July 4. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE , ] J. F. James , -who said he was
from Iowa , out refused to give the name ol
the town , undertook to break up the whUkj
t radio by smashing Powell's exhibit in the
Agricultural building- with un Umbrella
yesterday afternoon. lie had broken one
bottle when ho was iirrusted by u Columbia :
guard and taken before the otllcor of tin
day. Wltcu asked to pay for the damage IK
had done he refused , excitedly saying tha
whisky was the curse of the country and IK
proposed to smush avcry bottle of It if h <
could got near. Ho was locked up at tin
Woodlawn "station charged with mallclou :
mischief ,
ut the I'ulr.
CHICAGO , July 4. | SpcclalTelcgram to Tit :
BEB. ] Among the SOONobruskii people rcgls
tcrcd today were the , following from Omaha
Hay Hobble , D. 13. McMoInes , Charlo
Hewitt , Armott Brown , Mrs. J. Hcssclber ?
W. F. White. Lao S. Hainlln , Daniel P
O'Counell. W. C. Taylor , Mrs. D. Ij. Thomas
Warren C , Thomai , H. L Toutwin and M. J
H. Barker. Among 'thoso from other point
were : H. C. Andrews , Kearney : A. G. John (
son , Chadron : George O. Wright , Beatrice
J , Bennett , lJucolu ,
Disorder in the Latin Quarter Gives the
Police Warm Work.
Mnny Wotinilctl on ISoth Slilbt lleforo the
Kloters Could llo Hnpprciscit Seine of
the I'.lomonts tlmt Cotnpoioil
'tho Opposition.
[ Coryrtolitcil 1S93 liy Jumcg Gordon llcnncU. ]
PAHIS , July fi. 1 u. in. [ Now Yorlc Herald
Cable Special to Tun BEE. ] Without us
yet increasing In gravity tlio disorders hi the
fxitln quarter are assuming an ugly aspect.
Not more than 10 per cent of the manifest-
ants are students , while the rest of the
rioters are composed of Paris rowdies , strik
ing cahuicn and unemployed workmen.
Consequently the struggle between the
rioters and the police Is assuming a savage
character. The police strike with energy
aud the mauifostants strike hack with
violence. Ono policeman was tied hand and
foot and almost killed before ho was rescued.
The omnibuses were stopped and unlmr-
ncsscd at Go'elock in the Place St. Gorman
Deprcs , where u violent struggle took place
and the pollco were forced to charge in order
to disperse the mob.
The ovonlng has been an excited ono
throughout the cntiro Latin quarter , wiilcli
is now completely occupied by the polico.
The circulation of all vehicles has been
stopped and all the shops are closed. Along
the boulevards and in all parts of the city
lying on the right bank of the Sclno there is
no sign of any disorder.
Itcculnr Pitched Itnttlc.
After G o'clock last evening the struggle
between the police and the rioters assumed
a more serious character and a regular
pitched battle was fought on the Boulevard
St. German. The newspaper kiosqucs and
the chalets do nccesslto were smashed or
overturned. Thirty omnibuses and tram
way cars were stopped and upset. At every
point wiring stones and plaster were thrown
at the policemen , who defended themselves
with drawn sabers. Many persons on both
sides were wounded.
After an interlude the battle began again
at 10 o'clock with greater fierceness than
over. The mob pot the best of the police ,
whereupon the mounted guard
charged , but without succeeding in dispers
ing tlio crowd until the Cuirassiers and a
regiment of the line arrived upon the scene.
It was , however , unneccessnry for these
troops to take any active part in the struggle.
At present all is quiet on the left bank of
the river , but that part of the city has the
appearance of a town taken by assault , as
all the thoroughfares are guarded by troops.
There are very serious symptoms indicat
ing that trouble may breakout this evening
at Bclloyillo und at the Place Plgullo on
the exterior boulevards. All is quiet on the
other side of the city.
The interment of Nougcr will take place
tomorrow at 7 o'clock in the morning. In
political circles much dissatisfaction at the
action of the government exists and if the
disorders continuo for another twenty-four
hours Parliament may overthrow the min
istry. M. Lozo , the prefect of police , has
not yet resigned. Ho and the municipal
council are not in agreement as ; to what
should bo done to put an end to the trouble.
Ills Cabinet Will Kcslsn nnil Another Can
not Iln Itrudlly i'ormod.
