THE OMAHA DAILY HEE ! FttliDAY , JUNE 10 , 1893. 1 SPEGIRL NOTICES. KOH THK9K COI.IJMNB ADVKUT18RMKNT3 . m for th evening nrt until8W : p.m. for the morning nnd Mind f Advcriliorii , by rcfliif tln a numbered chuck , can liato their unsworn addressed to a numbered ipltof In earo of TH * Hun , Answers so add rented will be- dellnered npon presentation of the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. Hales , IMo a word first Insertion , lo a word there after. Nothing taken tor loss than Vic. - . A 1'OSITION AS CUTTl'.It , 10 team eipfnence In mcrfhant tailoring. Ad dress V , Hmlth , No. 417 Francis street , Bt. Joseph , Mo..cero of Heller. A-WAXTKI > . SITUATION AS IIOOKKKKPKn \or aislstant. Ilnfersnco , Profs. William M. Croan and W. J. Klnslcr of the Wostcrn Normal . colleirB , Lincoln. Address O. A. Danlclson. WBXO. lold.Ncb. M8'8 ' 1(1 ( _ - ) , IIV YOUNO MAN , WOIIK AS AC- A-WANTKI bookkcepor , copying : hate tn.o- wrlteri a few hours caehdar ; charges rcaionablo " , jest references ! address J 41 , ileo. " ' WANTED MALE HELP. Hates. IKe a word Mrsl Insertion , Ic a word thor o nfter. Nothing taken lor less IhanZic. -WANTBD.THAVKI.1NO SA1.K3MKN KXPKIlt- 'cnccfl ' In stock food trade ! rofcrcnct ; reqnircdl eood monny to Rood men. Address Wllbnr Seed Ueal Co. , Milwaukee , Wls. * ' -IF YOU WANT A GOOD PAY1NO JOU WRITE BIF Hawks Nursery Co. . Milwaukee , Win. Tj""W A IN 1 IS I J | ll/lvllJlrtrt A V/illn AI * * i ir ' Jliply without the very best of clly references. 813 Douglas st. U" - . A FHIST-CLAHS VIOLIN PLAYKIt B-WANTMD. hall. Address J. U. Wheelor. Now- stle , Wyo. M945 18 * -WANTKD , miNTKll TO WOltK IN COUN- > lry newspaper office , fitato experience and Salary expected. Position permanent , J 45 HPO. - OOOD , TIIIUKTY MI5N. WOMICN AND children , used to field work , wanted la beet fields at Norfolk nd Urand Island. Address Nor folk Hoot Sngar Co. , Norfolk ; oxnard Boot Hugar Co. , Grand Island 120-21 _ TO-DRY (300D9 8ALKSHAN WA NTKD , KX 4)perloncod In dress goods , unmnrrlod. Best rof- fercnccs required. L. Wessel , Nebraska City. Neb. n WA.fTlSD.10 BRICKLAYKUS AT ONC1 ! ION JjPllgrlm hotel , Marshalllown , la. _ 180 17 * TJ-FIRST-CLASS MAN IN KVKHY TOWN ; NKW JJarllclo ! sells r.t sight. National llurnau of IdcntlUcatlon , Herald building , Chicago. MI301C * -WANTKD , LAHORKIISON RAILROAD WORK Jjlnlowa ; wages $1.75 per day ; f roe PIUS. Krnmer A O Uoarn , labor agency , MSSoulh llth street. M147 1C * WANTED FEMALE HELP. - , LADIKS TO WRITB AT IIOMK. Unclose stamped envelope. Klla Worst , Sco. , Boulh Bond , Ind. 4M . -WANTKD. 2 OOOD LAUNDRY OIHL3 AT MIs- C 'sourl ' , Valley , la. Call at onco. H. Larson. OLKRKS FOR PLKA8ANT , PIIOF1- homo work. Prof. McLean , Arcade hotel , Douglas and 13th streets. USI 21 * - , A OIIIL. OKP.MAN PllI'.rKllIlKI ) : must understand reeking and washing ! good vrnpos and homo for the rU-Hit party. Inquire nt 210 North 21rd street , between 1 and 2 p. m. IKO IT - , ( URL FOR OKNKRAL HOUSE work In small family. Good cook preferred. Good wages. Apply 1U9 N. 2Jlh ( slreot. WO 20 * - ) . (1OOI ) OlllL FOU GUNKIIAL C-WANTKI ; N. I'Jth ' street. 09 ] II ) - , OIIUj KOIl 1IOUSKWOKK IN small family. Apply at 2018 Charles st. 131. -nilll , KOll 015N1CRAI. HOUSHWORK , IM- ! Cinilll . 2224 Webster St. MISS 10 FOB BENT HOUSES. FOR HICNT , HtlUBES IN AM. 1'ARTS OK D I city , ThoO. V. Dav Is company , 1405 Knrnnm st. TIOIIOOM nousn. aios QOUULAS STREKT. -lyKnquIro of Morllt Meyer , cor. 16th nnd Farnnm. 1-TKN-UOOM MOD15UN IUHJSK , OOOD LOCA- ' .L'llon ; rout moderate. L. 8. Sklnuer.lun Farnam. tT7HOOM UOU3H , MAST FHONT. ALL MOO- JJcrn , 125.00. Kldellly Trust Co. , 1708 Fnrnam. , -3 AMD 4-HOOM APAUTMUNT3 , VON DO UN B block , nlth steam ; references ioqulrod81tS ; ! ! d. I -FOIl 11KNT. 10-IlOOM-1 MOHKHN HOUHE , J- ' suitable for roomers and boarders , 3011 Harney llrpct. ID-room mndarn house , 3218 Lcavonnorln llrect , only 125.00. Some nice collages. II. U. Clark ' [ Co. . HIS llarnov slreet. MHi , -FOll HBNT , K-IIOOM COTTAUK KOIl COD ored pooplo. 203 North 13th at. M802 \-S131t 11. J. KENDALL , 11UOWN UUILDINO. J MV33 JI9 D , -4-UOOM FLAT. $17. fl A 7 UOOM FLATS , J30 , Opp. Joflorson square , lloborls , 1018 Chicago st M3C5J2T D-8-IIOOM U011SK , MODHRN , CONVKNIKNl for business or wholesale men. Apply 119 Soull lOthstreot. _ r\-FOIl RUNT , 8 OR 10 ROOMS KURN18HHI ) Ol -L/unfurnUlicd 12 blocks from Court house , toutl Onmlm cars , hut irntor heat , moilcru coiiTonloncas Ileforonoes roqnlrcil. SlfJSlTth. Cll D ( .ROOM 11OI1HK , GOOD KUl'AIU. INQU1RI 2711 Douglno street. MC55 1FOH HUNT. TWO FLATS IN 111.0111' ) 11U1LC J-/lnff , fourloon rooms and hath ; modern ; cai rent cither or both to ono party : suitable fo i offices or residence. ( Hobo Loan & Trust Co. 7114 72 TTU1IHIS 11OO.MS CHUAP. UW .N. I3TI1 bl ' MBSSJy 10 * D-FOltllKNT. MOIJKIIN 8-HOOM HOUSK. 11ATI and gas , good barn , asphalt pared slroot , corner nor , ono block from motor. Apply W. I. Kleratcai i Dowuy A Stone Furnlturo Co. Sl'Ji3 -KOIl HUNT CUBA P. A GOOD 11A UN. U qutro on premises , 614 North 2'jd strcot. Als j tno nlco sovou-roora cottages , Rood yard , shad I trees , very nonr to cable or motor ; I.00 and tr . ( I each , Jl'JIO -TO RENT. 8KVKN 110OM HOU3H , 2J.OO barn If desired ; nlco lawn , trees , clly wale I cistern , coruontod collars , balh , near molor. &c [ .owner. 1) . V. hlovens , 101 Poxlon block. M939 | * r\-I'OHUKNT , KUllNlSHKl ) HOUSK foil BUJI f 4-'mur months. Uood locality , near business. A ( dress J 4JUoo. VIMS * IV tOtt UKNT , 8KVKN IIOOM HOUSK. MODISH J'convcnluncos , larifo barn. 2317 Munlo. 897 18 * , PFOH HKft'T , A SIX-IIOOM 110U8I ! AND I1AIU 'IJ\I \ COj , ? 