Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1893, Page 10, Image 10

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iitAtT/ /vnr"nnmtA\TfMM n
Peculiar Features of Their Life , Oostumo
and Appearance.
Jloir Wnlfcnmn llninilly Ilciinltod "Shinipy
Join" nnd "llocky"Clrr UnniblliiK
Unit Itrohcn Up tlio Home anil
Srpnrntod the Tunliii
ICnjtyrtaMttl , tSSl I
LONDON , May 0. [ Conespondenco of Tim
Dm. ] In Ihit most unsavory portion of Lon
don Ivlng between Hothnal Oroen , Hillings-
gate market and the London docks , I have
passed many strange days and stranger
nights among those most ourloua and Inter
esting folk known ns the l > ondon coster-
mongers. It all came about in nn accidental
way , ns most pleasant things nro sure to
happen to the vagrant traxelor who loltcii
rather than rushes through old world scenes ,
and'sochcip with allthat when I came to
flguro expenditures and found that not 10
had boon icqulrcd to give mo permanent
status with the entire fnUeinitj , I felt so mo
twinges of conscience that my footing made
so beggarly a showing. Two pounds
ton woio invested In a coster's cart
and donkey ; three notinds went to
prevent n domestic tragedy , eighteen shil
lings bought a second-hand costor'i b.urow
outright ; four shillings woio pild fora "peg
ging" ehaninch ; twcho shillings sixpence
took mo to the Derby as a coster In the cos-
tors' nnnual parade ; another two pounds
was lost on the supposltiously unlinpc.ico.iblo
judgment of a coster companion who Intro
duced several brilliant "pegging"
mo to con
tests in the Whltcohapol districts ; and the
remaining llfteon-slx was squindored with
out compunction in coster tea parties , by the
side of coster rat pits , in coster "penny
gaffs , " and at coster tap rooms all
of which , as I ha\o taken the reader
thus far into a person vl conlldcnco ,
should bo susceptible of rigid explanation.
To begin with , that nil this and these
London folk may bo understood , there must
bb something said about costers in the ab
stract Ihoro aio from M.OOO to 00,000 of
them in the great metropolis. They are the
liawkoisof llsh , vegetables and fruit. It is
not true as with us when any one that
hawks Is a hawker that nny one who "cos
ters" in London would boa coster. Thcso cos
ters at o a sopai ate i ace. They aio the only
hawkcis hi-rc. They arc a distinct , chai-
actcrful nnd integral part of this great and
over vtomlciful Uabol of London It is
known that they ha o been piccUcly what
they now are for nearly 500 years.
Tlio earliest iccord of London costcr-
mongeis'ciics is said to bo in fjyilgato'b
poem of "London Ljckponny" in the time of
Henry V. , about 475 j cars ago. Shakespoaio
refers contemptuously to "these costermonger -
monger times ; " Hen Jensen makes his
Morose swoon if ho he 113 a costcimongor's
cry ; nnd Dr. Johnson ghos the dcuvation
of''costaidmongor" as oiiglnitlng In the
street sale of apples or costards "round and
bulky like the head. "
The result is that thocostcrmongersiof the
London of today form almost a little realm
of their own , o\or changing in routines yet
changeless in chaiacter and antiquity , with
npuicrstiain of blood , of Its kind , than
halt of the English nobility ; nnd with
ancient custom1 ! and traditions loinainiiig in
exorable laws of guidance to thomsohes ; all
to a more marked degieo th in is true of any
cquul number of pcopJo In any corner of
At tiis daily labors the coster will have on
his head a small cloth c.ip well to ono side ,
with the \Isor either pointed to the sky or
sawing one side of his neck. lie Is never
"without his black or llashily colored silk
"' or lieivy , loosoH gathered neck
erchief , nlw.m tied in a s illor's knot and the
ends tucked In the folds of his gav woolen
shirt , the whole exposing a line , well corded
and often hairy neck and chest. Hiswnlst-
coit is long , llko a Jockov'H , with capacious
pockets and hugo tabs , nnd alwaj s of cordn
roy \elvetcen. . Ills tiousers me half
Itlexican In cut , of corduioy or coaiso duck
ing , and their wide bottoms flap o\cr the
best shoes \oin by any lowlj men in London
Added to thlsuiu pcail or polished metal
buttons innumorablo.
In the mattot of buttons their "best togs"
for Sundays and holidajs are truly staitllng.
Whether ot metal or poail , they mo fiom a
half Inch to nu inch In diameter , nnd are sot
as thickly as they can bo placed aiound the
cap band and visor edge , down the edge ot
the waistcoat fiom throat to point , above
every pocket and along the edges of all
lapels , upon the sleeves ncail } from wiist to
elbow , .uid along the wide plush bide stripes
of the tiousers , from just below the iineo tu
the very edge of the tiouser log , so that the
last button clicks and patteis against the
pavement and the shoe.
The coster women nro none the less sti Ik
ing in their garb and appearance. Llko the
men , thcynroall well shod and wear shoit
coarse soigo petticoats , showing their
ankles and shapely foot. Their waists aio
always low at , or are loft open in , the nock
nnd usual ! } the latter , ns with tlio men , is
adorned with a llashy silk ncckoichief ,
whlloa small woolen plaid or silk shawl
covein the shoulders , its ends crossed upon
the breast w hero It is nl waj s fastened with
a brooch of hngo dimensions
Cut the hair nnd the headgear are most
distinctive Krom these ulono a cooler phi
is nnywheio recognizable The hat is of
stiaw or felt , nnd always as l.ugo as a cos-
tor's catU\heel. Itpiotiudou ulaiiningly in
front , and ahoNO this canopy waves a forottt
ofostikh plumes Coster glils belong tn
clubs for the purchase of these pri/ed
feathers , and there Is no oidtnary sacilllcc
they will not make to possess the hugnst
plumes that can bo bought The hair 1s
bestowed buhlnd In n Inriro hi aid A "paif
extends fiom this Iminidi itoly over cud
far , and a heavy , straight tab lies againsl
either chcok Abo\o the foichcad the hah
falls straight almost to the blows , but 1 :
then fil/7Jed and cuiled until it stuuls up
waiil and outward llkb ujonstrous matted
chovauvdo fiiso.
