Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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Testimony of Witnesses Who Saw the
Original Draft ,
f _ - . !
- Bpnlflo Initrnctlnm Ulven \ > j tlie Tnitntor
to One of tlio I'rnpoind Kxecutor *
with llrrrrrncA to Carrying Out
t tha Will' * ProTlaloni.
) t , * , Juno 15. [ Special to TUB BBB. ]
-Tlio deposition of N. S. Scott , ono of the
< ixcculor of the will of Dr. Turner , the
various complications connected therewith
having boon * ot forth In the columns of TUB
BEE. was road this rooming , despite the
rcry rigorous objections of tlio contestant's
counsel. The deposition was to the effect
that Dr. Turner had showed htm the will In
n crude form , and had Afterwards conferred
1 with him as nn attorney In the preparation
of the will. It nlso.sot up the bequests of
, the alleged will exactly ns claimed In the
'petition of the proponents.
* * ' William Clark , the other executor , was
also cxnmluod Ucsplto objections of counsel
thnt ho wns an Interested party. Ho said ,
that some tlmo In 1SS9 Dr. Turner hud told
him ho had been named as an executor In
his will , nnd inquired If ho would servo. Ho
.consented to do so. and the doctor nskcd him
to see that the provisions of the will wcro
alilctly carried out , na ho had reason
\ > to boilovo that his sons wcro not In
* { Sympathy with hli benevolent in ten *
I , tioiiB. lie had also had other conversa
tions with the deceased , the last ono several
months before bis death. Iho tloctor gave
specific instructions an to whcro ho left the
will , nnd said that the vallso in which it
was contained would bo given him by Mrs.
Koothatn , the doctor's housekeeper. Mr.
Clark was absent from the city at the tlmo
of his death , but when ho returned Mrs
Uootham pave- him the letter I f t for her by
the doctor , In which ho had given directions
for her to hand the will to Mr. Clark , nnd
Informed him the will was In the possession
of W. J. Turner.
Mr. Clark said ho had had several conver-
atlons with W. J. Tumor respecting the
will , nnd had requested him to bring It dowr
nnd turn it over , BO thnt it might bo opened
nnd the proper proccedlncs taken , but tl
was not brought , Morris Turner being oul
Of town on several occasions when the request
quest was made , and nt another time W. J
Turner said ho was too busy because of t
. recent fire at bis store. Alter n whllo hi
I ? was informed of the alleged burglary ot thi
I'l residence of "W. J. Turner and tlio dlsap
pearanco of the valuable papers from tin
I'valise i in which they had been contained. Thi
knowledge was imparted to him the da'
afterwards by W. J. Turner. They had ad
vcrUsod for the papers , but had never re
covcieil them. Witness had bad Captali
1 Scott rcclto the provisions of the will fron
memory. These ho had reduced to writing
nnd were the same as contained in the wll
sought to bo probated.
] IUR oy Murder Cu o ,
The jury was finally secured in the Husso ;
murder caao this morning , and the talcing o
testimony begun. The coroner. Dr. Criir
and Dr. Glffun testified that the bullet wlilc !
killed Moore passed through his intestine
nnd pierced the spleen , nnd that media
skill was unavailing to save him ; that deat
was the result of the bullet wound. Th
only cyo witness of the affair who was caji
turod detailed the circumstances surroum
Ing the affair and ttio queer actions c
Hussoy. The attorneys for the defcndan
expect to provo that ho has boon insane fc
the pas' , eight years , nnd that ho sufforo
for years from n fall In his youth , runnin
away from homo several years ago-'wlic
steps wcro being taken to incarcerate hli
for n vicious assault with a hatchet upon hi
mother. The court allowed n number (
depositions setting up these facts to bo ii
traduced in evidence , over the vigorous ol
Jcclions of the state's attorney.
As to tlio Viaduct Mnttur.
Tha entente cordlalo that 1ms been ( loll :
business between the city , the Burlingtc
and Union Pacific railways and the vindui
contractor shows vlsiblo signs of wear an
tear all ns u result of the injunction pr
ccedlngs broucht to compel the viaduct I
be halted and the streets placed in i
lormor condition. A special meotiug of tl
council was called last night to take son
action in the matter , but a quorum was n <
secured. Mayor Weir prepared a notlco
servo upon the contractor today that und
no circumstances would the city assume ni
liability for any part of the cost of constru
tlon or the material , but Suporintcudc
Blgnall , who has been very anxious to secu
the erection of the viaduct got him to wit
hold serving the notice , which would cau
instant cessation of the work , and stat
that in his belief ho could got the railro
companies to reconsider their previous c
termination not to pay any money ns th
had ngrood to do. Nothing has yet be
hoard as to his mission.
To Compromise with Delinquent * .
The state board , especially constituted
BOttle with delinquent county treasure ]
comprising the members of the State Ban
ing Board , met this afternoon to consider
proposition to settle the indebtedness
Carl Korth , the defaulting treasurer
Plorco county , who turned up $3. > ,000 she
| some time since. Some of the mtsappi
priatod funds belonged to the state , and 1
bondsmen wanted to settle , it Is said , for
cents on the dollar without interest. Jo
P. Hayes of Norfolk appeared for ICorth n
the boiulsmon , The board concluded that
the boiuismon did not ovlnco any dlspositl
to put up thu amount of the defalcation
' could effect no settlement.
