mljFr rssr vTzzzr = - S * ! * ' * * * ml -j- } r" T ? j ? irmOTim : r r jt'111'T ' ' " "mm "TiTiipiriiiaiggjMiiia "J " . H W * A TUB OMAHA DAILY BRRt SUNDAY JUN1SJLI , 1803HSTKTJBBF ITOTSST * T 1 GUILTY AS CHARGED Judge Maxwell's ' DiBsontlng Opinion in the Eccont Impeachment Trial. HIGH GROUND TAKEN BY THE JUSTICE Official Conduct Must Boar Scrutiny and Bo Frco from Any Smpioion. IGNORANT NEGLECT NOT TO BE CONDONED Men Who Administer Fublio Affairs Are Ro- Hponsiblo for Their Conduct. ABOUT PECULATIONS OF SUBORDINATES tnny rnlnln , Shown on Which Ilio Accmoil A\rru Derelict I'oor rrnleclloii Ollcrod tlio I'nlillo by tlin Acquittal Ili- lioiiG * ! } Hoiiiiill } Dunouiicod. It Is n well known fact that Uio oihor d.ij n hen tlio supicmo coin t handed down the opinions In tlio Impeachment case , two ol thu members of tlio bench Joined In tin jnnjoilty opinion \\hici ) gave Gcoigo H Hastings , uttoinoy general , .lolin ( J Allen scerelury of state ntiU Augustus It , Hunipli rcy , conlmlssiotior , the tluou slate olllcl.ih who constltntu the Hoard of I'ublio hind ! nnd Huildlngs , their ulcniliig p.ipuis , allow Ing thorn to lutuin to their olllccs and atu tata the nlTaiis of state , notwithstanding the fuel a Joint convention of the legis Inturo hud indicted thotn for willful miscon duct In administering tlio ulTalrs of col houao nnd the hospital for the ins mo. litho the majoiily opinion Judges I'ost nnd Norv.i attempted to condone the offense by accept ing thu ploi of overw oik nnil holding Urn the cvldento failed to establish the esson thil facts charged In the articles , thougl they admitted that the giosscst frauas hiu been pei polluted by canti. letois who won furnishing supplies to the state- mid whoai bills and fl.iudulcnt bills the membcis of tin boaid passed upon and allowed from tiino ti time. Chief Justice Maxwell toolc an ontirol ; ( llfTcicnt view of the case , and nftei review ing the law and the evidence , In his usua nnd concise st.\lo , tiled a dissenting opinion holding the three oftlcials woio guilt ; as chained In thu Indictment ictuincd by tin logislatuic. The public haiing the greatest confldenci in the ability of the lo lined chief justice and knowing that seldom , if over , his dc clslons liiuo been loveisod by the suprom court of the United States , have domaudoi that his opinion bo published in full. Tin next inoining after the opinion was lilci THE BPIS pi luted a eaiofullv prepare * synopsis , but that was not sufllciont t oatlsfv the public demand The following is \uibitim copy of tin findings in the case as summed up by tin chief Justice , choscnioi member of thu bench Il * i'iitlnf ; Opinion of Judffo .tluxwoll. In Ib'Jl one CV. . Mosher was iccoivln ; from the state 40 cents per day for th lioard , clothing , caio anil attention 01 oacl convict in the peuitcntiaij Ho was also en titled to tbolr labor mid the convicts w-i hired out tovarious pet sons at the rate n nbout40centspordayforcach convict In 18'J nn appiopriation was made ' 'for building now cell house by days work , $ -10,000 This , llko all other appiopuations , was fo _ _ , "so much thereof as may bo ncLossary. That is , a sum total of $10 000 was appiopr ; ated with tlio condition th it only so muc thereof as was nceessirv should bo diavu This is a condition of all appiopilatinna i this state 'I ho warden scents to hatu ptc tested against the cmplojmont of pots > oti outside of the pcnitentiai.\ construct th bullding.on the giound that it had adcmoia izlng effect on the convicts 'J'lio icsult wa that the lespondenls amccd that tlio build ing in the main was to bo constructed bj cot vict labor W II Doigtn was Mosher' ' sufierintendentat the ponitonti uy and ha full authority to hiio the convicts to any pei son who desiied to employ them Danii Hopkins was the waiden of the penlteiitiar from May fi. I Mil , toabout Match 1 , 181U. Hi > \ > Dorgaii U'ns Oliojrn. Ho ircommeiided Doigan to the responi onts as a aultublo peison on behalf of th state to supoi intend the construction of tli cell house Doigan testilles as to his toll , tions to Moshoi as foUows A. Well , I looked after the business coi ncctcdwith it that is , all his interest r the prison ' ] hat would include all kinds ( supplies , subletting the men , and lookln lifter his business in gcncial ThooiderinakiiiL' thu appiopriation is n follows : "Tho constinction of tlio ce liouso for the penitentiatj as ptovlded for i the gcncial approprlition bill whoioin IU 000 has been appiipiiatcd for th it purpo ; by the twontjsecond legislature to bo don by d.iy's lalor being under consideratiot Hill moved that W II Doigan bo cmplojc bo thu bum d as supeiinUndent of constru < tion , with power to fc constinction and employ laboreis for bulk ing , subject to the of the boarc seconded by Allen. Motion rai i led "Allen moved that Doigan bo tcquiicd t furnlhh boml for the faithtul perfoiniancoc duty in tlio sum of $10,000 , , bci by llil Caiiie < l On motion of Allen the salary { DotganitB aupuiintendent w is llxcd atS. per month to begin fiom this day. " M JJoigan gave bonil with appiovoil sutotios i the sum of $10,000 , Hn was not a bnlldc and possessed no pr.if.Ural knowledge t building or building matei ml The now co , liouso U the east vvlmj of the penitentiar it- and Is subst.intl.illj similar in .ill icspcctst i the west wing of the main building. Th | , now wing Is ! i > o foot in length uj foity-th 15 f cot in width and about thiitj olght fcoti f height. Doing diiccllj cast of tbo ma ! : no wall vvas neeessarj .it the we : end , and thuio was n wall ubout twentj-tw feel in height on the north and also on tl cast of the now wing , which it was intemlc tousons the noith and cast walls and ral- the samu to the dt'sued height hoatth.i tlino the onto walls supposed to bo nocessai woio the hontli wall ami , in addltloi to raise the noilh nnd east walls to Hi Height of the other walls , nnd putaioofn the building with a ceiling pi upar.itoty I receiving the colls. I'rnllt In StoiiK. This , how ov or , w ill bo discussed later. I'll board HUMUS to have given Uoipan no direi tions in tcgaid to tlio building , hut loft hli to do us ho pleased Soon nHur his appoln ment Doigan entoiod into a contiaei wit B. II. AlwoodCo fur stuno lor the built ing , the ptico being in tents per cubiu fet for dlinciislon stone , plugged to sUe Th was detlned bj tlm witness as stone spl from lavurs of the proper thickness by dill ing holes in the jock and di iv ing v-edgt therein Another quality of tock ho pal Atvvood A , Co 10 cents per 100 pounds , an still another b cents per 100 pounds the loc to butlcllvo.