3 Mo81th street. OT410 * -7 UOOM COTTAOU , MODKUN CONVKr Ienrosnt30l3 LoavoiiHorlh. HI lj -CHOICK KLATd I.N THIS P. 1C. I Mill IILOC1 corner lUlh and Jackson nlrocts. will rent tlio ohenp. OallatMtl Boillh Itilh slruul. IIS -IPTOUWILIi TAKK THK TIIOUIILK TO C and see thu P. K. Her Hats , corner 18th and Jac ion fltrcots , it nlll pay you , Call at (10 go , IClli s Ha -NOW IS VOUll CHANCK TO OHTAFIIIS class Hat cheap. They are In good repair ai conveniently airmiEod ; have all Improvement Call nt 610 South Ililh street. ll'j "I'J-rOlt A KKW IAV8 ONLVWK OKl'KU Ol J-'chnlcu Hats to families at a low rato. Coma pncolf yon nlsh logota bargain. Call ut 510 Sou lillh ureel , P. 1C. Her block. HV -CO UN KII FLAT. 8 11OOM : ' . Jl ) KLOO rAiivo nnd all other conveniences. Call alorv , Till Soulh Ililh street , ut lu a. ru. Ocor Clouser , | jt l-\-14ID b. J9TH AVK. . MODKIIN IO-11OOM 1IH1C J-'ovcrloolii park ; airntnes , scroi'iis , etc. lie low lu good lunaiit , 703 N. V , Llfo. MISS 18" -KOIl UKNT. KI.KUANV TOTTAOK , ALL MO urn liuproveuicnls. Mil ) Chicago at. Mlitt K . t-QR BENJ FUKNISHED HOOMI Hates , mo n word first Insertion , Ic a word llior after. Nothing laken for li-ss thuniSa 1 7-PLKASANT KURN1SUKD ROOMb 1 > OR OK - < tlemuuuny. ! I5U Howard et. 763 Jyl E-LA110K HOUTH FRONT ROOM , MOJ 1II.ONI ) M jJVI' ' UNFUKNItjIilSD. IC1I OA -'lloluTCllUP. M870 JI7 * - FimsT-L'LABS , S1NQLB OR KNSUlTKTf Uoa Mm 16 _ 11'lJiAHANT , WELL FURNISHED 11002 iJwllh all modern conveniences , lisa , seth si. MM _ 4 _ _ E-Fl'RNiailKD ROOM WITH AI.OJVJ' ( gentlemen , ujoJsrn convenlonces , 33) North 23 _ . _ M7 T--3 FUHNI3IIK01100M8 FOR IIOU8EKICBP11 X forlmuu and wlfa.llont taken In board,319 N.ll V3 _ 1NlCBLY rUUKlSHKD SOUTH ROOM. 3 Jvllarney. _ M10 < Jy K E-FOR RENT DUP.1NO JULY AND AUGUS1 nice furnished rooms for housekeeping ; groti floor , central focttlonjrclercDcu rcijulred. Addr I. in , llee. Hi U E-TWO FUIINIEHBD IlhD UOOMS WANT for family In pleasant firm house In Nobras fourVr U wctksj modtrulo lerms. Address J Mill Ii FURNISHED Jtb OMB j -fpKllKNTTWO I.AIIOK. PLEASANT 1100 Tilth boardi need location. { 519 Dodge. MSS5 -TUK UOLAN , WJ A M ) liTTir IUC , 11 * UOUUE , UOOMS , DAY 110A1 UW ( Jll FU11NIBIIED HOOMS 'AND BOAKI ) . Continual. _ _ T7- TOUNO WOMEN'S IIOMK , UNDRII CARK Ol1 -L Woman's ( .hrlslisn Kisoclatlon , 111 R. l.lh st. , T.1-IICOM3 AND IIOARH , JJ3S DODQK STllKKT J : MTO IB' _ _ _ 1-NICKLY FDIlNISIIr.I ) BOUT1IBAST FRONT JL room wllh alcove and bay window , modern con * Yrtilencci , private family ) board. No. en South SVth strcoU \W , 17 * -HOOM3 AND HOARD AT 5113 CAPITOL AVK- IHOOM3 nno. References required , MP4SJIJ 1NICK ROOMS WITH HOARD AT 107 S. ITth 1 131 J 14' FOB BKNT UNFUBNISH'D ' BOOMS Rates , me a word first Insertion , le n word there after , Nothing taken for loss than tSo. modern ImproTcments , beantlful lawn nnd shade. N. K. Cor. ! Rd nrd Miami slrools. M7.VJ FOB BENT STOBE3 AND OFFICES Rates , lOo n line each Insertion. fl.Mnllno per month. Nothing taken for Icxs tlmn JJc. - VOlllKNT.STORB.OSI r 8J3T " " 8T.V ANOK block , sultablo for meat niarkoU hardware or dry uoods store. InqulroGOO S. 18th st. 451 T-FOR RKNT , TUB 4-BTORY URICK 1IUILO1NO , 915 tnrnnm st. The building has n fireproof ce ment basement , cnjnplcto steam hoallnit fixtures , water on all the Ooors , aas , etc. Apply at the olllco of Tha Dec. U10 T-FOR RKNT. CHOICEST SECOND J buslncss corner In Omaha , Olobo bnlldlng , 1flth and Dodge , Olobo Loan A Trust Co. 451 CENTRALLY LOCATED , IIIItCK STORE 1 bnlldlne , very cheap to permanent tenant. O. F , Hulls , KO sonlh 17th street. M837JI8 T-ONK OK THK LARGEST VACANT STORK bulldtnesln Omahs. slluatod In Iho wholesale quarter : Ills 130 feet deep by U foot wide , three or nvo floors snd basement ; the front Is entirely of plate Klass and Iron and sullnblo for cither whole sale or manufacturing : nlll bo rented for reasona ble rent for a term of years , InqulrontNatalarlnm , 1313 Howard sU 1MJ21 * T-OFFICKS KN SUITB OR SINflLE. WITH OH J without fireproof vault * ! cheap. Wllhnell llllr. M7 lyft * - RKNT , ItXCKLLKNT CHANCK FOR NO- 1-FOR llon sloro. Call direct at 11)23 ) Sherman nvo. I'M 15 * AGENTS WANTED. Rates , lOc a llnopnch Insertion. tl..V > & line psr month. Nothing tnkcn for loss than 2Jc. HOOK AOEJ1TS WANTED , 8PAOK 11UIIE J cosls money , but our circular sent frco Rives full pnitlcillars. W , A. Sylvester , 85 Hnvcrhlll slreot , lloston. Mass. M350 ! THE ARO INVKSTMKNT I1ONDS PAYS J tJOO.OO In from onu to flvo years ; Buy ono. (5.00 cash and 11.00 n month nft r- rrnrds until paid. Rest paying Investment nlnnt. A rustling agent wanted In every town nnd county. For full particulars , apply to The Amorlean Rend Company , 630 and 511 I'axlnn block. Oranlm. F. S. Thompson , general ngonlfor Douglas counly. W19 * 0 T AOKNTS WANTKD TOR A POSITIVE vnovolly : will bo used by everybody and It Is a luxury to sell the good. Btato right given. For particulars address 0. 11. Proctor , Pabst hotel , Milwaukee , Wls. Mtm 10 WANTED TO BENT. Rates , lOon line onch Insertion , fl.SO a line per month. Nothing taken for less than .iJc. A OENTLEMAN DESIRES TWO ROOMS K nnd board In private family ( not boarding houie ) for himself nnd child three yours old. Con- Iral location with ynrd for child to piny In. Address J 47 , Uee. Ml 10 * WANTED , AT ONCE , 1 OR B-ROOM HOUSK nonr nnv union doput , cnr lines , all modern convenlonces and stnhlo. Address Mrs. John Hob- rccker , jr. , No. 810 bouth 23d slreot. Telephone No. 17i)3. ) MW23 WANTED , TO RUNT SMALL HOUHU OR rooms ; will tnko ono or two lo bonrd lo npply on rent Address J 53 , Ileo. MIISIG * BENTAL AGENCIES. Rales , IMo n word first Insertion , Ic a word there after. Nothing taken for less tlmn 'JJo. -LIST YOUilHOUSKS IFOR RENT 'viTU ' wV llerry A Co. . 717 N. V. Llfo. M8M STOBAGE. llntos , lOcn'Uno onoh Insertion , Jl.M a line per month. Nothing taken for le s than 23o. tWBTOTUB > Ai3KNCiovN n j'fl shipping of olanos and furplture ; storehousn 1114 Douglas , onico 1500" Uodga. Omaha Van nnd Express Co. , Tol. 1550. M. lloklns , Mg'r. .GljyO' TlT TOIlAaE.WILLI AMS.t CUOSS,1314 UARNEY " -STORAOB FOR HOUSEHOLD 0001)3 ; clean end cheap ratos. It. Walls , llll Farnam. WANTED TO BUY. Rates , l o n word firit Insertion , IG a word IhorO' after. Nothing taken for loss than 25c. FOR FUllNITUZB , UOIWEHOLJ goods , etc. , or will sell for ownerJtwrfrLouctlor sales. It. Wells llll Farnam. - N FIllST MOIITOAUB PAPtiUST nold , COS lice blclg. N-WANTED , MODICUM BAN for small room ; must be cheap , bo * 373 , Corning , la , -WILL PAY CASH FOK A . phaeloo. Ilex 157 , Tekamah. Keb , - WANTED , SECOND HAND U1US t ! be cheap and In good repair. - - IIII.UAKD AND POOL TADS N--ONH Address J SI care lieu olllce. FOR BALE Ilalos , IKo a word Ilrst lusertlou , lo a word there afier. Nothing taken for less thanloc. 0-FOR8AI.K , FURN1TUUEOF4-ROOM HOUfll cheap , house for rent. Address 1' . Currnn.33 and U street , Houtli Otnahn. Mill ) 1C * FOB , SALE HOBSES WAGONS ETC Rules. IVie n word first Insertion , lo a word them Oder. Nothing lakcn for loss than 25c. 1 > nTBAM"w O l 11 W 00. n 111 soil separate for CS.OJeach. A. I llaymcr. 2108 N slroet. Houlh Omnhn. _ MBSi p-FOIl SALK OR TRADK , A RAVHORSK , WAR JL ranted xound , that imced at fair ( -rounds lag week In iUM. : : will drive ilrslo or doublo. Appl at Windsor stables , llll Davenport. 