Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Mwomont of Uorn Broio that Cereal
Ono Gent.
It VT Vf nU In Sympathy with Corn Ito-
porti of Finn % Vontlicr TVer * tlio nrnnih Inlluence
Btocki and llonds.
CHICAGO , Juno 23. Corn broke over Ic a bu.
today , dragging down oats and wheat. The
occasion nf the urcak In corn was the enor
mous movement which has started within two
dnys. The estimate yesterday of 320 cars for
tins morning was the llrstslgn of rosumtitlon
of receipts. The estimate of Saturday was
given out ut 030 cars and the trade was para-
The whole pit turned to soiling. If there Is a
concentrated line on the bull sldo or ny
other manlmilators , no move was mnilo on the
break to Indicate It. There was no recovery
from hot torn prices. There wore sales for ex
ports of 300,0001m. of corn here. Tlio closing
was from fsc. to Jte lower for July and from V c
to ? { c lower for September.
In wheat thorn WIIB only a light business ,
July and fontomber were ( .old by parties who
wnro operating on 'change. The weakness was
duo to Mumps In corn und liann fnllurcx In
California. Operators were also nfrald ot tlio
Now York bank statement tomorrow.
Oats weakened with corn. Tlio heavy re
ceipts und rop'ii-ls of line wcathor were Iho
principal hcurl.Oi Indm'ticcs.
In provisions the dlirerenco of II between
July and .September narrowed to OOc. Tlio
market was very dull. Prices closed n Nlmdo
over the tluy'o average and show veiy llltlo
change slnco ycRtorduy.
Kroighls were dull with light , offerings of
vessel room at lye for wheat und IJfc for corn
to lltlltnln and 3e for corn to Kingston ,
Ivitlinutcd receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
100 curs ; corn , 030 earn ; oats , i350 curs ; hogs ,
0,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
ArtlcloB. Open. High , r Low
Juuc nr.
July nrw
Sept 0031
Juno 41
July iiailU ii ! (
Sent ii ? < iij
Jnno HO nn
July iHIl ! ao
Sept 0
Mr.ssl'oui ;
July in in in nr in in : if :
Sept i0 ! 10 ' . ' 0 10 JO 00 10
July n 72K n 7i > H n 7i ! ! < n
Seiit 10 : rj,4 10 3D 10 : i2H it ) :
July n no 0 021- n oo n 02)1 )
Sent II U2M u ; in i ) . - . .
Cash quotations were as follows :
Fi.oun Kusy , nominal ; unchanged ,
WHEAT No. 2 spring , 041Ji805fc ; No. 3
iprlng , f. o. b. , 5H4i,03c ; No. 3 red , 04tftG4c. ! !
COIIN No. 2. 40jfc. No. : > yellow , closing 3lc. )
OATS No. 2 , noc : No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 33c ;
No. 3 while , f. o. 1) . , 3U5fl33ic. !
KYE No. 2,47'/4c.
HAIII.CY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , no sales ;
No. 4 , f. o. b. , 3Hc.
FI.AX Siii : : > No. 1 , $1.U2' ' { .
TIMOTHY Sitn : : Prime , $3.65.
I'OIIK Mess , per bill. . $1.3510.37S ! ! ; lard ,
per 100 HIM. . * 9.G71a0.70 , ! ( ; short ribs , sides
( loose ) , $0.02'.S ' < ao.07 ! $ : dry salted shoulders
Iboxcnt.JO.OOiiO.SO ; sliort clear sides ( boxed ) ,
! 0.50iM.75. (
WIIISKV Distillers' finished goods , per gal , ,
SunAit Cut loaf , 0 ; < c ; granulated , 5 1-Oc ;
Itundard "A , " 5.G4.
The following were tbo receipts und ship
ments for today :
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market was tinner ; creamery , IGiMillHic ;
dairy , 14ffll7c ; eggs , firmer , strictly fresh , 12J !
Now Yorlc Markets.
NEW YonK , .Tune 23. Fixum Ttceolpts , 37-
483pkgs. ; exports , 7,704 bbls. , 20.000 sacks ;
pales , 11,000 pkjrs. ; market dull , generally
lower ; offered moderately.
COHN MKAISteady. .
IlYE I'lnn.
IIAIII.KY MAf.T Seeurty. quiet.
WiinAT KccclntH. 100,000 bu. ; exports , 23-
000 bu. ; sales , 7,000,000 1m. futures , 102,000
bu. spot. Kpot market dull , lower with the
options ; No. 2 red , In store and elevator ,
71 c ; afloat , 72c ; f. o. b. . 71',5ft72Wc ' ; un-
rutted , G84a714c ! ! ; No. 1 hard , 77Kic ; No. 2
orthorn , OUSic. Options closed weak ut 9 ®
} ic decline on reports of .financial trouble
west and local realization , with trading fairly
acttvo and chiefly switching between July
and September : No. 2 red , July , 72 7-lGc ,
closing ut 72c : August , 74'iC , closing at 74ic ! ;
September. 70 l-lG < a7034c , closing ut 70 ! o ;
October , 77 it78c , closing at 78c ; December ,
81C181 1-lGc , closing ntTl'jc.
( JOHN Hecelpts , 10,000 1m. ; exports , 24,000
bu. ; sales , RG6.000 bu. futures. 130,000 bu.
spot. Spot , moro active , weak ; No. 2 , 48J44 !
40MC in elevator , 40K50c ( afloat. Oitlons |
vrero fairly active , weak ana JiSJle lower
with the west and larger receipts uxpcetcd to
morrow ; July , 4U ? c. closing nl 4814c ; August ,
40Kc , closing at 40Ke ; September , 4HQ5Uc. !
OATS'-ltccolpts. 113,000 bn. ; exports , 70-
OOU bu. ; hales , 400,000 bu. futures , 124,000 bu.
cage , 32 ! { e ; No. a white , 371i < ( l38cj mixed
rn. 30e ! ; white western , 3'J34-lc.
llors Vlrm.
Woor < l-'nlrly steady ; domestic fleece , 27 ©
80c ; Texan , 10S2lc. (
I'novisio.vs Cut moats , niilot , firmer ;
pickled bellies , 12 Ibs. , 13c ; middles , mitnt.
Lard , linn , oulet ; western steam , ? a.OOffllM)0 ( ;
ales , 100 tierces ; options , sales , none ; Juno
optloiiB closed at tn.Ofi ; tjeptombor closed ut
110,05 , nominal. 1'ork , ijulut , steady.
