Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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NO. 12 PEAnti ST
carrier lo any part ot tna cltj
IIIii lncMOfllcc . No. 48
} NKllt | Kdllor . NoN - '
N Y. Plumblna Co
IJoMon Store for sun-umbrellas
Judson , pasturage , 027 Sixth nvenuo.
Mlltonbcrncr Is the Jmtter , r03 Broadway
The Mnyno Ucal EUatc Co. , 021 Broadway.
Oohn Shea and Mary Shlgloy. both of
Omiiha , wore married yesterday by Justice
Fox.A case of diphtheria was reported yester
day , the victim being Herbert I'orklns , B114
Avenue F.
A marriage license wns Issued yesterday
to Patrick H. Dwyer of Omaha and Julia C.
Chyte of Crete , Neb. Their ngos are 2U and
John Orcnn will Imvo ft hearing thh morning -
ing at 11 o'clock on thn charge of committing
an assault on C. II. Claim with Intent to do
great bodily injury.
The potlt Jury was discharged in district
court yesterday. The work of the term ts
practically nt an cud. and the next few days
will ho occupied in the clearing up of the
The members of the potlt Jury in the dts.
trlct court yesterday presented Mrs. J. M.
Matthews , wife of the county auditor , with
n flue pearl-handled gold pen Just before
they were discharged for the term.
Dalboy's band has been engaged to furnish
music for the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation Hold day nt the driving nark on the
Fourth of July. The mail carriers und mom.
bcrs of the lire department have agreed to
take part in some of the races.
Informations nave bren filed with Justice
Fox against S. D. Kelly , Franlc Jackson ,
Amos Clark and another man named Jack
son , all or whom are accused of being impli
cated In the outrage against old man Harris
cant of the city last Saturday night. They
are not yet under arrest.
Belle Clover Is to have a hearing on July
0 on the charge of keeping n house of ill-
fame. Amanda I tonics , who ( lied thoinfor
ination in. lustico Fox's ' court , claims that
her husband spends nil of his time there , and
in order to put the temptation out of his
way she has Invoked the aid ot the state
The Commercial Pilgrims will give :
basket picnic nt Greeudalo July 4. A cordia
Invitation is extended to all traveling men
nnd their families. A program has been
arranged , consisting of feat ball , base ball
foot races , tennis , croquet , etc. Hacks wil
leave Uayliss park , opposite Grand hotel , a
II o'clock n. in.
N. N. Norton , n South Omnha man , was
arrested yesterday with a horse and colt In
his possession that he falls to account fo :
satisfactorily. Tlio arrest was made at tin
request of n man named Clark , who lives a
Carson. According to Norton's story , ho lot
n horse with Clark , who is his nephew , and
Clark traded off the horse for a mare am'
colt. After ascertaining which was tb
mnro and colt Norton went to the pasture at
night nnd took them out by the light of the
moon. Clark claimed that the horse ho
traded off was his , at least to the extent of
f 15 , which ho claimed for the trouble nnd ex
pense of keeping him.
A party of young people of Council Bluffs
inaugurated n series of parties nt Manawn
last evening. Glen's orchestra furnished
the dnndng , which tank. place at the hotel ,
nnd supper was furnished at 11 o'clock.
The party returned by special motor nnrl.v
thisfuornlng. The young men who arranged
the party for their Imly friends , nro as fol
lows : John Beno , John Golden , John Mc-
Dcrmott. Al Faul. Harry Warren. Will
Martin. Will Strlcltler , Will Patterson , Fred
Dobbins , Holla Hoblnsou. Oscar Williams ,
Tom Treynor , William Jacobs. Jay Glen ,
Harry Davis and Clark Hayes. Similar par-
tics will bo given by the snmo young men
every two weeks during tl'o season.
Mrs. Fannlo Smith appeared before Justice
Vien yesterday morning and entered a plea
of guilty to the charge of assaulting n small
son of Ofllccr Qkualt. When the case came
to trial it was fifftul to be less sorlous than
was nt flrst reported , and the story as told
by Mrs. Smith showed that the boy got no
more than half of what ho deserved. Ho
used a great deal of vile and profane-
language toward her. in which ho was as
sisted by his father , and when she was pro
tecting her son from a largo Iron toothed
rake in the bunds of the youthful Covalt ho
seized her wrist in his teeth nnd bit her till
the blood came. A nominal line was assessed
ngninst her.
Two small boys trot into n boat nt Cut-Off
yesterday and worn having n great time
when they were discovered by the owner of
the boat. John Semplo , and ordered to get
out. This they refused to do , accompanying
their refusal with sundry wnvlngs of the
fingers from the ends of their noses. This
nngered Semplo. and ho made a dash for the
boys , capturing one of them , n son of Julius
Krugor. Ho forthwith ducked him in the
water by way of showiim him who was the
general manager of the bout. Krugor's
father lilcd nn Information against him ,
charging him with assault and battery , and
Justice Field went to Cut-Oft to hear the
evidence. At the conclusion ho taxed up a
(5 fine and the costs against Semplo.
Two men were passing the Omaha saloon ,
ni the corner of Broadway nnd Ninth street
last evening , when ono of them took It Into :
his head thnt a third man , who happened to
bo sitting out In front of the saloon , needed ,
doing up. Ho accordingly proceeded to the
work , but mot with an unexpected obsta-ile.
Tlio third party refused to bo done up. but
on the contrary knocked both of bis assail 1-
ants down , They wcro both arrested and
taken to the city Jivll , wliero they were
hooked with n disturbance of the poaco. Ono
of them refused to give his name and wns so
contrary that the Jailor was compelled to
use considerable force before ho coulu begotten
gotten inside the cell , The other gave his
name as 1'hlllip Borka.
Remember the Kpworth league con'
volition. Broadway Methodist church
10 a ; m , , 2 p. .n. and 8 p. in.
Williamson & Co. . 10U Main street ,
largest and best bicyulo stock in city.
Dr. II. B. Jennings hua gone for a visit ir
F. II. Kvnns is homo from n trip to Chi
W. O , Wlrt returned yesterday from t
western business trip.