[ Copj/rftiMcd 1S9.7 / u James ( lonlon Dennett,1 ]
VAi.i'AitAiso , Chill ( via Galvcston , Tex. ) ,
July 4. [ By Mexican Cable to the 3Sow
York Herald Special to THE Brn.1 From
Buenos Ayrcs , Argentina , the Herald's cor
respondent telegraphs that the members of
the cabinet have announced to President
Pena that they intend to resign. ' The presi
dent asked the cabinet to delay action u few
days and then invited Arcatobulo Devallo to
organize a new ministry. Ho declined to dose
so and the president then appealed to Quin- '
tano to form a cabinet. It is probable that
Quiutano will also decline to servo and If ho
does so President Pena will bo forced to
Newspapers in Buenos Ayrcs declare that
there are ulenty of men who are able aud
willing to undertake the formation of u now
government , nnd that the president is to
blatne for the present state of affairs.
The Herald's correspondent in Artijras
telegraphs that General Sariva'a revolution
ary forces in Kio Grande do Sul have been
Joined by the army under General Luna.
The two commanders are preparing to re
sume active warfare.
Dr. Banza has declared ho Is not a candi
date for president of Uruguay.
PANAMA , Colombia ( via Galveston. Tex. ) ,
J ly 4. | By Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald Special to Tim BEE. ] The
Herald's correspondent in Caracas , Vene
zuela , writes that General D.inlol McCauly ,
special agent of the United States Treasury
department , has reached there from Wash
ington to aid Minister Partridge ( n negotiat
ing with General Crespo's government for
the early settlement of the claims of citi
zens of tho.United States against Venezuela.
Antonio Nugrctti , minister resident In
Venezuela from San Salvador , died in Cara
cas of fever. His funeral was attended by
General Crcspo and the members of the
diplomatic corps.
United States Consul Hanna has been
complimented by the Cleveland administra
tion , which has added Culdad Do Bolivar
and Intaca to his consular district.
Tlio government of Costa Hica has1 made
contracts for the construction of two now
warships In England.
KnltorVllliclin I'ormilly Aditromes the
Now (1 crman 1'nrlliimmt.
[ Copyrlolitcil 1803 by Jama Gordon Jlcfinctt. ]
UeituN , July 4. [ Now York -Herald
Cable Special to Tun BEE. ] At 11
o'clock this morning , an hour ahead
of the appointed time , Hector Ahlwardt ,
quite transformed , having Just paid an ovi'
dent visit to a barber , wearing a capacious
evening dress coat , a magnificent white
waistecatand a silkhat , paused awhile out'
sldo the palace to allow admiring crowds tc
gaze on him. Ho thcn entered to witness
the curtain rise upon tlio .first- scene of the
now Hclchstag.
By 12 the rest"of the members had nr
rived in the famous white hull. Soon uftoi
Ahlwardt had secured u place , ho saw the
kaiser , who cordially hates him , In full mil
form , surrounded by the most corgeous re
tlnuc , known to any court since the time o :
Frederick the Great , ascend the throne ant
make the long expected speech.
It , lasted ten minutes * , and tolc
the little rector nothing new
. merely that the Hoichstag had been 2ls
. solved because It refused to vote tht
' military bill ; that to strengthen thu arm :
wns absolutely necessary to the safety of the
empire and the pear" * . Kuropo ? that tlio
kaiser trusted they ' .votlsm and self
sacrifice of the \ofthonewhouso
would not fall him ant * ' nllles.
The Holchstai ; inomV. tT yassombled at 2
p. m. There were iiistrlkltig sccnos
amid the eoneratulatlou "i ? u handshaking.
Much curiosity wtis cvhi . V the arrival of
Herbert Bismarck , wl\ \ * \ho labors of
election had undo quite si \i llgtire. On
entering ho passed dovrtgangway be
tween the cnns2rv.itivesclchsp.irtls * ,
and took a seat next to Pt \Hohcnlohe. \
Ho soon rose to greet his ma rlcnds , and
for the rest of the sitting hc * . < t sort of In
formal reception. It Is yet possible ho maybe
bo the future leader of an all-powerful party
in the Kclehstaif , representing the agricul
tural interests.
Llcbor , leader of the center , received
many congratulations.
