Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1893, Image 1

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    - ( "Vi-H jn TV *
I "Three Have Been Recommended to the Pres
ident for Appointment ,
Clvlllnm Will Nut llo TriiMril nil Inillnn
AC < ' "t * > lJccil Atniini ; ttm Moil Peace
ful Trllii-H Cnliltipt Olllccfs DU-
cu llio Situation.
513 FouiiTr.r. TII Smnnr , >
j WASHINIITON , D. C. , June 10. )
, Secretary Smith lias made recommenda
tions in three liuul ofllccs in Nebraska , and
It mis thought that the president would
make the appointments today. A vacancy
lins cxlstrdTor some time in tl o land olllco
1 nt Grand Island , and several registers and
receivers are to bo removed at other onice *
Un the Btate. The papers in these cases are
[ i now In the president's hands and the ap
pointments niuy bo expected wlthiira clay or
Connlderlnc Inillnn A Rent * .
One of the results of today's ' cabinet meet
ing was to select twenty army ofllccrs to bo
detailed to servo as Indian agents. Tlicro
are a large number of civilians who have applied -
\ plied for Indian agencies but only u limited
number of agents wilt bo taken from among
civilians. Mr. Cleveland bus concluded to
detail nrrny officers to take charge of nearly
all the Indian reservations. A few civilians
( will bo appointed to agencies upon reserva-
l tlons occupied by the most peaceful of the
Indian tribes. Where the festive red man has
been bolllgcrant in the past the government
will detail a diselollncd nnny officer
to act ns apcnt. The detail of twenty
decided upon in the cabinet meeting will
bo announced from the War department
very soon.
Kentucky Got * a Plum.
1-1 It has been practically decided by Mr.
Carlisle to recommend Claude M. Johnson of
" * Lexington. Ky. , for appointment as chief of
. ; the bureau of engraving and printing. Mr.
'Johnson was appointed snmo ttiuo ago
| custodian of dies and seals. Mr. Carlisle
\put \ him into the bureau in a minor position
in order that ho might fam'liarizo himself
J with the work , and when Mr. Meredith's
Tterm should expire ho may be competent to
bo appointed chief of the bureau. Thcro
are applications 'on lllo for this position
from nearly every state in the union , but it
.may . bo stated positively that Claude M.
< Johnson will secure the plum. The position
Is worth ? -l.fiOO"a year.
) John O'Kccfevas today appointed post-
i master at Ilemingford , Box IJuttc county ,
, Ncl > . , and A V. Ramsay was commissioned
nt Hamsay , Deuel county.
Western I'cnslonn.
The following pensions granted are re
ported :
Nebraska : Original widows , etc. Addle
| i L. Clarke , Pauline Hardusty. Jane M. Alter ,
" Sarah A. Clarlc , Nancy Merchant ( mother. )
Iowa : Original William Nelson , Eliza
AlcM. Howloy ( nurse ) , Charles 11. Weller ,
Jonalmn Nelson. Original widows , etc.
D. Sarah Fries , Julia Granger , Clarissa
Munday , Viola S. Cook. Delia McCanna ,
Barbara Keith , Julia A. Mattix , Kcbccca
McKay , widow Indian war.
CiiHpcr Knocked Out.
Congressman i Bryan and his followers
wcro given a. vicious slap by the president
today when Mr. Cleveland announced the
appointment of .1. A. Cook ns postmaster at
David City , Neb. Editor Casper of the
Butler County Press , the leading democratic
paper of that part of the state , was an np-
plicnnt for the place. Mr. Casper is u
member of the state legislature , and
in the recent memorable session
l.a was in the forefront of the
movement which resulted in the elec
tion of William V , Allen as United States
senator. Ho is ono of the men who have
icon closest to Congressman Bryan and lias
fought the young man's battles in his paper
and in the legislature. Bryan was very
anxious that Casper should bo given the
postoflieo and so was Senator Allen , but
th'ilr efforts have been ignored at this end of
the line and the Morton faction is again
, victorious. '
Army Orders.
( The following army orders were issued
i , today :
Private Cecil L. Beaumont , troop A. Sixth
'cavalry , now with his troop at Fort Mo <
brarn , Nob. , is transferred to troop D , First
First Uoutonant George D. Do Shon , as-
distant surgeon , will proceed to Chicago , 111. ,
and report to Cantain Louis a LnGnrdo , as.
slstant surgeon in charge of the medical
jicctlon of tlio War department exhibit ,
World's Columbian exposition.
The following transfers in the Fourth or
tillery are made : Second Lieutenant George
P. Landers from battery L to litrht battery
F ; Second Lieutenant Alfred M. Iluntur ,
from light battery F to battery L.
i Captain Charles S. Smith , ordinance do
inrtment , will proceed at onto to the Sanuy
Hook proving groundo , Sandy Hook , N. J.
The leave of absence on surgeon's certlfl-
iato of disability granted Post Chaplain
George W. Simpson , U. S. A. , is extended
two months on account of sickness.
Leave of absence for ono month is granted
Captain George T. Uuall , medical storO'
keeper U , S. A.
Captain Ira MacNutt , ordinance depart
ment , will proceed from South Bethlehem
Pa. , to the Sandy IIooK proving ground ,
Bandy Hook , N , J ,
The extension of leave of absence on ac
count of sickness granted Captain Marl
borough C. Wycth , assistant surcroon , ii
further extended two months ou account ol
Leave of absence for fourteen days is
crrantcd First Lieutenant Robert U. Stovcna
Sixth intaiitry ,
Captain George G. Grcenough , Fourth ar
tlllcry , is detailed to attend the cnenmpmon
of the Georgia Htato troops at Griflln , Ga.
from July 0 to 'M , Ib'.Kl.
Captain Danol M. Appcl , assistant stir
RCOH , is relieved from further duty as at
tending surgeon for the ofllccrs and enlistee
moil on duty at the World's Columbian expo
Billon , and will report to the commandln ;
general department of the Missouri , tit Chicago
cage , III ,
Captain William A. Shunk , Eiahth cav
nlry , is detailed for duty pertaining to th
World's Columbian exposition and will re
port In person to the commanding general
Department of the Missouri , no duty accord
The following named officers will bo re
Moved from duty nt Fort Monroe , Vn , , am
will then proceed to report for duty as fo !
lows : First LlouU'imnt Henry O. D.imi
Third artillery , battery H , will report i
person to the commanding nmcor ut For
McPherson , Georgia , for duty with batter
K , Third artillery ; First Lieutenant Wllllai
P. Stouc. Fourth artillery , buttery K , an
Hci'oiul Lieutenant Wirt Robinson , Fourt
artillery , battery 1C , will report in person t
the commanding nfticor at Washington Bai
racks , District of Columbia , tor duty wit
their respective butteries , A and G , Fourt
artillery , _ _ _ P , b , U.