055 i& * FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q - . A GOOD FAMILY MILCH COM Inquire at 1424 .North 18th street. l'J ' < -FOR SALI5 , ONI5MSW STOUKV & CLARK organ , fame nlll bo sold cheap for rash or o forms to suit purchaser. Apply at 182J Farnai struct , Omaha , M113 10 CLAIRVOYANTS. 0 t C MIIS. NANXIKV. wAiiHEN , CLAIIIVOVANI ' O reliable business medium ; fit lu year at ll'J'N. lot 457 S-J1I18. DR. M.LKORAVK.l'HOI'HETES ? . DMA Irauco clairvoyant and Ilfo reader ; tells yoi lire iron-crodlo to iirnTo ; can l > o consulted on a allulrs or lite ; ) ms thu eolobrutod Kgrptlan broai plnlu to unlto the separated nnd e.iuso nmrrlm with ono you lovo. Comij ono , come all , anil t convinced of her romurkablo powers , Olllco or residence 417 S. llth struct , hours U a. m , to U p , n Strict Ilfo chart and photo of your future wlfo ( husband sent through mall for fi.OO ; chart alon II. lit fz.OU. All letters containing t cents In slum ) promptly answered. MWI ( U' 10 * . MASSAGE. BATHS , ETo7 nt Rales lOon Una each . * - * , * vw I. .v VI.W InsertionJl.M a line pi month. Nothing takua for loss than Mo , I ) . fP-VADAMK FS1IT11 , W3 8. 1JTU. 2N'D FLOO J. Room 8. Manage , rapor , alootol , atoura.iulphu Inoandsea batns. IU378 IT * . IISI DOUGLAS riTitRKT.'l -llooi- , room 7 , masiagti , alcohol , sulphur and sc ° ths. M83J 1C * H. m-MMK. MACK OF CIIIUAQO UIVBS HATH LniuKnelle and massage Iroatmout. ' " " " ' " " " end lloor , IZJMi NorTfrFJlh s'truoU "tvi'w a U-MA83AQKTRUAT.MK.NT. KLISUl'lllO-TUK mal balhs. scalp and hair treatment , manleu and chiropodist. Mrs. l'o til'jy p. 15th , VVIlhuell h 19 U-MI33 K. A. KKARN3. TKACHKR t plunoi special attention to rudltnontal prlnc pies. Sultu 41) ) , Midland holul 1Mb and Cbloat ! . MJJIJS7' 111 d. U-W1UTK KOIl A VilBBCOPVOKOUUIHSAI 1 tlfully Illunlraled Matrimonial Journal , co _ " "any , , pholo-cnitravlu s of haudeot ia women and gallant men who rlsli to wed. llro > 1h Publishing Co. . Tompla Court. Toledo , O. Mill ; I IT-NOTICE ; WANTED. UlDi FOR ALL UA.V.U JOS y olo- . for tha policemen's plculo tobohuldjui JOSvs 2S at Fremont. Neb. All bids must bo accompanl br , * i ' "I e * " ° ' ll10 amount of bid. Alsu bids f vs Iho band. Ulds lo bo closed by 4 o'clock Juna nd Address all coruiuuulcallons to President Poll : is Rcllot ns oeluuon. Pollcu Slallon. 8M Ii 131) ABSIBAOT3 OF T11MVES ka , -TIIK MIDLAND UUAIUNTI - ' > and Trim company , abstracts , couvoyanooi Titles perfected und guarantied. Own the on oomplutabilract books lu lluuglas Counlv , I moved to room 813 t\aM York l.llu building. 45 "S MON Y TO LOAN REAlTESTATJ \y-l/WEST HATES. FIDELITY TUHdT CO _ t > any.jl04 > 'arnaiu str st. J 'U ' VyCENTHAL LOAN * VUU8T CO. , VKtt lll.i : * * 41 MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE , AU-LOANS ON IMPROVKII A.NII UNIMI'HOVRD I cllpropeTly.M.OOOnndupwnrds , & toOHpcrcont No delays. W.F rn m , Smith ACo. , 15th and uarnoy , _ _ -MONRf TO IXJAN AT UWK3T RATKS ON ImproTPd anil unimproved ro l estate , 1 to years. Fldollly Trust Co. , 1'Oi Karnnm. _ 401 w- LOAN3 , 0.0. WAL1.ACB , 8IZ DROWN UI.K. < T3 wW W - FI RST AND SlIPONI ) MORTdAOE LOANS , ' lorrrntoi. AIoxIooro. . 101 Ileo bldg. 471 \T-\ AND J YKAU LOANS ON CITY AND FARM t mortgages. Iloed V Helby , Sll Hoard of Trado. 407 \\r-OMAHA SAVINGS BANK MAKKS LOANS iv on real oiUle ntlownit market ratps. Loam tnailo In small or largo sums for short or long time. No commission Is clmgod snd Iho loans are not sold In the east , but can always bo found at the bank on the corner of l.Uli and Douglas sis. 461 \\r MOHTOAOK LOANS I.U83 TUAM 7 PEIl > ' cent. Including all charges. Charles W. llalney. Omaha Nut bank bids. 4CS TV MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATRS. The O. F. Davis Co. , IMi Fnrnaui slroat. 403 Vy-WANTKDATONCi : LOANS ON IMPllOVHD Omaha proporlyj low rales. Fldollly Trust ompany. 170J Farnam slroot , 401 V-ANTllO.NY 1/AN AND TIlUaT CO. , 318 If. Y. Mfc , lends nt low rales for choloo security on cbratkn or Iowa farms or Omaha city iiroporty. 470 W-LOANS , J. W. BQUIIUS. 213 1115 n 1)1.1)0. ) 475 V WANTIC1) , TO 11UY81MHCKST NOT153 9K- ii cured by uiorlcneos Omnlmclty or Douglas Co. iroportf. Heed .VSolbj , MS lloard of Trnflo. ACT MONEY TO XOAN CHATTELS. Itatcs , lOo a line onch Insertion , JI.W a Una per montli. NothlnR taken for less that IVo. - YOU WANT MONKYT X-DO Till ! KIHKMTY LOAN OIIAIIANTKE CO. , KOOSt 4 WITHNKLL BLOCK. 319WSOUTU 15TII. COHNDIt IIAUNnYBT WlUj \ LOAN \ YOU \ ANY BUM \ LAUQB \ OB \ BMALL ' FROM \ TEN \DOUiAR3\ UP. WM MAKE LOANS ON KUKNITHHI ! , HOUSES , OAKIUAQKS , WAUKIIOUSi : HKCKUTS Oil 1'Kll- SONAL I'llOl'BUTY OK ANY KIND. OUR TKUMS WILL M Kit IT YOUR Al'l'ROVAL. on can pny the money back at nny tlmo nnd In nnr amo'jnt you wlsli. and thus reduce the cost of currying the loan In proportion tomnount youpny. IK YOU ewe A bnlnnco on yuur fnrnlturo or other lorsonnl property of any kind \ro will pay It on for on nnd cnrry It us long us you clo lro. YOU < : AN IIAVK YOUR MONICY I.VONK noun FROM TJIICTIMU YOU MAKK API'ICATION. No publlcllr or rotnoval of property , so that you Ret the use of both money nnd property. 47t ! IT-CALL AT Till ! OFFICE Olf OMAIIA JlOliTOAGK LOAN CO. INCOIU'ORATUD. You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FUIIS1TURK AND PIAN03 , HOIISICS , WAGON'S AND CAKUIAnKS. WAllEUOUdl ! HKCIill'Td , MCUCUANDlSE , OR ANY orilUR hKOUlllTY , Wo will lend you nny amount from S10 UO to SI.OlM.tW ON THK DAY YOU ASK FOR IT without publicity or removal of pronerty. You can pay thu money back In any amount yon nlsh , and nt nny time , nnd oacli unyuiunt BO mtt'lo will rednco the coat of the loan. Remember that you hnvo the use of both the property nnd the monoy. nnd pay for l.oulyas IOIIK us you Uoop IU There will bo no expense or clmrRO kept out of the amount wanted , but you will recolvo the full amount of the loan. Uoforo borrowing olsowhcro call nndnoo us , and 7ou will tlnd It erontly to your advantage. OMAHA MOIITOAOI ! LOAN CO. , 30 ! SOUTH I ( ITU STUKKT. ilrst lloor above the street. TUE OLDKST. LAUGnsT AND ONLY INCOIIPOR ATKD LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 477 X WILL LOAN MONICY ON ANY KINO OF SB- curlty ; strictly contldcullal. A. IS. Harris , room 1. Continental block. 47S X MONUY , 30. 00. M DAYS , CIIBAP KATHS nnd easy payments , on furnlturo , pianos , live stock , oto. . without dolny or publicity ; cash on hand. DutTOroon , room 3. Darker block. 