THE OMAHA. DAILY BBEt TOKSDAY , JUNE 20 , 1893. SPEGIRL NOTICES. FOR THESE COLUMNS ADVERTISEMENTS 18:30p.m. : for llioovonln * find until 8.30 p. m. for the mornlnir and Similar editions , . . . . Artrertlvrn , by MWir-Mlnif n mimliorcd choc * can linTii their nmtwrra addroMpd to * numbered letter In cnro of THE Bur. . Armwont no nddrenied tvlll boitollTrred tipon prcurnUtlon of llio check. SITUATIONS WANTED. Ken word fltnl Insertion , IcaVord Ihcrc- nflcr. Kotbtnir Ukon for Inss limit 23c. WANTKD , SITUATION Afl IlKOISTKUED O. A.llroohoTik creek , NM > . l AM A TlNNKn.UNDF.nSTANITHR ) HAHD A w.ira and Implement hnHinefli tliomnnlily : wau tionltlon in fnlr BUcd country town. AtlilivM K 3 , POSITION AS HAIlTENIKn OK clerk by yomiff acniian Address X ? { J'f\2 , WANTED MALE HELP. IUtcs.1 Wo nwoninrat Insertion , lea word tlicrc- nflcr. Notlilnc Inkwi for lews limn USc. 1) WANTKU.TUAVr.MNO 9ALT.SMKN KXI'Kll- JJIcncwt In Block fowl trnilo : rffi-rrnrn ronulriMlj powl tnonoy to rood men. AUUresH Wilbur So t Elcal CO. , Milwaukee , Wl8. B'Ji2J3U < > IP YOU WANT A OOOIJ PAYING JOII WU1TB Jllio IIiuvkB Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , Win. 11 WANTKU , COACHMAN. NONE NEED AP- J 'ply without Uio rury best of city references. tU2 OHBla Bt. 031 1 } fiOII OOOD , THUIFTY ! KN , WOMEN AND JJplillilrrn. e < l 10 fltOd-work , wanted In IK-CI fields at Norfolk nnd Oraml Island. Address Nor- Tolk Heel Hiiirar Co. , Norfolk ! Oxtinrd lloot Sinjar Co. , Urnnd lalaml. 120 21 rl -WANTED , A OOOD WOOD TURNER WHO IJ.JCAII ilo other work about n planing mill : eooa wnires anil Meadr Job to the right man. Addro" Jfalrbury Pinning Mills , Fnlrbiiry , Neb. 163 n-WANTKD , A nOOD RKEAD AND CAKE Jibnkcr nt once. 1'leaso slate wages , Fimnan's bakery , bo * 012 , York.'Nub. M207 22' ' B UNITED STATIMMUTUAL ACCIDENT iAssociation of N. Y. write * the most policies nnd nhnrpes less than nny other company nporaUniMiiidiT tlio Main Inaumnei ) laws. SiM-clal JiHlucL'ini'fitit to agents. II. A. Wagner , stain aeont , Omaha , Neb. M220 B-WANTEP. A OOOD SPECIALTY SALESMAN to travel. No. 10 Pearl Blrool , Council lJ | n9. 15 WANTED. LA110RERS , TEAMS AND TEAM JJslers on rallroml worttm-arChlciiKo. 111. Free tia-w. Kramer & O'Hoarn Labor Acetic , 303 Boulh 1 HI ; street. _ M : 13 20 -SALESMAN TO MANUFACTURE AND SELC B our lu-w pmcCBQ elilur:1 : uxeellenl waeca : no cai > - Jlal or nxporlcnco required. Western Cider Co. , q-opckit , Kan. -80 IB * _ - . TWO MEN OF GOOD ADDRESS B-tVANTED. to Hollclt and Bfll goods ; nlso two lady ncents. Call 10IKI Howard st. 28 21' _ T > - WANTED , LAltORERS ON RAILROAD J > work In Iowa. Oood wnei'H. fit' " liats. Kramer ft O'llcam Labor company , 303 South 1 1th SU M1114 20 T5-WANTED , AOENTS FOR FASTEST SELLING JJnoviilty on market. Itlc protlts. Call after 0 o'clock n. in. , room -1 10 , lluo building. MilOl 'J2 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. RateH. . ! Uon word flint Insertion , lea word tli ero- titlor. Notlilns taken for ICHS than 'J.Tc. C -WANTED , LADIES TO WRITE AT HOME. Enclose Hlninped envelope. Klla Wcret , < > c. , Bomli llond , Incl. 4IVJ _ C-LADY CLERKS FOR' PLEASANT , PROFIT- nblo homo work. Prof. McLean , Arcade hotel , Douglas and Kith BtrectH. 1)84 ) 21 * , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- ork In Binnll family. Oood cook iircfurrwl. Oood wngcs. Apply aa N. 20th HlreuU 090 20 * /1-WANTED , GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN V Biimll family. Apply at 2018 Charles St. 131 -GIRL WANTED ; GENERAL HOUSEWORK. S38 So. 27th St. M225JO' C -WANTED , A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWork - Work nt 21ir South llth street. M1M7 20 * -WANTED , A COMPETENT GIRL FOR OEN- eral housework. Apply at 2204 Webster street. M20U 20" /1-WANTED , 3 GERM AN HOUSEKEEPERS AND VJglrls for out west. Canadian ofllco , 1509 _ t01 11) ) ' _ _ _ /"V-VVANTED , A ( ftflL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- vAvork ; 2200 Dodijo , Mrs..Haydcii. 231 21 C -WANTED. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork - work ; 2512 Chicago Btrcet. - 2trl 11) ' CC C -WANTED , LADIES OR YOUNG MEN TO take light , pleasant work at their own homes ; Sl.Odto $3.00 per day can bo quietly made ; work flCUt by mall : no cnnvnHslng. For particulars ad- dre s Glolio Mfjr ; Co. , Box 0331 , Bosion. Mass. Ea- tabllshod 18SO. M312jyl ! ) > _ in WANTED , A YOUNO LADY TO ADDRESS v/clrculnrs. Call at room 60 , Barker block. M300 20 /--OOOD ( GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK ; | Ugood waif B. 112U Georgia Avo. M307 21 FOB BENT HOUSES ! Rales , lOca line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per tnonth. Nothing taken for less than 25c. " -FOR RENT lOUSES IN J ) the city. The O. F. Davis company , 1505 Faniam. 440 B-10-ROOM HOUSE , 2100 DOUOLAS STREET. Enquire of Morttz Meyer , cor. 10th and Farnam. 441 _ B-10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. OOOD IOCA- llon ; l-ent moderate. L. S. Skinner , 1014 Farnam. 413 j B 7-ROOM HOUSE. EAST FRONT. ALL MOD- cm , IF25.00. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. 445 B 11 AND .1-ROOM APARTMENTS. VON DORN olockwlthelcatnroferciiceavetiulredB10S22d ; ; 447 B-FOR RENT , ID- ROOM MODERN HOUSE sultahle for roomrrs nnd boat-dors. 2O1 1 Hanic ) stret. ID-room modern house , 2218 Loavenwortl nlroot , only $25.uo. Some nice cotlascH. H. G Clark A Co. , 1218 Hnnicy slreot. M534 _ fl-FOR RENT , S-ROOM COTTAGE FOR COL JJorod people. 20H North 13th. M802 _ ROOM FLAT. $17. AND 7 ROOM FLATS $30. Opp. Jefferson square. Roberts. IlllHChl' to nt. M305 J27 > \-5-ROOM HOUSE , GOOD REPAIR. 1NQUIRI ' 2711 DoiiBliis street. M052 B 1-3 ROOMS CHEAP. 003N 13TH ST. ST.MSSRJylO MSSRJylO- DFOR RENT , 8 OR 10 ROOMS , FURNISHED Of lit ] furnished , 12 blocks from court house , Sonlt Oninha cars , hot water heat , modem con vonuMioea Kefoix-nees ruQUlriHl. : ) OiH17th. ) Oil -FOR RENT , 2 l ATS IN QLOBE RUILDIEQ 14 rooms nnd bath ; moilern ; can rent olthur o both to ono party ; suitable for offices or residence Glebe Loan .V Trust Co , 71) ) t 22 T\-FOR RENT , MODERN B-ROOM HOUSK.BATJ J 'anil Kas.Kood barn , asphalt paviilstiwl , cornet ono block from motor. Apply W , I. Hlorstead Duwi'y A Stone Ftmilluru Co. MU23 n-FOIl RENT CHEAP. A GOOD BARN. IN -L/o.uli-0 on premises , 614 Norlh azd sirool. Al twojileo BQVon-room collates , u'oixl yanl , shad tt twft , ver near to cable or motor ; $ 'JB.OO nn Ml ) 10 TV-TO RENT. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE , $23.0fl J barn If drutnHl ; nlco lawn , trees , city wntoi datum , contented cellars , bath , near motor. So owner , 1 > . V , Slovens. tiOl I'axton block. MIU ! ) : 7 1UXM COTTAGB , MODERN CONVEN It-nces at 3013 Iavenworth. 1H7-20 * " JTOR RENT , HEVENROOM HOUSE , MODER ! J- ' coiivt'nluncob , largo bam , 2217 Maple. P97-10 * B-8-ROOM 1IOUS1I. MODERN , CONVENIEN fur buslnens or wholcnilo mm. Apply 111 South lOlh street. 