gs ? " ' - > w ? i rri' W'Vw ' ! 8 TITE OMATIA TAILY ) ilBEE : TUESDAY , JUNE 20 , 1893. WITH GARLANDS OF GLORY rive Young Ladies Graduate at the Academy of the Sacred Heart , CLASS OF ' 93 AND WHO COMPOSED IT i , _ _ _ Bertha nuttmcr , Kmma Cr l hton , Inez * Flihcr , Minnie Lemon nml tuln Truckey Tlicmictvri with Credit Muilc , Literature and rionrori. A select and appreciative audience grouped lu the exhibition hall of the Academy of the Sacred Heart , Park place , at 3 o'clock yes terday afternoon , -witness the commence ment cxetclscsof the class of'03. The air was redolent of Jacqueminot roses , which , with the dainty green of ferns and smllax , banked the arches nnd windows. L'Ellslro d'Amoro ' by Misses Furay and Phclps opened the program. The llttlo "Egosophlst , " Miss Helen McConnell , a pro- coclous miss of 0 summers , then discussed questions of history from classic times to our own dnv. The possibility of the Intro duction of the Gladstone homo rule bill nnd Ulluokalonl's experience of the "Irony of fate" were treatedIn such a manner ns to evoke general merriment. The puzzles ot the child become the problems of the philosopher , but this typical miss of 1 the Nineteenth century , versed in the science I of "J , " found easy solutions for these prob- i lems over which the philosopher puzzles. " * But the most attractive feature nt the pro gram was the scriptural play , "St. Magda lene , " written for the occasion. It throbbed with the power of the inspired words. Iho palm nnd ollvo groves near the luke , the house of Simon the Pharisee , the garden tomb seemed to have been projected from the mind's c.vo to the canvas , so perfect wcro the scenic effects. The resurrection scene was so artistically nnd skillfully arranged that , as the curtain rose , soft. Ilcccy clouds rolled back showing the risen Savior revealing himself to Magdalene - leno , while adoring angels lloatod la space about him. Oirtotl l > y Nnture. Each of the yountf ladles who took part In the play scorned to enter thoroughly into the spirit and aspirations of the characters as sumed. 'Gifted by nature with an expression of mingled kindness nnd dignity , and a volco in harmony with the character personated. It was not dinicult for Miss Fisher of Papillion to enter Into the role of Him who came to seek and to save that which was lost. lost.Miss Truclioy as Esther , Miss Kostors as Thais , Miss Nelly McShano as MirUm , com panions of Magdalene before she mot Him whoso single glance "wrapped her In an at mosphere ol light and love , " played ex tremely well their respective parts. Miss Archer , of Fremont , "busy about many thlncs , " was nn ideal Martha , while Miss Furay , as the Pharisee , showed moro than ordinary histrionic ability. The guests of the feast , the attendants and the angels of the resturcctlon wcro personated by Misses Baumer , Sicmon , Mullen , Shelby and Muplo , with great success. Miss Emillo Schmidt , of Uock Island , ns Magdalene , won merited admiration by her clear , polished delivery and her artless grace. This character gave full scope for the elocutionary drill , which , It seems , Miss Schmidt has pursued through out the car. Brightened Ily Music. The different scenes wcro Interspersed ana brightened by appropriate music exquisitely interpreted. Mendelssohn's "Lift Thino Eyes" was among the selections deserving special mention. In the first scene the harp nnd piano accompaniments by the Misses McShnno lent n most pleasing vaiietywhich the guests did not fail to aoprcciato. Boo- thoven's "Adelaide , " by Miss Lemon , swith organ accompaniment , was ono of the most attractive of the instrumental numbers. . In the vocal numbers Misses Lemon , Truckey , Urelghton , Phelps , Kostccs , Bar- , , beau and McShnno wore consplcuousjfor their clear , penetrating , yet sueet , voices , over which careful schooling had given'them admirable control. As the Inst strain's of "I Have Waited on the Lord" died away Miss Crelghton came forward to deliver the clos ing address to IU. Hev. Bishop