Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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Ccllrcrfil ly carrier to any putt of the cltr
HiiMnfMOfllco No. 43
TELEPHONESylRM \ Kditor No. 23
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Boston store Juno sale now on.
Nilca paints buggies , 402 lironilw.iy.
Mlltonborgor l the hatter , 503 Hroadway
The Mayno Heal KstntoCo. , C21 Broadway.
Miss Mnmlo Hlnnchard and MlssStapf are
visiting friends nt Stanhury , Mo.
Miss Iscman , who has been visiting Mrs.
A. C Harding for some tlmo past , leaves today -
day for her homo In Middlotown , N. Y.
Mrs. WooJ nnd daughter of Kansas City
nro expected to arrive hi the city today fern
n visit with Mrs. Wood's sister , Mrs. It. C.
Empltlo. .
Harvey A. Delong ana Miss Fuller ,
both of this city , wcro married Saturday
evening at the close of the services nt the
Union Christian mission , Kov. Henry Uclong
oniclating ,
Mr , Susan McFce , who lives with her
nieces , the Misses Baldwin , on Willow
avenue , Is suffering tlio effects of a bud fall
she had recently. She sustained a fracture
of the hip hone , nnd It Is feared that she will
novcr be ttblo to walk again.
The last of the doht upon the property of
the Council UlulTs Hawing association was
paid off Saturday , nnd the members are now
congratulating themselves upon the line
financial outlook for the organization. Iho
club numbers soventy-llvo at present.
Chris Dcnsc'ti died yesterday morning nt
0 o'clock of llrlghfs disease , ngod 05 .vcars.
Hu wns a member of the Danish Lutheran
church. The funeral will take place nt 'J : 0
o'clock this nfternoon from tlio residence
corner of Graham nvcnuo and Anglo street.
A number of the residents of Manawa
have commenced suits In the district court
against the hoard of equalization of that
flourishing llttlo town , to have their assess
ments reduced. At its last meeting the
board assessed their property as town
property , but they claim that in spite of the
fnct that thov live nt n watering place their
property is nothing hut farm land and should
not bo assessed at more than $ V"i ! per acre.
Two special Pullman coaches , the newest
nnd finest on the road , left hero last evening
via tlio Hoelc Island \\lth n distinguished
party of Council HlufTs people bound to the
World's fair Thov number about forty of
the wealthiest and best known old citizens
of the city. Among them nro Hon. George
P Wright. H. H. Van Hrunt , S. Fains-
worth , Hon. J. F. Evans , T. J. and William
Evans , F. H. Hill and C. .1. Stlllwell. accom
panied by their families. Local .Agent of the
Hock Island J. A. HnfT accompanied the
party and relieved them of all care and re
sponsibility. They leave the train at EtiRle-
\vood , where the Itoek Island people have
niado especial arrangements to take care of
their fair passengers. The railway com
pany has appointed Mr. E , P. Hrinnegar , n
former Chicago ticket agent , to the position
of position of passenger director at Englo-
wnod , and his duties will be to assist World's
fair passengers in every manner
possible la" the way of information
in regard to the hotels , etc. Electric
cars for one ( i-cont faro will take passengers
without change of cars direct to the \Vhito
city. Agent Hoff will assist Mr. Hrinnegar
in caring for the Council Bluffs party , even
to the extent of securing their hotel ncrotn-
datlons , transporting baggage , etc. There
wns a sharp contest among the roads here
for the privilege of carrying this special
party and Agent lion" got it for the reason
that the Hock Island has determined to get
Its full share of the business of carrying
Iowa people to tlio fair by giving tlio best
service that can bo given and relieving them
of every care possible.
Miimtvit Tlicnlrlcnlii.
Mtinawa. Theatrical company , com
mencing Sunday afternoon , will give two
performances daily. Program for Sun
day afternoon and evening , "Tlio Moun
tain Waif. " Curtain rises at 310 : and
8:30 : , now pavllllon opera hoiibc at lako.
Ten. fny. < ut tlio World's 1'ulr.
Itwlll cost you less than & 10.00 , every
thing necessary included. This means
homes in priviito cottage , clean , safe ,
close to grounds and on the beach of
Lake Michigan. Write to J. T. Cliyno-
woth , Windsor Park , 111. Refers to U.
W. Tilton of THE BEE , or Jacob Sims
of Sims & Bainbrldgo , Council Bluffs.
H. O. Cook has resigned his position as
manager of the Union Elevator company of
this city.
Misses Nolllo Parson and Lena Wallace
left yesterday morning for Chicago , to visit
the world's fair.
S. IJ , Wndsworth loft last evening for the
Chicago fair. Ho will meet his wife there.
slio having been In Chicago for several days
past. ,
( leneral R. P. Test , Hon. William Oronc-
wog and Hon. Spencer Smith have received
their commissions from Governor Holes as
delegates to tlio Interstate Hallway conven
tion , which is to bo hold nt Lincoln , Nob. ,
Juno 'JS. Tills convention was called by ate
resolution of the legislature of Nebraska to
consider the project of constructing a rail
way running north and south with Its southern
ern terminus at tlio Gulf of Mexico.
Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street ,
largest and best bioyelo stock in city.
Greonshiolds , Nicholson tc Co. have
moved their real estate olllco to (100 (
Broadway , opposite postollleo. Tol. 151.
Big reduction In millinery for the
next thirty dayn on trimmed nnd tin-
trimmed hats , at Mrs. 1'foilTor's upper
nnd lower stored , It II nnd 202 Broadway.
Protect your homes against destruc
tive storms. W. C. .1 nines has hoity
strongest companies In the world.
