Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1893, Part One, Image 1

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England Shows Her Great Appreciation of
the Terrible Loss at Tripoli.
Bho Was Entertaining Quests at the lime
Her Husband Was Drowned ,
Only Meager Information Concerning the
Nature and Cause of the Disaster.
Xonipnper * Indulge Mnny Guouc * nnd Pub-
llth Mnny AlMtiril Htntetnonts Wlrat
Kxpcrt Oniccr § Think ot
tlio Nad Amur.
LONDON , Juno 24. [ Now Yorlc Herald
Cable Special to TUB BED. ] Turning to
what I may term the minor incidents , ono of
the most painful connected with tlio loss of
Admiral Tryon was at the tlmo at which ho
must have been lying entombed In his own
ship In eighty fathoms of water , his wife ,
Lady Tryon , was holding at their residence ,
iu Eaton Place , the first reception of the
season. She was indeed still resting from
the fatigues of entertaining nn hundred
guests when the news was broken to her by
her son and brother , Lord Ancaster , the latter
himself not being acquainted with the sad
circumstances until 10 yesterday morning.
Ancaster lost no time in taking his way to
Wellington barracks , whcro ho found Sir
George's only son , Gcorgo Clement Tryon ,
lieutenant in the Thltd Grenadier guards.
Accompanied by his uncle , tno now fatherless -
loss son immediately took his way to his
mother's house and broke the news to her.
Callers at Lady Tyruii's house today have
been very numerous , nnd have included a
largo number of naval officers , who strive
thus to show their esteem and regard for
ono of the most popular of aumlrals in the
service. Lady Tyron also received tlio fol
lowing telegram from the Gorman emperor ,
which reached her through the German am
bassador hero :
Sympathy from Iloynlty.
KiKn , Juno 23. Lady Tyron , London : As
an admirer nnd friend of Sir George , I hasten
to oxpri'ss tny warmest and mobt heartfelt
sympathy at the turriblo loss which haa be
fallen you. England hns lost ono of her
noblest hons. My navy feels and deplores
with mo the untimely end of such a brilliant
life. We mourn htm us If hu were one of ours.
Hay God comfort you.
\Vn.i.tAM II , Admlml of the Fl ot.
Inquiries were made this morning by the
quccii regarding Lady Tyron's health. She
also received , through the post , a most
sympathetic letter from Prince Louis of
Captain Richard Tryon , R. A. , brother of
the drowned admiral , is in town staying
with his widowed sister-in-law. In the
course of an Interview last night ho depre
cated any attempt to make positive asser
tions as to the cause of the collision , and
pointed out the fact that the great depth at
which the sunken vessel lies , will , moat
Ijrobably , prevent tlio exact nature of the
iamago sustained by her over becoming
known. Ho inclines to the belief , which is
now becoming general among experts , that
the entry of the huge volume of water
through the terrible rent caused oy the Cam-
perdown's ram must at once have sealed the
fate of every soul below the decks at the
time of the accident.
Given mi Imperfect I.I it.
It is unfortunate that although what pur-
poited to boa full list of tlio officers and
seamen saved , arrived at the Admiralty this
morning nnd was given out to the public at
noon , it should , as a matter of fact , bo far
from trustworthy. Such errors us are duo
to the difficulties of transmission over the
wires and other causes were so apparent
that for some tlmo the authoritieshesitated
as to whether they should give out the list
or not. Every pains was taken by a special
staff of clerks to verify the numbers
and "so forth , and they checked the
list with the greatest caro. It was finally
decided , howovcr , to issue the list ,
oven though It might bo Imperfect. I , as
well as tlio majority of thosa who visited
the Admiralty today on business , could not
avoid being struck by the absence of any
crowd of relatives of the subordinate officers ,
who might naturally huvo been expected to
throng the gates in order to learn the news
of husbands and fathers. Not oven the
usual crowd of sightseers was present. The
fact is London is too largo a city for an
event of this magnitude to seriously affect
Us usual cur-cut of lifo. As to the seamen's
relatives , they are , in all probabilities , to bo
chiefly found at Portsmouth orChathani.
Theories Conccriilii ) ; the Wreck.
As regards theories nnd opinions concern
ing the exact natura ot the accident , it is
noticeable In some of the afternoon papers
that the suggestions of various experts of
moro or less prominence incline to the
opinion , tlio expression of which appeared
nlouo in todrfy's-IIornld , to the effect that
the ships were probably performing what is [
termed the "gridiron" evolution when they
came into collision.
I learn that thn flag ofllccr who Is re
garded as most likely to succeed Tryon In
command of the Mediterranean fleet is Vleo
Admiral John O. Hopkins , now commanding (
the North American station , who recently
visited Now York in the flagship Blake for
the naval roviow.
Attention now centers on watertight com
partments , nud wonder is expressed that
thcso did not keep her nfioat. As explained } ,
however , in the same former dispatches , tha
possession ot those compartments proved ,
curiously enough , a source of weakness
rather than strength. As one naval officer
p'lt It to me , she was really capsized by her
\vatertlght .compartments. The fact of so
large a proportion of midshipmen having
bcun drowned , together with Chaplain Mor
tis , who was also naval Instructor , points to
the taut that they were at school on the lower
deck when the collision took place , otherwise
the majority of the lads would huvo been on
tlcck , and the probability is that us all could | :
swim like ( Hicks , most ail would iir.vo been ;
caved ,
fumplo nt London llntorprlie.