Scanncjlwho- presided over the exorcises. Her easy anil graceful delivery gave full weight to every word and kept the attention of the audience to the end. Remarks of tlio Hlihop. The right reverend bishop's remarks In conclusion were courteovs and encouraging , and the audience felt that no expressed its sentiment in thanking the young ladies who had presented so plcasldtf a program. Ho congratulated the graduates in particular for having had the courage to labor on until they had reached the goal. If their futuio bo presaged from tao pledges of the past the grrduatlng honors have been well bestowed. After benediction in the convent chapel at half-past flvo many of the pupils left for their homos. The young ladies wno composed the grad uating class were Misses Bertha Baumer , Emma Crolghton , Inez Fisher , Minnie Lemon nnd Lulu Truckoy. They leave behind - hind them about sixty pupils , whoso course is still Incomplete. Some started last evening - ning for their homes , while before the close of the week nearly all will have gene , not to roiurn until the opening of the fall term on the first Wednesday in September. The follow ing was the program so excel lently rendered. t Program ni Kcndcrod , Entree : L'HllsIro d'Amoro. DoVolhac , Op.24 Mlsitisl'urny and I'helps. Egosophy Miss McConnell I'liuio acconiinnlmont Miss Harrington Sr. Mjni > Ai.iNK. : Mlssos Schmidt , Fisher. Truckoy. Itaumor , N. McSlmno , Furay , UrolKhton , Mullen , Klunion , Arclier , Kostorx , Maple , bhulliy. Lemon , I'hulps. Jlnrp accompaniment. . . . . SHsa McSlmno I'lano Mlbs M.Mchlmno SCKND 1. "Now days are daunud and hopes unknown to earth. " Bpilnt ; dawn i W. Mason , Op. 20 MIssM.McHhane. SCKNB 2. "Many sins nro torchon her because she hath loved much. " UugloSoni ; Vocal Chorus SCUNE 3. "Ono thing ulunu la necessary. " Arielnldo Ilo.othovan I'ltUlO. . , . . , . . , . . . , MlsH l.OIMQIl Orgitu Miss llurtlett fcCENK , "Habbonl , It Is Thou. " Address Miss Crolghton Today at 3 p. m. will occur the closing exercises of the clay academy of the Sacred Heart , St. Mary's avenue. m Plies of people have piles , Out Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. $400.00 lots $25.00 down ; see paffo 7. Rayinond & Co. , gravel roofers. 1400 Farnam. . . . i Killed with u i'ltohlork. SAN Fiuxcisco , Juno 19. A stable at Bay district last night was the sccno of a shockIng - Ing tragedy. This morning the body of John Kelly , a rubber , was found horribly mutilated near a stall and close by was found a pitch fork with \\hlch the muidor was committed , It Is satu that Kelly had numbers of enemies among other stablemen. Last night a friendly boxing tournament was hold among them in which ho participated. Ho rotiled to his quarters in the stable at the usual hour. Investigation shows that stones wore thrown against the walls and when Kelly came out ho was attacked with a pitchfork , Ills face and neck were frightfully cut with the weapon , one of the prongs passing through the skull. Jockey HIchard Ward Is under arrest , but Is not as yet charged with the murder. * i Nciv Khul ut Insurance. Per twenty cents you can Insure yourself and family ugalust any 'bad results from uu attack of bowel complaint during the sum mer. Ono or tuo doses of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Ularrhuea remedy will euro any culinary case. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. No family can anord to bo without it. For sale at iu and bO cents per bottle by all druggists , \Vntcr HrnU liuu July lit. Payablt at otllco , Boo building. 