Snttlmg IMW Suit.
A special adjourned mooting of the city
council is booked for tomorrow evening for
the purpose of talking over n proposed set
tlement of the cnso of Bennett C. Tabor
ngainst the city , which has been pending rln
the district court for several years. The
case involves the ownership of a piece of
ground that now holds ttio city building.
Tabor , years ago , deeded this property ; ,
along with some more , to his wife , Mrs.
Tabor ' died some time after , but In the uiean-
tinio'bho had disposed of tlio property with
out her husband joining In the conveyance.
Ho now claims n dower Interest of one-third ,
nnd has been trying to have his claim ud-
Judlcated BO ns to enable him to take a chunk
out of the city building. Ho has made a
proposition for a settlement , ami the ques
tion of whether or not the proposition shall
bo accepted will ho decided , in all probabil
ity , tomorrow evening.
Tlio ( Iniiiil Hotel ,
Council niulTn. The most elegant In
Iowa. Dining room on seventh lloor.
Hate , M.OO and $5.00 11 day. E. F. Clark ,
_ _
& Kniullrlt'i li'ii Oruuui.
Try Motzgor & Huiullott'a pure and
delicious ice creams and iced and you .
will order no other ,
I'nitpoupil thu liiiii | il.
The remains of Anthony Knsper , the deaf
mute who was killed by the Koctc Island
ilycr , were tiiKcn to his late home in Cedar
Itapids yesterday morning In charge of his
brother , wlu was notified by n telegram Im
mediately after tlio accident took place ,
-Tito Inquest was announced to take place
yesterday morning at 10 o'clock , but the
jury , which consists of J. M , Scanlau , S. S.
Keller and It. \Vhlttlesey , did nothing
out view the body and then decided to post
pone the further tailing of evidence until
tcmorrow afternoon at a o'clock.
Cook yov mculu this Bummer on n gas
range. At cost ut < ho Gas company.
Stop at the Ogden , Council Blulla , tie
boat 32.00 house in Iowa.
High School Scholars Listen to an Eloquent
Sermon by Hov. Dr , Phelps ,
Scientific AMnnlU on the lllblo Only
Strengthen ltd 1'oiltlon Children1 * Dny
Appropriately Olnrrvoil nt the City
Churclio * The Scrvlcci.
Yesterday , as the Sunday bcforo the an
nual commencement exercises of tlio High
school , was observed as Uaccalaureato Sun-
day. Services were hold in the First Pros-
bytcrlnn church auil the members of the
High school class of ' 03 wcro present In a
body. The church , which was suitably dec
orated with ( lowers , was crowded and the
services were very Interesting. Iho musi
cal part of the program consisted of a duct
by Mrs. Vf. W. Sherman and Miss
Hattlo Palmer , and a so cctloti by
the High school octet , consisting of the
Misses Colby , Mcdn K < rklnud , Klttlo Ogden
and Ilcrtha Grass , and the Mcsirs. Will
Squire , Hcnny Grahl , Cnarloy Havdrstock
and Fred Enipklo. 13r. Phclps , the pastor
of the church , preached u sermon tor the
especial benollt of the class , and the nilvlco
U contained will doubtless prove useful to
the class In Its conflict with an untried and
unsympathetic world. In thocourseof his re-
murks Dr. Pliclps took occasion to make a
few remarks on the subject of the dootrlno
of evolution and Us relations to the tenets of
"Tho members of the class will not remem
ber , hut many of the audlenco will , " ho said ,
"that aloii ! ! In the early seventies the doctrine -
trine of evolution was pushed to the front ,
and for a tlmo wns believed in by a great
miiny scientific minds. Now , however , It
does not dare to lift Its head against the
mode of creation laid down In
the Bible. The Idea that the voices
of Jontiio Llnd or Adclina Vatti , which
have charmed thousands , are but the de
velopment of the croaking of a frog , or the
eloquence of Daniel Webster , which brought
the whole world in homatre to thu feet of
the greatest master of constitutional con
struction the world has ever known , was de
veloped from the chattering ; monkey , Is ab
surd , and very few still hold to It in prefer
ence to the sublime statcmrnt of the Old
Testament , the 'God-mado man in Ills own
imago and breathed into him the breath of
llfo. " '
Cilllilrni'H Dny nt Other Clinrchcf.
The day was also observed at several of
the churches ns 'Children's day , " and spe
cial services were held In which the children
took the most prominent part. At the
Broadway Methodist and the English Lutlv
cran churches tlio children gave recitations ,
musical selections and the like in tlio place
of the regular sermon.
At the First Congregational church In the
morning a pleasing children's day service
flllod the hour usually given to the morning
worship. Owing to the repairs being made
in the auditorium the services were neccs-
surlly held in the Sunday school rooms
below , whicti have lately been rccarpeted
mid rclltted. There were simple lloral
decorations. The service consisted of varied
recitations and songs by the scholars , spe
cial musio by the church choir , a solo by
Mrs.ValteIlcld and a short sermon appro
priate to the day by the p.istor , Ilev. Dr.
Asltln. At the cloo of the service the Sun
day school held its usual session. No oven-
Ing service was held.
At the First Presbyterian church the
children monopolized the evening service
and the crowd was fully as largo as in the
morning. An attractive program of songs
and recitations was presented , concluding
with u short address by the pastor.
.Smiiliiy nt Mnniiwii.