Suicide of mi Agoil Lincoln Cltlzon.
B. G. Julian , formerly an inmate of t ,
asylum , but who has been under restraint
his homo at Thirtieth and Clinton stro
for several mouths , wandered away fn
home last evening.
Late this afternoon the dead body of I
old mon was found by several boys who w
out hunting about a half mile southeast
Wyukn cemetery. Ho had secured a pli
of thick vtlro , tied ono end to thu limb ol
tree and mndo running 110030 into which
inserted his head and swung off. HIM
about COi years old and shire his release fr
the asylum , some seven months ago , mi
his homo with his son , T. B. Julian.
Thirtieth and Clinton streets. Ho I
evidently been dead for several hot
Coroner Crlm wns called nnd the roma .
talrou to local under lulling rooms. It
probable no inquest will bo hold. Jul
was ni ono tlmo welt to do.
City In liriof.
The contests Instituted by U. B. Grain
republican , and A. 13. Hnrgroavos , fusl
against A. II. Weir , fusion , und A. D. Hi
republican , respectively for the ofllcei
mayor and exciseman , were begun in
county court this uftornoon. The first >
ness called for the ox-city clerk , 1) , C. 1
Duyn , who tostllled ns to tiio prccnutl '
taken to protect the ballots from being t
pored with after they were given into
custody , The hearing will probably 1
several days , nnd the entire 5,700 ballots <
for mayor and excisemen will bo rocouni
Miss Clara Orqulst of Colon , Nob. , \
came to the city last evening to visit
family of a Mrs. Brown , at C',7 So >
Eleventh street , had a Imlr-nUsIng ox |
Icftco whllo on route from the depot
hack , The horses bccauio frightened
ran away , throwing the dilvcrolT , A
narrowly missing a collision with n st ;
car nnd grazing several telephone poles
cariiago was brought to a stop at K sir
with the young lady but llttlo the worse
her cxpurlunco.
A fashionable wedding nt G o'clock stli
tlio stagnant waters of the social pool
nvoning , The contracting parties wor
0. Howe , formerly elurk of the bun I
board , and Miss Martha Kunko , duughtu
Mrs. Hosa Funko. The ceremony was
formed at the Holy Trinity Episcopal clu
by Uov. John Hewitt , ami wns followed
an elaborate reception and ball at the Fu
tostdoiiro , The young people have gene
ou a visit.
Lieutenant Governor Majors and the
bent , but muoh overworked , state ollU
Mcbsra. Humphrey and Allen , loft today
the north on a fishing excursion. All i
munlcatlons addressed to the govorni
Nebraska should bo sent to Hon. l < raa
M. Correll. acting chlof executive-
state- .
The cases of Scott against Klrshbaum
Mulling agamat the Westcru Union ' .
graph company , appeals from Lancaster
county , were filed In supreme court today *
The military board will moot tomorrow to
determine whether an encampment will beheld
hold this year.
ni-arni-y Intercuts ,
KRxnKBT , Juno 15. [ Special to TUP. BRR. ]
The Plntto Institute held Its first com
mencement exercises this evening and the
graduation exercise * will be hold tomorrow
night. There are twelve members In the
graduating class , four In the normal nnd
eight In the commercial department. The
total enrollment for the year is 172 , which Is
considered pretty good for the first year1 Of
its existence.
Hlchard Hlbbard , ono of the largest brick
manufacturers in the state , has already
made and burned this season over 1,000,000
brick , nnd Is now engaged in filling an order
for 100 carloads to bo shipped to Grand
The Board of Equalization Is now In ses
sion , and the assessors' books for thn city
nnd township of Kearney show the total
assessed valuation to bo $ lO.V > ,794. Of this
amount $2. > 3.HS'J Is for personal property ,
SSU.S41 for farm lands , and $713,071 for city
lots. This docs not Include any telegraph or
railroad valuation , and is considerably In
excess of last year.
The committee- Appointed to solicit sub
scriptions fora liVjurth of July celebration
has soourod nearly $1,000 , nnd word was re
ceived hero today that the Omalia Licrosso
toatrt would bo present nnd play the Kearney
loam on that day. Other Interesting sports
will also bo provided.
The Lincoln nnd Konrnoy I/icrosso terms
will play n game next Monday for the cham
pionship of the state , and the game Is looked
forward to with considerable interrst.
J. D. Seymour of Denver , Colo. , left homo
Monday morning. Juno 5 , at 0:30. : with single
horse nnd buggy , to drive to tbo World's
fair. Ho arrived In Kcarnoy last ovculncr at
0 o'clock nnd sturtod out again this morning.
The dlstanco by wagon road is 409 miles nnd
ho says ho nvcraged fil > miles n day every
day ho traveled. His outfit weighs U50
ixninds and the horse is in good condition.
Fremont' * Chnutnaqun.