479 BUSINESS CHANCES. Itatcs , lOo a linn each Insertion , $1.50 a line pot month. Nothing taken for less than lie. Y BASTBIIN RAC1CSI HOWE'S INFALLIULE Handicapping system nets $13.03 weekly on EJOOOO Inrostmont. Second succsssful yoar. Sate. Conservative. Practical. Proipoctus 1JJJ free. U. 1) . Howe. iox : I7. Ilrooklyn , N. Y. M1IU J23 Y FOIl SALK , TltADU O"ll IIS.NT. HOTEL , 2 ! rooms , all occupied nltlijiormanent hoarilersi modem Improvements. lt ocUlOi ! 111 S. Omaha COPtJohn O'Donahoc.ll Blith et. Oraahn , Nob. ' v - M13J .123' K-SIJLL OR ISX- or Isntls ? I > o you o eec llatln. Wm. J. WoUhans , 4H Kai Ch block. MOISJyIS Y WANTKO , A PARTY TO BUY MY HAL Interest In well paying bakery nnd rcstauran business ; dally sales about Wu 00 oaib per day. . good chauco. Co mo and Investigate. Address I 13 , Bco , Council Illufls. MU31I8 Y LIVEKY BA11N FOR SALB AT A HAIUJA doing builnosa of UOO.UO par uianth , good roe eons for solllnir , Ilnvw uoodhories , buctMos nn AddrcssJ 43. liuo. .MIU 1'J' FOB EXCHANGE. llatoa , luc n line each Insertion. fl.M u line | > u month. Notblnn taken for IOM than 25o. r/-I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA. KANSA /Jnncl Dakota. Will soil cheap , or oxchan a fn iudse.horsosnnd cnttlo. Addbox7UFraukfiirtiIiu TI A C'LKAN STOCK OF OKNKHAL 31DSI / Wllltakoroal cslato and monoy. Uoi-VJ , Franl fort , Ind. 4S1 ry tSD ACRIJS OF CLEAR LAND IN OX K OF TH > host winter wheat districts In Kansas to ei hniiKO for ID or 2'J-ucru tract noir Omuhn clt IlmltH. Will pay cnshdllfuranco If property Is goot Address , giving prlco und location , O W. Uoa. 'J0 > rCL1SAN STOCKOF DRY tiOODS. CLOTUIM /-/etc. . for lands and cnslu U. W. Walking K , Co Frankfort , Ind. 873 H V WA.NTKU. 110,000.00 to IIJ.WIUOO 8TOC /Jclothlnu and gonts' furnishing uoods for cash < clear farms. Not boxed or trading goods. Ilex 4 Cbcrlln , Kan. M'jll IT * y-l'On WALU. A MILLINK11Y STOltrj AN / business. lo t location In Omaha. Long leas chanp rent , sales from W to tUO cn h per tlay. Wl trade for unencumbered farm , Address J U ) Do 12M'J > TJ FOIl BALK OH EXCHANGE ; COIINKH Hi : : -llnl propsrty llva blocks Irom court house , iirlcotonot purulmtcrli percent on . . . . _ _ will duublu ID vulno In IU years. AdUrona owuc 1HI1 Fnrnnm slreot. lid y ti 0 ACRKS OOOD LAND IMPRUVKD S MIL ! ufrom good railroad town to cxoUnnso for mill Addrobs W. M. Utulck , linpurUI , Neb , \it \ W SALE HEAL ESTATE. T Ort BALK. 0-HOOM OT1'AIJ13 AND LO I1 worth 11.60-J ; will take ll.WJ ; tl.VOOcncuuibranci monlhly pujruiont on bnlanen. Hoiuunuwly pi purud , city w.itor , both and wnlor closjU Addre owiior , J 18 , lluo. Tli 1XH HAI.K. 9-UOOM IIOIJ.SIS AND LOT WIT barn , In Kountto plaeoi homo newly palate ulcely uaporod and painted Insldo , furnace , h mid told wntur , gas and bdth. Properly cheap fH.Olxi , IncuuibranuolJ.&jJi nlll cull on easy ten ( orIO . oddruis Owner , J 1'J HOJ. ; w- iriABTtniN NKllllAtiKA FARM LANDS PC JjJtaloby lluuttbcr.'ciCluments , Lyons , llu county-Neb. I7 < Oll SALK-DBSIRAULK ItKSllllI.VCr. l.O' ' worlb ta.OUO for fl.Suo , and other rcslJenco pit urtr In siiueproportion. Call undsceas. llenai i. Co. , 101 N. mil > l. 1V5 I : li'Oll HALU OH EXCHANGE TO SliTTLl ! A -L ojtuto , W aero raUIn vineyard , all In full boa lug , nbuudanou of fruits and flowers , highly cul vatod , tine lioiuu and burns , porpolual water rlul lools , machinery , boiosand l.-ayu for curing era Lust years crop Jl.OJaU ) , prospect this year bolli Near city li.UvXj populHtlou , ihuap for cuh , will orcliaiifn for coud Income properly , Addrc i yj , Mao omco. \I8JI IT H.U' * . PLACK VOll MONEY : I IIAVK A Fl ! Urst roortL'Jua loan for sale. 1 hare ulso decld lo urfer for sulu onu of my dwelling liuuiui a good nguro ; will piyOper eont on Investment. 1) . Holmes , 018 N. V , Life. 1W 15 UST UK BOLD. MCE COTTAOB ON PAVJ utreel ; iniill cusli | > ayniuul. AililrunJ 40 , It ly ' SAKEsT DANK IN OM UIA 13 A IIANICOF llll 1 am offering some bargains lu houses .nnil lo SCO tlieui ut once. K. K. lllnger. 1UI K UV A HOsTi AND 8AVK KKNT ; Ydlf Wl run no risk In ownlug a homu In Omaha ; In year * It nlll bo worth tuoro than Oaublo wba cost today tot m > list vf houses for ctili s taouthly fayruenls. K. F r.lugtr , 161'J t'nrnam. 131 1C FOR BAI.T3 REAI ffflTATE. ConHmiftl ' 'j IS VOUIt CUAXCB. 81'KCIAL 3 ALII. W BTOBPKL PLACK 13rr0. BTOM'Kl , PLAUH LOTA BTOr.PBL 1'LACK j 8AKK 8AFK HAF15 INVKSTMBST. Wilt soon double In.rnluo. Dcsl residence part qt Umaha. Corner lots m { „ Inside lots 7i. ' . i' Corner lots 1303. t. ' Insldo lots H75. _ n ± IMdown. BnlancotH.M. qunrttriy payments. NO INTKHKST Will be charged until nftcr July 1 , IS9I , The abe vo prices nnd terms good only until July 1 , Look thcso lots over before ImylnRolitowhoro nnd you will ti ml them the best and cheapest bargain Inlets lots over oflerod. Call on , or address W. A. Wl lTlill , 402 Bco llulldlng. MCCT 1 00 LOTS FOR $1,000TO ll.tOO. THRKK-FOURTHS J-of a mlle from po'toiilcc : big bargains ; too at unco. i : . F. Illnger , 15IU Farnnm. 101 1C * T > IQUT IN TOWN , tlolwocn 24lh nnd ! 7lh sis. endSpnuldlngnnd tiprague. 1100 00 Is the prlco , ftVWdown. fIM-0 ilonn , 110.00 n month without Interest until (100.00 Kta pMd. Balance 2 nnd 3 years nt 7 per cent. AMES , 1W7 Farnam st. FAIIM LANDa M Harpy county , (3COO. 120 ucnr Omaha , f 7,500. J4 near Omaha , ( ifi an aor * , H Hurt county , $30 an acra. H York count ) , ( .tinn acr * . y Snrpy county. (50 an acre. O. F. Harrison , 8 N. Y. Life. Si 18 "MICE HOME. POPPLETON AVE. 11,000. 1' Nlco homo , Woolivurth nvo , I4.1WU. Nlco home , Mnrcv st. , (3.2W. Nlco lot near Vales' . ti.'M. Nlcu lot , Lowe nvo , ( J.100. C. F. Hnrrlson.012 N. Y. Llfo. C58 18 020-ACKK CULTIVATED FAHM IN 1IOUT O county. No boiler land nnywhorp , only K'i an ncrc , iMirth JJ5 to (4an ( aero. C. F. Harrison. H12 N. Y. Llfo. H3i 10 T IIAVK OIILIUATIONS TO MKET. TO DO SO JLwIll sell the following real cstalo at much holow vnluo very great bargains. In fact for 30 days : 125x250 feet , M ncre , cast front on 3Sthnttho head of Davenport , right on the ridge , niagnltlccnt view and the coming aristocratic part of the city ; has boon repeatedly appraised at (100 per foot , certainly worth SIO.OUO , will sell now ntj.OOO. S.lxllO foot , on North 16th , with two houses , al ways renting for (25 per month , well worth $1,000 , will sell now for C3.0UO. Itents will pay 7 per cent net on Investment ; bollor than savings banks. lirlck store on Mllllury rend In Clltton Hill , rents (230 per yuar , anil should bring moro , worlh 13,500 , sell now for { 2,500. Small homes , 11,200 , (1,500. SI.7W , $3,000. Como and sco mo. U. O. Wnllnco , 312 llrown bik , lOlh nnd Douglas. 