5 per tent discount if paid on or hoforo July 1st , Failure to receive bill will not on- tltlo anyone to discount after July 1st. Oilloo open till 8 p. m. Wednesdays liid Suturduya till July lut. irinn AND POLICE BOARD , Tie Vote on the Rnhject of Saloon lle nie Tran 'or . At Its regular meeting last evening the Board of Police nnd Flro Commissioners took an equal division on the question of al lowing snloon keepers to transfer tholr licenses from one ward to another. Mayor Bemis throw his casting' vote In fnvor of the application and all members asked that their vote bo recorded. Iho question come up on the application of Goodloy Brookcr to move hU saloon from the Third ward to the Fourth. Mr. Strlcklcr said that ho had looked the matter up nntl ho believed that If It was legal to allow saloon men to move from one part of a ward to another It was equally so to allow them to move Into another ward. Strieklernnd Coburn voted yes nnd Smith nnd Hartman said "no. " Mayor Dcmls declared the application granted and similar action was taken In the case of John Costello , who wanted his license transfeiicd from one point In the Third ward to another. The hose contract with J. K. Lohmcr was approved on recommendation of the commit tee. A petition by the G. H. Hammond company and others for the appointment of Charles 13. Armour as watchman was referred to the major. The recommendation of Chief Seavoy at a foriscr meeting that each police ofllccr bo allowed one Sunday off each month under pay was taken up and adopted. On recommendation of Chief Seavoy the city ordinances were ordered compiled to date nnd published In convenient form. Leaves of absence were granted ns fol lows : C. H.otchman , driver hose No. 9 , ten days , Uriah Baker , driver hose No. 0 , ten days and Police Ofllccr D. D. Trcdeman right days. The committee on property was author ized to purchase two sots of double harness for the use of the flro department. The following memorial was road and adopted : Captain 0. D. Cox nnd Plpeman Tlobert P. Ourny dlrd In doing their whole duty , and not withstanding the sorrows occasioned In the cntlra community by their loss the universal verdict , coupled with expressions of sorrow , Is "bravo mcn 'thoy died ( l htlna and wore front nntl foremost In the airruy. No soldier with the colors of his country wrapped about him could have mot tlio enemy und fought nmro vallcntly than did our heioos of tlio flro de partment on that memorable but sad occa sion , Wo realize that In the deaths of Captain Cox and 1'lpcman Our.iy the department has lost two of Its most valuable men- and wo dpslro that the expression of the bo.ird to that effect shall pd upon our records , nnd that wo do now ai Individuals and collectively as the Hoard or Flro and 1'ollco CommlssUmurs of the City of Oni.iha express our heartfelt sympathy to the families und friends of the dccensod. WIM.IAM COIIUHN , (3. llAUTMAN. V. 0. blltlKKLKII. Councilman Steel exhibited a now appa ratus for holding a Hro key. It consisted of a small box with a glass case. In cnso of flro the directions wcro to break the glass and the key would drop out. The object of the nirangcmcnt was to save time usually spent in running from house to house after a flro key. In executive session a motion was passed putting the police alarm operators , the police matron and the hostlers on the same footing as other members of the department In relation to absences nnd sick leaves. the World's 1'alr. The Methodist preachers of Omaha in their regular mooting jesterday expressed themselves ns follows on the Sunday open ing of the World's fair : Wo vlow this act of Punnay oponlngon the part of the directors of the Columbian expo sition as wholly wrong continry to the laws of God and of our land out of hnrmony with our American customs and detrimental to the best Intorchts of humanity. It Is a bad ex ample for our nation to set before the nations Of the earth. Hesolvod , That wo will not attend the expo sition If It Is to remain open on Sunday , and , without any doslro to alt In Judcmont on ether people's consciences , will discourage all wo can fiom attending the same. Wo are hoartlly In sympathy with our Methodist com missioners withdrawing our exhibit from the exposition and sincerely hone It will bo done. 1) . K. TlHDALIj , T. O. WEIISTEK , J. P. KOE. Information ( or hummer Tonrlsti. Under the head of "Health nnd Pleas ure , " the passenger department of the Now York Central & Hudson River rail road has issued one of the handsomest and most