Thunoaiest appionch to n homoamonu
the oostou is wheio the coster (3 ( falili wi-ll *
tq-do. nnd owns the donUoveiunl cut or n
couple or thrcu In these estiemoly inio In
stance * jnu will otten Iliul the colter , hl <
wife or mate , tholn.hihlu'u and the ilonkou
in ona bisement loom together. Hut tin
character of the man's and the woman1 !
work keep them upon thosticet. The ) eai
at Cheap chop houses and coffee stalls
Their OMiidngs mo passed at the fip-ioom
the "pennj-gatT" shows , the iat-pit and tin
cheap music hath
Ilojs and uiilseno \ thi'lr pironts am
miito at from 11 to ill j oars They take fur
nlshed rooms in the coster distiK'ts o
Leather Lane , Dim v Line , Shoiedlicli , Ol <
Street Ho id , Marylobono Lane , Dockhuad
Ik'tluml Ciieon , Whltechapel , Cnmberwol
and the llko and nro at once full lledgei
costois. Child urn in o bom tn them and an
"minded" for the Hist '
jeurortwo. 1 hei
they take their chiinces foi life and cduai
tion in the slums At (101 ( 7 they nivompani
tin ir pai cuts oral o liii i'd out to other fos
tois In a few joai.i moio some fancloi
slight or too se\eie a beitlng occuis , or tin
cobter Inns or lapses have mot thuii alllnity
and thoj aio away for thpmsehcs wilhou
pai linger logiots.
They nro nil , men and WOIDPII , couth nice
nnd hopeless gambles In a put } way Kie
< meutly they will back their f.uoiito chat
linche ! ! , which are trained to light as wel
* ii sing , or dog , or pugilist , : o the loss o
ivci'i thing tlioi iK)3si\ss I Uo not believi
theie l aLoatcr in IxmUnn who has not a
some tlmo been a jear's labor and tlalft behind
hind his bodi mid the clothes upon It fron
lillutkat gambling , faomo go lo the doe :
, lomnlotely from it. 'Jlicn they commi
suicide comiwsodly. This very curse of then
character enabled mo to become one of then
lor so long ns I liked. 1 had umunlllnglj
tnlod all mpina of which 1 was tapable u
become familiar with them Whilecho"ri
und OU'udlj enough the ) would no\or ti
lh < Ir Ri-Uos in my picscnrc Jlut 1 hop1
ittnoiiL' them dot'gedh about "thu jovou :
oCyvont UarUeu" maikut
whcro from n,0X ( ) to 4,000 miy dally bo soon ,
mill opportunity at last enmo
I used to siuntcr for hours about the
'ainom market In the early morning. On n
certain Miy morning nf lastyoarl found
among the poas-shellors tinder the
narkot colonnades , opi _ > oslto the ancient
Tavistock hotel , one of the women , comely
enough for a wonder among thcso who are
generally Indescrllnblo hags , shelling in a
Icspcrnte soil of way and rrjlnjt n4 though
icr heart would brink Moio tears than
> cnnles fell In her bowl , and the old , lcobols
ibont her were , if tor quite the fashion of
women , adding to her misery by taunting
icrwlth the foolishness nf her marriage ,
which hid oxldenth gone nmlss When
Llu-so taunts became insufferable slio would
( | uiotly ininch one or another of
their hoiils , when there would bo a little
sivn e nculillng and then she would
lesiimo her tons nnd peas 1 could
sco she was n costcrwoman ; and in a few
mlnulos waiting 1 ijathored enough to know
Hi it tlio weeping poas-sheller h-ul inn away
from coster fatlicr nnd mother , married a
costei iouthof "faiii'i" or spoiling pioclivl-
Lies , nnd that the latter , possnsst'd of a
tiPHty over some ohaflltich or dog had
stripped the pilr , lime nfter time , of don-
Icov , eait nnd homo bclonginirs , ns ho often
lost all , and , worse \ot , had become so in
famous among his kind th it In nil London
lie could not boiton a half crown lo start
anew , usii illy nn easy thing for a coster to
do , nor so much as a "thr'pcnny hit" with
which to quench liU thirst and drown his
despondency That verv morning Hooky ,
the wcaplng pois-shellor , hid tragic
ally loft her incoinglblo husband "for
good and all , " and at tint very mo
ment the latter , known as "Slumpsy .Tom"
for his 111 luck and Incorrlgiblllty , was tuin-
Ing away fiom gibing coster gioups , ono
after another the picture of inotilovnblo
The lamttngo of thcso folk Is simply tin-
printable , not because of Iho costois' inten
tional obscenity and profanity , ns they have
the deepest pride In their own speech and
wnvs "Slumpsy .loin" himself quailed
under the fusillade that morning Ho slunk
away llko ono ptusued , nnd I followed him
Half % vay dow n Southampton stieot , ho made
ii last otfoit to rotiiovo himself by begging a
lojn from "Jenny Williams , the Minder" a
a minder of whips for the lust thirty jours
for all the greengrocers' caiteis who ctovvd
that thoroughfare botwcon the Strand and
the market. Jenny w ns "up to snuff , " unit
licit him off with her whips. Then ho
plunged liito the Stuind at a tun ; squirmed
among and through thu thundering \ohiclos ,
St Paul's way , to Wutetloo bildgo ; heio
halted a moment or t could not have over
taken him ; and then started doggedly
to\v.ird the Surrey side Ho afterwards
told mo it was for "a header" Into the
1 haines
Hut I soon ran alongside him , and before
ho was half way to the middle ( the bi idge
had him by the shoulder , and then , tolling
him he could attend to the little matter ho
had in mind just as well later In the day ,
marched him , n willing and wondciiiig wis-
oner , to n cheap giill house In the Stnnd for
bioakfast. liven nn outcast costormongcr
filled with good food , nnd In couip inj whoio
the clink of slh or is , is a different sort of
fellow than ono just on the point of "talcing
a header" oltVatoiloo biidgo Dut ho
could do little else than bulge ills o cs and
after much emotional effoit spuit out his
astonishment in ,
' Goi bll mo , but 'cro's a go ! " still greiter "go" when , a half
hour later , I had him help me ransack ovoiy
foul pawnshop in the Minorics and wo gath
ered up all the poor shieds of their home-bo-
longings , oven to his own brilliant Sunday
"kingsman , " or neckcloth , the \crltable
four-shilling "pegging" chafllnch which had
htcn his downfall , nnd Ueckj's famous
ostrich plume , the erst pildo and envi of
.Shorodltch ; and after such a charwoman's
scrubbing and scouring ns the place had
inner bofoto known , got the broken homo
togothei again in the solfsama spot bofoio
St Paul's bolls had stiuck the inld-aay
"Gawd strike mo lucky ! hit's a likelier
pillus than the lud maj'r's Ono gao o'
hlt'd put h'out poor donah's ( dai ling , mis-
ticss , wlfo ) diovcs Gor bit mo , so't would ! "
was Slumnsy's parting apostrophe , ns wo
mounted a penny bus citywardiiy. .