980 17 "JMOHT IN TOWN. Dctwccn 21 th nnd 27th sis. and Simuldlng nnd bprague. (400.001s the price , (35 00 down l.'jUO down , SA1.CO don n , ' (10.00 n month without Interest u ntll (100.00 paid , , Balance 2 and A jcars nil per cent. AMES , 1607 1'nrn'am ' B . 183 15 CHANCE'TO''HUYa SMALL VTEVKIl SUCH A JLi homes , fcco these prices : ForS-rooni collages , 2 and 3 blocks from car. echoOt anil paved street. (1,500. (1,510. 81,7.10 , 52.000 ; easyl turros. Como anO see. O.G.Wallace , 1112 llrown bluckJOth & Douglas. 1 t > 30 17 SALK CIII3AP , BLKOA.NT TKN HOO.M FOR modern resilience , prosscd .brick , all around. 7 ! feet front by 130 feet deep oahlgUdst point In tin city. Knot front , t-co Harris 12J Uoe building Ic forenoon. ' situ 43 FUI3T VltONT WITIla SUVBN-RO01 ! LOT house on 25th street , noir Casslus ; price fJ.'oUOU ; monthly paymonti , Roqd' . & belby. 3JI Hoard Trade. i i , : M235 FORSALU , ATA OR15AT 'BARDAIX , 8-IIOO5 house , barn nnd all modern liulrovemonu < Kn qulro rooms5 nnd , 1C2J Farnam street. M11231 * IN TOWN. Between ! 4th and S'tli sts. and tpnuldlng und Spraguo. f400Mlstho prlco. fU.COdonn. $ . ' 500 down , 110.00 n month without Interest until tlCO.UO pro paid. Balacco 2 and J years ut 7 per cent. AMES , 1507 Farnam st. 123 15 AHOAINS IN HOUSES , LOTS AND FA11MS. J 'S. ' Frcuier , room 5 , Ironier block , opp. P. O. MlllJyU .T70R SALE-TWO SIX-ROOM COTTAGES NEA1 1 ? Unnscom park ; ono 3,500 , the other $4,000 Call nnd let us show them. UlcUa Ucal Kstat Atfency , 3J5 N. r. Uldir. irJJ It ITHJLL LOT , IIETVVEEN 30I'll AND 3I8T , OJ iChlcngo street , paving fully tmld for , fi.OJO. Corner lot on Mandorson street , $1,00'J. ' Knst frontage on Mllllary road , 2 homes , rcc ( lOUOi both for JI.OUl. Full lot aterado In Windsor Place , nest Of Ham compaik , SI.O.W. Kino Orchard Hill lot , (750. 6'J.foot ' corner on lirlslol strcot , 11,600. 41 feet , Bristol near 21th street , fl.JJO. Cottage , I'Jth and Laka , tl.UOO. Corner lot , 2'Jth nnd Ersklna. JI.500. Certlllcatos of daposlt In McCaguo'i Saving bank will bo acoo ptcd In some caioa. F. D. Wend , 10th and Douglas. 102 10 VTbYUll WAS A IIKTI'KK TIME TO INVBa f I JLi real c'sfatu , nnd look at thin for bargains In Ii sldo property , 4 lots , 10th and Conlor , worlh (1,209 each , only fV ( each. 1 lot In Orchard Hill , worth 11,200 , only (700. 1 corner lot on Military nvo. , Just opnonlloCll ton Hill , north (1,200 , only (700 , Lot on Murcy St. , between 31st and 3d , wort (3,000 , only KlncBt lot In Creighton Heights , worth $ l:00ao ] ( i75. U lots In Lincoln place , worth 51,200 each , only f * for both , i lots , LaFnyctle pltico , Walnut Illll , worl (3,500. W vach , lor (1.50U UO ouch , Avondale park , Innlda one mlle line , Wcbsli slreot lots , wllh paving , curbing , etono slduwal ; sewer , parking , electric light , etc. 'J ho lines t link rosldunco property In the city , at the lowest prli worth $200.00 per lot ; our prlco only (1,00000 pi lot , hair cash. Durt street fronts In Avonda park ; only (1,800.00 per lot. It will par you to Ii vostlgalo llils. lourtecn lots In Hoes place , on Georgia or Vlrulnln avenues , belwoun Mason nnd 1'aclUc , Fi cash wo uro ottering this property nt We on II dollar. Foruhomu Ihoro Is nothing liner ; as i luvcituieuUt Is Imposslhlo to 11 ml unylhlng hcttc AlHiiya a ploasuru to show any or nil of this pro crty. crty.FIDELITY THUsT COMPANY , 1703 Fr.rnam. C-IOUODOWN Mil ) (10.03 A MONTH 8KCUKK3 'plot In llLiel Turraco orSherldap , placu. bolh gooil locations , convenient tumrdutciiri and wo built up. 1'rlcuaWJJ to ! > ) vuoli for a 50 fo lot. Pnrtlos tlint wish lo bulld.ut buca need u ruukoany payuiunls lor Uvu yyurs' ' if Iboy l > Abitracls furnished. Hood Abeluy , 3)1 Iloai Trade. f TOJ IIS'I'IIACTS. THE MIDLAND UUAHANTK and Trust company , nb8tr ( ! T6rJTJonveynncer ; Tlllus perfuotod and guuruntBudOwn tbo an eomplelu abslrnct book * In Dduelas county. 1 uiovcd to room JIO Now Vork Lllu linlldluit. 453 I1ANIC Vour money with us for 163 acres of Ici and you will never lust It. Wo will s < yon n farm only (3 per ucro , cash , or monthly pu menu , or n home in the city , sarao terms. \ > llnnu .t Mltlau , room aiil , SlcCnguo building , opu slto postoBIco , f > T-li 170R BALK- . 1' Now Is the time to Inrrtt'ln llcal citato la Ouialuki No sufor liivustiuent offered Uian those Elegant lots In Seymour' * Addition. every lot perfectly iuVill. e 0 CO to Wx ) IW cacn. tli.V ) cash. llalanru luog LIIUU . Large list of houses and lots on. asy monthly payments. P- Ocorvo J , Paul. Inoi Karnoui St. 103 IB' ' Pir. . ir.ur \\TK IIAVK JUiT COMPLUrKD TJIB 1'BB 'I tluitslx-rooiucottngiila tUu city , llghlod eloclrtclty , Imvlng furuaui , ualli. hot , culd wan mantel , grale , marble top UMI ! bowl , sowar conui iK tlon , noun , munu walk , piveil slruut , ulu. Local ea In Avondale pork. une lutlu from poslolllco. 1'rl In only B.hOO. MrtolllyTrutt Co. , IfOJ Karimm sire \\rANTKI ) , CO1TAOK FOR fl.SOJ.l" ) OASH , ' Wonted lolforiOO.UItotl.WJ.VOcn h. Wauled farm fur I'l.UiU.UJ U ) < sff W vush. Woint'i turui forn. iu.ui to ( i. ( < u.i ratu , Wuutvd ranch f or clear Omaha troperly. IT. WnnU'U uousaand lot for cast ) iinJ lot . , I * . I' F. UARRlBOS , Vlt .N , CIMNCK'JO INVEST i'OUR bAVIMJS. BA 10 rent lot Loire UTKDUO ( I'nppletou park ) , ci lit accuu to motor , uwuor going lulo uuilness.i nd nil vury chuap for c b. . Aim lot Hansooiu I 'la l.lf bargain Jor cash Addros I * F. , I' . OI WORLD'S FAIU HOTELS & ROOMS word flr t Insertion. Ian word tlioro- Kftpr. Notlilnc laken for less tMin JJe. \\roiiMfa KAIII ruiiNisUKD nooM < . vou tnkonnclmnranor pay any mon r In ail H.UO per day. 1.11 1 t'arnnm si. , Omaha. &M JJO Iron wonui's FAIN , TIIIIKK KLKO ANT run- nlsli Oil rooms to rant , Iwonly inlnuU rltla \ > r clrctrlo cars to fair erruindi. Mo , 7Sc and f 1.00 per any each person. Address Mrs. 0. MoCrackon , Till YftlO street , Chicago , 111. M7II IT * OnUVS KAIH Visit-Oils - II AYR KLU- ganlly furnished room * , 10 mlnutr * rldo to fair licit IncAllljr. Cnn accommoilalo 10.Vrllo fttonn ) . 