THE OMAHA DAILY "BEE : 'TUESDAY. JJhriTJS 1803. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Waa King Yesterday and Olosod with xMnoh Strength , FACTORS IN > THE DAY'S ' FLUCTUATIONS Detalli of tli Great Drouth In Karop * mid Jledncctl Ilecolpti t Chicago U1 < 1 Not Appear to Influence \Vhont Deali. CntCAno , Juno 10. Corn was kin ? today. It advanced ! 4c and was strongest at the close. There was a suspicion that manipulator ! are At work and that an aggressive movement Is contomulatcd by some of the heavy local bulli in the markot. Shorts vrcro free buyers. The panors were full of harrowing details of the great drouth Jn Europe , whlto receipts lu Chicago are run ning below expectations , Wheat dropped 5fc , but picked It all up again but ! ic. That re fers to July only , September closing quieter nnd higher , showing that carriers wcio gutting lc moro today than thny could secure Satur day for holding tbo stuff for Impecunious spec ulators. 1'rovlsions wcro lifeless. Corn was nctlvo most of the day. Feeling was a llttlo quiet at tbo ( tart , the local crowd being a little mixed at the course of the market The fine weather on the ono sldo nnd bullish hews from abroad on tlio other were the two Important factors. The latter Influence ap parently appeared to predominate and flrwt trades wcro thu same to } ( c alnivo the final figures of Saturday and under an urgent de mand , sold up a full cout. The advice brought nut Increased offerings nnd wheat polling on In nympalhy , it reacted Me. The market after wards advaficcd o and at tlio close had pained from We to Sfc. 1'rlvatq advhTOs re ported nn advance of 3d at Liverpool. A. number of foreign buying orders hero were re ported. Kates to lltilTnlo on corn dropped to iyc , the lake and rail lines talcing some big shipments at that llguro. Iho market would apparently not stand much pressure without mother broak. Wheat at the start was Influenced by the money market bete , ' It being reported that fomo of the hnnks had refused to make or renew loans on wheat. Them was also < iulto a break In Iho price of wheat at Minne apolis , which started the rumor that Bomb bouses In tbo northwest were Jn trouble , and Induced considerable sell ing. Under these Inlluencos a weak focllng hit In , holp6d along by the generally lower cables , but recovered when no conllrmatlon of tbo rumor of trouble among Iho grain houses ulluded to could bo obtained. The decrease n the visible supply and reported drouth In Kuiopcau countrle-j had but llttlo effect In the Wheat pit. Trade was light. In oats the feature was the selling of July nnd the buying of September. 1'rlcesliad a JtC range and the closing was ilrni ut top figures with a not gain of ? < c on July and Jfc on September. In lings the receipts wcro 25.000 In place of 10WO ( as estimated. An u result tbo provision market started easy and closed lower except pork , which was marked up a little without nny transactions to Hpeak of. Trade was exceedingly light In lard nnd ribs , as well as In pork. Tor Hcptembcr pork Is 17 > 4c higher ; lard 2'ic lower , and ribs 22Jc lower. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 2,200 cars : corn , 570 ; oats , 400 ; liogi , 10,000. The loading futures ranged as follows ; OiiBh quotations were as follows : Fl.ouii Dull , unchanged. ' WHEAT No. 2 spring , 65ifc ; No. 8 spring , G7 < 3G7r. : No. a red , COuc. COUN No. 2,3 5IO42Wc. No. 3 yellow , Clos ing , 30 C. OATS No. 2 , 00 ! < c ; No. 2 white , 35 ® 80c ; No. 3 whlto , f. o. b. , 33Q344c. ! ' " ItVB-No.a , 40c. i < r UAIII.ET No. 2 , nominal ; No. 8 , no sales ; No. 4 , f. o. b. , 40c , I'I.AX HKEI > No. 1 , { 1.00. TIMOTH T HEED I'rlmo , 83.65. 1'OUK Moss , per bbl. . l20.lOa20.12J4 ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , fJ.UOa9.ll2 ! ' , ; short rlbi , aides ( loose ) , tO.25OO.30 ; dry salted shoulders , ( boxed ) , tO.o04filO.00 ; short clear sides , ( boxed ) . tO.75ftlO.00. " WHISKY Dlstltlori.'fltilshcd goods , per gal. "SuOAns Cut loaf , unchanged , 6 c"5 granu lated , 0.7G ; standard "A , " 6.64. The following were tbo receipts and ship- k tnents for today : IIEVEIITS. HUH'MENTH. . 7,000 23,000 Wheat , bu. . 23,000 2IH.OOO Corn , tin. . . 200,000 870,000 Oats. Vu 247,000 635,000 Rye , bit 7,000 llarloy , bu. 6.000 4,000 On the Produce exchange today the butter market was steady ; creamery. 17ffl'20c ; dairy , 14Qil7c. Kggs , Inactive ; strictly fresh , Now York Alitrkota. NEW YoiiK.-.Tuno 10. Ki/iuii Ilocelpts , 21- 002 pkgs. ; Vxporta , 7,640 bills. , 2.14U sacks Bales , 6,100 pkgs. ; market dull ; winter wheat. low grades. $2.05512.46 ; winter wheat , fair to fancy , I2.45ffl3.06 : winter wheat , patents , { 3.60 ( 4,20 ; Minnesota clear. t2.50O3. 10 ; Minnesota BtralgntH , 13.60(24,00 ( ; Minnesota patents , t4.10a4.-50. COHN MKAI < filoady , fair demand , HYK Dull , nominal ; western , 074i50c. UAIILVY MALT Quiet , steady ; western , GO ® B2c' . WHEAT llocolpts , 4G8.02S bu. ; exports. 200- 167 nu. } sales , 6.565,000 bu. of futures , 80,000 bu. of spot. Hpot market dull and llrmcr ; No , 2 rod. In Htoro and elevator , T2\c \ ; ulloat , 721ie73o ; f. o. b. , 73 < 374c ! ; ungraded rod 70" < ( tJ73c ; No. 1 northurn. 