Will < ln to < iriy ; ( iulili'3.
WASHINGTON' , Juno 10. It Is Impossible i
nscortain definitely at the executive nun
tlon whether the president will accompan
Mrs. Cleveland to Gray Gables cottage , Bu
wrd's Bay , Muss. , next week , The prea
dent bus not yet himself decided. Mr
BIsscll , wlfo of the poitmastiir general , wll
it is understood , nmtto the journey wll
Mrs. Cleveland. u is just possible that tl
president may make the trip all the way. c
only go os fur 113 Now York City , In eltlu
nvcnt ho will remain only long enough to sc
Mrs. Cleveland safely ou the boat orMiug !
ensconced in her seashore homo. The pres
dcot dors not expect to loin her ut Gru
Gables lor any lengthy itay until the midd
of July ,
lllouut Hit ! Nut ll
WASHINGTON , Juno 10. No credence :
political circlet i * given to the dUputch fro
the City of Mexico that Mr. Blount has re
signed his new position as minister , instead
of commissioner , to Hawaii. It Is posi
tively said that Mr. mount's place is not re
garded as vacant , And consequently has not
been tendered to any ono.
\Vltnr * en < > l\-o l > : ini fliiK Tentlmnny
AR.'ilixt Tlio n In ClinrRO of .Mterntlotn.
WASHINOTON , Juno 10. In tlio continued
Inriiicst on the victims of the Ford's theater
disaster today T. C , Kntwistlc , the building
Inspector of the district , testified that the
mortar used in the alterations was bad and.
the brick work badly done. If ho had had
any authority to prevent It ho would not
have permitted the work to bo done In the
way It was , for there was too much risk.
Architect Clark of the capltol testified
that the weight on the floor was conslder-
blo less than the safety limit. The re
mainder of the evidence at the morning ses
sion was comparatively unimportant.
Mr. Sasse , the engineer of the theater
building , who testified yesterday , was re
called at the afternoon session and asked to
produce the plans which ho drew for the
electric lighting plant. This he did , with
August Davis , a builder , and an unsuccess
ful bidder for the elcctrio lighting plant i
work , said ho thought the plans for the
work were such that no man could form from
them nn Intelligent idea as to what was
wanted , He had told Captain Thorpe , chief
of tlio supply division of the War depart
ment , that the work was dangerous. Noth
ing was contained in the specification that
provided for supporting the upper floors dur
ing the excavating work. In his opinion no
reasonably intelligent would Iriveattempted
to do the work without shoring. Ho said
ho had told Contractor Simms , before Cap
tain Thorpe , thaf If the contract wcro let to
some d n fool he might pull down the
William Covert , superintendent of the old
theater building , was next called. Ho testi
fied that Colonel Ainsworth had cautioned
him particularly not to give any Instructions
to the contractor , but to go down in the
cellar ns much as possible , and if ho saw
anything wrong , In his opinion , that was
calculated to endanger the building to notify
him ( Colonel Ainsworth ) immediately. The
witness did not know whether shoring was
necessary or not. As Colonel Ainsworth ob
served tlio work himself , ho clld not make
any report on it to him.
After James H. McGill , an architect , had
testified that any man in his right senses
would not have done such work beneath the
theater building without shoring ; that a
competent draughtsman should have drawn
the plans , and that an expert should have
superintended the work , according to cus
tom , the jury adjourned until tomorrow ,
when it is expected the Inquiry will Uo con
Contractor Dant , who was doim ; the work
which resulted In the collapse of the build-
imr , is in a serious condition , and it is feared
that his mind is ufTected by the disaster.
He is a very sick man.
Among the victims of the disaster was the
son of John A. Daly , an ex-soldier from
Pennsylvania , employed as a watchman in
thn Interior department. Mr. Daly was dis
charged sonic days ago , but when Secretary
Smith learned that young Daly had been
Killed in the theater wreck , that the family
might suffer by reason of the father's dis
missal , ho Immediately ordered hli re
VAC U ANT J N 1) I A3f 3.
Two ol llnmUo Hill's Blonx Making :
iNtilminced of ThoiimulveH In Australia.
WASHINGTON , Juno 10. A unique diplo
matic question suggests Itself by the news
which reached the War department , to the
nfTect that the two Indians who escaped
from Buffalo Bill's ' Wild West show two
years ago , while abroad , have turned up-in
Australia. They are now at Sydney and are
making such nuisances of themselves that
the authorities would be glad If the United
States would como after the "vagrants , " as
they arc called in the dispatch urging their
return to the United States. And right
hero the interesting diplomatic question
cornea in : To what extent is the United
States responsible for these deserters ? Can
Australia rightfully demand that they bo
sent for and taken away by the United
States ? It is possible that Buffalo Bill maybe
bo called upon to pay expenses. His con
tract guaranteed the safe return of his band
to Pine , Ridge. The desertion of Eagle
Elk and American Bear , the two Indians in
question , it is argued , does not relieve him
of the responsibility for their return , now
that their whereabouts is known. The In
terior department will communicate with
him on the subject.
I'.xporti timl Import * nf Until Coiumodl-
tltm for th rant Vunr.
WASHINGTON , Juno 10. The total values of
the exports of mcrchiindlso from the United
States during the twelve months ended May
31,1MKI , wcro $848,373,815 , and during the
corresponding period of the preceding year ,
Sl,0 : > 2,934fi4r , a decrease of ? 1T4UO,700. ( Tlio
values of'tho imports during the same period
wcro $ U3l5yoi'JST and $828,8-18,11U respec
tively , nu increase of JlOS.O.Vf.lliS.
During the twelve months ended May 31
the exports of gold amounted to ? lU3lUU5,45i !
and the imports $20Or > S,7' . > 5 ; excess of experts -
ports , ? lW-f0,72S. ( ; ! During the correspond
ing twelve months lust year the exports of
gold amounted to f-13SSS , ' . > 2J and the im
ports UMSS.iUij excess of imports , $000,110.
During tlio twelve months ended May ! U the
exports of silver amounted to $10,130ri78 and
the Imports $ l,7&lril'j ; excess of exports ,
? 10i7'J,030 : , During the corresponding period
of the preceding year tlio exports of sliver
amounted to jitttii7fiOJ ) ; and the imports
flS.Wa.Sir ) ; excess of exports , § 12,114,153.'n Historic I'lolil ,
WASHINGTON , June 10. Tlio secretary of
war has received a report from Mr ,
Batclioldor of the Gettysburg battlefield
commission setting forth at great length
the wanton destruction of Important land
marks on tlio field by the operations of an
electric railway company by which , ho says ,
tliu whole character of the historic- place ia
being changed , and asking that It bo stopped ,
Tlio report lias been referred to Colonel Lin
coln , the acting judge advocate general.