FREMONT , Juno IB. [ Spoulal to THE BHB. ]
-Elaborate preparations nro being tnado for
the Chautauqiia , which commences the 20th
Inst. at the Fremont Chautauqua and As
sembly grounds. The grounds have been
improved nnd so have the lakes for fishing
and boat riding. Tho'grounds now afford
every opportunity for outdoor enjoyment ,
and the program is replete with all that can
make the session thoroughly interesting , en
tertaining and instructive.
Mrs. Mary ! J. Lewis , aged S7 years , who
died yesterday with consumption , was
buried this afternoon. Hot. Gcorgo M.
Brown conducted the funeral exercises ir
the Methodist Episcopal church. The de
ceased leaves n husband and tire children.
The Fourth of July celebration to bo held
In this city promises to bo the largest ovei
held In the county. Hon. Gcorgo L Looml ;
will deliver the oration and Clyde Hull wll
road the Declaration of Independence.
Concluded ltd Work.
WEST POINT , Nob. , Juno 15. [ SpecialTolo
gram to THE BBC.J Today concluded thi
state encampment of the Sons of Veterans
Last evening the nnnual olcction of officer ,
took place , resulting as follows : Commander
mandor , W. B , McArthur ; senior vlco commander
mandor , J. F. Zolllngor ; junior vice com
mandcr , C. E. Elsloy ; 'division council
James Nichols , Harry Miller , J. C. Elliott
delegates to twelfth annual encampment a
Cincinnati : 1C. E. Valentino , George Hunt
J. E. Elliott. Tonight is hold tno gram
ball , which concludes the encampment.
Hurt TVhllo llimrdlnc n Train.
PAWNEE CITY , Nob. , Juno 15. [ Spocla
Telegram to THE BcE.l Iloss Huntley , ago
10 , while attempting to board a train on th
Rock Island at this place today , was struc'
on the head by ono of the flat cars an
knoouod several foot down an embankment
Ho was picked up in an insensible conditio
nnd his right log found to bo bruised an
slightly cut about the knee. Ho is restin
quietly this evening and no serious result
are anticipated by his physician.
Father nnd Son Killed.
STCAHT , Nob. , Juno 15. [ Special Telegrai
< to yTnn 'BEE. ' ] Ed Smiih , an implomci
in dealer of Fairfaxes. D. , north of this placi
3t and his 5-year-old son were killed by Ugh
ido nfng during the rain last evening while pas :
o10 ing along the street in that Dlaon. A hcav
10 rain prevailed all over this section of coui
ts try last night.
10 10 Given Hourn to I.uavo the Country.
3t BLOOMIXQTON , Neb. , Juno 15. [ Specii
to Telegram to THE BKE. ] Dr. F. McElwo
or who was arrested at Macon in this count
iy for shooting at S. H. Behrens , who McElw
lent alleged had attempted to assault his 7-yea
nt old daughter , has been sot at liberty nr
ro Bohrcns given ton days in which to leai
the country.
Chocking the Accounts.
Mr. D. D. Spauldlng , inspector of intern
oy roveuuo offices , was bonding over a heap
en revenue stamp stub books yesterday
the ofllco of Collector Peters , and his pre
once recalled the sensational times of fo
to years ago when Mr. Spnuldlng was detail
rs , > from Washington to take charge of tl
ika affairs of the Omaha revenue ofQco ai
of a trace down the omboxzlomonts nnd pecul
of tions of young John Calhoun. This time M
irt Spauldlnj * happens to bo simply on his rea ;
Inr tour and departed
x > - inspection ycsteru
ils for other fields of labor.
75 Speaking of thoap | > ointmcntofMr. Nort
hn Inspector Spaulding said : "Ihopotnat K.
hnml Cleveland will have better luck this til
ns than ho had in the appointment of Calho' '
ion to the position of collector of this olllt
it That Calhoun scrape was a llttlo the woi
mix-up that I have over been called upon
straighten out. It was months and nioiit
before wo got all of John Calhouu's crookc
ho ness traced down. In fact , I don't belie
nt wo over found nil of It. "
uts Uoforrlng to the installation of Mr. Nor
om into the ofllco of collector , Mr , Spauldl
said : "I think that it is hardly probal
the that Mr. North will take the oftlco ur.tll t
ore beginning of the liscal year , or the 1st
; of July. To have him como In hero now woi
ecu necossltnton vast amount of work that c
r a bo avoided by making the change at the 1
ho K'inninir of the liscal year. Ho woulu hate
vas to start a sot of books nnd close thorn
om July 1 uud begin unow , whereas If ho con :
) do in on July 1 , ho will begin his accounts w !
at the beginning of the year , and move rlt
md along. "
irs. "When will you bo ready to hand the oft
.Ins over to your successor ? " the reporter as !
is Captain Peters.