though the daod coster was still Ignoiant of
our dostinitiou.
Wo were soon at Drury Lano. I know an
alehouse , hard by Long AGIO , whcro the
peas shcllors drowned their woes when their
woikwas done , nnd sometimes danced and
fought Sure enough Jenuy was theio , still
weeping over a pot of four ale and a cold
siusago ; but the gicatcst "co" of all was
these costers' mooting , drenched In tcais ,
diowned in a full "million o' bitter" foi
nailing cheer among the now enthusiastic
poas-shollor companions , nnd storm-sw opt
with "Gor bit mes ! " "Strike mo deads , or
luckis ! " and other still moio unctious coster
oiths. The "poor ilouah's hojes" weio
quite "put out" on Boeing her little , and
loved if little , homo rebuilt ns If b\ magic
and all the rueful prophecies of her nagging
com ] ) miens so marvelously put to naught ;
and to do the poor soul Justice horgiatltudo
and delight were inoxpicssibly greater to
discovci that the magic the total cost of
which had been but three pun'four 1 had
been wrought on the iinllinching condition
that Slumpsy Jem was a icfoimed gambler
now and over moio.
I loft thorn alono-vvith the gicatcst joy
that had over come to London costers until
evening. Then wo dressed In our best ami
joined a costcis' tea paity at a near coster
fiienUs' ; for In a few houis their giant good
fortune had been noised about , and , as with
other folk of higher grade , the silvoi key
had unlocked unwilling dootsaud ; nftoi-
wards passed n tluillful hour at a genuine
Whltoclmpol "penny guff , " whcio from IOC
to 500 castors , Hilllngsgato porters , L unbotli
butchoi boys and Wnitechapol ritfrafl were
packed In a nohsomo old shed to witness n
"gaff , " or outrageously ildiculous panto-
inlno , or voiceless melodrama , or wordless
tragedy In which there wcio indescribable
muidcr , highway robbery and other lutlil
crime , but all enacted without spoken vvoid
to evade the lavvgovoinini ? dramatic ropio
sentations. and got to our beds in Hell lane
before midnight for I had determined tc
hoiiso.Jivo and bo after the coster fashion
completely until the pair wcio well on theii
feet In this stiango London coster woilil
On Sunday theio is a crazy sort of lair o !
goats , fowls , feuots. i.its foi delinking
beetles , tats for the pit , ihanlnchcs , i.ibbits
and much other unsavory live stock , held in
the icir of Shoicdltch chinch in Han
stieet , haul by our coster home. Aftci
bieakfast wo lopiliod thither and bought r
lespeetablo second-hand bairow nnddonlio )
for "two pun' ten"somosolvesshallows am
baskets for a few shillings more , and tliei
passed pirt of the day In Epping forest vvltl
a million or soof other loulv London costcis
On Monday \vo were all at Covent Gnidci
maikot , at I o'clock In the morning , and hui
a load of cilsp vegetables disposed of by 1
o'clock In the afternoon among the "ludglnj
"ouso" keepers of Hloomsbur ) , at .1 noi
prollt , including some icpalrs for our call
and hainess nnd food for our donkey , vvlilcl
hud woven a bumi.ind heaitsoino buast , o :
six shillings and fein pence On Tuesday wi
sold cheap mi-iit from Smlthlicld In the Min
orics , at a prollt of eight shillings and nine
pcncoednesday wo were unlucky 01 :
sin imps and npiats , and gained but two shll
llnga Thuislaj , with vogotiblos. vu
c-liMiod but live shillings On Frldaj
with llsh , ns I had fiiends at Illlllngsgati
mm kotaiid | got fav 01 s , w o i clurncd homo vv 111
a piotlt of eleven shillings and nlnoponcu Hui
! iituidu's olToiis gave us tlio greates
nchlevomont of all. 1 determined to soil ti
n CJj ps ) camp nt W.uulbuoith At the men
tion of tii > sles , Slump- and Ilcrky wcui
houilleil Hut I knew tln > G.\p3) t.isto am
( ips ) pocket , ami wo tilled ourcartwitl
poultiv , mo it and llsh It was a long joui
nej for a coster cart , out tlaough old Choi
tea , across Uholsoa bridge and into Smio)1
nt Wanus voith , but our duj's sites nuttei
twcnt ) one shillings and thiccpenco , bo
bides our oild experience with thu Uoinnni
folk of that mutiopolitan ( ! ) psvlie , and 1
was a gloimus baturday night whun wi
found that our total o.uninub had been tvv (
pounds , llftec-n shillings and a penny , or i
net protlt , after ileduuting every oxpensi
of food and ientof two ponnilii , two shilling
and nlnopence
A lung , lung story , though a pleasant one
_ uo\ild bo the iclatlon of the four vvi'cks
bimilirlife whlih followed ; of the doubtfu
titiecis which at tlrst greeted us in c'ostor bo
cletthu haul words ami the subllmatei
liillingsgato luapeil upon us , and occasion
all ) the times when we had to "put up oui
ilM'U" and contest our light to buy and sel
among tlioso whcio ostracism had [ icon com
plcto , of the luminous chatting their "Luok\ \
Uuv'nor"as the i-oatois dubbed
, me , had U
accept on their account and his own , of tin
depths of nilsi-r ) and degradation unfoldet
( luting thU biluf peiiod of gi'inilno low Lou
aoii life , of the wonduiful excursions t ikci
b ) liver mil and uurowu spanking now cat t
whl < h vvn boon secured b ) i'xiianiro ant
u umduiato extra pajmoutj of thu
evolution of tlioso folk Into nnii-gnmblln ( ? .