Miss Hattlo Becker of Lincoln Is visiting
friends in Omatin and Council Bluffs ,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kcoliuo loft yestordni
for Terry , Mout. , whore they will spend i
Dr. M. B. Suydor has returned from 11
visit of several weeks at his old homo In
Pittsburg , Pa.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Theodore Bcnnorloavo noxl
Monday for St. Ix > uls , where they wlllspom
the summer.
Prof. II. W , Sawyer returned ycsterda ;
from Hamburg , nnd loft in the evening for aya i
vwlt of several weeks in Chicago and Now
Charles Moorohouse of Owatonna , Minn.
Is visiting his cousin , Mrs. H. W. Cioss , W
Third street , on nis way to California , when
ho expects to nr.ilto his future tiomo.
Dick und Klcauor Stewart have roturnei
from the east , whore they Imvo been ut
school , und will spend their summer vuea
tlou with their parents , Mr , nnd Mrs. J. L
1C. M. Blrdsall was struck by n heavy teni
polo while the Christian church boln
taken down at the corner of Scott and Myn
etcr streets , und was budly bruiseJ nbou
the head.
P. H. Clark und bride have returned froi
HedVluj ; , Mum. , and will ba at homo t
their friends after July 1 , at tliolr now home
W Lincoln uvciiuo.
Mrs. Bland Hlshton , who has been visltin
la Michigan nnd the World's fair city , ha
returned home , accompanied by her uiocc
Miss Jewel Smith , ono of Sagluaw's I'rcpo !
sosslngyoung ladies.
J. Mueller received a telegram ycstord.v
aimounclnV the arrival of his duughtci
Mrs. O. H. Simmonds , at San Fraudbu
She is tvlfe of the American consul at lloni
Kong nnd Is oa her way from that country to
Visit her relatives In this city , bho wil
Arrive hero lu a few days.
John Bojma Oatuea Trouble bj Misunder
standing a Court Order ,
Clinrircd with Attempt to Kill the
nt I'ullt to 1'iit In nn Appcnranoo
Kn.l Illn Unit U Drrlnrcd
When Judge Deemcr opened yesterday's
session of the district court In the morning
it wns expected that the trltil of John
Bejma , for nttcmplng to kill John Shnrpu ,
would be resumed. But Bejma. tir "Bojlm-
mlny , " ns ho hns boon dubliud by the people
nt the court house , failed to show up ami ,
nfter waiting an hour , the court declared his
bond forfeited and ordered the case contin
ued until the next term. Everyone sup
posed thnt the defendant had skipped out tea
a void prosecutionbut a few minutes after the
order of the court had been made ho leis
urely walked into the court room. Ha stated
that lie had misunderstood the time ut
which court wns to open , nnd thus accounted
for his absence. John lender had signed
his bond for $1100 , but It is hardly likely that
the court will insist on hU paying that
amount , inasmuch as the defendant Is again
in custody , but ho will prob ibly bo released
upon the payment of the costs. In continu
ing the case until next term Judge Dcemcr
announced that his bond would bo flxed nt
$1,000 , the same amount nsnt flrst , before it
was reduced in accordance with Bonjma's
At Ilia lloiton Store. Council ISIitnv , Io\vn.
Note the prices. We can save you
money on muslin underwear. You can
buy it from us nt less than the muslin
itself would coat you.
Read the following carefully. Como
and examine the go ds mid yon will llnd
wo are hoailciuartors in thiu line as well
as in all others.
Until Saturday night , 25 dozen ladies'
ooi-bet covers , plain , made of good mus
lin , regular price iue , for three days at
80 each.
Until Saturday night , 10 dozen ladies'
corset covers tlmt sold for 2 , > e and ,
but sixoH are broken in this lot , wo will
soli them for three days at IGje each ,
three for 50c.
Until Saturday night , 5 dozen ladies'
corset covers , in si/os U2 , IIS and -10 only ,
goods that sold for f > 0o and Ooc , to go
during sale for 'Mo each.
Until Saturday night , IB dozen ladies
drawers , made of good muslin , tucked
and embroidery trimmed , regular price
05c , for three days at 45c each.
Until Saturday night , 10 dozen ladies1
night I'obe.J. regular price 5Sc , for three
days at 42c each.
Until Saturday night , 5 dozen ladies' '
night robes , V shaped necks , trimmed
and tucked fronts , regular price 81.73 ,
during sale at $1.29 each.
Until Snturday night , 5 dozen ladies'
niglit robes , made of a nice cambric mus
lin and nicely trimmed , regular price
$1.89 and & 2 , for three days at $1.48
Until Saturday night , 5 dozen ladies'
night robes , extra quality , sold for S2.50
and S2.70 and $3.00 , for three days at
$1.1)3. )
Until Saturday night , 10 dozen ladies'
skirts , trimmed with lace and embroid
ery , regular price 81.00 and SI.75 , for
three days at $1.25.
Until Saturday night , 5 dozen ladies'
skirts , extra quality , sold for $1.95 and
$2.25 , during sale at $1.49 each.
The above prices only good until Sat
urday night.
Fotheringham , Whitolaw & Co. , orig
inators , leaders and promoters of low
prices. 401 to 405 Broadway , Council
Tcu Duy.4 ut tlio World's Fair.
Itwill cost you less than $50.00 , every
thing necessary included. This means
homes in private cottage , clean , safe ,
close to grounds and on the beach of
Lake Michigan. Write to .T. T. Cliyno-
wcth , Windsor Park , 111. Refers to II.
W. Tilton of THE BEE , or Jacob Sims
of Sims & Bainbri&ge , Council BlulTs.
T. J. Clark represents on the road
Wheeler , Herald & Co. , Council BlulTs ;
only perfect cold storage plant in the
west. . General commission business.
Fruits u spuiiialty. Bettor prepared
than any competitors to get best results
from all consignments. Write for quo
T sir AWAY.
JtcCSInty nnd Marpilltli Maku Another At
tempt at < Iill : Itreakliij ; .
