Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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1y carrier lo anj part of ths cltr
H , W. Tlf/TON , - MANAOEU ,
rW'El > JIOHr.S i inn ln < > sOfnco. . . . , , , . . No. 43
' f Ngt | | Editor . No. 23
N. Y. Plumbing Co
Boston Store for sun umbrellas
Judson , pasturage , 021' ' Sixth avenue.
Mlltonbcrtfcv Is tlio himcr , 503 Hroadwav
The Mayno Kcal Estate Co. , C2t JStoadwny.
Mrs. H. U Kainncclottl called at the pollen
itattoti very much out of breath anil stated
lhal her 0-vear-olil son was mlsslnjr. The
boy turned up safe and sound , liming
Jicrcly wardered away from homo.
The Athol Musical and Literary club he-Id
Its Ilrst annual picnic In F.iirmount park
Friday nftcinoon and ovcnliiff. GRIHCH wuro
Indulged In until dusk , when all partook of
i sumptuous repast , after which were more
pirncs ,
Llzzlo Franklin , a little qirl living at the
: onicr of 1'ierco and Union strooto , was
sadly hurt Saturday by falling from the
jecond story of tlio house to the street , fall-
iiiB In such a manner as to strike her face on
Urn brtok sidewalk. She was severely cut
about the fuco.
Some llany ArrhlfrrM.
Looking through the olllco of J. O. < fc
\V. Woodward , urcliltooN of thU city ,
nno IB impressed with the marvelous
beauty of the modern buildings people
liomnml for tbolr homos nnrt the im
mense rimount of work tmd
responsibility that devolves up
on the architects who ere-
ate them. Few think of the tact , mem
ory nr.d skill it requires to bo nt the
head of hundreds of mon ivnd mechanics
in this grout branch of industry BOO
that all the work is done to the satifao-
tlon of all parties and settle dis
putes and differences. There are
'thousands of little thhiRS to think
of , which must bo attended
to at once or may cause
trouble. Tlio idoai nro put on rpano
and the perfect building is erected oven
to the smallest , detail in the brain of tlio
architect , llguring timbers , windows ,
doors , eto. , and showing the owner the
bulldinir .exactly as .it will bo
when erected. In lookinp at some
'of our line buildings wo forget
the architect to whom wo arc
Indebted , but feel a keen prldo
In the work which is a monument to his
skill. The beautiful little Grace Epis
copal church , which was dedicated yes
terday , SB another monument to the skill
of the .Woodwards. Jn their office , in
the form of neatlj ; drawn plans and
Btacks of typewritten specifications ,
there are scores of other as enduring
and beautiful monuments , homes for
poopla of Council Bluffs and many other
towns in western Ipwa. While they arc
the representative homo builders , many
ol the llnost public edifices that have
been erected this season will bear their
names on the corner stone.
Picnic trains , until further notice ,
will leave for that great fishing resort ,
Hay's Landing and Manawa park , Mill-
oral Springs , Gorman shooting grounds ,
Manhattan beach and Manawa opera
house ( where two performances will be
given during the season daily at 4 anil
8:30 : o'clock p. in. ) as follows : Nine and
11 a. m. and 1 and 2 p. in. , and every
thirty minutes thereafter until 12:30 : at
night. Last train will leave Manawa
for Council Bluffs at 11:55 : p. m.
Aek your grocer for Domestic soap.
Mctzgnr and ItnnilleU'a Icon.
If you want something fine , -leaVo an
order lor Motzcjjr & Randlott's delicious
ices. DolivorotPin'iill parts of the city
Fireworks at Palmer's , 12 StMain. .
Mrs. N. P. IJodRO and daughter Mis
Carrlo are visiting ut the World's fair.
Mr. J. W. Wyman of DCS Molnes Is In th
city , the guest of Mr. and Mrs. "W. W. Wai
lace ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Louclcs , leave thl
evening for Missouri Valley , whuro ttioy
will make their home.
Mrs. Willlan. Maloney and dauphto
Grace of Onawa are guests of Mrs. N.
O'Hrlon on Sixth avonuc.
W. II. Pcthybrldco loft , Saturday nifrht for
a visit to his father's ola homo In Devon
shire , England. Ho will stop at Chicago on
the way. .