JlUTTKii .Moderate demand.
Eons Light receipts , firmer ; western fresh ,
TAI.I.OW Quiet.
COITONSCUH OiiQulet ; yellow prime , 41 ©
PKTnoi.nuM-Qtilot : United , no sales.
TtmruNTi.Nii-Qulet , steady.
HICK I'lrm , stoadv.
MOLAssus-Open kettle , good to cholco ,
KUOAII liaw , easier ; centrifugals , 00 test ,
4 'c ; sales , 0,000 bags ; centrifugals , 4 ? cj reIned -
( Inod , ( inlet.
1'Ki IKONDull. .
Cori'iai Qnli-t ; luke , Jl.GO.
I.KAI > Domestli : , f 3.0'J > { .
TiN-RtrultH. J20 bid , * 20,10 asked ; plates
quiet. Bpolter , domestic , $4.20.
St. l.nulH .Miirkrtu ,
BT. I.OUIS , Juno 23. Fi/itii In buyers' '
favor ; extra fancy , I2.HO2.00 ; funov , 12.45'ii '
S.56 ; choice , * 2.152,25 ; family , Jl.'UOa2.00 ]
others unchanged ,
WIIKAT Mfelniist fitoJir lower : No. 2 red ,
cash nnd Juno , OS.Ve ; July , closing ut01iei }
August , G3jjo ; ( Joptombor , 05'c.
COIIN Kollowfd wheat , closing ? 'c off ; No. 2
1'noviHiiiNS Dull , wen It and lower. 1'ork ,
current markets , J18.50 , Lard , IU.OOfflO,25
Drv MilUHl meats , loose shouldorx , (8,50 ; Iong. >
and ribs , ( U.12 ; shorU , tu.50 ; boxod. Ifn
more , HIICIHI , parked hhouldorH , SO. 60 ; lontri
and ribs , (10,25 ® 10.37'i ; hhorts , JIO.DOi !
lt.G2) ) { , Hums , unchaiiKed ; bitgur cured
c.ini Unchunged.
IITS Klour , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 22.00C
bu , : corn , 84IKVO bn. ; outs , 10.000 bu. ; rye am
barluy , none ,
Hnii > > iKKTH Vloiir , 4.000 bbls.j wheiit. 200 , .
000 bu. ; corn , 137,1)00 bu , ; oats , 1U.OUO bu ,
rye , l.ouo ; barley , none.
ICIIIII.IIM City .Murkntii ,
ICANSASClTY. Juno 23. WIIKAT Dull , biirel' '
steady ; No. 2 hard , 60c ; No. 2 rod , OOc.
oCoHN-Sletidy ; No. . 2 mixed , 33HQ33 > 4'ci Nu
OATH In better demand and firm : No. ' .
mixed. 20 © 27e ; No. 2 while. 27S ! < ifr20c.
Kails Kinv : ut lOc.
ItKCKli-rs Wheat , 14,000 bu.j corn , 12,001
bn. : outH , none.
Hiiil'MKSTS-Wheat , 54,000 bu , ; corn , none
oats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
MlUruukvu nlurkuU ,
MII.WAIIKKK , Jnno 23. WIIUAT Lower ; July
02JioNo. 2bprlng,04o
Co N Dull ; No. 3 , STtJttSflc.
OATS-DuIl ; No. a white. 345J34'Jc.
HAIU.KV Uifchuugod.
I'ltovisiONS Steadyj pork , 110.
MliinoiiiulUVliout | .Market. , Juno 23 , The market wa
lower , anil closed wuukund without support
cash wuntiu ! > yi No. 1 northern , 5bift50c ( ; Ni
2 northern , 5G35Gic ) ; recblpu , 247 can
rlosvj Juno , &HC ; July , 58'ie ; Septombei
C3Uc , On track : No. i bard. f.Uci No.
jiorthern , & 8c ; No. 2 northern , 55ic. !
livvr York l rjiooiU A
NEW YOIIK , June 23. Demand for dry good
was moro regular. The now nrlcua for bleuehe
coodn Induced incroukud buslne s In tlni
Direction , whllo good * bncclully adapted t
thn current wants of jobber * nnd retailers v
hayo a rovlvnd romicst. Illoaehed good * are
In dcrnMid.XTho follontnit quotntlons arc
made ! 1'opnconlin 4-4 bloaebod , 7ct ! Senate
4-4 blnaebed , He ; blcnchad , GVci Wenlth of
the County , S.Vci I'oarlcn and Monithansct ,
OKc each.
T t
Onmtm I'roiluco Miirknt.
Tbo produce market appeared to bo devoid
of iiny very Important features and vrbllo
there was a good deal of business transacted
an Kir of quiet prevailed In tbo produce dis
An lncre u In the receipts of eggs Is noticed
nnd there l t ft weaker feeling prevalent on tbo
market. The locul demand Is not largo nnd
most every ono Is complaining about the lack
of snap to the ecp trade. As eastern markets
are comparatively lower than the Omaha
market It would not surprise a good many If
tbo tnii : kot bore should drop before many days.
The butter market Is llrm und the receipts
are not no very largo for the latter part of
Tlio poultry market appears to have fallen
Into the dump * . The receipts urn not large ,
but the demand Is so light that the marknt Is
a constant ilrau. Only a few spring chickens
are coming , but not many are wanted and
very small ones are not wanted at. all. An oc
casional coop of ducks arrive , but tboy are
practically out ofbcuson und are very slow
There Is quite a trade In fruits , but It Is
without any very noteworthy feature.
ToMATor.s Mississippi 4-baskpt crates , $2.
UAt.iraiiNiA UAIIIIAHI : Crates , per Ib. , ' ' # &
2MC ! St , Louis cabbage , per crate , S3.UOS3.25.
Mw I'OTATOKS Southern , perbbl.$3 ; Cali
fornia , per Ib. , 2ii2 < ( c.
STIIINQ UKANR 1'or bu. box , $1.50.
Cucu.Miiuns I'er doz. , homo grown , &OUGOc.
UAUMMowni fancy , par doz. , 1.76 ,
ONIONS Southern , per bbl , , $1.
Asi'AiiAtlus I'er doz. , 35 © 40c.
CAi.iFon.MA Ciinitnius 1'or 10-lb. box , $1.25
© 1.50.
HTiiAWUKiutir.s 1'cr cnae. on orders , $3.503
4.00. ,
noogtinnniliis I'cr case , $3.50.