useful guide bookb of Ameri can summer resorts nnd places of inter est over published. The book of over 400 pages , is put up in attractive covers , illuminated in green and gold. Start ing with such near by and familiar places of beauty and pleasure as the Palisades on the Hudson and the beautiful and interesting towns and villages that lie within the Hudson valley , the book in cludes in its description every point of interest between Now York and the Golden Gate , besides giving a very entertaining chapter on travel In Japan. The descriptions are brief but breezy , nnd entirely free from the flamboyant , town-booming phrases so often mot with in works of this &ort. Tlio reading mat ter is made more effective and the inter est intensified by many well-executed photographic reproductions. The maps and oUior .geographical work are well executed , and the cost of travel , rail road faros , hotel expenses , etc. , are nil grouped in tabular form in ono chapter for easy reference. Many of the finest illustrations are from views along the line of the Central railroad , and may bo seen to best advantage from the windows of the magnificent cars which run over this road. Persons contemplating a period of relaxation from business and from the discomforts of city life during the sum mer , of days , weeks or months , cannot llnd a bettor ndvibor as to whore to go nnd how to got there than the pages of "Health and Pleasure , " which may bo had from George II. Daniels , general passenger agent of the Now York Cent ral Railroad company , Grand Central Station , Now York , for flvo 2-cent stamps , which is less than the cost of postage. Exchange. $400.00 Jots $25.00 down ; see pngo 7. Thrco Dally Trains for Chicago. Three vestibulcd and gas-lighted trains , consisting of sleeping , smoking , dining and free rccllning-chair cara , leave Omaha dally for Chicago via tlio Burlington route , at 11:45 : a. m. , 4:20 : p. m. nntl 12:10 : a. in. Ono way rate , $9.25 ; round trip , $17.50. Baggage checked direct from resi dence. City ticket olllco , 1321 Farnam street. A Vestlbnloit und GUI.Lighted Train for Denver. Loaves Omaha via the Burlington route daily at 4:50 : p. in. Fast time and n perfect service of Bleeping , dining , smoking and ( free ) re clining chair cars/ One-way rate , $12.50 ; round trip , $20.00. City ticket oillco , 1321 Farnara street. $100.00 lots $2.5.00 down ; see page 7. Bathing suits. Wobsol's , 310 S. 15th Bt. FALCONER'S ' HOSIERY SALE Oar Magnificent Trada Today is a Bnro Index of What Will Follow TUESDAY AND W EDNESDAY An Opportunity to lliir Hosiery nt the Trlcci Wo Are Helling Them Seldom rreRrnU ItftolC Wttcn the Occasion Iooi Arlao Cnroful IJuycM Alwayi Take ndv.intntro of it. HOSIKKY AT 100 PER PAIR. Gouts' French seamless half hose , lOc per pair or three pairs for 2oc. Those sox nro positively worth 2.1o per pair. AT 12JO PER PAIR. A splendid assortment of an extra flno quality of men's French balhritf an sox , always sold at Me. During this great three days' sale 12jc per pair will bo the prico. No limit ; you can buy all you want of thoin at this price. MEN'S ' SOCKS AT IGlc. Gents' fancy striped , plain , slnto and russet half hose , regular 40c quality , all you want of thorn this week for lOlo per pair , $2.00 per tloz. GENTS' HOSIERY , 2T > c. . 85 dozen penis' ' extra quality of fast black , seamloMs silk embroidered hnlf- hose positivelyworth GOc or more ; all you want of them for two days at 5c per pair. LADIES' ' HOSIERY AT 10O PER PAIR. A magnificent assortment of ladies' black boot , russet top , drop stitched and solid slate and tan hosiery , made of sea island cotton , worth nt least 40c ; for thrco days they all go at IDo per pair. LADIES' HOSIERY , 25C PER PAIR. 125 dozen ladies' state and tan colored , drop stitched and fast black lisle thread hosiery ; positively worth not loss then GOc per pair. In our great three day nnlo they go at 25c per pair. LADIES' HOSIERY , 11740 PER PAIR. HO dozen pair of ladles' russet and fast black fine guage silk