-cd at Cedar- deck , oral otht jwlntsnot more distant fjoni Lincoln , tli freight to bo paid by the state Ooigan , ai cording to ills statement , inado no inquiry c othoisas to the price of stone. A larg jmi t of the stone was , in fact , purchased b Atwood . .V Co of J \ Vtook of Nomah county and delivered on d of the cars r Johnson , in that countj' , ut fiom it coats lie lOu pounds for i ubblo to 10 cents per cub ; foot for dimonslon stone plugged to sin iCook tostlllcs that iJoigan vviotc to hit about the pi leu of atouo somutiniu bufoio ii sold to Atvvood & , Co. : that ho had lost tl letter. Hosajs' „ A. Ho asked Iho price of stone doliv ore at Lancaster. Q. \ \ hat did you toll him ! A. I told him I sold stone delivered o board the cais at the switch at 10 cents foot , nnd If I delivered it on board the cai at Lancaster the fiuight would bo nddoi and that is w hat the letter contained Q Do jou romoniher about vv hat tltr that vvas.1 Was it bofoio or after the tin jou sold thu stcnu to Atwood ? A. As ucai tu I can lomcuibcr that VTJ about a week before Alwood came down there. He also testifies A I have been In the stone business about ten j oars Q \Vlnt lifts boon the uniform market raluo of this dimension stonu , free on board the cars at that point' A Ton cents a foot anil I sold some ill- nentlon stone for oven loss money than tint. f I got 10 cents I considered 1 vvas getting a 'air price Ho testifies la effect tint hrj wrote to Dor ian to such effect before Atjvood fc Co iad pinuiaspd thontoro from him and tint 10 enclosed the letter in an envelope dlllv stamped and containing his business card asking for a return of the letter If It was not called for and that It was never returned. A Loss nl Mcintiry > Dorgnn while attempting to deny thit ho rci clvcd the letter does not dcn.v absolutely ho did receive it On cioss examina tion ho testifies- Mv memory N tint 1 asked you If vou liad reeolvod anj loiters from .1 W Xook of NotnaUi countj' , iclatlvo to stone from tint | ) oint ? A No , T don't think tint t did C , > You don't thlnU that jou teeclvcd any letters' A -No Q Vou wpro sunptiMincil to In ing them. but j on don t think jou received anvf A 1 have no such letters in my possession nnd I don't think I over h id This is far short of an dpnlil Atwood & i Jo also putrhised a quantity of from Van Couit and Ivojs In Iscnnha countj for the penltsntiarj' at a slight ad- vnm o over the i lice pild Xook Hut suppose Doigan's denial is unequivocal , still the probibilltlcs aio that /took so-H the loiter to Dot gin as ho testifies Doigan was nnxloua to Justlfj his purchasu of stone ami to shield the icspondents Ho pleads Ignorance o ( the pine of stoni1 as a Justlllcition forpij- ing moie than twice as much as It could have been puichased for , Ills ignoianeo onthat point h 11 thn appeal ineo of being assumed , nnd to admit that ho had leeched the letter would , in effect , bo a confession that ho did know the price On the other hand Xook is a dlslntoiested witness of fair ap- poultice. Ho was anxious to llml a in tikut for his lock. Ho testifies fnllv and un- oqulvoi illy tint ho sent a letter dulj atimpod to at Lincastcr , where Doigin recolveil his mill , offeiim ; to fuinlsh stone at 10 fonts per cubic foot for dimension plugged to sl/u , and cents jiur 100 pound for lubDlo , all fico on boatd the cais at Johnson , Nom iha co'intj ' ; tint this luttei had his H'tinn cud on It and that it novel wasiotuinod. That this testimony is it ui thuio is not a shadow of doubt and it , wltli other things , shows how utteily unrellablt is Doig iii's testimony. i\ldrmo : < il Dnr niiS Uni oll.ililllt } . Tim pui chases of stone from AtwooJ ACe Co .11 o as follows M'lllTIlV STONK. t.rJOIf | at 3Dc pur foot 8 ins T , a.l IBUJ fl. at.lftepei foot . . . 1,101 n : ! VJO'li7 ! ft at JliMiiM foot . . 772 01 aiij.OUOllH dimension , II,105 ft. at 500 H S'J.DJO 1- Cl DVH CHI I K S1OM" Qcirs , nnvvf < lilitoi ; iiiillty | . $ 50 0 ( U'jsnoDiiH rulililu u lie . . . 5753. 120 100 UK fool In , ; ut 8r . . . . .jfi n. Ill 1011 UK ? 1 10 . . . 45III H.,7O ( ) Hi , i tipln at 10f . 137 1. CiHGOilllH illmi'iislDii at 10c 0851 I'-M ODD Ihs mlililo at He . . . . O'J ' . ! < 187 101) UK nihlih'ut He . 14U lil 7d,00 ( ) dimension at lUo . 7001 20 1-0 ft .it 7li- . 7 01 lOV-'OOllK i-ubbloul He . 15771 07'JOl ) Ibs i ubblo at He . 5171 001.700 UK. < . 47H ' ) ( 318,400 Ibs nibble at Ho . 25471 $2,249 7- 281.700 Ibs dim. 2.817 ft. ill IGc nor foot . . $ 450 7 ! Jll.HOOlbs. dim 3.11H ft. at , lOc nor foot . . . . . . 598 81 00 050 llH dim OOO'/i ft at IGc per foot . 1GH 41 31.1100 UK. dim 340ft .it Ibc per ft 51 II 010,100 Ibs film 0,401 ft. at IGc nor foot . . . . . ] ,038 5i 83,201 0 Total expended by Dorian for stone JG.020 9 IMllfyl OK blONC l-All ) 1U IIOl'KtNS 1O ATttOOl & CO ItoiUliisbler 1,332 fl ut HVpni ft. $ 2131' ' 1)1111 11110114,0404-5 ft. at J5c per ft 1,021 2 $ l,8J7 4i Total pild to Atnood for stone 8 , 27 3 Vlirro tliu Statfi Ijti t. The amount so piid to Atwood & Co wa about twic-o as greitas thu sune tiuilit and kind of stone could line becii put chised in the open muUet and the slit thetobv lost while Dnigan was supoi intend cut moio than $ .1,0 H ) , and as Hopkins con tinned to rocclvo stone mulct the Doigai tontiact the loss to the state exceeclci $1,000 On tlio 1st day of June , IS'H , Mr Doigi ; made what ho calls an cstim ito for 5-0,100 a follows ; estimate No - 1'oroilv done ind milorl il furnlsbed Out liiKllio month of .May , IB'Jl , foi cell home i lieiilti'iitl.iry. Oil Mont ) . . . $1,00 Com ioti- , . . . . 75 i\ci\.i11iU. ; . 35 Matcil ilnn hand not usi-tl . 4,00 II il iniMiluocuntractoi . 10 The above iMImito .is niiulu by mo thl 1st ( luy of June1 , IbOl.and I hereby cortlf tli it tliu .inionnt of uork done and matorlal fiirnUlied by s ild coiitiactoi at j line and coi rcclly stated and set foi th In tliu above i-s.l in itu , and tlntt HID s ild estimate Is m ulit I the m inner and ueeordliig to tlio plain an hppcllli iilloin mentioned In tlio conn icllt thu sild stilt ) and silil coiitniotoi.V I Ioi0'in ) , superintendent Sl nttl In my pn uiu'ii and h\sorn to bufoio mo llilb - di of - , A I ) 1 - Aiioiud | | by the Ho ird of Public Lands an Huililliu-t I'lusl.lent heeieliry - - ( Ii'iiei il I unit Tlio Htato of N'oln isk i ToV II loriii III I'or Uiutl in building nun ei hoiisi ) , per cstlmato o 1 lieiolo attathut $1) 100 I'vamlned and apiiroied luiio 1 , 1891 , b tliu lliiud of I'ubllc I , mils mil liulldlius am aci'iiiinl to hucliai ul to anpiopilatlou fo penlli iitlaiy now cull house JlllINC Al.ll-N , A. It. IlLSII'llllhV , t-iCiotaij. ) rioslduil This was apjuovcd and w.uiant diawn fo thu amount ilo also at the same time sul mittud the following account hi.scill N. Neb , .Time 1 , 1891. MrV II DOI-LMII , hiipuiliilonilunt In account with ] iilbim coiiliaut. To 357 dajsatjl . . ? 3VT 0 To JO days te tin at W . . . . 7H 0 To liimbi'i fin Mono shod . 1000 To laiiienUu work. . 180 Ted wliei'lli irio atl 50 . 00 To nulls and m ison llnu . 00 To 'i ' tin/en siiiiitius. . 10 TH 'i ilo/.im nliou'ls . ( , o To tttu cais slonu . 500 To o\e ivalln , . . SCO li To swHchliiK and unloudlm ; 1 1 cais 50 o Hcculvnd nnjmont.prlson contract $1,0300 A similar citlimito for.luno , ib'Jl.for .OJ was made on the ltd tlaj of Jnlj apd slmlla account Illed , vv lilth vvcio appioved and wai rant tliavvn Thu thlid ostlmato and acioun wuio filed October 5 , Isui , for 56,000 an wein appioved and a w.mant issuud theteor The foul th estimate and account for § 1,00 , weio Hied and appiovt'd Dueomber 7 , Ib'Jl and wartaiit diawn The fifth estimate an account weio liled Match 7 , IV.iJ , and a wai taut Issuud It will bo scun that ho ha thus drawn fiom the liuasuij upon thus \auuus estimates the bum of ( JJ.lOO withou so fin 'is appous a slnrrlo voucher from ih persons who had fuinlshed the labor or nu : tui lal , or their assignees Until n Section ID. aillclo Iv of the constitutlo piovldes I'he commissioner of publlolaml and buildings , the sociotaiy ot state , treas uiur and attorney guneial shall foim bo ud which shall have general supoi vlsio and contiol of all the Ijinldings , giounds an lands of the stito , the statu pi ison , usjlums nnd all other institutions thetcof excei | these for