Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1893, Image 1

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Among the Now York Banks the Situation is
Reported Much Easier.
l.lttlo llunlncm Trnnsnctcit on the Stoclc
nxclmngo Yentcrdny Activity nt tlio
Bub-trcninry Oood Work of the
Clearing House Committee.
Nnw Yontc , July 3. The Fourth of July
holiday evidently was begun by many busi
ness men on Saturday , and no business was
transacted down town today , except that
which could not bo nvolded , These brokers
who were not short on stocks nnd who had
renewed their loans on Friday over until
Wednesday , evidently remained away today ,
content to lot the sliver question nnd other
factors of that character in which they were
interested take cnro of themselves.
But. although there was little doh.cron the
Stock exchange and many business ofllccs
were clpsed , the banks were nil very busy ,
the first of July payments , in addition tp
their Monday morning's mall , making plenty
of work for them ,
Among the banks the situation was re
ported to bo very easy this morning ; the de
mands from the country , it was said , were
very llcht nnd many of the largo centers ,
notably Chicago , were beginning to pay back
the money thpy borrowed from Now York.
At the Hilltreasury.
The subtrcasury was quite active today.
Besides receiving $100,000 in gold for tele
graphic transfer to San Francisco it paid
out fc'.l.'iO.OOO during the flay , the bulk of the
small notes being for t ho use of the savings
banks there , which are now paying out their
Bcml-annual dividends. A very small part of
the small notes , it is thought , were for ship
ment to the country. The transfer of SlOO-
000 to San Francisco is explained as being
duo to the action of the savings banks there.
They demanded the required sixty days'
notice from their depositors nnd then sent
on their securities to Eugene Kelly & Co. ,
for sale , to bo in readiness for the demand
upon them it it should be mail o at the r.\plrn-
tlon of the notice. Today's transfer is said to
bo on account of some of the securities sold.
The Clearing House loan committee met
this morning and n quorum of them , Mr.
Perkins and Mr. Nash , \vero in session until
midday. At that hour they had authorized
nn additional issue of $2,281,000 of loans ,
making the total amount now outstanding.
$21,015,000. From this increasing issue of
certificates It Is believed generally that it
will bo some months before call money can
bo obtainable as low as 0 per cent.
Had n lliUnnco at tlio Clearing House.
Tlio subtrcasury In this city was again a
collector at the Clearing House today , the
balance In its favor being § 141) ) . MO. 10. It war
also a creditor on Saturday for the first time
since August 17 , 1891. The fact was ex
plained on Saturday by the presentation
through the subtreasury of checks in favor
of the government for Interest * on Pacitlc
railway bonds held in the Pacific railways in
sinking funds. The credit balance today ,
however , wus said to bo duo to tlo ) fact
that some banks having largo cheeks
on the treasury for interest on
"government bonds collected thcso checks
over the subtreasury counter Instead of
through the Clearing House und so get the
currency for the full amount. The banks
whlohjiild , that , necUed the . .currency. If
lhoy'ca'u'etUcetoU'tno * checksthroupn7tho
Clearing House they would have only got
their proportion of it. nnd they would them
selves have been debtor to the Clearing
House and would not have got any of the
Practically , all the Clearing House bal
ances are now paid in Clcariui ; House loan
certificates as between the banks. The sub-
treasury , of course , pays and is paid In cash.
On Friday 70 per cent of the Clearing House
balances was paid in loan certificates , and
on Saturday 85 per cent was so paid. Prac
tically , all the banks in the Clcarincr House
have now taken out loan certificates.
Those which have not been creditors to
the Clearing House , have received sufil-
clent certificates In payments of these bal
ances to cuaulo them to pay debtor balances
against them for the present. If they run ,
short of certificates so received they will 1
take out some themselves , rather than de
plete their cash by paylmr Clcanng House
balances in currency or gold. Notwithstand
ing the fact that two banks , the Chemical
and the Importers and Trailers , at first re
fused to'tako out any certificates , they arc
In complete accord with the Clearing House
committee , and , as a reporter was informed
today , they will take out certificates as aoon
as they are needed.
Wore Frlnndi Indeed.
In connection with the largo issue of cer
tificates last week , it became generally
known today that but for the prompt action
of sonio of the leading members of the Clear
ing House committee there would have beer
a dofnult in interest by ono well known rail
way company on Saturday. Ono of the besl
known railroad millionaires in this country
was eauuht in the squeeze for ready mono }
at the last moment. Knowing this condition
nnd being assured that unless there was fo
Hot for it there might come tin actual panic 3J
thrco of the foremost members of the Clear
ing House association , through the mcdiutr
of certificates , provided the necessary as
The total payments of interest duo July
on United States bonds amounted today U
M.a'Jl.syj.lK ' . ) . About eo.000,000 will bo pali'
from tl'o ' subtreasury in this city out of tin
entire amount of $7,600,000 disbursed tiy tin
government. The payments have usually
continued n month or moro , but the strin
gcneyln the money market makes appllea li :
lions unusually prompt. Many bondholder
have not taken up iho amounts duo on tin
coupons for silver payments , having drawi
nil that was duo them up to date. Semi
payments were as muuh as llvo year
behind. Ono bondholder presented coupon
dated back for cloven years und a quarter.