72i < a73c ; No. hard , 70 > Jc ; No. 2 northern , 71o. Options opened tlrin jin strong cables , favorable Itus- smn crop news , foreigners buying and short ! covering , declined fifejic on Increase on pass- ugo , full Indian shipments and local realizing , advanced & ( Q > ? gc on lighter receipts , largo clearances , decrease in visible , ( Inner we.-- 1 and fthortn covering , closing firm at ! ( ® ? > c ovortiuturduy ; speculation fairly active ; No a rod , July , 72X < ft73fic , closing at 73 > ( c ; Auguit,75H < a7Cc. closing at 7Gc ; Beptombcr , 77 i 78 3-lGc , closing at 78Hc ; Uccomber , B2U4183HC , closing at 837ic. Htocksnf grain In store nnd afloat Juno 17 : Wheat. 7.705.H77 : corn , 740,000 ; oats. 550,772 ; rye , 122,314 ; malt , 177.O73 ; oats , 1.044. Oonx Itccolpts , 4 l.OOO bu. ; exports , 20,000 hu.t talon , 1,400,000 bu. future * , G4.OOO lju. pot. Hpots dull , Htrongur ; fairly active ; ntrong and Tic up on decreased blocks , llrmcr west and local covering ; Juno , 40U4 cloning at SO c ; July , 60 < & 51c. closing at&lc ; Augnnt. & ! , & ! \c , closing at B8c ; 1-optcmber , rjS ( ) < a52csToNlng at 6 1 He , OATS Hecelptii. 110,000 bu. : exports , 01,000 bu. ! sales , 270,000 bu. futures , 1,644,000 bu. Mxt. Spots firm , moderately active. Ontlons flruier , fairly active ; June , aYSifWic , closing at 37Uui July , 37Q37Uc , closing , at 37 ! < o ; August , 35c , cloning at 3&c ; Hoptembur , UUSfflssjfc. closing at aSMc : spot No. 2 whlto. 0ci No. 2 Chicago , SOc ; No. 3 , B7 c : No. 8 Whlto , 88 < rt'a8Vc ; mixed nestorn , 37ii 3'Jic ! ; Whlto wostrrtii S'JKft44UC. HAY 1'ulr demand and steady , I'ltoviBiONH-LUit moHts , flrin : pickled bellies. 12 Ibs. , at UKu ; pickled shoulder * . HliOtnjc ; jilcklod Imnu , 12)iUiac ) ; middles , dull , eiiby ; ihort clear. 10c. Lard , steady ; wrvtoriihtenm closed at 110,10 ; snluH , 360 tierces at * 10.10. Options Milea , 760 tlorcefc ; June , 110.25 , nomi nal ; July flOHrd at 110.20 ; spot , MO.BWS10.B5 , rlo ltiKtlO.H& askrd. 1'orK , utoudy ; old mess , tlO.50 ; now muk , (10.6Uit20 , UUTTICU Qulut , utuady ; western dairy , T45 ! < 2l lOHc ; wohtern creamery , lG 20)ic ) ; western f - - - - , - - - - - - - - J western Jroh. 14 > 416cui3tern , per case , n (2. i I'BTiioi.KUU Qtilot , crude tinnier ; crude In libls. , t4.06 ; crude In bulk , $2.06 ; rallned , Now York , $ 'J.0 ; I'hlladolphla and llalllmoro , 12.60 ; United closed at GOc bid. Moi ssr-s-NnwOrlouim.otMin kettle , good to cbolcu , dull andfctuKdy ut aiHtaBc , tiiiilAU Haw , dull ; fair lellnlng , 37ic ; cen trifugals , UO test , 4c ! ; ruflnod , fitlrly uctlvu , Ilrm ; olt A.6 l-ltWc55-10o ! mould A , 5 0-lGio DJ r ; Mtundnrd A , ( ) > . < & & 0-lGc ; conlecttoners' A. 5 ! < 4C5 7-lGc ; vnt loaf , & lS-lGGc ; crushed , b 13-UXtf.Oc ; powdered , 5'J4i5 16-lGc ; grauu- lutixl , 5 < Tifific ! rubes , &Si6 la-Hie. I'lo IUUN Dull , steady ; American , 112.76 ® 16.60r Cui > i > Kii-Iull ; lake , 110.25. I.KAU Basyi domuBtlc. 13.00. TiM-titrung ; Utrulla , f 20.20 bid , C20.25 asucd ; ij trii , quiet , stoudy Spelter , oasys domestic , Coffee Market. N w YOHK , June 10. Options opened quiet : Juno down 16 points ; others unchanged , and closed qulot ; Juno ft points down ; other months , &Q10 points up ; miles , 3,260 bags including ! July. I16.a&ijl6.40 ; September , (16.06 ; Drcemlior , tl4.B6ttl4.00. Spot Klo , dull , uomlnnli No. 7 , tlG.G2Vi. Itio DKjiNEilio.Juno 17. I'lrut ordinary , 14- 060 rets per 10 kilos ; good bocond , 14,260 nils. Itcccli > U during tUu week , 43,000 bags ) pur- rthBtlnllod Rlntcs , 19,000 n R ; irttp * monli to the Unlud Slatoi , none ) ttocu , 10- 000 bagi. HANrofj , .Tune 17.Oood arcrMjo , 14,000 rom per 10 kilos. ItccolpH during thn wpok , 29,000 bng i purcha et for Iho United State * , none ; uliipmenH to the Unltod Htaton , 30- 000 bags ; stock , 36,000 bagi. Omnlin rrndnca Alnrket. Th < ) mftrkot on country produce win not much changed from the quotations given at the close of lait week , Monday , at usual , being aqnlot duy. On fruits and vegetable * , hnwnvor , there wav moro change rn will bo noted from the quotations given balow , The receipts of berries were light. Tliero were a few good homo grown strawberries that told qulto readily nnd lomo MUiourl tilack raspberries. The market was bare of goose * borrlo * and blackberries. In the way of small fruits , cherries have boon the most plenty so far , but thorn have been n few ( 'nllfornfa peaches received and they will noon bo plenty enough tocutqultoa flgtiro In thn market. Old potatoes are very slow and those dealers having any nn hand am doing their best to un load before the demand disappears altogether. Now potatoes are coming In nutto freely and there nro a peed many to arrive during the week. Most dealers nro predicting a rapid de cline for now potatoes. lltittor and eggs urn about steady at former quotations , and the name may bo said of poul try. The first of the week , however , U not. ft cixxl tlmo to got top prices on poultry as the ImtcbciH who ate the best buyers do not mnko very heavy purchases until Inter In the week. Thu packers will only pay about 7Jttf for the best old hens nnd It mlitht bo a llttlo bard work to get tic for any great number. vnoKTAnus : , TOM ATOM Mississippi 4-baskot crates , (2,00 O2.S5. UAi.trnitMA OtniuriE Orates , per lb. , 2H (33 ( , : ; St , Louis cabbage , per cratu , t3.00l3.25. NEW POTATOES Southern , per bbl. , 13.25 ® 4.00 ; California , per lb , 23.2UC. HTiiimi HRANS Vor bu. box , 11.50 , I'EAS I'erbu. , on orders , tl. CtlcUMDEiia 1'or doz. , homo grown , 76c ® tl.OO , OAUMrixiWEn-Fancy.pprbu. box , tl.76. ONIONS Southern , per bbl. , t4. Lr-rrucK I'or doz. , on orders , 20S25c. lUnisiiKH I'ordoon orders , 1&U25C. OIIKHN ONIONS I'erdo ? . , on orders , 165J20c. ABI'AliAUUS 1'erdoz. , 3Mi40c. NEW IIEKT8 I'or dor. , 40S50C. NKW TUIINIM IVr doz. , 2530c. lb , box. tl.U&Ol.CO. OAUFOIIMA Ciir.uuiBS I'or 10-lb. box , 81. 