Mr , and Mrs. W. P. Oflicor have returned
from their bridal trip to Clilcago anil are
now nt home to their friends at their home ,
533 Willow avenue. No cards.
D.'K. Hughcy. Hurry Iluttonhauor , Ed
Duquette and M. C. Vandovcor 'will attend
the state bicycle tournament , which Is to beheld
held for two days at Vinton. commencing
today. Howard Hattenhimer has enrolled
in a number of races. *
llov. C. IA Zorbauirh , who is spending the
summer with his parents , Mr. and Mrs.
Conrad Xorbaugh , occupied tlic pulpit of the
First Presbyterian church yesterday in the
absence of the pastor. Rev. Stephen Phclps ,
D. D , , who spent Sunday in Carroll.
11. B. WcstcoU of Milwaukee is In the city
for a few days visit with his parents. Mr ,
and Mrs. J. H. Wcstcott.Hob , " as lie is
known among the nowsp'ipor fraternity of
Council Hluffa , Is now holding down the
position of assistant city editor of the Milwaukee -
waukeo Evening News , with which ho has
been connected for seven months.
All tboso who wlsb to celebrate the
Fourth of July wo will offer thorn special
inducements m ladles' waists anil para
Our ontlro stock of sun umbrellas and
parasols at cost jirleo for Monday only.
The sumo wltlf our ontlro stock of waists ,
all In at cost i > rlco , for ono day , Monday ,
At cost prlco.
Fotborliiftbam , Wliltolaw & Co. , load
ers and promoters of low prices.
P. S. Store will bo closed all day
Tuesday , -Kb of July.
Free Font llici-n nt Mnnaurn.
On July 4th at Lulco Manawa , com-
monolnff at 2 o'clock , there will be a
Boriou of foot races , one 125 yards handi
cap , $25.00 first purse , $15.00 for second
purse ; another is 100 yards hamdluap
with purses of $25,00 and $15,00. The
third race will bo a 75-yard handicap ,
$10,00 and $5.00 , There will also bo u sack
race for "kids" under 12 ears , with
.Ilrst and boooiul prizes.
There is nothing1 in this country like
the fruit kept In Wheeler , Herald ft
Co.'s cold storage. No matter what the
weather is it roaches the customer in
iKjrfeot condition. Another car load ol
lemons was put in Saturday ,
The Gruiul Hotel ,
Council BlulTs. The most elegant in
lowu. Dining room on seventh lloor.
Ruto , $3.00 uud $5.00 u day. E. F. Clark ,
Cannon Crackers , Torpcdos , Pistols ,
Cannons , Balloons , Colored Fire , Roman
Candles everything in llroworks at
Palmer's , 11 ! South Main street.
Cook yoi" meals this summer on
range. Al cost at Uio Gas company.
Stop at the Ogdan , Council BlulTs , t u
lebt $2,00 house in Iowa.
Domestic boap outluels cheap soap.
Jraco Episcopal Ohnroh Dedicated to the
Worship of Almighty God ,
.artrn ConcreBDtlon l.Utcn * to nn Ktoqnent
DliquUltlnn on tlio U clo < ino8 of
Creed * mill tlio i : cntli > l Norci-
ilty of Christ to Salvation.
The now Grace Enlscooal church , which
lands nt the corner of Pierce and Union
streets , was dedicated yesterday. The an-
louncoment that Uov. T. J. Mackay of
Omaha would preach the dedicatory sermon
7-is suftlclcnt to bring out a crowd of his
: rlends and admirers that filled the cozy au
ditorium to Its full seating capacity. The
program that was presented was nn attrac
tive DUO , the music by the choir , assisted by
Mrs. M. A. K Ingsbury and Mr. I. M. Troy-
nor as soloists , proving a valuable feature.
Mr. Mackay took as his text the following
lasaago from I Samuel , xxil , il-3 : "David
therefore departed thence and escaped to
the cave of Adultam , anil everyone
ono that was In distress and everyone
ono that 'was discontented , gathered
themselves uuto him und ho became captain
over them. " Ho painted In vivid language
the checkered career of the king of Israel ,
who arose from u simple shepherd lad to bo
the champion of Jehovah , the hunted outlaw ,
the anointed king , the penitent sinner , the
royal fugitive , and the successful monarch
of a united kingdom , with the true man ap
pearing beneath every character that was
thrust upon him. Driven to the wilderness
l > y the hatred of the Jca'oUs ' Saul , ho took
rofngo In the uavo of AUUllam , where the
men of the neighboring tribes , attracted by
the sterlinic'worth of the unfortunate David ,
enrolled themselves under his banner to tbo
n\yjibcr of GOO , and followed him with the
most devoted attachment. There is
no power on earth greater than
that of the personality ot man over his fellow
men. So great is this power lhat history
seems to revolve around persons rather than
idi < urt or sentiments. The sentiment will
remain forever only a sentiment until a
living will summons it into action and it
becomes a living force in the worldvof men.