Ho Will Vote for the Itupeut of tlio Bllve
1'iirchiho Act ot 1HIIO ,
CHICAGO , July 3 , "There never has been
time slnco the law of 1809 , known as th
Sherman act , was passed that I would no
have voted for Its repeal , " said Scnato
John Sherman , at the Lexington hotnltodnj
"Tho Sherman act was a compromise . y.f f
uro , and it was passed to save the countr
from n frco coinage bill that had boon passe
by the senate by an overwhelming majority
The democrats helped to pass the Sherma
bill and they should receive the abuse nn
blamo. for all tlio financial distress c
the nation. I havu told Mi
Cleveland and Mr. Carlisle that
will stand with them for a sound , saf (
liable currency. Mr , Cleveland , in opposm
silver , is lighting thrco-fourths of his pnrtj
Of course , 1 have my own ideas about wlui
should bo dono. and when the matter conic
up in congress 1 will have my say. I thin
the Sherman law will bo repealed , but th
danger If * tha.t _ congress may go toofai
Should thu clause providing for the purchas
of 4.500,000 ounces o ( silver monthly b
Btrlcltcn out , It would bo uoll. Jjut if cot
tress should go on and repeal iho clause prc
vldlng that the United Stales shall malt
tain- the partly between gold and.sllv <
coins , It would cause widespread illstres
1'hcro U in the treasury U50,000,00o of coinc
illvor dollars and (150000,000 in uncolnc
silver bullion , The legal tender of thei
coins must bo preserved and their parity I
gold maintained. It is well enough to stc
tun further mintage of silver , but that I
circulation must bo maintained. To stc
making silver dollars would uot impair tl
usefulness of these already made so long i
thu Rovernmcnt guaranty Is back of them ,
' The pieseni s.rmseney Iq caused by tl
apprehension of the mercantile nnd financial
world that wo will not meet our obligations
In gold , but will pav In cheap money , I bo-
Hove wo should hnvo a sound , safe currency
on a gold basis. I do not think the cessa
tion of stiver coining will bring gold moro
into circulation , I do not think gold will
ever again bo so much in circulation. It will
bo utilized ns the reserves and basis on
which the circulating medium will rest for
security. I think such n thimt possible , nnd
I am of the opinion it will bo brought
about. The action of India with regard
to silver is not conclusive , The law that
the silver rupee , which is worth 10 pence , Is
In the nature of Ilat money leslslatlon is of no
effect hero. I do not think tlio India coun
cil acted to aid Great Britain to force the
United States to a gold basis. All the great
commercial nations have tried silver nnd
have failed nt it. The United States Is the
last of them to realize that silver cannot be
inuclo the busts and standard of the world's
money. If the coinage of silver dollars was
stopped and the metal relegated , ns among
the nations of the Latin union , the world
would know that wo proposed to pay our
debts in the world's money gold and con-
fldcnco would bo restored. "
Incitement for n Tlino Ituns Illuli but
Noon Hiiuildc' .
LnADViu.r ; , July 8. Before the hour of
opening of the local banks this morning nn
Immense crowd had gathered for n run on
the Carbonate and American banks. The
directors of each had long Deen anticipating
it nnd their managers had made such pru
dential preparations for the emergency as
was in their power. The Carbonate was
soon filled with an eager crowd of depositors ,
nil showing moro or less anxiety. The pay
ing teller handed out the funds as fast as
checks were presented , however , and the
process of disbursement went , steadily on
until near noon , when the demand for cash
at this Institution almost entirely ceased.
The only other Incident of the mor.ilng's
business was the frequent appearance ot the
bank's regular commercial customers with
deposits of sucli funds ns they had been nblo
to collect during the morning. Among this
class there was not manifest the slightest
uneasiness , nnd not a single bank was closed
by the withdrawal of funds.
President Doupan fit the Carbonate said :
'We ' have funds In our vaults to meet every
demand and all who wish tl clr money can
come and get It.1
At the hour for opening the American Na
tional bink the folio wing placard was posted
on the doors of the institution : ' 'Owing to
our inability to realize upon llrst-class se
curities , wo are compelled to suspend pay
ment for a few days. All depositors will Do
paid In full. "
At noon the following communication was
furnished , the directors signing it for publi
cation :
Tor the Information of our depositors wo rto-
slio to make the following t > ttitum nt : He-
sources , J030,134.11 ; liabilities , 342,035.57 ;
CM'Chs , $103,408.5 1 ,
This Is the showliiR on our liooks Satur
day , July 1 , at cloM ) of business. Owing
lo thu present fill Incciicy all over the country ,
vie cannot at once realize on our securities ,
but our depositors will ho paid In full.
The notice was signed b.v A. Shcrwin ,
Charles L. Hill , George E. Taylor , Charles
T. Limberg , John A. Willing andW. . A.
Folkinghorn. ' _
Mr. C. F. Meek of Color.ido Gives IIU
Vle\vg of ihu Situation.
Nr.w YOHK , July 3. Mr. C. F. Meek , presi
dent of tlio Colorado Fuel and Iron company ,
when asked for his views on the situation in
Colorado , said : "I believe the storm , which
is'at his height , will clear the financial at
mosphere and bring all interests together
for the establishment of n sound financial
the mines of Colorado and the north
west will run ns they have hitherto ,
and at a fair prollt. I look for
the rc-cstabllshnicnt of the mining
interests of Colorado in n very short
time , but for the present the agitation will
direct attention to the agricultural resources
oftho Btato. There is moro money made in
live stoctt and agricultural interests in Colorado
rado today than in Iho mines. The state has
moro and iron ore than any state in the
union , which forms a basis for legitimate en
terprises , with n market comprising nearly
all the lerritory west of the Missouri river.
No matter what is il ono -with silver , Colorado
- will still bo rich , if she has nothing but her
coal and iron.
' The agitation for the suspension of nt-
tachmcnt and execution laws has been car-
rled on by thoughtless people who have
neither propcrtyiior financial responsibility
of any nature , out Colorado is dominated by
conservative and honoralilo people who will
bo the last in the union to repudiate their
honest debts and obligations. It is true the
very suggestion of suspension of laws for the
enforcement of contracts will injure Colorado
to Dome extent , but the pcoplo who have in
terests sunieiont to consider tlio matter at
all , will realize that It was merely an out
burst of an clement that exists in every state
In the union , and which is always irrespon
sible. Hcjllziug this , Investors will go on
Uoing business with the good und honest
people as they have in the past. "
it Su < penlon of the Alliiiqiierquo Nntlonul
ity ity Hunk DepoiiltuM Will llo Paid.
y AUIUQUCHQUK , N. M. , July 3. The Albu
querque National bank suspended this morn
, ing. The ofllcers claim the suspension Is
p- only temporary and that the assets greatly
n exceed the liabilities.