I > tt 11U Property Ili'lilml.
WASHINGTON , Juno 10. Mr. Frank Aldrlch ,
until recently sealer of weights and
measures for the District of Columbia , lias
gone from Washington , leaving debts behind
hind amounting to nearly $20,000. A con
sldcrablo portion of his Indebtedness is
covered by property , which ho left behind
but a pretty heavy loss will bo .sustained b.v
some of those who have endorsed his paper.
C'luvc'liiiHl'H ltlimiiiittl
: m.
WASHINGTON , June 10 , The president ,
though still suffering from rheumatism
came to the vhilo house today at his usua
tlmu. The cabinet meeting wus nttcndei
by nil the members except Secretary Her
bert , who is out of the city.
( / . .I'.lMVHl > iil ,
I'lriKiint Oroyci J'ouplo Kicltiut Iiy i
Itanchrr'i I'ctllir : Driitll.
SALT LAUU , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram t <
TUB Bur. . ] Advices Imvo just readied Sal
Lake from Pleasant Grove of u mysterious
murder In the mountains near that settle
ment. On Sunday luit Thomas Jensen , i
rancher residing near Battle Creek canon
started from homo in search of several o
his lioiscs , which nad strayed away fron
their pasture. Not returning in a reason
nblo lime a searching party was organized
Jen son was found lying unconscious in i
lonely canon with a deep wound four iuche
lonsr and undoubtedly made by a shar
instrument upon his head , llo was convoyoi
to his lumin , llngerinc ; until Wednesday ut
o'clock and unconscious to. the end. Owln ;
to tlio mystery attached to the case , tli
people are much exercised and scavcli Ira :
b-aeu instituted for the murderers.
Returns from tko German Elections Arc
Doming in Slow ,
1'rlcndft nnd Opponents of tlio Army Hill
Are Kich Ciinlldeiit ot n Majority lu
tlio Now Itclclistng The Lat
Bcnt.iN , Juno 10. The two most conspicu
ous features of today's electoral returns
have been the continued reports of social
democratic gains and Hichtcrist losses.
Early this morning most of the news still
came from the city constituencies , nnd the
list of 'opposition deputies grew rapidly.
This afternoon , however , dispatches from
the agricultural districts revealed the other
side of the page. I- rom all that can now bo
ascertained , It is reasonably safe to conclude
that the government certainly has lost
nothing' by the dissolution , end probably has
won a little.
Ktmiinnry of tlio Ilntiirni.
At 10 o'clock this evening the returns maybe
bo summarized thus : In the 180 districts
from which reports had been received at 10
o'clock eighty-five deputies had been elected.
In the remaining ninety-live now ballots will
bo necessary. Of the eighty-live deputies
elected thirty-six will vote with the govern
ment ; forty-nine ngainst it. The parties
siding with the government had lost
three scats to the opposition ; the
parties working „ against the govern
ment had evened matters by losing the snmo
number of seats to the friends of the army
bill. The conservatives had elected seven
teen deputies ; the social democrats , twenty-
three ; the clericals , twenty ; radical union
ists , ono ; free conservatives , four ; Poles ,
eight ; democrats , live ; anti-Semites , two ;
independents , two , both favorable to the
bill ; government clericals , ono ; national
liberals , two. Not ono immediate supporter
ot Eugene Richter , the anti-government rad
ical , has been elected.
The conservatives had won two seats
formerly held by free conservatives. The
social democrats had gamed three seats from
Hichcrists nnd four from the conservatives.
The Lioborclericals had gained one from the
govcinmcnt clericals and had lost ono to
them. The radical unionists had elected
ono deputy who voted against the army bill ,
but will vote for it in the next Reichstag.
The free conservatives had gained two scats
iiul lost three. The democrats had gained
DUO seat from the national liberals. The
lattonal liberals had lost three seats and
rained two. The most interesting feature
n the now ballots reported until now would
bo probable pains for social democrats and
iidlcal unionists.
At 2 o'clock this morning returns have
> cen received from 220 out of the 3H7 elcc-
oral districts. In ninety-eight candidates
lave been elected ; lu 122 second ballots will
jo necessary. The national liberals , con
servatives and clericals are holding their
own. The Kit-liter radicals remain very far
behind. Of the ninety-eight deputies nl-
cady elected forty-two are counted for the
jill and fifty-six against it. Since the ro-
lorts received up to 1 o'clock were sent out
, he dispatches have shown that the govcrn-
ncnt has gained two more now seats and
lias lost one more old ono.
Sinnll IHcctioii
Several small election riots are reported
today from the provinces. In Strasburg
"nst evening shortly after the poll was an-
: iounccd , 2,000 uocialists began parading the
streets ami shouting for their candidate ,
August Bobel. They refused to disperse
when the police attacked them and many
cheered for France. The militia eventually
broke up the procession and arrested eight
men. Nobody was injured.
In Ileutliiigcn , Wurtemburg , the police
arrested many social democrats who at
tacked the police station. In Gruenbcrg ,
Silesia , the socialists noted throughout the
streets. The police dispersed them with
drawn swords and arrested the loaders. In
this city the police arrested Herr Laudaucr ,
an anarchist editor , on the charge of incit
ing u riot.
llerlln's Vote.
The revised list of the Berlin poll shows
that the radical vote fell from 75,000 to
52,820 , while the social democratic vote in
creased from 120117 ! to 1MVJT7. The vote of
the conservatives and anti-Semites increased
from 3-1,01)3 ) to 48i : .
Complete returns from the Second divis
ion of Munich show that George von Voll-
mar , the victorious leader of the south Ger
man democrats , polled 15,280 votes. In
Strasburg August Babel , social democrat ,
uolled 0'JOO votes , against O.'JSl for Dr. Pctri ,
his national liberal opponent.
In Glaucau , Ignaz Auer , social democrat
polled 14'jrS votes. "Cannon King" Krupp ,
in Essen , who will go through a now ballot
with Herr Stootzell , his clerical opponent ,
received 19,481 votes. Stootzell received
Ulchter carried the district in 1890 on the
first ballot. The necessity of a now ballot
shows a gain for the govcrment. as the
national liberal candidate , like all of his
party , Is In favor of the army hill ,
Essen Now ballot necessary. "Cannon
King" Krupp , national liberal , is but thirty-
seven votes ahead of Gorvard Stootzell.
