Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    JUNE a
. 12 PRAm. ,
1'ellmfd ty currltt to nriy P l of t' cltj
_ , _ . _ . ' . . / - > uva 1 Ilu Inf ? Omco. . . . . . . . . No. 43
TEtn'HONKS fNlRlit Kdllcir No. 23
N. Y. numbing Co
Boston Store for sun umbrellas
Mlltonbcrgcr Is the hatter , .WJ Broadway
The Mnyno Heal Kstate Co. , 021 Broadway.
Charles Watson nnd Uolla Wnlilcr. both of
this city , were married by Justice Vlen yes-
There will bo a social Thursday evening
at the resilience of Mrs. Ovlilo Vein. 1803
Seventh nvcnuo for the benefit of thoBerean
Baptist church. *
Regular meeting of nitlff City ledge No. "I
Ancient Free ami Accepted Masons , thli
evening. Also \vorlt In the second dcgrpo.
All master Masons are Invited.
Henry CoUor preached last Sunday at
Thurman , nnd In tlio absence of the pastors
ho will supply the churches at Thurman and
Pcrclval during the next thrco Sundays.
The Junior Order United American Me
chanics is requested to mcnt nt 1 o'clock to
morrow afternoon at thcj Grand Army hall
to take park In the Sons of Veterans
The Pilgrim Slsteis extern ! an Invitation
to all Commercial Pilgrims and wives to nn
Informal reception at their hall on Tuesday
evening , , lnno UO , to meet two members who
leave the city permanently.
Louis Wclnsteln , collectorof Internal reve
nue at Burlington , has written iTheodoro
Gulttnr , his deputy In this city , notifying
him that all payers of special taxes must
have their money lu his hands prior to July
1 , lb0. !
Manhattan beach was formally oncncd
Sunday , and largo crowds took advantage of
a cool swim in Lake Mnimwn. Arrange
ments have been made for music during tlio
season , nnil dancing each evening on the
pavilion will bo an added attraction ,
, T. II. Allen , ono of the mcif- who Is In Jail
charged with holding up the Kansas City
trainmen the other night , has admitted that
hols the same man who was sent up for a
rounty Jail term recently for stealing a set of
harness from St. Bernard's hospital.
I'M Kissler , whoso father drives nn express ,
was kicked by n horse Sunday while driving
a light express wagon for the American Dis
trict Telegraph company , llo was bidly cut
about the leg , and r physician had to take
flvo or six stitches. No bones were broken.
Tomorrow evening will bo tlio Queuing
night for a series of gospel meetings nt the
Union Christian mission on Bryant street.
They will bo conducted by Mr. A. Broad foot
of Anita , In. Ho Is well known elsewhere as
nn lovangelist and is said to be a very enter
taining speaker. Everybody cordially In
vited to attend.
Tlio cnso of Bartlcs against Witt , whicli
ha § been on trial before Judcro Icemcr for
Eomo days pnst , 1ms been completed and the
Jury will have it today. The ease of the
state against William Sulllvnn. charged
with burglarizing William Arntl's grocery
Btoro , Is now on trial before Judge Thornell
In the south court room.
Oscar Jones filed an information yester
day charging H. H. Kobinson with assault
with intent to do great bodily Injury. Robin-
soii had Jones arrested several days ago on
the cInn-go of assault and battery , and now
Jones is retaliating. Ho claims Hoblnson
grabbed a butcher knife and chased him a
long distance. Both eases will bo tried
bcfor Justice Vleii next Monday nt 2 o'clock.
William McGrcevy. who jumped from the
Rock Island Ilyor a couple of weeks ago and
I'ccolvod spinal Injuries which caused paral
ysis of tbo lower limbs , Is at his homo in
DCS Moincs , thu journey homo having been
performed without any had effects. His
tooth jr. who accompanied him homo , writes
the Indies of the Women's Christian Associa
tion hospital thanking them warmly for the
excellent care they took of her son , and
states thnt the doctor gives her' son some
hopes of a final recovery. . _
The Council BlulTs Rowing association wjll
give a party next Friday evening at.tlrjiir
boat house at Manawu , for tbo exclusive
benefit of their members and their ladies.
This is the first of a series of parties which
are to bo given every Friday evening during
the boating season. In tlio past the boat
club parties have been among the most cn-
Jovnblo of the whole year , and these nt the
lake in the summer season , when there is
rowing ami dancing to the heart's consent ,
are especially pleasant. There Is no reason
to bollovo that the parties this season will
bo any the less enjoyable.
Robert Graham has been trying to paint
his house lately , and in putting the paint on
ono side of his bouse had to got on the
ground belonging to bis neighbor. John
Green. Ho applied to Green for permission ,
but Green refused. Graham then put up a
Judder on Green's promises nnd went to
painting , and Green came out and chopped
the ladder in pieces with an ax. This roused
the Scotch in Graham's blood and , seizing
the ax , broke It for Grocn. Green then filed
nn Information charging Graham with as
sault and battery , and the case will bo tried
before Justice Vicu tomorrow afternoon at 2
The Pilgrim Sisters extend nn invita
tion to each Commercial Pilgrim and
wife to an informal reception nt"their
hall this evening , Juno 20. This is to
bo a farewell gathering for two of the
members , who contemplate locating
permanently elsewhere. Lot each mem
ber bo present without further notice.
. There will ho a meeting of the W. C.
T. U. Wednesday afternoon , Juno 21 , at
4 o'clock in the Y. M. C. A. rooms. Lot
each member bo on hand.
Music for balls , parties , picnics , BO-
oials , etc. , by Muclcinns Union. .T. E
Follctt , Mgr.100 B'wuy , Council BlulTs.
Mayor Lawrcjft iurwlfo are homo from
a trip to Chicago !
Mr , and Mrs. John Danforth loft for Chicago
cage last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lane loft Sunday
for the World's fair.
B. A. Drake and Donald Jofferis are visitIng -
Ing here from St. Joseph , Mo.
J. IJ. Patterson loft Sunday for Sterling ,
111. , and Chicago , to bo gene two weeks.
August Paris has returned from Carncs ,
Noby where ho has been vlsltlnc relatives.
C. P. Rallsbacic leaves today for Sandwich ,
III. , where ho will moot his wlfo. They will
then take a trip to Chicago.
Ei\D. Putnam , an enthusiastic bicyclist
from Atkinson , Nob. , was In the city yester
day on his way to Wisconsiu by wheel.