25 © 1.50 , KrHAwnErtruKS Per case , on orders , t4.00 ® 4.25. tloosEnr.uiUES I'cr en so , J3.CO. liACK ) HAHiMiRUiiini l'iir 24-plnt cases , $2.25 ; 24-iiuartcasof , J4.OOiJ4.25. Cholcu to fancy , 14 , 5025.00 ; extra fancy5.50'aG.OO. HANANAR Per bunch , Including crates and packing , J2.00S2.60. * OiiANUES Klversldo Boodllngs , J3.0033.25 ; Klverxldo Mediterranean sweets , } 3 , 75 ; moun tain Mcdlteriancan sweets , ? 3.003,25 ; moun tain oranges , J2.50O2.76. llivACKiiEiniiF.s 24-imart cases , ft. Missouiu CiiKitiiiES I'cr 24-qt. case , t3.00 ® 3.25. SOUTIIEIIN PI.U.MS Wild geese and Ohlcka- saw , per 24-qt. cnse , t2.50. I'lNKAl'I'LKK 1'er doz. , 82.002.GO. AfitlcOTS Percr.ito of 4 baskets , t2,60. WATBHSIBMl.Nl'or 100 , t30.0O336.00. DUTTCn , EOQS , 1'OUI.THY. small lots , POUI.TKV Choice hens. 7mi8c : mixed coops , a7c ; roosters , 5Gc ; gecsu and ducks , 7ffioc. M1SCKU.ANCOUK. HAY The market on good upland bay , 0.50 In car lots. VEAI/-CIIOCO ! and small fat , 77c } ; largo and thin , 3 < 2Gc. _ ( St. Louis Markets. BT. Louis , Juno 10. Fi-onii Quiet , inchanKcd , but In the buyers' favor , patents , 3.20 < 33.30 ; extra fancy. t2.D03J3.00 : fnncy , 2.5OJ62.G5 ; choice , * 2.16U2.30 ; family , J2.00 B2.10 ; rye Hour , J3.25Q3.30. WIIKAT Qulot , but held bettor than Satur day , closing ' c up ; No.2 rod , cash , filJic ; June , G2c , closing at 03oc ; August , G5 tC , Ueptom- bor , G8fc. UOIIN l'nlic higher ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 47c { ; June , 38Jc ! : July , closing at 30jc ! bid ; "eptembor , 40iC bid. OATS Qulut , strcmger ; No. 2 cash 205c ! ; July , 28c ; August , 24jc ; September , 25lic. Puo VISIONS Dull , not iiuotablv changed , Dry salt meats , loose .shoulders , f'J ; longs and ribs , tU.50 ; shorts , J9.H5 ; buxeil , l&c lower ; bacon , packed shoulders , tO.75 ; longs and ribs , J10. 503.10. U'Jii ; hhorts , 310.87Ji ; hams , ui\- cliiuiireil. IltiTTBK Qulot ; choice creamery , 1820c ; cholco dairy , lG17c. ItKCKll'TH Klonr , 4,000 bills. ; wheat , 11,000 bu. ; corn , 250,000 bu. ; oats , 38,000 bu. Hllll'MKNTS riour. 8,000 bbls. ; wheat. 87,000 bu ; corn , 107,000 bu. ; oats , 28,000 bu. ; rye , 1,000 bu. _ Kunsai City Markets. KANSAS OITV , Juno 10 WHEAT Active but easy ; No. 2 hard , 67ffl5Sc ; N < > , 2 red.6758c. COIIK Active , strong ; No. 2 mixed , 83 ® 84c : No. 2 white , 34c. OtTH Dull , nominally Kc lower ; No. 2 mixed , 20S@27Sc ! ! ; No. 2 whlto , 2828JJc. UYI : Weak , nominally 61c. HAY Dull , weak ; timothy , 14.00 ; prairie , S5.00ft9.00. HUTTBK Firm , unchanged. Ecioa Weak : iojjc. RBOKIl'TS-iWhoat , 4.0CO bu.j corn , 5,000 liu. ; oats , nono. t Hiiii'MKSTS Wheat , 10,000 bu. ; corn , 12,000 bu. ; oats , none. ItrltUU Grain Tniilo Kovlcvr. LONDON , Juno 10. The Mark Lane Ex press says : In the south of Kngland wheat Is thin and the plant Is short. In the eastern counties a largo area gives promlso of excel lent production. In the mlddlo nnd western counties a full yield will bu Impossible. In Scotland wheat Is forward and promises well , The per cent of English wheat is unchanged , Foreign wheat has declined Od pur quarter In thirty-eight out of sixty markets. Tlio 1m- portb during thu week were 287,517 quarters of wheat and 80,282 quarters of Hour. The quantity of wheat In paniago to Uruut llrltaln on Juno 17 was. 3,050,000 quarters. 'Cotton Marker. NEW ORLEANS , Juno 10 Qulot and steady ; good middling , 8 > ic : middling , 7-13-lGc ; low middling , 7ic ! ; good ordinary , 7 3-lGc ; net and gross receipts , 3,202 bales ; sales , 600 bales ; stock" . 112,500 bales. Sales , 17,200 ; < Tune , tG.755l7.G8 bid ; July , 87.0B7.GO ; August , t7.GG7.07 ; Hoptombur , t7.G7 / > 7.G8 ; October , t7.73a7.74 ; Novumbor t7.78467.70 ; December , t7.847.85 ; January , t7.08ii8.00 ; February , J8.05a.08. Milwaukee MurkoU. MII.WAHKKK , Juno 10. WHEAT Firm : July , G4Uc ; 2 spring , CsWcV OoilN-Kasy ; No. 3,3737Mc. OATH Sternly ; No. 2 white , 34J4c ; No. 3 , 33lic. llAHI.UV 58C. HYE-51C. _ I.lverpnol Markets. Livcnpoou Juno 10. WIIKAT Firm , demand mand modurato ; holders olfurlng moderately. UOIIN Btiong , demand Ilrm ; mixed western 4s 6Hd percental. Uunadlun , 6s iJd per con tal. tal.11ACO.N Long and short clear. 55 Ibs. Cls Gd pur cwt. ; long clear , 45 Ibs. 4s Gd , New York Dry CiuoiU Market. New VOUK , Juno 10. Nothing of now Importance portanco was disclosed regarding trade In dry goods. Prints , ginghams and Drown cottom were In fair demand , IIH also wldq shuutlngs damusku nnd luco curtains , Thu tone of til market WUH unchangwl , Unttn Mitrkot. I'liir.XDEi.i'iiiA , Juno 10 , WHBAT Fnner No. 2 red. June , G8'JOOc. C'oiiN Higher ; No. 2 mixed Juno , 40 > J50c , OATS Car lots quiet nnd lowur ; futures neg lected and nomlnul ; No. 2 whlto , Juno , 4txi Clncliinutl Markets. CINCINNATI , Juno 10. WIIKAT DulljNo. 