THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; FRIDAY , JUNE 0 , 1803. fact Hint lift cnnnot , imnliloil , supply the reinnly for our voxnl condition whether lie wuntn to or not rorxtfiwi mint bo tnkon into his conllili'iiro. Inroimmlunt nsthnt mny uroin to tlin president , congress must ho con- suited H ho hns litnn withholding the call f or nh extra Moslem of PonRnss In ilio bollnf tlml still'T flrmncliii illslrnsses uiul xtlll ndiloil tmnkrnptclns nro iipcrvwry to brlna hi * pnrty nssoolntos to the niloptlon nf his vlowt , then rtr-mooritle inrenilfiney vrlll provo ix rostly lesson to tlin riroplo nnil an expensive experiment to Ilio country. Democrats nnil the TnrlfT. .Dill , Rpntlrmon.slnco thotiiltnltilitrixtlon 1ms uono notlilnit nnil ( ins Rlvi-n no Imllcntlon of n rhnnRo of policy , ere vro nut JustIlk-d In ; * . Mini * Ing Unit what the democratic party promised todoln thnlr tmtloml pint for in of 1H02 , tlicy mean lo do unon tlif ) nssmibllnt ? of conpresi ? \Vliat did tliuy promise ? Anioni ; otlnir thlnirs , Um rnpoal of tlio protective tnrllT law of IHtX ) , nnrt thu i nnctmi'iit of a revonne InrllTltvw which will clvo no eoiislilerillon to Aimirlrnn Inlior , no IK od to American cntitrprlsos , nnd no concern for Invest ! d cnpltnl , huthu luvli it for revi'iinu mid for nothing ulsu. Do you want tlicni to carry out that promise ? As republicans , I nm suru wo do not * And tlioro tire nmtiy democrats who nt-rco with us Them nro tlioti * who may Irivo voted for the president possibly upon other grounds thnn tlio UirllT , who do not want frcu trade. Thcro nro these who may have bellnved with thu president nU months ate on tlin tarllT quus- tlon , who , nflnr further rullccllon , and after TlowltiR the mwtlleil condition of the coun try now. would prefer Unit thu present econo mic policy Nhimld lie continued. All such filnMiUl votii their true convictions this yuar nnd thus ul\o to congress and the country their latest expression upon this v Ital subject. \\lmtwlll tlin democruU dj with the tarlrt ? AV'o can only wait and sec , but thuviltlnK and nnxloty and uncertainty Is p ir.ilyntlon , Cor- tnln It Isthny will make wool free and thus tttrlUo down ono of Ohio's Croat agricultural product ) * . Tin pinto must , also bo nmclo free , and the nnw and Hplemllil enterprises for thu making of block sheets nnil tinning them must bo crippled llnnnclnlly , the nillllons of Invested Imperiled and the thous uidsof work * legmen drlvm from employment , or ho forced to work at n duced WIIRUS. will have to KO from the INt of freu articleto ) thu list of torllTed article ; ) and cheap suKar bu iiRiilii made dear to the masses Coil , another prod uct of Ohio , must he made frtu J'reo Trnilo Km Threatened. A general roIslon upon a Hi Itlsh frco trade , basin must take place. If thuy do what they liromlNcd In IBUi ! , and upon which promises they claim their victory win won , u\ury vi'S- tlRoof protection for the laboring mm and Industries of the United States must bo wlth- rirawn anil a freu tradn era must bo InnilK- uralod. Dii wo want this ? I spuak to republi cans and democrats allUe. If wo do , wo should Htistiiln thu urosldent and congress and Klvo them our latest and heit jUiU- mont. It wo do not , then wu should vole ncalnst the titirty and purposes for which I hey stand , uhatover they do It must bo a leap frf the dark. There ai many demo crat-who would bo clad to uvold that leap These who fetil that way and they are lenlon fthoultl not nlvo the president further en couragement In his unwise and un-American policy. Republican \lctorlos from this llmu on are thu buiest pruventutlves against thu legislation of democratic put poses and thu wholesale destruction of our Industries , to bo followed by thu degradation of our 1 ibor. Let us In.uiguratn Iheso victories In Ohio ; let us commence ) today and now. Thn administration has been In power throu months I submit to the proplu , 1 .isle my countrymen , nro they I'lieoimigt d.orsillsfled , Ims.ilre uly been done ? lias the administration hrnn ht hone or cour- IIRO ? Has It Increased business activity ? Has It opened new a\eniies of Industry ? Has It In * rreased thu demand for labor ? Hive thu re wards of labor heen Increased under the now ndnilntstiutlon ? llpvv in ULV ileniocrals aru Olsnppolnti d and would gl idly recall , If they could , their votes nftei the bhort expeltenco thov lu > M > had ? If I ho promised reforms of the administra tion huvoiiliirmeil thu country , whatwlll their fulllllmcnt do ? If nxpi elation h is destroyed 1'onllilom.o , what will full ruill/ntlon doIn full poni sslon and enloymcntot tlio hestvlc- tory ( which Is tlio president , for It Is n common fiaylng that ho Is better than his party ) , If thu licst of the vlcloiy Is followed , as his Inaugu ration has heen , with dtstiiibinccs and dis tress , what may wo o\pect from congress when It shall assemble ? It the promise of thu de- Ihorv of duiiocratlc measuii's Ins unsottli d business , whit will nctu il delhery do ? What Is left for thu country to do Is to vote down Its formoi instruc tions In every state whore opportunity atTords preceding the nssumblliu ° ' congrcb ! ) . llotli jiresldont and congress will heed Its latest volco ; they will obey Its latest \ole. Thu Rtiy-nt-homo republicans , who , confident of Huroty In thu abounding good times of 1B9.3 ( bullu\Ing It was Impossible to ruvorsu the republic in pollcyl.wlll now loallro the neius- nlty of glx Ing onu day to thu Important Inter ests of the country. Divided Itniilm of the I'notny. The democratic party presentsan anomalous situation today , nhlded on spoils anil torn up uver thu distribution ( if olllcu , distill bed with tlm l.irlfT and widely snpirntcd on the nioncy quustlun ; Inbarinonlous upon uvory vital Issue ; goided Into fac tions , In this condition thuy nro confronted with the grao and most serious questions nfToctliig the welfare of the countiy. Its crtdll and honor and the piosperlty of the people , \Vonoedordlnarlly caiu nothing for tbeli Internal - tornal disputes , but these liiipiK.ii to be ques tions which should ho considered free from personal and factional dlllurunccs , with an eji : Blnglo to thu honor and well bulngof thu coun try. try.With a gold president and a silver congress what can bo done ? And It must not bu forgotten - gotten that the simootes made both.Vlial can we oxpcet ? They bi\o made acondltloi of antagonism which will result In a do- nothing policy , nnd In that icgiird , at least the party will preserve ltn record for thlrtj yoaro. It will bo consistent with It- past. Hut It Is to bo rogrottpi : that a party chaigcd with sucl a gravn and dellcatu trust shotih be divided. The president can ho.ussurcd thai In uvery pitrlotlc undertaking to nustali American honor abroad , peace and oed order at homo , ho will lui\o tlin hearty co opuratloi of the republicans of Ohio and the lountiy In every ellort to nuilntaln thu high tlnancla credit of thu country , .sci'uro