Thomas McGinty and George Meredith ,
the two thieves who wore arrested the other
day , were sent down to the county Jail yes
terday for n thirty-day term. Jusc lifter
they loft a discovery was made that showed
that their falluro to break out of Jail two or
. three days ago by cutting a hole In the rear
wall of the oullding had not cooled their
ardor in the least. Deputy Marshal Ander
son was looking about the corners of the Jail
corridor when ho found the remains of au
old pair of shoos. They had been cut In
pieces and the steel springs hail been torn
out of the soles. Ho at once began a search
for the springs , and llnally found them hidden
away in the cell which had been occupied by
the two would-bo Jail breakers. They were
tied together by n string , and had cvidcntl.v
- boon put away with a view to their future
, use. The shoes wcro idcntlllcd as thosn '
worn by ono of the 111011 while working on '
the chain gang. It was evident that they
had been cut to pieces with BOIIIO sharp in- ,
Btrumcnt , and after making au Investigation
Anderson found that McGtnty and Merodltli
had borrowed a knlfo from a colored man , ll
having been smuggled In in soiuo way. Tin
springs wcro ot tlio best steel , and wouh
have made saws thai would have taKot
thorn out of any j'Ul ' In Christendom. Af lei
tholr thirty days in the county Jail have ox
pircd it Is likely that an information will IJO
tiled charging them with malicious dcstruc
tlou of property In breaking through the ctll
Mr. G. D. Bruce Tudor , the eye oxpor
of the Tudor Optical company , bogi
leave to inform his Council BlulTs pat
rons that ho has returned from hit
Minnesota trip and may bo consulted us
usual at the utoro of I'aul Schneider
druggist , Friday afternoon from 3 to I
If you think you have anything the matter
tor with your eyes , or your spectacles di ,
a not suit you , wo would advise yon to BOI
him. No charge for examinations.
Thu I.lKhteit mill
GJIUO and BOO the lightest nnd brightcs
shoo store in tlio city. Now building
now store , now goods , now firm and nei
prices. Morris Bros. , opposite posl
ollleo ,
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , 11
lest $2.00 house in Iowa.
- Nc\v llrlil-jo lor tlin I'uric.
The park commissioners nro making som
improvements In Fnirmount park that wl
bo greatly appreciated by the people <
tong Council Bluffs und Omnha who nro nun
berod among the regular patrons of tl
prettiest p.irU in the country. A now roa
ng is about to bo laid out leading from the tc
of tha bluIT overlooking the city to the vullc
, below , winding in nnd out among the true
* und llnally reaching the lower part of tl
park In a circuitous manner , terminating u <
far from thn band houso. A line iron bridt l
, is also to bo put in over the motor ci
. and another road will bo laid o\ \
connecting with the head of Pat
avenue. This bridge will bo locate
about 100 feet to the west of the one now i
use , aud will ouly bo about thirty foot abov
the level of the "ground lloor" of the park ,
while the other bridge Is about seventy feet
In height. The foundation of the now
bridge is already being laid , nnd the Iron
work Is expected to arrive hero this week ,
nftcr which the work will bo prosecuted as
rapidly ns possible. The road nnd the
bridge will ndd nbaut n mile anil n half to
the length of thu Fnirmount park drives ,
nnd will certainly make the park even more
iwtmtar than it now is for summer evening
drives. The park commissioners have had
this road In mind for years past , nnd have
only been waiting until the finances would
Justify the expenditure before making It ,
Notion ti > ItoililontH AHn'K the Itlvrr.
William Wride , foreman of the Mil
waukee Bridge nnd Iron works , working
on the Interstate bridge at K-.wt Omnha ,
was lost In the Missouri river on the
morning of .Tune 2. ! . The sum of $100.00
will bo paid to the person who will llnd
his body and notify the undersigned
promptly by wire. Description : Height ,
f > feet 8 inches ; age , 40years ; hair partly
gray ; dark partly gray mustache.
Dress : Plaid coat , black shirt , whlto
suspenders , blue overalls , gold watch in
pocket. C. E. 11. CAMl'UELL ,
Council BlulTs.
Tliu Ur.iuU Hotel ,
Council Bluff * . Tno ino t elegant In
Iowa. Dining room on nevonth lloor.
Rate , $11.00 and $5.03 a day. R F. Clark ,
Mrtz er .V Ittinillittt'it ICP .
No Sunday dinner Is complete with
out Met/get' & Randlott's iec cream and
ices. Leave your order today.
bULVii : Tlth MVSfiuY. :
McClurc. the Omulr.i ItobUer , Milken
it Conlu.iHloit to Chlnf Sc.inhin.
Chief Scanlan made a trip yesterday to
Omaha to take n look nt the three men who
wcro captured there while trying to hold up
a train. The visit was made for the purpose
of ascertaining what grounds there , might ,
be for the suspicion that one or more of the
robbers had been implicated in the attempt
that was made the other night to rob the
Kansas City mail train at the Wabash cross
ing in tnis city. McClure made a
clean breast of the whole affair , and threw
light on several features that remained
clouded in mystery until now. He informed
Scanlan that not one of the five men whom
ho ( Scanlan ) had in custody wcro Impli
cated In the attempted robbery , but that
they were all "hobo tramps. " Ho stated
that they all happened to bo on the tender
together when the shooting took place , but
s.iid that ho himself did all the shooting.
McClure has a fresh bullet wound in the
arm , which ho acknowledges to have re-
.cclvcd that night from one of the bullets
tired by the fireman.
Munuwii ,
Picnic trains , until further notice ,
will leave tor tlmt great fishing resort ,
Ray's Landing and Maunwa pai'k , Min
eral Springs , Gorman sliootiug grounds ,
Manhattan beacli and Mnnawa opera
house ( whore two performances will bo
given during the season daily at 4 and
8I0 : ! o'clock p. in. ) as follows : Nine and
11 a. in. and 1 and 2 p. m. , and every
thirty minutes thereafter until 12,10 : at
night. Last train * will leave Manawa
for Council BlulTs at 11:55 : p. m.