I * ! Tha Impossibility of getting detail : ) from
Byrla about the logs of the Victoria lias
driven London papers and news agents to
invent particulars of the uttuatlon llko
this : "Between 4 and 7 Thursday morning
the Victoria , flagship of the British Modi-
lerruiu'uu fleet , commander Vice Admiral
Tyixm , way rammed by tbo battleship I
, flagship ecvud la command ,
Rear Admiral Markhum. The blow struck
the Victoria's starboard sldo forward of the
turret. In fifteen minutes she turned oer anil
sank , drowning all aboard except thirty-four
officers and SGI enlisted , over 400 , Including
Tryon. Tlio Catnpcrdown was so seriously
injured as to make it necessary for her to bo
docked. Friday morning Admiral Markham
telegraphed from Tripoli , Syria the foregoing
facts to the Admiralty , adding ho should the survivors to Malta at once to await
Instructions. Slnco then ho has telegraphed
the names of all the saved persons from the
Victoria. "
Cnn't Clet Nou-s.
No other news hns been received from anyone
ono at the tceno of the disaster. The fore
going contains all the facts about the col
lision , but the public naturally wants to
know moro , which there Is no way of getting ,
except that somebody at Tripoli goes over
land and telegraphs up the Syrian coast.
There Is nobody to send any news , consequently
quently the question of telegraph facilities
cuts no figure. If particulars of the way the
collision happened could bo had , § 10 a word
would bo reckoned cheap by any London
paper to pay foran exclusive story. Possibly
such nn account may be had on Monday next ,
but no important London newspaper U pub
lished on Sunday nnd the only news
agencies , which circulate whatever reports
may como tonlglit , behove that no dispatch
except from Markham himself , can bo sent
from Tilpoll. Markham knows the whole
circumstances of the disaster must soon bo
Investigated , and serious punishment will
bo awarded to any 0110 found culpably negli
gent. Ho will , therefore , bo careful not to
send an account by wire himself , lest In
transmission something may bo omitted or
altered to the prejudice of any officers In
volved. Equally ho would see that no officer
or man wjs allowed to telegraph anything
about the accident. It is therefore impos
sible for anything further than contained In
the dispatches tonight to bo learned from
that point.
Suys the UctitlU Trlcklo In.
I wish to emphasize the foregoing facts to
prevent the Herald being misled by dis
patches invented in London and Malta.
Ono afternoon newspaper says the details of
tbo calamity are trickling in , and most
of the drowned , it appears were lost by be
ing sucked down with the sinking ship. It
seems Tryon was aboard the Edinburgh and
will bo seen with the fleet , which is ex
pected at Malta on Monday.
It is Impossible for details to trickle In
until some vessels of the fleet reach Malta ,
about 1,100 or 1'JOO miles away. This may
be great enlightenment to the public. Not
till then , unless Admiral Markham remains
in Tripoli and telegraphs In oxtcnso pai tlc-
ulars of the collision , a thing not likely.
Meanwhile the inventive geniuses have been
working to account for the collision , and the
rapidity with which thoVictoria sunk. So long
as these productions are given as theory no
harm is done , but some of the inventors arc
anxious tomuko people think their imagina
tive Ideas are facts. So much by way of
Facts from the Slcnnl Honk.
An officer of high rank in the British navy
told mo this afternoon that the signal book
provided for six evolutions in-which there
were but two having the possibility of such
accidents happening and only two. One was
the gridiron movement , changing the columns
as described in the dispatches this morning ;
the other- was the countermarch in single
column. In tbo latter a collision could occur
only if the leading ship iu turning should
completely yaw out of her course Just as ono
of the others , going in the opposite direc
tion , should also sheer out of line. It seems
likely that the two ships met when steering
in exactly opposite courses , and the ram of
the Camperdown would then have caught
the unarmored part of the Victoria's hull
and torn it through for a considerable dis
tance , ripping a wide gash below tlio water
tight compartments. The rush of water
through such a hole woulil drown every ono
in the forward part of the ship on the star
board side , and the injury to the Victoria's
stability would turn her over before many
of the remaining number of the crew could
get out.
Campurlnc the Clnisei.
In view of this illustration of vulnerability
by the enormous weight of armor and guns
above the center ol Gravity , I visited today
half a dozen leading navy men in London to
got their opinions relative to the merits o :
big ships llko tlio Victoria and Camperdown
compared with swift vessels of greai
maneuvering ability like our own Now Yorker
or Brooklyn , Lord Charles Bores
ford , Admiral Lucas G , R. Bcthell
Captain Sir Lambton Louralno und
O. H. Arnold Foster , M. P. , wore
all visited unsuccessfully. There being no
session of Parliament , it was impossible t
find ono of these distinguished experts ,
mot Commander Charles N. Robinson , R. N ,
associate editor of the Army and Navy Gazette
zotto , however. Ho said no nnswc
to the question could bo given. Dlfferen
nations might have different needs.
Tor the United .Suites' Needs.