The transportation facilities of the Man-
awa Railway company wcro taxed to the
fullest extent yesterday by these who de-
sirc.d to got a breathing spell on the shores !
of cool nnd breezy Lake Manawa. Every
car in the company's sheds was pressed into :
service and then it required packed :
trains to carry away the multitude
that constantly gathered at the Uroad-
way depot. It was an orderly , well
dressed multitude , business mcu with their
families , clerks , professional men , mechanics
with wives and babies , all eager to enjoy a
perfect Juno day. None of the rough cle
ment wns there. Although they are not
wanted and not expected , yet Mayor Heed
and the Manawa people have prepared idII
place for them. The bears ttiat have been !
quartered in the town jail have boon removed
to special quarters on the lawn and ail of the
jail can now be used for the accommodation
of the toughs when they como. The
accommodations are not palatial ruin
pleasant , and ono night passed in
the little low building Insldo the
stockade is always a sulllclcnt dose. There
were only two accessions to its list of in
mates ycstcrcay , and when they recover
after n few days not even the gorgeous sun-
sc.ts that glorify the evenings ov tlio purple
m'ists that shroud the lake as morning smiles
farewell to night , can ever again have any
beauty for them. If they have become com
pletely sodden and think there is a worse
plneo on earth than that jail they will bo
fed to tlio bears for midnight lunch. Colonel
Heed has announced his intention repeatedly
to have the lake and its surroundings sean
conducted that wife , daughter or sister can
go there nt all times without dangcrof insulter
or annoyance , nnd the class of people that
fa mo out yesterday was an indication that
they have put full faith lu the pledge that
has been given the public.
The day was fully enjoyed by all , and all
of the special pleasure resorts and attrac
tions wcro thronged. The Bluffs running
team g.ivo an exhibition rim and hose coup
ling lest , tlio last they will give bcforo
leaving for the Sioux" City tournament ,
Members of the team also gave several in-
dividual exhibitions of speed at seventy-live
and 100 yards. A big point of attraction
was the Pavilion opera house , where the
Manawa Theatrical company is giving daily
matinee and evening performances , All
rho chairs were occupied both after
noon and evening , and the > lo
were given a strong and clean on
of that delightful llttlo drama , the "Moun
tain Waif. " The very novelty of It helped
to draw , listening to thrilling opccches and
scoidu a great moral story worked out bcforo
your eyes , accompanied by tlio sough of the
ulnd ami ttio swish of the waves , Is a novel
and pleasant experience. The play and the
company fully merit the encouragement re
'Iho Danebo society gave a picnic at their
building and park yesterday afternoon , and
many guests from Omaha and South Omaha .
hulpod to swell tlio multitude.
The bathing season will open in a few days
If the weather continues favorable , and - bear
public.1 will then bo permitted to see thu ar
rangements that have been made for its entertainment
tertainment ut Manhattan beach.
Ptiro Ice
From Missouri rlvor channel.
Mulhollund & Co. , Brown building.
Telephone 10U.
Manawa trains will run dally from to
day , leaving1 Broadway 0 ami 11 a. m.
anil every hour from 1 p. in , until U p. n.m ,
Musio for balls , parties , picnics , so-
clalH , oto. , by Muclcians Union. J. soK
Folk-It , > Igr. , 400 B'way ' , Council BlulTs.
Another improvement to the popular
Schubert piano. Swunson Musio Co
Don't I.Ike the Utdiicllon.
Some of the uldonnen are considerably
crestfallen at the action of the Hoard of
Supervisors , nt Its lust meeting , lu reduc
ing the assessed valuation of Council Bluffs
rculcstuto 10 percent .from start to finish.
This will make a total difference In the
amount of the tax levy to be received of
about * fl,000 or $0,000 , and they claim this
will cramp the city considerable in making
necessary Improvements for the next year
or so. Many of the departments of city
work are now provided for by assessments
which are right up to the limit provided by
law , and where the city Is going to get the
money under the new state of things to till
up the v rwu fundi , U a question which uo
ono seems to ho ftblo to answer. The action
of the supervisors was the result of some
wrestling In prayer on the part of certain
wealthy citizens.
Of the Oront Juno Snto nt the Iloiton
Slorc , Council llliift * .
Such u great slaughter of prices was
novcr before soon in Council Bluffs.
Bargains in every department. Don't
miss this great opportunity to got dry
goods at prices iintnensoly lower than
40 pieces 3G-lnch English cashmere
worth Sue , during sa'lo for 12jc n
yard. Only ono pattern to n customer.
25 pieces all wool Scotch mix
tures , stripe suitings and illuminated
ottomans , worth 5So and Goc , all nt 42c }
a yard.
'loMnch wool buntings , would bo cheap
at 50c , for this sale Uc ) a yard.
Heavy twilled cnvh toweling 4c a
yard , in blenched nnd unbleached.
2 cases ladles' choice nnd Langdon
bleached muslin , sold always for lUo n
yard ; during sale for 8c } , or 12 yards
for 81.
Gonls' extra quality seamless half
hose , 7e a pair : worth IliSc.
100 dozen misses' ribbed vests 5c each.
200 do/cn ladles' ribbed vests 7c i&oh ,
or 4 for 25c ! worth lOc.
f > 0 dozen fast black sateen umbrellas
during sale Goc , OOc , 7f > c , 800 and $1.
200 dozen ladles white hemstitched
nnd corded border handkerchiefs , uc
each ; worth lOc.
IfiO nieces Chilian cloths and outing
flannels , all go during sale for fie. This
Is certainly tlio best bargain that will
over bo secured this season. Don't
miss it.
100 pieces chaHlcs , bengallncs , crcpo
cloth , Bedford cords and corded talTottas ,
wcro 12jc and Ific , all during this sale
for 7c } a yard.
Loaders and Promoters of Low Prices ,
Council BluITu , In.
HctirUt Concert.