embroidered Sea Island cotton hosiery , never sold in the world for less than 75c , for 2 days they go nt 37lc per pair. GLOVES1 GLOVES ! ! GLOVES ! ! ! Gloves at lOc per pair. 143 pairs of blacks and tans and slates , taffeta gloves that wore made to sell at f > 0c per pair. All you want of them Tuesday and Wednesday at lOc per pair. FABRIC GLOVES AT 2oC. 3,000 pairs of Taffeta gauntlet gloves and black failk gloves , value up to 75c , your choice during this great sale 25o per pair. Wo will also close out a lot of 31.00 kid gloves at 48c per pair , nnd a lot of $1.50 kid gloves at OHc per pair. Tuesday and Wednesday. Attend it. Don't miss it. It is the chance of a life time. N. B. FALCONER. AUCTION , rilli : CAURISTS , AUCTION. _ _ _ _ _ _ Slmorlrk'a Cnrpnta Oo by Auction. Commencing Thursday , Juno 22 , at 1 0 a. in. , at Natitorium building , lllth ni d Howard , I will soil all the carpets , rugs , etc. , saved from the great fire , over 10,000 yards of good carpets of nil kinds ; lots of good rugs , all more or loss dam aged , but yet very good. No limit or reserve. Sale for two days , morning and afternoon. Draperies and furniture later. Now if you want carpets got there early. ROUEKT WELLS , Auctioneer. MADAM YALE'S LECTURE. Cheerful Disposition Isnn Stepping 8tono to lioiiuty. a The announcement that Madam Yale would deliver a free lecture on "Beauty" at 2:30 : o'clock at Boyd's now tncatcr yesterday filled the lower floor of that edifice com- pletely.whiloa row of interested faces looked down from the front row of the balcony. ' The ladles began to arrive early and at 2:15 : the house was comfortably filled , at which time the orchestra made Us appear ance and rendered t o or thrco selections. All ugcs and conditions of tlio gentler sex were represented , from the thirteen-year-old miss to the giay haired woman of sixty , all anxious to discover the secret of becoming beautiful. Some beautiful women were there ( and Omaha has quite a few of them ) to learn how to enhance their good looks and retain them ; the homely ones to discover , if poss ible , a means to thwart nature ; the old ones , how to become young. All these things are possible , according to Madam Yale , who promptly appeared at 2UO : o'clock in a cre ation of Worth's , which was a "poem in whitosilk" and some softly clinging material which looked like crepe ; qlitterluK gold fringe depended from the corsage which was decollete , hutro puffs of blacic velvet on the shoulders , brought into relief madamo's blonde hair and clear complexion. Madam Yale looks , on the stage , about 20 years old ; she candidly says she is10. . Her youthful appeal anco is duo to the fnct , she s.ijs , that she has made the most of her looks and cultivated the habit of a cheerful disposition. Now. at the ago of 40 she defies any one to find u blemish on her face , or in her Jlguro. Alter dwelling briefly on the power of beauty and its importance todav as an art , Madam Yale proceeded to mention the blom- Ishcs , which mar the face , and which one and all may bo removed by Madam's magic lotions. She said that women owe it to themselves and to tholr husbands to use every moans in tholr power to lomain young and beautiful , "How surprised some husbands would bo to have their wives coma down some morning without wrinkles , " Young girls risk their matrimonial chances by not improving their complexions. "Health , " said the madam , "is the cssoa tinl clement of beauty , health combined with an amiable disposition. Cultivate an amiable disposition , if you have not one , naturally. A sweet smile wins a young man's heart ; diplomacy wins every time. " Madam Yale added that she did not wish girls to think that she was advocating du plicity , between diplomacy and duplicity was a wide rungo. There is no uood of women becoming old nt 40. Women should not think of calling themselves old until they were 75 or bO , ( laughter ) ; "as for mo , " said Madame Yale , "I shall not call myself old then , " and why should she , lork- Infi us youthful at 40 on