Hlchtcr stood looking fiercely upon tin
animated scene. Dicdrlch Hahn was a con
spicuous figure , bring in uniform ,
On the roll call of members Ahlwardt's
name came llrst. When ho replied , in a loud
voice , the cntiro house roared at his un
usually smart get-up.
The general opinion is the kaiser's speech
contained nothing now.
Fierce Struggle * with tlio 1'ollco und
Troop * ot Cnvnlry.
PAUIS , July 4. Riotous demonstrations
were matte by students today in the St. Ger
main dcs Pros ana in the Hue St. Jacob , near
the Hospital do la Charlie. Tlio police were
unable to disperse the mobs. Eventually a
largo detachment of cavalary charged aud
scattered the students.
The disorder in this district increases
hourly. The whole district bounded by the
Boulevard St. Germain , the river and the
Hue do Sciuo is in an uproar. Stu
dents , with crowds of rulllans , 1111 the
open spaces. Omnibuses and tram cars are
stopped by the mobs. The passengers are
turned out and the vehicles are upset. On
the Boulevard St. Germain and Qua ! Voltaire -
tairo and the Hue St. Percse. trafilc
has been suspended. The Hue St.
Pereso has been barricaded. Many
pedestrians are stopped and maltreated.
The charity hospital hns been surrounded
with cuirassers to keep otf the students who
threatened to attact the building. The min
ister of public works , the marine and the
Hole des Beaux arts are guarded by the
military. Skirmishing is reported intermit
tently from the Hue St. Jacob , the Quai
Voltaire , rfnd the Place St. Germain.
The students are trying also to repeat
: ie scenes of last night in the neighborhood
f the Palais do Justice and prefecture do
lolico. A mob assembled at the P.ihus St.
liclmels and tried to rush over the bridge
o the Boulevard du Palais , which runs be-
.ween . the two buildings. It was mot
md driven back by a body of c.vvalry. It
'ctreatcd ' fighting down the Boulevard St.
ilichael. Many students were trampled or
ut and several cavalrymen have been
rounded by flying stones.
At 10:80 : the students have possession of a
ozen streets between the Boulevard St.
Germain and the Seine. Infantry and car-
ilry arc at hand , however , to restrain them
'rom breaking into public buildings.
At 11:30 : thowholodlstrictbetweenKuoSt.
'ercso ' and the college , a distance of two
clocks , east of the Boulevard St. Mlchlcl is
n full riot. Troops , cavalry and squads of po-
Ice are stationed in every street. The stu
dents hold their proundv They nre stopping
ana upsetting all vehicles. Scores ot carts
and carriages have been set on fire. . Many
tudcuts nre using revolvers.
The mob in front of the charltyMiospital
las been charged repeatedly by the police
but fight back again and wi'l ' not disperse.
Their allies in windows of buildings near
; he hospital quarter said that most of- the
ivindows were broken , the lamp posts were
lying across the streets aud broken furni
ture and half smashed vehicles lay strewn
over the pavements. A police brigadier is
said to have been severely wounded with a
The morning newspapers give many in
stances of tlio perfect vandalism mani
fested by the students on the Bou-
.ovard St. Michael , the rloturs
caused a block of tram cars to stop , com
pelled the passengers in the first car to
ullght , smashed tho' windows and window
frames with iron bars , unhitched the horses
ana turned the car upside down. The rioters
near by were quick to follow this example
: md within fifteen minutes llvo other cars
nad been wrecked and upset.
The Paris newspapers say that ono po
liceman was killed and that thirty or forty
lolicomon and 150 rioters were injured.
In the Hue Eugene do Lacroiso twenty
ads built a barricade of vehicles and paving
stones. This barricade , like most of the
others , impeded greatly th'o operations of
the cavalry and was impregnable agaiust
the polico.
Awful i'uto of Com Miner * nt Tlicirnhlll ,
-Yorkulilrr , ISiiKliuiil.
LONDON , July4. AtThornhLU , Yorkshire ,
an explosion occurred today , Ono hundred
and thirty miners were entombed and tho.
loss of life , it , is feared , will reach 110. Four
bodies have been already brought out. Piti
ful scenes of distress and anxiety prevail
about the mine.