sound and stabh ciirroncy and maintain thu nation's faith In will ha\o the warm support of republicans publicans in ery whcro. It cannot , howmer , pass unobserved tlm however bound Mr. Cleveland' ! ) llnancla vlow.s may bu the piityto which hewouli naturally turn for support , his own polltlc.i associates , for the most part , are llu.incl.ill : unbound and uro bent upon a htlll furthe dornngomunt of the currency ; and ti Imvu any rullof from thu present unfortiinati situation , ho must look to the party. That pirty has nu\er failed In am emergency anil It will bo ready to co-opornti in every good work for thu restoration of con llclonco and thu return of good times. AMiiulta on thu Old .Soldiers. Notice bun gone forth that not only Is ( hi tariff to be ruIscd , but thul the pension list I to bo ru\lscd. War Is to bo waged upon tin pensioners of thu country. No hones man will object to a purging o this roll of all who uro unworlhl ! ' there. Kvory case must rest upon Its o\\i facts. I d > not object lo unworthy men belni stricken from the roll If them aru such bn 1 do object lo the Imnrusslon , which In sunn quarters U being madu. that this wholu pun hlou business Is a fraud. Ills published In tin papers thut an army of pension u\nmlner ante to bu let to tin till irimiionnty to county and from town to town , to hunt down thu pun hlonersnnd dli-cim r , If posslblu , If there b men heiu and theru whodiaw one ortnodol lam a month In miess of what they aru en titled to under thu law , Thu publish ruling of the M' of the In U'rlor , announced In the press , wll HtrIKo from the pannlon lolls of tli country hundreds and thousands of worth * and dependent solelorn ] , who , If not altogcthe Incapacitated , are practically Incnpacllatei from earning n living foi thuniselvni and fain llle.s. It Is to this. unl\oisul Indict men against p"iislonors that 1 untei an emph ill protest. No outlay of thu goMiinmi nt Umor worthily bestowed , or moru widely dlsti Ibutt" thnn thu money which gees to thuholdloi * o tlio countiy in thu form of punslons , 1 hliould bu rumeinbored , tin ) , thai pensions ar bettor than standing nrmles , aru less iixpons ivuund moruAniuricnn , ltrllbiruu ) Culora Mill Float. . The republican party bollo\iw what I t acbp and practhes whit It pro.iches. 1 waaorganUcd Inconvlctlon and has snort edv bocuusu It has had convictions. It does m : profosKonu thing and do another Ithuhcoui ago and stands by Its principles , just as fultli fully , just as loyally after defeat as ufturlc tory. In defuut all divisions aru liuslietl. a lutoruul dlssuntlons disappear A prlnchil and conviction aru biiprumu and musterfu mid thuy ooiutltiito the buglucull to duf Thosa who may have.Imagined tlnitwu woiil lower our Hag nliould no longer bo di colvod , It lloals fiom thu old tlac mutT and 13 berne by us trim and fearless re publicans a * overrarrled It In iliu great con lllcla of the past. Ills not our habit or 111 : tory to tnUu down our colors.o put thei where they uro , wo mean to Ia.ep them then Wolovothem for wo iHtlluvu li | what ( lie Und for , and a hundred dufuatrt would nt draw lufrou tne lluld of conviction and duf Our principles are not ephemeral but uterna They aru part anil parcel of the foundatlu and fabric of our government. They inudu i what wo uro the freest und beat govurnmei Inthevkorld ; they will keep u there if choi Ubcd aud obsonul. Vrlutlplc * tYlilch Ara ICtvrnul. A freonnd luipartlal ballot , without tain or fraud , or corruption , which Is the cunstlti tlonal ballot , and must bo accorded to over cltUen who lives undut the constitution an hmi the protection of thu llaz. No it , a urottictlva tarllT , American In ovoi proTUloc , patriotic lu every paragraph , whlc hall defend the homo.s and earnings of over AiuerlCAn laborer , which shall fcocuro to liti the hlihe | t wugi-s and the largest opportun tlM ) wlilch shall preserve our homo inarke tuo most proatublo In thu world , to our fara 4 and uur manufacturers ; which tha utke grory forolgn uroduct free to us whlc wo cannot pfodttco and which shall tariff every foreign product which wo ran pro- duritand thn iitrcessfitl production of which requires It This Is the tariff of Washington , of .InnVrsnii , of Hamilton , of Unooln and Unr- Jleld , of ( lrnntof Illnlne , of Hayes and liar * rlson. It N the firllTof gunulnn Americanism , and It Is the InrllT which the republican party moans to matntiln. Then reciprocity , which Mull open our ntnrkol tononcompetlm : foreign products In return for thn free iilmlsslon of products of American farms and factories. Then n sound currency , whether gold or diver or piper , as good as the best currency In the world , and minor natlonil and not Malu regulation , \\owant no coin dollar which dots not meaouru up ( o full 100 cents In valtto , and will novtr return to a piper dollir Issued by state authority , resting upon uncertain mil doubtful si-citrllles Thn pledge of the republican party that gold and silver shall be milnlnlned at u pirlty , the ono with the other , must bo s icridly Kept. 'Ilio ROV- nrnhienl must not sulTei any taint to bo put upon ItsCKdlt or llntinclnl honor. Item | > re- Mnllt , Keiiubllciti legislation vests It with full power. 1 ho ndnilnlstritlon should tiso It promptly If required Uncertainty of the financial policy of the gov er nnunt breeds dis trust In the minds of thu people. The word of confidence andcoiirago born of { impose Is thu need of the hour and should no longer remain unspoken , 1 his Is the tltnn for alt good cltlrons to help Instilro faith lu the fttturo and dispel fear and apprehension now so prevalent In buslnuss and llnanclil circles. Otlinr questions will en gage our attunllon us well as those which I ImNo named Wo Invite upon the contest which wo commence today the Intelligent judgment of the people of Ohio. Gentlemen of thu convention , agiln I thank you. Hrcelvoilrltli Knthustniim. McICInlc.v. 's pocch vvai frequently inter rupted by applause. The Spanish duke Karcil curiously at the sccnu. At the con clusion of Mcltliilcy'9 speech the report of the comtulttcu on platform was read and unanimously adopted by a rising voto. Then the rcnoiiiliutlon of the present stuto ofll- ucis was resumed and went through with a rush until the food and dairy commission was reached , when a light began , Urmvii being named against thu present commis sioner , McNcill , but bufoio the \otovvas concluded lirovvn wltlulrovvaiid McNcill was nominated with a hurrah. The convention then nil join neil sine die. The platform uidoisos the national repub lican platform of. lb'J2 , and the administra tion of Pi csidcut Han-ison ; favors the pro tection of Atiicitcan labor and industries , and icciprocitj ; piotests apainst free wool ; declare that the tariff laws should protect the products of farm as well as these of the factot.v ; demands thu enactment of laws to restrict immigration , condemns as un friendly and unjust the policy of the pica- cut adminibtratlon towards ponsiouois , and denounces the avowed purpose of the democrats to repeal the state bink tar. ll'Oltl.n'H rjlll It.lTliS. Action Taken by Ko ids In the Contrill Traltlo Association. Cmcvao , 111. , Juno 8 At today's mooting of the general managcn of the Contial Tiafllc association Hues , it was decided to urn oxcuision trains fiom common points in tlio Contial I'ladlo teriitory for one faro for the round tiip The trains arc to consist of coiches only , and will have no sieopini ; and chair cars and tickets on thoexcuisioti tiains will not bo accepted on other tiains The faro on these tiains will bo bisud on thu highest iato for limited ticUots on the touto traveled. The tickets at o to bo ( jood for four dajs only , including the d.ij of silo The aitangoinont is to take effect as soon as the necessary doUiils can bo parfccted , but not eaiHer than .luiio 14 The lirst exclusion will bo run from Cincinnati .luiie 10 , over the Hig Tour at a lound-tiip rate off * Noching was said in the meeting today about allowing trunks on the excursion trains , but their usu will probably bo discotuagcd as much as possible. ' 1 ho action of the Central Traffic lines in putting in cheap exclusions lo ivcs the lines of the Western Passenger association with out a peg upon which to hang a high rate If other lines can livu and run cheap excur sions to the fair , the western lines can do the s imo , and now they will bo forced to make some provision for low or tatos The Central Ti.iflle lines -\vlil run their oj.cuision tialus as often as it is found ncccss try , the movotodaj being lai poly an experiment The Western Passenger association lines today amended the Colorado-Utih agree ment so as to include Coloiado-Utah busi ness with the ui.dorstandins that subcom mittees bo foiraed for the conductor all Colorado-Utah business under the general association agiuemcnt. Slight moditlcatious were made in tlio redemption clause of the anicomont as applied to noith Paciilo coast and Montani business auu resolutions w ere adopted covering the conduct of California business , so tnat assotiition lines w ill become a party to the local lines in California. An effort , will bo made to got other lines to join in this move. It was agreed that tlio schedule of commissions adopted at the meeting should apply tc through WcsteinPnsscngorassoeuition lines At tomoirovv's meeting the association will consider the question of cheap excursions tc tlio World's fair , and , in \ low of the action b.\ the Central Trafllc association today , some action ifc probable. The pioss receipts of the Illinois Central for May aio estimated at 41,71G,747 , an esti mated increase ov er last \ ear of gSSS , ! ) ! ) ! For the three months ending April ! tO the lOLolpts over interest and operating ex penses are M.-iriS.bOlt , a dectcaso ever the sauio period of a i oar ago of $107,833. Cutting Down l-xpmison. TOITKA , Kan. , Juno 8 The management of the Atchlson Topeka & Santa Fo Hailroat compiny today gave n"tico that the hour : of work in the shops all along the lini would bo reduced at oncu to eight houis with a propoitionato reduction ia wages The object is to cut down expenses duritij tlio summer months. Diiht of the Northern I'uelllo. Nr.vv YOIIK , June 8. Less thnn $1,000,0X { icin.nns to bo subscribed to tire SI5,000,00) ) syndicate organlxcd to undorvv rite an cqu i amount of collateral trust notes which art to bo sold bv the Northern 1'acillo railroai to piy the lloatlm : debt and provide tin company with working capital. O.V ritl I1 Oil 11 Kit LIl'H. Testimony Aililnrnil nt tlinTrliluf IMizli llorilcn Vnmoriliiy. NBW Hrnrnun , Mass , Juno 8. The testl inony today of the pilnulpil witness in tin trial of Lizzie Dordon not without In toicst. U approached , in faet , the soim tlonal Ir Uovven , the flrst witness , Hail pro sctlbed morphine to the prisoner to allay net1 vousiioss , first in oralnnry doses afterward lu double ilosos , continued to the time of ho in rests and nftoriv.irds , when in thu station und bofnro the examination .it the Inquest and that morphine so prescribed had n ton doiicy to affeut the memory and produce 1ml luclnatlons. Alice Uussoll described Lizzie's burnlr. ! thu diuss Sunday after the murder. Ltzzlt said it was covered w ItU paint. Aftorwnu the witness said"I urn afraid the worsl thing you have done was to burn ttutdress,1 to which Urzlciopllcd , "Ohl vvhydldvoi let mo do it ; why did not you toll mot" Then came during the examination of Mr Allen another surpiiso for the prosecution nnd one that caused the feature of thu de foiidiint to ifrow ashy vvhito It was i handkerchief , dark nnd dirty and half de strayed It looked us if an effort hud bcei made to burn it Attorney Mood ) seouied to bo about to si Uou n , having lliilshed with the witness to al appearances Then he walked back to th st-vnd "Mr Allen , " lie said , "did you llm any thing while } ou were up stall st" "Yes , I did " "What was itt" "Alumlkoichlof" "Uheiodid joullnd itl" "I found illIng n little way from Mrs Uorden's foot boUveon her feet and tin windows" "Wcro there anj marks on itl" Then came the nnsvv er that caused tli prisoner to look as If she vvns about to col lapse : "Yes , " wcro Allen's words , "It vra covered with blood. " "That's nil , " said the district attorne , quietly , as if it were an every day matter t produce a bit of evidence like that. During the time the handkerchief vva talked about the prisoner picked at the tip of ono glove with thoother hand. When ox Governor Robinson crosi-examlncd Allc ha did not u-u a question about thu blood handkerchief. Adjourned until tomorrow at 0 o'clock. Iron Dfulcri fall. WILMINGTON , Del. , Juao 8. Bellah & Co. wholesale dealer * In Iron and iteel. hav failed. SOME PLUMS FOR NEBRASKA Several Danocrats to Heceive Thetr Howard in a Few Dajs. TWELVE OFFICES TO BE FILLED SOON Mntrrlnl ( or Omnln'n Public Unlldlnc Not Vet Determined Upon Htlch Doubt at I'rtftunt tlmt ( Inuilto Will ll Selected. \VAsnivnTov BUHKAU OF Tnn Dnn , ) fill ! FooiiTEP.NTit STHRKT. } WASIIINOTOV , U C. , Juno 8 ) Secretary Hoko Smith has taken up the pipers of the applicants for registers nud receivers of the land ofllccs In Nebraska and will within a day or Uvo make n number of appointments. Thcro nro twelve offices In the state or twenty-four appointments In nil , which during the jcar ending Juno 30 , 1SU3 , paid the present Incumbents In silary aud fees * T > 7&U1 Mr Smith will probably tin- nounco several appointments of receivers nnd registers In Nebraska tomorrow. .Sot Vet riottted. The question of the kind of stone whiih shall bo used in the construction of the now fcdoi.1t building nt Omaha lomalns undo- cldod Senator Maiulcison , who advocates ginnlto , has had scvcial conferonccs with Supervising Architect O'Houiko nnd Secre tary Catlisle. The supervising architect , while admitting that ernuito is moio uur- ablo'.iud moro desirable than stone in every particular , docs not see his way clearly to use it unless the qu iirymon or contractors como down in their bids or congiess In creases the appropriation. The entire ques tion , however. 