non-ilrlnklng , fairly respectable man nnd
woman , of tholr Inexpressible prlilo when ,
after all debts and Iho llko had boeli cleared
away , there was Issued to the pilr , who
| almost breathlessly nnd altogether slnuil-
I taneomly exclaimed ' ' (3or bll mo , but 'ere is
I a go I" by tlio officials of the Postofllco S tv <
1 Ings bink , No 27 St. Paul's Churchyard , a
I huio deposit book , with "iM 5 0" to their
credit And I am proud to add , that ,
though Hocky his not been able to fellow
the oart with her cheery voice an J pleasant
wns quite nil the time , for reasons which
kindly-hearted mnthois can well mulct *
stand , wltl.ln n veal's time the credit in this
sinio deposit Ixwlc has been Increised to a
round itO ; nnd that within this humble
Holt Line coster's homo , the lusty voice of a
) outhful Slumpsy Jem Is hoard When I
happen in upon the two , as 1 often do of nn
evening or n Sunday. 1 am allowed to toss
the coster son and heir about quite reck
lessly , the while Jon sr bulges his oes and
never ceases his "Gor bll mo , but 'ore's a
go'"and ' Ileeky , all frUcs , foithcrs and
sunshiny smiles , as stoutly assorts , "Stiiko
mo luck ) , but hits ekal vvor'nt born I"
nnovu L WVKI-MAJJ.
.1/1 JM1IV.
llcUclt. Harrfion liillmtnn
A cunning mlto , In robes ot white ,
All bice omliroldured o'er ;
With tiny foot , so dimpled snout ,
Tlinttnmir piessi'd tun Hour ;
With wreathed smiles und biby wiles ,
\ \ Ith mischief lirlminltii ; o'oi
Ah , no , ah , no , It Is not MO ,
You surely , surely do not Know
My biby.
lie pulls jnurhnlr , nor docs ho care
How inni'li thu p iln miy be.
Ho uu\us bis bands llku fall y vvanih ,
And Jumps und cious with glee.
Hit loudly vvi OIH , thun gently sleepi
Upon Ids mother's Knee
Ah , no , ih , no. It Is not so
You surely , suiely cniinol know
My buby.
A stillnt bra\o who rules the wave ,
Nor fears thu ocean's roar ;
llo's kind and true , with ojos of blnu ,
That twinkle oveimore '
Hi * IOVOB bis home , then h ho may roxm
Upon a distant shero
Ah , yes , nh , yes , come now. confess ,
Unless yon Know how could yon guess
My baby ?
ThotiKh winds may tan this bearded man ,
i\ndtmo ! limy furrows plou ;
Though life's rude shocks tiring silver locKi
To crown his noble brow
Though years may cu anil como , I know
He'll still ruiiiun : as now ,
On Innd or sea liu'll err bo ,
Troin time until uturntty , i
My b iby. . .1It Ult.tM.lTlC ,
Mr. Thomas W. Keene announces that
ho will revive "Macbeth"
next scison on an
claboiuto scalo.
It is said that the actor -who represents
Geoigo Tiancis 'I'rain in " 14'ja" at Kilmers
theater once placd leading parts with
roicst , Keanand Cushman.
Fnnnv Davenport is negotiating -with Vic-
toricn Sndou for the American rights of
a now play which ho Is wilting for Uoui-
The leading theatois of Philadelphia are
now closed for the summer.
Hcniy 10 Dixov will again tcmpb fortune
on the roail no\t season in "Adonis. " Ha
will bo managed by JolToison , Klaw and
Ijil anger.
Nagncr's "Dio Walkuro" was crOduccd
for the llrst time in Paris May 12 , nt the
Gtand Opera.
Hrnest Chailes ( Wardo ) , a son of Fred
erick Wnrdo , who made ills debut In the
Wai do-James company the past season , will
enact light comedy roles the coming season.
IhoHoston Howaul Athonoum Star Spec
ialty company will begin its next season at
the Star tlioater. It is announced that Lottio
Collins will be the leading attiaetion of the
Most of the traveling companies hive dis
banded for the season , and their leading
actors have gone into summer idleness , whllo
the less foi tunato smaller people aio m quest
of engagements for next w inter.
Sol Smith Russell's engagement in New
York will begin October U ami V 111 ombiaco
n sciles of 100 perfoimancos. Ho w ill imko
his liist nppcaianco hero as Dr. Paucioss in
"Tho Heir at Law , " and later wilt pi obably
pioduco his now play , "AprilVeather. . "
Mr. and Mrs. Willlim II. Crauo havoio-
tlriHl to their pretty summer cottage at Co-
hassot , Mass. Mr. Crane's yacht , the Sen
ator , has been put In commission and ho
will spend the next thico months In sailing ,
hshhig and entertaining himself and his
ft lends.