3- The suspension of the Albuquerque Na
1 1 tional bank will cause no loss 10 depositors
o as the suspension is temporary , and , oven 11
ll-l ' otherwise , as the bank has not only paid up
10 capital of $170,000 but a surplus of $40,000
10y Its stock Is hold by more than 100 wealthy
y men in Vermont , Now York and other east
l- ern states , who are liable to immediate
ia iiKscssment of tlio full amount of theli
a $175,000 of stock holdings , which would be
10n paid over to the depositors. Thu bank has
n besides u largo line of assets of Its own.
10 The other two banks of this city nro ex
rs ceptionally strong and have a largo cash re-
is servo. Full confidence Is expressed on every
hand by the citizens , and no runs whatever
nro being mado. The First National banli
has long been as ono of the
largest and soundest oanklng institutions of
the west. Its footings are more than ? 1.
a ; Cashier C. C. Hall states that the llabill
10 ties of the Albuquerque National bank arc
ut fc.75,000 ! assets , $120.000.
The New Mexico Savings Bank and Trusl
ory. company also closed , but they say depositor :
y. will bo p.itd in full.
Will I'liy Depositors In Full.
y , Goi.icsColo. . Julys. The Icffcrson count :
bank failed thi ; morning. The total llabllltic :
are placed at ? TO,53S,79 , while the assets ari
SUl.HSO.JW. The onieers nro confident tha
every cent will bo paid , The oflleors am
ofr. owners of the institution are S. T. Hooper
r.I president ; . II. Whltchead , vice president
r.o I LI , co Lurrison , cashier.
o ,
,4 Closed tlio Ilunk'g Doors.
, Tex. , July U. A News Cisco spe
at cial says : The doors of the First Nationn
cs bank of Cisco were closed by an inspector tc
lie day whllo an Inspection of the bank's cor
. it I don wus bolng made and to prevent a ru by the depositors. The cashier stated th
1)0 bank hud two and a half dollars for over
dollar of liabilities ,
on - I.lulillllloi uuil Assets Hie Samr ,
nor CINCINNATI , O. , July 8. Freiburg Bros
is. liquor dealers , have failed. Liabllitk (200,000 , assets the bamo ,
o Jumped to IIU Death ,
to NBW YOUMT , July 8. Edward McCarthy
OP lu ugcd 22 , u bartender , jumped from th
op Hrooklyu bridge tonight and sustained li .
ho Juries which will probably result in doatl
as Ho was anxious to emulate the example i
Steve Uroilln and slmro in the
ho Jumper's notoriety.
Paris the Scene of Soriotn Biota Caused by
Ovcrzealous Police Action.
1'rofccturo of 1'ollco Stoned nnil Deputies
Insulted by tlio Ulotom 1'ollcn Dolled
niul Cnx-nlry Ue l < lcd Moro Trouble
reared for todny.
0J JiaJamu aortlon neimtU.1
PAIIIS , July -rNow York Hcrala Cable
Special to TUB BEE. I The students' riot
this evening is assuming n serious character.
The cavalry has been obliged to charge the
rioters in front of the prefecture of police
and nt the ministry of the interior. The
students are not only oxciteit to the hluucst
pitch , but Ihelr anger amounts to nbsoluto
fury aSamst the police. They have smashed
with stones the windows of the prefecture
of police , and demand the resignation of M.
Lozc , prefect of police , which , contrary to
rcrart current in the uf tcrnon , has not been
The Chamber of Deputies has today ap
proved the action of the ministry ana the
The cause of the trouble is the death of a
ship clerk named Nargcr , who wus killed on
Saturday evening during a police charge ,
whllo ho was drinking In n cafe situated
along the route of the manifestation got up
by the students against Senator Bermger ,
who made a motion asking for the repres
sion of the obscene license of the press.
Jtunily lor Almost Anything.
This death has exasperated the students ,
who slnco then have been simply boiling
over with excitement. This afternoon they
made a manifestation in front of the Clmiu-
bcr of Deputies , throwing sous at the mem
bers who passed nud shouting "Hero's for
Panama. "
The funeral of Nargcr takes place tomor
row , and the students propose on this occa
sion to make n monster manifestation. This
causes no little fear lor the public peace , and
it is to bo hoped that the govern
ment will not send out the police ,
otherwise n collision which may lead to
bloodshed is inevitable. A number of per
sons have been wounded on both sides dur
ing the encounter between pohco and
students which took place this evening.
These disturbances cairfiot lead toany seri
ous or immediate results , but they are a
proof of the tension which exists In the rela
tions between the police and the public , and
this may give rise to serious results during
the electoral period which will shortly open.
The government , which is also not a little
annoyed by the strike of the cabmen and by
the unauthorized syndicates , cannot bo said
to bo on a bed of roses.
Hard FlilitliiR In the Lntln Qunrtcr A
Itloody Aflniy.
PAIIIS , July 3. On Saturday last an affray
occurred between the police and a number of
students in the Latin quarter. The students
Who lodge there determined to lay the facts
in the case before the government and to ob
tain satisfaction for what they
deemed the arbitrary and overbear
ing conduct of the police. When the
Chamber of Deputies met today students
to the number of 1,000 proceeded to the
executive building and sought to gain admis
sion. The ofllcialsof the Chamber , fearing a
riotous demonstration , gave orders to close
the gates to prevent their ingress. After
considerable parleying , during which the
students expressed thcmsovcs very freely ,
the whole number was admitted * to
the Chamber. The spokesmen of the stu
dents were accorded ahearing by the
Chamber. They stated the facts In the case
ns they appeared to them , and declared that
their only object in coming to the Chamber
wus to urge the deputies to support a motion
censuring the government , which was to bo
offered by M.Milloraud. M.MIllerand submit
ted his motion , asking the house to ccusuro
the government for Its connection with
the affray , and the debate is still proceed
M. Lozo prefect of police , has resigned his
ofllco because , as ho believes , the govern
ment Is disposed to make a scapegoat of him
in the matter.