Stootzell , the last deputy for the city , won
ou the first ballot in 18'JU ,
Geslar Now ballot necessary between
Herr Engols , free conservative , nnd Krel-
heror von Minnigorodo , Guclpli , and against
the bill , Minnlgcrodo was tlio last deputy.
Lunnop Now ballot necessary between
Herr Moist , social democrat , nnd Herr
Schmidt , liberal clerical. The last deputy
was u. radical was voted against the army
Loobau Now ballot necessary between
Herr Ximmorman , anti-Somite , nnd Herr
Herzog , itlchtcrlst. A national liberal wns
elected in ib'JO ,
Wnldonberg Now ballot necessary between -
tweon Herr Moellcr , social democrat , and
Herr Bitter , free conservative. Tlio last
representative was H radical , who was ub.
sent at the last reading of the army bill.
Ono for tlio ( iavrrnment.
Grnenborg New ballot necessary between
Louis Jordan , radical unionist , and lien
Buechelt , conservative. Jordan voted
against ttio bill , but if ro-clcctcd will sup.
port iIr. a modified form. The result , tlioro'
fore , is a gain of a vote for the government
whichever way the reballot may go.
Spier Now ballot necessary between Dr.
Clem , national liberal and the last deputy ,
ami Herr Ehrhart , social democrat.
l ondsburg Now oallot necessary between
Judicial Councillor Schroeder. radical unloii'
1st , and Herr Paetzel , social democrat. A
radical carried the district in 1WH ) .
Hagau New ballot necessary between Dr
Mueller , radical , and Herr Mednltz , con
scrvativo. Mueller was the last deputy uni
voted against the army bill.
Cestemuendo Now ballot necessary be
twecn Dr. Halm , national liberal , and Hen
Suhmalfeld , social democrat. There wen
six candidates In this district , four of then
national liberals. Undoubtedly the nationa
liberals will unite and elect Huhn on tin
second ballot. This will bo a gain for tin
government , ns Prlnco Bismarck , the dis
trict's last representative , was absent 01
tlio last reading of the army bill. Haht
hlmsolf is a Bismarcklan national.
Keuss ( younger line ) Enmnuel Wurm
social democrat , elected to succeed himself
Kichonbaeh Herr Hoffmann , social dem
ocrat , elected to succeed himself.
Sonnubcrg Herr Kelss Hause , social dem
ocrat , elected to succeed Dr. White , radical
who voted against the army bill ,
Magdeburg New ballot necessary bo
twccn Prof. Puascho , national liberal , am
Herr Harm , social democrat. The las
deputy was a social democrat.
Erfurt Now ballot necessary bctwcei
Herr Fullo. sociftl' democrat and Herr
Cnisar , national nnd Conservative
Cartle. The last deputy wns a free censer
Will Hnve to Votn Again.
Schwcrln Now ballot necessary between
Ilcrr Groth , social democrat , and Lawyer
DucMng , national liberal , who \vas the last
Kotteben Now ballot necessary between
Herr Von Wcrdlc , conservative anti-Somite ,
nnd Schulz , social democrat. The last deputy
was a conservative.
Piornn Now ballot necessary between
Herr Lotzc , anti-Semite , and Herr Krasdorf ,
social democrat. The last deputy was a free
Dessau New ballot necessary between
Richard Hoosslck , radical unionist , and Herr
llous , social democrat. Hocsslck was the
last deputy.
ScaclTotburg Pastor Halts , clerical ,
elected to succeed himself.
Marburg Otto Bocckel , anti-Semite , op
posed to the bill , elected to succeed himself.
Lowcnbcrg ( In Sllcsial Her von Holtetif-
fer. conservative , electcu to succeed hlmsolf.
Unttovrttz Councillor Lotoch , social demo
crat , elected to succeed himself.
Hoycrswcrdn Count von Arnlm , free con
servative , elected to succeed himself * .
Hoillgenstndt Ilcrr von Strombeck , cleri
cal , elected to succeed himself.
Tondcrn Farmer Fcdcrscn. national lib
eral , elected to suct'ecd ' Dr. Scllg , radical.
\Tlio voted against tlm army bill. This result
means n gain of tmo vote for the government.
Thcro were six candidates in this district.
Lucdinghausen Helnricn Wnttcndorff ,
clerical , elected to succeed himself.
Saarbrucken Herr Bolt ? , free conserva
tive , elected to succeed a national liberal.
Will Succeed Himself.
Juellch Count von Hompcsch , clerical ,
elected to succeed himself.
/schoppau Herr Hader , national liberal
nnd conservative , elected to succeed a free
Schlcttstadt Herr Pchlmann , clerical ,
favorable to the bill , elected to succeed the
Alsatian deputy , Lang , who voted against
the bill. Tills is an unexpected gain for the
Mctz Dr. Haas , Alsatian clerical , elected.
Ills predecessor absented himself from the
last reading of the bill.
Muohlhauscn Herr Buob , social democrat ,
elected to succeed Charles Hickel , also social
Gueben Prinz Xu Carolath Schoenach ,
independent liberal , in favor of the bill ,
elected to succeed himself.
Karlsruhe Now ballot necessary between
Marcus Plluger , Hichtcrist , and Ilcrr
Hhcinau , national liberal. Pfluger was the
last deputy.
Diotz , Llmburg Now ballot necessary be
tween Herr Cahcnsloy , clerical , and Ilcrr
Fink , national liberal. The last deputy was
a radical , who voted against the bill.
Arnswaldo Now ballot necessary be
tween Hector Ahlwnrdt , anti-Semitic dep
uty in the last Kelohstag , and Hector Ernst ,
Bromberg Now ballot necessary between
Herr von Foltkoutha ) , free conservative
in the last Hoiohstag , and Herr von
Hognlinski , Polo. Either would vote for the
bill.Osnabriiclc New ballot nccpssnry between
Farmer Warrahof , national liberal , and
Frciherer von Schcelc , Uuolph. Schoclo
ivas the last deputy.
Lucnberg New ballot necessary bot.vcon
Ilcrr Withenoft , free conservative , and Herr
Fischer , social democrat. The lust deputy
was a Guelnh.
Bochum New ballot necessary between
Harrimann , national liberal , and Ilcrr
Fuechs , liberal. The last deputy was a na
tional liberal.
Dnisberg New ballot necessary between
Dr. Hammacher , national liberal , and Herr
Eulcr , clerical. Hismmacher was the last
Forcheim Now ballot necessary be
tween Herr Barbcck , Hichtcrist , and Herr
Petzold , clerical. Potzold last represented
the district.