The following program will bo ren
dered Thursday evening , Juno 15 , in the
parlors of the First Presbyterian church ,
corner of Seventh street and Willow
aycnuo. The concert will bo under the
direction of Mrs. M. A. Kingsbury ,
assisted by Charles A. lltggins , violin
ist , and will bo for the benefit of the
Second Presbyterian church :
Piano Duet Overture from ICatio Dean
Misses Van I > o lloRcrtnnd Cavalt.
J Foiwtdr Do Powell , Op. 3 II. Wk-nlawskl
VocrilwultSoiiu. I ( Jyiisy Dance . . I'ublodo i-anisato Ardltl
Mrs. M. A. KlngRbury.
Uccltatlon The Tt'iiomcnt Houso. .
Kdyth Thomas.
Vocal Contralto Selected
Miss Mabel liockholil.
11.1110 * J Vulso Impromptu ( J. Ilachinann
} cru < ilo Song Daisy Urging
JlaKy A. HlgKlns.
Piano Polo-Old Illack .Too Glmblo
Miss Van I ) Uncurl.
Kecltatlon ( Comic ) Tin1 Dutchman's Serenade
Kdyth Thoiuiis.
Concerto No. 7 1st Movement Do llerlot
Charles II. lll 'liis.
Vocal Solo Tlu > Hotter I.and Cowen
Mrs. M. A. KliiK bury.
Mcimct Paderowskl
Daisy A. HlKiln .
JlliS Daisy A. lllgttlns.
Mr wriilekstun. , , , .
Gco , S. Davis , prescription druggist
Btock ( Iron-dip ; nnd I'ltrmliii ; Thrlvo There
Aliiuwnrtli nnd I.on ? Iini ? .
I..OXE PINE , June 10. [ Special Correspon
dence. ] Drown county , Nebraska , is known
as one of the large counties of tlio state and
Doing largo contains much good land ; its
acreage is 320,000 , with at least 200,000 acres
of good producing grain land , the balance
being grazing land. Recent experiments
iavo provein It to be adine sheep country and
largo herds are already DeginnhiK to be
brought in. Largo ranches can be secured
very cheap while hay land is plentiful.
Stock does well hero all winter , without
sheas , and water iseasyily obtained. Several
largo cattle ranches are located in the
south part of this county , nnd the
cattle men claim they are doing well. The
county contains a population of1,000 , with
about 1SOO living in the towns , the rest of
the population being farmers and stockmen.
Good lands can be bought for from $3 to S10
per ncrc , but there are no government lands
loft in this section.
Ainsworth , the county seat , is a pushing
llttlo city of about 1,000 souls , with a good
court house , schools , churches and all the
modern improvements usually found in our
western towns of its size. Situated on the
main line of tbe Fremont , Elkhorn & Mis
souri Valley railroad , it is easy to got in or ,
out of to the east or the west. Its court :
house , hotels and other public buildings In ; ti
dicate tlio enterprise and prosperity so gen : ii
eral in the larger towns along this line ) if
road. The business men seem to bo tloine a
thriving business and their stores , or most of
them , nro in gooJ , comfortable quarters.
Lone I'ino , one of the oldest towns along
the line of this road , is pretty generally
known throughout the state , on aecomit of
its beautiful location on the banks of Long
1'iuo creek , where is located thoChautauqua i
of northwestern Nebraska and which Is
liberally patronized by the people from the
east , especially from Omaha and vicinity
This Chautauqua was established some
seven years since by Dr. Martin , L. L. U. > ,
and has grown eacli year until now its
grounds nro nearly taken up each year.
This year the meeting will bo from Juno i0 !
to July I- , and the managers have secured i0a
line corps of lecturers and speakers. Ono of
the prominent days tills year will bo July 11 ,
Urund Army of the Republic day. when the ,
people will bo addressed by Department
Commander A. Ii. Church. Hon. Church :
Howe und other prominent men of the order
In this state. Near the town are also lo
cated some wonderful springs , for which :
they claim great curative powers , owing to
tlio purity of their waters. Homo gentle
men have recently put In a sanitarium hero ,
nnd are now revolving patients , while others
have gone nwuy claiming to have been cured ,
Long Pine Is a division station of the Klk-
horn line , has two banks , u newspaper , republican
publican , which Is doing good worn for the
party ; hotels and other business interests ,
which iiKiko it a llrst-class trading point ,
Its school and church privileges are lirst-
class and the people are determined to make
their town tlio most popular resort in tlio
state. Its society , spring ! ) , hunting and
iishlng furnlsti all that Is necessary for these
needing relief Irom tlio many Ills for which
their springs are said to bo good , Fortnoso
enjoying the sport of hunting or fishing '
lxiig I'ino creek is full of the llncst kind 'ifh
trout , A movement Is on foot now for th
government lo establish n national ilsh
hatchery here , with good prospect of success.
The Hurlington & Missouri Ulvcr railroad
company has already mudo two surveys
through here , and the people are anxiously
hoping to see this line add another outlet to
ttyoir town.
A dainty llttlo Marie Stuart bonnet
has the point outlined with a wreath of
palo pink roses sot closely together
with no foliage. The crown is of cream
guipure luco anil trimmed with Mercury
wings brightly jeweled , and a largo ,
wide bow of black velvet.