JC HHH : of the Text.
"So it Is with Ihs ( treat .truths of the
3hrUtaln religion. " continued tbo speaker ;
"they are vital and powerful only when they
arc woven Into the life and character of our
leader , Christ. A creed , no matter how
true , is useless as a means of influencing
men. U'o want something moro than mcro
intellectual dclinitlons and precise stato-
mcntsvibout Truth wo want the i&carnatc
Truth himself to bo our pride
and our loader , a person to follow rather than
a cold statement of belief to which the in
tellect can assent. The weakness of the
various systems of Christianity today arises
from the fact that they have substituted for
this trust in Jesus Christ , tills devotion to
our loader , an Intellectual assent to a creed.
The true church of Christ must be a cave ot
Adullain , 'a resting place' for all who are
weary and heavy laden , who are discon
tented with the burdens that mon have Hid
upon them in the confessions of faith and
doctrines that cannot profit , who are weary
of douot and negation and fall to find in the
world that true rest which the soul craves
and must have ore they will bo satisfied.
"Tho tendency of men todavto break awny
from thu church is largely duo to the fact
that they nro weary of clerical institutions
which seem to divide men hopelessly from
each other , while they behold institutions
which are not religious able to hold men to
gether In a powerful union for their common
good. I do not deny the necessity for a creed
it is like the constitution of our beloved
country , a guaranty of our liberty and of our
rights , but when a creed becomes a badcro of
intellectual slavery instead of a Magna
Carta of freedom of conscience and liberty
of thought , it becomes comparatively neces
sary to revise or discard it.
Things Not In God'a Crcoil.
'Ji.viow with pleasure the attempt In so mo
of our sister churches to revise their cou-
fessions of faith so that they will square
with modern thought and the advance In
nobler conceptions of God and man , because
It will draw men's attention to the simple
apostolic crecil which you have just recited.
In that creed you beard no wora of the vari
ous doctrines around which religious feuds
are wont to rage , and which give occasion
for sarcasm and ridicule to those who are on
tbo outside. Not ono word of predestination ,
election , conversion , baptism by immersion ,
baptism by pouring , confession , penance ,
purgatory , the real presence , worship by a
liturgical form , or even the apostolic suc
cession. None of these things stand between
the sinner und his God in this cave of Adul-
am , and -from these spring all the grovious
ills , the quarrels between brethren who con
tend for non-essentials , while this grand
world of humanity is rushing rapidly past
and taking up positions far in advance of
the majority of the Christian host.
When the church becomes a true
Brotherhood , with Christ for its center and
its watchword 'In essentials in
, unity , nonessentials -
essentials perfect liberty , in all things char
ity,1 it will bo a church worthy the support
ot every earnest mnn. Such a church will
lind room for the doubters of today. It will
not require a man to accept any theory of
the inspiration of tlio scriptures or aslc of
him a belief in the fall of man , or the bibli
cal account of the creation , because to do so
would exalt these noii-ebaciitials into beliefs
necessary to salvation , something utterly
"foreign to tbo spirit of the teaching of this
old apostolic church of Christ. Men will
reason , and should reason , and as long us
they reason they must differ.
, Not Mukluc A < liiili ti > n Ktafrr.
"Do not think that 1 am trying to make
the terms of admission easier than the
church allows. It Is much easier to be loyal
to a church or a creed than to bo loyal to
Christ. Some day wo shall all recognize
that religion is more 6f a life than a creed.