Ian "I am neither going to got ready or g
ting ready. I nm ready now , " was the pc
the response. "When the admlnistrntloi
ready to take the business of this olllco
im , my hands I am ready to hand It over , bu
Ion , suppose the intention is that I shall hold I
irr , ofllco until the beginning of the next fla
s of year , "
iVit- tliu City Hall ,
'ons | A force of men are nt work cleaning
urn- white walls In the court of the city hall.
his places the walls boar n resemblance in cote
last to the ace of spndos , and tills Is the c ;
ast mora particularly near the stuam radiate
led. Covers were recently received for the ni
iV'llO ators , and it is promised that they v
the ulTord protection to the walls above the
uth whcro the heat has attracted the dust i
dirt. These covers cost the city $31 apl <
/luir Kate * to Cleveland via II. & O. K ,
root For the bonoflt of those desiring to
the tend the International confuronuo of
cut , worth leiiu'tio at Clovolmul , O. , Juin
for to July 'J , the Unltimoro & Ohio It.
will bull tlokuts at low nito of ono [
rod for the round trip. Tickets will be
oP. btilo at I ) . & O. otllcos west of Pittttb
dug utul liollnlro , and ut tiulcut otllcud i
TOf iirinuipu nilli-ouds of the woat Jun <
per- and Ui ) , und will bo valid for rot
irch journey until July 3 Inclusive. ' .
by round-trip rate from Chlougo will
inlto $10.00. Pullman bleeping car accom
ilntions may bo reserved und all dosi
eml- information may bo gcuurod upon ap
sers , cntlon to L. S. Allen , assistant gum
for passenger agent , Grand Central stat
: om- Chicago.
} ref
muj the Raymond & Co. , travel roofora. 1
Colo- $400.00 lota $25.00 dowu ; sco page 7
Examination of Witnesses in Her Behalf
Begun Yesterday Afternoon.
Her Attorneys Outline tlio Onnrje Tliej
Will 1'nriuo nnd State YVImt They
Propone to 1'rovc Urowili I'lll
the Court Ituom.
NBW BBuronn , Mass. , Juno 15. The tenth
day of the liordon trial opened with n big
crowd. The prisoner was overwhelmed
with floral offerings and appeared
In excellent spirits dcsplto the scorn
ing disheartening proceedings .yester
day. The witnesses today were druggists
who testified as to Iho use of prusslc ncld.
The dofcnso vigorously contests every point
of the prosecution's testimony , which wont
to show that the ncld was not used for
other than medical purposes nnd was un-
sultablu for cleaning furs , the purpose for
which Miss Donien said she wanted it.
Finally thb court excluded nil testimony In
regard to the purchase of prusslo acid.
The commonwealth rested Us case hero.
Oprnoil Tor tlio Dcfcnic.
After the recess Mr. Jennings opened the
case for the defense , llo said they would
show the previous spotlcssncss of the
prisoner's character nnd the absence of
intended purpose or opportunity. Tlio
prisoner sat with her fnco burled In her
handkerchief during the counsel's plea.
After distinguishing circumstantial from
direct evidence nnd Illustrating the dan
gerous character of circumstantial evidence ,
he said every link in the government's chain
of evidence must bo proved beyond n rcnson-
nbln doubt , Including motive , weapon , exclu
sive opportunity nnd Intent. The defense
would show that no blood was found ujton her :
that the relations between father ami
daughter , which excluded the motive for
killing him , and the motive to kill the mother
alone , would not bo enough for the govern
ment to claim that the same person killed
both. Hn claimed that the weapon had not
been connected with the defendant. Ex
clusive opportunity would bo negatived by
showing that other people wcro around lit
the tlmo of the murder ; thut others entered
the bain before tbo ofllcervho tcstilled
that its iloor was covered with dust , and
that the burned dress was covered with
paint and was not worn on the day of the
murder. *
During the opening Miss Borden covered
her tearful eyes with her handkerchief.
Martha .Chagnon , a nloasant llttlo French
gill , wns the first witness for the defense.
On the night preceding the Borden murder
she said she hoard n noisoabout 11 o'clock at
night. It sounded like pounding ou the
Bordcn fence and lasted flvo minutes.
Marion Chagnon. mother of Martna , con-
firmoi her daughter.
Saw n Myatorlotis Stranger.
Charles M. Glflord nnd Uriah Kirby both
swore to having seen n strange man on the
steps of the lattcr's house near ttio Borden
resldouco at 11 o'clock the night before the
murder. Gilford said the man seemed asleep ,
Witness shook the man and his hat fell oft .
Witness then went Into the house. The
man did not seem to have boon drinking. .
Ho had never seen the man before or since ,
Mark Chase of Fall Htver , a former member
ber of the iralico forao of that city , swore
that about 10:50 a. m. of the day of the mur
der ho saw n buggy standing in front of the
Bordcn house. In the carriage vt as a man
with n brown hat and a black coat. He hn/J
never seen the man nor the buggy before.
Dr. Benjamin H. Handy of Fall Hivoi
testified that he went by the Bordcn hous <
on the morning of the murder at V and 10:3 : <
o'clock. "I saw a medium-sized young man
very pale , with his eyes ilxcd on the side
walk , passing slowly toward the south. Il <
was acting strangely. In consequence of hli
appearance I turned in my carriage to watcl
him as ho went by. I have a. faint idea tha
I had seen him boforo. "
Mrs. Delia S. Manloy said she saw i
young man attired in a suit of white stand
ing at the Bordcn gate. That wns nbou
9:45. : She had not noticed the young mai
when she first came alone.