a girl of 20 , besides did not Madam Julio liccamior preserve hoi- beauty and her charms until her death ut the ngo of 72. Madam Yale volunteered to answer any questions asked , which brought out several queries , nil of which the inaUnm answered satisfactorily and finally with a graceful bow wttharow. _ Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne has no equal for table uso. Keep a few bottles In your ice chest. Hales. Ike a word nmt Insertion , lea wonlthere- attor. nothing taken for Icua tli.m iiSc. _ KRUSE linns Peter Louis , cged 2 years 0 months. Kunoral Wednesday morning at 0:30 : from family resilience , 054 North Twunty- Bovcntli fctruot. Interment ut SnrlugWoll cem- otury , 1'rleuds invited. The ouly l'nre Creum of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No'Alutn. Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO Breaking thoHIbcord on Summer Silks nnd Hosiery. S1.25 SIlJKS GO FOR 75C Fn t lllnok Itonlnrjr 25 1'or Cent OIT Thli Inotiuloitlio Celebrated Unlif llollrrj-t" Ko llnd Only ( nt Our Store. In order to glvo nil our patrons an op portunity to sccuro n silk gown for tlio World's ' fair wo Imvo decided to offer our entire stock of Cheney Bros. ' best quality of printed allk , nil now designs , of this season's uinko. without re-servo , at the very low price of 7. > e per yard. Those goods are 21 inches wide and the best quality of silk manufactured. They have been sold about town for $1.25. At our price of 75c they come within the reach of all. This is the best offer ing of silks over placed on the market. HOSIERY. Replenish your hosiery wants' at our 25 per cent discount sale. It closes Wednesday night. The celebrated Daisy fast black hosiery at 25 per cent off , . Ladles' , men's and children's fast black hosiery in cotton lisle and silk. Can you afford to throw this chance away ? Everybody is buying at our big Juno rod letter sale. Got in on the silkb and hosiery. TIIE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. WEEDS MUST ( JO. Board of Health llns go Decreed nnd 'Will ICnforco the 1.11r. . Unless the Board of Education comes down oft Its lofty perch and heeds the orders of the Board of Health the members will bo subjected to the indignity of arrest. The Board of Health resolved to this effect yes- ; urdny and Dr. Soincrs was directed to cn- 'orco the ordinances covering closet systems and connections with the sewer , without foav or favor. The members of the Board of Health , backed ut > by the city attorney's ' opinionhold that the putting In of iho dry system of closets by the school board is a violation of the ordinances of the city. The school board was notiiicd several weeks ago to remove the closets now in use nnd to comply with the ordinance by not putting the closets into the new buildings. Uhiof Seavey , Mr. Howell - ell and Dr. Somcra desired that the ordi nance bo enforced , and if the law la bad it should fall. Dr. Somcrs was directed to enforce the weed , ordinance. Under this oidinance ed" ! standing upon vacant lots are de clared nuisances and in case the owner fails to abate the same the city may do so and assess the cost against the property. The weed crusade is on the calendar for about the middle of next month. Charges ivero tprcferrcd against \V. E. Green , a sanitary inspector , by R. Lazarus , n .scavenger. I uyarus alleges that Green shows favoritism in giving out orders for work ho discovers necessary to be done. Mr. Duncan stated that ho had been informed that J. C. Green , another inspector , had ujed abusive language to u Mrs. Helen- onbcrg. The members wanted an investigation , but ChiofSeavcyobjectpdunlcss charges were pre ferred in writing , and no further action was taken. Dr. Somers was instructed to inquire of the council what action that body will take relati\o to icnibving the river bottom squat ters. ters.Tho The board decided to visit the hospitals ana sanitariums in the city , for the purpose of investigating the sanitary condition of those places. The visit will take-place Fri day atlornoon