It Is following Christ and striving to bo like
unto Him. For no ono can follow Him and
not bo obedient to His slightest wish. The
church of God is not a moro adjunct of good
society , a soihothing which can bo dispensed
with without serious loss. It is not a luxury ,
as so many regard it nowadays , out a neces
sity. There is no child of man that docs not
need it. It Is said :
Thcro Ua , point of rest
At the great center of the cyclone's force ,
A Hilonco at tin seurot source , -
Wlioro iv little child might blumbor undis
turbed , t
Without the ruffle of ono fairy curl ,
In Unit strange central culm , amid the mighty
IV'Tho true church of God in the midst of
the world is this ono point of rest , and to the
boul who has pained it the tempest may
sweep arouira him and storms may rage on
every side , but ho heeds them not , for hero
In this strange central calm is rest , uul
peace and God. "
Kl'KUI.Vl , HAI.H.
Continued MmiUuy Evening.
Owing to the immense , crowd at our
glnghtim counter Saturday night one-
half could not got waited uponWo will
continue the sale Monday evening from
0 to 10 ugain in order to give thobo a
ohunuu who wora unable to reach the
This is without a doubt ono of the
greatest gingham bargains over olTorcd
to the public of any city. 1'hoy consist
of an oudloss assortment of pluida.
checks and stripes , all logout 5ca yard ,
Goods worth from lOo to 17c , all in at
the rod ioulous price" of 5c. At iho same
prlco the balance of our line of Chilian
cloths and French flaunols all for the
same price. 5o iv yard.
Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices.
Williamson & Co. . 100 Muln street ,
largest und host bioyolo stock in city.
Fireworks at Palmer's , 12 S. Main.
Domestic soap is the best.
I'ulrlotlo Order Horn or America.
At the last meeting of the Patriotic Order
Sons of America the following ofilccrs were
elected ; President , Stymost Stevenson ;
vice president , Charlc * MuManlglll ; master
Finest , La.fee , Bathing- Beaches eirid. Summer Resort iii tlie West/
Splendid A.ttr actions foi ? ttie
Regattas , Races , Ball Games , Special Prizes , Etc. Band Concerts Afternoon and Evening. Magnificent
Display of Fireworks on the Water in the Evening. EVERYTHING FREE TO THE MULTITUDE )
Trains Run Every 30 Minutes Until After Midnight.
The "White House , " northwest corner entrance to Manawa Park.
lunches and refreshments. Fireworks and music.
The Turf Exchange'opposite the park. A favorite 'resort for gentlemen-
* .
i < i. ,
Ed Zimmermann , opposite Lake Front Pavilion. Meals 250. All kinds
of lunches. - ! * ' , '
While you are at the lake visit William Dolson at the "Diamond , " in the
rear of the hotel , for lunches and refreshments. "
of forms , G. C. Case ; conductor , S. 1C. Rus
sell : inspector , C. H. Howe ; outside guard ,
William Norman : trustee , Ij. Kinnohan ; del
egates to stnto convention , Stymost Steven
son , A. C. Harding ; alternates , Charles Mc-
Maniglll , W. H. Montclth.
Manhattan Boaoh restaurant now
open. Fish suppers a spooialty. Break
fast s'jrvod for fishing parties. Fred
Rapp , proprietor.
A few choice farm mortgages for sale.
Call and investigate. Piibej & Thomas ,
Abstract and Loan Co. , Council Bluffs.
Groonshlolds , Nicholson & Co. have
moved their real estate ofHco to (10 ( o
Broadway , opposite postollloo. Tel. 151 *
Fireworks at Palmer's , 12 S. Main.
Manhattan Beach restaurant now
open. Fish suppers a specialty. Break
fast served for fishing parties. Fred
Rapp , proprietor.
Another Improvement to the popular
Schubert piano. Swanson Musio Co
Use Domestic soap.
It Will Ho I'nlr nncl Wnrmor in Nebraska
"WAsnfxOTON , July 2. Forecasts for
Monday : For Nebraska , ana the Dakotns
Warmer ; fair weather ; southerly winds.
For Iowa Generally fair ; westerly , shiftIng -
Ing to southerly winds.
Local llccord.
ComlltlouB in Keen liy the > etr York Daily
World. .
NEW YOIIK , JulyS. The World will pub-
llsh in Iho morning a t'otailod ' report of the
condition of July crops in the western and
northwestern states , the Pad Ho slope , Can
ada and Manitoba. This report shows ;
First That the wheat crop will bo much
below the average.
Second Thai the corn crop will bo enor
mous and if the weather conditions con-
lliiuo good , will probably bo the largest over
Third That the acreage of oata , barley.
ryu and similar ( Trains bus increased and
thai the crop will bo lurgo.