educational purposes , and shn perfot in such duties and bo subject to sue iules and regulations as may bu prcsctibu bylaw" bectlon 4 , chapter IxNxlll , aiticl xli , Compiled .Statutes , provides 'The sal boaid shall have power under tlio rositiutlo of this act to direct the general matiagemeu of all the said institutions and butcapoiisibl for the proper disbursement of the funds aj propiiatu for thulr inaiiitunanco and sha havoioviowing power over the acts of th ulllcoi-d of such institutions ami shall on th patt of the state at i ocular meetings u hutelnaftur directed , audit all accounts u such onicuts , including thu accounts ol th commissioner of publlo lands and building : except his salarjV Section f > "At the regular mooting of th board it shall bo their duty to examine th accounts of the publio olllcors contemplate In this act ana to dotermlnohutner th same are entitled to bu pal 1 out of th tuoiiojs appropriated for the purpose c maintaining the institutions for which the ajt ) chatgod , uud if correct shall approve th same , which approval shall bo signed by the ircslilont and countersigned by thosecrottirj * inder the date of such action , nnd , If the iccounts bo incorrect , exorbitant or not rn- iltletl to pajmcnt from such approprlitlmi .ho same shall bo disapproved and ictutncd to the elalmint , such boird keeplin ; ft record of the same. " Section I ! "When tho.lecounts above men tioned ha\o been IHed with the board and shall have been audited and approved by them the auditor of publio accounts Is hereby authori/ed and directed upon the piesentatlon to him of such accounts so uilhcntlcalcd to Issue his wanent on the treasurer against the proper fund or appro- ptlalion for the amount therein stated to the claimant or hU assignee Any no accounts coming under tbo provisions of this act shall bo entitle I to pvymont until they have been so appioved by Iho svld board " Secllon 0. chapter Ixxxlll , article III , provides - vides : "All persons having claims ngalnst the state shall exhibit the simo with the ovldenco In support tlioioof to the auditor to bo audited , settled and allowed within Lwo ycais after such cUlm sh ill accrue , and In all suits brought In behalf of the state no claim shall bo allowed the state as an off-set but such as has been exhibited to thu auditor and by him allowed or disallowed , except In cases whei oil shall bo proved to tlio s itlsfae- tion of the court that the defendant at the tlmooftiial Is in possession of vouchcis. which ho could not produce to the auditor , or that ho was prevented from exhibiting the claim to the auditor by absence from the stale , siekncss or unavoidable ) accident , pro vided thu auditor tn no case shall audit a claim or set-off which is not piovidod bj * law " Section S icqulrcs all warrants , vouchers , etc , to bo piesotvod In the oftlco of the auditor Section 2 , atticlo Ix , of the same ch tptor , rcqulius thu auditor to keep an ac count of all claims pi csented to him for an examination and adjustment , and provides for appeil by any puty aggrieved. All claims against thu state aio to bo to him and must have his approval botoru a wai rant can bu issued , This moans the piiinaiy claims those of persons who fui- nlsh the goods , labor , etc It is ttuo In ex penditures contracted by the Hoard of Pub- lie Lands and lUilldlngs they must approve , that Is , ceitlfj all vouchois for such cxpctt- dilutes before the auditor can bo tcquircd to act upon them. 'Ibis is precaution to prevent frauds bv 10- quit Ing the board that contracted the debt to certify th it the claim Is coi rcct. It docs not change the character of the voucher , however , as that is to bo for the oiitina ] claim State vs Mooio , 51 N. W. U , ( JG. AVlicro DnrRitn Had n I'ltll. In the case at bar the respondents on more estimates and without \ouchen alloweO Doigan to diaw nioiioj at his pleasure. The boaid Itself could not thaw inonej from the tteasutjexceutupon piopcr vouch- cis , and it has no autlu.iity to authorize Dorgin to do so. Should the mode adopteil in thfs c iso bei.omu thu ittlu. ovary precau tion for the protection of taxmjers wodldbc bioken down , the constitution and statutt sot at naught and money unlawfully and li detlancoot law taken fiom the tiuasury rl he testimony of Hopkins shows that at tin timuhowas appointed Mipoilntondont 01 Match 10 , 1SIL' . Dorgan had built the soutl wall and otto-third of thu east wall and thai was substantially all th it was dono. Hop kins testifies on cross examination- Q Hew far had this cell house progressed at the timu jou tool : eh litre as superintend cut ? A. The not th wall of the cell liouso was comolotud and pai t of the e ist. Q Do jon mean the north or south wall A I should saj the south wall of the col house. Q And a put of the cast wall ? A. And a put of the east wall ; jcs , sir. Q The not th wall had not jet been torr down ? A No , sii ; wo liidn't commenced on that I should have said the south wall. Q Was the south wall clear up ? A Yes , sir. Q How f ir was the cast wall ? A. Wlij , it was pei haps ono third. Ho also testillud : "Tho grates were pu in the south wall and tlio door was hung also the lugo door " 'J his testimony does not seem to bo do tiled. The exports i illed to place value : upon the several walls of the buildim and the whole as it now stands ditto' gieatlv. The Iho oxpoits called fton Lincoln all pjico the values of tliosovera paits. Including matotial , verj much lowe thin the oxpcits called fiom Omaha- Thin Mi Uullock , a builder of Lincoln , placed tin value of the south wall at ? 0,1T2 , while Mr Coots , a builder of Omaha , estimates thi value complete , in tound numbots , at J10,40J Ho ilso estimated the east wall complete a SVJr.yj. lliM.'r , XMioro tlio Money Wns Mnilo. It Is diflloult to reconcile the various esti m ites of the various experts ; it would scon theio should not bo so much diftuionco u estimated values I'oi haps in art iv ing at ai apptoximitoaluo it would bo well to laid the average of the estimates , which wouh bo fS,4 ! 7 18 for the pouth wall complete Coots estimates the value of the east wall complete , at $ J,7U7 03 , one-third of vvhio ! would bo 5'UO1)1) ' 'Iheioiotoall the vtoik per foimcd under Doigan ssupcuiitondeney , hai it been done by fteo labor , would have booi woith $ ' ) , : HS07 , but having been altnos wholly \orforinea \ bvconvictliiboi. thoactui cost even at 51 per tlay for convicts has ox cceded W.OOl ) It also appeals that ti.en wore plans and dot ills pieparod for vvlilcl it is claimed $ . ) T > U weio piid. There wai some stone on hand but the amount thorco does not i le illy appeal It could not havi been very 1 ago , howovcr , because IIokms | after ho became supoi intendent , pun haso. stone of Atwood & Co , as heietoloio stated to the amount of > lbJ7.r > . At the Mini Doigin teisudtobo bupotiutcndcnt all tin stonu tint was supposed to bo ncccssir ; was sulllclcnt to compiuto the east wall an ! toiaisuthc not Ui wall to the simo heigh as tlio south wall Hut suppose wo esti mate the stone on h md at $2,000 and tin valuu of thu south wall at ? 