1ms been loft to Secretary Carlisle to decide The secretary will prob- ubly settle the matter very soon. Western reunions. The following pensions granted are re ported : Nebraska : Original Abram Johnson , M. H. Weslfall. Original widows , olc. Phobo Porter , mother ; Saiah Slawtor , William H. Lane , father. Iowa- Increase Daniel Phelps , Daniel A. MoMnrtln , Silas W. Tronchard , Chrislophcr ndvvinson. Edwin Tow no , Samuel Sumer- lott , Ad im Hiunhani , Finley Smith. He- issue William Bcems. Orlglnil widows , etc Mindwell Biker , Nnncv S Ileems , Ellr.i Wells , minor of David Sadoiis. Orig inal Samuel Turner , William P. Hender son Original widows , oto. Minor of Alvln Moore , minor of Thomas Mclntlrc , Polly Ann Cl uk , mother ; minor of Chiistophcr Sigmund South Dakota Incro-iso Thomas W. TaUershall. Original widows , etc. Saiah N. WebsterNotiM NotiM nnd Tanton il. Scmtor Maudcrson has made a formal re quest of Scciotar.\ Smith for the establish ment of an Indi in warehouse at Omaha. The request has boon referred to the commis sioner of Indian affairs Assistant Secretary Sims today afllrmcil the decision of the commissioner in the case of Cialcn E rcrgtison against Chailes E Hoberts involving.i timber culture cntiy In the O'Neill , Neb , land dlstilct and reversed the decision of the land commissioner in the case of Ixnvis Woichohnau against the heirs of Stephen Klug. 'J he comii.issionor in a decision rcnaeiod March ! ! 0 , Ib'J-J , dismissed Wcicholman's contest ngainst the timber eultuic entry of IClup in the O'Neill land dis- tuct. The entry under the secretari's de- ision will bo canceled. Secretary .1. Sterling Morton , who lias been away since the last week in May , returned this afternoon. P S. II. sii.vnit Lici-5i..vrio.N. : Congrcnsinnn Trnry of Now York Expresses JHinsolf on tlio Subject. W\snivdTOV , D. C. , JuneS An evening paper has the follow ing : "General Tracy of Albany , w ho is one of the most conspicuous anti silver leaders in congrcssj and who is regarded as ono of the stiongcst friends of the administration OH the floor of the house , is hero and saw the president today. Ho did not stay long , but ho will have a lengthy conference with Mr. Cleveland before leav ing Washington. General Tracy savs that the law will bo repealed at the coming session without the passigo of any substitute measure , or thu adoption of any compromises with tno free silver men. The simple proposition to repeal this law will have a laigo majority , ho sajs , In the house , and there are foity-livo votes for it iu the senate. "Uo believed that there would be strength enough tooto donn anj attempt on the put of the silver men to secuio the substltU' tin. , ' of thu old Bland act or any other silv ci measure , and ho also gavu it as bib opinioi : that the proposed icpual of thu 10 pci cent tax on the circulation of state banks would fail of passage. 'Coming from General Traoy , these views are of more than oidrnary value. Ho ha : carefully studied thu situation , knows cverj move that has been made and evidently speaks by the card. His statement develop ? the fact that a tnorough canvass of tin members of the house has been made by tin administration , nnd a radical change o sentiment , has been found "Senator Jones of Arkansas takes an entirely tirely different view from that entoitjinci by General Tracy. Ho said today : 'Tin "Sherman law can nsver be repealed in tin senate , unless some measure looking to thi coinage of silver is substituted. I nn opposed to the Sherman law , and spoke am voted against it , but I would not vote for Hi i opual unless some other legislation wai enacted fa\arable to silver. " " AppulnlimmtN. WAOIIIMHO.V , D. C. , Juno 8. The ofllcia records of the PostolHco department shov that during the ilrst three months of Ui present administration , ended Juno 1 , th total number of fourth-class postmaster appointed was O.r/IT , of which-ilU7 wcro ti illl vacancies caused by icsignatlons am death , and 1,80.1 by removals During tin corresponding period in Mr Harrison's ad ministration the total number appointed wn 8'iiO , or l.oSi ) more than appointed In tin last three months Of these 'Jb.VJ w31 o ti Jill vacancies caused by resignations am death , and 5r , u7 by removals , The numbo of appointments made on icsigimtions was thoiofoio , 12,01. ! greater dining the iirs quarter of the present administration thai during the 1 ist. and the number made on 10 movals was n.TOi ! less during tire last quar tcr than during lho corresponding quarte , under Mr , Harrison's administration. Sitt Down on Tiiwinltn Schnmori. WAsniMiTOf , D. C. , Juno -Seorotnr ; Hoko Smith said today that ho hoped thcr was no truth lu the statement that ccrtali parties in Indian Terrrtory vvero endeavor ing to control the allotment of lands to th Indian occup uits of the Cherokee Strip fo the purpose of speculating In totvnsito lots Ho stated that while the decision of the da parcmeut was clcarlv in pursuance of law jot it was also true that allotments afte being made by the persons entitled thetet. . vvero subject to his approval us secretary and that ho would not approve them if h believed the scheme above indicated was ii danger of being carried out Ho said tha the parties to such a schema might dela. the opening of the Snip by requiring a sue and allotment to be made , but that tho. would not bo allowed If thuy wore endeavor tig to do so to speculate there in town lots r.nihloii Olllc.i nilltUls Hclnstntcd. WASIUNGTOV , D , C. , Juno 8 Socrotar , Hoku Smith has approved the rulnstatemen of the following named persons who serve in the army and whose separation from th pension ofllco force during the last udmlnii tratlon Is stated by tl.o commissioner t have booinvlthout misconduct ; Special ej amiucrs Adolph KrUuian of Missouri Charles D. Shank of Wisconsin , Thomas A Clockstagor of Oklahoma. J , F. Pittman o Illinois , Morton B. Miller of Indiana am Francis M. Taylor of Illinois. Also Thoraa Ii. Fawcett of Illinois as a clerk of class 1. Cluileru in AnUitlc Turkey , WASUINUTOM , D , C. , Juno 8. Surpeo General Wymau of the Marino hospital son ice , today received the following dUpatc from Mr. Newbcrry , Uuited States charg d'affaires nt Consfnnllnoplo , dniod from 1'cra. relative tolthj cholera outbreak in AsiatioTurkey ! I , . | Iatosl news shows ft rapid sprout ! toward Mesopotamia trido. ro.uto.