\Vo Want to tie to Cliicugo.
If you have the cash wo have the
pianos , and for the next thirty days you
can have them almost at your own price
We have too large a stock and must sell.
Mueller Piano and Organ Co. , 103 Main
Ask your grocer for Domestic soap.
Will Urine Homo a llrlilo.
Mr. P. H. Fothcringham , the senior pro
prietor of the Boston store , left last evening
for Fort Dodge , In. , on an excursion thnt
will bo a very pleasant and happy ono for
him nnd a great surprise to his friends who
have looked upon him as a confirmed bach
elor. At 4 o'clock today he will lead to the
altar ono of the handsomest nnd most
popular young ladies of thnt thrifty
little city , Miss E. Leslie , dnughter
of ono of the most honored citizens
of the place. The bridal party will
leave on the evening train for Council Bluffs ,
reaching here tomorrow morning. They will
go at once to a comfortable home that Mr.
Fotherinijhani hns prepared ut 'J2V South
Seventh street. During the three or four
years that Mr. Fothcringham has been a
citi/.cu of Council BlulTs ho lias made hosts
of friends , and thousands of people will ex
tend hearty congratulations lo him nnd his
brido. Miss Leslie visited the city last
winter and made many pleasant acquaint
ances , who will extend a royal welcome to
A few choice farm mortgages for sale.
Call and investigate. Pusej & Thomas ,
Abstract and Loan Co. , Council Bluffs.
Cook yet meals this summer on a gas
range. At cost at the Gas company.
Domestic soap is the best.
Grecnshiolds , Nicholson & Co. have
moved their real estate ollleo to 000
Broadway , opposite postolllco. Tel. 151.
Bless BresT , the paperhangers , will
hang paper at 12jo per roll. Our work
our reference. Room 11 , Everett block.
Another improvement to the popular
Schubert piano.Swnnson Music Co
Use Domestic soap.
The Lloiitoimnt SturU for tlio North Polo
tlitH WrrIt on thn Kalonn ,
Juno 27. The steam
ship Falcon , which will carry Lieuten
ant Robert K. Peary and his party to
Greenland , left hero today for Now
York. Lieutenant Peary expects to
have his preparations for his expedition
, to the north polo completed in u few
. days and intends to sUrl for the Arctic
regions this week on the Falcon , which
has been especially prepared for the
trip. Tlio party will not iiunibor moro
tlmu twelve to llftcon. Sotno of his tis-
oB In the former pxuedition will
with him , including Kvrtid ,
who the HouUiiitint'ti ,
x- was com
panion on hla lonx slcdffo rldo.
- Tlio expedition will cost about § 25,000 ,
and the expense will bo barno by Lieutenant -
tenant Peary from the proceeds of lec
rt tures ho delivered for this purpose. 2It
is reported that Lieutenant I'oary's Intention
tontion IH to doterinino the dotauhcd
land masses found by him on his formot
trip to tlio north of the main land of
; Greenland and locate the coast line of
: Greenland from Independence bay south'
ward to Capo Bismarck. IIo xvill fjo lS
" far north as there IH Kind. Dr. Kd'wari
10 Vincent of Sprlngliold , 111. , who will no
company Lieutenant i'oary and bin cK
us surgeon In place of Dr. Cook of Brook
lyn , who was on the last trip , is horo. I
jst is understood that Mrs. ljeary will no
company the lieutenant , besides Severn
i\v of his former servants. Captain Hour
Bartlett will be in command of the ll
con , llJ.
; a CUHO of fr'orKerj- ,
\0 JACKSON , Miss. , Juno U7. W. J
Fortonbury , who wns placed in the ponl
tcntiary here for a term of two yours
was convicted of a forgery of a mos )
mo peculiar kind. Ho was elected a justie
vlli of the peace of Marion county , lieintr : i
of poor man , ho had considerable troubl
im- in making his bond. In riding over he
tlio ud county for signatures to the document
ton which was printed on poor paper , lie
ley bond wus mutilated. On this uccoun
, lie copied the bond , signatures and all
Iho and Hied it. While it was ndmltte
not nothing felonious wns Intefulod , it wns
e clear forgery and ho wus convicted , he
rut judge giving him about the smullee !
out irk sentence. Persons whom ho had ungon
ted in deciding against discovered ttio forg
in ery. Strong efforts will bs made to in
ire duce the governor to pardon him ,
Pnpila of St , Agnes School Give a Oredit-
able Entertainment.
School Traction Or nnltc Oltmoro'i t.tttlo
ICnJoyinent nmt It ( llpstills 1'orcmpu
tlmt Will Join the Kink mill
I'llo ill 1'nckliij ; Houses.
The pupils of St. Agues school cave n very
creditable entertainment last evening at
IJlum's hull. The hull was packed to the
iloors , The opened with a chorus
by the pupils , after which the following
program was rendered :
Words of Welcome. . . Pupllsof
tlio School , represented by Miss M , Tyleo
ItistriinuHitnl Trio The May Uticun .
nano * , Mloscs M. Lynch , A. MeMiihott ,
J. Hatpin. M. Her , A. UnlTorly ,
K. Knwr. k
Dialogue Old nnil Now Times .
. MI esT. Cusey , T. Desmond
Vocnl liiii't 1 lleurd a Volco In the Trim-
null Nljjlit . . .
Misses J , Kane , 1C. Desmond. Accom
panist , MlssT. Cusoy.
Uocltatlon A Complaint . Ml" . * E. Deacy
Uiintiitu Outirrol AIMOIIK tlio 1'lowors .
Ito'se , Mls A. Mc.Muhon ; pinks , Miss .T.