Gcotgo T. Borden. a relative of the de
fendant , tostiiied that ho entered the iiousi
the day after the murder , finding the door
Testimony of n Reporter.
Waiter P. elevensnt the time of the trafi
, edy , was a roiwrter for ono of the Fall Klve
' dailies. Ho was called to the stand by Mi
* Jennings. His testimony was the most im
olr portant for the defense that had como ou
rid up to this time. Ho went to the Bordo :
id house on the morning of the tragedy in th
ro regular course of his business. He wen
through the grounds and out to the ban
"While I was in there. " ho said , "I hear
three persons walking about in the uppc
al part of the barn. "
of Policeman Medley , it will bo romomboret
had sworn that there wcro no traces of foo1
steps m the dust on the floor of the barn lot
when ho went up there to malco an invest
ur cation. The witness said that ho did not sc
od Medley about and remained in the barn enl
head a moment or so.
ad Herman lloblnskl , an ice cream peddle
was called. He said ho went by the Bordc
la house in his wagon on the morning of tfc
ir.u . murder.
u- "What did you see ? "
ay "I saw a lady como out of the barn and f
to the stairs ut the north side of the house ,
"How did she go ? "
"Sho was walking slowly , " answered tl
no witness. "Sho wont in under the stairs. "
un . "Did you see her go into the house ! "
"I don't know about that. "
to ' Cmuoii a Sensation.
hs Then Roblnski caused something of n sc
satlon when ho answered these questions :
ve "Did you say anything to anybody aboi
th "Yes. "
Hg "Whoml"
ilo "Policeman Mullaly. "
ho "What did you toll him ? "
of 'I told him all about It. "
lid "Did you tell him what tlrao It was whc
an you saw the woman ? "
SJ"Vos ,
LVO "What tlmo was It ? "
UP "It was after 11 o'clock. "
ies "How much after ! "
ith Ho was not sure about that , but ho kno
; ht It wns after 11 o'clock. The person ho su
was not hho. Hobinskl said ho had so
Ice things to Bridget Sullivan and know h
ted fnco.Two
Two boys then testified who vlsltod t
et- Borden barn Just after the murder in
isi- walked all around the loft.
ils The Jury rotlrod at-1:48 : , whllo counsel r
off gued the ndmisslbillty of evidence of Jose
t I L , May , who found a man covered wi
the blood near Steep Brood August 10 , wl
cal talked about the Borden murder. Thu < iu
tion was reserved until morning and t
court adjourned.
the Invlto Tliulr Kneinlos.
In ' Major French has issued the following
ilor 'vitation :
ISO "Tho Salvation array of Omaha will hn
ira , 1 an Ice cream cool-off ou Saturday ovenli
icll- Juno 17 , ut their barracks , from & to 7 p ,
All our friends and cnomlc < Lftro Invited to bo
prosi-nt. The money raised , \\ill bo used to
furnish the garrison wltH'SoWo necessary
articles. Wo will continue tha lee cream nt
the close of the mooting alsc yj
it lit
Qoitlp of GAiivmt Interoji j n the Inlinb-
Itnntft of the Mcyfilc 6ltj- .
Two hundred dollars harf'bocn paid into
the city treasury on bAeVoccupatton tax
within the last few weeks' . p- >
Justice Hodges united la tfttVrlago yostor-
dny evening NoU Nclsuai md Annie C.
Nrlscm. n tl ,
The mem bora of the LadlaV Aid society
were pleased beyond description nt the largo
attendance nt their entertainment In tno
Presbyterian church lastojqqcnlng. Everyone
ono went away feeling , that they had re
ceived the worth of their motiuy. The stage
setting of the "Goddess of iAimo" was very
pretty. The characters wore well taken
and the entertainment passed off happily for
every ono concerned. '
W. F. N. Houscr , treasures of Otoo county ,
was In the city last evening. (
Mayor Wnlicer and City , Attorney Van
Duson loft last evening for Chicago to visit
the fair.
S. M. Wmtcsborn reiwrlod to the police
last night that his pony had been stolen.
Clyde Dlmlck of Petersburg Is n guest of
htsfrloml.M. B. Calkins.
John Flynn of Uoohollo , III. , ts visiting
friends In the city.
Miss Grace H. Richardson Is visiting
friends in Council Bluffs.
The German clasi will hold Its lait meetIng -
Ing of the season tomorrow evening at Miss
Anne Glasgow's music room } Twenty-fourth
nnd N streets.
Kov. W. 1 . Murray and Uov. C. N. DaWson
will exchange pulpits next Sunday morning.
Mrs. J. McKrniiy of Hay Springs is visit
ing Mr. nnd Mrs. Ij. Carpenter.
Uov. Father P. W. Morlarlty sprained his
wrist whllo alighting from n motor car
yesterday morning , and ns n consequence ho
is now carrying his left arm in n sling.
Captain Austin of the police force- reports
that there Is a very dangerous hole on
T\-ciity-fifth , between H and S streets.