HI.ACK KASi'iicnnics 1'ur 24-plnt cases , 32 ;
2-l-iiart | cases , J3.50f,3.75. [
LKMONS Cholco to fancy , $4.5035.00 ; extra
fancv , $5.50y.i.OO. (
llASANAM-l'er bunch , Including crates and
packing , 8a.OKro'J.M ( ) .
OiiANiini-Klvcrsldo socdlliiKs , $3.0033.25 ;
Ulversldo Modlterruncan sweets , $3.75 ; moun
tain Mediterranean sweut , J3.0033.25 ; moun-
tnlti oranges , ta.OUIia.7r > .
lli.ACKnr.iiiuis-lVr a-t-qt. case , $4.
Mtssoum Ciuiiltns I'er 24-iit. case , $3.00 ©
SouinniiN PLUMS Wild geese and Chlcka-
stiw , per 24-iit. ease , f2.00ia 50.
I'lNKAl'i'l.KM I'er do/ . , $2.00i.2.50.
Al'iilCOTB I'er crate of 4 baskets , $2.50.
WATCIIMIIX : > NS I'er lee , } 3uuo35.00.
ntiTTnii Strictly fancy country , small lots ,
15UlGu ; packing stock , faiiftlSc. /
Koiia lienciiil market , Ilff.l2o. (
I'lilii.TiiY Choice hens , 7Jc ! : mixed eonp ,
G7c ; roostor.s , 4Q5o ; nprlngehlckuns , S2.75 ©
4.00 ; geese and ducks , 78c.
HAY The market on good upland buy , $0.60
© 7,00 I near lots.
VUAI < Choice and small fat , 77tc ! ; largo
and thin 3SOc.
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cotton Murknt.
Nr.w OHI.KANS , Juno 23. Kasy : good mid
dling , Hjc ! ; middling , 77 c ; low middling ,
711-lGcnot : receipts , 200 bales ; gross , 402
bales ; exports to li'runco , 7,430 bales : sales ,
1,410 bales ; slock. 103,002 bales. Weekly
net receipts , 8,081 bales ; gros , 10,010 bales ;
exports to great Britain , 3,777 bales ; to
France , 7,430 bales : to the continent , 1.80U
bales ; coastwise , 2,342 bales ; sales , 11,150
Liverpool .Markotn.
LtVEitrooi. , Juno 23. WIIKAT Steady ; de
mand moderate ; holders offer moderately.
Receipts past three days 110,000 centals , Including -
cluding 92,000 Amorleiin.
COIIN Klrm ; demand fair ; mixed western ,
4s4'td per cental. Uucelpts American corn
past throe ilays , 4,800 centals.
HACOS Long clear 45 Ibs. , 53s Gd percwt.
LAUI > I'rlmo western , 48s Gd porowt.
Coiled Mllrliot.
Nr.w Yonic , Juno 23. Options opened quiet ,
unchanged to 5 points down , closed barely
steady 15 points down ; sales. 7,500 bags ; July ,
$15.2u : September , S14.UU ; December , J14.G5
© 14.85 ; Spot Hlo , dull , nominal ; No. 7. S1G.25.
Wuul Murkut.
I'nir.ADnt.riiiA , Juno 23. Quiet ; demand
limited ; prices largely nominal ; medium un
washed , combing und delaine , 20f < .22c ; course
unwashed , combing and delaine. 2022c ;
Montana , 1218c ; Territorial , 1018c.
Cliiftiiiiiitl Markets.
CINCINNATI , Juno 23. WHEAT Dull ; No. 2
red , GOii.
COIIN Heavy : No. 2 mixed. 40Jic.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 33c.
WHISKY In light demand at $1.12.
Philadelphia Grain Market.
Pim.ADEi.riiiA , Juno 23. WHEAT Quiet ;
No. 2 red. June , G83G9 ! { < \
COIIN Weak : No. 2 mixed , 48348 > fc.
OATS Dull ; No. 2 white , Juno and July , 38J !
< S3'Jc.
It.iltlmnro drain M ri > t.
HAI.TIMOUI : , Juno 23. WIIUAT Weak ; No. 2
.red , t-pot and June , GOc.
COIIN Weak ; mlxod , hpot and Juno , 48Uc.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 white western , 41c.
l.onclt.M Oil Market.
per quarter ; Juno und July shipments , Is Od.
LiNSERUGAKK U7 per ton for western.
20.s pur cwt.
Securities Were Weak und In nn Unsettled
Coiulltloii Vt'Htrrd'iy.
Niw Yonic , Juno 23. The stock market was
weak and unsettled today. Lake Shore , Jer-
bcy Contra ) , Lackawannti , Manhattan und
Sugar declined ! J per cent. The losses In the
remainder ot tbo list were ! 5 to ye. A number
of stocks llko the grangers , Northern Pacific ,
Now York Central and General Electric show
fractional gains for the day. Dealings were
strictly professional , thocominUsion men hav-
ng been disputed of. The be.ira considered
themselves safe In tholr attacks upon iho market -
kot because of a heavy fulling off In the bank
statements for tomorrow , the shipments of
currency f or the week being estimated at
{ 0,000,000. The decline In Lackawnnna was
accelerated by reports of the failure of the
Heading plan. At the close the market was
weak In tonoata recovery of JJ to ? s percent
from the lowest.
The Post says : Notwithstanding the rise In
Chicago exchange ) shipments of currency con-
tlnuo heavy todiiv. C.ill money rates rose tc
the week's earlier level , nnd sterling exchange
rolled Ing thn same influence , foil into re
newed weukness. The sentimental inlluencet
of the day , Including yostorduy's trade , wore
for the most part , unfavorable and they were
used Industriously by the board room con
tingent. Ilnslnuss , however , continued verj
limited and the shurp declines were concen
trated on comparatively small stocks on the
list.Tho following are tbo closing quotations 01
the leading stocks on the Now York Stock e.v
change today.
* if * vi < > tt % - ' \ > i iitt ' M.U vw § mil in vr til ittuiii
lircfurrvd , 3,800 ; Hoachni , ' , 800i St. I'uul , la
lOOi BUfur0,300.
London riniincial Itevlotv.