Saborn Johannes Hoeffel , free conserva
tive , elected to succeed himself.
Hagenau Prince Alexander Su Ilohcn-
obe , conservative , elected to succeed a con
Gebweiler John Gucrber. Alsatian , who
voted against the army bill , elected to suc
ceed himself.
Coblens Herr Swelstcin , social democrat ,
elected a clerical.
Cnlow Froiherer von Gueltlncjon , free
conservative , elected to succeed himself.
Hallo ( Oeliringcn ) Freiherer Hartuiann ,
democrat , elected to succeed himself.
Opponents of tlio Hill Gain n Voto.
Aalen Herr Wcngert , clerical , elected to
succeed Count Adclmnnn , clerical , who voted
for the bill. As Wengert is opposed to the
biil , his election means the loss of a vote to
the government
Bluuburn Adolph Groobor , elected to suc
ceed himself.
/uellichuu Councillor Uhdel , conserva
tive , elected to succeed himself.
Belgard Count von Kleist , conservative ,
elected to succeed himself.
Greifswald Herr von Loswoith , con
servative , elected to succeed a fre.o con
Atiklam Schwerin , conservative , elected
to succeed n conservative.
Loctzcn Herr von Stady , conservative ,
elected to succeed hi itself.
Hnstenburg Stephun , conservative , elect
ed to succeed a conservative.
Hagnll Count von Ktuiitz , conservative ,
elected to succeed hiniFclf.
Sonsburg Count Mirbach , conservative ,
elected to succeed himself.
Meseritz Freiherer von Uruho , free con
servative , elected to succeed himself.
Inowraslow Herr von Kosciol-Koscielsky ,
loader of the Poles , elected to succeed him
self.Gnesen Herr von Komicrowsky , Pole ,
elected ID succeed himself.
A UonsL-rvittivo Oliln.
Wirsitz , Schubin Hitter , free conserva
tive , elected. The last deputy was a national
U'rcschcn Dr. von Dziombowski , Polo ,
elected to succeed himself.
Czarnlkau Herr von Colmar , conserva
tive , elected to succeed himself.
Krotoschln Dr. von Jazdzewskl , Polo ,
elected to succeed himself.
Kosto Prince Czartoryski , Polo , elected
to succeed himself.
Aldcnau Prince Ferdinand Hadziwlll ,
Polo , elected to succeed himself ,
Kroben Prince Adam Czatoryskl , Polo ,
elected to succeed himself.
Blrnbaum Count ICwilockl , Pole , elected
to succeed himself.
Later rotuns from Arnswaldo show that
Hector Ahlwnrdt , tlio Jew lialtcr , now in
prison because ho libelled Loewes , malccrs of
small arms , has a clear majority over nil , and
is therefore elected ,
Gladbach Herr von Kehller , clerical ,
elected to succccd'limself. |
Bautzen Hern Qraofe , anti-Semite ,
elected to buccecd.a conservative.
Fischausen Count Doondorff , conserva
tive , elected to succeed himself ,
Slegkries Josef Lingens , clerical , elected
to Buceeed hlmsolf.
JCrouzbcrg Hereditary prince of Hohen-
lone , free conservative , elected to succeed
Another Oovernnirnt Onln.
Dctmold Lippo Herr Rlckshof , conserva
tive and national liberal Cartel , elected to
succeed a radical , who voted against the bill.
This is u vote gained for the government.
NIcsso Albert Horn , clerical , elected to
succeed himself. One of his opponents was
I'rolhorer von Hucnu , clerical , who is the
author of the famous Hueno compromise on
the bill.
Slgimirlncron Pastor Bumuller , unpledged
clerical , elected to succeed Herr Gruof ,
clerical , who voted against the bill.
Borna Dr , von Freg , conservative ,
elected to succeed himself.
Stade Dr , von Bemilngscn , leader of the
national liberals , elected to succeed himself.
Fulda Herr Mueller , clerical , elected tc
succeed Count Drosto , clerical.
Fritzlar Llebenuann von'Sonncberg , anti <
Semite and In favor ot the bill , elected tc
succeed himself ,
Mlndeu Uouial , conservative , nnd nnti <
Semite , elected to suecsed a conservative.
Kogensburg Herr von Lama , clerical
elected to succeed a clerical.
Henrhcim Dr. Hudolh , clerical , ngalnsl
the bill , elected over Count von Hohcns
breech ' , for the bill , by a vote of 10,107 , t (
Evitlcnco in the Borden Oasa All Taken but
that of Ono Witness.
Strong 1'nlrtU of the l'ro < ocntlon Turned
Over or Clouded 113- the ivlili : < nco OITcroil
lu llclinlf of the Ucrrndniit
Vcstordnj-'s Sconct.
NEW Bnnroun , Mas * . , Juno 10. The
Borden trial was rcst'tncd this morning. The
court decided not to admit the evidence as
to tlio man soon with a bloody hatchet mut
tering "poor Mrs. Borden. "
Sarah R. Hart testified that shortly before
10 o'clock on the morning ol the murder she
passed the Borden house and stopped nt the
north gate. She saw a young nvin stand Ing
In the gateway. Ho was still standing
thcro when witness drove away.
Charles S. Sawyer , a painter of Fall
River , testified ho was put on duty at the
side door of the Borden house after the
murder. Ho was close to Lizzio Borden nil
the time. She appeared distressed. Saw
no signs of blood on her.
A number of witnesses wcro then exam
ined In regard to the story published about
the time of the murder In which Police
Matron Regan was quoted as saying she
overheard a quarrel between the Borden
sisters which went far to fix the
cutlt on Lizzie. All testified that Mrs.
Regan pronounced the publication false.
Emma Bordcu , Lizzie's sister , said Lilzzio
was nt outs with her stepmother at onetime
time , but they had been treed friends for
three years before the murder.
Emma also tcstilled that there had been
no quarrel between Lizzie nnd her. After
testifying as to the amount of Lizzie's prop
erty she said that her father were a rlne
given him by Lizzie she had worn herself be
fore , and ho constantly wore it after , nnd it
was burled with him. ' ! have made an in
ventory of the clothes In the closet on the
afternoon it was searched. 1 was there when
the search was going on.
The doctor said the search had been ns
thorough as it could bo unless the paper was
torn from the walls or the carpet taken up.
The Bedford dress was made the first week
iu May at our home. It was n very cheap
dress. The painters began work after"tho
dress was made. Lizzie got some paint on
this dress within two weeks after it was
made. I saw it iu the closet ono day when
I went in it.