In speaking on his motion , M. Millcrand
maintained that the police had brutally as
saulted a number of persons , who were sim
ply looking at the struggle between the
students and the gendarmes ,
M. Dupuy deprecated the discussion ns
premature , adding that a stringent inquiry
was proceeding into the facts Df the case.
The order of the day , expressing the trust
that the government would do its best to
punish the guilty ofilccrs , was llnally adopted
by the Chamber.
Efforts are now being made to induce M.
Lozo to reconsider his resignation. At 0:30 :
o'clock this evening 2,000 students sur
rounded the prefceturo of police , jeered the
olllctals and threw stones through the win
dows. While the police were preparing to
, charge the mob upset all the booths in the
neighborhood and smashed the street lamps.
The charge of the police was resisted stub
bornly. The students fought back with
, clubs and stones. In the light several stu
dents wore wounded and two policemen
stretched unconscious on the pavement.
Tlio second charge resulted in more in
juries on both sides , but the students were
driven back aliout llfty or sixty yards. After
the third charge had been repulsed the stu
dents marched , singing and shouting , to tha
Place St. Michael , The police retired and a
call for cavalry was sent out from the sta
tion. The students were rioting in the
lioulovard St. Michael at 7 p. m.
The Immediate cause of the riots today
was the death of M. Neugcr , a student who
was Injured mortally by the police in their
encounter with the students on Sunday. A
disorderly demonstration will bo made ,
probably , by the students at Neuger's
Whipped the 1'ollco.
The cavalry called out to drive the stu
dents from the neighborhood of the paluli
'do justice and the prefecture do police returned
turned to its barracks after the mob had re
treated to the Boulevard St. Gannuluo. 3d
mob then hurried back to the lioulovarc
St , Michael and across the bridge to tin
Uoulovard du Palais between the arms
of thu river. The students siimshci
with their clubs and a hcavj
piece of timber the massive door ;
of the Palais do Justice and knocked tin
glass out of all the ulndows within reach
The police hastened to the spot and chargei
with drawn swords. The rioters overcami
them , tore their swords from their hand :
and drove them back to the Hotel Dleu. Several
oral policeincu werp cut severely with th
swords which the students had takci
from" them. Three ? of the police
men have been taken to the hos
pituls. A dozen other policemen wer
also injured with clubs. Ono oollcoimui wa
caught by the students , stripped of hide
do tiling nnd carried 10 the river , Ho beggci
the students , on his knees , not to throw hie
in and was eventually releaseu by them.
The republican guards were called ut'mid
night. The students retreated down th
Boulevard St. Michael as the guards nj
preached and disappeared shortly before
y. o'clock. The guards remained stationed n
tie the bridge to prevent the return of an
rioters to the Palais do Justice.
.till M. Lozo denied late lust evening that h
ll , had resigned.
Murdering Missionaries ,
LONDON , July 3. A dispatch from Her
Kong reports another fanatical outbreak
against inhslonnrles in China. The dis
patch says a mob of. , natives attacked two
Swedish missionaries nt Mnchong , sixty
miles from Han Kow. ami killed them. The
murders are supposed to ha o boon duo to
the anti-foreign placards that have hereto
fore caused much trouble for the foreign
missionaries residing in China.
Inquiry Into tlio Accident Wilt Ho Held nt
LONDON , July 0. In i the House of Com
mons today Sir U. Jfay-Shuttloworth , secre
tary to the Admlrajty , stated In resiwnso to
inquiries on the subject , that the Admiralty
had decided to convene immediately a court
martial m the matter of the loss of thobat-
tlo ship Victoria. The court martial would
bo held at Malta ,
Ucplylng to questions naked In the House
of Commons today by Mr. Ucdmonc' ( Parnol-
lito ) , Mr. Gladstone intimated that it was
the intention of the government to appoint
n commission to inquire Into the financial
relations between Great Britain and Ireland.
Mr. Gladstone added that the sittings of the
commission would not begin until the excite
ment in connection with the passage of the
homo rule bill had subsided ,
Mr. Herbert Gardner , president of the
Hoard of Agriculture , stated that a micro
scopic examination of the lungs of nnimMs
landed from the steamer Lake Winnipeg ,
from Montreal , had proved that the animals
had boon affected with contagious pleuro-
pneumonia. The prohibition against the im
portation nf Canadian cattle must , therefore ,
bo maintained.
Need a Nciv Ciihlnot.
BUEXOS ATIIES , July 3. The cabinet
formed four weeks ago has resigned. Presi
dent Saenz Pena is forming a
EXPtMston onuvx corry.v.
Destruction of tlio Oovcriiincnt Works nt
Newport , II. I , T o I-'ntnlltli > .
NEWI-OUT , U. I. , July 8. The United States
torpedo station is on ifirc.
The flro at the torpedo station was In the
gun cotton factory , 'Work was at once begun
removing the largo .quantity of gun cotton
contained in the building to n place of safety.
Before the work was entirely completed ,
however , the lire reached part of the gun
cotton and an explosion followed , killing two
men and injuring three others.
The killed are : Frank Ixmghltn and Jere
miah Harrington , agcd > U7 and SB years re
spectively. The injured are : Michael
Kegan , John T. Harrington and Ensign E. 13.
Capchart , attached to station. The extent
of the injuries sustained by these three are
not known. A number sustained injuries of
a minor nature. Thu gun cotton factory is a
wreck. .
No reliable estimate of the money value of
the plant Is yet obtainable.
How the tire originated is still n mystery.
The explosion did not take place until after
a general alarm had been rung in by the
station flro alarm nn'd the whole llro force of
nearly 100 men was' gathered closely about
the building. The ( Ire started in the north
end of the building on the west side , whllo
the explosion occurred on the cast side at
the north end.
The injured men were all working upon a
hose close to the building , when apparently
the whole side was blown out into the mlil-
dlo of a score of men. How the others es
caped Is a mystery. The seamen and gun
ners were ut work in the center of the oulld-
Ing , throwing out run cotton , there being a
Inrgo quantity of It in a wet condition.