J. S. Humphreys of 405 Park avenue , left
Sunday night for a short visit with frlomls
in Fort Dodge , His family accompanied him.
A. B. Howe received a telegram yesterday
announcing that his father died Sunday at
his homo in Atchlson , Kan , Ho had been
ill for a long time. The deceased was also
the father of Ed Howe , who formerly lived
hero but for some time past has bouu llrlng
in Atchisoii.
Mr. John Sutherland nnd daughter , Miss
Agues of Edinburgh , Scotland , are In tlio
city for n visit with their relative , Mrs.
Kittle Gllmoro. Mr. Sutherland is a retired
builder , and his daughter Is widely known
as a temperance worker. She also occupies
a position as Instructor In the Edinburgh
university. They are accompanied in thcli
visit by Ruv. Mr , Dobblo of Glasgow , Scot
land , chaplain of the Independent Order ol
Good Templars in Scotland , and u member ol
the editorial staff of the Glasgow Evening
News. They are on their way from Pet
Moincs , where they have been attending tin
grand lodge meeting of the Good Tomplan
of Iowa , After visiting here several day :
they leave for Chicago , sailing for Europt
July 15 , _
Kninllflt'it Ice Crcuui ,
Try Motzger & Randlolt'a pure ant ;
delicious ice creams aud ices aud yov
will order no other.
"Great clearing sale of nilllinory-
golng out of business everything les !
cost. The Louis , IS S. Main St.
Cook yov meals this summer on a ga <
rauga. At cost at the Gas company.
Prisoners Turn Uio Tables on Bomo Ovir-
OonCdont Prosecuting Witnesses ,
Momi. DnrU nnil McGlnnli T'rovo They
Wore In Nehriuk.i Cnlnlmoncii nt the
Time They Were ClnrRmlVltU
In -
Three of tlio men who hnvo been confined
In the county Jail for n week or more on tlio
charpo of hreaUIn ? Into n number of | x t-
ofllcoa In lownvcro brought before the
United States commissioner yesterday moru-
Ing for a hearing.
CJooixo MeGlnnli , Charles Cnso and James
Davis were Klvcn a preliminary hearing ,
Uuxtrr of the many aliases having In
sisted on a separate hearing , which will
bo plvon July . Postmaster Hocpf-
llnccr of IJonlson was the first wit
ness to testify. Ills safe was blown open on
the night of May 0 and $10 la money and S2oO
worth of postage stamps wore stolen.
Ninety dollars worth of the stamps were
afterwards found hidden In the tool-house-
the Northwestern railway company a short
distance west of IDcntson.
IJy the testimony of Pullman , the section
boss , J. C. Sparks , an engineer , and Ogden ,
a brnUcinnii , it was learned that the tool-
house had been broken open during the
night and a hand car was stolen which par
ried some DUO to Arlon , cloven miles cast.
There three men boarded a freight to go to
Jefferson. Oniccrs Stevens , Watt und An
derson of the Hoono police force recognized
two of the men who were on trial as Iriviug
been in town that day , and they were also
Identilled by the trainmen.
\Vn Click Hiiro of IIU Mnn.
The most interesting feature ot the hear
ing was the testimony of a man named
ISfeamp , who ICCOIH a second-hand store at
Hoono. Ho stated that a man , ho was sure
It was MeOinnls , approached him and wanted
to sell him a rubber coat for § 2. After considerable
siderabletallc back and forth Efcamp offered
him SI for the coat , but McGinnls said ho
needed S2. Ho finally pulled out a bundle of
2-cnit postngo stamps from an Inside pocket ,
and counting out sixty of them , offered them
to him for 50 cents. At this Efcamp became
suspicious and refused to buy anything of
H. T. Spaiks , the postmaster at Jefferson ,
tcstjlled that his safe had also been blown
open on the night of April 2(5. ( Sheriff J. E.
Dodge or Jefferson identified Duvis us having
been In Jefferson on the day In question.
Several times during the course of the
hoarlnc evidence was introduced to show
that Baxter was also mixed up In the tran
saction , but Baxter objected vigorously and
as gracefully as many lawyers would have
done it. to ttio introduction of such testi
mony. In view of the fact that his hearing
would not come off for two weeks. His ob
jections were sustained by the commissioner.
Inspector Mercer testified that ho had
tried drills which were found in tlio posses
sion of members of the gang when arrested
at Lincoln , and that they corresponded
exactly with the holes made In more tnan a
dozen safes which had been blown open
during the last six months.
Knocked the GIIHO Kndwnya.
After all the evidence was in on-tho side
of the government Davis nskcd to bo put on
the stand , and his evidence was something
of an eye-opener to the witnesses who had
seen him so many times on the day of the
robbery. Ho said that ho was taken
Into custody bv the sheriff of
Gage county , Nebraska , March 18 , on the
charge of petit larceny , and served a sixty
day sentence in Jail there , being released
May 18. His statement was corroborated
by Sheriff Keunan of Gage county. McGin-
nls also testified that ho was arrested in
Omaha May J , and served out a thirty-day
sentence there. His statement was borne
out by Deputy Sheriff Bennett of Douglas
At the close of the hearing Commissioner
Steadman discharged Davis and McGinnis ,
wlD&o ) real name is Monroe , but held Case
to the federal grand Jury urbonds in the sum
of $1,500. The Instant the word "dis.-
chargeu" was pronounced Davis jumped up
and slid for the door. Ho had a good reason
for haste , as subsequent developments
showed. An information was llled in Justice
Vicn's court several days ago charging him
with complicity in the burglary of Mrs. Met-
calf's house with Baxter and the theft of
her diamonds. Through an all around mis
understanding tno warrant was not served ,
mid Davis is now far enough away to render
it very unlikely that ho will bo re-captured.
Fothcrlnnham. Wliltolnw & Co.
Are the acknowledged lenders in the
dry goods line , where a clean saving can
bo made on all your purchases ; not only
a few baits laid out here and there , but
every purchase means a saving of from
20 to ISO per cent.
lf)0 pieces Shangton pongee , tissue
cloths. Bedford cords , etc. , till in for to
day at 7ic a yard. *
50 pieces beautiful pattern China silks
U21o for today. *
10 pieces 32-inch black China silk
5 pieces Chcnny Bros , black China
silk , 32 inches'wide , Monday l)0c ) a yard.