James O'Neill has secured -
a new- romantic
drama , entitled "Don Cailos do Seville , " by
nugeno V. nilnor of Boston. It is in live
acts and Is founded on the rise of the Moots
under Philip II of Spain. The gicat Seville
cathodial forms the scene for one of tlio
James Brown Potter , the husband of the
lady who Is engaged in the task of elevat
ing the stage , is a tall , slender man of C"i or
00 , and is a member of the Downtown i lub
in Now Yoik cit ) Ho Is very dignified and
roscivod Whether he his a divorce fiom
his nctress wlfo is one of the questions the
members of the club do not discuss.
Clinics II. Iioyt , the playtvriglu and
mombei of the Now Hunpshiio legislature ,
has made n clause in his will piovidlng that ,
in the event of his death , the Iloyt home
stead at Charlostown , IN. II , shall bo con-
veiled into a homo for indigent actresses
and bo known as the Tlora Walsh homo.
The now Bijou theater now being erected
In Uiookl ) u by H. II. Jacobs at a cost of over
$ 00,000 will bo built on the exact lines of his
Chicago Alhambra , n theater pronounced
perfect by leading aichltccts. It will bo in
the heart of the city , twenty-live streetcar
lines passing within a block of the main en-
tianro. Ho will also shortly have a now
theater in Dotiolt. These two new edifices
will gioatly sticngthen Mr. Jacobs' impciial
amusement ciicuit.
Mine Boithc Marx , who will bo icmoin-
boied as the pianist who accompanied Sara-
sate und D'Albert during their tour thiough
Amoiica , locently made huillrst appearance
in public as a concert soloist iirKt James
hall , London. The piogram she eddied con
tained no less than tin co conceitos Schu
mann's A minor , Saint Saens' O minor and
the Mendelssohn C ! minor and the Ltsit
Hungarian r.intasie. The J ndou critics
\v i Ito favorably of her performance'
The Bostonlans aio phi ) ing 'Kobln Hood"
and "Tho Knlckcibookei * . " in Now York.
Although tills is the fourth hcasgn of the
foimer opein it still phjs to "standing-room
enl ) , " but the compaii ) wanted to pt < < scnt
something now in Now Yoik , vvhqio the)1
have novel been seen in any opera oxecptini ;
"Uobln Hood " "Tlio ICnlckorboukois" is
said to now bo thu equal of ! ! predecessor
as a popular success It has uogu changed
somovvhat nnd the soclil and political satiic
that has been added seems tn please the
New Yoik audiences Messts Kail , Uama-
buo A : MacDoimld will h.uo n second com
pany on the load next season
Mr ( Jn.ulesll. Iloyt t > i.s his latest play ,
' 1 ho Milk White " Is
ring , designed to show
how thousands of beiolc ) ouths stand lend )
to risk their lives in times of pi'aro , und con- -
tiasts a few begrimed \utoians with the
nmntom'\\airlors Thuvotei. . of a htm
died battles is made the guest of u swoi
cit ) legimont , and ns its colonel ontcrtaiiu
him in the pilatial aimory the veteran IP
marks qulizicall ) "You'v o got a ilollghtfu
flub house here , colonel" "Yi-s , ouraunoi )
K the Illicit la the countiy , I pudo in j sol I'
motoovur , on keeping everything and over )
bed ) icady for action Look ut our log !
mental band They're patilots every ono oi
them Not an AIIIDI lean umong them The )
aio so devoted to their lountr ) 1 can't goi
them to leave the aimory The ) camp h
front of the bar. 1 can tap that gong and It
live minutes each man that can stand ui
will bo in line"
The "No 0" Wheeler & Wilson Is a rapli
stitcher , sotapld that it will stitch thn
) aids of goods whllo only two yards an
behu btitohed on mi ) vibrating shuttle mu
culno Sold by GeoV I-uncaster { t Co.
511 S lUthstieol
\V mt AHur Ulininr ,
Now Yoik WeeklyPrtilck It's pool
advicu ) u've been fhln' mo Didn't ) o' HIIJ
th' best tolir.o to usic a mou a favor was uftoi
dlnnei t
lllklns-l ( certainly did.
"Well , Ol wont to ould Butlers vviditl
schmnllest kohnl ay a roijuest , and lie re
fused. It was after dinner , lee "
"Are you suio ho had hail his dinner ! "
"Faith its HUlo Ol know about ould Huf
fei'b ingoln's and outcomln's , but Oi'd hat
uioluo. "
With nerves unstrung ami heads that uch (
\\isuwtnncn Ui-ouio-Selt/cr lake ,
The Reedy , Wecdy Mossy Lair of the King
df Fish ,
The 1'ocp o' Oaj-nt jMivnnun Clinf il'Ooutrci
oT : > Mn li-r lluml-rUhfiro tlio t.oruly
llnw * l.urlifl TT < A htrlko
I tow He Dies.
Sunrise 03i Lilto Minnwn I A poUlon light
Itliulloa UIK stragKlltig , feathery \\lllou3
upon the nortlioru bottler of the guttering
; : ilo , ono Kienutlfut swoop of tlnrl : ( jroeii
Holds covers ! Uio remainder of the sconu
The uliolw pictiifo li soft anil rich , nsoll
ns wild , stofted | us It Is In the mollovv charm
of break In K dny.
Such Is Mannwa on nny of tlioso glorious
summer nnoniliigs an Ideal resort of the
declples of tllus Immortnl Walton.