The day shift went to work as usual early
this morning. The vci.tilatlon was reported
to bo good , All went well until noon , when
the workers at the pit's mouth were startled
by a muffled explosion and by clouds of
dense smoke rolling up the main shaft. They
tried to communicate with the workmenbut
found that the interior worulngs had been
cut oft from tlio shaft. The pit managers
organized an exploring party and descended
slowly through the smoke. They were
driven back repeatedly and eventually gave
up their purpose of penetrating to the workIng -
Ing before the foul gas could bo cleared
away ,
After taking up the bodies found ut the
bottom of the shaft , the rescue party waited
for savaral hours before making unotherdcs-
cent , About the middle of the evening they
went down again. The gas had cleared off
near the shaft and they were able to examine -
amino part of the working. The bodies of
the miners lay in heaps. Many were sent to
the surlaco. Unremitting efforts uro being
made to reach the few minors who may ttill
bo allvo. About 110 are supposed to bo
Between 11 and 12 o'clock so much gas ac
cumulated in the fiilno that it Is necessary to
stop the work of rescuu. The mtm and boys
missing number 115. The dead body of the
under manager , badly burned , was found In
the nilno near the shaft.
Iteport Concerning Ono MUloidlne Siillun
Court nnil Ilitrrm l.tiivc.
ICapurltiMcd 1S ! > 3 J > uJ < iinii QuitltmJeiiiicM. . }
Fux.Juno29 ( via Tangier , July 4) ) , ( Now
York Herald Cable Special to TUB Bcii.J
D.ililcl's telegram about an American mis
slon hero Is misleading. The fact that Mr.
Mathows. son of the consul at Tangier , ac
companied by Consular Agent Laraeho. ar
rived hero yesterday has no political sis *
ulllcanco. Mnthews merely luindcd in n
low business claims , mercantile debts of
small amounts , and returned to Tangier Im
mediately. This is Mr. Mathows' own state
ment ,
The sultan court , harem and ministers loft
Fez this morning for three years for Talllott
oasis , beyond the Atlas mountains. Fci
ceases to bo thu capital for the next three
years , The sultan takes with " him immense
Ituvulnu Cruiser inlDanger ,
ST. PJTBHSUUWJ , July 4. The Russian
cruiser Vladlvostock Is reported to b <
aground on a rock at ihrco days sail fron
Port La'iarcf , Coroa. She probably will be
come n wreck.
Ed Brown's ' Body Found Near His Homo
Horribly Mutilated ,
UlRhih AITilr of the Kliul In ThU Section
itt low.t Since , Iiiini\ry : 1 Kobbiry
Not lliii Object of the
Crliiin , .
OTTUMWA , la. , July 4. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Hnn. ] Hd Drown , bookkeeper for
thoS. L. Mi-Gavlccomu.iny , lumber dealers ,
'was found dead In the rear of his house this
morning. His body was concealed by some
underbrush and there were signs of a strug
gle. The Immediate cause of his death was
a gun shot wound on the back ot his head
and his face was horribly bruised.
Ho was last seen allvo a Oo'clock lastevcn *
Ing. His money and watch were on his per
son and ho was not known to have an enemy.
Ottumwa people are much wrought up over
the alTalr , as this Is the eighth affair of the
kind In Wnpello county slnco Januarv 1 nnd
not ono of the murderers have suffered the
penalty of the law , four never being appre
hended ,
tlUnntroiiH II > H .MoHUM lllncc.
Dna Moi.sns , July 4. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Br.u. ] Fire this afternoon destroyed
tlio Carver block on West Walnut street oc
cupied by the Bolknap Art company and
Carver & Co. , hardware. The total loss Is
about $10,000 , as follows : Art comnany ,
Slfi.OOO ; hardware company , $0,000 : building
? 0,000. The Insurance is $20,000 , of which
the art company has SU.OOO. The origin ot
the llro is unknown , starting In the elevator
pit , which was tilled with rubbish.
Want Through the Vault.
DBS MOINES. July 4. [ Special to Tnn
DEI : . ] The vault of the Now England Loan
and Trust company was cracked some tlmo
between 7 o'clock last ovonlng nnd 0 this
morning and -800 of the company's money
taken. The indications are the work was
done bv some one well acquainted with the
Ksrnpo of n Iowa Convict.
CEDAU UAIMIU , la. , July 4. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BUE.J John Foust , a convict in
the Anamosa penitentiary , escaped from thereof
roof of the female department wno-a ho was
working by means of a rope ladder. His
tlmo would have been out November , 1801.