"For Great Britain regarded battleship
of the largest and most powerful tyia | absolutely
lutoly essential. The United States are dlf
forently placed from England , " Commando
Robinson said , "and perhaps for the prcson
docs not need the heaviest class of battle
ships. So long as she has no largo amoun
of commerce , they might got along with
coast defense ships and fast cruisers , but
whenever they would build a merchant ma
rine , it might become necessary to have
battleships to protect it. Even without a
large commerce the need of sea fighters of
tha front rank might become imperative. If
an enemy could only bo kept from capturing
the seaports , the United States might bo In
continual danger of being harrassed by an
uggrcsslvo naval power. Her own protcc-
tion might demand that the attack bo re
turned on an enemy's main coast. "
An American naval officer of command
and rank in London , who did not wish his
name quoted , said ho thought wo had gene
fur enough in the direction of size In our
battleships of the Massachusetts class , but
hn did not admit that wo could afford to
stop building thoin yet. Our cruiser * , par-
tlcularly of the Now York typo , would make
other nations ncsltato a long time before
they went to war with us , but unless wo
kept pace with other nations to a certain
extent iu battleships , their power would bo-
como so much superior to us as to make
them tudliTercnt to our cruisers ,
Some- Minor Kumori.
The report published in London that the
body of Sir George Tryon has been recovered -
erod , says Router's telegram from Malta , so
far i.s Is known there , is devoid of founda
Router's Constantinople dispatch reports
that the sultau sends u telegram of sympa-
tny to the queen ut Iho loss of the Victoria.
The widows of the married seamen and
mothers of unmarried seamen who perished
will expect to receive u full year's pay The
officers' widows will receive an annual pen-
slou and the children of the higher grade
Germany's Internal Situation is in a Very
Much Gonfusod Condition.
By-Elcotioas Absorbing tbo Attsntion of tbo
Energetic and Anxious Politicians.
Members of the Reiobstag Indnlgo Guarded
Opinions Concerning tbo Otitcoma.
After the Army Itlll In Pn cU Will Came
the lluMlnu Trolly .Members of the
Center Hold the Key to the
( Situation Again.
\CopyrijMcd \ IS)3 by Jama Gnnlon JJcimtlt.l
BKIIUN , Juno UJ. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to TUB BEE. ! Contusion , rank
confusion , reigns hero in the political world.
To prophesy how the whole tiling will turn
out is taking a great risk. Newspapers
hero are giving ono opinion on ono page and
another on the next. The various parties
are maneuvering , haggling and huckstering
oae with another , trying to get another turn
at the electoral wheel. Experienced poli
ticians shrug their shoulders when you ask
questions about the situation and reply that
they have never known such a condition of
affairs before. The general opinion , however -
over , is that the military bill will bo pushed
through by a small majority. That is the
opinion of tlio independent deputies I have
"However " said . "wo
, ono. must always
take account of the chances which might
suddenly change the entire scene. Thoccnter
does not yet know what to do. Its press
organs nro waging a fierce war , one against
the other , ana are bringing their heaviest
artillery to bear against Caprivi.-- lan
guage could bo moro bitter than theirs.
Germanla , for instance , calls Its former
friend , Count Matusclca , einen uugozoscncn
Jungon patron because ho declared for the
military bill , and vituperates the deserters
from the party. The provincial Catholic
press is no less bitter. But behind all this
wo scent , now Intrigues. Wo must rcmom
ber always that the center strongly desires
the retention of Caprivi , and will strive to
find a modus vlvondl for his project.
Moro Trundle Tor the Chancellor.
As for Caprivi himself , ho Is not nearly out
of the woods , for even if ho gets the military
bill through ho will meet fierce opposition to
his much desired Russian treaty from a
largo number of representatives of the
agriculturists who have been elected to
the now Reichstag. It is provable the cen
ter will now show Itself bou enfant. To this
last statement I received absolute negative.
My informant strongly insists the center
will not give way a fraction of an inch , ant
will remain faithful and not deceive tbo
A deputy of the right said ; "Tho whole
thing hangs on a thread. Caprlvi's chances
uro slim and a delusion is by no means impos
siblo. Wo must beware of the center. Its
elcctois insist on no surrender. To paralyze
this opposition concessions are needed
where are they to come from ? The Jesuil
law no longer sulllces. Practically the
Jesuits are now allowed entrance to the
country , although their presence has no
received official sanction , and for so small a
thing the center will "not risk a conflict wltl
Its electors. So do not indulge too much
optimism. "
C.inrlvl Dellght the Emperor.
When I a iked this deputy what the cm
peror thought , he replied : "He is enchanted
with the tactics of Count von Caprivi , who
enjoys his entire confidence. The kaiser
overwhelms him with attentions and idcnti
lies himself with the chancellor in every
way. The kaiser himself feels tired. Tha
is why he has gene to Klol to got a changi
of air and rest. The socialists have in ni
way disturbed him. ilu considers it a delusive
lusivo movement. Nevertheless they havi
gulncd'ovcr a million votes in the last si :
years , and I think the party will numbo
fifty in the next session. They uro scconde
by the radical anti-Semites , who defy all au
thorlty. These latter may obtain twelve t
filtccn scats , and will often bo seen march
ing hand iu hand with the followers o t
Bobcl. "
Hpeeoh from the Kalior.
I hear from a very reliable source that th
speech from the throne , for which the kaiser
will return at the end of this month , will beef
of capital Importance. 'Iho emperor himself
dictates tlio points , and a well known func
tionary of the foreign office la charged with
editing the text , which the kaiser will look
through and correct , according to the man
ner in which ho views the situation. The
discourse will treat firstly of the military
question , but also of the social danger ,
which is the result of tha recent elections.