10 pairs of a special bargain in chenille
portieres , worth $15.00 a pair for $7.50 ;
fringed top nnd bottom and ono Bido.
150 0x4 chenille tnhlo covers , beautiful
patterns , fringed all round , Monday
Originators , Leaders and Promoters of
Low Prices.
ItOI.I )
Two Small Hoys Ape the Manners of Jciso
.litmus' Hung.
J. H. Evans , who lives in the northwestern
part of the city , reported a peculiar case to
the police yesterday. Ho stated that last
Friday evening his son , aged 0 years , was
walking along Scott street near the Indian
creek bridge when ho was suddenly accosted
by a couple of boys a dozen years old or so
and compelled to give up n purse he was car
rying. The purse contained about a
dollar in change. This money the youthful
desperadoes took to a second hand
store and bought an old pistol. It is re
ported that tlio noict evening they tried to
hold a man up , but tbo man refused to hold
up his bunds at their order , but informed
them that they needed a spunking moro
than almost anything else , whereupon they
Hod In haste. Mr. Evans filed nn informa
tion charging Joe Limerick nnd Andrew
James with being the guilty ones , They will
bo brought up In police court this morning to
answer to the charge. The reading of dlmo
novels is thought to have started them out
in their career of crime.
Pionio trains , until further notice ,
will leave for that great fishing reuort ,
Hay's Landing and Manuwa park , Min
eral Springs , Gorman shooting grounds ,
Manhattan beach and Manawu opera
house ( where two performances will bo
given during the season dally at 4 nnd
8:110 : o'clock p. m. ) as follows ; Nine and
11 a. in. and 1 and 2 p. in. , and every
thirty minutes thereafter until 12:30 : ut
night. Lust train will leave Manawu
for Council BlntTs ut 11:55 : i > . m.
Ton Diiytt ut the World's 1'alr ,
Itwill coat you loss than $50.00 , every '
thing necessary included , This meant
homes in private cottage , clean , safe > ,
to gi-ouadS und on the beach ofo
Lake Michigan. Write to J. T. Chyno-
woth , Windsor Park , 11) ) . Itefors to oI. ,
W. Tiltonof TIIKUKE , or Jacob Sinu
of Sims & Dalnbriage , Council Bluffs.
Ueliiycd'tno Mail.
THE BEB contained an account some tlnii
agsofnn attempt to hold up the exprcsi
train on the Burlington road near the towt
I of Nodawny by tiiroo masked men. Yestcr
day morning Deputy Uuitod States Marsha >
Richard * nrrlved In Ihn city with thrr-o men
whonro charged with having | ieri > clrnled
the deed , The hold-up occurred early In tlio
morning of Juno H. Tlio three men secretiM
themselves on the tender , and suddenly np <
pearlnif , ordered the engineer at the point of
two shotguns aud a putol to stop the train ,
nml the fireman to cat loose the exprcsi car.
They were Informed that tn vvcro on the
wrong train , as ttiat train carried no
express car. The train they had been
looking for had been delayed several
hours by the burning of a bridge. Tno
United States authorities claim to have a
strong cac against the mon , and will pro
secute them to the limit. The specific charge
Is j delaying the malls , which the law has
made a very serious offence , and ono punish
able by a penitentiary sentence. The three
men gave their names as Frank Hoblnson ,
J. N. Shields and Newton Shields. AH live
not far from the scene of the attempted rob
bery. Their case was continued until Satur
day. July 8. and each one's bond was fixed at
$ 'J.m They could not give the required
bond , and they were taken to the county
jail for safe keeping.
State Encnnipinrtil Opoin Today T otiilU
or the rirM liny' * I'mcritm.
The annual encampment of the Sons of
Veterans of Iowa will open In this city
today , and a big ingathering of delegates
from nil parts of the state is looked for this
morning. The morning will bo taken up
with registering and reception ot delegates ,
and In the afternoon the first meeting of the
encampment will bo hold. The evening ses
sion will bo of most interest to the public
generally , and it is expected that the Ma-
sonle tcmplo will bo filled to orerlknving
with delegates and citizens. The following
is the program for the camp ilro this
evening :
Music. Palhcy's llnnd
I'rnyur Huv. E. W. Allen
Chorus Marching Through Georgia
U'U by U. M. lllrdsall.
Addles * of Wclroino lion. 13. E. Aylcsworth
Iti'spimse..Division Commander li. A. Dllloy
Ma-do Quartet
Mrs.W. . II. Wukclleld. Miss Neolo Ogden ,
I'laudo Ugiluti , W. L. Tlilrkbtun.
Short Adihi.'H-es J , I ) . Houston , Miss
Hullo Oray , Cmiiiut.Tltiluy , and othurs.
Music ( iuurtet
The following Is the order of inarch for
the parade tomorrow afternoon :
Tno procession will .form on South Sixth
stieot , right resting on Willow avenue , and
will move promptly at 2 o'clock. First divi
sion will bo under the supervision of J. D.
Driesbaeh and will bo composed as follows :
Police , commander nun staff , Fort Omaha
Military band , United States infantry ,
Dodge Light Guards , Omaha Guards , Sons
of Veterans.
Second division , under the supervision of
C. S. Hubbard , will form on First avenue ,
facing cast , and will bo composed of the
Drum corps. Abe Lincoln post , Hobcrt Liv
ingston post , Phillip Kearney post , George
A. Ouster post , U. S. Grant post , Omaha ;
George Cook post , Allen post , Provald post ,
Beldon post , William Layton post , Harlan
post , Lowollyn post , Washington post , Dlx
post , Plattsmouth post , U. S. Grant post ,
Avoca , and all old soldiers.
Third division , under supervision ofII. . C.
Atkins. Will form on seventh street , right
resting onjfirst aveuuo facing south , com
posed of the following societies : Bluff city
lodge , Ancient , Free and Accepted Masons.
Excelsior lodge. Ancient , Free and Accepted
Masons , Ivanhoehoe commandcry.Knights of
Pythias , Kastcr Star , Council Bluffs lodge ,
Independent Order of Odd Fellows , Hawkeye -
eye lodge , Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows , Humboldt lodge , Independent Order of
Odd Fellows , Twin Brothers Encampment ,
Pottawattamio canton.
Fourth division , under supervision of W.
A. Elliott , will form on First avenue , facing
west and will be composed ot the following
societies : St. Alban's lodge , Knights of
Pythias.Concordia lodge Knights of Pythias ,
Bluffs division uniform rank , Knights of
Pythias , Trcubund , Danish brotherhood ,
Danobo society , Order American Mechanics.