Uutr n Montana ftinrhmnn Cnucbt Ono
"Thoro are morb lies tolil about the
Rocky mountnlif'Brp horn shcop than
nbout any other Hv-uig thing , notoxcopt-
Ing boars , " said Colonel Noah Parker of
Parker's Springs" , luo Tow York
Sun man. "Hut ,1 , know n true story
nbout one. It's { ) lpstory ot n man who
caught a big horn'alive. . Any otio who
knows ' about theibig , horn sheep of the
Kocklcs , knows that , generally speak
ing , It would ho nuttc as easy to grab n
streak of lightning nnd hold it as it
would bo to got his hands on onoof these
wary , shy and agile animals. In the
first place , to got within even long rillo
range of a big horn , unless by accident ,
is something that the most export moun
tain hunters are able to do only by the
greatest ' strategy , the severest toll , and
no llttlo risk , to such almost iimccc.ssiblo
fastnesses docs the
sharp-eyed , keen-
Ecentcd , sure-footed big horn retire with
ease : at the first Indication of danger.
"Tho Rocky mountain big horn is in
stinctively suspicious , cautious beyond
any other animal that lives , a > 'd pos-
tossed of marvelous powers of speed
and skill in making its way over places
Unit are Inaccessible to the most nim-
bio footed of any other American ani
mal. This sheep is the chamois of
America. 1 followed ono once for two
weeks , dnv after day without missing
ono ; , sleeping on the trail , until I pur
sued it almost to the clouds on the crest
81W the Sierras bcforo I managed to got
within rillo roach of It. It stood almost
defiantly on a rocky shelf , overlooking a
canon , but thirty feet or more away from
the ! edge of the chasm. The shot was a
long 1 one , but I felt that I could put a
rille ball under the big horn's shoulder
capy enough , and I did. But the deter
mined beast beat mo after nil. The
proper thing for it to have done would
iiavo been to drop dead somewhere else ,
to which spot I could have traced it by
its $ bloody trail. But this big horn did
nothing of the kind. With ono mighty
leap , when the rillo cracked , the buck
cleared the space between it and the
edge of the canon , and hurled itselt into
the tremendous depths. To lose such n
prize as that after a struggle for two
weeks to win it was heartbreaking.
"Now , If it is so dilllcult to get oven a
1J long 1 rillo shot at a big horn , what do
you think the capture of ono in a strug
gle at close quarters must bo ? And
that's what Frank Baker did once , out
1I near Boulder , Mont. That wasn't so
many years ago and big horn shcop were
numerous there then. I'll bet thor'c
isn't i ono within a thousand miles of
there today. _ *
"Frank Baker usecT to live hero In
Pennsylvania , but ho went out to Mon
tana and started a cattle ranch. If
Baker had been out hunting for big horn
the day ho eamo upon this ono the
chances are that' he never would have
seen it ; hut ho Wasn't out hunting and
camp suddenly upon it at the foot of a
sloping bank which was crowned by an
almost perpendicular cliiT twenty feet
high. Baker -WHS accompanied by one
ot his herd dogs , \ \ hich had also been
trained us a hunter. Tlio sheep started
up the sloping , , bank , followed by
the dofj. Tie | high clilT cut
oft its flight up the mountain side
and when the big horn reached the foot
of the clill it took in the situation at
once and turned on the dog. Standing
with its rump against the clilT the great
sheep presented a formidable front to
the dog , which'was wise enough to keep
out of reach of the tremendous batter
ing ram the sheep wielded , ono blow
from which would have smashed the
, skull of n buifalo bull. The dog kept
tno animal at bay by safe and noisy
nanojuvers. Casting his eye over the
tratcgic points of the Hold , Baker made
ip his mind that by u bold butt-omcwhat
i'lsky movement ho might bo able to do
something that ho had never heard of
my man doing or attempting to do bo-
'orc , and that was to make a prisoner of
the big horn. He took his back track ,
while the dog kept the shcop at bay , and
rotting to the end of the cliff climbed
, lie bank and reached the summit of the
rocks. lie went back along this until
10 was directly above the big horn , '
which was still on the defensive against
the dog.
"Without stopping to calculate what
.ho . probable result of his plan ,
Baker jumped from the top of the ledge
and came down squarely astride the
sheep's back. At the Fame moment ho
ilirow his arms around its neck , locked
his lingers together and brought to bear
on the big horn's windpipe all the pres
sure he was capable of. The instant
Baker struck the whoop's back the big
and astonished animal lost all interont
in the dog , and made two or three tre
mendous bounds along the crest of tlio
liill. Finding it could not throw oil' its
surprising burden , the big horn threw
itself to tlio ground and rolled over and (
over down the bunk. In that brief but
rapid journey Baker's clothing was
whipped oil'of him as if it had been
stripped oil by knives , and ho was
marked and pounded and squeezed until
he had barely u bit of breath or an inch
of sound skin. But ho hold on to the
big horn like grim death. The dog had
taken an active part in the struggle , but
the sheep paid no attention to him , put itt
ting all of Ills energy into cil'ortfci tLo
loosen himself from "Baker's hold and
The yells that Baker sot up , and the
noise the dog made in the exciting and
unusual inoloo , were heard by ono idjf -
Baker's men at the ranch a quarter of jfa
mile away. Tlio struggle between
Baker and the shcop had taken thorn
some distance away from the hill , and
they were in sight of tlio ranch. The
hired man grabbed a gun and hurried to
the scene. Baker was miked , bleeding
and covered witli dirt , but ho called to
his man when by came within hearing
to drop his gun.and go back and get Iga
ropo. Ho was determined to bag that
sheep alive or no at all , The man hur
ried away to the ranch and by the tlmo
ho got back with the lariat Baker ,
shcop and dog were each about in tlio
last stages of exhaustion , Tlio man lassoed
seed the big horn , and the captive way
made sure. Other help arrived by this
time , and Baker was carried to tlio
ranch moro dead than alivo. The shcop
was bo nearly played out that It had to
helped along , too , and was penned up at
the ranch. It was a week Iwforo Baker
got over the olTc/its of his light with the
big horn. Ho Und intended to send his
prlv.e east , but1'llndlng ' that the sheep
persistently refused to either cat or
drink , and wastliHibly dying in its cap
tivity , ho ordered the animal not freo.