There arc siny number of nllcgoil nnglors
In this oltj ) nho will scout nt thu Iiluiof
tlicsolovelD n.ttcis teeming \\lth bl.tuk bass
and ciopiilc They hmo boot ! there tlmo
and tlmo iiRaLii only to bo luvvuttlcil with u
llabby ring perch or two , or n willow switch
of simllsli. That Is the extent of thotr labors
with the ml Jiasil bah 1 jou might as well
expect to cnlch an octopus 1 Of such aio the
majority of tlshurmcn who Msit M.timvvn
from this olty. They know nothing of the
oillcacj of lly unu spoon ; and couldn't imiko
u "" nuyjnoro than they could thiow a
l.issoo , and wouldn't know n "strlko" fiom n
trammel net. they most want Is
plenty of worms and plenty of booso. and If
they canno \ , illuro thu luscious inomucrs of
the llmiy family up Into the coin fluids vvltti
these , ihcuo ro none In the waters , that is
Hut ther-o Di-o othois who know that Man-
awa's llmi UUloptliH dcsplto the nocturnal
deprodatio us of unlawful market mongers ,
avvninis vitli the Icing of all llsh in thcso
vvostorn waters , the black bass , mlcropterus
solmoldcs , mid the beautiful black dotted
cropplo , nnJ they know how to tuko them
Thosa imn not only thoroughly understand
the legion und tlio habits of the dltTorcnt
species of tish , but aio full of rcsomccs in
tholr favoirfto sport. 1'hoy handle the rod
tuiil the oa.c v itn equal skill , and toaoh their
vrntorcinft vsltn a cheerful mtlenco. They
have l.ild ovcry waters in this vicinity unuur
tribute , and. tholr fatal hooks know the
buoy spots of every lake , and the mouth ,
eddies and , rnpids of o\ory stream
Of nil the successful anglers who visit
Miinnvvn firotn this city , tlicro is none more
7calous or vvlio knows more about the gentle
art than Andy Hciick , the genial Parnam
street tobacconist and cigar Healer
Andy \\cisovcr a few mornings since and
on his ic'tum ho brought with him , not a
string of sciawny , llabby peicn or shinv
goggle-ejeg , but n basket of the glorious
mli loptei us tlio bl.iok bass seventeen al
together , delegating twenty-eight pounds ,
the iCiUlbo-f two hqurs' casting in the twi
light of oM\y \ mom. ' * Vnd this is n trick that
ho often Uinis in fnbr , bo never pocs o\er
and returns uillioutMils uiccl well illlcd.
IJut lot us accompany him once , just for
the fun ot Uio thing ) , uid cxploio the beau
ties of iManiwa iiuthu soft houis of the
Uaj's hostelry. Nulling amidst a clump
of apple , ( pencil and' cbttonwood trees , just
oil the old time itvcr * steamboat lauding ,
now on act intermittent arm ot the lake it
self. " , '
Andy is In the scat and rows up the
crooked outlet , which lies In a southwesterly
( tiicction train Hay's pn the light. is a scl-
% cdgo , of llcht , Unify willows , backed by nn
exp inse oi cornlield and meadow land , w ith
slight -wooded ucclivitihs betwoon. On the
left is thw Tcedy , w'eeflv marsh , sepaiating
the "arm1 ' from thorium body of the lake.
The brnvklng stihlfght lies like a
ROldon mantle ovcf the quiet scene ,
Its MJ 4 tinging / the wild lose
on ho sloping baul 'tuitbM doctor pink , and
making ycllmv mtagli&sfaf tliuwlllowspiouts
lilting in to the ciannics of the swampy
shores 'Ilio cut-off widens as wo proceed ,
with thickets and clumps of aquatic moss in
the iciy channel , until back of us , it dwin
dles into a siicio stieak , doubling and twist
ing like a water suiko in the heihage. SWo
shoots cnttico the clumsy skirt , whence Andy
is obliged to back into the mam channel , and
now and then it is forced by malu strength
out of ttioj tangle , the moss hating but a lilm
of water upon it.
A bittern lisus awkwardly from her scat in
the tall , coarse giasson thololt shore , and
fans heavily away , with a strident cry , the
light touching her brown , slender sliapo as
she cmcrgus into the freshness ot the morn-
'I ho oars are flnally abandoned , and pick
ing up his led , Andy begins pijing for bass
aiound the mouth of the inlet that comes
crawling / iKig thiough the aldeis and
swamp viillows ftom the south Dropping
adroitly Uicio , Hinging there , ho teases the
lazy water for icn minutes in vain Not a
stiiko rewards him. Wo move on round the
bend wlmo the moss is less deiibo and the
water clatior. Andy skips the llyovurtho
surface , specks the sleepy pools with it ,
while his gray coat glances liken licion as
ho loans forward and back , stoops and uses
in the ardor of his work.
'Iho Groin fiom an awakening bullfiog
now andi then sounds from amongst the
iloati"g Illy pads , while the energetic black
ily utuzes icuiul our ears.
Andy is indifferent to both.
Softer itill , through a skimming haze , the
sun sheds Uerrays o\ortho scene. On the
right bank-tho trees and herbage are thrown
in the glossy lake by the most delicate pen
ciling , forming u series of fairy paintings ,
decked with tlio gold , ciimson and purnlp of
the glancing aunsliino. From tlio ti units of
tliotieosto the eut edges of their loa\es
cvPiythitnK on the maigin is seen as If the
water wins ; i mil ror. Mho gentle ripples of
ourmorimf , ' boat makes these omoi.ild pic
tures undulate without breaking them.
Occasional ! ; , as the skift svvuivcs , Andy
ic.ii lies down with one hand and iiluugcs an
oar iluop Into the water , fiaetuihig this
beautiful tincory , but In a moment It Is
ng tin joined as if by invisible lingers , and
our boat Is hcidcd as she out-lit to ho
Suddenly she moors herself m n network
of Heating moss , and In another quuturof
nn huura ilnruu hass , In their splendid bla-
/nmy , nro ildyping and gleamlni ; nt our foot.