Mrs. Mayor Wai leer has gene to Extra ,
la. , on a visit.
Detective Vaughn nnd Jailor Al Bebout ,
both members of the Omnhu metropolitan
police force , wcro In the city yesterday ,
posting bills for the iiollco picnic , which
takes place at Fremont Wednesday , June ' 23.
Eugctio Hall for drunkenness was fined $3
nndillliun Williams for disturbing the
peace was assessed the same amount.
The store clerks in South Omaha nro agi
tating an early closing movement. They
will circulate a petition among their em
ployers asking that all stores ba closed at 7
o'clock in the evening during the heated
Councilman Bulla stopped on a rusty nail
over in the stock yards yesterday , which
penetrated the flesh and made a very painful
Tno Woman's Relief corps Indies nro mak
ing preparations to give n lawn social In
Polsloy's erovOjTwonty-fourth and J streets ,
on Saturday evening. In addition to the ice
cream , strawberries and cake there will be
an excellent program of music and litera
ture.A farmer's team run away yostcrdav ,
throwing tlio owner out nnd breaking his
arm and several of his ribs.
Fire was discovered in a box of sawdust ir
M. Bouknll's store on N street at midnight
Wednesday. Some person had thrown n
lighted cigar into the box und the fire was
located by Ofllcer Argebright Just ns the
llames began to scatter. " jVfow buckets ol
water put an end to what' might have been
a serious blaze If it nad' ' not'been for the
timely discovery.
Mrs. Clara Bowman , a Widow lady who is
n worthy subject of charityj'Was provided
with provisions by OftlcerArnn Wio yester
day. The case was reportcddto Councilman
Wood nnd ho gave 'tho order foi
the necessities of life. Mrs. Edwman worked
hard every day until her. only child wo :
stricken down with typhoid-fovcr. Sh (
then had to remain at hauo < and soon founc
herself without food and mouey.
Another section of tho.stock yards sowei
Caved in yestordayat th9olu ? break. Con
tractor Fanning has boenfiveu ; the contrac
to place a now brick sowcv through the en
tire yards. "u. . ' „ ' ,
After the testimony was all taken in th <
Stacey assault case yesterday evening
Juctgo Fowler promptly < JlscUarged the dc
fondant. Stacey denied th6TjStory of th' '
girl in total. Drs. Ernhout and ICclloy , botl
of whom examined the girl , testified that n
assault had been committed. Otncrs tcstl
fied as to Mr. Stacoy's former good chai
On Juno 35 music and fun-loving thcatci
goers will bo treated to a matinee and nigh
of their fnvorito amusement. Manage
Burgess of tno Farnam Street theater ha
secured for his patrons the famous Andrew
Ojxjra company.
This company is well known m this com
try and is ono of the oldest opera organlrc
tlons on the road. It has entered upon th
eleventh season of a most prosperous oxls
The company numbers thirty-eight poopli
carries its own orchestra of eight traino
musicians , and has a largo nnd careful !
selected chorus. Its principals embrace som
of the best operatic talent in the countr ;
and besides the old favorites , George an
Ed Andrews , Florence Clayton , Marie Ho <
Jessie Andrews and Harriet Hart , may t
mentioned the celebrated English tone
Charles Campbell , William II. West , Grac
Halo , John C. McMillan and the celebrate
comedians , Fred Clayton and A. M. Maflli
> o The company has Just returned from
highly successful tour of the southern stat <
and is playing to packed business this wee
10 in DCS JMolnes.
For the Glorious 1'ourtli.
OMAHA , Juno 14. To the Editor of Ti :
BEE : I saw in last night's Bnn nn : irtclo ! <
n- Independence day. Now I think the time
[ it short to start in nnd have a rousing Four !
of July celebration , but nevertheless if tl
patriotic citizens will put their shoulders
the wheel , wo still have time to mal
preparations for a celebration long to bo i
momboml. And I will further say , do awj
with style for that ouo day. The reason
m mention this is that last year I had ov
! XU men's names iloun who promls <
to march ns "Sherman's Bummers , " -11
when the time carao only about twenty n
pearod , and the reason was that I told the
all they would have to wear such clothes
w wo were when wo mnruhod through Georg
iw and then they Hew the ) track because th
ild wanted to wear fi'io uniforms , Now , ft
or Editor , if Omaha will turn out , she bus t
material , and wo can show the children
Ho the present generation just how these s
ud dlcrs looked ut the grand review In Was
Ington in IBlVi. All I would ask Is that t
irnil young men lay asldo style for one day a
nil take part in the parade ,
10 , Of Sherman's Bummers
OSho Montnl exhaustion a nil brain fatigue
Promptly cured by Broiho-Soltzer.