Iliilpln , M , Ilir ; crocus , Miss II ,
Kline ; Minllimur , Miss . ) . Miinjroni
dahlias , Miss CJ. Tyler- , Miss M. Mc-
KnlKht ; water Illy , Miss M. Munuiin ;
snowdrop , Miss V. ili'inka ; violet. Miss
M. Sobutii. Accompanist , Miss T.
Love of a Itonnol A Drama In Two Scones :
Mrs. Clipper , a widow . Mtss.T. Kane
Klty , herdailBlitor . MlssT. Desmond
Aunt Jemima Hopkins , a lootlii Imiulsltlvo
. . . Miss 1C. Desmond
Mrs. Kastone , very gunteol . Miss A. Kyan
Dory , her daughter . Miss M.'Pyloo
Katy , Irish help . Miss T. C'asuy
lleiivunwiml March . Dressier
1'lrst piano , Mls osT. ( 'n oy , J. Kane.
Second piano , MNM > T , Dosmond , U. UgBor.
Vocal Duut Katy Did and Katy Didn't. . . .
Misses 11. Tylee , A. McMahuii ; uccom-
] > anlst , MlssT. Uti oy.
t-OL'no 11 of Drama.
0. 1 * . II. A. Quartet .
VocallitR.MUsesM. Kane , 1C. Desmond , T.
Casey , J. Kane ! accompanist , Miss
T. Dosmond.
Hecltatlon Which Nation Shall Wear the
Laurel ? Closing with chorus , The llanner
of tlio Sea :
Columbia . Miss J. Ivano
Homo . Miss 1C. llroditrlck
Greece. . , . Miss It. Kane
China . Miss T. Uasey
Krance . Miss O'llnru
Knlanu ( . Miss M. Tyleo
Unssla . Miss A. Iloylo
( lerinany . Miss A , Kyan
Ireland . Miss 1C. Dosmond
Scotland . Miss T. Desmond
Kjiynt . Miss L. Mclvnlght
Switzerland . - . . Miss M. Callahun
Uttlo Attendants .
Accompanist , Miss M. Her.
The Coming Stop . Muller
( Misses M. Her , T. Desmond. M.
. J HiHlllckii , T , Uu.oy , O. Kirtor , A.
o'llara , J. Kane , M. Tylee. K llrod-
Address . Ilov. 11. J. M'Dovltt , D. 1)
Sacred C'lioriis Gaudcamus . .
Accompanist , Miss T. Casey.
I.onk Out Inr "Mail Dog * .
Several cases of rabies have developed In
South Omaha within the last few days. Tvyo
dogs were killed yesterday and two more yes
terday. Owners of dogs should watch them
very closely these hot clays and keep them
off of the streets as much as possible.
While Dr. Ernhont was passing down
Twenty-fourth street tills morning a large
dojr suffering from hydrophobia rushed out
and , prahblhg hold ot the doctor's little
house dog , tore it to pieces before the huge
whelp could be driven off. The big dog was
mad and run the "streets for some time
before being killed. D. Gray had a
pet dog and cat tlmt had played together
for years. Yesterday morning he noticed
them snapping at each other , und throwing
water upon ihcm , the both went into spasms ,
which was a sure sign that they had gone
mad. He had them both shot at once. There
are so nuny children playing about the
streets la South Omaha all the time that too
much care cannot bo taken to prevent these
inad animals from doing serious hurra. The
city dog catcher has a keen eye for all dis
orderly doss these days , and if you do not
want your canine killed you hud bettor keep
him at home. _ _
Simply Haul u Spree.
\V. C. Gilmore came up from Albright with
a few dollars Monday night and rounded up
the town. Ho claimed to have brought $70 with
him , but it is more likely the amount was $7 ,
for when he was taken to tlio station house
at an early hour yesterday ho had $2.55
loft. Gllmorc claimed that ho had been
rolled by .luck Murphy , and Murphy , who
had simply been enjoying himself with Gil
moro. was also run in. Gllmore's nurse was
found in Murphy's possession , but ho claims
that it was pivea to him by the owner. All
hands were simply full of booze , and as no
complaint of larceny was lodged all the par
lies wcro discharged.
.School Toucher *
The teachers and ox-tcachcrs of the South
Omnha schools met Monday evening at the
residence of Mr. Phillips for the purpose of
organizing a permanent society. The follow-
olllcors were elected : President , Miss
Hettio Moore ; vice president , Miss Helen
Sceley ; secretary , Mr. W. G. Taylor ; trcus-
MiiKlc City ( iusHlp.
Mr. Ed F. Swift of Chicago Is in the city.
The city dog catcher has killed 200 dogs so
far this month. iOu
It is reported that Mr. Heyman will again
resume business.
Miss Cora MoUgor of Blair is the guest ol
Mrs. Denny Albcrry.
J. IT. Adams has been appointed inspected
of the Twenty-fourth street paving. .
Miss Clara Parkins of Weeping Water ; I
visiting her aunt , Mrs. 'A. P. Hedges.Water
The Methodist ladles of Albright gave n
successful ice cream social last night.
Attorney Golden of O'Neill is in the cltj
the cucst of his old friend Tom Flynn.
Councilman W.vinnn has moved into hli
new homo at tweuty-llrst and II streets.
Charles Snlvcrly of this city was yesterda
married to Miss Alma Johnson of Oukluna.
Miss Lizzie Sutherland loft last cvcnliu
for Chicago to visit fronds and also the f ilr
The Boird ; of Kdilcatlon will moot tonigh
and lot the contract for building two ncv
bchool bouses. . , j
J.iko Ncft was takpu to Omaha last nigh
and will bo proseeutcdon a charge of aasaul
- with intent to kill. , ; ,
Atth bous2 of Airs. Potcr Honey las
evening the Kplscojial ladles gave a lawi
social that was well attended and libcrull
- A boy named Downs , living on Twenti
fifth street between JU and N , was bitten b
a a vicious dor ; owno 'by Mr. Golden las
- night. This Is the second or third complain
that has boon mado-t $ the police about thl
dog and It will bo the last. The city do
catcher has been placed on his trull and tb
dog will bo shot down at sieht. TUo boy1
- leg was frightfully lacerated.