'Jlii'iei ; the spoon strikes the v/atoi just
where a rotten willow stump peen > out fiom
the lair of leids and mosses.
"Whuwl" whistles Andy.
It Is n stiiko of a life time !
Pit the stricken lUh darts like a bullet ;
llM'YirovPn nn Infilllhla
siicrffio lor all tlcranpo-
niftifii jicciillir to the
( aniulopex.surlianclironlo
and < n aria i > ilis-
If tikcnlntlmo It
rewilotca nnil jirnmotes
healthy action of nil funo
tbjiaof the gcnoratho
Youne ladles at
tliu nga of jinticrty , nnil
oliuf ones at the incno-
o , vjlltfindin it a mklnii : , eoothlni ; tonic.
Iho lu client rccoinmmliratlfins from iirnml-
nrnt plijolcians ami who li.i\o tried it.
Wrlto It rlook "To Wujpcu , " malluil t rto. Rold
by al I 0 rwgista. JiiiAitf IILD Jtta UULTOU Co. ,
proprio : < ; , Atlanta , Un. '
down i hodtvovuphoromes ngnln , M If ho
found no nurconso from pain bokw ! then lie
launches out nnd spins round llko a plckoroll
How skllirully Andy playi him. How ho
gives him line to more ecrtnlnlv hang him-
soif in the end. Mark his countenance , In
tense but prate , whllo hlswholo demeanor
is collected and reliant. Ho rooN in and
reels out , always keeping the llsh taut up to
the roln , like Iho true angler that ho Is
Hut now old Salmoldos moves slower ; ho
makes one moro desperate lunge for the bed
of lily pads one more dart toward the deep
jHol ) under the hanping lid of icdey buik.
Hois grow Ing wcaiy nnd drowning I Audi-
pulls him carofullv toward him There U a
llop or two In the water , and n faint output ) ,
but nt length something glitters under the
surface near the bint Andy lo ins over and
lifts upward. The next instant a three-
imunu black Ims Is Hopping hopelessly in the
bottom of the boat SMIV Omswoi.n.
A lltiiulrnit Mllp * of Ni-n
The now buildings erected In St LouU In
1MH ) , ISs'Jl nnd IbOi , placed iidf by side would
extend o\cr ono hundred miles lively
known style of architecture is presented
and some of the now buildings aic palatial
In style nnd decoration Special Induce
ments are olfcrcd by the leading railroads
\IsltorstoSt. . Louis , nnd no one going to
Iho World's Talr tan afford to omit from the
tour a few iluj stay In that Important and
progrosshoelti' .
A Itli * lluncli of I.uUrrn ,
Haipor's Ua/ar" "Confound ' "exclaimed
Jccksonhatastupld follow that jeweler
Is I"
"How sol" Inqulted his filend.
"Why , I told him the other day that I
wanted engiaved In the engagement ling
the lotlms 'From A to X ' from Aithur to
Xcnohia , jou know and the idiot went to
wotk and put in the whole alphabet "
Co/m ] PlMirlujr. HhouniatNiii , Srlntlcn ,
l.liiiilinco Ilnrk.UIip , nnd nil Kxtorual
Ailments removed quickly lij
Jt''cllls ' ' ' , o only POROUS PLASTER
that cmitnlus powerful unit cnratlxo modern
linSmVcnlsYSr ABSOLUTELY SAiJl and
Its notion.
Ilcnion's I'lnMers J'rptcnt Pneumonia.
It does not euro ohronlu ailments In a inln *
ute , nor does It create an clcotrio battery or
eurrentlntliosystcm.nor will it oiirobj merely
readme tlio label , nil such claims are mmlo by
quirlij and humbugs. BENSON'S la endorsed
by 6.OOO Pliysltliinsand Druggists
CAUTJON-D i'l U ilnwl tj um
piuwloolifr rlrip Ita.h nMrh Ikry cl.lin lii.U
> - rinulne. . ! . t
Handsome Woman Can Lese Wolgh
Fast. Homely Mon Look Better
If Thin. Try Dr. Edlson'a
System. No Dieting.
Band worth Twlco the Mlonoy.
Ofllcoof II. M. Burton , Hardware. Uiry Sta
tion. Ill , Jan. 14. ivjl
Dr. Cdlsoii Dear Sir : I am well pleased with
your treatment ot obosltv. f ho biml Is worth
tvvlco the money It cost , for comfort. I h ivo
reduced my weight ton iiounds. I weigh iJ5
now , mm 1 dlil wolRh 215. Vonrs truly.
11. M. lluiiTOV.
They Are Doing Wo Good.
Enrlvillc , 111 , May 21 1332
l.orlnR A ToInclosoil llnil Si ' > ! for which plo-iio
Bcnil mo tlio other two bottloi of lr ) l.illion'tf Olim-
Itj rill" 1 have uaoil ono ondthlnk Iior nro dotiu
thunurk. H U. Itutv. 1' . O llux 7j
Talk So Much About Your Pills.
I'corln , III , IiuioH 183 }
Doir Slrsi After lionrltw ono of my frl iuU mlk so
Bucli about your Uboslty I'llls nnil t'lo boiiullt huU
dcrl\ InK from tlioin 1 think I n III try thorn niyjolt
I'luiiBC ociul mo J Uottloi C O l > , unit obllK- ) .