They naturally deserted the building , and
by order of Captaiti.Converso all lay undeir
shelter of the cartlicmbankmcnts about the
factory from whcnco they directed feeble
streams toward , the burning structure ,
which was allowed burn itself out ,
The flro equipment was "riot"suitlUilo to
do effective duty and the city department
was not prepared to respond to such a call.
Several who receivcd.lesscr injuries came to
town without reporting to the station sur
geon. x
The third ono to die was Micheal Reagan ,
an hour and a half after the accident. Ho
leaves a wife and seven chihiren.
Ensign Cathcart will do nicely , his wound
being but an ugly tcnrlncr of the llosh by n
piece of ilyin ? metal. Many of the others
injured have their eyes badly burnt , but the
question ot loss of eyesight has not yet
boon determined. The burning of the fac
tory will probably remove the manufacture of
gun cotton froip hero , ns the olllccrq have
long slnco declared that a seaport Is an un-
desirrblo place to manufacture supplies in
time of war , as it would soon fall into the
hands of the enemy. They have , therefore ,
recommended its transfer to some inland
Tlio Kaclo Will Scream ns Nnvcr Ucfore at
the ralr Todity.
CHICAGO. July 3. The weather was clear
and cool , and great crowds to bo In atten
dance at the World's fair tomorrow are al
ready beginning to arrive. Half a dozen big
excursion trains unloaded passengers at the
terminal station Sunday morning and people-
already in the city flocked to the grounds In
great numbers. The bureau of admission
estimated long before noon that moro pcoplo
had passed the gatekeepers than all day
The management received notice of a flaw
' in the casting of the now liberty bell at
Troy , N. Y. , and It will have to bo recast , so
that part of the ceremonies which contem
plated having it rung on the Fourth for the
first time will have to bo abandoned. This
will , however , be scarcely missed in the
multiplicity of attractions scheduled for the
day. Cannons will roar , bells ring , bunting
wave in profusion , the Daclaratlon of Independence -
dependence will bo road at various points ,
and a feature never before soon in a Fourth
of July celebration , all the outlandish deni
zens of Midway ulaisanco will take part
In the ceremonies by gathering in procession
and marching through that picturesque
thoroughfare , making as much hubbub as
possible. Ii | addition there will bo a gorgeous
display of flroworkr at night. There araox-
pected to be , anywhere from n quarter to
half a million pcoplo on the grounds tomor
row. *
The Guatemalan building was dedicatee !
today In the preaeqce of a largo crowd ,
"Silver Day ! ' nt Chlciiffo.
- CHICAGO , July 8.IIon. . Bradford Prince
late governor-of Now Mexico , and chair
man of the committee appointed at tin
- recent Transmlsslsslppi congress to arrange
o for the celebration of " .Silver day" nt tin
o World's fair , 1ms urrlvea in town and i
meeting of the committee will bo hold ver ;
d soon. September 11 was assigned semi
y time ago us Silver day and It is Intended ti
3 make it a notable occasion by having ad
0 dresses from the most prominent bimetal
. lists of the country ,
Outlaw Joliu Mmirtjj Dciid.
Is FnESNOJuly 8. Outlaw John Sontag dle (
r- in jail this afternoon , lie , witli his companion
10 panion , Chris Evans , the bandits who s
long escaped pursuit in the mountains o
s- Visalla. were captured Juno 11 , after a des
sro peru to battle , in whijh both outlaws wor
is wounded , Evans , whoso arm was arnpu
1s tated , is slowly recovering.
Doitructlvo Orasslioppors.
SALT LAKB , July 8. [ Special Telegram t
dTiiEBKE.1 Grassboppci-s in great numbc
10 appearedHoday in too vicinity of Ploasati
Green , near Salt Lake , and nro dealing di
Btructlon to vegetation f all kinds.
'X Killed by
CLEVEIAXP , July S. A dispatch from Jacl
son , Noble county , Ohio , says that three me
named Loot is were Instantly Killed by lljh
ulng last night whllo taking shelter under
tree during a heavy thunderstorm.
Fatalities and Accidents in Which Powder
and Water Figured Extensively ,
IJrngRcd to Hit Dentil In tlio Itlvor Andrew
Schldo Accidentally Shooti l.lttlo Jerry
i Several ArcldotitH Cnusotl
by rirccrnckors.
Andrew Schido , who tends bar for Fred
Dahlman , nt , Eighteenth and Lcavcnworth
streets , stepped out of iho saloon last night
with a gun in his hand.
Ho ilrcd several shots into a bank of dirt
across the street. A group of young boys
and girls were shooting off lire-crackers near
by and Schido pointed the gun In the dlicc-
tlon of the group. Ho pulled the trigger.
The weapon exploded with a loud report and
little Jerry Qululan fell to the ground with
an ugly looking wound In the pit of his right
arm. At a late hour last night the little fol
low was believed to bo dying. The affair
was accidental so far as can bo learned , and
Shldo was wandering around in the dark
ness In n crazed condition after the occur
rence. *
With the near approach of the Fourth of
July the youths residing in the vicinity of
Eighteenth street began to celebrate
the day of liberty in ndvanco by
firing off crackers and rotnan candles.
They were having a great time at
the corner of Lcavcnworth street , and
while they were shouting their approval of
some particularly loud report , Schido , who
Jiad Just been relieved of his duty in the
saloon , picked up a loaded revolver and ,
going out doors , began to shoot the bullets
into a clay bank across' the street.
Thought It Wnmi't Landed.
Ho thought ho had shot all the loaira out
of the gun and then ho pointed the gun at
the children and snapped It with the a Dove
results. Ho says he thought that he had
emptied the gun and did not realize what ho
had done until little Jerry fell to the ground
and the other boy began to cry that ho was
Schido then went Into the saloon and gave
the gun to Dahlman saying he had shot a boy.
The man was much excited and tried to re
gain possession of the weapon , saying that
ho would kill himself. Ho did not succeed
and disappeared out of the back door.
These who know him fear that ho
will commit suicide out of remorse. Schido
is said to bo a sober , Industrious man , be
tween 50 and 00 years ot age , and ho has al
ways been a favorite with the children in
the neighborhood. The police are looking
for him. but early this morning had not lo
cal Dd him.