A reward of. § 50 has bjcu offered for his re
Drowned In Mioll Kork Hlver.
CEDAU UAi'ius.Ja. , July 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : IIB. : ] < -J. W. Grouse , 21
years old , was drowned in the Shell
Hock river yesterday. Ho had some horses
in the water and the supposition is that ono
of them kicked him and rendered him sense
less. The body has not boon recovered.
J. II. lioliloii Iivjurod Keiir Court-
luuil lloach.
Two trains on. the Courtlnnd Beach motor
.me collided near that pleasure resort ut 0:30 :
clock last evening.
J , I Boldon , a motorman was caught be-
, wcen tlis cars and received fatal injuries.
. . . . " " ' ? . " * , '
ufTered internal Injuries. It Is said ho can- '
lot survive tho.night. No ono else was in
ured. The trains were badly demolished
ind'trnfllo on the line was suspended for
hours. Fully 3,000 people at the park
vero compelled to walk to the Sherman nvc-
luc car line during the balance of the even-
ng in order to get homo.
It seems that the accident was duo to the
ibscuco of u headlight on ono of the motors.
Fire Kccmil.
PETIIOMA , Pa' . , July 4. A lire broke out at
1 o'clock this morning In the Ktlroy block
and burned the cntiro block. Then it
burned up to the boiler house above the rail
road track , to the Oriental hotel aud Pitts-
burg & Western depot , and on Mam street
'rom ' the corner above Mrs. Ixmham's
store to the corner on Arg.ylq.
street , including twenty stores and several
private dwellings. Owing to the water plug
being open near where the lire started , it
was impossible to utilize the water works.
The llro was got under control wholly by the
ciTgrts of thu bucket brigade. The loss on
all the buildings and contents Is estimated
at $300,000. There Is half this amount
placed In Insurance- companies in western
Pennsylvania. '
Ohio ropullitM Nomjimto n Ticket ,
COI.UMIIUS , O. , July 4 , 'J ho people's party ,
met hero in state convention today with over
iiOO delegates in attendance. II. E. Taiibo
neck of Illinois , chairman of the national
committee , was present. The following
ticket was named : For governor , 13. J.
Bracken of Columbus ; lieutenant governor ,
M. Blooloy of Vinton county ; treasurer ,
William II. Taylor of Champaign county :
judge of the supreme court , C. T , Clark of
Tlio olatform reaffirms tho' principles of
the Omaha convention.
I'rcnlilonc Cluvuliuul Sufe.
BUZZAHD'B BAY , Mass. , July 4. That the
people may not become uneasy at the non-
arrival of President Cleveland at Gray
Gables Mrs. Cleveland has telephoned the
newspaper men hero that she had received
advices from the president that ho was well
and in good health and may not reach here
for two or three days , yet ho may arrive at
any time ,
AUiirhrcl lor ltd Debts.
July 4. Attachments amounting
to 812,000 In favor of the creditors were
placed on the wholesale nnd retail liquor
house of Strauss & Levy today , The house
was a branch of the Cincinnati house of
Freiburg'Bros. . and the failure U sympa-
tliotlo. Assets and liabilities unknown.
Attomlnnro lit the I'ulr Vrntorilay.
CHICAGO , July 5. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE. ] Superintendent Tucker's mathe
maticians , after toiling away until an early
hour this morning with the paste boards
dropped in at the turnstiles , reached a result
showing Iho paid attendance to bo274.1U'J
and the total oa.i)00. )
New ( ) llleer < of Iho Ilclchttnr.
DBKUK , July 4. It fias been arranged that
the Holchstujj tomorrow shall elect Herr von
Lovotszow. consorvallvo , president ; Duron
von Buel lirenberg , clerical , first vice presi
dent , and Prof , von Marquardseu , national
liberal , second vice president.
Tried to Wreck thn Cinrawltoh't Truln ,
DEUUIN , July 4. It Is reported that ft
futile attempt was made to wreck the train
of the czarowltch near Uuua'berg. govern
ment of Vltobbk , while ho was on his way to
London to attend * the royal wedding. N
particulars are given.
In thu I'uy of rolltlclnni. .
LONDOK , July 4 , The ParU corresponding
of the Daily News says that the roughs vfho
are aiding the riotous students are suppQie6\
to be In the pay of political wire pullers who
wish to bring the Uupuy government Into