442 D -CHOICE FLATS IN THEP.J5.ILER J1I/X511 c-onior Itilh and Jackson Btrecls. Will rentlhoi CalUt 81U South lUth all cot. 111) "HIF YOU W1LLTAKETHK TROUIU.KTO G J and ( M > the P. E. Her H\tn : , corner lUlli ami JacV eon Btiwts , it will | > oy you. Cull at 510 So. lUth H 11 ! ) _ "IV- NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET A FIRS1 JU'clahs Hat cheap. They nro In good repair an conveniently nrrungult have all improvement Call at 51U South IQIJi Blrti't. JlQ A FKW DAYS ONLY WE OFFKR OU J cuok-o Hals to families nt a low ratu. Como > oncu If you wlHh to itet a bartulu. Call at 510 Soul HUh Hli-.fl , P. K. Her block. 110 _ il-COUNER FLAT. 8 ROOMS , $35 , 2D FLOO1 J rancn nnd oil other conveniences , Call nloru , 701 South ICIIi street at 10 a. m. Goon Clouser , 1UU f rFOK RENT , MODERN SIX-ROOM FU1 JL/uUhcd liotiiMk fur U mouths , good loaallon. ' F , liutla , 22O South 17th utrevl. 230 24 t D-FOR UKNT , SIX ROOM HOUSE AND BAR ! * U.tK ) , SUtiSu. i HOME , KIOHT-ROOM HOUS nlence , oarn. lovi-ly lawnimlur ohado ticeu , $33.00 iMir uionili , Inuulra at ' . ' ( I Vlureo * t , 2S8 23 D-A SPLENDID SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUi with baru , pleasant aurruunuln g , olectrlo eai M. O. Maclpoo. CU N. Y. Ufa. M3TO M B-FOR JkU-KT , 10-IUXUI HOUSE , 1721 DODO ; all modern tuiprOYvmi'iiU. Imjulro next do or 1318 Farnam. Maud 21 ItENX ItOOMI , IVio n word first Insertion , lo n word t her of lor. Nothlur takui for le s E - FURNISilKDlVo ( wriuuuauUutfu.U .17 I'll ' ] FOR ItENT rURNlBnKD ROOMS. E -PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS FOHOEN- llcmon only , 1519 Ilowanl street. 7KO ) yO -LARGE SOUTH FRONT RXMSJ05BLONDO. ( M 228121 * _ EPLEASANT. . WELL FURNISH ED HOOMS with all modern conveniences , 115 So. SOth st. T7-FITRNISHED ROOM WITH ATXJO7E FOR Jljffcnllemon.modorn conveniences , 320 North 23d. t 730 E-MICKI.Y FUIUJISHKD SOUTH IIOOM. 2 03 Hnmcy. MlOUy-14- E -NICELY rUUNISHED SOUTHEAST PHONT rooniR. modern convonlcnccsl prltftto family ) OU N.UlfltMrrot. 18420 * - NisitKD nooM FOR GENTLEMAN on la 1722 Loavonworth. M3I.1 82 * E-MODEUN CONVENIENCK3. TWO SOUTH front room ) ) nuwly and Ploirantly funilnlioill alio tlm > o rooms ( umlahcxl for lUrhi honsx-kw-iilnif. 2003 Hurt SU M2S8 2H * E-PLEASAKTSINai.E or KKSUITK.l 71 ft Doilira. M'JTUJylH E - PUnNISHED IIOOM $3.00 MONTH ; 301 South 17111. 5292 21 * 17-FOR . RENT. FRONT ROOM. 403 N. 1PTIL l"i OiJT 111 * - NICE PUUNISIIED HOO S FOR E-THIIEH llelil liniiAukcoplnir nnd 2 furnished rooms. 11U Norlli ICIIi. MJI05 CO * I-UKNISUED ROOMS AND BOABD. . IKenwonlflrst Insertion , Ienv7onltlicro- nftnr. Nollilnc tnkcn for 1cm | lian 2."c. JJ-TIIE DOLAK , 209 AND 211 N. 18TH ST. YOUNO WOMEN'S HOME. UNDER CARK OP Woman's Christian association , 1113.17lh ft. 450 F-ROOMS AND DOA11U AT2113 CAPITOL AVE- nno. Refcrciico requtrMl , T ? FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR ROOMS , WITH -L1 alcove , funilHlitil or unfurnished , at The Fn > u- zcr , 110 N. 25th turret. 182 23 * fi'-nOARD AND ROOM FOR YOUNO LADY , JL prtviuo family , $5.00 per week. 013 N. 2nd Bt { 178 US * F-llOOMS AUD HOARD. 2225 DODQE STREET. . 2US 21 - HOARD AND ROOMS. W AND S PER JL' week ; house modem. Slifl D < xli-o. lH-2fi ! ! * If-NlCELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH HOARD , only $3.00 iwr week , ( iood location , nil modern DOnvoniencos. 2400 CasH stn-et. 'M2 \ * JTOB KENT UN3UKN1SH'D ROOMS RntuB. IKe a word llrat Insortlon , lo a word ihuro- nftur. Nolhlntr tnkon for lest than 23c. G-FOR RENT. 5 OR 0 UNFURNISHED ROOMS , modern Improvements , boautlfiil lawn and shado. N.E.cor. 2'Jd.nnd Miami nlreeti. MT.'O G ROOM FLAT , BRICK. 1009 LEAVEN , worth Bt. - M251 2 ' FOR BENT STORES AND OFFICES Rates , lOc a line each Insortlon. $1.10 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. " " fTOUiEN T , sTO" -Iblock , biiltablo for meat market , hardware or dry ( roods sloni. Inquire 001 ! S. llltlist. 451 T-FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING. J 01(1 ( Farnam M. The Imlldlm ; hns a tlroproof , ce ment basement , complete steam Iieallnir llxtnns , water on all the floors , pas , etc. Apply at tlio ollleo of Tlio Beo. 1)10 ) T-FOR RENT , CHOICEST SECOND FLOOR MUSI- ness corner In Omaha Glebe bulldln ? , lOlh and Glooo Loan A Trust . 1-ONE OF THE LARGEST VACANT STORE buildings In Omaha , situated Intho wholesale quarter : Ills 130 feet deep by 2(1 ( foot wide , three or live lloors and basement : the front Is entirely of plate class and Iron nnd suitable for either wholesale or manufacturing ; will bo runted for reasonable rout for a term of years. Inquire at Nalatorlnm , 1313 Howard Bt. IBtl J21 * T-OFFICKS EN SUITE OR SINGLE. WITH OR J without llrcproof vaults ; cheap. Wlthnoll buu M7-12 ] yO' T-CHOICE BRICK STORE , 2709 LEAVEN- Iworth , cheap to food tenant. F. U. Wead , liHh and Douglas. 281 21 .AGENTS WANTED. Rates , lOc n lluo each Insertion. $1.50 a line per month.Nothing , talten for less than 25e. T-TflE Ax n C INVESTMENT BONDS PAY $5OO.OQ In from ono to llvo yi-ars. Buy ono. $5.00 cash nnd $1.00 afmonth afterwards until paid. IRist pay Intr Investment extant. A ru&UInir aBrent.Mwnted In every town-mid county. For full part Icnlara apply lo Tlio American Bond company , 530 and 531 Paxton block , Omaha. F. S. Thompson - son , general ntfent for Douglas county. 001 ID' J . WANTED AOENTS FOR "PHILLIPS Brooks , the Man , the Preacher and the Author. " Beautiful memorial volume of America's foremost preacher. Introduction by Joseph Cook. "Alto- Boilior docs jtistlffl lo Us croat subject. " Zion's Herald. Ono lady sold 20 books In 0 hours. An aeont In taking KH orders only met with (1 refusals. Apents ordering 100 books apiece. Wo never before - fore published u book that sold so fast. J. K. UtistWs , 47 Coruhlll , Boston , Mass. M311 20' J AOENTS EITHER SEX WANTED TO SELL our now kettle cleaner , bread nnd cake kiilvca and other nuw articles. Easy Hellers , tolir protlts , terniB caay , Clauss Shear Co. , Kansas City , Mo. MUO : ) ylO' WANTED TO RENT. Rntcs , lOo a line each Insertion. $1.50 n line per month. Nothlni ; taken for loss than 25c. K WANTED. AT ONCE. 7 OR 8-ROOM HOUSE near any xmloii depot car lines , all modern con veniences and stable. Address Mrs. John Hob- rcckor. Jr. , No. 810 South 22d street. Tulophono . No. 17U3. M137 22 -GENTLEMAN WANTS FURNISHED ROOM and board when in town. K-llee. ! aOU 10 * RENTAL AGENCIES. , Rates , IWc a word first Insertion , Ion word there after. Nothing taken for less than 25c. T LIST"YOUII HOUSES FOR"IIENTWITIJ w. B. OJIlerry i Co. , 717 N. Y. Life. M895 STORAGE. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for lost * than 25c. M WEDO THEPACKNO , Hhtpplm ; of pianos and furniture ; storeUouwi ' 1114 Doimlas. ollleo 1500 Dodso. Omaha Van and Express Co. Tel , 1559. M , lleklns , Mff'r. 7i2JyO' ! : M STORAGE.W1LLIAMS ACROS3.1211 HARNEY 453 M STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; ; clean and cheap rates. R. Wells , 1111 Furnam. 451 WANTED TO BUY. a won ! first Insertion , lea word thpre- nfler , Nolhlng taken for less than 25c. N'-CASH FOR FURNITURE. HOlsEHOLC eoods , do. , or will sull for owner In our unction sales. It. Wells , till F.vrnam. 