Question Did you say anything to Lizzio
about the dress because thcro was no nail
there ? >
Answer I did. I said : "You haven't de
stroyed that old dress yet ; why don't you dose
so ? " It was very dirty , badly faded and I
don't remember having seen her use it for
some time. Tlio next I saw of the Bedford
dress was in the kitchen on Saturday , when
I heard my sister's voice. I looked around
and saw her with the dress on her arm.
She said : "I'm going to burn this old
dress , " and I said "I would , " or "Why dou't
you. " and turned away. I did not see her
burn the dress. Miss Russell was there at
the time and she told Mr. Hanscom a false
hood and nsked her what that was for.
She said ho asked her if all the dresses were
in tlio house that wcro there nt the time of
the murder -and-sho said yes. Then it
was decided between us all that she should
go and tell Mr. Hanscom that she had told a
falsehood. J\Iy sister said at the time :
"Why did you not tell him about it ? Why
did you let mo do it ? " I remember the story
of the quarrel between ray sister and 1. 1
never had any such conversation with my
sister us was reported ; thcro was
lover any trouble or quarrel in
the matron's room between us while
she was there , or anything that
could be construed into a quarrel ; Lizzio
never did put up her linger and say anything
about giving in. Witness contended that
the relations between Lizzio and Mrs. Borden -
den were entirely cordial. Witness said that
the breach caused by the giving of the prop
erty to her mother was never healed so far
as Bho was concerned , although It was on Liz-
zio's part. She knew of no enemy her stepmother -
mother had in the world.
Closing Testimony for tlio Defense.
The dressmaker who made the famous
paint-stained dress next swore that Lizzio
could not have worn the pink wrapper over
it to conceal blood spots had thcro been any.
The skirt wns longer b.v half a finger than
she had boon in the habit of wearing.
Plioebo M. I3owcn , wife of Dr. Bowen , was
the next witness. She was called into tlio
liouso right after the alarm was given and
found Mrs. Churchill was fanning Lizzie.
She thought Lizzio had fainted.
District Attorney Knowlton wanted to
know how Llz/ie's hands wcro. They were
white and perfectly clean.
Mrs. Bingham was recalled. Sno was
asked if she had made _ any experiment to
learn if n person on the floor of the room
where Mrs. Bordcu was found could bo seen
from tlio hallway.
John V. Morse lay on the floor between
the bed ai.d the dressing case. The bed was
three feet from the ourcnu.
"Could you see him from the floor ? "
"I stood in the hall , and a person of my
height could not see him on tlio floor. "
Mrs Binglmm is about as tall as Lizzie.
Miss Annie White , the official stenog
rapher In the court ut Fall River , testified
that certain things hud been testified to at
the first hearing.
It was just 3:15 : when ox-Governor Robin
son said. "Tlio defense rests. "
Mr. Moody asked for fifteen minutes in
which to prepare the rebuttal , which the
court granted ,
Two Witnesses In tlio
At 3:43 : the jury returned to the court
room. Marshal Hilllar was the first witness
called in rebuttal. : io was asked as to the
quarrel In the matron's room , llesiiid : "I
saw Mrs. Reagan about it. Mrs. Rcagnn
and Rov. Mr. Buck entered the office. She
handed mo the paper and said she was will
ing to sign it. 1 said to her 'If you do so ,
you do so in direct violation of my orders.1
1 told her If she had anything to say Mio had
better nay it in court. "
That was nil , and tho.i Policeman Mul-
laly , the ono who testified that tlio musing
handle of the hntchot had been found , was
asked If ho had received any information
from flyman Rubruski. Ho said ho had.
That ended the evidence for the day , nnd
nil of it , in fact , except that of a > boy in
Kail River , who on Monday morning will
testify regarding the two boys , Brown nnd
Barlow , who were on the stand yesterday.
The court and counsel held a consultation.
At Its conclusion Justice Mason addressed
the jury , tolling them not to form nn opinion
until they had heard the whole case. Then
adjournment was had until Monday morning
ut 'J o'clock.
IiitlmUI'itliifr AVltneascB ,
The boys , Brown ami Barlow , were out
side tliu court house this afternoon com
plaining bitterly of the treatment that Bar
low was subjected to last night by members
of the Fall River police forco. When the
boys had testified yesterday , they wore
locked in n room in tlio court house and
there Detective Shaw tried to find out ho\v
they came to nppear us witnesses , nnd then
as they allege , triad to intimidate them ,
Such U tlio ( lonem ! Opinion of l.iuvjurs or
tlio ISordv'ii 1'r mt'ciilion. '
NEW Yoitu , Juno 10. Instructions won
sent by telegraph yesterday to the Herald
correspondents lu many largo cities of th <
country to Interview leading criminal law
yers on the ovldcuce presented by the coin
monwculth of Massachusetts in its east
against Lizzio Borden , accused of the mur
der of her father and step-mother and iiov
on trial In Now Bedford. The correspond
ents wcro particularly Instructed to got ox
prcssloaa of opinion iu to the aulUclcncy o
the evidence Introduced to prove the guilt of
the accused.
Replies have been received from all sec
tions of the country , north , eat , south and
west. The lawyers are almost unanimous
in the opinion that the casoof the common
wealth is very weak ! that them is not suffi
cient evidence to warrant n verdict agaln t
the prisoner ; that no motive has been proved
and that Incrlmlnatlnit evidence is weak.
Kvcn the state's supposedly strongest theory
of "exclusive opportunity" is held by most
of the lawyers to have been shattered.
Ono attorney In Providence thinks the
commonwealth has made out n strong case.
A Buffalo jutlifo also is convinced of her
cullt. A lawvcr In Washington believes the
accused guilty , but could not vote for con
viction on the evidence presented , and In
many cities there Is nn undercurrent of con
viction of her guilt , but the testimony
offered by the state would not Justify a vcr-
diet against her.
j .i nu : ix cinu.nio.
Tlirro People Woumtoil , Ono I'ntnlly , nt tlio
Cnrnrr of llulxtriul mid Adutui Street *
CIIICAOO , Juno 10. In a miniature battle ,
during which eighteen allots wcro fired ,
growing out of nn old feud , two men wcro
probably fatally and another seriously
wounded last night nt 11U : ! ) at Adams and
Ilalstoud streets. The following were
wounded :
CiuttsTttNsr.N , shot In groin ; will prob
ably die.
T. KAMI , shot In the neck ; will probably
Gr.oiini : WILSON , shot In the left leg.
All of the Injured men were taken to tlio
county hospital. The shooting grew out of a
long and bitter enmity between Jake Spin
ner and Kane on ono hand , and George Wil
son , Jim Hoollhun and Chrlstciiscn. The
last named are potato and egg peddlers , who
have their place of business on School street
near Halstead. Some time ago their shop
was broken into mid six cases of eggs stolen ,
Spinner and Kane wcro accused of the theft.