-i. This will noon bring II In the Medltorrinean ports. Ilonrd * of reunion KininlnlnR Surgeons to lie Hrnrcnnlzcd. WASIIIXOTOV , 1) q. Iuno 8. The question of reorganizing the Iwanls of pension exam ining surgeons throughout the country Is Just now under conhlflcratlon by Secretary Smith , Commlsslonor ilchrcn nnd Deputy Commissioner Murphy. There nro 1,260 of thcso boards , each containing three mem bers , and their work Is n very Important factor In the administration of the pension laws ami the adjudication of claims Of ficials of the department stnto tint careful examinations have revealed Incompotoncy and gross carelessness In the work of some of these boards , nnd. In some Instances , the evidence indicates that improper influences hive been successfully applied to aocuro reports In pension claims favorable to the applk-mts In view nf these facts It has been decided to give this branch of the serv ice a general overhauling While .tio fonml plan of Reorganization has been announced , It Is the stated purpose of Commissioner Ixichien , with the approval of the sociotary. to appoint on thcso boards only men who stnuu in the very front rank of profession In their respective localities Another Inflex ible condition to the appointment will bo that of unquestioned integrity The politics of applicants will not , It is said , bo of Ilrst importance , although nil other tnlngs being equal , domoci.its undoubtedly will boghcn the prefer enco. Notes , WASHISOTOV , D C. , Juno 8 In response to n telegram from the president , Cardinal Gibbons called at the white house anil had an intcrv lew with Mr. Cleveland. The occa sion for the summons could not bo dnllnltoly learned , but It Is understood that the picsl- dent wished to consult with him as to the Itness of u candidate for a prominent ap- Hilntmont. Tho-Star sajs : President Cleveland told member of congress today that under no circumstances would there bo an Issue of ) otuls unless especially authorised by con gross. The administration , ho said , was not cspoiislblo for the present llnancial sltua- Ion , and it lay with congress nnil not with administration to find a rcmodj' for It. This afternoon Secretary Grcsham pre- tontctl to President Cleveland Don Antonio ice Arrlaga , the new minister to the Jnltcd States from Guatemala Ho hindcd lis credential" ! to the president and was 'ormally received by him with the usual ex change of oxpicsslons of Cbtccm and gooil vill. Appointed ti > Ollleo. WASHIVOTOV , D C. , Juno 8 The presl- lent has appointed J G Donnelly of Wis consin consul general at Nttovo-Laredo , Mox. ; Is' . B. Ashley of loiva consul at Dub- In. Ireland ; William Unnton of Illinois Jnitcd States m irshal fur the Southern dis trict oflllinpis Secret vr.v Carlisle today appointed Worth- ngton I'oul of Hiookljn , N. Y. , chief of the mreatt of statistics,4 , Treasury department. Ur Tord , duung thb last Cleveland iidmln- stration , ser ved as chief of the bureau of statistics , Depirtmunt of Stato. WixntH Him tu lluHlcn. WASHINGTON , D. C , Juno 8 Secretary iarlislo has called Jor the resignation of Tames C. Bushby of North Dakota , chief of division , sixth auditor's onico. Kmlorseil tin Omihi diiulltliite. Central Libor un.ton has tnus expressed tsclf cotiecining the aspirations ol W. C. tJojcr , who is an avowed candidate for the iircsideney of the International Typograph ical union : \Vhoreis , Tt Is lent nod that W. f Itojor was recently elected to rouresont Omah i T } po- iraplilunl union 1011 at Chic igo shortlv at Lho meutliiKof thu lutun itlonal Tjpogr.iph- Icul union , anil Where i , 'Tlio sild W. C lliyor represent * ono of the oldest and most Inlliiflntlal tradi ) unions of the city jinil of the Central Labor union and Inning been one of the charter members and founders of the Central Labor union , nnd \\heiuns. It Is conceded that the west will most likely get the presidency of the Intern itlonul Typographical union , the s ild W. C. Hoyor bein , ; a. L.indldato for bnJd olllce , therefore , Uu olveil , It Is the sense of this Cential r.iiboi union tnat the west , the city of Omaha and thu state of Nebraska would fool highly honored bv having him elected to that distinguished position , and wo hereby express the hopu tnat such may take place , ho being In every way worthy as a representative of org.uil/cd labor. Unsolved further , That these lesolutlons be published In the city papers nnd that a cony uo forvv irded Mi. Iluyer , the Unrih i Pj po- graphical union , the Internatlon il Typo graphical union at Chicago and that they tx spread on minutes of thu Omaha Central Labor union. Ontluus at llnj. VISAI.IA , Cal. , Juno 8 The fugitive high' waymon are hero in nvans nnd Soutag's house , surrounded by 100 men. An effort is being made to got the family out of the house , but nobody is willing to enter. Hunkers Want the Sherman Hill Itnppuli-d. SAVANVUI , Gn , Juno 8. Georgia Bankers association today passed resolutions calling on Georgia's Bcnitora nnd representatives ir congress to use all ofTotts to aecuio the re peal of tUoShoiman silver law. Killed IIUVlfu mill Illmsnlf. DOVKH , Mo. , Juno 8 Greenwood C. Praj of Gullford , 28 jcars of age , shot nnd klllet his wife , then shot himself at Shirley to day. Family troubles. o I , turn Iliuni ! > Dylncr. At a late hour last night it was telephones to the police station that Laura Burncs , tin 13-year-old victim of John Taylor , the uegn tlond , was dying. Vegetarian * In Si union. CHICAOO , 111 , Juno 8 The world's con grcss of vegetarians assembled today. A number of papers vvero road. II IS.l2 lllllt 1'alr nnd Cooler Are thn Predictions foi riubniskn Toiliiy. WASUIMITOV , D C , Juno 8. Forecasts foi Friday Tor Nebraska Fair and cooler ii the east and south ; variable winds For Iowa Generally t fair ; cooler west ' " ' variable winds Tor South DikotnFnir ; warmer ; oxcep : cooler in extreme noulJifMst , variable winUb I.oiur'lfdcoril. OmCB OF THE WlAJtlll'.H liUHKAU. OvlAHA Juno 8 Omaha record'of , temperatureanu rainfall , compared VYtylj conobponding days of past four joars : i , Irf03 1B32. 1891. 1800 Maximum tcniporaiun . hi. ® 80o 070 we Minimum tomporaturrt. . < M ° n7 ° ODO & 0 AvurnKU tuinperaturei , 10 = 72O 61O ( , uc I'reelpltutlon -11.1)0 ) .00 .01 .00 Siatenu-nt showing , * ttyp condition of torn- poraturo and precipitation at Omaha for the daj and blnco March 1 , jB'J3 : Normal tomueraturu < ' 70C Kxcossfortho day ; . . . . , &c Detlclonryhinco .Miirclll'i ' 280 = Normal precipitation ? lll lUInc ) DuUcloncy forthodayf . .i lOlnct KxcossBlnco March \ . , , , > . 