454 N-FIRST MORTOAOE PAPERS. II. A. AR- nold , 005 Beo.bldir. M2l)4 ) A SW1NC1 STAGE COMPLETE AND AN KX- tension ladder , Addreas 47tli and Lafayette avenue , city , 29U-11) ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rates. IWc a word tli-st Insertion , Ic n word there * after , Kotlilnf taken for loss than 25e , o -FOR SALE , A OOOD FAMILY MILCH COW Inquire nt 1421 North IBlh alrcot. 054 \-FOR SALE CHEAP. GOOD SAFETY BI teyclo. Inquire 1002 Farnain st. 10020 * CLAIRVOYANTa KaUia , JOc nllnoiMioh Insertion , $1.503 line PC month. Npthlng taken for lg s than 'jse. Otranco clairvoyant anil Ufa reader ; tells youi llfo from cradle to rravo : can bo consulted on al affairs of llfo ; lias the euk-brait-d Egyptian breas plale to unlto the Hoparateil and CHMBO murrtntr with one you ) ov . Como ono , coma all , and 1 > couvlnotvl of her rvmarkabla power * * . Office am iO roHldonce 417 S. llth sti-ovt , hour * 0 a. in. ( o 0 p. in kit. Strict ltf chart and photo of your future wlfo o it. husband mt through-mull forKS.OO ; chart ( ilonc f'J.OO , All loiters containing 4 cents In stamp promptly answered. MU84 ly ! ' S MRS. NANNIE V , WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT rcllablu bitbluess medium : Cth year at 110 N.HItl 487 IRat S DR. H. T. STANLEY OF NEW YORK , TES1 at business aud medical medium , 1722 Capllc th avonuo. M201 U4 * S-H. PETTlllONE. PHYSICAL MEDIUM , IIA arrived and locauxl tt 1722 Capitol avenue. ut M201 24 MASSAGE. 3ATHS , ETC. R. R.U , Rates , lOenllne each liincrllon , $1.50 aline pt month. Nothing taken for lean than V5c. ; soas. ISTH. JNDFLOOI i Room 3. Nanaagu , vauor , alcohol , atcanikiilpliui Ine and iu baths. miill-24' iE. ral f-MME. CARSON , 1121 DOUGLAS STREET , S 103 -l Moor , room 7 , niausiyi\ , alcohol , itulphur and M lialha. ' _ M1U2-23' SE ABSTRACTS OF TITLES ra. Uatfts.l Oca line ich Intwnlon , f 1.30a line IK mouth , Kothlnr taken for lens than 25c. tr ABSTRAOTS-JTilE MIDLANlTaUARANTE r > nndTruvt company , ubHlracls , eonvuancfn Tit Its porfucted nnd tiumnitwl. Own the oul ° complela abatract twokii lu IKnulas County. R ( inov'tHl to r > mi 310 Nuvr York"UfobniidliirT 460 ro- PEK80..AL. TT'Tiis FWST.OAT WAS NAMUD PK rth \J Coiumuulfttlu with iaivuyr lu it , urgent. " 160 Jyl- PERSONAL. Oonllinwd U-MASSAGE TREATMENT , ELTKTTRO-THER. mal baths , ncnlp and hair trrstment. manlcuro nnd chiropodist. Mm. roat,31DHS.15th , Wlthnoll blk. 458 U-MIS3 K. A. KEARN3 , TEACHER OF piano ) special nttrntlon lo nullmentnl princi pled. Suite 40 , Midland hotel , 10th and Chicago. M334J27' 1 T-WniTE FOR A FREE COPY OP OUR BEAU- ' ' llfully Illnstraled Matrimonial Journal , con taining many pholo-engravlngK of hnmlsomo women nnd mlUnt men who wish to wed. Brown Publishing Co. , Temple court , Toledo , O. M711-31 * rr-CUTTHI3 OUT AND PRESENT ATCOWAN'S \J Photo Studio , 12123 Cumin * nt. , and yon will bo entitled to 12 Arlsto Cabinet Photos , very bent , on gilt edged cards , and ono Bile for framing , tor $1.00 ; without this , $5.00 ; far 10 days only , M214Jyl7 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Ralr-s.1 Oca line r.ich Insertion , $ l.r > 0 a lluo per month. Nothing lakcn for lest than S5c. \\T-l AND 2 YEAR I/JANS ON CITY AN. D FARM ' mortgages. KcedSelby , 344 Board ofTr.ido. 107 / -MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ' The O , F. Davis Co. , 1605 Farnain Street. 400o WION'EYTOUXAN AT LOWEST UATESON Improved nnd imlmivortMl rcAl cslatu , 1 to 5 years. Fidelity Trust Co , 1702 Fnrnsm. 402 W-OMAHA SAVINGS 11ANK MAKK3 LOANS on real pRtnlo nt lo\ve t inarkut rau-s. Ixinns made In emnll or larrn Hums for sliort or loiut tlmo. No commission iHcnnrcrd nnd the loans nm not nold In the cant , but can nlwava bo found at thu bank ou the comer ot 13lh nnd bouclas SIR. 401 t TFinsTAND SECOND MOUTOAOE LOANS ; ' T low rates. Alex Moore , 401 llco bid ? . 47i yy-LOANS , j. w. SQUinr.3,218 DKK HLBO.47B \V ANTHONY LOAN ANDTUUST CO. , 31 fl N. Y. ' Life , lends nt low rate * for choice security on Nebraska nnd Iowa farms or Omaha city proiwrty , 470 W-CENTHAL LOAN A TRUST Ca , BEHOLDO. ' -403 \\r-LOANS ON1MPUOVED AND UNIMPnOVED ' city liroiK-rty. Kl.000 nnil upwards , 5 to H per cent ; nudelays. W.rarimmSmltli&Co.lC&Harnay 40U r LOANS , a. a. WALLACE , n 12 BROWN BLK. -172 If LOWEST RATES , FIDELITY TRUST COM * pnny , 1702 Farnam street. 402 T\f WANTED AT ONCE LOANS ON IMPROVED M Oninha property : low ralos. Fidelity Trust company , 17tl'J Faniam street. 402 W-MORTGAGE LOANS LESS THAN .7 PER cent. Including all charees. Charles W. Ralnoy , Oninha Nat. bank bldp. 405 \\r-WANTKD , TO BUY 8 PER CENT NOTES SR- ' cured liymortcacea Omaha city or Uouirhw Co , proiwrty. Heed i Sulby , 330 Boanl of Trade. 407 \\r-WE WANT A NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS ' for loans on city or farm proportion at low rates. Private funds. No delav If security Is sat isfactory. Geo. J.l'aul , 1005 Karnam. M217 22' MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Raton , Ida.i line each Insertion , $1.50 n line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25e. X-DO YOU WANT MONEY ? THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , ROOM * WITHNELL BLOCK , 319M SOUTH 15TH , CORNER HARNEY ST. WILL \ LOAN \ YOD \ ANY \ \ \ ' BUM LAItQE OB BMALL FBOM \ TEN DOLLAR3\ UP. WE MAKE LOANS ON FURNITURE , HOUSES CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE 11KOE1PTS OR PER SONAL PROPERTY OF ANY KIND. OUR TERMS WILL MERIT YOUR APPROVAL. You can pay the money hack at any time and In any amount yon wish , and thus reduce thuco t of carrying the loan In proportion to nmoimtou pay. IF YOU owu a balance on your fnrnlttiru or other persons ! property of tiny kind wowlll pay It oft for you and carry It as lone as yon ilonlm. YOU CAJJ HAVE YOUR MONEY IN ONE HOUR FROM THE TIME YOU MAKE APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of property. o that you Bet the usu of both money and property. 4,0 V CALL AT THE OFFICE OP i OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. : j INCORPORTED. j ' ' " 'IP YOU WANT'MONEY , You cnn borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HOUSES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE REOF.IPTS , MKRCUANDISE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Wo will lend you any amount from $10.1)0 ) to $1,000.00. ON THE DAY YOU ASK FOR IT without publicity or removal of property. You can pay thu money back In any nmoimt you wish , and at any tlmo. and each payment so made will nxluco the cost of the loan. Remember that yon hcvo the nso of both the property and llio money , nnd pay for ft only as Ions as you keep It. There will bo no expense or chanro kept out of thu amount wanted , but you will rucelvo the full amount of thu loan. Before borrowlnir elsewhere call nnd sco us and you will find It ureatly to your ndront.itro. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , : IOI SOUTH 1I1TH STREET , first floor nbovo thojstreet. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 477 X WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- cnrliy ; Htrietly confidential. A. K. Harris , room 1 Continental block. -17H MONKY , SO , 00. 