2 rod. G2c. COUN Firm ; No. 3 mixed , 404c. OATS-Htrong ; No. 2 mixed , 32 ® 32 c. WHISKY Steady ; 11,12. Ilalttmore ( Irulu Market. lUi.Tiunun , Juno 10. WHEAT Weak ; No , 2 red , spot and Juno , ( iBSic. Ooiis Klrin ; mixed spat and Juno , 48)c. ) OATH H toady ; No , U whlto western , 42c Hbkod , _ Toledo tiraln Market. TOLEDO. Juno 10. WHEAT Active , firm : No. 2 , cash and Juno , 05c. ! OoilN Dull , Ilrm ; No.2 cash , 42c. OAw-Dull ; cash. 30c bid. Visible Ontlii hnpply. Nisw YOUK , Juno 10 , Visible grain supply : Wheat , G(1,27GMK ( ( ) bu. | corn , 8,106,000 1m , ; oats , 8,031,000 bu. ; rye , 620,000 bu.fbarluy , 1 , 127,000 bu. Oil Market. LONDON , Juno 10 , CALCUTTA LINBKED Juno and July hhlpmcnts , 40s Ud pur uuurtur ; llukced oil , 20d Gd per cwt. STOCKS AN1 > IIO.N1JS. Operation * for tiie Week Queued with Weak Murket * . NEW YOUK , Juno 10. The week opened with extremely weak markets In Wall street. The transactions were loss than 12,000 shares. The Intense heat tended to obstruct business , but a far moro important factor wag the string ency | n money , which causes the commlsaloa houses to dUcourago operations by their cllouU. At the opening there Wus a pretty general advance , the Improvement ranging f rom U to IK pur cent with Manhattan , Dis tillers and Chicago Qas In the lead. The inac tivity Induced soruo of the room traders to raid the list before the expiration of tbo flra hour and Sugar And Mlmourl Pacific ; jrleWcjl ly porccnl , Clilcajto da and ( loneral Kloctrla UpercentundlhobMfincoof the list M to 1 percent , A rally of 14 to * l twrccnt occurred after delivery hour , when money cased tin , the rate for call fonni dropping from 26 to n per cent. The continued wr-aknoM of otchanRO ha * revived Iho talk about probable gold Im ports and It also exerted a favorable Influence. Hallway bonds wcro lower In the early deal ings , but closed steady The I'ost aj ! Sterling orclmngo rates broke again today carrying actual demand rates moro than Ic below Saturday's quota tions nnd a full cent below the nominal gold Importing trade. There are two reasons why this movement can hardly result In nn Imme diate specie shipment to Now York. Ono Is that the decline of the last four days Is so ab normal nnd In Us nature so temporary that London banker * with obligations to nettle hero like rather to fall for a relaxation of this strain when they can again got bills at reasonable enable flguro than to undertake n settlement In gold. The other reason Is that the Hank of England , In whoso hands at present nearly all of London's speclo rests , holds Its gold coin at a prlco equivalent to the exaction of a pre mium. The natural result of this policy Is to widen artificially the margin totnprm the ex port anil Import points for gold. Of course , If foreigners continue In the market for grain options to nntlrlpato their purchases of wheat for fall lUinsumptlon , no action of the Kngllsh bank can longer restrain the western How of gold. Hut the New York money market Is no such permanent factor. Thu following are tlio closing quotations on the leading stocks on the Now York Slock ox- changotoday : The total sales of stocks today were 08,000 shares , Including ; Atclilson , 7,500 ; Ilurllng- ton , 3,300 ; Chlcaco Uas , 4,480 ; Ulatllllng 8,000 ; Missouri 1'aclllc , 12,000 ; Now York Central , 4-UK ) ; Heiidlng. 8,700 ; Sugar , 0'JOU ; Western Union , 3BOO. , London Financial Itovlexr. ICopj/rloMwi 1S93 livJamRg Gardnn tttnneU } LONDON , Juno 19. [ Now Yok Herald Cable Special to Tun HEE.I Ilu lness In stocks was almost suspended owing to the heat , tlid members wearing the minimum dross possible for business , and straw hats wcro at a pre mium. American railways opened better and Improved , but closed easier In sympathy with Now York The undertone was good and leadIng - Ing operators look for higher prices. There wis no fresh movement of Grand Trunks. Tbo secretary of the company says Mr. Gould has been desirous for some time of acquiring greater Inlluenco over the Grand Trunk as shown by overtures for 82ic ! for the account. NKW YOIIK , Juno 19. Clearings , $71,212- 481 ! balances , 4OG2,578. OMAHA , Juno 10. Clearings , 11,093,801 ; same day last week , 1UH0.8BO. JlAi.TiMOitE , Juno 10. Clearings , $2,169,007 ; balances , (309,052. Money , G pur cent. I'nu.AutM'iiiA , Juno 10. Olonrlngs , (10- 200,253 ; balances , tl,05 JG27. Money , Btt&Vi per cent. McMi'iiiB , Juno 10. Now York exchange Rolling at fl.&O. Clearings , 1183,800 ; bal ance * , HU , 127. CINCINNATI , June 19 , Money C8 per cent ; Now York exchange , 11,20 discount , Clearings (2,328,000. DOBTOK , Juno 19. Oloarlngi , 123,203,048) ) bnlunccu , (2,473,363. Money , 0 per cun ( . Exchange on Now York , 2JJc discount. New OUMUNS , Jtuii ) 10. Clearing : ! , $770.- G24 ; Now York exchange. 76c pur 11,000 premium ; bank , (1.60 port 1,000 promlum. BT. Louts , Juno 10. Clearings , (4,233- 120 ; balances , (460,770 , Money quiet , 0548 per cent. Exchange on Now York , 50ii75c dis count. NEW YonK , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram to Tut : HEK. ' ) Exchange was quoted as follows today ; Chicago , (1 discount ; Hoston , 17 to 12) ) { cenU discount ; St. Louis , 50 to 76 cents dUcouut , CHICAGO , Juno 10. Clearings , (14,235.