ICoJ/rl'/iAt | | ( 1311 by .hl'Htl ( htr\l'in ItCnmtt , ]
LONDON , Juno i3. ! [ Now York Herald Cub ]
Smclul ; ti > TUB llKK. > There was
nothing today In city lnislnesn. tlio Stock
chuniio buliiK Diitlroly htiiKiiunt. As u co
iiut > nco prlct'M gunerully wcro dull. Aint-rlcu
rullwuj-H ere wunkur , euiieulully AtcliUoi
Krlo , IlllnoU Uontrul , Nortfioru 1'a
cllic urvforrnil And Hoacllni ; . lm |
ocurltlou wrro feuturulcbs. Kupco puui
was uiiclmnitud. The Ilorsclioll comndttc
report w uxpocted loduj , but has not u |
poarcd yet The ( cntnro In thn forclsn
market wan a fall In Mexican da ,
nnw quoted fit 72i < ppr cent. South
African Miarrs wcro all decidedly wnakcr ,
owing to tlio nbsenco nf IniiliiCRs. Copper
Miarct were weak , Hlo Tlnto * closlnsnt 16J/
percent. Three liundrvd nnd nine tliousand
pounds wan sent Into bank.
No XT York Money .Mnrkct.
Nr.w YORK , Juno 23. MONET ON CAMWns
active , tanplnt ; front 17y.2 ( ) per cent. Lait
loan 20 tiur cent. Closed offered at 20 per
1'itiME Mp.noANiti.n I'Arrtt COS per cent.
STKIIMNO ExcitANon-Wi-aker with nrtuat
hlKlnoss lit banker1 * hills nt ? 4.82 i < iH.Bl ! for
slxtv-day hills und J4.S4'4W-l.b5 for duinnnd.
OOVKIINMKNT HoNDS-l'Imior. State bonds
The ulo3tiiR qnotatlom on honds :
U.S. 4s re ? . . . , St I * JtI.M.Ocn.r.8 R2
U.S. 4n coup. . . . . . . st. i , . .vs.K.oen.M. 10.1
U. S. 44s mr. . . . . . . H7 St I'anl Consols. . . 12.1
I'-ipltlo Oi of "VS. . . , 1IU St.I' . , C. .t P. Ints. . 111)
T. 1' . I. . O. Tr. KclH 70M
lltl T. 1' . U. O. Tr. UetH IS
Tonn.iiow setYlrt ! . . tt. % Union 1'nclno Ittts.
Tonn. new sut rH. . . nr \VeRtSliora
Tomi. ni'\v notin. ; . . IIH U. O. W. IBIS. . 73H
Canaita So. 2 < l li'.i- ' ) AtClllHOU 4H 58M
Centrniraelllalst. 105 Atch. 2X8. cl.1 8 A.
1) . * It. II. IBIS 11G O.1I.&S. A.Cs 10'J
1) ) . A.U. O. 4H Hfi G. U. ft S. A. 2(1 ( is. llll
Krln 2 < ln. . . . . . mi * . II.&T.C. r.s 107
M. K. * T. nonllfl. . 77 llOCOII. 118. . . . . . . . . IIVJ
N , Cnrolluu OB 1U7
Mutual Union ( ! H. ! ! 1(1(1' ( ( ' N. Carolina un
N. J. O. Int. Cert. , , . Ill ) S. 0 , Browns. . limfj
N. I'jtc. Into. . . . . . . . list. Tonn. old GB ( fj
N. 1'ac. 2ils ion iVa.ils none
N. W. Consols _ iiVa. Kx-Mat.coun , . : i
N. W. DuueufragH. . ! I Va. con . , ad aorlea no
llottou Htuck ( Ji
HOSTO.V , Juno 23. Callloani , 0 7 per cant ;
Unto loans , U. per cont. C'lo.sln quotation *
on stocks , honus und inlnliijt sharps !
\\VRlKudltrvrd. ; . .
Atnerlean Sugar. . . Bl.'i ' Bluctrlo
do profit H3 Oo pruf'tl i 40H
ll.iy Stale ( law II WH. | Central H
lli-ll Tcleithono. . . . ini ) AtchlHon 2Us
Ilontou , V Albany. . 2IKI do Is
Itnston A. Miilno , . . . llll New KtiKlandito. . .
ilo iirufil . .140 IJi-ii. Klectrlc AM. . . H'-'H
? hl. . llur. .t Q btlTiWlH. Central IH. . . . Ht )
Kltchbuwpfd HI Allunez MhdiiB ( Jo 40
Oeneval Kleutrlc. . . 71 Atlantic . . . . . 7U
Demon .t Montana 21W
Mexican Central ! ! . United lloHton. , , , 7H
Ualuinct.t Hccl.1. . 278
Old Colony..r. . . ! ! Kranklln 11
Oregon Short Line 12
Uuubor 10 Oseeula . 27
Sail Dli-uo. 10n Quln'ey . lt > ! >
Union IMclllo 28 Tamarack . 141
Knit law
Sun Francisco Mminc Omitulloin.
HAN KIIANCISCO , .luno' 23. The oniclal
closing ( ( notations for nilnln ; ; stocks today
were as follows :
Alia ' 'Ill Mexican n.i
IloHt.V llulclier bO'.Mono II )
llmtlo Consolidated. . 'JO'Opldr ' 1415
llulvvi'f 10'1'otoHt ' l ll
Cliollar CO Savat'o 40
Consolld'il Cal..tVa. IRO'Stcrr.i ' Nevada 70
Crown Point IftUnion Consolidated. 0(1 (
Gould & Curry CO Utah , .r >
llalu&Norurons 4l ( | Yellow .liirket 125
Now York Mtnln : ; ( liioliitlons ,
Nr.w YOIIK , Juno 23. The following are tbo
mining quotations :
Con. . Cal. Jb Va 140.Ophlr 140
Deadwood 1 ( Mlj Sierra Nev.ida 05
( iolild & Curry 40(1 ( Standard I''O
Halo&Norerufw. . . . illliUnlon Con 11.1
Homestako lldd Yellow Jacket ' - ' . " >
Mexican lld.Qnlek Silver BBOO
Ontario llionl do nruf'd Ifilil )
St. T.nuN 'MIiillll ; Uuotitliins.
ST. Louis , Juno S3. The following are the
closing mining quotations :
Adams. . . . $ .8.1 ( A , V'i | iJranlto.-.r.o
Am. Nettle . : 5 M .117H Hoiio 3.50 CU.dO
Illiuefllc. . 3.2O Cll.OO | Leo 0. .07
Elizabeth. .41) ) CC .41J1IS. Hopes. . .40 C .lil )
, ITfnunehil .MJtey.
KANSAS CITY , Juno 23. Clearings , 81,308-
I'Anis , Juno23. Three nor cent rentes , 07t
H7'.4c for the account.