1.77 incl lleports Iroui Otliur 1'olnts nt 8 p , in. "T" iDdlcatoa traou Qtotutt K. IIUKT , Legal foi ca t OffloUl. DYNAMITERS IN HONOLULU Attempt Mndo to Destroy the Bai ricks of the Qovorumnnt'a Troops. ROYALISTS BLAMED FOR THE ATTEMPT Prrsldrtit Dole Seni In It n Complrnry to llustorn tlio Drposoit ( I.UTII to ( Uo Thronr Ilio Annosntlou Sciitliiinnt Ooullni ; , Hovoi.ui.u , Juno 1 ( via S ui Pranclsco , Juno 8) ) The aunoxatlonlsts of llnvvitl have nettled it in thetrovvn minds that the United States is going to establish a protectorate o\er the Islands Annexation , except as something in the future , U not now dis cussed. It ia repot ted tint Minister Dlount had dropped a hint that n protectorate is tlio proper thing to look for. If the con stant protestations of the royalists mo to bo boliovcd they have no intention of making iv move until after the uoclslou of the United States is mado. So far Claus Sprccklcs has not gained much by his efforts to embarrass the gov ernment financially Minister of rinanco IX-imong betrays no concern about the matter. The m Utor is being discussed There is talk of stopping the subsidy of 1,000 per month piid to the Sprecklcs Oceanic steamship Hues There was a time when the Oceanic line gave value to Hawaii , hut now that the now Canadian Pacillc , lho Pacific Mill nnd Occidental and Oiiunt mails make Honolulu a port of call , the an- iiCKationlsts do not deem the Oceanic line essential to their prospeiity Honolulu had a genuine djnatiiito scare last night. During a conceit nt the Ha waiian hotel , at w hlch most of the people of the town were assembled , police ofllcors siw three men acting in a suspicious manner near the ox-queen's residence- When or- deied to halt two of the men drove off in a hack and the third ran away m the dark ness. Near where the man on foot was seen tlio ofllcers discovered thtcodvnamlto bombs and a small bottle of mcrcuty. Compinv \ \ of the Volunteers was called out imincd iatclv and gimidcd the palace and b irrnckt all night. It Is thought by olllccrs of tlio pro visional goveminent that the bombs vvero to have been used to blow up the 1m racks in which the piovisloiial iiimy was sleep ing. President Dole , when seen , stated that ho thought that the timlintr of the bombs was pi oof of the iciwrted conspiracy to restore the queen , as did Attornov General Smith The loinlists are indicrmintnt the assertion Tlio govein- mont has quietly been orgaui7ing thieo or more compinles of voluntcet soldiers Although tin nfllcial now s has > ut been made public , it is stated that the govern ment has leeched private lottera ftom Washimrton , absuimg it that a piotector- ate will bo declared bj the United States tX-Quecn Lilliuok.ilani is ptep.uing a lengthy statement to bu given to Minister Ulount. Hiccites thu history of her shot t reign , the causes leading to her downfall , and gives \iewsastotlioiiujustness of her tioatmont by the provisional govern ment. COMING KM'VUMCYI.S. Ills Ilollnrss , tlin 1'opp , ITn Tun lit I.oust 111 I'rocuxft of 1'rvp tr ition. ICopjfihtfit miliu Jamct Oiinlon Dennett ] UOMK , Juno 8 | Now York Herald Cable -Special to TUB BBK ] The imblicitton of a papal document , i elating to the American scholastic question , which Is undoistood to bo imminent , has alieady given use to much unduly boated talk in Homo. Mgr. Ireland's opponents seem confident the document will not delight the stalwart aiehbishop , while on the other hand his fiicnus ap pear convinced it will not , as has been stitcd and denied with equal vigor , in any way affect the general issue. One need not hav oread the messaec to bo sure it will ictract nothing , and modify nothing broadlythat has been laid down by Homo through the delegate , but this docs not exclude the possibility that the i'xpl inationof tlio views embodied in the communications to American episcopicy 'may bo of a nature to disturb some irresponsible commentators and interpreters. A very careful study of the document will be advisable before either friends or foes of Mgr. Ireland set up a shout of victory It will also bo prudent to remember that the bittlcs which have raged lound Satolli have been laigely duo to the two conllicting read ings of the words "toleraii POSS.O" in rcli- tion to the right of American Catholics to send their children to st ito schools in places whcro there uro no Catholic schools. Open personal rivalries and rancors have at times diveited attention ftom the plain and by no means sensitional facts I may remark in this connection that the bad taste of certain iccont ecclesiastical utter ances in America has made a painful im pression hero. I ha\o icason to believe that in the cncyc- licartho pope is prep.iring on the social question the holy father will roafllrnr that Homo is not svstematically in favor of any particular form of government. Thcro is no truth in the icport that the pope Is about to issue an encyclical advocat ing disarmament. TUOUIH.K IN S\MOA. Itlvnl I'notloiM Hruily tn Try Conclusion ! nlth Arms. APIA , Samoa , May 2-1 [ v ia San Francisco , per Steamer Alameda. ] It may bo safely predicted now that Samoan alTalis are approaching preaching a climax. Indeed , buforo this reichcs publication , Malietoa and Mataifa may have tried conclusions , nnd the all im portaiit question as to which is the stronger pirty may forever bo decided Lately sevoialimportantovcntshavo taken place , and it now seems as if active hostil ities w croon the vori point of bolng mado. A foitnli'ht ago Mataafa uddt eased a loiter to King Mallotoa. in which ho made peaceful ovi'ituios , lominded his majesty of by gene occurrences , and suggested that a hujro and gonctal mooting of Samoans should bo held to ( boose a monarch Ho suggested various villages as suitable places to hold the pro posed n.eutlng and rupeatrdl } appealed to the king ' 'not to bo angry" with him Opinions diffoi as to thu < bailees of the op posing puties and under existing citcum- stances it is simply impossible to obtain re liable information as to the relative mi in bo is and comparative strength. Fooling already runs pretty high , There have been lights and assaults and all soils of aolngs , KNGMSII Cltm * Jtttl'OUlS. Had Outlook Tor tlio l''iiriiiur The Tlmo on thu Kltuutliin. Ix.Ni > oK , Juno 8riio Times publishes today specially compiled loports of the pres ent iwsition of the British a ops Cereal crops are generally below the average in Cngland and Wales , but are good In Scot land English and Welsh wheat is 17 per cent , Knglbih it ) per cent and Welsh H per cent below the avoragu Other crops are far below the average. The feeling In England and Wales In re gard to the situation is generally depressed and it is stated ttiat this has boon the worst season for winter feed The diouth scorns to have complete ! } dried up the crops Thu Times sums up the whole situation b > say ing the ditllcultics appear to bo so great that a continuation of tnom will lead inevi tably to general agricultural diiastur and that some unforeseen circumstances must arise to avert ruin to farmers Uettlne Tlruil of the Dulay. N , Juno 8. The prolonged delay In dealing w 1th the home rule bill has appar ently exhausted the patience of the Irish members and of a number of liberals Today in the House of Commons , Mr. Sexton , na tionalist , asked whether the majority had not a right to take adequate measures to pass the homo rule blHut this eoislon. Mr. Gladstone replied that the pressure ol the Irish question had not absolved the K ° V' eminent from attention to the questions nf- feetlng Great Urltain This uttcrancoof thopromler was rooolvcd with ehwrs nndUlliliii Kedmoud , the I'arnclllto lender , suggested that they mieht to hold nil nluht sittings until the Irish homo rule bill had been dlsjwsed of Mr Olndstono In that ovcnt , considering Lho prtwsuro already Inuring ujion lho mom- liors , it would bo necessary to provide a supply of