Tlio reading will take pluco with special ' 1
solemnity. What this special solemnity is ,
I can scarcely Imagine , for beyond having
the usual body guard nud court officials in
full uniform , it would seem difficult in the
given spuco , which Is the "white room" of
the palace , to do moro , The socialists will
not attend. It is said that the speech will
afterwards bo distribute ! ] and posted up
throughout the country. This is the first
tlmo since 1STS that a speech from the throne
has been pronounced in the summer ,
The kaiser will specially Identify himself
with the policy of the chancellor , whoso ae-
lion ho will laud.
In the autumn the federal delegates will
assemble to consider the question of taxes
necessary for the military l
Dickering for Seuti.
Almost the cntlro serious press Is in
veighing against the immoral bartering for
scats. To save a few seats the most grotesque
tesque concessions are mailo. Wo find , for
Instance , the Israelite Alexander , mayor at
Hallo , imploring the friends pf Ahlwurdt ito
help him , promising them everything Iu re
turn. In Berlin the conservatives vote , for
the revolutionary candidate In order to rout
their spleen on Prof. Virchow , the freislnnigo
candidate. The center wo find treating with ;
the socialists , whom they uffec ( to regard as
persons from the infernal regions. Iu fact ,
wo are witnessing a hldoous political spec
tacle whcro the absence of convictions and
abuse of privileges prevail. Among the latter
ter perhaps the most edifying Is the virulent
attack inado by the StaUburpor Zottung ,
organ of the anti-Semites , against Stoccker ,
futjj r of the anti-Scmlto movement. Invective -
vectivo and personalities seem to have re
placed argument. Thcso elections seem teat
prove that politics spoil tbo character that
the German people aroiunreliable , and that
wo are approaching a igrave ana decisive
Threatened iTlttt > tiimlne.
Meantime , In the mliht ot all this politi
cal turmoil the frovcrnmcnt has under con.
sldcratton the question of what can bo denote
to rollovo th < J < * te'rriblo distress existing
amongst the agriculturists whoso crops in
many parts are dried up and whoso llvo
stock Is wasting for of pasturage. 1
have before mo tho-'ofllcLil statistics of the
condition ot the empire which glvo
anything but a cheery outlook. Evary-
where there is a great struggle
against the drouth , which Is the worst Jn
If ty years. There Is no hay , and the farmers
are forced to sail cattle at nominal prices.
In places llko Hesso Iho herds of cattle are
decimated by these forced sales. ThU sad
condition of affairs has not been overlooked
In the polttir-al arena , \Vhero. for instance ,
the conservative candidates Issued a fly
sheet which said the drouth came upon thorn
because of the wickedness of voting for the
socialists. On the other hand , the prevailing
misery has given many votes to the socialists ,
who by the way still hope to have fifty-IIvo
scats In the coining Reichstag.
Intnniut Ko\vs lit Plenty.
I hear the rumblings of still further dis
sensions in the center party. The center
may have gained a quantity , but it has
lost In the quality of Us talent. It has lost
Scorlcmlr. Dr. Porsch , Hucno , Comto U.ilics-
trom atid Baron Hurtling. Wo sco In return
no budding Windhorst. None but
mptUocritlcs remain. 'A dissension might
como on the 'Russian commercial
treaty question , and the dictatorial Dr.
Llcbcr might share the fate of the autocratic
Richter. The latter retorts to tlio attacks
upon him and says whatever may bo the
cause of the fall of bis party , it was not a
question of the military bill , because these
of the party who votfcd for the bill hnvobcnn
equally routed , which Is quite true. As ono of
his party has stated , it Is moro than likely
to have been the intimidation of the rural
voters , the too abstract party program , and
the desertion of the financiers , whoso cham
pion Richtcr was , and who In return gave sub
stantial support.
Russia appears resolved to discount the
military bill by a hostile commercial policy.
She will shortly publish , a maximum tariff
which specially hits Germany. If report bo
true , the government hero sees small hope
of Its commercial treaty ! materializing.
Ciuisml by llH-PollllCH.
The sulcido of Judgot Cur tins , son of the
famous historian , has made much talk , and
will probably bo mado'tno ' subject of ques
tion by the Roichstag.i fllio Judge was the
young father of a family , and rjph , but his
tendencies were antl-Sbjnlto. When the anti-
Seralto Xanten case came up ho animad
verted severely uponI Public Prosecutor
Baumgard and Judge Brlxnls , saying they
had not dona their duty. Ho presided at
the Oberwi'ndor trlnS' , and afterwards
recommended the amnesty of Simmlng , the
editor. Next ho presided at the ease of
Baron Brandt , GerrJau ambassador at
Peking , against 'P.iaeh . the tintl-Samlto.
Here again ho shqwedfhtS'antiSemtto ten
dencies. On this his position was taken from
him and ho was t r'ijnsiorrcd to the civil
court. His disgrace'caused him to take his
life. ' "
Ask Hello Plntne , In
Inhabitants of the sorely stricken town of
Schmicdcmuhl would bo glad to know of an
American engineer who can save them from
their terrible trouble. They wanted an
artesian well , but after they had bored
some depth they struck a pocket
of water which spouted up so that the whole
town is now submerged to the depth of five
to seven feet. The water still continues
flowing , notwithstanding all efforts to stop
itand , the houses are falling in ono after
the other.
The kaiser lias been disporting himself at
Kiel , racing his crack cutter Meteor against
his brother Henry's Siren. The Meteoi
naturally won easily. After a general reunion
union the family loft oil Thursday for Ems
Mr. and Mrs. Hasklns , the minister's son-
in-law and wife have , gone to Carlsbad.