Several rows have since occurred between
the two parties.
The men mot on Halstead street last nlcht
and immediately commenced hostilities.
Those who witnessed the shooting said that
the shots were all fired within fifteen
seconds and sounded like the reports of a
couple of rapid-fire guns. Bullets crashed
through windows and doors. A Halstead
street car whbh was passing at the time of
the shooting was loaded with passengers.
Towns Along the Kiulo : of thn Cvl > oy
Itiu-ii Interested.
LONO PINH , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Bnn.l Talk about circus day , well it
ain't in it with the excitement the Chadron-
Chicago cowboy race is creating in the towns
it passes through. Up to noon today it was
impossible to learn anything regarding the
riders , though to keep up the excitement a
local wag mounted a broncho , pulled a big
white hat down over his eyes , and , leading
another horse , dashed down the street.
Everybody in town who could walk rushoJ
out to see him.
At 4 :30 : this afternoon Middleton , Gilles-
pie and Slovens rode into this place. Gil-
lespio was the first to register and Middle-
ton last. They wcro all In good spirits and
their horses in such peed shape that the hu
mane ofllccrs even could find no fault. After
a short rest they rode on. It was amusing
to sec the ladles gather around the horses
and riders , ov a pulling the hairs out of the
horses tails as mementos.
At 5iO : ! Albright rode into town vl
after registering rested about half 'nn-
hour. He complained of not feolini ? well ,
but was soon entertaining a party of ladies
with a story of his ride. His horses were in
most excellent condition. Ho says ho is in
the race for blood and many think ho has a
good chance of winning , John Berry at last
reports was at Ainsworth , with Douglas ,
Jones and Campbell a short wnys behind.
They will pass through hero tonight. The
next registering place is O'Neill , which place
will probably be passed tomorrow.
/.I nc Smelters Forced to Shut Down Threats
of the Owner * .
PiTTsnuno , Kan. , Juno 10. W. and J. Lan-
yon announced today that they would bo
lompclled to shut down ono block of their
smelters next Wednesday If the strike should
not bo settled satisfactory then , and when
once shut down , it would ho at least
: iinety days before they could be repaired
and fired up again. Tno Cherokee Xlnc com
any will also shut down four blocks and
the works at Weir City will bo shut down
; ind probably removed to St. Louis.
By the shutting down of the smelters
over 500 men will bo thrown out
of employment about two-thirds of them
with families. A number of miners and
their families are in destitute circumstances
it LHehfiold , Frontenao nnd Chicopce , and
: : onimittocs wcro out yesterday soliciting
for them with good success.
SCIIANTON , Ivans. , Juno 10. The miners
hero will strike Monday.
Houses Wrecked In Holioknn nnil Six I'oo-
I > ! o Injiirotl , Ono 1'iitiilly.
Nr.w YORK , June 10. Six persons were in
jured , ono fatally , three houses were
wrecked and several stores and dwellings
damaged in Hoboken last evening by an ex
plosion of dynamite. The injured are :
CONI.IN , Mils. , Injured by falling celling.
l < 'itoicii : , Mns. , cut by falllm ? dobrls.
GAIIOIM.O , Nicou ) , watchman , hkull frac
tured and otherwise torn by dynamite ; will
NnsTi.r.n , Mils. , rut by glass.
Sciiiuu : , AudtJST , imilly cut on the head.
A careless watchman employed by a con
tractor exploded the dynamite in a tool box.
Had the accident occurred ten minutes
earlier many more would have been hurt ,
perhaps mortally , as the street wus then
crowded with hundreds of employes of a silk
Nclinisiiiiiii tit the r I r.
CHICAGO , Juno 10. [ Telegram to
Tin : BEH. ] Omaha arrivals nt Jackson .park
today Include : George S. Smith , Mrs.
George E. Porncll , Mrs. N , M. Moultun ,
J. M. Swetnam , II. C. Allen , Henry Elko ,
John Haney , D. C. Brown , M. J. Jones , A.
D. ICstabrook , W. F. Gurloy and Mrs. M. B.
A table of paid admissions to tlio fair
slnco the opening May 1 , including today ,
shows the total attendance to have been
a,8fl.VJ30 , as follows :
Klrst. week , May 1 In 0 . 204,077
Second weolj.J Sluy 7 to in . 'J1&.580
Third week. May 14 toiiO . : i)7lul ( (
J'ourth wuulf , May il ! to27 . U70,7'21
I'Ifth week , Way 'Jd to Junu a . 077,307
Tolitl for May . 1,734H7 |
Sixth week , Junu to JO . 091,093
Juno 11 . 71.1114
.IniiolS . . . 7&.H72
Junu 13 . li4,44J !
Juno 14 . bB,4fi'J
Juno lli . SOII.7UI
Junu 10 . a'A724
* Tlio fair wus closed .Sunday.
Movements of Oe.mii ( itciiniors , Juno in.
At Hamburg Arrived Itugla from New
York : C'olumba from New York.
At Scilly Passed vVesternland froir
Now York.
At Browhoad Passed Umbria from Now
At Now York Arrived Gcllcrt frotr
Hamburg ; Noriuannla from Hamburg ; Lt
Touralno from Havre ,
South Ihikotu luinurr.iti Moot.
YANKTON , S. D. , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tim BCE.J The state dmuocratli
central committee , at n meeting held las
evening , selected .Scotland , a small town li
Bon ilommo county , us the plnco for holdlns
the next slate convention. The date ilxui
Is September 0 , and the convention wll
name candidates for supreuiu uud clrcui
court judges.
iviiiri.iT ? : rpijpi
Action of the Now York Oloarlng Housa
Warmly Uommondetl.
, i
There Wn Xot n Cull Y ntcnli jfor A r
Utnneo by Any of the llnnkii Shlp-
i of Currency to tlioVc t
on ;
Nr.w Yontc , June 10. The cle.irintt housn
loan committee met this morning , but dlit
not issue any certificates. After the moot
ing members uf the committee declined to
gtvo any Information to reporters ns to
whether any applications had been received
for loan certificates , or whether any ccrtlll-pR ,
eatcs could bo issued today , becnuso thoraljL
had not been time for thu directors of any TO
bank which might desire to taico some to I-
authorize necessary application to bo made
therefor. It is not known yet whether any
bank desires to take out cortlllcatcs. Tlnl
loan committee , however , will meet npniu
tomorrow. If any certllleates are Issued
this week , that is tomorrow , the usual
weekly bank statement will not bo published - ,
lished , but only the totals for all the banks. ( J
It is thought that the committee may decline - | 1
cline to state the amounts of certificate. * is:1
sued each day and content themselves with 'J '
giving the total amount weekly with the ( I
other totals of tlio bank statement.