Fourth That the hey crop is everywhere
above the average.
Fifth That the fruit crop Is generally
poor , and in many cases a total failure ,
Sixth That the general condition of the
agricultural section Is excellent : the outlook
promising and tbo farmers cheerful and
_ _
llttuluotlon Work * Ilurnect.
PIOCHB , Nov. , July 2. The Hulllonvllle re
duction works burned down at noon today.
Loss , over $100,000 , ; insurance , $60,000 ,
coMJienoBal'&XTA T xcaiAiiA.
Surprise Tor Those Attbudlng the Kxerclscs
An Unc-Vppctrd Wcddln ? .
NnMAiiA. CITY , J\ily \ ' 2. ' [ Special to TJIE
BED. ] The commencement exercises of the
Noraaha City High sclio'ol were hold in the
opera house la'st nlehf. The class of ' 93 con
sisted of four young "ladies' Misses Lulu
Clark. 'Nettie ' HackerB-Minnie Elliott and
May Moore. Miss Uulu Clark , was salu--
taiTan and Miss May Moove valedictorian ,
llev. D , B. Lake of < Kockport , Mo. , made a
brief talk , after which S. Gilhcrt presented
the graduates with their diplomas. Prof. J.
H. Vccder , principal of the school , and Miss
May Moore , valedictorian of the class of ' 93 ,
were then in a few words pronounced man
and wife by llov. Lake. It was a complete
surprise to all , but tliecrbwd soon recovered ,
and every ono triol to reach the stage to
congratulate the happy twain.
Prof. Vecder is a young man of undoubted
ability and his school work hero has been of
such a character that the school board has
refused to let him go , but will retain him for
next year at an advanced salary. Miss May
Moore is a most estimable young lady of this
AVust Point I'ersoiiiiln.
WEST POINT , July 2. jSpecial to Tun
BEB. ] A. J. Johnson has resigned his posi
tion as city water pumper and Jacob Haefllin
was appointed m nis place.
The Manufacturing company Is making
largo consignments of brick to * the upper
country these days , one man at Creighton
alone having purchaseoTover 100,000. ,
Henry Notwig left for his old homo in
jcrmany Thursday , whore ho Intends to re
main about three months.
H. Kllngbcil. a prosperous farmer of Ibis
section , started on a land prospecting tour
of Oregon last Wednesday. Ho will rctoiain
there several weeks.
County Treasurer AcUerraan paid out in
cash , from the county general fund , about
$4.000 , during Tuesday and Wednesday.
Joseph Vanstoupal sold his place , about
five miles north ot town , to a man named
Killinghouso , for $15 an acre. This is the
highest price paid for any Cuming county
Mrs. C. C. Martin and her two children
are in this city fruin Now Mexico , visiting
old friends. They expect to visit the World's
fair and malcoan extended eastern trip be
fore returning to their southern homo.
Vae Kauda , ono of the Ilrst settlers In NIo-
brara county , and known to many of West
Point's Bohemian Bottlers , was visiting old
time friends iho former part of Ibis week.
Aaron Barnett started Wednesday for
Chicago , when , after remaining there sev
eral weeks , ho will go to Washington , to
visit his parents.
Frank Drahos started for the World's
fair Wednesday. From tlioro ho inlenus lo
visit St. Louis and Milwaukee.
Soclul ICvonts at Notion.
NF.I.SON , Neb. , July 2. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] Ono of the nicest social nvents of the
season at Nelson was a complimentary recep
tion tendered by Mr , and Mrs. George byon
Jr. , to Mr. nnd Mrsi Forest E. Bottcnflold ,
who were recently married. About fifty in
vited guests wore * present. Ice cream and
other refreshments served , after which
many of those prespnt'trlpped iho light , fan-
lasliu too until thermal ! hours of luu morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Lyou are among Iho best
entertainers in Nolaonuand all had an enjoy
able lime. tiii
Prospects are thatji wheat it JS'uckolls
county will make ono ljilrd of a ci-op. recent
rains having materially improved the pros
pects. Oats , about half a crop. Corn never
looked boltw at i.thU * time of Iho year.
Grass is rather light . I
bolus ,
TECUMSEII , Neb.July,2. ( [ Special to Tun
BEE.J Uov , George Scott Is visiting in Fair-
" * *
Prof , True of TeBifrn'seh is doing Institute
work in Fremont this week.