DWord was received' ' yesterday from th
secretary of agriculctiro nt Washington thu >
nil the foremen in the Uggint : department
at the packing bouses must ho roUucod t
the rank and pay of the taggers. This I
done to reduce the expense of the dopar
mcnt. Those affected by the order uro Joh
. /ellers and John MuCombs. Julius Uhodci
- also a /oreman , who wus appointed undc
, the former adtniuistration , was drot > po
St trom the pay roll entirely. The foromu
have been getting $1OOJ a your and they wl
u In the future only receive ? ? JO. The wor
mapped out for the foremen will now lm\ ,
to bo done by the veterinarians and tliolr a
sistants ,
Coru Taiiner Stilt Colonel Slnn'i Wife.
NEW YOHK , Juno 27. Judge Clenior
, of tlie city court , Brooklyn , lias rondure
a decision refusing to annul the Jim
a Hugo of Colonel William Sinn , tli
theatrical manager , to Cora S. Tannei
St the actress. Slim had alleged as ground
for his application tlmt Miss Tanner
- divorce , secured in Chicago from Dr. (
- Fred Fnrlin , was not legal. The caa
will bo appealed.
TKitititn.i ; nit.iTiix TO titK.
Cut I'lccci l the lltnitr of '
to > y * the Stcnmcr's
Scrowifor Scnldrtl.
Nnw YORK , Juno 27. A special cnblo
from Tripoli , Syria , gives the first full
account of the sinking of the flagship
Victoria. It is us follows :
About 3 o'clock lost Thursday after
noon the English licet ctuno in sight of
Elmlna. It wns coming from the north-
cast nnd making directly for the harbor.
The live big ironclads , Victoria , Cam-
pordown , Eduiburg , Nile nnd Snnspnrcll ,
were drawn up in" full front. The Vic
toria was in the center , the Campordown
on her left. When thcv were within
five miles of shore vlco Admiral
Sir George Tryon signaled to
turn nnd form in double line.
This meant that the Victoria
nnd Cnmpordown wcro to go nhcad a little -
tlo nnd describe n turn the Victoria
turning to the loft and the Campcrdown
to the right then they would ndvnnco
side by side in the direction from which
they had come. The others would swing
into double column.Vhoti the order
was given the distance between the
ships was less than two cable lengths.
Tim execution of the order was easy
enough , but extremely dllllcult for the
Victoria nnd Campordown. In turning
their brows wcro to pass within n few
fathoms of each other , even if the move
ment \\ii3 executed with the greatest
precision. Tills movement Is rarely
made and is chlolly for the purpose of
training the ship coinmnndors to move
oxpedttloitsly nwny from shoaling
Whether because Admiral Markham
of tno Campordown did not believe that
this movement was to bo tried when the
ships were so close together , or because
ho thought Admiral Tryon had mis
calculated , ho did not sot about , but
signaled thnt he did not understand.
U WIIR n fatal Delay.
Tlio Victoria and the other
vessels had not hesitated. Tlio
Victoria began to turn -at once , as
she still held to the signal. Tlio
Campordown no longer hesitated , but
also began to turn. The brief delay ,
however , had been fatal. The Victoria
had Dearly turned and the Compel-down ,
swinging In around , borodown upon her.
The discipline was perfect , Admiral
Tryon and the officers setting the men
un example. As all the other vessels
wore moving to got in double line
behind the two loaders they wore bear
ing down upon the entangled ship nnd
the catastrophe wns unavoidable.
AB soon as she was struck tlio Victoria
began to forgo straight for the shore
under full steam. About ton minutes
after the blow the Victoria , having pot
something like two miles nearer shore
from the sccno of the collision , nil at
once loaned away over to the starboard
nnd with n great roll and plunge , buried
her bow beneath the calm surface of the
sea. It was almost instantaneous. There
was no chance of oscapo. Those on deck
were plunged immediately into the
Cut nnil Scaldoil.
A moment moro and a new peril , moro
horrible , descended upon them. The
great engines , deep in the heart of tlio
hull and inclosed in water tight com
partments , were still throbbing nt full
speed nnd the great steel llangcs of the
twin screws were whirling up in the air.
As the vessel sank , the screws came
nearer and nearer to the surface and
drifted into the midst of struggling
human beings.
The vessel sank slowly , and when the
screws were low enough to begin to
whirl in the water again , the suction had
increased until there was a deepening
vortex like a maelstrom. At the bottom
tom of this maelstrom the screws wore
revolving like circular knives. The
poor creatures battled in vain againsl
the suction. In r. moment or bo the
knives disappeared and the vortex
began to close up. The ship was be
neath the surface just as the whirl was
shallowed almost to tlio surface.
Then there was a mufllcd sound of
thunder , the waters wcro tossed up and
steam burst from them. Again the
shrieks nnd screams burst from
swimmers. The boilers had exploded ,
the sea had rushed into the
furnace and the swimmers wcro
beating waves of scalding water.
Thus , in less than ton minutes , death in
its most awful form attacked the olliccrs
and crew of the Victoria death by
drowning , death by the knife-like screws
and death by scalding water.
With the iirst under plunge of the
Victoria , all tlio boats wore hauled away
from the other ships and came straining
over the calm sea to save the struggler .
Those boats were soon picking up these ,
fortunate ones who had got out of rcacli
of the terrible vortex. Admiral Tryon
stuck on the bridge and refused lo leave
it. Just before tlio Victoria made her
under lunge lie saw what was to happen
and issued nn order for every man to
save hinibolf , hut the order never got
- beyond the bridge.
Wishes to speak through tic ! JJeyister ol
tlio beneficial results ho has received
from a regular use of Ayor's rilln ,
lie says : "I wns feeling Hick and tired
nnd my stomach seemed all out of order.
I tried a number of remedies , but none
seemed to give mo relief until I was in.
dticcd to try tlio old reliable Ayer's
Pills. I have taken only one box , but I
feel like a new man. I think they nro
the most pleasant nnd easy to tnko of
anything I ever used , being FO finely
sugar-coated tlmt even a child will takj
> ; '
thoin. I urge upon all who are
lit of a laxative to try Ayor's Pills. "
Bootbbny ( Mo. ) , lieytster.