J. MoltllH. 400 1'orr ) Struct.
Fool Better and Weigh 13 Pounds Loss
( loslion. Ind , Hopt H IS93
Rontlomcn Inrtoidl I aonil you SI. for wliloh you
irlll iilcnsu BoniliiioChrou bottles of tlui obailty pills
AuitnklMi ! ilia lourtu bottle nnil fonl M.T > much
bLtternnilwtlKli 11 iioundi loss thin whun I bu aa
tnkliiK thaui 1 will coutlnuo your irontmant
Jilts J C. McCoxv.
boutli sUth Stroou
An Individual whoso height Is
6 feet 1 Inuh ahoiilil wcUU 155
0 foot Sluchos " " ino
6 feat lu luchoa " " IJO
Dr. Fdlnonsnys"It rany bo well to point out
thntln my oipcrlcnco , which Ii uocosarlly very
ciinslilprablo , iimny truuhlcjomoakln c1l onio.i nucli ,
ocoBioniii , uzoito | > 8ora8lri ! , utlctirln etc , are prim *
nrlly cituiol by ( ibtinlt > mid ns the flit nml MOHI ] Is
roiluccd by the | illl and Obesity I rult Hilt nn I Hi j
ncllon of the bund thino iillou'lloiu h ivo iiliuuit
miielcally disappeared "
' 1 ho Obesity 1 run Salt Is usoil In connection vrltu
tlio I'MU or Ilandi , or both Ono toaspoonfnl lu n
tumbler of walor mhkoj n dcllcloui bi > d i Tuaioi
Ilkii LhainpalEiio
The biunroit ! 'M c-ioh fnrnny I onitli up to II
Inchoi , bufor one larger than il Intlm iid I 10
tints oitm for u ich udilltloiinl IIIK'I
I'rRouf rrultSalt ? l 01
I'lllsfl 'ti 1'cr llolllo , orJ lluttlot lor < l' ' ) )
enl liy.Mnlt or Ktprofi
Cut tills out mid koitp It undBOiid for our fiilld
cnluinnlartlclo on oboilty
Loring & Company
2 Hamilton I'l lopl 21. Iloston MnnII > Slut- )
Ft .l ) pt ii. ChlCttiO , 1II.4J VV. J.'iut Ht , Uopt U
Nuw VurkCHy.
For sale in Omalia by Snow ,
Lund & Co.
Young Cuban Parrots
will nrrlTO about luno35th nny
m there will ! > < < liljr duiunndf o
them tlilnyi'ur o.inicount nfli
World's hnlr.prlcoi ivlll ho inuo-
hluhor til an nminl .Now. In o r
< 1ur to Klvuuu customer.uchunco
to suciiro a KUOI ! I'nrroi nl tlio
Kami ) loir prlco an lint ) uitr bo-
Only S5.OO
nacli Wniiro ! lo book nil or
der * nl thli prim II DUIIIU rtnch
us wllh Imll tlui ( iinount Inclo ltd
on or before J line Jth
Geisler's ' Bird Store ,
400 North 10th Street.
Unllka unsalable u/'ilch an adulterated
Indigestible & Cocoai / * * & , " ' " ' ctarcl' <
1 < , iv 03 no tJidlraint on thu bottom of the cup.
Omaha Loan and Trust Co
Capital SiOO.OOO ; LlabilHy pfStooholdDrs ! { , $20D,903
C E N T 'M.FlkT'a ' . $ & . &f par < oi.'jt luuroit * ? * & ? *
jja iani ucMuiU |
The most luxurious Car
pets in use at the price of
ordinary Brussels. Fat-
terns that we will not re
order , with and without
borders , elegant parlor and
rug effects , some with only
enough for a bed room will
be sold as remnants ,
Successors to S. A. ORCHARD ,
Douglas , bet 14th and 15th
This illustration shows you the correct thing in the Link-Button
Cuff now generally in vogue. You cannot go amiss
on cither shape of cither brand.
Bordloy ,
Square ;
BFZHND , Crotlon ,
ARCASSA , Square ; Hound ,
CALOMA , Bound. BF2KND ,
Sunns arc gaining in popularity daily ;
and for the reason that they are honest
at honest prices. A
MARK' " garments reason
able consideration for your own interests will insure your wearing
them. * Unless you arc irremediably deformed you will find them
a perfect fit. CllTjBTT , COOft & CO.
Luke Mini ( tonka , Jllnn.
lhiK. 1 ri'iuc lit ti iliutonnil fn.mht , 1'niilmnl Mliimi | ' < ill on" hour from HI Ian Vniliniti s
iMjIlx , udJriru , U. "V , IXoloojixlJo , Uroat Northern llulldlni ; , OT 1'AUL , MINN.
- alxMiza * * J - - COMMtlLTAUr
mCTS. . rS
Matin nf Uio 11'irf.t rjuiillly of Hiumm liibnciu llin' < "lili 1" 'jiniplit. J'iiiul | IIM-M rj ri'ipirt to Iliu
r. . tir U. Ii UIO'i. JlJIJiCi\s"riJJ5 CIOAlt VAIHUUV. 1 > I
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb
'IiKioinlnoiit mm Hilstinnervous thnnia pr.vato blojil ikln u < I urln-irr dUoasoi A nvuldranl
re l l < mil iirailu no In rnulicmo iti diolurm unil ojrlilli. ito will nil jw , u mill t.uutlnK ititli tliu uruatuit
ncceia catarrh loit nmriliQuil nu'tilnjl i tk iu * < nl/lil 1 > ua and till f < riii < uf prlvnto dlncnus No
inormry naud p ow iruinnunt f it l it of vit ii powjr I'lirilun 1111 blo tuvlilt muinuy I'D ' trimlol al iionia
li > turruspondoncu Vlellrlno it initriKiiu it < 11.11 ' < mall ur Jirj ( | < s m n pnikoJ , nu nmrln to iidl
i t tonlunttor biumiir Ono i iirnua il Inlnrvio > urotornl . i on.iiltall 11 ffi'B t orroi | onUonn utrlulf .
prlvato Jludli ( Vtyntcrlus of l.lfo nont freu Dill o Ii uiu > wm to 11 pen dund y , 10 a in , 10 U 10.
Ucnd btamp for olrcul ir
. . . .
eUMHMVKIwain * immr man - < i i -
Our Spcctackh aiul I yc Are tlic Hjs
OHftHfi OPTIDIiL GO , , 222 S , 16th St , mm