Lieutenant Raymo'nd Rogers of the Paris
embassy has passed through cnroute to
St. Petersburg.
Riolitcr'a Sensatfonal IHitppanninco ,
The total and totally unexpected collapse
of the Richter party seems to bo
the key to the situation. When
the last Reichstag dissolved Hichte
had some sixty followers , and there seemed
no reason why ho should not maintain Urn
number , all of which counted as vote :
against the bill. Richtcr now returns with
a party which probably will not exceed
twelvo. Even his own seat Is in Jeopardy.
His fall even yet seems unoxplainablcas ono
of the most remarkable collapses of a politi
cal leader and party over known.
The government has been exceed
ingly lucky , for there Is no doubt but
that tlio will of the people is against the
bill , but the government has managed to win
a largo number of elections by very small 1
majorities , whereas its opponents had very
largo ones in the constituencies where they *
have won.
Should the army bill not pass , an Improba
bility , eventually , the Reichstag will be
again dissolvoa and now elections will not
take place till the utmost limit proscribed
by law , so as not to interfere with har
vesting , s
Tlio government' ' feels Jubilant over tlio
prospects of victory , Seeing yesterday's re
turns by largo majorities in Frankfort-oil-
main , Elborfold nnURollngcn , Minister
Mlquel dropped his ' opting paper incog , in
Wcin Niedorwalsti'abse. At 11 o'clock Ca-
prlvl walked over frbm the chancellery to
Kalsorhoff , votlngfpdpcr In hand. Ho was
in uniform , with & military cloak. All the
ofttct.ils rose and saluted Caprivi , who gave
no name , saluted qltlptly , and walked out.
Both ho and Mlqucl' ' voted in the First dis
trict. Soon after cajtffl Minister of Jus
tice Shccllnggruff , who-voted in Hohontlial ,
llorllu HocUlUU AVe In High I'cuther ,
Ono of tha highest functionaries stated
late this evening that the government was
much surprised at thd apathy shown by the
bourgeoisie in contrast' with the socialists ,
who displayed groati teal in fighting their
victories. This evening the minister of the
interior , by orders df tie ) kaiser , organized 10a
telegraphic service to Kiel giving his majesty
the results all through the night.
It is feared the socialists may got sixty
scats. Among ( ho features up to date is
that certain rural districts llko Tollow ,
hitherto represented by the ultra conserva
tive , Prince Hanjorry , a friend of the em
peror , were wrcstod from him oy the social 1-
ists. The royal town of Koenig&burg , repre
sented by Iho late Marshal Moltkc , has gene
to Socialist Suhultz. Bebel-SQcIullst Header
has captured Strasburg. Another feature
1ms been the extraordinary energy of the so
cialist women in making their men go to the
polls. Hamburg , wliero the Kmprt'ss Fred-
crick resides , gave a largo socialist majority
against a national liberal Tonight the talk
of clubs and cafes Is that a now dissolution
may be necessary , but that seems unlikely ,
ami it is Impossible to calculate until Tues
day , us so macy election are to bo held on
Advocates of the Gorman Army Bill Win
in the Roballoting ,
With a Bare Majority Adherents of the
, Government Are Content.
Their Vote Falls Short of the Number Pro-
dieted by Official Organs.
Ho Gives Ills Support to nn Opponent of
tha Army Illlt Itathor Tlmn Sco n
Socialist lloturncd X
of the election.
Bnm.t.v , Juno Si. The progress of today's
b.v-electlons appears to support the govern
ment's ' calculation that the roballoMng will
give it slxtyntno seats. Taking the udhcr-
ants of the army bill , the government will
have in the now Kcichstag lift out of IU7. A
bare majority of ono vote is not much to re
joice over , yet the government organs ex
press content with the result of the voting.
In Berlin today phenomenal quiet pre
vailed in the Second district , whcro the second
end ballot was taken. The national liberals
voted for Virchow , the candidate of the
radical people's party , and the united
strength of the other three parties was not
sufficient to defect him.
Owing to the voting part of the con
servatives in the First district , where
a reballot was also necessary , Dr.
Lcngerhaus , Richterlto , was first to
succeed. Dr. Lcngerhaus polled 8,743
votes , against 0-ifij , cast for Hcrr Tacterow ,
who stood in the interests of the social
democrats. Dr. Langorhaus' election was
partly duo to support given him by the
national liberals and centrists. Every
where the social democrats are polling their
last man. A feature of the campaign is the
large number of socialists who are assisting
the canvass. The Irelsinnigo party is making
a strong effort to obtain the ascendancy.
Fell Short of Their Calculations.
Calculations from the most reliable data ,
show that the aggregate socialist vote will
fall short ot the 2,000,000 predicted by the
Vonvaerts and the Cologne Gazette. It is
csilmatctl that the vote will show an In
crease over that polled In 1SUO. The anti-
Semitic vote is calculated at 503,000. Both
sections of-the freislnnige party cast a vote
of 940,000 , , a loss of 2M.800 votes since 1890.
The enormous increase in the anti-Semites
accounts lor the failure of the socialists to
Breach the figure they expected and the anti-
Semites drawing a largo proportion of their
gains from parties which would have other
wise voted aiffeiently.
Chancellor von Caprivi , also when _ speak'
ing at the last session of the Reichstag , said
that both the anti-Semites and socialists
successes came from common sources. The
Vorvraerts says the anti-Semitic increase
ought to bo placed to the credit of socialism.