The wounded boy is the 12-year-old son of
P. L. Quinlau , who resides at 80T South
Eighteenth street. When ho was shot his
father was sitting close to him and ho
picked his boy up , carrying him to a drug
store close by. Seeing that the boy was
badly injured he took him to his home ,
which is just around the corner , and Dr.
Itosowntor was called in. The doctor ex
amined and dressed the wound and pro
nounced it a serious , it not fatal ,
case. Dr. Parker was also called and
after n consultation it was decided
not-to attempt to locato'tho bullet. The ball
took a downward course and entered the
right lung , but did not cause hemorrhage.
The boy-suffered the intense pain with great
.fortitude , but , it i $ , thought that bo. ; was ,
bleediutr internally and that ho "will'hardly'
live until daylight. His parents , who have
had several misfortunes with their children
recently , are almost distracted with grief ,
for Jerry was the pet of the family.
liny KIser's Ilnlloon-Asccnulou and tlio
Futiil KoBtilt.
Kay Elser , the daring young aeronaut ,
made his last ascension-last night. Ho now
lies in the Missouri river , where ho dropped
to his death at 8:35 : p. in.
At 8:30 : Elser made ono of his usual ascen
sions nt Courtland beach under the auspices
of Gould & Gribblo. As the balloon shot
upwards amid the shouts of a largo crowd ,
young Elser cast a farewell look and smiled
at the immense throng , little thinking that
in a few minutes ho would bo In the cold em
brace of death.
After the balloon had risen to a height
of 300 feet it drifted over toward the river.
Elser's usual custom is to make a parachute
jump from this distance , and ho ut once
prepared to do so. To the horror of the
crowd , the * balloon commenced to collapse ,
and it was plainly evident that Elser was
having difllculty in getting the parachute
loose from the sldo of the balloon ,
The balloon was soon directly over the
river and descending rapidly. Elser became
entangled in the ropes. Death stared him
in the faco. The airship quickly dragged
him to his death. Ho struck the river and
after hopelessly struggling for life sank
from view.
An effort was made to find the body , but
up to n late hour it had proven an unsuccess
ful undertaking. The oalloon which made
the fatal trip Is ono of the largest airships
over seen in this section , having SM yards
of canvas and when mllutcd measured 08x53
Ilay Elser , the victim of the fatality , was
n young' roan 23 years of age. Ho cnmo
hero from a farm in the interior of this state
some time ago , Hcccntly ho signed a con
tract with Gould & Gribblo to make ascen
sions , after acquiring a brief knowledge of
the parachute profession. This was his
seventh ascension. Ho made hls'Inltial as
cension In Omaha last Thursday at Court-
land beach. The utmost regret is expressed
by the management at the sad termination
of last evening's program.
No Formal Celebration of tlio Fourth , butte
Nevuritt I'liicos to fie ,
Omaha people need not bo at a loss foi
ways and moans for enjoying themselves to
day. They may make it a day of rest if thoi
wish or they can find nil tlio excitement 01
amusement they want in various forms anil
The running races of the Omaha Jockey
id club will no doubt catch a largo share of the
idn. crowd this afternoon. There nro ovoi
30 a hundred horses present to take part in it
and a rattling good meeting is assured.
s. Out at the Young Men's Chris
PO tlan Association park the athletes
POu will have their iiuiin ? . There will bu nov
cral games of base ball , at 3 o'clock a game
of basket ball will take pluco , and
to athletic contests will nmko the uHcrnooi
cr lively.
nt Courtland beach , where balloon asccn
lo- slons , afternoon and evening , und tin
Ancient Order of United Workmen picni
will take place , Is likely to bo patronized b ;
pleasure seekers , and a highly cnjoyabl
ken time is expected out thoro.
. Lake Manawa will no doubt also bo wcl
a patronized. . For those in search of ijule
enjoyment' there U to bo a plcuic
Milts for Jfth Omaha folks , and another
atFairmo i'Vrk , under the auspices of the
Onlcr of i\Avo nnd the Knights and
Daughtcrs\-'fl\bor. \
In the ovc\t \ . 'V number of social events
will occur ln /\ia , notably the lawn fete
at the honisT \ Mrs. Williams , corner
Twcnty-Ilfth J , \harlcs streets.
Ilntri'Mlo ( 'ulrlmttlon.
Screams of "murder , " "help" were heard
Issuing from the upper utory of a building
near Sixteenth nnd Leavenworth streets
about/ 1 1 o'clock last night. Police Sergeant
Slgwart , an ofilccr , and several people
happened to boat the corner nnd they rushed
up the stairs.
"Break in the door , I am locked In , "
screamed n woman's voice , nud the door
was smashed Into kindling wood. A small
womaii ) who said her name was Mrs. J. S.
Nelson , was found In the front room blood
ing from a number of ugly looking wounds
about the head and face. She said her hus
band indicted the wounds.
"Wo were quarreling because my husband
would not go to uork , " said the woman.
"Ho is a barber and works on Saturdays
and Sundays , but don't try to secure regular
employment. After a short altercation
tonight ho knokcd mo iown nnd kicked mo
in the face , saying ho would kill mo. Ho
locked the doors and put the keys in his
pockets so 1 could not escape. If the ofllcorH
had not arrived ho would have killed me ,
When ho heard the men coming ho jumped
out the back window and escaped before the
door could bo broken down. "
Nelson and hli wife have n boy about 10
years of ago who says that his father fre
quently beats his mother , but that last
night ho acted like a maniac. T'IO woman
nud the boy deny that Nelson was drunk.