10,000 , tbo nggio gatoof the woik , hid it bocji poifoimeil b' ' citi/en labor , would bo SIM ! > U ) , vvhieli woul ( include oveij tiling , and for this Doigan hat received $ .Jj,100 and as theio weio no fund in the tie.ibiuj thu amounts weio diawlnj intciest at 7 per cent , but the woik on tli' ' south and oas > t walls was almoit wholly pur loimod by convict labor The testimony shows that convicts would jiuifoim fioii ono-half to two thlidb as much 1 ibor per da' as vvas poifotmod by citizens So tint tin actuil cost of the wall , inuludlng supoi In temlcnt , must have lieonoij mucli les than the above ustini itc. Untiilu to Ililllil on , In Match or April , ib'JJ , nf tor Hopkins wa appointed aupotiiitendont , ho removed th < cap stone fiom the toji of the north wall when It was dlbcovoiod thut thoio woroni blmluts In the wall nnd that the moita poss > ussed no adhesiveness , was woitides and that it would bu uns.Uo to build on it Thu tuspoii'lunts ' weiu thoieupon consultoi nnd found it neccssniy to consent to th teat ing down of the wall ami lobuildiiig tin s imo , and this vvas done under Hopkins' til icctlon. Doigan had nothing to do with thl or putting on the i oof and all ovidi-mo as I tliu cost and value of the not tb wall , reel < iii < , an > not In isiuo in case , nor of tin building as it now stands , as tiiuiolsni chaigo against Hopkins Dorgan toturnoi to Hopkins the sum of 41) ) iilll Ifl Doigan ha leculvud and lotaiuud fJi,70i 8r Thu stat was Charged l per day for tliu convicts , nl though othei eontiactois paid but 40 cents It was alleged that the state had the cholc and tliat tlio men bulcctud tor the state wet experienced stone masons and thurufoiomor valuiblo than the average tonvlet This ! bliow n to bo ti uo of eight or ten of those cm plujod. but not guaeially M D. Welch piesidont of the Westein Manufaotmini company , testlllod that ho employed 01 dmaiilv about ono b ilf of the convicts Q - Vou have praoticallj carlo blanche n to thu selection of the men ) A Yes , sir ; I have ( J -You have your pick of the men In th penitential \ f A Well , that Is to say , I don't take crip pics , or diseased men if 1 can help it , no ; ahoit-tlmo men. Q You take long-time men , good stronu ho.ilthy follow s { A Yes , in my business , I want 10 pick t man that when ho gets familiar with th w ork how ill bo worth something ; it take HOUIU time to learn them. Ho also tcstlllos that ho pays 40 cents po da > for eich convict emplojod and fuinisho them tobacco , candles , chuvvlng gum , utc. , i addition 'Iho wages paid bj lilt tppuar to bo the oidlnary wagr and the proof falls to show tha on any conttact continued for a eoiisidorabl tlino were gieater wages nald Tiiero ar tluirgcs that more dajs work vvcio clnrge to thu state than woru rendered. That som such wuto chained theio is no doubt , but th extent of such charges cannot bo dotci mined , although tha amount paid was cot sldcrablo. There would seem to bo no Mi- son why the stain should bo charged n greater rate than 10 cents per d\y ( , and with n capable , Intelligent ; disinterested superin tendent of the work and pioperefforts of the respondents no m jro fibl-d have been piid for the convicts who worktjd for Iho stato. Dorenit'fl Appointment Unjiiitlllililfi I'ho appointment wore allogotiier with Mosher , was entirely unjustlllablo If the Oo.ird was busy , as It claims to hive boon , thbro vvas all the moro necessity for the appointment of ncipiblo , dlsliitoresled superintendent who could bo relied upon to look aftff ? the business and In terest of the state "NO ordiuiilly prudent man would hive appointed Dorgan to fill the position of superintendent nor placed in his hinds tons of thousituls of dollirs , and It Is not surprising that thu state has suffered serious loss It scums that Hastings was ab sent w hen Dorgan vvas appointed ; th it ho had selected a dtslntorcsled pirtv mined Davcy and had promised him the position. Hut after his return ho visited the penlten liary and claims to have found everything satisfactory and right and concluded to re tain Dotgan. Nom mean servo two masters and this case has proved no exception to the rule. The Trout fully Hmtnlns limn Clnrgc. That there were frauds in the flour contracts thcro is no doubt , but the extent of such frauds it is dlfllcult to dotermlno Thus , in Janmry and Tobiuary , Ib'OJ ' , the Hour was weighed , it is claimed , and the only tccord preserved vv ore the stubs of the w eigh chccits , and they ni o lost. Theio Is also ptoofthat tliodraymin was In the habit of leaving a number of sacks of Hour at a design itcd place on the way to the asylum. The chaiges under these heads ate filly' sustained Second It appears that w hllo Dorgan vvas possessed of the inonoj' in question ho at Iho tcqucst of the lespoiuients p-ild to Hopkins ? . ! 00 to onablu him and Hldor Hovvo to visit thu prison congress at Plttsbuig , Pa. Soon aftoi wards the boml rmelvcil from him fiOO of the mouoj' bulonging to the state to visit y.itlous points to enable them to choose tlio best colls. This was charged to the cell house fund. These appropriations aio Justi fied upon the ground that the state would be benefited theioby , and that therofoio it was a pt opcr expenditure. Section 21 , ai ticlu ill. , of the constitution , provides : ' 'No allowance shall bo mudo for the Incidciitil expenses of any state oflicer , except thu s imo bo made by appro priation and upon an account jpccifj'lng each item. No nionoy shall bo drawn from Die " troasurj' except" in pursuance of a specific appropt latlon made by law and on thu pro suntatlon of a wairant issued by the auditoi theicon , nnd no nionoy shall bo diverted from anj' appropriation made tor any pur pose or taken from any fund whatever ulthoi by Joint or separate resolution. Tlio auditoi shall within sixty dajs after thn adjourn meiit of each session of thu legislatuio pic pile and publish a full statement of al mono\s expended at such session , speclfjlnp thu amount of each item and towhouiauc for vv hat paid. " Acted Without Authority. This provision declares tint "No monej shall bo drawn from the tieasurj' , except n pursuance of a specific appropriation made by law and on the piesentatlon of a waiianl issued bj the auditor thoieon " The Icgis latino makes appropriitions. It is foi it composed as U is of the topiesenta lives ol the people , to saj' wh it is for the mtcicst ol the state and requiics the oxpondituto ol money. Unless it grants the ant hoi Hy then is none If an oflicer or a number of then can take $1 without an appropt latiou and be justllled in doing so , ho or they may t iko al tint thoiois in the tioasuiy If in their view thu state will bo benefited tiicicby. Moncj1 taken without nnjr appropriation it taken not only without law , but in delianci of it , and if the principle is once established would lead to gi oss frauds and peoulitioiis Suppose tiustees having the care of property and receiving the rents and profit ! shouln itesiio to visit distant points to cmibli them to administer the , estate with wisdou and piudenco and thureby benefit it , couk they chatgo this oxpeuso upon the owner 01 beiicfleiaiics without tlielr consent lawfully cxpiesscdi No moro can they do so in thu instance The state , through its legisl ituie must give its absent to an expenditure otherwise the p.uty mubt pij it out of hi ; own pocket No vou6ller was filed with anj oflicer showing the amount expended no : any attempt to comply with the law. Ii addition to this the cell house is not toad\ for the cells oven now , thoiefoio theio wa" no oincigcucj' . But under no MOW of tin case can the expenditure be Justified and tin fact that in ono or two previous instance : such expenditures weio made , which do no : seem to h ivo boon known , but