1,1 "Iletweon the ages of five and fifteen ,
tit I was troubled with a kind of salt'
rheum , or eruption , chielly confined to
the legs , and especially to thu bend o (
the knee above the calf. Here , running
l.v ; sores formed which would scab over ,
but would break Immediately on mov
ing tlio leg. My mother tried every
st , thing she coiild-tliink of , but all was
nt without avail. Although a child , I read
in the papers about tlio bunetlcinl effects
of Ayer's I'ills , nnd persuaded my moth
ho er to let mo try them. With no great
faith in the result , she procured
ill and I began to 11:0 them , and soon
rl- noticed an improvement. Kncouraged
ii by this , I kept on till I took two boxes ,
lor when the sores disappeared and hove
IQU never troubled mosincu. " H. Chlpman ,
Ull Kcal Estate Agent , Koanoko , Va.
rill "I suffered for years from stomach
irk and kidney troubles , causing very severe
vo pains In various parts of tlia body. None
US' :
of the remedies I tried afforded me any
rsUef until J began taking Ayer'e Tills ,
and was cured. " Win. OoddarU , Notary
mt Public , Five Lakes , Mich.
I'rf pared by Pr , J. 0. A yr & Co. , Lowell , Man.
ir- Bo'ti ' by 3ruyglttt Itvfrywfcvre.
' , Every Dose Effective
ISO federal courts. Itootat 33-7-i-a ,
block , Council UlutT j , la.
Fame of a Big Ver
mont Industry.
Products in Homes Wherever
Bright Sun Shines.
Two Hundred Happy , Busy
Living1 Poems Bolter Than All
the Ballads.
Burlington Buildings a Model
of Convenience
There la not a village In the United
States where the Wells & Klchnrdson
Company is not known.
Anil the demand fop thotr Inctnled
food has boon so widespread that It hns
loil thoin to establish branches * In for
eign countries. A largo and prosper
ous business is dona by their branch
house in Montreal.
From their London branch lactatcd
food is sent to all parts of the world , n
largo trailo being doao In Southern Af
rica md in Intiia , and an Australian
branch Is located at Sydno.v , N. S. W.
From their central bll'eo's ' In UurUng-
lon , Vt. , they send their p\iro \ food al
most everywhere that the sun shines , to
gladden the hearts of those blessed
with children. It was Longfellow who
said :
YP nro bettor than nil I In ballnds
That uvurvnro sun t or said ,
Tor yo nro llvlr.i ; pocm .
And alt tliu rest arc dund.
And a visit to the big establishment
In Burlingtonwhere as the hot weather
approaches and infant troubles mtiltlnly
every etlort is made to supply the in-
creaFod demand for lactated food , gives
one the impression that the employes
and employed are in full sympathy with
the parents , who are their customers.
The working force of the company num-
bnrs 200 men and girls saying nothing
of nearly 100 otho.s in outside employ
ments whoso services are constantly re-
auircd. And there is a singular afr of
contontcdiioss about thoin. Tlio friend
liest rolatioua exist between the compa
ny and the employes. They have their
Saturday half-holidays ; the buildings
are models of arrangement , neat , light
and airy , and as convenient as
made and no ono seems to feel that ho is
doing any drugger.v. It is n , place
where willing lianas find plenty to do.
It was no longer ago than'lSS-5 that
the company first became interested in
the manufacture of sugar of milkwhich
ie the basis of the in fan I'd natural food.
The company showed its enterprise in
locating its co-operating establishment
for the making of this sugar in Illinois ,
where a sulllciont supply of pure milk
could best bo found. Preceding the
year 1S85 sugar of milk had been mudo
exclusively In Kuropo. and although
many attempts had been made in this
country to manufacture it from tho-
whey of our chceso factories , every at
tempt had met with disastrous failure ,
and much money had been lost. Unde
terred by other failures , however , it
was determined , with the assistance of
Prof. Sabin of the University of Ver
mont , to outer upon the trial of n now
process. This proved very successful ,
and for several years larco Quantities of
this article have been manufactured.
Under the advice of oomo of the best
medical authorities in the country , the
firm embarked in the manufacture of a
food for infants and invalids , of which
this pure American milk sugar should
bo the basis ; and again a professor in
Vermont's famous university became in-
torosted. and has from ilrst to last had
direct supervision of the food.
This is called lactated food and hns
become invaluable for the nutrition of
infants and invalids.
Is the only
Women Excluded.
18 yours experience.
Circulars free.
llthnud FnrnamStB. ,
OtUUA , Null.
S Cnlarrh nurs cure cataarh
All druKttlnH. Wo untB.
. . _ _ _ AIII | nil thn train of
KVII..S.VEAKNis.Si.S : : , DKIIIMTV. BTO. , tlmt no-
company them In men QUICK r V nnd I'lCHMA-
( flven to every purl of the body. I will Bend ( BO-
curelv packed ) FllKK to any iiulTerer the prehcrlp-
tlon that cunil me of theho troubles. AildrcHS , L.
A. 1IUAULKV , liattlu Creek , Mich.
J' r Ynimu l.nillCH. filtt w lon opens KcptrmUer
: : ih. 1K < I. Kclectio counwj In all l.liliKlliitir" and
Science , .llil lr , Arl.onJ il ; < iciillnii. JCicht mnlo
rrofeb rB and twenty Udleg. llHaijtlfully eitiuted la
Valley of Vlniinli. on N. A W. 1C It. nuor lt : , uuLo.
niiiiiiilnlii neenrry. .Illncrivl M'lilerK. Climate
uuuxcellud. > V rub fur lllufetraU)4 ) cataluuuo to
GUAM. L. C'OCIii ; , Supt. , UollliiM , Va.
Inchnr oo ino Slotoro of Nloroy.
Tlds renowned Institution It shunted on tha
hlph binds bnokot nuil overlooklnt : thooltr ot
Council llluIT * . The spnolous grounds. 111
hlxh location and splendid \low. tnnUo U n
most plcisltii : retreat for the nllllctod. A stall
of eminent physlolnns nn I a o corpt of ot
porlcncod nurses minister to the com torts of
thouatlcnU. bpooUt euro glvon to lady pa
Terms Moderate.