Niw YOIIK , Juno 23. Clearings , $07,022,142 ;
balances , SO,2D2.J73.
HAI.TIMOHE , Jnno 23. Clearings , $2,101,099 ;
balances , S4GB,5G9. Money 0 per cent ,
Viin.Ai > ui.i > iiiA , Juno 23. Clearings , $10-
302,001 ; balunces , $1,540,579. Money 0 per
LONDON , Juno 23. Amount of bullion gene
Into the Hank of Kntilaml on bulancca today ,
CINCINNATI , Juno 23. Money , G8 per cent.
Now York oxclmngo , GOBtlOO discount. Ulear-
ings , 81,788,300.
MEMPHIS ) , Juno 23. Xow York cxchnngo
soiling at J1.50 pruniluui. Clcarlngti , $125,267 ;
biilunccH , $41,225.
llOSTON , Juno 23. Clearings , 813,037,267 ;
balances , $1,441,531. Money UQH per cent.
Exchange on Now York , lOc discount to par.
NKWOni.KANS , Juno 23. Clearings , J1.029-
880 ; Now York exchange , cnmmorcltil , 75c per
$1.01)0 ) premium ; bunk , $1.50 per $1,000 pre
ST. LOUIS. Juno 23. Clearings , J2,98.r,980 ;
balances , $314,871. Money , iiulat. Gt ) per
cent. Exchange on Now York , 81.0031.20
CIIICACO , Juno 23. Hunk clearings today ,
$12,132 604. Now York exe.hange , lOc premium.
Sterling exchange , quiet ; slxt v day bills , 4,84 ;
demand , 4,80. Money closed 7 pur cent.
Nr.w YOUK , Juno 23 , [ Special Telegram to
Tin : 11EB.1 Kxuhungo was quoted as follows
today : Chicago , lOc premium ; Huston , lOc
discount to pur ; St. Louis , SI and $1.25 dis
Prices on Cnttlo Finn Up Slightly Hog *
Advance Ton Cents.
FRIDAY , Juno 23.
i There wasia light run of cattle , but nolot-uo
In hog receipts. During the past live days
thuro have boon received 20 ; ) fewer cattle , 12-
200 moro hogs and 1,000 fewer Hhoop than
during the same llvo days last week.
The general cattle market was moro active
than It has been any day this week and u
slight improvement la prices noted nil along
the line. Light receipts , cooler weather and
bolter reports from eastern markets all
favored the sellers und buyers had to
buttle to (111 ( tholr orders. Shippers allowed a
disposition to trade , and whllo their
purchases were not heavy , their presence had
u tendency to make buyers for local dressed
hoof houses settle. Fair to good 1,202 to
1,307-lb. Bteers sold readily at from $1.40 to
$ t,05 , whllo the ( leslrallo 1,000 to 1,188-llj.
steers brought $4 to $4.37 . On anything
showing fat , good enough to Invite competi
tion , prices ruled strong to a dlmo higher than
Thursday. There was not such a Inriro pro
portion of light , trashy utulfon halo , but at
tU.Gto ? 3,85 the market for such was gen
erally quoted fully steady. Under the cir
cumstances the supply wax not long In chang
ing hands.
Very few cows were received , not over half a
do/.en loads. Trade was fairly brisk and
prices generally steady to strong. Good to
cholco fat cows and heifers hold at from $3 to
$3,05 , with fair to gooil butchers' stock largely
at from S2.5U to $3 and common and cunning
grades all the way from (1.25 to $2.25 Fair to
good calves at $3,50 toH.7Q worn about stoady.
Uood bulls were stronner , common unchanged
at from $2 to $3.25 ,
There was not much doing In the ( decker and
feeder line. Supplied in regular dealers' hands
are largo , and with no country demand to
speak of they uro not very anxious to further
milargo their holding * except at considerably
reduced pricos. The llmmelal trouble U felt
hero perhaps as directly us In any branch ot
the trade , but the feeilur market Is always un
satisfactory at this uuuson of the your. Hupre-
buntutlvo bales :
( . - . STAGS.
1 100 226. . . .
2 000 2 Bt ) 2 030 316
0 ,702 2JUU 24 1014 3 GO
4. . . . . . 742 2 1)0 )
Horn-Hecolpts-'continue ' liberal. There
wcro a few morci. hogs here than Thursday
and 2.800 moro thati'last I'rlday. For the past
four days receipts have uvcruned over 8,600 a
day ami the Increase u far this week over
last amounts to ovtr 12,200 hogs. Under the
circumstances It looked as If prices would go
lower , but custom murkots were all stronger
and packers are apparently ntixloua for the
hogs nt the present comparatively low figures.
Opening bids were all of lOc hmhor , nnd nn
this busts moJtof the ttadtng was done , Ar-
immrot Chicago took over 1,800 bogs , the Ne
braska nty Packing house called for 1,000
moro and Ctiduhy secured over 1,300 , Kast-
ern butchers nnil local fresh incut houses were
not ut nil Idle , and trade was brts-k from the
start , the market closing up very active and
a shade stronger than H opened. On account
of the good general demand and the uniform
quullty of the ollerlngs tin ran o of prices
wus narrow , running from J.ri.05 for common
ml.\ed packers to $5.80 for the bust hotrs of all
weights. It was practically u $5.7(1 ( to $5.75
market , the big bulk of tlio fair to good hogs ,
regardless of weight , selling at these figures ,
ugalnst$5.GOto$5.05Tmirsday and SO.O5 to
$0.15 on last Friday. Kcprcscntattvo stiles )
Sh. Pr. No. Av. Plu 1'r. '
40 15 00 72..204 120 $5 $ TC ,
1GO 5 U5
120 .200
80 .1110
120 .240
120 ,20'J
320 .254
200 .240
200 .224
80 .220
120 270
120 .201
80 .230
240 .21)0 )
80 .251
80 .250
240 .200
120 .243
100 .354
200 .204
1 Tlicro were no fresh receipts.
Is a fair demand , but prices nro weak In sym
pathy with eastern markets. I'ulr to good
natives. J4.50S5.00) ) fair to good westerns ,
$4.00S5.UUj common and stock sheep , J2.50IO
4.00 ; good to eholco 40 to 100-lb. lambs , S4.5U
Q.G.UO. UepreseiitaUvc. sales :
No. Av. Pr.
100WCS vi.i 00 $400
Kecelpts nnd DUpixitliiu of Stock.