Killed n G'oyol .
in- Secretary F. W. Obcr o { tb'6 Young Me
Christian association has , jfyUliorod j ui
ivo himself laurels as nn qKIIPrt riilo sli
While out practicing with his Winches
in. just beyond Florence Wudnusday afterm
I. .
ind i
wo. After Bathing
nt- the first time with Pearline'you ' fee
Bn- as if you never had been ( jean before
)2'JR. ' Possibly you haven't. Only baths lik <
are the Turkish or the Russian cairmake yoi
i on
urg as clean as Pearline does. There' ;
Of the same feeling of lightness and luxury
urn ury after it , too.
i'lio Bathing with Pearline costs almost
mo- bo nothing. It's like everything else
rod . you would long for it , 'if it were
31-111 pli. expensive , but you're apt to over
ton , look it when it's cheap. Directions
on every package.
1100 Beware E
you an imitation JAMES PVLK , New York ,
ho caught slqhl ot iv largo coyote wending
his way across n neighboring field In the
lolsuroiy way coyote * have.
Mr. Obor didn't glvo the sweet singer of
the plains A chunco to think of his whoro-
ftbouts , but took ft rest across n barbed wlro
fouco nnd blazed nway nt the beast , who
wns nt that tlmo titling nt n dlstanco of 200
yards from him snlftlng the atmosphere. It
wns a peed shot , catching the gray loafer
juU south ot the right shoulder and passing
cle nr through him.
The remains wcro on exhibition nt the
Young Men's Chrlstnln association building
yesterday. The coyote was nn old ono nnd
showed the marks of many years' battles
with n cruel world.
Will Uocelrn IthU.
The Board of I > ubllo Works will receive
bids today for making the water ptpo
connections to the curbs on the streets or
dered to bo paved tnls year. The pipes nro
four nnd slx-lnoh service , according to loca
tion , nnd the contract will bo quite an fox-
tensive ono. . .
t , r
Are they Wanted ?
Because they never spoil nice
Because the cakes , puddings ,
creams , etc. , arc made to
please the most refined taste.
Because they are extracted by
a new method , from the true
fruit , so that each has its own
natural and distinctive char
acter. That is why Dr.
Price's Delicious Flavoring
Extracts , Lemon , Orange ,
Vanilla , etc. , are wanted. To
the connoisseur the difference
between them and the com
mon Flavoring Extracts is so
great that it cannot be ex
pressed in words. A trial
will prove their superioi
Are these ignorant pretenders who
without any qualifications , any null
ity , nny experience , any skill , claim
to possess the power to euro all the
illsnf the human raeo. But their
want of xvorth soon becomes nppar-
ant to their would-bo dupes , and
these conscienceless quacks nro soon
consigned to the oblivion they so
richly merit
In strange and strong contrast
with these miserable boasters is the
quiet , dignified yet courteous do-
meaner of these noted loaders of
their profession.
Who , during the past 27 years , have
abundantly dotnanstratoa their abil
ity to effect speedy , porfoctaui per
manent cures in all the worst forms
of these delicate sexual malad'os '
embraced within the general
terms of
Send 4 conta lor tholr illustrated
now "book of 120 pages , "Know Thy
self. "
Consultation free. Call upon or
nddross , with stamp ,
119 S. 14th Street ,
IB Con Douglas
IBn OMAHA , - - - - NEB.
lie ; isu What
Ice to Can't Pull Out ? i
ony Why the
l > -
la ,
Bow on the Jas. Boss Filled
of Watch Cases , made by the
ol- Keystone Watch Case Company
ud ho pany , Ph il ndeljilini ; I tjiroj
tects the Watch from the pick
pocket , and prevents it from
dropping. Can only be had
with cases stamped
with this trade mark.
11 to Sold , without extra charge
ot. for thi s bow ( ring ) , through
ion Watch dealers only.
j Ask your jeweler for pam.
phlet , or send to makers.
MudobvCurtU &Bon. 1'ortland , Me.
Is the only
Women Excluded.
18 rcari experience.
Circulars tree ,
14th and Farnam BU. ,
m m mtmmmmwmwmwmmmn &
19 what seven men out of ton arc looklngfor ; n post-
l office a foreign mission o socrotoryshlp a proelZS
dency some even aspiring so high as to wish l
. to become aldermen. Falling tn these , they'll "
Er : toke anything so It's a ' 'snap. " Men have been 35
± known to pretty near starve to death waiting for a J
fH "snap" rather than go to work and get o dollar by S
Z good hard licks , There are several kinds of snaps * *
L not counting the good old ginger snap. Onelsajob -
with nothing to do and lots of pay. Another Is a < g
chance to buy something that you actually need at *
5 a good deal less than you expected * We're offering g
Z a snap of this sort p-g
* suits today. Our buyers in New York struck a man " " 3 ?