undertakers [ I.tughlor ] . MOIIIii : > Tilt : AHCHIIISIIOr. I'olMi Student * Tnknn MrntiRn Uny of 15\ prc-Mini ; Itcftontincnt. Vir.NVA , Juno 8 Archbishop Sombmto- vviiv vvns mobbed by forty Polish students in I-cmlmrg today on the eve of his visit to the x > po , which the schohrs rognrd as treason to the Circok Catholic church , of which ho Is prehto The archbishop was driving to the railway station from his houso. when they attacked him They throw rotten eggs at his coachman , slopped thu horses nnd tried to climb Into lho carriage Five men reached iv cr thn doors and boat lho arch bishop with Lhclrcfttios , vvhllo others tossed dirt , eggs nnd vegetables over the hack The police tttacked lho students , but wore driven jack. Hclnforccments wcro summoned and after n hot skirmish nineteen of the students were nucstcd Hishop Klljowski of Stanis- aus , who attempted to defend the arch bishop wns severely cut and Inulscd. lU'xtrojott In floods , VIISS"A : , JuneS Fifty Ullages lu Oalllc.i nnd Olucolni have been pirtly destrojod by leeds Hundreds of acres of crops hav.o iioen devastated. Chiiloni In I'm nro , PAUIS , Juno 8 Two fresh cases of cholera w pro repot ted today at Toulon. A woman stuckun nt 10 this moinlng died at noon , [ CONTIM'KI ) FUOVt FIIISTI'VOK | single misstep nil the way ftom the outianco until the procession vvns disbanded. ( ilton nn Ovation 12vcrj vvlioro. Eistwnnl was the com so of the pit ado , mil nil along lire line it was n continuous ovation At the Pcnnsylvanli building tlio bilconics wore n mass of pco- | ) lc , nnd tnoy sent up Iholr vocal Lrlbuto along with the rythmlcil peal of the chimes lu thu bell tower , the Iron tongue in which rang gladly as the cavakudo moved l > y 'lho crowds vvero massed upon ami about the New York buildlmr , nnd theirs , too , was no insignificant compliment It was the same In front of the art gallery The procession moved straight on to the lake and turne-d up the magnlllcunt walk , throng ing thous mils lining either side as It pissed in tiiumphil glory , until it i cached tlio mtinuf icttucs and liberal : n ts building At the south end of the great white palace lho glltteiing pigeint tinned west , then marched south along the main building and down into the com t of honor As the point of all points was only a sboit vvavsoff , an idea struck Commander Cody Galloping full tilt bick to whoio were Ne braska cow bos ho j oiled "Huiry , Gns , and go bick nnd get that Spanish Hag. " As Colonel Cody reached thu ndministi.illon building , the Hist hitch of tlio da\ aside from Congiess man Bryan's delay In n ti.iiu accident ocemred Theiowasno infanta toiuviuw the Nebraska parade , but Colonel Cody's coolness right liuio came in again Ho sent his aides racing about , and it \\.is soon leii ned that her highness , the infanta of Spam , would arrive in Just fifteen min utes r.tilalln Took It III. The comm mdcr's mind was quickly formed. "Forward , march , " ho said , and thu procession moved to tlio buiUiing. Aimed thorp Commissioner General Garncau turned over the corn and ceicil cnlnbit to Goveinor Ctounsc- , who ac cepted m a few leniarks. The woccssioii was loformcd and headed for the adminis- tr ition building Meantime the monster inowd about Uio , administration building - , ing that had crowded about to got a glimpse of the princess was rewarded. The procession hid just started for Agricultural hall vvhei. the car- rngcs containing the to.\.il p.irtv arrived. Tlioro vvns a hustling of gu irds and a J im- mingof humanity , and thu roval totiiino came in. The princesssmilingsweetli on the arm of President Palmer , trampled gi.ico- fully on the pathway of put pi a pinsles stiown in front of her by two small boys and cnteicd the evovator. The infanta wasim- mcdiitely cscorlod to the private oflico of Piesident Palmer , vvtiich fates eastu.nil. Comm indor D ivis , Prlnco Antoine , Director General Davis , Mrs Potter Palmer and the bal.incoof thu paity seated themselves in the window of the urcsidont's ofllco just as the head of the procession , returning from the pilace of agrieultur e , stuck its nose under the royal view , Mrs Palmer mil thopunccss icmaincd standing Eulalii , ntlried in a jmlo blue coslumo w ilh a trimming of dark led , bowed and smiled her mettiest to Col onel Cotli as he raised his hat , and the gicat crowd gave one united cheer for "Buffalo Bill Hid the infanta " Thogovoinor and puty raised their hats , the stoic Indians actually smiled some Tlio Arabs alnmcd , all p lid their bomago to rovaltj The procession passed by the ad ministration building and dispensed ami the great day was done. Over Two Tliiiimaiid NeliniHltnnn. More than 2,000 actual residents of Nebraska braska were hero to Join in the joyful jubila tion They have been coming in by hundreds for the past few days nnd today about the register there were troops of them Twenty pages of the book wcro inscribed with Nebraska names Among these who were grouped upon the platform around the speakers wcro Mrs President Bock and Mn McDonald of the Woman's auxiliary , Thomas L Kimball of the Union 1'ai.iflc loul , Past Dupirtmcnt Commander of thu Gland Army of the Hopubllo A W Cole of i , Irving F Bixtcr of Omaha , Colonel J C Muiphj.of the Department of Agricultmo. and wife , Commissioner Blown of Noilh DakotaCom missioner E Clarence Hovuy of Massa chusetts , W P Bockcl and MoiitMoji'i of Omaha , B Schmidt of the German village , Commissioner Eeduu of Ixiuislan i , Chailes Cavcioo and Ij M Biitlctt of Chicago When the tiirndo pissed buforo the in fanta in review thu lustorof a io > al smile was shed upon the Nobiaska umtmgimt and Colonel Cody smiled in ruturn at thu dieaiu in the upper window , so diu/ling and droimy in her costutno of I ohm's rgg blue with peony rod trrrnmings .Mill it I'rleiul ol dunnral Cu t r , A notable Incident occutrud when Colonel Cody drew roln buforo the Administration building on the waj to the Agricultural hall thu question u bother the Infanta was to re vluvv thu paradu bolng up for debate at the lime A tall and striking tlguro , swarthv and handsome , wearing a slouch nat and having the umnistaknblo cut of a cavalry man about him , walked to the scout's charger and hold out his hand "Colonel Cody ? " Inqiilicd theslianger "That's mo , " cauiu the answer from the tall man on tha strawberry bay horse "My name is Hosscr PoorCiwtur used to ape ik of you to mo uuftiy a time , and I al- wajs wantud to shako jour hand " Thu scout said ha was i/lad / to meet him and hoped to renew his acquaintance. It was General Itossor , the Virginia brl- gadior Hosser studied at West Point In the s.imo class as General Custor , and the ) wore often found in almost hand to hand lights on the Held of the civil war There was a strain of pathos In his voice as ho alluded to his old classmate Cody was evidently also much affected by the revival of thu old asso ciations ' After the I'urado , Nebraska f'jlks continued to throng the State building all day and late at night as the