For particulars apply to
Frank Stfcat - - Council liliifc , la
Maohtnoi from ono-ulzut to eighty horse
power. Warruurod 'o nlvo satisfaction.
Write ns.
W. F. 1JAKEH , 300 nnd niOSIuujnrtHlook ,
Council HIiiHs. Telephone ZU
The best p.iylne Investment for ,1 housewife Is
riie Excelsior IlonlMKcr and Uoaslcr
Unites bread tasty , leaves It moist : meat will bo
Juicy ami rich , B.ivoHOiiu-tlilnlmitrltloiiHclomuiitB.
No lady can do without U allur liaviiii' trlud It.
Write for clrcnlara.
Council llltttfn , lou'n.
Made by Curtis &Son. 1'ortlnnd , Mo.
" -I - ,
Special Neil c 23.
FOll KENT Nicely fimilHlirtl 7-room ho u < /
with baili , piano and all cooking uteiiHlla. Iu <
cinlro 'J13L' Avonua 11.
LOST Small gold pin with chain nnd bantlo.
with Initial " 1" on ono lrto and "Miidno" oq
otlu'r. Finder leave at lieu ollleo und receive ro
AHSTKACTS ami loans. Farm and city property
bonfht and Hold. 1'imcy & TliomuH , Council
GAHHAOH removed , ccsniiuols. vuultR. ohlnmoya
cleaned. Kd Uiirko , at Taylor'a grocery , 310
llroadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
BARGAINS For Bale , 79 by 300 foot on Franklin
avenue , $ lfilMK ( ) ) .
SKiM ncreii listwei'ii 1st Hlrcvt and Franklin ave-
ii n i' . IlKHt planing property In tlio city , $20,000.00.
Two lot aniiosltii Third Htrsot ucliool , il.SUU.OO.
Ono lot In WllHon Terrace , sim.Ml.uil.
ThreelotH , corner Main Htr.tct and 12th nvcnna.
Beat blto for Implement houfioln Ilioclty.t7.100.01) .
Louiruo \ Towlu , mis I'earl street.
/I SO-aero rood ' f.iiMi .
/ ( , Improvu'l In B33. 27-32-11
I Sheridan Co. , Nub. , fortrilaat tl.OOO.ou. Till *
IH away bolo\v tin value. JolniHion & Van Palton.
DO YOU want lo rrnt your IIOUNO ? If BO call at
llio Maynp Heal ll.U'ito Co. , il.'l\vay.
/ IO ACKKS irooil land In nonpar county. Nob. , for
I'uxclmiiiru for Improved propjrly In Council
lIliiffH. JI'liu Jlayiio Ij ) tataUu. . Ojl II road way.
\TICK COTTACKS-Several of them for ale : low
-liprloui and vury eimy luymoatB. TtiuMayno
Iteal KHtalo Co. . tf 1 Ill-midway.
ACUMAOH wanted near Coiiiic.ll UlnfTs In ox-
clianco for I''O acren line land In northern Mil-
Honrl , m-ar Iowa Him , clear of liKjTiibr.mco. TJi
Maymi Itnal Ksfita Co. , ll jl HIM ilw.iy.
1 DO AC11KS Improved land lu northern KaiiH-H.
clear of liicimibr.iiifii ; will uxcli.nifn for laud
near Council lllulfD. Tlio Mnyno Hual Uat'itu Co. ,
ll'-'l llroadway.
I.'OK KXCHANOK-Well Improve , ! 80-aoro Iowa-
1- farm near ( rood town , of liKMimuraiicni
will cxcliuiiL-u fur idea rumdimcii In Council lilntli
nnd paycatiliilllToroiicu. The .Maynu Hual K-itula
Co. , tl''l Hroadwuy. _
Iron KXCHANflK , nlon lot on 1 > ottom for Uores
11 ml buggy. < IruoiiMldoltU , Nicholson & Co.
WANTKD-OIrl for Bi' lioiiBiiwork. Apply1
b foni 7-10 a , in. at 920 O.ikliiud avenuo. uftor
lliat hour at l.'Hhi Main BllX'c-t. 0. 1' . MuKeHHOn.
MrANTKIlOlrl for t-oneral housework ,
M ( ileiiaveiiiio ,
IOlt HAhK I'lirnlluro fur Blx-room lioiiua , ai
irouil an now , liavlni ; hwn imed but n bhnrl
time. , A'ldn.-HH ' , K IH , llcouniuu. Oia''O '
-l'urlli'H with a llttlo tlmu and capl <
tal to inaiiiifiiclnru und Introduuu putentuq
noveltli.-u. H , J. AdauiB , 1JH I'urln Avo. , Councl
lu ttft.
UoaurpuKhc-U course ol unj ; f.jJicK llomr&choul
Munlc , art , Ultra * of Ibr oldcklibc t In Mist
Music and All , Tficner *
.SpciUimu niuiiraivtj cai s
Il f r P. Wnlmn ;
[ .cilnffton , Mu. Six t " ilnnlon , Mo.
( wrlmcnu ot InmructioD. miliUry Kliool Ir3
odccr nod leachcra. Con * , MUtouil llrallhlul I6 J
tuorTilory ol tnutlc. Art I Hon. liraionttlc iirmt lu
iiinvflBWZAJl' ' ! niol'o ' ° a > luc > - MwliTD up- luairauU
ii III5xlTnst ! ldH9 poimmtaw. MIU jrcur. Illui-
/a " * '
-95 /
A. A. .lOltPH. lr * * t. 'jZ--t& S . fit Ill.I ( * .
All klndjof nyoluj
nnd Oio.uiliij dona In
thu liliiliost Htyla of
tliu 11 rt. I'VIoU uuj
stained fabric * mail *
to lool : ui goo4 n
now. Wane promptly
done unJ dollveraJi
In nil puns of tbo
country. HonJ for
prlua lut
Urcudwnr , uoitr NortU
western Depot ,
TolupUuuu &U.