In an interview today a prominent man
said that the government neither antici
pated a further dissolution of the Reichstag
nor any encroachment on the suffrage. On
the contrary , he hoped that an entcndo be
tween the political groups would bo ef
fected and the army bill speedily passed.
How Cupflvl Votcil.
Caprivi , Dr. Mlquol and other politico'
notables voted for Langcrhaus today. Will
this decisive example bcforo them of minis
ters actually supporting an opponent of the
bill , rather than allow a socialist to return
adhesion by electors to government candi
dates , where they are opposed by socialists ,
has become secured.
All the ministers voted in the forenoon seas
as to allow the voters on the second ballo
in the country to note their position. In
some districts an exchange ot centrist and
socialist votes was encompassed.
The Togeblatl nnd other organs demand
the resignation of Yirchow.
Personally Herr Richter gives no sign o
defeat. Ho is cncrgutio and confident of the
early reconstruction ot tlio frelslnnigo party ,
William Wilt Vlow the ItojrulM.
The emperor and empress will attend the
Cowcs regatta in August. The omporo
has written to the prince of Wales regret
ting that the opening of the Reichstag wil
prevent him from being present at th
marrlago of the duke of York and Princess
It is now stated that the engagement of
Princess Alice to the czarowlch Is definitely
The municipal authorities of Motz have
voted the sum of f > 00,000 marks for the expense -
ponso of the reception of the emperor at the
autumn maneuvers.
How They Vuteil on tlio Kocaml Jliillot In
the ( Icrnmii Klt-ctlonn ,
flEiu.ix , Juno 21. Second ballots were
taken generally today in these Prussian and
Saxon districts where no choice of candi
dates was made on June 15. These returns
have been received :
Berlin , First division Dr. Langorhaus ,
Rlchtcrist , elected to succeed Dr. Alex
Moraur , Ho received 8,743 votes. Compared
with the second ballot iu 1M > 3 the result
shows a social democratic gain of ! 1I17 ,
LaiiBcrhaus Is the first Uichtorist elected ,
Berlin , Second division Richard Fischer ,
social democrat , elected over Prof. Vlrchow ,
Richterlst candidate , and the candidate
for this constituency. A gain for the social
Bcrilii , Third division Alderman Volgcr ,
social democrat , elected over a Richtorist.
A coclal democratic gain.
Berlin , Fifth division-Robert Schnall ,
social , elected over a RIchterist.
Offcubur Maximilian Rcichert , clerical ,
elected over Frelherer von Schuumburg , na
tional liberal. Rclchort , who was the lust
deputy , received O.liW . votes.
MayorStroh.coiiBervatlvo , elected
over Editor Pocrch , social democrat. The
last deputy was a conservative.
Tilsit Heir ICacswurn , conservative ,
elected over Hcrr von RcldniU , radical.
Rnlduitz , who was ttio lust deputy , voted
against ttio army bill.
Hamburg-Nassau- Uruehin , social
democrat , elected over Hrrr Wcsternacher ,
national liberal. last deputy was Kuri
Fuuck , radical , who voted against tno bill.
Onufiir the 11)11. )
D.vnzig City Heinrlch Rickert , radical
unionist , cloctcd over Uorr Jochoui , social
\\catltcrfor \ Omnhaaml rtclnltu
Ooitntlly Fair ; Cooler ; V < unM ( < ! trinil * .
1. DIscnMlnff tlio Trrrtblq.Trlpnll Accident.
Ucriivtny'n Mtulilleil 1'olltlrn ,
( Invornment ( liilnn In the Ily-Klcctlom.
Wnkrlh-lil'n Lumber Vnril bcorohccl.
2. llonmlleftit Win * the ticrhy.
l'r irrii * or the Lutheran Mlsilouiulct.
3. WanhliiRton NC\T < it ml < l < ml | > .
Shoollnc Allrny lit licit Clomt.
4. Week In I.ocnl Society ,
South Ctirolltm'8 Liquor lUpcrlincnt.
4 , Lincoln ntnl Nchrnakn Notvs.
0. Council Hindu LOCK ! Nntra.
AITilrnut South Omilin.
7 , Itnrher Kvpnlr Illll llrjectcil.
lloynl Arciinum 1'lcnlr.
tltulca Scott Makes a I'rnntho.
8. Omiilrt When It U'ns rotiml.
\VHkoinnii on Lonilnti Clubs.
10. Kchooi from the Ante ICooin.
lllKhwuys orSciitliinil Sooinul Paper.
11. Womnn' Wlilpnlt.i ; World.
IK. Killtorlnl iiutl Comment.
13. Nnrncorfrnt Next .Month.
Fourth of .Inly in 17113.
10 , Otuitlut'g Trade Itcvlcw.
Commercial ami rinnncml.
10. UrUwolil'g Weekly Urliit.
democrat. Rickert was the last deputy.
As ho voted against the bill and now favors
It. This is a government Kain.
Strasburg City August Bobel , social
democrat , elected over Dr. Peters.
Koenlgsburg City Karl Schultz. social
democrat , elected over Dr. Kraus , national
liberal. Shultz was the last deputy.
Mannheim Lawyer BnsRorman. national
liberal , elected over Aug. Drelbach , social
Woelfenbuottcl HcrrSchwcrdcfcr , agrar
ian , elected over Herr Wcutzol , social demo
Holzmlndcn Director ICrucucr , national
liberal and conservative cartel , elected over
Dr. Card well , social democrat.