- 807. New York exchange , (1 discount. ( Sterling exchange nomlnul ; sixty-day bills , (4,83) ) ' , i demand. > 4,80K. Money , In uctlvo do- in autl ut thu full export rate. OUAI1A L.IVU STOCK .MAHK1CT8. Opoua with flood Supplloi ud Itattier Steady l'rloe , MONDAY , Juno 10 , The week opens out with comparatively lib eral receipts , 400 moro cattle , 1,700 more bogs and 200 more sheep than were hero last Mon day. Other markets bad a iluillur report to make , und the outlook for any Improvement lu the kltuution is certainly uut the most promising. The cattle market was very dull and uu- ovcnlr lower. lVi * l flrcMeu1 bee > f home * ? VMTc.l aftw'llahtf-al cti:1" : : " iwld very nrarl tfndy prlce , ROO.I 1,039 to l, ecrsiplllnK nt f to (1.60. Thero. WM a very H ht export demand , no that nrnctlcnlljr the only outlet for the heavy cattle WM the speculative ship per * . On account of the extremely weak tone to report * from TliIcnBo thli clnm of buyers wanted n wldo inn ruin and bid * were 10c to loc lower than Saturday. There were plenty of peed heavy rattle hero and Rood to choice 1.219 to f,452-lb. steer * sold nt from 14.45 to 14.76 , with rough lr,08-il > Meeri at (3,90 , Half fat steers w&rooxtromcly dull and fully a dime lowur than Saturday at from (3.00 to 14. The close was vrvry weak , with several loads still In tlrnthantk " In butchers' flid 'cnnnori' stock the situa tion wai oven worse. 1'rlcos were olT nny- where from GcLw lOo on Rood to cholco fat stock to 15oto5o on all old tlilti cows and crass Mock. The latter are selling fully 60c to 70c lower thunii week or ten days ago. Hood tocholco fat > cows nnd heifers sold at from $3.35 uptaMi < * nid * > > &U to $ ' 2.25 bouelit common to fair l-uniter * . The hulk of thn fair to Kood butcbcrrf' l-ows sold at from (2.GO to (3.30 , Calves were steady nt from (3 to (5 , and bulls and stn'es lower nt from CJ to (2.GO. The feeder market has evidently bhnrcd In the pravallliut demoralization , although there has ( icon so llttlo trading colng on that It 1ms hardly been noticed. Trices will avcriuto allot n quarter lower than atwcokniro , and the demand Is very weak. Iteprcsutitatlvo sales : OOIxillADO CATTLE. No. Av. I'r. . No. Av. Pr. 18 fdrs 1017 (3 CO HOGS The market on the whole averaged up a llttlo better than Saturday. Receipts were double what they were n week aco. with llttlo notlcoabloclituiiio In the general quality of the oirerlnB.i.Onc packer , Cudahy , was a Rood buyer early , ana with an actlvo demand tor shipping nnd speculative account , trading ipened out active , aud at fully steady prices , ' n splto of rathor'boiirlsh reports from eastern -iiarkets. 1'rlme heavy boss sold up to iG.10 , and poor light MulT wont as low us $5.90. Pair ! o Kood hogs of all' weights , however , sold argely at from * 0.95'to W.05 , with over half Iho sales as on Saturday at 50. On last Mon- lay the bulk of the Ifogs sold at from SO.40 to } 6.45 , or about 40c higher _ than today. Uep- re.seutatlvo sales : No. Av. Sh. IT. < No. Av. Bh. Pr. 8. . .460 80 35 75 1. . .830 ( G 00 4. . .214 620 5 00 78. . .215 100 G 00 0. . .258 200 0 95- C9. . .232 160 6 00 GO. . .220 240 5 95' 63. , .255 G 00 82. . , .240 40 65..234 240 6 00 70. . .220 1GO 5 95 74..215 160 6 00 GO. . , .300 200 5 95 78. ,219 200 G 00 08. . .242 120 G 00 63. ,230 , 120 6 00 GO. . .230 120 6-00' 1. . ,860 G 05 3. . . .200 200 C 00 60. . ,224 120 G 05 1. . 277 160 0 00 74. . ,248 1GO tf 05 05. . 254 G 00 72. , ,295 240 6 00 .288 360 G 00 76. . , .237 80 'G 05 07..220 80 0 00 58. . , .246 120 0 05 5..234 80 G 00 75. . . .260 80 6 05 58..281 200 6 00 65. . , .217 1GO 6 05 1..310 80 G 6(3 ( 62. . , .203 40 G C5 58..234 120 G 00 41. . , .341 120 G 05 03..249 40 GOO 70. . , .231 240 6 05 133..267 280 0 00 74. . , .250 40 6 05 G1..240 200 G 00 54. . , .201 40 6 05 70. . , .251 280 GOO 69. . , .230 40 G 05 0. . . .238 200 G 00 G8. . , .245 1GO 6 05 21. . . .181 80 G 00 57. . , .269 160 G 05 08. . . .240 120 0 00 66. . ,273 0 07 ! $ 60. . . .243 120 6 00 69. . ,829 0 10 58. . . .204 120 6 00 G. ,248 G 15 15. . , .283 80 6 00 8..282 G 15 * Receipts were fair , ono double and our sliiKle decks. There was n fair demand , but In sympathy with Chicago prices ruled about a dlmo lower than last week. Very fair 106-lb. western wethers Fold for $4.60 and 77- . and "stock shoup , ? 2.60 < a4.UOj good to choice 40 to 100-lD , lambs , $5.00SC.OO. Uopre- sontatlvo sales : No. Av. Pr. 373 Utah wethers , fed 106 $4 60 219 Mexicans 77 480 ICocolptH nnd UUpuiltlnn of Htook. Official receipt * nnd disposition of stock as shown by the books of the Union Stock Vnrds company fur the forty-ofcht hours ending a 5 o'clock p. m. Juno 19 , 1893 : lions. HOHHF.H.t-MI.S Head Head Cars. Head Cars. Head. 00 1.978 H.318 "BUS iiisrosiTiox , 11UVCKS. CATTI.I ; . noes. Omaha Packing Co 130 The 0 , H. Hammond Co. , 1B4 0511 Swift A , Co 602 132 378 The Cuilahy Packing Co. , 437 1,700 Chicago V , ami 1' . Co ' 490 A. Hanb J37 H. llcckcr & Dcifen 138 Shippers and fuudurs 101 Leftover 220 Total. , 1,029 3,177 COS I.ivo Stock Market OHIOADO , Juno 19. ( .Special Telegram to Tun llEB.1 Cattle were us dull today as they have been