The woman says she is afraid Nelson will
kill her nnd she will got a warrant for his
arrest as soon as she can. Olllcors searched
for the brute , but could not llnd him last
night. _
Lost mi iyc. :
Should ho survive , there is a 0-year-old
lad , the son of B. Y. Yoder , residing at 170S
North Eighteenth street , In this city , u ho
will go through life as a horrible example of
the force of n cannon cracker nnd the 117th'
birthday of American liberty. The lad com
menced his cclcoratlon at an early hour last
night , a bunch of cannon crackers assisting
him in the laudable enterprise of
making the old eagio scream. Two
or thrco of the explosives had been success
fully touched off and everything had gene
well. When the next cracker exploded the
evening air was rent in twain and the boy
was thrown into the breach. Kind hearted
parents gathered him up from the dust and
smoke and sent for a doctor to take an ac
count of stock of the injuries. Upon arriv
ing the medical man found a badly burned
face , with an eye partly detached and hang
ing on the cheek.
Minus a I'tuser.
A colored youth of tender years , with a
hugo Tire cracker and dauntless patriotism ,
is minus a finger on his left hand , Ho toyed
too long with the cracker after the fuse was
lighted , and it exploded with the result men
tioned. The accident occured on Capitol
avenue , between Tenth and Eleventh
streets , early last evening.
Drowned in the
Advices reached Omaha last night at a
late hour that two young men were acci
dentally drowned at Lake Mauawa.
- -
' r
Agency , South Dakota.
nosnimn , July 3. [ Special to THE BEE. ]
Ono of the most striking scenes ever wit
nessed at Rosebud was the exhibition and
closing institute of the Rosebud Indian
schools. There arc sixteen day schools with
an avcrago attendance of thirty for each
school. All met at the agency Friday and
gave nn excellent exhibition of
their work and methods. The
teachers will leave for their homes
tomorrow. Good Voice , Stranger HorsO ,
Quick Bear , Eagle Horse , Hollow Horn Bear ,
Grey Eagle Tail , Ghost Faeo and many of
the old time chiefs , listened to their children
with as much earnestness and interest as
any parents listen to their children .it col
lege commencement. Tlio day school -system
was originated und organized by James G.
Wright , the father of the present agent , and
has been continued and improved by J.
George Wright , until It is' now the best
school system in the country.
While the children learn English slower
on account of being at their homes morning
and night , yet they become used to speaking
it at their homes and it is moro certain in its
results. Agent AVriqht will increase the
number of schools this summer so tnat the
reservation will show almost a ward system
of schools.
Many people are coming from different
reservations to attend the Catholic congress
to bo held next week at St. Francis mission ,
near the agency.
SHUT nix ir/i'V'A SLAVISH.
Exciting SccniM Kunuted In nn Arkansas
Court Koiiin.
TEXAHKANA , Ark. , July 8. At 0:30 : o'clock
this morning , while the examining trial of K.
E. Leo , for the killing of Mrs. Jesse Hafo ,
which occurred in this city Thursday
evening last , was in progress before Justice
Edwards , Halo , the husband of tlio de
ceased , entered the court room with his two
little daughters , niul. advancing toward
where Leo was sitting in the prisoners'
dock , seated his childien and drawing r.
lii-calibro Colt's pistol opened tire oa the
slayer of his wife. Halo Ilrcd 11 vo times , tlio
second shot striking Leu In Iho thigh and
making a dangerous wound. Leo owes his
life to a Inrgo stnvo , behind which ho took
ref ugo. The scene In the court room was a
wild 0110 , the judge , lawyers and witnesses
taking refuge from the llylug bullijts. Halo
was placed under arrest and Loo's trial post
poned to await the results of his injuries.
l > llAliiH JIV HdCiIALlSTS.
There Are Homo Wlin Appreciate Governor
il of llllnnU.
CHICAGO , July a. At today's session ol
the national socialistic labor party resolu
tions \\oro adopted praising Governor Alt-
geld of Illinois for his courage in pardoning
the Chicago anarchists. Fieldcn , Ncobo ami
Schwab , and stating his reasons thorefoi
and deciding to print a largo number nl
copies of Ills statement accompanying tht
pardon , The document will bo printed Ir
various languages. Before the adoption ol
the resolution n number of Fpooches WSK
delivered , dwelling on the aspect of the case
All were favorable to the governor , und th <
resolutions passed unanimously.
Tnov , N. Y.'July 8. The Columbian Lib
erty bell will bo rung/or the first time to
aiorrow at ono o'clock , to correspond will
nt noon , Chicago tln-n. It will bo controllci
by eluolriclty from Chicago , The origin : !
program has hern modified on account o
mo delay m casting the bell. A statomim
from Chicago to the effect that the bell wll
have to be recast on account of a law ! U de
nled at the foundry , whuni U in ut > scrU' <
that the casting was u perfect BUCCC.SS am
the bell u very line ono.
Hurt t < y J'ulllui ; 'Hinders.
CUICAQO , July 3. Five laborers wer
severely injured by falling limbers on tli
Adams building today , The building wa
damaged by llro two weckc ago and the me
were clearing awuy thu debils on thu on
aide. They were all ut work on the firs
lloor , when a portion of the fourth lloor pav
way and came down iijxm Ihcir. . They wer
i bad ) ; cut : > n >
Henry Starr , the Indian Territory Terror , i'a
Kill Wilson nntl tlio Wlfo of the Xotnrlouf
llntnllt AUo llndnr Arrest How
the .MenVrro Cnncltt A
Tunic AlV.Ur.
CoLoiuno SrniNos , .Tuly a. Henry Starr
and IClil Wilson , two members of the SUre
gang of train niul bank robbers , who havd
caused the death of a dozen men mill tcr.
rorlzcil Inilhm Territory formonthswcroar.
rested hero this morning. They arrived nt
the Spnuldlng house late last night with
Mrs. Starr and registered ns Frank Johnson
and John Wilson of Joplln , Mo.
The oniecrs learning who the two mon
were , surrounded the hotel this morning , but
were afraid to approach thorn outright ami got thorn in a position to shoot !
on sight. Henry Starr wont alonu Into tha
restaurant and the poltdo followed him.
Then Marshal Dana caught ono arm of tha
noted outlaw and Onieer Wright another ,
whllo Detcctlvo Atltlnsoti covered him witii
a pair of six-shooters.