tends to shovi the lax methods that appear to have prevailed vailed with thu bond whet over the oxpen dituio of money wasconecineJ It also ap peats that the logislatuio mule an apmo priilionof § 1,000 for the tiaveling expense ! of the bo ml. It is true Mr. Allen tcstillc : that $ T 00 of this sum his been ox ponded. lie also tustilles tint all the members hai passes , so their railroad faro nothing So far .ib he stated , Jho visits to tnoaiiouf btatc institutions by the bond the expeudi tures should not have exceeded $100 , am probiblj' did not If the bond desltod tt travel on oflldal business it would scum thai this was the fund for th it purpose Hap pears also that Dorgan used JJJI to reset tin boiletb in the pi Ison , a charge which proporli belonged to Moshor , and should huvo boei paid by him. I'rmul L'lnlnly DlieornlblB. In addition to the oidinary provisions Ii appropt iation bills that of Ib'Jl contained tin following. Section. ) "Rich state ofllcor and each bo ird entitled to diaw against tbo appio pri ition provided for in this act shill kecj an itemized account of all expcndltutui m ido by thotn and icport the bimu will vouchois to the llnaneo eommittoo of tin next legislatuio , aiU no oflicer of state insti tutlons and no state oflleor shall incur anj Indobtodiicss bojontl the amount apjiropii ated in this bill , oxeejit to pi event disaster. ' The testimony shows that the icspondenl < made no attempt to complj with these pie visions. The cli.uges aio liillj sustained Thud The testimonj tends to show tha' ' gtobs frauds woio committed in thodelivotj of coal at the Lincoln insane asj'lum. ' 1 hi respondents claim to have been ignoianto these frauds until about September , IS'.U I fiom the 1st day of October Ib'JO , to tlio jth day of Maioh , Ib'Jl , tin Whitobrcast Coal and Limo compiny fur jilshed coal for the asjlum and vvas allovvet thorofor tl.o sum of $ ll,5"il U5. To cover thi : claim an appropriation of $12,000 ! , or so mud thoieof as might bo necessiry , vvas mntle and the claim was certified to the auditor b ; the respondents. The coil was alleged to have boon do liveied on the cirs nt the asylum switch , bu the number and initials of the cais on whlcl it was alleged the real was dollvciod aio no given in a siuglo instance. Dr. Knapp tostl ties in olToct thut ho did not bellovo tin amount of coil .charged had beet delivered His bookkuupor testified ti substantially the sHmo facts. Neitho of them , however , communicated their sus piclon to the ic&itondonts ICnapp after wards approved the vouchcis and they wuti appioved by the icspundouts and the war lants Issuud The fact that an appropila lion had been made to pay for this coal wa not an adjudication of tliu claim , as tin luglslatuio cannot adJUdlcato claims Stati vs Unbeock , Ji-J Nebraska , ! H The -\er' largo amount of coil uhargod sulllciunt ti liavo supplied all the asylums in the stati tor the tlmo oharjod curtamly shouli hive put the lospontliuits upon inquiry from the other publii Institutions woio before tliom and , unlos ; fiaudulunt vuuchois weiu sent in ft on thorn also , of which thora Is no claim , < i compirlson should have shown thu fraud No examination was -niado , liowuvur A specimen U soon In a Voucher for July , Ib'Jl as follows ; Just a Specimen , fatnto or Nolirualnllo > | iltul for tlio Insane , t V\lillubrua t foul and Lliuu luinpuujr , dolilor fienural I * uni Julr ' . 31.CO ) pea . u | l 74 I yj t July tj , < uuuuptt . , . . a I II at 4 July T , WXIoiuou . u u SAJ 7 U July a , IISOJUpBtt . n 1 Tj 'JJ , i July iu , a..woiump . o i sj iW ) i Julr It , 4llMIun | . B I li .15 . Jul ) II , 4JUJUIUIHII . u ; 5.1 61 t Julr II , ll.UUUumii . a i M Ml Julr 14 , lO.IXIJpj.i . a 1 74 , l ( i Julr IS. n.ij canon . a U w u : Julr I" , iUVMuua . a 1 7J 311 July VO , ftiliA > J lump . u „ > 6J 111. July'j ; JOJcinon . u u 'JJ U : JulrI , IOJJU1U | | > . a i 5J tl . Juir2i , UJUIIIM ) | . . . . . U i U DJ , Julr ' 3 , TiMUJ | > ou . n 1 7J lJ . July 'b , U1.1MI 1JOJ . u 17 : bll < JJ1U : I hereby certify that tlio above account I for Hupplki actually furnUhud thu ubov named institution ( blgu hurt ) . ) WlllTIIHII-AST COAI.i I.IHKCO. JOl T. I'Dllli.l.S Kxuuilncd aud adjusted , auditor public ac counts per donuly Approvod-aecrotary of tate pordotnuv , ( Hlsn hero nlso ) Hccelvodof T II Itcnton , auditor of public accounts , warrant No WllltTIIIUMST COAIi & I'IMK 00. JOIINT loita\N Ill'Pt 1C VTK llrnpltal for Iho tnmno , Lincoln. .tulyU , ! , IH'll I cnrtlfy tint thu within areount Is Jus ; ind corruct and that It Is u proper and neces sary uxpcnso nnd Ims nntbcon pild _ , W M K'NVI-I' , Siiporlnti-ndent Rt imltieil nnd approved Auicust a.IS'Jl by the Hoard of Public liinds nnd llulldlmts , anil ncoount to bo uhnigc'd to aiinroprlatlun for find and llahts. J. . ' Ai.nv , _ Secretary. I'resldent riidiiried : Nnbriski Hospital for tlio In- sniie , Mncoln , 4Nub , vonchur No JU1 0 70 wnrnnt Issuvtl on necoiiiit of fuel and Unlit to hltubru ist Coal A. Mine < A ) T II HI.XTOV , Auditor of Public Accounts Holts , Wcivor&Co , seem to bavo adopted Iho Wlutobtinst stjloof vouehuis In Novem- bar , IM11. The voucher for December , Ib'Jl ' , is as follows : Ocnor il I'lind Slitoof Nobrislta , Hospltnl for thn Insino. To lluttsciiv er .x. Co : To43l00totis pi a . . . $1 70 $ 7.18 2'J To3iii-jo : tons lump a 70 H40 7'J To 14,780 tons canon. . 000 BO 3.1 } 1,071 28 Approved.Tiimury 1,180J Other vouchers In that form vvcro ap proved. Hnvr I'riiuiM VV'nro Illildpn. Contracts for coal wore made every three months and \Vhltobroast Coal t I-ilmo Co , and Hulls. Weaver .S : Co , seem to have monopolized the business I'mm October 1 , Ib'.IO ' , to December JU , 1VI1 , and tbo month of Fobruatj 1S1U , the n mount uf coil alleged to h ivo been delivered to the asylum at Ian- coin vvas 17iVillH)7 ) pound ? and the amount actually iccolvod , so far as the evidence shows * was 7,5S'.IC10 ' pounds , leaving a shortage - ago of 0Ji07 ; pounds , which cost $12sVi 17 Tito proof falls to show th it the tespomlonts In any manner profited by these ftauds The respondents Introduced evidence tend ing to show that last October they submitted Iho whole matter to the giandjmyof I/in- cantor county and thereby sought to hi Ing the guilty turtles to Justice. It is but fair , however , to state tint Covet nor lloyd 10- qticstcd thum to 1 iv the matter bofoie tbo irrand Juiy and It is evident that the matter had nc < iuircd sueh publicity that It could not bo avoided. On this ttlal they , In effect , deny thu fuiuds , or that If such existed they had any notlco thcicof In nnj foim and , thoro- foie , are not cnarguablo thcievvlth , They seem also to exhibit nu verj * filendlj' sentiments tovvatd the witnesses by whom the frauds woio pioved , and eoilalnly showed no disposition to aid in piocuting proof of the same. Some icli inco is pi iced on Iho approval of the asjlum olllcoisbj- the governor in his message of Januuj , 1HU1 'I his no doubt , is entitled to considutablu vv eight , but It could not in nnj mannei excuse the tespondouts from Iho oxoiclso of rcisonablo caio in examination of asjlum vouchuis In ad dition to this the land commissioner in December , 1MH ) in his teport to thu govut- nor , which is in evidence , bijs , ( p bli ) "Under the existing sjstotn of luimshing supplies the appiouiiation iunds aiu lee fictiucntlyusctl in keeping with that con ception of cliantj whleh declares that it 