at any time recently , Exporters did not do anything to speak of , and the de mand for eastern account was not of the usual proportions. Local dressed beef and cunning firms also worn \ory conservative , and as thoru was consldoinhlc prubburo to sell a KOII- oial saKKl'iK of prices ruled. It must have been u remarkably linn bunch of steers for which a imyor could have been Kcarod up at as much as 15.50 , Indeed , 1,01110 salesmen were of the opinion that nothing could lirliiR as high iv llguro , Cholco 1,40U to lCOO-lb cattle were not eiibllv moved at from * 0 and t-ood cattle o" those walKhts wentbt KKlnK at from (4,70 U J-t.UU. Common roiiKh , heavy steers were al most uiibalablu-itml other ilescrlpttons wer dull. Natives M > ) cl principal/ ! from t'j to 3 for cows and bulldund at from f4.2U to (4.UU for steerf , . Tfiuru wuro about 0,000 Texans und they sold niffilly at prices below $3.40 , Tlieru waiu an .uneven IIOK' market. At the opening there Wfu ) vtpaknogs nil around and outsldo of thu Ilurllimtoii division the avoraRo of prices wau about u nickel lowur. The later marketwas qulto actlvo and before the clovo' tbo loss tustalncd at the opening had boon regained , the close bo I UK" fairly Ilrm , Lltht receipts bad bcun looked for as u consequence of last week's bruaU In prices , few of thu local operators uxpectlnj ; wuro than 'JU.OUU , whuroas ubout 2I3.UOU huaUoftinu in. ho good was thu de mand that very ; fu > T IIOKS liuil to bo curried over. Thu best ofr the huuvywclKhts brought from 10,45 to ( O.bO uud cholco ubsorlod light wild Nrom W.36 to tu.46 bought moat of the heavy and the prevailing prices for llghtnulghm WXTO fiom JO.LO to 1tU.6D , Uood light liuga'Yritro scarce and as the de mand was principally ' "r < bnt cliibb they bold at a premium of from l&c to UOc per lee fbs , Thuro was u very decided chuiiKu In prices forshcop , audit wns not to thu advantage of sellers. The bupply , 15,000 bead , was u notably heavy ono for this tlmo of the year , and It could not bo moved except at much lower prices , from 15e to 25c being rukod oil in moi Instnncca. Thu demand was unusually light. It did not cull for nearly so many bhuep as were ottered , and unless the next few days t > lmll beu a di-creaso in the receipts price * must continue to recede. Quotations rnngo from t2.&o to IJ for poor etuir , to from M.uo to to for choice. 1'oor to cholco Tuxuittt were slow at from U.0 to I4.0 uud yparlliiK were ualuablo at from I4.2& to 15.25. Hprlng Inmbs wuro lower , being quotud ut from t-t.vo toeo.&Ofor poor to choice , iloro than half the recolpu lie In tbo pens , Itecelpu : Outtle. 17.0OO bend ! calves , 600 bead ; bogs , 213 , ( > OU huadi sheep , l&.uuo head The Evening Journal reports ; OArrLC-ltccolptJ , 18,000 luxid ; shlpiuonU , - top nopxtrn fttfinr * lierqt fair to . . .i s , | 2OOJJ3,60 | cantujrn ! Itoos "Hocolnu , 2fl,00i > hcMlt uhlpmcnti , fl.l'i" ' ' liendi market fair , tcadyi mixed , JO.IOao.OOj prime .heavy nnd butcher , to.40 ' P tocclpls , 15,000 bond ! ( dilpmnnto , 2,600 hcadi market 15ft2"c lowers stocker , S3.60 , natives , fl.Rba&.UOt To.rans , I3.86tt4.10i wcMorus , f4.0036.10 ; spring lambs , la.lO ® Oily l.tto ntook Market. KAN1A9 CITV , JttnO 10-OATTI.H-UoCOlptll , 3,000 head ) hlpmentx , 2,500 bead. Host cattle were steady oilier * paiy and BflllOc lower ! Toxn * steers , t2.00a4.a5 ! hltipInK steers , M.nOftG.u.'i ' : native COWH , 5l.OOiJ4.26 ! butehnr Mock. J3.Coai 50 ! stookcrs and fecclors2,70 O4.40 ; bulls and inlxod , fl.GOii3.CO. lions Receipt ? , 2,700 head ! shipments 1,200 head ; the market wus steady : bulk of sales , I0.0oan.10j heavlci , f5.U03C.05j liackorn$5.00'tl0.iri ! mixed , JC.OoaO.20 ! lUhts , } o.8.ViJG.20j Yorkers , $0.2030.20 ; pigs , J4.10 SI'IBBP Kocelptv 4,300 bend ! shipments , 800 head ; ; the market was steady ; muttons sold at f 4.0034.00. St. I.ouU I.lvo Stnck Jtnrkot. Sr. fotiis,1une 19. OATTI.S Uocolpt * , 3,300 bond ; shipments , 400 head ; market steady to easier ; fair Texas ntuors , { 3.40 ; light stock In consequence on sale. lloos Hocolpti , 1,000 head ; shipments , n- 200 ; market easier ; rangu of prices , 15.003 'Biir.Bp Uecolpt.i , 4,200 hoadi RhlpmenU , 1,000 ; market weak , unchanged ; good native * , f4.7B ; ToxnilB , HOME FOB , WORKING GIRLS. Counollmnn 1'rincc lu Fnvor of Suoh nn Institution. Councilman Sol Prince is nn enthusiastic advocate of the establishment in this city of n working girls' homo. Ilo has given the subject n great deal of thought , and In his own mind Is satisfied that it would prove n success from the start , ami ho a Messing to many of the girls who are compelled to earn their livelihood. To a reporter ho sold : "This Is n subject that has boon In my mind for a long tltno. A working girls' homo should bo established in Omaha , and for that matter In every city in the land. Hero is a field for the philanthropist to mnko his name immortal nud pratscd.and if I wuro the possessor of wealth t would establish such a homo. It would bo n success and pay its own way. In addition to that it would malto brighter and happier the lives of many working girls , who nro eking out nn oxiatcnco nt miserably low wages , nud would prevent many of them from fall ing. Wo should throw around our young girls every safeguard. It