00 QAYS. CHKAP RATES nnd easy payments , on furniture , pianos , Uro stock , etc. , without delay or publicity ; cash on hand. Duff Green , room 8. Barker block. 470 BUSINESS CHANCE8. Rales , lOc a line ench Insertion , $1.00 a line per month. Nothing taken for loss than 25o. V EASTERN RACES1" HOWE'S 'INFALLIBLE i Handicapping system nets $15.00 weekly on $200.00 Investment. Sc-cond successful year. Safe , Conservjillvo , Practical. Prospectus Ihll3 free. C. D. Howe , Box 137 , Brooklyn , N , Y. M1UOJ23 * XT' FOR SALE. TRADE OR RENT. HOTEL 28 L roums , all .occupied with peruianont boarders ; modiiii Improvements. Best locallon In S. Omaha. Cam. John O'Donahoo. 20S N. 10th Bt. , Omaha , Neb. y-DO YOU WANT TO BUY , SELL OR EX- clKiiiizn a hiiHlness , real ostalo or lands ? Do you want additional capital in your business ? If so see ns ; wi > can help you. Calf orwrilo for ourbullo- lln. onicps in all prlnrlpal cltlos ; Omaha branch , 310 Now York Life bulldlnir. MtH'JJ2t ) V WANTED , A PHYSICIAN WITH SOME J- money , to lakn chnriru of n Keulcy Institute. Ad dress R. 212 , McC.igno bldff , Omaha. 820 Y' BRICK SIDEWALKS SIDEWALK 11RIC1C TO oxcham.'u for cash. William J , Welshans , 414 Karbach block. M048Jyl2 _ FOR SALE , ON ACCOUNT OF DEATH , AN oslablfshwl bakery and confectionery at Wnyn , Kot ) . , comity scat of Wayne Co. Addruss A. W. Brottlliii' , Wayno. 183 23 Y-HARD WARE AND IMPLEMANT STOCK FOR nalo In coed town. $15,000.00 business last year and dolnir us peed u business now. Good reasons for Hellliiff , Address J 02 , Boo. M200 UO' FOR EXCHANGE. HatesOCBline each Insertion$1.50alluo per month. Kothlnif takun for Icaa than 25c. r/ I OWN 1001 FARMsTN NEIIRASKA , KANSAS Uand Dakota. Will scllchoapor oxcltam'o foi mdso.horse8 and cattle. Addbox TO.Frankfort , Ind , 4H1 r/-\ CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSE fJVIM ( ako real estate and money , Uox 21)5 ) , Frank fort , Ind. 481 rihO ACRES OF CLEAR LAND IN ONE OF TH K /-Jlx > nt winter wheat districts In Kansas to ux- chaimo for lo or 20-acro tract near Omaha cltj llinlls. Will pay cash difference If proix.Tty U Address , k-lvlns nrlcu and location , u 20 Boo > Z A CLEAN STOCK 0 ? DRY GOODS , CLOTH' Inis , tttc. . for Isnds und cash. R. W. WatklnsJ Co. , Frank fort , lud. 82323 * / FOR SALE , A MILLINERY STORE ANE Jbualness. Heat location In Omaha. Lon ; luasa cheap rent , sales from $50 to $250 cash i > ur" day Will trudu for unencumbered farm , AUdrosa J 6C Boo. 124 1B V-CHOICE REAL ESTATE IN CITY OF HOUS ' tonTex. , fur coed iiicrchandlsa Block. R. 6 Palleruon. Omaha. Neb. M222 . FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. moRatet , lOc n line VACI ) Insertion , $1 JiO n line pe : lonth. Nothing taken for less than 25c. 17OR SALE , 1S-KOOM COTTAGE AND LOT 1 worth * 3,600 ; will lake $2.501) ) ; $1,200 cncum brnncc ; inonlhly payment on balance. Houvt newly pap r l. city water , bath and water clonji Aadr. < a owiier , J 18 Ik'e. 70d , -uw SALE. 0-ROOM JIOUSF. AND LOT WITI L barn. In Kountzu place ; house nuwly. palntu ) ' nicely iKiiieifd and palmed Insldo , furnace , hu aiul cold walcr , gnu ami b.ith. proiHtrly ehuap u * SIOU ) , Inctimbrunco f-.fiCXJ ; will null on Has U-rni > for * 7. KW. Addrewi owner , J 11) Ik < e , 71)7 ) M USTBK SOLD. NICK COTTAGB ON PAVEI I btreel ; kmallcakb payment. Addruss 1 40. Bo tMMl g3 A CHANCE TO INVEST YOUR SAVINGS. HAS" trout lot Lowu uvenuu ( Poppleton lurk ) , tias ituocss to motor. Owner Koluc Into Inntlno * * . Wll tx-11 very cheap for clili. Also lot HanHcom Placx Me barsalu for cau. Address L. K P. a Box H8 ( M14S. _ _ _ _ _ _ A J1STUACT8. THE MIDLAND GUARANTE J iind Trust i-onipaiiy , Hbstracu n , convwanecn Tllleu iHTfoclul and rnnrnntced. Own llio enl romplfiR ahMrart books In Duntluu cujnty Iu mori < d to ruMu. 310 Nuw York Lilt liulidlng. 40V FOK 1JEAL ESTATE BARGAINS , j > tsi 0-ROOM COTTAGE nnd lot < > Hanscom Plaeo , splendid location , $3MO.OO , . - f COTTAGE nnd soiilh front lot IK > AT 30th and Pa- cine. If sold quick , only $4,200.00. . ( , NICE HOUSE and lot nearll.inscom park , $5,50(1.00. . , UJ" H-ROOM HOUSE near Mil nnd Poppleton avenue , will pay 10 percent on inoix-y hlrestod , $ (1,500.00. ( EI.EANT brick and franio vJtl.-vto , 32d and Pa cific , rr.2oo.oo. ' < HANDSOME 10-room lieu Mif'.1xr30th and Pacific , all modem conTrnlene , < unmi. ELEGANT double brick rrahlAncp. corner 32il and Popplnton nvc. , nonlh and -nst front , will yield 10 per cent on money lnve loilHllr)0. ! ) SPLENDID residence proiH > rtyS iXl50 feel , east front , with two house * , tin * . 1138 and 1130 S. 31st ; two bcailtlful homos ; will ylold 10 l > er cent on In vestment : prlco. $14.000. NICE RESIDENCE LOT north of Ilanncom Park , covoml with tlnn oliado nnd fruit trues , grnpos , cto. . ploawint Icx-atlon , only $2,200. .FINEST SOUTH FRONT lot near lUiiKoom mrk , 00x170 foot , oloimnt trees , paviM streets , mono walks , wn. No smxjlal tax , $4.200. CORNER f > ilxI45 feet. 3lth ) nnd Pacific , plecanl location. Will subdivide. Call for prlrc. CHOICE FIVE-ACRE tract , close to city , a first class lnvoRtnionlonly f2iiOl. ( TEN ACRES with cottnpo Jngt oulilito city limits. Splendid plnco for mnall frulls. Ho liner place around Omnha. I'rlco f 1,500. FORTY ACRES , eloso to now Elmwood park and Belt Line rnllwny to West Omnha. Will plat Into 2X ) Iwaullful loin ; ono of the llnest pieces of ncrn proiwrty nronnd Oninha ; splendid Investment , at $35O per ncre. 8OO ACRES , Grceley county. Nob. , only two miles from Norlh Loup , on U. P. rnllvvav ; good neil , running water ; will ninlte splendid aleck farm ; listed for Quick nalo nt $8.00 t > er nen > . HICKS' 11KAL ESTATE AGENCY , 305 N. Y. Llfo Bldff. M.110 21 pHEAP FARM LANDS. Wo liavo the following lands , nltuntcd between Crook. Colo. , nnd Lodge Pole , Neb. , both railroad stations. Section 2.V12-4S Logan county , Colo. , nearly nil smooth land ; rood ( toll. Section 27-12-48 Logan county ! Colo. , two-thirds nlco smooth land , balance broken ; good soil. 12-W Ix > gnn county , Colo. , nearly nil smooth land , slightly broken ou the east ; good soil. East K of section 20-12-48 Logan county , Colo. , Binoothland ; good soil. Lots 1 nnd 2 nnd S. M of S. K of Section 21-12 4B. Logan counly , Colo. , rather rough , but good soil , Lots 1,2 , 3 and -t , In section 21-12-17 , Chcyonno comity. Nob. Quito rough , but has splendid spring of water and consldorabln hay land. Wo wish to neil this land. 2.5RO acres , If possible , lnonobodyorlfnocoR arywllldlvldolt. It has boon appraised by the railroad company nt from $ i.IIO ! lu 3-S.oo | wr acre. Wo will sell llio whole. Irnot at $1.50 per acre ; or nny nno section or moro nt $3.OO. It IH a llrst-class InvoHtnioiit , aud nt thu price guolod the choniiost land In the market. Hicks' Real Estate Agency , 303 N. Y. Llfn build ing. M310 21 F ° > R SALE ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS : A south front eottneo , < 1 rooms , $1,350.00 , 60 feet. A Boulh fronl eottasi- rooms. $1,100.00 , 50 foot. A suulli front house , tl rooms , $2.250.00. UM ) feet. A norlli front collnRo , H rooms , $1,100.1X1 , f 0 foot , A north front cottage. 