Fifth division under supervision of J. S.
Grctzer , jr. , will form on Willow avenue ,
with right resting on sixth street , facing
east , und will bo composed of the following
societies : Dalber's band , Order of Hallway
Trainmen , Switchmen's Union , Knights of
Labor. Typographical union , Ancient Order
United Workmen , Modern Woodmen of
America , Hoyal Neighbors , Iloyal Arcanum
Mnnnorchor society , Hed Mon , Pottawatta-
mio tribe. Catholic Knights of America.
Sixth division , under supervision of E. J.
Abbot. Seventh street , right resting on
Willow avenue , facing north. com
posed of the following societies : Patriotic
Order Sons of America , Young Men's Re
publican club , Pottawattamio Democratic as
sociation , Cigar Maker's union , Commercial
Pilgrims , Schutzcn Terein.
Seventh division , under supervision of
Charles Nicholson , form on Seventh street ,
right , rcstine on Willow avenue , facing south.
Composed of the city lire department.
Eighth division , under supervision of
Thomas Metcalf , jr. , Willow avenue , right
resting on Sixth street , facing west , com
posed of the tallowing societies in carriages :
Women's Hcllof corps , Daughters of Vet
erans , Ladies Afd society , Ladies Auxiliary
Uniou Veteran Legion , I'ythian Sisterhood ,
Pythian Sisters , Daughters of Hobokah ,
Danish Sisters , Ladies Auxiliary to Ameri
can Protective association. By order W. F.
Sapp , jr. . commander.
Line of march : South on Sixth street to
Sixth avenue , cast to junction of Main and
Pearl streets , north on Main street to Broad
way , east to First street ; countermarch on
Broadway to Bryant street , north to inter
section of Main street , south on Main street
to Broadway , west to Sixth street , south to
Flni avenue , cast to Grand hotel aud dis
Convention Cull.
The nonpartisan Woman's Christian
Temperance Union of the Ninth con
gressional district of Iowa will hold a
convention at Atlantic Tuesday and
Wednesday , Juno 27 and 28. Auxiliary
unions nro requested to send a delegate
for every ton members or fraction there
of , and each church , Sunday school or
temperance organization is invited to
appoint representatives to sit as mem
bers by courtesy , entitled to all the privi
leges of the convention except voting.
Entertainment will bo provided for all.
President Woman's Christian Temper
ance Union of the Ninth Congres
sional District , Rod Oak , la.
LAUKA J. MCBIUDE , Secretary.
T. J. Clark represents on the road
Whcolor , Herald & Co. , Council BlulTs ;
only perfect cold storage plant in the
west. General commission business.
Fruits a specialty. Bettor prepared
than any competitors to got best results
from all consignments. Write for quo
Nothing is cooler or moro sanitary
than Cliincso and Jap mattings for sum
mer use. The Council Bluffs Carpet
company is closing out a big stock ut a
big reduction.
Enoch Anton llovlueil ,
O , Hull called at the ofllco of Judge Fox
yesterday afternoon and made complaint
that his wife had run oft with another man
whoso nanio was Harris. Some time ago
Hull went out to Nebraska , leaving his wife
hero. Ho returned a day or two ago and
found that his \\ifu had gene out .to Harris'
garden , two miles cast of Parks' mill , and
was living with him. She had also bundled
up all of her things and those of her husband
and taken them with her. Ho tiled | an .
information charging them botli with adul
tery , and the case vull come up this after
noon at i ! o'clock.
The Hotel ,
Council Blurt's. The most elegant in
Iowa. Dining room on bovonth Moor.
Rate , $3.00 and $5,00 a day. E. F. Clark ,
Prop. _
Greonshields , Nicholson & Co. have
moved their real estate olllco to < > OC
Broadway , opposite pobtolllco. Tol. 151 ,
Protect your homes against destruo
tlvo storms. W. C. James has the
. strongest companies in the world.
1,000 bales of good fair hay , must 1)0
sold at once , ut lOo and 15c nor bale
IIowo Hawkeye Mills.
Thrown from u Wagon.
Yesterday morning Mrs. H. M , Lyles wai
riding along the road to Manawa when sin
* took u notion to raise an umbrella that tu ;
lu the bottom of the wugou. Just as sbi
t It tbo wind uptreil H nnd carried It
out of her hand. It * truck the horses and
they bognn to nln. ; , After nwhllo tbo wagon
ovcrtttnuui and Mr Lyles was dumped Into
the hard road , stHklng on her face. She
was terrlblv bruised , and her wrist was dis
located. 1 She vfASt.taktn . tti her home , 815
Twenty-third avoutiA
llcjult of IhoiJtWUriR of the School Hoard
I.n&tUCvenlut ; .
The school boilM'iftct last evening In regu
lar monthly scss'fo.Tw . Tlie main Item of busi
ness was the npppintmotit of teachers and
janitors , which > Vas.j s follows :
High School ! Principal , E. H. Eastman ,
G. W. PrlcOf Freda nabormaas , Janlo Bald
win , Augusta llowlrcr , Hannu W. Halncs ,
Tbeo Bruegcr , JMorna Moore , Eleanor II.
Haight , Mary 14. Wright.
. Grammar amliPrtmary departments : Sue
Badollet , Anna Blahehurd , Ixniisa Boeschc ,
Jcnnto Bull , Florence E. Carlcy , Josie Clau
sen , Theresa Coyne , Lizzie Crocker , M.
B. Curtis , Frances D. Dalley. Mary D.
Davenport , Helen Donahoy , Estclla Bald
win. Myrtle Boirdman. Margaret Brltton.
Louisa Carson. MInnIe Clay. M. I. Craig ,
Myrtle Cutler. Mary E. Dale , Mamie Dlekoy ,
Mecca Doughty. Agnes Drake , Belle
Fletcher , Ll/zle Gleason , Dora Grass , Cora
M. Grotror , Mary Dunoan. Mary Ferguson ,
Viva Glllilatul. Uzzlo GooJuhlld. Bottle
Graves , Minnie Hanson , Lillian Hart , Nellie
Hopfbrd. Augusta Honn , Ada Howard , Jen-
nlo Howe , Lillian Jackson , Laura
Long , Bcrtlo Marsh , Ella Mcln-
tosh , Mantle Mangum , Carrie M. Morgan ,
llcttlo M. Morris , Llilio Mlllard , Vcrnlo
Reynolds , M.iy Sims. Fannie Swlro , Nnnnlo
Hardin. Roberta Hattcnhaucr , Elsie P.