Official receipts' art'd disposition of stack as
shown by the books of tlio Union Block \ ards
company for tlio't.wonty-four hours ending at
5 o'clock p. in. June 23 , 1803 :
Chicago Livestock Market.
CniCAOo , Juno 23. ( Special Telegram to Tun
HUE. ] The 4,000 jiutlvo cuttlo hero today
brought a llttlo moro money than could have
huen obtained for them yesterday. Whllo not
displaying nny xpcclul activity , the
demand was stronger than for soiuo
( lays past und the trend of prices
was unmistakably In sellers favor. That was
the case not only us regards good butcher's
stock , which wus scarce , Out equally so us to
well tutted steers , which constituted the bulk
of the offerings. The receipts of Texas cattle
amounted to about 2,000 head. They were till
bought up and ut btrong prices. Hales of na
tives wuro largely at from J2 to $3
for cows und bulls und at from 54.15 to $4,1)0 )
for steers , while tlio popular prices for Toxuns
were from $2.25 to $ J.5U. The gain of lOo
which sellers secured toward the close
of Thursday's market was supplemented today
by u further advance of from lOc to 15c. Kurly
in the morning pi-Ices moved up to from )
to $0.45 for common to extra medium und
heavy and to from $0.50 to 0.55 for the bust
assorted light weights , and no purt of
that advance was lost , though .somo sales
men imagined they saw weakness later In
the day. Slnco Thursday mornlnn there Has
hcen nn advance of from i20c to 2Sc. Kuch
grades as were quoted ut from $0.16
to $0.20 at the close of Wednesday's
trading biting sulablo today ut from
$0.40 to $6.45. The bulk of thn Btulf
sold at from iG.25 to 1G.-1Q and from $0.10 to
$6.55 was the rungo for morchiintablo grades ,
heavy and light belling closer together than
for some days previous. The week was
ono of extraordinary dullness In this
line und prices sull'erud a moro severe
shrlnkago than Is often experienced
In that space of time from 50c to GOc per cwt.
lias been taken elf the value of the animal ,
natives und westerns having declined to front
$2.70 to $5 and Toxuns to from $2.25 to $1,50.
Continued heavy rucolpu wuro noted In
hogs whllo the demand has tukun olT greatly
slnco hot weather hut In , If supplies uro to
continue of their present proportions sellers
may us well ho prepared for lower prices , us
the present demand will not absorb nny such
numlHirsoxcopt afu further material decline ,
Spring lambs have dropped off fully 75c per
100 HH. , present quotations being from $3,70
to $ G,75 for poor to extra. The tuurkut wus
Urm today.
Kuugua Clfyi Live Stuck Market.
KANSAS OITV , Juno 23 , OATTLK Iterolpts ,
0,100 head ; shipment * ) , GOO head ; market
steady to lOc higher ; foxus steers , $2.20iS
4.00 : shipping fleers. J4.35a5.10 ; native
cows. $ l.B5 ! ( 4.25butchor ; ; Block , t3.50ft4.4l ) :
stockurs und fuo'aurs , $2,75 4.15 ; bulls und
mixed , $1.753.25V
lloos Receipts' , .0,800 head ; shipments
1,400 head : market strong nnd lo&15c
huhur ; bulk of Hules , $5.15 ; packers , $5.05'Q '
5.U5 ; mlxud$0.05Si5U5 ; Yorkers , $5'J5Q,0.05 , ;
pigs , ll.OOI04.HO , '
BiniKi' Kuculiits , COO head ; shipments , B0 (
head ; market sloiytynd | weak ,
Hr. l.onil Xvo | " ' "OK Murhot.
BT. LOUIB , Juno23. OATTI.E Kccolpts. 2,10f
huadj blilpment . .XOl ( ) ; miirkot stouuy ; all
stock on liiiml Toxana and Indians ; fair tc
good grass Tunis JtJurs , J2.75ii3,85 ,
Ilous lU > ouliH2,000 ] ( huiul ; shipments ,
1,1UO ; market 10 ' higher ; top price , $6,25 ;
HilKKtKccolptvf , 4,100 head ; ulilpments
2,8UOhuad ; murker dull , unchanged.
New York I.lve Stuck 'Murkot.
NBW YOIIK , Juno 23 , HeuvitH Kocelit4 | , 1 , <
OOU head ; uctlvo ; native steers , * l.HUiD5.7O
Tcxan , $4,25 : drunsod boot , steady ut 74I8)ic )
receipts of culves , 049 head ) market iictlvi
und 25c higher.
HiiBKi1 Kecolpts , 20,08t head ishcop , steady
lambs , dull und uu lower.
llooii Kecelpts , l.-ionioudj market stead )
Plies of people have piles , but Da Wltt'i
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
Clntiul ) > y Creditors.
The butcher shop operated by E. L
Coughlln , located at the corner of Capita
avenue anil Sixteenth street , was closed b ,
the sheriff yesterday , The principal cred
Itor was the Cudahy Packing company o
South Omaha. Attachments aggregatta
11,500 bavo been issued.
Piles of people have piles , out noWltt1
wltuhhazcl salve will cure them.
Affairs in Business Circles as Yet Show No
Marked Improvement.
Money Plenty nnil Trrtilo flood In the Ito-
portMndo of tlio ( Into City tmcmir-
nglniNcwj from Other 1'liicct
Tlio U'ock'a failure.
NEW YOUK , .luno s ; < . It , O. Dun ft Co.'s
weekly review of trade says : The Imr-rove.-
mcnt expected from the Issue of Clearing
House certificates , thus utilizing credits Instead -
stead of cash In locnl dealings , has not been
realized. Other cities , especially fn the
west , have not tnkcn similar measures to ro-
licvo the pressure and the demand for money
from the Interior continues unabated.
The volume of trade Is considerably re
duced by monetary stringency. Bank clear
ings outsldo Now York arc declining ma
terially tn comparison with last year. In
some departments of business orders for
merchants have declined , since there Is no
assurance of ability to carry the poods until
they are sold , while In other departments
oiilcrs arc not received because the future
Is distrusted. They affect the great In
dustries , and the worst results have been
feared. Most of the works are employed on
orders booked before the present troubles ,
but many are now reducing their number of
bands and others must soon suspend opera
tions unless their prospects become clearer.
In the Iron business no Improvement U
experienced and pig Is as low as over , while
finished products nro in dcmiuui. It is
thought the closing of works will reduce
the output of pig iron considerably , but at
present the manufacture Is going on with
great force. Of forty mills working the
majority uro on past orders.