g"- with a good many more cheviot suits , and not quite H S-
g - as much money , as he needed. They had the THS
g" money and they "struck a snap" We place these
% f - suits on sale today three full lines-elegantly made US
Z up single and double-breasted In blacks and blues S
! Z ! at so much less than they're worth that they'll be < g
Z snapped" up by good judges as quick as they see , < g
i - 'em- The first line are single-breasted sacks all g
S wool cheviots blacks only value twelve dollars a g
SU- snap at $8. The second line are fine all wool un- *
2 finished worsted cheviots double-breasted blues - g
Sp and blacks value fifteen dollars a snap at $9.75. - g
& _ The third line finest all wool cheviots single - g
and double-breasted blacks only value sixteen to
g eighteen dollars at SIO.50. They're big "snaps" S
are these Z4
< s
Tiw w wm ww w w w www w auuiu
1316 Douglas Street , , $ maha , Neb.
The eminent jDOctnllut In nervous , chronic , private , bloat ] , bklnntirt urinary clUonsos. A. regular anl
registered graduate In modlclna , ni diploma * anil oartltloitos will HtiQir , 19 still treating with the uroatoil
ucccss.oatarrh , loit manhood , somlnaltroakDOM , nUbt loisui and nil foruit of private dUeasoa. No
mercury usod. New treatment for lost of vital power. I'drUea unable tovhlt rnomar bo trotted nt homo
br correspondence , Medlclno or Instruinonti onby mall oroxpross "oouroly packed ) no mark ! to Indi
cate contents or sender. Ono poraonnl Interview orororro.1. Comuttallon free Correspondence itrlctlr
private Hook ( Mjrsterles of i.lfu ) ouut froo. OOlce hourj , 0 am. to 9 p.m. Sundays , II ) o. tu , to 13 m.
bODci ; stamp for circular.
Our Spectacles and Eyeglasses Are the Best.-
Mgr. OMAHA OPTIGAL GO , , m S. 16th St.
55th and Lexington avoiuie , OhloaRO. eight
minutes from 57lh street entrance to World's
Kiilr groundsonly four blocks from Midway
I'lalsaiuc."THE OMAHA"
Is u flnostono and brlolc bulldlnz , ( InUlioJ In
linnl wood , provided witholoulrlalight , steam
liout , baths und perfect aunlturr pliimlilm ;
throiuhout. Tlio rooms are nil KOOI ] slro with
outsldn lUht , anil nro llnlshuil vorv much bol
ter than most of tha World's Fair Hotels. Tlio
lestnurant will ho conducted by the munucor ,
which wl lllnauro to nil coed service And ontlro
B4tUfaction. Uutos will lia moclor.Uu nnd roa-
Honubln. 1'rlcos for rooms , 51.00 uud upwards
( ouch person ) uerduy ,
Wo doslrotomako ' 'THE OMAHA"
lioadqunrtors for nil NobrusUa and western
people who raiiy visit the World's Fair. You
nroToluoinn to cumin and nslt "OUU.S 1'IUNS
AND OUT I'OINTKHS" whothnrynii wlh to
remain or not. "THE OMAHA" In con
veniently ra.ichod by tiiltlnx theCottapiUirovo
nnd Jacltflon I'nrk onlilo car on Wulmsli
uvonito. Tlior p.iss the hotel ,
Hotel will boopon Juno IO.
B. SILLOWAY , - - - Manager.
O ( "Tho Murray" Uin.ilm.
The Midlanil Hotel
cor. 16th and Chlcaeo. _ ,
Jefferson Square Park.
turo ontlroly now.
AinoTlcan plan , HI , , , , , , , , , . I Special raten
Kuropenn plan. II f ' " " "r f by the week
Convenient to nil car lines to nnd from dopou
OtTorn nil comforts.convluiicncei [ mil ford of hgher
priced hotals. Urury room an uutsldo room. Uloo
trio lights , call bells , tan , baths , vto.
The Mercer.
Omaha's Newest Hotel.
Cor. 13tU and Uovrard Streets.
40 rooms ti.50 per day.
40 moms $100 pur dny ,
IK ) rooms with buth at t-1 nor day.
'M rooms with buth nt tl.AO par day.
Sluiluru In Kviiry lti | ient.
Aowiy 1'iirnUhod Throughout
C. S. ER3 , Prow.
Beet Calf Bhoo to the world lor tbo prtoo ,
W. L. Douglas oiJOOBOieeoldeverywiiorej ,
Everybody ebould wear tbom. It la a duty
you ewe yotUBoll to got the best value lot
your money. Eoonoralzelnyourlootwonrby
purobaalng W. L. DouglasShOOS , blob
represent tbo beat valuS at tbo prtoeo od-
vert ed above , as thousands oca teaUly.
Kf- Take Vo Subetltnto. j&CT
llewnro of frnuil. Hone penulno without W. I
Douulan name and prlco clamped ou bottom. Look
It lieu buy.
tor you
1V.T - - . - . - - . . . .
MIIKIIII" Wohhoro , Kelley , Stlsor & Co. . 0. J
Wilson. I'.lhiH Hvanson , IgunU Nuwiimu , K.O
hotitli Omuhu.
A.sic Your .Druggist
MAMJl < VlCTtm ! ! ! 11V
OMA1-IA , - NBB.
tJ. S. Dopozitory , Omaha , Neb ,
CAPITAL , - - $400,000
SURPLUS , - $65,000
Olflceri and niroctori Hcnrr W. Tatei prctU
dent. It. 0 CuihliiK. Tlca prvtldent ! 0. S. Mauri ,
\V. V. Mnrie. John H. Colllni , J. N , II. t'ltrlck.Uwi
li B , lleoa , ca.hler.