4 rooms. $ feet , A north front house , II rooms , $1,800.00 , BO foot. A small tlrst payment nnd easy monthly pay ments. Small clear lots will bo taken In exchange. Sou N. A. Kuhn , druggist , 15th and Donclas. M153jyl7 ! WE HAVK JUST COMPLETED THE PRE"r- llcst six-room eoltaKO In the city , lighted by electricity , bavin ? furnace , bath , hot , cold walor , tnanlcl , ( rratc , marble top wash bowl , spwor connec tion , troi-a , slone walk , paved street , ete. Located In Avondale park , emi mile from iiosiolflce. Price only $3,800. Fidelity Trust Co.a702 Farnam st. ij , M5.-i7Jyl FORSALE-R5X1J10 EAST FRONT ON 20TH ST. Ix-t. St. Mary's nve. and Hll-Uownnl for only $ < . ) , : ; r > 0.untll July 1st. This prdabd ) location need 'L no comment.'L AMES REAL ESTATE AGENCY. ' T.-.07 FARNAM. ' ' ' ) 2S3 25 JOR SALE OR RENT-GOOD VHOHSE. 20TI JL1 near Bristol sts. A. P Tukoy , New York Life. 'II TF YOU WANT A HOME YOU CANNOT AF- J-ford to miss this opportunity u lot STOEPEL PLACIl' ' SPECIAL SALE.- SAFE INVESTMENT. Best residence part of tmaha. Will soon d6ublo In Value. ' Tlieso lots are Bcllfiiffjasl. " ' ' Comer lots $300.00. Insldo-'lb'ts $275.00. $50.00 down , balance to suit. NOINTEREST Will bo charecd until after July 1,1894. The nbovc prices nnd terms good ouly until July 1. Look Ihcso lots over before buying elsewhere , and you will find the best and cheapest bargain Inlets lots ever offered. Call on or address W. A. WEBSTER , 402 Bee Bldff. M223 IO INVESTORS. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS IN IMPROVED OMAHA REAL ESTATE. $3.500.00 buys place paylmr 10 ] > orcent. S4.000.0fl buys property yielding 10 per cent. $4.500.00 buys choice ImprovJ-d paying 10 percent. sf 5.000.00 buyseU'gant place paying 10 per cent. $5.500.00 buys proiH'rly yielding 10 per cent. $ Ur , oo.ill ) buyucholciiploco paying 11 percent. $12,000.00 buys gllt-cdged properly paying IO per cent. $17,500.00 buys fine Improved pavlnc 12 percent. WE ARE AGENTS FOR SOME OF THE F1NKST IMPROVED PHOP- KRTY IN THIS CITY. HICKS' REAL ESTATE AGENCY. U03 K. Y. LIFE BLDG. M31U21 17011 SALE , AT A GREAT BARGAIN , 8-ROOM J- house , barn nnd all modern Improvements. Kn- qulro room 5 und G , 1G23 FoJnam street. M11221' _ EASTERN NEBRASKA "FARM LANDS FOR Kslo by Huiitsbcrgcr A Clements , Lyons , Burl county , Nob. M713Jy.1 "VTEVER WAS A BETTER TIME TO INVEST IN 1 > real estate , and look at this for bargains In In side proiKjrty. 4 lots , 10th and Center , worth $1,200 each , only $000 oach. 1 lot In Orchard Hill , worth $1,201) , only $700. 1 corner lot on Military nvo. , Just opposite Clifton Hill , worth $1,200 , only $700. Lot on Marcy St. , between 31st and 32d , worth $ ; i.l)00 ) , only $1,1100. Finest lot In Crelghton Heights , worth $1,200 , only $775. 2 lots In Lincoln Place , worth $1,200 each , only $000 for bolh. 3 lots , LaFayette placo. Walnut Hill , worth $2,500-00 ouch , lor $1JOU.OO each. Avondale park , Inside ono tulle line , Webster street lols , with paving , curbing , .stono sidewalk , sewer , parklmr.clectrlo light , etc Tlio finest Insldo residence property In the city , at the lowest price , worth $2,500.00 pcrlotjourprloo only $1,500.00 per lot , half cash. Burt Ktn > et fronts In Avondaln park : only $ l,300.00-porlot. U will pay you to in- Fourteen lota In Roes place , on Ooorula nnd Vlnjlnla nvenues. botwwn Mason and Pacltlc. For cash we are offering this pnuiorty nt 50o on thu dollar. For a home llirrn Is nothing tlnor ; ns an In vestment Ills Imposslbln to llnd anylhltur butter , Always u pluasuru to show miy or all of this prop erty. * FIDELITY TflUST COMPANY1702 Farnam. \M\a \ AINS IN HOUSES , LOTHIAtfD FARMS. J. , Fronzcr , room 0 , Frunzor IllucU , opp. P. O. Mill Jyll | _ . TALV THEIR VALUE WiLt' . . ELL THREE J 4-tnodi-riicottatrcHcluno to car'llne ; eood iiulvli- iKM-hood ; each. Can Airier 0 or write E . V. St-avor. 52U South 2Hth Blrot-lJmi M22120 IOH SALE-100 ACRES ROODJFARM luVNI ) , fi miles from WfBl 1'olnt , NeW-Jill fnncod and under cultivation. A bargain , siiii Also desirable Omaha im > | > < < rfr/ , east sldo of 2 Itli Htroot , lust south of Pnulfirujt ( : , cheap. 4- Address 21U Board of , Trade , ' jrjfolephono 10S. ' _ I'P ! ) M2IM20 Wi 'ANT A SAFE INVESTMENT FOR YOUII money ) I can otfor r al' ' rliiato notllng 7 poi cent to IO IH.T cent per annum ! tii uholco llrst mort- ages nt 7 IH.T cent. Cemn mid ' * l O. G. Wallace , § 12 J , J , Brown block , lllth arkl Douglas. 150 21 a > HK LANCASTER HOTEll.lEtlROPEAN. U1S1 st. and Ixixlngtoii avo. , CJilcaco. World'8 fall entrance two blocks ; elevated rallroiul Hialion 1H blocks ; excellent aecomnKxIallplls * 1.00 p r da ; nnd upward ; reforiMin-s , by ixTinlaslun. Armour i Co. , Continental National bank. M302 20 ( T 1 OOMS FOR WORLD'S FAIR VISITORS ; BPLEN -IVdldly furnished with all inodoi-n conveulunces 'J blocks from main ( > mrumto to fairgrounds ; 1 block from uluvatod road and Illinois Central. Slui hotel , 0443-45 Star avo. . Chicago , M303 20' fl MVO NICE SIX- ROOM COTTAGES JUST NORTH X ofllanscom jwrk , splendid location , etc. If soli lOBfthor. ouly * 3,7DO.OO oach. Hlcku. SOS N. Y Llfo tilde. M31U 21 ) a. "Rates , Ike a word first Insertion , loaword thcro ufler. Noililny Ukou for luna than g5e. OST-PAIR OP GOLD KYE-GLASSES II bluck leather cuHobctwoen Hansvom park am lioatomcu Sunday , Juno 18th , about 12 o'clocit r'lndur wllUplcako muirn Homo to Dalua-Siullh In vcihlmcnt Co. , 10th ana Farnam , and receive ro ward. M30U 20' LOST , LADIES' SMALL OPEN-FACE BILVEI wuich wlih gold chain utiachud. Either at Io > d'i or on the Huriioy htii'el luolor Monday nflurnooa Finder will be rewarded by Ivavlng It ut 1H1I Fanmm Si. , or X50C ClUfurul * St. 11313 20 > WORLD'S FAIR HOTEL9 & HOOTflS Rates. 1 Won won ! first Insertion , ten worvllliore- nftor. Nolhlng taken for lesi than 25c. WORLD'S FAIR FURNISHED 1UX1M3. YOU lakn nd chniioo nor pay any money In nilvnnco , $1.00i > crday. 1311 Faniam street , Omah.i. B5it J.10 fPHK OROSVENOR , 0217 SHERIDAN AVENUK AChlcaeo , a select fnmlly.tiotol , wllhtn 0 mlnules walk from the prlnelptlntrancm to the fair. Oood rcferonot'S. np.itrin.tblo Mien. Apply to C. C. Shinier , 211 Now York Llfo building. Omaha. M105 Jy 10 ELEGANT SECOND STORY FRONT ROOMS. IN- eluding mcnK $1,75 per day , or with break fait only Sl.ftu : two Inn room ; wvon minutes walk of the greal ( derated roadputting you on fair grounds In clehteon mlnnlei ; jirlvntn family ; roflncd r.ur- roundtngs ; gaa. balli , hot and cold water. Address E. W. Flnrli , room broker , 225 Donrboru. rojms 418 and 411) . Mllll 23 CHOICE ROOMS WITHIN EIGHT MINUTES , walk of Jackftou park. Prlvalo rosldeneo , de sirable street. Addrosi Mrs. Harrison , mi.1 ifomo Insnrnnee building , Chicago. M1HO 20 * SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Rales , lOen line naeh Insertion. $ t.r.O a HnoiMir month. Nothing taken for leos than ' . ' 5c. YOUNO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN CAN SOON acquire ,1 working knowledge of Hhorthand nnd lypewtlllnjt nt A. C. Van Sniil's twhool of Bhort- hand , 513 N. Y. Life. Typewriters to rent. 4S3 UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERS Rates , 1 Oon line each Insertion , $1.50 n line per month. Nothing taken tor less than 'J5c. CW. BAKER ( FORMRIILY WITH JOHN H. Jacobs , deceased , later wlthM.O. Maul ) , under taker and umbahner , 3153. lUlh Ht. Tel. ODO , 482 PASTURES POR HORSES. WEHAVKlfiO ACRES OP BLUE GRASS PAS- turn for homos. Boanl fence. Spring water. Bnrton A Pht-lpi , Gllmoro. Neb. , or A. W. Phelps A Son , 207 N. Y. Llfo building. M40U J2B * PAWNBROKERS. Rales , lOc n line ench Insertion , $1.50 nllnolwr mouth. Nothing taken for less than 25c , JSONNENBERO. DIAMOND BIWKER. 