In Ivsa than a mlnuto after regaining its
liberty it had dibtippcurcd among the
rocks far up the mountain. "
Higncst of all in Lcaveniny Power. Latest . S. Gov't Report
A ltunt r' Tight for l.ifo In the Cnllrornln
Tom Tower , n young rnnchor of
Murlotn , Cat > is slowly rccovorine
from wounds received innslnglo-hniuleii
cncotuitcrvltli n full grown panther
pomo tltiys ago , the memory of which
still hiuttits his hours both sleeping nml
wnklng , nml the scars from which ho
will carry to his grave.
A few mornings ago , says a San Dlcgo
dispatch to the San Francisco Kxamlnor.
Tower , in company with a friend , stiirtetl
for a forenoon's hunt In the foothills.
After a time the two became separated
and the friend , meeting with IndllTcront
success , returned to the ranch. Tower
continued his way deeper Into the foot
hills , and while going through a dense
growth of mosquito and nmimmita on
his way to the summit nf "hog back , " ho
suddenly entered a little clearing a few
yards In extent. As ho did to n huge
panther arose with a growl from Ha lair
under a spreading nmtminlta in the
center of the clearing.
For an instant Tower was paralyzed
with f right. Then ho rapidly took stock
of his situation , keeping his oycs on the
huge beast that was crouching with its
yellow belly to the ground , lushing the
short sago with Its long , flexible tali. Its
short ears flattened to Its head , snarling ,
showing Its terrible long , white fangs ,
and the long body swaying preparatory
for a resistless leap. There was no way
for Tower to escape. Tlio brute would
bo on him in another moment , and there
was impossible help within miles. Tlioro
was nothing to do but light.
But what were his chances ? His
weapons consisted of a double-barreled
shotgun loaded with fine shot , a short
stont-bladcd knife , two good arms , a
strong , athletic frame and an abundance I
of clear , true grit. But what of Ills an- .
tagonist that would be upon him in tin-
other instant. A sinewy , supple , power
ful body , paws that could crush the
skull of an ox , jaws that could bite
through his thigh with one crunch , and
a thick , tawnv hide that would alTord
successful resistance to , those pitifully
small shot.
"While taking this inventory Tower
had never removed his gaze from these
great yellow eyes staring at him from
the ground , not live yards distant. Ills
only hope was to blind the brute with
the shot. Ho had been standing motion-
less , fearing that the slightest move
ment might precipitate that terrible
leap. But now the silence was broken
by the sharp click of the cocked gun ,
and with a quick downward movement
of his left hand ho loosened the knife in
his belt , then braced himself for the cat
It was not long delayed. With the
first movement of Tower the panther
had crouched lower , its body trembling
more violently , ami now it sprang into
the air with a cry between a roar and a
scream. As it left the ground Tower
fired the right barrel full into the
beast's front and tncn jumped nimbly to
ono side. The bntto screamed again
whflo yet in air and as it struck the
ground tore at its head with its paws
and bit at that sharp stinging pain in its
breast. Tower had only limo to stop
back three or four paces when
tlio maddened animal sprang again ,
and again met the full force
of the second load of shot
fired by that steady hand , and again did
Tower leap to one side , at the t-aino mo
ment throwing open the brooch of his
gun and reaching to his bolt for more
cartridges. But tlio panther did not de
lay tlio third leap. It had hardly
touched the ground when it was up , and
this time reached its victim , striking
Tower full in the breast and sinking its
fangs with.a crunching snarl deep into
his left shoulder. Down they went ,
L ockcd in a deadly embrace , in a fight
! or life in that secluded spot on the side
of a lonely mountain , and witnessed only
by the robins sitting motionless in intito
surprise on the bushes.
As the two went down Tower grasped
his short knife and , as the fangs of his
antagonist met in his shoulder , drove it
to the haft in the animal's sido. With \
scream of pain the panther released * 3
hold only to soi/.o him again. Over : iii(3 (
over they rolled , the panther tear' ' ig
Tower's limbs and vitals with its
claws and crushing his arm and ( moulder
with its jKMvorftil jaws. Tower managed
to keep his right arm frco and plied it
rapidly. Again ana again did ho drive
the knife to the hilt in the animal's ' neck
and side , the hot blood gushing over
him at every stroke.
As the afternoon waned and Tower did
not return , his friend at the ranch bo-
eamo anxious and with three of the men
started on a search for his absent com
rade. Going first to the place where
they had separated , the searchers took ' i
up the trail and had no dilliculty in fol
lowing it , his footprints being plainly
distinguished in the soil.
After a tramp of two hours they forced
their way through a thicket and found
in a little opening an explanation of
their friend's absence. There ho lay ,
face downward in the dirt , his clothing
almost torn from his body or pasted
to the ilesh by great clots of
dried blood that had poured from
deep , gaping wounds. A few feet
nwuy , on a plot of blood-soaked ground
lay a full grown panther dead , with a
short bladcd knife driven to the haft :
behind tlio loft forcshouldor.
Taking in the situation in an instant L ,
the rescuers ran to Tower , supposing , ot
coin-so , that ho was dead , but they were
overjoyed to find that there was still
enough blood loft in his veins to create
a pulBo. It took these men of the moun
tains but a few moments to construct a
litter of boughs , and placing Towor'a
almost lifeless body upon It they carried
him down the mountains to the ranch.