11.00 A person. Mrs , llullaxhor , 4 ! > 5 < I In- dlanoavomio. Chicago. M877 16 * _ PASTURED FOB HOUSES. HntOi , mo n nonl flrst Insertion , Ic aword thero- after. Nothlno taken for lesi than Joo. \V 1IAVIJ ICO A011K3 OF llt.UK ( IHA94 1 AS ' turo for horses , lUmrJ fenoa. Sprlnx w tor :'nolp * , ( lllmoro , NOD. , or AV. . Pbelin ft ton.ZJt.N. V. Ufa ItUj. M 40UJiS * .i M aBB . * I WANTED-MONEY. WANTKD-fl.OCO LOAN ON A PA11M WOtlTII 3.000 ! will pny7 per cent forSorS yonrs , U K. Winter , lllO Karnam. ICI IG ONDEKTAKER3 AND EMB ALMEK3 Hates , lOc n line each Insertion. II.9 n line per month. Nollilng tnkcn ( or loss tlmn 2Jo. C wiTi AKKHK'ilMUltl.Y ( WIT U JOHN O. ' . Jacob * , dccnnspd , Inter with M.O. Mntil ) , under- laker nml ombalmer. 3158. liltli st. Tel. tin ) . 43.1 SCALES. Kntoi , lOo n line oncli Insertion , ll.M n line per nionlh , Nothing taken for loss thon25c. Address Dor Jen A Hcllcck Co. , Lakost. , ChlcnKO. 4Sti WATCH KEPAIBIN3. llntos , Ike n word flrnt Insertion , to a word there- nftcr. Nothing taken for less than Uc. BNUiinf SIAIN Bi'iil.SGS PUT \VATCI1B3 * TlinrM.iv nftornoou , Me. 3. II , Day , under Mo- Caguo's bank , VM PAWNBROKERS. JSONNENI114UW , DIAMOND 1HIORK11 , 130 } Douglas st. Loans monoon diamonds , watclios , etc. Old cold and silver bought. Tel. 1JW. 4SJ DRESSMAKING. Hiitcs , I Vic a word tlrst Insertion , Ic a word thcro- after. Nothing taken for less tlmn 2oC. M uotital block , room ti batlsf action guaranteed. SM-Jlo' T AD1KS * AND CHILDHRN'S DRICSSMAKINR. JLi nl o undoraarments to order ; muslin furnished If desired. 1107 Mandcrson 631 Jyl * SKAMST11KS3 WISHES TO HAVU A PLACK ; understands dressmaking and plain Bowing. $1.00 n day. J 41 , Bco. Mill IS * SHOBTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , S1.50 a Una per month. Nothing tnkon for loss than 2 > o. \7 OUNl ! LAD1K3 A N l5l3STTTSLKtT tA N 00N J aciulron ] working knowledge of shorthand nnd typowrltlnz nt A. C. Vim Sum's school uf short hand , 513 N. Y. Llfo , Typowrltors to rent , (3.1 SECOND-HAND TYPEWB1TEB3. OVl.KS & Il.XBB , D15ALKR3 IN TVPICSVIUTURS. An makes bought , sold , exchanged , routed. 013 X. Y. Llfo bldf. Tel. 5J3 4S4 LOST. LOST , COW , HKD AND WIIITK , 4-Yi.VRS-OLD , return to N. K. cor. 20th and Cumlng nnd net reward. ItorlS * OST , BAYMARK , RETURN TO UHUXBLSTONli ynrd , 123-17' OST WHDMUSUAY UVKNINQ , AT 27TH AND LoaTcmvoith , hnnilkerch'of conlnlnlni : monoy. Finder return to Bee olllco nud recolvo reward. M UO If. ' LOST , MILK 1I1SC1UPT BOOK. 11. STKVUXSON , JODM. IGthst. M153 13 * RKWAIID WILL 1113 OIVBN FOR THU RK $500 turn of Iho tt'lcsoopo case eontatnltiK samples ol ladles Elides , lost In bouth Omaha , lo Bee olllco. N" questions lukod. M14i Id' FOUND. riMKK.N UP , BAY MAP.H ; 3 W111TK FKKT ANT Jl white face ; part harness on. F. M. Mono. 300 ( Oak St. J118I 1C * MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGES. F. OKLLBNBECK.BANJOISTANDTKAOHKR 1SIO California street. 914 THE IlICALTX INSTRUMENTS placed on record Juno ID 1803 : WARRANTY DEEDS. J M Kuhn nnd wife to H 1' Kuhn , suh- dlvlot ? of lota. Uanltol ailil , lot 8 , block 4 , CrolKluon lleiKhls I 20.001 A L Wllllnins and husband to i : J Kou-- cr , h 5 foot of n \i lot 4 and o 10 fct't of s H fool of n / ' lot 0 , liloolc 4 , llanscoin 1'laco 50 ( SlHHauiidoruand wlfo to U h Green , lot 7 , block OU , Omaha 12,00 ( Q IjCircon and wlfo lo Marthcnn Satin- dors , lot 5 , block 1 , Isuau & tioldcn'.s add 5,001 South Omaha Land company to Mur- tln .ICII-.PII , lot U , block SJ30 , South Oinnlia 801 N A Kuhn and wlfo to J M Kuhn , lot G , block 2 , lloKK & Hill's ndd , tmlxllv lot 7 of lot 3 , Cunllol atld , n &G foot lot 12 , block U. Kountzo 3d add , lot 10 , block 4. Evoiott 1'ltcc. lot 8. block 4 , Grotghton HolKhts , lots 5 and 0 , Marsh's add , undlv > , ' , lots 4 and 0 , block 0 , Kllby IMiico BO.OOl Ij S Itood and Mfu to I'otorVlntur , s 25 foot lot 0 , block 7 , llnzol Tcrraco 30 WTOrahaiaand wlfo to 1) M Uro. a 27 foot lot 11 and n Id toot lot 12 , block 1 , I'atrluk'n add 8,001 K K Nowx'omb Lumber company to U M Whlto , lot I ) and n22 foot lot 10 , block l.JIayno 1'laco 4,20 Total amount at transform $101,85 RR1LWRY TIME ORRC Loaves I clllOAtiO , 11. I. It 1'ACUIU. Arrive Omuha. I Union Depot 10th A Maroy tits. | Omnht leaves I O.MD.S PAOIF1C. I Arrive Omnba I Union Dopat I0ti ! nnd Miro/Sti.l OjnUt 4Qj p i . .OvorUnl Flyar 7.U ) p I . .Iloalrlco uibi Kr'vxHunl. IJ.IO p i 10. ! ) a I , .linvorFmt _ jlill. . . . . . l.'t ) ii i ai j | ; ClllliAliJ ! illJi. ii. di * lMUU lArrlVJ inatsl U. 1 * . ilepoland Jlarcy ? 'n. | Omah Leaves PACIFIC. lArrivo Luiahal Depot 15th and WebmrSls. I Omul r- leaves I 1'ACIKHL ( Arrive ST Oaiahal Depot. 1Mb ana \Vobslnr dli. I Oinal , sy 6.45 | i m | .tft. Paul Llmltod I a.ii a IIIo. Lcmuj I DilAUAiar. lAJUIb. Arrive o.ox OmahaU.P. | Depot. 10th and Murcy Hts , Omal 4.03 p m | at Louis Cannon Ball 1J.35 p SLASH OF THE SNICKERSNEE Jim Hill is Carving Right and Loft Without Pour or Favor. ANOTHER CUT IN PASSENGER RATES Cnloulntril tn Mnltn Troulilo for the Pnclllo -frnlRht lUlcn Also Unsrttloil Uonornl Jlnimijnr Ulckltianii Tnll ( of llnrd No sooner ts n truce p.itcliod up In one sec tion of the countrjr between rntlroails so fnr as ii.issonner rates nro concerned Umn wnr Is declared hi nnothcr section , the latest of fender being the Great Northern In nu- nounolnp now rates , cftectlvo Juno 19 , whlo'i ' promise to innko It mighty Interesting fur the Northern Pnclllc , Southern 1'aclOcniut Union I'ncltlc , particularly for the former road. road.Whether Whether the Union Pacific will meet the now rates which the Great Northern has announced Is n question that the gentlemen of the passcnccr department cannot answer In the absence of Mr. Lomax , but the consensus of opinion Is that the now r.ito.4 will Ira tried for n tlmo at before an effort ts inado to meet the cut , especially from Seattle and Tacoma , Dutto and Holeua nnd Montana common points/ ' Nothing will prevent those rates from seriously affecting California rates and un less some sort of a compromise Is reached before Juno 18 , people will bo riding from California and Montana at a rate that will bo startling to the traveling public. Not content with the reductions In passen ger rates , It Is understood the Northurn pco- plo will reduce sleeping cnr faro from ? 