Is those In the city , without n homo and friends , who toil in the fnctorics nnd workshops and our stores , nnd nro ostracised from society , that wo should look after. Effort should bo made to bring n llttlo sunshine into their lives , nud make it possible for them to have u pleasant place to live , where they will bo thrown into each other's nociety , and teach them to care for homo , instead of wringing from them every cent of the pittance they rccelvo for their labor , and when misfortune nnd sick ness overtake send them abroad into the world without homo or friends. " 1 have Just read of n homo for young men in London. Its promoters deserve credit , but I think the money would have brought better results if invested in a homo for i'oung women. There are dozens of places hat will take in young ruon where there Is ipo that will receive young women. My jo.i is to orcct a suitable building for u ionic lor the young women , nnd I believe hat $50,000 will cover the entire expense of : onstruction nnd furnishing the same , 'lace in charge a matron and attendants. Furnish the building In a neat manner , not : oo expensive or luxurious , but make it pleasant and Inviting. Have a largo parlor and reception room where the young women : an congregate and pass a pleas- tnt social hour. Permit them .o. receive gentlemen ihero if they so desire. While throwing about them every safeguard and restriction commcnsurato with good sense , nt the same time do not make it so appear , nnd give to them all of the freedom they would have nt home. Pro vide good and wholesome food , not making , ho bill of faro elaborate , but nil the table ivlth tasty and inviting dishes. In fact , make of. it in every scnso n homo for the young women , that they will appreciate. I will guarantee free of ehargo every week en tertainment of some kind. As to expenses , they can easily bo nold 'vithin reason. Charge the young women in accordance with the expenses of the institution. The rate per week could bo made lower than they now pay , and yet 4 or 5 per cent on the in vestment could be realized. 'The bcnclHs could not bo summed up in a brief space. It would create n society nmong themselves , all would be equal and it would bring happiness to many a troubled mind and cast down heart. It would culti vate independence , und result In better wages being secured. Yes , It would bring a thousand good results , and if there is any philanthropy in this city , it can bo shown to the best ndvnntago by such an undcrtak- "ng. I hope to see some ono make a start u the grand movement. " Piles of people have piles , But Do Witt1 Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. IN THE COURTS. Mrs. Hill's Suit Acnliut the Pcurson Gnin. hllnff Houso. The entire time of yesterday morning's ' ses sion in Judge Ferguson's court was devoted to ; he case of Annis M. Hill of St. Paul , Minn. , against Charles O. Pearson of this city , the liurposo of the hearing being to convince the iudgo that ho should issue an injunction which would restrain Pearson from conduci ng a gambling house in the rooms on the second floor of the building , It had been charged by the defendant that certain people wore behind Mrs. Hill and they wcro urging heron that they might break up any opposition in the gambling business. When the defendant's attorney got a chance to read the aflldavits ho produced several which wcro to the effect that the building was really the property of the Diamond pco- plo and that Mrs. Hill was only a straw woman lu the ease. After hnaring all of the evidence the court dismissed the restraining order und denied tbo permanent injunction. A. U. Wyman , the receiver for the defunct loiva and Nebraska Fire Insurance company , has Hied a petition in the district court ask ing that ho bo given further time in which to settle the claims against the company. In his petition ho avers that claims aggre gating f 10,000 , have been presented and that enough to run the amount up to ? GO,000 are still outstanding. Pilrs of people have piles , but Dowltt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. Olinstoail Wants nn Innlnir. William Olmstead is not satisfied with the verdict of the Jury in the case of Olmstead against Williams , whorem the twelve men brought In a verdict for both contestant and contestco. It has now been settled that the case will come before Judge Ferguson next Wednes day morning , at which time Olmstead will nslc for a writ of ouster to remova U , II. Williams from too oftlco of commlsaloner of the Third district. Piles of people have pues , ut Dowltt's Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them. The Only Truln for St. I.ouls Which carrion a dining car leaves Omaha via the Burlington route ut 0-15 : p. m. and roaches St. Louis early the noxl afternoon. Through blooper Omaha to St. Louis. City ticket ollloo 1324 Far- nnm btroot. HpiisYoyrBJood ? I had a malignant breaking out on my leg belovr the knee , and was cured eound and well with two and a half bottle * of Other blood medicines bad failed to do mo any good. WILL I wai troubled from childhood with an op- ravatcd ease of Tetter , und three bottles of 1 cured mo l > eim netl \ M.UDTlll. , l.T , Our book on Illoodjnd.Bkla IMwaw malled < ICO BALSAM . , It Cure * Coldi , Coughs. Sere