Frank Scott of Kansas City Is visiting his
parents in this city.
J. M. Bechtol , division passenger nnd
freight agent of the B , & M. at Burlington ,
la. , visited acquaintances In this city this
M. E. Cowan and wife returned Wednes
day from u visit to liotHprlnga , S. D ,
llov. John Schllomahn , O. M. Miller , Mrs.
A. M , Appelgot , Miss Mary Appetget and
Walter Wutklns are among the Tccumsoti
people visiting Chicago this week.
IinjiroiuiiifiitH at I'ullerton.
FuLUSitTON , Neb. , July U. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] This locality was today visited with
a copious rain , which was needed badly.
The continued dry weather for the past
three weeks will necessarily cut the small
Manawa Theatrical Co. Popular plays by a strong company , afternoon
and evening. '
SHort order lunches and dinners at Manawa hotel.
Going over to Manhattan beach take Ed Ainscow's swift little screw
steamer Liberty or the sidewheeler Rescue.
William Rapp , Manhattan Beach restaurant. Fine lunches. Low
price. Short orders.
You Will Need Them
We carry tlie > largest line Of Sickles , Knife Heads , Guards
Rivets , Pitman Boxes , Rake Teeth , Oil Cans , Flinches , Coal
Chisel , etc. . „ /
* "
We guarantee prompt shipments. Send us your orders.
1304-6-8-1O Main St. , Council Bluffs Iowa.
irain crop short. Farmers from different
l > arts of the county report the corn crop out
look to hu splendid.
Fullorton's new opera house is enclosed
and the proprietor says it will bo ready for
occupancy by the 1st of August.
Thcro is being erected in the city nineteen
residences , tno average cost of which is
1,400 each.
at Orrt.
Onn , Neb. , July B. [ Special to TUB BEE. ]
Mrs. W. E. Mitchell of floiso City , Idaho ,
Is visiting with relatives in the city.
The district court was in session Wednes
day , Judge T. O. C. Harrison on the bench.
Mrs. F. E. Lloyd and family returned
Wednesday from n visit to relatives In Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Carson are homo from
a visit to the World's f.ilr and other Illinois
points. Their son Kit , who Is studying at
the State university at Lincoln , returned
with them.
Mrs. T. Jj. Hull , who has been visiting
friends in Omaha and Lincoln , returned
Wednesday afternoon.
Hon. A. M. Ilobhlns loft Thursday morning
for Hot Springs , S. D. Mr. Hobblns has
been unwell for sonic tiino and goes there in
Hopes of restoring his health.
Mrs. W. D. OgJon und son John left Thurs
day morning on a visit to the World's fair.
MUpah chapter No. 50 , Order of Eastern
Star , will have a public Installation of ofil
ccrs in the court house on the evening of
Friday , July 7.
Messrs. J. W. Perry , A. Itowan , M. E.
Getter and Frank Mallory were visitors to
Omaha this week.
Punod n 1'opulur Mainber.
GiUNmlsr.ANu , July 2. [ Special to TUB
Bun.J Lyon post No. 11 , Urand Army of the
Republic , of this city , at a meeting last
night , presented George 13. Everett with a
line 25 gold headed cano inscribed , "Pre
sented to George E. Everett for heroism dis
played Juno 110 , IbOIl. " Everett , by a daring
jump at a runaway horse's bridlo. kept the
frightened animal from running into about
500 school children and no doubt saved a IOSB
of life. After the banquet the post ad
journed to the city hall and treated the
members of the reunion committee in session
to coffee and sandwiches ,
nt JIuutrlce ,
, July 2. [ Special to TUB BEE. ]
Mr. J , A. WHfrles returned from Texas Fri
day. Ho will return to that state in about
two weeks.
H. W , Sabrlo , county attorney , started on
a ton days trip lo the World's fair this
morning ,
E. H. Ambler loft for the cast yesterday ,
expecting to bo absent about thirty days.
Huvi'IockVuiit Dry ,
HAVEI.OCK , Neb. , July 2. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] At last night's council
mooting Havolock went dry for this year.
Two applications for licenses wcro consid
ered , mil the board , on a tlo veto decided by
the chair , passed u resolution that licenses
bo granted uo ono tills year.