15 to $8 , an item very considerable to the tourist who . Is doing the country on a purely economic basis. No cminlon Is expressed among railroad men as to lust what the upshot of the whole affair will ho , but It is generally understood that shouht the Great Northern persist In nicking rates from Its eastern terminus to north 1'aulllo points : First-class , S.T.'i ; second-class , 835. To Spokane , first-class , $00 ; second-class , 0. To Helena and 13utte , llrst-class , $ JT > ; second- class , iflS , there will bo the largest sized sort of a row , demoralizing the whole trans continental passenger business. Kilter Apt to Drop. There Is the gravest fear In Union Pacltlo circles that freight rates will go still lower and that the company \vi J have to meet the now rates niiido by some one of the transcon tinental roads or else go out of business from terminal points. The mooting in Chicago Tuesday between the lines members of the Transcontinental and Central Tr.vlHc associations was unproductive of a single thing that could be construed to mean a cessation of present differences. For a coupleof days the "Overland route" has not issued a supplemental tariff , the relations between the rivals for through business being about the same. One thing is certain , however , the Union Pacific's through freight earnings huvo commenced to assume intinUcsimnl proportions as com pared with the corresponding period List year , but thcro seems to bo no help for the loss at nrcscnt. While the Union Pacific is not dependent upon through freight bus iness for its earnings , a reduction in the volume of mcrctmndiso hauled makes a serious hole In Auditor Young's statement. Ciirtitillni ; ICxpmntn. Mr. E. Dickinson , general manager of the Union Pacific , while looking content and happy , was evidently In a serious frame of mind when TUB BCB reporter saw him. "Our only business at present is to curtail ex penses , " said Mr. Dickinson , -beoauso our earnings nro getting decidedly down. \Vheroverpossiblo woaro laying oiT a man here and there to reduce the force In order to bring it within the limit of pur business. Wo are also discontinuing trains whcraver the earnings fall below the expanses of run ning them , so that the next monthly state ment may not show a startling reduction in earnings. " In keeping with General Manacor Dickin son's desire to reduce as far as practicable the train service on branch lines , the follow ing trains will bo discontinued Sunday : Trains No.15 and ! ( ! . between Lincoln and ManhaUnnKnn.on the Omuha&Hcpublicnn \nlloy railroad ; locals 121 and 1 'J from Echo to Park City , U. T. ; NOJ. 1 and 8 , from Poeatello to Butte , Mont. ; trains Nos. 81 and Si , between Grand Island , Ord ami Loui : City , and mixed trains Nos. 15 and 115 , running - ning between Julasburc. and Denver. KumiQdy KlokH. ) Mr. Charles Kennedy , speaking of the Item In Tun BEE of yesterday announcing ) that there were 2,000 tickets of Burlington and Hock Island in the hands of broken between Omalm and Chicago , said : ' It is preposterous to thliiK of such n thing , the tickets being limited to thirtj days , which lias made the brokers vorj much afraid of handling tnom. I um to bat that there are not Ility such ticket ; in this city. The only tickets that could IK In brokers' hands are of Union Pacific Issue reading from Colorado common points viu the Northwestern to Chicago , nnd there an mighty few of these. "As for the Hio Grande in coiijunctiot with the Uock Island selling tickets for 1 cent a niilo , it is utterly without reason , Al the lines nro adhering to the agreement and frum Omalm thcro is little lllmllau work being done. " llullwiiy Nuto.i. General and Mrs. J. 1C. Buchanan of tin Elkhorn are In Chicago. W. II. Fltroa one of the oldest onglneoi OH the Union Paclllc , living nt North Platte was in Omaha yesterday. The Western Pusaonsor association be ramo effective yesterday covering the entin transmlssouii territory as far went as Utah There will bo it meeting of the transmit sourl commlttco nt brown's Pnlnru hotel Denver , Juno 1'J ' , to arrange rules for the con duct of the commlttuu In this section , The revised ncrcemont of the Weston Passenger association was originally In tended to go Into effect yostcrdaybutlnorUo that local Hues In various portions of th territory may have tlmo to inuku their HI rnngcmcnts , no peimlllvis for violation of th ngreoniont will bo enforced until ufte Juno 20. Busy uoopio have no time , and acnsil people havu no Inclination to usu pills thu make them Mck a day for every dose the , take. They have learned that tliu use u Do Witt's Llttlo K.xrly Klsors dee * not in torfora with thulr health by causing pain or griping , These little pills tire pot feet in action nml resulto , regulating th stomach nnd bowels so that headache * , dii zincasaml lastltudo are proventu'i. The , cleanse the blood , ulonr the complonluu nn > ono up tlio syatem. .tats of health in thus ; littlofellows. Itpiluuoil llrlilf" I'urns , Four wookn ago the city ofllclals and number of cltUcns of Omaha and Counc BluiTs hold a moetln ? In Mayor Bomls' o : flco lu the Interest of the 5-coiit ftiro the bridge. A nuiulior of tlio olllclula c the bridge company wuro present nt th mooting. They promised ttuit the iniittc would 1)0 brought to tha attention of Hi boaru of directors within it short tlino , nn gitvu It as tholr opinion that not lonur thu two weoUs would be required , With thl understanding the moating ndjournod. Tno bridge company was to notify Mnye DoinU to whether the requott for thu i cent /aro would bo granted , und the muyc PATENT BUREAU. SUES & CO , , Solicitors. Boo Building , Omaha , Nol i yeari Examiners U. B. I'aU Offlcu. Ailrlfo f r No fee until patent is obtainet wns to 0-xll the Omalm nnd Council IilulT.t commlttoon together Immodmtoly. Xho two weeks 0.1 mo nmt wont , ns hnvo four of thorn , nnd still not n word hits been uttoreil hy HIPbrMfo ; | oompAiiy directors nn to tholr Intention , Konio lniiilslllvo ] i > eoilo nro won- derini ? whether the nnromont for the 5- cent faro hns mot Us ilorUti. IN i'OLIOE OinOLES. for riRlitliiK-Cnnr tlmt Itcpp tha lUun CouM llinj- . The morning session of the police court yesterday was very short. Only n very few transgressors hntl been nrrested durlns ? the lireccillng night , nnd these who were xm- fortunnto nnongh to fall Into the hands of the over vigilant "coppor" ( , 'ot off onsy when they appeared before the pollco inngUtr.ito. Anton Nalill received the only severe son- tcnco given , and ho was ( hied f 10 and costs for assaulting young Henry Kcsstcr with n piece ot water plpo. Tlio smnll herd of vagrants were allowed to dop.irt nftcr prom ising to le.u-o town or go to worlc nt oneo. Harry Arnold reported ycstcnlay that ho had been robbed of $10 In n "stag" lodg ing house nt Ul South fourteenth srtcot Inst night. Ho sniit thai ho occupied the saino room with ono ' Dug" Vnnco , and that when ho awoke this morning ho found Vnnco had llown with his only ? IO bill. The tldof bns not yet been apprehended. 