at 2 o'clock. Piles of people have piles , out DoWItt's witchhazel salvo will cure them. Dcuth of r. n. Nugent. F. R. Nugent , the veteran newspaper agent , died Sunday morning from consump tion. The funeral took place yesterday under the auspiocs of the Odd L'ellows , of which Mr. Nugent was n highly esteemed member. The interment was at Forest Lawn , from his late residence on Twenty- seventh and Hamilton. Ho leaves a wife and live children , the two older sons contin uing the delivery of the eastern papers us heretofore. Piles of people have piles , out lo Witt s Wllcn Ila jl ri-ilv.vitiom- thorn. Fallen Heroes. Coroner Maul will hold an inquest at 10 o'clock this morning on the bodies of the flrcmen who were killed at the recent Shiv crick lira. Deliciousness Within the Reach-of M - By the labor and ingenuity of Dr. Price , we have now before us the sweetest , freshest and most natural flavors. His Delicious Vanilla Extract sur passes in delicate flavor any other flavoring extract , while his Extracts of Lemon and Orange-are really as fresh and cgreeable in their flavor as the true fruits from which they are made. Any house keeper who has once used DR. PRICE'S DELICIOUS FlQRS in Tier cakes , puddings , or creams , will never return t the use'of any other. DELIGHT Youa FRIENDS WITH A PHOTOGRAPH MADE BY HIGHCLWPJJWIUPJZ , AT POPULAR PRICES. 313-315-317SouthIJtU Streat , OMAHA. DYSPEPSIACONQUERED Female Troubles Curcdsand Youth Renewed By Kickapoo Indian Sngwa. NE\V YonK , Oct. 17,1802. I feel BO grate ful for the great benefit I recolv- cd by the use of Kicknpoo Indlnn Bncwn , I deem it n fluty to write this lo It or ot thanks. I hnvo boon A constant sufferer eight years with dyspepsia , nnd fcmalo troubles , nnd have been . . - . . doctored by the , . . , Jlfrt. r. A < nJ7ff. 1. CTft hnat physicians In the city of Now York. A friend of mlno recommended your Kicknpoo Indian Sngwa. I have used flvo bottles , and now hnvo no trouble with my Btomaoh nnd my other troubles hnvo entirely disappeared. In fact , I feel llko n young girl of - * - twenty. I never can repay you lor the great good you hnvo done mo. I recom mend Kickapoo Indinn Homcdles to nil my fricmlg , nnd I hope to put mnny on tholr way to good health. MRS. P. KING , 251 W. 28th Street. Now York City , Kicknpoo Indian Sagwa. Nature's Jlcmaly of Jlooti , Jlarls and Jlerbi , Sort ) nr ALL DKAM.IIS. $1 per Bottle , Six Bottles for $5. DON'T ' FRET ! about your nerves ; don't bo 11 lie. wenk , norv- otl1" . frotf ul , sleepless ! don't liiiv c i > iln In b icU nrsltlo ; don tbo without unibltlnn for unrkor nlonsurc. 1'ut u keen cdpoon life. Use Nerve Bonus , n now vuRotalilo iliscmory of ro- inurknblo power over nil nervous troubles In both sexes * H a box , enough for two weeks. At ilrncplsta , or by mull. Nerve lloati Co. , IJuirnlo. N. Y. Dr. W. H. BSTTS , Frluclnnl nnd Senior Member of tbo Famous Firm of Physician s , Surgeons and Specialists. "Are thny doing ft largo business ? " Is a question often a Uccl concerning Drs. Itotts & Belts. Inquirers nro requested to road tlio following summary undjudgo for themselves ; Numborof years In practice ? " Offices In oper.iUon In various cities. . . . 11 Assistants ontployod 21 Uupltil Invested In business { 203,000 Avoraeo annual expenses 5KI.OOO Average nnntiil receipts 142,412 Number cases In HTyo irs Ni.423 Complete cures olTotitod 84,108 Greatly boncllttod l.MZ Relieved und Improved " > 2 N'otcutcd 20 Cost of proposed now Institute 12.'i030 Cost per annum of atUertlsliu. ; i(00 ( Iloal estate olvnod by firm 200,000 No wonder that Dr. W. H. Uotts , the head of this great firm. Is re ferred to by his friends as "tho gray- haired old doctor , " for to his untir ing energy nnd perseverance , his signal ability , both as a business and professional man , has the busi ness of the firm grown from abso lutely nothing W Its present algan- tlo proportions. To create and maintain so great an enterprise 13 enough to turn any man gr.iy.whllo the glow or honest pride Unit shines In his