Itoportri from Cities.
Business is comparatively quiut at Boston ,
whllo boots and shoes shipments on past
orders are being mado. Speculative mar
kets have been much depressed by the mone
tary stringency , wheat having sold for
several days at the lowest prlco over known
hero and at Chicago , though the wide mar
gin between .luno and September offers
stromj temptation for use of money In carry-
Ing. The movement of grain in the far west
was the largest of the season and by no
means indicates exhaustion of stocks , and
the visible supply decreases so slowly that
the holders are llttlo encouraged. Much
needed rains have fallen In the northwest
during the week. Export demand Is not
largo. Corn has been weak , with moro
cheering crop prospects and hog products
because of monetary stringency. Cotton
declined , but partially recovered with
stronger foreign advices.
Accounts from other cities nearly all show
that monetary pressure affects trade ma
terially , tbat collections are unusually slow
and banks extremely cautious in lending ,
ovou where they are strongly fortilicd.
At Pittsburg ttio volume of business has
somewhat decrcascd-anil the fact that two
prominent iron concerns are involved is not
encouraging. It is thought the mills In
trouble may closo.
At Cleveland trade is fairly good ; money
Is closo.
At Cincinnati stringency makes collections
At Detroit manufacturers are discharging
sumo of their employes , llains have had a
good effect on growing crops.
At St. Paul and Minneapolis prospects nro
much brighter.
Chicago reports no distinct improvement
in trade , though July settlements will release
largo sums of money. Prices for wheat are
tbo lowc&t over known. Local securities
have shrunk several points and provisions
are lower. Clearings show a decrease of 80
per cent. Keiil estate securities 40 per cent
as compared with last year.
Milwaukee reports money slightly easier.
Trmlo Good mill .Money Plenty lit Oniiilin.
At Otnalia trade is good and money plenty.
St. Joseph reports slow collections und
Kansas City fair trade and collections.
Denver reports fair trade , but slow col
At St. Louis the freight movement is grat
At Atlanta trade Is fair , but collections
slow and money closo.
At Mobile trade is fair , out money tight.
The state of foreign trade is not yet satis
Exports of products fall below last year's
at Now York in Juno thus far about 14 per
cent , while imports are still larger than n
year ago. Trading in stocks is much affected
by monetary conditions and prices have been
depressed on an average of 25 per cent on
some selling by foreigners of securities re
cently purchased. There is hope that July
disbursements , the issue of certificates and
the increased grain shipments will bring
bettor conditions , but tbo failures are still
numerous nnd include some of importance.
The failures for the week number U37 ,
compared with ! tS7 last week. For the cor
responding week of last year the failures
were 100.
Trading Nnrronr ntul Kxccudlnitly Sensitive
I'tiiiturcH aT tliu Market.
NEW YOUK , Juno 23. Bradstreet's Wall
street review tomorrow will say : The finan
cial situation keeps the speculative stock
market in a narrow and exceedingly sens
itive state. Irregularity has characterized
the tone of quotations , the only general
feature being a rapid temporary advance
ment Wednesday , duo to tbo sudden an
nouncement that tbo expected importation of
gold from Europe had materialised and that
$500,000 had actually been taken in London for
transfer hitherto. Humors of other engage
ments wcro encouraged by the existence of
depressing in rates of exchange , though rates
had not changed the least nor supplies of
commercial bills attained the magnitude
whicti , in tbo opinion of bankers , would
Justify the inflow of specie. The
bear interests in the market was quick
to take fright and the rapid cov
ering of their short contracts supplied
the lack of outside buying and gave the mar
ket a brief si > ell of animation and strength.
The announcement that the transfer of $ T > 00-
000 gold from ixmdon was a "special trans
action" and the immediate recovery of exchange -
change to figures which prohibited furthoi
gold Imports was followed by the stoppage
of short covering and a ro nowal of bear at
Incus , which wcro encouraged by the aban
donmontof the Heading reorganization plans.
The extension of the wave of financial disturbance
turbanco to the Pacific coast and tlio demand
mand on the Now York banks from thai
quarter seemed to counteract the effect o
the falling off in tlio demand in the regloi
tributary of Chicago , although tbo issue o
* ltTjO,000 ! Clearing House certificates and tin
decision of the treasury to anticipate inter
cst payments in the west had i
calming effect on the money mnr
kot and on speculative sentiment
In view of the approachmcnt of the .lul ;
disbursements and the pressure , which the ;
f AKi * .
It Ourei Cold , Coughi. 8 or 8 Throat , Croup , Jnfltt.
eua , Whoopin ? Coujh , Broncbltii and Aitbraa.
A certaia cure for Ooniumptlon ia 4r t ( UCd
and a tun relief ia adraaced § Uf ei. Vttjit ooce.
You will tee the exeellent etftot after Uklnr the
t.-.t dote. Bold by dealer ! eier/whtn. Lar (
bottlti 60 cinU and SI.00.
necessarily caused , tlio marVot showed no
nbillty to develop strength nnd such fnctor *
ns the Incrcaso o ( trnvo. ! towanl the Chicago
fnir nnd the distinctly unfnvorablo Kuropenn
crop prospect are deprived of tangibility In
consequence. Kuropo took llttlo part In this
market , Ixiinlon. Indeed , showing R sensi
tive disposition In roRant to the possibility
of gold withdrawals for extxjrt to this
cr.iMiiiNo HOUSI : srAri.MiNT : .
Nearly Kvcry I'roinlnpt.t City In tlio
Country Shin * * n. Drcrra p.
'Nr.w YOUK , Juno .M. This table , compiled
by Uradstrcot , shows the bank clearings of
various cities for the week ending Juno U'J
nnd the percentage of increase or dcorcnso
as compared with the corresponding week
of '
Stringency In tlio Money Market Still Ef-
tuctit lliiHlncKR Unfavorably.
Nr.w I'OIIK , Juno 21) ) . Bradstreet's review
of trade for the week will embody tbo fol
lowing : There is no improvement In the
money loaning inarjcot. The sudden ship
ments by Now York banks of gold and silver
to the Pacific coast , did not s'.ay the inroads
of distrust in California and a score and
moro of the smaller banks in that state have
been raided by anxious depositors and closed
their doors. .Many bunks , however , which
have closed their doors are oxpcctcd to open
again , having assets in excess of liabilities.