Starr niul Wilson were surprised. Starr (
gave up without a struggle , but s.ild to the
ofilccrs : "It Is a good thing you got thd
drop on mo or there woulu liavo been some
corpses around hero. " . /
The same oftlccrs then went to Colorado j
City and captured KM Wilson. Ho was
armed with a 45-calibcr revolver nntl would. !
have made a itcspcrate resistance If the ofll
cors had not llrst covered him with thol >
pistols. i
When the men were brought to jail an at
tempt was made to Interview them , but
without success. After tlio arrest the oftl
cors wont to the Spuulding house and woka
up the \vomnn , who was registered as Mrs.
Jackson , but who is really the wife of Starr.
She Is about 18 years old and rather propos- '
scsslng. She said that she was married to '
Starr about six months ago and that hoe
homo is about " 00 miles cast of here.
A seanih of the room was nindo and under
the pillow was found SI-100 In greenbacks ,
which had never been used , \\hilu1 jMX ) la
gold was found in a valise. i
The 'woman carried a pearl-handled re
volver of yS-enlibur. She was closely qucs-
tloncd and admitted that the man who was ,
captured was Henry Starr and that the
name of the other ono was Ivid Wilson.
There is a reward of .1,000 for the captura
of the men.
Klglit Color.ido Men Held Up t Muncos by
n l.onn llfIivniymiiii.
Dcxrnu , July 3. Last night thrco masked
men attempted unsuccessfully to hold up the
Klo Grande Southern station agent at Uico ,
Colo. , for the purpose of securing n large sum
of money that was supposed to ooin the safe.
On Friday night last n successful raid Was *
made by ono man on the station at Maucos ,
located on the same railway , sjino forty
miles west of Durango. Tlio robbery at
Mancos occurred at U:10 : Friday evening , n
.slnglo jnan entering the depot , In which
were seven men besides the agent , II. N.
Spraguo. The robber was masked mid hia
sudden appearance with a revolver In each
hand so disconcerted the eight men that they
quickly obeyed his command to. hold up their
'handsrrHe kcptithcm quiet'li ) apo. > lUug to-
imaginary pals of his , who were supposed to
be outsldo and whom the robber told to keep
the station agent nnd his seven friends
covered with their guns. r i
The lone robber then secured about $200 lu. '
cash and took four gold watches from his
victims. The cash belonged to the railroad ,
company. Ho then quietly bid the eight
badly scared men good night and loft. It
was then discovered that ho was entirely
alone , and his frightened victims felt much
embarrassed to think that they had been .
robbed by one man. There are hopes of cap
turing the nervy robber.
The attempted robbery of the UIco station
last night was frustrated by the agent , D. O.
I ley wood and his wit'a plucklly tiring upon
the three robbers with Winchesters as they
were attempting to force .tho door. The
would-bo robbers qulcicly departed.
110311 : A.\J > Jtvssr.i.
iirurts ; Mnltlui ; lo 1'ut thu Orcok Church
Unditr the Control of I.tvi.
ST. PAUL , July 3. A Pioneer Press special
from T.icoma , Wash. , says : Mgr. Satolli ,
ablcgato of Pope Leo , states through Ucv.
Dr. O'Gorman , his interpreter , that there
are pending diplomatic ; negotiations to bring
the Greek church of all Hu&stn , now under '
the personal control of the keep
ing of the Vatican.
Father O'Gorman ' was nskod to reduce
this statement to writing and hava Mer.
Satolli sign It , In order that there might bo
no question as to Its authenticity. He said :
I'Thut Is unnecessary , 1 speak for Mgr.
Satolli ; I have talked the whole matter over
with him and you can say that ho siys it
through mo , his interpreter. " Father O'Gor
man is professor of ecclesiastical history In
the Catholic university nt Washington , anil
here and elsewhere during tlio tour of Mgr.
Sntolli and party has ucien the spokesman of
the pope's ablcgato.
Churchmen take It for granted that If tha
rzar is to place his state church under the
control of Home , It Is in the interest of Leo's
hopn to effect the disarmament of the great
nations of iho world and secure ultimate
universal peace and the arbitration of International -
national quarrels.
1'oitolllce Inspector Stinitt Unravels n Long
Klniullnir My terv
CUICAOO , July 11. Postofilco Inspector
James 13. Stuart of Chicago returned today
rom Port Huron , with a great feather in
his cap. Ho did in seven days , dressed ca
a tramp , what the ontlro force of postollieo
Inspectors of Canada , the police authorities
of the Grand Trunk and thirty United States
postofllco inspectors failed to do In two
years. " For two years the loss ot
mall upon the Grand Trunk , Including the
- American pouches consigned to I'antula and
the mall from Montreal and .TorontoT con
signed to nil the western states , has boon a
Bomvu of great annoyance to Canada and
the United Htatos , Stuart todaj arrested
Charles Ford , superintendent of repairs for
the Grand Trunk at Port Huron , ox-mcinbor
of the Fort Gratlut council and ex-president
o ( th town council and for yean ono of the
most trusted employes of the Uralid Trunk ,
Thrco hundred and forty-eight hitters wera
found upon ' .ho person of Ford , who con
fessed the crime.
yiAituvr CASH.
Indications tint It Will Ho Taken to 111 *
Supreme Court ,
r.iscoi.v , July 3.-Special [ Telegram to Tin
HHB. ] At a meeting of the city count1' : } < * >
night City Attorney Abbott advised tAa } city
council to furnish a suporscdcas tvond of
fl,000 , in order that the viaduct oasoimay bo
carried to the supreme court. Hp stated
that umlor lute decisions the city' ' hai no
right to enter upon public improvements
which plvo rise to damages to abutting
properly without llrst appraising the prop ,
re crty , tendering damages anil Unhung tha
10 cnso in the courts.
IS Tnocouni'il will probably follow this Una
lit of action. A N.C09 estimate of tha Mil
10 waukee Drli'.gn company wus allowed. Thu
st ichool board was ron urcd for the wlmlci&lo
I'll ralso in tcachm'.alaries < lil the U levy
ro incToasoil 8 milii Jo a rtuuhliou presented
| by Councilman O'.St' : . -