grounds wcro brilliantly illuminated with eluctrlclty and hrovvorks this evening in the infanta's honor Irr the afternoon Mrs Caiolinn Spawlto Brooks , the famous "butter woman" of the Centennial , vrhoso works are now on exhlbl tloti by special Invitation from Director II C Ivos , In the Art bulldlncr , attracted a great gathering with her display Mrs Brooks modeled the seal of the stale in but ter boforu admiring hundreds , The seal will bo placed on exhibition in the Nebraska daio exhibit. Among the callers at Commissioner Gar- neau's office during the afternoon was i "Ullian Uiutsell and party from the Columbia theattr. Comluotur * Arrested , ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juno 8. Tha Chicago Great Western onlclals today sworn out a warrant for tuo arrest of 1'rank Maitluiar , conductor , running between Dubniittn nni'j ' Minneapolis IVrinln other condiu lurs wonn ( llsmlssed. It Is stated thnt the onii'lal-have other Information vvhlih thej do not w lull I dlvtilRO at the present time. MMV.Hi HHKItrtKI. The Klrkors club met nt Krlllng's hntl IMS { ou'iilng and illscusseil public Improvement * . Minor permits to the amount of tflTfl v rrl Issued jcsterday by the Inspector of bulltlf Ings Invitations to n Ilavnrlnn family picnic Itl , to be ijlvcn on Sunday , Jun | IS , have been scut out. The minimi election of oflliers of tli Omtihu Twnvcrein will take place nexl Monday at ( Jormanla hull The two children of Rudolph Havolko , hi struclot of the Tel Jed Sokol ( Holiontlnl Gviniiastlo society ) , have been suiouslj IV and tinder the care of Dr Lucko. The malingers at Cortland beach are wj gotl.itltig with n committee from the Omnhl I'unnereln relative lo hav ing the gvmnnslt tike part in exhibitions on the cxcasloti o | the oponlng of this icsort next Smuluy. The fund for the betiollt of the i firemen and their families vvns lnucasc _ \esterd.iy , Major Homls recedingcontrlbnl turns its fellows All Saints chuieh , $ T Moiilson , While & . Co , } T > 0 , and Airs. D.vllon , * IO. The table spread to bo sent by the ladle of Hebron to the Woild's fair nnd placed II the Nebinskii exhibit , was designed by Mr * ] J II Lynch of Hebron H is woiked it corn and suullovvci.s lu colors , and il valued at $ "KH ) 'I his woik of nit Is now it ] Motse's , wheio It will be exhibited to thl pubhu until . H. C. Bottsford of Minneapolis Is at thj Mlllaril Mis D C Dea\er has gene on nn nil sumiiier'tt visit lo Sabetha , ICati. , lor thf bcnellt of her health 4 Mis Stiawn Is in Clilcigo nt the oxpos'J ' tjon nnd on her w.n to the Shilui-is tlisplnf at Cincinnati , alter vvhkh she will \lsll east. east.C H frje , business manigerof tlio Call-1 foinia thoatorof San Fiauclsco , Cal , was lul the city a shot t time last night. Hu is on ] Ills way lo Now Yoik W L , May loaves S.iUmlay for Chicago lol ntii-nd the annual meeting of thu Amei lean I Fishutles soclotj- , which takes plncu in thflj Michigan building Juno 15. W A J Goodin lecelvod a telegram JCS tonlaj notifying him of the serious Illness off his sister at Paciilo Junction She is not ex peeled lo live Mr Goodin immeiUatelJ took a li.iln for that place. Kobort Yatcs , manager of lho Wester til Per Hand Cement works at Vankton , S D J was regislcred at the Paxton last night Hoi is en route homo from a trip to Salt Lake Citj and other westoin polnls Williun II. Huiinu , sr , formerly cashiuil of the ( bank at Waterloo , Ill.i now national bink oxnminer , Is in tlio cltjj on his tout through the stale to assist In tin ] examination of NeinasK.i bulks , to which ] ho was assigned by Complroller Ix'kles. Aldei 111.111 Gooigo W Uead and C A M uvier of Sioux Cltj woio in Omaha laslj night. Jioth gcnlleincn expressed thcf opinion that the iccent llninclal tiouhlos all Sioux Citv have hi I no scnons lutardluul elTcct iiiwn Icgitiinato businesa enturpilses Mr Mawler is cashier of ono of the laigiu b inks of Sioux City and sajs tliu banks anj all in good shape and doing a splendid bust } ness in spite of the general dopr ession in the inotioj in irkot At the Mercer1 Miss Nina D Goulonl Miss Nina Hotnver , Port Leaven worth , } Kan . II D Madden , Detioit ; H P Johii-1 son. Davenpoit , D.I Nichelbon , Toledo ; A. j C ICnhn. San Jose ; WUliim Wolucnbrcclit.J Kansas Citj ; Mrs fi E Beiryman , Miss C. ' Berrjmin , Central CitW ; L McCandles * and daughter , Pliuknyville , 111 , A. Dole , I ! C Paikui , Beatrii.0. J W Aitin , Des Moincs , Ia . Claienco Hale , Lima , O , E E Belliini , ' , Ciovoland , O , II W Tlmjor , Coioj. Pa , J. D Jackson Coinellsvillu , Pa ; M. S Korr. Dcinei ; S H. Plummor , F. L. llonoie , Chicago , H M. SUhbuns , Grand Uaplds , J H llewith , KansisCity. Nnvv VOIIK , June 8 [ Spoil il Telegram to Tins Bn : ] Omaha LS Heed , llaitholdl ; F H Robertson. Westminster , A. Ha/luton , , BioidvvaContial JMiss lla/letonand Mrs. Ha/leton left thu Windsor hotel to sail on the steamship Columbi i of the Hamburg- American packet line , their destination being Glasgow , Scotland. Js superior lo all oUicr proiur.ilions chiiinitiB to bo blood jiiiufiors. First of all , l > ce.uiso HIP prui'-ipal nifji edi- cnt used in it is the extract of RKII- uiiic Iloiidinas a.irsaimnll.1 loot , tlio variety ncln'st ui medicinal low dock , bums laiscd expressly for the Company , is always fiesli and' of the very best kind. "With equal discrimination and care , cacli of tlio other ingredients are selected and compounded. It Is THE because it is nhv.iys the saino in ni > . peiinuicc , ll.tvor , and effect , anil , be ing highly concentrated , only small doses are nuuded. It is , therefore , the most economical blooil.piirifier 1/UrGS makes food nour- CPRflFHI A IsliiiiKorkplens. . Ol JlUrULrtml , Kleeji relresh- ing , and life enjojable. JtbearcheH out all impurities in tlin sj&tcni ami expels Ilium lurmlensl ) by the until , nil channels. AYKU' glares elasticity to tiie stop , and im parts to the iigetl and infirm , re * nuwed health , strength , and vitality. Sarsapan IVepsred by I > r .1 ( ' Atr to ( "o , Lowell , Mean. Hold tynll hruuk-litB , I'rlci * 1 , eli tolllc.fS. Cures others , will cure you 15.25 , 35,50 , 75. TO-NIGHT THE CALHOUN OPERA COMPANY -IN "FATINITZA. " . . Ami ruputolriv All old anil mtilltlun il new prlnululoi Com. uletd oruhnstra. 'o uhorus Uruud I'DpulurVluUnou Hnlurdar Uu un teat. Farnlm St , Theatre " jL t onu nliltlt VVoaiu' ( l r Junolltti 'Bnuutlilnc jjioru ttian lutliitf ufutnoui mun" 'A UrUbl uluanljr neil Initruotlvu untcrtaliiinoiit'1 'JllBCHAMI'ION OITT1IU WOUL.U JAB. J. CORBETT. Kupparted br i ! > cloolej driiuntla nrtliti luolud. Ing M'tS. JAB J t.OUMUlT lu Vluo ut' rtnd lrn(3v' ( liorel caiuedr dr > mn ' ( iuntleuioil Jnclt. " Er rr M a carried complete htlvof ( fall up a Monday ONDERLAND - and BIJOU THEATER Week llegluoluv Mouilajr , June S - T1IK J1IJOU BTOCK rOMl'ANT IN OUfl t BO TFtTDJfJGl Tli * Vminloit of All Vaanr Cooj dloi i'01'oi.Aii nuciiHi- U AT1NKKH , to nil p rti o I tlio ho mi M * . , Uiloonr.Wc ; I'aiautl , Ji4.