Nnumberg Julius Qucnther , national
liberal , elected over Hcrr Hoffman , social
democrat. Gucnther was the last deputy.
Kpcir Dr. Clnmin , national liberal ,
elected over Herr terhart , social democrat.
Bunzlau Phillip Schneider. Richterist
elected over Hcrr Lcupold , conservative.
Ilcidelburg Consul Weber , national
liberal , elected over Dr. Max Gucrgo , con
ICIehter Sure of Ill'i Seat.
Hngcn Eugene Richtcr , leader of the op
position radicals elected to succeed himself.
Totlow Hcrr Xeibcl , social democrat ,
elected over Hcrr Kelbol , . onservativo.
ICartzruhe Max Pflougcr , Richcrtist ,
elected over Carl Reman , liberal.
Poscn Stepan Cegilskl , Polo and last
deputy , elected over Ilerr Hoffuieycr , con
Wcisbadcn Rudolph Ifopp , national lib
eral , oleclcd over Lawyer Schenclc , Richter
ist. Snhenck was the last aeputy. A gov
ernment gain.
Dulsburtr Dr. Hammacher , national lib
eral , elected over Hcrr Euler , clerical work.
Dusscldorf Earl Vendors , frco conserva
tive , and last deputy , cloctcd over Herr
Grltno , social democrat.
Constans Frederich Hughes , social demo
crat , elected over Ilerr Hctllg , national
Darmstadt Dr. Osann , national liberal ,
and last deputy , elected over B. Conner ,
social democrat.
Stettin Fritz Herbert , social democrat ,
elected over Max Broom , ono of the few
deputies who voted for the bill.
JtoDiiltB so Fur at Known.
Thoresijlt of second ballots in seventy-five
constituencies were known at midnight.
With these additions to the list of candi
dates electea on Juno 15 , the strength of the
parties , so far as known , was : Cler'cals ' , 7.T
social democrats , 44 ; conservatives and ag.
rians , M ; national liberals , ! ! 3 ; radlca !
unionists , 11 ; Poles , 13 ; free conservatives
14 ; government clericals , 11 ; south Germar
democrats , 0 ; Alsatians , 7 ; RIchterist radl
cals , 12 ; anti-Semites , G ; Guclphs , 1 ; Danes
1 ; Bavarian Peasants league , 1 : Bavariai
particularists , 1. Of thcso deputies 148 uro
counted with the opposition and 139 wltl :
the government.
Thp main features of yesterday's election
were the wresting of Essen for tno clericals
by "Cannon King" Krupp ; the rotlrcmcn
of Prof. Rudolph Virchow to have the lifo
at the end of his thirteenth year in the
Reichstag ; the defeat of Max Brocmcl , the
leader of the disinterested radicals , by the
socialists in Stettin ; the victory in Halloo
Dr. Alexander Moycr , also a dlssidcn
radical leader , over the social democrat win
hold the scat in the last KcictiBtag , and tin
election in llangcn of Eugene Richtcr , tin
louder of the remnants of tlio oppositioi :
radical party.
C'ocartlo'a ficimutloii Not Likely to I )
dually Hcttlod.
lS33bii Jnmei ( .onion TlennetM
PAIUS , Juno 21. [ Now York Herald Cabl
Special to TUB Buc. ] Public attention ii
at present entirely concentrated on the Ml
lovoyc-Clemonccau affair , which is now as
suming moro ami moro the aspect of friction
rather than of an actual event. Norton , tlio
negro who is under arrest , confessed yester
day that ho forged the documents , all of
which are false , but ho asserts that M. 0u-
crot , director of the Cocurdo , who Is also
under arrest , was hit accomplice in the
It may , however , DO questioned whether
Ducrct was acting alone or whether ho was
not acting In oDcdlcnco to the political insti
gations coming from the extreme radicals.
M. Henri Rothc-fort has lost no time in as
serting that it was a preconcerted plot ar
ranged by M. Constans ,
One suiplcliiui Oiroumitance.
Tills accusation Is ridiculous nnd yet it hns
been shown that Norton passed the whole of
day bcforo yesterday , while the debate on
the affairs was going on iu the Chamber , at
the house of a man named Dcc.irtl , who Is
notji'lously an ngcnt in the service of M ,
Constans. M. Mlllovoyo and his friends
now admit that they were duped , but they
declare that they fell Into a trap prepared
by agents of the British government which ,
as they uro known to bo bluer enemies of
England , wished to discredit them by mak
ing them appear ridiculous.
Tlio Justice , M. Clcmencoau's organ , ex
presses the opinion that Norton Is nothing
moro than a very skillful thief , who has de
ceived all these who have hail anything to
do with him. It Is certain , howovcr , that
the Incident will huvo u political result , nc It
has entirely changed the political situation
in Franco , The most noisy of the person
ages in public lifo has lost prestige by iv.v
son o.f It , and if it proved that tin- friends of
M. Constant , huvo played a role in tlio uffjlr
with his approval he will lese till that ho
gained by his famous speech at Toulouse ,
Auothor thing is also certain , and that Is
that the relations of Franco with England
have not becu ameliorated by thlu scandal-
out affair , .UcquEB ST. CBIIS.
J. A. Wakeflald's Lumber Yard a Seething ;
Mass of Flames.