Threat , Cronp , Influ ent * , Whooplnj : Couth , Bronehitii andAithmt. A certain curt for Consumption In first tUgti , nnd a lure relief In advance ) lUgci. TJ e at once. You will aee the excellent ( Teet afler taking the Grit dote. Sold bjr dtnlfn everywhere. Large DR.3GHENGKS tlamlrnlcoPllla have n vnluo us n house- lold remedy fur beyond tlio power of Inn- jtmgo to dosoribo. The fnmlly can mrdly bo true to itself thnt does not ( cop thorn on hand for use in emergen cies. * MANDRAKE * s tlio only vogotnulo substitute for thnt dangerous mineral , Muitcuuv , nnd vhilo its notion ns tv curntivo is lully equal , it possesses none of the perilous oil cots. In Constipation , Mundrnko nets upon ho bowels without disposing1 thorn to ubsoquont Costivone&s. No remedy acts so directly on the Ivor , nothing so speedily Stele IVI * J cures k-l IVJIV Headache , Sour Stom- ich , nnd Biliousness UH PILLS. hcso . Kor Sale by all Driualsts. 1'rleo 25 ct ? . per ) o.\j II boxes fur ( hi cla , ; or nont by mull , poat- KO free , on receipt of urlce. lr. ) J. II. ohpnelc .t Son. I'hlliidolphlii. Whether quafied from a vessel of tin , glass or gold ; There'snothingso , _ good for the young * = S : = - or the old as Hires' A delicious , health- giving , thirst-satis fying beverage. A temperance drink for I temperance people. A Jsc. package makts 3 gallons. Sold and Enjoyed Everywhere. lirlnciulod ilrutnrt"t fell youany kf irfu//mftufon. In * tilt or * having I.M > Alf none otlior. Ir ho hns no * Sot H. now 111 tend It by mail upon receipt or | irlc > > pnmiililut In tcnli'd eint loiio frtu. Acldrtts OrlvntiC Ucdlral Co. , r.C 1'lyinaulb 1'loc'r , Ohli-uco , 111 , SOLD by Kuhn & Co. , Cor. ijlh nnd Douglas Sts. , nnd J. A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. Mill and DotiRlai Sts. , OMAHA , NED. ; by Paul G. Schneider , 311 Broadway and G Pearl St. , COUNCIL BLUFl'S. IOWA , and other I.edinc Druggists. Examine Them. The makers of Ducbcr- Haiupdcn Watches know that they will bear examination. The more buyers 1 c a r n about them tbc better RUBT JEWELED they will be liUecl. It ADJUSTED WATCHES < / ) will payanyone to stop at Canton and see the watches made. m An engraving of the buildings , "The Closing Hour , " by II. P. Farny , allowing the employees liomeward bound , will bo i > nt frro to any address by Tili UtiEBKD WATCII Woitus , Canton , O. New York Hospital TREATMENT. For Mt Chronic Nervous , , < Private and Special Diseases , of bath MEN AND WOMEN , Ftnoturo rind nil other trouble * tr ittA t rersonnhlo charges. CONSULTATION 1'Ur.lC. Unllonor nddrosi ' ML mm POTNAI DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , NEfl Opposite lliydon Hroi NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK. U. S. Depository , Omahn , Noli. CAPITAL , . . . 1400,000 SURPLUS , . . . fG5OOO Officers tinil PlroclorB Henry W. Yntos , preM rtonl. H. C. ( 'uxlilnc , vice lirusulciit , C. H. Maiirlco. W. V. Morae. John S. Collins , J. N. II. Patrick , Lewis S. Heed , cashier. THE IRON BANK. STRENGTH , VITAUTY , MANHOOD W. TI. 1'AltKICR. Jr. ! > . , No. 4 Hiiluncri ttH Irt'TOK , tljus. , ckitt conivthna phvttelan / " * , nwanlci the GOLD JlKllAL by tbo KATIONtC METHCAI , As-ru-tATioNfoi lliuMliZI ! KASAVon Kshttutttrt ntalttir , Atrcp Vi AVrroui Btid I'fiytlral : ! nil Jitita. mid Weakntil of Men , nlinrO l'10 ' y ° "nffi tuo ml'MI'-affJ ' and old. lillKr'X C'onniilutlon in pcrnou or by ItUcr. UUIILU i'ro.pcclu with toftlmonl l , FKKK. r.nrgo book. 801KNCK OF I.I Fib , OH KF.I.F- , I'KKSKIIVATJON. 300 pp. . 12& Invaluable pr I icriptlonu , full taX only tl.O" ! null. < oalod. , Full SJ3T TJ3J3TII Teeth oMraeteil In inornlnirt New ones liiNorltHl attrrnoon Haino day. 1'erKct tit gnar- antocil. I 'ir < / J'/oor. J'nxton 7J/oo/f. Kltlt line/Parnnni Hrroot. Elevator on 10th Street. Telrpbouo 10815. IIUINO THIS WITH YOU. An all Ready to Put on Shirt ! MARK. Made In all Sloeva Lcngtha From 30 to 35. f ' If you have heeded the Correct Pointers we have heretofore been civlne you , you are al ready wearing these shirts and aie thus dally verifying our statements. There Is the belt service and the mot perfect fit In these shirts of any ever sold. Satisfaction abtolutely guaranteed. : CLUETT. COON & CO. HERV008SPiD ! WKAKNKbSES , DISIllUTV , l Ta. th t ac- , corapany thorn In won UUICKI.Y and t'KUMA- MENTI.Y CUHK1) . Kiill riTKK.NUTII nnd tone given to cvorr | ) rt of the bodr. I will ion < l too- curoly pnckcil ) KUK10 to any luttorcr tba pro crlp tlon thnt cured mo of theao troublui. Addron , IT , A. liUAIJLlSY , IJATTLi ; CUKXU MICH. SOUTH OJVf-ATT-A' Union Stock Yards Company , South O plain a. BeBtCattlo Ho nndSlnap market la th ) war. COMMISSION HOUSES. Wood Brothers. Live Stok Commission Morchunti. Eoith Omaha Telephone 1 1ST. Chlo i JOHN I ) . DADI4UAN , Lxunizorr . fM nsOM- WALTUK K. WOOD , Mprkot reports by mall and wire cheerfully rSlshud upon application. fjMAHA U Manittras Inks Dircclow John A. Waliefleld , I lnipoit5dAr Tloan Portland - land coraailt , Mllwait- kun cameot UQd Qulncy white lluin , I Omaha Stove Repair I M , A. Disbrow & Co YfOttKB. etOT rtpalra I il nu actur n of > aib , and waUratuonminta I doori , bltodi u4 far nr kind of io 8 I uoutaiogi , Uraacliet * bad * . 1WI Uouviat Ik J He * UUt and UarA. J