Extreme stringency in monetary circles is
noticeable also at the north west and at some
of the iaruo eastern centers , where outside
commercial paper is being discriminated
against moro than last week.
. A small shipment of gold from England
has been pivcn undue importance , us It is
not the outgrowth of international commer
cial relations.
The volume of general trade , while not
materially different from last week , us
Mr. T O. .Tones , ot
Fulton , Arkansas.
"About ten years ago I con-1
tracted a 6ovcro case of blood pol-
Bon. Leading physicians prescribed medicine
r.ftcr medicine , which I tool ; without nny relief.
I also tried mercurial ami poMbh remedies ,
with unsuccessful results , but which brought
on an attack of mercurial rheumatism that
made my life
ono of agony.
After suffering
four years I gave up all remedies and began
using S. S/S. After taking eovcral bottles I
, vas entirely cured and able to resume work.
Is the greatest medicine for blond
poisoning to-day on the market. "
Treatise on Illood and Skin Dlscascs'inalled
freo. SWUT SPECIFIO CO. , Atlanta , Ga.
shown by the bank clearings totals , (1,0.1.1-
000,000 Is 0 per cent smaller ttmn tbo sama
week lust year.
The number of business failures nns In
creased sharply , the total being nearly , U
not quite , the largest number of failures
ever reported In oito week.
The margin of error In the official \vhcat
crop reports In the last two yonts point * to a
probable outturn this season of 400,000,000
bushels , whllo the Mil plus reserve nvaltablo
for export nt this time cannot bo less than
70.000,000 bushels larger than the minimum ,
Indicating a probable total avallnblo pimply
for the ensuing year of KiO.OOO.OOO bushels.
Exports of wheat ( flour Included ) from
both coasts continue heavy , aggregating
9.rCi3,0)0 ( ) bushels this week , Ml per cent more
limn the sumo week In IMtt and n compared
with about 1,500,000 bushels in the sfuna
week in 1SSS nnd 18S ! ) . U Is noteworthy that
the net weekly decrease of available wlical
supplies In the United State * nnd Canada
are about equal to tha sumo of last year.
That's what Sick Headache doe * ,
when Dr. riprce'i ; rionmuit I'ol-
lots are taken. Thcso tiny , sug.
nr-coatcd , nntl-tiillotis granules
euro It completely. Thoy'ro tbo
smallest , tbo tviMtwt to tnko , and
Ura must nudmil remedy. No
disturbance , \mplaisantnes3 ,
no reaction afterward. Unolittlo
, Pellet at a dose regulates the
whole system. Constipation , Indigestion -
digestion , Dillons Attacks , Dizzl-
niws , nnd nil derangements of the
liver , stomach nnd IxwcU nro
prevented , relieved , and perma-
piumtly cured.
They're ths cheajwst pills yon
can buy fit nny price , for thoy'ro
guaranteed to give satisfaction ,
or your money is returned. You
pay only for the good you ( jet.
Things that teem to help Catarrh may bo
doliifj harm. Poisonous , irritntlnp ; EnutTa
and strong , caustic solutions only ilrlvo It
from the hood to the lungs. Dr. Bagu'n Ca
tarrh Remedy cures Catarrh. It's mild ,
soothing , demising , healing. Its proprl'tora
promise f500 or a cure.
Mandrake Pills Imvo n riiluo us iv house
hold remedy far buyondtliu power otlun-
( juatfo to describe. * The family can
htmlly bo true to Itself tlmt ildos not
kcop them oh huiul for use in oinorgon-
Is tlio only vojjotiiulo substitute for that
dangerous minonil , MnucUKY , nnd
while its notion ns tv ctiratlvo is fully
equal , it possesses 110110 of tlio poriloua
oll'ects. i
In Constipation , Mundrnku nets upon
the bowels without disposing thorn to
subsequent Costlvonoss.
No remedy nets so directly on the
liver , nothing so speedily cures Siclc
Ileadnelie , Sour Stom-
ticli , nnd IJiliousness as
For Sale by all Drujalsts. 1'rleo " 5 elf. per
box ; II boxes forV ( > ets. ; or sent by mull , post-
use free , on receipt of nrlee. Dr. J , II.
Sclieiiei ; & Hon , Plilladolphla.
With Nerve I leans , new vegetable discovery
of m irvolous power , positive ejro ( or all
nerve tioublns , such us nervous Tirostrntion ,
Bleeplefstn'HS desnondenoy , pains In bnek and
side , Klok hoadachc. ilyspepsln , Ions of uppo-
llte , etc , AVomlerfnl netve ionic , nuikos rleli ,
j pnro blood , tones en tire system. $1 a box.
I enough for two weeks. At druggists , or by
i mull , Nerve llean Co. . llutl'alo. N. Y.
The First Watch.
Punctuality Is o rare
n to be almost n virtue.
1'ornapb If boys were
trained to be punctual ,
they would growup <
punclunl. CiivR Ihcin
RUBY JEWELED good wntclies I3nc
ADJUSTCI bcr-II.iinjiden i7-jcwcl
WATCHES watches and they will
have n o excuse f o r
If your denier "Iocs not keep our watches , mail
us your aililrcM ami we will scml youtheimmo
of a ilculiT who does. Tun UUKUKU WATCH
WOUKS , Cnutou , O ,
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Ornariai
fiCBl Cnttlo Ho nnd hoop market In tha wet * .
_ CD MM ! S 3 n I HO j 3 > .
Y/ood / Brotiiors ,
Live Stock Communion .Morchunti
o-ith Omaha Tolcphono 1 1ST.
JOHN l > . DADHMAN , l.t
WAl/ruil 15. W )01) ) , f
Market reports by mall and wlro ohoorfullT
inlsbed uiion i.ppliiat.ou.
Hector & Wilhcliny Lobccli & Linn ,
Dolors In hnrtlwnr * and
Corner 11th and Jnckion uiofUnnlri' tooli.
Htructi. HJI Duuulul Blro t.
W. A. L. Gibbon & Co Oiiwliii Safe and Iroa
Wlioloiale WO1UC3.
Halt , cnpa , ulrau xoudi. ( nf * < , vnulti , Jnll iroo
Klonvoi , rnlllani. Kill Iron kliuttcrf and tire a
uud Haruojr btrooti. cation. Out. Andruou , Id
nnd JuclcDOU
John A. Wakcllcld ,
IuiioitatlAr | ? rlcnn 1'urt-
land romcni , Mllwnu-
kuu coinciu und Quliicy
wlillu lluiu ,