Medical aid wan promptly summoned
and Tower is now able to sit up with his
foot on the skin of a full grown panther.
A Klicnnuii .Souvenir.
A group of members on the lloor of the
hotibo were discussing the merits Ida
demerits of their watches. Representa
tive HclUnnu of Michigan hold up his
watch and enaln , with its Httlo charm
attached , snvs the Washington Post.
"I have four llttlo girls , " ho said ,
"and ono year they waylaid mo at every
point for a penny or a dime. I carried
a lot of loose change In my pockets , and
so I shelled out the pennies without
thinking nny more about It. When
Christmas came my wlfo gave mo this
watch and the girls gave mo the chain.
It cost $17.50 and 1 had paid for It on
the Installment plan.
"I prize this charm very much , too , "
continued Captain Bclknap. "A rela
tive of mine , noticing that the charm
originally on the chain had been lost ,
started out In Now York ono day to buy
another. On the way she met General
Sherman. Ho asked her whore she was
going and she told him. 'Why , ' ho said.
'I know Hclknap very well , and 1 will
go with you. ' So they entered the store
together , and this charm was selected.
'How much will you charge to engrave
a monogram upon ItV asked tlio general
of the clerk. 'Ono dollar,1 was the re
ply. The general ran his haifd into his
pocket , brought out a dollar and threw
it down. When ho got on tlio car to
ride homo ho found he had paid out the
only small change in his pocket , and , as
ho told his daughter a.'lorward , ho
had to beat his way homo. That night
ho was taken 111 with the sickness that
caused his death , and the dollar ho
spout for the monogram on this charm
was the last money ho spent on earth. "
. . _
Approiirlrito Souvenir * of n ( llrl'n I-\U Day
In School.
A Japan woman has only three days
in her life the day In which she Is
born , her wedding day and the day of
her death.
The American girl has many more ,
and ono of the most memorable of them
all Is her graduation or commencement
Of late this day has so grown in im
portance that It has been made the occa
sion for sending quantities of ilowors ,
valuable presents and 'invitations to a
series of commencement luncheons and
commencement entertainments' .
But the most important of all these
things are the gifts. For it is these
which the girl will keep cH her life and
by which she will remember the day
long after the entertainments and the
Mowers are forgotten.
The usual and most important present
for a girl's commencement day is a gold
watch. And , in the- style of watches'
now , it is a tiny affair to wear upon the
waist , either upon the breast or at the
A present , to go with the watch , is a
silver or oxidized case for protecting
the watch when in crowds or traveling.
A case like this looks exactly like a bon
bon box , and hangs from the bolt by two
little chains.
Tlio watch is inside of it. But thieves
and such malicious persons in a crowd
are not supposed to know that the watch
is there , and so tlio watch escapes.
This may bo a present for a young
man to give his sister when she gradu
ates , if her mother , perhaps , is to give
her the watch.
Another present which is meant to bo
kept lorevcr is the inomento bracelet.
It is a broad band of gold without chas
ing of any kind , and on the inside there
is engraved an inscription.
The bracelet always attracts attention
from being so peculiar , and is sure to bean
an object of interest.
It is especially appropriate to select a
present which shall also bo a reminder
of the year. And this year nothing
could bo easier to do.
A young Now York man has already
planned that ho will give his sister ,
when she graduates in .lunc , a complete
set of the Columbian postage stamps.
Tlio young girl is a stamp fancier and
her brother knows she will always value
such a sot. It costs $24.f)0 , so it is bjr
no means either a cheap or a common
place present.
to tnko Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery is JIOID , if you feel that your blood is out
of order. Don't wnit until you hnvo to euro
disciiso ; it's easier und hotter to prevent it.
"With the llrst blotches or eruption , or the
dullness , wearlnesH , mid depression that are
Eonio of the symptoms , you neo < l this inedi-
cino. It will reuse every organ into healthy
notion , thoroughly cleanse nnd repair your
gybtetn , Him build up needed flesh , ui-uiiii.
nnd strength. It's the only guaranteed blood
remedy. In the most stubborn Skin or
Scnlp nirpctions ; in the worst forms of Scrof
ula ; in evern illscaso caused by a torpid liver
or impure blood if it ever fails to beuoflt or
cure , you have your money hack.
No substitiilo urged bv n tricky dealer ,
though it may bo better for him to cell , can
bo "just us good" for you ' ' -
A certain nnd lasting cure , for Iho worst
Catarrh In the Hi-ad. Ls guaranteed by the
makers of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Homedy.
JiioiStoctc of tlto I'luofiL In ttio
S. II. Konl lins opened n wliolonlo liquor more nt
No , I" TotrUtroet , Council Ilium , nnd hna put In
a lnr'n nnd well iclectod slock of wlnoi , lirandlon ,
whlnkloa , etc , Itlanlitct worthy of mention Hint
Mr. Ford Is the fortunate po soj or of noirly forty
IkTuiiof thollnoit wlilaky In tlio L'nUed btntoi.
IniSMho bought norenty-Hvo Lnrroliof Kentucky
C. F. IX Taylor whltky , and It wni not until iibout
llirco year uo that ho plncod the vood on Iho
market. Of this ttock ho ha > left about forty Imr-
rul , nml uxportfl nil pronoiincu It iibiolntuly the
tlnuit whliky In tlio country : Ho sail. ) It mainly
to families for medicinal n u , as It I * too costly for
thci ronuliir ItnUo. Ills worth over 110 per Hiillon.