4 Dotectlvo vizard recovered n $ S cloak i ycstenlny which hud been stolen from Mary Kit p.itrlck of the California chop houso. Tlio city marshal of Uiwronco , Kan. , \ , offers $ V ) to the person who will flint n pair V of iron gray horses stolen from that town v Sunday. M Hcrtxjrt Ambler escaped from the 3S Wyoming state penitentiary n few days ngo " nml the warden offers 8100 to the man wno will cap t nro the con viol. Chlof Scavoy has received n letter from Henry Kuhl of Daveniwrt , la. , stating that his in-yoaiMiltl daughter had ran away from homo and It was thought shohad fallen into bad company In Omaha. Dotoctlvo Vaughn looked Into the case nnd found the girl living nt a low resort on Eighth strcot. Vaughn took the girl to the Jail nml placed her In the matron's room. Miss Kuhl says that she was Induced to leavohonie bv Mine. Spoken , the keeper of the dive , nnd a war rant will ho issuc-1 for the woman's nrroat „ for harboring a girl under the ago of con- -s scat. \ Arrangements nro about completed for the fourth annual pienlo of the Omaha pollco force , which \\ili ho hold at Froinont , Nob. , on the Mill of this month. As usual , the merchants have boon very liberal In the offering of prices ami the pienlo la now nn assured siu-cess. An Imjucst will bo held nt 10 o'clock this morning on the body of F. I. . . Cour- soy , the tinner who died suddenly Tuesday after n protracted sproo. Tlio coroner ami attemllng physician did not think nn Inquest necessary , but the family requested one , so it will bo held. Tim . : | | > < , The pleasant ofTwt nml porfoctsafety with . „ . which ladles iniy : IHO tlio Culifonil.i liquid . * Lixntlvo , Syrup of Flirs , under nil conditions , 31 makes it their fnvorito remedy. To got the true nml ijpuulnc artiolo , look for the imiiiu of the California Kit : Syrup Co. , printed near the bottom of the i OMAHA'S BONDS. Treasurer lloltn Kuviir.s lloldlnt ; the Dohon- turps lor lli'tti'ir'lnancl.vl .Sonnon. Treasurer 3 > olln is eoualdorins ; the advisa bility of oircrlng forsulo the $100,008 each ol paving intersection a ml sewer bonds of tlio oily voted last fall. Before fully tk-oidlng what stops to UiliO MiHolln will probably consult tlie lliumco coiuinitteo. It is nceossary to llout the sewer boiuli , but the p.ivlnp can rest for u while. There is already u'crtliiuil to lu coijtnicts 873,01)1) ) ) on the main sewer fund , und there is no money , j there to jiay the estimates us they full 'i > | duo. As a eonsoiincnco Iho bonds must bo dlsposp.rtjpf of the fact that the bond inirfluisois are very close listed at the lireseut timo. The bonds ruu twenty years years , , ami be.irJ'fpcr cent interest.In , > i view of this fact nilu the strincciiey in ' the money mnrkot the treasurer docs not ex- poet as Kooil bids as on former occasions , notwithstanding the confidence- brokers hav3 In Omah.i securities and the high standini ; of the city in the commercial and llimncial pen tors of the Mr. Holln bcllovJi it best to withhold the p.ivinir bonds until there is tin case up In llnauulal circles. Thcro has been certified to but $3,000 moro than is in this fund , and ho thinks that amount can bo taken care of by himself without soiling the bonds. The bonds also run twenty years and bcar4 percent interest. The number of property owners paying their city taxei Increase * every day , ami thcro is a manifest dctcrminatiini to csciipo the delinquent penalty of 1 per cent a month after July I , wlien the taxes bccomo dolln- quont. This year's record comp.iros very favorably with that of last year in thia ro- spect. _ _ Tlicro are tlirco trunks worth savins Tlmo , Trouble ami inouoy aud DJ Witt's Little liirlv Hlsors will s iva thorn for you. These little pills will s.ivo you timp , ns they' act promptly. They will save you trouble as they cauio no pain. They will save yea , uionov 'is they economize doctor's bills. I'rnui tJioYi > rlil' < Tiilr to M'nsliliton ( nnd tint Jait. Do you conteiniilato going to the World's ? Of course you do every onu does. But you will not end your journey with u visit to tlio fair. Von will want to ijo back to the old homo In Now York , Ohio or Pennsylvania. You will. pel-Imps , want incidentally to f > ute to Washington , cull on tlio provident to inquire after the "plum" orop , in fuct milieu u BWliitf aroiuui the whole uirelo , take in Qliicinnuti , 1'itUlmr ; ; , Wheeling , Wushinjjton , Haiti more and Now York. That would malco n Hplomlid trip Jf taken over tlio Baltimore & Ohio railroad , Over no other rail road route in all the oust can there bo found more delightful ami varied nunnery thuu over the famoiiH H. & O. It is the only direct route from Chicago to Washington. Leaving Chicago cage , on tlio llnost and faatodt trains In the world , vo-jtllmlod from end to end , lighted by thu famoiiri 1'inthch gun , pro tected by Pnllimm'H aiiti-tole.Huoping do. vice , and iv perfect block Hyutoin , you are rapidly whirled over a Hplamlld road-bud and down through the grand old tjtutuH of Illlnolri , Iiidlutin , Ohio , 1'ennnylvanla and Virginia , away up among the mountain fastnesses of the Alloglianlod , piibt liiindredd of hibtorle hattlolleldri ami plauiw of note. You cannot c.oncoive of it grander trip on all the American continent. If yon con template visiting the old homo in the oust yon should not full to travel by way of the Haltlnioro & Ohio railroad. For information as to rates , time of traliw , sleeping car accommodations , oto. , ap ply to L , S. Allen , Analbtant General I'a Agent , "Rjokorv , " Chicago. III. Viu the Wub.nil Ilullroail. No. 1. For the JSjnvorth loiiiio ( con vention ut Cleveland , O , , Juno -D to July 'i , TlioYubit th , in connection with tlio. Detroit and CJiivolnnd Navigation com pany , will muko iv rnto of (810 ( for the round trip from Chicago. No. U. Km- the Y. I' . S. C. K. conven tion nt Mcmtrottl , July 5to U. Only $18 from Chicago via the Wubiiah. In adt dition to the rotfiilur slcoplntf curn olociuit now tourintcurd will ho uttuohod to this train ut $1.50 per berth , Foil TJCKKTH , ulooplng bortliB or a touriut-foldor , fflvinir list of aldo trips , with cobt of niiiiio , call ut tlioVubiwh olllcca , 'Ml Clurk tit rout und Donrbpru Btntion , Ch.lcajr.oj JB02 Farnam street. Omalm , or wrlto G. N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. Aut. , Omaha , Neb Nliiuly I'xiiurslun * to 4Jlilca o Durln-f Juuo viu the Burlliik'ton route ut very reduced rates. For particulars call oil W , I'Viull , L 113 4 Farnam street , Oranbu.