1305 Douglas sU Loanninoiioy on dlauionds.wnlchivi , etc. Old gohfnnd silver bought. Tel. 155H. 485 DRESSMAKING. f AD1ES' AND CHILDERN'S DRESSMAKING ! JLialno imdcrgannenlH lo order ; muslin fnmlshed It desired. 1707 Mniiilerson. 5S1 Jyl SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. TOYLES A. B ABB. DEALERS IN TYPEWRITERS. 'Mil niakos bought , sold , exchanged , rented , (113 ( N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. 558. > 181 SOALtS. VTEW .t SECOND HAND SCALES , ALL KINDS. L > Address Borden i Sellcck Co. , Lake St. , Chicairo. 480 MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGES. GF. GELLENBECK , BANJOIST AND TEACHER. .1810 Callfomla street. 1114 PATENT BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Hoc Building : , Omaha , Nob. 4 years Examiners U. S , Pat. Ofilco. Advlcofrco No fee until patent is obtained. T1IK KKALTY MAKICK1' . INSTRUMENTS phicod on record Juno 10 18D3 ; WAnllAN-TV HEEnj. J .7 Hums nml wlfo lo n U fircone , lot 7. block 0 , HrlBRs' 1'laco . $ T W Johnson nnd wlfo to John Oppon- Inmlcr , n ; lotO , block o , llorbnch'a second mid . John Oppuiil.imler nnd wlfo to Caroline line Jnhnson , same . WT Jnclcson to MrsM J .Tnckson , lot 1 , AT Abbott's sulKliv . l O M Uohnrls anil liusbnntl lo Ahrn- 1mm Ifosonhery , lot 0 , block 343 , Omnhn . 25,000 ; H K Unylord 'and liusbuiul to W I . Hoopes , lot28.1toe.s'lMnco' . . 15,000 W 1 lloouuito M T ( Jaylonl , Mime . 15.000 G A Kendall to .Sninuot Trobv. unrtlv < / ItitH 7 lo 18 , block 30. O II HOKKA. 1 Arthur East to Mnrgt J Kolly. lot lo , block 8 In suhillv. of block 30 , Al- lirluhfs Choice . 850 GcoUudo& w to Mrs Ida Wuotlirlcli , lot 1C , block 3 , Arlxir place . 2,500 W A Denton It w to Howard & ( ! row- cock , lot 2 , llxk 23 , Wnteilno . 300 Howard & Llrowcock to Jno Murray , 400 U E ( iiiylord trans to Mary W'Unylord lot 9. blonk 2 , lUirlln tnn place DOO J M Swotiiam nnd wlfo to Gooriio Gudo , lot 20 , block 2 , Thirteenth / Street add 850 K J York and husband to U L John son , lot 14 , blook Q , Sauniloi-M & ll'sadd 1,800 J S Franco otal to Carl Ituhscliiili , lol-s 31 and 32 , Vlnton I'lnco 1.300 J I1 ( ilhbons to .lohamm Kngolmnnu , lot 0 , block 8. Orchard Hill 1.100 T liluchel and wlfo to MarlK Knusp , ni ! lots u und G , block CD , Credit Vender iidd 1,000 G A Knosp una wife to T HIucliul , same. , 1,000 QUIT CLAIM DKKDS. Gcorjjo Baxter nnil wlfo to Adoliih Meyer undlv Y , lot G.nml untilv 54 of ij lot G , block 1C , Shull's 2d addition 200 DEEDS. O A Ilonnott. sheriff , to O N Kollcy. lot 11. block 6. UE Mnyno's 1st add to Valley C7 Snino to .Mnurlce .Siilllvnn. lots 7 and 8 , block 7 , ICiiinlxo-h ( add 3,500 J Q Unrulier , special muster , to Sallie llorbach , o 110 foot of u ! i tax 22 la so ni ! nw 15113 1,500 WS Nelson , siioclal niaMer. to .1 I1 Gibbous , loti ) , block 8. Orchard HIM flOl Total amount of transfers t 73.B2Q RH1LWRY TIME BRRD . ICH1CAOO. BURLINGTON , t Q. Arrives Omaha J Depot 1 Dili and Mason Sts. Omahn 4.20pm * . , ChlcairoVsl1bnlu. . K.OOnm ll.l.jnm Chlcairo Kxprowj. , . . D.50 urn 12.10am .Chlcairo . Exjuvss 4.'J5pm 7.17pm . . .Chlciiyo & lou'n 1/oeal. , f..55pui 'B"UR"ClNGTON".CM07RIVERr ATS-lveT ] ) i'l > ut lUlli and Mason Sts. _ Omaha Denver Express I.ODpi'i , . , . . . .Doartwood Express l.ODpm Denver Express , , . , ll.omu : , Denvi-r Llmlti'd 12.05.1ln . .Kebraskn I > x-al iKxcoplSun ) . . 11.50 pin . .t.lneoln Local iKxi-'jil .Sum. . li.nm : ; LoavxN I CIIICAUO. R. 1. i. PACIFIC. Arnvou Omaha llnluii DIJIKII lOthAMarcj- . | Omaha lO.tiOam All.-uillu Kxprv.'is I tl.OOpm M..10 pm Chic. & IVn. VostlbiUii UinlRxl ] 2.lUpm 7.101HI1 Nlghl Express I H.OOnni l.Ollnm . . . . . .World's Fair JJmltcd v. g.Mani ? folnifT"CIlI < 'AGO"'R. l."Xrl > ACIFIC F FroiJT" West I UnionDepotJ0lh.M.areySlB. [ | _ West l.10pin ) | Lincoln , Fatrhnry Lorn ! . . . . 110.25 Hin 2..SUpmlcilc. | & Den , Vosllbulo Umllcd 3.40pm 2.30aiii.Worldls | Fair LlinlltHl. Il2.5.sum Learns I K. C. . ST. J. .tCTB. An1vi > H Omaha Depot 10th and Mason Sts. | Omiilia il.fiOnuiKansas ] City Day Exin | > HS. . , . 5.55 pin n,45pmtlC. C. Night Exp. via ll.lOam . | . . . . . . . . Expn-ss 0.40 am _ _ . , - , Arrives Oinahu 1 Union Depot 10th k Marcy SlH.I Omaha- Ljuavea I ; IYIOA 07MIL. A 8T. PAULTTAiTlvTS Omuha I U. P. Di-iKit ainLMarcy Sis. | Omaha lL30am | " ! ! " ! chlcaio Express ) ; ! ! " " ! ! JiiHoiuii au ETTERT111KS FOR THE Words of Olioor Uomo from the London Slouk Exchange. UNION PACIFIC STOCK LOOKING UP Iti Klmlmll Till In ot the Adv.ineeof Western - ern Scrutllloi an Ilic London .Uitrkd ItnllrnmU Uodnolni ; Tr.iln SorUco Troubles Motes. The uptvnrd tcmleity \ of Union Pacific stocks on the IximlonStoolc oxeliango Satw- day \3 \ rognnled by those In n position-to know ns rcDocltng Kt'oator coulUloui'o In American securities than has been shown for months past. It Is significant , however , that the Union I'aulllc should cotno In for a greater deprco of conflilouco than ttity of tlio other seourltlc.i postal on the I/omlou Stock exchange , and the only explanation given by these in nuthorlly for tills strength Is found In the conservative policy maintained by President Clarlt In attempting Vb inako tlio jn-opcrty ono of , the 'strongest In the grantor series. Thomas Ii. Klmball , who knows the Onion Paclflo from Its InwniUon , and who Is capa ble. In the absent of the president , to spcalc authoritatively of the road , said to a repre sentative of TUB UKB ycstentay : "Thoro Isadoop slgnlllcanco In the Tjondon cable gram announcing that Union Paclflo was made n featuroof Saturday's market. It shows conclusively that the bottom of our financial depression lias bcon roach oil , nml that American securities , will , In a Tory short ttnio , reach a position which they wore compelled to abandon whnn our present financial depression began. The letting un In the call for export gold is also a straw that the conservative citizen must regard with favor , for It means n restoration of con 110 unco that will in a very short tlmo make itself felt through out the western country. The short wheat crop In European countries , which are now rivals of America , will also ha'vo a tend ency to send ROM bur way and the west must nocoisarity bo proportionately LonolUoa by the