Several Loaded Box Cars Consumed in tht
Ono of tbo Hottest Fires in tbo History' ol <
Narrow Ktcnrio of n Nlcht Wntohmim from.
the Tury of the Flro-dnllnnt Work
uf the I'lreinon Snvca Much
The lumber yard of John A. WakcDcia ,
at Eighteenth and Pierce streets , togotnci-
with n number of adjacent buildings .
totally destroyed by Uro at 1 o'clock this ,
morning. The loss will bo upwards of $100-
000 most of which Is covered by Insurance.
The flro was discovered by Officer Edgo-
hill , who turned In an alarm from Sixteenth
and Lcavcnworth streets. The llrst alarm
was heard at exactly 1 o'clock. A general
alarm followed. The ll.uncs spread through
the Inflammable material with marvelous
rapidity and the entire yard was burning by
the time the llrst lines of hose were playinff
on the flames.
The blaze burned fiercely for nn hour , but.
at the end of that tlmo was under control.
At ono tlmo feareu that the wooden
build ings on the west side of Eighteenth
street would all go , but only two of thornN
were seriously damaged.
BamdMlomaa liurncil ,
The residence at 1030 South Eighteenth
street , beloncing to Mrs. Augusta Gluubitt.
and occupied by her daughter , Mrs.
Rmsham , was partially burned , nnd th -
furniture was nearly all ruined. The unoccupied -
occupied two-story building at 1088-
South Eighteenth street was entirely
destroyed. It was the property of John.
Reese. Mrs. Glaubltt's residence nt 10M.
caught fire on the roof , but was extinguishes : ,
without damage. Mrs. Glauber was Insured ,
on her buildings , but the Insurance on hei-
furniture had run out the day before th
fire. She estimates her loss at" (1,000 abort'
Mr. Charles It. Gyger , cashier for Mr ,
Wnkeflcldj ould that tbo stock on hand w l >
worth very near $75,000 , and that the build *
Ings were valued at $23,000 additional. Botb.
were insured for about 75 per cent of theU.
Uni-ncil n Hull Doc.
No one is able to account for the origin bl
the firo. It was the prevalent opinion that
it had burned under cover ot
the building for some time be >
fore It was discovered. Page Beckett , th .
night watchman , was asleep in the officer
when the flro broke out , and narrowly
escaped being burned , so rapid was th
progress of the flames. Mr. Wakoflold'B.
pet bulldog was also in the ofllco and wai
burned. Its pitiful whlno could bo hoard
above the sound of the flames , and several
attempts were made to rescue the animal ,
but without success.
The fire was short lived but was hot whiU
it lasted. The firemen's faces were blis.
tercel and several lengths of hose were bunt
by the Intense heat. Four box cars which
were standing on the lumber yard switch
were burned. A switch engine made an at.
tempt to pull them out but the scorching
flumes drove them back.
Snvcil the Pinning : Mill.
The planing mill of S. M. dunsaul at 1031.
1033 South Eighteenth street haa a narrow
escape , but hard work by the firemen saved
It from serious damage. Some stables in tht
roar were burned , but the contents , includ
ing thrco.horses , were saved.
The alloy west of Eighteenth street wn
piled high with household goods which
were tumbled out with moro haste than
caro. Ono woman tearfully boratcd tht
men who were trying to help her to sav
her furniture , claiming that she would
rather have It burned than to have it
broken to pieces. '
None of the fixtures In the lumber yard
ofllco wore saved with the exception of
couple of desks. Much of the furniture that *
wns Uiltcn from tlio neighboring houses was
afterward carried back somewhat the worse ) < $
for the rough handling It had received , Tha
Sixteenth street viaduct was crowded with
spectators and an officer was sent to move
tlio crowd off , us it was fun rod that the Im
mense weight combined with the heat from
the burning lumber might causa a collapii
of ono of the spans.
. . iV
IIU HollucM Warmly llcoelrri the In < ] -
pmulmit Pruluto from New York ,
ICnpj/riulttcd 1B33 In Jamei Gordon Hen
KOMI : , Juno 21 , [ Now York Herald Cablf
Special to Tim Ilcu.J Dr , McGlynn
should reach New York tomorrow morn
ing on the Werra , by which ho came out.
Whllo in Rome the doctor was most pru
dent In speech and conduct. Ho arrived in
cognita Juno 8 , nt Hotel do Pails. The
same evening ho paid a visit to Cardinal
I Rampolla , who received him kindly and in-
formed the pope of Ills presence. The pope
requested Dr. McGlynn to cajl on the propa
gamin , where on Juno 10 ho had a pleasant
grouting from Cardinal Lcdochowski. Tlirca
days later ho was granted a private audl-
once with the pope , who gave him a wclcoma
affectionate and cordial ,
' So you Came at lust , flgllo role , " said the
pot > o , as the doctor did obeisance. The pope
asked about hU reconciliation with the
church , brought about by Satolll , and ex.
pressed regret when ho heard that Dr.
McOlyim thought of leaving for Gouoa that
During the audience the doctor knelt oloso
to the pope with his arms resting on the pn-
pal chair. Tlio holy father inquired if the
doc-tor ilia not wish some provision made for
him , suggesting ho might Ilka to resume his
prlfstly life. The Usltor replied ho had
riovcr ceased to live a priestly life through
the six years of excommunication , and de-
clurea ho wished nothing but the right to
accept what his friends offer and to be nt
peace ,
With the exception of the pope and tha
two cardinals , Dr. McGlynn * aw nothing of
the Uoinan hierarchy and went away re
freshed and comforted.