Honn , Dora Hood , Emma Howard , Minnie
Johnson. "Friendly Lucas , Etta McMahon ,
Mary McMillan , oAnim B. Mikcsell , Emma
Moorehouso , Clar.i Myers , ICatlicrlno Myers ,
Ncllio Parsons , Kate Payne , Jennie Pile ,
Katlo Shcplcr , Maud C. Smyth , Carrie
Stimson , Ircno Underwood , Julia Walker ,
Ktttio White , Annlo Williams , Ruth Wallace ,
Ida Xipf.
Substitutes for Bloomer and Pierce , Pearl
DSupcrvisor of music , Jessie .1. Colby.
DTcaehor of penmanship and drawing , Harriet
riot Blood.
The committee rocommcned that the secre
tary make contracts with the above upon the
presentation of certificates pronerly signed
and approved. The recommendation was
also made that the next school year consist
of thirty-eight weeks , beginning Monthly ,
September 4 , 151)3 ) , and cmllnc Juno 8,1S'.I4 ' ,
with a winter vacation of two weeks from
December , 1803 , to January 5 , IblM.
Janitors : Third street C. Gautearclth ;
Clark , Theresa Coyne ; Gunn , Cora Me-
GroUer ; Twentieth avenue , MeGoff ; Court-
anil. Delia Mikcsell ; OH Pierce , Thomas
Pilling ; Washington avenue , RalfSimpson ;
Bloomer. W. S. Wllkins ; Fifteenth street.
Maggie Wyatt ; Woodbury , AnnloVllliams :
Avenue A , John Barr ; Eighth avenue ,
Lettlo Darnell ; Harrison street , F. Peter
son ; Second avenue , C. Harl : North Eighth
street , George B. Miles ; Now Pierce , F
Groneweg ; High School , J. J. Watts ;
Thirty-second street , D. It. Whipple ; Madi
son avenue , D. W. Foster ; General janitor
F. J. Peterson.
The report of the fuel committee showed a
total amount ; of coal used during the past
winter as follows : Hard coal , 15,453pounds :
soft nut , 1,333,881 pounds ; soft luray , 1)02,740 )
Superintendent Sawyer reported that the
tickets sold for commencement exercises
had brought in S1U7.75 , and that the balance
on hand after tlio expenses were paidf
amounted to § 18.10. Among the expenditures
were the following : Opera house , $50 ;
printing , $50 : . music , $52.50 ; foils for
drill , $7 ; Rev. Frank Crane's address , $25.
The superintended also reported that the
total number of/pupils in tbo schools during
tlio last three weeks' of school was 4.001 ,
nearly 800 moro than for the same time lust
year. . ,
The following , bids were opened for heat
Ing the Eighth Avenue building : Empklo
Shugart Co. , $575j ; ? . C. Dovol , $507. The
bids were referred t6 the committee of the
whole and will .bo 'considered at n special
meeting to bo held'at , President Field's of
fice next Saturday afternoon.
The following bids were opened for steam
heating at the Third street school : William
Gilbert , $1,578 ; 3 : CJBixby , $1,8'J5. ' Referred
to committee of thoAVholo. *
Reynolds & Moore-were awarded the con
tract for making chu'ngcs in the Third street
school for $784. ' - < " ' u ii
The secretary vfas instructed to draw
orders for two days extra pay for each reg
ular school janitor , und.S2.00 foreach teacher
who acts as Janitor.
1,000 bales of good fair hay , must bo
sold at once , nt lOe and loc per bale.
IIowo Ilawkoyo Mills.
Every lady purchasing S2.00 worth at
Davis' will bo presented a 75e bottle of
Tolu water for the complexion.
Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , 110
best $2.00 house in Iowa.
1'uHtor'n Luncheon.
Rev. E. W. Allen of the Christian church
entertained his brethren in the ministry at
a 0 o'clock luncheon last evening at bis resi
dence. The Invitations were sent to all the
pastors in the city. They were neatly
printed on embossed blue tinted cards tied
with pink ribbon. Between th'jm was the
menu , printed on fringed pink satin. It was
a healthful and healthy menu , suited to the
occasmn and n hot summer evening. Mr.
Allen was assisted in entertaining his
friends by Mrs. Schcntgon , Miss Sherman
and Miss Blanchnrd. It was a brilliant
ludcheon party , nnd Its character was Indi
cated by a verso on the Invitations :
"Conversation , cheese what theme wo may.
And chlofly when Itcllglon loads the way ,
Should How llkn watersuftor sninrnur showers ,
Not as If raised by moro mechanic powers. "
A number of toasts were proposed and
drunk in ice tea and lemonade. "Our
Ministry. " by Dr. Phelps ; "Council Bluffs
Our Field , " by Rev. Davis , and "Tho Pas
tor's Wlfo , " by Dr. Askin. Tbo responses
wore all excellent , the remarks of Dr. Askin
being particularly happy , sparkling with
wit and raillery that was particularly in
teresting to the lady friends of the young
bachelor host.
Music was also a feature , Mr. Birdsall and
Miss Palmer singing H duet.
A beautiful line of ladies' and gent's
pookotbookH , purses and card cases just
received at Davis.1
To every lady visitor at Davis" drug
store will bo given u glass of soda free
on Thursday , 22 ,
Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street ,
largest and best bicycle stock in city.
Another imp'fdvoment to the popular
Schubert piano. Swnnson Musio Co
The Tope TnlUs Comorvatlvoly to the Catho
lic * of thOj United btuto.
BAT.TIMORB , Jijne 19. The pope's letter -
tor on the American school question
. _ ' _ * , . * , . _ . , , . . '
* „ 41. t 1 * /1 ,11 1 SI I llt n -
now In the liands.of Cardinal Gibbons ,
endorses and upholds the position taken
by Mgr. SatoIJi , ' 'pardinal Gibbons and
Archbishop Ir/oland. / The pope instructs
the American hierarchy that the de
crees of the third plenary council hold
in Baltimore In'1884 shall bo enforced
in a general .waj } . Those decrees com
mand CathohiJ patents to procure u , truly
Christian und Catholio education for
their children"aTuI , to shield and secure
them throughout childhood and youth
from tlio dungdrs of a merely worldly
education by bonding them to parochial
or otlior truty Oatholio schools. Tlio
pppo docs not co/nfl.omn or treat with in-
difference thOjiiup io bchool , but desires
rather that by tlic joint action of civil
nnd ecclesiastical authorities , there
shall bo public schools in every state ac
cording as the clrcumbtuncos of the people
ple require /or the cultivation of the
useful arts and natural sciences.