turn In affairs. The oxtrcmo stringency In thomonoy markct.of course , operated against the specu lative features , and gnvo the bears a ohanco to hummer every thing down to budrocic , but a chittnro is In tlio air and the bulls will now liavo an opirartunity of restoring conlUlcnco by advancing prices. "Wohavo undoubtedly reached tlio last trying time in the ihiaiiclal world , and the fact that Europe has turned Us attention to buyine American stocks must soon resloro ronlldcnce In all branches of public busi ness. " Itoilnroil Train Service. Outside the Hurllngton and Union Pacific , the railroads of Nebraska liavo not yet com mcnced to abandon passenger tralns'bn their branches , or substituting mixed trains for pussguitiir Irnm service. The IClkhorn has taken olT ono or two passenger coaches , and substituted a combination express , mail and passenger car fur exclusive passenger serv ice to the utter disgust of towni alotu : the line affected , but beyond this llio rouds out side of these indicated uro keeping up their service for the present at least. The Burlington in taking off passenger trains Nos. 07 and S3 , between ISdgur und Holnrege , six times n wcok , is receiving con siderable attention from the press. It has also discontinued trains Nos.10 und 50 , between - tweon Aurora and Arcadia , six times n week , trains Nos. 53and 54 , six limns a week , be tween Palmer and Hum-oil , making in all 450 miles of discontinuance and a saving to the company of SWO per day. There will also ho n number of changes in the next week or ten days in the running of mixed trains on the branches , the tri-weckly scrvico on some of the divisions baing dis continued and still loss scrvico being substi tuted. This reduction is made necessary by the few passengers being carried and the falling of ? in freight receipts. The Union Pacific lias gene into the dis- continuauco business in n more extensive way than tlio Burlington , having taken off n greater number of trulnn. not only in Ne braska but In Utah and Colorado as well. Passenger trains Nos. 45 and -10 , sovcn times : i week , between Lincoln and Man hattan , were discontinued Sunday. Trains Nos. St and 82between Grand Island and Ord , sovcn times a wcok , und trains Nos. 85 and SO. between St. Paul. Neb. , and Loup City , have been discontinued. Trains Nos. 15 and 10 , dally mixed trains , between Julestnirg anil Dmiver , and Nos. 23 , 2-1 , ! > ( " . , 27 , 211 and 30. passenger trains between Denver and Morrison. Colo. , liavo been pulled off on account of decreased business. Trains Nos. 121 and 122 between Park City , U. T. , and IScho , U. T. . and Nos. 1) ) und 11) ) dally passenger trains between Preston and Salt Lake together with Nos. 1 and 8 be tween Ogdcn and Butte will for the present bo discontinued. The train service discon tinued amounts to nearly a thousand miles , u saving of nearly § 1,000 per day. Will Ittiiiulatr. Mr. E. TJ. Ijomax of the Union Pacific arrived homo Sunday from Chicafo and .yesterday was busily engaged in signing letters that had been written In his absence needing the signature of the gciicrul pas senger ngcat. "If the Croat Northern had come out and plainly suited that It was a iiow road and believed in lower rates then everybody would know whom they stand , nut going back to something that happened twenty years ago , it ii : the height of the rUiuulou.-t and places Mr. Hill and his associates in anything but un onviablu light. "Our meeting in Denver will settle whether the GroatNorthorn's r.itos ara to bo own idea being that the Union Pacific may meet the rains from Spolcane Falls aud Helena , but not from Portland. ' Hound trip rates , no matter by what road made , the Union Pacillu will me.ot , as it gives us the entire haul.but to jump in and cut rates that will involve other rouds , Is Just what wo don't want to do. Wo want to bo conservative in the matter and will go slow before the matter is finally settled. Of course wo will protect ourselves but wo will not sacrifice our revenues for any road that is bent upon making capital as the Great Northern alms to do against the Northern Pacific and Union Pacific. " Dentil ill C. JC.Viirt < illi > , Christopher K Wurtollo , who for twenty yours has been In tlio active service of the Utiiou Pacific , having served tint company in the capacity of chief train dispatcher , assistant superintendent and superintendent of the Wyoming division , dim ! Sunday even ing In West'Philadelphia , whcrn ho him gone for treatment. IJ.o ramo to the Union Pacific company from the Grand Trunk in Canada and was regarded as ono of the strongest railroad men In west ern railway circles , HU rxmnuution tvtth the Union Pacific has ' boon continuous except during the Adams 'reglmo , when ho served another corporation. Ills ( loath will tic greatly mourned by the men over whom ho was placed fur ho was esteemed unlvo'-sally on the mountain division of llio "Uroat , Pic torial Uno. " Hallway .Null ) ' . The American Order of Stonm Knglnocrs will picnic al Fremont next Sunday , the ICIk- horn Vnlloy road running u special train fur thu occasion , K. I. . . Palmer of the Santa Va 1ms returned > turned from a fortnight' * visitto , Toxns , having spoilt most of the tlmo at Ilouaton , Galvcston and along the coast. It is anticipated that the Union PacilU will lake oul J.fiOu.OOO tons 'it coal this yeui from their coal mines , of which they control thirteen. They are working between 2XK ( and 3,000 men. J. O. Philllppl of the Missouri Paclflo , whc returned Saturday from a trip over thu coat ral branch , days that with anything llki favorable weather the corn yield will Uo ! 1C pur cent larger than ever bstoro , Ho state ; the stand is firmer than al the same time last year und the conditions ara for tin largest crop in the history of the country , Plies of people nave pi.os , out Da Wltt'i H Wi ch Hnwi Salvo wlllcuro tUain. ICrrnnnoui Humor , a A letter came yesterday from Chris Fiddler of I-ogansport , lua. , to the chief o police saying that ho hail hoard thai hU half brother , Herman SofTert 1m ' boon killed In a saloon row n few da : , , ago. Nothing of the sort has happened Mr. Fiddler will Iw notified to that effect. To ( Irtnt thr Hegardtng Hood's Sarsnparllla , ask the people ple who take this mediclno , or read the testimonials menials often published in this p.ipor. They will certainly convince you that Hood's Sar- saparllla possesses unequalled merit , nml that HOOD'S UUHKS Hood's Pills euro constipation by restoring the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal. They are the best family cathartic. iiK.ivnrvi. iiux JH/TTJJ , Uno of N'rlirnskn'n Most 1'rocrosslro nml I'nispornns Oonntlrs , AI.I.IAXCK , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special Oorro- spomlcnco ] llox Hutto county is among the last counties organized , and while small ns n county it makes some rather largo protcn- tlons , having n population of over 7,000 people , with good agricultural surroundings and nil of It bolng the finest of prar.lng lands ! Hcmmgford , the county -seat , is located nearly In the center of the county , and it will go down as a part of the history of the county that when the U. Jfc M. run Ua road through here the officers agreed to locate - cato the county scat at Homlngford nml thotr shops and division station at Alliance , all of which they have faithfully kept. The county seat though qulto now Is laid but In broad , titoo r.venuos , has sonid1 very good buildings , and contains a population of CUU people. The crop outlook in the county Is very favorable If rain falls hero ns often ns Ik does other portions of the stato. Good farm lands can bo had bore for from (3 to per ncre. Most of the farmers are raising some sto6k , for they find it qulto prodtablo in connection with their farm work , requir ing but little additional labor , and thus cre ating n homo market for their crops. Alllanco.thu principal town , contains n population of 1,400 nml , though it has suf fered extensively by two largo flrcs within the past year , it still has several good brick blocks and arrangements are now completed for building up a portion of the burned dis trict with brick. It has ono national bank ami two state banks doing a protltable , legit imate business. Two newspapers , the Times , republican , with H. .1. Kills cditor'and proprietor , who is working hard to keep the party in Uno with the best Interests of the people , and Is receiving a eoodi patronage from a people who appreciate his efforts toward building up his section of the state , and the Pioneer Grip , a democratic paper by K M. Brownj who believes the democrats are "in it" to stay nml thinks the spoils should go to the victors , and yet a republican continues to hold the Uncle Sam's postolllcc. A good brick opera house with a seating capacity of W > 1)affordsopK ) | > rtunlly foramuso- mcnl public gatherings. A largo brick school house costing $20,000 is among the prominent building * of the city. Churches mid civic societies uro sufficiently numerous to afford thu residents facilities for charU table undertakings. The city has recently voted $17,000 for water worlcs , upon which It expects to begin work about July 1. Two hotels furnish accommodations for the weary , hungry traveler. This being a dlvl- ! on slatloa ou the U , M. railroad , about 150 men are employed here , making a pay roll of $1J > ,000 pof month , most of which ii distributed ninong the retail merchants. A IfiO-barrol rolhtr flour mill has moro orders for flour than It can fill. The people are mostly Americans and have n good trudo from adjoining counties. They will celebrate - brato in the old fashioned way the Fourth of July , closing the day with a grand display of fireworks. The Fort llobinson "Military band dispenses the music , both day and night. IIu Knew U U'nrtli. Dr. M. J. Davis is a prominent physician of Tjcwis , Cass county , Iowa , and has boou actively engaged in the practice of modiclno at'that place for the past thirty-llvo years. On the 20th of May , while In DcsMolnca , cnrouto'to 'Chicago , howas suddenly taken with.nn ntlack of dhirrhoun. Having sold Cliti'm'Dcrlnln's Colic , Cholur.i and Diarrhoea remedy for thu past seventeen years , and Knowing its reliability , ho procured a Su ccntbottlo , two doses of which completely cured him. The excitement and change of water aud diet Incident to traveling often produce 'a diarrhoea. Every one should pro- euro a J > oltlo of ihls remedy boforo-leaving home COMMISSIONERS. Merrill Kilns n Complaint Against the HdUllcn Kclli'f CoininUstiin. Yesterday was the date for the holding 'of the regularly quarterly mooting of the VI Board of County Commissioners , and as a I natural result , all the members with the ex ception of Mr. Paddock wcro present to par ticipate in the deliberations. The refusal of Hayes & Sons to accept the $150,000 of paving bonds was presented and referred lo tlio committee on roads and the county attorney , with instructions to report back the findings at llio next regular meet ing. Joscphus Mcrrltt died a complaint against Captain Wilcox and Colonel Henderson of the Soldlors Relief commission , stating that ho was an old soldier , poor but honest and that they had refused to assist him in his efforts to gain n livelihood. The complaint was referred for investigation. After having rested for months , the old South Thirteenth street grade rose to the surface by some of tlio residents of South Omaha and a fcnr of the citizens of the southern portion of this city petitioning the commissioners lo open and grade tlio strool to the Sarpy county line at the earliest , posr slhlcdato. On the strength of n rosolulion offered by Mr , Williams , lliu clerk was Instructed' to advertise for bids for tlio removal of 10,10) , ) cubic yards of earth from the road that runs along the south sldo of Elimvbod park. In another resolution Mr. Williams called the attention of his coworkoro llmt the Juno rise was upon the MUsouri river and that ut any moment the channel was liahlo to cut through the embankment and amply the water Into Florence lake , ilooilinx the cntiro north bottoms. The board ncknowlttdgixl thai there was no tlmo to loan and In' order lo decide upon some plan of action , the board will meet at 10 o'clock this morning. Piles of people aye piles , imt Da "Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro thorn. . Mnrrluga l.lmurn. The following marriage licenses wcra Issued by tlio county Jmljro yoatcrJuyj Niunomiil mlilross. ASP j William MuKllturlck , Omnha J.jft ( Kauliul V , A' 'rii-sUili ! , Omulm. . . , , . , , 23 ' 1 William'M. Wliltlon , Oiniilni 23 ( Nolllu M.rtmlth , Omaha 10 I Louis Klininul'inl , Houtli Omuliii , , , , ' 13. I Carollmi Tiuulol , South Onmlm.j. . . . . . 1H j E. K. L'uulson , South Oinalia , . , . . . , 20 1 Mary lulliumur..Sjuti ! ! ! ! Onioliii. . . . . . . . . . . IB files of pooiiUi Imvu pile. * , ijut Da Wltt.'s Witch llnwjl Balvo will euro tlibin. ; 1'i-riiillH. . The following porinUs to build vrerq IssuoJ ycstuniuy : William K. Oallalian , Thlrty-tlilrd anil l > yl , rtwolllns t 0,000 A. 1' . Tukey , Tivrlity-iiliith mid Hrlh- tnl , ruimfrri 000 John O'llrli'ii , 1'lflli unit Wlllluin * , nittaKii 00 J , IL 1'iy , S'J'M North Tvvunty-flfth , njlliik'u . . , . . . . ; 600 Two minor jiuriull * , UU& Blx iierinlfs , aggrcnatlliB. . . . 11,425 _ S KXCUltSIO.Nh KAJiT Via HID Wiilttuli Itnllrodil. No. 1. For tlio Kpwortli lonfftio eon vo/itlon ntOluvuluiid , O , , Juno 21) ) to July 2 , The Wulmsh , In connocliou with the Dotroil und Cleveland Nuvlirutlon coin- puny , will inuUo u rnto of $10 for the round trip from Chicago , No. 2. For the Y. I' . S. O. K. conven tion at Montreal , July fi to I ) . Only $18 from Chicago via the \Vubash. 'In ad dition to the I'ognlur bleeping cars elegant now tonriutcuru will bo attached to tlii train at $1.00 per berth. Foil TICKETS , Bleeping berths or a foilrlst-folder , givintr list of aldo trips , with of sumo , cull at the Wubaah cillery , 201 Clark street aud Dourboru gtation , Chicago ; 1502 Farnam street , Omaha , or write O. N. CLAYTON , K. W. R A t. , Oniuhu ,