'hideth a multitude ot sins' Items for luxutics , pi iv ilcges and conveniences that aio alone enjoyed btbo \ oflleials and thulr fi lends aio too often cloaked in a claim 'foi bo ird and clothing , fuel and lights , ' or t.omc one of the other neeuss irj- funds appiopt latod for maintenance of thu institution " Overworked UlllclnUt It is contended by tlio icspondents that the business in their lespcctivo oflieos lias so increased it is impossible to give atten tion to many of Iho details ot business that come befoio them and that they aie , thoio- foie , excusable It is true thcro is a latge amount of business in e ii'h of the ofllcus named. This is a largo and growing statu and business in all dep irtmonts Is constantly incieasing. In the oflicu of the land com missioner , however , thoic aio ten cleiks a ad one deputj , which , with the pimcipal.makus twelve poisons In thooflic'o of the SOIHO- tary of state one deputjnnd two cleiks , four poisons in all. In Iho attotncy gcnotal's ofliee , ono deputy and a stenographer. If thuso ofllccis need additional assistance , ii thej will ptesent their claim to the legisl i- tute , through the goveinoi , no doubt thu do- siied meicaso would DO gtanted. Tliebo facts must be know n to the lespond cntb , and as no such application was made it must be bieauso it w.ib not considered neccs- suy. The business of the s' ite , howovei , must bo conducted inn leabonablj piudutit and c.ueful manner , othcivviso the icsult would bo chaos Suppose a muich mt or business in m should urge the want of tune to loolc after his bubinebs and , thurcfoto , neglects if the icsult would not bo uncer tain. No defense of this kind can bo ontor- lainud. Fifth Ate these acts grounds foi im peachment ! Suction 5 , article v of the con stitution provides : -All civil ofllceis of this btiito sli ill bo liable to impeachment for anj' misdemeanor in office * ' It maj bo well to imiuitc llibt what nio the duties ot public oflicets' Dich ono bofoio cntuiing upon his duties is required to take an oath tliat ho will "faithfully and impaitlally perfoim thu duties of his oftlcu accoiding to Ian and thu beat of his abilitjAn oflicer is bound to oxereisooulinaij'caio such as an otdinaiily ptudentmin would excicibo in the minage- munt of his own affaiis. Oruiinds for ImpoichniDiit. The icspondents are , to quite an extent trustees They let contracts and ccrtifv claims each year to the amount of neatly 81,000,000 Now shall this woik bo per formed faithfully to the best of the ability ot each as ho has svroin to do , or sh ill it bo neglected and no examination m ido ? Thoio Is considciablo conflict in tlio authoiUies as to what constitutes an impc ichablo oflonsu Under the common liwtho grounds of im- peichmont are "nigh crimes and misdo- meanois " In a number of cases under tins law it has been huld that the cause of ac cusation must bo a crime punishable under the law In ijiigland iinpoichment has been to some extent considcied a mode of to punish clime nlthou n a Judg ment of gulltj was neb ir to an indictment and conviction for the same offense In this countiy , whllo some of the cises liold tint to constitute an impoieliablo ofleiibo it must bo such as could bo punished undoi thu ciiminal luv , jot , in the nujoilty of eiscs , it is hold that this icquirement is un- nccossaij' , and wo aio coiisliainod to adopt the intlor viuw. Judgu Lavvionco in 0 Am Law Keg , Ml ) , In discussing thn meaning of the vvoid , s ijs. "Tho vvoid misdemeanor h is a common law , a piiliimenlarj' and a nopular sense In a pailiamcnlarj' sense , as applied to ofllccis , it means maladministration 01 misconduct not indictable " "Domoinoris necessarily con duct , " and inisdemcinor is misconduct in the buslnos" of his ofllco It must ho In mntteisnf importance mid bo of a ehaiactor to show a willtul disiegatil of duty Now , do the acts above icclted constitute misconduct in olllcu''o aio not without nuthoiitv in this stale on tint point 'Ihus in Minidcr vs .State , 11 Nobiaska , 181 , a county surveyor who acted on the honest bu- liuf tliat ho had a i ight to ivmovu section cornelscieitod bj thu govoinmunt to con- foi ui to the fluid notus was found guilty ot maladmliilstiation of bib oflicu nnd uunovud In State vs Oleson , 15 Nobiaska , ' )17 ) , thu ru- lalor vvas removed fiom thu ollleo of shurifl forofllcial inlsdumuanois ami thu Judgment wnsatllrmed It is liuu thu piincipil question - tion in this couit was the jurisdiction ot thu county coiiiinissloiiois to trj Ihociuso , but thu cluuaiter of Iho olfoiiso was also to somooxtunl Involved , In bt.ito vs Mouiter , ID Nobiaska111 , thu icspuiidunt w.ib removed - moved from olllio by the county bond ol Saline county for coi tain alleged violations of the law and whllo an appeal was pending In tills court compelled him to deliver oviu the books of thu oflicu to the puison ap pointed in his steid In these cases thcro was no hesitancy on thupaitof this court to hold that thuac Judgments of removal vvoro valid Among the grounds mentioned In the statulo for ro movnl from ofl'.cu are habllu il or willful neg lect of duty. Compiled atitules , chaptei xviii , article II , section 1 An examination of thu constitutional provisions of a nunibci of the western st.ites will show that mlsdu muunor Is cause for Inipuachmunt. Thus , htuto l.uva on thu Hulijurt Sootlon 1 , article vll , of the Wisconslt constitution provides for impeaching "al civil ofllcurs of this btato for corrupt con duct iu olhuo or for crimin il misdemeanors ' buetiou 0 , nrllclo vi , of thu constitution o Indiana dcclaics that "All state officers shin forciiuio , inoapacity or negligence bo li.ibli to bo removed from ofllco oitho ; ir ? linpoach mont * * or by a Joint iwioluiion of tin general assembly " Suction UO of the constitution of I llnoi provide * that "The gpimrAl asstvnblv mav for cause entered on Iho journals upon duo notice-and opportunity for doiemo remove nny Itidgo upon com.niivnco of throofom ihs ol all Iho inomlieis of c.iih house AH other oftleers In this article mint lotted shall bo'enuned from ofllct on ) > roseefitlon and Mini conviction for mlsdominor in oflke " Section Uiof the ri.iistllutlon of North Dikotn provides for linpoirhmcnl 'or "mis- cnndiu t , milfeas nice , erlmo ot misdemeanor or habltnil utunkenncss or gross incom- potency " Secllon 4 article \vl , of the constitution of South Dakota Is the same Section as , m ticlo II , of the constitution of ICansis provides for Impoaclimont for "any misdemeanor In ofllro " Section ' . ' 0 , article III , of the constitution of Iowa provides for ' iinpoachmcnt for any mlsdeinoinor or malfeasance In ofllce " Iho constitution of Coloiado sbeeilles "high crimes nnd mlsdemianors or malfeas ance In office " Section 470 Other stiles prov idu for substantl illy the simo causes The provision in thoconstitu- lion In this stale is biouder than that of any of the stales named except Kansas Under our constitution nny gross misconduct Is causa for Iinpoichment. U would bo a violation lation of the o ith of ofllco and of thu ofllcers' fluty In that ie < pect our ewstliutlon Is much hreador thin the common law tcim , "hlnh crimes and mlsdcmoinors " Hut oven at common law the olTonso need not neccs- svtlly bo a crime punishable by the cilmlmil law. Prerpdonti In 1'lnnty. Alexander Hamilton In No fiTiof the Ted- oiatlstsns "Tho subjects of Its Jmlsdlc- lion are these offenses which pierced fiom the misconduct