- Tlio pope , in his favorable decision in
the special ciiso of Archbishop Ireland
regarding the Faribault und Stlllwator
schools , iterated , as ho reiterates now 1
. that wherever the exigencies of the
case may require , such as the temporal
condition of the people , bishops are per
mitted to enter into'such agreement and
arrangement with the local civil
- authorities as are best calculated to pro
faorvo the morals of the children. The
letter will bo given out this week.
Oity Scions Moot ami Rovolro the Wheels
of Business'
linker's IrunlIoU In the I'lrc AVoollclt
U Cuptnrod ( lomlp ( Inlhcrod
In the absence of Mayor Walker , -who Is
taking In the World's fair , President Wood
occupied the chair at the regular meeting of
the South Omaha city council last night.
Councilman Bulla reported that an lusufll-
clcnt number of freeholders had stcned the
petition to grade Twentieth street , from Q
to Y. Bills amounting to f 01 were allowed ,
Pat Broshlnan petitioned the council to
allow him to transfer his I'tpior ' license from
Twcntjlitth ami Q streets to 81)31 ) Q street.
An ordinance was Introduced creating
grading district No. 11.
E. w. Tichnor presented a bill to the coun
cil for $1,000 as damages , alleged to hnvo
been dune to his household goods during the
recent rain storm , caused by careless and
worthless paving. Tlchnor's restaurant
was located in the Brega block at Twenty-
seventh and N streets. Referred to the city
Charley Splltt , who was formerly city
garbage master , presented n bill for S115.
Referred to the city attorney.
City Engineer King presented his final es
timate of the cost of paving L street from
Twenty-fourth to Twenty-seventh. Hugh
Murphy was the contractor. The engineer's
figures are as follows :
Four thousand four hundred and ninety-
ono square vards , charccablo to district nt
$1.00 per yard , # 3,5:14.04 : ; extras , charccablo
to district , * lr > 03.CS , making $10,012.72 , less
1(1 ( per cent , leaving S'lMt2 ) ) ! ; former es
timates. 1,242.87 ; balance now duo , chargea
ble to district , $7,1)40.45 ) ; intersections , $3-
104.04 : less 10 per cent reserve , $310.40 : bal
ance now due.chargcablu to district , $2,810.47.
Wyman Introduced a resolution transferring
$000 from the occupation fund to the ( J street
viaduct fund , and the same was ordered
paid to Parks & Bros , , the contractors doing
that work.
Wyman moved that $75 bo transferred
from the occupation fund to pay D. A. Pierce
and Henry Dltzen for extra work performed
In making out the assessment rolls. Carried.
Councilman Wyman introduced a resolu
tion to the effect that the city attorney bo
instructed to draw up an ordinance ordering
water mains laid from Twenty-second and
Q streets isouth to Twenty-second nnd
S , thence cast to Twentieth , thence to
Bollvuo avenue , south to Madison and east
one block , fourteen plugs In all. The cost ,
ho said , would bo in the neighborhood of
$300 a year. This ho considered a small item
in comparison to the demand of water m
case of fire. The people over In Brown park
and Albright needed flrt protection badly.
That section had been damaged heavily in
the past by fire , all because there was no
water. Bulla and Conloy said the proposi
tion should go over for ono wceK , as there
were other sections needed Ilro pings , nnd
they could nil bo ordered at once. The reso
lution was adopted.
The Postal Telegraph company came infer
for an all around roast by several members
for not filling up largo and dangerous holes
where they liivo removed the poles and
failed to plank them over.
Wyman had his improvement clothes on
last night nnd introduced a resolution that
the city attorney bo instructed to draft an
ordinance requiring the layintr of a sidewalk
of stone or some other good material on
bcth sides of U street from Twenty-fourth
to Twtlnty-seventh. Ho said that the pres
ent walks would be a disgrace to a small
village and that in passing over them in
places one would imagine they were passing
over a pontoou bridge. The resolution was
Bruce moved that the council sit as a board
of equalization on Juno 21) ) , July 2 and 3 for
the purpose of discussing the special tax on
sloping banks , sidewalks and grading. Ho
did not get a second and the matter will go
over for one week.
Bilker's J.uiul ) .
"That man Frlckie , " said an old resident
to a Bnu reporter yesterday , "is a thrifty
old farmer and I am surprised that ho would
bo foolish enough to lot any ono fleece him
out of his money. Ho is rich today aNid has
made it all farming in this neighborhood. I
remember the day ho bought the first 100
acres of land he ever owned. After the
price was acreed upon in Omaha Frickio
said ho would have to go out to the farm to
got his money. Ho started and in a few
hours he came back with the full amount ,
something like S'2,500 , all In shin plaster , not
a piece of which was greater than GO cents.
It made a wad as big as a bale of hay. The
old follow and -his wife had saved this out of
money received for butter , eggs , chickens
and garden truck raised on rented ground.
They had the money plained somewhere on
the placenot u cent of it being in the banlc. "
Thrown I < 'roni n
City Clerk Ditzcn and Charley Splitt were
thrown from a buggy at 30th and Q streets
last evening and both were painfully in
jured. Mr. Ditzen was unable to attend the
council meeting last night , but escaped with
out any bones being broken. Mr. Splitt sus
tained boveral broken ribs. Ho Is a large ,
heavy man nnd is suffering much pain. At
the time of the accident the men were en
deavoring to evade a runaway horso. when
their buggy was upset and both men were
dashed out.
John Rcoan , a man employed at the pack
ing house , claims that ho was held up by
footpads on Sunday night and relieved of $2
in cush and bis pockotknife. The men
stuck n gun in his face and told him to deliver -
liver over what money he had und ho did so.
Lost In the I'lre.
Mrs. Pierce , n lady who has furnished
rooms on the third floor of the Lister block ,
sustained moro damage by the recent Bra
than was at first reported , and as the lady
had no Insurance the loss will full heavily
upon her. She had just fitted up the rooms
on'that floor and tbo carpets and furniture
in all of them were moro or less damaged by
water and falling cluster. The flro "orig
inated on this floor , and had It not been for
the prompt and thoughtful action of this
lady the whole building would have burned.