kindly , his ruddy feat ures and quick , ( Inn. elastic stop , all bespeak the joy ho fools In the great success ho has won unil the food ho has bestowed upon his fel low mun. The sick and the suffer ing will find In him a true und last ing friend DRS. BETTS & BETTS , 119 S. 14th Street , Cor. Douglas St. OMAHA , - - - - NEB. Catarrh Cnro euros catatuli. All tlruKKlata. Wo cnta. Vi'o will tend roil tbo nnr 8loiu French Preparation CALTIIOO frc . anil a legal guarantor that t/'ALIHOS will Bcitoro .four 3 ( HllU , Ntrauctli auJ Vigor. UieitandfaytfsatiifiCt ! . Address VON MOHL CO. . Bl iuiriua liwta , CUdoMU , OUItk RUBBER GOODS OF ALL KINDS. WE RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES Syringes. Air Pillow * . AlomizcH. | | ! j Invalid CnsMoas sfif ft-J Rollicr Gloves. | | p Waler Bullies. THE ALOE& PENFOLD GO , , DEALERS IN ffiirjr/onl Iiiatrnmoiita , Sup i > lloa , lid South 15th , St. Next to Poktolfloo , SPECIALIST I'ri3nl < lcnt of HEW ERA MIUOIUAI. llI-.I-KNf.AICy. ( L'oimultutiuu rrc . ) la umuMiaueJ In Ibu treatment of all Carouio , Private und Write to or ounnult puriuiiullr ' ' . . . I'lUSA I'MIJ.Sr ItV JMAII. , Addro wltu etauiii for pur- - , , . _ - - tlculur * . wjjlib will bo ncnt In lalncMitoloi.c. 1 > . U , Uoi651. OUice , 118 fci. lltli tr ct , Umaba , KB ! ) . You Hit the Bull's Every time When you use Every bright housekeeper wants it. All bright grocers keep it. gmn ? mmmmmmmmmmmmmm I ARE YOU A PREACHER ? Did you set up in your pulpit nuJ toll the member , * of your congregation that "there's a land that is hotter than this ? " Did some of the members look skeptical , and wear a "whewl I-don't-believe-It-if-you-do-say-so" sort of a look when you told 'cm ? I ARE YOU A BANKER ? _ _ Did you tell your depositors that "a run on a bank" was " " apt to make a man hot , and the only thing to do was to keep cool , no matter what happened it was more "in- j fir - terebfing ? * 1 ARE YOU A GOAL MAN ? 3 Does it make you "warm under the collar" to see an ice f. wagon leaving great big chunks of fro/.en river at a man's . < g house , when he hasn't paid you for the coal that kept him -t from free/ing last winter ? : YOU A MAN ? i Preacher , Banker , Coal man , Lawyer , Doctor , Traveling man , Laboring man , or any other man ? Do you want to look well in warm weather ? Did it ever strike you that the man that looked most comfortable looked best these days ? OID IT STRIKE YOU That the man with a thin coat , russet shoes , negligee shirt , straw hat , and as few other things on as possible , looked much better than the "dressed up" fellow ? Did it strike you that there's _ no place like mug to get these things at moderate prices ? DID IT That our straw hats at a quarter are exactly the same sort ot hats that our neighbors get fifty cents for ? Did it strike you that the black alpaca coats that we sell for seventy-five cents are usually a dollar and a quarter ? g DID IT STRIKE YOU that we're opening thin coats , and coats and vests , this week , by the thousands ? That we carry any and all kinds alpacas mohairs serges brilliantincs flannels cords drap d'etes blacks and colors ; regular extra and "long" si/.cs ? That a dollar here is a dollar-n-u-haf anywhere else ? mm Probably no one in the entire west can show you ji good a gold or silver watch as we"VVc have a special railroad watch ( registered ) that is a perfect time-keeper , TIFTEBMin AND UOU3LU , O41IL CWCT size ff > THE MERCANTILE CIGAR , BETTER THAN EVER ! JIiulo uf the llneitfiuullt/iir Havana Tobacco tliutcun to fjoiiplit. JJqunl III ' \i'ry ri'MiocUo III * 1 -dears. aianurttct rodbylf , JU JUCESIUUCAHTILU CiaAUJfAC" DrD 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nob. regit mercury tjrcorrc . . . . . . . CfttO COn MIWI * - - - - " _ " " private. Dock ( Mj teile ofUfe ) tent fro omcaUoun , iu. to t p.m. Bundaji , 10 a. m , Uiad ; lamp ( or olroular. PROTECT AND IMPaOVE YOUASiGHr Our Spectacles and Kyeglasscs Are the Hest. EYES TESTED FREE. SATISFACHON GUARHNPES9 , F. . OMA OPTIBAL CO , , 222 S , J