of publlo moil , or In other words from tno abuse or violition of some publlo tiust They ute of a n ilnro which m iv , w 1th peeuli ir propi lotj , bo denominated political , as thcj iclato chlullj to injuries done immediately to the soeletv itself ' ' llnmlltun's views arc gcnor.illj adopted In this counlrj. In the eaily put of the pres ent cunturj impeachment was the ordinary mode ot tcmoving objectionable ofllcers Thus m Mass ichusotto and some other stales county officers and oven Justices of the peace wctu Impeached In manv it not alt of ho states at the present time the statutes pro vide for a simple dhect proceeding in an action in the nature of impoiuhmont against ceitaln officers who su guilty of misconduct in ofllco , and impeachment Is but ono of thu remedies for that put pose , and In this state as applied to u stalu ofllcor is the solu tern- cdv. cdv.Tho The causes however which would cause Iho removal of a county olllcer on the giound of misconduct In oftlco would seem to be suf llclent against a state officer. The claim that thcie was no willful dlsicgaul of 1 ivv in the penitentiary cell liouso Is cleatIj shown lo bo unfounded The icspondents' dutv to the stale was in the first lust imo to appoint , a cnpible. efllelcnt supoiIntondcnt , who would protect the rights of tlio state , see- end , see that thu state tcccivcd as fair 'icatment as other contractois in the em plovment of convicts and puiciiasu of mi tuilals , and to cxeu-iso a geneial supcivision over the woik , and thiid to penult no moncj to bo diawn c-xrept on eiiglnal vouehcis of the persons piimaiily entitled to the monuj , 01 their assignees In all these lesjiects theio w is a fuilniu lo dls ihaigo their dutj The el lim tint thov knew nothing rgainst Doigan is entitled tone no weight wh Hover They did know that ho tepiescnted the pirty who could and piobablj would piollt bj' his bc'ing supeiin- tendent Indeed , the aigumcnt that tlioy weio able lo hito him cheiuer thin a disiii- tctested puty , is an admission of Ins unlit- ness , as it shows that he w.ib thawing full p ij for his sei v ices ftom Mosher at the s imu time In addition to tbusu facts , u tub allow - anco of an cstim Uo without a xouuhcr was a violation of u dutj bj the icsponlenls by which thej' wioiigfully and vvillfullj' poi- mittcd Doigan to draw monoj from the tteasurj' , Ciiinioc I'lcnd lunnraiif ) i > f thn l.uvr. Somu attcnit ] was made to ptovo usage as a defense to some or all of thuso ch irgcs Hut the authorities aio uniform thitiibige cinnot bo proved to aflltm oreontiadlcl the oxpic'ssod teims of aiontiautvvhuio it would result in violating some positive of si ituto Hogeis' jjxport lesiimonv , second edition. 'JU " 73 nnd cases cited. It is veiy cleii that proof of usage cannot bo con- sldoied , othoiwibO wo miglit bo asked to sanction thu us igo at aslum of the sw itch Cimsuleiablostiessis laid upon the good faith of the icspondents in committing these aets Tins question was befoio this couit in Cobbjs Huiks , 11 Nobi iski , 101-11) , ' , in an action for taking illegil feeIt is said 'The pen ilty meuiied by this act mav bo incut led bj exacting lues which aio sup posed at Iho time to be- legally duiu indable Hj thovcij words of the piohibitmy clause Ihu liking is tlio gist of the oflunso Ignoi- nnco ol thn 1 in will not excuse in any ciso ; and this pimciplc Is applic iblo and vv ith ir- tesistiblo fotce to the ciso of an ofllcor sc- lected for his capacity and in whom ignoi- ance is uni ] mlotmblo rl ho v cry accoptinco of thooflleo e.itnes nitli it an asset lion of a sufficient shaio of intelligence to cniblo the p uty to follow a guide , provided for him with an unusuil attention , clearness and pieclslon On any other pimclplo a convic tion would seldom take plieo , even in causes of the most lligiant abuse ; for jnotoxts would never Do wanting " It may bo s.inl tliat the people , having elected these men , their will should bo tespoUod aud they iliould not bo ousted for the offenses chiiged. In every vote I h ivo given in this court 1 h ive favored ciiijing out as far as possible tlu will of the people as oxpiessed tinoiuh the billet box , but the simo con stitution which provides for the election of olllcois and for a tliseh ugo of the duties of the olllceis , also provides for tied ulng the olllco vac mt in case of actions willful , mis conduct in othei words , wlioio thuolllcui fills to faithfully perform the tiust lomuul- ted to his h intls The doctimo has been ap pllod in tqiiity from time iii'inemoiiil Thus , if a tiusteo misbehaves many wajto Iho dcti imcnt of thu estate ho maj bo lemovcd ll > puto Hevnolds 5 Ves , 7U7 ho , if lioic- fusu or neglect to oxccuto the tiust It is cause foi lumoval All < f oinlnct In Ollli ii. InioMooh Hank 2 Hub , lib DcPuj- ster vs ClcndingK , pigui ! ! ) > Puiiyon Uusts No 111) ) and cases cited This i nlo li is bc'on apjilieil li\ this tout t agiinst infoiloi olllieis in a number of instances 'J Inia in Hunks Hopkins , 5 Nebi.uka , : ! l , it vvas held th it a cloik of thu dislnet couilwas li iblo foi tlam- nrres occ isloned bj his negligently and caio- lessly tiklni ! insuflluiont secuilty Whllo if lie oxeicised a leasonablo dogieeof caio in the poiformaneo of his duty ho was not 111- bio In Pox vs ' .leachim , 0 Nobiaska , fill , It was huld that w hoi o n justice of the peicu MOlatcs the Jaw ami abuses his autliotlty lethe the Injury and damticu of another , ho and his suiuties are liable on his bond for Hiieh damages. I know of no loason why thu same nile , which would hold a county officer llaolo for damages or gulltj of an ofTenso for which ho might , bo removed , should not liu applied to the slate oflKeis The cliugo in butli c isos is Hiibstantl illjthu samu , vi < ! , miscondiut in oflleu If a county ofllcei is guilty no ono willuigi ) as a luison for condoning the olTe'iisi < thai Ihu iccused was elected to tlio ollleo ,1ml tliat Iho people would bu deprived ot his soi vices by his lomoval ; and I know of mi good tei- son wh.v the same tulu sliuuld not bu applied vvheio the ofllcor Is elected by tlio entiio statu. It is sild thu icspondunts acted Ju dicially in approving accounts and , thoio- lore , aio nol liable for their acts 'i ho able attoinovs for the tuspondenls undo no claim ol tills kind , and thciefoiu it is evident they did not luly upon it. Wlllimit .luillubil 1'iiunr , If , in approving accounts , they act Judi eiilly , In order to jirotect them Ihuro am Unco lliiugs vvliluh must concur. I'usl , llic claim must bu onu they aio authuiUod to audit , * second , It must bo presented In tha form of n bill or toucher allowing the debt and It Is for olhciwUa the Iw.ird would bo llko a Judge passing upon n matter not uo- fore him , sm h as a matter not put In IIMK , and thiid thestnhito makes It th. ir dutj to Investigatoeierj ehlm The protection ac or > led to a judco ngiUunt a pi hate nttleu dnes net apply when he Is on tri il under si > o- cltU cliirgesof Impoadiincnt. Lvena judge of this couit could not plead , pro-tut ion ngilnil such charges In such case hU cm- duct ami general manner of londtkt ting his business n.nj . bo Imiuired Into anil If ho i found guilty of mlsoouduet on anj of the chntees ho nny bn dcelated gvnUv Hut no Judtclil ofllcer Is protected when ho exceeds Ins anthorilv , and these lespondentsuy cleirly , In all that the\ are chirgod with , acted cither without authority of law or In excess of such