' All kinds ot Dyeing
nntl Oluanliij dotio In
tlio uUhost Btylo oC
tlio art. KuloJ : nuj
fltnlnod fabric : ) muUa
to lool : as ROOJ as
now. Wo IK promptly
( lone ana dallvore.l
In nil parts ot tbo
country , tiund for
prluu Hat ,
Drcadwnv , nour North *
western Depot , (
Telephone 'JO.
The beat payln ; Investment tor a housewife la
Ilie Excelsior llonie-lUkcr'anil Roaster
IlnkCB brnad tasty , Icavoa It molils meat will bo
Juicy and rlcli , uaveuoau-tlilrUiiulrltloiiHtili ) uuntH.
Ko lady can do without it aUur having tilud It.
Write for ulruulara.
Council Jllntta , I wu ,
A. Full
i extracted In mnrnlnir ,
OUCH InHcrti'd afturnuoti
Brunei day. 1'urlect lit b'
untLUl ,
Urd lloor ,
'lixtaii Itloole ,
KH/i mid I'nriiiuii Street-
Elevator on lOtli Street. Tulcplicmo 1033 ,
/fHT ? UITAI ITV ODQ v'Bcr qnlrklr ro
I HtiE VI I At III Mored. lerTog Utuilltr
1 II
> UUI I null I tte' , url < | . cured ui
INUAPII , the trvat Hindoo lUratdy. Bcld lll writ *
i n ffuarotttvo f cure. Hamiile nt trvr. Addrun
Oriental kltdlcal < II tur , > U Mut , IDtuo , 111.
Attornoys-at-lrw , I'rao-
tlaa In the nna
( odoriil courts. Kocmn 2)1-7-4-9. tihugarl )
block , UounelllUun.Ia.
Special Nofcca3 ! >
] fOR HUNT Nlc-nly furnished 7-room house'
with uitli , piano and all euokliiir utuiiHllu , In *
( julru 'JIM' ' Avuniiu H ,
AI1STHAGTS and IO.UIH. Faun and ctty property
butitflit and uold. I'liscy i. Tliom.m , Cuimcll
GAIU1AOK remove.1 , ccuapuolu. v.inltH , clilinnuys
cleaned. Ud Burin ; , at Taylor'b fioccry , Oil )
4RO-ncrngoo\ ( \ , Improved farm In BBS. 27-32-41
SlirrldaiiG'o.Ncb. , for bain ut * ! , OIM > .00. Thla
IM nway bcluw Hi valuu. Julmntou A. Van I'.Utoii.
l iO YOU want to rout your liouua ? If BO call M
-IJtliu M.iyno Kual Kutunj Co. , 01 ! UroaUway ,
040 AOHKS good laud In Oospcr coimtv , Neb. , for
uxuliaiiKU for Inumivud | noi > uily In Council
ItlulTH. The Mayno Heal Kstiito Co. , tl'-'l HroiJway.
\TICKCOTTAGK9-Suvcial of tliein for Htles low
1 > prlcui and VITV e.i y p lyiiienta. The Muyuu
Heal Kutatu Co , , Illii llroadway.
A CHEAOK wanted near Council ninffn In ox-
IchaiiKofor 1'JO aere line land In noithcrn MU-
Boinl , near Iowa line , clour of Inciuubraacu. Tlu
Maynu UiMl Kat.itu Co. , IIJ1 llroadwuy ,
lltO ACHKSliniirorixl laiul In northern Kanaau
J-clcaruf Incuiiibraiiuui will exchunyo fur l.iuii
ni'iir Council lllnfltf. Tlio Mayao Heal UaUto Co. ,
Ulil Uroadway.
1OK EXCHANOK-Wull Improved 80-acro lowj
J. funu near food town , clear of Ineiiinbraiice ;
will oxchanifo for nlcu reHldunuu In Council Illulta
and ] ) , iy cabh dilTvreiico. Thu Mayno llval Kstatu
Co. , Oiil llro.tdway.
ITOIt KXCIIANOK. nlco lot on bottom for lioraa
X1 and bufry , UrcenbhleUlH , NIchulBOii & , Co.
riX ) KXOIIANGK for good ri'HlUenco lotu In Cottn.
X ell lilullH , a nlco re ldi-nco near HuiiBconi iiarli
or u good vacant lot In Omaha. U. U. MtGco , Mar-
rlain block.