IIlid n Hcnollrhil llltVc ,
The action of the Clearing House nssocli
atlon in declining to issue loan eortltleatoH
was warmly commended on every hand
todny , and it was conceded that the utn
nouncctnent of their resolutions had u very
bcneilcial effect.
A member of the Clearing House assocN
atlon , speaking of the matter today , said :
' The report , 1 think , has fully Justilled it lu
its action , and I am glad to see that in other
financial centers its action Is being followed.
Chicago is , ( if course , n notable exception ,
and the dispatches from that city are some
what amusing. For instance , wo are told
today that 'Chicago will not Issue Clearing
House certificates ; that there Is no neces
sity lor such a course , as Chicago is able to
pay cash on demand. '
"That statement is very amusing to Now
York bankers , in view of tlio fact that Chicago
cage has obtained all the money it could
from this city during the last two wccka
and is still asking for more. The demands
of Chicago for currency have been so great
that ono of our largo banks has actually
paid into the subtrcasuiy last week ( lfKXl-
000 in gold to obtain the necessary currency
for some of its Chicago correspondents.
KlilpniniitH of Currnncy.
"There was a slight falling off in the ship
ment of currency today ; It was estimated
that the amount would fall a good neal
short of $1,000,000. The demand for cur
rency has had the effect of Increasing the
amount of free gold in the treasury , and the
amount of such gold last night cxcaedod
S'.i-J 000,000. which is a gain of nioro
than e,000,000 : over last week. Of this
sum $ lf > 00,000 came from tlio National
Cit\ bank , which has been ono of the
largest shippers of currency to tlio west.
Tlio National- City bank has kept all ltsr > .
servo in gold nnd was thus enabled to coin- ,
ply readily with the demands of its country
correspondents , a fact upon which it prides
itself. But for the fact that the treasury
had to pay out large sums for pensions , U.
would h'avo shown a large gain In legal ten- ( jl
dors , a large nmoun&pf which was received. , S
from the banks for currency. Thus far the *
suotrcasury lias been enabled to moot
pretty nearly nil the demands for currency , ,
but there is a scarcity of "ones , " "twos"
nnd "lives , " and it insisted on gold or legal *
tenders for these. For notes of other de
nominations it accepted treasury certificates
as well as legal tenders. Ono fact the banks
and the subtroasury feel consolation in iu
connection with the shipment of currency is
that a great many silver ccrtiticates have
been sent to the west , "and that is the
proper place for them"saidono bank ofllccr.
yUlClilt 1IUS1NK1S .MliTMODH.
low Trunk A. l.appon of .Milwaukee , In-
vustrd 8000,000.
Mn.wAUKKi ! , June 10. Frank A. Lappen Is
under police surveillance in Chicago , wlille a ,
; rand Jury liero is uUomptl&g to discern , it
t can , how Mr. Lippen mano-god to put
. | JOO,000 into a stoek of goods inventoried at
' 200,000. Six hundred thousand dollars
s the amount of Mr. Lappcn'a
labilities. The Plankinton b'liik loaned'
jiim i')0,000 ' ) and thus precipitated its
own failure. Mr. Lappon loft hero a week ;
igo , ostensibly to attend thu funeral of hia
'nthcr in Boston. A dispatch from Boston
says that ho did not attend the funeral unil
.hat ho has not bean thero. Last night it
was learned that Lappen went no further
than Chicago , and the detectives who are
watching him have Instructions to arrest
ilm if ho attempts to leave Chicago. Hia
presence in Chicago is to avoid a siibpinna to
: cstify before the grand Jury , and to avoid ,
f possible , answering to an indictment
should one bo returned against him.
ltKiiel CortlficaUH.
Piui.ADKi.i'iiiA , Juno 10 , Pursuant to au
thority granted by the Clearing House com *
mitteo the association began today the issu
ance of loan certificates bearing G per cent
interest to such b'liiks as require them. 10
could not bo learned at the Clearing House
whether any banics took advantage of the
authority , hut as tlm action was mainly in
the nature of a precaution against future
stringency It is not believed that any loans
were asked. All of the fhlladolphla National
banks belong to the association.
Sui'ill loiru I'liilnrn.
MASON Cmla. . , Juno 10. H. II. Do Wolfe ,
dealer in general merchandise at Norn
Sprint's , lias failed. Liabilities , fS.OOO ;
assets , 11,01)0. Ho attributes his fulluro to
the collapse of the Northwestern Suite bank
( } .ll'TlJlll'i ' >
Colored Dosortnr from the Ninth Cavalry
In Trmiblo nt llyunnlu.
Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB IlBi-W. : ] H. Hothwell/a
ranchman , while prop.irlng to retire for the
night in tlio office of P. M. Allwond , Wednes
day night , suddcmly found himself con
fronted by a United States c.ivalry pistol lu
the hands of n negro desperado , who comi
polled him to hold up hia hands while lie
went through his pockets , taking his purse
and about $10 In silver. The robber wan
apprehended by a possa of cltl/.ens whlld
boarding an imstljound train. Ho managed ,
to escape to tlio hills , but wns recaptured
by Deputy Sheriff Slbbott and nt the trial
today was bound over. IIo avohis name
as Charles Fritz. Ho deserted thu Ninth
cavalry at Fort Robinson a few days ago.
Terrible ) Hlonn in Oliln ,
TOLEDO , Juno 10. [ Special Tolegrnm to
TinBHK. . ] A terrible hail storm through
northwestern Ohio nnd southern Michigan
last nlpht nlmost ruined all fruit nnd grow
ing grain in its course. The cstlmittod losa
is $250,000. Two men worn killed byv \ \ 'tf"
nlng in Spauldlng during the storm and two
nt Antwerp.
Itoil Onk i : nllcil.
REH OAK , la , , Juno 10. [ SpnclalTolograia
to THE BUB. ] Red Oak is aroused over u ! j
gambling exposure , Mayor Marshal nn4 - { )
other promliiont citizens are involved.
Hundreds of pcoplo nro on the strcots and ,
great excitement prevails.
I.OMU found ( iiillly ,
LEMAHS , In , , Juno 10. [ Special Telegronl
to Tun BEE. ] J , Ij. IxjwlB wns found eulttjf
us charged in the indictment for oxtortlorf
tonight , The court held a night session und
thu Jury was out one hour aud thirty IOHV
ute ,