Tliorn is not another brand of auch whlnky In the IJ ,
b. Ilia nock of briuidlei nnd wines roinos from the
nmoim l/oland Stanford vlneyurdi n California
nnd havu a tilth reputation for collenei nuj
federal courts , lloomi UOi-7-3-9 , tihu art
bloclt , Uoiiuull UlulVj , la.
from nuo < claht tn olulity hart *
. Wnrriiiircd o glvo sutlafiiotlon.
\\rlto us.
\V. V. ItAKKIt , HOOnndatOStuiRnrtllloolf ,
Counoll lllufTn.
Yea , Verily ,
The World Moves
$1,0 $ , ] ] 1.1 Till ? $1,0 $ , ] 0
A'of liliijx an ( foot ?
it ciuiiiot ho im
No Dontha
No Flroa
It does not cloporul on
A Calamity.
BONDING CO. , Council Bluffs , Incoi-
corpnratcd imdor the laws of Iowa , for in *
ornmtloM , rooms2.11 nnd 23) ) Murrlnni bloats
Council UlulTs , Icmiu
Our SU Apart mont ItouioHofrlBorntor , the
boil vuluu cvor oDorcil.
A mrlonil of Kcreeu iloon , ocrcon win-
don H nml hcroun wlro : bottom price * .
l.nrfo block ot Mcycles. All kinds of
blcyclo ruimlrlnK ilono promptly. _
41 Mnln St. , Council Bluffs.
IB unBiirpnsfcd In the
treatment ot all
and all Weakneu
oed Disorders ot
Women Excluded.
18 ycnrn experience.
Circulars free.
14th nnd FnrnaraSta.i
Oinuho. Nob.
Special Nolle a a ,
A US 1KACTS nml lotins. Karm unit oltr property
bought mid nola. I'uiar it TUuiuti , CovmaU
AUIIAiili romoviHl , cosipools. v.iulti , clilmnars
cli'niieil. 15U llurku , ut Tuytor'n crooiry , 61)
IT'Olt SAI.h An uprlxht liorao power boiler.
I.1 1 all at I32U llrumlnruy.
IJKAUTIFUIi liouio ; nil moilorn convonlenc9 i
l > loirlcu | , onsy tumu. A. J , .Miinik-l , C. HlulTn.
HOMKS-1 will tnulo my CMiultlos In ono or two
tooililwulllni ! < foroluiir loH. 'HulniiOJ un loujf
timeII. . J. AitiuiiB.HU Turin IIVOIIHO.
JJAIMJA1N8 Kor siilo , 71) ) by U'.H ' ) toot on Franklin
J.ivonue. f I.NW.OO. , .
! * ucrt'H butwcen 1st utri'ot nnd Frnntlln nvcnuo.
Ilust plnttlni ; prupnrtr In the clly , IflJ.UJJ.lM.
Two loin oppoHlte 'Ihlnl Blri'i'l nclioul , SI,530 OX
Ono lot 111 Wilson Tcrrnco , M5U 11.
TliicolotB , eurnur Mnlunlroet nml Htli avenue.
Heat tiltii for Inipluinont homo In the city , ( T.SUJ.UO.
J.OUKOD .VTowlo. 2 < ! i Tvarl Btroot.
B'CAUTirUI. ' liKinu for nalo In moat clonlrabla
locality -tlio rurdlnnnil Wlt' n-aldmioo. No. lit )
H. bill utrcct. All modern convenience * , barn , etc.
luy A llonii , ntionta.
I M ) iicro Kooil , Improved fiirm in nee. JMtt-U Hhorl-
' 1 dun Co. , Nvb. , fur imlo nt JI.OOI.UJ. Tlili l nwnf
tolow tin value. Joliniton.V Van ration ,
O VOU want lo rotit your IHIIIIIO ? If no oall o
I )
the Mayno Itcal Kutnto Co. , Ml Hrondway. I
010 ACHI H Rood land In Ooapor rounlr , Net ) . , for
L'lchanco fur 1niiroTiKl | properly In Council
llhUTs. ' 1 he Mayno Heal ISmato Co. , 811 Hrondway.
ATICI ! COTI'AliKSBoveral of.tliom for into ; low
Ii iirlfon nnil Torr fi r imjriuiiiitB. The HOT no
llcnl Kelulo Co. , < Ml llrouilwuy.
CHKAtJl ! wnntcd nnur Cuimcll Illults In ox-
c'liiuiKu for \W \ acre * line Innil In nnrtliern Mis
souri , nc-nr lown lines clcnr of Incuiiibrnnca. Tlia
Jlnyno lluftl K.HlBlo CHi. , Kll llruiirtwHy.
Ire AltI'B ! luiprovoil liinil In iKirthorn Knnini.
clcnr at Incnnihrniirn ; will vxrhaiiKu for Und
ncnr Council llluITo. Tliu Jlo/no llool Unlut * Co. ,
Ml llrunilwiiy.
llt KXCHAMJK-Woll Imiirovecl Ht-ncte Iowa
I4 farm nour wood town ; clour nf IncuiiiurBncu !
will oxclinnEO for nlco ruildenco In Council llliiB *
nml pur > ' Uinerenco. Tli Majlis liusl " ' " ' -
Co. , Wl llruaawny.
Cortland Delivery Wagons
Are I IIP fitrorKost , Mpst Durable Waons on the MarltoU
No. 60 , Three aurlaz neavy business wagon.Vu carry many styloi of dollvjry wazonB , and n full line of tlio colcbrntod Oortlani
Carriages. Surrles. Uuggloi , Itou Wagons and bin-Ins WugouH. It will pay you to BCU ua buforo buying olsowlicro.
Corrcspoudutico BOlivltod
1304-6-8-10 Mtiiu St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. .