authority Hut in inj view their duties are not Judlelil In Ihe'piopor sense , thov do not allow accounts Thov tneicly Investigate or should Investigate the voucheisand the soveial Hems thetouf to see Unit thuy conform to the contract In other words , the duty of the boird Is to lot continsts In a speclil manner , nnd when vouchcis a.'c picsenied under such contracts which , upon evamlnvtlon aio found to bu eoricit , they aio loceillfv the same to thu auditor Tlioccitillcato Is not a final unlcr from w hlch an nppe il w ould Uo and Is not a Judicial act. It will not bo sciiously con tended that nu oftleer who negligently and Improperly eeitlllea a fiaudulunt account which it was his duty to Investigate , or who Utilavv fully dtiws money troni Iho treasury , Is protected from the consequences of hU nets , and so far as 1 am awnio , no case so holds. The iiilo announced In the case , It seehis to mo , would hive protected Pweed from prosecution Yet wo know thai ho was tiled anil convicted of obtaining monoj from Iho eltj of Now Yoik upon tlcllllous claims allowed against Iho cllj by Iho proper nuthoutles. and tint suit was also brought In behalf of the people to toeover the motley so obtained Inl'eoplovs Tweed , ( U N. Y , I'.i'i ' ' , the petition alleges tint Tweed was picsldcnt of the Hoaid of Super visors of the county of Now Yolk and "pro em ed various piutended cl ilins to bo made up , purpoitlng lo bo llibllllles and amount ing in the aggiegale to $ D UMlVi7 Itt specified ' In a sclu duiu annexed , whleh was pi csented and bj the piocmoiiionlof the consplratois was ccttilled lo bj the tlueo iiudltins named , " and It was huld that the action could bu mainl lined. OIIIHnl linpriidcncr. Proof vvas Inlioduced on bohilf of the 10- Sondenls ] lo show that Doigan , Knapp and otheishnl given Ixmds to the slate It Is evident that nimo of these bonds will cover the nclu il loss to the state , and ovun If on- foiced would be in In nlequ ito icmedy Hut the giving of the bond b\ the oflieer does not exempt him from the porfoutmnco of his dut > nor lolievo those who supci intend his aets from a faithful supervision of the sime. The livv imposes the dutj of supci vision "with aieasoniblu doeico of c.ue" 'Ihu dutj' of an ofllui is stated bj .luiigo r > ike in Hiockvs Hopkins , supia , th it ho exoiclscd a le.isomble tlegico ol i.iro in the pei fet m- anco of his dutj It scums tn mo the ic- spoilJents whollj failed In the puifoimanco of their duties in thu cases spucllled in these chaiges , wheichy the stale , dining the ten months th it. Doigan vvas siipeiintendent , lost a luge sum of monov , piobibh not less thin $15.000 , and § H for tcsuttiiif , ' Iho bolleis , which v\as nol a nebt of tl'e statu , together with the sums drawn by Hop kins and Ho\\o to go to Pltlsbuig and tbebO icspondents to go to St Louis , in nil S-'iM ' The ovcipijments for coil , all in six- luen months , exceed ? 1 ,000. An oiilinaillj' puident man would have lequlicu the Aoiich'TS to bo In proper foim , giving tlio numbeis and weights of the several cats. Them are telephones in all of the public buildings , so th it it would li ivo taken but a moment to in iku the piopcr infinities in re gard to Iho coil and protect the intoiosts of the btate , but so far as tbo proof shows such infinities weie nut madu In asmglu in stance A public oflicer , Illco any other servant , should be faithful to his omiilojcr to see that in all m ittuts under his control the master shall not. be dufi.uitlcd In other wouls , ho shall ho faithful to his tiust , not as an ojo servant , but in thu sight of God Th vt is , in olfe'et , the oith that each oflicer takes to faithfully pcifuim his duty. Would llu u Premium nil DKlionrsly. , Our public inslitullonsshould bo conducted on business pimciples and without fuir , favoroi favoiitism , ami no monej should hodiawn fiom the tio.ismj except in stilct puisuinco of liv\ If thu 101111 should ap- piovo or oven condone the ceimucl of the respondents in these i ises , the Inllueneo of the decision will bu left ia oveiv dopittmunt of business in thu stvteas tending to weikcn tbo sense of faithfulness ot public olllceis and cinplojcs , and in uvuij way ptove tlotil- mental to tliu best Intel ests of soeiety. 'J hero is an abundance of men in the bt ito who can , and if the oppoitunity is given by their selection to the offices filled by the respondents , will , failhfiilh loolc aftei the intoicsts of the statu ; and as the icspond- cnls ha\o failed in tint ro ard the charges are well taken and should bo suslalnud , I Ihuicfoie vote guiltj' as chaigod. Will Opi > ii the Diior tn I'rauil. I feir the icsiilt of the decision , if adhered to , will bo to upon a door to Iho giosscst frauds in thu public institutions of thu stalu. A number of witnesses for the state tostiliud as if under constami and there soeinod to bu powerful inllueiiceH afleeting some of them aside from thu immediate friends of tbo lespondents at woik in their favor The respondents , of couiso , aio not losponsiblo for these influences , but it Is mj duty to mention them ui.r.ui itio t r jv 01 ; ; ii. Conti lets hare neon signed foi the con- stiuitionof aneli'ctil , uud at Hilh.Mo. , ' , and uoik will commence nt once ' 1 ho road is to he. in upeiatinn bv Auiriist IMlsnn fixhlblts bib .luiiibo i lei tile engine , the Ingest , in the vvoild at th Chicago ex position Jumbo vvas also exhibit-id at thn' Pa i Is exposition in iss'land ' caimod great sin piisu annmg I'lench eh i Itiiians It can maku dO ) i ov oitilioiis a mlnutu The questioner piioiitv in elm trie light' . Invention li is niun been i.ilsed , and ills , slid that i dison is in dinger of losing his lain els While J/lisun is vutalivo It will liu illllli ult , to displace him from his piosent position in the minds and hunts of the pee ple. After ho is dead , Iconoclasts of thulypo that would overthrow Columbus and .Shako- apeire miyseuk to find a man lo take the place of Kdisoii Just now the nlccttical vvl/ard stnndb almost at tliu liuad of Ameri can genius , and hu has thought to uland theio A now use has been found for electricity , Llko the Inimmoiablo cither JMII poses to which it has been put , its now application Is s lid to In ) an immnimu improvement on thu old method of accomplishing thu end in vlow Hy its adoption in kit kilns are to hu abolished anil tlio ilij transfoimed Into biii Its by the tiansmlsslon through Iho molds of a very strong euiicnt of uluetrlclty. No doubt is enteiliinol i eg u ding tlm rfrictivonoss of the plan It has been sub jected to the test of practical expoiliiiont , an 1 ill success proved bujond diapulo. H T Avails , a jovvelnr of Goldmi , Cole , after nlnu juus haid woik and constant studj , 1ms Invi utod a thick which has rh u- li icily for Its moll vo power His the only actuil bluett In clot k thu Inii over boon pio- ilueud with cleiitrlclty fora moth u power. This t lock In question has neither weight nor spiing , but consists only of tlueo wheels , a pendulum , two 4-luctrio magnets and a b Ului j Unhko any other clook Iho motlv o power K not transmlllcd to thu tialn hut to the pendulum nnd only enough powuilsio- to ovcicomu thu lost motion of the pendulum. ] IIAVUONP , 1HK JhtYBUU t. THOUGHTS OK MAKKIAGJ5 Of your best friend will be far more pleasant if you have selected a handsome wedding present. If you choose from ourcollcction you will gratify your table at a mod- c rate cos.t RAYMOND , AND UOCTflkAJ ,