The work she din with n few buckets of
water before the ilromcn arrived prevented
a gcrloin conflagration. Her loss Is about
$250 , and as the woman works hard for her
living she feels the effects very much.
.lack's lluril I.uck.
Leonard , hotter known as "Wiener-
Jack , " is In bard luck. Two weeks
, , lie night of the heavy rain storm ,
Jack climbed onto the root of his shack at
tbo foot of N street to stop a leak , when he
foil to the ground In such a manner as to
break his jaw. He bad not recovered from
the effects of this Injury when ho was ar
rested on complaint of John Snlvcly for not
purchasing tugs for his dogs.
Saturday ho was placed m the station
houre , but was so sick over Sunday that ho
was yesterday taken to St. Joseph's hospital.
His condition Is very critical and it Is doubt
ful If old Jack's familiar voice will over bo
heard again on the corners ho has haunted
with his woinerwurst basket for years.
Mnlo | City tiomlp.
Mrs. L. D. Burnetto Is visiting with
friends in Osccoln , lo.
George Campbell of Yankton , S. D. , Is the
guest of Dr , W. B. Berry ,
W. B. Cheek and family are homo from a
pleasant visit to the World's fair.
Miss Rosa Stein of Niobrara Is the guest
of her friend , Miss Emma Harding.
Mrs , C. J , Collins roturncd homo yes
terday from n visit to the World's fair ,
Miss Lily Jefferson of Woodbine , la. , is
visiting at the residence of W. E. Bonny.
C. M. Hunt and family started for Chicago
last evening to be absent about two weeks.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Morris of Albright died yesterday morning.
On Saturday evening the nlumnl gives a
reception to the graduates at the high school
Charles Bradbcr ? was assessed $5 In the
police court for swiping a Husk of liquor
from O. B , Hill.
James Bennett and Frank Clark , a pair ol
vagrants , were run in yesterday The >
hud in their possession a pulr of tlaoshoci
that It Is presumed they utolo. m the utro l
entirely lee ottmll for either of the tourists ,
The commencement exorcises of the grad
uates take plnco nt the Baptist church on
Frfnay evening.
On Friday nnd Saturday in the lower
rooms of tlio high school nn exhibition of art
nnd muslo will bo tjlvcii.
This Is the last week of the tnibllo schools
prior to the summer vacation , and It will bo
a busy ono for the scholars and teacher * .
Judge W. O. Walton of Ulalr will deliver a
lecture before the graduates of the High
school at the Prosby terlan church on Thurs
day evening.
The parochial schools close on Friday. On
the evening of the 27th they will give nn en
tertainment nt Bllm's hall , when a splendid
program will bo rendered.
Cards have been sent out announcing that
the Alumni society will give a reception to
tlio High school graduates on Saturday even
ing nt the High school building.
Policeman Martinson chased two suspi
cious characters for several blocks last night ,
but when the men got over Into the stock
yards pen ho lost track of them nnd they got
W.I3. Hurlbort of llio Dally Stockman
left last night for Chicago to bo gone about
two weeks. Mr. Gideon , forenun In the
news room of the paper Is doing his work
John Kllker , nged 02 years , died nt his
hotel residence nt ! U)17 ) O street yesterday
morning. The funeral wlll'tako place from
St. Agnes'-church Wednesday morning at
8no : o'clock : Interment at St. Mary's ceme
tery. Mr. Kllker wns highly respected by
nil who know him nnd leaves four children
nnd n host of friends to mourn his death.
On Wednesday 'light the fifth graduating
exercises of the eighth grade takes place.
An interesting program has been arranged
for the occnslon. which takes place at the
High school building. The Instructors arc :
A. A. Monroe , superintendent ; W. J. Taylor ,
principal ; Helen Seclev , assistant principal ,
and Hettlo Mooro. Hattlo Wood , Emma
Wood and Ethel M. Bell , teachers.
Division No. 3 , Ancient Order of Hiber
nians , mot yesterday and cloctod officers for
the ensuing year as follows : Charles P.
O'Hara , president ; Patrick McDonaugh ,
vlco president : John J. FiUgcrald , recording
secretary ; William J. Mangan , financial
secretary : John J. O'Rourke , treasurer ;
Martin McConnack , Terranco O'llmilon ,
Lawrcnco O'KefTe , Edward DufToy and M.
J. Flaherty a standing committee of live.
A thief entered the residence of Mrs.
Hcndricks at 1412 Dorcas street a few days
ago and stole a gold watch while the lady
was visiting a neighbor. Yesterday morning
n description of the tlmu pleco was given to
Chief Bcckot and Inside of three hours ho
had recovered it. Tim watch had been
pawned to n well known gambler for $7 tie
claims , by n man ho did not know. The
chief sent for Mrs. Hondricks. who Identi
fied the watch as the ono stolen from her.
The gambler wants his $7 and Mrs. Hcn
dricks wants her property. The chief still
holds the watch.
Special summer engagement of tlio
For Three Nights
June 22 , 28 and
In repertoire of thrco comic operas.
Thursday , Juno S2 , Aubor's de
lightful comlu onora ,
Friday. Juno SI , Collier's English Comic Opera
Saturday , Juno 2-1. Gilbert & Sullivan's Saturday afternoon. Holders of
commutation books niiiv nut their seats ro-
eprvcd tomorrow at 1 o'clock. Upon to publlo
Wodnesdiiy nt U o'clock. I
NO Smoke Fuel Dirt Engineer Repairs Heat
Machines from ono-olzht to olshty horse
power. Wiirrniircil 'o slvo satisfaction.
Write us.
W , R UAKF.U , 1)09 ) and niOSIiugart Illoolt ,
Council llluffs. Telephone 2.11.
( Tasteless Effectual. )
For Sick-Headache ,
Impaired Digestion ,
Liver Disorders and
Female Ailments.
Renowned nil over the World.
Corercd nllh TuUIem A Soluble Coating.
AsVfor JlMcham's ami take no other * .
Made at St. Helens , England. Sold by
drugcists and dealers. I'rlcc SB cents a
boxT New York Depot , 365 Canal St.
* 19
Furnishes ( he Best and Cheapest Melhod d
Write Jor catalogue o ( Lathltil , ' . fcnclngi
8iai > e FUturei , etc.
No.i03TvTetUySUtus ; . Cuuuao.
Brings comfnri anil improvement nm |
Icwla to personal enjoyment when
rightly uscrt. Tlio ninny , who live bet
ter than others nnd enjoy life moro , with
less expenditure , by moro promptly
adapting the world's best products to
tlio needs of physical being , will attest
tlio vnluo to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy , Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is duo to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and plena-
ant to tlio taste , the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect Inx-
ntivo ; cflbctuully cleansing the system ,
dispelling colds , hcndtiehes MH ! fevers
niul permanently curing constipation.
Tt 1ms given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medicnl
profession , because it nets on the Kid
neys , Liver nnd Howcls without weak
ening them nnd it is perfectly free from
every objcctionablo substance.
Syrup of Flcs is for sale by nil drug 1
gists in 50o nnd SI bottles , but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only , whoso name is printed on every
package , also the name , Syrup of Figs ,
nnd being well informed , you will not
accept any bubstltuto if odercd.
t-lrw. Prao- 18
J tlou In the sum nn.l .
federal courts. Hooim ' jj--S-T , Hhugart
block , Uonuoll Uluir * . I.L- i
And Health is the Royal
Road to Happiness.
Kvorv mniinpr of chronic dlsonio PIUI bB
curud without the use of incdlclnu al the ;
Council Bluffs
No milter how nearly illsctmrncoJ yon am ,
orhotv innoh you Inivo sullurcd from dlsoano
ami hid nll'OL'ts of stroll. incdlclnos you care
bo uuicil and ctiln porinaiiont bonullt by tlio
now antl-rnodlc.'U system of treatment. Dis
eases trautud :
Aiicmlii , Apoplexy , A 11)11)1:1 ) : , llroncliltH ,
t'titnrrli , UiniHUinptloii , Ciuv.ituro of the
l > lnp , Dyipnpti i , li > iluy | , I.tvor Com
plaint , N'i'uriilKlii , Khminiiulstt ) , rnrulysu ,
CountIputlmi , hrroCiihi , Ko/oina mill All
Jllooil Olseiisoi , remain \Vcnl < ii g < , Donf-
ness , I.ockjmv , Hernia or Ittipture. 1'llos
crvoua Altoctlona , Heart UISO.IHO , 1'ulsy
itc. : ,
All treated nml cured hy the
Gulyanlc Electro Magnetic llnttcry
For oxtractlns nil unlmal , vegetable and
mineral poisons.
Vitalised Vapor and O/.onc Ilnths
For purifying the blood aud beautifying the
Vitalized Hunt mid Magnetic Kuths
I > 'or paralysis , debilities aiul toning up the
Vitalized Chemical & Elttitris Baths
Vor removing all canuors and blood poisons.
Th" EITlctiey of tlio Almvo Mnthoda Dally
Demonstrated by
1.1 U. ,
119 Statsmai Strait , Cmall BluTi , U
AIISTKACTS nnil lo.iim. Farm nirl city proportr
bonu'lit and Hold. 1'iiacy & Thomas , Council
GAHI1AOI3 rpinnvit ] , ccHnpaols. vaults. uhlmnnyH I
cli'iiuuil. Kd Ilmhu , at Tiiylor'H irrocury , Old
llioailway. S
TJKAUTiriJI. hotiii' ; all modern coiivpi
Jew | prlcL-H ; easy II.TIIIH. A , J. Mandel , O. lllullB.
AnnAINS-Por H.ilo , 711 by il'.IO fwt on Franklin Si
JUuvcmic.tH.nOO.OO. i
onn jot in wiiHon n-rniw , KMI.IIO.
TliriHt lotH , corner Main HtriHit arid li'th avoiiiio.
oHt Bllo lor InipU'Uifnt hoiixftln tliuclly7,000.00.
& Towlu , 'jir : Pearl Blruut.
homo for Bale In moHt
'locality the Ferdinand WIcH ri'Hlilt'iu'c. Mo. 1111
S. Kill Ktiviit , All modern convenlenceH , barn , uto.
Day .t IlesH , aecntH.
A RO-iicro ( 'oml , Improved farm in BPO. 27-32-11
'lsiioil < l.inCo.Nph. , for Halo at H-I.OUO.OO. This
Is away below Itu value. Johnston & Van 1'atlon.
JD IO YOU want to riMit your hoiwn ? If BO call nt
the Maynu Heal Kstate Co. , O''t Ilroadwny ,
/'IO AOHKSnood land In floiiporcounty , Ncb. . . to *
Ui'XchanfO for Imnruvi'd progu-rty In Council
UlnltH. TlKTMaynn Kcal KHtalo Co. , ( I''l Jlroadway ,
COTTAOKS-Sovornl of them for Bale : lov
pilei'H ami vi-ry i-awy p.lymonlB. ThoMayim KHtntu Co , , ll'-'l Ilrojilway ,
AOHKAOKwimtiHl near Council IllntlB In ex.
cliaiuro for I''l' ' acirx line l.uid In northern Ml t
Himil , near Iowa llnii , clear of Incnmbr.mco. Th ( ,
Maynu KHtato Co. , lllil Ilroadway.
ir.n . AnitlOS Improvd land In northern ,
J clear ol Inciimlmiiit'o ; will exchange for Una
near Council Illiilln , The Maynu Heal KHtato Co. ,
U''l llro.xlway.
WANTKI ) Situation UKBilnBladv In dry /roods /
or millinery by a lady of experience , Auilrosu
Z ,
1OU KXCHANOE W 'Hlmiirov l HO-ncro Iowa
1 fann near irooil town , of Incwinbraiicoj
wllltixclianiro for nlco rcHldeiien In Council Ilhitra
mid eauhilllteruiico. The Maynu Heal liutatu
Co. , li'-'l 11 roadway.
KXCUANGB , nlon lot on bottom for horeo
17OH biiKiry. UireiiBliluldB , NIcholHon & Co.
TWANTKI ) flood plrl for ei'uenil hoimcwork.
> Oood waeUH. WBI. Canning , i117 ! Sixth UV ,
All kinds ot Dyeing
nnd Uloanln ; done lu
the hUhokt style ot
ttio art KuduU und
stained fabrics made
to lool : us Reel us
now. Worn promptly
dona ana dellvoroa
In nil purls ot the
country. Bend tor
prluo Hut.
C , A , MACHAN ,
Brcadwuy , nuur North *
woitvru llonot ,
Telupbono ait